BALK1GH, 3ST. C. TUESDAY,..... SEPTEMBER 86, 1S7T. AUanUc 4c N. C. RaJliwthd. . Special Telegram to Ths Observer.!-'-"- Nswbskw, September 20. '' ' Col Humphrey instituted an action in nature of a quo warranto against President Hugbes, claiming that be (Humphrey) was the legal President, because Hughes, although unanimously elected in June, had received tra noes vote instead of being elected by ballot. . An affidavit was filed in the cause asking that a receiver, be appointed, pending the controversy. Judge Seymour heard the case yesterday and re fused the motion, on the ground, that no sufficient reason appeared on the face of the affidavit for any such action. - x To-day the board of Directors to remove any further question elected Major Hughes unanimously by ballot. , ; No action was taken on the freight ques tion, and after electing a number of officers the board adjourned until Thursday next, when the stockholders' adjourned meeting takes place. Important to Manctactcrkrs. The Commissioner of Agriculture, CoL Polk, desires that the proprietors of cotton and woolen factories in the State send to his office at once the name and location of their factories, and also the name and post office address of the proprietors or agents. He has pressing communications in his of fice from the Northern States, necessitat ing his request for the above information. Pis rets n art Rbookd. Sheriff . DaO of Greene County, entered eight convicts in the Penitentiary yesterday, all colored, convicted of - larceny, and sentenced to term 8 ranging- from one to four years. Deputy Sheriff J. R-. Rich, of Buncombe, brought in Randall Dougherty, colored sentenced to a three years term for lar ceny. Sheriff TV. J. Hardison, of Martin, brought in two colored brethren, sentenced to one and two years each for larceny. Dkath of a Promisist Lawyer. We announce with painful regret the death of JV. H. Spencer, Esq., which occurred at his residence, in Louisburg, Friday eve ning. Mr. Spencer was a rising young lawyer and fast winning a reputation that would have made him an' ornament to the State bar.. He was for several years asso ciated with our present able State Solici tor io business, but after the election of CapL Cooke as Solicitor, he formed a co partnership with Mr. Timberlake. In his death Louisburg and Franklin county loses one of its best and most active and influential citizens, lie leaves a wife and three young children to mourn their loss: j TaxabLks. Ashe county sent in its ab stract of taxable property to the State Audi tor yesterday. The amount of taxable property in the county is $122,004t)8. The general State tax is $1,220.05; special State, $1,247.67; school tax $2,411.18; county tax, 8,077.98. Mitchell county foots up as follows ; Amount of taxable property $249,569.00; general State tax $366.03; special, $374.40; school tax $1,285.27; county tax $5, 304.94. It is none of our business specially, but we state it for the information of all con cerned, that the general State tax paid by Mitchell county is not sufficient to pay the mileage of its Radical representative to the Legislature under the old law. New PpsTOFFica. The office, formerly Known as rocKet I'osiomoe, in juoore county, has been re-opened in . the neigh borhood of its former location. This office has been closed since the war, and the peo ple of that section which is quite thickly settled, nave been compelled for the last twelve years to send from six to twelve mik s to procure their mail-matter. Mr. Alex ander" Mcintosh is the Postmaster. The people of "the Pocket" neighbor hood 'are indebted to the untireing and strenuous exertions of Mr. William Mc Leod, who for the last three years has been unremitting in his endeavors to procure the establishment of a mail route through that section, and has at last succeeded. The route is but a short one, running from Jones boro to Pocket Cieek, around by Governor's Creek, etc., and is called "The McLeod Route." It is hoped that ere long it may be extended. Thi Fabmvillb Ixsubaxcb and Bank rso Company. In our issue of yesterday we published some remarks concerning the Farmville Insurance and Banking Com pany relative to certain losses sustained by said company in Enfield several months ago. We have since the publication of the remarks alluded to been assured that the delay in payment of the losses re ferred to was not caused by any inability on the part of the company to meet the same, but is simply owing to the disagree ment on the part of the company's ad juster and the insured as to the proper value of the property, a question which ' will of course be settled by the suit which the insured have brought in the matter. As to its abilitv and willingness to meet . all of its obligations, we are informed that since the losses above referred to occurred. - th; company has paid through its agents in this State thousands of dollars in pay- . ment Of losses concerning which there was no question or dispute. -We make this ex planation in ample justice. " Ths Dbikd Fruit Tbadk. The- dried fruit trade of Winston and Salem will be large this season.- -The shipments from here will reach nearly two million pounds during the season. Winston. esenuneL Death op James D. Barsks. It IS . with much .regret that we are called upon tn onnnnniv IIia rlAAih Af Mi .1 am mi II Harnea, one of our oldest citizens. This sad event occurred on Monday the 17th inst. He was one of the first commission ers of the town, the first railroad agent and the first Postmaster, and may be truly call ed the father of Wilson. Honesty and . r , ' i . ' truioiumesa were uus predominating virtue. At tne time 01 nis aeatn, air. jsarnes naa lust entered his seventieth year, having been born on the 25th of August 1808. Wilton Advance. " Buncombe Court. The fall term of the court for this county closed on Satur ' day last. Throughout Judge Schenck v 1 Busi&ineu uie rc.puuu.iuu ue uas wuu aw where of being a rapid and most effective worker on the bench. The criminal docket was fully disposed of, and the civil docket. comprising some lsu cases,- preiiy weu gone through with by motions and orders. wniie si cases were finally disposed of. Could all the courts be held by such men '. as Judge Schenck, we would not find our dockets so continually clogged with busi ness unattended to. JLtheewa VUuen. Post Office Changes. From a circular issued to route agents, we obtain the fol lowing post office changes during the past . month : Established. Meivin HUL Polk county: Turkey Cove, McPoweJJ county; Alfreds ville, Robeson county; Cross Canal, Cam- Qen county, Retiahlishtd. Rock Cut, Iredell coun ty; reeee, Anson county. IHtcontinmd Martin's Lime Kiln. Stokes county;. Barrett's Mountain, Alex ander county. vnn-vmu uoterver. . LrrrurixLD dkttlkmkst. we are re liably informed that Gen. M. 8. Little- field, thmtiirh his mrpnt Mr "Fenwick. lately made a free and -satisfactory settle ment with the authorities of the Western division of the Western North Carolina Railroad Company of aH matters for which said Littiefield was liable. Bonds of some oitne railroads in Florida were given in rouwnvoi we amount due by LKtleneia. sjwwoo uiiuiia vp rpnMtaantJwi san rwatnrr trrtnrt is said that Littiefield has been guaran- ! "unumiy rrpm criminal procecutlon any maiterrelerring to the Western di vision of the Western North Carolina-Rail IT" YreT: asserted that wn. "ttieneia will soon return- to this W P.oer matter of business. The McElwik-Blackwexl Casr. The taking of deDOSitions in Mr. Mr-.TOwee's behalf in the case of J. H. McElwee against W. T. Blackwell for infringement of the trade-mark known as the Durham BulL was concluded in this citv yesterday afternoon. The taking 'of Mr. Blackwells depositions will be commenced at Durham on the 25th, and further depositions on both Bides are to be taken at different points iu the State. .... . ' ,. Mr. McElwee has made out a strong case, it is not denied that one Green was the inventor of the trade-mark. ... Mr. Dan iel P. McDonald, of Columbia, S. Cne of the witnesses in this case, deposed and swore that in 1861 or .' 