J'PIH' H . I'X. Tf f . ' - . , , , . : . . -VI30fc 1ST. C. TUESDAY. ...JtOGCST 6. 1878. The Storm til Tarboro. Special Telegram to The Obskrtkr.) Rockt Mount. Ausrust 8. 187S. A severe storm of wind, rain and hail visited Tarboro and -vicinity last ninnC A negro woman and child were killed in a house near the town by the falling of a tree. Crops and property damaged con siderably. No Esd to TnM. Anonymous com- iiiuuiunuuHs we mean, ine last one, in which "scoundrel" is one of the mild ex pressions applied to a neighbor, comes irom lAunnburg. Better Pay it to his lace than through the papers. 1 . Mrs. Vascnt We sincerely regret to icarn mat' jars, v anco was taen suddenly worse on Wednesday. A letter received from the Governor informed m that hi would be in the city on yesterday, but this - 01 course prevented nis coming. Raleigh Cotton Market. The receipts for the past week were 226 bales. Tone of the market, firm. We are unable to give corresponding receipts of last year, as " uuaiu ui intuc ncpi no account, ana therefore no reliable figures can poesibly iie ouiainea. IIbavt Sales -of Tobacco. At the Piedmont Warehouse, Danville, Va., on Wednesday last, were sold by Messrs. Norfleet & Vaughan 30.000 pounds, at an a ventre 01 per nunurea. Much ot H was common and low grade stock. Ma hogany wrappers brought as high as $44. Prospects of growing crop very poor. Davidson County. J. M. Finch, the clerk of the Board of County Commis sioners, is the first to send in an abstract of -the liat-of taxablcs for 1878. It is as fol lows: General tax, $ 3,161.64 Special " 8,233 50 School " 4,549.48 County 10,268 43 Killed. We clip the following from the New York Timet: A well-dressed man who gave his name as William Holt, of Caswell county, North Carolina, and who had been run over by a . train, was taken to Trenton early yesterday morn ing by the eastern bound owi train on lb Pennsylvania Railroad. He died at 7 a m., and his body was placed in the Morgue. Good News from Guilford. A friend from Guilford writes us : . "Our farmers in Western Guilford an no longer complaining of. drought, bui rejoicing over the refreshing showers in the hope of an abundant corn crop. Wheat is threshing out better than expected. Thousands of bushels pf peaches are be ing shipped from the western part of Guil ford to i he .northern cities. Davie County. Agricu'tmal statistics of Mocksville Township for the year tnd ing April, 1879 : Number acres of land, 22,204; acres in wheat. 1,703; acres in corn, 2.503; acres in oats, 1,320; acres in tobacco, 200: acres in sorghum, 44; number ol bushels wheat, 10,'JOl; bushels corn, '53, 8G8; bushels oats, 10,5; pounds tobacco, 103,753; gallons sorghum, 2,715; number of horses and mules; 318; cattle, 697; hgs. 2,634; sheep, 339; dags, 219; bogs died by disease, 391; number pounds dried apples, 9,938; pounds dried peaches, 9.650; pounds butter, 9,597; panels of fence 214,363. CUA Ji VILLt tOl'STV. Correspondence of Tnx Observer. Oxford, August 2, 1878. Messrs. Editors: The election here yesterday was fraught with marked inter est and enthusiasm. Uld men and young men. could be seen all over tbe county shoulder to shoulder laboring faithfully for the freedom of their county from the oppressions of Radicalism, which have so long been burdensome in the extreme, and thank3 to a kind providence their labors were not in vain. We have sufficient re turns to state that the Sheriff (who is also' Treasurer) and Superior Court Clerk are are surely elected by an overwhelming majority, and the general impression is that the whole Democratic ticket is elected by from 300 to 1,000 majority. This is glorious news from a county that has Lerctofore gone Radical by so large a majority. Our people are wild with en thusiasm. The Rads are a sick looking set of fellows, and on yesterday evening when the court-house bell sounded the death knell of Radicalism, some of the poor devils were actually seen crying. Hastily yours, ' T. L. Rare Pkesesce of Mind. A gentle man at Scarboro, after waving his nana -1 kerchief for half an hour at an unKnown lady whom be discovered at a distant point on the shore, was encouraged by a warm response to his signal to approach his charmer. Imagine bis feelings when, on drawing nearer, he saw it was his own dear wife, whom be had left at tbe hotel but a short time before. "Why, how re markable that we should have recognized each other at such a distance 1" exclaimed both in the same breath, and then they changedthe subject. --Newburyport (Mass.) Herald. E.vityig the Citiks. The hard times have had one good effect, which should have been produced long ago the removal of a great many people from the towns and cities, always overcrowded, to the broad, unoccupied lands of the far West. The sales of lands by the Government and the railways in that region have been much larger during the last year than for many years previous. In Dakota alone tbe Government sold, last ear, over 800,000 acres, seven times as much as the previous year. In Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado,;' the sales have been remarkably heavy both - by Government and railways. It is estimated that 6,000,000 to 6,000,000 more acres have - been, dis posed of there in tbe past than in the preceding twelve months, and the de mand for land continues 'active. When the hosts of unemployed laborers who cling to the cities, despite their enforced idleness, shall have gone to tilling the soil, one of the serious troubles of tbe day will have