V v ra ju . J i-" 1 L r :t1 to Very CruzW som pnrt,r, anffiloW umen jfe.nvi.yf beer, teirftl M & p1"!!; ft T trt . "n . tv9 rl.cc" A t T Tcurlaui,iidmit tie J. nrtfcn that aix acta of a ; as -expressed. thftrngibeir , lveprescfiU.tivps in la marled by.the purity and greajnesa qf4i cwfft tf EUROPEAN !N7 ERVENTTON ! MA JOTt '. EN K R A I . GIDEON J. PILLOW. ft iQuHa an ailmateu deu&te arose in ihc Honcf '; "T h1, ryW acd cor- character.. . : . .-...l ,.fiTroS i P..,-W.r,itivVs. la.-t Saturday, on the Snecil ; tamly she nercr-'did so more oVcidi-tMy than whin llnusth:r3 8,ociar,nurk, Tt, . I SV ZZ , thoagh foriwarM .-tX.2I:;:;T ' : u.. ,;..r.,. .... ;, fV :jnJ hoMin-oSce unlcr Jamea K. l,tk, iiuitean of th-. Vmrtobwnatre;!.: Perceiving, discoortesyUo the bead orrthc War-apartment . .-to exicau nr. l -". imb JHnyrg. uunwio Pl " " . " V. th. r lcti il Kin-dom Mr Fcrbr-' r'J.v8'UnSlY !i . ..n,.i, L.;nrt); inn,,1 ioi t!IPfrrt 00 -jcc. 31 v li fe has been rren to Lint! at anvthin dUbmMhft or moari: and it!i l.i?t an ill-concf-aKH! esjctMu n of u!u-, "i' tiie CieMl Km-dota. anv fcrbr, November 1??, Uiat it wa? no: acKnowt-tigcu '; - - .4 ' ;7 ' . r , ,1 itV, , . , , 1 w.j :.,.. in a rtx-cM rulIW.f-d dosrriuion of China, rrives No 30 ly nLout Ly the depart.neut, I caused a diiplic iiftde, siflfiiod it, aTiJ sent it olFf by the same con- j -vcyaiice witi my dssputch No. $G, and tlio ch:rg- es against Brevet Major General Vjurdi, Major Gcricrai Pi'iiuw,. and iirmt LieuL Col. Duncan, fogteuor'tvitsi t'.ie'ai pea agftin.t me of the fcrir.er: AlTUic are- arkwwledgwJ !y t!iedrr.Ttinnit In the s tine l:ter (Jaft.-'l3) 't!i:;t recalls ;c. . j It was that ..budget otf pipers thit'. caused the blow of power, so lonjf $u?pond.d, ti fall on a de- voted hc-;;d. Th: Utretj :trrete.l olticcrs, and he ' had tfjJcaycrcd. to; enforce a.ricccssa.ry cute.-- Closing my correspondence with the department. , unt:l jifter th2 approaching trial, i I have tlie hone r to remain, respectfully, I .... . . You! must olnnlient servant, f I '- ' ' ' "WINF1ELD SCOTT. f - -The 1 Ionl 5?cc5ta r y of ta r , 1 Washington, D. C. ' rrom tm y. O. ricayunc o.' the 2oih. I ETTEIIS FROM GENERAL TAYLOR. The numerous misrepretentiatious of Gen. Tay- plinc a on.-t them., itr; all to be placed tofjetner i lorv opinions upon questions of puhuc policy and under all circumstances is a national cU- life, can fpvetbe true idea of the loftiness Of his na, ;cck occasion tosdvrt.a 11 r. Calhoun had mity, to be avoided if coaijatitlewitfi mlienat dh dianicter. ' i v, ! ; done'ii. the y5-te, !o theiiVoRideiit'sreitrration ct -L-od mo tit -tSA t( lr Mr. n nrc- s doctnno." fas U is cahwf.) anl to or. v-ho an oi;tiinf uf the Cliiucsf arturlts f irjr, aiuoiij; which wo fiud-the following : - -Art. S. Ti:e.stir!i r.wh ' l-riv ly kills one eiH-r, j its true j,.y are onpod to ihe.fiubjaation ot rwasputin command at; Corpus Christi, whether which Mr. Polk seems io think im Government 7).. s 44'.vfc'r.7 ? ounjerlTrlTxMXytf i other nations and the dismenabetrnenr of other he equal to the circumstances ? I told you y.dr ras if any President or .-any Congress j m- twVr .f 4 mft f &hrrs us his or, Vha'. I countries by c;n j;iest. In the language of the j n repJrrof his'fwand" jjuinre great Washington, "Why should we quit oar ownj energy, as llearned tlietjyn Flofidi, but I djj not tion in the affnirs ci this Continent shall ml be V;.; r woulj Pillow's head have Iwn worth, Jiul ' t I tan i 011 -foreign ground?" In the Mexicanvar then property eslims te t!e other and higher oiiits hereafter pennitted. AVlicther that doctrine 1C a been a Ihigadh-r in the. Coleaial Empire. or national honor has been vindicated, amply yin- Df his character. In the campaign on the Rio found one or not whiter the United States ot the pr'u of ofie of his sp:rs ! But this 8tli d'xated, and in dLt.i ting terms of peace we may Grande I saw him tried under all circunutamccs Governmert has the rih: t dic:at- p;.li:ie4lim-t- Ar i'-!.; il" War. : fiords-itflirect evidence of a rti- well afford to be lcr'oeurng and evea inagnau- j aJ j jie always came out pure gold. , j j tutioa to Uie ii d KMkutUtt s of thU (JoriUfieni, 1 raons to our fallen foe. j His nr.. ess'cu tliat he wi I b? t'?e candidate of ah I Jcr-e'jhem' to accept the gift, any m&rthali j, ve bt-e.-il I?4:.,ic.-. cr at lst Piiiov, In China. These are ray opinions upon the subjects refer- ; no party will, if he be elected, be carried outln his Russia has to set he: self up as the great R:- .1- j- RCt ,vvtn nmk -a law to met hissc ? "The 1 Km i.-r. rr.ii; f 1 :r 1 nr:rf'lt fine. 1 1 If trlJ ll- ' : - I, 1.-..,. . s - . I . rr V. r.rr-r trtin I Uv WiU' ti.iv 1 r-ti.ivv v.. ... - w:I X. 11 UJ. 1 C UL UUt lil tt.WUl.lUUII U L-t l syilC V 1 ty' th-' acca.