1862. he and Mr. McElwee being then in business together in Columbia, he advanced to Mr. McElwee money sufficient to .enable him. to buy a half interest in Green's trade-mark. He knows that Mr. McElwee did buy said half interest and that he and Green became full etrtners in the trade-mark. . Mr. S. B. each am swears that . immediately, after the war, Mr. Green being . then in very feeble health, he (Meacham) approached him and made a proposition to him to buy an interest in tne iraae-marK. ana tnat Green then told him that he and McElwee were partners, Messrs. H. B. . Williams, O. G. Foard and other , gentlemen testify to Green having told them the same thing. About the year 1866 Green died without having sold his interest in the trade-mark, and thus McElwee was left in full pos session of it- The trade-mark, had been duly registered in the patent; office at Washington, and the title to it was in all respects regular and . valid. Charlotte Ob, eerver. .. . . , .V. , . .,..'.'; A Man Mvbdkbs and Butchers his Wife. During the late term of Edge combe Superior Court, Dempsey Morgan, a coiorea man, was lodged m i arboro lan on the charge of beating his wife. , At the ena oi tne. term be was. discharged, the grand jury, for some cause, having failed to find a bill against him. He lived in this county, near Penny Hill. After bis diSt charge he returned home and .charged his wile witn being the instrument or ois in carceration. Becoming more violent he finally murdered her, cutting her; throat from ear to ear, and the fiend incarnate, not content with this ghastly deed, then . com pletely disemboweled her, ripping her open trom breast bone to pelvis. After this, he deliberately doffed his bloody garments, leaving them on the spot, substituting others, and escaped. Turner Redmond, the efficient jailor, is our informant. There is great excitement in the neighborhood. larooroisouviemer. Montgomery Codbt. We attended Montgomery Court last week. The dock ets were not very large and the business was completed on Thursday. The people of Montgomery have taken the gold fever to a considerable extent, and judging from the accounts we got, and from the speci mens shown us, we think they have cause for the fever. The mineral wealth of Mont gomery county is equal to that of any other county in the State. The prospect is nattering that it will soon be developed to a considerable extent. The Russell mine is being worked vigorously; the Christian mine has recently been sold, and operations will soon begin. Messrs. Wade & Smith erman have a first rate mine: parties are negotiating for it, and others that we might mention. We hope all will succeed, and thus throw capital into the county. Ran dolph Regulator. AsnEYTLLK Female College.- Tliii in stitution of learning, recently put -into operation anew under the management of the Rev. J. li Long, may now be said to be fairly at work, though much has yet to be done before the school will be in all its appointments what Mr. Long intends mak ing it. A fair number of students have al ready entered, while a goodly number more have been engaged and will soon be in. Mr. Long is bending all bis-energies to the re-establishment of this school in our midrt, and he should have and doubt- ess will receive the hearty sunnort of this community. AtheeiUe Citizen. Jones Countt Items. The farmers of Jones say if the season continues favorable that their cotton crop will be over an aver age. Corn and jiea crop very good. Pota toes not so good. 1 be army worm has made bis appearance on some of the farms in our county. They devour the grass and young corn but have not yet made their attacks on the cot ton.. - '" ' Three bears have been captured and kill ed within four milcsof Trenton this season. Magnolia Record. ' ' Daredevil Skobeleff. Daredevil Sko- beleff, who blames nobody, but accepts defeat as the will of God, is the most pop ular of the Russian heroes. ' His force was on the extreme left of Schakoffski's division in the first disastrous attack upon rlevna. When his battalion of infantry was under the fire of the twelve guns defending that portion of the Turkish line, the soldiers shouted, "Charge I and began rushing forward. Skobeleff ordered a halt ; lines were formed with the precision of a dress-parade, and the command was given, "Carry arms!" "ITesent ajms I" wnen the line was at a "Present," the shells be gan to fall among them. . Skobeleff. then asked them if they did not . think "they presented a , ridiculous spectacle in that position under fire.' They replied that they did. Then he assured them that be would keep- them there until tbe next day unless they promised to keep order in the ranks and await the command of their officers, instead of yelling and charging on their own account. The men assured him that they saw the force of his remarka. They were tben led lorwara and behaved splendidly during the whole action. This incident brings to mind the iron-handed discipline of Catherine's terri ble Marshals, who opened their batteries upon their own soldiers while tbey were wavering in tbe charge, and drummed tbf lr generals out ot camp wnen tney ven tured to suggest a retreat. How to Choosk a Hc8BAHD.-:-On one of Cant, Morgan's voyages from America to England, he bad under bis care a very attractive young lady, who speedily dis tinguished heraeir by reducing nve young gentlemen to the verge of distraction. Bne was quite ready to marry one; out what could she do with five? in tbe em barrassment of her nches she sought the captain, who, after a few moments' thought, said: It s a fine calm day; suppose, by accident, you should fall overboard: I'll have a boat lowered ready to pick you up, and vou can take tbe man who loves you well enough to jump after yeu." This novel proposition met ; tbe young lady's views, and the programme was accordingly carried out, with the trifling exception that four of the young men took the plunge, and. being picked bp by the boat, presen ted themselves dripping auartette oppn the ship's deck. The object of their un dampened ardor, no less wet than them selves, fled to her state-room and sent for her adviser, the captain. MNow, Captain," cried she in despair, "what am I to do?" "Ah, my dear," replied the captain,! "if you want a sensible hushand,( fate dry one wnicn sne aia. i "Nvt GmxTT."rWe understanjd-ihat Ttuw-mhlliia finmr mrou rftilv H-iori nt't.hift - term of Superior Court for Cotumbus county, for the murder of B. H. Watkins, on the 17th day of September,' 1863. Tbe Jury took the case on Tuesday night and aiter navmg oeen out ior aoouia nan nour, returned with a verdict of not guilty. Wilmington litvtew. zir. ? f A Sijabp BQT.