STATE OBTSONtOLE, THtTESDA' OCTOBER 16. otitic (Dlivomclc JUSTICE FILLER. BY CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Every Morning Except Monday. T UNIVEf.'SIT Mlh CAall PRICE OF CHRUMUI.L u .0U per 5 ear; 3.0 for o months; 11.50 for 3 souths. THE BUSINESS, OFFICE and Editorial Rooms of theUiir.osicLE are on the second rioor of No. 210, Fayeiteville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Busings Department of this paper bnoiild ts addreed The State Chboni ci.v. RAleiffh. X. C. and all Drafts. Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to "The Chronicle Pub. Co." JOSEPIIL'S DANIELS, - - Editor. I). II. MIOWDER, - Bus. Manager. HAL. W. AYER - - Asso. Editor. Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, of Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thos. Jenerson. THURSDAY, OCT. 16, 1690. DEMOCRATKJIOMINEES. h: M Justice of ihs Supre&9 Court s HON. A. S. 3IER1UMON. For Asso. Jus. of the Supreme Court ' HON. WALTER CLARK. FOR SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE. 1st District Geo. H. Brows, Jr.,o' Beau fort. 2nd District Henry R.Bp.rAN,of Craven. 4th District Spieu Whitaker, of Wake. 5th District R W. Winston.of Granville. 6th District E. T. Boykix, of Sampson. 7th DistrictJAMES D. McIver, of Moore, feth District A. F. Armfield, of Iredell. iOth District J no. Gray Bvnum,o Burke 11th District V. A. Hoke, of Lincoln. FOR SOLICITOR. 1st District J. H. BLOUNT.of Perquimans 2nd District J. M. Grizzard, of Halifax. 3rd District Jno. E. WooDARD.of Wilson. 4th DistrictE. W. Pou, Jr., of Johnston. 5th DistrictE. S. Parker, of Alamance. 6th District O. H. Allkx, of Lenoir. Vth District Frank McNeill, of Rich mond. 8th District B. F. Long, of Iredell. 9th District W. W. Barber, of Wilkes. 10th District W.C.NEWLAND.of Caldwell 11th District--F. I. Osborne, of Mecklen burg. 12th District Geo. A. Jones, of Macon. FOR CONGRESS. 1st District W'.A.B. BRAXCH.of Beaufort. 2nd District W. J. RoGERS,of Northamp ton. 3rd District B. F. Grady, of Duplin. 4th District -B. H. Bunn, of Nash. 5th District A. H. A. Williams, of Gran ville. Gth District S. B. Alexander, of Meck lenburg. 7th District -J. S Hendkrson, of Rowan. 8th District W. H H. Cowles of Wilkes. 0th District V. T. Crawford, ot Hay wood. WAKE COUNTY TICKET. The death cf Associate Justice MtLhEIt, Of the United States Supreme Court, re moves a conspicuous figure 1'rom public life. He had weired on iLe behen for three decades, receiving his appoint ment m itbz nam Abraham Lincoln, i He had b;en a lawyer pure and simple, and when appointed to the beDch had j never held any other office. He was a native of Kentucky and passed his boy hood on the farm. He studied medi cine and practiced until he was thirty years old, when he read law because he became convinced that medicine was not his true vocation, and that the natural bent of his mind leaned towards the law. Nothing daunted at his age he began the study of the law with a wonderfal steadfastness of purpose and such natural talent that he was admitted to the Bar in 1847, or a little over a year after he bad determined to become a lawyer. Mr. Miller found time from his study and practice of law to take an active interest in public affairs. He was an ardent admirer of Henxy Clay to the day cf his death and regarded Clay as the foremost statesman America has produced. Among the notable judgments deliv ered by him may ba mentioned that of the slaughter house case in 1872, which defined the limit between a citizen's per sonal rights and the legislative power cf a State; that of the Kilbourn case, which dealt with the right of Congress to pun ish an individual citizen, and several opinions on the legal tender cases, inter state railroad traffic, and other subjects of the first importance. On the lines that divide the authority of the State from that of the federal government, and on the prerogatives of the various branches cf the government itself ex ecutive, legislative and judicial he was recognized as o-e of the greatest living authorities. His opinions were always noted for the clearness, exactness and independence of his views. The mother of Justice Filler was Miss Martha Freeman who was a na tive of North Carolina. the Prof. Jas, Y. Joyr.fM