STATE OHBOKIOLfi, SU3TI5AY. SEPTEMBEB 28. t;jc tate Chronicle BY CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Every Morning Kjcwrpt Monday. jru; IlAL SITUATION. 7 TWO OlTUbntj UUOiU. sonr: The diafgi throughout is ' r-nrnrtif,nri''JC2 auu u gi. 1 ODER- 5 s b,en d:Ld into caricv rt of tb3- crucified 'rut. X 13 pr -iht: &.W i'jr i months; 11.50 for iJ months. (St. Louis GJtfbe Democrat. organ. Tho hit-people of the cla?s will Levc r consent to Republican I CH ALNCEY DET'EW AT 5 ASMLKGlU. I ? tu'-e rsOVELTIES Coal -IS .-50 U be .a a a :rLid if.-i" 'pJIE BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial X Kxjm-j ol trie CHii05K.LE are on the second lioor of No.' 2!J, Fayetteville it- COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO tfce lin-An.H Department of thi pajr t-nrmld t. addre-.ed TiJ STATK C'HEONI- bv the b!?-l:K. This cdu-e the blacks nre blar-k. but tbty are in large part ignorant, bif:ie. immoral and generally unfit to be tr---d with serious political duties and re Hioneib:iitier. The retime:, may bewail tte (situation a lie - peaks in IfishJy Commendatory Term of the Passion Play as It Af fected IIiui--Aa Oppo-ite View. From Jrpwfc Laus: .Speech.. ;I west up to Uhtrammergas. and if I - id r.ever ir-a ar.ytaicg fclae in Europe, ; La.! Wen compelled to make the MILLINERY e Live t ottal Money Uraera snouia oe mace -, p:eae, oat, me laci rtiiMMis iuov andpottal payable to j cbciwe oeiw--en Overammergaa arid all much as tbej j rtrSt i should selected Ooeram- irierau. Imsiue a Bavarian Tillage, JOSEPH 18 DANIELS, - - Editor. . flu. Manager. Aos. Editor. I). If. BKOWDER, JJAL. W. AVE It - Iol and Eiaet Justice to all Men, a.s there is any chazce or danger of tbe negroes getting hold of the reins of gov ern rcent the whites ill go on support ing the candidates of the Democratic party. A Uii veesallst prf acher in Baltimore uncbacged in hundreds of years up in the Bivarian Tyro the valleys small, bat the mountains rising a thousand feet on every side, penning it in, except by tbe pass "by which you enter. Shining n'pon the topmost pe-k is an enormous eross, which has stood tuere and been lenewed for centuries, indicating the m- the population. nt u kautorKiMti. or vtu ion . He- i ixa,s acceotea tne nepuoiican nominauuu Ten rtiigiuus en" lisloor Political.-.Thos. Jefferson. ; for CoDgre,, because he believes -that These people made a vow three hundred ; . . . , t . . , T 4;c,r,f vears ago that they would repeat the j high and patriotic and moral fcentimenb, J p85iion of Christ for the SUNDAY, SEPT. 23, 16&0 DEMOCRATjCJOMillEES, h Csisf J:Hi:s t-5 Snjrsas Crrt s IIOX. A. B. MEKKOiOy. For Asso, Jus. of the Supreme Court HON. WALTER CLARK. ' arp. r.ff-rlf-d tn plevate colitics from tee degradation in which it has fallen through selfish and designing men." This moves an exchange to remark that ! whatever may ba thought of the medium I which the reverend gentleman has &e ; lected for tbe accomplishment of this j laudable aim, it must ba admitted that his party is consistent enough in nomi nating him. It, too, has apparently ! ceased to believe' in future punishment. Ills P6WDEB AND '.VI ON I;KJ) f OR SUPERIOR COURT JI DCE. j Tke National Congress has heard our 1st District Clo. H. Ekowk, Jp..,o Beau-, cr7 0f distress and is trying to come to 2nd oLtrictr-HEXRY R.Bi:7AX,of Craven. ; o ir relief by the Federal Election Law: 4th Dwtrictr Hwer w hitakek. oi Ne. ; Ye.I am in favor of a President wao will ! put a man-of-war in every port from Maine to Florida to see that the law is "th DL-.trictK . A lnston.of Oranvme. District E. T. Bvkik. of feampbon. ;th nutflct-JAMES I). MclVEii, of Moore. fith nth liifctrictit. . Aiaif ield, of Iredell. iMh Uistnct Jno. Okay Bvkum.oI Burke 11th District S'. A. JIoke, of Lincoln. FOR SOLICITOR. lENATOI. let District J. II. BuUNT.of Perquimans 2nd District I. M. Guizzaud, of Halifax. 