Xoittsbura, iK, . SATl'RDiV. 1!AV 13, 1848. FOR GOVERNOR, CHARLES MANLY, of Raleigh. ACADEMIES AM) SCHOOLS. We invite utteiiUm to the Xutices of Examini tions; &c, which will Le found in our advertising', column to-tk.v. ' " " ' -4. ly; bee "Justit-a," oil onr fir-t pair Our co: rnpnr his suljoct u-tthm.rlv n!H- ty, and Will, attract, as hr.rctofcr,t deep Htt,faion, f 11.. -tr . - , :.. from tho strcn gi,as well as Koundnew of his view. HON. EDWARD STAN LV. WVlrn that tU"tal,i d n.,1 KenUema; luvinis been W;iaUn!. bv'thiwi of licaafort for asrat m the next L-i.lat uW, has i f r.vignod' tiie ofilr of Attorney Gcner.il of t'le j htafe.:: yc admire tue s-ll-;ljtiyi:ig cliaracftr of i lr..Stardy, who thus recognises the right of his j fallow" citizens to deinand his services, and who luhncr refused the! Call of the people".. This' it i to Ijo a patriotplacing his country ' first hiiis ; self last. ..Contrasted i'witli the time-serving; politic ' ciand of tjlic dry, whrwe sycoplnhcv is- often their onlv merit, ami who won! 1 become all thin 'g to all nven, forjthe saktr of 'sharing the 'emoluments' of ; public office, liowionoralle is the c jurse'-of tliis interested public servant. 1 Regarding the pt-o- -t pic, as tire givers of honor, and their will as bin .'guidjj,J;hl giycsriiplL highhonorjhle, and profiia 1 We ptfice, fur the sake- of serving them-? a cour e .! 'which entitles him to t'.ieir gratitude and admira : tiin, as well as to the! highest stations in their gilt, - or in. the gilt: of his naiivo State. No man will I wear -.more worthily, the many lienors tolnch wc liOie lie is deslhied to -att-iin. : - ( Democratic (aadfdatc for ilotcrnor. " We Jaarn that David S. Reid. the 'nominee of the Democratic Cuavention, left Itaioigh on Sun- " day last to engage, hi the canvass of the State, and lth it ho expected to meet Mr., Manly at Newbern. r We also learn that when his letter of resignation ruaehed Raleigh, the .; Central Committee innriedi- tuly bent oil' au express, and, we suppose, their f reasons were cogent enough to induce the worthy T nominee to reconsider hi determination ; and we thus find him committed to,a .most hopeless enter- j-Zpfisiy even against hi4 first wish and good ju4g.: I inent. For, Who expects the WWg State of North Carolina to cliange? or, wluiTsliadow of ground is there for calculating upon the success of the Democratic Candidate ? . None in the world. Mr. j Reid may Wve tiie cause of his party but his . ' tn nvut be u recommendutiort to futurn nfficp. and nvA ih jvot tuiote prospect of being our next 1 1 'V. ; Governor. ' I.. .. I l:.r . . a .t . . .i t .. , auumuii if iiio uiiicr utJiuciiuiiH hi iiiiie w ifliiji frrll'Ifnui fl. nrl?nnr frtimila ' nnKtinn rnn rjn ' and measures, we must njamtain, tliat no one, so utterly heartless as a ptiUljcian, as to vote a cen- sure ui)on (Joncral Tair. Air anv nlhir soldipr 1 whq has nobly discharged his duties,) after the r:. clistinguishd servues ' he rendered his country, r , t . jf v J need expect the cjuntcnance and support of the 1 trood l)CO!le of NSrth (Carolina. Unon this crrnnnd. . . ' , o ' 1 we shall not hetate to attack him, as well as upon u iv .in.vu,uniiv;ipie lie unvucuics, &v repugnaui 1 to, and so olten repudiated by, North Carolina. A.l ... rT.ll L 1.: ii. - 1. t .t -- xiiiu wc iian puaru nun none uie less . uecawsK ne lias mchance of election. It is not the man we btt to. so much-r-jt is his jrincii;les aud his CAYT AVM'l'tJ 1 A WJ The Etlitor of the Newbeni Republican seem kbe vory indignant at the aspersionsjwe cast j-rm,in thick profusion, from the War Depart- j Who, now, let ns asW, are the frir.tils of the Me from time to time upon his frtend Santa Anna, ahi , nt, but no commendations complaints were of- xiCans ? We want nothing to do with them or ftt.fel8- Proof that hfc carried any-Pa," , ten made of him, but no praises bestowed. Docs I their country ire want none" of it. We would not when heTmadehis vovae from Havana to Vera . . ., J . i ------ -. Cruz. In reply, wc have to inform him that Mr. ' Polk triys he has communicated all the documents I .relating to his return which, he deems it compatible ' -.i .1 ,--.. 