VI n7 : J ' """" ' i ' v.- , l t : :. '. ' v . .:r i : ' , ' ' . - ' !-'"-' .:- '1 . ? . . ! - Ti - " ..? ; kn -; ; l ' ; : - " . ' ' i -;: : . ' - r ': ; : ':J .IF m v- i ..'" - M. . : - ; a1-aaa :5v . hi .:. ...I--- - ' ". :- - l : 'a ' '- "-: '" AajAa : "v.. A.;:- ; Jr - . ---- ------- --.-r. , r- J t :- .- -1 : . ) ' t U'' i . "-'' ". . . - i " - - - -1 . : I - - ; ; .. . - . ' .. . : !:n !;. 7. - -.v ..;" h ,.!- M .I- t ; r ' j ' -i - - - - -f j i . -. .-v ' i i- : i : -. : -pH . j. r .. ... VI .o Site VI ; f . a i j 1 m i m--"- i '1! l - - ! - : . - - - . : - w V . ( I IIUIJMM-Jim. JM. HJIimmlUIHUUMWiUL JUIWIL 111 M IIWI II III ! Wll Mill Ill -f t. U JJI-. ..HiULW, I l I ! Mil B Ml ! !! IIHII J KMMMMMHWMWMlBiJUAI"liiui I 1MB I Mill i" ) ..' . s'3 ! i-k' me that; lie I il U;o- y.aledu Ji.s-(t-;: at ne ktullwcl d ttnifiV lureurti.i - iiavvish ubsyribcr'""- r I UK preijiied upil t, on 1 .1 Kuti ; peon . .1v 8 j ieitjff r tfi ii6it 4 n ft m-ilkl HIS 11 in I' . -1 abk land f p !!fes.i i UCO),t:pd, Lss: rooms Hi ' 1 1 1 . lvit puti tthtiiii?re-' siilljiciibn nisiM to bis " WL.H. r pSjicipal ;-- 'A'l lucK.; , r 4 att-ilsai the ih (.-jrolinaJ gMl ? allfjit hos i zvxhoz all: nl aj jdisea. naciiin the ratet 'pbysi . Atpld, of Nf j York, recired this Hi oidefei' from arii"t which bQtri3more jtr3more. : l i ilVbom I ill ; tali I ARrTDldthfr f vi;i ;Hakst- ed. ftTrneda-vs L StjJayouj beral jerms mrei I I': VOIiUME 1. DEMOCRATIC W. "WHITAKEH, Proprietor & Publisher TERMS.. VV;.;. The -' Democratic State Tvag1' is publish ed every Friday morriing, at Oztf Dollar a year i ! - in advance. i ' " ''! ;- ". f i Atlvef tisements conspiciously "inserted at the City t: I rails. ' . . : , ' - -.' . " ' -; ' H : 4- fo! Printing. Our nssortrnent of Job Type, being I Inewaritl laslaouaaie. w? only as a. mai, it insure Hatis(acuon. , ; r ! Blanks, of every description harid.soroely printed on good paper, aLrednce price3. ; v f " . . MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. ! Northern Mail By Rail Roati. Due daily at 1-2 p. m ' -;, ; . : Closes ' ,12 m n8octiier Twd-horse Starje. , -; ' . i. Due daily y at 11 a. m . . " Close " 11 a. ra G ens bo r o Four-hors'e.Stage. Due Monday, " - V ednesday and Saturday, at i a. in. Closes Sun.Wed. &. Friday, 12 ra. 'Neweerx Four-horse Stage.". .Due Tuesday, " : Thursday. Sc Saturday, at ; li p. in. ".- ' Closes Mon. Wed. Sc. Sat. ' " 9 p. m. Fittsboro'Tw horse Stage. : Due Monday j. and Thorsflay,' v'l at 7 p. m. J ' Closes Sat. and Tues. .; ' . 9 p. m. 3toxEORO, One-horse mail. Due Fri. 9 a.m. ; Closes Friday, " J", ' 2 p m. 1 IIollv'Spri-vgs Horse Mail. DueMon. 4 p. in. v -jt Closes Thursday, , r 9 p. ra. letters should by all meass be in the Office ilfteeri minutes before the time of dosing. I ! . VM. WHITE, P.I. .Raleigh; Oct. 17, 1848. . r . PURSUANT toan Act 6f Assembly, a Coaipany ha beeii fanned in this Slate, under the name nifd style of, the x No th Carolina Mutual Insurance ( 'oiinjany.' I "The loilou ini? are the Directors of this Coinjnny for the pr'eseut year. ; . J. Q. Watsov, of Raleiifh, Wake County. Wm ;V. Holien, do uo R. SiflTH, V do do J. Primrose, do do II. D. Turner, . do ' !o JasF. Jordan, do . io . A.' B.jStith, ' ,l ! J. LiTCUFOKD.' do . do do do" do! da do! do do J. E. lYT,of U'nsljnton, Btntdort-County, J. McR fc, of Wiliiiiii-rton, N- liaiu ver ' Co. ' (J. MiNEiLL. bl Fa'yettevUlis CutiibcrtandCo., J. R. loav, Greelisborough, Gui fotd Co R. N.;Taylok,oi Ntwbern. Craven County, " TIjc fo' lowing are Oificer-'of die Company forl';e present .year : - ; . JOSIAH 0: WATSON, President. , ALRERTr$TITH, Vice President! i ' RICHARD SMITH, Treasurer. JAS. F. JORDAN; Secretary. CHAS. MANLY Attorney RICHARD S-MJTH, ) Eecuuvc Com JNO. PRIMROSE, T f:ttee " WM. Wi 1 1 OLDEN.) 1 1 e Tbe Coiiijiany is n w prefaced to receive applia tiotis for Instance, and to issue Policies oh thy sime By the Aetol Incorponuion, the Company is autlKir-J azedTo take risks on Levelling nouses, atoie? fatJOis and odier Buildings", Furniture, Merchandize and other property, again loss or damage by Fire." Up to tlis date tbe Company has insured nearly tliree millions worth of property, and it ha on band as a capital to pay fo losses, about $365,000. The Orliee of the Company is" in the second story of the large Brick TJuilding, recently cccupied by Mr. B. Bi Smith, at die corner of Fayeltevi le 'and Hargett Streets, where full information and explana. fions, touching the princip'e of Muuial Insurance, will 'ic cheerfully furnished by the Secretary cf the Company.' . . . Aujr. is.. ' ;. 21 I 4 CATCH THE ROBBERS. . S 1 OOO KE W ARB !!.! TH E SubcKber having been robbetl on Satunlay the 9th of September, in the large Pocoson called Dover, ljing partly in the counties of Jones, Craven .and Lenoir, through which the public siage road ruris from Kingston, to.rveubern on or near the Sandy Uide', ami so severely beaten by bis assailants, that tliey'left him as dead,' after filching fioni his pocket the sum of fejrty-eight Hundred and- Fiftv-dollars, takes this method of informing the public that he will chee.futjy pay to any individual or individuals, the sum of One Tlwusand Dollars, wl;o will apprehend the said Robbers so that they may be confined hi some public prisou, and brought to justice R. H. BLOUNT Kingston, N. C. Sept. 23. 20 PES CUD & JOHNSON. APOTIlECARIES&ORilGGISTS, -TVEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Mei-i" :JLP cini8,.Chemicali,,Dri'G!i, Dye STUFif' Paiwts, Oils, Pjerjumery, FIancv ARTicixs; FAYE TTEVILLE ST., RALEIGlj. Orders (rani the countiy thankfully receiyedi and oi ecuted with neatness and despatch . , P. F. PESCUO. . C, E. JOHNSON, J R. (JlfX AM) LOCK SMITH. rriHE Subscriber offers his services to the pnb 1 lie as a Gtw and Lock SITH either in re UillM NORTH CAROLINA MilTIf A L M RMIE COMPAQ I' . pairing, or in making an entiie new lock, for a .un, or lock of any description. He promises satisfaction or no chaige made.v : v' Also, any kind of smith work, entrusted to hts caie will be promptly executed.; He may be found at fhe llail Road Depot in Ral eigh. JOS. WALTERLVG Angiut 3; 1313.". V. - J 11 tf It AULEIGH, ' i' A i - ... . - -: - ! " EEATJTli'UI ' i ' OFERv DRESS & FROCK COATS. TUST received per Express Line, a veryHarge y assortment of the above Goods, madejujnn the You can save from S8 to $10 bv bnyiner -a Coat ' 1 t 1 t: . ' --',.":'---:.: ready made. Call at the Clothing Store. ,- gi. . u. l: HARDING. Nov. m,1848. - t 26 3 M OR E lEW.GOODS TTT E have jut received the following NEW and VV BEAU riFUL DREtsS GOODS, to which we would respectfully call die attention of the Ladies. . Broche,Alcyoues . t Fancy Silks ' Plain do .'