g (jji -fciB ,11 TkV rwnnKTfTLtt PUBLISHING CO. . J . Every. Morning Except Monday. t rmiE CJEH PEICsi F CHRONICLE X to ta.t3 pet yetf:t3.C0 tor 0 months; ... ,. U.K a monuia. , npHE BUSINESS OFFICE and BdltorUl ' . JL ttooms of tbe Cbotiictjc are on tho , second fioor of No. niwrnw on. C6miUICATS0K3 -REiiVB TO. CM Dadnw Dfcrmeafcof this paper eaomki ba addraKMa-Poa. BBowDra, Lock Dnwir aa SL J -, . should be made payable to hia order., f s.. i jrs--;i.nija n Aniens, y - 'Editor. i ' p. ncaoxarpca, - cms. fiuasn . UAL. W. AYKB,- - fAiao.jEdita. 1 Ceatwad Exact Justice to ali 2ea, 1 rof "Whatever Stats or perseasion. Re ligious or Political. Thomaa Jefier- aoa' T'-- - '. ' ' I s f d SUNDAY, iJUNK, 15, -18?0. j, DDJX. ST ATE CONVENTION. , Raleigh; Wednesday, August 20thj DCn. Cone; CONVENTIONS. ( , ,4th District, Durham, July 24th, Utauiamot, ureensooro, juiy vtu. Cth District, Laurinburg, Jaly 29th sftit two summer vacations with me pr&bhing often in my pulpit. i; He was onffpf the beet men in his class at Yale and had the most scholarly mind, 'Be received be highest fellowship awarded at Harvard, -beinganceesaf ul in competition .with others. He has sent his shaft deep into the fundamental truths. ., I . hare never noWff If tfian of higher ideals or loftier sense OL honor: snd be cannot help but inspire Bis students and impress himself noon them. I know Mb. Williams so wM inA tiae anoh confident! in his ability; and believB so thoroughly thai he would All the chair of Moral 1 Philos onhT wi'h distinguished success, that I have taken the liberty, of writing." . Riv. Clarence Obeely, of Mt Car- mel. conn., says: . i . 4I have known him quite intimately as, a school mate at Yale, and X regard him not only as a master of the subjects in his chosen field, but of an exception ably fine and sound moral nature. His influence over students would be healthy and elevating." !! " Those who knew MR. Williams as ft student at the University of North Caro lina, or as a professor ; thereafter at Trinity College, need no assurances of his talents, learning and character from the eminent success above quoted. ; Pbof. A. W. Long, of Wofford Golege, who was a colleague at Trinity, has al ready endorsed him in the public jour nals as; eminently, worthy of the chair. PeofW. H. Pbgbam, also a colleague $200,000 FOR TRINITYi ;dem. JUDICIAL CONTENTIONS. These figures have the true musical swell. They have a delightful metallic and joyous ring. At the close of the 'commencement at Trinity College, last, week President CBOWiLLAtated that when the doors of Trinity College were thrown open -at Durham in September, 1891, the Trus tees intended to have an endowment of $200,000. As . a start to that end the graduating, class of 1890, , consisting of twelve members, contributed $100 each to the endowment " Including the' princely,, gift of Mb. Washington Dukn, the college already has an . endowment in the! neigh borhood of $85,000. President Crowell will go into the field to raise the additional $125,000; and he will raise it. That is just the kind of man he is. He accomplishes what he undertakes. Be hind him are aboutll 00,000 Methodists, many of whom are rich. It is a shame that they have not raised this money be fore now. .They can raise $125,000 by paying an average of $1.25 each. The Chbonicl has confidence that they will not longer lag behind, but that the Methodists tn the State will rally to the aid of Dr. Crowell and his oo-workers, as the Baptists rallied to - Dr.; Tay&ob .and as the Presby&tfans did around their Presidents, and . raise this amount undertakes, in advance I of remOvaT to tore-ODen a PreDaratorv Dobartmeot in connection with the lfege. Thiader nartment will be open for thereceDtion- of preparatory stUdentsat Hhy time of tne opening