1 r . . . .. p wiui ino puunc interests to communicate and the r - 1 44 j8" which Santa Anna carried, together with j Lis correspondence with our Government contain .ing the negotiations for h;s return, did not accom rjiaiiy Uie. .documents sent iii. Not having there fire, access to the archives of the Government, we crave timcta pn'iduce said "Pass," which we. shall do, whenever the President, deeming it "compati Ui wilk the public interests," shall communicate r " t- .''-.. 11 w vonJts. c are more anxious 10 see 11 .t!ttn thcHepubhcan island, by his good leave, we :baU keep upthe chat about it, vn at the rUk of! nt amu.si.ngnd fiircical. Mr. Marcy against :fv.jortally .oftcKdmg the Editor ot the Newbern Re-. General Scott ! AjartMng rushhght throwing its i.uLhcun. - .feeble srlimmer arminst the hriabt mtA n) ,, 1 i'n . r H Itltl,nK,!ifn,r. lt.;. I . But tho Editor -MVS, there was no inlrl'uc bo - f - - - - -. - twecn Mr. Polk artd Santa Anna, and that the Me- liicau carried nouPa-ss.' Well, we are not in hii :ficnd, sccreU, certainly but how does the Edi- : tor know that ? - The President's Message show, V . : ...... . J.-- r.. K: . ... ii. iv jij iijjKiv.i a;, lauieii tsji 1119 leiuru ana ?vn that wai denied ihv tlm DmneiMtie nt-OK un . , . j -J - r f - - , tlie , date of "that Message. Dec. 8, lcnicd hi the "Official Organ, with t! 4f iU name, as well as with Uw. reckless pcrtinaci-; ty of iU Editor, solemnly and oracularly enunciai - A;,V;have cot long been acquainted with the lUpuUican, but we would dare . to .ay, if it was 5 .oUirfHj prior to the lidentV Mcssago Stlt Dec. IS46, it cbxild be shown, from its filep tliat ine avepuunc;in ueaucu it too. , j Jt seems topforetlio Editor cull for more ( nitorm us mat an AJrrcnn Pelican was killed on wvds-f neither will give a fair title, then take! - Pagses'it wouW be better for Tiihi to disposo of thi2d iuatata, attlie mill pond of Mr. David Smiih, But tlie "area of freedom must be extended ; 'the the one. we kicc pVaced tp excuse it or to juali-' four.mi'.es from SmithfielJ, in Johnston County, ' Mexicans must be admitted as citizen of the Vni-fy-it. Can he do so?-Will ho even condescend ' which measured nine Tcet from point to point of ted.SUUs at least one half of therm. :i.,kns vnens, to answer th? question wero, ounded.to him some j.-wings, and nlneu ca inches front tl topcf its head . that the other half may realize Uie blessings of ci- - ujnu. ucmiu iMuct;ii umi-. r " v;i iiucny and a tree government our "nan.oa "ttoal ailoni.anK HofBv Rt A m l-.., ! cett the .whitrs, an i the down on the neck was an ; tn r,r,,.... ra t n -v--yvA-i-iF, aim ujjiui wich jia uocu unu- i r , ; cilj,yur7aoodyig iuJron Will ho dulgr ; sons hoi the pleasure of, kuit tlii nat ?in-i r But thev are eqnally e'-ns lo -thrir ox a oun vJ ' UVul! see. 'tJ'- - , i.gu.lif cf jY. tr-l'J biris fiJl. - v th-.- i. ...e . -tr -v .- t!k-v l:v. rv " t ; t ; .-..' . - - ; '-..-.- f . - GK.. TAYLOR. v-i ,y ruer. 10 as it ap- ! falriotio. p-,lu.cd off Mr Boi. b 7,ZI of miirfpresenting General Tayror, or el-e to c-t rti:r i of A greatness, allied to m.,!..,v aH reul ! w.U Simplicity, openne unjIuiJ n io " : r, ... ... . . ' . n - tTlQt' ' 1 n'rllc ?l , "T"1-? air,S',tJr 1 !; : t e- rt WfhrRli f M ' . 