. Plaid Odeans Gala Plaid Piaid Lustres Latest French style Casbmee 3 and DeLaines. r i"".' -: ALSO,0- ; . French .worked Capes and Collars , Down CapwS' Bonnet Ribbons v V hue and colored kid G o ves Longwtire End)roidered,do Embroidered Cashmere and Thibet shawls, . Together with many other articles adapted for both ladies andj gentlemen all of which we will take great pleasure in eiling to our friends and customers and the public 'generally, on. tbe most liberal terms. -i HEARTT & LITCHFORD. Sept.-22. I: ; , ,: . 21 FALL AND WINTER THE Subscribers are receiving their 'Fall and Winter stock ;of . . '; : M ' ; Staple and lancy Dry Goods, resh froui the ; Cities of New York, Philadelphia and BaUjmoreconisting in part of the following: Brown kndJJ leached Domestics, . t ' ; i" Cotton Drill, I Prints 'a great variety from 5 to.20 cents, ' 1 Frcnclij Cashmeres, Mousljn DeLains, Madonna stripes, l "j ; . . .... Plaid niil Blar k AlrracaS for Ladies, ' . Fine add Common Wintei Shawls ai d H'd'k's, B!uea Brown, Invisible Green and Black Cloths, BlacU ahd Fancy Cassimeres, Black Satin and-Fancy Vestings, Kentucky L'eans -Satinett and other goods for BoysatKl 3leii. j ' T1 TO A ATFi n A. "DO FOR LADIES AjVD MISSES. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, assorted. , i f d mit inn fifinrn mn ami suvm. Calf Boris, Heavy Brogans", Kip,Linen and Bound Ditto. A A. ' A - :';.-:-.:...' . Ladips Gaiteisf, Kid Slippers and walking Shoes. . Also a ockI ot of SUGA R and COFFEE ; to gather wkh aimo.-t every article kept in our line ..- Persms wishing to' .buy. are respec-tfully requested to give usa cad.-i V . YOUNG. &. BLEDSOE. Two de3fa above N. B. Hughes" Auction Stce. Sept. I '" . ,. . , . ' 21 Professor of Instrumental and Vocal Music, RESPECTFULLY announces to the ladies and gentlemen of Raleigh, that he is now prepared to' give instruction to a limited number of pupils,' on the PIANO, and in VOCAL music. , A .,. Ho has on hand foi sale, a number of European PiaHOS, from the celebrated . Manufactory of Rosen-, krans, m Dresden, Saxony. ' He particularly solicits The attention of ladies to thtjse Instjuments. They are made cf the richest Rosewood, and after the most dioderh q yli'.j ; Hp wiil also attend to the tnningof Pianos , For lurther! pari icu ars, app'y at bis room, in the large bricld building on the corLer opposite Williams &. Hay witbd's, up stairs. , - t Raleigh Oct; 6, 1848. 