V M 3Z i" ,rltv. , the whig platform: - r 1 I Th? following resolutions were uninimoMv j pi,sed at ihe Great '.Whig Itatificat'.on jlcvjlug, j i i i - r ii i rT- , l ., r.,,w vii". i ' held nVM j K.:JeiI??init thel Whigs ot the Umtd fctaes : bete HssemUed by their "fl-ff; !'!; r I' 1 iie-num ifla tsuus oi utn. yi-iJAu i i f i - i..v a r ri'5t:eir, ii j iiiiiiin ii.ii.wfiVM t V ice Pr?s;dei!t cf Ihe United St.it.-s,und pledge u"jvinr!ivt-siu their sapper V 2.-' UJlPd, TUsb 'm the choice of Gc-nnl TAVLOllj'c t!i3 Whigtcandid::te for PrSsideai:, v.r ::ri glad to discover Sympathy with u gneat pop ular kmiimeni ihroUL'hout th" n.itioa axvnti.ucn!, whc'vhiving its' origin i u i.dmi ration of great mi - j ir try s'ncffe.ss, has teea htrhgCn'ped J y the devti tntive opin.-r.s nJ ol True ninny to inc trreat ex- . t . m l AJ h rn'.lH?! ni' frj-.nt r dav: and to the nrincinWs of the Const tnti??i as adiirimrr-r, d by it- t1)uniers. j . 3. (lci!l .-Th .t .(ienrraf Taylor, in rayjrtg rtsat had pr voted in 1844, ho would have voted! the - WhitrTicfe;!. 1vet th? assurance, anJ no;bet- ir.r ineded frc'ni a cci.iIleiit and truth-speail 7 . 1 if'r.rr r -tiiani t'l.t his yart w:ts. iv.th'n? at the cns; of.ort,eH to. Ppiiref no American of the confidence M.ur flbl.ttcal de.-tiny, when UhR ILA wsis j he a)ways inspir his oflkc-rs and men wherever .nr cairiid-t . find when not only W lug prmcipk-H R -rtioVtrc, and on occasions the most perilous and j Vro we.l t!etmed ana dearly userieu oai iuiK me.4sure.-5 dt'p-nded on success;- 'J he heart phut-1 v. j! with u,'i;i, is witu ii hot,, ana wo iiajt a r-MiKT's wurJf hoiior, nnd a life of puuuc and Pn- . . . -1 4. Rifled, ,Taat wo look tot.cn, lay.orsatj-; Such Wfcre my. feti;ng9. J ConW not have re-lainistrttion-qf .the poverntr.ent as one conduc.ve., sieJ them if I would I would .not if I could. .'f PEACE,': V&OSi'jSRITY hl UNION. Of j Ar)j f do believe -in v leeling on the occasion were PEACE, lHaffw nro one teller knows or has great . j., wl-liton W!lh those of almost, if not quite, all . r ra.'n tol:p!or j '.vhnt hci has seen sadly np.rthe i those who were present. 1VIJ of victory, the horrors of war. Of PROS-.; (:CJ. Davis'' allusion to 'young Crittenden's deeds PKR1TY -nowMRcre th-.n tvrr needed to re.ve i was vcry Jiapry. Hrnen taken blind-folded into tho intin !ro.-n a. bnrt.Jrn.of debta'nd to. restore ; tl:e presencc 0f Santa Anna, surrounded by his INDUSTRY -aericiiit'ural, inanufactunn-gsind J )reat arrnv of -20.000 men. Ifore the battle at 1 -t . r 1 I Kr3.i:n. w.'io tjrih:r.j.rios.. joa-tural ana arti!icui,pm- . "'; -. .1 11 w t 1 4I - a T i r . . f w ...-.1 nrace trie wnoie union, rcivaers tn? proiecnon; 01 j tliejnterrsts of the whole country his first, trjust, j ii-ne whose varied .dirties in past hie have been rcn-.lr-r'pd, not on the s:n or. under tlie flag' of any. r!tate or sectiun, but over tlie wide frontier and jun ler tlin broad banner of tlij nntion. " i Itll ccdTht sta nding as the Whiff party does, on the broad and firm platform of the Constitution, br.iced up by all its inviolable and sacred guaran tees and compromises, and cherished in the afiec- tinns because, protective-of the interests of the peo-4 pie, we are prouu rairwe as ijie man 01 ouropinions, one who is pledired to construe it by the wise and generous rules which Washington applied to it, and r who has said-and no VVhig desires any other aa- j Jitiranco that ho will make Washington's Admin- istrationJthe. model of his own G. ll:rol wd, Tiiat as Whigs and as America;n?, ' Ave are prouU to acknowledge our gratitude for the I- great inilitary service which beginning at Palo Alto,. " und ending at Btiena Vista, first awakened the; A r inerica n people to a just estimate of him who is nftw our Whig candidate. - In the discharge of a pain ltd duty for his m ireKjiiito -the enemy's .country was arjluctinl one in the command of regulars at one time, aTid . of volunteers 8at dnother, and of KVti-eo.baiyl ; in the- decisive though punctual - diiseipTrne of his camp where all respected n"i i, ' a..J Uu- I ; oved him, in the negotiation of trms for n A., i r a lie- ! ' jected an J despcrate ciw:ny in the exigency of ac '.:''ual 'conflict, whentlie balance was perilously loubtful, ve have founll him tlie same ; brave, ilis-''-". tiiiguished and considerate : no heartless spectator ! of bloodshed no trifli-r with human lifeorliuman i happiness ; anJ we do not know which to aduiirc 1 most, his heroism in withstanding the assaults of S ' Tne eneinjv'in the almost hopeless field of Beuca i Vtsta mo'iirnirtir' in generous sorrow over Ithe raOes of Jlinggold, of CJay or of Hardin- or! in! lrvlng-ia the heat of batile, terms of mercifar ca- pitulation to a. vanquished foe at Monterey, and hot j ij?injr ashamed to avow that he did it to spare wo- men and children, helpless infancy, and more help . I jss age, against .whom no American soldier ever wars. - Such a military man, whose triumphs are no'ither remote or doubtful, whoso virtues these tri vi I have tested, we -are proud to make our can didate. 