STATE OHEONIOLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29. CO. Sita State (DJu-onicIc 7)i CHRONICLE PUhLTSHINO 15 Every Morning Except Monday. fjMiK CASH P1UCE OK CHRONICLE X is per year; &J.00 for ti months; il.GO for 3 mouths. fplIF! BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial JL llooms of t:ie Chronicle are on the second lijor of No. 210, Fayetteville bt. I - 1 . 1 . 1 11 rr BT Southerners thov ought to reoaKe iuoi euuu ut u,.'.v j tt3 R3publier.11 policy of degrading i vote ith tee negf.os, i mil ue the South, j:u seeking to keep it in pon- . eiacr f u. tkal f erfuom. Not a Son them m:iu is j rio.v v tn . Km (tiTTtrt,'' rvr ne Business Department oi mis pupri wriould be addreised TUL hTAiK ( le, Raleigh, N. C, and all Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to "The Chronicle Pun. Co. JOSEI'IIUS 1DANIKLS, - - Editor. I). II. IJUOU'DKU, - IJus. Manager. HAL. W. AYEIt - - Asso. Editor. i:iual and Exact Justice to nil Men, of W hatever State or Persuasion, Uc lisioiiH or Political. Thomas Jelier- KOIl. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1890. DEMOCRATIGJNOMINEES. Tor Chief Justice of lb Stprent Court J I ON. A. S. MEUUIMON. For Asso, Jus. of the Supreme Court HON. WALTER CLAICK. OIt SUPEKIOIl COITIIT JIJIXJE. 1st District Geo. H. Brown, Jit.,o" Beau fort. 2nd District Henry R.BRYAN.of Craven. 4th District Si'iKi: Wiiitakkr, of Wake. ,Mli District U W. Winston.of Granville. .Mi District E. T. Bovkiv. of Sampson. 7th District Jam i:s I). McIver, of Moore, sth District it. F. Armi-jelii, of Iredell, ioth District Jso. Ui:AYlJvxuM,or Burke 11th District V. A. Hoke, of Lincoln. roit SOLICITOR. 1st District J. H. BLot NT.of Perquimans 'Jnd District- .1. M. Guizzaed, of Halifax. 3rd District Jso. E. WooDAV.D.of Wilson. 4th District E. W. Pou, Jr., of Johnston. fth District E. S. Parker, of Alamance. th District O. II. Allkx.o? Lenoir. th District Fu an k McNeill, of Rich mond. 8th Dlstrict-B. F. Loxo, of Iredell. .)th District W. W. Bariikr. of Wilkes. 10th District W.O.NEWLAXD.of Caldwell 11th District F. I. OsuonxE, of Mecklen burg. 12th District Geo. A. Jones, of Macon. FOR CONGRESS. 1st District W.A.B. BKAXCii.of Beaufort. :'.rd District--!. F. Gkady, ot Duplm. Uh District-B. II. Buxx, of Nash. 5th District A. II. A. Williams, of Gran ville. 0th District S. B. Alexander, of Meck lenburg. 7th DistrlctJ. S Hendkrson, of Rowan ia tho Cabinet ; not a Southern niaii hclds any real responsible pinion un- j dtr the administration. Not only so, but though lookiDg tojthom for votes, the Republican party treats Southern Uepublicans contemptuously and none know this so well as the respectable portion of the Southern Republicans. They feel it and are humiliated by it. Where is their manhood ? Why do they coutiuuo in a parly which degrades their section, despises them, and uses them only as tools ? Their self-respect ought to cause them to look living is sues in the face, and to follow the ex ample cf Lon. J. Moore, Esq., of Cra ven, and Dr. G. K. Foust, of Alamance life-long Republicans who declare that after the Force bill outrage they do not see how a decent white man can re main in the Republican party. After the State Republican Convention this week, and its rowdyism, there is all the mere reason why respectable and patri otic North Carolinians should dissolve connection with so disgraceful a mob. The CiinoxiCLE looks to see quite a number of honest Quakers and others, who be came Republicans on account of war questions, leave that party, and join with their neighbors in the work cf bnilding up the glorious old State in which they live. If they