STATE OHRONIQLE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15. $?&c jMc i&hxoxa tic BY CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Every Morning Except Monday. piliC CASH PUtCS OF ClIHOMCLi: L is $3.00 per year; $3.00 for 6 months; 11.50 for 3 months. 'PHE BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial X Koomsof the Chronicle are on the second lioor of No. 216, Fayetteville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Business Department of this paper nould be addressed The State Chroni cle, Raleigh, N. C, and all Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to "The Chronicle Pub. Co." JOSEPIIUS DANIELS, - - Editor. Bus. Manager. - Asso. Editor. D. II. OROWDER, HAL. W. AYER Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thos. Jefferson. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15, 1890. DEM0CRAT1CJ0MIIIEES, For Chief Justice of tto Supreme Court : HON. A. S. MERRIMON. For Asso, Jus. of the Supreme Court HON. WALTER CLARK. RADICALISM IS SECTIONALISM. When the "Higher Law," strengthened by the sentiment of hostility to the in stitution of slavery, which was protec ted by the old constitution of our fa thers, which was adopted when it was to the interest of our N-w England friends to protect it until they could emancipate their own slaves by selling them to Southern masters and getting gold for them, had, by the results of a bloody sectional war, become incorpora ted in the new constitution by the abo lition of slavery, the Northern Demo crats and the Southern Democrats, were again united under an amended consti tution and restored union, but our sec tional Republican friends seem to hate the constitution and the Union as much as ever, and only to love sectionaxi po litical power and legalized robbery by a high tariff, and are impudent enough to style themselves friends of the Union. Let every man who loves a constitu tional union and the rights secured by it, register and vote for good and honest government. WINSTON-SALEM NEW S. AND SI ILL THEY COME. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. 1st District Geo. H. Brown, Jn.,of Beau fort. 2nd District TIenrt R.BiiYAN,of Craven. 4th District Spier Wiiitaker, of Wake. 5th District R W. Winston.of Granville, fith District E. T. Boykin, of Sampson. 7th District James D. McIver, of Moore. 8th District A. F. Armfield, of Iredell. iOth District Jno. Gray Bynum,o Burke 11th District W. A. Hoke, of Lincoln. FOR SOLICITOR. lft District J. H. BLOUNT.of Perquimans 2nd District J. M. Grizzard, of Halifax. 3rd District Jno. E. WooDAKD.of Wilson. 4th District E. W. Pou, Jr., of Johnston. 5th District K. S. Parker, or Alamance. 6th District O. H. Allkn, of Lenoir, vth District Frank McNeill, of Rich mond. 8th District B. F. Long, of Iredell, yth District W. W. Barber, of Wilkes. 10th District W.C.NEWLAND.of Caldwell 11th District F. I. Osborne, of Mecklen burg. 12th District Geo. A. Jones, of Macon. FOR CONGRESS. 1st District W.A.B. Branch, of Beaufort. 2nd District W. J. RoGERS,of Northamp ton. 3rd District B. F. Grady, of Duplin. 4th Distrlct-B. H. Bunn, of Nash. 5th District A. H. A. Williams, of Gran ville. 6th District S. B. Alexander, of Meck lenburg. 7th District-J. S Hendkrson. of Rowan. 8th District W. H. H. CowLES.of Wilkes. 9th District W. T. Crawford, of Hay wood. WAKE COUNTY TICKET. We publish a communication in to day's Chronicle from A. V. Dockery, Esq,, giving the reasons why he cannot vote for Chas. Price, Esq., the Radical j candidate for Chief Justice. Mr. Dockery was Consul under Grant to Leeds, (we think it was) and is a son of Hon. O. H. Dockery, who is now Minis ter to Brazil. He says that he is not ready to become a Democrat, but he will not surrender his convictions. W e are glad to print his letter, it is another evidence of the corruption of the Radical party in this State. Many Radicals are leaving it, and others who love their State and have respectability are so. diss ted that they cannot en dorse its course Instead of getting bet ter, the party goc from bad to worse. (Special Cor. State Cbronicle.) " Winston. October 13th, 1890. The Roanoke and Southern railroad is begiu iug to look as if it will be fiuished to Martinsville, Va , by December 1st. All track has been laid up to the Mayo river, io