Tl A 5,, CAEOMMA XV .-- ' ' :.- : i J . - PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY CH. vol; i. TERNS. I Tar : Xoa w-CiaoLW Time wnt to Mib- ; icrtbers t Two Dollars and a half pdf annum, if paid iu wlUmv. Tkr- Dollar will b charged, H pay- f rariil 15 delayed six munuis. iuck icnus wui i; u- i vc ri)J tirMieil lit.. v V , i , tat erorv . Sixteen liiw. r U. One Dollar or the Awe, aoJ Twty-fivrJui fer acl uiwcqncflt uu j Mitiou. Court vraritt wim ut umiu ' i rhit Thlghrr; - Jmt a rowmiible dedurtiop will be made , t tlvmc who dvrrtwc bv ths year. ... ; . JT L'tosT onlbnonew, and all Cmiiiounicatioiut , p r? fJtt naid. ' - . -j j g - r CO) TXT For th Nrtb Carolina -Times. ;" "IninrnL'u tzipik rerum, ul fet ipiat ignorcUs, nc- cent est CiC (Mr. rhiiToa -' ' 1 "I r Hiving shown that pernicious abuses do er-j lit, and endeavored to trace their chief causes, we j artful demagogues in power, or the seductions ol proceed Jo state, that, except by the Senate and ; Executive patronage, or offc'ul money and influ Snpreme Court of the United States, the Constitu- j ence, (for they are the same.) they actually con 1 ion ha been violated by the Representatives of : spire with the Executive against the House of the people, and by the peofple themselves. This Representatives, the Senate, the Supreme Court, aa ba made to appear .by facts, which, in repeat- j the people of all the sovereign States, and the Con e 1 ; in.ttnce, btvj occurred, of Representatives j stitution nay more, even agaiust themsches inisrepresetttuij; the krunon will of their constitu-1 :., j - - .- .1 k ente, toad even then refusing to resign their seats. This is at war with the very spirit of Republican Coaptations anl Institutions, and ought always to meet thfl reprobatfon, as well as prompt correc tion, of the people v jTlie most not ible example of this occurred in the election oft Jjlin Quincy Adams, (however -i worthy be was of tlie office,) by the so called "co . ahtion" of the friends of Mr. Clay. - With scarce A. an exception, thef States which those friends rep i resented, had declared their preference for Jack . Von, sliould Mr. Clay's election be . impossible. "The whole Union was astounded at so arrogant . and egotistic a pocednre,,, and Washington City : vjl universally reputed a hot bed of the most cor mpt, selkseeking and dark intrigues. Similar . " example -of misrepresentation of their contt'.tu- of these could be of so aggravated a nature, as a Wow so' directly aimed at the fountain of power. The world has been pierced with wounds, through the bosom of her children, by the ; ambitiotu and nnhallowed grasp after the sceptre and pur le of of power. Our revolutionary founders strove to atoid tliee dire 'calamities by an elective Repub- : " l:cC f AU parties would acquiesce in the choice of ' the majority. But when it is manifest that a chief ' Magistrate has ten invested with power by a mi nority, the government is an oligarchy, a few gox trri the jnaty, owing to favorable position or cir cumsUibcei. ' ' : . .' ' True, 'our country submitted to the President thus constitutedand she acted prudently,' but not . wisely, as it was a manifest violation of the whole 5 spirit and letter of our Institutions. One or two more such elections would either arouse the pco . t4e, the Supreme Court and Senate in an over whelming protest, or the people would resume their J rights iu thtir original primary asseniblies. Ac- j ; fustcaned as I have ever been to regard the Union ' . of these States as the only hope, not only for our country but mankind, the dread pi an election go ring to the House of Reprrsetitatives, I acknoyl dge, fs so great on my-mind, that I would rejofce to see the tletysion referred back to the people, i he two liigliest "candidates only being in the field of contest. I cannot help regarding the deposite of 7 powei" extremely unsafe, when some of the purest ; and best men our country has ever prxluced, have not been able to resist so flattering a temptation The people have the remedy in their own hands, however, and it consists in creat unanimity in the nomination of their candidates for the Presi- cency and Vice Presidency meri. not'orUy able ;hut feithfuand menwW, as Rome called