7. Rtstjhrd, Th-t in support of sitcli a nomina tion we, ask iriiir Whig friends throughout the -nation tD unite "und co-operate zealously arid reso lutely vith eii-rnestness on behalf of our'candid iite, whpm calthnny arid detraction cannot reach, and with respectful 'demeanor towards our adver saries, whose candidates have yet to prove their claim on the gratitude of the nation, f THE VOTE OF CENSURE. AND CASSJ - We referred the other day to the vote of een . euro passed by the Lpsolbco House of Represen t itivcs in -18 17, and the vote of G.e:i. Cass against striking entiiiexjflensive clause wlii-n it. reached i'he Sen 4' We' hid intended to refer to the ro , efml.an I give the yras anil nays,, but the Whig .fnVnis'.ies the'in lo oi.r ha-r'.d. ,'v-i Th? hi.-tv.ry of the alFiir.is this : Sir. Cooka of nPc-nnessee olired a "resolution of th inks to Gen. Baylor, tis-offers and mn, f.r-tlieir gallant enn- ' , i i t i., f 'a -.I;,, i- L.f u.'t in M 'Mco : but Lorof'co instinct, finding out i ,j ,,,, . .. j'' - . i t aat 1lio old Hero was a voiir, and was gaining 1.1.1 i .w f t, . , :,.:.,, .i-r I rewtTiv ;xntae affections of the people, itwas.de--, . I 1 . 1 L . ... ........ ...rf ' ...... . T ... . - irinii .,1 nmiv tli run win iiterness .anil thnro. ' Ik construed into an s:;irobaiion of tlie-terms 1 of I oaiiitulation of Monterey. "' In tho Senaf-', a more I'iIkt.iI spirit prevailed, yif j tTpry vere 'jifw-en cold-hearted mcmbiTs v jio liad ' no sou! to award to merit its just due, and they' voted'tor'etaritk' censure. When the resolution of thank-came up for cwisuleratba; in that Jody, -v .ilh iti -r.c Ji -ip:aJ.ige,Mr. Speight, cf Mi- UsipiV.rm wJ to strike it out, and the vote aetng oo5" ss fo5 t is-s--W'"sr. AVh-.i'. Badger, .Benton, 4K-rri-. r- ' T5-nl:r.,Calhv'.;m 'Ci..lmors. Cl'-v. John M ', Clayton,. Thomas Cl tyion. Cerwin, CfitVnilen, D.'i vis," tlaytoti. Evabs,":Fair!iv.'ld, (irtne, Houston, Huntmgdon, Jamagin, JoLufosi d Md.. Johlion of '-' Ja., Munu.n Miller. Mi-reh.ad, Pearce,' Riisk, Simmonn, Sonle. j- igld, Up'.iarn, Webster, sin! Wcxyl bridge 33. . i ; Navs---aIV'ssra. .Allen. Asld.n-i Atchison, Athcr-. toil. Bagby. preese,- Bright.-CASS' ' Dix.Haniic-o.-:n,MH, Sievirr, Sturgeon, Turnev, and Yule: r.t-'-Tfik--.)--'' " ! . - TfWTFTEEN should be held up to everlast ing . 'iWwtaitennctv as unjust and ungrateful men. incaritfble of nehhs oc generous emotions. Even y. i in -Houston MxA Too himc'.i soul for such a mis Cble rttept at 'drtraction. Rich. Rep. - J r.EN. CASS IN "SOUTH CAROLINA. A Democratic writer in the Charleston Evenm" News sec.kiig of Cass, s lys : rJ..- 1V enrnx support Cass because' t4.t I- f.m .,..rr.l on Ihrt At.ve I . ,. . : . ' .. . .;. . ;'e . pition generally, and Ihe territorial branch of it j articularly. , ; . . ' : 2, His toriMgn piMU-y is t ot conservative and pru- d -nt but aggressive, ra-h, and pro; a,a : ,z n J 3 I, Ho is vascill tt.ng anJ nnsoutrl, .and a mere li-Ideriu the market on tlw tariff, currency, hjtt r- li tl impprovements, oic. : I - , . RnM'JSEP-- Mr. Crittoudin resigned his seat in the Senate on WVdm-sday, jand btatted Tr'ir:i- eoinnierrial,-To in nccnstoineu nnn peaceiui juni,- . n. ista had commenced, and directed to go tions and influences. v. Of: UNION tecai- 1 we 1 back to Gen. Taylor and tell him to surrender, or hive a candidate win; very position -as' abquth J h;3 army would be cut into pieces, young Critten wester.i man, reared 0.1 the buihs of -that great ..ien arew i.;msPf im to i,,s best oroDortious. and by-destroy thejv-ilue of the veteW thanks Accord- v-'1 , 'V, ' "V- w it- J I the whole of that unhapnv country; Indians, free: ' t v .mi;.V ; ... . .... r.oiU Carolina shall vote nine, times in Baltimore, and : . . , ' ; r , ; j iy.wi ' F'ck .no, Hun..-, H an otlens-e , sevpntv.t ia(Jn frora Xew York shall not vote at j negroes, and all, with Cuba, Jamaica.and all crea- rm?njni?n which wasrtmaU put ri .mp a j a1 Whatever scourge there may be . tion into the bargain-rhe surest means of dis- : lr. Jacob Tnonrson of Mississippi, and adopted! x. l. j , . , , . t' " f ll vv n r worths- ? ' j- tor Northern white man in the constitution, there membcring these States and producing disunion ? ; ""PrevWeLThat nothing herein cent tine!, shall is n5,sueh fa' 'Vm'f,-'at7 COurSe as th ! tTr ; Aye, the surest anJ almost inevitable, means, not Cor3ponJ?nee of the Baltimore Patriot, . Wamhjscton. June 14, 18IS. ' Th more 1 think of -the upper h of Col. Jeffer-on' Davis, at the Crittenden Dinner, uion lhecharacter. . '-, IuiliUry -uj civil; of (.-Whary Taylor ii t;i3 mq- , jgh it M bn fcrteJ. worJ ror Jordf ! anJ si.riibroad'CaverthwholeUui'in. ' " . 