or tne uouege,nsepiemoert 1890. .v-: ;:vzrr. i. . r v k ' OnArtMfU af Wtlnn Tn1 OAtA: "ftd District at Rooky Mount, Jnly 3d. "-4th District at Bmithfleld, July 1st. . ' ; ' etb District at Greensboro, July 8th. ; ary culture for one of his 6th District St Kinaton. Jaly 9th. " 7th District at Laarinburg, July 16th, 9tb DUtrict at Elkin, July 16th. at Trinity, says: . "When a co-laborer in Trinity College, 1 bv September 1st. 1891. four years ago, he impressed.' himself on The ohbonici i believes that Da. age. oince wv. me meiuouiaui . are auuuuaabijr No better opportunity can be offered for those who wish to prepare for admis aion td Ctillece in .1891. - The best care will be taken to man it with the best in structors that tbe authorities can com mand. " The advantages of Literary So cieties, Libraries, and of association with the older and more advanced students. wall be granted to all -preparatory pupils to a proper extent. - To those three interests let the Confer ence look with increasing dibeence: (1) Tbe more liberal endowment of the Col lege; (2) The patronage and; tbe building of . preparatory schools throughout Jhe State, in which pupils may be prepared for College, and (3) The encouragement of young men to seek a collegiate educa tion as a means to growth of character and a preparation for the higher duties and services of life. Fortheyou'ng men the College exists with all its talent, en dowment and equipment; but the people must send their sons or bestow jof their means to bring its benefits within the means of the needy, in order to enjoy the blessing of this gift , With renewed confidence in our edu cational possibilities, we humbly thank God for the present prosperity. Thus favored, we can do nothing less than to provide still greater benefits for, genera tions to come. We welcome every agency or suggestion that can contribute in any way or degree to this end. - " Oar OttKT Where yon can procure the moot yauUble &n - A Long-felt Want Supplied. If.-. VV refreshing draugUto ever dispensed. ICE CREAM SODA; BEL-FAS Another New Drink GINGER A C.E i MILK shake, LIMEADE, MOXIE, Skaved Ice. Cracked Ice. SODA AND MINERAL WATEBS. EVERYTHING IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. J. HAIa. BOBB1TT, AND R A LEI 6 H, N. O. iWiPHfHL ICE CELLAR. - t rLL iti 1 ' we wish to anndunc H OeaSUn OF OaUmlGeS that we have opened a i unafr xoe iienry . paui IN ALU ULASHJfi UK ''-all users of ice collar for its sale CTThe 0HBONICLK desires to furnish a .correct list of all Conventions to be held In the SUte, and will thank its 1 friends to help us. FkOFfi&aOJT. , HENRY . WILLIAMS. HORACE . - i : The election of Riv. Hsnby Hobaci 3 Williaics to the chair: of Cental and Moral Philosophy in .. : Is an event of deep interest to the en- tire State.) The ehairia in many respects ' ' the mostimportahtiii theUaiversity; for k :i V: philsnhy. an ble to present the great r. n .irxlof iSMienoe, morality and re btrfl he especially,! more than that time he has had the "advantage of four years of special study and vigorous growth ifl two of the oldest and best universities' in Amenca." As to his teaching ability a former pu pil at Trinity, now professor in Greens: boro Female College, Deed Peacock, A. M'says: . .; 'f 4I feel perfectly safe in saying that I have never bad a teacher who did so much to make. me work, and inspired me With such love ,of work. While at Trinity he won not only' the respect and confidence, r but . also the esteem- of all, " .-r-.-:- -I 1 3 . 