- ,1 ..; . ; '. . yr j . 'Vf UEN'L PItSiTirr.-RMITn LTQN CEX'L TAVLOR. ' to ins rouTics. Gen. Smith, it is known, is jTLjco Foco, bat a Foco Foco of honor, lie serv ed and won laurels under General Taylor in the -Florida war; an J again at Monterey under the same gallant officer he acquired new laurels. B r.t the crowning act of his military .career, was Lis splen did and successful assault upon the enemy; at Coutreras under Gen. Scott. lie thus writes to a friend in New Orleans:- -.'"'". i , - H Cirf or Mo,vico, April 8th, 18131 jv Any, erne who lias visited this country must have horror of rbad government, for here U seen the flpot'on earth most favored by nature, stripped i f all its advantages and converted into a hell ty.the Vices and corruptions of its ruler?. '. I have jrroat faith ia our own peppb howjver'; j tnoy'slww their hig:i eensc of honea'y and nob'e- nvsa wheneVcf Uie occasion offers; . ... Gen. Taylor's military'exploits are not the cau trsof hia pop'ulantv; they are only the occa? ions lV,r the iKm-Aav of his found iudrmient. ennrcv of i character, Iotty and pure sense of justice, and in w. 4 j - j . 3 ' rtj corruptible Lonely, lie has as inucri reputation because even Where the composition is nctChis ww '" ' , . " , rw w marKea by tne purity ana iu.Liaes.-i 01 ins -own character. I never heard of any one, however corrupt or has: himself, th it, after live minutes' conversation with G:inT Taylor, has dared to propone or even hint at, anything dishonest or mean. And no in- 'tercour.-ie in the ordinary events of common life can give a true .idea of the loftiness of his character. I re .iicrnbt-r your asking me,' at the time he was v put in command at Corpus Christ,' whether he was oqual to the circumstances. I ta!d you of his eon nl judgment and inexhaustible energy as I had learned them in Florida, but I did not thoncotitnate properly the other and higher points of his cliarac icr. In the campaign on the Rio Grande, I saw him tried under ail circumstances, an i he always, cama out pure gold. , Hid profession thatLe will be the candidate, of j h jtarly will, if he be elected, be "carried out in his" practice, not tiiat lus opinions on matters of poh cy may nnt ?nost oi -'. to act m inageinen' inftan, A with the opportunity to display his character., -you ee at once that it was-&rtim.ited properly, and I coma back to the truth of the proposition! started with, that 1 believj tlie pjople will always proper- . ly inea8iireJ(-rr"Miien. ' '-. I do not ay tliey will always reward them pro perly, for lltey c.iunotahvjya givea direct expres sion to thoir feelings, , and tlu least worthy may hxve the vote without;having the wish. - ' Tiere has a great error been committed in rela tion to Gen. Suutt :, no military operations in his ,try havvi displayed more military 'qualities or been 'more uniformly successful in their , results. Nor Iuve they been in any caap the result of chance; every tliinj has .been done in conformity with a plan, find ihe event in all casesias. "been almost jrodicted. That a successful Treneral ' should be .degraded in fie very scene of success,! for coih pUiuta mad? not of him but by him is exceeding strange, and most unfortunate-. Every one in the army feels it as a disgrace. . I Your sincere friend. I I--- ' ' I'KilSIFER F,;SSlITII. v HISTORICAL TRUTH VINDICATED. : Col. Cass was attached to the army under Gen eral Hull at the ' time of iU disgrace l'nl and disas trious surrender -and the" only act of heroic valor claimed for him by -hjs political friends, is a des perate charge upon a slwnp. ' General Hull, in his official despatch, gave asja reason for the cowardly surrender among others, 'that as his army was out of provisions, surrounded by Indians, and a superior British force, the only al ternative, was capitulation or starvation and slaugh tpr. After the surrender," Col. Cas hastened to Washington,, prepared and published- a letter throw ing the, whole blame upon General Hull.; In this cclebrite'd letter Col. Cass says : !. 1 . ; VThe stato of oui provisions has not been gene tally understood. On1 Uie day of surrender we had iaitj nv.v.owv. .. w -15 days provisions of every kind ouhan l. Of meat there was plenty in the coivntry, and arrangements . had been made for purchasing and grinding Flour. I It was calculated we could readily procure three i -months - provisions, independent of 150 .barrels 6f J Hour ana i,ou ueau ui eauiu, uaiu ji.iu ul-j tuit warded from Ohio, and which remained at the riv vr Raisin, under Capt. Brush, within reach of tlie tinny." ; This was the 'statement after the surreh i der, now we wish to call attention to Col. CassTs .statement before only ; days before the sur render. In a letter to his brother in law, Willis Silljman, August 13th, t'ul Cass says; : . j : '-Our situation is becoming critical, i If tilings -. get worse, you will hive a letter fiom mo, giving a particular account of this business. Ba'd asyiiu .. . '.i f .-,-.. i ti, may uiiiih. uut aiiiiaLiwn, , o.ii iav tnuiK our suuauon, u is stui v.urj iitn ou f UMieve. . I cannot descend into particulars, lest 1 this 8honlJ -Tall ilito the .hands of tho enemy." j Again ia another letter to Gov. 