ktfAtfE OfiEOKtoLfij FRIDAY, MAY 2, i8u. i , i .-mn - - tf ;! 4 1 i i it 4.: 1 n 1 1 il fo i n 'i i: I t i.' '7 tatcCHvomttc -fV rUHOVK'Li: publishing CO. B Kvlry "iornlarf Except Monday. rrilK CASH PRICE OF CHRONICLE 1 S ki.w per ear: 3.u for 6 month. 11.50 lor 3 months. f PilE HCSINES5 OFFICE and EditorUl L icon ot tr.e Chkosicle are on the second fioor of No. 2W, r ayettevihe t. RELATIVE TO n v f r I C AT I ON s U i; e Hu-ln-M Department ot i n pag ik Drawer No leia.y- - i)Mtt:. Check, and VV: border fchould be made payable to Lj order. JOSKPIH r.S DANIELS, - Editor. D. II. DKOWDER, - Du. Manager. HAL. W. AVER - - Aso. Editor. I tbu csght to bo reduced The people cf N'or:h CaraHaa pay less than one mil lion dollars a year to all objects of State government. They pay three millions of dollars annually to pension Federal soldiers. All the State, county and city taxation in North Carolina does not ex ceed $2,100,000, and yet the taxpayers . i j AAA AAA. snnnallv are ouraenea wnu ?.j,vuv,vw "--"j for pensions. Acd in the face of this, Mr. Rc?k tells them that they ought to secure a reduction of State taxation. They ask for bread not the unpalatable stones of partisanship and selfish inter ests which Mr. Rcsk offers them. S.I E. Lift HJjMffliPffl! t Mil Diiiiet Novelties! Black Dress Goods 1 For Spring and Late Spring Wear. These are shown in B. Priestley's stuffs, ac knowledged to be the most reliable black dress fabrics in the world and for this market the patterns exclusive to ourselves. FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1S90. JIttiiHl nud Etact Justice to all Men. ol Whatever SUte or rcrsuaon, Re- Political. Thomas Jeuer- TUE MONEY QUESTION. The two greatest events in the history of mankind have been brought about by a successive contraction and expansion in the circulating medium of society. The fall cf the Roman Empire, so long ascribed in ignorance to slavery, to l heathenism and moral corruption, was in reality brought about by a decline in the silver and gold mines of Spain and Greece. And as if Providence had intended to reveal in the clearest manner possible the influence of this mighty agent on human affairs, the resurrection of man kind from the ruin this cause had pro- depression of the agricultural popuia- aucea was owing iu me uirecuy upposue . . . ,1 a 1 - t . V.-. 1,n. i r-. t rwswMii as Kninrt ti lit- irk twnvfi k fY lion. We nave waueu mrougu ui i ee. ui rtscui,lw ,u6 " uau liious or on. THEY ASK FOR IJ READ, AND ARE ;i EN A STONE. Some days ago Secretary Rusk sent w a long article, which has since ap peared in a number of papers, upon the n of the agricultural popuia- dj3utn2nt which is merely a specious pica for the Republican party and a de- fenfi of its short comings. His long aa-dre-s may 12 boiled down to three state ments: First, the farmer doesn't know anything about his business: Second, the doctrine of protection ought to be ap- Columbus led the way in the career of renovation; when he spread his sails across the Atlantic, he bore mankind and its fortunes in his bark. The annual supply of precious met alsof money for the use of the globe was trebled : before a century had BUCK DRESS GOODS are usually bought by the consumer with more than ordinary care and very well too, because when Blacks are bought not very good, then they are hardly good at all. But our Black Goods always give satisfactory wear, and we present the new "Weaves with confiderce. These new Fabrics are in silk warp, and all wool. Brocade3. Diagonal Stripes. Mohair, Bro cades, ic. Prices 90c. to $1.50 per yard Thev are the softest weaves and loveliest thingg to be had Every accessory to assist in making u p these are on our conn ters just by them. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO NOTICEi North Carouxa, i Before Clerk W ake County, j Superior uourx. Notice is hereby given that I have this day issued letters declaring J. M. Breughton, W. i.joneaana J. . Holding ana tneir asso ciates and successors, a corporation for the THOROUGHLY RELIABLE Black Dress Goods. Anvone who has visited this DEPART MENT will testifv that we are showing a lar ger'and reallvmo're select stock ot BLACK GOODS than can be found elsewhere, and at more at- tractive prices, nam ana iuc r drum ana nne. t PRirsTIEV'S BLACK SILK WARP CLAKIETTAS, BLCK CHALLIS, (silk and wool), liucix mxi" l"eibrPated ECROYDS Black Silk Warp Henriettas and Veilings, BLAck Hemstitched No-'s Yii.i-gs fob Dbesses. Black Silks. Black Silks. devote special attention, rejecting such manufactures as we cannot fully recommend. Black Crepe de Chines. Black Her nannies and Grenadines. 1th Cold Kodit and Mineral Waters. J. HAL BOBBITT S DRUGSTORE. C'iareite and Tobacco. 1 -2 a 50 o p I have recentlv increased my stock, and am no- rrcfared to suoplT anything in the Prug to.--lor tuf variou- !rn whirh humanity is subject. I have had mv tore nicely papered, with other attractive features added, and can assure the Public that my .-qnipinf-nt is complete. miiTr:fi fiiRMKUU. PERFUMERY, TOILETl m-w m. m7y .a - 7 ARTICLES, SUNDRIES AND SEKDN. Samuel Courtauld & Crapes. Co.'s Black PHYSICIANS' PERSCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS, DAY OR N NillT. ATTENTION TO BUSINESS, AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. Buist's Fresh J. HAL. BOBBITT'S DRUGSTORE. ii i in Precrip. lions Ac curatt l Com pounded. Elegant assortment of Black Lace Floxts crsas axd Nets. Samples sent on application. McKlmmon, Moseley & McGee, 129 and 131 Fayette-ville St., Raleigh, N. C. t Ul-V.llillV W iiwv.v.-. - " r "MJ t J I i .1 tl .,! .t ir,nr,.r.fQ pliod to agricultural products; Third, elapsed the price of every species of pro tion filed and recorded in this office, with all relief ought to be obtained by a reduc- duce wa, quadrupled. Tho weight of , P u? a n c debt and taxation insensibly wore off and the laws amendatorv thereof. The sub- it the said parties desire to become incorporated under the tion ot fetate taxation. That is his diagnosis of the disease, and the remedies which his party offers. The farmers ask for bread, and he gives them a stone in the shape of insult and a promise of "protection." Now, in the name of Common Sense, how can the farmer who raises cotton, tobacco, wheat, corn, rye and oats (and these are the chief crops in the United States) get any "protection" when he exports these pro ducts? The only way that the govern ment can protect the farmer is to give him a bounty upon every pound of cot ton, tobacco, wheat, oats, &c.,he produces a3 theMcKinleybill does upon one product by granting a bounty of two cents a pound for sugar. Why dsesu'c Mr. Rcsk advo cate that? It would give substantial aid tJthe laruure-, and though contrary to the iieniu of our Kovcrnment and not nuns Manufacturers and WHOLESALE and BETAIL DEALERS IN under the influence of that prodigious .unceoi aaj increase: in the renovation of industry name and etvle ot "The Baleigh Real Estate the relations of society were chanced, tbo tricrVif- nf fAndaliism ozt off. the rentins:, leasing, holding and improving real v .1 pRtat nnd npsrritiaiinrc lont rm rpn.1 and iipr- rights of man established. Among the gonai property, the buying, selling, renting many concurring causes which conspired and lowing real estate on commissions, tne to bring about this mighty consumma- tions on real estate, the collection of rents, tinn the most important though hith- notes, accounts and otner eviaencesoi maeot tion, tne most important, inougu miu cdnes8j the placing of inbUr&Bce on property ertO the least observed, was the dlSCOV- on commissions, and such other acts as may , tr; j TQ-n tKfl;. rtM be necessary to enectuate the purposes enu ery of Mexico and Peru-(their gold meratd The place of business of said cor- and silver mines.) Sir Archibald Al- poration is Raleigh, a. c., and the duration tmriy yeare. ine capital siock oi saia cor poration is three thousand dollars, divided into thirty shares of one hundred dollars each, with privilege to increase the capital stock to two hundred thousand dollars. The stock holders of said corporation are not individ ually liable for the debts of the san c. CHAS. D. UPCHURCH, Clerk Superior court Wake countv. April 26. 