THE RALEIGH POST JANUARY 35, 1900. A POPULIST The Men Whom REPLIES TO BUTLER'S SPEECH He Is to "Whip Out of the State" His Final Attempt to Betray Is Futile Hereafter His Lot Lies with the Negroes and Renegade Whites, Whose Senator He Has Bargained to Be if He Can Help De feat the Amendment. To the Hon. Marion Butler ; Sir: I -was not present at the meet ing of .-tOi e Populist State Executive Committee in Raleigh, but I nave read an account of what took place 6i t the meeting, and your speech par ticularly, -with surprise, chagrin and dismay. I went into the -Populist party from principle, believing that there was a distinct work for that party to -do In the iState and nation. I have remain ed in the parry for the same reason though conscious that it has often made serious blunders and that it has laid. itself open to severe but justina We criticism. I was content to be lieve that its faults were such as 'with, growing age- audi strength would be overcome, faults grounded in circumstance rather than, in deliberate intention. With this 'reflection J. have You cannot deceive others 'Who shall blame yon, therefore, for casting in your lot with those who, alone, do not shrink from your leadership? A. C. GREEN. Extract from Butler's Red Hot Speech to the Populist Ex ecutive Committee. Mr. Simmoisy Reply to Alirl!fnr Amp'p InfnmiiAXir nuuuui o inicivicw than they seem to know of the metal! men who still listen to Butler should of 'Which the Anglo-Saxon is made." Itake him at his word and "fight till that (one Issue) is settled" the Wood would be on his hands. Will Butler take his gun and "join hands" with Col. James H. Young, the military leader of this mext Reign oi Terror, lead the hosts on to "whip this gang Mr. Simmons said today, referring to lout of (the (State"? It will foe a fine the answer of Auditor Ayer to his in-1 spectacle to see Major Butler and Col- terview published in i Sunday's Ob- Jonel Young "join hands and 'defeat server: Iforever the little gang of red-shirts and 41 notice that Mr. Ayer doesr not de- J anarchists." Which of these, blood my thajt Bultler in his speech to the andhunder military chieftains will Popuiist committee made the threats I take command, of the army that will be and used the langage about wh'pp ing I sent against the Wilmington red the gang out of the State,' atfribUted to shirts and anarchists" under Col. Al- hiim Iby the newspaper reporters. Nor I f red Moore Waddell, caliled,iy Dockery does he deny that the published state-1 "the RobespierreiOf: the Revolution" ment of these reporters that this and I Which? Dollars- to doughnuts when other like utterances of Butler were I the army is ready the leader who now greeted with applause from the com- talks of joining hands with the negroes mitteemen and those present, he 'being to whip them out of the State : will one of these; nor that after these utter- jhave pressing business in Utah or some ances the Butler resolutions were pass- other far-off State. He is now in vino ed.' Ordinarily, men do not applaud Jfble in a small room in .Raleigh. If his what they do not approve and eanc-1 revolutionary and "bloody advice is TROUBLE IS BREWING comforted myself in the past,.and have conscientiously striven to hold it. to the aims and ends conceived, and. embodied an its declaration of principles, believ ing that whatever issue of grave im port anight arise the; Populist, party would be found favoring the right. Now, sir, the people of (North Caro lina are confronted byj the most serious crisis in their history since the time when the State's intelligence and worth scourged (ignorance, vice and debauch cry from its high places, a quarter of a century ago. It is proposed to right i : a wrong done the 'State through force, fraud and.. fanaticism, at a time when her worthy citizenship was impotent and when her protest was considered good cause for fresh indignities