V j"ff j ip 1 1l -rSS if if VOL. VIL NO. 113. RALEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1G, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. TO BOOM CLEVELAND. TIIK MARYLAND TARIFF RE FORM CLUB AT WORK. It Wants Mr. Cleveland tor the Next Democratic Presidential Nominee That Gentleman is Gratified at the Growth ol Tarill' Reform And Says So. By I Jutted Press. Baltimore, July 15. The conference IS TIIK SUB-TREASURY CONSTITUTION A i.t BILL Special Cor. of State Choniclk Goldsboro, N. 0., July 14 He who can witness the efforts of the farmers of thiii country to f reethomselves from the difficulties of their environment, with indifference, is worse than a brute Therefore, although in no sense a poli tician or leader of thought, it has oc curred to me that a discussion of tho . il . -.x:a.. a: i? ii . of .ho Maryland Tariff Reform clubs 3af"on w ; yoiin Ul i iiv I Sin l.f iVnn cnvr hill miivhr nnf. c Anf rf . ,!..- . ... .Sahi f a .Inn in tV I . will now uuve "aJ place, and I hope entirely without bene interest of tarill rclorm, auu mciueniauy fiClai results. to boom Cleveland for the Democratic nomination. This latter they did not admit as the orgauizatiou is composed of a number who do not favor Ulove l.mdV. nomination. A great many very lnlluontial mon l' it bored together this morning to at tend the. bUM.n'.ss meeting. Alfred Pc.nee. oi CtuKicrtcwn, was made tem porary president. After the credentials of the vai ions organizations wore found cornet, a letter from ex President Cleulund was read iu which he said "I Mu sorry that I have made such plans and mgagements that it is impos- Hlilc lor mo to accept, your invitation. lu c.mmou with all who are interested I take it that the bill in its main features is one to provide a more flexible currency, aud in greater volume than we now have. If 1 am correct m this, I am of the opinion that the bill is consti tutional. In Knox v. Loo and Parker & Davis, 12 Wall, 457-680 which are some of the Legal Tender cases the Supreme Court of the United States says, in speaking of the right of the United States Con gress to make a paper legal tender : "To assirt, then, that the clause enabl ing Congress to coin money and regu late its value tacitly implies a denial of all other power over the currency of a nation is an attempt to introduce a new rule of construction against the solemn i 1 1 i rt j r .?; uecisions oi tms court, oo iar irom us in th. movement, I am exceedingly grat Med with tho evidence constantly pre- containiUg a lurking prohibition, many seined of activity and organization m have Lhought that it was intended to am oi larui ieuum .iim-ui jum and 1 hope that tho proposed conven lion will be full of encouragement to to the friends of tho cause." The no.rtinu'tits of tho letter met with hearty approval. John Dowitt Warner, of New York, will deliver an address upon "Methods ------ confer upon Congress that general power over the currency which has always been an acknowledged attribute of sover eignty in every other civilized nation than our own, especially when consider ed in connection with the other clause which denies to tho States the power to coin money, emit bill of credit, or make of Tariff Reform Work and Organiza- anytujn g but gold aud silver coinaten thm" thU afternoon. Too great public der in mvmCnt of debts." i In Milliard v. Greenman 110 U. S demonstration will bo held this evening, t whidi a mi ruber of Senators, Con gressmen and other prominent men will deliver addresses. UNCLE SAM'S FINANCES. Mr. Cai IMeV. intimate ol the Kxpeii vi s for the Fiscal Year. IHy United Press. Washington, July 15. Tho World's Washington correspondent telegraphs a.i interview had with Senator Carlisle yesterday on tho subject of the govern ment finances for the current fiscal year. The Senator estimates that the expendi tures ol! the government for the year will roach $U):),000,000, which is $43,000,000 the same court says: "A constitution, es tablishing a frame of government, de claring fundamental principles and cre ating a national sovereignty, and intend ed to endure for ages and to bo adapted to tho various crises of human affairs, is not to be interpreted with the strictness of a private contract, "again "the breadth and comprehensiveness of the words of the constitution are nowhere more strik ingly exhibited than in regard to the powers over tho subjects of revenue, fa- nance and currency," again t4Mr. Justice Johnson is concurring with the rest of tho court (9 Wheaton 864) in upholding the power to incorporate a bank, gave tho further reason that it tended to give effect to that power over the currency of the country, which the framers of the constitution evidently intended to give . a . .. in excess ol the estimated reports as tumi-hed by the Secretary of the Treas- to Congress alone," again "It appears to - '... . . I . 