'Meigs, of the; aame date, ne says: .The letter of the Secretary ot Wari. to you,i a conv of which 1 have seen, authorises vou to pre- B?rve and keep open the cominunication from tie( ! UT K,lys'- ! . . w d"uu'-1 Y11? "n : sur.vivp.. thank h;ivnnnn..l nnimatM t'iA Whl,,, ' nntmnn nrf ,!;,ilv .ilrinrf. fm! osr r injse iw, is u itiiu ji- 13 nut we ram i ,.r ,1. . I v . . . ...... adverse to his own opinions : but 116 uartv I i i". -Ti' . , j cry subscription as an additional incenuve t or power can ever load linn todoa '.. r. v' ' ; .-i i 1 v . ' uustnous exertion. At tlie same tune, we . or waat he Ihuirfs a wrontr, thinsf. ! 11 v...:i- r- . .v...; '.1- !ono tali in or in. nnd lisro r.T.r.tv mom on our OOUaWi:. AilVlur was iwmsu.u UV CUMUS Wil.nnl l'm,M,n .n,l It ,..no --f.J K - Zt f : f..r nil nr,l.rc that r.v.,r ho n-,t , n.l cn ,r, . . . -. , I uui Jiiuu il.uiuiui vvJlVflHUUI, rVIIUUiciliUil UIU o ' I J State of Ohio to Detroit. It is all important-that ; -ico, wnere the surcharged clouds, ot war wr:e tt slumld be kept open. O.ir very exL:teni.. dje;uls ! brooding. We have not time to recount his suc ii ran i I. 0:iir supplies must come fro:ni our iState I- cessive battlefield., or track his brilliant career. Oaio.) Tats cozifry aitcs n.a Jitr.usn !nj'.-r.. ihU ttxistlmr stale.' tuiihiniT but a larce force of; 2,0 men at feast, will affect the'objeot.-" ; him, and his .deeds are fresh1 and vivid in their .-. This was t'lvQpinion of Col. Cass :; dtp lie- j memories. Too deafjuing was -th-? roar of this fere he surrendered. 'A . gft? tlicn seemed -.inoyi- : brief fctenn 'of war, too thick was the smoke, too t vble," and tha -heroic CV.o.kI was cither so frih-' dark the peril, too deadly the fight, to let our peo teneias to magnify their "critical- -ii.'K'f.vH,"cr pie think calmly of - tiio man. who was tlie leader vho. he forot: all about it wliju t'ne danger w$re ; and hero of our pcrilld arinv. But alter the war .7 - ' 1 . i ll . TI -tr-. .i 1 viv-t ' ". ; ii . Puurd-tys b-rr.: ,5 t'ne capitulation, hi-i situation al so "had,' tint! hi dare nat Tud. become critical puticuhri-o, Ie3j tho enemy niight jirvptt out. lie fm:n Ohio.-aa.4-iAw omUrn d-v$ n;! fiirsthh thvs',.- nhtl ronummicatiorrmiist be k nt oneh 'io;;:t S' - ,kv EX.isTENC'n BE'rESPS vi ox ir," anl; not Lss th in o utrt'r.un,fnitrl n'.,-t it Knw ii'thit H-i-r. ii, t trti?," then 'Col. Cass must have been "pro h-ioa-slv friirhLMie.1 " and if it were true, how can it be ire Vonc'ded with his letter after the surrender, or' with his test hnonv on tne trial "-ol troneral liu!l, when ' he ftnted "that tlie situation of th-4irniv in res- pect to provisiou was a suliject . of-frerjuent cpn- vcraations between General Hull and the officer-- lliat he never kne;c or vnderstotI that th-: ann'y -i-js i er Id; GENERAL CASS AND THE VOLUNTEERS Tho following facts are stated in a : letto - cL'. ;fcrgeant William Gracfi', Jr.. of the corp.? of Artil lerikts of th?' Pcnnylv.nna Volunteers. Tlie let ter ia datee" "San Angels, Mexico, April i0..1Si$.'" and is piMis'1 in the Reading (Pa.) Jo irhal. AVc extract all that relates to this subject, as fil lows , " : i 'tNow let me tell .jao how Senator Cass was treated by the volunteers. Vou will recollect ; t'a.it we, (or the volunteer. w?re mtisero,f urjier the act of ol ay, 'id. by which wcarolb ved . per month far elotlusg. and in a circ'd ir d ted August 7th, '47. ve were ngain assured o r reiv ing the sami iy.il a rectus tnat Mri Ca, ii gothl e'conotii'c ii he;r:. o.T r 'd a hill to "the vo!unt.i.-c to iM-Jlywfhed'ia kir.d; !:;c jsj.n rates areoruinjf 'to, grade w provided fcr'thf ,'" trooiwin tha-reukr anny.' Thus votAW h- , has reducour'pay for "clothing 'from 3 50 to ; S2 SOv-i-This, Iappcae, i3 the coraiH iaticn we , get for lighting our way taJtheXapital. .A? roon: -as- tsie 1st rennsviramins r&uuvea nowa tJiat thisartrtbniha4p3S.' exievld a ror acrost 'fke main rcfrd hading to the efty of ?,lexlc and nr.cff-'Ernc r rooa I-.vxs Cass ! Some cf the officers touchct! by their pontics, ordered it to i Ikj cut down,-bat the boys liad him in r'tjU jxtsi- lion again, soon afiqr, where hie huni tiH evening j u-hn he wis taken down. &nllJrmeJio the flames." 1 Th? Journal in y uLlishfng the lettt-r says : ! tsSerg?ant Graeff is a citizen of Reading, well : known to every man in Ihh community, who was j amon?r the first to volunteer for thp u-iir. nnH h done good service ever since. If any one deubts that tneit Iter is eenuius lie can seethe hrvnn by calling at this office.' ! f i ChinnnAii Atlas. ALL RiGHT." Till: CONTRAST. Witnot Proviso Repudiated bv ike- Whirr Can. I - . . What widths Iocoforos eny now they who ! have all along contended, against lijht and know!