STAffi OBdRoMbLE, fOTESDAYj TONE 2, .1890. "Hpt X4.4 STTvviYtti iT but thi tbiQ has not lo3&rlhis stand I l;j ? 'gXiVXv IHWUIU iQ? ia tLe ptrty. He paid Crokeh $10 1Y CI Eve; tONICLE PUBLISHING CO. r Morning Except Monday. 000 for his influence, but outside of a dennnciation, it does not seem ttt effect cither of them. One sold the othr bought, but that is done here every day and the people have become so nsed to it that they shrug their shoulders siy "it is very sad" and then elect the same sort of men again. The great problem of government to-day ia: How to manage a Department 01 wis paper i cities! we Beem 10 get aiong very weii aould ne auowiea to u.n. . other but wfcen ifc comcs Drafu, Check and Postal Money Orders 1 10 a city THE Orx8H PRICB OF CHRONICLE a per sear: 13.00 for 6 months; IL50 for 3 months. THE b 3INES3 OFFICE and Editorial X Hooa- of te Chbosiclb are on the second nK,r of No. 210, Fayetteville St. innaTTVTnATIONa RELATIVE TO 1 1 the Business Department of this paper BRAZIL: ITS NEW CONSTITUTION. should be made payable to his order. lOSEPIIUS DANIELS, - - Editor. D. II. DROWDER, - Bus. Manager. Asso. Editor. UAL. W. AYER Equal and Exact Justice to all Men of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligions or Political. Thomas Jeffer son. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1800. ' DEM. STATE CONVENTION. Raleigh, Wednesday, August 20th. DEM. CONG. CONVENTIONS. 3rd District, Clinton, July 23rd. 4th District, Durham, July 24th. 5th District, Greensboro, July 9th. 8th District, Lanrinburg, July 29th DEM. JUDICIAL CONVENTIONS. 1st Distriot at Ed en ton, July 22nd. 2nd District at Weldon, July 23rd. 3d District at Rocky Mount, July 3d. 4th District at Smith field, July 1st. 5th Distriot at Greensboro, July 8th. 0th District at Kinston. July 9tb. 7th District at Lauriuburg, July 16th. 8th District at Lexington, July 31st 9th District at Elkin, July 16th. EXT" The Chronicli desires to furnish a correct list of all Conventions to be held in the State, and will thank its friends to help tut. TAMMANY ON THE HOOKS. TENTER Public Apathy Towards Municipal CorruptionA Remedy Suggested. Editorial Correspondence. New York, N. Y., June 24. The pa city government, it seems a hope less problem. Mbs. Crokeb kept her eye on her hus band duriug the entire examination, and when he had been under fire more than four hours, she was examined. Like a dutiful wife she corroborated every thing her husband had said. There was no danger of their testimony conflicting, for she heard every word of his evidence. Mbs. Crokeb is a tall and fine-looking woman. She has brown eyes, black hair and rosy cheeks, and was richly attired in black silk. 1 here are jobs in public buildings- jobs in every city contract rascality and bribery from bottom to top. And it doesn't make any difference which party is in power. In Philadelphia, the Re publicans control, and there it is the same way as in New York, where the Democrats have the majority. The "heelers" name the 'officers, and the private citizen goes about his business and neglects his public duty. The day must come in this country when every man will be required by law to vote. At the last election in this State oyer 300,- 000 qualified voters remained away from the polls. Most of that number were respectable, industrious citizens who are absolutely indifferent upon all political problems and governmental questions. If they were to vote, most of them would vote for good govern ment and against ring3 and tricksters. But they stay away from the polls and bad men are elected to office. Men are compelled by law to serve on juries, and to do a multitude of things that citizen ship carries with it. Why not compel them to vote? This question is worthy The new Constitution of the United States of Brazil was promulgated at Rio Janerio on the 25th instant. It propo sed a federal system fashioned very near ly after that of the United States. The president, who h to be elected for a term of six years, is responsible alone to the nation and the ministers are to be re placed by- Secretaries of State who, are answerable'to the President alone. Parliament will consist of a House of Representatives and St-nate. The pow ers of these two bodies will be of a pure ly legislative character, and an adverse vote by either chamber will not entail a change of ministry. A new House of Representatives will be elected trienni- ally and a new Senate every nine years. The first presidential election will be by Congress, and has been fixed for Novem