STATS OHBONIOIE, SATUEDAY, JULY 2G. Every Morning Except Monday r ro. TACTS AIIOLT It i Admitted Kveryu-J.ert t-. World. 'J own of It Jtizo . i i It" III-. I r the feet of flooring. This company are also j i ally equipped with printing ofike, box in THE CASH PRICK OF CHRONICLE in I0.W per year; 3.00 for 6 months; 11.50 for 3 moatli3. Tre CnrtOXiCLK 'piIE BUSINESS OiTFICL and Editorial X Rooms of the Chuoniclk are on the second lloor of No. 210, Fayetteville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Uusiness Department of this paper snould be addreasprf tn n H n Lock Drawer No. 2, Raleigh, N. C, andali nnTnmrtr,r Jt, V-i i Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders Oomnion wealth Club: should be made payable to his order. (Editorial Corresponds n .) Durham, Julv 25 - nits often written about Durham's busi LiCfsrf, us recuperative power and its greatness. I will not now dwell upon its greatness and its growth and busi ness, but present certain facts which have been DreDarad bv u , ana every '.mug necessary for the ooauuet of their immense business. In y paiu ior revenue stamps 629,- 773,000. COO. U 't i u.-iu'? 7 am JOSEPIIUS DANIELS, - - Editor. I). II. BIIOWDER, - Bus. Manager. HAL. W. AYER - - Asso. Editor. 14 It Population. Population in 1870 2.18 1830 o ioo 1890 000 Increase in five years, 45 per cent., and in ten years, GO percent. Taxation. Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, As8'd val- 1S90 Real, 81,258,858 of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thomas Jeffer Hon. tt it it Personal, Sol. cred.&c. 1,494,819 393,272 m Total 13,146,949 The r.ctual valuation being double tho assessed valuation places the real value at $6,293,898 Tho rat. of taxation, including city, county and State taxe, is one per cent on the dollar. Manufacturing Statistics. Manufactures in 1869 ... q 1880 .'" ig " 1890 23 uapitai invested, 1870 125.000 " 1885 2,170 000 . 1890 4,000,000 wperanvcs employed, l70 CO 1880 500 rpn'rrf "7 t : ... . 2,541 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1890. DEHOCRATICHOMINEES, FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUI)(JE. InlitrlcJtJlENRX,RBlIYANof Craven. 4th I) 8tr ct-SriEn Wiiitakek, of Wake S th s tr ict-R W Winston.of Granville 5 t i 8r cHr'' T YKiw, of Sampson, .th Dlstrict-JAMB6 D. McIvkr, of Moore. FOR SOLICITOR. SPi'.SWS- M. Obizzard, of Halifax. rii.1 i;J8i"c5i.1'"- wooDABD.of Wilson tia lnainci n. vv, rth District E. S, 6th District O. 11. An.nv nf t 7 th District Fkank McNeill, of Rich mond. 9th Dlstrict-W. W. Bakbek, of Wilkes. FOR CONGRESS. iix IJIstrict B. F. GuADr, of Duplin. 4th Distrlct-B. H. Bunn, of Nash. 5th DwtrictA. 11. A. Williams, of Granville. cigareit. 1 tor labor ttiSO.OOO. Numhw nf S'Sid 830,000.000. Number of pounafii oi leaf need o, GO J, 000 pounds. Hands employed, eight hundred. Be sides the factory, they have a half dczm arg storage houses. Their record hows an increase over 1SS8 of 1,075,000 pounds of Smoking tobacco and n increase of over 100.000. onn nlr. arettes. to England, mi . - A. -V T r r t . x.uira;ia, iNew , Viiand, South Africa, ijjv v.v Auut', Jiexico Sandwich Islands, China. Janan. Nor way, Sweden, India, Germany and Hoi iaua. ims export trade has been buUt lip aurmgtne last two or three years and they have salesmen