been naturally and permanently ad justed. Necessity teaches what argument and illustration never can. Political econ omists and newspaper scribes might advise the poor and unemployed to go West until they had grown gray, and all to no pur pose. Four or five years of non occupa tion and need have set tbe tide of human ity flowing in that most wholesome and desirable direction. iVew York Times. Ninsveh and Babtlos. Three thou sand years ago Nineveh contained 216 square milea; its walla, 100 feet high, with .rM nf tmit. that hei.ht- took 140.000 men eight years to build- Babylon was yet larger. This city, founded by Kimrod 2 233 B. C had its banging gardens, a scries of terraces raised one above the other on piers about 40 feet high till they over topped tbe walls of the city. - Each terrace comprised about tnree acre wu n, i ih inia .nrl ahrnrwi. The ETOV- WMUKU nuu ern merit was despotic, but tempered by a curious check. The King had absolute hut cnnld not rescind his decrees. Kagles were trained to accompany the warriors in their battles to pluck out the (ha onomv nr tn frflRl UDOn the COD- CT J M - quered. Very great cruelties were practiced upon tbe captives, in one ui me iimu i ko Kin or who nnaffa the eoblet in an arbor, is gratified by the sight of tbe - head of an enemy hanging upon one of the - Tha miml- rmarrv was the lion. Parks were kept entirely for the King to enjoy the lion noni. .-, . , . Wrorvr va ThA ronnndrum about the nina ta well enoturh.. but who breaks all the needles? Asinele factory in Redi Hitnh Tno-lnnH turns out between 6.000. 000 and 7,000.000 of tbem each week, or about , 350,000,000 a year, wnicn u eqaw to one third of the population of tbe globe. With all the factories in the world going. whobreau these billion- or neeoies r NORTH CAROLINA EJECTION. -;0: no rf"J o - , !j- !? i: :::::: : : S: : : : : : - : : - E: : : : : : : : J : - 5 . S CO J . ... " W : Oi c V V w w w tc'J -. . w 35: feSgSsS53SSsS22Sg ! ate tco jl Q I weccoS JHfcSHx -SSw 2 )Sr1,B'','WHMQ-iM-MHM to L - -to to si 52i K5 iB-i-'M(OMteM-l-tMih- 5i xao-agCtcalSitywiiS r I o SI eo -4c . o w 3D rfh. v a - op CO i rfk. IO 0 - -o -Hi s 5 S 3 ri 5 ss 3 to S e to I .i-tcc miq w ? JbotO Mto !JaLSgE 5, S -S g g 5 5 I s- 2:,is'l0,Cfc,!si? I - feO - Q - y Q . OS 3? ' W a- to ss k te .-'-- 5 otxv-tj) Jto a a w c 5 w Z - c to x e S to CO J o! m ' M I 0 iciO-'iOMig-tMMM ' ca b o 3b s ja c k. ja c m aa us to St o e colzas' ao -4 I x x to j-. oo 4 r ,r -c c 3s ei cm -1 x- CO ' c - -r! ' " I to - to-Te" ie s . 2? i fc Ot ; 4 (JO H cpoc - to S M i t -s - xaomtcaaa-o c so .f 0 w w -i o& !-. kB c --fcO 0 w MM - H-c5a jn- xXae cc c to w cc - fc a- 4- a . 3 ic aS - s sc ac tc .s rsraciAL tilbokams to the obsektkk. BCNCOMBK, MADISON, U AT WOOD AND YANCEY OOCSTlKS: A8UKVH.LS, vAng. 3. The Buncombe pemocratic ticket is elected by from two o four hundred and fifty majority. Car ter and Atkinson (Dem.) elected by over two hundred maj wity. Davidson, for he Senate, elected by 3-50 majority. Erwin, Independent for Solicitor, carries Buncombe by about 150 majority. Guder, for Judge, beats Cocke, Independent, be tween three and four hundred. Vote in Buncombe nearly 800 short, mostly Dem ocratic, compared wita vote ot ts.u Madison county eleci3 the entire Repub lican ticket, except Kegister, possibly, by some 100 majority. This is a loss of a member for the Democrats. llavwood. Democratic by small ma jority, save Sheriff Murray ( Rep ) being elected. Davis lust returned to the House. Uudger sweeps his county for Judge. Ferguson ditto for Solicitor. Yancey D. G. Garret (Dem.) elected to the House. Ferguson certainly elected Solicitor, notwithstanding Independents and Brindletaila. Ourre gulars hold the fort. KDGKOOMBK WILSOH AXD PITT. Tiunnwi Ancr. 39:45 a. it. The Re publican bolters are elected in Edgecombe , A : . Tu lLMMii. Dy a large ma jwivy . x uc muiuui am; ticket is elected in Nash except the Inde nonrlpnt Dem or rat for Register bv 242 ma jority and the Independent for Sheriff by 179 j majority. The Democratic ticket is elected in Wil son exceDt the Independent Clerk and Sheriff. Pitt county is Democratic for the Leg islature by 175 majority; Blow, lieg- ister of Deeds, 160; Warren, Sheriff, 15 ; Shepard, Clerk, Independent, 82. Per sonal matters caused a falling off in the vote. BLADEN COUNTY. , TCi iziR-TiiTowx. Au2. 2. Our county (Bladen) elects the whole Radical ticket by from 100 to 700 majority. J no. Newell, negro, Kepuoiican, Kepresenmiivc. me 13th Senatorial District elects Asa Ross, Rpnnhlican. Indeoendents and personal matters running into politics, the cause. SAMPSON COUNTY. Mt. Olivk. August 3.-8:40 a. m. Sampson elcciion, official : Wood, Inde pendent Radical beats Fennell, Democratic nominee for Senate, by 77 votes. The re mainder of the Democratic ticket is elected. NOBTHAMPTON GOUTY! Skaboard, August 3. Northampton to the front. James W. Grant. Democrat, has been elected to tbe House by 133 ma jority. Busbec's majority is 22. Tbe Republican majority in ioiu was mu. DAVIDSON COUNTY. t.syi kotow. N. C. Aiiff. 