1 tkou i w r n m 'V nun ti u .imiiiiuii i . m i,i i . i n c learned and fauMul teacher; a high-toned gentleman and a sincere Cjhristian." . Tbe .Faculty of the University, who knew him as a studont for fiv years, en? dorse' him unaualifiedly as a man of strong eharaoter, fine ability, great in dustry and scholarly instincts. , : The University is indeed fortunate in the choice. Her own Bon, a native North ; Carolinian, .well acquainted with the character and customs of his own peo- r , , tanitj to inspire hi students with 'the eothudasn to do noble deeds and lea4 lofty lives, an enthusiasm which is al- . . ways based upon faith, conscience, and I pie, broadly trained by five years of ed i ,;, .(j t religious fervor. But the times demand ucation at the University, by two years leamiuj and culture, critics judgment "11 and .JtVaAfc thnnirht nn kiulthin faitli :l mi)4'bo';tteMind.irf-the! century is vm questioning allthings and its 'inquiries , 'J -.r are not satisfied by sneers, frowns pr re- --' iVtAntftrtitirtn. ' It mmM ririM Ibnnirht that. '' ih pulpit and the JprofessOrt chair de-. -j , , iaanaw the same " quaiures of their oo d.'i.1; oopantf:adnequipnient-rfor the former '-Was Chghi sufacieni for the latter. v, But teaching is m distiiwt'frbm preach j " ing as the intellect froni the heart; and no :t r . manean'teaph who is ;a .mere preacher. 'Jcdsln ,fromv the , teBtiaoniala of :j thpi;who;kflpw MRC WiUiAMs well and . ' are ttasat lyes well qualified to judge;1 we tbtnk that the trustees have selected ' . V- toJraiyy Wowed with all the qual ;3 Wtiik em;to4hw;clu . ' Dr.Koah Porter, of Yale University of teaching at Trinity, and by five years of special culture at Yale and Harvard, blessed with health, energy, i enthusiasm and winning manners, and fully imbued with the deepest reverence for his Work and love of the University, ; he will in troduce a new force into our educational able to do it If they do not,, let it be written, not that they are too poor, but that they are too stingy. But tbey will do it The following address has been issued by a committee composed of President Crowell, .Bkv. E. A: Yates, D. D , and J. A. Gray, Esq: 1 The Trustees of Trinity, College here by congratulate the Methodists of North Carolina, who have . made this institu tion their special care,' upon the unpre cedented munificence of Mr. Washing ton Duke and Mr. J. 8. Garr With other citizens of the city of Durham. It is the ambition of the Trustees to make this institution second to none in the South, in breadth and character of its undertakings. With due energy and foresight they regard this as none too large, a task in this age of rapid develop ment and noble liberality toward educa tional interests. Jt may be a work of generations, but it is at least our duty to lay the foundation and build as wisely aa possible. . An endowment of $35,000 previously subscribed is now supplemented, by a gift of another $35,000 from Mr. W. Duke, in addition to which other citi zens of Durham, by private subscrip tion, will undoubtedly give no less than $15,000, for the same purpose when the pending subscription shalj have been completed. This will give the College ft total endowment of $85,000. The decision to locate the College per manently at, Durham has tne uoaui .Absolutely Pure fi&LUiGiiGi; As the Summer advances it becomes more and more evident , that Black' Nets and Black Lace Flouncings will be even more used than last season. This season has been a phenomenal one with us in the sale of these goods. -During the last few days we have called attention to some special numbers in these Black Laces. ' Those are not all quite sold yet, and if contemplate i DRYGGQDS. .... ' r. ' - " 7 Not OneThiag at a LOW Price to at tract your attention, but a collection oi Bar- trains. --:: ,. V We offer t'uig week wonderful bargains in oar. BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT. We have the largest Btook of choice Blaok Ooods in this country, and in order to reduce our: steer to manageable- unutsr we nare marked' prices downto fiure that cannot be i ivpucatd - tnis skis oi Mew xork. : GOODS and SILKS. We keep in stock only the freshest and choicest goods, selecting them with the great est care, wrtn a view to ; PLEASING THE TASTE. -OUR EMBROIDERIES W UCES- Are unrivaled in beauty, excellence and variety. . , . ' . . , Housekeepers win please bear in mind that we are the leadine house of; the eity in lin ens, iiTowela,- Napkins.