traveling in far ua -Australia. rABKlSH'S W AREHOUSE. Thia ia r,r ( , -".u w UUO Ul luc iarcresc ana best enninrwi rvn "ulw ATU r"e councry. it is owned bv m. lauwu uua cose sia onn Tf is of brick, 56x225 feet, with ahnemr, iui luo convenience of farmers and for storage. The roof is a suspension struc ture with four rows of solid plate glass sky lights.; Along tho sides are cov ered sheds the entire length of the building, with room onough for 100 wagons. In 18S4 the sum of $9G 000 was paid out to farmers for tobacco sold on the warehouse iloor. During the year 1881 was sold 8,383,GG0 pounds of leaf tobacco amounting to .$940,063.98. m addition to his warehouse he has sev eral prize houses. The principal one is constructed of brick, three stories 5Cx 1-5. The sales at this warehouse for the ib iuu years amount world is "doing business in Durham, the W. Duke, .Sons & Co. The only snuff factory in North Caro lina i5 located ct Durham the R. F. Morris tt S;n .Manufacturing Co. Twenty years ago Durham was a mere station on the North Carolina railroad with only a few chanties. It has now a population of 8,000 with a valuation of property of $0,000,000, and has the largest factories in the country and the finest residences in the Shite, besides the town hns all modern improvements of paved streets, electric lights, water works, &c itc. In 1871 Durham had less than one dozen operatives and a population of less than three hurdrcd With her present population of 8,000 she gives employ ment to 2,541 operatives, W. Duke Sons & Co., made during the year 18S9, 95,029,000 cigarettes. The total out-put of tobacco manufac tured by the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., from 1880 to 1890, was 83.590.905 h POPULAR SUMMER iieiT Whoro you can procure the most pai& and refreshing draughts A Long-1'clt Want Supplied.0 " eVtr ---'I ICE CREA CD Another New Drink BEL-FAST GINGER MILK SHAKE, LIMEADE, MOX1E, SODA AND 'At J pounds. J. D. KVERYTHINfi IN FIRST-CLASS STYLE. to 50.8:i(;.2S0 ijuuuu) iur which 01 t, c. "u,0"w,ub i'lUU lu f 1,000,000 Banner Warehouse y r t s t r7 Receipts of Leaf Tobnrrn. hart. Pn, "J J- b- h0CK Total .w commoaio iojn x wuau, ncucunuit) WUS mm J. HAL. DRUGGIST and BOBBITT, RALEIGH, N. c. ! I j TEEEELL & MOSELEY, Commission Merchants, HEAVY AND FANCY Phone 2S d. r. GROCERS DEM. STATE CONVENTION. Raloigh, Wednesday, August 20th. DEM. CONC. CONVENTIONS. 1st District, Edonton, Ang. 12. 0th District, Laurinburg, July 29th 7 h District, Salisbury, August 1st 8th District, Lonoir, Aug. 28th. HKM. JUDICIAL CONVENTIONS. Sj??1 Ronton, July 29th. nt? n"W ?.orKanton. Jaly 31st. llth District, Lmcolnton, Aug. 14th. 1880. iiecciptd of loaf tobacco bv rail ' 1880 3 Keceipta of leaf 'tobacco bv"' naiciiUUBU, 1'J Cigarettes. xono 229,100,000 Itcvenue Statistics. The record from June let, 1389, to Juno l8tl890, ehowsatotalof In tho month of May, 1890, thoro" was paid for etamnsi , Ah much as $V,209M "haa be 15,090,000 9,080,000 O.GIO.OOO 830,000,000 fCC3,902.1l abort l'i on v.M " w u o or crop yoara, a 5 A DESERVED AND MAGNANIMOUS TRIBUTE. Some time ago in an editorial in the Atlanta Constitution, these words were used: thhit 13 D .?ore barbarism among the whites of the South to-day than i'8".." ol every form f v. i-i o o o o t, S O o o 1 o S? tt tt s 5 ? v. s s us opened m ifi:o. Tn 184 a now warehouse was built and formally opened by a speech from Gov. Jarvis.f , nas an ara of 50x273 feet r, s IU4UJ equippod with sheds. Capt. ljOCKUart sold from Ootli. 