1900. RALEIGH, N. C. -the: world type-writer, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE ON THE M ARKET. Pric n. Those wishing to purchase can do so by calling or coirer-ponding with G. H. GLASS, A?t.. RuleiIi, N. V. LISON. HOME SPUN YARNS. This is May, and the time for eating oysters has passed. However, a Cur rituck correspondent of the Elizabath City Economist, writing in April, writes: Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 28. We will run delivery wagon for the con venience of private families. apr25-tf W00LLC0TT & SON 14 E. MARTIN STREET. Phoxe 23- 1 -t 9 "I -1G Haj:g-.t; D. f. JOHNSON, Agt, WHOLESALE Your correspondent had firmly decided warranto 1 by tbe Constitutiou.it is quite j to have nothiDg more to say about the aa k-.i an 1 i ist as the protection given i q'lestion, but something occurred this , , . . . e . weeK wnicu snatterta tne sona nrmness of t hat df ciion, which was an anonymous to tliu xich birons who have grown fat by protection ot tneir products, mo i epistle i the shape of a barrel of oys whole thing is iuiquitous; but from Mr. ; ters rolltd from the deck of the Steamer Ul-sK's standpoint, he ought to advocate j New Bern,e; addressed to Mr. T. P. Hall JAMES MoKIMMON & CO., JAMES McKIMMON & CO., 133 Fayetteyille Btkeet a-d 5 Haeoetx St J. R. FERRALL & CO, FRESH AND RELIABLE GROCERIES, 22 Fayctteville Street. in our millinery department; Commission Merchsiif You will find all the latest shapes in Ladies' and Misses' Hats. ! Daily rec-ivinf con.-ijriiiut-n!"; : giving the farmer an equal divide or 'slut up." Thi; truth of the matter is that tho and ourself. Gewhitaker! Mr. Creecy; such oysters. I am certain you are not acquainted with, at least not with these particular and individual oysters we firm rs of the West and North are I speak of. Some of them measured seven mcnes in lengm ana one measured nve chklly to blamo for the agricultural dc prj3shn at which they loudly complain. They have steadily voted for their own impoverishment, aud now they feel the effects of their policy. In looking around for a remedy wc doubt if they will s o that it is to bo found chiefly in voting to relievo themselves of the bur den ot federal taxation which tho ope rations of the Tariff imposes. Many of them are relying upon borrowing money cheap from tho government, upon boun ties and subsidies, upon a larger issue of money, free coinage of silver, and in crease of pensions. Somo of these would afford temporary relief, and are sadly nceeed, but there cannot come permanent relief as long as the farmer has to pay a tax of 47 per cent, upon all his purchases. It is the gospel truth that tho farmers day of emancipation will havo begun whon they realize that tho slavery which wa3 ended by the war was not more cruel than is the form of slavery enforced by war tariff. The farmer needs more money and cheaper money, and 13 embarrassed for want of it, and the Chronicle favors any just and wise plan that will secure this need, but wo know that permanent emancipa tion is to be found in a release from heavy and unequal burdens of taxation, rather than from any provisions of paterxal legislation. Many of the farmer are in danger of losing sight of this fact. The Chronicle believes that tho currency question and tho tariff question are both vital ones, and that a reform in the legisla tion as regards both are essential to bet ter times. But wo do not raise up one and forget tho other, as some of cur friends aro in danger of doing. If the currency question is of more importance now than tariff reduction, it i3 