'JmA Ttioirin TvVi V. W if i Tl 1 P T I fif W 1 1 irin 4th Distrlct-E. W. Pol, JR., of Johnston. ; -tate Con.cuiion. fth DiHtnct E. b. Farter, of Alamance. 6th District O. H. Allrn, o' Lenoir, ith District FiiAiK McNeill, of Kich roond. th District-B. F. IiNC, of Iredell. Oth DiBtrict W. W. Barber, of Wilkes. 10th DiHtrict W.C.NEWLASD.of Caldwell llth District F. L Osijkne, of Mecklen burg. 12th District Geo. A. Jones, of Macon. enforced; and lam further in favor of a President who will put a man with a bay onet at every ballot box, to see the pro visions of that law enforced. State purpose of impressing it upon the in habitants of the Austrian Tjrol, the Ba varian Tyrol, and the world. They rigid ly believe in the performance: they are rroiouLCJiv lmprcs-.ea nu me t- rs thev assume.Ana wnne tn-sy are up on the stage no one can look at them and j listen to them without being enormously j impressed bv the intense earnestness j and profound conviction of everybody Abo participates. 'There are six hundred people who j participate in this play, from little tod- j oiers not over two years old up to old 1 men of eighty and of ninety. It is ail j the mere impressive b cause the shop is i outside the theatre. The Munich photo- j graphic man, Munich's restaurant man, everything that yoa can imagine that sur- J rounds a great shov is to be seen in the ' streets. When you get inside the thea- j tre all the world" is shut out except the j skv overhead, the mountains around, and the cross shining' vonder, and Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Report, Aug. IT, 1. w 1 1 1 s. mm i so. OTJPL SILKS AND DRESS GOODS FANCY GOODS Airiviiig daily at MISS MAGGIE REESK'S BEST DESIGNS is TRIMMED GOODS From French and English Injiorters. I -'fA, r well beraa Hon. le. cn ie foll4 HillsV Koxb Yanc Wale Wins Con: Suitable for f.ra:.. Socially Ad,HV,berali a .v... i ,i dire--; Iron d t,V-r- V r ALL THE LEADING SHAhES . IK MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Hats, Caps ana BorLiiets The ladies will find rrnvr things t inereet them in looking through onr new st ck at 209 Jayetteyille St. RECEIVED TO-DAY Jones & -AX IS. Lusk, in Republicin DISCARDl.M illK RESILE. FOR CONGRESS. 1st District "W. A. B. BKANCli.of Beaufort. 2nd District V. J. lOEhs.of Northamp ton. Jird District B. F. Gf.adv, of Duplin. 4th District-B. H. Bukx, of Naslt. .ith District A. II. A. W illiams, of Gran ville. f;th District-S. B. Alexander, of Meck lenburg. 7th Dihtrlct-J. S IlKSiiKRsoy. of Rowan, bth Dlhtrict W. II II. Cowles of Wilkes. 'jlh District W. T. Crawford, of Hay wood. "WAKE COUNTY TICKET. For Clerk-Jons' W. Thompsok. For Hheriif-M. W. Page. For Register of Deeds S. M. Dunn. For Treasurer L. (J. Loi;gee. For Coroner Dr. a. J. BujfaljE. For Surveyor II. A. Chaitkll. WAKE CO. LEGISLATIVE TICKET For Senator A, C. Green. For House of Representatives W. B. Uicm;rxH, Geo. W. Davis, A.M. Sou re ll, and A. D. Jones. (Washington Cor. Atlanta Constitution). "Did you ever hear the cause of tbe bustle being discarded in America?" said a well known newspaper correspondent vesterdav. "Well. I will tell vou. Oe ! Sunday afternoon Fletcher Hodges, of the Courier-Journal, Jay Durham, of the ' Galveston News, and myself were in the 4fake mill,' when Durham remarked that a story was needed for a weekly let ter and asked for a suggestion. Dur ham said that a White House fake was the best, when Hodges laughingly said, 'Let's make Mrs. Cleveland discard the bustle and see how it will take.' "The suggestion was adopted, llcdgts wrote the story and the three of us sent it out Htnultaneously. Immediately it was copied aud recopied; there were edito rials on it, fashion journals took it up and women all over the country com menced discarding the bustle. Mis. ; Cleveland was one of the last to do it, but even she eventually came into line, i and now it seems to be the universal j custom. Thus you see the benefit of an ! occasional fake." W. H. i R. S. TCCKEIi A CO., Kaleiou, N. C. GRAND SIRE R US