-rM,YQn arel better j ft d than taught, you young ignQramul fler nelv elaoulated a school teacher to a hope less pupil. rr.0f coarse, I am,? repPed, the youth. "I feed myself and you teaco me. . - . MAKH lD. . LKWli-roRTJATi-Tn tHls city.'sepUOtta, by jwt, JLr. j .Jtl. rntensra, mra. nMiuim A.viun, of Pitt county, and CoL W. A. Lewis, of ttiates- 111- . . . Tl II T AC iXTm. Yiue. iMwner Of our arwnmnii, w i- JC'-S " -""'DIED1 i'4 V CAMPBKLI New Pocket Creek, Moore county, on the 19th lnst ot diabetes, Mr. John a Campbell, amd. It resra. an old and hisrbly respected dtlsen, and a ruling elder of JCupbro- nia imsnyterisB vuprcm. . u. ssrrsr' - XcrNTOSH-Ia the sans vicinity, on the 8Kb fit (vrnmniDttaH. Mr. DxTlO U. MCINTOSH. J about 40 years, leaving a widow and three cnU- IbITKOKSS On tho 7th of September, 18T7, at Columbia, Randolph eonnty, N. C ' , of paralysis, jomm BVBoass, la tae wui jew oi jus gc DOUGLASS AND BIS DKFnAVDEUS . . ,. Tlie Iast Report . of i the Special Areat IHanlpulMlonii Katrtiordln - WLryHom of Ilia : titMr. Deputies named Une-Xbird of lie TIa.rha.l'a DUbunemenU - K'ruiuleBt Jlak. Inr hi' Naximam a Blank Ite . - cetpta-BII,.,i Swfferfiur Jnstl . IVtor ol the Doutlu Depnti Further ' Detail, of Fraudulent rracticeo Mr. Lnk and lHr. Ball t)tild not see lt-'i'he (Special A treat s lenced ' Operatloas !upnded I Dldtrict Attorney A Case Maria? e5 to screen a Pal "-Koinore Arrestb -Ne h?wrtlier IiiTOstlcatiss Allow ,4 Correspondence of Ths bsxkvi b. .'. .i n AjHEyii.ui, ;bepU,;13,. j877,i V . ; In this letter are presented three- minor or supplemental reports of the: Special Arentof the Department o Justice. They present little that .is new or not substan tially told is the former reports; but they serve to better develop and define the eysJ tern of fraudulent: practices of the Mar shal's office on the general government and tbe outrageous conduct to ward the people, ernxmraged, if not instigated by Marshal Douglas ' and his' fellow office holders,: as indulged in and perpetrated by his imps and understrappers. -'uy s -i r ; BKPOBT OT TOT ?T 6F MAT." " The first report here preseuied,- a ' jjetter of date the 29th of May, ' in the ooening paragraph, indicates that 'the rhiuoceros hide of the Department of T Justice was for once penetrated, and that by the editorial javelin of the AshevUle Cituen, for an ar-, tide from that paper is" referred back by the Attorney General to tbe Special Agent, who says in reply, . "My , investigations prove the statements therein contained to be true." In this letter Clark, . chief and confidential clerk to ' the Marshal, and Cronenberger, accountant and book-keeper, are arrested for making, swearing to, and presenting for payment, j false accounts from the Marshal's office to the, Depart ment at Washington..', . . . :' j . ; , , :( MAK1PTTLATIONS lit THS MARSHAL'S OFFICE. The Special Agent says that his investi gations 1 as far as pursued establish 'that more .than half of the 'Marshal's officers have been rendering false 'accounts to the government for the past' three years; that not being able to make out their - own ac counts it is done in the office of the Mar shal, where they pay from $15 to $25, for the skillful manipulation of tbe same, there , producing a margin sufficient to justify the outlay for such clerical service. ' Some of the United States' Commissioners are also implicated in the fraudulent account busi ness. ' . - - -" The letter of May 29th is as follows: y OFFICIAL LETTER OF 8PSdlAL"AGST HESt . - ' TKR. , . j. .. ' . ,;, ' . Gbekssboro, N. C, May 29,. 1877.' Hon. Chat. DevensJ Attorney-General : Sib : I have the ' honor !to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st in stant containing ah article from the ' Ashe ville, (N. C.,) Citizen. ' Mjr investigations prove the statements therein contained to ' be true. -r I " CLABK AND CRONENBERGER CAUGHT.'. . Cronenberger, named in the article, has since been arrested by me if or swearing to and presenting for payment false accounts. I have also arrested F. C. j Clark, another Deputy and Clerk in the Marshal's office, for the same offence, i Both are bound over, the latter for trial, the former for hearing before U. S. Commissioner on the 13th of June at this place. have other charges to bring against them, but will do that in tbe indictment. . , ,;r . . - BKNDERIKG FALSE ACCOUNTS AXD MASITU LATISG THEM IN THE MARSHAL'S OFFICE. As far as my investigations have gone, facts go to show that more than half of all ths Deputies in the service of the Marshal have been rendering false; accounts to the government for the past three years. Many of them are-unable to make out their own accounts, and say that they were compell ed to get some one in the Marshal's office' to do it, and pay them from $15 to $25 in each case. Some times they pay a certain part of the' excessive charges ; added. Cronenberger and ClarK have been the principal actors in this class of fraud. ' ' ' COMMISSIONERS IS FOB A SHARE. ' ( Some of the Commissioners have been aiding in making up these fraudulent ac counts. I shall make complaints to-day against a numtier of Deputy Marshals and if. S. Commissioners, and some other per sons for forging U. S. Commissioner pay rolls. . . .. ; A : . . . Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, Joseph G. Hester, .1 ; Special Agent. A Srm.KMKSTAL REPORT, " A supplemental report of 'special agent Hester, dated . Washington, June 5th, 1877, presents some points of interest. . It appears that under new instructions, as late as May 8th, he returned to this Dis trict to make further investigations, and perform - other necessary official . acts, among, which latter he appears' to have arrested Clark and Cronenberger, referred to m his letter of the 29lh May. On the same occasion he appears to have gotton on the warm trail of th5 nestor of Depu ties, Joshua A. Franks, and chased him to Washington, where he was nabbed on tbe, second day of June.,,j ' .rj i' .j ; ; SOMK OF THB STAR DEPUTIES. -. This report singles out for public admi ration and official distinction some of the bright, particular stars of the Douglas Dick constellation, in addition . to others before referred to "In person ad particu lar." The- list ' is an interesting one of very Important j officers, several of them distinguished as having' each "killed his man,'' which, by the way, cbnstitutes the very highest merit in a Deputy Marshal for tbe western uistnct, in tne estimation of Judge Dick and Marshal Douglas. It is not with any pleasure that one finds among tbe above, the brother of the Judge and uncle-in-law or tne Marsnai. iney who know him are aware that he is incap able of the performance imputed to him, unless moved : and instigated thereto by superior influences and prompted by mas ter mlnda. i ' ONE THIRb OF THB MARSHAL'S DI8BUB8B- ' ' 1 MBNTS FBAUDtJLBNT. 'y - :''' A further insight is" also afforded into the manner and methods by which the United States Marshal's office at Greens boro has persistently and systematically defrauded the government and tbe people. The astounding revelation is made in this report that one-third of the disbursements of Marshal Douglas are false and fraudu lent 5 in other words the ill gotten sum of about one hundred thousand dollars a year divided vro rata ' between the Mar- snai ana nis ojcouues. xu iuo iace oi jui- cial statements of this ' serious and impor tant nature.' how can the Department won der at the cost of the administration oi Justice in' the Western District ? -. And why is the investigation not" pursued which it is claimed "will prove ibis fact' of stupendous and prodigioud'fraad ixl de. tail i Ah I Biessieres twiicitor ana , At torney General, yoa.forget that, this. Is not the era or Orant. and rossidiv you over look the' potency 'of a Democratic House of Representatives. MAKING THB BIX THOUSAND MAXIMUM ON j " r BLANK BOWPTS.Tj,i ' This report states that the accounts of Deoutv Marshals arc! made -out in the Mar shal's office,' presumably under his eye and money are signed In blan V and afterward filled up in any amount necessary to make come up all rights that these blaq receipU are geoeral)y filled up in the' familiar handr writiqg oj . Jamea V.,Dick. Peputy idarT aha in chief, and are , so pjainjy aad..unT nitakftbly, fraudulent, me special Agent is , amazed ihat the. District, Attorney .and Assistant District Attorney, '.ip the pres. ence or , whom tbe Marshal swears to tbe ' accounts before the Judges , hve sot de. tectcQ some pi me, iraupa.