1 cos: n,.r ber 186.4,500,000 pounds of bright to- The Warehouse sold during the past tXllCa 21'S07520 Pounds of leaf tobacco. 1 ae year 18S9 being an off or short crop year, decreased the sales somewhat. The. ve.-ir moo .k, hirfeest receipts of tobacco for any one year ever brought to any market in the oomn. Therois also another Warehouse for For ? f,i -af tobacco knowu l"the Farmers Alliance Warehouse. It is a i::r!f r"ctu,;'. Planned for ousns 18 ing a very prosper IX in 8 S The Manufacturers' House Furnish- !(itS ?is i3T a enterprise i rtn Carohnn. Tt woo . Absolutely Pure. 203 Fayettevilla St., Ralegh, N. C. STOLEN KISSES is tho name ot a now hv .4 a!' 1 , . uiauuw cuowins; tobacco winVh . . . i -f. cream or tartar bakmc: powder. Hitrh- 8010 WM'tU ii lUlcitrh. Ui in leavening streneth.TT. wo aro Government Report, Aug. 17, 18S9. tin :. mm i en. TEllllELL & M08ELEY. JOHNSON, iin WHOLES A LK Commission Merchant NOW IN BIMIIE ON CONMr;vMiv ALotofc;.ic,4lararoIsi:i 9- baiij:klk x. c. cut nJ- u- whir pine barrel-'! - .:. HO "UELS ci,oico r y OV ily Hoe Jferriu-M - " A BUSHELS Nxco'iLirRo Onion.-. 300LO-N'srHrec" Ci.l- r V: MULLETS-.Wo roceived tho first shin- mu"1 ucwmuneta j-eaterday. TEU11ELL & MOSELEY. tionand will bo .old low bT . x "-"if;1-. jncl7-tf a w " r-l a St o 1 aC tt t i o S fs a sS 3 au tt i 0) 1 C- Carolina. It vena o.touii.i.r.. i 1888 and has done more or less work in several counties. The class of decor a tiyo work done by this company, Tn style, harmonv. pfw nn,i be urpassed by any decorative house orth or South. They are prepared to take a house from the hands of the pVs terer and decorate it in anv style desired and to furnish it throughout m kee W and.harmony with the decorations. Such NorTh rPnSr ,0ng bcen ed in iortn Carolina n"R. Co? Manupactuhisg nnn l V i V1 capital stock of 10, 000, located in East Durham. i ; We aain desire tho at tention Of OUT Customers to country p,odll( our Mark-Down sales, that ments aolicitt 1 nave been goiiur on sin the 14th inst. We have during the Dast week sold a great manv Roods, hut not near so many as we wish to sell, and that should not he carried over until the fall. PRODlCK-Wo handlo all CO On CCmmixaimi kinds Consk TEP.KELL A IIUSELEY. Industries ol Durh am. ni.k.. ... This declaration d th IndnatA 1 duS Mn th? T?.3?' -y-w oi me western Christian ",1. XT "1"uuuls 80ia iargely n the cities of New York and Philadelphia. JMILLS. lh S la th nn Kr aatbonty. 541 We append a list of the nW' it . SSSS1 JJ! J00'.?.00 Pleces. Pr week for wllu"i wooi, suk, jute, flax rrn- worsted mms. It3i3 located T East Durham. Tha wm-1,1 i. it, ,. .7 asc no milt a.t; L. Advocate who sent it it to Gen. Brink- ThTamo enterprises. KlUIOFF, Of Ohio. Who faafilnM.JfimnAr" ..Ia..0W l the . . . . y.uuouv --r-jvwiui me year mi "JT. """ Win. hia re- BUckZ8;XV8,tlo;?i . anf Qmi,; m t w -naiaccur- 3 01 bmOKlnP' TrthflnnA rlw it., i j . . . ",fcU fcUO VAJUSiiLQUon." He thon era of SmokinP' Tnh mi o "vnvw. coeds to say that the southern people are 8mokWSnu,Mturer8 of Snuff the most American of America I0 . . u r,"t1'"s o Manufacturers i -....vmuo. auu