-ran:l tlie iaccu.t1, the judge and bis ;.a,,anvJ to soe-k from authority, have induced I red t0 y yon; and any .reports or publication?, practice; not that his opinions cn matters fef pel- lator of Lurex-an ati,irs. amlt pn-spr.be a ,-rticlos. c war, like ail the Chines.. codv? are e Vfluf are idtalt wldi alike.. Mst impartial j ,)hn lo j,, a itter to Capt. Allison, his broth- i written or verbal, from any source, diflenug in any . icy may ret be those of bne cr the ether party, as ' form of govenm-U for" France w- anno widi ; ry aU(.ift. They may. indeed,- date bick to imi juUce r- ; Rut, there is aiscriininatidn with aver.- trinaw, ;n which he -takes cccision toTspcak 'essential particular from what is here wr.f.en, are ou mdst of these he is a Whig, and he is rfot the . Mr. Holmes that there neve-r was a more iinpjro- , tHm. cf Cenf.;cis. There ir.u.t, therefore, hnb geancel j While the .parties 'are on trial if the : moK at large of political topics than ho has. hither- j uinutliorized and unlrue. j man to act averse to hi: oviro; inions ; but 10 par- pri .ti time tr occasion for the asser hn of that puunc- then, lu that early 4a go of the aoWer is to he tried at alh vvhich seems doubtful tft ri,w iettr has been handed us for imb- I 1 & not know Aat 1 hallgain write uPn thc ty manag mint cr power, can ever lead hint to do doctrine. As Mr. Hulm; s j.r K-eeded to r i. a k : y,, bastorv, there was wxne officer, A Brigadier u-oarerttorcHitoheircoriMnb,ofihemvith ; licaVion' and it defines once for all, the General's ' subil of national, politics. 1 shall engage m nH a mean, or what he thinks, a wrong thing. , 'leeause t.e ucat.tue-e t ;!d t.iem tiat tiey. oMajor General, probablr, -detected in lying pre. brevet rank and I am deprived ofmyrcom-; nit-OT in r -itrd to the Presidency, and the issues ! echymcs, no comlinaUcns, no intrigues, it tlie. As soon as Gen. Taykr was furnished by events, were nout to lie cxl. nni-mtetJ, am!, in obedience texia about his own' merits or in writing, for the American people iiuvs not connuence in mo uie; ; witn t!ie -opportunity to display Ins character, you -.0 me iaw ot nations mtus repiunca r.uta n-x . newsp;ipcrs it may. be, ulalse tales, signed pe:- his mandl There can be! but one step more in tue rs.vrne direction : throVt tlie rules and articles of war into tlie fire, and ieaTe all ranks in the ar.nv freW to engigo in denunciations and a general ftcrarnblp for prece-lcnce, authority, h rl executive favors. ,Th? jrtnuncUinicn!o, nh the part ofiny factious juniors is most; triunipiumt. ' ! My recall under the circun atances-a severe whl.-h li at the has-' of inrtr organization. 'It' will be seen that Gen. Tavlor reiterates, what ' ought hot to give me thc.irsuffrages. If they 00 th-t it was at ' fence jiveily ctijnatedRnJ I which in all minds should be above all other haps vo.iJa.vand "usurping" the merits of utlwr een declared that he is a ; not, you know me well enough to be.ieve me w.len ; come back to the proposition I started with, that c nsider.; ' ! . " . Tin. . T ' .11 . I ' 1 . .... . i . h-.i s'j-cften be fere been wi,;,, t nrt ' nn ..ltr. tin rr.Uef in iho I declare I shall he content E rnest terns, the idea of a Pre sidei.t of the Unit- ' dier.to murmur agt..instt such high autlicrity ed Slates leing the mere instrument of party, lie ' will Ik t consent to tale office as a propagandist. To Capt. J. S. A.uso:. lie is fort iking the constitution as a giiide rather j I am too old a .ol- ;tl:crity. Z. TAYLOR. the people will, always, properly .measure;! great or coui.tries, dh! this country, in this enliglitened men. I do not say they will always reward them age, when.ull Europe was .responding to' the en- clubs, He is for leaving to, Congress the things , whicli le'.oiig to the legislative department, and; punis!i:rint pf-rz trial but to lo followed by a j t!ian creeds of conventions or the dicta of political j trial here, thut mny run into tlie autumn and on mrUter I am Init partially fitrmitted to know by the depsirlin'-nt and .my .acquserS is very ingeniously i confiin.ig tlie Execetive to the matters entrusted j jhieed . on two grounds 1. 1. My, own rojucst, to him by the coRstiiu.'.on. lie -refuses 'to change i infacing that of June -1, -(quoted aliove, and there i113 at'.itude .towards the Presidency in any partic- 1 was no other before the deparimr nt.) which had j ular leaving it to those who obtained his consent .k-ettpreviqusly (July ,12 acknowledged and re- j to be a candidate for that office to do in the p.emi- bukingly declined. 2. : 1 he arrest oi Rrevet 31a- j sp3 wi,at s;ian set m to them best From the Richmond Republican. Annexed is the answer of Gen. Taylor to a let ter from us,, propounding the following inquiries : 'It has been ttated in some of the papers in a most positive manner, that you have said, if Hen- properly, for they cannot always give a direct ex pression, to their feelings, and the less worthy may .have .their vote without their wishes. !