STATE aEEOKIOLE, S CJNDAY, NOVEMBER 0. f tixtc Ctonick sam josescontkovRSY. T Y CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. XJ Every Morning Except Monday. rpHK CASH PRICE OF CHRONICLE X la o00 per year; 3.00 for 6" months; 11.50 for 3 months. Of Lisior rpHE BUSINESS OFFICE and Editorial X Rooms ot trie Ciikonicle are on the second lloor of So. 210, Fayetleville St. COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO the Business Department of this paper snould be addressed The State Chroni cle, Raleigh, N. C, and all Drafts, Checks and Postal Money Orders should be made payable to "The Chronicle Pub. Co." J OS EI II US DANIELS, . - Editor. I). II. HItOWDER, - Uns. Manager. HAL. W. AVER - - Aso. Editor. of Whatever State or Tersuasion, Re ligious or Political. Thos. Jefferson. SUNDAY, NOV. 9, 1890. REV. DR. FRITCIIARD REPLIES TO REV. DR. CREASY. He Make- His "Say" Short and Sticks to His Asseition That Sam Jones is: 1, a Vulgarian : 2, a Blackguard; and 3, a Profane Swearer. The Chronicle published Dr. Pritch ard's first article on Sam Jones; then gaye the reply of Rev. Dr. Creasy; and to day we give the reply of Dr. Frit-chard. This will end the controversy, so far as the Chronicle is concerned. Dr. Pkitchard writes the Messenger: I have but a word or two to say in re ply to Dr. Creasy's article touching my criticisms of Sam Jones. Dr. Creasy says my memory is cloud ed as to what occurred the day he nom inated Sam Jones to hold a meeting in Equal and Exact Justice to all Men, WilmiDgton. He says that Dr. Hoge ob jected to him, but I said nothing. It may be so. A distinguished English lawyer once said that "he would rather trust a line on paper as to a fact in the past than any man's memory." My recollection of what passed, is as I have THE stated it. Iam very certain that it I said nothing I agreed with Dr. Hoge. Nor will I deny that I said to Dr. Crei- sy that I should be glad to hear bam -I do not recall it, but have no I said it, if Dr. Creasy says I did. But that was sometime before 1 read th.6 sermons he preached in Charlotte, and I sid at the close of my first article on Sam Jone3, written before I knew he had been invited to Wilmington, that tkI hoped he would not come to Wilming ton in my day." Another small matter of a personal na ture. Dr. Creasy says I did not attend the meetings of the Alliance when the matter of the resignation of the Metho dist pastors was discussed, though I was in or about the city. Does not Dr. Creasy remember that I was out of town at the meeting, the records of which he quotes; that I wrote a letter to the Alliance in which I stated three things. First, that I did not know that Sam Jones was a regu larly or.lrued Methodist minister. Stcond, that I did not know when I wrote, objecting to his coming to Wil mington, that he h id been invited here noei- ieovus an 1 .if of a pej- e-".iivat:oi.- t:ii-ui: its 1-3 intellect pie. The Uo versUy i declared to bo the head of the Stite system of public instruction and its needs are pointed out in a telling way. This aMress oug':t to, and we believe incr3ase and intensify the growirg public sentiment in favor of a better sys tem of public schools for all the people, and an pppropriatioa sufficient to enable the University to furnish the deeper and broader and more expensive culture de manded by the aga. will, THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ELECTION. So great a political revolution as the American neonle have iust accomolished Jones , . r j . t A doubt is iuu oi me ueepesi sigumtiiuue. ii. means that popular government is safe, intelligent and irresistible. Republi canism has been overthrown because it violated the rights, the conscience, and the intelligent reason of free, honorable, and fair minded American citizens. The Speaker of that party in the Nation al House of Representatives virtually de clared to the country : "Minorities have no rights which the majority are bound to respect." The country replied at the polls by converting that minority into a majority of one hundred and twenty live. The Republican President mo tem pore of the Senate said "The Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments have no place in politics." The decent con stituents of that political devil replied by his Methodist brethren; and thirdly, at the polls by sending him to political at I intended no disrespect to the tI Methodist pastors or their Ohurch. I Hades. did m0re than this. I published these mi 1 P il a a il TT - - . a a. i me leauer oi mat pany in me iiouse statements in one oi tne city papers of Representatives declared virtually : that there might be no mistake as to IIO.lIESrUN YARNS. (Carthage Blade.) A Moore county girl is charged with having said: "If a cart wheel has nine fellows, it is a pity that a pretty girl like EQ9 can't have one." NOTICE. The next annual meeting of the stockhold ers ot the Ualeigh & Gaston Tlailroad Com pany will be held at the office of the Com pany, in Raleigh, on the eecond Thursday, November, 13th, lbOO, commencing at eleven o'clock a. -m. W. W. VASS, Treasurer and Secretary. Raleigh, Oct. 20, 1800. (oct22-till novl3) -5V,. FRANK TH ORNTON, FAVETTEVILLE, N. C. :o: Ooai andNv Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. High est of all in leavening strength. U. S. Government Report, Aug. 17, 1SS9. t l 1 1 ram i ci THE 31 AM MOTH DRY i QOODS ESTABLISHMENT OF THE- W.-. 1, , 1 year, all the y,-, ' lifc-ft Coal fur th'' now recoinni. i, ; - It is fro- hir er amble t soot, reqmr. . i r, well a hiekorv v. i- bi :o:- NOTICE. "We can get all the money we need to buy elections by assessing the manufac turers, whom we will repay by taxing the laboring man through the tariff." The laboring man has replied at the polls by overwhelming and indignant majorities against this system of robbery. my feelings towards my Methodist brethren. Now it does seem a lit tie strange that Dr. Creasy's memory should bo so accurate as to some of the facts of this meeting, and so oblivious of others. He remembers Dr. Hoge's disclaimer but forgets mine and indeed does not re member that I ever wrote a letter to the Alliance at all. Is not my srood brother The Chairman of the National Repub- Creasy guilty here of what the lawyers lican Executive Committee virtually de clared to the people: "It is easy to govern you by buying your votes. The only rule for a statesman is 'addition, division and silence and fat.' " The peo ple of his own State replied with scorn call suppressio veri, a suppression of the truth. 1 should be sorry to think that my brother had a convenient memory and had intentionally forgotten my dis claimers in order to put me in a false light before his brethren and the public. But all these are trivial matters and amount to nothing in this controversy. 0 he next ensuing annual meeting of the stockholders of the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line Railroad Company will be held at their office, in Raleigh, on the 13th of November, 1890, commencing at twelve o'clock a. m. W. W. VASS, Secretarv and Treasurer. Raleigh, Ojt. 20,lb(J0. (6cti2-tillnovl3) NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER ia the most wonderful med icine, is because it has never failed in any in- stance, no matter what j the disease, from LEP- : ROSY to the simplest disease known to the hu man sstem. The scientific men oi to-day claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND HUTS HUE DUE Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple case ot Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all dis eases constitutionally. THIS COLUMN FOR HOUSEKEEPERS. and contempt, leaving him fifty thous- My character, and my conduct towards and votes behind his own party. The Massachusetts scholar in politics declared virtually: "The negro belongs to the Republican party. People of Massachusetts rally to the negro with bayonets, if need be." Massachu setts replied by sending five new i ai i t . my oroiner pastors are not tne issues in this case at all. I am not concerned about my reputation, have preached the Gospel in North Carolina for thirty six years and my reputation can take care of itself. But if Dr. Creasy could prove me an unmitigated scoun drel that would not alter the facts in