- j cJgc and m utter ccntemj.t of tfuth, that Proviso ;:a was chiefly confined to the Vir party ! Who are now tlu friends cf the South ? AHs for De TheW hiffs of the Union havo n-.f t nnil decided tiiie tnonienton qaestion they have re- ! Tl.... I !.!! t J- .' ' ii.vv ujjiirar.iiy rtiusea to give it counte- ' nance ! They have rejected it by a drcided and overwhelming majority ! " 1 j A Resolution was introduced into the Whig Na- ! tional Convention, refcoamizlncr and adootintr thr1 I Wilmot Proviso, but it was .rejected almost unani-'' mousiy, without discussxn. It was treated Rs a I stranger a3 a thir.g "entirely out of r,b.rP Tho- i only wonder is, how it came there being as it is, a bantling of Ixcofoco paternity. The Ahsg was generated and warmed into life by the Democracy nurtured and sustained by its natural parent, and of course, possessed no affinity with Whigisra, i 21 G to 3G. This vote was a fatal blow to South ern rights sdr f:ir as Iocofocoism is concerned. The-Democratic Cnnvpiitinn h:is vrfuti-.l in r.-iot the Proviso by an bverwhehniiiff majority, and the ! L Whig Convention has rejected it by a majority, ; equally as decided. . It would seem that these votes on a question of j such vital interest to the South, . and to the whole ; l.a.ion, would awaken the Southas to the real po- ; SltlOll Of Tl!irtl(s ht flllk' Ilia tVia Win., mrlu Jr. Convention, recognized the rights Of the South." but they have selected a Southern man as their candi- ! ani consefjueniiy, u was nootoa out t!ie Convention, f winch payment is made . .....aiuuic ui oouin upon - rection. Our friends w this noje-:ns":Mrin. event. J he same i i?ral sr.irlf : . . . r.t . -.: c i -A. ; ot the naper as a suf " I "which warmed the loso:ns cf t!in Whirrn nf P7fi i ti..- t w ... . J 1 1. now i'r ma contrast, jl is Known 10 our rnnr- : , . . .. . ; date arid standard-bearer; a man who was born vices, of Mr. S. M. Puestos, recently of this City, in the South and whose interest is, and ever has ad . added a Mathematical and Military Depart heen in the South, but whose patriotism is co-ex- T .. . ,xr , , , c -i-ini.i.. sii. it: nr.ii ment to the Institute. We have tne pleasure of """'' ' uiuvu. ji an uuehiious. pertain- ing to civil polity tlie slavery question is, to the ,South, by far, the most imjortant. No one can ! doubt the soundness of the Whig candidate in re- i ?aJd t0lT sub' lh.e ther hand no one of I noi more in.n ordinary credulity can repose any : confidence in the Democratic nominee or the Con- vention which selected him. The whole history ot tne man, including the Convention that nominated i him, goes to show that he has .no sympathy for Southern rights and interest. - Macon (Ala.) Re pub. A correspondent of the Philadelphia North Am- encan eraWs the lollowinrr parallel between Gen. I Cass and Lodru Rollin. However severe, the cari- ; cat are of Cass in Ids Senatorial .capacity is not undeserved : The parallel between Gen. Cass and Ledru Rol lin is a striking one. They have both a common object to achieve, and they have both employed the j s ime m.ms to promote t'aoir success. On all the ! great question.? of peace and war, Gen. Cass has j been signalized above all others, by his radical, ; peerless and rallant achievements in t:ie held. 1.' 1 T 1 - .111' i sn!itprrannnTi limn immiUm. Tf list; nnrlv tpnnpd one stop, he advanced'tvvo, in order to keep the one t-iop, no auvanceu ivvo, lead anJ to fa8ten"-upon him followers, as the pioneer in roag experiment. With a 1 self tlie attention of his every wild and dange- pvr.orimonr. Wi n n hn ii :inn ree.K ess hand til 1 11;. l 1 n.i w;,h-3 fl-.in-r hlado. he hns strn-k at tho peace and prosperity of the . country, careless of consequences and only desiring to mount afhigh er round on the ladder of ambition. Ihe same' impulses directed each of these men, and while i kollin was willing to spill the blood of L' ranee in j civil war, Cass was ready to risk the safety of his , country on the desperate hazard ot personal poh- tics, and to invoke foreign war as an element to ct lac 1 resiuon. ior me uisgiacciiu ana mi- sideration ot our Democratic InentisJ as very cn accomrdisli Jiis ends.. The difference between them," ' chievous" publication cf the Gaines IcUer. To vfiirhtcnintr and cbnsolinsr to their nartv, and icon- is that wiii.di makes the distinction between tlie two countries. Though Cass may beconsidercd as the prototype of ltoiiin, yet Rollin has the first trial before tlie people and has received the first verdict ot condemnation. It -is to ho seen' whether, for the same sufiicicnt reason?, the American peo- : pievwifl no-, following this wholesome example, : repudiate the Am rican Jacobin. General Taylor was sent into Texas, h into Mcx- ; Alto, Uoi: la Pain:?. Monterey, Buena Vista tne hearts cf ah our, people marched with ctomls had. spent ineir lury at liucna. ista. and I the legiuivs of Santa Anna tied away like scattered i clouds after a storm, leaving the clear sunshine of ; li.aven.upon t:ie scene, ah hearts rushed to tuat old in in, an l, thronging around him, the people studi- . cd wita ituVin?o interest every movement ot ms bo- ! dy, mind, and ii'ea rt. ' j And how well' have we learnt the dear old man. j : Tha plain old Soldier, without no:no or ostentation, i with the n-rve anl (;Ugment of a viari, but yet the heart an 1 soft feelings of a cYtld ! His very i person we kn,r,v--s:o-it, thick set, anl bulky--the ' picture o; suaphcity, traminos., ana gaot. uenng. t And a roo! oM.nian is he ! Liuio children world " .... . ...v. .....v.. -? i unili their b in Is to see him in his country's form, and, encouraged by his friendly smile and Iping arm, woalj clamber up to see the "eagles' t . r t ttO'.is ana ?.ie siii-mnjf iro.n o f h The i verv dorrs won .! rrow.l firnu'i.l in feM ari:I never fear a kick: and "old Whitev,' weal! Jb--ir i the favorite ok! char; or moves with a pricked car an i a qmc step w.'ra he heirs, the fficndlv sonn-l of his Inaster's voice I Ken'itc-;y Common w:a!:k. -, , The. I)iot"ecj p-e?sc3 a vl orators ccntinne .