( ---5J . WHO BEGAN IT? 1 f en.ticns, to save their lives, a ppealed tooth-J ag own." Tfii 1 curious enongH, and give rise to reflections. CuU two such creaturef , so identicaLlii all essential resjvets, ever, have existed ? -ls it possible that there slionld ever have been another Gideon J. Pillow? II u ft one not have bee "the duvbU of the other, a.'er, yet Mem! There is more-truth in the old-doctriiie of vuUtnf- timeut that a jieople have the right to .select for tin mselvcs the!"r own guardians in a manner and !,'orm agreeable to their own institutions should we say, while we are unable to rescue them from the difficulties ly which they are surrounded, that than we are rencrallT willimr to concede. .-! - j r a j Tr l. r !. .1.- r.L :ii i .. . - .i j ..! . i ' ; t l pon i.iL M.ujeci 01 ongiiKiung uie waraiui we win 11uerpo.se ueiwten mem aim uny ouior : nd it may be that, in -petting--Purine, President Mexico, to which tjeneral J aylor uimuesjn one country that should attempt to give them the nc- : olk is simply huTgin'T to his hea rt some patriotic of his' 'letters the New' Orleans National fiirows . cessary aid and protection? Should we, in ad- ' nridjor who -lost his head rt.vo thousand rear a po. l'thtc is, very probablr, some Oil nese Get . - General Worth, for writing to the department -,Vo. regard this document as not only intere f iln ler the; pretext anil form of an appeal," an j jng to Geii. Taylors friendsbut important tottl ry Clay be the nominee ot tlie lug atlonal Con- t ro . e light by the publication of the following let- vance, throw ourselves belorc other nations and ' a -.tttlAII l-r.il 11M . ,t rr I ! TMinO TA I til llfVn - . . , . m . . .. , ' - vcuuu,,, ., v.muuv iu,! jv,'" -- ter Horn llaum Koue, (General Taylor s place ot bid them detiance, and say to thenv respectively, ; crarGiii Slin rrrft m its minus his head ! as a candidate. residence,) written, as It informs us, "by a gentl- ' Stop; if you do a tfbrd protection, if you do throw, jt wcuu be unjust, however, alike to nature and '-"It has been also stated, lately, that, in recent j man .jrrn'in intra! with tlwvfar-ts. ' fnnt iionrolM-hlv I'.v ' the-nMri of vnur nrn'o t'n n m-er tluo n.-nn!i m ' . . .i.. .i.J', rt j- .1 1 . 1111 - s ..... j e. , I'-r"1 - - 10 History, 10 inicr inai iuc.ru were t oils 111 inotse; ?rest- j conversations, you haVe declared that you are in , Major Bli.s.) It not only exonerates General Tay- ' whom we are not able to afford assistance, we will j days in the celestial flowery land. Presidents and eMhe 1 VU1 " 1 11,111 x i , lor rom ali agency in advising the act ot war, the ; meet you in a igns were about to inter- Now and hcrc ti,cy pronwte them, and pet them. conflict of arn:s ? That doctrine of i',nnihn, .hot. ii,M A,' .1. open letter, -to be -seirtHthraugh ine, in which I was , juiLliG at large, as embodying 1 sound political ;..ac r mat in iaci uie rponsiuiiuy yi 4.11c war , aavance.t0 the Rio Grande, but shows that he Mr. Monroe was -applied, be it remembered;!, at tected in such lyin rretextit" a ud "false tales." - r , 1 . 1 .r.i v.. ..e 1 u,... .. .n, . . . i i . . OL'ioiiiTS io vou aisu.iiidL it fietieii-i rt'siuem, vuu i ,..,,ia ,,, u--i.'v c ;nv!.' 'iir vi.'i-f,i.'w l .1.-. .: i 11; : 1 .. . . . irrosiy an-riai.-:eiv accuseo 01 lnaucu a::u uun- irutiiS. ane mosi -momcnious ionic em'jraceu in . , , w i uiuu ij "uuy xxxi uum mvj uiuy uw im;u whcu-ieiw were a d.icfunbeeo.mug an officer and gehth-man,' in the I it is the relative positions and duties cf the legis- ! choose Cabimt from both PartlCS imatteroi; the general order No. 319, on the sub- j tive and executive departments. It must be con- i "U e respectfully sohc.t an answer to the rr J- ; . -. .. rr .i . ... i. ..... . . . i .1,' ' -. ! lnwirifr fiiir-sthms : . jtcr or pattmg l.uers ur me newspapers ai iiome. ceded that tue increasing ueterence. paiu w ion- "a e Executive has been regard- I -" 3ou T On that second okj, the letter from the depart- Egress to the will of the! iment of J'.ntriry 13 is more than -ingenious; it is.- ed .by many of our wisest statesmen with alarm, and j elaborate, subtil, and profound a jurofessional dis- j the implied obligation of thc President to carry out, ' refuse the nomination of a Whig f , he had received positive instructions from the War fere with -self-government. When the States of amj RWke savage war on tlicse who would bring fu'-; Department : .'if South America had disenthraled themselves, the them to 'justice Polks are very clearly a Uie in- :y .' Baton Rouge, April 27, 1S48. allied sovereigns, fearing difficulties in Europe J vention. They cannot bo- tracei to the time-when Natior.al Convention ? Editor of the Evening National. The National from thc diffusion effree seaimeuls and Uie esi?; J gunpowder was first discovered. They came 2. Do you design to withdraw if Henry Clay or acrtatioit,'with the rareUne'rit of teaching f risciples : the views of a, nominating convention, has atV o her man S4,al1 ine canu,dalf ' jTin:.il now wholly unknown ' to military codes and ; times seriously interfered 'with Ids independence ; long timo after." it, and stay a long