3. Full Demo cratic ticket elected except one Commoner. WAYNE COUNTY. Goldsboro, August 2. The Wayne county vote In lull : w. i. uoncn. Senate, 63 majority, wun a re ported majority of 1,200 in Duplin ; J. A. Bryan, . Senate, 61 majority; Geo. C. " . -w w -v r s Bucban, House, lemocrai, majonty; W. A. Deans, iiouse, ivepuoiicau, iuw majority; D. A. Grantham, Sheriff, Demo crat, 101 majonty; w. i. .eivenon, Clerk of Court, jjemocrai, oat majonty; R. W. Edgerton, Register, 1 democrat, 7S mftloritv: Jesse O. Bonlen, Treasurer, 105 majority; ur. ueo. u. iiroy, voropir, Democrat, WW majority; jonu i. iiemng, Sarveyor, Democrat, 2,324 majority. I G ATM COUNTY. d a t K9VHXB. Aueust 2. Our entire tickfit was ielected yesterday, except, per haps, that of coroner. The Democratic Sheriffs majority is about 450. Senatorial tir mnWitv io about '330. Gatline. Democrat, is elected to the Legislature by hnnt 288. Indifference and tbe local eleetiona slightly reduced our majority, Will send you official returns as soon as made out. . . - - ; ; . '. kodoweli. couarrr. Hknht. Aueust 8. J. T.Tleid, Demo crat, baa been elected to the House by 11 majority oyer Whitaon, Independent. m-t ' !' r "0 o w 09 . . r- '. O Chief Justice, Wlllllam N. II. Smith. Associate Justice, 06 a JsS Thomas S. A she. - Associate Justice, . M John n. BiUard. Seventli District, Jesfle F. Graves. Ip to u o - Eighth District, Alphonso C. Avery. OB V . Ninth District, J. C. L. Gudger. o -t-ie cc ex M M H 0 3 M Q- H H 0 WilUiam M. CockeuIua. WOBC v. 51 'Fabius II. Busbee. oo at -1 - t George H. Snovr. Moses A Bledsoe. e S John A. McDonald, Ii;l. . ea pa op L. D. Stephenson. W. K. Ric)ardson. H. G. Olive. en a. K. U. SUmps. to w R. W. Wynne. o a Stewart Ellison. en ci s tO w J. J. FerrelL a Q 0 d 5! H Hi Albert Magma. sa John N Uunrirp, Iu-l. S QT) -rl David Lewis, u tc r ' -. Jeremiah J. Nowell. s sslissj s!k. 'jolin P. n. Kusis -!-Iohn B. Neathery. .!jrarn A. WillianiH. t co Charles D. rpchnh. c i i .i lohn W. Thomion.' -1 -I Si x " ' William W. White. Patrick Mctiowau. a . 9 -4 QD CO William R. Kich: nlson. w n ' X - 'William B. Fowler. I h 'Charles M. In. geal ic i Scattering. CABTKRKT OoUSTY. BKArroRT, August 3. - John W. Shack-iir-rd, Carteret cotiBty, Senate, 450 ma jority. A II. Chad wick, Carteret county. House. 450 majority. All county officers Demora ic by large majorities. '. PAMUCO COUNTY. Stonkwai.u August 2, 1878. Smith, Dillard and Ashe, majority 707, Graves and Avery, 6S5 majority, Giidger, 502 mwjority, Whedbee. 51 majority, Ixgisla live ticket 60 majority, county ticket 65 majority, total vote oust 1,115 against 1,278 in 1870. Over 20J Democrats stayed away from the polls. BBAUFOKT AND 2d SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Nkwbkrn. Aug. 3. Beaufort county has gone Republican throughout by an average majority of 200. Tbe Democratic Register jiay be saved, but it is doubtful. Tbe Second Senatorial District is doubt ful The Democrats may have a majority of 60 to 100. Independents and local dissensions ruined us. We will save the county in November certain. Tarboro, August 3. In Washington county the Democrats did not turn out in full force. The Republicans are elected by a majority ranging from 185 to 390. Cocke got but few votes. Spruill, an in dependent Democrat, was elected Sheriff by 155 majority. Tvrrell county has elected Nelson, Dem ocrat, and the County ticket by a majority about 300. Bertie has gone Republican by four hun dred majority. A Democratic eain. Martin county has elected a full Demo cratic ticket. NORTH EASTERN OOUNTiES. Elizabeth City, August 8. Wash ington 350 Republican majority; Chowan 225 liepublican majority; Perquimans 375 Republican majority; Gates 325 Demfi cratic majority; Pasquotank 746 Republi can majority: Camden 22 for Whedbee, Democratic Solicitor; Tyrrell 150 Demo cratic majority small vote. Republican Senators are elected; by about 700 majori ty. Is the State safe for ,the Democrats ? WARREN COUNTY. Wakrenton, AuarJ 3. Smith 1,010, Ashe 1,013, Dillard 1,010, Graves 1,010, Avery 1,011. Gudger 1,010, Cocke 2,435, Busbee 1,011, Collins 2,479. Legislature- Senate, Isaac Alston, col. House, L- T. Christmas, col., Hawkins Carter, ol., and all Republicanof course. County officers Sheriff, N. R. Jones; Superior Court Clerk, W. A. White; Register, Mansfield Thornton, col. ; Treasurer, W. T. Alston; Coroner, W. G. Plummer; Surveyor J. M. Brame. There was a very hot contest between the candidates for Sheriff, but the former Sheriff (Jones) was re-elected by the following vote: Jones 3,105, Cheek 350. Jones' majority 2,755. IREDELL COUNTY. Statesville, Augusta. Iredell returns all in. J. R. McCorkle beats J. M. Shook, Independent candidate for the House, by 190 majority. Ho other candidate in the county bad opposition. T. S Ashe re ceived 1,385, the largest vote ever polled. A special messenger from Wilkes county reports that county remedied, recon structed and redeemed with a full Dem ocratic ticket elected by a handsome ma lority. Alexander county elects an In dependent Representative and Sheriff. 1 tegular Democratic nominees were cnosen forthe,other omces. CHATHAM COUNTY OFFICIAL TOTE. Monouek, Aug. 3. The official vote of Chatham is: Smith 3011, Ashe 3011, Dillard 3013, Graves 2980, Avery 3006. Gudger 2287, Cocke 720. For Solicitor btruuwick 1692, Howze, Independent, 1559. For Senator Merritt, Democrat, 2,001. Crump Democrat, 1225. Forlie- Dresentatives Monng, Democrat lata. M. Q. Waddell, Independent, 1134, Gold- Bton,' Democrat, 21Q1, Womble. i Indepen- aeni iot. . . pup UN COUNTY. Warsaw, August 2. The Democratic ticket elected by a good majority. Quiet election. '' . BOW AN COUNTY. " Salisbury, August 1.