i; Theme. Special Cor. State Cii :CLE.j Chapel Hill. N , Oct. 13, 1890. - f Toe 12t!i of October coming oa Sunday i this year, University-day was celebrated t: is morning. j la accordance with the custom begun j in 1793, the exercises were opened with j prayer, Dr. Hume, of the Faculty, offi j ciating. lae university oie, composed by Mrs. C. P. Spencer, was sung to the air of "God Save the Queen. The orator of the day, Mr. J. Y. Joy- ner, principal ot the Goldsboro graded schools, was then introduced by Dr. Kemp F. Battle, who called the cla.s roll of 1831, (of which Mr. Joyner was a member,) giving a short sketch of the life oi each since leaving the University. The subject of Mr. Joyoer's address ttas '-The Life and Character of Edg-r .Aiieu Ftt;', He reviewed his eariv life. w nen jusi a ciua ae mcmonzsa many verses, and recited them well. He at tended the University of Virginia, and afterwards West Point. His time at the former, in pue of adverse critics, was j used moderately well, but b.3 was cash- iered at the latter. Before this he had ! made some reputation as a poet, and he continued to pursue a literary life in Biltimore and Richmond, with varied success. After marriage with his cousin, Vir ginia Clemm, there came a gleam of hap piness, only to be blasted by the ravages of consumption. From day to day for ten wretched years he watched her life ebb away, and as the flow became weaker and weaker, his wretchedness became greater and greater. For twelve months after her death, in despairing madness, in despondent mis ery, in unutterable woe, he mourned for his lost Lenore. Beyond this is melan choly and anguish, over which we must draw the mantle of charity and pity. While he endeavors to drown the de- urn jt TUB SUCCESS OFTHIi j QQ g4 II I ft I I I 1 . - I . ,1,-1 1 1 MM Mm lis mm - OF Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strenstn. U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1S9. irnin s mm u r II ! tii Vi til 9i lasaissi n ai SMALL WAKES FOE EVENING USEE- We have, this season, made the most elab orate preparation in our several departments to supply our home as -well as vismng pai rona with the many small necessaries that pertain to Evening Wear. GLOVES. Long Suede Musqnetalres, in all the Opera Tints odorless as well as scented. The ner short Grace Kid Opera, shades with Black Embroidery. 2STETW Vcorj til tl i. -i I - v. c au hit iAi f j Se-t Coal tor the i4-- -! so-.? i ovulate-nd iL- GAY TON K;b erv;-A:.-.: It la f;ee burL::i crumble to lu-t soot, requires but well a? hickory w. . , be made of it at w:i;. Suitable (or (irate specially Adm.t V i Is attracting wide attention, for the fol lowing reasons: t l: t iTtpre 1 by rudL-i.--. ;. . Stove, Egs and Ltujiv"."';. ' I direct L oru the ruiLeV a: - IT Jones&pCv1 Mineks' A NECKWEAR. The Medicis Collar. New styles, in Buch inga, Lisse bands, Laces, &c, ic. DANCING SHOES AND SLIPPERS. In this department is shown the latest styles in Black, White, Bronze, Pearl, Tau, Beaded, Patent Levther Vamps, ito. HOSIERY. unequalled assortment and a liberal rt.nge in prices For Clerk Johv W. Thompson. For Sheriff M. W. Page. For Register of Deeds S. M. Duxx. For Treasurer L. O. Lougee. For Coroner Dr. a. J. Buffaloe. For Surveyor H. A. Chappell. WAKE CO. LEGISLATIVE TICKET For Senator A. C. Green. For House of Representatives W. B. Upchurch, Geo. W. Davis, A. M. Sor kell, and A. D. Jokes. MY FRIEND--A WORD WITH YOU. ONE BY ONE THEY FLL. There is retribution in this world as well as the next. Mrs. Stephani in New York put $5,000 in the hands of Miltox 8. Littlefield to use in secur ing her son's release. Her son was not released and Littlefield was arrested for grand larceny. He is the same Lit tlefield who helped despoil North Car olina during the Reconstruction period, and who made the Capitol a place of his debauchery and the debauchery of igno rant negroes. Retribution has come to him and his sin has found him out. We take no delight in any man's downfall, but when a scoundrel is apprehended and brought to justice it is but right that he should &uffer. FANS. Plain and Hand-painted Gauze, in wood and bone ribs;Plaia and Hand-painted Satin, Feather-tipped, and all Feather Fans, stvlea both open and folding. In Silk. Lisle and Cotton, in Black. Cream. mon, which Struggles with the angel in ! Bronze, Pearl, Tan, French BLnea. 