had witnessed the scenes yesterday, they would be all he more inclined to leave the Repub icau party. Patriotism ealls upon them to come out from the party which las been prostituted to the base end of seeking to degrade their State. Con sistency demands that they shall de nounce the party which they have hon estly supported in the past because of its virulence toward their section and its betrayal of its promises. Now is the set time for honest North Carolina Republicans to show their patriotism and their love for their State by repudiating the party which has been unjust and untruo to them. The Chron icle (speaking for the Democratic party) extends a cordial welcome to Dr. Foust, Mr. Moore, and the others who have already repudiated the Sectional-Re publican party. A cordial welcome awaits all others who desire to be true to themselves, their State, and their country. mm V5 Too I ofcconr u.vo3 while credit with vcty iittlo sense to suppose that they will vote for a man f-.UGGF.STEI) b U nCgrO, PLACED IX NOMI NATION by a negro, nominated by a con vent iion controlled by negroes, and nominated as a Republican. They might favor non-part:zanship, under sorao circnnistames, but the farmers of this district are not loci,-; enough to walk light into the Republican party as they are invited to, and as they would do if they were to support Pro?. McIver. We bad hoped that the old man for whom, in spite of his kid politics, we have always liked, would in his old sge repent of his political sins and de vote the evening of his life to those pur suits and that quiet which are so grace ful and so becoming to the old. We re gret his entrance again into Radical po litics, where he is doomed to nothing but annoyance, trouble and defeat. He has made a mistake - a fatal mistake as he will see in November. -1G Eakgett 1)1291. CONG. CONVENTIONS. 2nd District, Kinston, Sept. 3rd. AN 18G8 RADICAL NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking povder. High- IT KEEPS rOH TEEl YEARS! IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO VISIT tie h'pr-vs i'i order to ;;et cured. It has cured poodle at their honu-a of many ternb.e aad luvWi:jg types of disuse when paaents and phvaioiana had lost hope, after having tried medicines and other mineral waters ot Kreat celebrity without avail. The Panacea Wjter is pleasant, harmless and reliable, and -will enre people AI OH AWAY WM IE OF THE FOLLOWING NiMED DISEASES: 1. Dyspepsia and various farms ot indiges tion. , ,. 2. Heartburn and sour stomach generally in a lew minutes. 3. Kidney troubles of every variety. i. Liver troubles of various kinds. 5. Cbroiiic Uiarrhcea as if magic. 6 Constipation and indigestion of the bow els. 7. Cutaneous diseases, such as scrofula, eczema, &o. 8. General debility, impurity of Blood and loss of appetite. 9. Cholera infantum. For nursing mothers, puny and teething children it is ot priceleaa value. For piles and rheumatism, it in many in stances acts like a charm. &S If vou suffer with any of the above' named maladies, do not despair until you have tried Panacea Water. Among hundreds who have given unequivo- cal testimonials to tVe value of the wonder working water, are the following wcil-known and highly respected gentlemen: IIox. J. J. Davis, lormeriv member of Con gresa and at present one of the Judges of the .North Carolina Supreme Court, Hon. E. G. Eeade, formerly a member of Congress, a ("onlederatc stato senator, ex Jiu!ge of the N. C. Supreme Court, and now President of a National Bank at lial- eigh, Rev. C T. Bailey, I). D., Editor and Pro prietor Biblical, Kegokdeu, organ N. C. Baptist btate