Cin- cinnatttR, with universal enthusiasm, from his own roction, to the public service of the State. So, v greater Republic called a greater than Cincin,' jxiatu, when the unanimous voice of tho Union placed Washington. the chair of State, Where ;o successor hassince ecliivied Us wise ' sdminia-1 . tr.ition. . i -; j . I Would it be illogical to conclude from Uieevents , of thai last years, that this Republic has been v inainly atBicted, not only in its policy but its poli- . iy; by,tl most fierce strife between" the jirinci pies OIi2arcbjr(ttn4er. the guisoof JJeniocracy) and 's.RepnUieaaioit Neverthclcs, it is,and was, and, -ustin Uod,erer will bo, a KepobliC. ith a snMiitntior sniirintiinir vorvrinrlit nf fha nuu pie, and erery respect to the Executive powers, it lias checks and balances in the Senate, the Si.- prerae Court, the Laws,- and above all, in tlie Sov- creignfitatea. Whose legitimate operations makt, iu the maijcscntials, secure Republican freedom, prospentjr aoojfbry. Here tm beauty and wis- domofour lustnjajons shines pra-emineutly, snJ herein is the secrt'tnJf our rapid strides to - granifeur, stability and glory ; That a sovereign nd self-governing people sVive, with one consent,' placed themselvesby a natidsal constitution and 4 Uwa uodir auch irceponsibiUties by 1 checks and talMjee of porrcr, that. bj tlieir legitimate opcra- tioai tjTtriiTfui2;ts prtjctlon. .welfare and glory c; trwrc Rej.nt I'C r.ust w th rrsult. B C. RABOTEAU, j when contrary to the Constitution the Iiepreienta- 1 , , , tivc, like Jackson and ins whole dynasty, take the responsibility, and the people sustain them, innu- merable and grievous corruptions have and will continue to rush into the State. The people here are FJahie.vorthy. Uiihappily'ffir our country, tlie sovereign people urAein abtise tfieir power ' ttx.' to the great i , r. , - . njwy of themaolves and posterity. The very pos- J ssioxi and attrilute of sovereign power b mortal m - .n js apt; to degenerate into the most wild and ' fea if jl abuses, provided they forget the charter i cf thoir common liberties. That charter not only ' confers, but limits power it makes a specific as, j and restrains a ahecifuv- or o-pneral m fas. it sus- ! U.iins and maintain right, it denounces and pun- j 1 ishes irrong. AW r.f-r so executive governments ' ) are yer ncfas they violat alate a certain charter of 1. j rights, and thus defraud the people. Likewise, when the f)cojle or even a majority of them, permit1 themsclvrs to be duped by the representations of j combining with the Executive to defraud all the : i- i ... . , j 1 ; r 1 i i co-ordinate branches of their regular and lawful ; powers, and , themselves and their country of the wise and salutary reign of their own Republican Institutions. The demagogues hold out , the pleasing cry of the unterrified" Democracy to the "dear people's" ears, and laugh in their sleeves at the cheated and uhjugattd voluntary serfs for the parodox is true. These demagogues of all parties will preach Ag rarianiem, Fourier ism, Abolitionism, Abby Kelly- ism, or any other ism to amuse the dear people, until their fetters are made fast, and they, like the decoyed elephant, are plunged into the pit and the parallel still holds, for after having been well starved by the most unwise and impolitic economy, they are ridden over, and ridden out and ridden down by their self-complacent cohorts. ; The ma- a will find fl&tterv tB false and dirnin s in" irrem aoijor. 11, 1 j. lie maxim, 'you tickle me and I'll tickle you," means, "I wish i UJ,A""l I you to tickle me at your exj)ense I'll tickle my- , self and defraud you, when I can shake vou off." Like that arch; military demagogue who wae al- ways crying out, "All for France," and then sac- i rificing I renchmen, property and honor, till thev ! were nearly all exhausted, but taking care tobuifd j ud columns and monuments and statues at everv comer of the street. inScrid"N:,nolPonT.Pr.a,,H ! He was the personification of egotistic detna gogue-i : v j . . i I ' 1 . r f loin. i uu see. air. me anincrs or inn n mrr i nfn democracy, during the reign of Terror in the first ' o o o ' - i Revolution in France. Now thecrv is. Vive la i W i ' ... t Kepublique. God grant that they mav get IU and I should rejoice to see but one paVtv in this country, neither Whig nor Democrat, but the great Conservative nartv of Constitutional Remdili- cans. We have had so rolling, (Jefferson help you") in the people the log-rolli other, by the House of Representatives, that the pacific cry, "Vive la Repu! Ilque," would not be oiitof rJace ;n the United States. But I acknowl-' much time-servinff and lotr- uiai ruu,l"Bereu uerte, me .uttess oi prol)able that no American citizen would ever have ! m?1rfP tn 1n.. without anv bpnfir tn Ms,Ur.