-m cases wuu which theywere. compelled to be familiar. When; one reflects that, by .Jersey erance, vigilance, industry t, and shr w. dniessC' the District Attorney. ; on . a . coranarati velv small, salary, baa, & ve. years, accumu lated,, during ,V period of extraprdinary business deprcfi8ion,aid shrmkafce,.., for tune of Iron Aft y to sevehty-flTu thousand dollars, it wmderM how. easily, aa1(H appears,' ,he is Imjposer .ppn in . tpatters peculiarly wimin, uonaaiu t bis om cial dutie&i'-The Assistant. District At torney haa for years filled, the. position of chief fngleman to tbe-wreensopro lung, motto . and music-make . bay ; while, the sun shines , ',.-.. V i?.-;- s -r ' '.. poor, bukd, suiTEEisa jusnoBv ' The' report concludes' that the adrninis- tration of Justice in Western North Caro lina has sadly suffered cither, by the wilful negligence or incompetency of those who represent the government.: : And in these long years of .suffering which;. Justice has passed through, what, must .have been the experiences,! mentally-; physically, mate rially and morally,., of a.:twhole people for whom. there appeared .no. justice, no pro tection, under the broad a?gi8. of the boast ed goyernment of, the United States. u, i The supplemental ? report . of- Special Agent Hester is as follows: i . BmPP13MBNTAi,'!BBFOBT OF' THB 'BPBOlH.' lu'rtirtiSH ASBNT.' ?."-"' 1 : r8iNGT6jrTX CJune' SlSTr:1' Sir: Under ,instructions pf.May ,8th from your office, I .proceeded tq the West ern District of .erth,,, Carolina, tQ.,niake further investigations and to perform such official acts as might seem necessary to subserve the interests of good government. I have the honor to lay before you in brief the result.-1 '' 11 v t-v- "'','ir " " ' ABBBST OF DEPUTT MARSHAL CLARK, ; ' ! Qa the.JAtiMMay, J made. (Complaint against, . and :caused - the , arrest of F. C, Clark, a Clerk and Deputy Marshal kj. the Marshal's office, charging him. with render ing false. , accounts . to, the government. Proof was clear,, defendant bound for trial. -vy i CBdNSSBEBGBB COMES TO GRTEF. i I On the 21st of May I caused he arrest of G. J. Cronenberger, a Deputy and Clerk in the Marshal's office for the same offence as in Clark's case. The evidence against him is clear and unmistakable. . , THB BE8TOR OF THB DOUQLA8, DEPTTTIEa. ' On the 3d of June I came to Washington and arrested J: A. Franks, . the oldest De puty in tbe Marshal's office: 1 ' ne is now undar bail in ; the sum of five thousand dollars, ' having filed his bond lost night. Tbe evidence against him is clear and un mistakable of having rendered fraudulent accounts.: . j. ... : i i. v I - BOMB OF TUB STAR DIPUTTBS. J .... "Cases are made out ' against a number of others for offences the same as in the above cases' against both Deputy ' Marshals and Commissieners . and I anv ready ' to make complaint and proceed : with the prosecu tions. " The ; names of those that the evi dence seems 'clear ' against are as follows : James W." Dick, Chief Deputy Marshal, and a brother of the "Judge ;: W. P. Allt man, Deputy Marshal; R. M.' Wilson,' Deputy",, Marshal ; NV ' H. Rice," Deputy Marshal ; "II. S. Harkins, Deputy Marshal; Oscar Eastmond, Marshal's guard, and U. S. Commissioners Drury Weeks and J. Allison. ' '. I HOW MAST TltKRE ARE. -.. There are thirty-two Deputy Jilarshals, and I am satisfied that i more than half of them are guilty of fraud against the govern ment. Further investigation will prove the fact. - - ' '-;.-' ;'. HOW THE FRAUDS ARB COMMVTTEO. "Frauds are' committed by Deputy Marshals and Commissioners holding fictitious courts ; ' making up cases on paper : : examining - mythical -witnesses and making out pay rolls for them, and accounts for mileage ; charging fees aud guards in the pretended cases ; changing dates and forging adjudications of Commissioners. These practices have been common for the past three years, and I feel warranted in saying that at least one third of the money claimed to have been disbursed by,Uie Marshal and his Deputies, during the , last two years has never been pald7 out., !A ,' further investigation will, prove this fact 'also... " , ',..'l(,;;r OAS'T 3a WHY-MB. LUBE AMD MR. Ai-L ; !-i..OOCLD NOTfiBB'lXU.j Deputy Marshals' accounts are made nut in the Marshal's office, the Deputies being required to swear to them in blank. They are also required to sign blank receipts tor money not iaceived, which is afterwards filled up for any amount to make the emol ument accounts cover tbe disbursements to suit the Marshal. ' I notice these blank receipts are usually filled "up in the band wntmg of 'James f W. LHcK. i 'i bey are sworn to by the Marshal in open court, in the presence of the District Attorney, Mr; Lusk, or tbe Assistant , District Attorney, Mr. Ball, - sometimes . one and sometimes the other,' and I am unable to account for tbe fact that they have not discovered some of these frauds before now, as they must have been familiar with cases. ADMINISTRATION' OF JUSTICE IN WESTERN . NORTH CAttOLIXA. . . . In conclusion I will state that the admin istration of justice in Western North Car olina has suffered sadly, owing to either wilful ncgligeuce or incompetency on tbe part of those who represent tPe govern ment lucre. , i Very respectfully. ! Joseph G. Hester, Special Agent. ' lion. Ctarle Decent, Attorney General: ' FINAL REPORT OF THE SPECIAL AGENT. The final report of tbe Special Agent will now be submitted. He appears to have been suddenly cut down in the bloom of his investigations. He waa evidently finding out too much. He misfiook the meaning of his mission. lie was sent out for the purpose of acquitting the Marshal and other officials of the charge which had . . , . ... 1. 1 oeen preierrea against mem in me puonc prints, not to convict them;' and hence when be bad emptied into tne department oi justice his budget Of facts that 'should consign every otllcer of that department in Western' North Carolina to the peniten-i tisry, and asked for further instructions' as to proceeding, he was tnstracted by the law officer of the government to proceed . to quit,", lie bad already, done damage enough, . la all. ..conscience. He , had wounded the immaculate administration of the virtuous Hayes in the house of. f(s. chosen friends In North-Carolina.' And so the Special Agent was told that he (not the lax law officers ot tbe administration, or its friends of the Western District) must retire, ."under a. cloud." ; ( o SUSPBSPB 'OPBBATIONS BT -DJRBCTIOS ".OF . t DISTBIOT ATTORN BT.' t.'