STATE OHKOKICIE, THUKSDAY, 24 -1 Y CHRONICLE PUBLii&iiiww w. Every Morning iuccept iu.uuuy. EDITORS IN COUNCIL. (Editorial Correspondence. Durham, N. 0., July 23. Writing to Col. E. Cabbisqton. in 1787, the great- B rrHE CASH PRICE OP CHRONICLE J est statesman America has produced JL la 16.00 per year; $3.00 for 0 months; j Thomas Jefferson, said : ' 'Were it left fl.50 loramonuw. we should haYe a rpHE BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial covernment without newspapers, or a X Rooms of the Chronicle are on me i-arMm without government. I should second floor or wo. aio, ayewmue ou. D . not hesitate to prefer the latter." Cer COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO t therQ cQuld be nQ government of SJW"J ha -w hv fthft eonle. and for the Lock Drawer No. 2, Ttvafto f!hAOfc Ann should' be made payable to his order. to D. II. Browder. the people, by the people, a SSSfi&S' SSJS People, if we did not have a JOSEPIIUS DANIELS, Editor. D. II. BROWDER, - Has. Manager. HAL. W. AYER - Asso. Editor. Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thomas Jeffer son. THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1890. DEMOCRATIC IIOMIIIEES, ha Convention to order, shortly alter ten o'clock : W. W. McDiarmid, editor Lumberton Robesonian; D. J. wichard, editor Greenville Reflector; T. i. manning, editor of the Henderson Gold Leaf ; T. B. Eldridge, Durham Globe; E. E. Harper, New Berne Journal ; J. A. Thomas, Louisburg Times ; Jerome Dowd, Charlotte limes ; J0- sephus Daniels, Raleigh otate chron icle; H. T. King, Tarboro Banner; w. W. bcorr, editor Lenoir Topic; W. K. Jacobson, Washington Progress; G. W. "Rt-ottnt. editor Wilson Mirror; UOL. VANCE ENDORSED. The Proceedings ot the uoumy tun- ventioii Jiij Mr J. W. McKenzie, editor of the Tmv Vidette passed through yesterday .,4- trt the nnnvfintion ana vein eu muto w -uv - ns that at the Montgomery county con vention held on Monday resolutions were adopted instructing the nominees for the Senate and House to vuuj r7u,-.irtn tk for the U. S. Senate. iCUUiuu j-" -j T.trnMinnR ware criven for Jdenaerbon FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. 4th Dlstrict-SPIER Whitaker, of Wake. 6th District K W. Wlnston.or uranviue. )scm. loore. 6th District K. T. Boykin. of Samps 7th DiMtrict James D. McI ver, of Mc FOR SOLICITOR. 3rd Disirict Jno. E. WooDARD.of Wilson. 4th District E. W. Pou, Jr., of Johnston. 5th District K. S. Parker, of Alamance. 0th District O. H. Allbn, of Lenoir. 2th District Frank McNeill, of Rich mond. . th District-W. W. Barbbr, of Wilkes. FOR CONGRESS. 5th District A. II. A. Williams, of Granville. DEM. STATE CONVENTION. Raleigh, Wednesday, August 20th. free and an untrammeled press. It is the bulwark of government, and through it the peo ple are kept informed upon all public questions, and enabled to make up their opinions. So far as the North Carolina press is concerned, it is not necessary for me at this time to give my estimate of its in tpcrritv. ih abilitv. and its devotion to vvO'V the interests of the people of the State Taken as a whole, there is no class of men in North Carolina who are more pa triotic, more useful, or more useful to North Carolina than its editors. No men work harder with less compensa tion, and no men are more deserving of the confidence and esteem of the people of the State. I know that most peo ple appreciate the labors of the editors, and will take an interest in whatever concerns the betterment of the press. One month ago I attended the annual Convention of the National Editorial Association in Boston, and since then 1 have received probably one thousand newspapers from every State in the union. This has given me an opportunity I never enjoyed be fore of comparing the North Carolina papers with the papers of the other States. The comparison has been much more favorable than would generally be supposed. And not only so, but this John D. Cameron, an honorary member ordu d B' F Long for Solicitor f A00nr.iotinn- V E. HlLT.TART). Scot- Jdge ana D. r. UUUg of