ber next. This constitution will be the funda mental law of the land only after the constituent assembly shall have approv ed it, which approval is not likely to be withheld long, as all f el the necessi ty of legalizing the government just as soon as possible. Immediately after the decreeing of the constitution there will be an election f orSenators and Deputies 63 of the former (three for each State and federal district) and 200 of the latter, according to population. The two chambers will meet and begin their legislative labors together in a constitu ent capacity. Immediately after their first regular session aad election of presiding officers the provisional gov ernment will place in their hands the functions of government exercised by the latter since the change effected on the 15th of November last, and the as sembly will at once select the new chief of state, who will then proceed to or ganize a regular cabinet of ministers, ihen the assembly win revise the con stitution, and afterwards promulgate it as revised . Sabsf quently the two cham bers will assume their respective func tions as regular legislative bodies. The Senator or Deputy who is chosen a Secretary loses his seat. lne nrst election of the President will be by Congress, but the constitution estab A POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, Where you can procure the moat palatable and refreshing draughts ever dispensed. A Long-felt Want Supplied. SICE CREAM SODdg A L E A a bared Ice. .Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Another New Drink- BELFAST Gl N G E R MILK SHAKE, LIMEADE, MOXIE, SODA AND MINERAL WATERS. EVERYTHING IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. I ! Cracked Ice. ADJUSTABLE WIRE SCREENS, FIT ALMOST ANY WINDOW. Absolutely MOSQUITO AND FLY PROOF. BY ITS USE YOU SECURK PERFECT VENTILATION AND KEEP OUT CARPET BUGS, MOTHS, DUST, &o. prices 25, 35, 40 Cents Each. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS Raleigh, N. 0. J. HAL. BOBBITT, DRUGGIST 'and FHLA.RMLA.OIST, RALEIGH, N, C. W00LLC0TT & SON, ICE CELLAR. HE. MARTIN STREET. FOR 4TH JULY! FIRE-WORKS AND FIRE-CRACKERS. FOR SUMMER WEAR: Printed La wnB Printed Organdies Printed Challies White Lawn India J awns Checked Wansooks 8c. to 5c. a vd. - 12c. worth 20c. oc. a yd. - 7Jc. a yd. - 10c. 12X a yd. 7Ks 10c. & 12 a yd. KEEP OOOI ThebeBt and cheapest lot of Hosiery in the city. HW188 flouncing irom 50c. a yard. Ladies Fats from 15c. each. One hundred Ladies Bibbed Vest, 10c each. f igured Lawns, Black uronnd, 5c. a yard. niacK Lawns izo. and loo. a yard. IsiacK Cheesed Urgandies, 15c. a yard. REFRIGERATORS, If you want to eave money when you from p chase your slippers and shoes, buy th ur- em BLUE FOR THE LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY. It looks, from recent New Orleans ad vices, as though paralysis and sunstroke will prove too much for the iniquitous Louisiana Lottery scheme fighting as "the stars in their courses fought against Sisera." Last week the Lottery had sixty-five adherents in the House of Representatives it needed only sixty six. On Thursday night Representative ICE CE WATER ATER COOLERS, OOLERS, pen have already told about the exami- of more than a passing thought, and one his subsequently ICE CREAM FREEZERS, best White 0oimterPaQe the ci for nauonotxucHAiuJV.iiowmwnow.nown u - w.m """ shall be by means of electors. The M tue doh ui uuUj. xirjr President shall be ineligible for the next mere was a iivbiy mr aoout ma iamuua i lmuuu. o. j. Tweed Court House, and the local poli ticians were on the alert for interesting point. There was an air of expectation and a ft eling that something was going to happen. All the committee were on hand except Senator Fassett. Mr. Croker was accompanied by his wife and Mr. McOANNby his wife who is Mrs. Croker's sister. Every available inch of space was occupied and people el bowed their way through the crowd to get a view. The reader of the Chronicle will remember that a few months ago, ten years succeeding his term of office. The Secretaries of State are ineligible for the presidency during their terms of office. The President of the Senate shall be the Vice-President of the re public. In case of the absence or death of the President his offiee shall be filled by the Vice-President, next by the Speaker of the House of Representa tives, next by the Vice-President of the Senate, and lastly bv the president of the supreme tribunal of justice. We wish to announce to all users of ice that we have opened a cellar for its sale