and more high-handed outrages aliens and renegades net to her throat while they despoiled her. For thirty years the .State has wom the fetters riveted upon her ilimbs in her hour of weakness, and has done it patiently, hoping they would drop away of their own weight or would be (struck off when the animosities engendered of war and blood had passed away, and when new generation in the! conditions in a perspective not "distort .ed iby passion and hate. The hope has fljTeen vain, and the taken up for herself iriiaving the incubus her progress and. menaced her. peace by the who held a bayo Touching upon fusion, the 'Senate said: "We will turn to any class of men to join us in this campaign. We will Itreat them all fair. I am ready to join lands with the opponents of the suf- rage amendment and say, 'Come and help us, provided we don't have to mortgage our souls to you.' f we ac quit ourselves this year as we harve in the past, North Carolina twill again be a free. State. "The negro question I know con fronts us, and it must be 'settled, but we can't .trust the man who has lived on the negro for thirty years to settle it.. We've cot to settle it. We are the folks who, at heart, want it' settled not they. We want it settled so they can no longer use it as a scarecrow. The Republicans also are anxious for its settlement, and they'll help to settle it in the proper way." Having thus disposed of the negro, the Senator proceeded with his injunc tion: 'Let us join hands and defeat for ever this (little gang of anarchists and red shirts, who try to take by violence that which they cannot, win toy fair means.. But it takes something more than a red shirt to scare a Populist In the eastern counties in the cam paign of recent years the Populists haven't been running. They have been in more danger there than anywhere else, but they have stood true as steel. "We have got to fight, and we had as well make up our minds to it, believe there are enough votes in favor of free suffrage to win in the campaign in spite of their ballot-box stuffing and red-hirt lawlessness. But to do it we have got to be on our guard. The elec tion law of 1894 was wide open, and I wouldn't ask anything easier than to State has now the .work 6f re- tliat has delayed tion. "1 notice also (that Mr. Ayer says he and his asociates want a campaign of calm argument and discussion. "There is in this campaign practical ly but one question, and that is the question of white supremacy or negro domination. If 'Mr. Ayer and his asso ciates think this is a debatable ques tion, 'I imagine they will find but few white men who will agree with them. Two years' experience with the black- and-tan regime that thrust Ayer to tV.e surface, and the constant menace of taken, he will be invisible. , GREENVILLE. R. B. Jarvls 6c Co. make an Assignment Town Talk Centres About a Pro posed Cotton Mill Democratic Exec utive Committee Hears Favorable Re ports. Greenville, N. C, Jan. 24. Correspondence of The Morning Post R. B. Jarvis & Bro., general mer nco-iiKln. . vuaula nci uaci! vi ttS3iSiiiucui o Ai-L w Mv. creditors reserving exemptions allow ix iW law F G Harding, a member IVllUU. I il J J, TT J! p 1 TT 1.1 i I Ul III limi OL X1MI llilltr lY. ri MrmUiT. "There are some things white men attorneys, is named as assismee. Their always discuss dispassionately, and liabilities are about $1,900. witlTassets tnere are others they cannot, if they of about $1,500. wash, discuss with equanimity. There is much talk here of build- Mr. Ayer and his associates cannot ing a cotton factory. This point is a reasonabily expect white men to cal' I good one for a factory. With a little discuss the Republican and fusion pro-J enterprise it could readily be estab position, that the negro has the right I lished noon. His address was a pleasing oration and he was the recipient of ' showers Of praises from the ladies present. At