STATE OHEOKIOLE, SATTJEDAY, MAT 3, ! 'A IS I!' f J, h r& tatcCUvonicIc BY CHRONICLE 'l'UI$T,IsniN-r, CO. livery Morning Except Monday. T UK CASH rltlCK OF CIIROXICLE a J.OO per year; -.w jut u muuiw, 11.50 for 3 mouths. rpHK I1USINKS3 OFFICE and Editorial 1 Itoomsof trie CiluosicLE are on the second lioor o No. iliO, Fayetteville &t. i-iOMMUNICATIOKS KKLATIV E TO J tP.a llusin-H9 Department o f th papur VouM be addressed to D. II. atf JocK Drawer No 2, VlVnnev Orders Uralf. Checks and Postal Monej uraers shoul-l be made payable to nw wu. JOSEPH US DANIELS, - - Editor. 1). II. I1ROWDER, - IIu-. .Manager. HAL. V. AVER - - Asso. Editor. SATt'KDAY, MAY 3, 1890. Eqnal and Exact Justice to all 3Icn, ol W hatever State or PerMiasdon, He lMon or rolitical. Thomas Jollcr- Charman of tho National KepnbU nn Executive Committee, to tad peni tentiary for bis rascality, but it has ex posed him so thoroughly that honest men will never again trust him. It may not j abolish the Louisiana Lottery, but it has I shown up its damnable iniquity in such colors that no honest man can ever again defend it or its managers and supervisors. It may not kill the contract labor system of the Georgia penitentiary, but it has shown iti horror and cruelty to the world so that humane men cannot again endorse it. It may not succeed in driv ing out the 4'boodle" senators who dis grace our highest legislative halls, but it will put the people on their guard against their schemes. It may not pre vent the robbery of employees of mines and factories who are paid off in store checks, but it shows up the rottenness and robbery of the system as carried on in many places. Highly colored and over-drawn as are many of its articles, and sensational as they certainly are, food. He was such a man as the ver- j nacular "nice nasty'1 describes. He ac-1 cepted the wager, walked into the res- j WHOLE. "Well," was the astonished ejacula tion of the restauranter, "I did not be lieve it could be done. Three men have tried to swallow that very oyster and couldn't do it." The "nice" man was so disgusted that IMIUUflV I 3 Ml THOROUGHLY RELIABLE the oyster refused to stay abode. JSy in his new son. THE "WOULD" INDICTED. Tho Grand Jury in New York has fouud a true bill against tho New York World for libel bscause of its publica tions in regard to Lawyer Hilton, who obtained most of the vast A. T. Stewart estate. The World says it can prove that this fortune was left to the lawyer brrn in he nOKSCSSCd kCOWlt'dsC of y v v s - .Stewart's wroDg-doing which would ruin Liin if printed. The indictment is not for any alleged libel upon Hilton, but fur an alleged libel of the memory of A. T. Stewart. The complaint was made to tho District Attorney in a letter from Henry Hilton, from which wo make tho following extract: I have lived too long and had too much experienco and been too much ac customed to bear misrepresentation and abuo to bo disturbed by tho utterances of Mich mendacious miscreants, and canuot bo compelled to buy my peace from abuso by them either by paying money or by advert'sing in such an in famous sheet. Nor would I think of dignifying them by bringing a civil suit for libel. I do not go 'skunk hunting" for pleasure It is a game the capture of which scarcely repays the chase. iodides, however much such libellous articles may gratify tho tastes of the en vious and the vicious, I know that they do not greatly influence the opinions of decent men, except to inspire a disgust for tho writer aud publisher of them. Tho base motive of these articles is quite apparent to any one who knows anything of tho so-called journalism" practiced by t his paper. II ul the ai tides Jicen confined to li belling me I should have treated them with contemptuous silence. But whtn they maligu tho memory of my dead friend aud tot.t f etor, whose name was ahynonym ftr high character, perUct iattvMy and unquestioned perse nal pur ity, as well as matchless sagacity and b'iMuess bucctw; wheu ho is held up as tho author of "a dark and