STATE OHKOKIOLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15. tatc (Shvmurlc nY CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. 1 Every Morning Except Monday. TIIK CASH F1UCK OF CHRONICLE 13 ,.uo per year; $3.00 for G months; l.G0 for 3 months. rpilK BUSINESS OFFICK and Editorial X Rooms of the Chuonicle are on tne second lloor of No. 21(3, Fayetteville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Business Department of this paper anould be addressed to D. II. BnowiEit. Lock Drawer No. 2, Raleigh, N. C, and aU Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to his order. JOSE 111 US DANIELS, - - Editor. I). II. UROWDEK, - Bus. Manager. HAL. W. AYER - - Asso. Editor. Eqnal and Exact Justice to all Men, of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligiou or Political. Thomas Jefler- NOII. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1890. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES, r()U SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. 1st District Geo. II. Brown, Jr..,of Beau fort.. 2nd District II exry R.Bryan,o Craven. 4th District isriEn ihtakei:, oi hk.c. nth District R W. Winston.of Granville, fith District E. T. Boykin. of Sampson. 7th District James I). McIveij, of Moore, Sth District it. V. Arm field, of Iredell. 10th District Jno. Gray BvNUM.of Burke FOR SOLICITOR. 1st District J. II. BLOUNT,of Perquimans 2nd Pistrict-.T. M. Grizzard, of Halifax. 3rd District Jxo. E. WooDARD.of Wilson. 4th District E. W. Pou, Jr., of Johnston. 5th District E. S. Parker, of Alamance. 0th District O. II. Allyx, o' Lenoir, vth District Frank McNeill, of Rich mond. 8th District B. F. Long, of Iredell, nth District V. W. Barber, of Wilkes. 10th District W.C.NEWLAND.of Caldwell 12th District-GKO. A. Jones, of Macon. FOR CONGRESS. 1st District W.A.B. BRANCH.of Beaufort. 3rd Districts -B. F. Grady, of Duplin. 4th District-D. H. Bunn, of Nash. 5th District A. II. A. Williams, of Gran ville. 0th District-S. B. Alexander, of Meck lenburg. 7th District-J. S Henderson, of Rowan. began w ith Mr. Randall, has now be come an exact scienca under Mr. Reed. The t enate is free. There .ire no blind ditches, trap, hurdles or fences in the iv of i'ree debite. And while with the tendency- of some Senators to go off iuto wind an I sound there may be objections to this, still ic the absolute freedom of the Senate there is a valued safeguard to our liberties. Reduce this body into the candition of the House, with such a man as Mr. Reed ia the chair, and the Sea ate will become a kind of museum for such as the Napoleons used to create to amuse the French and provide sinecures for their dependents and slaves. Mr. Edmunds' proposal is the thin edge of the wedge. It is a step toward the Force bill. That wanton and disgrace ful measure a law, and we can have ser vice pensions, river and harbor bills, public buildings, tariffs on water and sunshine as we now have on sugar and salt, and a financial saturnalia. We trust that the Senate will maintain its free dom. It is the last of the institutions which our fathers gave us that remains as it was given. A fight for the liberty of the Senate is a fight against force bills, legislative corruption and execu tive despotism. EDUCATIONAL STATE PRIDE. DEM. STATE CONVENTION. Raleigh, Wednesday, August '20th. DEM. CONG. CONVENTIONS. 2nd District, Kinston, Sept. 3rd. 8th District, Lenoir, Aug. 23th. 9th District, Ashevillo, Aug. 27th. DEM. JUDICIAL CONVENTIONS. 