-. Doylies. Damasks, Crochet and H ARSE ILL ES SPREADS. :i LADIES' MISSES" AND BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAISTS. McKpbcoN, Mobxlkt &: ItcGu, . 129 and 131 Fayette yille St. Baleigh, N. 0. g, opposite the PoetoTice, where our ftir. R. H Murphey will be pleased to give ; every one fnll value of their money on tickets. This ice is made r-n laxe iron plates. then cut into blocks. This, process insures absolute' Purity, wonderful Transoa- rencT great Density and freedom from air bubbles. It is raore nearlv lik natural lake ice than it can be made by any other process, but is much purer and MOKE pjjiiABLE, As demonstrated by tntm made. Our' WHrrE-COVERKD WAGONS Go' wherever wanted in tewn, both morning and evening. FULL' WEIGHT GUARANTEED CAR LOADS VERY LOW RATKS. Jl r.'iif .v.ik-'.j it.,. lite and will add a new impetus to the mous approval of the Bard of Trustees, nff Du. iM a Black Lace. development of our youth.. May God bless him and bless the University. THE SOLDIER'S HOME. -The Home is to be opened and to be opened soon and to be opened at Ral eigh. - Me. W. 0. Stronach and Col. A. 3 .AxBBKws have been appointed a com mittee to secure a suitable house. ",-It is to be supported, too. The La "dieaT Hemorial Association, of Raleigh, beginning ; on :the evening of July 1st, "Will have a grand open air festival to continue four days. The proceeds to so .to the Soldier's Home. wno are now preparea to unite as one man in the development . of ! the institu tion into what it may become and what tne times aemana inat it muse De to ac complish its purpose.. ... ; With this determination,' the Board unitedly calls for the co-operation of the Methodists of the Conference and the friends of the highest and fullest edu cational achievements of whatever place, class or connection. We invite business men everywhere to take a part in the en dowment of this public . institution, whose prosperity will be of incalculable service to the material prosperity of society. We urge upon the clergy the necessity of endowment as tbe only possible con- "I recommend Mb,1 ft. H. Whmams i a very 'desirable , ctfl cuair ci jiaorai rmioeopny iu . your.uni-ii and request: : It would be a good and a has & sphere which no other can fill. jou will find the prices on tnese mucn less than they were a few weeks ago.. Of Embroidered I Flonn- cings we have still some of our handsomest patterns. However, the 'prices on these now are no more than much inferior: pieces, were a little earlier in the sea son. . And to those who have delayed buying their best white dress, we especially call their, attention to the ITS, Webster tells us its any substance actually used to catch fish or other .Animals. The small boy will dig assiduously for earth worms to catch fish with, while men; who are nothing but grown-up boys, will try. baits t uwuuuif aoimais. Prompt Shipments. INES & POWELL : . i .. Agfnte BalaigJ ije Factorj. NOTICEi Noam Cabouha, i , Before Clerk v -Wake County, fv Bnperior Court.. ; Notice UhrebTgiTeiaati have this day' iwoed lettfiimdelaimg ,1. M. Breughton, N. Jones and, f: T Nl folding and their aaso elates and eueeesaore, corporation for the iwwj mm wra mmearaoies ot ii i boh : imenaaU.'!!. H.,HaWM8 f ( . I iHnn f roonlor .nH onro Aavnnrnat- 1 . .v!!ivf,iiv iM.ayTO'aetuaMtvwM suggestion w MtiinnMi tw ih,-a in,th,fi w have iuaue on si - t - - - . k i. i i.