1 1 1 1 1 us to lonow, as a logical ana necessary . i - i !. L . ) i .u rv. in casu i ue rooerai eiecnon uui brunnes a law, it will require $10,000, oon to put it in opcratiou, thus increas ingtht deficit to f. 13,000,000. -, Till'. CONFKBEUATi; FLA(J. X IREDELL ALLIANCE. It TioatsOver a Ptivate HouseAnd J;ilcsthe Neighbors .Mightily. (Uy United Press.) Sltcasunna, N. J., July 15. The flag Hying over the house of Dr. Beattio con tinues to agitato his neighbors, and all sorts of threats have been made against the doctor and his property. The doc tor, however, still asserts that he will nol liiiul the lhg down until ordered to do an by some competent authority. He 8-iyj tho II ig is not a Confederate flag, but. merely an imitation, made by one ol his little girls. An Account ol its Action at the 4th of July Meeting. (Statesville Landmark.) The committeo on the good of tho order submitted tho following report, which was received, discussed and adopted: "Statesville, N. C, July 4, 1890. "To the President and Members of the Iredell County Alliance: "Gentlemen: We, the undersigned. committee appointed by the chairman of our meeting for the good of the order, beg leave to make tho following report, viz: That after a free expression of opinion from the several dele gates representing their differeut bod- ies, in wnicn a tun expression oi opinion was heard, and not feeling dictatorial but only having a desire to promote the general good of our county, and to ex press only our own preference, and to submit it to those who are outside of the Alliance for their consideration, we re- spectly submit that we are anxious to get their co-operation in electing the fol lowing named gentlemen to fall the fol lowing offices, viz: Member of Congress, A. Leazar; member of State Senate, W. D. Turner; member of lower house, J. B. Holman and T. J. Williams. All of which is respectfully submit ted. "W. H. H. Gregory, "D. W. Harmon, "R. R. Hill, "Committee." A resolution was offered from Center Point Alliance in regard to reducing the salary of county officers, which, after discussion, was tabled. The officers elect were installed by Bro. T. J. Williams, after which the Alliance adjourned to meet at Statesville on first Friday in October next. Secretary. jcxpianatory uaru. (To the Editor of the Landmark:) I wish to say, for the information of tho public, in connection with the report submitted by tho committee on tho good of the order, that tho county Alliance considered it to be for the good of the order and of tho people at large to give an expression of its preference for mem bers of Congress and the General Assem bly; and it disclaims any desire to die- tate, out is anxious to secure tne co operation of all good citizens in securing the nominations of the candidates nam ed in the report, in the regular Demo cratic conventions. M. E. Ramsey, Sec'y Iredell County Alliance. K Another Disclaimer. To the Editor of the Landmark: Having at heart the interest of tht Alliance and the welfare and prosperity of the people at large, and being an Al liance man, in justice to tho Alliance and nou-Alliance men i will say that resolutions pasd by the county Alli ance at its meeting on the 4th of July, 1890, in legard to the nomination of A. Leazar for Congress and tho candidates for the Legislature is not an endorse ment, but a recommendation only, and is uot binding on Alliance men. I write and which renuires that everything tms that justice may be done to all, trranted shall be expressly and minutelv bothAlhanceand non-Aliiance men of the cons (iitence, that Congress has the power to issue tho obligations of the United States in si ch form, and to lm press upon them such qualities &o cur rency tor the purchase ot merchandise and the payment of debts, as accord with the usage of sovereign governments." In MeCulloch vs. State of Maryland, 4 Wheat, the same court says: "But there is no phrase in the instrument which, like tho articles