REE. Elizabeth City Economist. Charle.s Manly Busbee, at the recent International Convention of the Order of Odd Fellows, was elected to the highest ' The people 'of North Carolina and of i position in the Order in the world the Houth can now see how much thev 1 "and Sire of the Sovereign Grand EWART AND RKOWER RESPON SIBLE I 'OR THE FORCE RILL. lost in the last election by the failure ol the peoplo of the Fifth and Ninth Con gressional Districts of this State to send Democratic representatives to the Fifty first Congress. When the last Congress met, the Republicans had a majority of only three, including Broweraud Ewart. "" If Johnston and Morehead had occupied their places, the Democrats would- have A full assortment of the latest novelties in plain and Fancy Dress Goods and Silks is now ready. The de signs are exclusive. The when you know that behind the scenes i fabrics are ill textures best these six hundred people are on their j Sllifed for Olir home trade, knees praying in silent prayer) Woollen Goods of rough that they may be so spirituabzeu "ith j . . wf-ni, nnrl the presentation which they are about j surface in Scotch Clan ana to make that it shall make the impres- j French Plaids, or With sion which they vow intended it should, j small spot figures, are the you become impressed with the whole ; favorite styles, spirit of the occasion The world is eli- j In Silks and Velvets, the minated, and 0u siand m tbe presence j plain fabrics will Still re and witness the events tnat constitute i main tne most popular, the one great tragedy, th one great rev- whon wrilinfi for sam olution, which has come over the face of s " lien wriiimi ior sam the world eiLce the creation of man and PlS, state as clearly as pos to which we owe our civilization and all j sible what style is wanted, that we are. You look at Christ as he is The variety is SO great pictured there by tl:e wood carver, Jo- this Fall that WC Cannot .-ephMyer. I expected to be shocked, undertake to send general ana yei l uo noc taint i etr inurougniy i:lloa f cnmnl understood, until I ;-aw the eight hours j 11,,eS OI samlics. of presentation, exactly the reasons for the mingling of the human and the divine, exactly why Almighty power should have submitted to the degreda tioii and ihe insults and the murder, as I did understand it after it had been j pr-'centcd in the unJifected simplicity j aud superb dignity and living expression j of this simple Bavarian peasant. j "And the character of Judas, as it is ! brought out there upon the stage, gives ; you a better understanding of Judas, and , gives you an idea that we have rather mi-jndged him than otherwise. You see there the man who was the treasurer of tho party. The bag was empt. He could see no means of replenishing it. He saw a great sacrifice of what might have been turned into money the pre cious ointment. He made up his mind that the organization must be reduced to poverty and bankruptcy unless there was more business talent displayed. He feit that some way or other he must re coup, and he saw no way to do it be cause everybody around him was abso lutely careless of money. At that moment the tempter came in the shape of the peo ple who had been driven out of the temple, and you see at once that the whole thing was a conspiracy for money. Christ had driven out of the temple the money chaDgrp, the people who sold the things us.-d for the sacrifice. He had broken up their business; they had piid for the privilege. If he continued to prevent them from selling, their trade J.R.FERRALL&CO'S 222 Fayetteville Street. Delaware Martha and Wyoming Mryz v a Pocahonta ; - purest iid b-- . : ":: the most ecoTjon::---. 4 - .. " ANrH?ir--;: Let xi-es yv .. , bet of anthr&.vi: . .;' an I gives more "" in wtock. a!I r.z--l 1 V. Bed Ash. Yz I"": kind cl c-il" ai i . .: direct t j &t.