Rockingham county, and the bridge r the crossing is veiy nearly finished. Ail the road from that point on to Mar tinsville is smoothed up and there are no more trestles or bridges until the road gets in sight of that town, when it will have to cross Smith's river. Superin tendent Maslin says that the whole road will be completed before December 1st, and cars will run over the full line on regular schedule by December 1st.. The mineral excitement continues along the line of the road. Mr. B. F. Feeley, one of the contractors who re cently discovered the vein ot silver ore on the plantation of Mr. Milner P. Baughn, near Price's Store, has said that all the necessary machinery had been ordered from Cincinnati to work the mines. Some mining men from Wash ington and Alexandria, Va., are going in with him and they will develop every thing in that line they can find up in Rockingham. The Mocksville branch road is now well under way. The track has been laid beyond the Davis Military School and the contractors are pushing their work . All the timbers for the bridge across the l adkin river has been prepared and nothing will have to be done except the placing ot them in position. 1 am in formed that the road will reach Mocks villeby Christmas if nothing hinders; anyway not later than New Years. The Winston Tobacco Board of Trade met in its annual election session Satur day afternoon and elected Mr. W. W. Wood, President. He is one of the best men of our place. Kind, gentle, affable, and having an influence for good that is felt among his fellows, he will be a worthy successor to the sainted Mr. M. W. Norfleet, whose recent sad death was a great blow to the tobacco trade in the whole State. IIP THE SUCCESS OTTnE Md Mm Ilk hmmi Coal jje-i uoal lor tb liow recora 1 i. ... OF 3STESW .Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. b. Government Report, Aug. 1, lora. ITTUMBI & EL SMALL WARES FOB EVENING USE- We have, this season, made the most elab orate preparation in our several departments to supply our home as well as visiting pat rons with the many small necessaries that pertain to Evening Wear. GLOVES. Long Suede Musquetalres, in all the Opera Tints odorless as well as scented. The new short Grace Kid Opera shades with Black Embroidery. Is attracting wide attention, for the fol lowing reasons: V 1 1 ... J I r It is free burning .. crumble to dint . ' a:v . soot, require but 1'.' J ' well as hickorv wnl J a:- be made of it at w;l! i5J1.iV!' Suitable tor Krate. s. .specially Adanr. Prepared bv mar,.,,- .' Stove, Egg and Lump Vn:.. in direct trora the mir,' ' "' f ' at ;v;?- - ; j Jones 'i AVlj Z. B on thd awing boro, ro, -AVviU 3ury -antoi "bury, 1 ( RALEigh Mixers' Agents Protection, as practised by the Radi cal party, means taxing the poor man, who buys a wool-hat, a flannel shirt, and coarse clothes to keep him warm, and axes, plows and other implements to work with, in order that Carnegie, Wanamaker and other protected mil lionaires, may buy cheaply taxed silks, fine clothes and diamonds. Let every tax-payer register and vote. PRICE REPUDIATED. For Clerk John W. Thompson. For Sheriff-M. W. Page. For Register of Deeds S. M. Dunn. For Treasurer L. O. Lougee. For Coroner Dr. a. J. Buffaloe. For Surveyor H. A. Ciiappell. WAKE CO. LEGISLATIVE TICKET For Senator A. C. Green. For House of Representatives W. B. UrciiURCii, Geo. w. Davis, A. M. Sor n ell, and A. D. Jones. MY FRIENDA WORD WITH YOU. The Son of Hon. O. II. Dockery De clines to Vote for R. R. Attorney Price for Chief Justice, and Gives Good Reasons for His Refusal. (Special Cor. of State Chronicle.) Carthage, N. C, Oct, 13, 1890. I shall not support the State ticket headed by Chas. Price. Like many other Re publicans I regarded the appointment of Price as bad politics, and I could see less reason for his nomination at Raleigh to an honorable position. It has been charged and not denied (of my knowledge) that he was hand somely paid for his turning effort in 1882, that subsequently he refused to speak for his new party associates unless money was raised to pay him, and that Friday, Dan Conartzsr, the muderer of Call in Davie county, about two years ago, was acquitted by the jury and released. After the supposed murder he skipped the country, but re turned and gave