1 "' onuc:a ot the great and ! ro,d WushinM:7n. n..,, ' , 1" . iV.cJbut to sve couvJ; tionth, mCa3nr? of Lis gloW and ikme " f U Vtt .till, uhtn f,!5 countrv calN le is eve rr dv -equal to anv Ibrt nre ' ' The IcttoM ... t f r'tu. ' VV , m , 1 , f tfcenves very ph.,1 y.L- v e woulj like to iiidtif-e thesncctil tt;ons to u hir-h : aw :;Lt,li ;t: sjui t te biore u8 nv wt r 1 y ou " 10 sat" V ,V ? ""tf IO i:n,'r-'l''-,u I'f n "J"1S Pr"""CnU' iK-fore tbe Connuon. lie m.t ,lnit .0 it, de- cZmit GENERAL SCOTT. Our readers will find the Utter of General Scott to the War Department, commencing on our firs; page, being the letter contemplated by the late call of Uc IIou.se ot Representatives. The LeiU-r of 3lr. inirr.v wriitf.n ir oni.. .. r. n , " " iuu can was made, having thus been smulcd before the coun. try, we feel under no obligation, to give up' our room to. Had he condensed his special pleading ... uKU ltaulMU. muni., no snouiu nave had a hear- .s ,x man wno uocs right can ! pursued because -unworthy, is the blackest part of tell uw story in a few words-tlie truth-is his best i the transaction-for political effect ; to raie capi uefence. But tortuous arid annular reasonings re-; tal, and win the popular favor, by whipping Mexi qmre many words, and much wind, to- make even co '-before breakfast a plausible appearance before the world. We j Well-thev did'nt ! What next To v in the commend Mr. Marcy's defence to his especial ad- j popular favor by the extension of the "area of free-' mirers. He must have felt much, when he wrote j do.n '-the acquisition of territory ! Oh, what a so long. The old Hero will be at home soon, pre- j boast ! See what an immense addition we have pared to resist the fire so long kept up "in his ! made to the territories of the United States ! Alas' rear," with as much spirit and ability, we doult j from Dan to Becrsheba, "tisall barren" an arid noashe displayed in his Mexican campaigns. waste, a limitless desert, with here and there, only, Close quarters, we opine, will suit him beslherelStch of verdure. And for the inhabitants, of he can bring his batteriesjef ;aT1ictter advan- which we are to make American citizen., fkeemeu, tegi-S-?Cy, Sll0lS wlU'thea.be silenc-; brotliers they arc hardly fit to live. See their j picture, an quoted in the last North Carolina Stati cal the present long plea of 3Ir. Marcy is utter- third, from a letter in the Charleston Courier of the ly unavailing in contradicting the facts as set 1st instant, written by one of the South Carolina T W1 trai ncotl s ,cuer or ln blending the Administration from the charges made against them. General Scptt says, that before he left the iJrazos a scheme was set on foot to supersede him. r.,,-, ... ! iWiu r f . r . ; 1 c : . t i i- .. 1 -7"-" 11 p.eaoing was , of no avail here; and the wily Secretary accord-; ingly blinks the whole subject it was too naked for him. General Scott complains that he has r- Ver been pronerlv SUnnorted. never timol jf - , wV , cd, never adequately supplied with munitions, mo-1 wi.. jwo iun show that he does not tell the Vm if Kntt ,1! .1.- i . Docs 11 rr Marcy pretend to. truth ? Very far bcott; tells tho simple truth, in these re- sjiects, as all the world knows, and as the delay of What a shameful proposition is that, to annex their .operatioius-to which he had to submit, from these I miserable country, and make American citizens of causes, proves. Again General Scott complains ; these treacherous scoundrels !- Such is Locofoco that, th9ugh his Army performed prodigiesof valor, ! ism . This is extending the "area freedom," with opposed as tliey were, in almost .every battle, byft vengeance t This is the most disgraceful propa- i.i.vv v.. iuui iiuiuo uje. 1 iiuiiiuer, uc r.'ceivea cen- i 1 Air AMrw uhniK lli.i. it ..... ... 1 . . .1 a I 1 .tu..J1 o..v, uui Ji was uiu reverse .; Uiai ne ; sent him no censures ; that he did send him and his Army the approval and commendation of, the Iresident and of the War Department ? By no means. To what", then iWr thia lnnrr.-;r.rlr.,t ,lw ' .,'"r"-'"v- cument amount.? these two quires of words, words, words T hy, mere sophistry and special lead- ... . . . , ,y uUlCTJ u.a. r. .nurcy cou.u oui ,anls and Indians, Mulattoes and Negroes an nn- taik and out writo the Old Hercy and beat Win: in j naturally mixed race, degraded, debased, thieves in making books, all hollow I He is emphatically anil M3asn-we want none suchdl-r our' fellow a maiipj. words, ami nU of deeds- But does i, j citizon3. Such is our apathy "4?ith the Mexi become htm to discus military operations with Gen- : cans ! Such our friemhhio ' oral Scott, mid to snccr"at las achievement Mc- i Those who wish their cour.try.or any portion of T. ! iiUiH.gBaiiu. .d ? The mere idea 1 r.diculous, j!ie attempt , . o ufe,v,,rMu. 1 Tr? V-.;h rr, r.n-, r.