secret crime," THE HONEY QUESTION. It (agriculture) is cruelly suffering from the reduced value of all produce. The farmers are paying their rents irregularly, or not at all; their stock in trade has often to be distrained to re cover arrears of rent. The land-owners are overwhelmed by mortgages. When at last, in order to extricate themselves, they try to sell their estates, they find no purchasers, or have to be satisfied the World occupies a place in American with a price one-third below former est! journalism that makes it a terror to mates. The discouragement is univer evil-doers. It is a regular buzz-saw to sai, 0 more agricultural improve rascals, and, if not always wise, it lsvig- ments are being effected; employment orous and determined in defense of hon- ns consequently, lacking; and there is est ffoverument, "economically adminis- great indigence. Hence that increasing tered," and in opposition to rascality in emigration, for which special trains and high places. It injures its influence by steamers have to be arranged. It is a mistakes, such as the to-called Cleve- veritable exodus. What remedy torso Black Dress Goods. Anvone who has visited this DEPARTMENT- will testily that we are showing a lar ger "and really more select stock ol BLACK GOODS than can be found elsewhere, and at more at tractive prices. Plain and fancy weaves, me dium and line. R PRIESTLEY'S BLACK SILK .T,V. UHV.TTAS BLACK CHAl-LilO, (silk and wooi;, cua rD RrROYD'S Black Silk ";?;Vt7 nd Veiling, BiAck Hemstitched Nrs's Veilings fok Dbesses. Black Silks. Black Silks. t L . il j-i , -i i ATI To Black Silks we devote special "" rejecting such manufactures as we canuot fully recommend. Black Crepe de Chines. Black Her uannies and Grenadines. land interview, and by its violent lan guage, but it holds up to the gaze of the world the acts of men it believes to be criminals, and, after all, the best and truest court in the world is the court of much suffering ? M. Here Von Barr. - PERNONAI. AND SOCIAL. Your Uncle Adial Stephenson was asked Monday if he thought he would if all thr fa o.ts ara fnllv ero to Charlotte to hear Sam Jones. He A. LA 11 V -f S - vw ' - - J I CD I i . t j aud correctly given. When the World jumps on men liko Matt. Quay and Henry Hilton, we say "Bravo," and we believe that when it exposes them and their designs it is doing a patriotic ser- said no; he would just submit for a lop eared hound and save the cost. States ville Landmark. Ice Cold oda and Mineral Waters. H J. HAL BOBBITT'S DRUGSTORE. Iriue Cia::irv Cigarette aud Tobacco. O a I o H 32 g Pi n,.,tlvin..-aiiiv stock, an.l an. now prepued r t-oriniw nillTlPllt! to sudpIv anything in the Drug Line -101 - tr whir-h humanitv is subiect. Thavfihad mv store nicelv papered, with otner auuunt i features added, and can assure the Public mat my ifu, is complete. nnirr.s t n vm in Al.S. PERFUMERY, TOILET ARTICLES, SUNDRIES AND SEEDS. PHY SICIANS'PERSCRIPTIONSFILLED AT ALL HOURS, DAY OR NIGHT. 4TTivTinv TO BUSINESS. AND LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. 02 o w Samuel Courtauld & Crapes. Co.'s Black Elegant assortment of Black Lace Floux cixgs and Nets. Samples sent on application. McKlMMON, MOSELEY & McGEE, 129 and 131 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Bnist's Fresh Garden-Seed. J. HAL. BOBBITT'S DRUGSTORE. Prescrip tions Ac curately Compounded. IM 1 UH, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALERS is Hon. W. V. Henderson, of Lexington, has written to Mai. H. Bingham that he vice to the country, whether that is tho wiu deliver a lecture at this place on the actuating purposo or not. SAM JONES. That man of God, the Reverend Sam uel P. Jones, is in Charlotte at this time, justifying the ways of God to men. Up to last evening he had called the people evening of the loth inst., on "American Manhood." Mr. T. II. Phillips, clerk of the Superior Court of Davidson county, will accompany Mr. Henderson here and introduce him to the audience. States ville Landmark. RALEIGH, N. C. THE