5lC.,&c; an his bosom, leave him alone. Let us turn i sadly away from his pitiful moans for Annabel Lee, or his fruitless endeavors to escape from himself to the great lesson ! taught by his life; kkLducate the heart and head together." The great Brook lyn orator has said "educate the brain alone, you have a skeptic; educate the heart alone, you have a fanatic; ed ucate the two together, you have the noblest work of God." His life was a failure and a tragedy, because his mind alone was educated. Had there been a kind mother to kiss his brow, smooth his pillow, and teach him that love which "passeth uuder- have been a differ- HOW ONE MAN REDEEMED HIMSELF. Do you know that every man who de sires to vote at this election must regis ter anew? Even if you have registered and voted before, you must register again under the new Election Law to Tote this year. z Do you want the Republicans to carry i the election and have your neighbors Father and Mother Had Both Been in the Penitentiary, But Both are Re formed and Useful Members of So ciety. A friend of the Salem, N. O., Press, who was lately at Sparta, Alleghany arrested and put in jail as in 1868 9? If county, say3 that while there he visited not, register and vote the Democratic the jaii an(j foun it empty. The nailer, ticket Do v'ou wish the negro to get control after sbowinS him around' introduced of your county and State? If not, reg- hls family, among whom were two bright IStlr and vote for the Democratic faced children, a girl and a boy. The nominees. boy was named after Gov. Scales, and Do you not know that every negro the father remarked that the governor in the State will register and votk? was the best friend he ever had. exDlain- Then so must every white man. ing to the surprise of his guest that he Do you want negro Yankee soldiers had pardoned him from the penitentia with drawn bayonets to meet you at the ry, where he had been sentenced for 20 polls and dictate to you how to vote If years for man laughter, after a service not, bo sure your name is on the the of 5 years and 7 months, and exhibited registration books, and do not fail to his highly pr z?A pardon, vote the straight Democratic ticket. The most interesting part of the story You can't register after Oct. 24th-so is- that Mrs. Holloway, the jailers wife, register at once. Don't say you was also in the penitentiary for 0U8 year have not time take time your hap- for alleged assistance in the escape of piness depends on it; the good name and some prisoners in Swain county. She prosperity of your State depends on met Mr. Holloway in the penitentiary IT; HONEST government and white man's and it wa3 a case of love at firat sight, control depends on it. Don't wait, and as socn as released they were mar Delay may cost the defeat of the party, ried. He follows the trade of a shoemaker. Ail democratic papers win please which he learned m the penitentiary W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO., li-VLEIGH, N. C. IT IS A FACT that you will find at KING IVicCEE'S all that goes to make up a First Class Pharmacy? standing," it migL ent life. The black wings of his melancholy bird, flitting his fame from sea to sea, have secured his immortality, but who will say his life was what the Southerner would wish for the greatest poet of his land ? A miserly man alter accumulating gieat wealth, began to dream of immor tality. His eye shone with a strange lustre; his heart beat with a peculiar warmth; his mind received a new im pulse. Could he live in the thoughts of-j fellows when the pitiless grave claimed j his body. i He erected a monument, but he saw , That wo bave the Hn0 of tV3iCis it fade under the ruthless touch of j Teilet Waters, Colognes, Face Powders and time. He inscribed his name on the other Toilet preparations at all times, and can du assured ot tair and courteous treat ment? If you do not know tiiese things, we tell you now that it is no, and ask vou to give us a fair trial and be convinced, "tfe trv to meet the wants of our customers and hop'e to merit their patronage bv serving them faith fully and honestly at all times 1st. The increase in the amount of new Insurance in 1SS9 was 66 per cent, over that of the previous year. 2d. New business in 1SS9 nearly twenty millions of dollars. 