- A; - -. . " ;:' month '.i at )me d All 1 mak Hon sople ae fol Treri .Kin: Sno Goh - Cod bera efora aperl ounq Jone FUSTE CELERY. VALENCIA ONIONS. FERBIS'PIG HA.3IS AND BUEAKFAST BACON AND SilOKED BEEF. NEW NO. 1 MACKEREL. FINE ROE HERRINGS. New Crop Old f hi one d BUCKWHEAT. SEND IN YOUB ORDERS. PRICES ARE LOW. 'Phone fed. Prompt Deliv-ry. ran s had a majority of one, and all the vicioua i witty, charming, convivial, with no ex- Lodge of Odd Fellows." Hi3 second in honor is a citizen of Canada Mr. Busbee is of distinguished line age, and hasjalways been a conspicuous member and an honor to his family. We have never had the pleasure of his ac quaintance, but our friend.s represent him as a gifted, all round man, a good lawyer, a good speaker, a man of varied and profound attainments, a thoroughly posted Democrat, a genial companion! would be gone ? nd their money gone, FOR THE BOYS, FOR THE YOUNG 31 EN AND FOR THE OLD ?IEN OF THE. BEST AND LATEST STYLES OF IMPORTED WOOLLENS. legislation passed against the South by the prescpt Congress would have been avoided. It is true in tho last campaign that Brower posed as.a half Democrat because . ho voUd in iavor of the Mills bill and . thereby impressed some fchort-sighted Democrats with that fact in hh district, cesses, aud a devout, humble conscien tious Christian. Air. Busbee was born in Raleigh forty five years ago. His father, Perrin Bus bee, was a leading lawyer in Raleigh, and fell early in the harvest field of life, where he was a sturdy reaper. Charlie Busbee entered the Confederate service when a boy of seventeen, and served gallantly until captured and imprisoned but the outcome has been that he helped at Fort Delaware ana other Federal to organize, a Republican HonsP. nf Tn. prisons. He has served in both branches .,4.;, u of the Legislature, and is greatly es wvui.uiu, um uM uuuuiuu uuo uu- teemed and beloved in tho c.nmrm nitv ties on cotton ties and shamelessly re- He has been a devoted Odd Fellow for vised tho tariff against the Southern in- twenty years, and has occupied all the teresta. - prominent positions in the order in North i.l: j . , . Carolina and the United States. He has we understand that now rea,hfid itfi mnsf pmiriotf Jh"s Ewaut is lustily proclaiming the fact The people of Raleigh are greatly re- m 1 , ' ..... 1 . I ... tuat he voted against the Force bill, but joicea at nis nonor, and will give him an let no mau in the Ninth District ho ri ovation when he returns to his home, ceived. Ewart made it possible for 'the "Force mll to pass vtoen he ap PEA RED IN TflE SlST CONGRESS AS A REP RESENTATIVE from the Ninth District and HELPED TO ORGANIZE IT IN FAVOR OF THE HePCIJLICAN PARTY. The course of Brower and Ewart are conspicuous examples which jVEy Fall Stock OF SUITINGS Cannot Be Surpassed in the State, And my prices are REM1RKABLY LOW. I Employ Only FirstKass Worinea And guarantee eatisfaction in every particu lar. WINETROB, MERCHANT TA'.LOR. 114 Favetteville St. Mll, IB! Si m -IX- Colored Dress Fabrics. :o CRAWFORD WILL WIN. The Opening: ol the Campaign in the Ninth District. Special Cor. State Chronicle.l Bryson City, Sept. 2G. The cam paign in the Ninth District was really should opened on the 22d in the town of Web- warn . southern Democrats, and all ster, Jackson county, when Crawford other-men who love the soil upon which and Ewart met on the hustings. There lvAn A i & a. woa o r P v n k 1 j. luujf wutu uuru, agaiunb injuaiug ziieu to cApcutiiuuj auuiiL every Qougreas to aid the Republican party, oue' no 0I)e could exactly tell who which has alwava ard everywhere bepn 6 c cu lwulB xepuuu- nuivu njo w J w rei cans or UemnftratB no n the inveterate enemy of the South. of the candidates was the ablest debitpr tfutthat has been forever settled. 