and The Friend and Templar. That Regalia--ITotico to Coxmals. In raakiDg the returnsor quar ter ending December 31st, 1879, Councils should he Yery careful to state what has been the in crease in active membership du ring the past quarter. ..' It will be remembered that Mrs. M. E. "Whitaker promised to give a fine velvet, President's Regalia to that Council which reported the largest increase in active, paying members. Only txto Councils-have as yet sent in reports. The Regalia will be awarded just as soon as reports from the councils are in. v The Secretary of the State Council, Friends of Temperance, for North Carolina acknowledges the receipt of the following amounts, for dues: Kinston Council, No. 39, S3 70 La Grange, " ; " U3, 2 00 Bro. Jefferson Davis says : 'I .think t lie-'; outlook of LaGrange Council is very good. We initi ated five at our last meeting. Our Council has never been dormant. I think I can safely say, ours is the banner council of the district.' 31nston Council was the first to make its returns for the past quarter. Brother Cameron, the L. V. P., informs us that the Council is in splendid condition, oh the increase, and that all of ., v i j. xi V ,.i i its memuera Kept iu pua ring Christmas. Well done for Kinstoni Our enemies are not those who fip-ht us openly and manfullv up- on principle; but, tuose wno pie tend to be yith us and for us and, having gained our confidence, stab lis in the back. Backbiters. XI ivauu uroiu Twin. and the cause it represents built If you want to see your paper nn. nav what vou owe, and send I 7 X J another dollar for the new year. That s the way to make your wish known. -During the Christmas many of our fonvavded their subscriptions Thanks to all of them. We hope to hear irom many more soon. uiu ujmuuuu ui. iuamc gauizedon the th mst., electing democratic and fusion otneers. We hava received Tick's Illustrated Fl v r;u ,iituae ior aoou. his c.un.u . -. -1 f. -icon tt K,..,nifnt nn.b of 100 piges, one colored : Flower Plate and 5 )0 illustrations, with tleenpaons 01 tee test EowerB uuu veittw.,. "i Every gardener and florist should consult tYiia ltook. ami tret sum- of N seeds and flowers. He is one of the mv-.t noted as well as one of the mo4 reliable Florist and Gardners in the Union, and iers3ns who patronize him will always; get just what they order. Address Jas. J. Vick, Rochester, Y. Peterson's Magazine for February is up on our t ible ahead of all its coitewp r .i-? ries, as it is al-o taking the lead, ia popu l:iritv. Hinonf? the teotle. We have not ---Jl " O X ; M. had tiroe to give this number a careful e auiiation, but our better, halt lias gone through it fiOm cover leaf to cover leaf,' and she bays it is superb Price of Petersoa S2 per annum. A 1 dress Chas. J. Peterson 30G Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. " Friends of Temperance. "7TR3-Z2TXA. Eev. Joseph A. Crowder, State Lectnrer for the Friends cf Temp erauce, for Virgin ia, will lecture at the following place: Tower Hill, Appomattox coL. Jan. 10. at 2 in P. M. iioeny uxiurcn, Old Concord C'h. " 12, at 2, Pamplm's Depot, ' " 13, at 2, " '. U, at 7, . - " " 15, at 2, " ' " -16, at 2, ' respectfully invited to liork's Church, Haxburg, " The p?oj)le are to atleud. For the Friend and Templar. Tirglaia1 State Lecttircr. Rev. J. A. Crowder will take the field the first of -January, for 3 months, and will j he constantly at work tilling appointments. 1 He will be glad to visit and address the various Councils, to cheer, tnconraee and strengthen thm, p.nd will form new coun cils wherever he can. " As many Councils as desire him to lec ture for tbem can write him fo that he may arrange t visit them consecutively, giving timely information when calls are received. Let the brt tliren respond, stating, too, if Co uncils could likely be. formed in the re gions around. ' , - Brother Crowder is n- most earnest work er and a very forcible speaker We need just such a man in the field. By a'l rceftES git him to come to your Council; he will do you and the cause good All letters will be promptly a uf-wered. H's address is Elmiugton, Nelson Coun ty, Va. , ' , , ' W. J. KiDD. Sec. S. C. or