-9:35 P. Rowan's returns: Jno. S. Henderson elected to the Senate. Barringer, Inde pendent, is elected to the Commons. It is doubtful which of the two Democratic candidates will win for the Legislature. All the old county officers were re elected. Later. Henderson for the Senatebeats Foard. Independent 600 votes in Rowan. and 200 in Davie. The vote of Salisbury township for Henderson 515 : JToara 72. Every colored vote at Salisbury box was cast for Henderson. Bost and Fleming for the House of Representatives beat Barringer, independent, by a small maionty. vvag goner for Sheriff, beats Bingham, the re gular nominee, about 700 in Rowan. NEW HAN0VEB COUNTY. Wilmington, Aug. 1. This county's regular Republican ticket is elected. There was no Democratic opposition except for Superior Court Clerk, for which position Col. John D. Taylor is beaten by ,a small majority. Returns so far received indicate the election of Robert K. Bryan, Demo crat, to the Senate from NeW Hanover and Pender. CABARRUS COUNTY. Cosooiid. Aucrust 1. Odell has been beaten. W. H. Orchard, National, has been elected to the House by 200 majority. V vm . ..!. lteawiue. independent, nus Deen electee Senator for Cabarrus and Stanly bv ' three hundred niaiontv. Sloueh. Independent, sheriff bv three hunered majority. The balance of the Demo cratic county officers were elected. Montgomery, for Solicitor, was elected by a verv small vote. The vote of the Stat ticket is good. " BUNCOMBE COUNTY." AsnsviLLB, N. CC. Aueust 1. There is a falling off of the vote in the county on tbe vote of 1876 of some 800. Carter and Atkinson are elected, it is estimated, by a majority of 150 to 200. Davidson carrier the county front 300 to 400, which secure his election. The county will be close be t ween Ferguson and Erwin. C cke's vote it 8malL CUMBERLAND COUNTY. Fayrttevillk. Aue. 1. Blocker and Lutterloh, Radical candidates, are elected to tbe Legislature by a probablv large ma jority. Campbell, so-called independent candidate, is elected for Register of Deed over Autrey, Democratic nominee. Tht rest or the Democratic county ticket u elected. ' CATAWBA O0UN1Y. Hickory, August 1. Sufficient returns have been received to indicate the triumph ant election of Capt. Davis over his two In df pendent and one Radical competitor tor the House of Representatives, and ol the entire Democratic ticket, save possibly the nominee for Sheriff, who some fear may be beaten by Cline, the present Sheriff, Independent. WILSON COUNTY. Wilson, Aug. 1. In the county elec tion the regular nominees are elected, with ibe exception of tbe independents for Sheriff and Clerk, by a large majority. Gudger beats Cocke. King and Harris, Democrats, for ihe Senate unanimous. All the State ticket is elected. COLUMBU8 COUNTY. Flemixoton, N. C. August 1. The niire county ticket is elected. Van Rich ardson's majority tor the House is over a thousand. mecklenburo county. Charlotte, Aug. 1 9:40 p. m The Democratic majority in the city is four hundred and seventy ; in the connty one thousand. BUKKB COUNTY. Mono anton, August 1. Berry. Demo crat, ekcled. FRANKLIN county. Louisburo, August 1. The whole Democratic tieket has been elected in this county. Cooke s majority is over 200. RICHMOND COUNTY. Lauimnburo, August 2.-8:30 a. m. Dougald Stewart, Democrat, majority for Clerk of Superior Court of Richmond county is two hundred and thirty-five over 11. U. Dcckory. A. r. JLong, Ke publican, majority for Sheriff seven hundred and sixty sev en over Stephen Wall, Democrat. Jessie Hargrove, Democrat, Representa tive by a very small majority- over D. M. Henderson, Republican, brother or Windy Billy. John Watson, liepublican, for Register of Deeds three hundred tver Parks Chappel, Democrat. W. F. Brook- shire, Democrat, and George Graham, Republican, are very close for Senator from Richmond and Montgomery. The latter county has not leen heard from. ROBESON COUNTY. Lumberton, Aug. 2. 2:13 p. m. The official count indicates the election of the Democratic ticket except one member of the House and Register of Deeds. The official returns will be necessary to de termine. . EDGECOMBE COUNTY. Rocky Mount, Aug. 2.-12:10 p. m. The Radical bolters' ticket in Edgecombe, has been elected by a large majority as usual. Three tickets in the field and much scratching on all sides. ALAMANCE COUNTY. Company Shops, Aug. 2. 12 p. m. Mebane, Democrat, is elected by fifty ma jority, for the House; Holt cne hundred and eighty, and Scales two hundred in tbe Senate. ALAMANCE AND GUILFORD. Greensboro, August 2. 24fA Senato rial DUtrict Guilford. Scales 1,549; Holt 1,504 : Caldwell 1,688 ; Montgomery 1,475. Alamance. Scales 1,302; Holt 1,279; Caldwell 1,122; Montgomery 1,104. To talScales 2,851 ; Holt 2,783 ; Caldwell 2,810, Montgomery 2.579, with two town ships ti hear from, which will not change the result. Moth Senators are from Guil ford, Caldwell beating Holt 27. LENOIR COUNTY. , ' KlNSTON. N. C, Aug. 2.