way from it. i'treaiises.'ajwl of course to all ivtere so!diers,1iowev er great their experience in the field, j ! I lnvnf t in ttiis place time to do. mere thin , ijihit of the fatal con.seqneiices of tlie noeMoc- trina in qu. stion. ' According to the department, 3. Have vou stated that vou are in favor olthe Tariff of '16, thj ?3ub-Treasury, that you originat ed war,nd shou'd select your Cabinet from both that a President should be trammelled by pledges P irtlLs . . .... . . i ! T!ir tVi! or tnurru.down to a party inanitesto wrucii is gen- i erally drawn up with reference to accidental states Intelligencer of the 8ih inst. contains the proceed- , tabliihment of republics in Soutu America, con ings of the lower House of Congress of the privi- . tern plated bringing back to colonial subjection the The genealogical tree strikes root no deejer than I ous day. the spirit of which is, to force the Impres- ; southern hemisphere. Rut we promptly met thei$,: t,e cra 0f Eukicltni its branches droop deaponc'- and impaired his ability to do good. It was never", contemplated by the framers ct the constitution, Tlie following is G m. Taylor's reply : H.VTW Ro:;3E, April 20,18 i8. TV C1 i 1- ir-v f.Vlire:a iiinir inn v. a Hits i-l visnrrv in tho I nf mil.!!., f.n.lirmnr tnUir-c nf truKioni fvritAinont I liearrtir. l OUT letter OI lilJ IJL'1 ltl?t., Wll.C.1 ..:a;.rii.;.,-.n,, ;-i; .....ir,. r 1. 1 '.k.i 'i.'4i ,:.;.t r,iw ,:..i.,f:, alludes to. certain statements that haveT recently 'all appeal a gainst'-hii commander, in?ult and out- Try patriots that Congress s rage'hira to the grossest extent though he be the ! subservient to the Executive ; genera tin-chief, and charged with the conduct of opinions of his Cabinet. Insofar as the Nation ; the most critical operations and that commander 1 Legislature is warped by the influence or the Mnay not arrest tfto incipient mutinoer, until Le I j orsuasion oi' goyver, does Congress fall from the ! slliall have first laid dawn his own authority, and i dignified position assigned "it by the constitution. ; hubVniUed himself to a! trial, or wait nt least until j But we shall not detail the reader with com-0-a distant period of leisure for a judicial examina- ; m nts upon a paper which will attract universal tion of the appeal ! An ! this is prccjsely the case ! attention. under consideration. The departmei t, in its ea- Baton Rouge, April 22, 18-13. "rrrtis"frt?nn,?rrnn m. could not take time to 1 J5ear Sir Mv opinions have recentlv been so " - ' ' i jj . Iplrh rf tfirs evfierieneeff. f ha t the frnriera 1-in-chief - nf;'fn niisrnnrpi rod nml misrenrpsented. that 1 (MTomily- i .1 .&-. .' r . - , ... . . c. , . , -if Mr. Cbiv be the nominee of the Whoronce submits to an outrage, from a junior, i deem it due -to myself, if not to my friends, to make , . - .... and toe people, teelmg thejutice ol tue. course-f--J -ngy over the secIoJod recesses of Duck Creek, fi cling a hearty sympathy with South America-4W.,jch sent back no echo when the country called were willing to support Mr. Mourpe ; but did that jrj volunteers in 1812. But as for Pllloir, lie evi includc the doctrine that Yucatan should not choose ' gently Ix-longs to the primeval period. Courier who should be her protector ? Did it prohibit her , and' KnqAirer. mud of our revolntiona-, - "-"r -y should in any wise bc ! me oflhe pipers at the North, and ve or controlled iV tho'' which submits severaLinquiues for my consider- . J , . . i i ...... tion, nas Deen received. 1 To your inquiries I have respectfully -to rejdy t ! Firyt. That if nominated by the Whig Nation- a T Convention,' I sh ill not refuse a.ceptan,co, pro- ' vided I am left free of all pledges, and permitted to tionary power, h preforred to take jition 011 i There was la time, indeed and that not Ions af- cier, and L'retidenU s lie was Uian must 4;y -arc jaint to suffer tho like from all tha vi- i a brief exposition of them upon the topics to which cioas under him at .hist down to a' rank- that may i you have called my attention. ,be supposed without influence, in high quart, r.-, i I h ive consented to the use of mv name as a ''Immtid the army.' But this would not lie the whole candidate for the Pre. mischief to' the public ..scry'ree. r Even the great i ed my : iiUs cf the spirited, iutenigentand well affected, ' tion nmorig his brothers hi arms, would soon -reduce 1 men j sucli CQmniander to utter imbecility, by holding i leel . ! him iu just scora and; contempt for ins recreancy j friends manifest a wish that I should- retire from I to liimsdfand cpttntry. Anil ' are discipline atul it. I will their most gladly do so. '.rhate' no pr" ivfpckncy no rf iit!u? ill l' cji'll ! ; t vate purpose to accomplish, no party projects to - f.iEjit it was not my? rjequcst of June 4, nor report build up, no enemies to punish nothing to serve j No. 30, (of July 25) so largely quoted from above ; ' but my country. r:.,.l 1 U-.. 