the Friend and TemnlarJ . i. . Leitch. Coiinci,!. Rockbridge Baths, Dec. 2979. Bro. Whitaker: ; In company with Dr. J. Lew is Leitch, I visited Leitch Coun- cil,No.t 143, Friday, 2Gth, inst., m accordance with a special ap pointment for that day. On our arrival we found a goodly num her oi members already assem bed at the hall, awaitlDg US Soon after blir arrival, we were informed that a marriage would take place in the Council hall, this was a novel feature. The pair soon to be made happy were active members of the Council Just before the Council opened, the ceremony was performed by brother Biilev of the M. E. Church, who, by the way, is a zealous temperance worker as he . . is apreacner.. . mi i 1 1 liiese two neopie nave now embarked upon the ocean of mar ried life under favorable auspi ces; faithful in one pledge they will be iaitliinl in another. May "rtll" Vu. U.V "lu ieu aim iure ami iUilj luey sietr their course by the chart of 'Faith Temperance and Charity.' Soon after the marriage of the vounj brother and sister, the f!rnnpil Ten e-rril Tori fr rvrrlv itg President. Bro. Dea COn. JJuriug this meeting ten persons, five active and five as- sociate, xvere duly miatiated These people are active, enemet e - -1 1 ic iarmers; iney mean business aU(J are in real earnest: pushing Qn tlie g00i worK, With a Vim and with a determination to wace a ceaseless warefare. acrainst that demn ig seekiD to rfes- troy the peace and happiness of the lanl. Having arrived at the 'head of business,' the election of officers, the following were- elec ted for the ensuing quarter. Pres. J A Hic'tmau, Asc-. L Pdlle'i. . , Chap. i-'I.C Deacon - Se-. W DD,ac n. F a T I) Dejie o. Tre is S F Wilkinson. ('on. S Harris. Ast. Con. I M Oyler. I II D Dtaeon. . O S I Jont. . ' uugmgirom me tacesi of these officers (as 'the face is a good in- dex of character' ) I think that Leitch Council wiU be in better working order than ever before, if, indeed it could be better. Dr. Leitch its founder and guardian, has trained it well. Long .may its banner float in the pure breeze of heaven. Business be ing over, the Council tocfc a re cess in order to partake of an el egant supper which had been prepared by the good sisters to be served in the hall. We all did ample justice to this part you may be sure, especially the Doc tor and myself. These ladies know how to provide for the wants of the " inner man.' They certainly can't be beaten in get ting up a good supper. ; Supper having been eaten, the Council was called to order by the President, when remarks for the good of ,the order were called for. Brothers Briley, Leitch, Black and myself responded. Af ter which the Council adjourned well pleased and encouraged. Saturday we returned to Col lierstown and stopped with Dr. Leitch jand his estimable family, to await the hour of meeting of 1 the Council To attempt to de scribe the reception given us there would simply be impossi ble. We soon discovered that fair and busy hands had been at work in decorating the hall in evergreens, which showed taste, skill and intelligence. Immedi ately in front of the President's stand there was a bow or arch, made of evergreen from which was suspended in rich profusion, a collection of gifts provided for the occasion by the Friends for distribution..'' This bow or arch, was illuminated by wax tapers which; added much to its beauty, The bow being an emblem of promise, as the arch is of strength it seemed to me suggestive in deed and very appropriate. Id rear of the President there was stretched a white flag with the ! golden text inscribed in large let ters of evergreen .'Ptace on earth good will to men;" So suggestive of the great work to be accom plished by those who are engaged in a ceasiess labor at love wno are trying to restovo peace and love, in tlie home of the drunk ard. This eouucil has' been in operation for thirteen years',, an arch in Rockbridge. Everything seemed (to work well. I was par ticularly struck .with this feature, that the officers with one or two exceptions, were all young men, some in fact mere" boys, but they are drilled and perform their du ties with the deliberation of old t soldiers. You ask why do not all the old men fill these offices ? Because they have "dpne their work, and nqw they can set down and rest. They set the example and their children follow it. I herewith send you the names of the officers for the ensuing quarter. They will do to 'count on. a : i . ' ; President J. I Hutton, Associate !