. SATE CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. 7Y CHKON'IOLE PUBLISHIN CO 1 3 Every Morning Uxcnpt Muiiuay. - rPIIK CASH PIUCK OF CHKONICLK JL u J6 per t.ir, $ 00 f' -r CiOiitL?; Il.&i'lor b uioutus. rpiIE BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial jL Rooms of the Chronicle are on the second floor ot No. 216, Fayetteville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Business Department of this paper snould be addressed The State Chroni cle, Raleigh, N. C, and all Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to "The Chronicle Pub. Co " Editor. JOSEP1IUS DANIELS, - Bus. Manager. Asso. Editor. I). II. UROWDER, HAL. W. AYER - Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, ol Whatever State or Persuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thos. Jefferson. THURSDAY, OCT. 23, 1890. THE LAST CAUSE OF DIFFER. ECE REMOVED. AN ABLE APPEAL TO ME Vt HO LOVE THEfU HOMES. (-pecial Cor. State Chronicle.) Fkanklia", X. C, Oct. 20. I desire to express to you my lnjarLfeIt thanks lor the manly stand you have taken in behalf of our beloved republic, and 1 feel especially gratified at the manly de fence you have made for our State sovereignty. The perpetuity and useful ness to mankind of Republican govern ment depends upon the sovereignty of the States. The denial and absorptiou of the rights of the States is the first fa tal step towards the disfranchisement of the citizen. This accomplished and the ballot box becomes a mockery. We have had recent verification of this. The unseating of members of the lower House of Congress who were sent there by the certified voters of a large major ity of a free constituency, without the right of evidence and the privilege of counsel and a fair trial by an impartial jury, show most conclusively that the ruling dynasty at Washington have purposely ignored the first great princi ple, of a Republican form of govern ment, the right of freemen to represen tation through the ballot box. Iudeed, MUM NOTHING SUCCEEDS i i SUCCESS. n ,, THE SUCCESS OF THE Qqq J rea.-o:: RAD.- :-t wuiid-rful mod is hei aa-it; it h:n railed in any in . no matter wi'at the disease, from LEP KOSi to the simplest disease known to the hu man s; stem. 'J he scientific men ot to-day c'aim and prove that every disease is Lid km W - 1 uave rt- n in ti ... ,. r m ' ' ' I. SOCIETY OF - 3STEW l: 4. I ..(' !,w til now lecoraiian l ti (SeTi It ia f: ee buriji !iL' . . crumble t-i dust, ,i., soot, rt-quin s but i:'t well as hickory v..l ' , be made of it at w.ij I." , t 7.. ibur; tviU CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar bakins powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. fc. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1889. MVS I m I attracting wide attention, forlbe fol lowing reasons: W LIU mm i nrminatPs the Microbes and drives them amtflm and when that is done you m -v VT , -. nnfhavfiil7iahflOr Bain. iUUua niiai the disease, whether a simple case ol Malaria bination of diseases, ve cure x c i - .. i n ,,: t-x, oil ah the. same time, as we ireai aii uia- eases constitutionally. ' A prominent and influential member of the Alliance, a Democratic candidate for the Legislature, writes us under date of October 15th, the following pri- the exercise of such power by the lower yate-letter. It accords so exactly with the position of the Chronicle, and seem to us to contain so much wisdom, that we take the liberty of giving it to the readers of the Chronicle, withhold ing tbo name of the writer for the pres ent. Its statements are commended to the consideration of every Democrat, and particularly of those Democrats who have honejtly criticised the letters and the position of Senator Vance. Our Alliance friend writes: I am delighted to receive the Chroni cle, and find Senator Vance's letter to Mr. E. U. Beddiugfield. This letter harmonizes everything in my district, and it is the biggest thing for the Dem ocratic party that has taken place for many years, not only in North Carolina, but for the whole union. It at once House of Congress the mere assertion of the