11 . ' ' -" in i ii!.i it i . iu i it i in line ii'iini- : ii iin mi i l u r i ii k i ...i . . . - " T ; " yl - anaeniaDiy American son, rather man lnlnnge up- ter uie proclamation or Mr.Mmote. t.iw.L4iVatorra tho iStaicTUe FrencU- inwiiicnino pvopio ana my owa st-.s. m tu.iy j on disputed territory. H? therefore, mnde his that James K. Pclk, then occupying a position ;. ,nan s bbast, CHai. ceA ,i;,t, was the truth, ou the haw placed mo--o.her.yis3 I shall ret use the ntm- head qu.irters at Corpus Ciiristi, a place that, be- much better adapted to his capacity than tint to lips of the exiled generalissimo." . i nation ot any c,"nvent:onor party. . ! .sides Us beimr within tlie acknbwledared bonndarv ; wliich he has s-ino.e been elevated bv blind and ca- ! So then, according to tliitt hirrh Tkmnr.nitir e the nominee of the Convention andiin this connexion X ' Nation-' 1 ' of Txas, was inconvenient, and in no way favor- j priciotts fort'ine,'ft;i xdinnUbj orpud the due- -.tliorttv, Santa Anna. was the only obstacle p peace o" I ber ier is ' abKur an cncainplnent-i-still Gen. Taylor' prefer- ; trine of which he has recently becouio so violently ' witli Mexico. . Not Jung. ince, our neighbor" af on,, eg permis- . . j to sufler every evil incident -to his situation, enamored. In 1828, as a member of the House of ; the Euquirer ridiculed ijie idea of Satita Ann be-1 inrs wme.i nave ..,!. .i.... ; ' 1 i. ... . ..... . . - 1 . . - nepresemiiiives, wnen John tuiney Adams, then . "g such a great general as he was repreatnUd President, appointed ministers to Panama, to con- by the Whigs. But here we fimj no less. an au- . , . , . . i. . . . .. .... sion ij remark inui me siaeeuitiii's tvim i nave . ,i, ... , .. . , . u i i rai'!-r than in any way compronnt his .-govcrn- I - , Oieilt. slt r IrPll. I a lor lllirl hron enmn fni of .iHonr Ti,-airo iM,,tinm,... ' prints, to the effect "that should Mr. (lay be. the i r..rna (K,.t; r; 'ii ' m i wi.wj. iwumi.i. u. vn - - - - . vviiius viiiisu ma . Lsuii4iU9i.ii. nit: riMri'Ki'iu:iiii p il-t i ilii uiuf ni ino nriir.r attmrinon u..i,i-. iinnti. thn. v v- - .1 ,.r.. ..-.!.. .:u . , nominee of th Wihir National Couvcnlhn" I had ! t '. , r : " , -v..v- ivcpuunct, i vv ww - ? rresponuem oi uie goy - own uisuusi oi .my mueB lor uii u.ga m- , ; . . - , . - i uie ui.ia-u iaits government in Texas, came . as to me best means of protection from EuroDoati : crnmcnt-naner. soeakiniT in t!,A l,ihf r 1 ' 7'111 "I Tl" ' i "O' encct. and have no Toun.icn in am- i J W".7i' " oSct up th, .M,in the r.,,l , Stout ton?, abili.ie, and fa. . . .- at liberty to surrender that position until my . . . . e, lest he should involve the covcrnmdnt in a lowinjr reinaiKs, which constitute a strifcmr vr. iw, and h,.1s. h,r .,...n r..,i s mn inTontinn il rtnv mimnnT tr, n i-i n iro m,- unci. I ' ' I, " -. o , .... . ,i ... iW unu a 7(1- 'iv.:. ..ii.. deni r James IC Poik, the incentive jof the na tion with whom Mexico was at war! ; ..uj Tlie-ljrfion is very much concctned aliout General Taylor's hst letter, ft lins no let lliah- lior.-.yrt i!ie appeal of one pronunciado that has at length brought down upon me this visitation, so .J . ' . . ' . , '' " j war' with Mexico; Gtn...l aylor in the mkn time menbiry upon his Yucatan message iiuii kji ini.iuuin in y ii iniu uuui inc eair.ass, i. . l . r 1 i t .i J-i i . whoever my be the nominee ol tm National Con-I . , t ( ;,, . ,, T ,, , . . . c- . , . ..I rt, p. j wished him to confer with ;Maj. Donaldson. Iii He had voted for it (a resolution adverse to tlie . . o.i. the course ol events. Mat. Donaldson left Genera messanre because he beH.vei t u-j. A.-Uy,. ,... ,r - C3J Mf u. V'WIU VV1 VI laylor's camp, and there cajruc on from Washing of that uniform policy so happily pursued by the . myiorsiast letter. Jt has tio lesa' thah. ton letters to Gen. Taylor, iulorming- him that he Government, from the adoption of the constitution . r50ve,'al E,!it0ralH, filling about three roltimtif., should move part of his force west of the Nueces, to the present period ; lecausc it was, as he con-0" ct ,n Pn.'thewthe OfUfial Editor (Jen. Taylor net wishing to divide his small com- ceived, still thc true policy of the country ; mid be- , J"3? '" ol,W ' ,feaTcrf. 'hat.TiT his own sale, niand, and the government having , relieved him , cause, being opposed, as he wasj to the proposed ' f K,CncralTa1or! had cref yielded 'to the aolU of the responsibility of crossing the Nueces, .he ; mission to the Congress of Panama, undtr a.nv-'CI,a.,,0,r f'' n-Vof conntTSto J that he had" tcok his whole force over, as he could by- doing, circumstances, lie wLhed to signify to Uie Presi- . mo . y dcc,m" the bon6r,- from A sene of hi readily obtain a srood camnm woi-.ud. and Vi de- dent and his Cahinet. l,v .a rUti,,rf" r.nwis,.. ..f W" ,ncx?CT ',n i but that he hnd been content t ' ' " I , ' ' ' iryi f f ho r. .il;-. wr I. ...i - i , t . . . 