20 Gm i H; A STINGS' COMPOUND SYRUP OF.NAP- TH A is now being used in nearly all our bos pitali,'and is also coming into lapid use among all our best physicians, for coi'gl cold?, and all disea ses of the lungs. It has been recommended in the worst state of consumption by the celeTbrated physi cian, DrMott, of New York ; j.and Dr. Aino'd, of Savantiah; Geo., writing to the agent at Is ew York, under date of Jan. 30th, 1848, says: 'I received the halWoien Hastings Naphtha Syrup, ordeied from you, and ani convinced that Kaptha is: the principal ingredient! Fnclosed is twenty .five doMar,for wbicli you wilpsend rr e two dozen and-a-Jialf boules'more I have two patients in the iVlarine Hospital, whom I ; think will be benefitted by it" ! A Savannah, Febi 9th, 1848. Mr. M. A. F. Harrison: ' .r Dear Sir-rAt the 'suggestion of Dr.. Arnold, the physician of ft he Hospital of which 1 an? one of the directors, X would like to fupply myself with Hast ings Wood Kaptha- The Doctor ordered, some days since, some for the use of the Hospital. Should you deem proper to send the article on . liberal terms, I can forward the sale of it in our city. . :' , ;. Yours truly, , n ; 'J. TURNER & BROS; . Price $l.per bottle for sale in Ra'eigh bv v PESCUD cc JOHNSON, Druggists. Vor. 7J - 25 lycq. - "'.' A2i excellent second hand B arouche with new harness, silver mounted. "This Barouch has been used, but very liule, and will be sold at a great sacrifice die owner having no use lor it' For information, apply at die Office of the Democratic State Flag.. M- Oct. 4, 1848. ' ; .'-: . ; ' . A , 20 "' FRIDAY, DECEMBER1 1,1848. By His Uscellency, William Ai Graism, ' -' Govenor of North Carolina. : UillliUllLfi nnHE RETURNS of the election of ETectors of President tmd V. President of the U.Skylield on the Tuesday neit after the first Monday of No- trimk(i' inetifit if Kiii ri tVia TfVt Anv tb Trifintli the- timb; appointed by the act of Congtess, and m con lummy wiin ine rearuaiiqns oiMneioiatuies of the State, have been, received at the Executive Office, from the Sheriffs of the Several Counties, ( Yancy only excepted) within the period prescri li ed by -Law, -A. - ' -y"p . 'A:AA Ai:-:y''-And the same having been collated, tj ascer fain the result cf said Election, it is llunl to be as follows, that is to sav : ! ,i . . . KENNETH RAVTNER, j i HENRY W. MILLER,' ! i i GEORGE 'DAVIS., ... ! JOHN WINSLQW, JOHN RAWLEY GALLOWAY, JAMES W. OSBORNE TOD R. CALD WELLi j and JOHN - BAXTER, each received Forty three Thousand Four Hurt- dred and twenty one votes EDWARD STANLY Forty, three Thousand four Hundred and nineteen votes. :" .. I:-. A : -., ..: -.Iv,! A; .A-:A- And THOMAS BRAGG, Jit., :A ; j ;v ' ASA BIGGS, !. . i ' i '-.;.-- -' -. PERRIN BUSBEE. ; r GEO. S: STEPHENSON, -A SAMUEL J: PERSON, :' . ;f U- A ,';, A CADWA L LAD MR i JONES Sr.: A:-'- : JUNIUS L. CLEMMONS, f. 1 -. ami AVILLIAM V. AVERY; f f i each received Thirfy-fonr thousand Eiirht Hun dred and Sixty-nine votes, il Al '- '- - A WILLIAM S. ASHEV and GREEN W CALDWELL, , Thirty-ibur Thousand Eig-ht hundred and Sixty-Eight votes, JESSE ; R. WEAVER, Thirty-four thousand Six Hundred and Forty-ne votes, WILLIAM II. TliOMAS, Two Hundred and ThirtySeven Votes.' And eleven 'other persons Sixty-one j votes each, and seven others ten votes each. . I T H . Now, therefore I, JFILLIAM A. GRAHA5I, Governor of the State of North Carolina; do; here by proclaim and make- knowit.that Kenneth Ray-, ner, Edward Scaaly, Henry V iMiller, IFjlliam Hi iFashin?rtch, George l)avis, John ff"mslbw: John