-8:10 A. M. The Conservative ticket has been defeated in Lenoir and probably in Greene. ORANGE OOUNTV. Hillsboro, Aug. 2. All but one pre cinct have been heard from. For the Senate: Williamson received 2,396, Graham 1 603, Mebane 1,730, Brown 758. For the House : Angier 1,866, Hutchins 1,579, Turner 2,470. The other precinct to be beard from wHl not affect the result of the election. Williamson and Mebane are most probably elected. RICHMOND, PENDER, BLADEN. Wilmington, August 2. Henderson, Republican, has been elected Representa tive from Richmond county by 37 malon ty. Bryan. Democrat, has been elected Senator from New Hanover and Pender. We will probably lose a Representative in Bladen and a Senator from Bladen and Brunswick. Armstrong. Democrat, has been elected Representative from Pender. Reports have been received here that Cald well, Democrat, has been defeated for tbe House in Duplin, but are not credited. Union county is all right except for Sheriff. Anson has gone Democratic by a large majority. MOORS COUNTY. Cameron, N. CC, August 3, The offi cial returns for Moore county are as fol Iowa : Senator Black, Rep. 1,268; Shaw, Dem. 1,075; House Leach, Independent, 1.175: Worthy. Dem. 1.091. Clerk of Court McNeill, Dem, 1.782: . Arnold, Independent, 520. Register of Deeds Brewer.Dem-1,015; Jackson, Independent, 1,13.1. ; ,; : , .:' . ;,. HAB.NETT COUNTY- C. ' , Aug. 2. Hector's Creek township gives Colneld 80, Spears, Independent, 14; Black River township, . Coffleld 04: c pears -1. Coffield'i majority will be large. Har rington, Republican, for the Senate, beaten by a decided majority. Atkins, Independent, for Judge of Probate, will beat tbe nominee by a considerable ma jority. Crops doing well. ROWAN COUNTY. - Salisbury, Aug. 2.-8 p. m. Barrir- ger, independent, for tbe House, beats Fleming thirty -five majority. Henderson's majonty in Rowan is five hundred ana four. . ' , CATAWBA COUNTY. Hickory. August 2. 9:50 p. m. Com plete returns elect the entire Democratic ticket by handsome majorities. GRANVILLE COUNTY. Henderson, August 2. The whole De mocratic ticket electea oy zuo majority, official. .Hurrah for Granville NASH COUNTY. Iwxjky Mount. Aug. 2.-8:02 a. m. Nash has been carried by the Democrats except for bhenff and Register of Deeds : these are independents. ' HARNETT COUNTY. V Candidates and their vote : For the Senate Neill S. Stewart, Democrat, 895: J. S. Harrington, Republican, 470. Foi the House C. 11. Coraeld, Democrat. 711; J. A Spears, Independent. 571., Foi Clerk Superior Court James Atkin$, In dependent, eo2 ; i-tavid liyrd, Democrat, 554. For Sheriff John Green, Democrat, 1,336 For Register of Deeds Robert Grady, Democrat, 1,082. For Treasurei Archibald Bethea, Democrat, 1,290. For Surveyor S. D. Pipkin, Democrat, 1,157.. For Coroner--David Grady, Dem ocrat, 1,156. ' THE GESEnAL ASSLUBLV. As far as ascertained the members elet are : v SENATE. Pitt.--E. A. Moye, Democrat. Wilson, Nash and Franklin W. S. Har ns, Franklin; it. w. King, Wilson, Dcms Jones, Onslow and Carteret. John W. Shackelford, Democrat. Wayne and Duplin W. 1. Dortch, Wayne; J. A. Bryant, Dupjin, Dems. . New Hanover and Pender K. J. liryan. Dem. Bladen and Brunswick. Asa Ross, Re publican. Sampson. ...... Wood, Republican. Columbus and Robeson.- D. P. Mc Eachcrn, Democrat Cumberland and Harnett JNeiu b. Stewart, Dem. Johnston L. R. Waddell, Dem. Wake. George H. Snow, Democrat. Warren. Isaac Alstoncol.) Republi can. Granville E. E. Lyon, Dem. Chatham A H. Merritt, Dem. Alamance and Guilford J. I. Scales, ol Guilford. Deta., David F. Caldwell, Guil ford, Ind. Dem. ' Anson and Union Culpepper Austin, Dem. Cabarrus and Stanly J. M. Red wine, Ind. Dem. Mecklenburg S. B.' Alexander, Dem. Rowan and Davie John S. Henderson, Dem. Catawba and Lincoln. W. A Graham, Democrat. , Buncombe and Madison T. F. David son, Dem. Jackson, Swam, Macon, Cherokee, Clay and Graham. James L. Robinson. Rutherford and Polk Eaves, Rep. Richmond and Montgomery George A. Graham, Rep. Kockingbam J. 1. Dillard, Dem. Iredell, Wilkes and Alexander T. A. Nicholson, of Iredell; J. P. Mathcson, of Alexander, Dema. Cleveland and Gaston L. J. Iloyle, Ind Dem. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE?. Alamance Dr. B. F. Mebane, Dem. Alexander Dr. Carson, Ind. Dem. Anson. J. A. Lockhart, Democrat. Bladen. Jno. Newell, (col.) Republi can. Buncombe Nat. Atkinson. M. E. Car ter. Dems. Burke B. A. Berry, Dem. Cabarrus W. H. Orchard, National. Caldwell Edmund Jones, Dem crat. Carteret. A. II. Chad wick. Democrat. Cafawba R. B. Davis, Dem. Cleveland L.; E. Powers, Democrat. Chatham J. M. Monng, J. J. Gold- ston, Dem?. Columbus V. V. Richardson, Dem. Cumberland Thos. S. Lutterloh, John C. Blocker, Rep. Duplin. G. W. Laml A. !. Colwcll, Democrats. Franklin C. M. Cooke, Dem. Gaston Hardy Huffstetler, Democrat. Ga'es. J. J. Galling, Democrat.-. Granville J. E. Burroughs, Rufus Amis, Dems Guilford. C. J. Wheeler, J. A. Alctxjan, Democrats Harnett C. II. Coffield, Dem. Haywood. F. M. Davis, Democrat. Iredell J. R. McCorkle, J. D. Click, Dems. Johnston E. A Bizzcll,' E. J. Holt,. Dems. Lincoln B. C. Cobb, Democrat. Martin. N. B. Fagan, Democrat. McDowell. J. T. Reid, Democrat. Mecklenburg J no. L. Brown, W. E. Ardrey, Dems. Moore Neill .beach, ma. Dem. Nash G. N. Lewis, Dem. New Hanover. H. E. Scott, W. H, Waddell, (coL) Republicans. Northampton-J. W. Great, Democrat. Orange M. A. Angier, Dem., Josiah Turner, Ind. Dem. Pender Thos. J. Armstrong, Dem. Pitt. D.' C. Moore, Germain Bernard, Democrats. Richmond D. M. Henderson, Rep. Robeson. R. M. Norment, Neill Mc Neill, Republicans. Rowan H. C. hJost, lem., David .Bar ringer, Ind Dem. Sampson. JU. R. Carroll, J. c. nines, Democrats. " Tyrrell. W. G. Nelson, Democrat. Union D. A- Covington, Democrat, Wake. W. E. Richardson, Democrat; R. W. Wynne, J. J. Ferrell, Stewart El lison (col.). Republicans. Warren. L. T. Chnatmas, Ltawmns Carter, (col.) Republicans. Wayne G. C, tuchan, Dim . w. a. Deans, Rep. Wilson Dr. J. JU. rayior, Dem. Yancey. D. G. Garrett, Democrat. Macon John Reid, Democrat Wilkes Dr. Tyre York. Dr. L..HarrilL Dems. Rutherford Young, Dem. Montgomery W. T. H. Ewing, Rep. Randolph N. C. English, Dem., Bingham, Ind. Person aiontiord mcueuee, Dem. Rockingham T. L. Rawley and Wm. Lindsay, Dems. GAINS