1 !s ropinion by the popular branch cf the LegUlature " . ; """ 7 :w,,,c,,.,?? ma on. -I have never stated to any one that I I have been verv often addressed bv letter, and , wa? 111 Iaor OI ine Aiir;" OI the feub- ! iny opinions have' been asked upon-ahnost every I Treasury, nor that I orginated the war with Mexi- " clearly predicted. " The. appeal, no doubt, hid its : questiontli.it might occur to the writers as -aitect- j iCO- r nna,,y. l!,al J shoidd (it elected; select I tiijrlfs consider ing it; came froyi an erratic broth- ing the interests of their country or their party-. 1 ty cabirjct frcm l.c-th. parties. v No such admis- ' cradeserteTTrorn the otiicr extreme who hav- have not always responded to these inquiries, for . sions or statements were made by me, at any time, 1 ing just made his peace with the : true faith, was various reasons. ' : j to any person. . leund- to signalize apestacy by acceptable donun-'j I canfess, whilst I have "great cardinal principles ! Permit me, however, to add that should such ... - . : " . . . .' "... ... . . . i 1-,;!. .i:::., i. c 1 r" ciat.oii5 o! one lor whom, unto Vera Uruz, he had . winch will regulate my political lite, 1 am not sul- Ul- LUUU-lltu l,Pu" a mat oi no-t r,in,.,M1:,.t -r i ,:;t,;,. et T!..-. irof..cvl -.inl init n!t!nirf iiii.-VtV. t.; .Vi.-w -i ' f. ; ., ,i ,.' f ,; 1; .. r ,,n !. minnta W'.;td , elevation to the Executive Ofnce. the Constitution. .1. in 1 .. -J" .. r. ... . . . iv v.v..-.., y.. v.c.,y v.. is- . ....v.ii.. ...... .... ...v. . .w uvuii,? V. t uiai lonoweu ims movement on tue part 01 uen. i 01 ine union, uje views wtncli they entei tamed 01 r fi-gittons; (it was im re he learned- lrom me tnati political. legislation to give solemn pledges to ex J w'as doomed at Washington, and straightway the ' ert my inl'uence, if I were President, to carry out tfpostate legart to seJek, throiih a quarrel, the this or defeat that measure. I have no conceal means of turning tliat knowledge to his own ben : nient. 1 hold no opinion which I would not rcadi-r-eil!i) : No. There was (recently) Mill another ly proclaim to my assembled countrymen; but ; elemei'.t. associated in!thework kent ns fir as crude itnnressions imon matters- of noli e v. which ii , . i : me lui ic.'vuuum.c ui otu. l a lor wan uio ar ( u$ n a6jiil.ju.i, iu ius r areweu .uurcss uj uie , ,WJf.A:t . j,..iv.,.u u, ... ;tiivi oi .LL.ti ' IWUWHI.U "S"1- ". w ; - 7 ' ' uepartment, previous to the tattles otthe 8th and American People : that no circurnManccs had tc- Tome itaniTraL Vjuxrirr? TtoBRnti-rt,. " receding aihe other arreted general-who .-perhaps, not the best.test ofiitn.s, for ofnce. One : the will of the people, I should willingly and calm- 9th 0f May. Other facts stated can be proved, if . curred in our foreign relations, or in the ritica! ' Wilmugto, -One of oar olde!t Z is imite willing that it! should generally be under- whoctnnot be trusted without le Iges -cannot be . y suoimt. As I have had no ambition to serve, j denied. The most sap,riicial observer must per- connexions of other Powers witiieach otliCT, which I foTIIlcdujl UiVotficrdar tltt liethonrLt kJLu in mfrelv nn nrr.onnt of thnm. . but m the desire to serve the country, it Would . ..... m...i..t .: . .. . . . . , ' ' . wfuwiw ue snoqi.i . rscenee ? ) that all rewards and punishments, in I will proceed, however, now to resjond to your 'lrinS disappointment in a strict and honest int:rpretation, and in the Taylor? are fanii,lar Q The above i sptru an l mono in wmcn u was acieu upon Dy our earlier Presidents, would be my chief guide. In Of course, it isGltogcther C r General Taylor'-. .1 . . . g. . .SI V 11 I II, j IE 9 the trilp rn.lliv rI fho innntn Tliil ..t.u-.t I... a.i spirit and mode 'in which it was acted upon by our I ,.,, , , A , . , , . .'. ., . - . , : sake, that the Lnron wishen thin. The Kditnr n, '.-.'.. 1 - true statement ol the preliminaries that led to thc been effected bv the vote of -yesterday. Rv that r nni e ,, ,, rr,. . r . .. i- i , , " the Admtiitstraiion Iiave so creat a likiuf? for Gii auvanee of our armvvon Malamoms. The main voti it was distineJlv an:iAimiJ ,v . .t. u.r t. ,.t . ' "r tins, I conceive to be all that is necessary in the r.t .,,, i ,u . . a r . .1 .k u .i .i . . , rra' Taylor, they can t bear to see hiof exriow; him- , . J facts can be gathered, as I have stated, from the ; the House, as their cpui.on, that our policy with. ,.- . , . , r s- ... wav of pledges. ..,, - i . i i , ,. , , . .i , . -. , w " to the chnnc nf beattng the gjoenfixn tmndulnie - - . . ... -public documents already puuhshed, containing foreign nations is the same now as that laid down , -, . t . Thee lection of another candidate would occa- .'. , ct. ,n , ..." , x.- ... . , . ... . . far Prcsrdfnt. Fsyctte. Obserrer. we i,ui leiMiuiiuvmce oi uen. 1 avior w an uie ar uv o asiuxiius. in ins r areweu .Auurcss to uie this army, were, from the first, to follow his ie commendations This, tlie more powerful of the ; inquiries. i Firs'. I reiterate what I haVe cficn said I; i ITonvr.'