this case. The main issue, and indeed r i . i . n i i i I democrats to uongress ana electing the only issue I have raised with Sam a Democratic Governor. The negroes Jones and his friends .j his pulpit man replied by voting the Democratic ticket cers- 1 charged him with being a vul hv r.mnand ganan, a black-guard, and a profane oy mousanas. swearer, and what is more, I proved Not a single decent, moral, political each of the charges true from his or industrial principle was offered the on pulpit utterances. In all his long tannin hv thA ttpnnhlinan nartv Tho article Dr. Creasy does not touch the m m A people had intelligence to see it, virtue to despise it and eourage to denounce it. They have refused to be led by Reed, Ingalls, McKinley, Quay and Lodge. They demand purity, honesty, fair- real issue. I have no quarrel with Dr, Creasy, or my Methodist brethren, but I do denounce with all the vehemence of my soul vicious and immoral language in the pulpit. There can be no excuse or apology for such language as Sam Jones uses, and I do not mean to be of- ness and justice in politics as well fensive when I say that I do not believe as in social life. Thank God, tho people are not cor rupt, "THE ANGEL IN THE CLOUD." that Dr. Creasy or any other decent Methodist in North Carolina approves of it. I will close these few words by saying that if Dr. Creasy had applied to -the editor of the Messenger he might have learned that I did not request him to publish my article on Sunday or any other day, and thus have saved himself Asthma, Consumption, Catarrh, Bron- j cliitis, Rheumatism, Kidney and j Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Fe- j male Troubles, in all its forms, and, j in tact, every Disease known to the j Human System. We now have the largest stock of Dress Goods that has ever been our pleasure to show, and the prices were never lower. In this magnificent ex hibit may be found every new shade, as well as all the most desirable materials, presenting such attractions as are rarely met with. We respectfully urge our pat rons to make tne remain der of their purchases in this department before the assortment becomes bro ken, assuring them that, at all times, they shall be promptly served hy compe tent sales-people. W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER 4 CO., Raleigh, N. O. Woollcott&Son, It E. MARTIN STREET. Two of the Greatest Bar gains of the Age. 500 Felt Ladies' Walking Hats, All shade-, at 25c, worth $1.00. :o: MAKE HOME ATTRACTIVE. be made of Suitable for v ...J J l Prepared bv ... . Stove, Eg- and L ' r direct Ironi the ra-.-' Jones -u-'- ..cli , Pocahniita ...7. pure: and I,,..-- ... the most econniui.-;. AxniuA,-:; Lee minks WL;-t. "-ol m amnrat-itt- and Rives more -i? in rtock, aii mz.- Red Ah. Eccr and kind oi q- af and 1 direct to any den,.- month filh-,1 at sep'6 tl Jones J Mixy -:o: Beware of Fraudulent Imitations. See that our Trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. j Send for book "History of the Microbe ' Killer," given away by LEE, JOHNSON & CO., DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C. 500 NELLY BLY CAPS, Oo. cuclv.vorth $1 00. Rubber Shoes and Clothing, All Size?. RB. T AliEIGH AND AUGUSTA AIR-LINE JLVi 1 effo 5t Sunday, Sept 7th, 1890. GOING SOUTH. No. 43. No. 25. Passenger Freight & & Mail. Passenger. Le'vt Raleigh, 9 00 a m 6 00 pm Cary 9 17 6 40 Merry Oaks. . 9 55 8 20 Moncure, 10 07 8 39 Sanford 10 35 9 22 Cameron, 11 03 p m 10 13 Bouth'n Pines 11 3G 11 06 Ar'ive Hamlet, 12 45 1 00 am Leave 14 1 15 p m " Ghio l 34 Am Gibsop, 150pm GOING NORTH. No. 36. Passenger Many new articlees in Crockery, Glass, Tin A well-furnished house is the delight of t very careful Housekeeper, and justly so, too. Money can ot be better invested than in adorning and making attractive the home. Leaving out of consideration the additional comforts produced by a perfectly furnished home, you will lead a happier life, and be better satisfied when surrounded by the at tractive goods we now take pleasure in pre senting for your consideration. First, we would direct vour attention to the largest and most complete line of JAW . u. .;,, " ti Wii. ........ , . 133 Fatetteyili e ; Wear. . . -PANACEA Wat;. 7 LITII1A WAT! 7 V" Mi-ski7zk;V at wholesale ; IT Everything in the 0; Eveb Shown in the State. We bought very heavily of Carpets at the opening of the season, but the demand was so unprecedented, tnat we have been obliged, in order to meet it, to make three additional large purchases. Every grade is now rep resented in all the newest and latest designs, and offered at popular prices. VELVET BRUSSELS. Tapestry and Body Brussels, with Bor ders. THREE PLYS, INGRAINS. Fancy Hemts. LARGESj TOILET We K : ; ; . AND liLsr'-sru;,-..,. AltTK I i s, sm PEim-.MKKifs In K,.. The Best5-Ct. Ci- r in tn: V. tf STAIR CARPETS, All Kinds. r-t,f' In 1 COD' n It i is ai r men1 fervK anil MSB 'oaf1 and cult: tare indi ghal of bop E cat- fac! ber Tel gre P vi cu th ha DC 8e oc er bi v C3 tl b: s t I. - 1. C ;A t JSellat Iliiiieii For stair covering. lb. i mm Mm b:k "'V-. JZ.'I$UX, ' ' ' ' ' -AND WOODEN AVVTSJE. We keep our Dress Goods stock complete, and you can find bargains in it. -Our stock of- Leava Gibson, nun No. 26. Freight 4 Passenger DR. T. H. Pritchard. WINSTON'S TRENCHANT WORDS. We have received from Miss Edavin Summer Fuller, of Louisburg, a copy of tho late lamented Edwin W. Feller's from sinning against charity in bringing "Aneel in the Cloud." She has about a Ials0 cnarge against a brother GO copies of this charming North Caro lina book which she desires to sell in order to raise money to help get out an other edition of "Sea Gift" and "Angel in the Cloud," Mr. Fuller's two popu- On Thursday night of Fair week in the lar works. These copies of the poem hall of the House of Representatives in sit'SSi.Mi fgh- - r,al Ttins was each by addressing Dr J. E. Malone, heia over whlch Prof- Geo- t- Winston, I)uisburg, N. C. v. presided, and addresses were made by some of tho leading educators of the State. It was an occasion of deep On next Tuesday, in Durham, the interest, and on the next morning the A NOTABLE OCCASION. corner stone of Trinity College will be laid by the Masons. Addresses will be made by Gen. R. B. Vance and Ex Qov. Tuos. J. Jarvis. It marks an important era in the history of Trinity, and all friends of the college who can ought to be present upon the inauguration of the new Trin ity College. Chronicle announced that it would shortly give its readers the full text of Dr. Winston's address. The excitement and diversion incident of a hotly contested election caused us to delay the publi cation of the address until the result of the election should be known and the & Mail . 2 40 p.m .2 53 Arrive Hamlet, 3 10 Leave " 3 30 4 43 a m Southern Pines 4 2'J 6 38 Cameron, 5 01 7 30 Stnford, 5 30 8 16 Moncure, 5 57 9 02 Merry Oaks 6 10 9 21 Cary, 6 50 10 25 lialeigh 7 10 am 10 50 am CARTHAGE KAILKOAD. Leave Carthage 7:45 a. m. and 2:35 p m. Arrive Cameron 8:25 a. m. and 3:10 p. m. Leave Cameron 11:45 a. m. and 4 53 p. m. Arrive Cartha ?e 12:20 a. m. and 5:35 p. m. F1TTSBORO ROAD. No. 35. No. 20. Leae Pittaboro 4.45 p. m. 8 05 a m Arrive Moncure 5:30 p. m. 8 50 a m No. 23. No. 3G. Leave Moncure 8:45 p.m. 10 15 a m Arri. Pittaboro y:30 p. m.. 11 00 a m J. C. WINDER, Gen'l Manager. L. T. MYERS, Gen'l Supt. WM. SMITH, Supt CAPE FEAR & YADKIN VALLEY It Al Lm Al CLMJ TAIN V . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In effect August 18th, 18'JO. NORTH BOUND. No. 1. No. 3. No. 15. Daily ex Daily ex Dailv ex Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Holiday Goods Are arriving and will be on exhibition in a few days. -SHENDUN-- THE GEM OF VIRGINIA'S FAMOUS SHENANDOAH VALLEY. GRAND ALLOTMENT AND SALE OF LOTS, October 14, 1890. OJiLircli Carpets, Selected for the purpose. FLOOR COVERINGS For halls and offices. OIL OLOTHS. 'ROYAL - GERMETE Is what you need Tr ;. -no using si.d ail r--. for Ilheumati-m, I:il:r- :. . tarrh, : ervous Tr-mM' r. t :.r General Debility, and til t ' . eases A specine f. tr : .- . ing pleases ho well n-i l.eri.' t nr. and tales continue t- : ,.