the Association; L h. Hilltard, bcot- land Neck Democrat; J. A. Paris, edi tor LaGrange Spectator; P. O. Enniss, Raleigh Southern Farmer; W. E. Mur- chison, editor Jonesboro Leader; G. W. McKenzie, editor Troy Vidette; E. L. Hedrick, editor Taylorsville Index; B. F. Tipton, editor Mount Holly News; A. Roscower, Goldsboro Headlight; H. C. Wall, Rockingham Rocket; J. A. Robinson. Durham sun; U. Hack- of The following county ticket was norm nated: m . For the House U. R. watKins, Edinboro. . For Sheriff J. P. Lieaca. For Clerk W. R. Harris. Vny Ttflerister G. N. Scarboro. ATr Watkins. the nominee for the House, is splendid farmer, good solid man and an enthusiastic vanee sup ney, Durham Recorder; A. Hatchett, porter Henderson Tomahawk; J. B. Craigmiles, , L . r . Murphy Advance; H. A. London, Chat- A correspondent of the Voice, writing v, t)a. nr o nfi-.,. ti frnm San Francisco to that paper, says Uthlll Xicwiu, auu uciuai vm-iwio. uci 1 . ... , j elates are exoected on everv train, and tDat tne worui tucmucuvu j TO. .... . " . . I I 1 rll. .-.n.-ry fhn DhAII nOM Of fully seventy live will be m attendance evmeuuy iaueuuu tuD A POPULAR SUMMER RESORT, Where vou can procure the most palatable and refreshing draughts ever dispensed, wnero you ui v Long-felt Want Supplied. ICE CREAM SODA. 7 Another New Drink BEL- HILK SHAKE, FAST LIMEADE, GINGER A L E i J Shaved It t.. "TM Cracked Ice, I MOXIE, SODA AND MINERAL WATEILS, EVERYTHING IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. J. HAL. BOBBITT, and FH:.rtnc-A.oiST RALEIGH, N. C. to-morrow. There is a welcome in the air here, and in the hearts of the people. The great Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co. have their mammoth concern decorated with flass. and the word "welcome'' in letters two yards wide. The editors are having a great time in the great town. I have always bet on Durham dirt, Durham grit and Durham people. I'll bet on them now more than ever. J. D. Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr. .ysn ONTGOMERY IS FOR VANCE. DEM. CONG. CONVENTIONS. 1st District, Elizabeth City, Aug. 12. 3rd District, Clinton, July 23rd. 4th District, Durham, July 24th. 6th District, Laurinburg, July 29th 7th District, Salisbury, August 1st. 8th District, Lenoir, Aug. 28th. DEM, JUDICIAL CONVENTIONS. 1st District at Edenton, July 29th. 2nd District at Weldon, July 23rd. 8th District at Lexington, July 31st 10th District, Morganton, July 31st. 11th District, Lincolnton, Aug. 14th. 12th District, Bryson City, July 24th. And also lor HendersouA Satisfac tory County TicketSome Statements Which Need Correction. (Special Cor. State Chronicle.) Troy, N. C, July 22. The conven tion was fairly well attended, and a county ticket was unanimously nomi- comparason has shown me that the week- nated, giving entire satisfaction. W. ly papers in North Carolina are incom- r. Harris, clerk of the Superior court, parably superior to those of any other the only Democratic county officer, was State in the Union. This is not only renominated; J. P. Levit, for sheriff; G. true as to the ability displayed in the N. Scarboro, for register; J. T. Wade, editorial columns, and the vigor and surveyor; and Dr. A. O. Boyles, coroner, freshness of contributions, but also in n. R. Watkins. a prosperous Pee Dee typographical make up. The improve- farmer and Allianceman for House of ment in North Carolina papers has been Representatives. , , . . j, Delegates to the Congressional conven- most marked in the past few years. tioQ we instructed t0 vote for Hon. Quite a number of brainy young men j0hn S. Henderson; to the Judicial ton have entered upon journalism as a pro- vention, for Hon M. S. Robbins, of A V M. 1 ' . W00LLC0TT & SON, 11 E. MARTIN STREET. Have to Say About Shoes, Etc. PSTOSER .Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889. 