himself up to the offi cers for trial. NECKWEAR. The Medicis Collar. New styles in Ruch- ings, Lisse bands, Laces, &c. Ac. DANCING SHOES AND SLIPPERS. In this department is shown the latest styles in Black, White, Bronze, Pearl, Tan, beaded, Patent Leather Vamps, & 3. HOSIERY. In Silk, Lisle and Cotton, in Black, Cream, Bronze, Pearl, Tan, French Blues. &c.,&c; an unequalled assortment and a liberal range in prices. FANS. Plain and Hand-painted Gauze, in wood and bone ribs; Plain and Hind-painted Satm, Feither-tipped, and all Feather Fans, styles both open and folding. W. H. & It. 8. TUCKEB & CO., Raleigh, N. C. The Southern Educator well says that the mantal of Elijah is well borne by Elisha in the Winston city schools. Although the presence of Prof. W. A. Blair's sunny nature and intellectual training is missed in our graded school, and there are many good things that we have to thank him for, yet his brother, Professor J. J. Blair, his successor as Superintendent, is wor thy of the words of the Educator for he wears the mantle well and is gaining great popularity and proving himself fully equal to the responsibility of that high office. Jt A prominent politician of Henry coun ty, Va. , was here Saturday and informed your correspondent that if Pleasants, the negro candidate, continued to run in tne iiitn Virginia District every county in that district would go Democratic. Henry county has not gone right he says for a long time, but this year she will roll up two hundred ma jority. The old war horse from Wilkes, Hon. Mil MIMH & CO., Wholesale and Retail 133 Fatettetiixe Steeet aj?d 6 Haboett St. Do you know that every man who de sires to vote at this election must regis ter anew? Even if you have registered in all the nauseating qualities of the in- a!ki8 and shaking hands with his many and voted before, you must register r., n) thQ nffifrir rnn mends here. He look as if he had been and voted against our ticket, develop- W-W. Barr, was m the city Saturday again under the new Election Law to vote this year. Do you want the Ilepublicans to carry the election and have your neighbors arrested and put in jail as in 1863 9? If not, register and vote tiie Democratic ticket. Do you wish the negro to get control of your county and State? If not, reg ister and vote for the Democratic NOMINEES. Do you not know that every negro in the State will register and vote? Then so must every white man. Do you want negro Yankee soldiers with drawn bayonets to meet you at the polls and dictate to you how to vote ? If not, be sure your name is on the the registration books, and do not fail to vote the straight Democratic ticket. You can't register after Oct. 24th so register at once. Don't say you have not time take time your hap piness depends on it; the good name and prosperity of your State depends on it; honest government and white man's control depends on it. Don't wait. Delay may cast the defeat of the party. All Democratic papers will please copy and keep at the top of the column of each issue until after the election. Ed. Chambers Smith, Chm'n. Dem. State Ex. Com. WHAT PROTECTION MEANS. The percentage of tax on silks and fine goods is much less than if is on coarse blankets and woolens. Under Radical rnle a few thousand men have accumulated millions, and millions have been robbed by high taxes and reduced to poverty. This is what protection means, and the protected manufactur ers can make millions by contributing from the immense amounts of which the people have been plundered, to enable Quay, Dudley & Co., and the Radical party to keep up the plunder. It is the duty of every honest man to register and vote in the interest of hon est, economical and equal government. Holding now the best Federal office in the State, and still employed as a rail road attorney, my party gravely seeks to glorify his treachery and insincerity by making him Chief Justice. Does any man believe he would resign his nresent nlaro of nrnfit, fnr n, mnw hon orable one ? I think not. Then, there upon has been either a farcical nomination or one that was made in earnest and with the understanding that the Rich mond & Danville company will make up the salary to their Chief Justice. The people of this State have not got so low as to permit the latter, and the Repub licans