iiE MORNING PST. SUCTAY, OCTOBER, 15 '9 I Weather Condiitons A low barometer area still occupies the central part of the country, with ;ho lowest reading at Dodge City; it Is causing higher temperatures east of Ihe.t 95th Meridian. The high which -as off the coast of Washington has Amoved inland and nov dominates th weather from the Pacific coast to 105th lleridian; generally clear and cooler Heather prevails in that region. Scat Ved showers have fallen in the Mis uari Valley an: in Utah. An area if high barometer is still central over torth Carolina, but with increased, ressure. The indications are that it - Mil be partly cloudy and warmer in his vicinity tonight with the advance iif the western low; Sunday will be partly cloudy. , , T A. H. .THIESSEN", Section Director. Raleigh, N. C, jOct. 14. , . POSTSCRIPTS ors Dughi's Restaurant will be pen all day Sunday. ; ; CALL. Sorrell for wood. Raleigh phone 2268, Bell 21, Interstate 531. - . BIO BARGAINS in new style shoes and hats all fair week at ECONOMY SHOE STORE. WANTEfD First-class tinner for shop and roof work ;also boy to learn trade. Hart-Ward Hardware Co. SECURE TOUR lodging; at Carroll ton Hotel for fair week; one block be low Yarboro House, Fayetteville St. UBAKS TELEGRAPHY and rati road accounting. $50-to $10!) a 'month salary assured ; our graduates under fcond. Our six schools the -largest in Americai and endorsed by all railroads. 'Write for catalogue. Morse School, of Telegraphy, Cincinnati, O.,- Buffalo, N. Y.f Atlanta, Ga., La"Crosse,Wiss., Tex. arkana, Tex., San Francisco, Cal. $1.00 AND OVER per pair saved on ladies' and misses, latest style vicl and patent colt shoes at ECONOMY SHOE CO. WANTED A fir.nt-r.1nns maw to man- j age our business, to take charge Janur ary 1st next. , Rocky Mount Supply Co., Rocky Mount, N. C. l4 JR. Pearce "was fined $8.15 for ENERGETIC workers everywhere to jthrowling rocks on the street. distribute circulars, samples and adver- J?.ranK xiarriS Ot . ll3wS. mauet. uoou pay- uauvv- mg. co-operative Advertising Co., New A colored couDle. Lillian and IJattie Canada of Raleigh WANTED Young men, 18 to 20 years, to sell Race Programs at fair. Apply by postal, giving address, to C. G. FOX, General Delivery, Raleigh, N. C. ' TRAVELING SALESMAN wanted to sell grocers Permanent position. State present occupation and salary expected. Los Angeles Cider Co., St. Louis, Mo. eecured marriage- license. A car load of horses came her yes- jterday on the afternoon train from Greensboro by . express for the state , fair. ' Judge Thomas R. Purnell, District i Attorney Harry Skinner, Marshall H. 'C. Dockery and Deputy P. A. Mitchell will go to the Elizabeth City federal jf court Monday. Marriage licenses were issued to Irving Stephens and Miss Mary Bertha Miss, both of Apex, and Charley W. Day and Miss Bessie Marshall, both of Wake Forest. , Mr. Joseph G. Brown, president of the Citizens National Bank, returned yesterday from Washington where he was elected on the executive commit tee of the AmcriMn Vinnlrprs' noanMa. tion. WANTED. Men and women agents Ashby , Lambert, commissioner, sold everywhere to sell magnifying photo at auction at the r-nnrt hmiRA infir ; frames; best seller and money maker four lots on Dodd and Jenkins streets, I on earth- Address Crystal near the Mills factory. The purchaser Noverty Co., Monticello, Miss. was F.