-aww mil m ww a s mm www hmwii -.- - - - - - m - -m -mm -m ' m im m m..W . B. SS W BT - - TT Til ' . . J . 1 . ' I "MT mTO mk. Bra W BnS MtMn Mm A wa. WE DONT BELIEVE IN BAITS. V . :".'t. Good, Jionest values, for the least money, we believe is the besUOn that we build our business. - - - Ifl! itTf L!nff2JfKl2 grand thing for the women of every The donors mentioned herewith bespeak year, and I was much impressed: by?hia w d . . ;th ' an active interest on the part of the clearness, self-reliance, and love df tbe wyn. 5"y nd Uae m t the state to Ch .WitnitgmfiyfrieiKittabe- , I should ' think , him we.l nbe-' W A68"" tine sa6 ume- Ueved that eenerous men and women tl truth. parttd to ?u tD Chair.y Dm! TlMdTHT Dwight, Yale'UniversUy, says: MltC2 you wilL-allowme to M.nAlt Ufa U tl 4 TXTT T T ..a ; .; :VaxttjofOuf DirinKy Hchool, m weU 7 . v: trj ror-'tae ctntrr or iorai rnuot : there be a movement all along the line, President 'of :axwlilie proceeds will be something won- snJjettae soldiers. the ladies, and the com-? I editors in every town start the ball. If generous will secure its financial future. , , The best pussible agencies endow ment, buildiDgd and apparatus must be placed at the service ot j tbe institution. these high grade flouncing W. H. & a. 8. TUCKIB CO., i, . BaIkioh, N. O.. music a Music ik We are out sirain callinn on Our musio cna- tomers, sad hope to find many , new ones. We O .. .... - started it will roll. it impetus The beat talent obtainable is none too 6 Sin to.Kive w&ts auy twq cepies of our ThnanaA will ctiva I th rof ,K5k : I ene ot music with every dollar's o- - " w nwin. niuxu ns vuu' vaih of mnii ft AntanA nknM 4ii .a CLOTHIERS SHATTERS :i;i XJnWcfcity. ; I: know him man of ability, .scholarly C;i f FAN-CR FOR PRESIDENT. ' :a itd taSiln" character, He has had ,': :'-t: tS2Ui usual importunity . fot study: 1 'Hrflyslos:Mt .ivw o-irj we con ceive the Conference, through this insti tution, to have upon its hands. To this end let wealth, time and . services be given by all who love tbe Church of Christ The Trustees have appointed a build- main From Natioriat Economist Alliance Or- :gan. . . -Suppose, tneir, that the farmers in . AUO Ar?f naYe appoiuiea a i list lums was at Yatethreetyfearstl thft Oemooraw party were to suggest to buUding at a cost of hot less than $50, hw uouieQBc was parsyiRjsiop ooom-1 uuu. .. j-i rr.i. t J OT tne SOmi- uw u wuuuu a maui iiuiiu uu puhw of t6e country eei laP M-K'u wiwh f . end-wincrB extf.nnmr SO fppk hn.k With T.:t ttttfWH'! maa uwHT--Bi iwwfY . w "V wim gneb dimensions, 'the CoUege will hayo " ,v.:iriBwJ&ntS)ess. y".T r 'Jv0 .f, stirtt iwould.makel Trne4' tbey;tnight at its disposal unequalled facilities as far -.'ft A PtijS'aitmml limty lose va. doubtful states but. they would as room for housing and instructing its lowTWj by ;tpf HaitaiiVai -taMOJi;;;- is in the center of the magnincent plot of. venity Faculty'. The deotloil was based' noted as : a plain man iof the people, a 62 acres' of ground, in the surburbs of v. uml l asUmDt n TthllmnnhlAAl thiiU Wiseman, a tmre man'Jaml , honest, ahle isutubuk lurmeriy ituown as oiacaweu a F . r 7r-;r-.'r 1. m . ? . PttrV. Thin nart ia th trilt. nf Mr. J S emcienr. man. ., uis people love him, r - teaw of joy win come to the eyes of Th iiniMinM ri th :- i : DetAipf he Harvard VDirinity School, J North Carolinian every time he hears grounds put in order for the occupancy Da? a JO. -fivtatr. 'gays!: '7 t??."';- JtalB(OkZa Vatcii"?1 and '-the College by tbe beginniog of Sep .' .: ' f rwAJN M.i.,i .uiJJl"-l?7'jil ?iAnKHAiift hAmAW tember. 