- It is a sieniflcant circumstaace that .flie Special Agent should havejcen" requested bv the District Attorney:to suspend oper ations in North Carolina and go to Wash ington in pursuit of Franks, when a teJ-- gtum from Mr. Lusk would have arrest ed, held md brought ; back the. fugitive Franks. , Was it a -device to. get Hester out of the State and keep him out ? It yls a remarkable - coincidence that he never came back: that Jjusk,, Dick,, Douglas. Settle, Bill Smith, Iveogh and every little whipper-snapper of .the Greensboro , Ring appeared simultaneously with the. arrest of Franks, in Washington, and there com bined to make war on uester, ana jnauce the Department of Justice to suspend him from the investigations u li.ven .that great ensine - of , .destruction . and magazine of corruption, and rascality, the Washington Republican, was called iqto do its ap propriate ana congenial part ot tne ainy MB. tUSKI TOLOOK AFtEfi QRON5CSB tBG KBi ! Cronenberger, the book-keeper ot Mar shal Douglas. - bad been arrested . for ut tering false accounts, and a day fixed for his examination before a commissioner, Mr. Lusk a screed with- the special agent to look after this cassirnd if be , should unexoectedlv be calied" away. . then he would - have ilr., liall, . bis i assistant, attend, to the case, i Mr, Lusk -went away but .Mr. Hall did not attend to. the case at alL :The cetendant was uiscbargedon tne ground that there; was no. one pceseqt pros ecuting and no w itnesses summcined, The assistant yistnct Attorney abouid nave oeen present Drosecuting, and should have had there to confront tfte accused the witnesses who werenearaChand. Taken in connection with.ths suggestion of Iiusk jto,esr to ii n was tui ttrraumuiuuL ui uie ijioinvi. Attorney to. get Cronenberger out. of .the toils of the law hi Whose meshes he nad be- was quoted in, Washington" and elsewhere uv.iiiuu. iuums ouuvvucia vi mo kcuul to qhow that Hester hadmade !groubdless charges -against tbe wboie concern. Ana vet by cunning ana duplicity tney naa ei- Lftcted his discharge In the face" of ' over- ' whplminff p.virlence of nlff emit. ' ' . . ' SUSTAI3KD BT THJ BEST OF, BVIDXNUE ; ; Althciigh cases had been lxkadeOTtagainst ouitea minaber. onry two or uureet arrests -were rbad'up to the time of the j suspen sion cs the Special Agentv ana these wouia not have been made if collusion. between the officials of the Western ; District and the Department of Justice could have pre vented it.-, -The Special Agent says, in con clusion, that he has been sustained by the best of evidence, which it is consolation to know will keep until the meeting of Congress.', The final report of the , Special Agent is a follows mAt., 'BBPoRt jfir'srciALt'jLBSr jrestiB. .,Washigtoh7D. O.vJary 6 18ft. ' 'I(ftiXi&iehtAormy Oxneiilu 3lB. sr-DnSl&e jefjilenii to the Department a digest of the leading -facts contained in biv . previous ..reports. of my . : - 11 ' ' T . r t . 1 uiivuouam v estern. 4x0191 Carolina, ana in addition thereto" I how have the honor to submit a concluding report of "what "has been nccpmplished bp to the' jbrtscrif tinier. While in the midst of.-mr.-investigation at Greensboro, N. C, information was re ceived by me that Joshua A. .Franks, late S. Deputy Marshal, against whom lhad made charges for rendering false .account a, was then in Washington City,,and at ttjie request of Mr. lusk, District Attorney, suspended my work .there and paoie immer diately here to apprehend .and ..pause, , thf arrest and.retnrb.of Fraaka,,,, Vri FBANKS BOUND If FXVB THOUBAKIXBOJXABfi His arrest was followed by' a ' ion? hnd tedious trial before: Ui' S.-'Commisslohet Plant, concluding last Saturday evening Tbe prisoner was bound over 1 in the " sum of $ 5,000 for bis appearance, at ' the ' next term of : the Court (November) at ' Ashe!, ville, N. a- - .ri-; 1.-.. utMt n MB,' tUSK TO tOOK AFTER THE CASE, OF CBo' '." . -. VKSBEBGXB. !-' J't"' ;L '," , ($ C. Cronenberger. a Deoutv '. Marsnai and clerk in the Marshal's office, : was ar rested by me at Greensboro, before I left for Washington to apprehend . Franks. r A day was set for bis bearing," (13th) June, snbpoenas issued for the witnesses:': and the evidence of his gdilt submitted to the District Attorney, with the request; that if he Should be called away from Greensboro' before the trial,' he would have ths casa managed by Mr. Ball,: Assistant District MBv BALL; t AKAGES NOT. TO . ATTEND TO THE .-fJi? I J '! CASS. L C.'i' I-1 -...' irTo.1 Mr. Lusk was called away, and it seems that Mr.- Ball failed to attend to the -case,' as the defendant was -discharged without the examination of a single witness, as I am informed, notwithstanding tbey were close at hand, and the. evidence of guilt abundant. ' . ' :'' , DEPUTY MARSHAL AKD. MABSltAL 8 CXKEC. F. C. Clark,' also' a Deputy Marshal and. clerk in the Marshal's office, has been ar rested and bound over in ; the ' sum of $1,000 for his appearance at the -next term of the Cqurtat Greensboro, the evi dence of his having rendered false accounts against the government being overwhelm ing and unmistakable. - ' : ' K 1 THE 02TLT Ar'SESTS. ' . !. Those are the only arrests that have been marlo mi tar hut. T tinvn casta niadfi oili against a number of others, which )iave been. heretofore reported. . , :. -.-..... ,,- 1 . , DEPUTIES AND OOMMISSIONBBS LARGELT IM-' it;-.:.-.; .. .. .11 PLICATED. . ... i -i - A complet e ' investigation and- prosecu-' tion of .these frauds in Western North Cari olina, will fasten guilt trpon at;' least twenty Deputy Marshals, aud a number of U. o. Commissioners, si, . x SUSTAINED BT TOB BEST OF KyiDEKCE. T lifiro hmn Biiatainprl hv thp hpnt flf pvi- (i;nce,in every action I have taken thus far. and am ready to go forward . with the! work, if desired by you. .1 therefore respect-J ully ask your lurther instructions in tne matter. ' ' Very respectf ully, ; ! '! - 7-. . L- ' Your obedient servant, :r ;' ; : ' Joseph G. Hester,,- : Sxx;ial Agent Department of Justice: ' FURTHER MATTER. '. ' Some affidavits and other matter will be presented in another letter, and then will follow a history of tue murders oy me Douglas Deputies, and their mock trials before Judge Dick; to conclude with a summary of reflections on the extraordi nary revelations made, in these publica tions . .'. '.. , . .... .... . .... . . BY TELEGRAPH. f REPORTED B V THB ASSOCIATED PRESS, f I IIK KU.Vil AN-TUKStlSH WAR. Tbe I.ntekt nipaiches f riu tbe Seat or w ar. LosdoV Sept. 21.' The 1 Daily New correspondent, who was present at the bat tle of Plevna, telegraphing from Bucharest, September 17, says : " i be Kusso-Kouma. niau army has abandoned now even a pre tence of . prosecuting an attempt against. Plevna, and have fallen back into the posi tions occupied before the commencement of the bombardment. The field artillery remains still in some of tbe positions of the bombardment; It is' announced that a third renewal is intended on the arrival of the ImperialGuard in a fortnight-' I have great doubt whether : another attempt will be made,1 and very much ' wronger doubt whether,- if made, it' can'' succeed. The Turks are better soldiers" imftvidwally than the llussians, Of that, .after seeing not a few battle, I stand assured. In the strategy of both major and. minor tactics the Turks are simply - immeasurably supe riors -They are better armed than the Rus sians both in great and small arms. ' Tbey have engineers who can design admirable defensive positions. The'Itusaian.engitieera seem incapable or 1 repairing a aoie in a bridge.1 'Hie Turks secnl as well provis ioned as the Russians are nuiued witn sue Losdow, Sept. 22. The Oaity -Newt eorrespondent telegraphs 1 f rom the Kuft-. sian headquarters tnat tne ieeiing mere is not so gloomy as he expected. - The mili tary men acknowledge that tljey have been- beaten, but as much oy their. ow : errors as by ahe bravery of the Turks.1'' There is weakening of detenmnation' to fight! it out. Everybody feels that its is a death struggle aud the final successful 'issue' is not doubted ior an - instants .every pre paration is being made for the winter cam paign, i The secretary of the French Pre lect 01 r once lias gone w , waicn rrince Napoleon, who is on the Belgian frontier. ixiirDos, sept. 5J4, A . qispatcn to tne Time from Constantinople via Syra saysr The Austrian ambassador at a private in terview with the - bultan.,4 is reported to bavT spoken about the. probability of Aus trian mediation, and. to have .drged the irreatest moderation, udool . the. ui- ta . pointing ..out- the a. necessity , of saving, Russiarr armour, proper, , because Germany -would not be indifferent to Rus sian Humiliation. . ... ... . . -. ., .. New York, . Sept., 24.