- H. Busbee, Esq., and the price York. MARRY' wealth and beauty; mar riage directory free; pay when mar ried; entirely new plan; send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 302, Te konsha, Mich. Glass $125 WIlA, aUY ONE of the biggest bargains ever offered in this city, con sisting of Ham bletonian trotting and road mare (Bessie M) 6 years old, 15 hands high; free, prompt roadster; can beat 2:25r has gone a trial in 2:17; positively safe and reliable under, any circumstances for ladies or .most tirnid person to drive, and for" a perfect fam ily mare she has no superior; she is large enough for any use; also falling top buggy and harness, in , first-class order; will sell complete turn-out for $125, or will separate; -also,', $100 will buy pair of heavy draught horses 6 and 7 years old, weighing 2,800 pounds; per fectly sound in every sway; will suit farm, as they are used to all kinds of farm work; I bought them 18 months ao,rtsht off a farm; large enough for any heavy hauling; will sell separately for $50 apiece; will allow 10 days' trial; positively no horse dealers need anolr. Residence 2818 Oxfprd St.,. Philadelphia; Bell .telephone Poplar 1042 A. ; Architects Are Invited To submit to the Board of Trustees designs for an auditorium to be erected on the grounds of St Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. A bonus of $100, in ad dition to the usual fees for such work, will be paid Jthe architect whose design is accepted The right to reject all plans is reserved. Designs" must be sent in to the Sec retary of the Board of Trustees before December' 1st, 1905. On application to the Secretary all necessary particulars will be furnished K. P. BATTLE, Jr., Sec. Board of Trustees St. Mary's School, Raleigh, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT Norris & Rollins, I Attorneys at Law, $03 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. Having associated with me Mr. E. M. Rollins (who was educated at the Uni versity of North Carolina and obtained license at August term, 1904, supreme court 1 in the ceneral nractice Of law. we are prepared to give prompt, faith ful and honest attention to matters en trusted to our care. HERBERT E. NORRIS. n Westminster Palace Hotel Opposite Westminster Abbey, Victoria St, . London, England Mules I -" o and Horses A thoroughly comfortable homaiska Hotel, located in one of the best dis tricts in London. Offers superior in ducements to American Travellers. Our former patrons are our best refer ences. Moderate tariff of rates fur nished on request. was $1,100 Special meeting of Capital City Council No. 1, Jr. O. U. A. M., in their hall Monday night ii at 7:30. Every member requested " to be present. M. T. Ray, Councilor; J. M. Wilder, secre tary, r I Mr. Wade R. Brown, dean of the Baptist University school of music, has been engaged to give the opening recital on a new organ now being j placecT in the Second Congregational church at Jersey City. N. J. The re cital will occur the evening of Octo ber 24. President W. L.- Poteat of Wake For est College was here yesterday- and re ports that the enrollment there is now 823, which is within five of the highest total enrollment for any year. There are 51 students in the law department. Work is progressing rapidly, on the handsome new buildin. Hiram Lodge No. 40, A. F. and A. Si., will meet Monday evening, October the 16th, in "regular communication in .Masonic hall at 7:30 o'clock sharp. And as work Is expected in the third de gree the brethren are earnestly re quested to meet promptly. Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren in the city are cordially invited to be present. James B. Green, W. M. ; E. B. Thomas, secretary. The trial of Jennie May, charged With keeping a bawdy house, was set for yesterday before Police . Justice Badger, but, upon the request of City Attorney Snow, was continued until next Saturday because of the absence of Claude M. Bernard from the city. Mr. . Snow stated that he understood j-sernard would be back, yesterday but since he did not come a subpoena !would be issued to bring him here. PERSONAL. LADIES, Dr. Strick land's Monthly Remedy relieves in five hours; safe and sure; box free. Send stamp for particulars. Crown Chemi cal Co., Box 93, Milwaukee, Wis. WANTED AT ONCE An experi enced ' man to manage our Sewing machine Department, sales and collec tiona. Good reference and bond re