1891. At that date the new era su'pboorVMct. aiMl 'WuitB 'wlll:all alikw ot :tue College will be formerly inaugu- k Vhtf , iw TlBel happy and safe When such men are niea lQe aeaication or tne Duuaings MfmnAiv aiv) i. k. -w.il i cnoeen. . - -. - ... . . Our stock of 10 csxrt musio consists of 3,000 differ ent selections, both instrumental and vocal; also cornet and violin solos, vielin and piano duets, four-hand pieces. . .. CATALOGUES FREE. the very prettiest and i1 filed and kjeoordad. in thia aOm u aJer 5hap W of the CJaVeY North (Caroiiaa and the laws ameBdafct aWeof. The sab Btanee Of said articles ia feat the said partiea f.der tho - wuib.ii4jivui ina itaieign tteal state rjvmnuT " .ml tl.. k..:.. . . . .. L vw jr wmi iaiumujt is ui iiuvinv ui liner xiroag, i ngj npii.i end improving real . HvauHMsgaoans on real and per- -0,JsPwp"J, the Buying, selling, renting and4aaiM realiseUte on commissions, the ' taking, holding, purchasing and selling op tions on real estatey ihe- collection of renfi xiotesiaostfttBtsandother evidences of indebt- on eXuBtnteefoiH, SwaVsuch other acts as may to necessary, to effectuate the purposes enu merated. The place of business or said ww . w ihwmuh. v.r ana uie aurauon thirty years. The,3apital stock ot said eor foratioa is . three, thousand doUars, divided into thirty shares 6fone hundred doUarseacbv wnnpnIege to jtocrease the capital stock tt ' two hundred thousand dollars. The stock- -holders of said corporation are not individv nally liable for the debts of the save. 13 , . CHAS. D. UPCHUBCB. . ., Clerk Superior court Wake county. -April 26. 1990. ' i . - - .. - .1ll'-"- rJ i IMPORTED SUITINGS, -FOB Spring and Summer Wear-. are BlL... aTk B1SBW Km 1 BP BBNB W rBn - m. "ntangfrgtlc student jof tkilosopby, and. a man of winning address; .An ? esaay prepared for me by Ma, Williahs A MAN OF BACKBONE. The following latest songs : That is Love" Published iu May, 1890, and is destined to be a great public favorite: 40c. Signal Bells at Sea' Beautiful song and chorus, by Will 8. Hays: 40c. "If you Love me Darling, Tell me with your Eyes" The most popular waltz song in two or four flats: 40c. ' -"That Melody Divine" Introducing that ever-popular "Annie Laurie" air in the chorus, by Julian Jordan: 60j. ; " 4 Up Comes McGlnty" As popular as its predecessor: 40c. - Also Julian Jordan's other compositions: "light of my Lite," "Song I'd Ne'er Forget," "Soag that Beached my Qeart,"- Ac; "Made line, Marguerite," "MeQinty," Ac. No mat ter what you want, 6rder from us, or write ua iu re($rH w AI you wiso, we win select the premium. f 1 ' BraosifBKB THiRZKitm Music. " north State music co.t ; ' f Oxen, O. Stonk, Moe, 4 113 FayettevUlft St Raleigh, N. a W00LLC0TT 14 E. MARTIN STREET, SHOES! HOES! SHOES 1 HOES! SLIPPERS! LIPPERS I SLIPPERS t uppers; . :r i has pleatsd me very mucb,"i CJ , ' :U ' px fiaiCtJ tUxz ot Yale, Profes rSanford Express It was related on the. train to Wake Forest; commencement . on ; Wednesday, . ' iu.l..- ... . ' '.- - I V. . V- " Bvr ( ujB.aara xowMogy. Mys:,J v.f t soon arter; liiv. 'raos;.uiixoN so . -.n$r&$ a eiocUent haraffter, 1 itorongh -castigated Editor Bhepard, LEACH & f - pDREViS Ice Mwacturers BAIiElGH; N. C. with appropriate ceremonies. A num ber, of ; educators from our own and other States have already signified their intention to be present on that occasion. IU;the meantime,, the College, at its present location in Randolph county, will continue its wprki giving its untir ing attention to the development of tbe two . departments of - instruction the Academic and Scholastic Departments. .,; tfjrtew 'fciatser.an4 cMkuilia' Ktow;ooDgrgiUnr,' wbb-are'-an'BepnWi Jf .expansion and development of , . .er-TcxtotSllactual xJhlHty andschol- f ,r U F , each leading feature of collegiate educa- 1 ' atMbamon tion opens 1 grand prospect for the Col- mrlbaBs eoQeffe vadalion fWOIisiirejupod:hihi.;CThev wwutne-time .traveling ia th ha nmiptly-roflerBdjis of the institution the: Trustees have in 'Ut& States and Europe! and In preach- -whereupon the congregation . withdrew view a thorough reorganization at the w.i' 'Thibistliirope he7 mads a, iptV lesolutiona and. begsed him not to time of removal if conditions are favor- . - - .'1. '-i - . . , : 'J rBBsard.rr.lle mmlv Inhi hn mtniui tha.t &hlo . .