-T-A Shumla spo- cial savfi: Osman Pasha was attacked bv the Russians 00 last faunday, Atonday and Tuesday.- -On the last,.day,.., the Russians were repulsed with great loss. ., . liONDOx, Sept. a4 rMehemet . au's re ported victory on Friday, over Czaro witch. turns out to bave . been a deieat. Dut , tne Russians do not 'seem to make much of the affair., Their official bulletin . merely announces the following, "At the close of tne engagement we .neia au . our posuiuus. A. renewal 01 the attapa is expected." . There is no estimate of tbe losses, an id none by the Turkish bulletins either. "Vbe iAniy Aetet correspondent witn toe Turks -calls the -affair. an offensive recon noissance by ten battalions, and gives about the same' results as other- accounts, but ascribes more credit" and better results to the Turks than the Daily Telegraph ac count, which stated that five or six attacks were made by the; Twks which failed, ana the Turkish loss was very heavy; ' . Mebemet Ali's-and the Cairo witch's ar mies now. occupy, hills on; the opposite banks of the Banica Lorn. The Russian positions and the condition of the army are oescriDed in nattering terms Dy correspon dents Who visited them last week, a steam ferry has been established: between Pyrgos and Parapan to replace the bridge ' which was removed, . so it, would seem that, tne Russians are recoving someof their" lost ground. - . ':'-" " -A telegraph to the Ztoi&JrM from Vien- iiasays;. Newa..- haa beea received here that 80,000. men- uadecCbefket fasba. Have reached Oarnan Pasha with a freah supply 01 ammumtion...! t 'muni i&w - - Th jouraal, JMe.Deoai , has a dispatch from . Constant iaopla making similar re-4 port hardly, probable a that. Chefket Pasha, 1 bimseif has t reached . nevna,. but, convoy under Hipn Pasha may have arrived there. -' The -JSewi Vienna .correspondent says Tbe encounter on Thursday and Friday near Biela are gf d io haVe been greatiyexAgee'. rated by thj Trks. ' According td informa tion reed vi 1 tiers they were drawn battles and forces; wjttged not large.-; The 2feu correspond afj at Pans telegraph tbe tot-lowing?-T 4ruje-Imperial has abandon ed bistintel fl ft visit to the Beleiaa fron tier profat H td void miaconstrBction, -but-more i i f&Af bedause of an rntimatron iroto Jtner igian - Government taa: bis nrMence 1 ill . xhe frontier? would 1 ib! nt. -describlc viil tbe elections were proceed- ung in i?Ty(S 1 i jiniii -un-rm au.mHi m ueai 1 01 afcl; r commander at Lyons, who' is oti i i furlough for bis healtb,- has been percc pi )rily ordered to return-to bib LbsDoaf ft A 24.Ii-Tbe ffahkaf vonsianuit fp e corresponaent says, tnai toe Porte )ias i M lyet, replied to the 'Greek bote Protestmrf M fnst restrictions on 'lhe' entry of TesselR a &'jtbes'Gnlf of . Artal'fjt js thought tl Jiihe. Porte will 'refuse' com- pnance w j is reea: aemanas, . ana aipia matie difl jit JyVwith'England 'will; ensue1. Italy has i h a bote to the Porte support- 1. .. K' I. !'. ... elmu!iii,.I4V7lM t? ' ; JHBW Teny anq tji Iaflaa Cpmmisswa: are ex pected, iq i f,t pit is generally . pelieyed tbattn(9 g tnissioq wifl be a failure' and a devasta( it Indian War Will be. the result Sitting Byjiwitfi 1,000 warriors, is in the hearXof u fi Canadian buffalo country pea? the Wod buntains, ;. Joseph's . band, is heading' sr aieht -north' and in additional 950 'lodglfOf. V Yanlrtons,,- ., lodges of - TJncal m .120 lodges of,, Santees and 12CS Tlkltrea of 1 Assinabones are makmg U .way to Canada. ;, JJearly all 01 ine ifl m era uiues are . Deiievea ; to oe ready for; ) i ?Qlt sndiall can cross the Ca nadian jdjitrin, three., days, and would number oj m jOQO. warriors, .j-exciusive of Skfog'B thousand, and ali itfll; join the lattec -itia thought , politic. . Sitting Bull is aa ikl . supplied with '.ammwnition and the 61 jef tribes are rapidly procuring it from., jaiiadians, and aU the. Indians profess ter;,.cobtempt. foy;..the United States tro pi-and the government. Sitting Bull told i ' athbUc,Priest that vue- would never, con! jr have .anything to, do with theAmeri at 1 qffioers,aa they were all.liars- SriMv'eDtr-- 201 The. 'steamer Grand r(p; iblic; the '' largest; and finest steamboat pii the western waters took fire at 13 o'clt k last jiight and burned nearly to the waj jr edge. The flames commu nicated steamet Carondelet lying alongsideJ'Md j ajl Jher upper .works were destroyed f lifer" hull ' Is pf; irpp and.wijl be saved,i Wjt':tbe;achineryf')lU doubt bs H i'damaged. ' Botll roati were lying up j 1 ae- foot of Xesperance 8treet. aooni 5ut twt ai id a half miles rqra the cen tre 8t;jj r, ; . pcii. ' kuc. ; ekdtiucr Grand IM n lic which was burned to the water's ei re sunk before mornin?. It la doutitful Mjther' her machinery will be' of any valu i;She was owned by Capt. Thorwegt;'; valued , at ' fl50,000, and in sured foe 000 la about 25. offices. The Carsndeitl probably a, total' loss. She was own 1 ny vapt. lucks and three asso-J elates, vs iiei : at ,f 4Q. 000. and Insured for' 17.000.rtivR ; ' - St.- U "M t.8ept,' 20. -TJ: "Senator Louis ' Vi -i Jiogy-- died at ll r o'clock: this. morning! f i Je had been, afflicted with ma larial fevj f or several pfionths,' and lately abcesset dK liver was discovered which bastened" i, Pihaps ' directly ' caused his dealh.Ji O .,n I ,f, ,;T tif'1n tfrasMiitoii. "r ' '! "-- '. ! '" ' " j f : " ' "" '" a 1 " Wash si row, September 24 Shortly before nj a fire broke out iri the conser vatory as ot fi tne model room 01 the fatent Office! riHing. 'ahd at '12.8(r. the entire upper pj rtrOtt'of. the . west1 wfog- of the building f tinting on Kinth ' street, ' was Harm i- isnd' the5 fire creeping along between; ?e.r;ceilftig('and ' the? -roof to wards t J (jorth wirg and th main build ing on lureet." .The firemen have suc ceeded,! jr! getting the hose itf.'he upper window iff the main buildingV but the fire notyj itjbder control. Many models have been dej r yed, and clerk and others are asBlstini, tl p firemen in removing models,' records Id js.i to placet of safety.; The Btteets f irerowded witb spectators,' and much ei f prOerrt exists. ' The Jarid office is direct f I jmder the portion where the Are israginisliut it is thought' the valuable papers Mdr records will be saved, and the Ore conii3 to the upper stories. All the fire engvej f' of - the - DistricT and several from B Jtii bore are at the scene of confia-: grationtl e - latter having ' reabhed here from Bwtioore in about thirty minutes. ' Comaintlre Cetttt Suttemesit "NBwiSiBk, September ' tl; For the week etmf torday, the net receipts at all United ! SMes ports i during "the - week 22,261 ,-Hnft receiptsat all United States ports -a&iMi week last year 163,528 ( total receipts; i i .ihisT: date 41, 107' i total re ceipts Iri game, date last year 113,234. xspurisriiw lusi-weck 0,0 id' npiris ivr . . . X'. . t - . ... 1 ' . . Bame-wieuaw year 4,000; loiai-expons to thisadite 1 14,883 ? total i exports to same d iu! last year -38.247; Stock at all Unit, a! States ports 109,483 ;' stock at all UniM i States ports same -time last year 154,403f pok at air Interior towns, ,387; stock at alN'interiof towns same time last year, H 91? stock at Liverpool. 