under the Henry Build ng. opposite the Postonce, where our Mr. R H. Murphey will be pleased to eive pverv one fnll value of their money on tickets. This ice is made on large iron plates. then cut into blocks. This process insures ! absolute Parity, wonderful Transoa- rency, great Density and freedom from air bubbles. It is more nearly like , natural lake ice than it can be made by any other process, but Is much purer and MORE DURABLE, As demonstrated by tests made. Onr WHITE-COVERED WAGONS Go wherever wanted in town, both morning and evening. FULL WEIGHT GUARANTEED. CAR LOADS VERY LOW RATES. Prompt Shipments. ICE CHESTS, ICE PICKS, ICE CHIPPER?, ICE CRUSHERS, &c, ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF PLY FANS, FLY TRAPS, DISH COVERS, BATH TUBS, HAMMOCKS, OIL STOVES, And a fall line of SEASONABLE HARDWARE And House-l'arnishing Goods. WoolcotteV Son. 1 JQNES & POWELL IffllDH, m k Mil Agents Raleigh Ice Factory. MISS MAGGIE REESE Rodes. counted fl.ll alonc ils an anti- l 11 1 ! ? I ' - wuuo wu.oiutH wan m urupe iorni8 lotte man-was brought over. On neaun, nis Dromer-in-iaw mcuann lesu- FridftV morninir. as he Dassed near the y - - fled that Croker had raised a corruption fa ad of $180,000 with which to secure Grant's confirmation as Commissioner of Fnblio Works, and that by reason of a deal Mayor G rant had made Croker's daughter a present of $25,000 in five in stalments. It created a great sensation here, where everybody abuses Tammany Hall (and in some rospects not unjustly). When Mayor Grant admitted that he gare Croker's daughter, for whom he was God-father, $10,000, the sensation was profound, and it looked like Croker and Grant were "in the soup." Then the cry went up for Croker, and he talegraphed that, in violation of the ad vice of his physician, he would come at OQce to New York 'and testify and clear np everything. Yesterday he did so; and it was a big day and a momentous day for Tammany HalL He looked pale and sallow and positively ill, and was apparently neivous. He appeared in a drab suit of mixed plaid cloth, his hair and beard cut closely. He looks very much like General Grant. It is well known that the late John Kelly, boss of Tammany, resembled ' General Grant, and it Is said that the close resemblance of Mr. Croker to John Kelly was oLe of his chief recom meudations to receive the mantle of that Tammany Saobem. He is a wise sort of man and is not lacking in the wisdom of silence which was a large part of the stock In trade of Gen. Grant and John Kelly. He bore himself well on the stand answered in a droll way and long drawn out tones of voice and kept his eye first on his wife and then on Bourke Cochran (his attorney) when he was not aidrefisiog the committee. His evidence was a total denial of McCann's state ment, wbloh for the most part had al ready been exploded by Grant's testi mony and the laok of corroboration. office of the Serjeant-at-Arms, about forty feet from the hall of the House, he stopped and said : 4 'Well, I have changed. I am going into the House to vote for the lottery." No sooner had he uttered these words than he fell to the floor, stricken with paralysis. The Lottery vote was thus reduced to sixty- five again, and this explains why the vote on the biil was again postponed. Harris, of De Soto, previously an anti, was then prevailed upon by the Lottery lobby to change his position. This re stored to them their sixty-six. But again an untoward event dashed the hopes of the Lottery aside. Ten minutes before the gavel of the speaker fill, Cole, of Caddo, a recent convert from the antis, fell over in bis seat with a stroke similar to Rodeb's, and was carried in sensible from the House. And so, by this fateful happening, once more the Lot tery's votes were swung back sixty-five. 1 1 li 1 1 TD Si CO. SUMMER VACATION. Respectfully, J. C. S. LUMSDEN, KALEIGH, N. C. PITT COUNTY POLITICS. We publish elsewhere in to-day's Chronicle an original article on Pitt county Politics and Politicians. It is in teresting. Pitt county politics have always com manded deep interest, not only at home, but abroad. It is related that when the late Col Duncan K. MacRae was Con sul General to Paris, he was asked by the Emperor Napoleon why it was that Pitt county always gave a big Whig majority, and Edgecombe county, which adjoins it, always gave a large Demo cratic majority. The Emperor said that he could not understand how it was that people living side by side homogeneous and engaged in the same occupation should be so far apart in their