should resent the former by quietly taking a dose of Price's own medicine voting the Democratic ticket. They can thereby place them selves in line for Harrison's and Blaine's administration. The truth is that the party has been skunked by the nomination of Mott's man Friday as uniei justice. No man can say that I have not da II. . I A . . . ring me past two campaigns stood in the thickest of the political fight, and if I come out boldly now and say what I shall do, it is because I have so detesta ble an opinion of the quiet cut affected and effected by Mott and Co. in 1886. and their double shuffling on Blaine and huerman later. I cannot see my way to become a Democrat, but I can do some thing towards preserving my own party from being 'skunked" by the election of Price without deranging my equanimity as to possible consequences. A, V. Dockery. in for some good work this fall and when questioned as to how the goose hung, he said it was hanging higher than it had heretofore. He hopes now to carrv Set tle's own county. If he does that then he will be sure to be elected. However it may be that he will not be dependent We are Agents for PANACEA WATER, LIXCOLN- L1THIA WATER AND BRO-MO-SELSZER AT WHOLESALE PAIGES. lot Th innrftasfl in the amount of new Insurance in 1889 was 66 per cent. over that of the previous year. 2d. New business in 1889 nearly twenty millions of dollars. 3d. The ratios bf payments for Death Claims and Expenses to amount at Bisk are LOWER than those of the oldest and largest Life Insurance Com Danies of New York; and the Ratios of Assets to Liabilities in the Provident Savings Life are LARGER, being $206 for every $100 of Liabilities, while in the three largest of the New York Companies the Ratios are as $127, $118 and $108 to every $100 ot their Liabilities. 4th. Life Insurance at ACTUAL COST, that brings insurance within the reach of many heretofore unable to carry it. 5tb. It never costs one-half tne price charged Jot it in "Best Old Style Life Companies," whose exper.ence proves that hardly 39 percent, of their Prem ium Receipts were necessary to insure the lives of their Policy-holders; while the balance was used FOR SOMETHING ELSE besides insurance. 6th. Past experience shows that the better the clans of the bociety are known, the greater its income becomes. To know what these plans are. call at the Company's office in Greensboro, N. C, or on any of my Agents in the State. J. S. JONES, (Seiru-s;t Pocahontas purest and beet uieiuusi economic . - - iUI - A V rrro -r "-."v Lee mixes White t 1 4 y tt r. : . . best ot anthracite coaU ' -N and gives more umveri in stock, all sizes ERn SV'. V- ' ,e u 1 pimt coal f- -kind ot cnal and tv...0v 4lf ?M direct to any depot, ah - -'; month filled at special SumSl' Jones & Poi lfU'nr I sep'G tf Si ,11. 4 afll5t ":ton, ird, Jersot - -nabus erfoi riou, t )on t! "low n :ory; ssvil .Airy aut y on kllo ne, lor? txot ihii Jct jn !jto 'jxt n ii; 1 Jcr.c ROYAL- GERffl! MANAGER. oct2-tf We Keep Everything in the Drug Line. We Keep The LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF TOILET ARTICLES, SOAPS AND PERFUMERIES In Raleigh. . The Best 5-Ct. Cijrar in North Carolina. JAMES McKIMMON & CO. CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR D. S. WAITT, AGT., Is Offering SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Single and double breasted black frock suits. Single breasted, four - button cutaway and sack suits. Single breasted, straight cut sack suits. Extra size suits in sacks. Young men's business casst mere suits. Boys' and children's suits. Which will be sold at t le low est POSSIBLE PEICE for CASH. CLOTHING. Seasonable Furnishing Goods. The Orange Presbytery has adjourn ed and left behind a good deal of hard work done in the great cause for which it is laboring. Sunday the churches of the city were thrown open to the differ ent ministers, and your correspondent could not (although he wished that he could) be at every sermon, and there fore is only able to speak for two, per sonally, and they were two that every body was impressed with greatly. In the morning I heard Mr. Darnall, of Durham, at the Centenary Methodist church. He preached one of the most earnest sermons I have ever had the pleasure of hearing. At night at the Salem Moravian