1 1 1 5. S. EETThe Chronicle desires to furnish a correct list of all Conventions to be held in the State, and will thank its friends to help us. THE QUALITIES OF JUDGE. A GOOD fession in the past few years, and they are devoting themselves to the work con amore. One of the draw-backs to jour nalism in the past is that the enumera tion has been so small that the ablest men have devoted their talents to other callings, and too many papers have been edited by men who had first failed at other callings. But that condition is Th people are now tailed upon to Be- changing, and journalism is quite as Ashboro. Members of the legislature were in structed to vote for the return of Vance, "North Carolina's greatest statesman," to his seat in the Senate. R. I. Rush, President of the Farmers' County Alliance opposed Vance, and Henderson because of the repeal of the power to support the Sub Treasury scheme, and the latter for refusing to sign the card of Democrats. I. F. Har icot Superior and Supreme Court Judges for the State. This is the most impor tant, the most far-reaching in its effects of all the publio offices to be filled. At this time our mind is led to the recital much of a profession now as law, or medicine, or the ministry. The editors here are a genial, able, progressive set of young men; (a few are old in years but all young in heart and which was made by Rufus Ohoate in hope.JThey are being royally entertained the Massaohnsettes Constitutional Con- by the generous and hospitable people of at Washington against the sub-Treasury Tention of 1833 of the qualities which Durham, and the big pot has literally s?ne,?,e' Du.1 was ihould distinguish a "good Judge:" been put in the little one. 'Im the first place, he should be pro- foundlv learned in all the learnincr of President MoDiarmld called the Con- tbe law aid he must know how to use vention to order and Rev. Dr. E. A. Yatbs, D. D., pastor of Trinity Metho dist Church, Durham, offered' an appro- not xnwel? upright, not merely honest I Pnate prayer, and well-intentioned this of course I There was a general regret at the ab- but a man who will not respect persons sence of Mr. J. B. Sherrilii Sflorfitarv the editors as they pass through to More- in judgment." who is detained at home by protracted llSf GldSbr0 iS alWayS "And finally, he must posess the per- illne83- The regrets of the Convention feot confidence of the community, that were telegraphed to Mrs. J. B. Sherrill. he bear not the sword in vain." Mr. Thad R. Manning, editor of the Learned, Gold Leaf, was elected to act as Secre- Impartial, tary. uuuureu. UOL. john U. UAMERON was nn.ini- We asrain desire the at tention of our customers to our Mark-Down sales, that have been going on since the 14th Inst. We have during the past week sold a great many goods, hut not near so many as we wish to sell, and that should not be carried over until the fall. We had extremely h o t and then several rains that have cut down They say if you want to buy a pair of Shoes for yoursel, ? our father, mother, uncle, aunt, cousin, son or daughter, you can save 20 cents on the dollar by buying of them; they warrant every good pair they sell, and they buy them direct from the factories and sell them at one price, and on very small profit. If you want to purchase a pair of shoes proceed at once to WOOLLCOTT & SON and buy a pair and you will never re gret it. Their line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Mil linery Goods, Hats, Jewel ry, Etc., is always complete, and prices marked in plain figures. If you purchase $20 worth inside of three months they give you a valuable book. Call and see Woolcott & Son. Phokx 28 -16 Habobtt St D. T. JOHNSON. Ag't, WHOLESALE wood, an influential and good citizen, declared he would support no man who weather reiusea to sign, ana iz was suggested Luau UC QUUU1U wiLuuiaw HUUl tUU j i f , a j i Convention. He afterwards had his name tue haies, uui tuib " ceiv vve put in for the list of delegates to the will make greater sacrifices Judicial and Congressional conventions, to make greater sales. The statement was made that the course All throusrh the store. of Southern men was bold and decided n.niftts. p.nrtains. f n p n 1- Commission Merchant TERRELL & MOSELEY 7 Commission