-finra! I rr- TKn .nrh rnntnntuUtien h. xet hnpn re. 's term, for "you helpmeand I'll'; the impending campaign; and I specially referred . cite4 the batUe6 of the Niagara without a sigh for ' Taylor rauci preck)U8 time, I might ealy have ' ceived-February, 1848.' So. in regular progre Executive combined with the- j , .. . congress, vaiay his country. I am happy, however, that-j before a ' taken this city in tlie month of June, and at one- ' ,'ion. I may, should the same army gallantly bear ng of the States with each ! inaJ' wmcn promotted me, as tne accuser ! uord had been received from the department, and, fifth of the loss sustained in August and Seotem- ! me into theeitv of Mexico. in the next six or s-vcn edge, wheivIsawMr. Clav'a address, alluding to . admoul5lud u,e that I had 150 lloPp ot 6"PFrt at the hmvy nmjoruies of Ne'w York, Pennsylvania ? Washington, in any attempt I might make (against and Ohio, tlie remembrance of the Van Buren tac- 1 certin officers) to maintain necessary- discip-ticsofregenciesandsub-regencies ollovertheland, 1 line in ,he army 1 wa about to lead into the field, filled ine with sad forebodings for the future glory 1 1 ,elt Washington highly flattered with the con: and welfare of mv beloved country. Such a svs- ; 1,dence and kldness e President has just shown tern of State W-rollin would nroduce. in the end. I ne in raan.v lonS personal interviews on military the most disastrous consequences, threatening even - o o r ' ! the Union of these Strifes. -4 - Sir, I regret that that address with its sentiments I was ever published it will not gain one Dem- ocratic vote for Clay no, sir," not one and J it will cost tlie Joss of tens of thousands over all these United Stat?. The people will never for- get to honor Mr. Clay for his Patriotism, his elo- j q:We, his statesmanship, and his public service j History has engraved it -on adamant, threw awav ta t ' j Sir, it is unjust mockery ofUhe people of these ! United States to limit their scope of vision to anv j one man No country can present so bright a gal- j laxy of worthy men in civil or military station as f the United States in 1848. The names of Web- j sterrC!ay, Crittenden, McLean, Calhonn, Berrien, - ' Badger, Bell, and many others among' civilians, - and Taylor a r.d Scott, among ether Geneia's. are..; 1 Mn.1 n r.. :n L 1 J O ... . l . l . . 1 Mtial to nnt- in K nv.rU R,, kn - : j ry large nnm!ers throughout the Union, have in- i dicated a strong determination to confer the hlh- j est office in their gift on Gen. Zacltarv Tailor. i Why sliould tlieir voice not be heard and respect- o ed ? Does his defence of their glory in the fielJ. f hit official loiters, or any of the attributes of his 'character as a citizen, in -.any wise disqualify him for the Presidency ? And as to tlie Vice Presidency, in accordant with my sentiments, if, or any other office in th gift of the people, should licronferrod on the ablest defender, of the Constitution a nl Union of these Y - nited States now living. I need not name New ry England's giftedion, her pride. sn,l on ornamen u! atrl dD??".! t1" omci's of bt -ountrv. - LOUISBURG, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1848. Sir, I close as I began, I do not despair of the Republic. The holy oracles reproved the Hebrew Theocracy in these solemn words, "Thine own in iquities shall reprove thee, and thy backslidings shall correct thee."' Xo deviation from the Con stitution in our day, has failed to entrain the same sad consequences. It is a divine law, above all human law, that virtue in Church or State shal, ?ooner or later, receive a large reward Can the , . j . , , . ,. , Allwisc and Almighty, in any