Convention. KEV. D. II. TUTTLE. T. B. Kinoshuby, LL. D., tha distinguished editor ot the vVilminoton Miissiooia:. Ht.v. Bit. B. F. Lixor, Superintendent of lord Orphan A&ylum, M. V. Lanieu, LL" 1. Hev. W. S. Black, D. D, Presiding Elder tiaieigh Dittriet. Bev. J. P. BAEUErT, D. D. editor of the Cnais tiax Sun. Bev. C. Durham, D. D., Cor. Sec. Baptht Mate convention. Judge Geoegk V. Si-rong, LL. D, B. G. Smith, Alnyor of Oxford. L. II. Marsh, D. 1). Bey. L. L. Nash, Pastor Central Methodist Uhurcb, Ualeigh WHOLESALE Cotnmsssion rvsercnam wooLieoiT & m. IS l HAiiTIN st;i EF.T. NOW IN STO?E ON CONSIGNMENT: A Lot of Choice North Carolina Bacon. iJAKllBJj M. C. Out lierrmgs un JttJ white pine barrel!?). ) A flALF BAiil.ELS Choice N. C- Fam t)U ily Roe Herrings. BUSHELS Nice Large Onion?.. oaa GALLONS Pure Co Cider vme OUU gar. These Goode are First Clas3, in good condi tion and will be sold low by the package. Chickens, g?s, Country Butler, Ac. Received and Sold Daily. Tlia senior -'r of the Hrru U in v,v. York, and has purchase! s-jme of the LEMONS, ORANGES and BANANAS Constantly on Hand. Always on Hand a Full Stock of the VERi BEST STAPLE, FANCY AND HEAVY GROCERIES. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWE-ST. Free and Prompt Delivery. Phone '28. D. T. JOHNSON. A't. BARGAINS that have ever been in the citv. Some of the Standard brands of pr:mJ ( which by actual comparison cannot bet. il from line sattctn) wo oft r iv. -i ' . i , tu c.a:ii!y T.i latest thiu , la.est colors and latest sty!,-,. Come aud .mine lor yourself, fur it will pay you. vard out examine Curtain polos fitted up with braa ends and rings at 25c ench A nice new line of handsome STEEL EPI5RAVING3. Large sizes; alsocravon portraits cnEAr. We also purchased iho most complete lino of goods for all our other departments that li3s ever been in the e ty. CooiC dowu about Wednesday and si-e our windows. We will make a grand display. Woolcottdi Son, 14 EAST ART IN STREET. Hi '5 P- a rs g s a a a umm 8f Ai,iOrtl-. Tlio Equal of Any 3Iako in the United Btiites I . . t T CJ I iitJCLUr tUUICU Ul IUD ftpf f oil -i-n I n.n-A'i in if DTrrjIKTth 1 1 , . -. ... . 3 Government Report, Aug. 17. 1SS9. THE TIJIE HAS C03IE. In North Carolina there are a number of houcst whilo mea who vote tho Re publican ticket, but very few of them attended tho Republican convention here this week. These men are getting very tired of aililiatiag with a party which, in spite of them, is an enemy to good government iu North Carolina, and of lato they havo grown specially rc3tivo under tho indignities heaped upon their Stato and section by the party with which they have been affiliat ing. Wo aro writing now of honest white Republicans not tho fellows w s. 1 1 1. mm i n LAST WEEK IN AUGUST, 1890 This month is usually not a very busy one in carpels, but tiiis August is an excep tion. 11" we do not soil a single yard of carpet ?his week, we can still say Saturday night, w hen we are through work, that we have done the biggest business in this line of stuif that has ever Rev. Dr. J. II. Cordon, Pastor Edenton St iii. iu. (Jhurch, ilaleigh. THE CELEBRATED WATER IS SOLD BY J. McKIMMON & CO, KING & McGEE, V Raleigh, N. 0. liUli.UKT S1ALPSON, ) P. W. Vaughan, Durham, N. C C. E. Holton, Greensboro, N. O. B. E. Sed berry A Son. Eayetteville, K C. W, W. P.eavia, Henderson. N. C. Geo. Schoen, 1100 Main St., Richmond. Va. MANUFACTURED BY THE North Carolina Wagon Co,, RALEIGH, N. C. W. G. UPCIIUIICII, - - - President. W. II. DODO, - - - Sec'y and Treas. Tho North CaroMna Wcgon Company is in the eecond year ol its organization. The iac- j'oTanthollo31 St,iNtiwYorli- toryhaa been fitt.