-,l -1, H. f'l ...... . -ri-- at k nodes ! .lirftr Marty !! ! .uuur jiarcy : : : "4 . . . ..r .. . Opinion ,n U aslnngton, wc learn, now pointy j ft nom.hation, by the Baltimore Convention, -of, li.eii I Sm ll-i.aln . ,f T".- f. , U Il.: I j . and Sen 1 5am IMn4on, of Texas, for the Presidency, can, a ! .WroiW fri,i,.-; ..r . tv -v . " cans' a,u rxc tacm, Jjjr a consideration. "Mani enator Dix of New ork. for the ice lh-e;-! L . . . . - r -i -t i Tv . , ' . . . ;,184-.ye,."cr. Mr.Dix.sa Barnburner, and a decided the authority ; J'lniot Prov mm. W e need not a,y who W"J;' '- "aniaae nimselt sutheintly nc- , uju nc w? nominated and elected it : i U.be the greatest curie greater even than the; Mexican - U ar-that will have resulted from the ! annexation ol r exa. A 1 eucav A frit u:- writing from Smithfield. yr w. tu. tA- . .tT Th nMifrc n- f h rinifn An ti nnir . fM I f Tr ini'nn . -w-m . - . takioz con- very anxious indeed ahoold tnrk"ictWp!. t I "T -"r-" "- tlte these ,feM4 iu- V u ' 4 r . l; P re ! f ' V Vu U' ' tlw2 wr i'l only clurge Ulct U hlg3 brought Uia war on, thev would iU dVer- Il0W yaldrJnirtl change.! Or, ; thev col4 chargethatthe VVWffs intrigued with Santa Ann. n,l nt k; r.m . him Hana to load ' ?tX!Can a?lks' "nder-that well-n ! p , 1? Newbera ' uai s mmgnation would i the land a"ain the of 't! Whig pariy, and the efficients id and comforf ' ihu.s given to the cnomy ! ! I v . . 1 l " i and " -t ; ,rj "hi,' ,hj cn'fe"' "!" f '. '"1.1 t!,c, rrsnl, for (Be !o .rain of evil ! ''"' J W Chin have le,,. ofte cnoo. ninn- ; cd Upon tl.is point. ,il, , a last r..ort They al. oJXu "'""S"1 ar on, was m:ie in pursuance of the recomrnonc'ation of General Tavlor, which, of ! coutee. wn:iM malm .,!,! i?nni, .i .i ' . l - ' "uus" iwauv uie on- ginator of the war-and accordinrv the Democra- j tic presses have been paradin a statement to that ; effect. This was their last refuge. But remote- j less and unpiiying Old Zack knocks this last rron ; c : i .. .... 11 ; irom unaer.tnem al a single blow, carrvinn-terror and dismay into the Loccfoco ranks, and fastening upon tiie Executive and his party the unparalleled enormity of recklessly plunging their country into ' w J I ; all the horrors of war. Their motive furtivel" i Volunteers. He savs : "The Mexican men are a sn'eakmg, treacherous set, most of them carrying diik?, concealed under their blankets, which is their nrineinnl fLitliinrr- ... 7, J..-..I r 1 - -.vi..!.," , tict,u imit. r.iLic-i inunu in - ... .... 0 J ar solders in the streets al uiirht, are ,rreat thieves and rer, tothe women are very" industrious! and are the main support of their husbands : our soldiers give them their clothes to wash, and it is very seiuom mey meet witn any loss. " 1 at this picture, freemen of North Carolina ' Tliis "sneaking, treacherous ; set," these lazy, un principled thieves, ladruncs and lazaroni, under the present Polkocracy, are to be our fellow-citizens ! crandism on earth ! , " " iiuiu. in IV. f . c .1 VUIU Jl mvcnnn Hron nf rLh Amtt. 1.1 .1 1.1 ; not givc the life, orUe health, of one of our brave ; officers or soldiers, for the whole of their wretched i cmintry, wlth al ils WGrUlless and filthy population. r 1 . 1 .1 . .- .... vion loruiu mat tneir country ever should be incor- t porated with ours ! God forbid that their monel 1 race9 shonld ever be amalgamated wish us ! Span- - annexed to ours, out of which to make SttR ; and Territories-and our Democratic friends elamor for it by way of "indemnity for .lie past- and are , willin- to oive twenty-five millions of dollars for it. . "... . oosiues an tne expenses of the war ; buvinrf what ' . . . . . . ' - W U,U , ttiey claimed, as indemnity, with the nation's mo - , j " ... , .. i n ,v n..J ... i.:...i..j i.i.i ... -. ' v.'uiiuij ism jvmureu u.oqu as water spin ! n. It..,' 1 . Tl I : I I - . "r-" ' 1 "- w.iu u :mi to mane -me- c,n ritizcns otits mhabitant,, bv of ,ecurity for the future.'