WORLD TYPE-WRITER, THE BEST AND CHEAPEST MACHINE ON THE MARKET. Price 15. Those wishing to purchase can do so fcy calling or corresponding with G. II. GLASS, Agt., Raleigh, N. C. Mr. Charles F. McKesson, of Morgan- of that devoted city hounds, lousy calves, ton, lectured at the court house Friday dirty dogs, fools and contemptible pup- evening last upon "The Poets and Poetry pies, and had said of the best people ot of the Bible." A cultivated audience the city (who are as good people as dwell was present and it was entertained and on earth) that they would not be allowed instructed. In the use of tongue or pen to sweep out the kitchens of the bon-ton Mr. McKesson is always felicitous. He of Baltimore. If he talked that way on is a gentleman of scholarship and ele the street instead of in a "tabernacle" he gant literary taste. His lecture was would get both eyes blacked and be sent scholarly, oruate and eloquent. He to the rock-pile. Statesville Landmark, mentioned David, Job, Isaiah, Solomon, Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 28. We will run delivery wagons for the con venience of ymvate families. apr25-tf The Landmark does well to condemn the excesses to which Sam Jones goes. There is no man in Charlotte or the State who will endorse or defend the assaults he mado upon the good citizens of that town. But while this is true, the rule that we apply in making an estimate of all men ought to be applied to Sam Jones. We ought not to judge him bv his harsh and unjust expressions alone; Jeremiah, Moses and Ezekiel as the chief of the Hebrew poets, and adorned his discourse with citations from their writ ings. His manner was excellent and the whole performance reflected credit upon the genial and accomplished lec turer. Statesville Landmark. J. R. FERRALL & CO, FRESH AND RELIABLE GROCERIES, 222 Fayetteville Street. TUCKER Is as a man who '-invited guests to meet nor by his witticisms alone; nor by his his mistresses at his table," as "a pirate genius alone: nor by his eloquence, and that Mich infamous libels are not onlv earnestness, and acknowledged ability fake hut absolutely without the slightest alone. All these ought to be considered foundation in fact, I owo it to his mem ory that such shameless and wanton tra ducers beside whom tho robbers of his grave were geutlemen of refinement and character should bo brought to answer for their infamous crime at the bar of public justice. Theio is no take back on tho part of in making an estimate of Sam Jones' in fluence. The men and women who have been induced by him to lead a new life; the happier homes ho has been instru mental in making; the drunken men he has inspired with new resolves to re form; the orphans his labor and his ap- Distinct Novelties ! Black Dress Goods ! For Spring and Late Spring Wear. tho World. It has CDgagcd De Lancey peais teep in comfort; the hearts he has Nicoll, Esg., to defend it in tho indict- helped to warm and cheer all these mcnt and will seek to justify its state- things ought to ba weighed in the scales Theee are shown in B. Priestley's stuffs, ac knowledged to be the most reliable black dress fabrics in the world and for this market the patterns exclusive to ourselves. Evaporated California Apricots. Peaches, Prunes, Raspberries, &c, &c. N. C. Dried Apples and Peaches. New York Medium Beans. California Dried Lima Beans. Imported Parmesian Cheese, grated for Macaroni. Edam and Pine-apple Cheese. Tarbell Cheese. Hazard's Strawberry Tomato Ketchup, best in tho world. W00LLC0TT & SON, 14 E. MARTIN STREET. IN Olffi MILLINERY DEPARTMENT You will find all the latest shapes in Ladies' and Misses' Hats. Wreaths from 20c. to 2.00. Ribbons, all styles and widths. Crepes and Nets in all shades. In fact we have evervthing that vou will find in any firet-claea Millinery Store. Our Milliner is the most tasty and expert and our prices are always the lowest to be found in the city. PHOJfE 28- -16 Hakgett St D. T. JOHNSON, Ag t, WHOLESALE Commission Merchant Daily receiving