AND LOSSES. The Democrats so far as heard gain 3 Senators, viz: in Granville, Wake, New Hanover and Pender ; 7 members ot mc House, viz : in Franklin. Pender, Wake, Granville (2), Northampton and Wilkes 10. , The Radicals gain 6 Senators, viz: in Chowan District (2), Sampson, Bladen and Brunswick, Stokes and Forsyth ; 10 mem bers of the House, viz: in Cumberland (2 Robeson (2 Davidson, Wayne, Bla den. Madison. Stokes. iBeaufort, Ruther ford and Polk 16. Four Independent Democrats are elected over the nominees to the Senate, viz : in Alamance and Guilford. Cabarrus and Ktanlv. Orange. Person and Caswell ; 6 members to the House, viz: in Alexander, Oranlre. Randolph. .Rowan, Ca barrus, Cleveland and Gaston 10. m mi . Clear tbe Way For the escape from the system of its waste an4 itahH, which, if retained, would vitiate the twviiiv fluids and oTerthrow health. That im portant channel of exit, the bowels, may he kept permanently free from obstructions by using the non-griping, gently acting, and agreeable cath artic. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which not .only liberates impurities, but invigorates the lining of the intestinal canal when weakened by constipation or the unwise use of violent purga- tivea. The Btomacn, ner, ana urinary organs are likewise reinforced and aroused to healthful action by this benencent tome inuwrnKuic, and every organ, fibre, muscle and nerve ex iuiHhuvi a iinn of tta Invigorating influence. fTnnhffv.tinnahie in flavor, a most genial and wholesome medlolnal stimulant, and owing its efficacy to botanic sources exclusively, it is the remedy best adapted to household use on ac count of its safety, wide scope and speedy action. aug-wit-eou BY TELEGRAPH. RBPOBTKD BT THI ASSOOIATXD PKESS. I IVebt Statement. 1 Washington, Aug. I. The debt state ment for July shows a decrease of $ 20, 630,697. Balances in Treasury-currency $110,831,763; Special fund for the re demption of fractional currency is ten mil lions ; special deposit of legal tenders for the redemption of certificates of deposit $51,200,000; coin $207,007.852. 4l in cluding coin certificates $45,631,030 ; out standing legal tender $346,681,016. The Treasury disbursements during the month were $14,224,873, exclusive of payment on account of the public debt YV(kUiiiKtoil Items. Washington, July 31. The case of Mc Elwee vs. Black well, manufacturer of Durham Smoking Tobacco, recently de cided at the Patent Office in favor of Blackwell, has been appealed. , .Washington, July 31. The' Poetofflce Department will soon call public attention to the changes in the international postal arrangement effected by the recent Posta: Congress at Paris, and give directions ac cording thereto. New Cotton. New Oulxans, July 31. The first bait of new cotton from the Mississippi Valley, raised by J. F. Reinstrar, of Adams county Miss., was received to-day by Hugh Alli son & Co., classed good middling, and was sold at auction for 184 cents. The cotton was well ginned, fully matured, ol good color,' silky and good staple, and if superior to any first bale received for years. t" m mm - Failure. New Yoke, August 1. Sixty-seven failures are reported ic July ; aggregate liabilities $5,733,741 ; assets $2; 702, 442, an increase of 13 failures, and $1,400,000 liabilities, as compared with the record for the previous month, and an increase of 50 per cent in number, and double the amount of assets, as compared with July 1877. uttpentlcd. Cincinnati, O , Aug. 3. The grocery house of It. M. Bishop & Co., at the head of which is Governor Bishop, suspended to-day. None of the firm's paper has gone to protest It is deemed best to suspend in order to' effect a settlement with tht heaviest creditors they owe in the East. Dead. R.-mb, Aug. 1. Cardinal Franchi. Pon tifical Secretary of State, and Archbishop of Tbessalonica, died at 1 o'clocK. this morning. He was a native of Italy, and wasbomin 1819, and was nominated Cardinal in 1873. Election. Memphis, August 2. In the county election yesterday the National Greenback party elected the entire ticket, thirteen candidates, by majorities from 4,000 to 6,000, polling 16,600 votes. Yellow Fever. New OkLEASS, August 3. There have been 38 new cases of yellow fever for the past twenty-four hours. Deaths 7. Total cases to d:tte 233. Total deaths GO. New, Cotton. Savannah, August 3. The -Ant bale of new crop Florida cotton was received from Monlicello to-day and classed strict low middling. Bank Kimpended. Kansas City, i Mo., August 3. On ac count of the recent heavy run the Mastin Bark of this city has suspended. niKKET KEPOKT. New York, August 5. Stocks about steady. Money 2. Gold &. Exchange long 4.83: short 4.S0i. State bonds quiet, Governments generally steady. . Cotton steady, sales 1,935; middling uplands 11 15-16; middling Orleans 12 1-16. ruturesnrm, August 11.96: Sep tember 11.63; October 11.45 ;-November 11.25; December 11.21; January 11.23. Flour quiet and hrra. Wheat unsettled. Corn dull. Pork quiet, uress $10.50. Lard steady, steam $7.75. Spirits turpentine 27J. Rosin $140. Freights steady. UALTifloKB, Aug. 5: Iflour q l t ml steady Howard street and western super $2.00$3.00; extra$3.25$4 25; fami ly $4.50$5.25; city mills super $2.50 $3.25 extra $3.75$4.25; Rio brands 5.75 ; Patapseo family $6.50. Southern wheat active, firm and higher; western quiet and lower; southern red prime $1.00 $1.05; amber $1.05$1.06; No. 2 western winter red spot and August $1.04; September $l.04$1.04. Southern corn steady