11th District, Lincolnton, Aug. 14th. UNDULY SUSPICIOUS. mrv Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889. TEKKEKL & MOSELEY, Commission Merchants, i NE HEAVY AJiD FANCY MIS, MS Off I KI. W ?PJpARATIONS FOR OUK GRAND GRAND 203 Fayetteville St., RaWgli.H.C. STOLEN KISSES is the name ot anew brand of chewing tobacco for which we are sole agents in lialeigh. TEliRELL & MOSELEY. Closing out Sale of .Rem nants, Short Lengths AND ODDS AND ENDS HAVE BEEN CONCLUDED. MULLETS--We received the first ship ment of new mullets yesterday. TERRELL & MOSELEY. (Atlanta Constitution.) State pride is commendable from every point of view. It is the local spirit of patriotism; it makes homo rule a fixed fact; stimulates home progress, and ex alts the citizen. The good people cf North Carolina carry this feeling into every line of action. In educational matters it is csneciallv prominent. The North Carolina Teacher is one of the best publications of its class in the South, and in it wo find advertised such works as "The North Carolina Copy Books," ''The North Carolina Practical Spelling Books," "First Step.s in North Carolina History,1' "School History of North Carolina," and "The North Caro lina Speaker." All these books are written and pub lished in the Old North State, and it will be noted that each one has North Carolina in its title. When state pride is fostered in this way it goes without saying that the rising generation of North Carolinians will be devoted to their commonwealth. Homo books for the people will lead them to make their home section inde pendent of the outside world. A SLANDER REFUTED. woe. s. in ' t OAE5PETS. This one item, and it's a big one with us, should be considered by every one in tending to buy any kind of floor covering. We are in better shape than ever, for this season of the year, to show carpets, as we have been buying lib erally, and almost every freight brings something new. The demand for carpets has been unusually heavy for this month, and that, with some alterations that Ave have been making, has kept this department in some disorder, but now we are about straight, anu can show carpets with all our accustomed conveniences. As to prices, all Ave Avill say is that during August you can get irices "that you can't tret after Sept. 1st. As to the quality of stock u i?niiT ri'..Uft handle all kinds of country produce on cemmission. Consign ments solicited. TERRELL & MUSELEY. jnel7-tf . TOMORROW'S SALES WILL BEGIN AT HALF COST PRICE. It ia our annual "swcepsiaKw o, - will no m tne naiuio w , REVELATION IN CUT PRICES, Unprecedented in the history of the retail drv eoods trade of this city. Every article placed on our JAMES MoKIMMON & CO., JAMES MoKIMMON & CO., 1M PAVT'TTlcVTT.T.y, STB2ET AND 5 HAKGETT ST BARGAIN COUNTERS will have the price marked upon it in plain figures, so that no customer can uu mis lead as to the price. OUR HALF COST PRICES include thousands of remnants, short lengths and odds and ends in every discription of -BUY THE BEST -BUY THE BEST We Have Just Received a Full Line of Peter Henderson's ftARDEN SEED GARDEN SEED PURITAN POTATOES ONION SETS Everything Pertaining to the Garden- Our store vrill be crowded from morning till night. Come early and secure fresh bargains. McKlMMON, MOSELEY & McGEE, 129 and 131 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Phone 2S 1G Kahgett St D. T. JOHNSON, flg t, WHOLESALE Commission Merchant "Kathleen," new song, bv n A v., "My Marguerite of Lon-rV 'V'' Wlute, 1,jC.a "Madeline" by C. A. White, "Thou ai t all to Irfc, beamirm wlU by H. T. Smith, author 0iif s ' me Darling, Listen to ray tau. rV1"0' "; "Only Sweet Memories" Waltz Soi,! f H. T. Smith. ' ' ' ? 'Lilac" Karl Gardner's Now s 0n. theriand," 'a 'ar. "That is Love" greatest hit cf tho s; MAIL ORDERS For the above an 1 for other nrm,. quickly filk-1. 2,000 SELECTIONS TEN fFT MUSIC. NABE PIANOS, RANICII& BACH PIANOS IMBALL riANOS. I MB ALL ORGANS. MILLEIt OLSGANS. NEEDIIAM OKGAXS. SOLE AGENTS For the above instruments, best goo,' . lowest prices. n ' NORTH STATE MUSIC CO., Cecil G. J'tone, Mo'r, 113 Fayetteville St., Lleigh, N.'c -JAMES MoKIMMON & JAMES MoKIMMON CO. CO. "Here is a corset, that well ; wear it three weeks and bring it back and get your NOW IN STORE ON CONSIGNMENT: A Lot of Choice North Carolina IJacon. BAlUtELS N. C. Cut Herrings (in white pine barrels). HALF BAUKELS Choice N. C. Fam ily Boo Herrings. BUSHELS Nice Largo Onions. 