Merchants, HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERS, 203 FayetteYlIiBSt.,RaleiN.C. STOLEN KISSES id the name ol a low brand of chewing tobaceo for which we ar eola agenta ii Ilaleigh. TERRELL & MOSELEV. MULLETS- -We received the first ment of new mullets yesterday. TERRELL & MOSELEY. PRODUCEWe handle all kinds of country pioduco on cemrnidssion. Consign ments solicited . TERRELL & MUSELEY. jnel7-tf MUSIC k MUSIC A "We are ont again calling on our music cus tomers, and hope to find many new ones. Wo are going to give fbee any two copies of our ten cent series ot music with every dollar's worth of music ordered or sold in store. Our stock of 10 cent music consists ot 2,000 differ ent selections, both instrumental and vocal: also cornet and violin tuius, iolin and piano duets, four-hand pieces. The following are latest songs : CATALOGUES FREE. the very prettiest and NOW IN STORE ON CONSIGNMENT: A Lot of Choice North Carolina Bacon. i)K BARRELS N. C. Cut Herrings (in ZdO white pine barrels). HALF BARRELS Choice N. C. Fam ily Roe Herrings. BUSHELS Nice Large Onions. that learning.1 "In the next place, he most be a man, denied. This "lie" should be shown up. It was also stated that Vance had srone back on his promises to the Alli ance. These statements are doing much gillgliaillS, satteens, shoes, harm and should be set aright 30 50 300 GALLONS Pure Co gar. Cider Vine- LATE NEWS ITEMS. The Headlight says that the people of Goldsboro will furnish refreshments to m r e, upholstery, small ires, &c, dress silks, dress goods, white goods, laces, ,i , i uuiuruiuvnos, gyuus, The86 Gooda are MtfilM(1. in tion and will be sold low by the package. &c. c, ail over the house ill piles Oil tables, to he SOld. Chickens, Eggs, Country Butter, &ct Received and Sold Daily. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Raleigh, N. O. clever to the editors. The Henderson people voted, by 417 for to 37 against, to appropriate $40, to build the Atlantic and Western rail road from Henderson, to go to Nash county. It will traverse a fine country. The families of the farmers of Pleas- All these are the qualities which a man mously elected an honorary member of an.fc Grove township, Union county, are ought to bench. have who is elevated to the the association. A letter was read from Mtt, Blaine speaks the unvarnished truth when he says that the McKinley laris Din won t open a market ror "an- said 1 o be in terror over the presence of an outlaw in that section, who makes his home in the woods, and steals hosra. w. DTEriiEKs, rresiaent oi tne .National chickens, etcr Some of the more igno- Editorial Association, reerrettiner his in- rant call him "a wild man." w w v President E. ability to be present. In Boston he other bushel of wheat or another barrel Promised me to attend this session of of pork," and he shows that under our our Convention and deliver an address restrictive tax policy ,4our foreign mar- to the North Caaolina editors. I know ket for breadstuff g grows narrower." tnat ne desires to come, and all our That is the Republican policy. The North Carolina editors would have given Democrats want a wider market for our him a cortiial welcome. He is a bright, "breadstuffs" and markets for manv Senial and DraiQv Missourian, and one many bushels of wheat and barrels of pork." Tux Baltimore Bun declares that Sen- atob Vance is the Democratic leader in Tariff debate in the Senate. He and Mr. Oablislh are confessedly the best posted men on the Tariff question on the Democratic side in the Senate. . POLITICAL GOSSIP. of the old-fashioned Democrats of that State. P. W. Vaughn & Co. sent a letter to the association tendering to the editors the courtesy of their soda fountain. This invitation was accepted with thanks. Much preliminary business was trans acted. At 2 p. m., this afternoon. President mcuairmid delivered his annual ad Granville county convention Auarust dress, and Mr. Jerome Dowd read a 8th. paper eivintr an interestincr aketnh nf the lives of Mr. H. S. Nunn. of th Now -uncieuaiay" wimams made a Ma-1 Heme