31. The ratios of payments for Dath Claims and Expenses to amount at Risk are LOWER than those of the oldest and largest Life Insurance Com panies of New Y'ork; and the Katios of Assets to Liabilities in the Provident Savings Lite are Li.a.mjr.u, ueiug ?.uj for every $100 of Liabilities, while in the three largest of the New York Companies the Ratios areas $127, $118 and $108 to every S100 of their Lia bilities. 4th. Life Insurance at ACTUAL COST, that brings insurance within the reach of many heretofore unable to carry it. 5th. It never costs one-half the price charged for it in "Bst Old Style Life Companies," whose experience proves that hardly 39 percent, of their Prem ium Receipts were necessary to insure the lives of their Policy-holders; while the balance was used FOR SOMETHING ELSE besides insurance. Gth. Past experience shows that the better the plans of the Society are known, the greater its income becomes. To know what these plans are, call at the Company's office in Greensboro, N. C, or on any of my Agents in the State. J S- JONES, Pocahoma ,-5fcn purest an-1 be?! re; the most economical ;. AX r FT H A C LZE MIXES W LlTr; ,. tost of anthracite .- fc and gives more r.:.;v. in ytock, all sizes K.:. Red Ash. Esc aii l sf. Mnd ot c ac l lv, direct to any depot, month filled at;.;; Jones & MIN.-Rv sep'6-tt MANAGER. Whole-. DRUGGIST;! lOO X Alt: 1EV1L.I.E aTEEi We are A: PANACEA WATFF T 'v -' LITHIA WATKU ivTl- -MO-SELSzk? -! AT WHOLESALE We Re-;,- Everything in the D -We Kevr Tl- . j LARGEST AND BEST SELEcrii. 1 TOILET AKTICLLs, sous I PERFOIKKIKs In The Beto-Ct. Cizr in North h JAMES M KIMM n j tor lloi ; (; vypic politi fca ac Ci3Sl 5 tort 1 tbs true .istc tbif ts pUi fcrt pie. try. tot rel sor wit obt gU! pe: th on to di tb si T o! li E C i t t t ' s 2 r C i i Hi - i t I I t! oct2-tf That our facilitie? lor prescription work are unsurpassed, the medicines nsed being guar anteed as to purity and accuracy of prepara ration, and as beinc? strictly in accordance with the physicians' prescriptions? That our stock of Drug?, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, etc., is complete '? granite side of a neighboring mountain, but he saw the makings became fainter and fainter day by day. He met a lovely child crying for bread to feed a famishing parent, djing on a bed of sickness. He filled its-outstretched hand with coin, and it .-aid. ''Sir, if my great Father spares inj a thousand years, I will remember you and your act." With tears the old mau sail to himself: "Ah ! I've found the secret path of immortal ity. Let me do some act that will re main engraven on the hearts of my fel low men." The address was well written, well delivered, and highly appreciated. V. S. B. Very respectfully, KING & McGEE, DRUGGI8TJ5 101 Fayelteville St. octl5-3ai. A WEDDING THAT DIDJN'T OCCUR. copy and keep at the top of the column of each issue until after the election. Ed. Chambers Smith, Chm'n. Dem. State Ex. Com. A SOUTHERNER HONORED. Col John R. Fellows has been norai- ted for Congress in the Sixth District of Nesro Barber in Lexington Emp. Since his pardon Mr. Holloway has held the offices of constable and United States marshal, and is now the jailer of Allegha ny county, respected by all who know him. A DUEL TO THE DEATH. New York. He is the present District Attorney of New York City, and is a learned lawyer and able stateman. He was a gallant Confederate soldier, and New York is the only city on the conti nent where his gallantry in that war (Special Charlotte Chronicle.) Lexington, N. C , Oct. 11, 1890. We had a shooting match in our town this morning between two of our colored ar istccratic barbers. John McRary, col- would not have stood in the waj of his ored fot Osker Barringer and mortally WUUUUCU LULU. AUG SUUU11UK YVctS LUU- promotion. New York Democrats do not aak "where were you born ?" or what have you been doing ? but "what can you do ? and what do you believe in?" tual, both parties engaging in it until their pistols were emptied; but McRary was not hit and made good his escape. Barringer has three distinct bullet holes in his body; and it is thought he will die. The