will of a cabal is a palpable disre gard of citizen rights and the substitu tion of the dictum of a "junto" for the voice of freemen. I use the word junto in this connection because Clif ford, Ashley, Buckingham, Arlington and .Lauderdale with their master Charles II did not at any time exercise a more absolute and odious power than have our American junto in their late revelings amidst the ruins of the Amer ican franchise. Thank Heaven we have one chance left us to recover what the Washington cabal has seized in order to entrench themselves as our masters. The Roman Senators thought them selves impregnable because they claim ed to own the offices and carried the money bags. They seemed to have forgottou, however, that Roman blood flowed through plebeian veins, and ere they were aware of impeudiug danger The New Tariff Law Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bron chitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Fe male Troubles, in all its lorms, and, in fnct. pvfirv Ilisease known to the Human System. Miitable (or (im:... . . " - specially Acf;,,,,,,, 1 i re pared I .y niacin - Stove, and Luiuj, direct ti'um the uiiueV 'It. makes Vance the hero throughout the the plebeian blood asserted its nobility . I A 1 l - L 1 . I . . n n w land, coming can sianu ueiore uiui. This letter should bring every farmer, mechanic and laboring man to his feet, and cause them to work as they never have before. It should make every township in the State Democratic by a big majority. I am sure Wake county will go wild with the glad news, and you will have no trouble to roll ud a large majority on the night of the 4th of November. This letter puts Senator Vance just where I have claimed he was ever since readiog his letter to Mr. Car. The State press ( I have claimed) did Senator Vanco great injustice in declaring throughout the State that he was opposed to the princi ples of the sub-treasury bill. This let ter will do great good in North Caro lina, and should Senator Vance take the stump with Polk and others in the west and advocate the sub treasury bill as he can and inform the people on the finances of the country, we will have no trouble in destroying the power of money to op press the people, and Vance would at onco be the biggest man in the Union. We must have more money and cheap er money in this country. The scarcity of money and hard times in the rural districts is driving our men to the towns and to the west. It takes the manhood and the womanhood out of the young people of the country. DEMOCRATS, GO TO WORK A thoughtful and patriotic gentleman -who has recently bceu in a dozen or more counties in Eastern Nrth Caro lina writes a private letter to tha editor of the Chronicle from which we take the liberty of making a few extracts. Tbey serve to show us the danger that we are in, and ought to stir up every Denocrat to go to work. He says: You are doing some fine, effective work for Democracy and white suprem acy, and you cannot be too persistent in the good work. The situation is really alarming. I have never seen such indifference and apathy among white men. The Republicans are quiet, but they are on the "still hunt." This is apparent to anyone who goes among the people. The negroes are more aroused than I have ever known them. They all register. One cause of danger is from disap pointed candidates. There have beeu more candidates for every position, Irom constable up, this year than ever bcfdfe, and some who did nof'get there" are sulking. Continue to sound the alarm of dan ger and let it be loud enough to be heard all oyer the State. and swept them forever from power This chapter in history teaches us that we still have a chance to regain our right of choice at the ballot box. Then if the junto sees fit to set aside and trample upon that right they must meet the con sequences of the popular will. It must, however, oe admitted that Caucasians some times, irom stupidity or some other unworthy cause, submit to vas salage yield to fetters more hateful than the worst forms of Africau slavery, but when once aroused Caucasian