-they are the friend, of the Mevi f .. - - wmiih men, arc mev, patriots, above re- proach. And Miat of their moralUv Z How do , ihej preac)l Why! -the Mexicans are no bet- terthan Indians, they are not half as nood accor- ding to the picture from tlie Standard 1 and I see no reason why. we should not take their land " This the Sam Houston school-thi, is the Freelr, ; AjxLcn,n Lv r,ru , . jThe Pvik school is a little different : exiension ; j . weak c.c-?f , h !,nrrnn j r vii itijcny aivl a tree pvtT;KHct oiir "iiaou ... retarded it prosperity ; ihy litre tarn!,! iU ho-: nor; tiiey have, plunged It into debt; they have vij.gcr me ynicn ; they haye usurped- power : tW Inr. .4.l. 1 ... rZ . . U - ' j ... . . iuijuxi jne vAjnstHru' trodoced feuds and dissensions oar fathers purcMsfd with their bloody a nd queathed to us, thejhace put in j-erilr J We d nonnce tSera for their ambitions schemes i for their Amoral jreason f for the blood of our relatives which they have caused to flow ; for the! treasure they have wasted; for all th calamities !to which they have exposed ns ; fbr all the miseries they have inflicted. We denoonc6 them as 'friends to the Mexicans as entmies to the peace tf ikelr own country ! ! ' j oar MR. MANLY IN EDENTON. -uetuon, ,or me lollowing account of Mr. Man- iy s visit there : j "According to previous annoiutment Afr tnv the Whig candidate for Governor, visits ,.-'! i 1 1 , , , 7 - t r"-- aHd addressed the people in the Court Howe, on Tuesday lt. It ... ,.,; ... ... J, - c V. B -W-WK oi our County Court. nn,l , T? . c . , - -' was iiueu Willi a respectful deference shown to tlie opinions of his opponents, the occasional bursts of fervid eWnce. and then again the irresistible pleasantrv and wit ; istible pleasantry and wit ,llS "iration.s enchained and delighted the as sembly tor more than an hour. !i ! ii)iiring his short stay with us, as elsewhere on ! hjs route, Mr. Manly made, as wc learn, a most fa-1 v.inl,l. i, u i.: r '""'T jr.,M! unnng and access,- j;e manners. r.m .v- ,w rm;i;. j: ? :c. i trcour m i o '11-uuls . iv.i an our nronip. rwma iinm . 7 :J - 'Ou.gnmvu m- even say -he is a right clever fellow." llisselec- Hon as our candidate has been a f,rtnnatl ono,and old Albemarle will , give a good acconnt elf him on iiio lues ot August next. Let Old Fort, in Burke, as well as our Old Trap, in Camden, looll toit" ; L : " f The Richmond Whig, in soeakinJ of r Taylor's position before the Countrv, say : "We undert.ind clearlv, row. that rhlrhonrrh Gen. Taylor will not withdraw nis own name in the event of the nomination of another individual by the Philadelphia Convention, yet his friends are at liberty to do so whenever they ma deem it exjwdient ; and that they will unquestionably ad vise his withdrawal in the event f the nomination of any ether Whig, cannot be doubted. ;The pe culiarity of the circumstances under which the 4 General was brought forward as a candidate, au thorizes and almost compels him to take this ground ; and for one we iare satisfied with it; as indeed wi in' ,U1. H.J a - m i- uiueeu wo are With the. admira b e senf-imenta and especially those relative to Executive Power and influence-embodied in his letter " if ' --, i n -Ti.v - i f ""'T- , , ; , to t ThpNe XpreSS,VVl,,Chh hither" to been very violently opposed to Gen. Taylor, see- ing the old .Hero's last letter, says : liT, . . . .1 iiuo uju . v v w i it Y4 i i;i vi h ii ri iiri . in rnriT well beloved leader ilenry C ay OuX, n . , ',f - rwu l,Lr" sonal preferences, our wishes, our hopes;, are too well known to need any reiteration of them. Tint if-is gratifying to feel, now, that we cannot well go amiss as to principles in the; Convention ; that there i, to be no lean in the dark or 1av 7r ht manVouff there. T,&& (t It mnst r TT ' ll, U must be a most disam-eeab e mrt r.r th tr i 4 tt , . 