-d up with tho latest and beat machinery with a capacity of Ten Wagons Per Day. NEW A MUSIC k k "Eathlcf n," new song, by ( A. Wlnto, 40 "My .laruerite -oi Long Ago"' by C. A. White, (h) "Aladolino" by C. A. White, CO "Thou art all to me,'1 beantiTul song by H. T. Srith, author ot-'It Vou Love mc Darling, f isten to my tale of woe Ac." SO "Only Sweet Ju-hmW V:.ltz Song, by H.T. Sia-th. M 'Lilac' ivarl Gardner's New Song in "i'ar- thorland," 40 "That is L'iVc" greatest hit i f the reason, l( MATE ORDERS For tho above and for other pop-ilar song quickly filled. It is to be regretted that every white voter in tho Fourth Congressional dis trict was not present yesterday at the been done ill ilaleigh dur- .0 called convention of necroea und AugUSL rPVPnno nffinora tbnf. nnminafpd Pnni? Nome Uiay ask, Aiiat is a t -. -T, nTT,-r. e n. the cause . . T1 , li.arly 111 the moilttl webe- in me iounn i.isirict. nwasacrowa sh0Aviiig a line of car- of such men as no man would choose to ps as laro,e as is ordina- transact business for him. Broken down rny brought out for regular anuuuapiaaiea wnuena vi ponucians, iail traue. Tlie Complete blooming Revenue ot blustering ness of the stock, together and fussy negroes theae. were the men with lower prices than the who made the noralnation. John Wil- same grades had formerly liamson (col.), of Franklin, and Jim sold lor, caused many to YoiTKrt (r.rAA. of WaVo r.nnntv. Cor OUV eariV n,rr. Pn b Kaooa r,t kxt Last week whs added new whnso "Ronuhlicanism is offico .!prt and nn,i intoinn, nnHr,r dttl lCtlOHS. " " i. i au iuo uiio.uio Ji iuu uutiuu ui Liiu I i i i , .. wtiiit to out some pri- I icrns iiicit ciitJ not oiano Drown & Drown, Winston. N. O. J. II. Hardin, Wilmington, N. C. And at all the Drug Stokes in Oxford.N. C gr If jour druggist does not keep it bead $ 1.00 for a case of one dozou half-gallon bot tles l. o. b. to JOHN A. WILLIAMS, Head Agency i-oit U. S. A., aug22-dlwkwlt Oxford, J. C. Mill MB ' HE IN MAKING READY FOR FALL WE RID OURSELVES OF Tho aim has been to furnish a wagon at home the equal of any in this country, and as low in price. This has been secured, W'e use only the best native woods, and the utmost care is given to all tho material used. We confidently and hopefully solicit the patronage of all in need of farm wagons suited to our people. Send for circular and price list. Address N. C. WAGON CO., aug!5-lm Raleigh, N. C. .A.. E. JORDAN, Commission - - Merchant 2,000 SELECTIONS TEX CET MUSIC. 7 NABE PIANOS, RANTCIIA: DACIl I LVNOS. 1MB ALL PIANOS. TMBALL ORGANS. MlI.LKit Ol-'GNS. NEED1IAM Ol: - N.S. SOLE Afii-NrH For the above infrtrr.mcnts. Jxt gvn.t. ami lowest priced. NORTH STATE MUSI (.5 CO., Cecil G. f tone, .Vo'r, 113 Fayetteville St., Rak-igh, N. O. AN'D AGENT FOR- W. H. & 11. S. TUCKEK & CO., Raleigh, N. C. Ridgeway High School, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. PRICE OR NO PRICE. The Fall Session of 1890 Begins Thurs day, Sept. 1th. and Continues 20 Weeks. -WE WILL NOT CARRY- dollar wide." Wo wish thoy could have convention. The "18G8 mtnessed tho a.sgracoM BepaUicn cal was on hand as largo as life and llcw, and to7lo so" we wiH A II QimmPr RfinriQ- convention held in the city on Wcdnes- twice as natural. Ue was rejoiced to It. tn vmii. t nil OUIIIlMCl UUUUu uajr. uuuwu uuu ouii-iwwug 8ee U10 negroes ana itevenue oihcers buy HOW. puoucaus wouiu uuvo uueu uisgusiou. nominate a Radical of tho 1868 school; Most Southern republicans who aro a radical who has been a consistent, honest havo voted tho Republican ticket deep-dyed, bitter partizan ever since the because they wero Union mon in the late war; a Radical whose