-A Trilbett. jr, Chapl tin A S Montgomery, Keeretftrv-i J Lewis Leitch, Financial Sec. W P Leitch, Treasurer--S Yon nt, Conductor i-tnart A Leitch, Assistant Con A M Smith Inside Sentinel- D B Lowiran, OuMd Sentinal Z T, HcCaleb, The remaining business was now finished when the writer made some remarks for the good of the Order which were listened to with marked attention. At the close of these remarks the Coun cil repaired to the basement room of the hall where' they found a splendid supper in wait- : ing which had been prepared by tne laaies; 01 course every body did ample justice to this part of the occasion. These ladies are proud of their council and well may they be. Would to God there were more like this one: ! more true laborers, for the field is white to the harvest and the laborers are few. I pray that the Lord of Sabbaoth, may send ' more laborers into the field. . I shall send you reports from other councils from times as I visit thera. Yours in F. T., & C. J. A. Parker, D. V. P. For the Friend and Templar. ; Earlsve Aaia. ; I hope dear Editor, that you will not attribute my long silence in your cohimns to any lack of devotion to our glorious cause. We are quite as hopeful and as determined as ever before. We are assured that the temperance interest is still increasing in our midst. Though this is tha drink ing time of the year, very few have shown any inclination to drink. As a promotive to this temperance interest, under the m auage m en t o f our Cou ncil , and for a Christmas past-time, we prepared for a Tableau which was acted last night by the club. he or a m as were : luarrv no man if he drinks,' and the other 'Beclaimed. V We were favored with a crowd ed house, and were pleased to hear the plays gave perfect sat isf action. Indeed it was quite a success for us, and we feel that though we made no charge, we are and shall be fully repaid for all of our trouble and expense feeling assured as we do that the educated sentiment of last nig will never be fully lost to the temperance cause Now as I am writing this little communication if you can allow space, I will give a short account of our Sabbath school Christmas tree, which, on Christmas eve, was so beautifully arranged with j so many little presents and luxu ries for the children, which the bright eyed little creatures en joyed seeing taken off. It was also very largely attended arid gave very general satisfaction. It was indeed a festive occasion both for children and grown peo ple, many of them . getting pres ents theiefrom; but, lest I shall be claiming too much space of your valuable columns, I shall have to dose with the promise that you shall hear fiom me of tener in the future. With kindest remembrance to Mrs. W". and sweet little Sallie, I am, in F. T. & C, "188" Harlowe, N. C , Dec. 26, 1879. ft NEW YEAR GREETING ! -OoO- TV" -o- W.HJR.S. TICKER'S. FIRST OF THE SEASON! 5 Cases Spring Prints, new- colorings and pat terns,:... 1 Case Medium Prints. ' . ,V. 4 Cases Solid Prints, v ' 1 Case Striped Piqnes, 6c. 25 Bales 4-4 Brown Domestics, 5 Bales Bro Drills, Standard makes. 3 Cases 10-4 Bro t ottons. . 20 Cases Bleached Domestics. 3'Cases 10-4 Bleached Bheetings. 6-4, 5-4, 43 and 42 inch Piden Cotton. 30 Bales Swepson Plaids. ISO Dozen Skirt Braids. 