church, the young and eloquent Rev. J. H. Lacy, of Mebane, preached to a tremendous crowd on "The Two Ways, the Narrow and the Broad." At times he was argument ative, at times pathetic, and at intervals would soar aloft into the imaginative flights of true eloquence ana hoia his audience in breathless si lence. It was lone but it was not one of those that seems long. It was of that kind which the appetite devours and cries for more. Mr. Lacy is one of the rising young preachers of the State and as pastor of the church at Bingham f5eno-i no is at the right place. Sundav ai.ernoon at the Young Men's Christian Capt. Jas. H. Exum has been nominat- Association rooms he spoke on the sub- The Old Man Schwartz, the veteran and well-known meat man, says he will have the fair at his MEAT MARKET, On Fayetteville St., this week. Gents' underwear, all grades. Gents' jeans and Canton flannel drawers. The Dia mond white shirts, col lars and cuffs. Fine neckwear, hosiery, gloves, suspenders. Collars, quite a variety of smaller wear. Nobby soft hats for young men. Latest styles stiff hats in Dun lap & Youman's blocks Fine wide and medium Soft and Stiffbrim. kats, good Hats. article. Have a lot of sample hats, which are out of the regular hue, bought very cheap.and will sell accordingly. If you want to know the significance of this statement, go there. He will surprise some of the finest you by an exhibition of Umbrellas and Rub ber Coats. MEATS, Plain gingham um brellas, 50 and GOcte.; Fancy handle Gloria 95 eta.; Fancy handle Gloria, very durable. 11.15; Fancy Silk, Glo $2.50, $3.00,$3.25; Fancy Alpaca, rc.5U. iz. tb. MUTTON, BEEF, LAMB Fancy cuff buttons, Cftllar VinttATio struma scarf pins, badges and T . . society pins; Bermuda J ewelry , Perf urn- water for the toilet and cry ana xoiiei other Derfumes: Col- And all other kinds you ever isw. octli-tf Soaps. POLITICAL GOSSIP. ed for Register of Deeds of Nash county in place of R. F. Drake, deceased. He is President of the Farmers' Alliance of Nash, and represented the county in the Legislature of lb8o. ocrat and Allianceman, John C. McAu lay, Esq., of Mt. Gilead, was selected as the standard bearer of the Democrats and Alliance in this Senatorial district. xie is a man against wnom no one can truthfully bring reproach; a capable, in telligent Christian gentleman: a success The Republicans, the Mugwumps and ful farmer and a true Allianceman, and the county Democracy in New York city if elected he will worthily represent all jeet "The Christian before the world' ana naa a nne crowa of young men to near him. it did good. A gentleman returning from the Fife mootitirt of Wonnlamon tallo tt.-... T.ittlo'a Tlfillc UJ. 1 wcu wwo YCiO UVC UUUUreQ TVii J' t v. 8Xrr professions of faith and that the grate no.rar. arm A lliatiwman l7Vin C MoAn. I . ... ..... p410 lui ci.Ljz.yLi3 uj luau town gave mm a purse of 607. SHENDUN-- THE GEM OF VIRGINIA'S FAMOUS SHENANDOAH VALLEY. GRAND ALLOTMENT AND SALE OF LOTS, October 14, 1890. Rumple, Arendell & McCanless, REAL ESTATE, STOCK oct4-3mos gate's, Brown's and Kirk's toilet soaps. Call and examine my new goods. D. S. WAITT, Act. TIDDLEOTKS. THE LATEST RAGE. Is what yon need. Trv it. p ... now using and all rceomr:. l f for Rheumatism, Indit-tiu;,. 1 '. "' tarrh, ervouB Troubl, ( t'r. . . General Debility, and all l T.' eases. A specific for Female I i- V-. ing pleases so well as (ienne.m.'. ; and sales continue to iiicreh-.'. i' -A.. E. JORDA!' COMMISSION MERCEAT Daily receiinpr sliipmen: ot fine Mountain Apples au i j ; hand. Give me a call. 2"tr Bank. THE WALTERS MET1K is the 13; -TOR- GARMENT Mill Tlii system, with the tkKr-:- IMPORTED SUITES! OFEVEliY Dr( i:Il'TION- CXulXll I THE TAILOR, Is a combination which iijt-i':!.: handsome and perfect fitting THE NEW FALL HVXl day, C . Wlx Octob Wii tobcr Ha: day, Ga Ed Eli So day, Sc day ! L fcia ' m n the at t B K T C I nig' C nig C nig pe - thi OF- f.i:h a:;d beautiful Miuiii eepUtf Is now on exhibit G. N. "WALTER. The Ta::::. Favctuv:!!