'i'li p"nerh was a trmlifiif niottir, if a great j and goo i man, by a political oponnt i;y.biie who ! h ul known him .tor many yoar,and had learned to : I no aiwl veil r.ite him lor his great at.d god qaal- 1 i:ica of head and 'heart. As the ofatorttecribt-d ih? old h?ro fold of his ! finnncs decision and epiendici triarnph at Ft rt i Harrison, during the Jjst war with. dreat Britain- of hifi Coteries f Florida, daring the war tRere of h s victoria o:i the Kio Grande, and the feeliiur of ConorreJS and the oeonle at the time on th sab- ject of his victories at Monterey and Baena Viar j ta of hi liumanity after the battle on each occa sinn of his care for the wounded of the enemy, depriving himself of all real and going about a-t tnong the wcunded Mexicans and peeing h:s own inrnirovTlimvutfr down their rarched throats i -L . J "... . uowii the tiiroais ot tint enemy wno had recei,ed trying r,nl of his nccer-f tiling success in every 7 , he uru:irilHj: Ko one who listened to the el- I wieut ilissiMippian cauld h-Ip saying.to himself, t jj verily Tavior is indeed a second IVash- r - - - -----j . . - i 1LJI1 UltVV illlllMtll II I - - - - - r proportions, ssxx a jjmi vo;ce sujti Surrender, sir? General Taylor mm aow lrue th r surrenders !' Santa Anna soon found the enunciation was. s MILLARD FILLMORE. , Our opponnts, conscious that they can say .nothing to shake, the confidence of the American people in-Old Rough and Ready, have opened their batteries on the Whig candidate for the Vice Presidency. . He is, s;iy they, an Abolitionist, a Wilmot Pro vUionist, and withal a hdrrible Whig. Now, we deny that he is either an Abolitionist or in favor ' (i r-.i tir:ii. 1, . 1 , ' 1 r UI ." " ' ? we uemanu 01 our op- their tactics full well enoitgh' to guard against them. If bold denunciation, unaccompanied with one particle of proof, can accomplish their object, we might as well save ourselves the trouble of a contest, for they would be sure to succeed. But when you bring them down to the test of evidence, it is finite a different thing. As a specimen of ; their mode of warfare we point to an article in the j last Richmond Enquirer, in which-an attempt is I made to fasten on Mr. Fillmore the change of Abo-! litionhm, because he wished a memorial on the j suujeci ci sia toy in me x mhci o. o.u.im.a be printed. Now. when it is remembered how 1 ' ,;i !:: kj,...i. .1 inucu uuierirje 01 oihuioii e.iMs. even ill uiie ouuiu, ... i. , - . , as to the policy or hearing or rtiusing to near pe- i titions on the subject of slavery, we think we may point to the fact of the Enquirer's seizing on these remarks of Mr. Fillmore as strong proof that the Editors are 'particularly hard run. Alf'that they can truly say about Mr. Fillmore is, that he is one of the sUunchest Whigs in the Union one of the most popnfar men in the North, and ono of the ablest men in the country. ' : W& learn from the " Union" that, " so violent are the Barnburner presses in the city of New York, thev scarcelv treat Messrs. Benton Ah- len. and the other distinguished citizens now on a visit to the Empire city, with decent respect. The New Y'ork Evening Post asks Col. Bentox whether he has come to Piew York 'to propose. over the grave of Silas TVright, a disgraceful co j operation with his assassins ? 1 he incw 1 ork Globe insinuates that the friends and companions pf (Jen. Cass have gone to New York to establish the dominion of the slaveholders over free te;ri tory." . The Editor of the official paper, who is at the same time '-the head and front" of his party, is really entiilod to sympathy in the very unpleas ant predicament in which he is placed just now, by the headstrong will of these same 'Barnburn ers.'' -J ' The New York Express savs that Mr. Johv i VANvBrui-.v, in the, course of his remarks at the I" recent B irnbiirner meeting, gave a nickname to '(Yen. CoinmawlT, the nine-voiced ventriloquist from 'South Carolina, which will be likely to stick to him r . T,,J pnncp.e au. Mr. . B.-) which gives one white man in South y, ,. . , U l.arohna-owning fa v.? slaves, the power of four . r , . V fo ... -a.- v- i i votes ; whereas a white man in New ork can . , u ,......- j i;'Rt. :-L - : i , ;j i . ' . THE NORTH' CAROLINA TIMES. This valuable Whig paper is to be removed froiT1 Iuisburg toRaleijjh ; where it will be issu-I j'PjaSa Campaign Paper until .'th-? Presidential ; ; Election after which it will look out for its pat- j ; rotiage oven as c4!ers. Its - Editor wields a point-. i a,j iUorvort ihat supjort which we know ! 'ucce,s to his entcTprize. .Y. V. Are us.- CAM?.tnN P.vrER. The Editor of the N. C. Times, hen-tofore published nt Ix)uis-biirg. (C. C. Rabotrau. Ecq.) b;is determine! to remove his establishment to Raieigh. and there p'lhlish a Whig Campaign Paper, under the same title.- Mr. R. has talents, tact, an 1 industry, in the manage ment of a paper, and we wish him suet-ess. Far. Obs. It is understood (says the Baltimore Patriot) mat v,en. i i.iuw lias exprusseu inucu oisapHini- meut at the Democratic nomination for the u Presi- ' dency.. He Isvsed his hopes' on receiving that higli ' honor-on the friendship of Mr. Polk, and his own ; signal military achievinents ! But his Democratic , friends proved ungrateful and would not even rr- ' commend him to the party for the second office in , the gift of the people. Alas, the "leonidas lettpr - was m uiiifactured ,ia little purpose, and the i:n- iu.-. ,1. t:, an u, u......L; ii-v-.