of confederation, excludes incidental or implied powers; THE NATIONAL CONGRESS. SHORT SESSIONS IN" HOUSES. BOTH The Senate Passes the Dill Granting Land to the State ol Washington lor a Soldiers 'Home The House Grants an Increase in the Force ol Clerks at the Pension OlQce. (By United Press.) Washington, July 15 (Senate.) -The Senato passed to-day the bill granting land to tho Stato of Washington for a soldiers' home. About the entire afternoon was spent in the discussion of a proposed amend ment to the sundry civil appropriation bill, increasing the appropriation for irrigation surveys from 200, 000 to $500,- 000. Without voting on the amendment. the benate, at Op. m., adjourned. House. Washington, July 15. The House spent the entire day in the discussion of a bill appropriating $G3G,189 for an ad ditional force of G3G clerks in the pen sion office. It was used as the text of a discussion of the extravagance of ap propriations, the charges recently mado against Commissioner Raum, and the civil service question. The bill was passed and the House, at 3.10 p. rn, adjourned. A $1,500 FIRE IN SHELBY. $900 Insurance-Death ol a Popular MerchantCollision on Railroad. (Special to State Chronicle.) Shelby, K. C, July 15. The resi dence of John S. Wray, county treas urer caught on fire this a. m. from de fective flue, and was destroyed. Almost all the furniture was saved. Loss fifteen hundred, and nine hundred insurance. A. W. McFarland, a popular mer chant, died to day, age forty. Special train on O. C. & C, road col lided at Earle's Station with a box car that had been put on the main track without orders. Engineer and fireman were bruised but not seriously injured. O. E. Fryek. A SUIT TO BE BROUGHT In Behalf of the Families ol the En tombed Miners. (By United Press.) Columrus, Ohio, July 15. The na tional executive committee of the Mine Workers' Union of America, in session hre to-day, decided to bring uits iu b-half of the families of the men who lost their live?- in the mine ct Dunbar, tguinst the company for .$10,000 iu tac'.i case, i hey are t u a, afternoon consider ing the miners' strike question in execu- iye session. It. is prautioMly eer-im a strike will bo Oi'dereM .. Insuring Child sei;s laves lor Thirty Shillings And Wishing the Child ren Dead. WASHINGTON LETTER. The Federal Election Law Will Pro bably Pass the Senate. Special to State Chronicle.) Washington, D. C, July 15. Sen ator Gorman has, by general consent, been put in charge of Democratic inter ests in the fight which it is now evident will soon be engaged iu upon the tloor of the Senate. It will be a consolation to Democrats throughout tho country to know that under his skillful leadership everything will be done which is possible to be done to prevent the consummation of the Republican threat of throttling flirt .'nArUfr i - V. J 4 . .... . .1 Reed has already so effectually uor.e iu the House. The Republican Senators who have been opposed to the new Force bill, oth erwise known as tho Federal Election bill, are slowly yielding to pressure which has been brought to bear upon them. Even Senator Evarts it is said has, un der compulsion, promised tho new Re publican boss -Representative Belden that he would vote for the bill. It now looks as though the bill would become a law. It is regarded by tho Republicans as a last desperate chance to gain enough Congressman in the South to offset the losses which they are certain to have in other sections. In fact Mr. Belden openly uses this as an argument to con vert Republican opponents of the meas ure. Many of the more decent Republicans aro disgusted with Mr. Ikl len's attempt to manufacture sentiment in fr.vor of tho Force bill, by sending that remarka ble appeal to tho Republican editors to come to the rescue of the G. O. P. LATE NEWS NOTES. Rev. Thos. Dixon will como South next October and will lecture at Newton. Mr. M. E. McDowell, of Philadelphia, took five thousand dollars worth of stock in tho commonwealth cotton factory last week whik- he was here. Rev. J. T Harris, Presiding Elder of the Durham District, is now promi nently .spoken of as successor to Dr. B. F. Dixon as Superintendent of tho Ox ford Orphan Asylum. The Rev. H. B. Anderson, pastor of Bladen Street M. E. Church, of Wil mington, was married last week, to Miss Laura L. Dawson, of Norfolk, Va. So says the Norfolk Landmark. Another little white boy, George Dines, ad 11 years, w;i dr v:.e:l near G--.h!sl::ro Fr;day. His body wj.s disco VciXd l'-.iui.v -a de;-p swimming hole, s:ys th A'-as. Ev ois, of Mississippi, who when a boy in S,. 