Keer, Rawley Galloway, James W. O$lorne Tod R. Caldwell, and i Jplm Baxter have been duly chosen as Electors, o!ni behalf of this State, of President and Vice Presidcmiof the United States for four years from and after the fonrtlr tidy of March,, next. :4 And I dbiin Jike munuer notify and warn them j and each of them to 'attehdin the Capitol at Rale;gh, on the 'first TFednesday in December next,! it beinor'the sixth day thereof, to form an Electoral College and to vote for Presi dent and Vice i President as aforesaid, according to the previsions of the Coustitution i and lavrs of the'Uhited Statcjs. , j ; fn testiiriony whereof, I have jhereuntoi set my hand, and caus ed the Great Seal"'" of the State of North Carolina to-be affixed. !.;-' A. '',.:. r' I . : 1 ' ', Done at the1 City of Rjileigh1, this 1 8th, day of November A. I), lc lo, and of bur) Independence, the ord, ' i J - -By the Governor: . i JFILL : FA. GRAHAM. ' IF. W. Morrison, Private Secretary. Raleigh, Novemher 20th,'lP-18,: 733-2t aIlMANACS! ALMANACS! ALMANACS fx. Dr. D. J ayxe -would: respectfully inform the public, that be publishes annually for gratnitons d's tribution, by himself and all his Agents, an tA!ma- ac, called I :- :.!' ''" ::M;.y:; ' '. JAYNE'S MEDICAL ALMANAC, ANDCUIPE TO HEALTH. I The calculations Jor this A Imanae.: are made5 with great care and accuracy -for five different Latitudes Sc Longitudes, so as to make Itbeni "equally, useful us a Ca'ender in every pait of the United States and Bri tisli North America. They are printed on gcod pa per, and with handsome new type, and a ei; eat In bound, and besides being Vbe neatest and rnost aeco" rate Calendar printed in the United States, they con tain a large- amount of Valuable in formation, suited to the wants of all, and cf that kind too which cannot be found in bocks. ' , I ... i HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASES with re marks and directions Jbothteir reiiHaval Is really inval uable , and make t hem vie Icoirte v isi it-rs in every house they enter. Every ,lamiily should possess at least one of these Annuals. Ills Almanac .fur 1349 is now ready for ilistrib.utidn, of which. 'In-designs to publish at least T WO JIltLIONS,nnd in order ilial every family in, the United States and British Anjer ica, may bs furnished with a copy, lie. hereby -invites MERCHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS . to forward their orders la htm as early as possible md they shall be supplied GRATUITOUSLY With as many copies as they may t-'em necessary to sxipply their various customers. They are also invited auhe same time, to send a copylof tlieir 'Business Card," Which, will be printed .and Iplaced on the rover of the Almanacs sent them, alsoj without charge. . They are also requested to give all necessary di rections how tae Almanac should, be' forwarded! to them By law they cannot be sent by": mail unless the ostage is first paid on thern here. : l !l 1 I '. -:. ' Orders (p- stpaid) directed to Dr. DJayiiePhila delphia, will meet 'with pr'orrpt attention, i ' (Xr" Families can obtain! these Almanacs gratis bfx ; 1 V j R. C. JMAYNVRD, . : Agent for tbe pale of all Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Family Medicines at Franklinton, N. C. ! 