-vn, uil- .' . - . .i. . . . r .1 : . T .: ! i . -.1 ; scientific officer have not boon appreciated by the AVe fear that hereafter the brave General , known 1v ,ho nol in4ppr0jriate soubriquet )f i:,jlC pji'0v - j - i 1 ( Xo sooner waslhe news known at Detroit (Mich.) j i.wwia tvoi'jiaim rteaay ani .iiniani rnimore I rc;j n.ininateil. than the wloud-mouthed cannon" vero hronght o.it, and two-hundred guns fire.! for t'w nomMiees, a im ta" I . , o! ta , f iwmf iimoa r V' li 1 fhit nnn mon in SJrkiitii I NORTH CAROLIX TIMES. t ; " - . : : SATIRDAV. JOE 24, 1818. We seek a pure, honest, and independent Cover ri yrunt ; an Administration which will carefnlln abstain frotn exerrininff poxrer confided it the Cotittion t0 Vosreg and vhich will me the Veto oily in the extreme rasei contemplated by the founders of the Kepiiliiic ; iruch trill act fer the Country, and not for Party ; and place its Joot at once and immutably upon the odious system of distributing the Offices of the G ir eminent among part iz an advocate, as a succeasijal Chieftain divides the "-Spoils oj liattle among his victorioks retainers. FOR PRESIDENT, GEX'L. ZACHARY TAYLOR, : OF LOUISIANA. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW YORK. - FOR GOVERNOR, CHARLES MANLY, of Raleigh. O TO THE PUBLIC. XB The present Xo. of the Noeth Caeolixa Time's is j distributed very freely, to all to whom we have op portunity to send it. We hope the Public will ex1 amine it candidly, and if they think we can be of good service to the Whig cause, (which is the cause of tho country,) as we pledge ourselves to endeavor to be, with energetic industry, we hope for the encouragement and patronage of the Whigs of North Carolina. OurTerms will bo found in our Prospectus, published in this day's paper. To all who may subscribe hereafter, we will send the back Nos. as long as any remain on hand. in- TO OUR EXCHANGES. We request all with whom we exchange, to no tice the change of location, and send our papers to RALEIGH. Some of our exchanges have done so with promptitude, for which they will please accept our thanks but as yet, we miss many of l our valued friends and visitors. Will they please i alter our address on. their Direction books? A part of this issue is printed upon paper in- fjr;or to that we contemplate using. Our paper -had not arrived in time, and rather than delay the No. we print on such as we could get. Our sub scribers shall have no cause of complaint in this respect. : CANDIDATES IN FRANKLIN. In this County n the Senate, John E. Thomas (Whig) opposes the Democratic Candidate, James Collins, and will run him to the throat-latch. In tlie Commons, a fefeular scramble, a " war of tlie Kilkenny Cats" will come OtTin August, letween William K. Martin, David' W. Spivey, Jos. Jno. Jones and Wm. M. B. Arendell -all Locofocos. This will be a very pretty fight but, we think the two last, who. are opposing, or independent candid ates, may run in over the devil-may-care Loco focos, who were first inthe field, as tlie corner-of- the-ferice nominees. We. will watch them by and j bye; The Franklin stump will be very amusing ! this Summer. Old Zack will have a finger in the pie, and make the Locofocosrtf. THE MEETING ON TUESDAY. Tlie large and enthusiastic meeting of Wliiors on Tuesday night, in this City, (of which the official account will be found in 'our columns to day.) like those of which we have seen the pro ceedings all over the Union, must put to flight the silly cant of our Democratic opponents about di vision in the Whig ranksj and disaffection with the nomination ofGeneralTATLOR. The Whigs every wlicrp rififi' it n s Tlicv -nn!fl tlint of nnvr ctiki n nr j ..w .... j j ft true man nonu nunateu dv uieir own ueienrates to their own Convention. For whom shall the VYliigs vc te, : but for the Whig Candidate ? Who supposes, for j one moment, that any Whig, any where, will vote j for Lewis Cass the ultra progressive Democrat, j the Mexican Itocofoco, who goes for "swaltowing only of plunging us into continual foreign, but also civil, war the bloodiest curse tor which poor hu manity, in any country, was ever subjected. We say no one supposes any such thing although, for the sake of effect, and to slur up Uieir own divk- ' ions, some such impression is sought to be pro- ! ducod by the Democratic press on how' poor a ' foundation, so far as this City is concerned, the meeting we allude to clearly shows. i ! The Speech of Ex-Govcrnor Mokeiicad, who ' ' was frcsli from the -scenes in the Convention, of I 1 ! , whicii he gave soir.e account, was full of high de- . '.ennination, and cheering emtousiasm. lie, Uie ! warm personal and political friend of Henry Clay, 1. t J s-wl lVi.v nr nlrio f rr C rr- "fiTt f r 1 n st : . . . . ..... , ,. I wnen ine cnoicc oi iuo mja ui wit- imuvh ia i settled, enters upon the battle-field as such a tried Whig soldier alwavs does, with his armor bright anj gliKering, his stalwartar.n vigorous and power- ful, as ready to contend with the opponents of ou r ! noble cause, and overcame them, as he ever has been. Did" his heart quail, when he stood up be fore his fellow citiz -ns. to vin Jicate and support i the People's nomination ? any " disaffection and ! disgust" Uiere ? Whv madness would not sav it folly will Rot even pretend it. " The Union of . ..... t . 