25 30 50 300 GALLONS Pure Co gar. Cider Vine- A I a m m m m . Ave carry, you naven t an money again it it isn't exactly mu.t, uuui )uu lluc auu ecu, ivuu u mio tor medium grades, we really have tor you some of the choicest patterns, and at prices that the same goods have not been offered at in the city. Will cheerfully submit samples to our out-of-town patrons. W. H. & It. S. TUCKER & CO., Raleigh, N. C. Wo publish in another column a state merit from the Chatham Record denying a rumor that Mr. W. F. Strowd would run as an independent candidate for Congress against Mr. Bunn in tho Fourth District. We had heard the rumor but our reply to the gentleman who communicated it to us was : "We will not believe it until Mr. Strowd telU us so himself. If "Buck Strowd" should be untrue to his honorable record of a life time, we should lose faith in humanity." It is a sad reflection upon our faith in good men that such a rumor could gain Chatham Record.l We hear that Mr. W. F. Strowd, of this county, has been most vilely slan- Ldered by the circulation of a rumor that he would be an independent can didate for Congress against Capt. Bunn. Of course wherever Mr. Strowd is known such a slanderous rumor would not be believed and its denial would not be necessary, but in justice to him and for the information of the citizens of this district who are not acquainted with him we deem it proper to state that there is no truth whatever in such mi kfk Female UUs MUKFKEESBORO, N. C. a rumor, it is true that some repub licans and persons pretending to be his currency. It is born of an unworthy senti- fiiends have urged Mr. Strowd to run ment that excites distrust and suspicion against Capt. Bunn, but he has indig- in the minds 'of many people. There naniY rejected sucn solicitations ana is : . . . now domcr what he rmbhclv dec ared in are not a few men whoso stock m hhn nn i. lilb 1U1UU1U tUUIUUUU UU UU1U UU) trade is to excite distrust into all minds and that is, urging his friends to give and to hold every man as a thief until Capt. Bunn their enthusiastic support ho proves himself to be an honest man. Such a sentiment is most pernicious and hurtful, and docs gross injustice to hon- ost and honorable men, as in the in stance above cited. It does not spaak well for tho honesty and the integrity of tho men who love to excite such dis trust, and it ought to react upon them, This suspicion and distrust, instead of decreasing as men become better edu cated, seems to be on the increase While thero are evils in our legislation, and while thero are bad men in public position, we cannot think that it is wise to magnify these evils, or exaggerate the number of bad men who are a very small portion, comparatively, of the men in high position, by exciting a morbid sensativoness in the minds of tho people. Patriotic statesmanship rather suggests lessons of love of country and its insti tutions. No peoplo will ever suffer very long from misrule who have an ardent love of country and patriotic devotion io ineir constitution ana laws. A rea- If all the Democrats of this district will work as zealously for Bunn's election as Mr. Mrowd is doing, his maionty will be much larger even than it was in 1888! . . COL. LANE'S ADDRESS. Parents and guardians will do well to note the following tacts: The Institute was located at Murfreesboro in preterence to many other very desirable places because of its celebrity tor health, and the history of the school for more than forty years demonstrates tho wisdom of their