other way, vindicate his dealings with mankind iu their National col- lective capacity .? Does not all History, Sacred ' or Profane, Ancient or Modern, teach the same ; lesson ? What then shall exempt us from the uni- ! versal law, that "Righteousness shall exalt a Na- j tion. but transmission aliall brintr renroach on anv ' people." As soon, therefore, as the people return to the pure principles of their Constitution, and Republican Institutions, mav we not hope for a new impulse to National prosperity and glory ? " JUSTITIA. (ERAL SCOTT'S LETTER Mexico, February 24, 1843. fern: Un the ixth, I received your two letters o: : the 1 3th ultimo, and immediately issued the gene- ; ral.oraer Ao. iy (a copy enclosed; devolving tne command of the army, in Mexico, upon Major As tlie officers detailed for the court of tnquirv, General Butler. before which I am ordered to appear as a criminal, are not known to hove arrived in the country, 1 avail myself of a moment's leisure to recall some of the neglects, disappointments, injuries, and re bukes which have been inflicted upon me by the War Department, since my departure from Wash ington, November 23. 1846. To me, the business of recrimination, however provoked, has ever been painful. In this summary I shall, therefore, indulge in no wantonness of lan guage, hut- confine myself to naked historical facts leaving conclusions to men of sense and caudor. In the hurry of preparation for Mexico, (only four days were allowed me at Washington, when twenty might hu.v been mort snJvaiitu.jr""-y - n,lrl in Kb nJ bumux those of the chief etl- ...... t i- it - j 1 - gineers, chief of ordnance, chief quartermaster and 'm,- . , ... , 4, . . . . i 1 Ins rebuke was written with a complacency that , ' . z . . . ... . . cmeI comm,83ary 01 subsistence; j handed to you a -written - request, tJiat one of three of our ac- captains, tnerem named, might oe ap- j "" -" -.yu.m Krur, , uk U1 ,UilJur' ,ur u " -v ",U1 nu5 a,1Q "V a vacanc-v llt the lirae for one- MX rc(lUCPt has never bee" attend to' a,ld ,hus 1 have had no omcer 01 Ulu Aujutim uenerai s iiepartment with mc in the campaign. Can another instance t... i rj : i t'r u 7, , T V ? -uirjl",u-tu,t, ,n held, at the head ot a lanre armv or even a small ' one the; selection of his chief of his staff -that , I ?. f- .i i f r I I Ia 1 e c e ,n e dePartment 01 orders and corrcs" - luMitantn r"'"" - j. Earl' in the followin2 January, I asked that a general court-maitial might be appointed on the ! PHrtf lhe President, for the trial of two officers, . (named by me,) tor conduct each had commuted or prosecutor, ofthie cef' M "PP'ation has never been no- ticed- Tui,i nt alone ought early to have otters. Fr more than two months my cxpres j sions of gratitude were daily and fervent, nor were '.It 1 1.1 .1VT 1 ",eyess empnatx towards tne nea.t ot the w ar Dt'ixirtuie,,: -Proceeding with zeal and confidence j in ray most haiaidpus duties, I learned, January i a7 at tne razos. San 1S that an attempt was " foot to creale a I,eutint general to take com- ! mand m ,he Md over me' 8hocked aild dstress- j I 1 aUowed of " relxatton in my, efforts to sen-e ' my countr-v- solved Uiat tor the short time 1 was , hkelyoo remain m commission to be j "True as the dial to the sun, Although it be not ski tied upon.'' A yet greater outrag soon followed : ! A vet greater out rag, soon followed :. failing to obtain ah act for the citizen lieutenant general, a bill was pressed upon Congress to authorize the - : placing a ynior major general jost appointed (the ! m individual) in. command over all the old ma- J"r gJe" " " Tont of the enemy ! I will not here trust iiiv-flf to ndii a sldipr & ! comment upon those attempts ; but I may thank ' Cod that He did not allow them, or subnequrat in s - - j ' jt to break down entirely the spirit and abili- i t'ei (uCb as they arej with which He has endow- , me Foreseeing, at Washington, that, from the great demands of cmru-rce at the moment, it would - be difficult, if net impossible, to take nn, perhaps at anv price, a sufficient number of von- ' )H 'i al Orlea ns and Molile to tra rwpyrt the tjiedition from the Rio ('ninth? i r giucnts of my exjiedi ' frontier to Wra Cruz, I endeavored to up- on "h' W:ir IVpcirtnient the neee4ity ot 'sending out- n 1 M"dv orn th? northern acid eattni irt. a ce rtain :v order 'fnt iiuui uruuriii" me court iur iiitf tnai IS' jit ;, expedition might not be delayed, and in view of i "the tixed fact" the return of the vomito at Vera Crnz in the pring of the year a delay of a few weeks was likely to prove a total defeat. , In a paper transmitted tome, headed "Memoran dum for the Quartermaster Gen ;mV marked j uAYar pepartmcnt, December 15, 1S16," and j signed by the Secretary, which I received Janua-J t ry 8, it ia said : "Independently of thia number of. transports for troops and ordnance stores, from ! the nortli, there will be required, say, five ships for the transportation of the surf boats now being prepared, besides which ten vessels must be taken up and sent out in ballast, for trtopsV) unless stores can be put on board, to make up thfe number C40V required bv the cimmandinff rrenerail." The date of this 'memorandum is December 15. more than three weeks after my requisition and de parture from Washington. Of not one of the '"ten 1 vessels' in ballast, or with stores, (leaving room ! for troops.) have I heard, up to this day. j. Relying upon them, confidently, the embarkation was de- : laved, in whole or in part, at the Brazos and Tain- I pico, from the 15th of January to the 9th of March ; j i wasTeared, not half the time oeetled for , ti,e. reduction of Vera Cruz and its castle before tlfe return of the yellow fever. j But half the 8Urf boats carae at an; and of the siee train and ordnance stores, only about one- ! ! half had arrived when the Mexican flags' were re- I placed by those of the United States on those for- : midable places. We succeeded, at last.jin reach- ing the point of attack, in the midst ofj frightful i iiorthers, by means, in great part, of trading craft, I 9;nall and hazardous, picked up accidentally at the i Brazos and Tampico, and when the army got i ashore, its science and valor had to supp'ly all de- ficieucies in heavv eun. mortars, and ordnance . rC3 ' i stores. ' i The first letter that I received from the depart- 1 - 1 ment, after entering the captured city, contained an elaborate rebuke, (dated February 22.) for hav ing ordered Col. Harney, 2d dragoons, io remain iu tlie command of the cavalry with Major Gene ral Taylor, fso 6 to leave Major Sumner, of the same regiment, the senior of ht ju y pmJition. Tlian w no great dtfTerenCC in tllC number of cavalry companies with the two armies. aTgued the highest professional experience in such matters,. and could not have been more confident .Q iu tonp if dr tQ the nest uenl of the recen, AppohltmcuU. Yet, without the power of selecting commanders of-particular corps, no general-in-chief would venture to take upon him self the conduct of a critical Campaign. Such se lections were al ways made by the Father of his country, and the principal generals. under him. So j in the campaign of 1814,1 myself sent away, . - , ,i -,i ! . - ! against their wishes, three senior fieldofficers of as many regiments, who were iuihrm, umnstructed, I & J i t 7 and inefficient, in favor of three iuniors. knd with I . f ' i . i ' 'I the subsequent approbation of Major Gen. Brown, on his joining me, and the head of the VVar De- partnioiit. Both were well acquainted pith the customs of war, in like cases, at home and abroad ; ' T ' and wilhout Ujut m part? it . Ughy indeed, before it COnld have had any knowledge of ; the ,Ve!ition, I had decided to take withj: me the J" 1 1 11 1 . 1 1 J L . down by the department Lm the letter of-rtie 22d of February : but believing tliat the practice of the U States army in the two wars with GR Briuin ; w.ouy have no weight in the ptrtlculdf case- ' waive further reply having, at the moment, no jcisure and no inelination for controver-vd" Alluding to the heavy disappointment; in res pect to transport., t-iego trains, and jordnance .