'us, of Mississippi, v.t frri'?::-r vith he gold veins co i"tv b s ;-rrivo ! here to lo- : (.! t I -ii-.lv.- L' 'Lre 'lTlo 'it :ai for the present own- "!1 iOiilaha Y S.. tell t'ne Greensboro Pa- 'ri-il- th-'t ;h-.- i;sier'.'d reveuue i trie's the "; ne o-mh! uot be con.--,liuated, n nd tb.it EuVcs' successor ijot b'3 ap- described." Again: 4 'The sword aud the purse, all the external relations, and no inconsiderable portion of the in dustry of tiie nation, are entrusted to its government." From these extracts, and more cer tainly from the general reasoning of the Supreme Court in these decisions, I By United Press. London, July 15. Some startling tes- county, iu nodictorial spirit, but having tiniony has been given in regard to the the general good and prosperity of all its citizens at heart, ask that equal ius- tice be done to all, that good, level headed men be chosen to represent us in Congress and the Legislature X. Mr. A. Leazar, who is recommended insurance of children before the select committee of the Houe of Lords. Dr. Barwise, health officer for Blackburn, testified that he was convinced that in the cases ol poor children insured in his district it was the wish of the parents to IOU A PROHIBITION. The Man who Sells Liquors in Lei and to Be Tarred and Feathered. I By United Press. 1 Lfland, Iowa, July 15th. A public mooting was held Monday evening at which tesolutious were adopted that tho sale of intoxicatiug liquors shall not bo allowed in this place, and that any per fm at tempting such salo shall be tarred and feathered ;and cowhided out of the village. Certain persons who weio talk ing ol starting an "original package ' hoii;.e here have not been hoard from on Ihe stihjt-ct since tho meeting. A Cm ions Condition ol A Hairs. IUy United Press. London, July 15. Thero is a curious condition of affairs at Skibbercen, Ire land, whero a largo number of tho mem Imm's of the congregation of the Rev. lr. Ilapley, a Protestant clergyman, J:ave renounced thoir faith and joined the Roman Catholic church. They ap p'iir to have been prompted to the dia!ig: by the fact that Father Crowley was ien:ly convicted of intimidating Mr. Haphry, who is unfavorable to the hhh National cause' Father Crowley exercises great inilucnco over the people. -- . A Steamer in a Cyclone. I By United Press. Cntc.uio, July 15. Tho excursion uteamer Puritan, plying between this city and Si. Joseph, encountered the full force of yesterday aftemoou's storm I ? 1 t 1 it A it. wnno in iniu lake. uapr. nterns reoorts it the voist he ever experienced, and think it impossible t hat two yachts which It tt St. Joe yesterday could have weathered the storoi. think it apparent that the Congress of for Congress is uot a member of the see the children dead, and that iusur- Alliance. W. D. Turner, Esq., recom- the United States has the power to pro- tificatesof denosit-or whatever voumav meaded for tbe State benato 13 a Pm- term them to be used as money, upou nent lawyer of Statesville who has served deposit of farm, or other products in in the Senate twice with great accepta- wareuouses or otner designated places. aud ability. -Editor i UUl V lO 11V vM;VlJ A J L IOO Ul A tificates to be used as money upon do posit of the product of the mine than there is upon the product of the farm Tho main purpose being to create a circulatiug medium, tho building of warehouses, aud electiDg keepers, &c., are but incideuts, aud aro equally as ance. eveu as low as thirty shillings gen erally led to the children being permit ted to waste away. Oilier health omccrs iiMvf siiYiilnr fviilene(. The Fire at Fort La France. pointed until twenty days after Congress adjourns. Capt. II. A. Judd, superintendent of the Bllesille mine, has lost one valise that contained $10,000, and a lot of jew elry that belonged to his wife. He left Saiisbuiy Saturday morning with the va lise in his boggy and when he reached BilcsviHo the valise was missing. It is SOME EDUCATIONAL .MATTERS. A Steadily (J row ins Improvement in the Public School System Dates and Places lor County Institutes. In a talk with Horn. S. M. Finger, Stato Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, on yesterday, the Chronicle learn ed that there was a gratifying