course. The beauty of the location is not surpassed in North Carolina. The dormitories were refurnished and carpeted last summer. The coarse of instruction is as extensivo as tho demands ot tho public will allow. Only the best and most experienced teach ers are employed in all departments, and the work done is thorough. The charges are as reasonable as they can bo made for the class of work done. The fall session begins on Wednesday, September 10th. For Catalogue or additional information. -i ' aauress JNO. B. BREWER, PRESIDENT. julyU-d&wGw Sale of House and Lot. what you want in every par ticular. That is what you will hear at our store about one corset no other Ball's. It means that Ball's corset is ngnt tor nine women in ten. We have a primer on Cor sets for you W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. These Goods are First Class, in good condi tion and will bo sold low by the package. Chickens, Eggs, Country Butter, vc. Received and Sold Daily. LEMONS, ORANGES and BANANAS Constantly on Hand. Always on Hand a Full Stock of the VERi BEST STAPLE, FANCY AND HEAVY Notice of the Incorporation of Raleigh Paper Co. North Carolina, Wake Count r. i PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. By virtue ot authority conferred in a mort gage, executed bv Edward Lane and wife, and recorded in uooii 110, on page 83, in Register of Deeds' office ot Wake county, we will,' on Monday, the 11th day of August, A. D. 1890, at the court l.ous3 door, in Raleigh, at 12 m . sell to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described lot of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, in the southern portion of the city of Roleigh, on the western side ot alanly street, part ot city lot, No. 533, adjoining the lot of the Colored Christian Ulmrai, Geo. W. Dunn and others, and more fully described in said mortgage. PEELE & MAYNARD, For Mortgagee. Tho above sale postponed till Monday, Au- omaIQtli of 19m finlva.lnmlm BATTERY PARK HOTEL, Asheville, N. C. Open throughout the year. Elevation 2.600 feet; average summer temperature 71deg.; magniuceni mountain scenery. Myarauiic elevator; electric lights and bells; music hall, tfiimid crmrt lswlioa' l-killiavrl nivlnr onrl 1 r.. v. -j UliUl UUU tJJ Yi - ling alley. Beautiful drives and first-class livery. No mosquitoes. For descriptive printed matter apply to jneio-amos j. is. si 111, manager. Free and Prompt Delivery. Phone '28. D. T. JOHNSON, Ag't. OCRAOOKE. SUMMER SCHEDULE OF STEAMER BEAUFORT. The Chatham Record of yesterday publishes tho address of Col. J. R. Lane, which was delivered at the annual meet ing of the Chatham County Confederate Association. It is a valuable contribu- On Friday, the 12th davof September. 1800. I will sell at public auction at the court house door mlialeigh. Wake county, N. C, a house ana lot on Bloodworth street, in the city of Raleigh, and adjoinincr the lands of V. Rovr- ter, Wm. Womble and others, and more fully described in a deed ot trust from Fortnno tion to the war papers, and any party ?1(2?nt, to J-N- Holding, trustee, and recorded a-. :l -L r n xi. m Book 105, page 162, of Register's office of ueamug it can secure it xor nve cents Dy Wake county. Terms of sale cash. Time of sale 12 o'clock m. J. N. HOLDING. aug!3-30d Trustee. USTotice! addressing the Record, Pittsboro, N. O. The published address is in full of that portion that refers to the battle of Get tysburg in which Col. Lane's regiment immuUl,1',A;u llBC11 Buutuiiig ueavier On Saturday, tho fith dav nf HtAmW loss than did anv Other resriment in 1890, at the court house door, in the citv of fiithpr nrmv in nnv nthnr aftlo f w"eiK". vj., 1 win sen to tne highest bid- eitnerarmy in any other battle of the der at public outcry the following nmnwtr whole war. to-wit: One lot in the city of Raleigh