-7 T ? he AftrftrL, IJedbytheQldocesa, -jtir -rr.Tr??ni.iitBiF'. 'MiUna u kA ; , 77 -tt-- . ., , to nuritv. we cnaiienee oomrjarisonr ouia -not tant and necessary feature of our educa-1 Every gallon of water .Wiise is first evapor. as mucu Luonai worK will oe permanently earned I a eaunosieam unueXra pressure or oneAua-. M a. a. L ii . w-a - m - Our Btook ot Shoes and Slippers one of the largest and most complete in the city, and' consists in part of ,. 1- . Jl a t nil a ' " T uaaies uiow suppers ftuo a tLir. ... Ladies. Leather Slippers. Mo, 75oi'8Se. vj v 5 ;$L00,aL25, fL60: j ' - , Children's and Misses' allsiaes and prices. Ladies' and Misses' Cloth Gaiters, from . .t- from Mo per pair up. . . . Ladies' Batton Shoes, $1.00, $1.25, Si SO. nU$U5,ta.()(), tWO, M00 and $4.00. , You can certainly save money by paxchas ingyour shoes of us. .After five years' experience in North Caro lina anu catering jto the wanU of my patrons and the rorlfo vn WrFP161 give bet, Uf ?SU,thjM our do nestic goods. , I hare bought 'direct this season my entire ' stock, of JLJ."" ' : WOOMkENS, eg-Attiy of ftrtwia,, THigmuls, Corkacrowa, ; fyif9 BUk Hbet Granite Clethsi-sLid Irish Tweeds, Vienna and nwouens, in. rougn and smooVa : .iBaai.a;?-:,...;,:.f,,:.' ; ; 5 iftiose;ave been put lower than ever before for, aams quality of goods. , fcyettefle ; RALEICn, N.C. i 4; i-tu, b f 3oohl9-ltfune v . 2 4hytldiot7Sctat -J l'-WS1 ihould preach and. wbaXhe sho 3'r7!stlsa with the great re- preach: -He ht4roytngtohave a Having recently completed a plant, with tii maet.--modern and improved ja&ahinery fr imapufaoture of ice, we are turning out the : ireiuest, clearest ana nrmest ice tnai aas ever: sen manufactured in tbis country. Every block beins of uaiform ne'.'it aaoU I in the car closely, and. will smfar )emi.lbB!m transportation tnan either natural ive or that - . 1,000 prs. Boys' knee-pants, from 48capr.- -' 1,000 prs. Men's pants, from 60c a "jjSXr-M-n's and Boys' coats, t from 80c a niece. -.. v tjt we cannot.flt you in clothing, we can make you- any size garment you may want.-' - .' - - - . Rr72i CaaS.:A. Dinsmoes, of New Eavca, Ocan.t says: "I.kssw He. WnxuMS during his tltrsa year's oosrxe in Tale Theological : VrrmJ7, Clzz he fraduated be bxsi backbone as John the Baptiat r L&ilfTJ r, ! .. .a ; , s . ;C - Dr. T7itTiit a IIxtxpjit succeeds 1Cb.: A. H. Padmsom as editor of the Burgaw Herald. Helsan'aceomplished physi cian and a writer of experience. w wuuiugg ua. asisuuvu wuaavo- now 'occupied by ! the College.' Id ac cordancowiOi the direction of the Con ference, a biglt-gfader preparatory school win oe permanenuy established there. In order to start this project under the most ravoraDie auspioes. tne uoueire 1 ' w dred -pounds to. the 'square inch wid'coa densed before ' freezing- thus insuring. water VUIS M m. HHHW UW UK' WUUUt loaa and 1 quantitiesshortnoece AXaUw&bl SJl I careful packing guaranteed. - 2.. ci S. ? SSISSS f. Address, J ' r -' stim - " -5 It ft, j LEACn & ANDREWS, Raleigh, If. C. SaiUJBB & 7ATTSr :77 Toncorial Artioto, anasaic BAT15F ACTtun GUARANTEED. acbS-tf JAIim (ZlaZLUXION JTA1XE3 CO., UoKHLUON A CO.. 1W FanniaiuB Sraacr an S Eium'e BUT THE BEST BUT THE BEST we Have Just Beeeived a Full line of Pcxxx H'cBDfisaox'a GARDEN SEED- OARnurw gwn PURITAN POTATOES J ONION" SETS Pertaining to the uommou oa- JAIIC3 7 r-.-r'-r LADIT3 t v-rrrtf uest. fiainfo;