Journal, and Mr. J . J. Bruneb, sonlc-AUiance speech in Granville last I of the Salisbury Watchman. Mr. A. G. Finch, of "Wilson county, writes : "Tobacco, cotton, corn and everything else is as good as could be asked for. My crop of tobacco, fifteen acres, is as good or better than any I ever saw. It is from four and a half to six and a half feet high, and has as good leaf as I ever saw, and still contin ues to grow. I will commence to cut and'eure the first of August. A good many are curing now with fine success. The teachers of Western North Caro lina have organized a Western North Carolina Teachers' Chatauqua with the following officers : Dr. R. H. Lewis, president of Judson College, Hender- sonville, president; Messrs. H. L. King, of Buncombe, R. A. Sentell, county superintendent of Haywood county, and Prof. J. U. Gibbs, county superintendent ul owarn uuuuiy, vice-presidents; and Prof. R. L. Madison, principal of Cullo- nee nign scnooi, Jackson county, sec tary and treasurer. President Crowell and Maj. E. G. Harrell were present and made addresses. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the moat wonderful med icine, is because it has never failed in any in stance, no matter what the disease, from LEP ROSY to the simplest disease known to the hu man system. The scientific men of to-day claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, LEMONS, ORANGES and BANANAS Constantly on Hand. Always on Hand a Full Stock of the VERi BEST STAPLE, FANCY AND HEAVY ,11 PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Free and Prompt Delivery. Phone 28. D. T. JOHNSON, Ag't. "That is Love" Published in Mav io and is destined to be a great public faVuriv" 40c. sit:nai Hells at Sra" Bi-autiful a.u and chorus, by Will S. Hays: 40c. r "If you Love me Darlinrr. 'rvii ... with your Eyes" The most popular vv, song in two or lour flats: 40c. "That Melodv Divine" TiitrodnHiiT that ever-popular "Annie Laurie" air iu n. chorus, by Julian Jordan: GOo. "Up ComCS 3Icillltv- Am a- its predecessor: 40c. Also Julian Jordan's othr romjwWn'MM,- "Light of my Life," "Song I'll Ne'er For't' oong tnat Reached my Heart," Ac ; "Ma k lme," "Marguerite," "McGinty," Ac. No mat ter what you want, order from us, or write us in regard to it. If you wish we will sek-ct the premium. Remembek the Pbemium Music. NORTH STATE MUSIC CO., Cecil G. Stone, Mq'r, 113 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. AND mm 'S Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, nre cure them all at the same time, as we treat all dis eases constitutionally. week. "Uncle Bald? will "get there. " is rich, bat he Rutherford county instructed for Gen. R. B. Vance, lor Congress: and for the nomination of Chief Justioe Merrimon Oration by Robert Haydn, editor of the ana Associate jusuc uiarc it was an Uharlotte Chronicle. The following is the programme for the week : Wednesday. 8:30 P. M. Public meeting at Stokes tiaiL Address oi welcome and resDonse. enthusiastic convention. In the Orangeville Republican conven tion the negroes made the white men take a back seat. Twas the same way in Guilford. "T was ever thus." The whites wanted Amis for Congress and the negroes wanted Brower. The ne groes won. . . 10 p. m. Banquet at Hotel Claiborn. Thursday. 0 a. M. Business meeting. 2:30 p.m. Business meeting. 8:30 p. M. Concert at Stokes Hall. Friday. A. m. lake Durham & Northern train at Hotel Claiborn to visit factories and other places of interest. 1 P. M. Take train at Richmond Ann J. R. Scroggs, of Randleman, N.'c, has Danville depot for Barbecue at Bennett been appointed Presiding Elder of Trin- l,iauo- xwlura at o f. m. ity District to fill the vacancy caused by 8:30 p- m. Business meeting. the death of Rev. P. F. W. Stamey. Saturday. wnue me enuxen mourns the loss or Mr. a. m. LHying corner-stones of the Dtttiue, it rejuioei io Know tnat Ms American Tobacco Company's storace mantle has fallen upon one so worthy to warehouse and Commonwealth Manu- wear it Mr. Scroggs is an able divine f acturing Company's cotton factory, possesses line executive ability and 12 m. Take train for Morehead City, doubtless will reflect credit upon the po- The following editors answered to roll ftitioa to which he has been promoted." call, when President McDiarmid called Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bron chitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Fe male Troubles, in all its forms, and, in fact, every Disease known to the Human System. - V School Work WILL BE DDR GREAT SPECIALTY FOR THE NEXT NINETY DAYS. HOMICIDE IN CHATHAM. Special to State Chronicle.) Pixtsboro, N. 0., July 21.