fronting torty-eight leet ou ILnton street, and run- SWANNANOA HOTEL, Asheville, N. C. Still in high favor with Southerners. Fi rut- class appointments and Mountain Views. TERMS MODERATE. Special rates by the week. RAWLS BROS., jnel5-2moa . Proprietors. MRS. JUSTICE'S SCHOOL Will begin at her residence, 228 North Mc Dowell street, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. aug!2-d2w Qt?xt 4iv-kT r . w, : z c ning back about one hundred and fortv-five SENATOR VANCE, in a voice Of warning, feet and adjoining the lands of DevorpX A t! tells the Republicans if they continue kinson and Washington Jones and others,and 'this cruel and unjust policy," it Will not said sa?e will be mad! bv virtue of now bo long ere a revolution will annihilate conferred upon the undersigned, Andrew ojfinu, us auiiiimsiraior ui u. i. J-iewis, Jr., de ceased, by the terms and conditions 'of a ' w " - t LI 1 L 1 sonablo amountof watchfulness isessen- them and their theories, and adds : "In ceased, bv the 1 tial upon the part of all the peoplo and the redres3 of wrong3, indignant men m.ort?ase deed Vx&dQ h7 Gideon Perry and is to bo encouraged and promoted in are not always nice or wise ; and though fetored every way, but when it becomes so sen- not m the bargain, tho blood will natur Biiive tnat a morbid, unreasoning and ally follow the pound of flesh. Do jus- uaroasonable suspicion controls their tice to the neoole and do it now." thoughts, an active evil result follows. tor Wake county, N. C, in Book GO, page 311. ui Dale utisu. iime 01 sale 12 m ANDREW SYME, aug'etf11'1 f B B' Lewis' Jr" Mortgagoe. THE THIN END OF THE WEDGE. (New York Herald.) Tho resolution submitted by Mr. Ed mnnds in the Senate yesterday to limit debato on the Tariff bill so as to give the AN UNFORTUNATE MISTAKE. Mr. Newlaud Tenders the Nomination tor Solicitor in the Tenth District to Mr. Councill. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND hechanicTabts ()-() (Lenoir Topic.) Thfi midelinn nf tYta fZMnlls.; J mfn 1 , x ..iu., w Ym uegm ns Keuunu session on tember the 4th 1S90. power of closure to tho majority is only not in satisfactory shape and Mr. New- the thin end of the wedge. ianu aas tenaerea tne democratic nomi- The Federal Senate, although intend- nation to Mr. Councill. It will be remem- Sep- ed to be a conservative body in our gov ornmental system, i3 the one remaining liberal institution. The President is an autocrat, and no Executive more so than Mr. Harrison, s will be seen in his Cabinet of compromises and personal friendships, ignoring the genius and leadership of the party. The House is an automatic machine in the hands of the Speaker. It has no more delibera tive power than a phonograph. When a member rises to speak he must tell the Speaker what he proposes to say to gain permission. The steady decadence of the House into the passive attitude of a registry of tho Speaker's decrees, which bered that Mr. Newland received 85 2-5 votes and Mr. Councill 84 3 5 votes, giv 1 xr xt , . " . .'O mg jur. jNewiana a majority of four nuns ot a vote. McDowell cast 22 votes ror Mr. iNewland, but was only entitled to cast twenty votes. Un der that schedule Mr. Councill would have been nominated by 1-15 vote m 1 1 . lne mistake was not discovered until after the adjournment of the conven tion and the departure from Morganton 01 tne delegates, as soon as Mr. New land learned these facts, he momDtlv an The new and large shop buildings for word ing in iron and wood, will be ready tor occu pation, and all the departments are equipped muiuujju nuiiv. iiJt:ii:t'3 are less th in any similar college in existence. For further particulars, address ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY, PEEST. RALEIGH, N. O. e-o-dmdand 1-a-w-m-w 1m Sale of Land. BURLINGTON ACADEMY, BURLINGTON, N. C. Tl,. 