-.tores,, then already experienced, 1 wrote to the de partment, from Lobos, Feb 28: "Perhaps no ex pedition was ever so unaccountably deliiyed by no want of foresight, arrangement, or energy 011 my rnirt, ao I dare affirai and under cinCunitUn- : ces most critical to the entire army ; for eerybody ' relied upon knew, from the first, as well as I knew, ' it would be fatal to us to attempt militar opr-ra- f tiotis, on this coast, after, probably, the fiijk week I in April; and here we are at the end of February ! Nevertheless this army is rn heart ; and crippled as ! I am m the means rpouired.and nr'ntLised. I shall - - j go forward, and expect to take Vera, Cruz and its ' castle in time to escape, hj pursuing the' enemy, the pestilence of The city and ' .1 the coast. castle were captnnsl March 29th, nd with about one-fourth of the necessary mean for a rmdtrain. (no fault of mi::?,) th .rf treat, 'u ; pursuit of the euemy, was vignrously toitotncuced ? Apnl 8tb. The battle of f erro Gordo soon follow- i ed, and we occupied J a lajri and Ierote, where we were obliged to wait for supp!iei froru Vera Croz. 1 In those poMiious. I was mad" :o w ridie ubtkr an- other disappointment ! In my four uifrnorials to t!e department, on tle ' further pro-ecutuui of liu- ; nun gauani lw.vuvi, aim nojx; ston 10 learn discipline his forces, as also to erect numerous and tlie service of my country! Ycu wH pfrceve that he and very many other officers. hay been re- powerful defences with batteries. Nearly all thc , that I am aware (as I have long been) of the dat. ( warded with brevets for their highly distijiiguished ' extraordinary preparations for our n cep;ion were , gera which hangover me at home; but I, too.'atn , services in the campaigjn that followed. . j! maje after the middle of June. And it is known ' a citizen of the United States, and well know th,-' j It waajn reference to the same rebuke, rthat, in tJjat jj,e ncwg of the victory of Buena VisU ' olligat:ons imposed under all circumtanoes l-y sn j acknowledging your communication, I sid, from rcjached Washingtoii in time to countermand Cad- i enlightenel patriotism. In respect to money, I Vera Cruz, April, 5th : "I might very Well con- wgUder's orders for the Rio Grande, liefore his ! beg again to rejort 'that the chief commissary (Cj . trovert the military principles so confidently laid departure frenn ..New Orleans. Two rifle cornpa- ' tain (irayson) of tiiis army has not received a dol- war againrt f Mexico, I J t-l, rpv''tiv"!'v. ! i- an . " ' " - j - -' ' ' TERMS: S2 50 PER ANNUM, IN. ADVANCE, OR $i co if myhest i$ mufceix nonius October 27, November 12, 16, and 21 (it was on ly intimated to me in' the night of November 18, that I might prepare mywlf for the field) paper in .which 1 demonstrated that Vera. Cruz was the true base of operations; and that the enemy's cap- j ital could not probably be readied from the Rio Grande; I estimated that, after taking that great seaport, un&oul2ilfiQi -men," or An army xaora "than 20)00 men may be needed : 1. To I eat, in "the field an in passes, any accumulated force in "the way ; 2. To garrison many important points "in the rear, to secure a free commuincation w ith "Vera Cruz ; 3. To make distant detachments, in "order to gather in, without long halls, necessary "subsistence." And that force, I supposed, including volunteers, and aided by laud and and money bounties, might be raised in time, by adding ten or twelve new re- giments of regulars, and tilling up the ranks of the old. . A bil" was introduced for raising ten additional regular regiments ; and I certainly do not mean to charge the department with the whole delay, in passing the bill through Congress. But it mas passed February 11, 1817; and under it, by early in April, some few thousand men had been alrea- 1 ble by the department. . In that paper, after speak dy raised and organized. My distress mayt be j ing of tho "liappy change in my relations, both ot couccived, by any soldier, on lea ruing, at Jalapa, j ficial and private, with Mr. Tribt," I contained April 27, that the whole of that force had been gent, under Brigadier General Cadwalader, to the Rio Grande front ier ! In my letter to the department, written the day after, I said I had expected that "Dctachnieuts i of the new regiments would, as you had promised i me, begin to arrive in this month, and continue to I follow perhaps into June;" "How many volun- tcers wilt re-engage, under the act approved March 3, (only received two days ago,) 1 know not ; probably but few. Hence the