4-i- 'When 8ho married him wo thought Crawford met Ewart on a fairly con 'tliat sho'would brinj?'him back tn' North test6(1 field aild woefully defeated him. Carolina, It is uow stated that Col.' Ai. showed to an vuniuu.cionv ouuicutu iuu many incon rAiRhlurrniflt, editor of the Omaha Bee, sistencies of Mr. Ewart and his nartv ,who some months ago married Miss Ma- and how the most solemn promises had .M is Hatch ett, of Hendersou, naa pur. oeen relentlessly violated to the detri- chased the Carbarn Olobo and WiU take ui-l cnargo uctoDer ist. m the language of and it was apparent that he labored nn- . ' "Old Hurrygrapb." we will welcome our der a disadvantage in endeavoring to . Fair brother and . Fair sister, in a most aertna nimseir ana party against the cordial manner." - , ... sledgehammer blows of Crawford; winiam lecumsen urawtord showed . How would Rev. D. p. Meacham, Ra- Qi f H T Z a.mPawer tuny 'dical candidate for tho Senate, like to position to the people and ventilating Bee in print, tnat uuuy letter which he me repuoncan party generally. He is wrote to Ma. Curtis, . who lives, four,ue tribune of the people, and, not- miles and ft half WPHt of RaWh? Tha tusumng Lne power ol the aaminis m lea and a half West of Raleigh? Iha tration will back Mr Ewart we tnink letter' was Written when 'both of them Mr. Crawford will ho. wm iw.i, had exhibits of honey and bee's at tho majority, because the people are back State Fair. ing him N. N. and the merchants came to Judas and saH: 'This man is a iraud and you are kept in poverty,' Judas argues and says: 'If he is what he claims to be my betrayal will amount to nothing. He will undo it all. If he i3 not what he claims to be and is what the people say ! RICH SITOWIIN GrfcS he :s, 1 wiil have unmasked a fraud and have thirty pieces of silver in my pock ets ' - "Another thing of interest in the rep resentation was the char icter of Pontius Pilate. I never clearlv understood Pon tius Pilate before, but as he is repre sented there by the3e peasants he is the Koman (Jovernor. You see a man of culture, a man of judicial mind, a man who means to do exactly what is right, but is weak. He examines Christ, and he finds what is, in his judgment, an innocent man and an enthusiast. His whole judicial understanding and right judgment were against doing anything with Him except to release Him. But on the other hand was the threat of the high priest that he would be reported to the emperor for promoting the for tunes of a man who claims author icy agai'ist the empire. That wi'l get him in trouble with Ca?sar. On the other hand a riot which is threatened and which he may be unable to control, will again get him into trouble with Ca?3ar, and so he says:. 'Well, it is all wrong to execute this man, I wash my uauuo ut it. x tutuu i,ue icapuusiuilliy upon the people who are doing it, but I am going to keep my place.' There are more than five million Pontius Pilates in the United States. Applause. And the next morning, when I left, this in carnation of the Roman dignity which was so impressive,it wa3 a Bavarian peas ant who put my trunk on the carriage ana pocKeteu a mark witn supreme satisfaction. PRETTY FURNITURE MAKES COSY HOMES ! 0 COSY HOMES MAKE HAPPY PEOPLtE I AND A. 6. RHODES & COMPANY Are making people happy every day by the UDerai i-eims inev oner on au Kinds ol FULNTTUBEI 3 & Pv. v '! - .t - Aatui if? Ik ci ROYAL-GERMET la what you need. I - . no using" &ud ail r-.'cy'1'.! for Rheumatism, II I r-i.I. V .' Urrh, Nervous Tr ; General Debility, m I .. , ; " eases. A speciSc l-r .::. . ing pleases so well a- '.f-rme-tuV and sales continue tj ::-r... COMMISSION MEECi'- 3r I peo the Y libc anc the 1 peel Fancy Chairs! Hall Racks! , Bookcases! Dressers! Wardrobes! Everything! Chamber Suita, complete, in great variety Broken Suite provided if desired. We will accommodate you and please vou you will let ne, We have too manv things to talk about. Come and eee them 1 It will be like going to a fair. A. G. RHODES & CO., No. 9 E. Martin St No. 10 Exchange Place. Exquisite New Styles of KNOTTED CH EVIOTS ENfJLTSH HOMESPUNS SCOTCH PLAIDS CAMKL'S HAIR SUITINGS, WHIP-COHDS HENRIETTAS, SERGES, ArSJU rJKUADULiU lrlb. :5upert CofflbinaUon -Suits ; Great care and taete