1 1 m . . . inn leira opens Augast 14th, 1890. Corps ot teachers well selected. Commodious build ings. Boys and girls prepared for College, or to meet the demands of everv-dav life WILBUR B. ORMOND, i ,o, . Principal, july!8-lmd&w Burlington, N. O. ( For the benefit of those who desire to visit Osracoke during the Season, the Beaufort will run the following schedule: Lve Washington every Saturday 11 r. m. Monday . 5 a. m. Wednesday 8 a. m. Close connection with the steamers from Greenville and Tarboro, and the train from Jamesviile that connects with the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad. On intermediate days the Beaufort will touch at New Berne, leaving there 7 a. m. Tuesdays and 9 p. m. Thursdays, connecting with Atlantic liailroad. re- From Washington to Oiracoke and turn $2.50 From New Berne to Osracoko and return Single Trip Tickets $1.50. From Washington to New Berne 2.50. From New Berne to Washington $2.50. AMPLE ACCOMMODATION. SPENCER BROS., Managers., The Steamer Beaufort has been rebuilt and made larger, and is now a comfortahlA r,A seaworthy boat, and has a permit to carrv W00LLC0TT & SON, 14 E. MARTIN STREET. We offer special bargains this month to our customers, and would be nlp.n all, we are satisfied that if you come you will Purchases. Before r' orv Sutrior Con- Notice is hereby given that I have n: day issued letters declaring John k Brewer, J. N. Holding, H. G. iloldin C. E. Brewer, their associates 8.ik J' cessors. a corporation under the name T style ot Raleigh Paper Coinpanv, lo- t ' purposes set forth in the articles of ment and plan of incorporation wrh t have been filed and recorded in thin oili with all the privileges and powers ru v chapter 16 of the Code of North Caru' - and the laws amendatorv thereof. The main business proposed to be by tne corporation is the making a-ul L ing of news paper, wrapping paper, r ; all other kinds of paper usually invito-' of cotton and linen rags, wood pu.lp.r'j' paper and all other kinds of material erally used in connection therewith-v"5 the buying and selling of all kinds'" rags, old paper, wood pulp, and ali ot he articles, chemicals, &c, of any and ev- nature needed to effectuate the afore-r business of the company. The coi;n . tion proposes to do the following; secondary to the main business, iu 0: :--to utilize the machinery and water :r.: owned by the company, and to iv. t' companv in doing its main busiiif.-. ' wit: the buying of wood, and the mak and selling of wood pulp; the buv - : sawing ana selling or timber or ever? Kina, and the manufacture and sale of h: kinds of articles made out of v ood, an . a combination of woodwith iron and o1 - materials; the buying, cinnimr. ni:i:ini . turing and selling of cotton; the of corn and wheat into meal and llounth- buying, selling and trading of iroo':-' wares, merchandise, farm and houehI i supplies of every kind; the buying a-J. selling of all kinds of property and mate rial, ana me aomg ot all things r:fect-w:r.- to carrv nnt, nnrl nrrtnpplv wir-iiner t--" aforesaid business of said corporation. " I The place of business of said corporation is mainly at the Falls of Xeuse Y.w. Wake county, N. C, but said corpora ; ; I will have an office and receive its m.;; ; I the city of Raleigh, said county of Wnke. forty thousand dollars, divided into f.c nunared shares or one hundred duiia: each, with privilege to increase the c:i; -tal stock to three hundred thouaiu! d '.