greater my disappointment caused by sending .the new troops to the Rio Grande; for, besides their keeping the road in our'present rear, open for inany weeks by marches in successive detachments, I had intend ed, as I advanced, to leave strong garrisons in this place, (Jalapa,) in Perote, and Puebla, and tokeep at ttio Imm.j t b 'gwaM fore etaa( to any probable opposition. Lv may now depend on the HU1111A.1 ui kli. uiu wiuuinia n mi luciy luriwiii'Ui : . . , . I 3 ( and the number of new troona that mnv arrive number of the old volunteers who may re-engage, j from the Brazos in time, as also in some degree upon the advance of Major General Taylor, wbeth- laration as due to my present esteem for tliat gt n er 1 shall find this army in strength to leave the ; tleman ; but ask no favor, or desire none, at tbm garrisons, and to occupy the capital." 1 hands of the department. Justice to myself, how- I may add, that only about fifty individuals of the old volunteers re-engaged under the provisions J I do not acknowledge the justice of either of your of the act of March 3 ; that the remainder were ; rebukes contained in the letter of May 31, in re discharged May 4 ; that Major Gen. Taylor made j lation to 31 r. Trist and the prisoners at Orro Gor no movement, in advance of Saltillo ; and that the i do; and that I do not here triumphantly viitdicate new regulars, including Cadwalader's brigade, on- . e .. r . . ! y began to come up with me at Pueblo, in July, ; but not in sufficient numbers till August 6. The j vw livi in ouiuvuni iiMiiiiai j hiss suuov A iiv ! ov tho av .m it i.-dn .,.. UVAt WU- T s-vttiinnv'- jv- uu i ii4iv- vi L'vsii ; the capital, with a little more than 10,000 r fleet- j ive men. , It is not extra vagant to say that, if Brigadier 1 General Cadwalader's forces had not been divert- , icm-ioi t aiaui i rj iuih j ajclu cd Kio Grande, , l., Th iramv nvailnH hirau1f of mv tnrrnA At. : jay at pucbla, to collect, to' treble, to organize and ' - . . . . nies; with him, received the countennaud thcr". T t , provide transportation and supplies for Uk- p;ra- forcc3 iiich rcuiaiu and all this without 1 - 1 ( any prospect .of succor or mnforcvuients in, per- ; hap?, the 'next -even months beyond Mne ;iuo army recruits present novelties utterly unknown to any invading array before. With th addition ' ,.f ... . !.. .1 1 i....- . a vii itu w tvcc iijuusa iKi ikw uri tea in ."loru or 3Iay- isked for, and until very recently expected or even with tins addition cl two or three thou- , sand new troops, destined for this armv. bet ud - . dnly, ,Ttle ordero of the War Deimnent-di verted to lhe Ri GnuSe frontier, I mieht, notwithstand- ing tlie unavoidable discharge ol the old vol an- teer--s3ven rcginvnits and two wieptodnA cote- nanies advance wit!, ron&Wt. nw thn r-r.vA.'- j 3nital I &!ia.!L n-vrt iJrw- U1i . Kn . Su!.. ! er beyond' PnebJat" will dep-rd h : furruation and rllecticn. Tlie g hi iritcr venin uv iTt-fw-rjl nnii' ri v . en toliie eneuav at terro torito z re8iain;nr. 1 . ". .. . , think it. probaUe tltat w tAall n to Mexico; or. if the enemy nwT froin'tlnt, w? mi tVitjrT rf;t'T!I,"'v'". -th j and'joihe3 me early. j March 9. 2He now owes more than 2(0,000, and I know tliat I had the mUfortiinv lo give offence is obliged to purchase on credit, ut grf-at dia! i to the department, by expressing myself to the ( vantages. jThecluef quarteroiastcr (('apt. Irwin j same effect from Jalapa, May 6. In a report of ' has received perhaps $00,000, and laUirs under that date, I said : "The subject of that order (No. like incumbrances. Ikrth hava sold draught t ! 135, old volunteers) has given mc long and.dec-p biiiall amounts, and borrowed largely ofttie py ; .