209 Dozen Eureka Spool Silk . Beautiful line of Hamburg Edgings and In-sertings. LACES & EMBROIDERIES. COSSETS, different styles and qualities. " Damask Towels. COTTON, DIAPER &. TABLE LINENS. : All Goods at tow Prices. W. H. & R. S TUCKER. Jan. 8-3m. . (fokmeely miss e. e. rowEix, NO. 7, fayftteville STREET, RALEIGH, N. C, Has jast returned from the north where sh purchased a large and tare'ul y selectad Stock o f consisting of Hats, Flowers, Ribbons, Silks. ; Cambric, Edgings, Embroideries, dollars, CutTs, Handkerchiets, 4c, &c, and in fact. eTerytning usually kept in a Millinery Establishment, all of which sue offers to the, public on the moat uoerai terms. AN ACCOMPLISHED MILLINER, of taste and erperience will haTe charge of the Trimming department. , , . Mrs. Lane natters herself that she is able to offer very great inducements to the the ladies of the city and surrounding country, both as to quality and price of goods. She respectfully In vites them to call and see her goods before pur chasing their Fall Hats. 43- Opposite the Express Office. t Oct. 3-3m. BIHGHiiLE SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. G, IS now PRE-EMINENT among Southern Board ing Schools for Boys. Tn 171st session ending Dec. 17th, 1879, has been the most prosperous in the 86 years of the School's hie t cry. The 172nd Session will begin Jan. 14ttt, 1830. Board $12 per month. Tuition $50 per ses sion. For Catalogue giving full particulars, Adiiress, Maj. R. BINGHAM, Dec. lC-lm. Bupt. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, N. C. HA PPT HOME, P. O. The Fifty Fibst term of this college will open on January 7th day, 1880, to continue 2 ), weeks. Tuition will be reduced to all who pay in advance,, 25per cent. Board, including all expenses continues from $3. to $10 per month. The corps of Professers will be full and eipe-, rienced The past term will close en 19th inst. with some 16) students. We especially invite the patronage of the Church and the Temper ance element of our country. Fox particulars address, as above. K, A B K UN ET II Y. Pres. Dec. 9. 4t. JDTl. WEYHEE'S Fever & Aue IPills ! . Are an Infallible Remedy FOB THE CURE OF AGUE. CHILLS. INTERMIT- TENT. AND BTTJ.TOU3 FEVERS. It is safe and speedy in heu ralizing the Malaria ia the system which produces the above diseases. Price 35 Cents per Box. Prepared bv -' Dr. Y. E WEYHER, KINSTOX, X. c Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. Jane 4 6 ji. WEBSTER'S UK&BRIDGEO. 1028 P&sos. 2 O O O EncraTinsa, Four Fajjes Colored Plates. IIowadded,a SUPPLEMENT of oyer 4800 KEW WORDS andMeanlnsrs, Including puch as hav come into use during the past fifteen years rnar.yof Which have never before found a place in any English dictionary. ALSO ADDED, A NEW " Hicsrapliical Dictionary cf oyer 9700 NAMES ofNotedPersons,aDcientandmodern,inc!udInf many now living, giving Name, Pronunciation, Nationality, Profession and Date of each. GET THE LATEST. "TTEW EDITION contains a Supplement of XlJ over 4 GOO new words and meanings. "Sglach new word in Supplement ha." been e-' JsJl I ecicd and 'defined vrith greet rare. With Rioerraphical Dictionarv. nnwiid'fed.of over 970O names of Noted Persons. GET THE BEST dition ot the best Dictionary of the Eng lish. Language ever published. efinitjons have always been conceded to be better than, in any other Dictionary. '.lustrations, COOO, sbout three, times as many aa in any other Dictionary. - fShe Ptet'y recommended by State Snpts A of S3 States, and 50 College Pres'ts. Jn Schools, about 32,000 have been placed in Public Schools in the U. S. OnlyEnelish Dictlonarr containing a Blo fmphical Dictionary, this gives the RsSTame with Pronunciation, Nation, Profes 2Si eion and Date of over 9700 per10119 Published by G. & C. MERRIAJB, Springfield, Ms. ALSO Vebster's Umni Pictorial Djctioxact. 1040 Pagts Octavo. 60O Engraving. New Schedule on Raleigh & Gas- -ton Railroad. fiALEIGH & GASTON RAILE0AD, i Supebiittekdent s Office. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 9, 1878. On and after Monday, 11th instant, trains on the Kaleigb. & Gaston Rdilroad will run as follows: . MAIL TRAIN. Leave Raleigh at.... ....".....8 00 a.m. Arrive at Weldon at........ ...12 40 p m. Ieave Weldon at JWpm. Arrive at Raleigh at 8 25 pm. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Raleigh at.............. T31pm. Arrive at We" don at.... 3 41 a m. Leave Weldon at.,.. ...10 00pm. Arrive at Raleigh at .6 30 a m. The mail trainmakea e ose connection at Wel don via Portsmouth and via Richmond to and from all points Jiorth and Northwest. The accommodation train leaving here at 7,30 p. m. connects with the passenger train for the North via Bichmond. , JNO.C. WINDER, . feb. 8 ML General Superintendent