trouble occurred about New York Democracy lives in the pres- McRary's wife. McRary accused Bar- ringer or oeing too intimate with her and wrote him a note that if he did not leave the State in twenty four hours, he would kill him. The time expired this morning, and Barringer was still here, when McRary, true to his word went to his shop and shot him. An Expectant Bridegroom Sadly Dis- appointed. j (Greensboro Patriot.) Yesterday morning Mr. Adam Ryles, an expectant bridegroom of fifty sum mers, got into his best suit of clothes and taking Miss Lizzie Lewis, a maiden lady of forty summers in his buggy, drove to tuis city to gat the -.t il noose adjust ed" or in other words, to get married. Oa reaching the city the lady said she had some shopping to do before the ceremony was performed and would mar ry him at 3 o'clcc't p. m. Mr. Ryles con sented and treated his lady love to a fine dinner, and otherwise did all he could to make her comfortable. At 3 o'clock Mr. Ryles was on hand, bat the lady again objected to marrying him just then. A rather spirited discussion took place be tween them during which the lady re marked "she did not come to town to marry but to get a new dress." Thi3 was tne last straw and Mr. Ryles indig nantly ordered Miss Lewis to get in the b'izj:y, and he would take her to a friends house near the city and leave her, and she could make her way home the best she could, but on reaching the house she refused to get out, and told him he had to take her home. When last seen they were homeward bound, and their con versation was not of a very amiable char acter. SHENDUN- THE GEM OF VIRGINIA'S FAMOUS SHENANDOAH VALLEY. GRAND ALLOTMENT AND SALE OF LOTS, October 14, 1890. Rumple, Arendell & McCanisss, REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND Insurance Brokers, SHENDUX, VA. Correspondence Solicited. References : Davis & Wtiley, Bankers, First National Bank, The Grottoes Co.. Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury, N. C. P. S. WAITT, AGT., Ia Offering SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Single and donble breasted black frock euiia. feingle breasted, four - button cutaway and sack suits. Single CLOTHING. breasted, straight cut eack fcuits. Extra size suits in sacks. Young men's business casst mere suits. Boys' and children's suits." Which will be sold at t :e low est POSSIBLE PBICE lor CAJSH. Seasonable Gents' underwear, all grades. Gents' jeans and Canton flannel drawers. The Dia mond white shirts, col lars and cuiis. fine ne jkwear, hosiery, gloves, suspenders, collars, quite a variety of smaller wear. Nobby soft hats for young men. Latest styles stiff hats in Dun lap & Youman's blocks Fine wide and medium Soft and S'tiffbrim, hats, w arucie. nave a lot OI Hats. sample hats, which are out of the regular line, bought verv cheap.and wiil seJl accordingly. Umbrellas and Rub ber Coats. Plain gingham um brellas, 50 and COcts.; Fancy handle Gloria 95 eta.; Fancy handle Gloria, verv "durable, -$1.15; Fancv" Silk, Glo f 2.50, $3.00,3.25; Fancy Alpaca, $2.50. $2.75. Shendun, Va. T5t5-tf J. W. RUMPLE, Attorney at Law. F. B. ARENDELL. M. B. McCANLESS, Mining Engineer. Fancy cuff buttons, foollar buttoua, studs, eearf pins, badges and , society pins; Bermuda Jewelry, Perfum- water for the toilet and ery ana toilet tiier perfumes; Col- ooaps. gate's, Brown's and Kirk's toilet soaps. Call and examine my new goods. D. S. WAITT, Agt. oct4-3mos ent, and the nomination of Col. Fellow s and the appointment of Roger A. Pryor shows that brains and not locality of birth have weight with them. THE CHRONICLE ENDORSED. 'There would be some hope for the Republicans," said a Radical yesterday, if it were not for the d n State Chronicle." There can be no division amongwhite men in North Carolina so long as we are surrounded by a solid wall of negro vo- ters. If the negroes would only lay circus people told him that Sam had left aside their prejudices and divide their and they supposed wa3 on his way votes, then the white men might afford home. to differ. But they cannot afford to di- Mr Dapree say3 that the circus lost Tide in North Carolina under present money at Wilmiugton, the attendance conditions. E. O. Beddingfi eld in State being almost nothing because of Sam