record is one of war and they havo sinco felt that con- ciose affiliation with the party in the sistenuy tnoy couia not do Democrats, days of its deepest infamy; a Radical, Tho CimoNicLE believes that the time wh0i though not Dersonallv dishonest. has now corao for them to consistently never been heard to denounce the 'como out from among tho men who rascality and corruption which held high aro using tho Republican party carnival in North Carolina when his as an engine to degrade their pArty was in powor That is tho D soction and State. Some of the htical record of tho nominee, and it is best men who over lived in North a record 0f which, as an educated citi- Carolma opposed the war, and were zen arjd as a man of affairs. Prof. Mc firm in thpir allporlinpn tr th nninn t i a i i i -. . ..wB.v,v ""4vv" i iv ougut to oe asnamea. we nave no throughout. No honorable man fails to reflections to make upon him personally. 47,uw luu" ejr cou- V e shall not wage a personal cciveu to do tneir uuiy, ana wuateyer campaign. We speak of his po mAV Imvfl lfpn thn soninirxr nrnafrintinn . mt- . i . j Q r. -t"" iiuccu amuaiions ana oi tno rec of tho past, tho time has como for all pa- ord 0f the corrupt party to which triotio Southerners to bury the past and ho belongs. He has chosen his nartv. stand shoulder to shoulder for the hon- ne stands aa its representative. He is or anu iair uamo oi tneir estate. ine 0u that platform a Radical of life-Ion IWl MM BIMfflE The Best Known Remedy Ever Offered For RHEUMATISM, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CATARRH, NERVOUS TROUBLES: GENERAL DEBILITY, THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLD, ALL blood AND skin diseases. AND Tuitxoji. Primary and Intermediate $20 00 Classics and Higher Mathemat ics 25 00 Music on Piano 12 50 Board (including fuel, lights and washing) 55 00 Half of the above'eharges is reouired in advance and the balance Nov. 15. The scholastic year is divided into two con tinuous sessions of twenty weeks each. Dor luitiier mlormation address JOHN GRAHAM, Principal, Bidgeway, aug8-wlmdtwlawe2m) Warren Co., N. C. iWVirV" HOTEL, Bryson City, Swain Co., N. C. One Dollar's Worth OVER The use of Germeteur will protect aerainst chills and fevers. Thousands in this city and tnrougn tno state have used II. It. ti. and all recommend it. Sales have already reached TERRELL & MOSELEY, Commission fferGliants, HEAVY AND FANCY 203 Fayanevliis St., RaleigSi, N. G. STOLEN KISS":, io tho name ot anew brand of chewing tobacco fur which wo aro solo agent i Ilaleigh. TEliRELL k MOSELEY. MULLETS--We received the first &liip men t of now mullets yesterday. TEUKELL V MOSELEY. GALLONS. . . GALLONS ... 1,000: .GALLONS GALLONS McKIMMON, MOSELEY & McGEE, 129 and 131 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. From Raleigh. Trv it. It will do vou good. Call and get pamphlets that will tell vou about cures that havo been made, &c. Hunting and Fishing near UrysonCity ex edent. Besc Accommodations for Commercial Trav- FINE TEAS, ellers. GEO. W. BLACKBURN. augl8-tf Proprietor "r . "it It -ma- -m- past ta past. Tho bounding lifo of this Iecord and a Radical in the days when menlT "US' a" Mdem lmIr0TO generation, While honoring tho bravery Radicalism triprl tn min tbo fofo aJ Ccntrally located, and is one of tho best of the groat men who have given glory did steal all ita gchool fund ' Hea to our nistory, is living in me present Why was Prof. McIver nominatedV uuu yurliiB iur mo iuiuio. xuu uem- About tho tiffie thftt Jqun WlLLlAMSoN v...... a .... 