night a splendid banquet was held at the Littleton hotel, where Durham Stirred AbOUt Nick" 11 delicacies of the season were strv eu. . i Two car loads of convicts were ta ken' to Tarboro today from the 'North ampton farm to begin, work on the -' Snow Hill branch of Atlantio Coast NOW IN THE NEWSPAPERS1 ! accidentally shot last Sunday whilo carelessly handling a pistol. He died the following day from the effects of el-in-Slot Machines. the wound. (He and several of hi 3 "An Anxious Mother" Opens the Rack- T.Tlni, Pl.tnii. H..)tlnAn a Co . friends were together, and it is stated loon Raised an Uproar The Pro pri- that in passing the pistol around it etor Got Out of the Wet When He H accidentally discharged. j v. x. ixerriii, n wen Known xarmer Heard Thunder Editor Bailey Lec-1 iio lived near town, died suddenly at his home yesterday. He was stricken with paralysis and expired before medical aid could be sum- Durham, Jan. 24. Special. A. few Quhe a heaTy freshet has been iri days ago four of the bar-rootm men Roanoke River this week, but no dam- put in what was called living picture a-f 'yas done machines machines of the nickle-in tares on Mrs. Browning's Poetry It is learned that Roanoke Haoids will have one of the largest paper mills in the country. It will be anti trust and will supply paper at old figures. . Those Interested in the proposed ihoat line fmm' IVrfflnn Ia Vrvnfnllr nnd matter raised such a howl that the Baltimore will meet Friday night, at saloon men decided to take them out, which time subscription 'books will be and last might the machines werejoP11- It is proposed to raise $100,000. Of this amount Weldon is expected to i the-slot kind. In these machines were pictures of white women in semi-nud condition and one of them was place- in the colored side of a saloon. The given a place in the property rooms. ' But this is not the only kind of slot -machines 'that are stirring mat ters up here. The regular nickle-in-the-slot machine, which plays for money, is the subject of much bitter controversy. In one of the papers here a communication was published signed "An Anxious Mother," in wnicn these machines came in ror a scoring. The party Offended came Out in a communication rattacking the wri ter of the x?ard and making a personal subscribe $2o,000, Roanoke Rapidsi $25,000, and the remaining $30a00 to be distributed among other points. WARM FOR HUNTING Northern Sportsmen Trying Their Luck in Guilford. i"""' i. inraiu ixui utu. attack on fh pdlfnr nf fhA unnpr Ttvf to rule over the white man in commu- There will soon be two tobacco fff!r . Ji! n i . I t - , 1 t""U UUO CCL LilC LJ VY 11 Ll 11 1 il.lJ.KA Sr WnCTe De mPpmW oumumoer TOrenOTScs in course " the end is not yef Just what VUI NEW COUNTY PHYSICIAN IMr. Ayer and his associates cannot awui ma ly discuss the Republican and fusion proposition that the Ignorant negro if as fit to vote as the tineducated white man, and that if the ballot is taken from one it, should Ibe taken from the other. - "'Mr. Ayer and his associates can't reasonably expect white men to tilm- ly discuss the .Republican and fusioi mV,A ,11.-, (D P T T ,TT.. r" .v-i-i., nviuitu ai iuc iiiin. Iees birthday last Friday afternoon. L SP.hnlnrUr vna A fon.i a A 1. i , . - , i I wiuu i UU VUt UA UA il LTCAA 4X, L1V7AA. IA1 . ve oi xue eounxy me. nere yesieraay. Bailey. is an pnhusiastio lover of no- wnship being represented 5ood re- is familklr wit3l a wide range of Eng- hl f l T lish literature, He showed his aoili- ; T Precincts. The outlook t t penetrate' into the depths of po is that the constitutional amendment A n . i ... proposition that there was no negro KviH be carried bv a handsome malor- J ' inen. in m. domination in Eastern North Carolina. htv. but dl a-reed that it wmilfl tk '" grapmc sKeicn oi . .. urs. irowninsrs lire. lnterDretinz it Two ITIore Cases of Smaljpox In Greens boro The c Disease Breaks Oat at' ReldsTllle Action of Durham Au thorities the Subject of Finch Talk Rusiness Goes on as Uusual in the Gate City, Greensboro, Jan. 24.