rela tively so. Peoplo need a greater volume of currency, and it may be that this n'ed is more pressing at this time than tariff reduction. "Without a sufficint volume of currency prices must decline. With more money, we can then wage a moro determined fight against the rob ber barons, who, through the tariff, im poso an unjust tax upou the people. Mr. Rcsk thinks that a reduction of State taxation would bring soma relief, and so it would. But what a bagatelle U State taxation when compared with Pedcral taxation'. Why doesn't he do claro that there ought to ba a reduction in taxation in State, country and city, wherever it can bo made, and that no taxation ought to bo collected except such as is needed for the government "economically administered r His cen tralization ideas, and his blind partizan ship, cause him to seek to mislead tho farmer by telling him that State taxa- -BUY THE BEST--BUY THE BEST- inches in width, But in spite of the size I could worry them down my throat by cutting in several pieces. Not only was the siz3 large, but the flavor was delicous. Commenting on this, Col. Creecy voices our sentiments when he says, "What ! cut an oyster ! murder ! scat." The silliest reason for the depression of agriculture we have ever seen is that given by Mr. A. B. Valentine, State Commissioner of Immigration of Ver mont. He has compiled a partial list of the several thousand abandoned farms in that State. To accompany this list ho has sought for a reason a plausible explanation of the untilled lands and untenanted farm houses and his reason i3 that the deserted areas are due to the "Democratic free trade policy from 183G to 1660." No boy trelve years old could be fooled by such a silly reason. "Democratic free trade" ended thirty years ago. During that period the farms in Vermont were all inhabited and the farmer was prosperous. There will be a grand pic-nic at the annual celebration at Guilford Battle Ground next Tuesday, the 6th of May. Three trains on the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. will transfer passengers to and from the grounds during the day. The Guilford Grays and Continentals will parade, and it is expected that it will be made a pat riotic May day pic-nic. The Chronicle thanks Judge Schenck for an invita tion. MY LOVE IS LIKE A SON. By Donald R. McGregor. My love is not like any flower; For flowers live but a day, And many a one but for an hour, Then dying, fades away; But my sweet love is like a song, That sinks into the heart, And lingers there so very long, It -most becomes a part. My love is not like any star, For stars but ehine at night, And then 'tis onlv from afar That stars appear so bright; liut ray sweet love is like a song, That brightens all the day, That rolU the wheels of Time along, And drives the night away. My love is not like any one ' hat mighty pens have made, Like no fair imae 'neath the sun, No bird in ll-ld or glade: But my sweet love is like a song, Alike to hut nd throne, A glorious thing before the throng, a sweet, mild thing alone. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for May. The Girls are up to Snuff. We Have Juat Received a Fall Line of Peter Hvnderson's GARDEN SEGLV GARDEN SEED PURITAN POTATOES -ONION SETS -Everything Pertaining to the Garden- Evaporated California Apricots. Peaches, Prunes, Raspberries, &c, &c. N. C. Dried Apples and Peaches. New York Medium Beans. California Dried Lima Beans. Imported Parmesian Cheese, grated for Macaroni. Edam and Pine-apple Cheese. Tarbell Cheese. Hazard's Strawberry Tomato Ketchup, best in the world. Wreaths from 20c. to f2.LMX Ribbons, all styles and widths. Crepe3 and Nets in all shades. In fact we have everything that you will find in any first-class Millinery Store. Our Milliner is the most tasty and expert and our prices are always the "lowest to be found In the city. HATS RESHAPED ON SHORT NOTICE. A lot of White Flouncing at 15c. a yard. AMES MoKIMMON & CO.