1 t . - . 1 . .' 1 , UJC illgS IOr l:ie SlhU Oi UlC U UIUU UMl oiv; , t.. aK,ii in iir thi ramoiim audit o e s.iall all Ixar m o this campugn anj ,t ; ,s perfectly idle nnd nci.c:ous to suppose tiiat any indiidual preferences, before tho nomination, will .hake Uie fealtv of the YHiig pay to those gr.-at .ua, u- , v., r . , r ' ' t - ' conserat-ve principles Of .reecom, kr w.iic.1 we -r have eo long conreneea. The Hoi. Kexxeth R .vxra was next c:, on. anvid-t great sif-olau-o from !i4 Thi-gri-vt y.,:a r -j ;;11 pars of !ii.- ' noTtetf the attest, strongest speeches itins fver i tbfen out fortune to hear ip a political meeting. t We knew ihtsgcotlemaaV great nn well Reserved t in Conwreiw but the strength and 'so'ddUv. and fame as a powerfnl debater in otir lewisdature and a ionfT tiuie past, to place the Whig iu a faUe i they call U wfuieti the party ! in Congfeiw but the strength and solidity, and ' position with' reflect to -this Mexican war, and j Baltimore tut tliey are very , aiilily pf his reasoning and argumentative powers, ' no 0f slander and detraction ii so bas: but ; remarks about the MCTif.ce the tell happily and strikingly before a jxpuUr assem- iuls been employed on this su! ject, in th tnt ! of that body made of Southern right upon the 1 t bly, Challenging the applause and admiration cf ' shameless and insultin" manner. The facts of itar of ";ry." Looking, a we do, upon all the j all. ' 'We, ourselves, had never heard him lx:fore.s but we confidently venture to tell cur political op- , ponentii, in the lower District, to beware of Kenneth Kayner. He will wield a ponderous baltl axe in Spjrit, the noble daring, the patriotism of tlie Whigs : matter how gross, rather than compromise thejm this campaign ; arnl when such men, overruled but j antj thc Whig party. Tis true, they objected, as ! terests of the party for the sake of tho interests rf not overcome, not disaffected, not disgusted, as the - they had a right to do, and they still disapprove of f' their .country. When the "platform" was brought Standard j pretends, witli cht-erful alacrity, and-; the mode in which the war was brought on, the j forward, Mr. Yancy, of Ala. introduced the follow -wonted zeal, pledge their good se rvices to the good j violations of the Constitution in its incipience , and j ing resolution : cause,what but hope and cheering annexation . its continuation. They would have arrested tlie ; " Rssotreh That the doctrine of non-interference must fill the breat-ts of the Whig party, abd spur j Executive had it been in their power, and averted i with the rights of property of any portion of th" them on to zealous and untiring exeition: dl.r th? the war They now condemn him for his course, j people' c.f this Confederation, he it in the State or sucd-s or the Whigs in the coming elections ?- and menn to put the seal of their reprobation upon j nJf TL l7 'm" 1! 't' 0 , 1 . r ,. , - - .1 . ' 1 terested in thm, is the true republican doctrine rv Such were the fcenngs of every Wnig in tnat as- him and his measures at the ballot-boxes next No- coguised by tins body " sembly, we dare be sworn, as our distguished.f speakers rheld up to their view, tne dauntless But, throughout all those trouble,, so recklessly trn blican doctrine .nd whenever. and where achievements and .pot.css character of the brave , and unnecessarily brought on, the Whigs have sn, - WP 8houU M to it. old Hero, who is our champion and standard p nted their country. They voted monev thev n-... f r j . e v o j , i mi . 1 . - r r . . . ... . ' i H'd the lxcorocodelecates from North Can l.na.aixf bearer The stars and stripes of our Country were voted men thev piovidedllic supplies they enter- , c . , ., . f . .. ..,- 1, ,. 1 l j , , , ... , troin the South, genera ll , vote for it ? ell, thev never placed m more glorious hands, and who that . cd the a ruiy they loug hi the batiks they led cur . . b. J , ' ' : . , , 1 -a -i 1 sees that gorgeous banner, bcrr.e by so invincible : , . , . ... . . . and triumphant a leader, but will gather under its i-.u. - '.t'-i....!. ......i m.i! . 10ms m me oaiue lor v,ouhiuutiunai uutftj i nrm. Whigsj. for the combat! " A little more; grape, j Captain Bragg!" cries our peerless commander, j 'We've got the enemy just where we want him, ! j boys sow give HLM ZACK !" ; j THair1 Dl'HDI T7"C C A VriT n A TP : ' I . , ... . . , Our readers all know, before they receive this sheet that the labors of the Whig Conven.ion have i closed,; and that GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR, ! OF "LOUISIANA, heads the People's Ticket for President. Our rea ders all know, too, that w3 have our choice. We love as well as admire this old Hero. Hi life has been spent in tlie service of diis country a life of self-denial; and of patriotic exertions ; and we have seen him, forgetful of self, with true modesty, and ingenuous, simple fidelity to his comrades, disclaim for himself the glorious honors of a most brilliant campaign, that he might - heap them upojn those who acted under his orders, arid moved by his di rection. In every