-J.Special.Your in Wilmington, Greenville a New hard work during the coming cam-l St or Se iiSedTnp correspondent has a case of vaccina Bern, fin 1S07 and ISftS ninth aTtoii aicrn nhA ;-m .m;,, 4VlQ Ki1 J" xne nsnt or xne poem eanea ne . . . .. . . i5e.rn, an lU7 and 1S, nyith; a-tttou paign. The time for holding the sand negro aldermen, policemen, con- county convention to select delegates stables, magistrates, postmasters,': etc. to the State convention, wa set for domineering over the white men and Saturday, March 31st, the township white women in that fair section of primaries to be held the previous Sat- the iState. " . urday. Musical Instrument. 'Mrs. Browning. said the speaker, suffered great things, and she has touched the heart of the world by her woman's heart. It was a masterly lecture. Mr. W. W. Mason, of Chapel Hill, was siworn in here yesterday and ad - tion, caught in the new way,' and is satisfied that he has "all that's com ing to him." A party of Northern hunters went . out among the Guilford fields today to take another whirl at shooting Mr. Ayer and his associates can't The Sub-Rosa iSociety, an organiza steal 50,000 votes under it. m pew r11: trT !r mitted to the bar as a practicing at-k?... mw0 lpMinn in, i -ro Tin txro'in (vxrin i uiscuss me itepuioiican ana tusior uits, gave a masuueraae nop in tne . tt ca . vt in spite of it, and of Simmons aifd the proposition that the parties who put opera house last night to their gentle- Slipreme CkxiH last .September. He red shirts. these negroes in office in 1S9, and loot-J man friends. . is a son of J. B. Mason, sr. "The Republicans are in this fight to r1 u i1" ouieuuiu-xiie.v the death. Let us loin hands with vtre. 11 Ullty rouirrt,;r..V a" thm and hpln thm ,hi this mn- People in' 1898, shall in 1900 be out of the State. iLet us announce to aain restored to the control and gov the w-orld that North Carolina will no . enxment of the State and its white lonrpr ihft -nrWI bv nnnrp-liista. rpd People. . shirts and a little gang of toadies men "If. MJ; Aver expects white men to I unanimously resolved A Significant movement. (Philadelphia Record.) V. At the annual meeting of the Penn sylvania Editorial Association at Har- nsiDurg on vveanesday last it . was CONCORD Presbyterian Church Secures a Supply Mr. J, W. CannonISntertains a Par ty of Friends Series of Sermons 'on Old Testament Characters. Concord, N. C, Jan. 23. them, and they carried along some fine looking dogs. The weather is superb, but rather warm for such sport. It is believed the hunters will have splendid opportunities to burn powder. I see this morning that Winston, has a case'of smallpox, and that Dur ham has quarantined against Greens boro. The latter has vcaused much iiii m I t i v in 'iiii? 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 I j i k i 1 1 sii it: i r in" m " - . - . . , . - , . - . 3ms a. rtjtht to eJt tot waJ. .H tfayed everybody and .f1? ,ili are estly. organiz- m-ho has nursed at her breast VTill-stande-verytlung. . , "ZZTtJ, "XT exposes, ana conse- i u n i.j j n ifcrii, t Jin i "--iJ. iruoino, jl lVu iui I uuentiiv me cost or nroaucts. rnev Under such conditions what do I find to take the lead, go ahead and hold a f' AlSlSi L?S!iS T ZL !"T ' "L? is the attitude of the Populist organ- convention and name a ticket. They 2r.m hiTt J eu cnu vuu v" " Tr ""'K11 1 t- acuu ol luo i ration T do nt ivl wirtv of which will helD us elect it. Of course there eJ T ' . . to them by Uie government; and that terday wnth Judge Timberlake presid- Durham authorities. If such a meas- robustdenuncia- Congress ought to repeal such tariff ing, and Hon. AViley Rush Solicitor, ure could effectually shut out the jvn, ..i. '"i . x' . " TlOn OI tnese IUSlOn DrOOOSltlOnS ano I dmHos wm ,rrnt&rt Ti tnnfs rt msps nf intAWisr v imnArtiinw UliiM nf nonnlo Tlnrhflm irnnM lil- in, 1 r.o T 4?t-i.h 4hoif lof t-ahi itifnoLimnr Tus. wk vn-n tinrJ a I lnm rwTfi t ivvm .. . - .. I A - i . . . vi., i""!"1- .x nvum imvur acti. . x mm tuan at jvui iix.,av r .