general improvement in the public school system nearly all over tho State. This fact is learned from the annual reports of the county superintendents of publio in struction which aro being received. These reports are due July 1st now, in stead of November 1st as heretofore. There are reasons to believe that the improvement made this year, and the apparent growing interest in public school matters are due largely to the county educational institutes which have been held during tho past year by Profs. Alderman and Mclver. Their work is showing and telling, and is proving to be a powerful force in educational mat ters. Tho system could, of course, bo made much more efficient if the public school fund was larger, but it is vory certain that with the small and insufficient amount at command, a wonderful work is being done. As Major Finger said in ono of his Morehead speeches, North Carolina docs more with a dollar in edu cational matters than does any other commonwealth in the Union. County Istitutes. Major Finger has announced tho fol lowing places and dates for county in stitutes throughout the State for July and August: Prof. E. A. Alderman. Lincolnton, July 21st. Wilkesboro, August 11th. Taylorsville, August 18th. Statesville, August 25th. Salisbury, September 1st. Prof. C. D.McIvcr. Winston, July 21st. Shelby, July 2Sth. Rutherfordton, August 4th. Charlotte, Aust 11th. Dallas, August 18th. Concord, August 25th. Prof. E. P. Moses. Brevard, July 21st. Hendersonville, July 28th. Columbus, August 4th. Prol. Alexander Craham. Webster, July 21st. liryson City, July 28th. Robbinsville, August 4th. Murphy, August 11th. Ilaysville. August 18 h. Franklin, August 25th Prol. M. C. S. Nohle. Hertford, July 21st. Edeuton, July 28th. G.-itesville, August 4th Profs. E. L. Hughrs and J. J. Bl. Mocksville, July 2 1st. Marion, August 11th. Dan bury, Angus 18th. Dobiou, August 25th. Prof. J. Y. Joyner. Shallotte, July 21st. Burgaw, August 11th. Clinton, August 18th. Kenansville, August 25th. P EllSOXAL AND SOCIAL. rumoied that tho paekngc 'S3 was taken FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. W A. Montgomery, ol Warren Coun ty, Endorsed lor Judge. (Special Correspondence State Chronicle.) (By United Press.) Portland, Me., July 15. J. H. Ilam- lin & Son, of this city, have received a letter from their representative at St. Pierro, Martinique, dated June 27th, The Fatal Cholera. (By United Press.) Maduid, July 15. Tho Gazette re ports that, during the last two months thero have been 445 cases of cholera in Spain. Two huudred and fifty-seven of tne.'O cases nave resulted in death. Distillery Captured. Special to State Chronicle. Forest City, N. C, July 15. Tho rails Distillery was captured here to day with 500 gallons of whiskey and all tho fixtures; everything was seized and locked up by Special Agent Davis, of uondo.sonville, N. O. I am not a politician, but I sine.erelv ' 1.1. ....4.:, -,i ..c ( V. . legal, aud I think more so, than the pro- desire good government for our people. aau lvms itliei u,',ia J1 ' l , L tectivo featuro that is introduced into t o thf intof- 00 disaster at Fort La France. The fire I A- LLLU. K;UVy&VyXWA.a 1 U LVvl V.1 Ll.lJ . n r riVfTI V I all tariff bills the Mills bill and all. I nd eitizon nmht tn he. in tho rni;tina besran about 7.30 a. m., June 22, spread- . ......I S O J J i..wu -l might nave Deen inclined to think that nf tho stato. T want, nod laws mk ,nn mn.Miw tipfnm a hicii win.l. und hv , , , . I - D - " v.v I lug llivn j o " - "7 J it Wa uuuuAiuu j,u tU euaigo oi umug gom and true men to execute them The the followine morning had ravaged ciass icgisiauon, n a wa m xor me need ot all good government is an effi- alonK the seashore from the western u luiuu ui uui Wuiu m otute vs. ni- cient ana nonest jumciary. Uidoof the Savannah to the river Lev- TT7 1 1 111 IXJ I I T- . -w uwi xvi ii. j. i Mavine" sucn views anti opsirpjj wntA assor. A tJ W. C. Munroe. AND STILL THEY COMk. Having sucn views ana aesires, 1 write naortr Wa than 1700 buildinjrs were to join who many wouny citizens in our destroyed, and with the exception of p county in presenting the name of W. A. very sJ,all portiou of the antique citj Montgomery to the Second Judicial Con vention for nomination for Judge in the feecona District. I believe Mr. Mont gomery to be a man eminently fitted, The Halifax county convention en- i l n . . tt. m aorseu oENATou vanue. mo call is rolling. All our people will give it a both iu learning and character, for this nush. Let overv countv convention do honor at the hands of his countrymen " - I TT - 1 l .J ,1 . , i . . . i;L-f.