light in which we can jcontem- plate hU character, whether in the blaz? pf glory and the career of victory, or sulleiing under the frowns of Executive displeasure, jealous of his fame and the hold he was taking, upon the hearts of his countrymen, we see the same inherent dignity and solidity, the same massy greatness, the same noble and lofty bearing-neither elevatod by the glory he has won, nor depressed by the inaction to which he was condemned. He stands before the country still, tihe same simple, true-hearted hero and patriot appealing from the Administration .to the people, with a trusting confidence that he will receive jus tice at their hands. It is 'true, that we were pledged to support the Whigj National Convention. The members of that body jwere wiser ihan we they came fresh from the people, they kn'w their feelings and their wish es, and it was right the y should respect them. We had committed the choice of our candidate into their liands. Had' Henry Clay or General Scott, or any other distinguished Whig received the nom lnation, we should have puccriuny surrenaerea our . .. . . i ... i n . j i individual preference on the altur of tup country,sat isfied that the Convention, upon a survey of the whole ground, had acted wisely, and for the best. ye are much mistaken if this is not the proper course for every true Whig to pursue. We cannot hope for success without unanimity : every where the Whig party are rallying upon the nomine?; and we have no fear but that, in North-Carolina, we shall present an undivided front, standing upon the broad platform of the Constitution, supported by 1 all its guaranties and compromises, grieved by on croachtnents upon, and violations, of it,, by Ithe men ' in power, and solicitous to restore its inviolability and purity of administration in our National Gov ernment ; while at home, we have our own con stitution to maintain and defend, atrackocj as it is , vt... iMn..Ji., :t , . . , . " , can vre uavg tor un.on ior me exertion oi au our strength ,? The misgovernmpiit of twenty years has inflicted sufferings enough ujon the:Nation. filling up the measure with an unnecessary, expen sive aind bloody war anJ it is time for patriotic arcd reflecting mu to rcselvc on the rescue' of their Country,' and the preservation of their liberty and Consiiit'.ition, before our necks are bowed beneath a tyranfs foot, and our free limbs manacled with a tyrant's chain. Such has been the tendency of thoU course of this administration usurping power atter power, until the two Houses Congr ess, have ,beco'm r ' - . the mere recorders of the Presidential will "and o.ir rights are stealing away from us to swellj Exec.H : tivG P?wcr and Pitr6na. ert into obse. quious courtiers those upon whom patronage is ly stowod. We are freemen yet and the remedy is in oar o.v i h m Is. L't in u tile to turn out of power those who would 1'egrade and uin our country, and pit honest men anl patriots; into the peoples o;Tice, who will -acrr.inislir the government according to the conservative principles of freedom, : and tie consiitut-on and laws of the lanl, for the j preservation of the peace, und the perpetu'Jy of the Union, of the St ites. so justly dear, as lx.th ought to be, to evjrv good American citizen - qp ' "Remember ! that if you commit ydurself to Tavior, you commit. yourself to Millard Fiil- ( more; icJio is an aM-.ionif't." Standard, pis'. Remember! that we pronounce this charge net only juntrue, but unsustained by a shadow of testi mony. If truf, the Standard can easily; show iL We jiliailenge him to the jrurf, and shalllhold him up tq it. lie himself has made the issue. "Tlie course of Whig leaders iu thi coun try J!,;i prolong the war, and prominent Mexican themselves did count uon the aid '. assists nee. aJ sympathy of these leaders." Lat i&4ntpnt. ri le course of Mr. Polk and his Cabinft did pro long the war, by giving the Mexicans Uiir Gener--"a! ."fi l prominent Mexicans net only coujued vj-on, but GOT thf aid, .sn!a;o aut stpnjxtlhfy of lho.4e worthies. Wul the St.tndarJ puhl;shth4t PASS ! . No W:i2 hj;:l 1 7';i V. w isll.oc .f -o j i . o-nlori THE AVHIGS AND TIUZ NV-R. I Tbc Deinuratic presse and inanv niembcrsol (j,c Detiwcratic pari?, have labored very hard, for ! nrwitinn hh rwt tn thi I--xiran war. and j tbe case which we fearies.lv appeal to, show ' q'ajte lne reverse of all this, and esUllish In the minds of disinterested and candid men. the puLILc . T . . . troops on to glorious victory, and won for them-! , , , , ,. .. . , i geUes wreaths of unfading, undying glorv, and ' ... ' . . . . A c ivereu tne American arms au over with a halo 01 triumph. Aye, let the world hear it, and wonder and admire,aud place their names on fame's proud pyramid so high, that the breath of calumny may exhale in mid air, and never reach to taint their noble and lofty characters and let History r; - CAr.l fnr-ill fiilnra .irng Ia tivnai irknn tko r.r. tr r, r v L i, . . . ettorts of lcofoco malignity shall havo been bu-I ried in oblivion, forgotten, with the evanescent and obscure politicians who conduct the party fress, as well as their patrons, Polk, Marcv, Pillow, and the . .u . ' o ," ry r rest, that V infield Scott, and Zacharv Tat- , . ,. . , , lor stand alone, proudly pre-eminent, as the he.