090,000; stock' aiiJiverpool same time ; last year; Great BHtijini16,t)00; stock rf Ainerican afloat loj .jO jeat Britain same time but year, i'ifslsrtW-IteiBis.'M r-::! ''' .- ! ; 1 ." ..I,, - i .. . .' 1 - VWABriiNiiToif' Set.' '241 Stanley Mat thews! mentioned f or the Srinreme Ceurt bench sVutd he fail to succeed himself in the senate: ;.. ! v- -;. n A lealtff Southern paperi ' Speaking of the sper rh made by Han "' Tucker" at tbe Social qje fee -Cdnvention 1 "makes an aTld-sioo-to t Ktf Bey. ' Tucker 'as dead. CoL Bev.. l ij jBtft i$ Here in good health, prac ticing ia v j n the interest or 1 some favorite Southen ? C aterprlses. The v3ahington Labor Exchange is now in opera foa. . Many laborers and a good number; able mechanics nave - presented themseli es for employment. Parties !.!n the Soui bem States desirous of employing either C s .wm please address witn' refer ences 1 s()ingto& Labor 'Exchange. ' v u J it 1 ' S l - ' ' Or fpnnlned m 'Alabama. J Chat Iaj jooga:: ,Sett! 23. The abun dant cri bs of cotton; corn and fodder.' in the vail yVof the Black Wamor, Alabama, have oe ijflatbrery swept away:' JfThe river 8uddenl'ljoSB; sixty-three' feet,' which is within feet of 41s Tugh .as ltwas in the: JbirribW freshet of Juie;,1872; ; ThV i is, ftters ' i; that ticintty Bad -Just ooniniej vl jjlcking' cotton1 'and bad ' not naaiea j jiicora and todder Trom the nelda. It is est trtUed that 80,000 'bales ' of cotton have bfl jp destroyed. Most1 of1 th plan ters aw ined; Tmrf it is : d6ubtf uf "if the actual i etssaries of ' life can ' be : seenred powr; fb.towrfof Tuscaloosa is about at the he I it thfe' devastated ' iectlotj-. -The mercbt its bad advanced- heavily on these grewini t roops. . r.:. . Galveston , iHoi xxxctsxAs. SeDi. 20.-r-The follow- iesUmated damage by tne. late cy rfohft krrjind Galveston : The .trovern- mebt i or$8 in Bolivar channel, including a ton abfi Headerson piirpad,' : loss of track and br- 5gs, $30.000. ' Gulf, Colorado and Santa ie rauroad, loss-at track and bridge. fao.W V -rUJtton presses IH48,500. Uotn pletedi dioga ui. the city.- $2500. Bath houser Ion beacli,'a$850a Twenty small schootins capsized,, loss $5,000. Private ouaairigaanarBX)pcny,iyLouu.fK.K .?-.!. - l, -'V- m Si 'SMS "r A ifiJ't' -VMtosi sTwwetv-" iAi -tdm i jACjffSNVTLLE, Fls., tfeflsn 21TrThew was Qua yellow-fever- death ttt Fernandina to-dayt pd 21mw- caswreportedi eve ral bf ibf, critiosi .cases repurted yesterday are wha to-day. Dr Palmer being among ths iMfuber. MThe disease is f becoming ebiderek: at Old Tow,- about -one mile nvBthjol lhe ctty proper i nere w consia eraBlJhacreaseof the disease among the colon J pttopla. A doctor from Key West arrtvi I there toy. tCcfitrIbations-from town kUie State axe being receiredv 1 Tbe President in Georgia . Atlanta, Sept. 22.- The Presidential party arrived at seven this morning. ; -., The headquarters are ! at the: Markbam house. After breakfast they drove : over, the city. At 10 o'clock Mayor Angier made the for- mi , welcome: address for the city, and ! vqv. VQiquui ior me state, trom front of ; the markhanv bouse to ten thousand as sembled citizens, j 1 .-uitestr, -v:jr.-j , . Hlffb WfUer Daun&ge ts.Crops o MoiiTOOMEBT,! i Ala., , September 20,-r-The Warrior .river has risen sixty feet and is still, rising' , rapidly. The entire river country is submerged, and the loss of crops is..paiamitous.j ine. Aiaoama u, rising slowly at this point. .. The rain has beaten put an immense quantity of cotton. . Jt has peen raining since Tuesday. . , .Wracked, lxnrobjr; 8ept 24. The" ship" Black- watch,, from Bremen for New Tfork, in ballast ;.was i wrecked on fair Isle Wedr nesnay niehti duing( the, Jog. MThe; J' iv-iiJsusiBVsrstsjlltee Cfrops.' Niw Oblkans, Sepfc; 20.--Tbe Price Current 'Estimates tbe damage io the rice crop rrom the cyclone on the lower Coast. a, -s .1 a. T . 1. . l om per cent. - . ' ' i fllassackinsetts UepaMiocms. Wobobstbb, Mass. I Sept. 19. The Re- puoucan Btate Uonvention nominated. Geo. Hi. Hoar tor president. , Rice was re-nom- mated tor Governor, j: u 1 afrr , Tellir Fever. . I " -1' ' ret .t Pisw Yobk. Sent 24- The steamer I uuiiermo irom pagra, ano nng itome rrom rt'n m 'n -. . . Aiatanzas, . are at quarantine with yellow fever. ' " - ' - . . , . ,! Ifwr Jersey Democrats. - TBBKtoir, N.iJ;i Seot IQ.' The Demo. eratic convention nominated Gen. Geo. P. McUellan for Governor on the first ballot. yi .v: v. -.Cases si ls jssrsi "' . New Yobk, flept. Chicago dis patch says:. Fidelity Savinn Back closed its doors this morning. i' -' - m t m I i TIABKErr REJPOBTS. Nbw Tobk. Sebt 24. Gold onened at 3. Stocks opened firm but became weak. :: Ui Ibtchanger-long .c : snort aB4.o i btate Donds auiet. Governments firm, jf - 1 t - Cotton firm ; uplands 111 : Orleans 114 : salea 2,623 bales. , Futures firmer at the following quotations : September 11.30 11.35; uctooer 11.2711.3; November U.i7u.ia i December 1 11.17(2111.19 1 January 11.24llJ37 .. i lour quiet and unchanged. ..Wheat dull and -nnchanged. , Corn dull and declining. Pcffk firm at Stl3.50tf?l3tia fifl Tjrrl firm . steam $9.22i. ; Spirits turpentine steady at 84, vKosm quiet at fl.70il.80 for strained...: Freighta flrrn., , . Baltimobb. Sept. 24. -.-Flour firm and quiet, with businss restrited by the firm ness ofthe holders; western superfinef3.75 (aa.uo: extra, o.ou(flo.ou: Iamilv6.50(a 8.25; City mills -superfine, , $4.004. 75: extra, f5.258.7?f Kio brands, 7.25 7.50; Patapsco' family, $8.75.' Southern wheat-dull and easier; western irregular and excited; southern red, good to prmie. 1.40lr5a; amber, 91.55(1.60;! western per.- steamer,. 1.38; No. 2, western win ter red, spot, L53; September f 1.22; Oc tober, L3;jlovemDer,- f 1.37. South-1 ere corn white firm; yellow dull; western steady and nrm; ; southern white. IQGMli yeilOW, i(08. , - .!. .i:..: IjIVWIpool; Sept. 24 Nobh.--otton hardening middling uplands 6 5-16:. mid dling urieans: o 7-10;' sales 14, WW; specu- latinn pnrl -rrv-r 31 ftOft. wutofnta ADO. all American. Futures, ' sellers - demand 8-33 advance; 'uplands,' low ' middling clause, October and November delivery 6 11-82: iNovemoer and -JJecember 6 u-82 6; ' December and January 6 5-1 66 li-33M5f; January and February 6 11-32: ireoruary ana marcn o n-JK; new crop shipped "November? and December, s sail, 6 11-33; December and January 6f. 1 r. it Uplands, low middling clause, now crop Buiuueu xtovemoer ana jjecem- ber. sail 6i;' January and February 6 7-16: American iara toa. 3d. - " - 2r. .-Uplands, J low. middling clause, new crop shipped February and March. sail, ej; . .London, September 94. Noon- Erie 11. V. J-.W p. m. jonsols 5 11-16. Erie llf. p. it. Consols 05?. Erie Hi. Paris, Sept 24. 1 p. m. Rentes 105f. 40c. ' i - ' ! -- ' ' i DBSTHncTrvK Hail Storm. A fearfully destructive hail storm sweot over the Old Town section of this county, on last Thursday evening, destroying thousands or dollars wortn ot ffrowinir tobacco. The nail was oi ail ernes up to as targe as a nen egg. in many nelas the tobacco was strip- pea as clean rrom the stalk as if done by hand, and few, if any of the farmers, had cut their tobacco; tbe loss falls very heavy on them they also suffer heavy in the loss oi loader.' Winston uenUneL Transmitted Tratts. "Father, did you ever tell a Be inquired a Darwinian of four, . ."Jio, ,.sir, replied the -. parent. is or mamma, either ? ' "Ho. my sonj; Then" how is it that . yon and mamma , couia nave a noy wno tens as many lies I do?" inquired the'- puzzled believer in transmittea cnaraoteristics. - sJaiciii7a nLssssusxtu -. ' V' ;. "';!oottom mauht: , ' A. C. 8 ANDERS CO.', ,; ' COVMI8810M MXBCHAMTS," , Corner Wilmington and Martin Streets. t - Pirt Tw Sont XI 1TT t -ii - - - . Middling.... ......