-i'oQ no WUU1U auorn mat nign seat wim irnvftauw. - . :. i :i e ovcij yiuco ui juuiouu lutegniy, oi ready comprehension and of wise aud luminous ruling. He bears the unan- very small portiou oi fio antique cny of Fort La France is in rums. Many people perished and twenty-five bodies have been recovered. No Jlore Sunday Case-Ball. Mr. Stephen D. Weeks, Ph. D., who contributed the interesting article on "Germ in Socialism 7 to bunday s Curon kie, is a scholar of Johns Hopkins, not a fellow as stated. POLITICAL GOSSIP. The Democratic convention of Burke imous endorsement of his home people county was held on the 7th. Col. Houk in his own county. was nominated for the House of Repre- uid warren, in former years, the senatives and I. T. Avery for Senator. fruitful and proud mother of great statesmen and eminent jurists, comes In reporting the official proceedings of again to the front and asks of her sister the Brunswick countv Convention to tho counties to recoguize her once more and Wilmington Star these words are added: to cause her to feel that her sons are "The utmost harmony prevailed between again counted among the men of our the Democracy of old Rruuswiek aud commonwealth. She has been ignored the Farmers' Alliance." in the councils of the party for twenty five years. In all fairness Moore county instructed for McClam- and honesty, she presents the name of my for Congress. The Sanford Express W. A. Montgomery as eminently deserv- iniuKs tnere will be some confusion inc the nomination for Juderein the see- about it because some of the deWatPK ond district: and this, without any de- I . . . . .7. P I ... ' . ' nave openiy declared they will not heed preciation of the present worthy encum- the instructions. They gave their voice bent or of any other worthy citizen who openly during the sitting of the con- rnay aspire to that honor. I live in the vention. same town with Mr. Montgomery and 1 tnnir Vcirr. tr Ko a .r.t inn erpni Ifmsn Increased Pullman Car Service. and n w. of l..ch rr.b at tho bar. T On and after July 13, 1890, the Pull- of Mr. Montnme.rv in the interest of the man Palace sleeping car line heretofore courts of iustiee in our State, and out of operated between Greensboro and Mor- a high personal regard for Mr. Mont ristown. Tenn , via Asheville and Hot ffamerv. No one has asked me to write 8prings, will bs extended and operated it. It is entirely voluntary. by the same route between Raleigh, N. J no. N. Cole. and Morns town, Tenn., on traies 50 and 51. Washi.votox. .Tulv 15. The President Sleeping car sDace mav be seen red in awnt tr ( .oficrnss tn-d:v a letter from advance by application to F. A. Dewey, the Secretary of State on tho subject of agent, Raleieh. N. C. or to W. A Tnrk a TTmrial tahlet tn eommemorate tho I D. P. A., Raleigh. I Pan-American Congress. (By United Press.) Frederick, Md., July 15. Tho Stato of Maryland can have no more pro fessional Sunday base-ball. The de cision of Chief Judge James McSherry in the case of Manager William Birthie, of the Baltimore base-ball club for Sun day ball playing was rendered this morning. The Judge concludes that base ball playing by men who are under coutract at stated salaries is "Sun day work," and therefore comes within the purview of the prohibitory statute. The prisoners are remanded for trial. Oneot the Boodle Aldermen Appears. By United Press. New York, Julo 15. Ex-Alderman Charles Dempsey, of the boodle "mard of 1884 . who was connected with the passage of the Broadway railroad fran chise, and who has boon a sojourner in Canada, appeared at the district a:tor ney's cfiiee to-day and wa admitted to bail in the sum oi $25,000. from the buggy while Capt. Judd was on the road. Concord Standard. A correspondent at Aurora writes as follows, under date of July 12: "The dwelling on tho Guilford (or Lincke) farm, about two miles from Aurora, owned by Col. A. W. Shaffer, of R d eigh, and occupied by John li. Boyd, totally destroyed by ore Sunday, tho ii. ah ino lainuy were at ciiurcn, aud nothing was saved. No insurance. Loss, $1,000. New Berne Journal, The xVlliance gathering at Greensboro, July 24th-25th, will be one of the great est occasions the. State has