Convention of Democratic Clubs. Jones' meetings. Ran Away With the Circus. (Kinston Free Press ) Sam Faulkner, son of Mrs. Rebecca Faulkner, who lives about five miles from Kinston, ran away with the circus last Thursday. Mr. J. E. Dupree went to w dmington Monday after him.but the LATE NEWS ITEMS. Charlotte is to have industrial train ing in its graded school. ! Rev. J. L. Kittrell, a well known evangelist of Tennessee, is carrying on a revival in Main street Methodist church in Dai'ham. He is a native of Granville county. A reporter was shown a letter from Prof. J. F. Crowell to-day, in which he states that there is another building in prospect for Trinity College. This will make the fifth building for that College. Prof. Crowell is doing some excellent work for the College, and it may be truly said that he is the right man in the right place. Durham Sun. M. E. Cole, a fligman on the O. & Q freight, happened to quite a serious acci- ueui, iaat mgnt at Jveysville, Va. He was on top of a box car and by somg means fell to the ground, breaking two ribs. This was the first trip he had made over the road, but had been employed by the Norfolk & Western road for some time previous. -rDurham Sun. WANTED. A Registered Pharmacist. Must be unmarried, and good references required. Address BOX 284, Raleigh, N. C. octl4-lw. liSipSIBiii IDezrtaJ. Offioe. DR. J, I AYES, Dentist, sa Graduate of the Dental Depart- m. ment of the Uni- l versity of Marv- 1? land, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of JUleigh and the public generally. Office "over The Nonis Dry Goods Store, Fayetteville street. oct3-tf MEANEST PAPER IN THE STATE. That's what one distinguished man at least says about it." Telia all about the Jumber, fishing and oyster interests in the East; farming and manufacturing; also Cupid's Capers, and a thousand otner things of interest. Eight column, weeiuy. Send 25 cents and get all the Eastern Cam paign Kewa till January 1st'. " The Washington Gazette, octl0-2w Washington, N. C. TIDDLFTOIKS. THE LATEST RAGE. CALL AND SEE THEM. n mm Wjgm&Q- 1 feliJ IS k3&&mL e i! I e t t i i 12 ?'. Zi 4 Ei" ROYAL-GERME1 IS w'l-.t TOH H'0 1 , 1 Trvi. I!. ; no.v i .-mg 1 kI! TcCvrii::.-. ; it ::. for I- t-uruati-rti. I . i 1 ; . ?.::.. 1 - tarrh, ervo::- li V1 t Lr V General Debility : 1 all 1 : i v.: eases A spec li : r IVmai- ! :.-' ing pl'-ases so : . (ipnin' ciir. . and tales continue t" v.: i . - J.. E. JORDAS' COMMISSION MERCHANT Daily recciing shii'i.:. of line Mountain A y ; hand. Give me a ca.l. Bank. THE WALTERS METHO IS THE ijicst -TOT.- GARMENT CUTIIf This system, with tL . t '. ' . --IMP0HTED OF EVEET DESCUirn )N Gr. TV. WALTK1 THE TAILOK, Is a combination which -handsome and perfect tit::--' - . THE NEW FALL OF" RICH AKD 3SAUI Is now on exhibit: r. G. N. WALTH 8epl7tf The Ti Fay. I Our junior buyer has just returned from ouumore ana JSew lork, and has bought large line of NOVELTIES . Among which, we expect to arrive to-day a large assortment of Japanese Goods, Including Bt,TS' TRAYS, CRIBS, (bCtiEENS, verv nice for IL75). DOLLS, And Many Novelties. New assortment of 7 and 10 cent ar also glad to atata that we will De reaJy to show you tha yery latest things in the MILLINERY LINE! Including both AMERICAN AND FRENCH JTYLE8. Woollcott&Son, 14 E. MAUTIN STREET. Valuable Lands lor M By virtue of the pow..-r c Ia3t will and testament oi K. r :r; ceased, we, R. K. and T. L. ' of said will, will sell at V: ;' i premises, on Wedne-dky, tL veiber, 1600, the following 1- ' ... ! Fifteen hundred acres. ' - ; 0 ; Surrf county, N. C , on the w , ; river and South Fork. TL very fctlthy section, six t v ' j Elkia, well watered aul t.:.. ; water por, and though t - mineral or, fcc. : - ' Terms eaL, as the time L .- ' settlement cf the estate. , . v li. II. a i. 1 T -Eiecutor. of IhohirJ " . THE CALIGRA" TYPE-WRITKK Greatest speed; best for r,:'-"-06 daily users. Price f- - )' Tented to responsible parti j etallment. V Our Kew Special No. 3 t g brought out to meet tLe who rectire the best tuai 1 Priftfl ffiiO.nn. Has nix A'bb-- !0 . ' !. - fceya, -extra platan tor mains;1 ' valuable wiprovement. l'r,,;...- r a -- - - gsteea conee anacunn"--,- ., KEWHAN Jc SON.

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