-j o . , " " t ..heir OTODOSerS. flnO VlffOrOllS flOtlOn tr . n tTiolr iTtnrfiAnflto h.n no-oc haro -ect rvrvtr. nn fr.r frntil t10-r.a K. .nn Ulnbm that organization has adopted a res Vu- Will join in this anti-amendment fight. Lwoorn,- 'w .i. rrZ ITaZ. "Tr "V rw:- "IT; U ,1 1" J" "V.-.t"1: iou puang iu iii iiuuu e rf? ,c"u, bilities of Mr. Ayer and his associates movement is the exorbitant orice of number of friends at his elesant home for business . and will thus work nn Gmsm to those who would right this crats, ana 1 tninK u possiuoie tnax one th,e n h e t lrri and bear lt the Yvrlntino- tia.ner. the nrodnction and in Main .street lust ve.ninff. Thaw in inlnrv. fftvw hn -iva.-nf tm J ii, T I yrr. mnrn ,h,arr moir fTiii- 4-n l.-zi o I w I -" . c a- I ' " viuiia oa iuui) ah v,-, " " best thev can. sale of whieh are oontro,ned bv a attendance were Messrs B. E.t.IIarr s. - 1 il ill t-i iHv 5yVI.- " I " . - ' I ' " I . ' 3 our speetju xo tne wuiuiiuw uu it Tn nerro auegH011 in irth Caro- ffisantic trust under cover of the B. cr Earnhardt. J. C. Gibson. J. C. lina has rjassed the stace of discussior I tariff. iSmall as are the dnties on Wads worth. J. P. Allison. Dr. W. II. rfrrum tht .Strifci" Wh a . "otitic " Air. I ' j 't i 1 1 jj n,i :x: j t,mi i t-i i, ,t I t t ,Jti -" .... 0 0, , , unu 'ixsivneu Tiiit; WLH'irt; ii seiiwuieut i piiniius pa er in cmuiiJarisuu wiinuiiuv, w dii 'uuseuuuiv, xvj x. jlu (Butler, ds it that you i propose to whip bnairrnarl OlMimOnS Oil DUL- and if the settlement prooosed bv th? the protective rates in most sched- nan, Dr. R. S. Young, P. B. from the 'State ? It is the men whose i saaiiis f a i - m- v m w - - cz mj 7 . tzj i plans of Mr. Ayer and his asso I enough to defeat foreign competition Your: correspondent had the pleas forebears have made the State great! in peace and terrible in war, from the day that it was carved from the wilder ness and claimed from savagery. Did St occur to you, when you were utter ing 'this jaunty threat, that ese men; Qiave never been "whipped" s all their his tor v? They are mortal and may be killed: thev cannot be cowed. Their mons was interviewed today regarding number is limited and they may be the action of the Populist State com overoowered: thev cannot be whipped, mittee last Thursday nlA. He said, And who. sir. combose your cohorts substantially: "Judging from Senator that are to go gaily -forth to wttnp the Butler's speech at the committee meet- men and the sons of the men who mg, ne eviuenuy wamis and if the isettlement proposed by the I the protective rates in most sched- non, Dr. R. S. Young, P. lor'c Qnoonh tn tha Pnnnllct 'White people interferes with the inter-j ules of the Dingley act, they are high W. G. Means and F. L. Smith. .101 o Vriuuii iu tiio "r" est and plans of Mr. Ay Executive Committee. Fitzer, Observer Bureau, - 16 West Ilargett Street, Raleigh, Jan. 20. . Democratic State Chairman Sim- elates, so much the worse for them I and to enable the combination of man- lure of meeting Mr. Walter L Gaboon and their plans." ufacturers to dictate their own terms, of your stair here today. Hie reports in consequence or the i operations or ousmess gooa ana xne t-ost s sua- L. . A n 1 A.T. A X i . . i. . - I .! !. 1 i .-- - - n 1 ? 