consignments ot New Cabbage, New N. C. Cut and Roc Herrings, N. C. Hams, Potatoes. Chickens, Eg?, Arc, Ac. HATS RESHAPED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOW PRICES TO THE TRADE. CORRESPONDENCE FROJi SHIP PERS SOLICITED. A lot of White Flouncing at 15c. a yard. Our stock of Men's and Bovs' Straw H.itH has arrived. WOOLLCOTT & SON, 14 E. Martin St.. Bat, rr ' 3 V" NOW IX 8T0IJE A Big Lot of Best Brands ot Flour. Bought before the rise. Small Hams, Sides and Shoulders. N. C. Canned Fruits and Vegetables, IIi.u ten's Cocoa, Dunham's Shred . ocoanut. Daisv Pickles (10c. bottle), Plain and Fancv t'andv. Bananas, Oranges, Ac, Ac. Fret- and Prumi't delivery. Phone 28. D. T. JOHNSON, Ag't. mcDts. On tho same day it publishes Hilton's letter, and tho text of the in dictment, tho World says that Hilton 'basely hides behind tho corpse of the dead merchant prince"' says "he lies about the World" calls him "a woman dcspoilcr," says "ho crouches, hyena- like, upon the ravished vault of his old patron," and adds in large italics: The thieves who stole A. T. Stew art s body were not half as contemt ible as Hilton, the robber of Stew- ART a WIDOW, WHO SEEKS TO CRAWL INTO THE EMPTY COFFIN TO HIDE HIS OWN IN FAMY. Wd mean you, Henry Hilton. Wo have not read all tho articles that have appoared in tho World. Those we havo read havo consisted mainly of and set over against his buffoonery, his extravagant language, his abuse, and his broad jokes. If we will consider him all around, as we ought to do every man before passing judgment upon him, we will finrl that. tho Wrr fiiu T Jones is a great deal better and more useful man than the Lankmark ap pear to believe that ho is, and a great deal worse than many of his admirers regard him. Averaged up, we would say that Ue is a genias, full of the in consistencies and weakness of genius, and also full of the power and earnest ness and ability of genius. At least, such is our estimate. We are willing to confess that wo had a certain lodared strong insinuations and clear and ex- prejudice against the Rev. Sam before BLACK DRESS GOODS are usually bought by the consumer with more than ordinary care and very well too, because when Blacks are bought not very good, then they are hardly good at all. But our Black Good3 always give satisfactory wear, and we present the new Weaves with confidence. These new Fabrics arc in silk warps, and all wool. Brocade3, Diagonal Stripes, Mohair, Bro cades, Ac. Prices Wc to f 1.50 per vard. They are the softest weaves and loveliest things to be had. Every accessory to assist in making up these are on our counters just by them. W. H. & II. S. TUCKER & CO. Smoked Salmon. Yarmouth Bloaters. Boneless Cream Codfish and Mackerel. Fine A. E. JORDAN, Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. SEW KDSffiT. SEW mm EES?. New Catch N. C. Roe and Cut Herrings. SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By authority of an order ot the Superior c-ourt ot wake County in special proceedings, entitled J.C. Marconi. Administrator: E. A. Johnson deceased, vs. Lucy A. Woodall and others, I will on Alondav. the 19th dav of Mav. 1890, at 12 o'clock m., at the Court House door ot Wake County, sell at the highest bidder for cash a certain parcel of land on South Blood worth Street, adjoining land of Mrs. Candace" Bashford. DeWitt Smith and others. The naid lot fronts 74 feet on Blood worth Street, und runs back East 10" feet, and has on it two I am prepared to fnrnisli :in-H kept in a first class grocery. My stock of canned fi is well assorted. Mvline of potted meats, sweet and mixed pickles, jellies, catsuns. fla coffees, teas, cakes, crackers, etc.,is of the best goods and qualities, all frefh and new. aV , ,asoila,-le as anv house can offer. AJ so have best grades of flour, plain and su gar cured meats. Fresh country and Goachen Country produce always on hand. Send me your orders. Prompt delivery and satisfac tion guaranteed- A. E. JOKDaN, Next to Citizens' Bank. Having equipped our