and firm; western quiet and steady; southern white 5455 ; yellow 52. W1E-T1INUTON RUHKET. From the Star, August 4. PI KITS TTJRPKNTINE. The market onened tirm at 26 cents per gallon for country pack ages, at which price 456 casks changed hands during the day, closing quiet. KUSiJN. Tiie market was nrm at for strained, and $1.80 for good strained. Sales reported of 55C bbls. at quotations. TAii. xne market was steady at b.uu per ool being an advance of 40 cents on last reports. Sales of the small receipts on market at quota tions. CRUDE TURPENTINE. Market steady and unchanged, the receipts ot the day being placed at $1 for Hard, and 11.75 for Virgin and Yellow Dip. cu i TUN-i ne market was nrm, wun saies oi 14 bales at prices which have not transpired. The following are the official quotations, but holders generally demand better ngures: Ordinary..... S cents. uoort ordinary x " Low Middling Middliffg 11 " Good Middling (juotanons CQniorra to the clasauications of the American Cotton Exchange. CORN. There is a firmer feeling In the market, but quotations rtmaiu unchanged at 53.s53i cents for Mixed and 6S cents per bushel lor iTiine v nue. PEANUTS. Sales reported to-day of 300 bushels at a decline of 5 cents on all qualities since last reports, as follows : Ordinary 70 cents; prime, 80 cents; ex ra prime 90 ceuts: fancy 95 cents, and hand picked fancy $1.06 per bushel. aKcaiPTs. Cotton Spirits turpentine ..... 131 bales, 662 casks. 1,243 bbls IS " 667 M Kosin far Crude Turpentine. 1 ; : WINSTON TOBACCO MARKET. CORRECT n BY NORFIEET fe VWTJ3IIPTr PROPRIETORS OF "PIEDMONT" WAREHOUSE. WIN8TON, August 6, 878. Breaks heavier than at any time since May, princa fully sustained on all good waxy and fine touaccos. wuotatinns remain uncnangeu. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM.BONITZ'S NEW HOTEL, GOLDSBORO, HT. C. HnarH nnr naw t2.00. Meals.r. ...OO Cents. Lodsine BO Cents. Located in the Business Part of the City. FIRST-CLASS BESTATJRANT ATTAl HID TO THE f ebS-tf. IOT Ij. TARBORO HOUSE. CHAMBERLAIN & RAILS Proprietors. ; TABBORO,N.C. Thia nnnu has been vert much enlarged and thoroughly renovated, and now known as the TARBOKO HOUSE," under the management of . " Our BOOMS ARK LARGE, AIRY AND WELL VENTILATED ; located in tne moe rtsrxp.ss PART OF THE TOWN. We invite all to give us a trial, and we GUAR ANTEE SATISFACTION. MTSPRnlAL ARRANGEMENTS TOR THE EXHIBITION O? SAMPLES..! - HJCJKm rar- Wa hav 1nnt com Dieted OUT BATH TTnTTRTC which has been fitted up In the best style, and are prepared to give Cold or Hot Baths. 'lTaveiers snouiu wwuiui - - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS DR. GEO. W. GRAHAM. KALEKiH, !T. C. 1'rtiot lo Limited to Eye, E a r Sl T h r o a t , TO HAVE GOOD IIF.A.TII TIIE LIVER MUST BE KEPT IS ORDER. rlTHARTfo . Cffl TlRtTIOI sckheamchsa a 'aiMaEscoMPuma Sl FOR nSEASESOFf BIU0USNE88.B ADYSPEPSlAlS n rise tite I 5 waSie5CcnMPi vim ror 1 amphle: a'ldr iJk- :-A-Mkl. New lork. U d-wly. RELIABLE GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES pins Lei is & Co. J Hardware, Sash, Door and Blinds, Rims Spokes and Hubs, Iron and Nails, Paints and Oils, Ac. "All Right Cook Stoves,' Pratt's Astral Oil.i No House can, No II .use shall, ive bettei articles or undersell ns f jr the M OH E Y . Largest Stock is North Carolina, AND PURCHASED FOE CASH. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. HI LPS FOR THE WEAK, NERVOUS AND DR. HASBROCCX'S ELECTRIC BELTS. The afflicted can now ie restored, to perfect health and bodily enersy without t!ie use of medicine ot any kind, and without the slightest Inconvenience to the patient's habits or uaiiv occupation. Reader, are you Afflicted? And wish to regain your health, strength, and energy of former years ? Do any of- the follow ing symptoms meet your diseased condition? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid, and lack the power of will anil action ? Are your kidneys, stomach, or blood in a disordered condition ? Do you suffer from the rheumatism, neuralgia, or aches and pains? Have you been indiscreet in former years, and find yourself har rassed with a multitude of gloomy symptoms? re you subject io loss oi memory, nave spells of fainting, fullce.-s of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, unst for business or pleasure, and subject to any of the following symptoms : restless nignts, mgmmarp, palpitation oi the heart, bashfulness, confusion of ideas, dizziness in the head, dimness of sight, Src.? Thousands of females, too, are broken clown in health and spirits from disorders necaliar. to their sex, and wno, irom taise mouesty or uegiect prolong tneir sufferings. Why then further neglect a subject ot such vital iniiort ance when t he remedy can be so easily procured ? Dlt. HASBKOLCIi'S ELECTRIC BELTS, For self-application to 8i:y part of the body, meet every requirement. 1 he most eminent piivs cians indorse them, and we offer the mott convincing testimony dirn-t from t!ie afflicted tucnaeives, wuo have been restored to Health, Strength and Energy, after drugging in vain for years. send at once ior descriptive circular, wnicu will- be mailed free, containing iu formation worth thousands of dollars to the afflicted of either sex. Call on or address (all communications corfl- dentlal), James H. Bowdolne & Co., Sole Agents for the United States, . O. Box 3141. 