3t : vK H. 'F. LESTERi . : PET BR SB U R G, VI R GI NIA. A f WILL GIVE ATTENTION .TO THE) AjXD Ta FOliir.1KDT.Vd GOODS. JOB PRINTING;, ; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 4 pnhiiT iSiiTin Jt 1 l&UUlillUJLULX 1U1I EXECUTED A A A m Hrafflli A OzkJmd 'A A': '- iN-UMr'n r. , FOR THE FJ1LI1 AAffD ' M AN Yj ARTICLES iFROMI 25 TO SO I'.-.., V If THE attenlijon of thje .Ladies and .Gentlemen' of Raleigq, as "w jrrcundin cpuntry, and strangers gfenerally, is respectfully in vite sn of the RICR MB BRILMiNT M:l ON A,lLE contained in the followino; list, 'at the; Store B. 3. SMITHS from late arrivals frorrt Paris ncs-i and beauty, cannot be surpassed in, this Beaptiful Catyieleon Ppi-de Soi Silks, ; B-aqk -diagonal Satm ttriped do. .' ; ',::' Beit black Grb dp Rhine and col'd pbrid do Superior b ack, pleaud rnole-celpred AlpacCas, Black .brown, and laucy col'd Camelon Lustrei. Earisrn Et(.fii a; hi Cavagnap, (a new and splendid . :attiele,) I Lamatine pjayld, and balm Stuped; A lj:accasi 200 PIECES! Woolen SliawfsJ ELL0ANT NEW STYLjE AND WINTER CALICOES & GINGHAMS. Cashmere and splendid Turkeria iiiawis, , , j . . , r j A-l .- ack Cashmere, Delaine, and Cassi imere da. Fine Leghorn!, straw and Tuscan Bonnets, for Ladies and Misesi Beautiful Wintei Bonnet and Cap Ribands,. FINE BLllE, BLACK AND INVISIBLE GREEN CLOTHS, FINE FANCY; TWEED AND i $upBjeaver &. P(lt cloihs,for;Overcoats from 1 o&3. Lamariiue Fanq e's, Sasinet and Kentucky Jeahs, Black Silk Velvet and Merino Vestings, ' Meiinb, and Lamj'iswool Shirts and Diaweri, Black ia.nd Fanoy Silk Neck Handkerchief?, ' Silk, Pocket H add kwc chiefs, Suspenders, Gentlemen's B lack and co'Ored Hosk'in Gloves Irish Linen, tinq Cotton Shirting, ' Mole s kin B E Superior Fnr, Cloth and Silk Plush Together v ith many other desirable; articles all of which will be disposed of , cheapl for CASH, a : M :- :..! a. oiixaix tiuvauLL, ao iic ucdia ' Raleip-h, N ov. 1, 1848. WWm WORTERS E. i corner venth and Walnut Streets, y Philadelphia, i; ' ' I : j ORiGI.VAL IN VEN'TOR, AtND SOLE PROPRIETOR . llio Physicians, Ladies and Druggists'. S. BETTS most respectfully communicates ! tlie'coiitirmed success, and increasiiisi' demand for Heir Uterine Supporters, they are now. very gene rally judoj)ted;by Hiysjcians ;as the most! successful medium of r?ik f f or I he distressing malady lor lhich the were inve ited, of any olfered to the public. Tjtie evil resi lis attending the use of Pessariefe,'are ob"a.ted by the' application of her Supporter, and the pa: lent is euablec , in a short period, to resume her doiifestic conce rns and; duties; and the"; long' ooiifine iueit !to the Sick Chamber, wnh all its attendant dis tresfitig conswiwences,; rendered unnecessary.: 2u.)66 LadieU are now using them with the great est eitse, comfort and advantage. . y - t . - ; ! i ; i " '- '. -.. Letter from Professor Samuel Jackson f the Univer- '! J pity of Pennsylvania.'. '.-"j"V.. '' '.; '..-! "... '7tpe abdoinlnal ar theperineal Supporters' made by rs. Belts ok" this city. 1 can recommend tO; the medical profession, and otheis, after so yerilyeaife-ex-. peripnce of their u?e. f ' , AA ::A - '; .