have been devoted to the selection of our Dress Goods, aa well as to our HANDSOME - Dress Trimmings. Special attention is called to our 1XEW MOURNING GOODS ! We show a line of Black Goods which has never been surpassed hi this market. INSPECTION COSTS NOTHING, " AKD ; A Visit to Our EataUishment. " . Might be to your benefit. W00LLC0TT ft SON. OUR SHOE- STOCK FOR THE FALL AND Af INTER -1-RADE ALL AND VV INTER J RADE IS COMPLETE. t rt Paris, Sept. 20. To day's issue of Galigani's Messenger publishes an inter esting interview with Frank Harris, ed itor of th Fortnightly Review, on the Passion Play. Mr. Harris says: 'There is no place Christians should so carefully avoid as Oberammergau. Irrespective of the anachronismsthat dis figure this beautiful story and in that way lessen its effects on any one of in telligence, it gives a blow at the tender- est susceptibilities, and shocks one be yond expression. It certainly is doing violence to the instinctive reverence every Christian possesses to" see Jesus in the play shaking hands with his friends and a Roman soldier in a panto mime dress inserting a spear in a bag of claret that is concealed beneath the FOR sale:. Three good Milch Cows, young and healthy; will trade for dry stock. Can be seen at the Lot, Hi E. Davie street. . GEO. L. TONNOFFSKI, Or ED. M. SORBELL, se'pl2-tf Cattle Dealers. Wood 1 Wood ! 2AA f'ORDS PINE WOOD FOR OvV Sale at 2.0O per cord delivered. sepl3-2m03 ' B. F. CHEATHAM. FOR REIN The store of Mrs. M. A. Towles. on Fayette villt street, formerly, occupied by D.S. Waitt. PosseseiQU given immediately. For particu lars enquire of"" ' J. W.' EVANS, sept3-lm At Evans & Martin s Shop, It was bought before the advance in shop We sell them as cheap as they can be bought of any first-class dealer, and can fit any size iuui, lruiu & uaoy 10 a jumDO mat weaTS $io. 13 LADIES' tl OO Button Shop an rna'- Shoe at 453 and 50c,' 75c, tl.00, $1.25, and OUR CLOTHING Stock for Mn t,,i """"J" OUR 50c Unlaundried Shirts cannot be aur- y CDCU. . - . . . ALL SIZES of Misses Vests, from 22 to 50c. LAD1ES' VESTS, from 30c to $10. ft T - TT'rYY t . VhuareTi'a Heavy Ribbed Hose, black and gray, at 10c a pair; worth 15c. $1 0OCloth-tound Books, 50c; regular price 200 Dozen Ladies' seamless black heavy-ribbed Hose at 5 a pair the best Hose ever offered for the monev ' xeiepnone 102. - Woollcott&Son, THE CALIGRAPH" Greatest speed; best for TnnVfiV- K-r: "oiaing; 100, rented to fre bl Vvk J?" sUllmenta. . , 8 ana 80 Id on m- Special No. 3 ha 'LLL.L . - i uruugi ou; to meet the i. juuJ Dee" I best that tiJK ey; extra platen SSSSSSBr ' aluaWe .improTemonig and other Daily receivir:- ;: ot rine MoantAin A. hand. Give me a Bank. X. THE- WALTERS MEIlk GARMENT CUT! imported sunr: 1 t K EVEY P 7' "" THE TA1L0U, Is a combination 'vh:':. ' handsome andperict rl:: : . - THE NEW FALL rich AKD ssav::::l Is now on t . .. G. N. M seplTtf r. Illl IK' NEW i ML:: r A "Kathleen," new eons, "My Marguerite of Lo' A. White, "Madeline" by C. A. VTl..:e. "Thou art all to me,' vi' " c by H. T. Smith, autl.or me Darling, Listen to r. y ' ' ' "Only Sweet Memorise ' Wl:.: - -H.T.Smith. "Lilac" Karl Gardner'.- N . - therland," "That is Love" greatest L:: : t ' 1 MAIL OirjKi For the above an 1 for ot: r ; 7 3 quickly n..' 2,000 SELECTIONS TEN MUSIC NABE PIANOS, RANICH &. BACH iIAv I MB ALL PIANO I MB ALL ORGANS MILLER OliGANS. NEEDHAM OKGANs- SOLE AGENls K For the above instrument.-. lowest price NORTH STATE MUSIC C ' Cecil G. St"SE. 113 Fayetteville St., IUL- .A ke apeed contests and circular? ZA J. L. BeaweU. At w..JlHJBon, D. 0 of PE INSTITUTE, Kalt'IS11 The 54th year of thi . its 18th year at Kaleu': September 3d, I'-1 ; . Baumann, who needs n c L ;; s dation anywhere in tie : continue as 'Directoi: and Miss E. G. Buck. tation is unsurpassed, uf .L ; j ti p A" - t pabtmkxt. Every ; 'the Faculty is a i v her department. Addr. - JAMES BINWID1'1 (University of Virginia) P"1 s cl d-w-tf f