witnessed. The speaking uiil t.;ke place in tho col lego grove, and distinguished speakers from all sections of tho United States will be present. Col. L. L. Poik will make the opening speech. Music will bo furnished by the Pilgrims Band of Davidson county, which is composed en tirely of farmers. The storm which occurred a few nights ao did considerable damage to some of the farmers of Kash county. R. II . Ricks, about the largest tobacco planter in the county, had seventy-five acres in cultivation and his crop was a beauty to behold. The wind, rain ir.H hail, he estimates, has damaged at least one-third of th? croy. Some few others suffered. but not s:. .:uch. Cor. Wilmington Star. The Wilkesboro Chronicle of last week contained a letter written in London, from Bishop C. C. Petty, an educated Wilkes negro, who is being dined and wined by the English aristocracy, has been to Ireland and kissed tho blarney stone, has preached in John Wesley's City Road chapel, has called on Minister Lincoln and is looking forward to an in terview with tho Archbishop of Canter bury, to whom he will offer a present of "Brushy Mountain almonds."' . . Stanley Still Sick. By United Pre?s. London, July 15. Dr. ParYs n ports that btaniev is slid ill and very weak. A Mr. W. N. Royal, a Golsboro boy, has been appointed Superintendent of the Northeastern Railroad of South Caroli na. Tho News and Courier pays him a high and deserved compliment. Yesterday at tho homo of her son, Mr. W. W. Crawford, in this city, Mrs. L. T. Crawford celebrated her 90th birthday. Mr?. Crawford has four children living, Mr. W. W. Crawford, of this city, Dr. J. H. Crawford, of Raleigh, Mr. J. D. Crawford, of Robeson county, and Mrs. A. A. Ballenger, of Lenoir county. (jroldbboro Argus. Dr. R. D. Fleming, of Warrcnton, wrote Bro. J. II. Mills, Superintendent of the Baptist Orphanage, Thomasville, N. C, last week the following letter: "Go ahead on the building, and Mrs. R. D. Fleming will furnish the eleven hun dred dollars necessary to build tho house, in addition to the three hundred from Halifax." We congratulate the Orphanage and the Baptists of North Carolina on this generous gift. Biblical Recorder. Q'l-.c- b .X..i:.-:c- has been rece;v( . -k r d froi: Srr, r t e A Pension ler John i' Widow. Fremont's Bv United 1'iesa Washington, July 15. A bill was in troduced in the House to-d-v by Mr. Vandever, of California, granting a pen sion of $3,000 a year to tho widow of General John C. Fremont. A Security U .Siehoue llinucd. !By United IVc.s.j MiNNAivLi.s, u.i , July 15 TLe.v cuiity sii- iiva.-y ovvu'. d by Wood k Mor, worth $:)S,0d0, and containing goods valued ;.t f5'o,000, was with its extents de-Uoyed y tire to d J.y. WA:-MNii-"-N July 15. Tho colc'u ding arurn-nts in th-i Clayton-Brtck.-:--ridge (Ark.) contested election casa were begun to-day before the House commit tee on elections. TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE. A Savase Assault on the Chief of Police (Greens ioro Patriot.) D. M. Thornburg, a South Greensboro carpenter, created something of a sensa tion Saturday night by a pretended at tempt to commit suicide and a determin ed attempt to commit murder. Thornburg left home angry with hi wife Saturday evening and wrote her a note telling her that ho wa3 going to commit suicide and that she would find his body at midnight behind Hodgin's store. His wife, frightened nearly out of her senses, began to look for him aud notified Chief of Police I tees of her hus band's threats. Mr. Roes found Thorn burg in rear of Uodgin'rf store with a nearly empty bottle of sulphate of mor phia in his" hand. Ho informed Mr. Rees that he had taken the drug and im mediately tumbled over as if dead. Assisted by Frank Hodgin, Mr. Rees rttt-- ;.pt'd to pick th" aop.irenJv d'd i-. Air i.e it. ii V.V .1 ! Ai'h a i jck in one h ...-'), and a, kml'i u th; oih jr, rnii- r. mu'der us a3an:t tLein. Mr. ILvltin was badly cut on.- ru, aLil Mr. R es had hard w to v -trd oil ttvt-ril vicious etabs at htart Thornburg was carried to jail, but was released to-day on giving boni for his appearance at next term of the cort. It is thought that Thornburg was drinking and his pretence at suicide was only to frighten his wife. London, July 15. An increase of pay and other concessions have been grant" ed by tho government to the telegraph- J ists. n JU k is

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