- t!!". l.i ;t, i f .- 'ie I "rrrvn.-.l trsrs" over ir Cy. It reanres.?io:ne forbearance ( savs the Al r-xin lri i (i.2':te)'to see tliis with patience. But do thv think th.w deceive -ny 'jotlyly tiieir by-r.ocritic-il r.tet: ne t.f admiruin for Mr. Clav ? Why. iihe t:d U-ea-fci? V:ug canuJate, .there i not coc of U-ise; syarpatbizcrs' who was net r-adv to c'fttnmn e th" work 'of abuse which thev. li-.v-e heapel hi !r.Mff ever s'n.v 1 ''.'; ; KOhTIF C ROT IV TTYF WJvlU AiUl,lAA , i 13U. SlTlUDAlVJltr 1, 1818. We grek a pure, hoaest, and indepriiJent Gotern r.i ; an AJnzia'uilraiiou which will carefully abstain an exercising inters confided Iff the Constitution I1: an Administration which will carefully abstain ro' trcitng-jic.r conpaea uyiM onniixuon . ; to Congress; and which will use "t Veto only in the extreme ca.tet contemplated by the founder of Ire Kepu'ilic ; which will act for the Istmntry, and not for Parly ; and place it J cot at once Aid immutably upon the odiQtii yiem of diftribtrtn the Ofii'-es f tie Government ainouz partizaa advocate., a, a ucceitul VSiepain dvrirg the "Spoils" of Batth f cmorz his victarhu retainer. FO?. PRESIDENT, GEX'L. ZACIIAftY TAYLOR, OF LOUISIANA. POR VICE PRESIDENT, 1 MILLARD FILLMORE, OF NEW,-YORK. FOR GOVERNOR, rTt 11 J n vi "V C T1 ' vH AKL.kfc. ivlAiN Lj 1 , Ol ItalClffll. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. The receipt of all money for the Times is con- sidered ps acknowledged, when the papers for are sent according to di- -i II consider their reception cent voucher on our part. We tender our heartfoU thinks for the gratifying isider ev- to in- are not ! books , pply the i back numbers as long as any remain on hand. ! . Sujp6rt' your own causo wall, Whigs of North rolinakand we'll wage the Camjuigo vigorous- ly for you. . FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Wejearn that the Trustees of this Institution, wlic;-. is situated at Cedar Rock, in Franklin ' 'Couvy " addition tathe Classic! instructor, Mr. D. S. Richardson, have lately engaged the ser , an acquaintance with both these gentlemen, and ! anticipate much success, and.an enviable reputa- ticn'for the School under their ioint charge: and ' feel entitled to congratulate the citizens of Frank- 1 , l . , 1,n c9u"fy upon the opportunity thus afforded them oft sending their sons and wards to this excellent Institute. ; ? A NEW ALLY. The Editor of the Standard, in his last paper, publishes "all? General Tavlor's letters a favor t() the Wjiff part as agTeeaUe as unexpected. .,,1 . : ., ,, e nopeie wi.i stercoiype rnem, ana weep , wi on lirst Pa8e a!1 Uie whnc so mat ins uemo- cratic readers may see, ponder, and inwardly di gest, thJe lofty and patriotic sentiments of the ex traotdinary man. to whom ,the favor and affection il l 'l t . , 1 -w 1 ii o i-(i-Ti ttmcA UI l Yl' ' truly noble, modest,, and able letters, as for his But will our friend of the Standard pardon us for suggesting that he did publish qxnls "all ! . There is one icUer of General Taylor, (which he principles when a boy cf 17 he had repaired to country and faithful to the" Constitution. -Co.n-no doubt forgot, but which, of course, we shall ex- : the frontier unaided anl unfriended, and had! not j parjd with him, your little- ietty Polks and Van pect to see in the Standard next week,) net in- 'dreamt, nor hid any body else, that he would ever : Burcns, and the like, all birds'" of prey, and nothing eluded in this collection, which we arc anxious the I be called to tho high station he now occupied-i-he else, dwiiidb into utter insignificance unfit ip be public, our Democratic friends particularly, should I was most tlianklidfor the manner in winch hejhad mentioned in the same day with the Hvo of Buena see ; and that is that scorching reply to Mr. Marcy, j dated "Ao-ua Ne.eva, March 3, 1847," in answer to j thft n:, from th, Scretarv convevin- tlie "censure" ! , ' ' , ,. J ., . bring it to cur-friend's reccilcctkn fully, so that he j may easily find it for publicalion. we quote i:s la.it j paragraph: ! "In conclusion, I would say that it has given mc great pain to bo brought into tho position in which 'i 1 now find myself with- regard to the Department; of AVar and tlie Government. It has not been of my own seeking. To the extent of. rnv abil.lv; and the means placed'at my di?jHiP3l, l"hae sought faithfully to serve the Country., bv carrying out the i wish.es and instructions oi" the Executive. But it i c.