1 A . . A 4 I ' uuuuu fdUJ uuca UUIW1 orutMro the coiored bog) annoUnced that the any man to surrender convictions upon negroes would hold a convention to de. past quostions to come into its fold. It mand moro officeg he b tQ discuss a is wining lor mm to nave nis nonest candidate for Congress in the Fourth convictions. no nas to surrender district. John Williamson the colored no sentiment or cnerisneu memory, n isa boss-in his paper-the Gazette, declared living party, and it is dealing with in favor of nominating Prof. McIves uvim, issues-issues mat concern for Congress. This was the first men tho material prosperity of every citizen tion made of McIver and as John of tho indestructible Union of tho States, Williamson (col.) discovered him and and which alono will promoto the glory nominated him, ho is John's can- and prosperity of tho South. No other didate. It evidently released tho party is just or fair to Southern inon. old gentleman'as;ho had been cultivating No other party scek3 to promote tho the Alliance assiduously for some C 1- - 11 11 i. 1 L; .... ouuiu cijuawjf wim un oiuer sccuons. months hoping to get' their'sunnort He The Democratic party is not a sectional has been retailing a great deal of Iuny m any scuau. oa me contrary, it "non-partizan" rot and gush in the hope is the only party that declares that the that he could pull the wool over the eyes war is over-mat war questions are set- of Democratic Alliancemen. The white tlp.d and hrdrla c.vptv nnrtinn rf Vdc 1 Ali;nn. iu -n ,i j i- - iiiimutcmcu 1U IUB XOUrtU UlStriCfc Kfift country equally dear. Its policy and its now that while Prof. McIver believp principles aro suitable to every ago and innon-partizanship for them, he believes ovcry soction, aad it hai it3 hosts in every in Radical nominations and a solid ne- Stato. ero voto for TitMuvTv wifii o cka I, " , I T 1W U CVJiiU uc gro vote," argues the Professor to him years voted tho Republican ticket be- self, doubtless, "I will'only need about causo of war questions ought now and 1,000 votes. I will tell the Alliance that they can do it consistently to join it is time to quit partizan politics and mo icmocratic pany. na pamouc i voto tot Alliance principles, and it I can HARDIN & PESCUD, GROCERS, Holieman Iluilding, Fayetteville St., Dealers in all Manner ot Table Supplies, Groceries AND zzPROVISIOWSz Special attention to Conaicnmonts of all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. Highest Mabket Phices Guahanteed. Correspondence Solicited. A. E. JORDAN, Next to Citszoa'a Nat. Bank, Raleigh, N. C. TOBACCO FLUES. Closing Out Sale. On Monday, tho 25th dav of AusrusL ISM we will begin to close out the stock of goods at ; orris & Carter's store, m the citv of Rsleigh. Auction sales will be made at "4:30 o'clock and at 8:30 o'clock p. m. every day commencing with Monday next, and continu ing from day to day until tho entire stock now on hand is disposed ot. The auction sales at 4:dU o'clock will be lor ladies only, and all aro invited to como and buv. W. G. UPCHURCH, M. T. NORRIS, aug23-2w Trustees. FINE TEAS. COFtfEES, CFOFEES. MEATS, MEATS, FLOUR PRO DUCK Wo handle all kinds ot country produce on commission. Consign ments solicited. TEltllELL & MOSELEY. jnel7-tf IsTotioe! On Saturdav, the Cth day of September, lB'JO, at the court house door, in tho citv of Raleigh, N. C., I will KcU to the- highest bid der at public outcry th; l!lwi;ig ro)trtv, t -wit: One lot in the city of Ilaleigh frontnig forty-eight feet on Hinton ptrcet, and run ning back about one hundred and iorty-livo feet and adjoining the lands of Deverenx At kinson and WaclungtOL' Jones and others, and containing about one-eighth of an acre. Said sale will be made by virtue of powers