- AMES MoKIMMON & CO.- Guitars! Guitars! Smoked Salmon. Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Cream Codfish and Fine Mackerel. Our stock of Men's and Boys' Straw Hat has arrived. " WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 E. Martin St., Raleigh, N. ( A. E. JORDAN, Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. New Cabbage, New N. C. Cut and It... Herring, N. C. Ham, Potatoes. Chicken!, Eggs, Ar Arc. LOW PRICES TO THE TRADE. CORRESPONDENCE FROM Mill. PERS SOLICITED. HOW IN STORE A Big Let ol Best Brands of Flour. Bought belore the rise. Small Hams, Side and should i. . N. C. Canned Fruits and Vegetable-. He -ten's Cocoa. Dunham's Shred i oeoamit 1 Pickk-s (10c. bottle). Tlain and Fau. v Cun h ! liananas, Orange, Ac, Ac. Fret- an -1 Livl i delivtrv. 'Phone 28. D. T. JOHNSON, Att'r. Al M II A U U Al U U A . - 11 T. n !!i I n i v r. Of all small musical instruments the Guitar is at present the most nonular. Thev wonld be MORE popular if there were no cheap im ported Guitars sold. The necks of these cheap instruments WILL WARP, nd it is impossi ble to play well on one, besides the frets are not correct, (jail and see our AMERICAN GUITARS, Especially the famous STRATTON HARP GUITARS, Which are the sweetest tuned and most dura ble Guitars made. SOLID ROSEWOOD BODY, SPAN ISH CEDAR NECK, CONVEX FINGER BOARD, CURVED FRETS, ROSEWOOD TRIMMINGS, &c. New Catch N. O. Roe and Cut Herrings. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By authority of an order of the Superior Court ot Wake County in special proceedings, entitled J.C. Marcom, Administrator; E. A. Johnson deceased, vs. Lucy A. Woodall and others, I will on Monday, the 19th day of May, 1890, at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door ot Wake County, sell at the highest bidder for cash a certain parcel of land on South Blood worth Street, adjoining land of Mrs. Candace BaBhford, DeWitt Smith and others. The said lot fronts 71 feet on Bloodworth Street, and runs oacK .Last lUf leet, and nas on it two cottages. J. C. MARCOM. april-14 1-m Commissioner. TO THE' CITIZENS OF RALEIGH! I am prepared to furnish anvtbing usually kept in a first class grocery. My stock of canned fruits and vegetables is well assorted. My line of potted meats, sweet and mixed pickles, jellies .catsups, flavorings, apices, coffees, teas, cakes, crackers, etc., is of the best goods and qualities, all fresh and new. Prices as reasonable as anv house can offer Also have best grades of dour, plain and hu gar cured meats. Fresh country and Goachen .butters. Country produce always on hand. Send me your orders. Prompt delivery and satisfac tion guaranteed. ' A. E. JORDAN, Next to Citizens' Bank. Having equipped our shop with ik-w au-. improved tools, we are prepared to dj :; kinds of machine work in a lirst-t l&as t: : workman-like manner, and a cheap as f t - class work can be dene Knvwl.ere. Overhauhns and renairinnr nTii.i.j j cialty. r " ' Messrs. WOOD & PARK, Being first-class practical men tbemstlvt-B Bumcienx guarantee. Having had nineteen years experience in working Sheet Metals, I feel that I am able to do work in that line in a workman-like manner. I therefore ask a share of the patronage of the citizens Price of "Harp" Guitars, 20, $22 $25 01 H WorK done promptly and TTT , . . . I KUO UWL UldllClJdl. BIV UlclCtJ OI DU81- up. y e nave American Uuitars S12.50 nesa is No. 1124 FavrWiVip at i 'J J u i, . , v UU up. We have Guitars $5.00 up. aer w metroD s tailoring establishment. w wrmid ka riA0ao v Kespectfully, r.v..,vu iu uarc uu can anu select, or to correspond with you if you desire a Giutar. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO. Charles F. Lumsden. IMPORTED SUITINGS FOR THE YARBORO HOUSE. Spring and Summer Wear. R. B. BANEY, Prop'r, K- FR Q Don't fail to get a botlc of KING'S ROYAL GERMETEUR. TVw i ,.4. a i . . - owKuguien ana build vou up, and wES .haTf,a"y disease originating from the blood it will cure you. Thousands of men, we men and children are using it, and all that ".okhcuu a iair trial recommend its use Over 300 gallons already sold in and around A. E. JORDAN, Ag't, rronipt Delivery. ext to Citizen's Bank. GIVE THEM A TIM AT. mhU-ly 101 West St.. Haleigh, N. C R LEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD v effect Sunday, Dec. 29, 18S9, at 9. m. a Exchange 1 When a young man nowadays asks his best girl 'to share his lot,' if she be fully alive to the booming times, she will probably ask him if it is a corner lot and if it has the evening shade in front" Rates, $2.60 per day. $10.50 to $15 per week HOTEL FLORENCE. T. G. Abrixgtox, Manager, Rai.kigh, N. C. Roome, with meals at Yarboro House f 2 00 nay Po-r.. mrm . J i per Wees. -Special rates to lawyers attending Su-ar8-ly preme Court TBAIXS MOVIXO SOUTH. No. 52. No. 3d. LADIES ! Are you ready for genuine Bargains in MILLINERY! And if o, come to us and t want-. -.; Jf. gratified We have anything a!,d ., j Ife'i1 -twHept a. first-el. Millm. r-tstabli-.hment, and buvmg as n , ir cash, and besides having verv lfoLt rv.vm business expense we arc enab'led r vilr greater inducement than our compctitoi WE'LL QUOTE A FEW ITEMS. Black and colored Shad'- Hat.- at 'Jtu old stock but purchased thin Btwm. A better line of Hata at 2 x, S-V-.lC ' ,0 75c, an npwards. No. 16 Fancy Gauze Ribbon at onlv 10c not be duplicated elsewhere tor le- than per yard. ' Flowers. Tips, Crepes, Ac , corr-,pondr as cheap and in faot L . T.:. " . at from 20 to 35 per cent cl. th IS -house m the city. I,5LeCiaAloT P0fed fcre luade to i- v. :. J!9 attendui8 the different hd. C . New York Millinery Bazaar No. 211 Fayetteville Street. WONDERFUL OFFER! If you want to learn the secret of making the Best Laundry and Toilet Soap for 2 cents a pound now is your chance. For 40 cents we will send you the recipe for making the best soap ffnnfr'S? &n CarthaRe Blade for 3 months, or the recipe alone for 25 cents This Aaorwe, The Rr.Anr Carthage, N. O. tf -If You Waxt to Buy a- NICE SUIT OF CLOTHES CHEAP J Call Ox D. W. c. HARRIS, on Wilmington Street. After ave years' experience in North Caro lina and catering to tho wanta of my patrons and the pet lie generally I find that the Im ported Wcollens take the best and give bet ter satisfaction than our do nestic goods. I have bought direct this e-eason my entire stock of WOOLLENS, consisting of first-class Diagonals, Corkscrews, English and French Silk, Tibet Granite Cloths, Blonny and Irish Tweeds, Vienna and Australian Woollens, in rough and smooth lace goods. Prices havo been put lower than ever before for same quality of goods. G. N. WALTERS, 234 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. mchl9-l6tJane Fast Ft and Pass. t . ,DIy ex. Sun. LeaF, Raleigh 7 00pm Mill Brook.... 7 40 WaieV-825 Franklinton... . 9 04 Kittrell 9 35 Henderson 10 05 Warren Plains 11 10 Macon 11 25 Arri W'ldoa....;;.i 20 am Pass. & Mail. Daily ex. Sun. 11 85 a ia 11 2 12 27pm 12 35 12 51 1 C9 1 44 1 52 2 55 p m TEAISS MOVEfO bOUTE. No. 41. Pass, and Mail. lja tveldon 12 20 a m Macon 1 15 Warren Plains 123pm Henderson 2 0T Kittrell 2 23 Franklin ton 2 40 Wak8 302 Mill Brook 3 25 Arrir Raleigh 3 40 No 53. Fast Ft. A Pass. -Uaily ex. Bun. 1 40 a m 3 37 3 52 5 04 6 f 48 7 32 8 00 a m LOUISBURG RAILROAD. No. 3?. Le&vea Tsvniakn... arrives k ftaKiifSA?-' No. 41. Leaves FanUinSV.Vi'S V.' arrive at Tna 5-5-P-m-. nd RSH1T0N STANDARD mVHl With All the Latest Improvtm-nts ' The Highest AcmrvrniEvr of Inveni And Mechanical Skill ! FOR FIFTEEN YEARS THE STANDARD ' William Easdale, Dealer. r Raleigh, N- JNO. B. CTJLPEPPEK, RlCHMOXD, VA. Dr. Frank Harvey. Veterinary Surgeon, Residence 512 South Salisbury Stret :. Veterinary Shoeing Forge, Blonnt Str '. next to Jones' Tobacco Warehouse. J- ' pea and Wagons repaired by Ja'k V' borough. april-H l-a.

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