-.nact be concealed that, since the Capitui:ttion of i Monterey, the confidence of the Department (and ; I too much fear of the President.) has been gradu- ' al!v withdrawn, and my consideration and useful- j ness correspondingly diminished, the apparent determination ot tut iitr.t to place me in an ; attitude anUgonifticai to Lie Government, has. an v.,l illustration in the well known Fable of JEsop. j But I ask no favor and I shrink from no responsi- j b'ility. While entrusted with the command in this j uuaitrr. I saal continue to uevcte an mv c-ner;:uf mailer, I snail continue to devote aJl-my c-ner : to the public gooil,. looking lor my ncv.-a.rd to the . consciousness of pure motives, and the final verdict : ul impartial history SOLDIERS COMING ! SOLDIERS COMING! ; We hail, vith pleasure, the expected return cf j our soldiers from Mexico. They are the men who wiil go to work ab!y and ehectiveJy tor Ol i r"., 1 ..ICtv the soldiers friend. There's not a soldier who cvcr servej under him, but what loves him ! a ii fp.thrr. nud will f-ive his vote as well as his . , . . ,T.I rr-. v. . .11 1 tmence to via ivougn ana ivcau. xuvywat .en, not only of his daring and wonderful exploit?, but ; Df his kindness and humanity to his mem, and of to : theni all, no matter what their rank and st.u.on, Their language wih bo eloquent in his pjrais e and touching in its lone, as tliey point to h.ir rear?. and tell on what fields they fought successfully un- der Old Kac!iary Taylor. The epauletted jopiu jayi commissioned by Mr. Polk may not think so much cf plain Old Don Zack. Perhaps they are . - ' rizht he would never ruurd a:iv man, save l v the standard of ,i.:ri' snd v.e bona v 'm?v re the standard of ii.:vitt s i tarn Ibcof.ce? still. S-cATon Do'-"ji.as. "i'h in New Orleans a f -.v d , coring i-pe?cjii-s, ex-oimi ' . ct. :n- i: - n -.Tan T?t f; C. ' ; rAS,3bA.5nriTFOIl!.r.' nVhU ay?. .. lis tsvuas to chtx far sosoa TheYxcillty Willi which Irr?; Democratic -!Co:n!- thing, and " goes it U'.:d r We Uiiuk'Le Is the nec tlmnys his own princies, and a$ojsho?e1 Cat of hU race. His Uol was mi represented ia prescribed for hita. Is not the least remarkably trait jibe Coavei.tjcHi at ILIifas. And, even at tlie prt m hJ accoraTnodatiEg aud veladile ciaracter He j sent 4a t! Crow Creek settlement wtnld neTcr his hcrrtofore been a fa?t frienJ of Internal Ira-! penJtuch a man as he is to a Conceatiun to model pfovcaieats Ly the General CcMcmmest; Kivtr and I ""' ii.uvwnvittcspBciaiij ; anc.cui ox roany, we here produce two noted instances to prove it, wu:ca wo nave ventied by ins reccrJ : The first Harbor and River bill, since Cass's , election to the ' Senate, was introduced into the I liaise on tlie 31st of December, 1815, and pa-j.xl ; a first and second reading. On the 20th of March Jbllowmg, it finally parsed, acdjon tV 24th c$ July passed tlie Senate, Ga. Cass voting in the affra- j ua uic i oi .august tne i '.resident returned ; U to thcHoase of Representatives not 8ena in which it originated, with his objections: after Wing discussed, the! vole was taken on its postage. V nil resulted ayes 68, noes 55. There not heingjfwo- I Tiii&us it necer weid to the Senate, consequently j Gen. Cass had no chance to vote against itf The ether Harbor bi'J vetoed' by President Pclk. i was introduced nto the IIouseUf Representatives j on the 23d of December, 184G, and-passed that body j on the 20th of February following. It passed the j Senate, Gen. Cass voting rji tue Ai-nniiATitE, on ! the last day of tlie fission, the 3d of March. ' Soon after the commencement of the present session of Congress, the President returned it with1 objections to the House cfRepreseutitives, where it origina ted. And as it did net pass that body by two-thirds, the Senate was net called upen to act tipen it. Now, all this is plain enough, and these n otes are signiiicant 'enough. A person would think that Gen. Cass had some opinions, and a ctedi upon some principles, in these uniform votes, and that people would know where to find him. ' But, the Baltimore. Convention, in its wisdom, adopted the following resolution ;;and General Cass, in his letter of acceptance endorses it, with all the rest: ditm3tricai!?y opposed, as. tin reader will see, to the Candidate's former course, and expressed opinion - , and recorded votes, o:i the suljpct of In- ternal Improvements : "2"s-vrs7, That the Constitution does not ; con fer upon the General Government the power to ; commence 'and carry on a general system 1" in ternal improvements. In this resolution the Convention requi reef their Nominee once more to "hop the twig," and he hops it accordingly repudiating his former opinions, without any ceremony at all, as it seems to Us at the South ; and yet, strange to say, he is supported in the Northwestern States, and in Ohio particu larly, as the firm and fast friend cf River and Har bor improvements these very votes being produced as the testimony, though, as we have shown,-; pro fessedly abandoned and repudiated, by Mr. Cass, Brt mnv n nonnr . - ,r1 an oru&' m PAPor; But ,as last 1la!f"r on tne- subject of slavery and Internil