uouare more free from th of Smnkinn.' tk rvr-T-rtUUJcn uulkU- J-uey are a relic "r""iU8 xuuacco. Lu 7 . .oporuon to population, Manufacture; ;f s:"u"u L -uuuuur wnueor black, they have a tobacco. uu vowing one other north are the south. much larger membership of Christian churches. Atheism, anarchism, social- wui uu a inou8and and isms prevailing iu the practically unknown in Thrt l m "I ,u,u"ie w cnmeat least of Wgher crimes-is less in the eouth Un m the north, and. eiclud- hf o ? Peple thero fa no qwe tjw that hfe, property and person are much safer ,n tho south than in the L , . Th J aumberof homicides in tho bou h ia probably greater than in the north ; but those grow out of the old vendetta system which still prevails in sections, and if the duello is ranked as a barbarism the south, of particular, would be ahead of the north. Obniiul Bbinkeuhoff says that he til,T,D ,th SUthorn i,eI),e quite in tlmatoly boforo and since the war, and - a race. rmQ u&ht tor an idea as tinn Tnnn tt" V9- cPitaI stock ;a i w"L-IJUt o,uoo tons per year rindssalpH (rr- oil 1 'uri The hi. of 7k' Jni.zer made --viL,jirs made to- chmond Xl " bfanch house The Z. I. Lyon & Co I rT i . ti. I Tnnv T? t o -""iw jau- "u.ce" 'bacco and Snuff Co.- w KmmoR. Capi nnF. .Yu 'uanmacturera o The K F. Morris & Son Manuf Turing Co. Manufacturers of S Snd tobacco. Capital stock $50,00? . This Carolina01780 manufact in nSSS . Among the large mannfaof,,,...., -The 8r Tobacco Co! inej. . Whitted Tnhnr. n lug Tobacco Co. The J. Y. Whitted Tobacco Oo.-Man- era or Medicated;Oigarettes. Golden Belt Manufacturing Co. Manuiacturers of Cloth Bags Durham Cotton Manufacturing Co -Manufacturers of Cnttm. g a The Durham Shutiie "anl Bobbin Co The -Manufacturers of Shuttle T TH1 Tfese. c. --ihej.Y. Whitted Tobacco Co and the Farmers' Alliance Pluff Tol? Shuttles, Bobbins ii bu wge tatiM, doing r Farmers Alliance Plug Tobacco Co Durham Fertilizer Co. Durham Farnitnrp n The Golden Co. Manufacturers of cloth bass for holding tobacco. Capital stock fo 000 Number of bags made in im Jl'T largest ban- away from tho oainno T tl:?? UhU.a,,y car"od in rugg o to bo ahln tn . KreH as much as 9,000 .!r. a"10 to appreciate tha hani , u Ihftmaa ni w . fcu 1,UOO,OUU. I'hia a fl, wortham. Warrn j o..L laciory in the South. and Blinds.' "or The DumuM Medicated Objabfttb andin8-8- Mi"' S- Doo- WV H. Sflrman ttt - medicinal T wagons &c. Uf tha i - r ADe capacity WvalUfe JUnfT. "-Wft8?M &c. 000.000 ciffa;orrmPany 12,- p m wr-ir -"i"icss and Saddles auuuuj' K L&fc?8'- Abo,,, rIlnil w. c. ni. ... . wuuo "uiiirtiu is One Or tho (n.00w...-i... iaClvtVPll T nant. : . . . . rj'vai wi V3V . .C;.We'T, J. -?. faring Qve outlet.' ino factory r,,l l. 1,. . "i, "7V.V.". "! roads, will fltteen acres and the SiT".0? cia .''."r"29..'1" m commer: . AAciory in tho wnrhl t Tinrh rtm la nn il. 1 .... which pnck.and stone, four sto , " i in North n i-"l ."hiest places In concln. loet front with tv.n "" m cord will Z-' LU0 mortuary re- AVe had extremely hot weather and then several rains that have cut down the sales; hut this week we " xxi xuuite greater sacrifices Jn?ke Skater sales. All through the store, carpets, curtains, fur nil t ure, upholstery, small wares, &c.,dress silks, dress goods, Avhite goods, laces embroideries. i7 JS!' tVc, &c , all