343 Broadway, ap25 13tw New York City NEW STOCK OF CHILDREN'S TRADE MARK !f LJ II 1 I Dw-ly." 1 rw ij. McC A. L. L U M c C O O I E R, , DR. A Ij E I OK, 1ST - O- , MANUFAOTCRKRS OF ENGINES, 8AW MILLS, COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, MILL AND KUNWlKti HACUiMJCKX, VJEJXTlU&Xi ACUI UUfiliUillAL jLuiiJkO, FROM 6 TO 30 HORSE POWER, Offer now special bargains in 31 Eight Hobss Powxb Hora Ewoikxs, Nrtr, and Okb is noRS Powxk Mori Enoink, with 16 Horaa Powbk Boilxb, now driving the machinery of our 8hops. This Engine is nearly as good as new, and will be SOLD AT A LOW PRICE. We are now build ing i 25 and 30 HORSE POWER HORIZONTAL ENGINES, for Saw MHIb and other nses, equal to the very best made North. We Invite parties needing En gines to visit or correspond with us before sending North for them. Support home manufactures wsen you can do better than bj sending to shops several hundred miles away. Address all inquiries to McOALLUM A COOPER, RalelKh N . C. gr-dAwiy - ;i tr-.i - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DR. RIC1IAUD I!. LEWIS, (Late Professor of Piseaaes of the Eye and Ear in the Savannah MeOiual College.) PricUoe limited to the EYE AJSiy JEVXt, ' Raleigh, N. C. Office In the Yarborongh House; Refers td the State Medical Society, and thsj Georgia Medical Society. ap iMtw-i? Cbablbs H. Fostkr. GXOKGX W. RXED. FOSTER & REED, lUcrneys and Counsellors at L&i, No. 204; West Washington Square, Firmt lloor), PHILADELPHIA. jy31-DAW-tf. ItA-IiBIO-H, 3ST., c. The Fall Term opens Sept. 10, 1(378. The ail vantages of a First-Class Seminary are offered on TERMS TO SUIT THE TIMES. Board pnr month $13 00 English Tuition per month 4 00 Extra studies moderate. For catalogue apply to F. P. HOBGOOO, Principal. Jy.l4-oawTtiw7t. SIMOHTQN FEMALE COLLEGE, tatesvlllo, Ir. c. The next term begins ATJGUST83, 1878. , Board and English Ttdtion SSS.OO- PER SESSION OF TWENTY WEEKS. Catalogue and circulars sent on application. Mks. E. N. GRANT. Je SMawfira Principal. FOR THE WEAK KfcHVUUS WJU DEBILITATED! The afflicted can now be restored to perfect health and bodily energy, at home, without the use of medicine of any kind. PUliVERMACIIER ELECTRIC BELTS AND BAND, For self-application to any part of the body, meet every requirement. The most learned physicians and scientific men of Europe and this country indorse them. These noted Curative appliances have now stood the tost for upward of thirty years, and are protected by Letters-Patent in all the Srincipal countries of the world. They were ecreed the only Award of Merit for Llectrlq Appliances at the great "Worklls Exhibitions Paris,. Philadelphia, and elsewhere and have bet-n found the most valuable, safe,, simple, and efficient known treatment for the.cure of disease. READER, ARE YOU AFFLICTED ? and wish to recover the same degree of health, strength, and energy as experienced in former years? Do any of the following symptoms or class of symptoms meet your diseased condition ? Are you sufieriirs from ill-hettltli in any of its many and multifari ous forms, consequent upon a lingering, nerv ous, chronic or functional disease? Do you feel nervous, debilitated, fretful, timid, and liiclc the power of will and action ? Are you subject to loss of memory, have spells of faint ing, fullness of blood in the head, feel listless, moping, unfit for business or pleasure, and subject to fits of melancholy ? Are your kid neys, stbraach, or blood, in a disordered con dition? Do you fcufler from rheumatism, neuralgia or aches and pains? Have you been indiscreet in early years and find your self harassed with a multitude of gloomy symptoms ? Are you timid, nervous, and forgetful, and your mind continually dwell ing on the subject? Have you lost confidence in yourself and energy for business pursuits? Are you subject to any of the following symp toms: Restless nights, broken sleep, night mare, dreams, palpitation of the heart, bash fulness, confusion of ideas, aversion to society, dizziness in the head, dimness of sight, pim ples and blotches on the face and back, and other despondent symptoms ? Thousands of young men, the middle-aged, and even the old, suffer from nervous and physical debil ity. Thousands of females, too, are broken down in health and spirits- from disorders peculiar to their sex, and who, from false modesty or neglect prolong their sufferings. Why, then, further neglect a subject so pro ductive of health and happiness when thero Is at hand a means of restoration ? PULVERMACHER'S ELECTRIC BELTS AND BANDS cure these various diseased conditions, after all other means fail, and we offer the most convincing testimony direct from the af flicted themselves, who have been restored to mm mmm mm A va m I V S V tlCALin, dlKLNtilrl, A Pill LNCribl, after drugging in vain for months and years. Send now for Descriptive Pamphlet and The Elect rig Quarterly, a large Illus trated Journal, containing full particulars and information wobth THOUSANDS. Cop ies mailed free. Address, - PULVERMACHER GALVANIC CO., tGF Avoid bogus appliances claiming elec tric qualities. Our Pamphlet explains now to distinguish the genuine from the spurious. May i-d eod-weow-ly CARRIAGES. Neat, Cheap, Durable WRITE FOR PRICES -TO BEIGGS BUILDING, HALSIG3, XT. C. Utl IFrom Rev. W. W. Bennett, D. D., Benlor Editor Richmond Christian AawoctUe.) I have tried the XANTHINE, and found it to be all it claims is restoring hair to its nat ural color and removing dandruff. W. W. BENNETT. For sale by Pnrcell, Ladd ft Co., and R. w. Power ft Co., Wholesale Agents, Richmond,. Virginia. dot Xft-dftwly-

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