1 T Washington Union', duty to jmff indiscriminately ah the members or the Administration, ffrom the Iresident down to the Postmaster Gene al. The following commentary notice of the latter func- tionary, who justly underthe ban of the press from one end of the country to the other. is quoted from the Official by the New Orleans Crescent, a neutnil paper, as a model of sarcastic bitterness of sublime irony: ; I : - v an such strict supervis.on on the nil rt nf th i, . . , t Postmaster General, and such zeal as isWnifes,- ed by nostiTinsters and nrrt, ...i:- : . . . b.t.,, j.u.c.musi resi assured 1 Mnt tlir ntm w """wfc viguaucu win r;e contin- ued in rendering the United States mail the most 1 . ! speed y and certain mode nf rninmnmpnt:L, ' ...anyii.- CODEY'S IADY'S BOOK. The nuinlier of this work for May is embell National convention, the two most dirt nguished 1 IZ af.ni en,a ,roni 'co, who and leading General, of the Mexican ivdr viz ! wonl 1 TT, of Co- Scotland TavWnnUfla'V,Z0UlJ RVOte the treaty as ratified at Wash- ea ,n qu.te a new style- beautiful engraving of j within half a mile of the city by eight men. They 'the Queen of Ma v." nW; TUJUInAo.. . . . e. ' - - r .ncuuiiT engravings are a Spring Flower. Fashion Plate, t,::rges; Work ;,,;,te &c - 1 he literary CDntnbution?, as usual, are Ml writ - ten and varied. . j The Lady s Book and Lady', Dollar kw,M. ' are fonv? 3. Cer,inly Uie ! C,4eae3t Uth-v for erature that can M made three niiMiritw.n ;n ...i. tm Si . . r. ,,L "iU"ul- 1 ne iay s uo.-.k ' ennl,. 111 .. fi. 1 I. . " a year tiiun jt,e New ork nvafrazuips. r.r irn f:mtti s ii. .. c ; uu.n u.c uuiiiiitr oi nil- beilishmenti. . j Fivnthe Raleirh I"-!itfr. j As the time fr.r another meeting of the Ahsmni ! Association of the UnirersitT apmkeheslhff 'lom miitee. appointed tr collect fundsfor a Monument to th? Rev. Joseph CaTdwelh D. D.. takers nij th ol of acknowledging what haa thus U rl been; re ceived, and to suggest that the next Commence- iUCnt affords a f:.ir)nnrrrf fitiTv S :L- its amount. They akorecnr thm irri,!.. - " . . T out the country wi I o-A ..-..-... j ..... suiiiiilu ui uieir nra- ders to this publication. f f . Su!cription: amounting in all to flt.',9 ."50 have he n received.' I ' i CIIAS. PI1IU.IPS. AHSBEL G. BROWN, C cm. rs.Ji i.. I'lii i I iis: 1 utlanthropic hocu-tv, i Dialectic Society. ( ' Death ok a Biiiop. We learn from! the Vin- cennes Sun, that the Right Reverend lohn Ste-, phen Bazin. Bishop cf Vincennes, x!it! cf Pnf nmo- 'e. i. iai Sun April 2-1 r T '"" as an Odd Fel.'ow we hare for so !t - 2r joved ; but the memory of whe wMe and gener- m . . . w &u VM of his surviving Brothers: And wherraf.it b but' J Brothers: And !- w' ngui ana proper that we should malte some pubUc manifestatioh of the grief which fills onr bosoms, and the gloom which has been thrown oVer our Lodge : Therefore, Resolved, That the members of th?s Lodge will wear the usual badge of mourning, on the left arm, for the space of thirty days. R'sofieJ, That we deeply sympathise with 'the afflietW Hi, u Tl " afflicting dispensation with which an al!--ood Pro vidence has seen fit to visit them. "V'' 1 'iat wh' RrsolceJ, That while we deeplv deplore the loss ' - i -j "'I 'v". ui: ting community havo s.istjin- ...ho fc.oo of n t u mi,l- rtr !;r ... ; wn.cn our urJer and Uie ' i -0 .:.J," r. uul,U5l""ul,;:u ; w i c , it tAache- that "in ih, i-i n r Mycins, i.iai, in me mid-lot life, we are in .Irv.fl. " ! 