over the house in piles on tables, to he sold. W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO., Kaleiqh, N. C. SWVIIX HOTEL, Bryson City, Swain Co., N. C. m A Now House, with all Modern Improvo- nS? tral& locatd, and is one of the beet Hotels in Western North r,K iae Deet Headquarters fnr ,n- ,t j ' . c Hunting an FSt july2-lm -"ivisukw, K. R. G. 850 GALLONS FROM RALEIGH. No othnr mo(1iiiin,a . . .. .. tin,, .; fc1" U1 satisiac- MM,f, a "oyai aormctour has Un CO .Tllltr laf ifi--ji n. ""b". . v" uuus . uood re ports continue to como in tV ZJS. ZSSSl. L you mir K JUJ iry crermeteur. and von win say, with the h The V,:SemeteM ot all" remedies. Send for printed matter and testimonies. A. E. J0RDA1T, iwieiffh. N. O. Proprietor. Chickens, Eggs, Coumrv H.,ttnr. deceived and Hold Daily. Constantly on Hand. Always on Hand a Full stock of th,. VJEIU UEs r FANCY AND m:vv GROCERIES. PJUCES AS LOW AS Tin: LOWjT. Free and Pro-. vt jt iivorv. Phone U8. n m- t...... . - -- "UiMi; AQ T. f P P School Work WILL BE OUR GREAT SPECIALTY FOR THE IS EXT NINETY DAYS. ft ft S to. m NRtV f Before Clerk' . Notice is hereby gtL twTLr Conrt day Issued lettifSS 1 hve this It E. 1IARTIN STREET. Wo offer special bargains this month n leasouto geethera you coma you will customers, and woulTbe Iod tc e?them all, we are satisfied that iyon coma'l Purchases. make Wei ive the nicest line of li:?t.rnW,i in tho city, which wo Ail! sell you for flyo cents a yard, worth 7. MX BY woi tUeydiJ.aJthoagh it was a iTdeT S"SSS1.I,1!!" s' h.vo tbo etnff 1 ,llom out fiSSte C0; rognant nations are made. sion tho Clenoral says tho 000 i . IP JIT lo BLurH-rnnmo I " ' vuu umwi i.-s irmi Tr-r. 4 1 iaces makinjr DO i . O con- ?lth and gives all the pi I full T-.i V 11 1 llioru nnmr- iv vlofc fU not a nailing manKino. K i 7 SS"J genoromly with iSnSSS SSSLff.1." Solutions a bo" a at a ior ponnds. r ll wFwe year 1388. even iala& publication available. to idadinir dV f1' 'nbifantSf . . . " 11 I .1 linj r,I . T I ixia.o 1.4IHI rn-oli, . oorn tclnta , auu comnoA. t7,. w . luULe- -I he Packing rnnm I ri.,..L . SSLffl wh-aOTff ba All tnden aZSSL" " ' W r,rD, must beaooE kH riTJ xe? manufactured UaWh. ' 32.0 ti ow?tuoca not glow with admira. torr tk i11111 is done in the fac- Fayetteville 21 6 iAr that the iear one in o?t ofT. t.' ket. oi enn Z -wkc. A larnier reeeiv ed 2,600 for two two-hors iaJ er farmer received aonn -'a?ul? i S et Blacking at 9 conts per bottle th and sells lor 15 conta. SHOES, Brew;;1" ffR G. Holding and cessors, a corn'ora andenc otyie or Ralpityii ""iiCA ine ""Jnc and nian nf ru? uiesoi agree have bee flfed and'rS? 4'ch " itu an tha --".vicvA ixi i.nia ntTi-. chapter '16 ofthe cde o??r P6" Ser by tae co0brSonnefs figa& be done Insr of news narS? -5 S?ns and sell- ttierkinds of nftn1,pingl, PaPer. and of cotton and liSLPfL118,!11 maxleout NEW PRESSES, NEW TYPE FRESH PAPER, AMI SKILLED WORKMEN. old Ken- Paper and all other vf' i00 Plp. erally used In Lkd of materiaf the buying and selling11 "with; and rags, old paper wS D if a11 k'nd5j of QT-f i"ii'ci , wood nriln anA i . . . UA "n.iea, cnmicals, &c of ' V' "4 olIier nature needed tnffe?ifany and everv Ladies Laco fl.ri n,,. o, . ... Business of the he aforesaid T ,. "ii'M'" onoes, (an solid "on proDORP to VT7i ii-'- -ine comnm La her,) at $i.oo. T1ior 