Improvements is both "rich and rare," alld was promulgated at Cleveland, Ohio, oh his j recent arrival at that place in his way home. Judge Wood, who was appointed to welcome, Gen. Cass, in behalf of the -democracy, toll the j great nominee that he had been misrepresent! he had been charged with hostility to the doclrine j of internal imnrnvpinpnta in tlio trw-if wpstorn i.L-oe ! and rivers by the General Government ; hd had been charged with opposition to the doctrines o-f the Wilmot Proviso and fce was happy that the dis tinguished nominee of the great democratic party was there present, to speak to the people ibr him self upon the.se important matters. In renlv. Gen. Cass expressed his fears that he -! would not be able to make himself understood tipcn the great questions alluded to, by the vast multitude j before him he hoped they had all read his letter accepting tlie nomination of the Baltimore Conjvcn' tion it contained his last declaration of political been received and honored and he bid them all an uffc'ioiito-aeieu ' -l v th.u PJ,'r.Atn urrW,:X '.v.-, - - -j- r- r t.uiiiug, "as clear as mud," the last ex pop of; "wheel about and turn about" principles with which j they may expect to bo favored. ' We do r.ot wonder that the "h;,Tu ttitien' wh.ch .Mr Cass "occupied' . ... m m- . was embarrassing to the last degree, and that' "a f fectionate adieu !'" is about the coolest thing wo have come acros-i during this long spoil ot bet weather. lie (-xpVcsicd "his fears Aiiat he tfould not bo able to n.uke himself -understood ui ch the great ip.ies lions alluded to," and he drops the "f-ub-jjet with great ease and the' utnast sang froid, signally disappointing Judge Wood, as well afe the i ""great democratic party,' then and there assembled. Cool -decidedly ! "political prii.c'.4ee," indeed i IIS a more like the Frenchman's Itea "when' you ! put your finger on him .V-'s iu d ir .'" " FREE SUFFRAGE." w iave before Sj.okcn of tlie opprobrium, cast j ; UP i tne lramcrs of our !Uie Lo;ijt:'.utiOn,' our wise, urave a:ia; no.vj-: i u:iei oy i toi? v. ao ia. ur the tearing' dovn of the guard and checks they have rro.-iJed ar;tinst oppressive hurjjni being hr.pbsed by cic class of the. people . . ujon another.. A writer in tib last Favc-tleville C. '.vho.- ancc.-U-rs could, har.ily have Uen Wiiigs in the Revolution, sr.d who thank God ! is evidendy no Wiii- himse'O has ablest exhausted' tho vocabula- rv in giving oujous ;uiu i.bus.ve names to t:ie pro- i er. nnaiificatii n : and "cf-urs?,--brands its iramers With aii ttie er-a.ti whicn iie so iibc-r.illy showers upfintho' j. ro Isitu th.e-y adopted Ilecaii, it a "federal humbug a a j.ropjrty ep.iai.fication, v. ...-.-T-.ZT.. It- "a federal svit-i.n -ot :u.:-.v.iy savs. whoever snn-wrts ii is "a teder. t at h .rt. and is utterly ntiwerthy the support of a free pet pic, because hf is an exclusive prl. i'ege H-in. '- He calls it the ;"feiieri feature,- and sxvs v-.-JL r.e mark-? of that lr?ast. federalism, is tu! seen :j tire face" cf &ar CnAtitction. "iot u no tingerj-t says miassemhlv of men t j make laws Tor u J Ly which we the people c.-..::dt ecu- i "i Kh-r i.s cit ir. irit woat cm he) .a-.Viru a Constitaicn He evidently lisows more about u.e "Jacfiass," to which he aUmfesy llian he does ! about the Constitution of h!s Slate an.t regard . ot ownjasitly osght to nane Lira to attend t Lis Lome nsatters, lus .VW.-yJ ami hi, ijnJi. BARNBURNERS r.. LOCOFOCOS. Tli? IhrsbcniiTS nf VnrV ta i i'iit ImoIt.? Jul cf tl:e traccs pf the -harmonious Dccticyr ktly, at their Convention at Utica. noulna- ted Maniu an Buren for President, and iknator Dodge, of Wisconsin, fwr Yicc President ilr,4 Ritchi". cf tlie Wushingtoa Union is standing on his head about it- -and all the '-harmonious" are in a peek of trouble. The excitement has not reached Nash and Edgecombe, yet, that "we knew of, bat when it does, we have no doubt we shall hear of great " indignation" meetings being held in these "unterriued' counties. If has reached Wake, though, land thrown the Ed tor cf the Standard into parciysms. Hear how he exclaims over it : "flow fearfully and ruinous ly have disap'pointment and mad amh'tion wrought upon the minds and upon tlie heaits of Martin Van Buren and Henry Clay ! But Mr, Van Buren will sink alone. His mere word and will cannot se riously affect the Republican patty." Granted. His mere word and will cannot. But tlie word and will of all the Barnburners can seriously npset Lewis Cass, dud lose him, to say no mere, the vote of New York. The Standard was very officious, last week, in declaring that the Whig party was "rapidly dis solving." We thought, at the time, it had better lock at home and sure enough, out pops little Martin, down goes Jim Crow Cass and the party, so far as New York is concerned, is "rapidly dis solving.". Martin means to ruin, if h can't rule, and he digs it into Cass, under his fifth rib, with as little remorse, as "tho party" lunged away at Mar tin, when they put up Polk. wThus even-handed justice doth commend tlie ingredients of their poisoned chalice to their own lips." In all this, bowever, the