blood has never failed to assert itself and strike down the usurpers. This is not the ae for enslaving white men men who have not forgotteu that thov were born free. There may chance to be some who cannot appreciate the blood from which they are descended a sort of half breeds, who cannot rise to the manhood of the noble men of i scorn the white man of nokth Carolina who has any recollec tion of the Mecklenburg Decla ration of 1775, who has any knowledge of the history of al AMANCE and Guilford court house, and who will now with the present lights before him, consent to walk upon the proud soil of his mother state wearing a brass collar around his neck bearing the inscription "this is Tom Reed's dog." What do the colored men of North Carolina think about it? It is vain for them to expect that the cabal will re duce white men to slavery and allow them to remain free. Do they imagine that in the end they will fare any bet ter than the enslaved white man? Are they willing to entrust themselves to men who would enslave their own race? The whole history of the past teaches us that tyrants never feel safe as long as any remain free in their domin ions. It also teaches us that the prom ises of juntos are as fickle and unrej liable as the winds of the desert, and whosoever relies upon them will sooner or later come to grief. For the colored man then there can be no well grounded hope that the Washington cabal will ever raise him permanently above the condition ot a meuial, implicitly bound to do the will of his masters. If the X 1 A i negro is 10 oe an American citizen a free man indeed and to escape future slavery he must help maintain consti tutional government. This alone can give him a guaranteed suffrage and se cure to him representation m a consti tutional republic. This is as certain as cause aud effect. Allow me to say in conclusion that all cabalistic tampering with free gov ernment has been in all ages the harbin- which went into effect October 6th, will, of course, result in an advance in the prices on foreign goods of all descrip tions. Anticipating its passage, we naturally availed ourselves of all our facilities, and in the interest of our patrons purchased largely abroad of those goods in our line most affected by the tariff, bringing for ward the goods in time to escape the higher duties. In consequence of the unsettled state of the markets, because of the uncer tainty, we made all our purchases with great ad vantage, and all were gotten in before the higher duties went into effect. Consequently for the next few months our enormous stock will offer great ad vantages to buyers, as the benefits se cured by us shall be turned over to our customers. In no case shall we, while the present large stock lasts, mark the goods at any advance based on present cost, but give our customers every advantage of our careful preparation, always realizing that their interest and our own are iden tical. W. H. & 11. S. TUCKER & CO., Raleigh, N. C. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. IT IS A FACT THAT TOU WILL FIND AT KMC RflcCEE'S new See that our Trade-Mark (eatne as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microb Killer," given away by LEE, JOHNSON & CO., DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C. Visitors to the Fair WOULD DO WELL TO CALL AT J.R.FERRALL&CO'S 222 Fayetteville Street, And inspect the finest line oi STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IN THE CI TV. NEW. ALL THAT GOES TO MAKE UP A First Class Pharmacy? That oar facilities lor prescription work are unsurpassed, the medicines used being guar anteed as tr purity ana accuracy ol prepara tion, and as b-ing strictly in accordance with the physicians prescriptions? That our stock of Dru.tr?, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, etc., is complete ? That we have the finest line of Extracts. Toilet Waters, Colognes, Face Powders and other Toilet preparations at all times, and can be assured of fair and courteous treat ment? If you do not know t.iese thiners. we tell you now that it is so, and aek you to give us a fair trial and be convinced. Ye trv to meet the wants of our customers and hope to merit their patronage by serving tntni faith fully and honestly at all times. Very respectfully, KING & McGEE, DRUGGISTS, 101 Fayetteville St. octl5-3w. FRESH FRESH 1st. The increase in the amount of new Insurance in 1889 was 06 per cent, over that of the previous year. 21. New business in 1889 nearly twenty millions of dollars. 