-lars. None of the stockholders of said eon"- ration are individually or personally :r Die ior any debt, contract, liabiliiv o: omission of, or demand on, said corn r i tion. vJHAS. II. LTU ( . Clerk Superior Court Wake Count v. July 11, '90-Gw COLIN M. HAWKINS & C0.7 INVESTMENT BROKERS, 331 FAYETTEVILLE ST., Raleigh, N. C. WE BUY and SELL on COMMISSION ALL CLASSES OF BONDS, STOCKS, AND COMMERCIAL TAPEU. We devote special attention to the n-; tion of BONOS TOWNS, FOR CITIES, RAILWAYS and INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES. On Wednesday, the 20th dav of August 1890, 1 will sellat pbblic auction at the Court House door in Raleich. Wake m r auUG 378 acres of land, eituated in Harnett comitv' (land honorably tendered the nomination N. c, adjoining the lands of wmfam &uv i to Mr. Councill, who, we are informed, Matthews, William Cutts and others lvineon ueuiiuuu 10 receive u unless tenaered bv .."jviDiuuniCTt-iwii, anumoretuiivde rh r.ynHra nnmrn; t. 8Cd in a Deed of Trust from W. P. Wr uuuiluillco. ii ia liuw and wile to W TT Popa Tn , , for the committee to decide whether it Book w! pagls to Ss. S Will act directly or call a new conveil- Harnett county Terms of sale cash. Time juiyio-iaa Trustee. Store for Rent and Personal Property for Sale. F'OJEt RENT! The store recently occupied bv L II Adams on Wilmington street. Possession given at once. Will also rent 3d and 4th floors of Adams building. ors i 1 YHL8f 11 at PubJic auction, on Thursdav the nth day of September, 1890, at the coS house m Raleigh, one shingle machine and at tachments now m L. H. Adams' store on Wil mington street. Sale made by virtue of mor -gage laror J. T. Adams and the teuVt from L. H. Adams. Will offer for sale t. V,- one engine and boiler, 15-horse power in good repair. Terms of sale cash. Time & m. VV. ii. PACE, Trustee. auel2-30d NATT. ATKINSON & SON, REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Asheville, N. C. W.M- Send for price-list of Properties nfla i k us, embracing all kinds of opertl6e offered by CITY PROPERTY, FARMS, AND ; TIMBER, MINERAL LANDS WESTERN NORTH CAROLINaV I WlticB&ak80foville, We have the nicest line of light colored calico in the city, which we will sell you lor five cents a yard, worth 7. BIXBY'S Best Blacking at 9 cents per bottle worm ana sells lor 15 cents. SHOES, Ladies Lace and Button Shoes, (all solid earner,) at $1.00. These are the best shoes n the city for the money I -o- And in all of equally aa cheap. Call and see them, and if j-uur purcnasea amountto $20.00 within thre months, we make you a present rf nr charce' of a W .u 08ent.v (lroe of purchases o akin5 your BOOKS Careful attenti of funds for out-of-town investors. juiy4-ov dy fr wk thn ev Sun tr 3m THE YARBORO HOUSE R. B. BANEY. Prop'r, Haleigh, S. C. Uatea, $2.50 per day. $10.50 to f 15 per week HOTEL FLORENCE T. Q. Abrington, Manager, Baleigh, N. C. Boome, with meals at Yarboro Houe, fiK per aay; $10.00 per week. W"Spocial rates to lawyers attending & preme court IN OUR SHOW WINDOW. Woolcott& Son. Mortgage Sale. THE wy-M i rx - i TYPE-WRITER. Greatest eneed r hnat f. ro;fr.M-;r. - ' ' 000 daily users. Price $83.00. 31 " rented to reeponsitle parties and sold' -a - (.8. Our New Special No. 3 has recent f":l brought out to meet tv, ia i,i who require the best that can be pr'.M : ; Price $100.00. Has six additional cauin--i ; keys extra platen lor manifolding ""-- valuable imnrnronmni . ' speed contests and circulars, addrc- NEWMAN & SON, Gen'l Ac-'t-S L- 8eawell, Agt, Raleigh, N. C. ' U. Mangnm a! 7 bearing date February 14th ms !9. 185 I Will, on Mnnf 3 2? March low, at the Court Houft Hon "weigh, at 12 o'clock m Zh"t 7 0 oiaaer. for o.Rb th i. a" mKnest ?"u,iea in Barton's C.r """"2ut on,.- rT . ,u- 1-r- mg the lands of S. S. ifr? Sr? .aa.J uin" na,82e .it Jtlillorv Thnmnonn " r 17, iue neirs of . a"cu turougu anu eniargeu w - - w. IZZ-rr'Ji a"u omers. aemands Of increaain? r.atronre. anU " ' i .a.x. x uii nsr. rxj I ' t..i - - i . .. . ... p r " ' innn Si l0' 18J0 comiortoi neaith -seekers. JulylHm " vmsNBHAW, BOARD REASONABLE. HENNESA HOUSK Murphy, N. C.

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