1 TT- f nAlf I .TV nil JUnlNINYi btl YUUn bUIN per has been steadily jrising until it along the line. A large number of has become a heavy !b!urden to pub- new names nave neen piacea on tne lishers. One newspaper in the inte- Concord list. rior of. the State (The Kittanning Tri- Rev. Dr. Bridges, of Charlotte, fill bune) has announced an advance in ed the pulpit at the First Presbyterian the price of its yearly subscription, Church at both morning and evening and others will be obliged to follow service Sunday and . created quite a Butler Proposes to Join Hands With Republicans and Whip the Gang Out of the State (News and Observer.) That was a blood-and-thunder speech Uine examole unless, a repeal of the favorable impression upon his hear- to stir up that Butler made to the pie-eaters whr duties on naoer should destroy the ers. He will supply this church until marched up to the redoubts at Gettys- strife and inflame the negroes to vio- gathered in Raleigh Thursday night to power of the monopoly. Canada alone it secures a regular pastor. n' o ixT-x. fln(1 Aia e vfio lent resistance of the wiirnose of the try to find a way to keep their places I -would be able to sunnlv this country Rev. J . A: B. Fry, pastor of Central iUUJUUC ii.C4.AAA. X.XJIV IU1V V. k-U-i , r XT , , , , j . , , I ' XT A. --r , - v . , - . I t ft i . t j i . . --mi . i ei 4- ,V wmj (-ai r I in att 'h'ftoiwn tnti I lit. a x ' . jt x I T TV I ' V- i - 'Ti.rv otto m n ti f c j-v r c r-r Pooulist ipartv - They are white men wnuxes to aisrranonise xnem. laere - 0.01 "wnu. wica lminiwse quanxiiies 01 paper a 1 -- uuuivu, U(.na'u a. uc ui uci and will stand with their brethren for will likely be no race troubles in .North sentence an -November, lSJS: liiov . nrwo man'B ,rh f mi n whi Carolina next time. If there are they art weighed an the balances and found ,rw va.ri ?o w iwnn tiTiif." A nd thev haV been ever imflTi'a rnTp 'i nw nrp nonoru n' t rriPTi. i v m tuc vun.uuic mc iiivcimiai .. 0. d J ' ' - - 1 -. - 1 ,. .... 1 t n . t 1 1 1. 1 and will stand for Ithe State's good speeches of a'gitators like 'Butler to the mce waiting ror xne xranisnmenx xnai n n ivii; on,i tipetiws. Tf tronblfv rorne-k sneih mra will be pronounced against them all ll lLlt O. XX. 0-lT7 lUUOU,UUL 'iOJ-xU.. UiU. 1 I " , Li! 1 .;n favnH wtt-h a" irA nn willl be held responsible for it. The m xovember.- They met, hopeless and i. "'. .4. !-p iCJ-i. lTrwvr mrc'criiiffrl npxrm .bp th'A oTPJlt-I depressed '11 1 lie LV -111 lie iJVi. v-triii 101 'U-itj o lo-lc a iu- ---"-jo ..p,. . . - o- j I I "I 1 A " T!l , .1 i.! ; I A r,V" I-V,V 1 telligence. They are free men, and est suuerer, ioux ix is niKeiy tne lnsmgu- A Good. Law. When Butler looking every inch a to 1 s-4 , .... k J ,3. , s. a .s . u. i, J j.-u I itvne mmil I nv acarrhp nti WMt.h rarhifll VjHJllUPUlnruL djvcuuc uuuc v.auao chattels of a petty cabal that bargain they will -provoke by their inflamma- 'Raleigh, he saw that noordinary ha 01 :.sf,M Wn,r r- of. torv anneals. The white oeoPle are de- rangue would put faith m his bench- V I. -1 111 J I W -V.-T- He decided on heroic measures. reasonable cost if the restraint's upon mons Sunday evening on the charac- importation should be removed. ters of the uw estament, commenc- mg witn Aoam ana -jyve.,. tiis nrsc sermon was a masterful one, as all of his sermons are. A.s an evidence of , the The South Carolina House of Dele- interest manifested by our people in The bill provides that after January her full capacity Sunday evening by 1, 1901, it shall be unlawful for any a most attentive congregation, person to sell for use upon the public Mr. T. M. 'Rogers, of Philadelphia, highways of sthe State any wagon one of the directors of the Odell Man- having less width of tires than speci- ufacturing Company, who has been fled in the biH. The tires are to be ouite ill at the home of Capt. J. M. litres lui Luruucivc.-, w cuhu "T I . x , , TTom flro cyvtyip of Tip blood-otirdJinir l nea 3Q 'mil. xne tires are xo oe quite ill at tne nome or tapx. j. j selves Avith the price of her pros titu- this year, and they are not to be de- He rare so me of .tt e Mood-curd mg than two inclies nor more Qell is reported much better today, rpi! cT-n. iiisi .mipn a nwi terred from this Turrxse by thinly- sentences he nuriea at xnem. - ,i . v .