- ... 1 J ' . , , , roes of this war, unapproached, and unapproacha- . . . 1 , h o Kit o nw i Mam swrsri niiri trac 111 rhA innv mA as we acknowledge the subordinate merit of some of them to have been. Let History state, too, how they were ill-treated, i J ' and how the administration sought to thwart, and disgrace, and ruin them, because tlie Penile hud f mdly and affectionately embalmed their proud . , , ... , ' , highest office in their gift, the most eminent sta- . , ..... , , tion in the world. They were Wlrrs and thev , , . . . ,. ,ir, . , e , . , loved their country, as all Whigs do suid perilled their lives, and exerted their transcendant abilities ! in her service and achieved victory after victory, proudly and boldly, always and surely, bearing the briefht and beautiful flat? of our honored r.ountrv i ; continually to fresh triumphs and accumulating j ( giory, as no other hands but their's could bear it. ' They are WHIGS ! They are WHIGS ! CASTING THE FIRST STONE. The last Standard raises the cry of " Military Chieftain" a (Tiii n?t Gpnprl Tavior If wa mwtt ha 1 not, the Editor was a member of the Baltimore Con- vention which nominated two "Military Chieftains" upon the Democratic Ticket, General Cass and General Butler, the military services of both of whom. We expect to hea Kim extol to the kiea although as tho wholfi world knows thir .rlrio. ' will become pale and dim, when compared with the - j lustrous and splendid fame of General Zachary Tavior. But is there not something peculiarly new, interesting and wonderful, in the ingenious j discovery, that, while the election of one " Military , Chieftain'" is dangerous, the election of two is harm , less ? Commend us to the Standard for brightness ' and originality, alway?. That " Military Chi ?.f ; tain," General Taylcr! Oh, tho danger! He's such a terrible fellow. But' those meek. -and : lamb-like soldiers, Cass and Butler why, jut the tiling ! Nobody yi-ars them ! We well believe it. ONE MORE HUMBUG. , D ivid S. Reid, the LojoIojo Candidate for Gov- er.ior, is in the habit of declaring, in his oi; speech which he enunciates every where, .'that he vern- i ly believes that the freehold qaalifieMion in our f Constitution js-what drives so'mrfhy of our citizens i old and .young men, from tlie State, because, depri v , ing them of voting, it deprives them of good laws, j ; hence they go South to enjoy equal privileges, ' this requirement almost compelling thealo cmi igrate from the State. We can hardly keep our gravity while we M.te : this ridiculous assumption this abgurd proposition . Imagine any hon -st, simple hearted citizen, so irroanin? under the o.K.rssion ol h:ivinrr no vi in the Son:lte as tQ a at wh j,e the r&,, (,mvn checks as ml appj?s tQ WQrk anJ ?j.g u , ...l- w . f , . , , , up his iitt,e cart w ilhhis w ife and white-headed childrciK pu, his W(.hl. CY-.r hu dssnf.rltJ. anJ sorrow.be;tten brows, and saUv forth from th Old Xoi,h s,ntc ou pI,grimage, to search for a hen. wh.Te he can vote for members of the Senate, without any fr.eho'd qualilic jtion. View hi:n a he passes through So .th Carolina, Georgia, anJ ..Alabama, lifting up his 'oice and weepirig'ag he ! go:-s, while his Jiscc:i-:obte wife and dufranuzhis ed children, mingle their hitler tut and do'.crous lamentations with his. z.n all witho ic ccn-nf. in quir.' of each pa&fing strngf r where they shall iirtd that blessed and happy laud where th?y can rest from tlie heavy oppression they gToaned un lcr in North Carolina this " relic of aristocracy,'' this ' old fouual regulation, which makes and keeps men poor, because t!p?y are not allowed to vote for mem bers of th? Senile wilhe-ut a freehold.. Sad, sor rowfitl, complaining man !'$vhy what a heavy licart would he bear away with him, good graciout! and vet we doubt not evcrvl Carolinian. Gctrri u. and Alabamian he sliould meet, to whom he UlJ his lachrymose and denial story woul 1 put his thumb to his nose, and go through tlte motion. David S. Reid wants to be oar Gmerncr, bad. GENERAL lUYlflll .' The Nalchea Freo Trader of Uie GJi initaot. say : . i This v-teran of the Mexican war, ia excellent health, and spirits, pa Med N.itch2 yesterday monv ing oi ojir fin? names ike. picket stamer, for the '-Cypras .Grove," f.-ny tike mites above. His Mex ican sombrero, recenily w?ited, uver lktif more !V -"rxuing tha:i ye-r l.iy. IE ap-ir.-J & t-iillv v . ..' .ii:! r is i f-.t J. THE BALTIMORE CONVENTION. Tli-? DomocraUc presj are engaginl in ." kirk- ing up a Aim generally," about the Platform'," m lately adoptei at Baltimore tut they are very careful to avoid any Southern Iiocofocni proceedings of tlut Convention as part of the l)c mocratic platform, let ns sot how convenient It- was for part of the delegates to go anjthinp-, no .iu tit. ilia iivruiuu'iu, so nur, nu iva.auu.tuir, m.r ,. . . . . . . . 