-hilts ngiint;No; 319, well knew, at the am a whig, but not an uUra whig. If selected I lie, as I soon ktiew.jihr.the was justly obnoxious, wo ild n t be the mere President of a party. 1 With sentiments of h'gh respect and rcga remain. Your mot o'a't "servant, Z.TAYIsOR. O. P. Baldwin, Esq.. or Ro. II. Gallaher, Esq j ceive, that Gen. Taylor; has, never been inconsis- , authorized us . to change that policy or to hazard be ; obliged to discontiDuejiU pa per; (bx, sakj he, it j tent, and that Vhargcs made against him, whctiier . the experiment of a new one. We had distinctly jfi scarcely once a month-that I can gc"a chauc rd' 1 , frivolous or of weight, when examined into, only declared it as our opinion, by the adoption of that to read it, before a number of OTT Tirizhbors harp wa i a.:- a ' f i i t ' . t . i- v I cause ms pruoeiice anu stnci -oieying oi oruers, ; amemmieni, uiai our poucy was now, as it ever ,ad the use ofit. . Twoof thee netffhbors be call ! to dc more ana more aumireti. i no st-itement uau ueeu, io oisscrve a 6ir.ci neutrality oetwecn ail ed by name, and either i able to 1 vet mil that luauc in congress uiai borne uiumcuji irom an- oviiigeinu. iotf; , uiai in ciiei.umg our com- , poses?, many times'over ; yrt both, as do tun ut- sissirui hid called on General Tavlcr at Raton inercial relations with ftrei-m catiouft. we should . . . . . ... Editors of 3chno'J' V- ! R nge. and that in a long conversation he had wdh have with them' as little political connections as wr eat dctriLnt. Will spy pf Uwi kU V r h ' Ge veral Taylor, tlie Gcneraf admitted he took tlie possibl ;. that we should preserve peace, commerce, ,im a dinner, or pair of shoes or a cout Tor A High ( Omplinient from a High Source, j respo.isibility of moving acnis the Nueces, caused and frien.bd.ip with all nations, and fr rm eiiUng- month's use! ... , Wilmintm t&xvnklr The New Orleans Bulletin publishes tlie follow- j me to write you tins li tter. The publication of ling alliances with none ; that we should not form , jy dear &rt wt rotet- gi'id XOttt tforrotiiti'r uig leiu-r jrom vjen. a eruer x .romau, uie u.s.in- j an auimi eu privaie convt-rsauon is certainly very any aiuance, one ns.ve or acicnaivt, cr negotiate a tiinner from arrr such etin?r (clloir Wh ' .. .1 ... .1 . . . ' l . . . . ' 1 ' -1. . . . . L i r . I .1 ;: ri .'. f.U.I . , r . 1 . - uiu a.iu e luuji 111,1 ix iual iriuuie io uik tuar- mounis 10 uie touiLiiiiiai 01 ina riiosi ouensive laie- iiariie iui uiej:. i r enuer oi cms. io anv n.nr l' i t . . . , itirr for the XrhiU T win htr. brfl.- .t.t.. , .... 1 aM.i i t.....iu..i, .!.. r.-.. t i nr..i r ' '' v, i. . . . ' , . , .'. ' oux paiv wo are a I WHT dad . w, ----- - -. . ...... , ..ii-. . uvv-m, . i, muuj;,.i uui, iui luauv h-ais jM, uie aceer ui vjeuerai layicr, iroia pus wio nas uau nooa. j uecaaiauon lor ine purptise oi prvem.ni: vie inter- . niM-ttt -ii a . .. fortimat ?ly,-1 follow ?d tint general's otvn reports, ' known opinions" and wishes of the Executive Lave', amnle onnort unities t. iudew cfiit. It i at once V , . i.-rrnre of anv of Kb I' nr-. U . . wf papwv wwwrtliey; y . ... .. . , s n- written And or.il : t,i:.t n.v pwiiii'mw '.i t.tn. . . e. ....... n advance, h'nd been but very slightly shak m. exereised T.n lue an 1 injurioui influence upon the gratifying to the General's friends, and is a fitting j JjT It is suted that tlie President ha nouiim legislative department of Uie Government ; and for ' rebuke, though not so intended Lcrhar. to those i ted Colonels Harnev arid Riley to tlie Semite as t early as the 'first week hi Octokr; that r.p ' tils cause! have thought our system was in du: - who take ideaaure in dcL-reciatinz tlie capacity of' Brijntdicr Generals. : ger of undt rgolng a great change from its true ' tJe old Hero of Dueu'a Vista : j Why is it that tlie President has never sent in i.ii ciU", 1 io inui time, trom oer entrance into - . 1 !... .. J . I. ' . . . r ii nau win .41 uie oesK. t.,im out an.i:i ah persona theory. irs-.ii '03t1.u-.1xs of h.- tnAividun! i rr-,, r,r: a 10.10 Ka nmonf M-.i Cut. .Iil3.-x- iv.r . i-tii'in of fi Vitcfacrsc wlh - my' bri.ti.cr officers, r.nd'that it - u. k jjhh lo cccufy the teccufh'e CV.V, j Gen. Taylos's rv.iiitary- exploits :are 'not the ' Senate ? That General has for more th-'n twelve was not ti.l. after that confinement, 'th-H ficts. o-eht ru to ovJrol the action of Cnmss tu o t cxrscs t4' Ida ortn-ibirltr t tiiev areo.'v the ocra- '. months Lekl hi nresent coramisic& altaa.- "bv i're- :5 ot d-anr$:ic is-ticu ; nor ought his ojc-; sions for ihe disjJay of his sound judgment, ener- sidential appoiuLnenL '. I Mr. Polk afraid to trust rj ose.i tr.-tov rvxtious of ' Csns!itu- '. gy of charactiT, lofty- and pure ?cn.