3 i. The ratios of payments f jr D. atb Claims and Expenses to amount at Eisk are LOWER than those cf the oldest and largest Life Insurance Com panies of New York; and the Katiosof Assets to Liabilities in the Provident Savings Life are L AUGER, being $206 for every $100 of Liabilities, while in the three largest of tha New York Companies theRitios areas $127, $118 and $108 to every $100 of their Lia bilities. 4th. Life Insurance at ACTUAL COST, that brings insurance within the reach of many heretofore unable to carry it. 5:b. It never costs one half the price charged for it in 4 'Best Old Style Life Companies," whose experience proves that hardly 39 perceut. of their Prem ium Receipts were necessary to insure the lives of their Policy-holders; while the balance was used FOR SOMETHING ELSE besides insurance. 6th. Past experience shows that the better the plans of the Society are known, the greater its income becomes. To know what these plans are, call at the Company's office in Greensboro, N. C, or on any of my Agents in the State. J. S- JON J ones & p IULEh;H MlXEBS' Ar,ENls ,( Pocahontas (S-rnj . . purest and best 4H-;1 , " the most economical i" r AXniUACUi; Lee mixes White - best ot anthracite e'.-il'.i''? and gives more uiiiv. r-, in utoek, all izrs Eg ' s Hed Ash. Egg and St, ,',.',; kind ot cial and l;K-d direct to any depot. All , " 4-1' r Jones & pow. sep'6 tt ;.rv Mi mm Wholewa 183 Pirsrrani.i.E siK , . We are Ai:.-n, PANACEA. LITH1 A ai WHOLESALE L WA'i KIM I (vvati:, AX'i' -We Keop- Everything in the Drus LI- AND MANAGER. - We Keep 'IV LAUGEST AND BEST SELt: OK TOILET AIITIC: i:s, sou In Kalei-h. The BestS.f t.CiRirin.,ri,- JAMES Mi KPIM is oct2-tf DESIRABLE I). S. WAITT, AGT., -Is Offering SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Kingle AT- Lowest IFrioes- Valuable Lands for Sale. CLOTHING. HELLER BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ' . There is no danger in North Carolina this year except from apathy and a false ger of down-fall, blood-shed and ruin sense of security. If Democrats take it Threatened as we are with the most far minted thntihov will win .t.h hnmiM. ?,re CalalnltJ.e8l grounded by "perils . .. , ......... . . . . y sea, perus Dy iana ana perns among lalse brethren," it seems to me that ev iation of a Radical judiciary in which justice will be "exhausted'' will be visited upon us. To work, Democrats, to work! A UOOD EXAMPLE. The Asheville Citizen (it gets better every day) calls attention to the exam ple of an old gentleman, aged 84 years, who walked four miles in order to regis ter and vote the Democratic ticket. Aod the Citizen adds: The man who pretends to be a Demo- ery mau who loves his home, loves his race, loves his wife and children aud hopes to transmit to them the blessings of freedom, ought to shout the alarm from every house top from Cape Cod to the Rio Grande. May we hope that the sober, second thought will arouse the slumbering masses to come to the res cue. God of mercy, upon whose thigh ana upon whose vesture is written: "King of Kings and Lord of Lords," save us Irom the arch destroyer. C. D. Smith. . Shoes and Trunks, Are in receipt of a lull assortment of stylish and durable goods to which vour attention is called. Having placed our orders in the hands of leading manufacturers early in the season, we are prepared to sell at the lowest pri es, anticipating ana dvance on all leather goods, we selected, probably the Urgest stock oi nne ana meaium grades ot .Ladies, Gents' Misses, Boys and Youths Shoes ever shown in the city. We respectfully ass your patronage. HELLEU BROS. By virtue of the power contained in the last will and testament of Kichard Gwyn, de