- , ,r v therefore -will fight with those who veiled .(threats of negro Wrreotion, ,5 the character of the vehi- handsome have always protected the virtue of maoe py a igang ox wwwy wmie - Tj X. X, T.-Tt, t? v. ,J ri ,f nfflskPTs. The decent whdte Teo- "'Det us join hands with the Repub- X"mc"' .tvulr "V1"4" " "ir f -hT,Qrh rr, rffn,. Iteans and Whip this gang out of the lzu,uw negroes omcereti loy xne uew i w v. I-q, avhi tP rmPTi, -who have lived bv trradins tne negro xnan rne men vaio seen ru- . 4-hot nnV fihiiM Kp nhnnt men think they can deceive the un- "In the eastern counties in the cam- Durham will go unless there is a solid line of muskets placed around the city . There are two more cases reported here today, one white and one colored. Dr. R. h. Pierson succeeds Dr. B. Y. "Best as county physician. At a sxecial meeting of the county com missioners held last evening ; Dr. iBest's resignation was accepted and his successor elected." - Dr. Best cites in his resignation that he takes the step for lack of "moral and financial support." He says the commissioners have not aided him as they shotdd. About that there are two tales and a difference of opinion. A 'phone message received this morning from Re ids vi lie says small pox has made its appearance there. It. is not known how many cases there are. The city authorities - will act at once. Capt. Z. B. Vance was inquiring this morning if Raleigh had quaran tined against Greensboro. He saif his business would call him back there tomorrow, and he hoped ho wouldn't be held up at the depot.. 'Business operations here are so far not interfered with, and it is not be lieved they will be. The city Is quiet, and if the dispensary is doing a very flourishing business there are no sign of it in the streets. Even the police cannot furnish r a hungry reporter a. on their -otes and who aire naturally use him for selfish purposes. If these "We have got to be on our guard - jt 4. . i i niv,vt LmOTi f"h1-nlr 1ipv in dwivo the. nn-l "Tn thp eastern oounties in the c OT1TTI 4 1 I 1171 I .111V V I T I Nl n m II 1 'IWT ILLRJUb .7 ' . 1 rfv-v onr! 4-h.ii- -tmflip oTfxs and rene- educated white people and use them to paigns of recent years the Pcpulists cade whites Mr Butler may do what bolster up and continue ignorant negro haven't been running. They have been British veterans failed to do and what suffrage in iNorth Carolina, they greatly in more danger than anywhere else, the battalions of Grant never did but misunderstand and underrate the white but they have stood true as steel." I doubt it "i ' people of the State. Although many "There is one issue, and but one, and You are at liberty,1 sir, to sell your- poor white people are uneducated, they we must fight till that is settled." self if you can find a purchaser. There are not Ignorant, nor can they be made Fight! fight! fight! That was the are some who believe your search in the tools and dupes of these dema- keynote of the clarion call to arms. In that particular has been rewarded; , it gogues.. They are generally well .post- the last campaign Pritchard threaten-ls- no wild inference from your con- ed, and beforethe election they always ed to send Federal troops to overawe Lj. -xr kn - -nnhrt understand the Questions upon which the people of 'North Carolina. Then UUtl. 1UU UclUliWl. irrpxt 1110 ' l , ... . I,,, compose the (Populist party.' You may they are to vote ana now tney win ar- attempt to betray -them; they 'have feet their interests. The threats of come to expect that at your hands. You such men. as Butler, Otho Wilson, Gar- cannot lead them within the lines of rett and Ayer to take the negro and vour ne"To and renegade army. What drive the advocates of white suprema- in-ice Mr Butler, has been offered cy out of the State .will be greatly re- vnii' The SenatorsMp again, doubt- sented by the respectable