people have one consolation that "when rogues fall out, honest men may get their own." Their "principles," about which they cant so much, being nothing else than the "five loaves 1 and the two fishes," they have disagreed among themselves, and gone to quarrelling,' about who shall have them. This gives tlie jjcople to whom these "loaves and fishes" belong, a fair chance to take the distribution cf them into their own hands and accordisgly, they have put up a Captain who always gets the victory and "never surrenders" to rcut both wiugs of the corrupt party, and take the administration into his own pure and honest hands. General Taylor Us " Ready to undertake any service the people may .demand from him. "He fears no danger, and shrinks from no responsibility ," when duty calls. If tho people uWire it, he feels bound to serve them, and in doing so, ho will be "the President ofthe nation, and not the head of a DartV." ThlS is tllC VCryhinS We Want. We have been cursed and ridden tpdeaCi by politicians I who trade with the people's otljiceB, sport with our I lives and waste our treasure, tcj carry out their own selfish ends. Old Zack is unteammelled, aul will give no pledges, except honestly .to administer the, government, and follow in the &otsteps-of Wash- mgtoa. . tins is p!e.!go enough, and should re- commend him higher thm anyrthin olse can, to tlie love and affection, of the' American people a brave, iron-hearted, victorious soldier, who woulu. nt be overcome by banta Anna, nor by l'olk and Marcy, and who dared to be honest, true to his Vista. Ihe sooner we arj clear ot them the Letter, DEMOCRATIC ELECTOR. We learn ''from the Standard of Wednesday, that Perrin Busbee, Esq. 6f this City, has been ap- pointed the Democratic Elector for this District ; : that he has accepted the nomination; and will enter , , . ..' Ty1t1 wl the proper time upon a thorough canva$3 ol the wl the proper' time upon a thorough canv; District.. This "proper 7i.W-' is-ratheiuhcertain, j the reason so satisfactory to thotfe Southern Dem and we have no doubt, it will puzzle the "unterri- I ocrats so gifted with a geneTcus confidence thkt fiC-d '""aceuratelv to fix it. By way of aiJinjr thein. i the new territories in Mexico ara of such a mixed we take liberty to suggest, that it probably means ' (he ii fiO. th may escape the c;icuss.( n-of t-at new tiicovery ;the five snfTragCj to w"!.is.h, if is n ported, he isJ by no means friendly. If it should be rrpTied that an Elector for President U imder no obbgaticn to discuss 'matters appertaining to Suto politics, we answer that the Democratic party has" brought w'p I the issue as a Democratic principle, .and . no man ; ! who e::pccts' cfifcc in the State hp s any right to j shirk it. All the pru5Cip.es cf "i.ie ? arty tlie fAczXaz is bound to defend, and u.usl b? called ou to defend, Lefore the people l and what will he said ; of Mr. Busbee, if ho desires to e-cn;e fn.;a any cf cf issue up, or that he vAil-zh his evn arty does r.-t go the i, and ccjij.-equctitly ; has no t xv.:. s upon i..e coni-iencc Oi io j arty. Nation il. politic enter largely into our State dis-cu--i' ns, c vc ;y whtre, and why should net our Meeuiiar' i-.suea bear Upon the. Presidential can- vasi ai.J !.n'"L ? Th y alwayi have thy always must- Mr. Busbee will bo caiied on fur hia opinions ;er, and with- e the pec- r '. 1 ' w.t.;out ccncealme, out di?g;-:lrei and ary u. m frag, s s.ij.: t : The jxt'ple ehraand to know them, ' whv ars.eH Lefore thcin for tht-ir suf- i .... . - . . ! , :'j.it. xiy.y are maKing too mucji i 1 XI I parac'j.evcr l;t :r priplr. to ua a.taweu to give Lie g-ly, inii oiou!y, tit any of thrin. IaX t'.:m ir.a' - . 7 . T III . 1 t;i p-rotr si tiiey ire v.i.I.r.g to oo. We observe that our CwUfitv Candiuitvs cc: rr.er.C 2 t!;e csnvas -'n the fetii of Juiv. Why doc Mr. Bbee wUh U put us a m-!! jrrtcantr-very ! Extf-c: of a iiCth Jane tkk-t i t v jr v, r J 7.' R OW.tT ti Jtei:i:t5 - w w. "TiiS XOHTHF.RN MAN WITH SOC'SllilliS 3Ir. "an C:iren wai so called, in times past Hs wai als exiled tlte natural ally of tlie SoVth." j His late letter to tfio Utica Convention,' and hi iKxuination for the Presidency Ly tho Birnbura r r and AhohUcjn3tt,"K?d. na to seme grave rejec tions. How much sincerity Is there in thosagentle uien in the non-slaveho!ding StaUs wire prelsnj to be natural allies to th Scntli tl.xrot;gLly im bued with Southern principles ? We believe thiit tho well-informed gentlemen of all jwraes at the! North artf opfwse to nKsJcrinjthralaTerf at it exists in fit All ere witHng to stand bVih" Ccnrtitntional compromised l But how is it as regard Uic farSsrTxL'iision of Slavery int the Tcrritcric now owntsl, cr which may. hcrVaftef bo acquired ! by our Government ? We have lomr belicred. and believe r.ow, that there is hot natii-a cltiten re- siding in tho Free States who,,' truly in hia, heart, desires the extension of Slavery. I They univer sally deem slavery an en7, tyhich, if it cannot bo rejroved, ought net to be mcrrased; and they know that there is a confiic off nteress and pow er between the slavo and th? jfroe