0 . explicit, as td cover the frround for which the South r . . , fc . . , .' " professes to contend, was rejected in the Baluwon professes to contend, was rejected Convention, yeas 36, nays 216 every State voting against it except South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, ami one vote, each,. from Ken tucky, Tennessee, and Maryland. The Delegates from this State, so far as they could do so, scld un to the Wihnct proviseis-ts with as little remorse a i " wtf "aJ Jeen bvcs or cattle in the market, fajr , . , f , . . . , rt . I for us. I 'I'llP Vftfo fivn liv flif 5v..iitKtm ArmPTmt 11 rs-n k. - ...... , . : this resolution is;- a sigmticant one, because it .. ... . , .. . , evinces the prevailing influence which controlled - . , . , . i the Convention, Upon the great and vital Question of . ,f , ,. -..,-" i slavery, as well as tlie readiuess of the Locofocos 1 1 M It .M'W WVMM V M. SB IV. VT ktSf I Ol I lit III U ." V UUtt FX . ! I which wae paramount there; thus acknovvledgiNj . . . A , CV in liowincr t itn hliosta Thtt SrMithrn turn I J . - - - b " 'v.w a w v mm nv mm x who voted against this resolution did not express, by that vote, the sentiments of Southern Democ- t racy in regard to the subject inyolved. Had they consulted the interefts of their eonstitucnt. and ot , then country, they would have perished before thev ,.. . J, . . ,. ' would have given that vote, which was makingroi - i ... . j , . , , j cessions they may never retrieve which we do not . ,, . , , . see how they can recover. The full effect of their vote is to encourage and build up tlie anti-slavery, spirit at the North, and invite to farther da ngcrouV agitation, Those who should have Mood in the breach, gave way, and cleared the track to alloiv the Wilmot proviso full scope, in order to unite "he party," so that they might all centre upon General Cass for Presme'ntr- Jir the hope of gaining' hi l . a . . . .. .. . ... , the Abolitionists and had it been required of them, eiec.ion. mcv riPKicirra not m mnv mm rvxiin we see no reason- why they would not have be- I Cme ajbo,,,,,sts hemeelves, rather than put in j Jff 7 ,,armony nnd '"" f Jrty" ' nfXet uch men prate about -principle" aiid Ua I '1 6 mo?rati phtf," when they were ready "gh to surrender the mo.t vita, principle Tor wmch the bo,,th contends, any way or any Ikkv, i fr -hc of retaUlin8 H power, by the I e,CCt,n f tliUr miwe- With ch hertlebs j mng' l"e uttl "n" Wyed, for a , , lc' W,V,'M confined in Ins Mch. oisou icuer, are more olious and abominable thin those of David Wilmot himself, who hat in the Bal- timore Convention, choek by jowlwith tliov fe trayers of the rights of the South wlio voted againht the above resolution. "Oar armies swore terribly in Flander." I'nrle 'iJy. They were probably mad, then nirid peoj4 swear very terribly - t-ometimes. The Editor of tho Standard is v?ry much out with the Uliig. They passed a "preamble," it aeem, nfime time or other, which the StanJard says "wis designed arWl intended to wound the feelings of tlie President,". Mr. Polk, we swppose, kind, tender-hearted gvtrtlc irwn; and hear how the Editor of the Standard cur."s these cruel Whigs, and dooms tliem to an infamy as black, and to a damnafwrti as profound' as that which receivid 'he Tories or the Revolu. rim," Arc, meaning Zfk iV.Jk. we siippo. and tlie rest of that red-coat gang. II calls thev Whigs, too, '"turbulent mutterem of stifled trea.oti, but he dares not charge them with 'giving a PASS to any Mexican. Mr. Bancroft did thut, by the orders of the pare and innocent Mr. Polk an l Mr. Bancroft wa-j no turbulent raatterer of ti fled treason" oh no ! 1 1 ga ve the PAS.nn i signed his name to it nod Congress dragged it to the light, and would n'it allow it to he stifUJ. W don't like to .ee a man swear so hard, especially in a :i r.vs4iaper. HV liope our fri-td will quit it it's a bad habit .if not creditable dn ! ! '"In the n.nne of all yoii A der ami sarmt; we aajn beg you to ntWAar." . Iiit Standard. . After rearing, to his heart Content, in oiio ,-ar.igr.ipli -Uie Editor of the Standard goes to p'lyiiifin anth.r. The petition alovc is ad drssed to the Whig. Wc recommend tbeul i listen to tlie prayer ami to tnw zt, of the Editor of the Standard.' IE is not such a trae friend to them". a to give Uicm disir.U rented adt ice, gratis1. No sir-roc -lie labors for h ci-i-!e-ra-tion !" He mu-st hi in a grt extremity. Or hc w-juld not yraj no frrveiit'y to die Whlv Hn the nam of.all voa hold dear and sacred ! Old Zsck troWs " . i . - i , his imugination, aiul he mixes hiui up wi.h the y.-ar of our Lord, 1 iw-n th su'e.'ping aval anche of Whig retribution pawd over- tie fan I. anJ ihe people aro-e in tieir strength nnd majtiy, to make their will respectfE . Tf y arc waking up sgain tha iu nb.,rin?mai..,3 are arousing and I collecting tvr energi forjtlie mighty ork ef vindicating their Cortit-T in its purity,: bruj. ing it back to strict ''VjHion adminiiitration, aiul rebuking tltae? who h u'THJatd it, and train 4od it under Uieir pa.-,iil jni-noiiK Swea r and pray. Sir, an fnnch a you may. The day of Freedom is at hand. ' Tne No.ixa r;os. Tno noininatifi cvf Of4 Zackhas Uen w jr.i.'.y r wieJ ia Vt-n vtl and M i.ie. . ,