quired. Rocky Mount Supply Co., Rocky Mount, N. C - ' By manufacturing house, trusty as sistant for branch office; $18 paid week ly. Position permanent. No capital required. Previous experience not es sential. Address Branch Manager, 325 Dearborn, Chicago. "FOOS" .GASOLINE ENGINES . For general farm and shop purposes CAROLINA MACHINERY CO steam engines and boilers, Greensboro. N. C. TUESDAY, OCT. 17 Broadhurst and Gurrie ! -PRESENT ; : The Musical Comedy Success "A SON OF REST" 40 PEOPLE 40 Seats now on sale at T Bobbitt-Wynne Co. Have Just received cars of extra good Mules and Horses. We always' have an extra fine supply on hand. Call and inspect our stock. J. M. PACE MULE CO., Will Taylor, Salesman. New Photograph Studio OF J. P. HAYES , 131 1 -2 Fayetteville Street. Will' be Open for Business Monday. Oct. 9th. Music, souveniers and special prices long thing up today. I will continue to conduct the one at 1244 Fayetteville. street. Agent for Edison and Victor Phonographs and appertaining appliances. $ J. P. HAYES. NEW PIPES. FOR SMOKERS" Merschaum, Briar, Composition and Laurel. Various Prices and Styles. HICKS' DRUGSTORE Make pur house your headquarters, We will care for your packages aiidaidim tour city a pleasant one j a. fist i Chas. W. Barrett, THE BEST-- Raleigh, N. C. 1I1E1 m n Pure Corn Whiskey $2.00 rer eallcn. delivered anywhere in North Carolina. Eight-year-old Rye $3.C0 per gallbjj. delivered. Send P. O. or Express order. HAPPY PATTY, South Boston, "Va. MACHINERY New and second hand engines and boilers; all sizes; guaranteed, and at half value. Make your wants CARO LINA MACHINERY: CO.,- Agency "Foos" Gasoline Engines, 'Greensboro N. C. PERSONALS- W. Corbell of Mebane is in Mr. W, the city. Mr. T. H. Lindsay of Clayton spent ne day here. Rev. J. W. Jenkins went to Clinton to preach today. Mr. Charles Bullock returned from fVade Mecum Springs. Rev. Samuel Hanff went to Duke to ftonduct service today. Mr. Charles Brenizer of Charlotte was in the city yesterday. Mr. W. H. Watkins, Jr., of Greens boro is at the Yarborough. Messrs. M. B. Deaton and O. T. Hay wood of Mount Gilead are at the Yar borough. Mr. James C. Dobbin of Savannah, Ga., .has arrived to spend fair week !With his family. WANTED. Trustworthy , - j mull manage branch office and distributing depot for large, manufacturer. Salary to start with, $1,500 first year, and extra commissions and expenses. Applicant must have good reference anrr i nan casn, capital secured. Experience un necessary. Address "Manufacturer," 21 Atwater street, Detroit, Mich. 1 24 V, and 1?1 it iTTa vttAVi!1 Sfront - - :nc Winog. E We do all kinds and carry all kinds of FOR THE Pi nes t Flo ur, Virginia and North Carolina MEATS And an Up-to-date, Complete stock of i - Heavy and Fancy The Best' Selections and values in Coat Suits The Best Selections anrl values Skirts The Best Selections apd values in Wraps The Best Selections and values in Bress Goods The Best Selections and Values in Silk and cdtton Wglsfs The best Selections and Values in Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes Trunks, Suit Cases, Ladies' Rain Coat- and Umbrellas. Grocer A B . Stronach mi RALEIGH, N. C. J.R. Ferrall & Gol J. at prices that beat them all on rsanielass of r work arid material. - RALEIGH MACHINERY BARGAINS. Eighty boiler, sixty Skinner engine, $375 Sixty boiler, fifty engine 350 Fifty boiler, forty engine...'.. 325 Forty boiler, thirty engine 300 Thirty boiler, twenty-five engine... 275 Twenty-five boilerrtwenty engine.. 250 Twenty boiler, fifteen engine 225 Fifteen boiler, twelve engine 200 Above in first-class condition 'and guaranteed. Many more all sizes. CAROLINA MACHINERY CO., Greensboro, N. C. If troubled with a weal7 digestion try Chamberlain's Stomaph and Liver Tab lets. They will do ou good. For sale Thomas- Rxrt Simpson. Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co.