States, atil that their comparative strength would" W prociotej by keeping slavery within its present bounds. Their idea ifT.hol 'morality cf the thm, as wrett6 conviction of interest, would&f themselves, rendur it probable that we have not mis-stated their views. Much observation, and on extensive acquaintance with .Uialt section cf our common " country hate confirmed our conclusion. ' I law does it happen, then, it may be asketl, that sometvorthrrn men talk and vote to liberally toward the South ? We answer that they are acensed at home bf being dough-faces, and of truckling dis honestly to the slavet power, to accompliah some present supposed advantage. "Maclijs done, by way of conceesion knd compromise on ou towards bringing out this display of generosity on the part of our Norihern brethren. For instance. Members from tho South, in tho Baltimore Con vention, would nbTvetedown tho Wihnot, Proviso, and gave hS-ajnagnanirnuTjpin considera tion that NorthernDeTnocrts, in a "body, would ' liberal!!; agree that they uldnoTwkdi to disturb slavery in the Stales! and talked eweetly about opposing "initiatory stcps&c. which could to adroitly bo confined by the Northern "men to slave ry m the" States, and by Uie Southern men extend- ed to cover the States and Territories! Very clever canoodling, this J dignified with tho toft - names of "concession and compromisd"wh!chf can accomplish such man-els in rolling on jointly the great Democratic Ball.j Thase Noithtrn Dem- ocrats, who have succeeded best in this game, know exactly how much to talk, and how far to vote, to find a soft place in the hearts of the Dc mocracy of tho generewfeniifiding South. IT Van Buren, by his skilful palavering, accomplil cd his purpose, oh, how he loved tho South! fc' heartily he hugged us niggers and all ! Tlx he was a Northern man 4nit then -(and he 1c;. cd, and laid his hand gently on his heart,) -he had "Southern principleiii" True,: he Vailed w from the great Empire State- but then (and ha stroked bis chin,) lie wai the -natural Uy of th South.' ;, The outh itw f5W5Tttwf eoafldtTig DC mocracy of -'the sunny South, swallowed the "soft sodder," and made him President. He has nothing further to ask cf Southern Democracy and where is he'nowj Look at hi cloven foot. But lie ia now where he always has bccnhe hau onl dofied his mas.k. The South , took him, and tboaj who talked like him, witli "a gencrou coniUence, as Governor Reid expressed it ; and, in return, he laughs at their simplicity and Foftncas. But will our Southern friends profit by the lea sou ? Are they so verdant that they do not under stand that- General Cajs. is, bunglingly enough surely, playing precisely the same game? How long is it since lie was in favor of Uie Lake and River improvements? How ii he -now? Ah, there is so much noise and confusion around him that he does not quite know himself if hedoea ha wont tell. ; ' How long is it. since ho wanted to vote in th Senate fur the Wihnot Proviso, if old John Davit had not prevented it by talking against time How i-i he now ? .Why, he docs not like tlie Wilr mot Proviso, but leaves it to the people of the Tt4 ritories to decide for themselves ths question of eiavery. Ana what reason c;oce ne give &y, Alt. 1 IZ FL and mongrel breed, that itinj themselves wiU not tolerate slavery. . Jo thai, by his own showing, lie takes that course t'.wt will mopt certainly prevent the extension cf slavery ; anl South era Democra cy ha'h him as "the Northern man with .Southeri jinc'j)les ! " . We w onder if ci'.r friend? are quite sati$5ed with, the reason General Cass gives fcr leaving slavery V to the people of the Tcrritoriea. .Vhcii fhey say be is against the Wilmot Proviec, will they not a U so cmraJcr the reason, the moet exqu;eite res- son 2" Rut ia Ixc euro? Can you tfittt bircrtn ni this ? vi!Ihe stick U tter than your former "natur.il ally -of the So, 6th," who now lugha at j your credulity and lolly, 4a hit tUite of '"retirBCy j at LindehwcM ? I is but little to us but we do think oar Democratic frkndi have fwod for refiec-t-on. : ' - - i : . . . A DEAD CARCASS. The last Standard ban a long article In dfcnca of Mri Po'.k for having brought on tho War, and j !o Fhow, as he aayn, "tliat Mr.--1 'elk acted witli as much prudence as any man could have psplayed, &.c, which we comment on elsewhere. But whj all this defence of Mr. Polk at this late day? Don't every body regard him as "adad cock io the pit," and, since tle actioti cf the Bahrre Convection, the taofet ir.fcigniticii t i..an cf bis party f Who cares ar.y thit.g alcut I-k rcw, extvyt to fir as (Am Las snrpcittd hi tu in Lis nimcrea t This worship cf tlc- sett'.Jig tun is r et h charictcr witli the h'taadard. Ccsi U t!c "lurdcf tho aacemh.t t U'W, and aa thy have two rt. of rrir.c!o to d- : i.J . one &t fcr th Nortli, iA inc f&er (ut y ScUh, cur frigid of tle HpndariHisd Uttrr b op xv.d at them. Ixt u- ull Lim, oner frraH, tht I h has no pod r and. sj&t to ilrcy mvt r) Ct: n r I ti ! i i . V T ! J r i t i: t i . -; I' 1 1 1 If h r h 11:1 m I df If Fj",y 1:1 1

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