-.Itcitude. To part with so large and so respect-; department, vhich has received about half of ih" - able a portion of this army, in the middle of a money eiinated for. Convpientiy the trvc. s , country which, though broken in its power, in not have some four months fKiy due Um-ui. Our pox -yet disposed to sue for peace : to provkb for the i erty, orthj neglect of the disbursing departments return lo:ne of seven regiments from this interior! at -lvnu, has been mie known, to oar bhame, in i nosition. at a time when I find it ouite difficult to . the papers of tlie capital liere. throuzh a letter NO. 26 Thu, like Cortex, finding myvelf iso!atedvand' abandoned, and again, like him, always afraid that , the next ship or-caessengw might rceall or farther cripple me I resolvee" no longer to drpend on Ye- ra Cruz or .hornet bat to render my little , array "a $clfsv.stsiniriz machine" as I informed everybody including the bead -at the War Department and advanced to Puebta; - - - , - It was in re fere nee .to the foregoing serious causes of complaint, and others, to be found in ray report at large particularly in reapect'to money for the disbursing , staff offices, clothing, and Mr. Trist commissioner that I concluded my report from Puebla, June 4, in these words : '-Consider ing the many cruel disappointments and mortifica tions I have been made to feel since I left Wash ington, and the total want of support or sympathy on the part of tho War Department, which 1 hai so long experienced, 1 beg to be recalled froni this j army the.' moment it may be safe for any person to . embark at Vera Cruz--which. I, will be early. in November. Probably all field operations will be over long before that time." Uut ruy next report (July 25) from Puobla has, 110 doubt, ii llit end, been deemed more unpuniona- '. . "Since about the U6!h ultimo June our intcr- ! course has-been frequent and cordial, and I have found him Mr. T.J able, discreet, courteous, and amiable. At home it, so chanced that we had but the slightest possible acquaintance with each olh- j cr. Hence more or less of reciprocal prejudice; ' and of the existence of his feelings towards me, I J knew (by private letters) btfurc we met, that at t least a part of the cabinet had ft full intimation. Still, the pronounced niisunderstauding between Mr. Trist and myf elf could riot have occurred but for other circumstances : 1 His -being obliged 10 send forward your letter of April 14, instead of de livering it in person, with the explanatory papers which he desired to communicate; 2. His bad healthjp May and June, which I am happy to say has now become good auJ Z.,Tbm tnj mt.- flcaliou ntb which your letter, and particularly iu interlineation, unavoidably threw .me. So far as 1 um uujicerneu, i periecuT riiiinir uiai ru l . . """ UMM- have iirftnfnrn written m h nartrr.nt tkm.1 1 1 " . . . 1 . 1 1 ' ' . I II Mr. Trist should be suppressed. 1 make this dec- i ever tardy, I shall take enje to have done. myself, is not from the want of will, means, or a 1 . . .. bility, hut time. The firet letter (dated February J n) received from you, at Vera Cruz, .contained" j Mm ICvUlvU fivnw J W V V CI m Vlu - UIH IVU ! ... i i v ,K nvA;t. I V U ISO US V SKUU CMIS IfVn SWWMlW lll IliV' W v r j hie nay, wise, if it. had not been unavoidable j release, on parole, of the jviboners taken at Cerro Gordo even before one word of commendation 1 from government has reached this army on account ' h'mIii hili id nmlnlJc if uio an- iof nrroh-.l ' ,y a peace-or a truce look to be dismissed from . . lar from Uie'Sutee since we landed at Vt ra Cru2, 1 . . ' Ueui Col. Hunt, that was found on the' per ' son of the special mesvnrcr from Wanhingiui Th army is also suffering greatly from the want uf w;cesary cWhing including Liahkets sr j-tfreatcoats. The. new Uocps (the'- wtio hav I lust arrived as ueaitute as the others, mvn firt . n .1. . 1 1 1... l . it K . vita luai ukj ww whu nwiwavt wiZ (Irieans ; next ml vera Cruz, and finally here ; whcTeasi we now hare, perh p, a tho3Dd baiMJt ; eneetin roakin? shoes and (out of bad puteri- a!s, and st fciffh rates) pantaloon. Tbe8 sr.- ch-s, about 3,000 pairs of each, are sbsoJately n- eeirv to covrr tlie nakednt cfthe ttocr. Fth rsiary off M,! wroto U tktxdirr (iemri ' HmokA to diWft tle oujnerma-r t N. Orlran tu wnl ta nut lrp sunoluftf rlJt-iiii. Mar'"i , lJ-r-i3, G&n.ral Brooke r hcJh-it the fju; rter- urvr nt New Orieau had 'sriCt clcthiug . " . " . - L : nor lije; and at' was 'fearful that, ur;- le they hav been cnt vut lo yon vireci. you J will be much thVappoiutetl. Seme una II -j?iiily IT r. r y li liprr hr U.-.1H ni' ta rfiW-xnt rrmliirt inthn nf iifM of fhAM nfisl : t, r Y. A : I' i l t 9 L

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