- "I Thiese instrujiients are.adaptedjto remedy thf in- onyejruence ,dehending on a sm'knig down ot thd ute rus.; and its compression, from the incumbent wf ight cf thtlaljdomiiriai viscera pressing In to the pelvis horn a relaxation of he abdominal muscles. In this state of theforgan, exercise is atteuded With so much pain andloiher sulfei iigs as to be. diJtScult or impossible. r..&lr.-Beti8 ii a lady of intelligence, educationipro bifyfa&nd exceMent manners.! The greatest confidence canrbp placecl M her. S AML JACKSON, M D. : CAUTION. ! Plkase Observe rThat unprincipled counterfei ters are putting off various wretched imitations 'of he- mveniion, as wi genuine oupwrier oi ivirs. seup, a, imppsirig on unwary purchasers a spurious article It :sa?so soiftetitpe's attempted to Joist them off with the addition of tins ljiame of an eminent Pioiessor of Phil adelphia, the Letter to deceive the; Profession ana the public. Be sure to see! that her Signature and Resi penc are attnjcl ed to each Supporter, T V ' ": Mrs B.: refers witli pleasure .'to jthe 'following emi nent ,!Med.'cal:' Professors and Physicians: j ' ;;. " flrJlVm.' ' al ris,' Clinical Lecturer, Philadelphia ; Prof" T D. Miller, Jefferson Medical College, Pbila. Saml. McClelland, M.?D., Prof, of Midwifery, kc, Pennsylvania Aledica I College; Dr. R. W. Boyster, Powtvattan Cii JVa.: P. Chatard, Sr Baltimore; Drs. J Carmichael and Mill's J Richmond -'Va.; Prof. Parker, New York; and to Drs.1 R.P, Chase, S. Gratz Moses, J. W: Hali;R-P. Simmons, Sl Louis, Mo. Mrs. Betts orl'ers the following: ", The fini Suporter for Ladies, adapted to the; variousdiniebsions of Patient, j( . 'A'-.' A very strong and durable isupporter with ail ''ctlie; latest improvements in its arrangement, J (for ior patients') - V $5 00 . The above are subject to a very liberal discount to sell again, when three or more are taken. ' ; j : :.--'vr.:f-H.f jrrocure a Supporter. . i. Take the measure round the body at the top of the hipbones; aijdj send the numler of inches, and it can be forwarijetl by mail or rail roadJ . A -A'' 1 r P. FypSCUri soJe ags SETTS' 1 W- -L III Pi 1 J 'HJIMJ1W. 1 L lliUPl IIH Mill ! ll1WjaMMW 1IW iMD MMDID lT - A HJTkTT 1T71 I TTk 7TJ1 tXT : tfl TK-vrH MY GOOBS; WLYTER TjLWE OF 1848, PER CENT. UNDER FORMER PRICES.. . well as those of the ited to an Examination JSSORTMENT, OF of the undersigned, iustr "selected bv Mr.' and Liverpopl, and which for v an ey, . ri cA-k,". . market, to wit;: 1 ;( ; .'' ' -' " . ' Plain and striped Mohair and Jenny Lind Lustres', ! ' inlaid and striped iSilk Brillianrines," ' I ' ' : Gala- Cashmere, arid Alpacca plaids, !br Misses and " i Chiidrep.- . A '' ' ''v ' Sniper fi-4 Queens Cloth anil Meriaoi, for Ladies' ( Biding Dresses, I ; i . . , : . : '; Changeable Arago p!aids,Cashmeres &. Delaine. Laces and E'diringsi Thread and Lisle', -i Mull, Swiss, Book,-checked and jaconet Muslin, Lonz Lawn and thread Cambric Handbarcbiefs, rir-ica nru MarHiJt SHrtfa 'Vine nnrl Cloves. 