1 d secoml? d? ollovinr W?!a: fhoi-a in tho r-if tnv T " t iiVrA,w LU mam hnSinoe? r"s j tnu muiwy. X 4"Vfe tue machinerv oTi 1U order ":vu y. the comoanv ""J Power wuipany m dolrn- " -uu 10 aid thp wit: thb?yi l? businei And in all of nnr .i una sellincr of xrr"i 1' the making ;1U,V11J oa luP- Jan and seo them jui piuciiases amount to $20.00 ""j u uiaK von he suto. quipmont in our lin , KDWA11DH ,t liim,,,,,,, Wank fiook Mannracturore, JUlciKhf $l. O. MUSIOiMUs We are out aain nnn tomors, and Lom to n Ur mnwc cik fre going to tfRSS1" onoa -uruct and violin i """-"'a and v. . i duots, four-haml ll1 aoI Molin ?. aijd pianti CATALOGUES FltEE Tho fnlliw;.. latest son;; aro o very n.. . songs : 11. -v-ctmou to bo a er; r. i .. Jlay and ia 40o. Public U oiiU (?llQl'il 1 1 'r.; "i iV UdOK WOrtll f(! (V l Jullumyt(U Seethe HOOK S the buvinrT andchnru vT'J;:..'11 Sea'' i-.i,, . . and if S?4. and the Tmamlf of everl? ' J niu "ays: "u'u" within three aHTifi wltfySS -e Drlln,. Present, (ire nr m tT"ir V1 woodwith iron kZZri: aongin tw 'r-ino mo-f c,i n "1 I ' . 111.1.4- I r.A ' 1 . III! I LT I - - u ii II 111 . .1 i V III I I I I I I II M I a. . i unvmnr - wilier I - 'ui uarj- in l 11 oi wa t your i i " uewRnanaii i. , natrinf.v W4 crave, as inev pmnlnr , ZZrvt u"utracc ' ".Kuuurou8and as OhTi. I t:::j " hands. ifer.Q whit0 Pooplo are iiaLi nil ii' n a vsiv. an anv rwliT n u UnTlStian. COmnanv nao 1 iinn nnn -UUS- Ihe. L0"??,,?' ..nogro. problem h?h 5.,5."-?3.m one year to the uaiivm iiva n mv Ail : r - -u i aju&j 11 r i mi qthia n i- -. " - ,.:ri "?? ttl1 over the nation. f F V 1900 for a single wagon load; another sold the Deduct of a single acre for Snao on iJroauct of ment for revenue stamps Tt? S6?" The nunber of pounds of l f f i !LiW0 Pounds Pp;r SniSTiS i?yM wo ought noltoXSKJ any advantage. k 10 factories of ever sold in Dur by Mr. H. A - pounds K-ere sold IN Oim show WINDOW. WoolcottSon. REAL ESTATE DEALERS A ell ntr 111 . I bSa1ortIe" -dby UlrY PROPERTY, FARMS, TIMBER, LILT. mon.. I ((HI . paying, seUinc r, ileiA and flour: th chom KV..?lar Annie wares, merchandise ffl;tun'? of gobci; ... ' J JUI,an Jordan- coT supplies of everTni. houfehSid' it Up cmes irrr, Annie iWncins Hir in .1., m nil' rial, and w carr au Jiinds of Dron0TxTuyin ad the doing of Hf thS5y anci te out anf DroiAecessary Alao J AND S rrr. Put anf ;"ViDKS necessarV "Licht Jprtan cn-uresaia rmoin,. connn i ju .: ThAnl OI Said enrr." " ,"hr " ferii7. the Fail10i?alC'?onoration t.r i Thft narMT1lV said connfxr IU forty thousand dniio0! i11. corporation fo aunored sharp 7 vided Into f. ratioS?ened?kholders of said We for anIiy or perlonaijfi0- Clerk SnSoff&rPpHcS01" July ll, 9aor 0o,ttt Wake Con? -A8 popular a- vliifi,..'' "er com Tkri;;. want -vi i,.ot t. H vnnV;,.?m r Wnto " we will Hflcet "3 FayettevK S?. Mo-, ' ""'eigu, N. C. lois is the West , "s,.x,w"' the United fii- "r"i. ,1.?CTOIJ hr:dV on,l - wunuiUK Id OI I th i T . """v;u lactorv in Wfr?all the Bank 3 of Aehevilie. ANTED! -Situation and Typewriter by Address as Stenograper young lady of eipe- JneliMf MI"S ALLiE K. STEVENS, BATTERY Ashevilie c. " Irrfinnt ii t; average aurnmn. yiar' EleyaUon Q Ann THE c!tJqRarh" OOO'ibcsTlSr....,..:. koyt eilro , Has six addit Ve Produced. vafuaabfetr1 tor Jrnel Junel0-9rao l A Circillftro uuuta r of