politics. Col. MacRae was much surprised that the Emneror should know so well the UQineaamageu himself, as Grant had political situation in North Carolina, ireauj uuue, ujr me uuu aa mission and in these two Eastern counties It that the Mayor had given his daughter Bhowed his mastery of details and his a present or f3,uuu at amerent times thorough information. ron ko consideration, ana mat ne and his wife had invested the money, not as trustees for Flossie, but in their own names jointly. That admission ia fatal to his pretence that Grant did not pay this aa an assessment. That Grant should give a little girl $10,000 because he was her god-father is not anywhere believed and Crokir's admission that ' tt gave it, ia fatal to hia own and Giant's political integrity. Or it wonld be in North Carolina. Thapity of all thia scandal is that it positively toakes no impression here. All parties do inch things aud the moral conscience of the people ia so blunted and ao debauched that after a passing txcUmation, It all dies down except in the papers. Grant may not run again, Right at this time of the year nearly every one is contemplating taking a trip of some kind. One may think they have all the clothes needed for a trip anywhere, hut still there are many little things that escape one's thoughts until the last mo ment. No matter whether one's requirements are great or small, they will naturally consider whereto go to get what they need. Well, this time we are not going to mention a single article o r even hint at prices. We aviII just cover the whole ground by remind ing everybody that our place is headquarters for everything that a person leaving home could desire for their outfit. To those of the city, and too far off to run into Raleigh for shopping in person, we respectfully suggest our MAIL OH DER DEPARTMENT. To all enquires by mail, the moet thorough information will De given, un an cash orders oi lo w and over parcels delivered tree. W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO.,Cfc Raleioh, N. CT UNDER NINETEEN PRESIDENTS. Judge James Lawrenson a Notary who swore in twenty-five Postmaster Generals, died in Baltimore on the 23rd lust. He was born in Bristol, England, ia 1803 and was 87 years old. More than seventy years of his life were spent in the postal service, and he was a con spicuous example of the benefit of the system that makes individual merit the test of fitness for office, rather than partisan service. He was the oldest continuous holder of a civil service position in the United States, bavins faithfully served the Postal Department in various capacities, under nineteen Presidents. THE GREAT WEST. With its colossal fortunes, has its offsets in tornadoes, cyclones, blizzards and droughts, that keep its people crouching in constant fear. Here in the Old North State we have little of the great fortunes of the West, but we are free from its terrors. ANOTHER SUPPLY Hot Weather Clothing To arrive in a day or two. RELIABLE GOODS-LOW PSICES. A Season ol Sacrifices IN ALL CLASSES OP DRY- GOODS- Not One Thing at a LOW Price to at tract your attention, but a collection of Bar gains. We offer this week wonderful bargains in our BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT. We have the largest stock of choice Black Goods in this country, and in order to reduce our stock to manageable limits, we have marked prices down to figures that cannot be duplicated this side of New York. DRESS GOODS and SILKS. We keep in stock only the fresheBt and choicest goods, selecting them with the great est care, wiin a view to PLEASING THE TASTE. -OUR EMBROIDERIES AND LACES- Are unrivaled in beauty, excellence and variety. Housekeepers will please bear in mind that we are the leading house of the city, in Lin ens, Towels, Napkins, Doylies, Damasks, ruuufu ana so. A.ita.UlljljE.8 of HE. A. JDS. LADIES' MISSES' AND BOYS' BLOUSES AND SHIRT WAISTS. McKemmon, Moselky & McGki, 129 and 131 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N.G. TEERELL & MOSELEY, Commission Merchants, HEAVY AND FANCY CLOTHIERS SHATTERS SWANNANOA HOTEL, Asheville, N. C. Still in high favor with Southerners. First- class appointments and Mountain views. TERMS MODERATE. Special rates by the week. BAWLS BRO jnel5-2mos Proprietors. MIDSUMMER MILLINERY. We will bacin now to close ont nil Children's and Misses' Colored Hats at Half Price. Among the lot are desira ble styles for travelling or school. All Fancy Ribbons Regardless of Cost. Our entire stock of T To be Closed Out at 50 eentar worth from 50 cents to