- GO IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF If you are a first Sun salesman and are honest. nr-i- .1 Fooer. we will fnrntKii - jvu kudus on 1 time. We have money invested in one I Of thf' rvlloof a-r.,1 V 4. I - I V- j w t. 1 1 v a 1 jt-.-ii t 1 1 j r 1 mjm - factories in the north and, if you are the right man. it win veetigate. We want only experienced salesmen and prefer organ men with experience, selling from wagons. Ref erences required. No proposition to dealers who are handling other lines. Address Box 214, Coldsoro, N C All Phones CONSTRUCTION CO. 14 West Hargett Street BUSINESS ITEMS WANTED-Experienced shoe sales inan for first-class patronage with a leading firm in Georgia; $20 per week salary to competent man. Address Shoes," P. p. Box 135, Atlanta, Ga. FOR THE CONVENIENCE of visit- Save Time Car Fare By telephoning your DRUG STORE WANTS to CRO WELL'S, ALL PHONES Messengers always on hand THE DENSMO RE was the official TYPEWRITER . of the WORLD'S FAIR at uouis. The DENSMORE has more" actual conveniences than any Typewriter on the mark. The BALL BEARINGS at every point where there is a bearing, insures to the operator a mar- veiousxy ngnt action. Some of the time-saving features are: iiaoK fepacer Key, Two Shilt iveys, Automatic Ribbon Reverse Wheel Escapenunv rivinar hi ordinary and spied action. Point ers most convenient, unique Paper res-uiaior, justiner for expand- 4 . . , . vi vnuciiaiiJK a won or lint Au.oir.atic Paper Release. Paper Feeding Guides Bi, Color Writing aaSTeSS'v ctnor convenience not found in other r.iakes. y i-uiiuBii.-au omer mates of Typewriters, .lightly used mnv RebuUdln.r- " . fr Repairing and ervthfn fr y" Typewriter Supplies. Br- " o " V-" A- xwx-. God contract -to: agents, in all unoccupio-2 terntor THE CAPITAL TYPEWRITER CO.. "a "vai- laarun street, Kalelgh, N. C. Plumbing, Hot Water Heatiug,. Steam Fitting. Sanitary Plumbing A Specialty tinae " 1 . ' 1 : v0 No. 13 West Hargett Street, RaleigH, N. Phones " ta . Personal xuccrsiaw 3o, iieil 1502 Attention fif f a,, w - - . w nu rv ui AN OUNCE Of Satisfaction is Worth a Pound of Talk therefore it is unnecessarv tn n large upon the merits of our fine nne ot men's furnishings. There is satisfaction wrapped in every -Ecyj.sn negligee shirt. fall tia pique or colored vest, light weight underwear or shoes. Th int ive!tiec In fall ties and cravats is n-iVM you will fin-H in our ui-to-date jecTioji. - -"-"wu vjivcn co AJj WOrK OAK RIDGE INSTlfflTFf fltflBtf achool for boy in the South J ,,M'e d bemt equipped level, la view of the monnt.". ""a.?? ov" 000 eet ab ove Ihe catalogue, addre.. , , OBnalas. Excel, la athletics, for beautiful J. A. & M. H. HOLT. P.ii 1 We Are Ann Have on Umderstaiiid ... ;. - mm H ft if 1 that we are interested in your clothes wanta We filler Sea Trip may We want to I 11 - ap.o xo nelp you with suggestions. jiiiow you personally,. - koines ana lurnishmgs are the best we can una in Amer v . i . " ie on recora tor that, ieiiyer the Goods." lOU hBAfi nnrhiiTr -T . w wv s a. v . u iiNi nnr rrriimw..i j n wvu uaiuiCU j. - The Most Attractive Route TO NEW YORR and Northern and Eastern Summer Resorts IS VIA THE and we can Com e m. oROUGHTON" 9 ayetteville Street. Old Dominion Line And Rail Connections Express steamships Ieava Va.,-dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 p. m., for New York direct, affnrrtino. portunity for throusrh the outh, Southve3t and West to visit Richmond, Old Point Comfort and Virginia ceacn en route. H. B. WALKER. T. P. A J. J. BROWN, G. P. A.. ' New Tork, jr. T. I if Si Save the Wrappers J OLD HENRY Rooney's Malt Turkey Gin Valuahla a , ents to be given for san-.o durinr December next. M STRAUS, GUNST Richmond, Va. S INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES $100 ru SALE BY THE fhanics & In vestors Union " ucuitrs. addfi x 1 lsasv - - George: allen, Raleigh.