-e cf justice, hi own friends? terxnee gf any of : lie European Power with their i - ill nrWi! fn -' , .adepen W of fcxm of government; cr sny eomplimonl to tne Kdor to borrow lbitJllv . to,M" -lw u-' prevetiungvcoioniza- . than tosuWrir .rvl t u . ' . J ' a km, 11 uor- laeif rrry Uglily, lie wdukj net b 'h fiftjNwb tiroes in a year to ret ;;t'S. ilU:', condutf, ni taolives begin to x?trr in upon n:e. A word as :io ihe'JSth article of wir. l ean tru- i iaxi ie .i.i aua x:er oousctuucat.cr.?, 1 tionzl jvic.-r hi v. le icirleJ b-t7te. iarious ' depart- and incorrujliLIe honesty. He has rs much repu haye not djslgfa; 1 the slights dirrspect to the ' 'nicuto nf ' G-jrcrnmcti all aciulvsced in by the tatioii for what he his wnrntx as for what he has ,..i. l .i r ' v . -I . 4 t.tiiiuiriei-ji-ruiei 01 t..e army ana narv of the nzuvlt. . :.,vr wan ev.-h if the n-nu.hu is rv? hU u.o i. otJJi-s. ao oou.it he, l-.us 4iiyself and all ' T.i ri. I pen the subjaet cf the tariff.-the! car- ' own. li.e s-niiaiei. n.aivcs rod f.-elinxrs are his. e regret to learn th :t Mrs. Julia eb-.ter Ap-jJet-as. wife of Samuel At pivton, Esq. Un j on'v or po.' It -is rr much Liglr. , . w mi, , compliment to the tkluor to b vevitiiigvcoloiiiza- . than tosidascrihi. anJ ( nisii u.i nc 1UMUIH.U1 .-L.UCI1C4. 1 iifse are sen- - a-a . 1 .... . timent., Mr. P. siid. to whhdi tie nv-j u iti;,..,!,. ... . .m rMrMO wwoncW! , -, . . . i wwaug io4ndi fiftjNwotiroes aaeartoc sulrscn'jou. Ho.vcver strong h sycinaliiies micht . k,n r i :T ; jwiwj;.i : - . - r,. , .,. 1 . ''V "fc"1 htu of it; or toiror the cocteaptof thesnhsrrib- u; n Uver of hjtriy and repubhean institution " M, . vi . "Mru"''- 1 . i 1 .. . ' :er'bnhUoiih m uhatej-cr frt of Hkj world they n,i,U make t . , J&ZaL1 ' their nppearance, the gace, the qakt, and proper- Zt Tbs Govjrmncnt nuvtionarie. al W-rliiit- r pariuoua to every , tea -breathe free raov? thu &tiua ,nna hsft I Mexico. vTlie pnwn, too. argues tlutSataAia odicr toaside ration. GUATCMALA- Oth.T-i Tttft to .-rticul r rc.v. !' t ; 1 -f" :d ot' hie.v. au ivev thing he ; i w fi- rv t'ii:; h-.- h. ught.-r of ifin. D-.ii iei Wc--.tcr, siicd in'this c'. v.. A,' 2l. to be:v.wn Great Briuia and GutenuU 1 U.'.ilg COP.e. Lis i;PXs" itsa ., .Vn.-r. traaty In been cntrrJiu- ' boat we can sav iro hUlt 1! i;s.v rnir tl.r in d '-he V . u u 11 general'. -Tliis certalnlj adhjii-q (f- , sion on the people of the country, that Gen. Tay lor originated the order, amhmarclied on to Mata moras by his own will and Judgment. That any meiviher of Congress should be to unscrupulous or. , so ignorant of the true history of Gen. Taylor's : movements, is a matter of surprise, a3 documents ; from calling upon anv nation for protection ? - He . --r-f j already published by the "War Department give '. warned gentlemen he warned this country SANTA ANNA. . , " j th j outlines, if not the partieuhrs. relative to the' while we are assuming this bold attitude, not to be The'New-York correspondent of tiio Washing"-'-? j sul jec t, so clearly, that there need be no justifiable so lofty in their pri tensions. There was yet one : ton Union says : "Sauta Anna's retirement frornrZ ' cause-of misieprescntation. nation trial had not lot tlie im erial d alem, and 1 Mexico is the firt symptom, since tlie transiiii- j . When Gen. Taylor was ordered to Mexico, he such pretensions might involve us in a calamitous ! sion of the treaty by oar Senate, that looked like I was instructed to take up a position sear the Rio war. He protested against that doctrine which ' its ratification there. , Without him, there is no Grande, Point Isabel ."bejsu' named as a pkopf.t: thc President in message had promulgated, and alternative for tor but cace. He was her swuki rt-ACE, bt in consequence of having large disere- he hoped it wiuld not be sanctioned iu Uiis House.' and shield, her head and lands,Iitr, general, finsn- not only to the, 'animadversions of that order, but ta would endeavor to act independent of party domin- other censures of yet a much graver character. . ' ation. I should feel hound to administer the Cov in respect to. th's genere.I, the letter of recall oh- eriiment untrammciied by party schemes, .serves, p irenihe ic illy, hut with an aciimeu wor- Stcaml. The Veto power. The jwwer given thy.of more lhan a -hasty" notice, that some of !' by the Constitution to the Executive to interpose my spccifieations of hisscondact are hardly conT his wto, is a high conservative power ; but in my F.tem wiin (your myj omeul .rejwrts and com-, opinion should never be exercised except in cases guislied commander at .the battle of Contrera?i indelicate, but when it professes to give the UeUiU respecting such an alliance, with ail or any tf the pwould starre on soch faro as titer VI inumcu.tions." ' . i0f clear viclation of the Constitution, or manifest j written to a friend in New Orleans. It is a beau- j of a conversation thatf SM took flacz, it a- .uUi American Rxpublcs;' norsJioay v. e "become ' for you. And as for their old it'U !aJ. o.t-.iiu:g!y ,u:.is is a jnest jusi reouue. Ar.i, w.at- naste ana want ot consideration by Congress. In- J. i

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