1; Worked Collars and.figured Laces, Gimps, Fringes and Buttons. BLACK, ERMINET CjISHMERES, Large Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, . Kersey. Linspysrand Tickings,' W bite,' Rf djaud: Canton Flannels, Sup. Whitney arid I vvi'ledBED BLANKETS, .Red, Greenann White Mackinse do. ; , 'A J 6 and 10-4 unbleached Shftctings, : ' ' ':,-' ' Fine U'ch'd &. unblech'd. Shirtings from 8 to 10 ents; Diaper and1 Diaper Table Cloths, A V. E R , AN D i S I L K Caps, Boys fancyClofh and Velvet do4 ca nut iu uu uuciucoa kjh tut; titiiii ojoiciu. , I THOMAS A. MITCHELL. t i -. .- m ' ..; . .. !.: rto Whoever 'da re these Boots", displace '. - - .1 - . . .; j .i ' i i . i . - - Must meet JJombastes face to face ,, A LFRED MITCHELL, alias. -Boots" for jLX. short and by way of dignity, respectfully In fonTis his nuhieroua custdmers that he jhes recently , . fitted up his Establishment in the best; style, and is now thorougli'y prepared to, carry on hjs business as BARBER just f as it used to was' with the ex cept on that he thinks he has improve by practice . both in skill and manners.' The members of the sppi baching Legjiisslature, apd my old Customers es peciaily of that liody j will always find me ready to , shave and trim liair in the quickest, easiefct and most fashionable, mariner and if any should prefer the old fashions, " Boots' pvill be entirely agreeable, antl conform tq the tastes and Wished ojf his custom-' v ers. On application, ' Ladies and. Gentlemen can have their hair curled most elegantly a:id according to the prevailing fashions. . A No referertces are' made to particular Sentlemen my qualifications must be judged of by the, commu- . iiity which 1, hve leived in my line of business' for , , a number of yrais. h , ' . - , ! .Hair will cleaned of dandrulf.aiul, if re' quested, dyed any color to suit the cust Diner. , l My Establishment is opposiw the City Hotel. y" f ALFRED MtTCHELL, . : " Hair-Dresser and Barbet. Raleigh, Oct. SO, 1848. . , 24 tf . ; ANTiqufTiEs. Nineveh was 15 miles by nine, and 40 round, wiih walls 100 feet high, and thick ' enough for three chariots' abreast. : ; '"', .'' "'j'' ' I The temple' Diana, at Ephesus, was four- hundred and twenty five feet high, to sup port the roof.' It 'j was i wo hundred years in buildins:. i J j ! . THe largest of the pyramids is '480 feet high, and 653. feet on the side, its base Icovers eleven' acres. The stones are about jjthirty feet iinjlength, and, the layers are Uvo. obUjUUU men were employed in its icrectionj ; ; Ayi::A. ' .'" ' : a'V:,': I A' '"- The labarirtth of Egypt Contains 3)00 chambers and l'2 halls. ' ' "A'A 1 Thebes in Egypt, presents ruins 27 miles jcround. one hundred gates. ' Carthase' was 25 miles around." Athens was 25 miles around, all contain led 250,000 j citizens, and 400,000 slaves. ; The temple of Dalpbos Was i so . rich in donations, that it j was once 'plundered of a 00,000 sterliW, and Nerc?carrieI from it 200 stutute. 1 A The wall of Rome were 13 miles. fdabvioii was sixty miles within the walls AA which were seventy five feet thick, and ' bdO feet ; hit", 'with pneundred,brazea i' I r. ; ri' '1 AT THE OFFICE OF THE DEMOCRATIC FLAG. : v.-.;- I .1 -1!.. r a t.-AA ' 1. . - i - v !-"ti-! if. i I-" If J.I1