ceased, we, R. It. and T. L. Gwyn, executors of $j$L will, will sell at public sale, on the pxB0?s. on Wednesday, the 12th day of No Vgfiibtfr, 1890, the following lands, to-wit: Fifteen hundred acres more or less, in Surry county, N. G , on the waters of Mitchell river" aud South Fork. The lands are in a very healthy section, six to ten miles north of Elkin, well watered and timbered, with line water power, and thought to contain valuable mineral ores, &c. Terms cash, as the time has arrived for the settlement of the estate. it. It. and T. L. GWYN, Executors of liichard Gwvnn, de 'd. Elkin, N. C., Oct. 9, 189 ). (6ctl0-30d and double breasted black frck suds. Single breasted, lour - button cutaway and sack suits. Single breaete 1, straight cut sack s-uits. Exira size suits iu sa'ks. Young men's business casst merb suits. Boys' aud children's suits. Which will be sold at t .e low est possible pai; e for CASH. joint XL' I U" C- , I!: PoD, 1 Hoi 11 Mti -u i Hon : people October GoU ?.ak' Gate Hon pcopl'' the Tro; Alb U Ic: Ta Ho tbep at th a La nigh Ct cigb Oc nigt r pc: zl V -r Seasonable Furnishing Goods. Gents' underwear, all grades. Gents' jeans and Canton flannel drawers. The Dia mond white shirts, col lars and culls Fine neckwear, hosiery, gloves, suspenders, collars, quite a variety of smaller wear. LEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD in effect Sunday Sept. Tth.at 8:30 p m. TRAINS MOVING NOBTH. No. 26. Fast F't and Pass. Daily ex. Sun. Leave Raleigh. 7 15 pm Mill Brook.... 7 51 Wake 8 43 Franklinton... . 9 35 Kittrell 10 00 Henderson 10 21 Warren Plains 11 25 Macon 11 40 Arrive Weldon 1 20 am No. 38. Pass. & Mail. Daily ex. Sun 11 20 a m 11 37 12 00 p m 12 22 12 38 12 55 1 47 1 58 2 55 p m Nobby soft hata for young men. Latest styles stiff hats in Dun lap A Youman's bloc&s Fine wide and medium Soft and Sfciffbrim BOlt h&, good article, iiave a lot ot sample hats, which are out of the regular line, bought very cheap,and will sell accordingly. ROYAL-GERME1 Is what you reed Trv it. 1 i. - 1 no v rsiug n d all r ''.iik:i :, ! for K euniati;i), IimT n, 1 - -tarrh, ervous Troii'de. Lr General Debili'v. a id nil I ! . : . eases A spec ikr f r l-Vinai I' - : ; -ing pleases so weii a- enif in. '. . and ales continue to n, i - a- J : - -A.. E. JORDAN COMMISSION MERCIIA: Daily receiving sliipm ot fine Mountain Appi hand. Give me a ca' Bank. - I the as 4 Oc loi i 57 Hats. Umbrellas and Rub ber Coats TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Plain giDgham um brellas, 50 and GOcts.; Fancy handle Gloria 95 cts.; Fancy handle Gloria, very durable, $1.15; Fancy Silk, Glo $2.50, $3.00,3.25; Fancy Alpaca, $2.50. $2.75. Lea Pass, and Mail. Daily ex. Sun. Our assortment in Trunks. Satchels and Grip Bags, is very large and at prices the very The best piece of newspaper work we cratand to hate the Republican party have observed in this campaign is the ad- and all its works with a righteous hatred and then will not take the trouble to reg ister is beyond our power to bring to a realizing sense of his condition. But be y ill livo to regret his folly. It has been said by one of the wise men of old that though a man be as wise as Solomon and as strong as Samson if he hasn't got the money he can't settle. In like manner we say unto you, that though your Democracy be the soundest and though you may have "whooped 'em up " at the primary and the county convention, unless you register you can't vote. Statesville Landmark. mirable articles in the Asheville Citizen irom the stait correspondent of that live paper. He attends every debate between Ewart and Crawford and gives a bright letter every day The Concord Standard says that the people are not registering. ''Bad re ports come from every section." Let committeeman be active aad on the alert. Valuable Real Estate. I have some of the most desirable nronftrtv in the growing town of Oxford, N. C, tor sale. Un my list are gut-edge lots in the very heart of the town. Also seventy acres, including a nandsome new residence, partly m the town and partly in tne suburbs price $30,000. This seventv acres could be divided into a great many beautiful building lots, and is worthy the attention of capitalists as an investment. uxtord is a growing town and is located in a Heaven-Messed part ot the world. JOHN A. WILLIAMS, Dealek in Real Estate sep20-tf Oxford, N.C. GOOD JtEASOKS Weldon 12 20pm Macon 1 20 Warren Plains 1 28 p m Henderson 2 08 Kittrell 2 43 Franklinton 3 08 Wake 332 Mill Brook 4 00 Ariv Raleigh 4 15 FROM HENDERSON 34. Trains Moving North. Leave Henderson 6 00 am Warren Plains G 34 Littlleton 7 02 No 25. Fast F't. & Pass Daily ex. Sun. HU&2Q 4 27 4 42 5 45 6 16 6 45 7 20 7 55 8 20 a m DAILY. Jewelry, Perfum ery and Toilet Soaps. oct4-3mos Fancy cuff buttons, collar buttous, studs, ncarf pins, badges and society pins; Bermuda water for the toilet and other perfumes: Col- gateV, Brown's and Kirk's toilet eoaps. Call and examine my new goods D. S. AVAITT, Agt. "THE WALTERS METIK TI-I12 i est KOH GARMENT CUTTI This system, with th- . :.' IMPORTED SUITE.. --i OF EVERT DESCMKTI'iV THE TAILOK, In a combination w!n ". ' ': l' handsome and perfect t .: - ' tt 0 tc d d i Arrive No. 3?. No. it. m 45. South. 9 10 p m 8 32 8 CO 7 15 pm 7 40 a LOUISBURG. Leaves Louisburt? at 11.20 a.m., and arrives at Franklinton at 11.55 a m Leaves Franklinton at 3.15 p.m., and arrives at Liouisburg at 3.5'J p. m. No 8. Leaves Louisburg at 5:'5 a m. No. 8. Arrives Franklinton 6:30 a m. No 25 Leaves Franklinton 7:20 a m. No. 25. Arrives Louisburg 8:00 a m. JOHN C. WINDER, Gen'l Manager L. T. MYERS Gen'l Supt. Wil. SM TH, Superintendent. TIDDLFWIHS. THE LATEST RAGE. CALL. AND SEE THEM. THE NEW FALL .-T"Ci or RICH AND BEAK!?:: Is now on exi . G. N. "'J sep!7tf Li- Onr junior buyer has just returned from Baltimore and New York, and has bought a large line of Tub Concord Standard is a bright and spicy sbe3t, and since its enlargement is better than ever. How would Rev. D. P. Meacham, Ra dical candidate for the Senate, like to see in print that filthy letter which he wrote to Mr. Curtis, who lives four miles and a half West of Raleigh? Tha letter was written when both of them had exhibits of honey and bees at the State Fair. For Patronizing the Moselev IT 1 I am pleasantly located, near all that is of interest and cn the main street, where all the elite of the city pass, and opposite the large dry goods house of W. H. & R s Tucker & Co. 2 1 find everything neat and clean at the Moseley House, and teel as if at home for they make me so. ' 3 1 find the Dining Hall for Ladies and Gentlemen well cared for and as pleasant as any seaside resort-no flies, and the Rotating Fly Fans keep one cool and pleasant, while 1 ctn enjoy one of the good meals you can al ways get at the Moseley House for 50 cens. 4 An enterprise that the travelling public should appreciate and patronize is the Mose ley Houae. (juW-tf INSTITUTE, Ralelgb, N. C. The 54th year of this old school, its ISth year at Raleigh, begins September 3d, IS90. Professor A. Baumann, who needs no commen dation anywhere in the South.will continue as Director of Music, and Miss E. G. Buck, whose repu tation is unsurpassed, will contin ue to preside over the Art De partment. Every Teacher in the Faculty is a specialist in her department. Address: JAMES DINWIDDLE, M. A. (University of Virginia) Principal, d-w-tf Raleigh. N. C. Wood! Wood ! 2KAA ORDS PINE WOOD FOR lOJJ Sale at $2.25 per cord delivered aepl3-2moa B. F. CUEATHAM. NOV Among which, we expect to arrive to-day a large assortment of Japanese Goods, Including BASr!vATS' TRAYS, CRABS, (SCrtLENS, very nice for $1.75) DOLLS, ;' And Many Novelties. ew assortment of 7 and 10 cent We are also glad to state that we will be ready to show you the very latest things in the IN MILLINER AND MILLINERY LINE Including both AMERICAN AND FRENCH S T Y L E 8 . Woollcott&Son, I E. MARTIN STREET. FANCY G Arriving r: MISS MAGGIE B BEST DE.- S lit' IS TRIM3IED G00i)? From French and En- -; : ALL THE LEADI V HA' IN CHILIS MISSES' AND Hats, Caps ana 1 The ladies will tmd m j them in looking throui - - . .. A

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