conferred upon tho undersigned, Andrew Syrae, as administrator of li. L.Lewis, Jr., de ceased, by the terms and conditions of a mortgage deed made by Gideon Perry and wne neater to eaia lewis, wnien is duly reg istered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in Book GO, page 3ll. xerms oi saio casn. lime oi sale 12 ru. ANDliEW SYME, Adm'r of B. B. Lewis, Jr., Mortgagee. aug-Gtf RALEIGH DYE WORKS, D. W. C. Harris, Proprietor. -AND- iTAPLE PROVISIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. t urv, vi i! m i, -oi ii ujiuk auu cleaning ana renovaiion oi rvfr?iS3 if?J i n?!, JaCCvF1Ue3 ali clothing a specialty. Fast colors guaranteed btylc-s and Sizes. I claim to make as good nr,ri w9?mnt r.t fa tine as any one in the State. I put SEVEN RIVETS IU EVERY NISI. SPECIALTIES OANE MILLS, A choico stock of Canned Good-j,: Sauces, I CANE MILLS, PEACE INSTITUTE, Ilaleigh, N. C. The 54th year of this old school, its I8th year at Raleigh, begins September 3d, 1890. Professor A. Baumann, who needs no commen dation anywhere in the South.will continue as Director of Music, and Miss E. G. Buck, whose repu tation is unsurpassed, will contin ue to preside over the Art De partment. Every Teacher in the Faculty is a specialist in her department. Address: Pickles. Spices, Olives, Salad Dressings, ana everything in the lino ot Fancy Groceries Fine Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Malt Li quors, &c, &c., for medicinal and family use. Positively noLirruors sold to be drank on the premises. Orders carefully and promptly filled bv Ex press or otherwise. HARDIN & PESCUD. EVAPOKATORS, EVAPORATORS, COOK STOVES, COOK STOVES, Dying and cleaning and renovation of gooa an(i wai ranted not to smut. Work done by the latest devices and on the most approved plan. Gloves, curtains, plumes, feathers, and, in fact, everything cleaned and renovated and made as bright and soft as new. Special attention to orders through mail. Call cn or write to "HARRIS DYE WORKS," Martin Street, maylG Kaleich. N. O. C JAMES DIXWIDDIE, M. A. (University of Virginia) Principal, d-W-tf Raleigh, N. C. NATT, ATKINSON & SON, REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Asheville, N. C. Send for price-list of Properties offered bv i i us, emuracmg au Einus oi CITY PROPERTY, FARMS, TIMBER, AND MINERAL LANDS IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. We refer to all the Banks of Asheville. julyl0-2ni AND TOBACCO FLUES. TOBACCO FLUES. Reapectfully, J. 0. S. LUXISDEN, EAI.EIGH, N. C. THE YARBOHO HOUSE. R. B. RANEY, Prop'r, Raleigh, N. C. iw&tes, $2.50 per day. $10.50 to $15 per week J. L. Seawell. Act.. Ralei-h X. C. iinjio-8m I i cj j - THE CALIGRAPH' TYrE-WIUTEIl. Greatest speed; best for manifolding; 100. 000 daily users. Price $5.00. Maohin- s rented to reeponsi'cle parties and sold on in stallments. Our New Special No. 3 has recentlv been brought out to meet the demands of thor-e who require the best that can be produced. Prico $100.00. Has six additional commercial keys, extra platen tor manifolding aud other valuable improvements. For accounts ot speed contests and circulars, address NEWMAN & SON, Gen'l Ag'ts, Washington, D. U. HOTEL FLORENCE T. Q. Aekutgtojt, Manager, Raleigh, N. C. HENXESA HOUSE, Murphy, N. C. This popular Ilotel has been newly fur- Booms, with meals at Yarbcro Houae i2 nn 1U8nea ,al1 through and enlarged to meet the nfir iia.v m nn ' v demands of increasimr patronage, and lor the SMrfil r7 m u2,a Z comfort of health-seekers, special rates to lawyers attending t. . tt-v t.t-. . --vt tit -r 4r8-ly preme Court bualuj lvnuL.

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