people of the less, when you have white men "out or "whipped" decent State, and ithe attempt to execute this the State." You threat may pux xne -ooox ou uue omr wlH not get it until you aocomplish leg. When these men attempt to em- t hat undertaking, and none-would then ploy an army of ignorant negroes to hp more eminently totted xor tne posi- co iuytu -uy j.. itlon 'Xeroes and mistaken wihites rortn aiuim w uiC would perhaps find you to their (liking. land domination, they will learn. more Ithere were congressional elections and was possible. This year, in August, only State officials are to be chosen, and not even a threat of Federal troops can be made. Therefore the junior iSenator calls noon his followers "to join hands with the Republicans" (nine-tenths negroes) "and WHIP THE GANG OUT OF THE ISTATE." By "gang" he means the White-Supremacy advocates. "Whip this gang ou't of the State." That's the talk' of an anarch ist, ' a red-handed revolutionist, or a blatant phrase-monger. If the few Mr. Z. A. Morris has moved into his new residence in South cle. Section two provides that any Main street. person who shall produce before Jan- Mrs. Elam King and Mrs. Geo. M. uary, 1, 1903, a certificate of the town- Ixre will entertain their married lady ship board of assessors, that he uses friends at Mrs. King s, Thursday af- vehicles with tires not less than four ter noon from 3 to G o clock. A large inches wide, shall be exempt from any number of invitations have been is road duty and from the payment of sued the commutation tax. It is further Mrs. Roht. S. Young entertains provided that after January 1, 1904, few friends at tea this evening: it shall be unlawful for any person to use vehicles not having wides tires. It is hardly necessary to explain that this is a measure in the interest of road improvement. WELDON. Mr. Thos. Sessoms, one of the old est citizens of Cumberland county, died at his home at Stedman Sunday. He was an uncle of Messrs. David and Jeff Sessoms, and father of Mr. Neill Sessoms, Mrs. Ringold, Mrs, Wm. Maxwell, Mrs. T. F. Hall and Mrs. McR. Autry. The deceased was address on htehlv respected in his community movement in the Methodist Church and was an honored member of the here, to a crowded house. The Methodist Church. He was born on speaker was at his best and the ad- the 8th of November, 1806. 'His f ath- dress was a literary treat such as is died one of the oldest citizens of rarely afforded to this community. Captain J. W. Gnzzard publicly in- Dr. Kilso Lectures on Twentieth Cen tury aiovement Accidental Shootln Results Fatally Promoters of Pro posed Steamboat Line Getting Down to Business. Weldon, N. C, Jan. 24. Correspondence of The Morning Post. Dr. J. C. Kilgo delivered a splendid the twentieth century North Carolina, being more than one hundred years bldv-JFayetteyille Ob server, - bit of news. tinpd the officers of the Masonic lodge at iLSttleton last Monday after-1 of Viola, $6. Washington Notes. Washington, Jan. 24. Special. Mr. Thomas introduced a bill to pay Wil liam Foy, of Jones county, and Mrs. T. B. L,ane, of Craven county, $147,- 000 for supplies taken during the late war between the States. Mr. At water has introduced a bill to pay C. H. Dupree, of Garner, .$855 for supplies taken at same period. Mr. Atwater has returned here after a most pleasant visit home. The contract for carrying the mail from Venus to Obida, has beea awarded to J. M. Brown of Venus. Jas. P. Carter, of Angeline, has been granted a pension of $8. W. C. Nesbitt has been appointed postmaster at Stone Mountain, Mc Dowell county, vice J. S. Mothtt re signed. Ohas. A. Cook, of Warrenton, N. C, has been admitted to practice in the Supreme Court. Henry F. Allen has been appointed a stamper and William Sheeban a substitute letter carrier in the Wil mington postoffice. Alfred Joyner, of .Pervis, has been granted a pension of $8; Asa Anders,