-.' .... 10KI Strict Low Middling. 10 Low MlddllM..... ............ rv Strict Good Ordinary X Good Ordinary w Ordinary... ............. : maaung stains x - Low Middling Stain.....,, .. . ' Good Ordinary Wsm...v.i..k.i. ...... 9 - Ordinary taia...., - Tone oi tne marEet, i inn ; aemana guou. -J CttT M ARK WH0LK8AU nUCBS f v ' Reported by B. K. : Paxtim, Grocer, and Comtniaamn Merchant. t .... HALSMH. DOPV SO, 187T. Cotton Ties, new,. ............ .,. , 6 . , SDUceo. . x Btrrllg,...-,i.........ii... ....... - io Flour, aorta Carolina............ SS S 00 Corn., ,...t. : 76 9 80. corn Heal........ . so Baoon. N. c. Hog, ronnd.... yi . " hams. UM ti BoIX Meats, clear rib sides .:: snouioers i . Horta Carolina Pork.............." S Lard, Horth Carolina.. ...... , (4 WesMra Uei.......f. i 1 Coffee, prime Bio tt 9 MX . : cbmmiea. 1 .1 i. . KWU. .......... M Moiaases, juuos. .. ...... . salt, Liverpool one . $i o Brans.-.i a.. ....... .k. 1 86- ' Nans, os basis far Ms. ..h .tu.. S SO - . 8uaar. white 1SV A , .' yellow.. :.;.L.4.v. 10 a'liv Leather, red solei.. . . . . ... , 1 " 88 t oa tan ass ,u . " n- -: Hides, green.i., ....... ..v.. ... &.J:M dry io 4 ii Irtsn Dotataesv new.. ......... loo Oat. aheUed. ......... .....,... . a, , 66 ', sneat,zrom wagon....... i !baled.'........!7. Jl 00 9 Fodder, 'tialed, w,... ...... i. -l OS iiay.M.c. ttsidi.soo(u...MM.,vB.4i Jlt, Eirira. ner docen... . ....... .16 Butter. N. C..i......V..;...W ' . uoeswax,. ..r. ...... ..... - - e -t K agn -....... ..-. .... -. s . " nicked i.. IX R. on foot.. X...:.... ' s a -"10 M . ' Mmsy . . A i' r Uiirsll msIm. smm K -A II ssnt k1svViui pt7BItA9Ir TOBACCO SAPKET. j ;1 K P O R T" D BTai'Ai RAMs', t rsOFsarros. or bsamt wassbotwo. DckhAM, M. CM Sept. si, 1877. Dark, s . m s 4. .,...---.. S , SJ Common. ') i RiaHTi.nes. 7 . s a io .. a ......... ..... . "y - .1. .we..'......... U -10 . 0 IS sleUMim....t Good .......14 "!!.'M!.l8 ,1S jrancr ...... i- r . BIO LEAP. Common Dark. ... ...... ............ ;, H -J(J ..... , iu & f Common H M 18 4H S5 Medium . Fine...... S 60 gitra .i SO', 70 Demand good for brignts and prices ana wDiie comraon grsAgs remain dull. UriLniNGTOIl BLARKET, rFrom the Star, September 83.1 8PIRIT8 TUKPESTTNTt.- T e maflcet onened qniet at 8SM cents per gallon for conntrr uack- sgres, with ramorcd small salea at S3 cents. kusiw. rne markst was Arm at $1.40 for Strained and $1.45 for Good Strained. Sales re ported 01 167 btois, eood Strain ad at $1.45, and 77 do. (K) Low Pale at $2.25, and 20 do. (Kx) Good Low Pale at $3.S5 per bbt . TA ItMarket steady and nnchanged, tne re ceipts of the day being disposed ot at $1.60 per barrel - - - . 1 CKTJDE TTJEPENTrNK. Market tteadv and "nnchanjted, the sales of the day being at $3.35 for virgin snd xeilow Dip. Hard nominal. wnvfl- marcel ior mis article was noted doll. , Ws hear f sales of 33 bales as fol ows : 8 bales at 10 V cents. 6 do. at low cents. and 10 do. at 10 s cents per lb. The following are the official quotations : 1 . . n; Ortunary. ............. ............... i 9 cents. uooa orainary.... v Low middling 10 Middling; ios-16'' ' Quotations conform to the classifications of the American Cotton Exchange. , . , ia-v.k BBCEirrS. Cotton.. 63 bales. 117 casks., 1754 bbls. ' 109 '. 104 . epinta Turpentine. Rosin...... f iTf... urode TnrpenUne.... new Advertisements. : C30USE, 4 . t : t. . .... Corner Main and Commerce Streets, ' NORFOIaK, VA. Board $2 per Day. JESSE C JACOCKS. JrJ T-diwwSm . Proprietor. J. B wiiuiHi i 1. 1. HAWLEY, .... sFAYJSTTEVILLE, N0. : WeaiBlU IB KEI11L DEALERS Di Boils, Sho5j Hi Inlijf Additions to Stock every week. 7 KewTork and Baltimore Prices Guaranteed. TJ2RMS :EASY. septlft-Stw XADEB BIOOS. Y SsUbUslMS 181. - ASA BIQQS. 'EDBR SZGG8.&C0., .1 fDEIAL COIimiDIllSftUAR. -AND COTTON FACTORS. ' Biggs' Wharf, - - IWRFOLK, Vi. tw Liberal advances on Consignments. IW Soecial attention nald to the sale of 'COT' TON and all kinds of COUNTKY PRODUCE, and prompt returns made. . ryBAGGLSG and TIES rorniabed on liberal terms. seSS-wSm. DR. IlICnAUD II. LEWIS, (late Professor ot Diseases of the Sye and Ear In the Savannas. Medical College.) Practice limited to the ;EsTEl, ZAJSX ELAJR, Ealeigh, N, C. Office in the Tarborongb House, Refers to the State Medical Society, and the Georgia Medical Society. , sp raaw-ij DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM, . BALEIGH, N. C. ii- . Froctloe Limited to ' . Eye, Ear & Throat. septs-diwiy G. D. BA5D, 1 Late of Band Wyattf C. B. BABBEE. RAND & BARBEE, : GROCERS AND i rl- 1 n.. lff..Ll 11332111 UOmffllSS OH IV ErCnanLS. I Wawvsis-lsj V SJSBMBJHSiSf SWJ BJB V W CQISISNMEHTI OF B0TT0I I0LICITU. Martin Street,; - - BALEIGH, IS, C. BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, TOBACCO, SNUFF, MOLASSES, , SALT, LEATHER, FISH, - BAGGING, TIES, &o., &c PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. CALL MD SEE US. . '. KVStrict attention iriven to the sale of con signments of COTTON and all COUNTRY PRO DUCK, and prompt returns made. sel-d&w-tf. i .-r . " - "WANTED ' , T3T A LADY, A STTTJATIOX AS TEACHBK Xj in a school or family. She is QnaliSed to Vive thorengk instruction in all the English Branches.and the rudiments of Music and would aiso oe wiuing io set as amanuensis, elocution 1st, or secretary. She would not object to a place tn the country. Refer to w.E. Anderson or Bev. Dr. Mar shall, Raleigh, N. C. Address . M. R. A. sep lS-wlm .1 . : Box 409. RalelgH, N. C. TO BATBGOODHIAI.TH TBI I.ITEB. . RTC iJvViendl DIURHFAX SKKHFJUACHIA SUHsEIGOMKAnS BILIOUSNESS, . uVcRSiumAUtI .DYSPEPSIA. a, BOWELS attits tie . . . v MuarcvM. . Kor I'amphlC'naddreu Dr. Sanpord, New York. augS4-dAWlr A; Rare Chance. ooooo ' WITH A VTEW OP ADJTJSTrNG THB co partnership business of W. T. ADAMS A SONS, I will self ; - - . ' AT PUBLIC AUCTION, on Men day. week) at the Foundry of W. T. ADAMS' nuns, in Kaleiirh, a lot of Machinery. Tools, Stock and Fixture, consisting oi one i norse nortzontai isting of Engine, one SO inch Lathe, one 18 inch Lathe, one Planer, S4xS4, 6 feet bed, one Wood Lathe, one SO inch Fan. ons Rattle Box. a large lot of Wood and Iron Flasks, Ladles, a large lot of Fine Pat terns,' about 76 Plows, asserted kinds, 60 Un stocked Plows, largs lot of Plow Points, Bars, Bolts, 4 c, large lot oi flow -limoer, 101 oi new square and round Iron and Steel, 10 dosen new File, S sets sew Stocks and Dies, a complete set of Blacksmith Tools, Vises, Hammers, Cold Chis els, Small Circular Saw, one Iron Safe, good as sew, one Horse, two wagons, sets Harness, c, Ac., together with all the tools and lmple- neuH UCVWUJ IUI 1MIJUI vub xud vim. Foundry and Machine Shop, and many other articles which can be seen on the premises. Hale to oommence at is o'clock and continue antil disposed of. - thumb: au accounts not ever sao, casn. Larger amounts, one-third cash, balance In six months, with note and approved security, at S per cent, interest. . W. H. PACE, sepiiswuwu .: Attorney ana Agent. MISS IIANGUM'S PRIVATE HOME SCHOOL MISS PATTIS MANGUM WILL RI-OPBN ! , Hcliool lor sGrirls, At her residence tn ORA'NOE COTJUTY, on' the aist of September, 1S77. . - ' Her most earnest efforts will not be wanting io promote tne sign HKAk snu mbmtai CULTURE of those entrusted to her care. . - . For particularg address Miss TATT1B MANGUM, , , v, u,. x- .... - v . . ... ... . FiatRiver,: . tag ss-lmostw. - Orange N, Cr GOODE I

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