- Commercial Alliance Life Insurance Com? OF NEW YORK. p: ti t ' r ' AND ine Jborsytn county superior court opens next Monday. Judge McCorkle will preside and there are 111 cases on the criminal and 78 on the civil docket. M. Victor. have joined hands and nominated a monguee ticket to defeat Tammany. It is going to be an interesting and a spir ited fight. Tammany has 100,000 ad herents, and there are 130,000 other vo- the people of his district in the Senate of the noxt General Assemply. Troy Yi-dette. The Radical convention in Wayne nominated a county ticket with a negro ters in the city. If all go together Tarn- appointed to name the candidates for the many will be defeated, but upon a stretch legislature. A negro presided over the Tammany usually increases its regular convention. The Argus says: "Mr. W. Tote and of late it has been the winner. The result of the coming election is problematical, but the Chronicle is all the time betting on Tammany and hop ing that it will win the State. Its Demo cracy is sound. We do not like political combinations between opponets. d. U 13. Robinson withdrew from the convention as soon as it was organized, on the question of nominating a ticket being carried, he being opposed to that course, and he was followed from the convention by quite a number of colored men, but the full vote of the several townships and precincts were polled." THE CALIGRAPH" TYPE-WRITER. Greatest speed; best for manifolding; 100 uuu daily risers. Price $85.00. Machines rented to responsible parties and sold on installments. Our New Special No. 3 has recently bean brought out to meet the demands ol those who require the best that can be Trnrtnc,i Price $100.00. Has six additional commercial keys, extra platen tor manifolding and other valuable improvements. For accounts of speed contests and circulars, address NEWMAN & SON, Gen'l Ag'ts, Washington, D. C. J. L, Seawell, Agt., Raleigh, N. C. junlO-Sm Insurance Brokers, SHENDUN, VA. Correspondence Solicited. Davis & Wiley, Bankers, -r, y Salisbury, X. C. The Grottoes Co.J CAM, AND SEE. THEM. Our junior buyer has just returned from Baltimore and Kew York, and has bought a large Uca of Salisbury, N. C. Shendun, Va. ?to-tf J. W. EUilPLE, Altorney at Law." F. B. ARENDELL. N. B. MCJANLESS, Mining Engineer. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ! 13 the tittfe of a 24-naee nainnhlet issued by the EquHable Ijojtn & TruaJ Co., 76 Mont gomery 8i jersev Gity. JN. J, If you ant to know how and where money will net th3 largest income invested in real estate, jsftner in large or small amounts, send uui cm ana copy .oa mauea iree. 8epl-D&W3m "Vl; A. J 7 NOV Among which, we expect to arrive to-day a large assortment of Japanese Goods, Including BASKETS, MATS. TRAYS. CRATES (SCREENS, very nice for $L75), And Many Novelties. New assortment of 7 and 10 cent We are also glad to state that we will be ready to show you the very latest tuiugs in me MILLINERY LINE Inoluding both A3IERIOAN AND FRENCH S T Y L E 8 . Woollcott&Son, 14 E. MAUTIN STREET. L The Commercial Alliance I ance Company, of New York, c . -best form of insurance extant, i ' contract is plain and simple, -:'-' no vexatious conditions. It much unrestricted, indis;- ir' ance in exchange for deiiaite, lums, usually little more thnn ui lutsconunuea pavnieni w ui ance. 1100,000 is depositel w::: surance Department of the V' York for the security of policy addition to that afforded l-yt- serve required by the statute-. t by the surplus accumulatiu:;. cial strength i3 beyond quest: annual reyort showing that :t assets of $S30 to each 110) ot i Board of Directors is compo- enced business men and cap. personally control the atfairs o pany, thus proving the stron.e guarantee oi howsc, ecorlO.,.. ful management. ThisCoDi ten, through local repre-e' North Carolina, during tie months, nearly a quarter of & business; and active, energ-t:c ble agents are wanted to ft-1 the Company's interests in a- "L ;.' the State. Ample and exclu-'.ve assigned each agent. Only tto- - - . ing unquestionable reference-- a .-. acter and ability, need appJ- all communications to J. C. ELLINGTON, Stt- OCU-UW liii.t INSTITUTE, Raid Eh,' The 54th year of this old its iSth year at RaleUh. c; September 3d, IS90. Pi:':' : X-V Baumann, who needs no to: --; dation anywhere in the qu;: . continue as Dibectoi: or and Miss E. G. Buck, who-r tatlon is unsurnassed, wuj t'.v ue to nreside over the partment. Every the Faculty Is a her department. Address specie-"- JA3IES DINWIDDIK, j (Universitv of Virginia) Pbisc u d-w-tf - - -