6PnV to the Fd.or oTh .V '"T i 2 11 ,f ' CaPol,ua Tin PETER S. FOXTFR v o PETER S. FOSTER. X. C. Dn Witt C. Stone, Secy. MORAVIAN CONFERENCE .'vmong tne passenirers who tn V th.r Among the passengers who tec k their departure ; (mm rirtsfnn f. f " - " - nama, v eunesnav week. thp R,. v ... . , ' ' were tne itt. Kev. .Mr. -.v ....,. , ttl, , it-t-h, oi :onn laro- 1 l- d S ' W rk' Rev" C U u T' t RG- F' E'n, Rev. I r ? thWwm' Pennsylvania, Rev. J. i wiir v ' "ania, nev. jr ! V ""'J""- Machee, Kingston, Can ada" bcveral of the Rcv- gentlemen are en rank f-. TTnk...i. : c i . ... " t f00 Wre Wl" "Pnt the Moravians of this countrv In n r,mfnf..ni.nii.. W -ce in manv year, is- ,bo n,, r Z - - - . ...... Society throughout the world. LATER FROM MEXICO. Qf n. Cadwalader has resigned his commwion, and arrived at New Orleans. Mr. Trist came also in the same vessel. The dates from Mexico were to the 15th ult. The impression was l hat the Court of Inquiry would not adjourn for three weeks, and that Gen. Scott would await its ad journment. .The Star of the 15th says that he is in fine health. ' " i e DUraon of ine editorial articles in the ' i .... The burden of the editorial a rticles in the Star is 1 T f T " TTnm Kcretaro- It U I fr0in St" s reiterated complaints, that j e 1S sre'U lest no fl,,orum should ever meet. T1,e Free American remains of opinion that little Pro of peace. On the 19th its language is- ve announced, a fow day o. thmt wo hmd - - i t nT?" ', from nuential men, one at O -Mexice, who coincide with the opinion of the gen tleman in question. Another letter says that should, the members of Congress violate the con- i . 7 " P"rt of the teri- " h-e to to ak the ernmCnt SV'lU: ovcnhT0 and new causes lor ! ; war ;n 1, ; ir . . . . gi.t-u iu iie unueu estates by the tur- ! bulent people of tliis Country We regret 16 le irn that Gen. Kearny has been seriously ill at Vera Cruz; at the same time weT : joice that he was pronounced out of .Wer I convalescent at last accourt The State, of. Mexico 2ives its voire fVr rv Herrera as President, he rig iToO ! votes. . There was a caucus of the members of Congress ' nrpsnt -.t n.,0r.o .u - . 6. . . ' x i j uu uie iutn inst.. at which i ' resolutions were adopted to prevent mem her. I ' . - ' . v Mcuiuem men present irom aiterwards abseutinfr themselves and irom aJterwards absenting themselves, and 10 or two seats made vacant by promotion wise. It appeared that but few members en wanting to form a quorum but this i to mi one or other : .1 j uieu warning 10 lorm a quor ; an old storv I Tl.,n. .re 2000 Mraira troop, in Qu,.n.tlr0i i'.iarriigers, . unt me latter showed ! fight and killed one of the " robbrrs. The mer ; " ,o '. w t ! again attacked. . j I rfr Ti.. I? TTT" " 1 1- x lie IJAUimiJflllOM fU t!o lii ! P:I, of th, l;; X ir" !.. Tulay the 3Mh of Mav-tl,; stakinx 1 i lollies. Ae. at nili! 'ri.. 1 ..j: .. .. ",.. , .", . 01 vat re- Ill-U Arad-ltiy will be X:li. li-d r..,th .l.v IVH..., i in?. aud ckr- with a iWert m niH,- Pan--- ! i ;..!;..,. a , ., , . -v?..n I ..-. n m ,t-f , iii:.resffHi in th- ju. , of Lduvaiiou,'ire resieeifuliy invited to attet.d.- ' i 1. S. Tin r. nr.. iunvlui,. I ...i ... . , - -r.fiiuui.xiiq Willi tne .V.it,, who d -.r- nitunion a Tt ar-hew. aft r the previa term. For i.artieuJirs armlv to i Jl'-,,,. eipal. a ' ' - I-ouLur; May 13. 11: a. ii ray. - rv - i IJ Kev. iLLiAM A. Smith. I). ; er au Andrew to the Stodeatn of MMwav -,t tllH- nn 41 Jt . - - . T.L-" ' rr,"7Wttf--7r. t"v A rM.w..r..u.. .. . ?wu gvnera.j w -"--j .!. ui.utu ir, aii-ii. Miawv,'My;i3,. ii. TOR SAI.K nu: Hiv y'p ' TB1Wii4I4 whmediaiely ui re.r of ll -.smw t.ui.i jt , n . . t: j s -'- .m. . .iHfci lirin.liir -- - - " - '..r. wan ivitrn- i ; en. irjuc-houre. Ac. r,K- r.;- , ! th Kh-u. i jh . aaa on toe wchialm uutn- m . .: . j J-ur uru .j.P!y to , . . - T. II l.Vi:i 1 ; , Bf.ANKS re ...... L O. ft. "t - I ce v! I...r r t,,-. :j -TT.. ,cr' no re iv 7 r,r A vrk. ud than .uv sl u-;ft fc"!!1 be fonrwi : ih s:t.i.. 1 1 " " follours ; ows:i- 7 r?rri Mi . j. ua, 0 extra charge) trffl 00 1 u:noa - S,ITh; and Rrodia-, Ml "4 f Whiirr EujjIWi Ikanche.. 