shop with new and improved tools, we are prepared to do vM kinds of machine work in a lirst-clas- and workman-like manner, and as cheap as fii ei class work can be done unvwh. rc v viuauuug h.uu repairing engines cialtv. Mesus. WOOD & PARK, Being first-class practical men themselves a suincicnt guarantee. GIVE THEM A TTMAi JlJt mhll-1v 101 West St., Ilaleigh, N. C. cottagf s. april-14 1-m C. MARCOM. Commissioner. plicit intimations of wrong doing3, but so far tho proofs havo not been satisfac tory. However, the World says that theso articles aro but preliminary to strong proofs that aro to come. We havo all along believed that there was something hidden in tho relations be tween 8tewart and Hilton. The fact that the merchant prince made his at torney so rich at his death was sufficient to cause suspicion. The people have always wanted light upon the transac tions between these two men, and have vainly sought a clue by which the secret of Hilton's power over tho merchant we ever heard him. After hearing him our estimate changed, and is about as above sketched. We believe his broad jokes and his course language ought not to find a place in the pulpit. We know that it greatly retards his usefulness, and drives away from him thousands who might b3 won by his pathos and his earnest presentation of the gospel. He evident ly believes these objections to ba valua ble in attracting and winning the people, whereas they have tho opposite ef fect. Even the preachers and pious men and women who co-onerate with him. 7 Guitars! Guitars! 70 THE C1T 0F RALEIGHI Of all small musical instruments the Guitar is at present the most popular. They would be MORE popular if there were no cheap im ported Guitars sold. The necks of these cheap lTiRtrnmpnta WIT.T, Wi HP ; - ...... u .uj ii , it io UlipotSl- Having had nineteen years experienco iu worKing oneet Metals, l teel that I n WX nkK ,1 1 it a 1 am auie io uo worK in mat line in a workman like manner. I therefore ask a share of the patronage of the citizens or Kaieign. Work done promptly and ol ine uest material. iiy mace or busi- bleto play well on one, besides the frets are ness is No. 112 Fayetteville Street nn noicorrecr. tan ana see our I .i rr: . ' prince ccu'dbo ascertained. If the story deplore his coarseness, while thev ad oi inc ona 13 irue, auu can do cstab- mire his boldness and are won by his Dle omtara made. AMERICAN GUITARS, Especially the famous STRATTON HARP GUITARS, Which are the sweetest tuned and most dura- iished, tho influence which Hilton pos scsscd, and by which ho became master of tbo millions, is accounted for. The statement of tho World is plausible, and whether it c in be proved or not, the public wiil always btlievo that the World has not missed tho secret far. There is much complaint at the sensa tionalism of tho World and it so-called unreliablity. We confess to sharing in earnestness. Sam Jones ought to reform. HOME SPUX YARNS. Tho publication yesterday of the ex pressive disapprobation of Col. Creecy bec tuse a correspondent said he had b?en forced to cut an oyster in several p;eccs to eat it, recalls a btory that the this feeling to somo extent. It is not j late Judge Ashe was wont to to tell in dignity and in usefulness our ideal of a great newspaper. It makes big blun ders, doubtless, and is not always accu rate. But it is a power for good, never theless. Among the many big men it has denounced, which one is worthy of tho confidence of the people? Unable always to establish its charges by legal proof, it nevertheless throws the light upon questionable transactions, and lets the groat jury of public opinion find the verdict. It may not in law send Quay, with delight and amusement. He said that years and years ago, when oysters were a rarity in Wadesboro,a restaurant keeper one day received a bucket of such unusual large siza that all the town peo ple were called in to look at them. The keeper of the restaurant offered to bfc f o.OO that no man in town could eat an oyster whole. No one succeeded until lato in the day, when the wager was of- favat in a mon It i ftmw i " i , I "niceness," and particularly about his SOLID ROSEWOOD BODY, SPAN ISH CEDAR NECK, CONVEX FINGER BOARD, CURVED FRETS, ROSEWOOD TRIMMINGS, &c. Price of "Harp" Guitars, $20, $22, $25 up. We have American Guitars $12.50 np. We have Gaitars $5.00 up. We would be pleased to have you call and select, or to correspond with you if you desire a Giutar. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO. tailoring establishment. Kespeetfully, Charles F. Lumsden. IMPORTED SUITINGS FOK Spring and Summer Wear. a ep.- 1- LADIES ! Are you ready for ge nuine Bargains in MILLINERY! Dr. Frank Harvey, Veterinary Surgeon, Residence 512 South Salisbury Street Veterinary ghoeing Forge Blount Rr next to Jones' Tobacco arehou8e giea and WaCHTlH rir-A i , . o After five years' experience in North Caro lina and catering to the wants of my patrons and the prt lie generally I find that the Im ported Woollens take the best and give bet ter satisfaction than our do nestic goods. I have bought direct this season my entire stock of WOOLLENS, consisting of first-class Diagonals, Corkscrews, English and French Silk, Tibet Granite Cloths, Bkmny and Irish Tweeds, Vienna and Australian Woollens, in rough and emooth face goods. Prices have been put lower than ever before for same quality of goods. G. N. WALTERS, 234 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. mcbl9-l8tJune Don't fail to get a buttle of KING'S ROYAL GEBMETEUR. or it will strengthen and build vou up, and I S -hav:?,anv disease originating from the vivuK. n m cure you. Mfcousands of men we men and children are using it, and all' that nave given it a fair trial recommend it use Over 300 gallons already sold in and around A. E. JORDAN, Ag't, Prompt Delivery. Next to Citizen's Bank. NOTICE A NoBTn Caeolina, Before Clerk W ake County, f Saperior Court. Notice is hereby given that I have this dav issued letters declaring J. M. Breughton y? N. Jones und J. N. Holding and tfieir assol ciates and successor, a corporation " foi the desire to become incorporated undlr the Compan? feU'T- umVAui , . and tho business proposed to bo done by aid company is the E seUin renting, leasing, holding and in?pfeving real estate and negotiating loans on real and Sea sonal property, the faying, sellTng, renSn taking? r 681 fcatatl nunisBsions, & taking, holding, purchasing and selling op tions on real estate, ihe ?iPt, V k P. notes, account and other evidences of indebtl edness, the placing of insurance on property on commissions, and such other acta S.r'S!? PPOsea enu- .- tJ1aee ut uusmess ol said cor. porationislialeigh.N. C, and the duratioi thirty year a. The capital stock r.t U;J --01 Fnl011 i!three ihoand dollars" divided into thirty shares of one hundred dollan mT with privilege to increase the capital Sock t two hundred thousand rtn. holders of said corporation are nit inS-V uallv lihi fnr- i,u"-i.Vire nt wdivid- pT,,,r"' ne same. m-v 0.5.?- UPCHUKCH. April 2TIV30?UpenrCOUrt-Wa county. bet!ned' vF " ?!mr WfcUt hU do bi tuned . We have anything and everv- tg that w kept in a liVst-cll. j uiii , h WAf d Sldea LaV'lug ver-v ljht "ma n busmer-a expense we are enabled to ofT-r von greater inducements than our competitors WE'EI. QUOTE A FEW ITEMS: Black and colored Shade Hat at 20- i,., old stock but purchased tin's weapon A better line of Hats at 2o, 3."K.-.,40e V,. 7ae., ana upwards ' '"" No. 16 Fancy Gauze Kibbon at onlv 1 0c ean not be duplicated elsewhere for le thin pei aru. lr?5P6P.c.,corret sy than 20c. I tl I , anv youn, Cota at from 20 to 33 per cent. 'ust iu me citv. Special low rVi.!.o, 3 New York Millinery Bazaar No 211 Fayetteville Street. JAMES McKIlTlION & CO., JAMES McKQIMON & CO.! 133 Fayetteville Stbeet and 5 RAr,;r-rr s.r BUY THE BEST- -BUY THE BEST- We Have Just Beceived a Full Line ol Peter Btcdekson's GARDEN SEED GARDEN SEED PURITAN POTATOES- ONION SETS Everything Pertaining to the Garden- AMES MoKIMMON & CO. -AMES MoKIMMON & CO. - I