-On 'last ri a i : if. -i - r -r- oaiuraay evening, mr. j. so., nardin, a white mechanic of this place shot and killed a negro man named Alex Moore. Hardin immediately after the shooting left town, but came back that night and was sent to jail. This morning the case came up before Judge Womack on a writ of habeas corpus. Hardin was in his shep at work, the negro came in and for profane insolent language, was driv en from the shop. In about ten minutes Hardin discovered Moore approaching the shop door. Hardin ordered him not to come any nearer, Moore gathered a rock in each hand, Hardin reached back and seized his gun and fired, he stand ing in the door and the negro with the rocks in his hands a few steps from the door. The load struck the negro in the breast and neck, he staggered off a few steps and fell dead. Judge Womack admitted Hardin to bail. The bail bond was given and Hardin has gone back to his work Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer," given away by LEE, JOHNSON & CO., DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C. BATTERY PARK HOTEL, Asheville, N. C. Open throughout the year. Elevation 2.600 feet; average summer temperature 74 deg.; magnificent mountain scenery. Hydrauiis elevator; electric lights and bella; music hall, tennis court, ladies' billiard parlor and bow ling alley. Beautiful drives and first-elasa livery. No mosquitoes. For descriptive printed matter appl to jnel5-2mos J. B. STEELE, Maxaskl. NEW PRESSES, NEW TYPE FRESH PAPER, AND SKILLED WORKMEN. -Estimates furnished on nn. hSWdtePmentia-ein EDWABD8 4 BB0UQ Prink,, Bindtr. and 9 Blank Book Manufacturer., $ ft K. R. G. 850 GALLONS FROM ItALEIGII. No other medicines give the satisfac tion that King's Koyal Germeteur ha. ? V , oulu 1U ana around Kalei. Xr ? l8t 850 SMon). Good n ?L OUJinueto cmein. If vou want a trSy.f-tuany di8ea8 Jon may I, troubled with try Germeteur, and v,.r. it tU th. had.thathavo trVl The BeSt!rm is' of a11 ' Send for printed matter and testimoni. A. E. JORDAN, tfaleish. v. C. University o!Horth Carolina. The Fall Term OpensSept. 4. Tuition $30, d h ri b Four Philos CbQRAPH" x x -rJS-WRITER. . . - - 1 J at Mm. . . a . 1 . ?P?cLcLn?18try. CiTiland 1. ed to resp0nsibi Machines I III Al ILiLltLUUl UIk. AlldrrnOAtt " I BUI ITT ettidiea. ' Separate schools of L&r and lectures. othsr the Address Hon. KEMP P BATTLE. LL.n tn " x-foitie nartiM,i -rr umeuH. ouia on in v.??1 New 8pecial . 9 u . Medirino ".u6 ont to melt rec?tly been UniTeSS SE'SSLwro the best tw "!naa those - -r 1 av 1 iu viiwi vr w in j k57.extr platen lor 5223r$r Comnercial valuable improTementT other peed contests AnU of junel0-8mo AoEsra, Washington, D. O. Panacea Vaterand Good Board. KviieKe of PanRTP Va?rV' "f" "e Hotels and hT .1:; tnnm T.7.. , waruincr nouses m t:if and keen thiVetin (excePfc b7 the naa:eep this truly remarkable Health-Giving Water our8g th BPringg daily, free to nil month 1 Per day fi Per week, fit v month. julymot B. R PTTT.T.T'V Prop'r Littleton Hotel. Sale of Land. Hnnao a'"-?' yuunc auction at tlie (Juurt raT"i..1Q leigh, Wake county. N.C., N o Si land' tuated in narnett countv Matthewi lands of William Guy," juannews, William Cntta an.l ntAr- !vi,1(rtll waters of Bowies creek a t.r tniu-A rrA?e?,drust from W. P.Wre, Root w 1 r.race ATustce, recorded if hSX?3?. BeglsteW Office, 4 7IV ""W. Arms Of sale canh. Tims of sale 12 o'clock m. juiyio-iaa W. H. l'ACE. Trtiateo.

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