00 N. B. Til a TnrlnNMiM. -i t . pubhean will be to pVe tUht Doticc JJ" I um Nah Comitr, N. iv D. VHTirr . . . ' I rPIIK SUBSCRIBER !. jo.i rorfind f), i i.TJlLnTSTvS'f 'u" ' i' . ...j .... ll .7 cw " u, 1 'Ohof vantnia 1 V j . ' BUCW' M rioih of - rs . order, and other artk?l. t .i: - ' . i . r.iB iu name. AU ! TAILOR'S SHOP, LlISBUHt? 1THLLI IM If vrp U.KU i JS.P!1t1he ro,'" h' " W Im,-;,,., at Ins old Maud. nud ol.ct, tH.ord, n. T I.m friruAi , aiil (MlMOtllcrS. llf is lir.-tw: r.l L- , . ( oats am! Pant- h, the Inlcst ivr.: nnd i t.V iwait ... an.r. and will wnrjnat il.m to I, rut aud made JIR UVll OX liMV can tn in nt r ,t.lU.. . ! i ua. jim pne.- will U niim id k- ,me.; and no ofTurt-'va hi- part Jl U u-aniVn J IT. mvi irr.v.i ...,:..r.: ; ,. . 4 r..'i.:.' .V, . " , 1 i.o want ncai.nd ! "'"".: t-iy.nen, ca'l at Fl'RMAV'fl April SO, sUL,is!,''J S,,"l'' Ii6hurr LAND FOR SALE. ! JT'ZZi?"? 1 V?. 4 . iwm anu uiuvrn, i ftnau ten ! l lh prennawi, ta the hisrbc bkldr, th trnri of i i'jmu uu wmcu uie lati. xiiu i. if. ji r j uu-rly tjuIw! and on which he died. Hie, aid Und I ih mh fordivmion tnhont the Vin at nir o( Jacob u.iuiui, aua conuuiui, by 'Rtimatiou, Two Ilundrt d a iu Bixij-eigm acre, aud wUI be old on a credit of LI' '.- 1- moiuiw without mter. Kt. Bondjand approved se curity will be required cf the pnrcliawr. There m a comfortable Dwelling House and convenient out houses on the premwea. Penwuji H-bing toinuchue said LamUesn call on MenT Peter F. Debuam and John A ilwiu, who will take pleasure in showing the lands, boundaries.-&r. , ' ; .TUOS. K. THOMAS, r; 2.L 11 -A1rilSn'iytH-. 24,,. STATE 01 NORTirCAlROLIXl. Fravkux CoC.fTT. Court of Pleas and Quarter' Sessions, March Term, A. I). 1818. Alexander Moore, i - ir" ' r t Orijiiial Altachnient. Wiley M: Spenfs. ) TwTl''1 furl. that ."des beydUbe limib, of ,5. Jt iTSlbl', p C; ro'?n.e,, ..otif-ingth.aid reudrS TO?1? of Plea, ad Q..r3ol! next, then -d 1 1, .re ta P,nd. .u-w.r. or TmuT erwc judgment proronfeo wiU te. t. Win, Young Patt'rmi,,, Clerk W our id Court at omce, the second Monday of March 14S - - Apriio.a. fATTUdc. k - 1 twr ! - . - STATE OF 0lTn CAROtWA. ' l-RANKLIK Coi-STT.' Court of Pleas ajid Quarter Sessions, Marck TVrwi, A. D. 1818. Richard L Wynne and other, "l - V9. William II. Furman and Wife, and Delia II. Wynac. IVtition tor divMioa wid ttlv f Sltove. IJTCwff aioa of th. Court, ,ht reside, beyond the iuuits of the .State : It U thre ordered that publication 1. fMf-JX w J?I2: C"',Ua Timr- '0-ig the -aid IWi If. to appear at our neiit C,rt of rleum mud tiuarter Seou. to be held for the County of Frank? Im, at the Court Ho.e in Iujf, U. Monday of June nt, then aud the; 10,x3 will U: heard ( iiiut M 1 ; a .. . t,,ur accordio dr. ' "u JS- fiOered Wit, Young IWwon Clerk of o,,, M' I r a the.-eond 5 A D1i':U, j . . . , . L'Nti F ATTK UtSO , t:.' tc! ' 2:-i Sr"1' ?f f -id Court JtANPridHV the 9th day of jut J a decree of the Court of E- S j ifJk. quit. enti-red at Spring Trnn,JfeyA I ( n "' iK A ,i L.A.KD- LL L ' " r CuZSM , Bond will ti!1fe.-L J ' """K v 1 ft-)-, en 1 " mutt w'MNfWi i S to Vrvdi , "1 ,M C Ui 1 Mr, 1 01 "SUeuonable yujmt. 1 1 ... , .f , THO55. K. T!IO.M.st Af .7: HOLLIXCSWORTli & TDIRERLlkE, 4 n Bw and Shoe bikers, i... i. , -- ..... vi .rx m u.ir , r mm y outer i . rKtfully nqu..:,.,,, "7;, ' "P iwr m m any ou,, Ktl in- . "-'.- "im.t.n lortTiKk- on hixf. vm lmA r.-i ... . , - IWTfMhKiaWertirIr. .W, la . above.-- i . . . , . r1- ? ... J'"'' 1 NOTICE. -rhip IjTetofiv tlie ty!c and firm of 1 Al Woniatk I G&der ; day dis-olvi-J l,y n.ntoa!jcon,pt of pank A. persons haIn; cfnim-apifr.rt Die concern Co i , - firri uh concern mnl pW. prca tl .M !,. A VVocrwrk-fnrpayn,.,. . -w uuu iu impm i.i i.ii l f,-Ca? ,aa, Py"MH tu Liinbiw, I t W nitui ; WOirACK.,Ai j. Ms PviwKxrmi . arrenai- Jan. It lkik ll . 3 ; Tlr.J:f.,I to ,tr thW.Ute firn I wotAI take thi ..ri..r-.r . - ' - rntnifr. fr, ti i;i. . . - . - . . Iillll. .TWI lu.rk Ij inyf.. . r.nfinHa fw- .f tl.. i . I. A WOVACK is

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