fl.75. SOME GOOD STYLES and NUMBERS. We will not carry corsets another season. so reance tnem to make a clean sweep. Miss Maggih Bes&k, 209 Fayetteville St. MUSIC i MUSIC ii LEACH & ANDREWS, --Ice Manufacturers- RALEIGH, N. C. TEACHER WANTED. A teacher is wanted to take charge of the Warrenton Male Academy. Applications Will be received until the first day of July Erox., at which time they will be passed upon y the board of trustees. Address the under signed, jnel9-lw Having recently completed a plant, with the most modern and improved machinery for the manufacture of ice, we are turning out the prettiest, clearest and firmest ice that has ever been manufactured in this country. Every block being of uniform size, it packs in the car closely, and will suffer . less loss in transportation than either natural ice or that manufactured by the old process. As to purity, we challenge comparison. Every gallon of water we use is first evapor a ed into steam under a pressure of one hun dred pounds to the square inch and con densed before freezing, thus insuring water as pure as it comes from the clouds. Car load quantities on short notice. Full weights and careful packing guaranteed. Address, LEACH & ANDREWS, Raleifh, If. C, W. A. MONTGOMERY, Chm'n of Board, Warrenton, N. C. 203 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. G. STOLEN KISSES is the name ot anew brand of chewing tobacco for which we are sole agents in Raleigh. TERRELL & MOSELEY. MULLETS--We received the first ship ment of new mullets yesterday. TERRELL & MOSELEY. PRODUCEWe handle all kinds of country produce on commission. Consign ments solicited. TERRELL & MUSELEY. jnel7-tf Stop at Hotel Merriam I At Depot. Largest in City. . BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. Charges Very Moderate. Steamers and Cars leave the Hotel every day. . J. E. MERRIAM, Proprietor, Washington, N. C. Select Boarding and Day School For Young Ladies and Little Girls. Hillsboro, - - N. C. The sixty-third term of the Misses Nash and Miss Kollock's school will open Sep tember 4, 1890. Circulars on application. June 12 deod-w3m MUSIC TEACHING. Miss Site Mat Kibkland, late of Peace In btitute, offers her services to any one desiring to pursue the study of music. Those wishing to do bo can begin their study immediatsly, communicating with her as to terms, Ac, at the residence of Mr. Clinton Crew, 637 North Blount street. jne20-tf DAVIDSON COLLEGE, Mecklenburg County, N. C. SEPT. 11TH, 1890, TO JUNE 11TH, 1891. THE MASTER'S COURSE, THE BACHELOR'S COURSE, THE SCIENCE COURSE, . ECLECTIC COURSES, BUSINESS COURSE. We are out acain calKn tomers, and hope to find many new ones. We gomg to give fbeb any two copies of our ten cent series ot music with aver Hnitir'a worth of music ordered or sold in store. Our siock oi 10 cent music consists of 2,000 differ ent selections, both instrumental andval also cornet and violin solos, ielin aud piano' duets, four-hand pieces. CATALOGUES FREE. The following are the very prettiest and latest songs : That is Love" Published in May, 1890 and is destined to be a great public favorite: 40c. "Signal Bells at Sea" Beautiful gone and chorus, by Will S. Hays: 40c. "If tou Lore me: Darling, Tell me with your Eyes" The most popular waltz song in two or tour flats: 40c. "That Melodr Divine" Introducing that ever-popular "Annie Laurie" air in the cnorus, Dyjunan Jordan: 60 j. "Up Comes McGlnty As popular as its predecessor: 40c. Also Julian Jordan's other compositions: J8.?' ml L"e" ',8onf l'u Ne'er Forget," "Bong that Reached my Heart," Ac.: "Made line, "Marguerite," McGinty,"fte.No mat, ter what you -want, order from ns, or write us in regard to it. It yon wish we will select the premium. RUCEMBIB THK PbXXIUX MUSIC. NORTH STATE MU8I0 CO., . Ccn. G. Stonk, Mo'b, 113 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. O. Studies in English, in Science, and in the Bible given due prominence. For Catalogue, address the President, REY. J. B. SHEARER, 0. D., LLD. jne25-2w . . SUMNER & WATTS, Tonsorial Artists, JAMES MoKIMMON & CO., JAMES MoKIMMON & CO., 133 Fayxttx villi Street akd 5 Humect 8t BUY THE BEST BUY THE BEST Have opened a first-class Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon at Frapa' old stand, Fayette ville street, Baleigh, N.O. . . SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. mcfcttf We Have Just Beoeived a Full Line of Fetkb Htodxbbok's GARDEN SECD- - GARDEN SEED PURITAN POTATOES ONION SETS Everything Pertaining to the Garden JAME3 JA1EC3 IIoSpXUXXJ & CO. nn:uru:oa CO.