- . . e. jorda: COMMISSION 1 Lll CI:A Daily receiving - ' ot fine Mountain A; 1 - hand. Give me a e.t.:. .' Bank. -MATTINGS-All grades. IT IS A FA r' TnAT Yt" v, i:.:. Hurnple, Arendell & McGanless, REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND Insurance Brokers, SHEKDUX, YA. Correspondence Solicited. Refeeexces Davis & Wiley, Bankers, First National Bank, The Grottoes Co.. Salisbury, N. C. Salisbury, N. C. Shendun, Va. people prepared to think upon other Lv Wilmington. 9 00 a m Ar Fftvetteville.12 25 n m subjects. It is presented in the supp!e- Lv Fayettevilie.12 50 p m ment to this morning'a issue. Si : fi S S The Chronicle has never presented to Lv Greensboro. 5 10 p m it. roarlra a no nor o,1. v, i,v vamui iove pm - -'"j v jl Bumcaa mat was Ar Alt Airv 8 25 That is a very handsome and attrac tive paper which three promising Uni ,Bi0ik, oluuCUio u10 ioou uux stronger, abler or more important. Nor name "The Chapel Hillian." Mr. W, has it published one that was more tren- A T!av'1t7 tVit Vfono rrar" an A TVTr ft A i 11 u u6v,M u iu. . cnanL ana eieeant. Wflam an that it Ashe, Jr., Associate Editor, are "chips will be read and re-read hv t,hnnrhtfni j 0 people in all sections of the State both on account of its subject matter and lit erary excellence. There is no subject that ought to give J. V. RUMPLE, Altornev at Law. F. B. ARENDELL. N. B. McUANLESS, Mining Engineer. 3Iortj?age Sale. p m Lv BennetUville 8 20 am Ar Maxton 9 35am Lv Maxton 9 15 a m Ar Favetteville. 1145 a m Lv Kamaeur 6 50 a off the old block" of successful journal ism, while Mr. F. H. Argo, Managing Editor, is a young gentleman of uncom mon promise, the son of the brilliant Col. T. M. Argo, of Raleigh. We wish the young men great success. Ar Greensboro. Lv Greensboro. Ar Madison. . . The Madison Leader has a new editor in the person of Mr. T. B. Eldridse. He is a gentleman of character and a writer of vigor, and will make the Leader a political and moral force in Rocking ham county. Under Monroe they spoke of the "era of good feeling." In viewx of the recent elections we may call this "tho era of good feeling." fresher interest than the education of the youth. It has a living interest, and in his discussion Da. Winston make3 his argument attractive and his words vascular. If you were to cut them, they would bleed. We neci not dwell upon the excel lence of the address, but we must par ticuiariy commend to our readers his SOUTH BOUND. No. 2. No. 4. Daily ex Daily ex Sunday. Sunday. Lv Mt. Airv. ...600am Ar Greensboro. . 9 20 a m Lv Grecnoboro. . 9 50am Lv Sanlord 12 19 p m Ar k ayetteville . 1 o0 p m Lv Favetteville. 2 15pm Ar llmmgton . o 4o p m Lv Favetteville 3 30 p m Ar Aiaxion 5 20 p m Lv Maxton 5 30 p m Ar Bennettaville . . G 45 n m Lv Madison Ar Greensboro. m 9 25 a m 10 10 a m 12 30 p m No. 16. Daily ex Sunday. By virtue of authority conferred in a certain mortgage, executed by Graves Black well and wile, and recorded in Book 110, on page ob, m tne Kegiater ot Deeds office of vake county, we will, on Monday. December 1st, A. D. 1890. at 12 o'clock m, at the Court House door m llaleigb, eeA to the highest bid der for cash, a house and lot of land, situated in the village of Oberlin, adjoining the landa ot Henry Litchford. Alexander Mnrfran Alexander Seers and others, containing of an acre, mum or leas, ana more iully de scribed in said mortgage. Oct. 31st, 1890. PEELE & MAYNARD, oc ?3!-lm Attorney for Mortgagee. GOOD REASONS RUGS. In India, Smyrna, Brussels and Velvete. VRT SQUARES. back, Ingrain and KIIMC & frlcCSE ALL THAT GOES 1 In Felt with woven and Three-Ply. DOOR 31 ATS. First Class Ptiaioi: Forinandout doors, in Rubber, Steel Wire, Hemp, Brussels and Chenile. An exceedingly handsome handsome and large assortment of ?M Hmi tti tanks. Japanese effects 5 in Crstones, Laces. Nottingham 1 20 p m earnest plea for a betterment of the pub- Lv Greensborr ! '. '. '. '. '. '. '. . . '. '. 3 45 S S lie school system of the State. He shows that efficient public schools are essential to literature, and the lack of popular O du p m W. E. KYLE, Gen'l Passenger Agent. J. W. FRY, Go - anager. For Patronizing the 3Ioseley House. 1 I am pleasantly located, near all that ia of interest and on tne main street, where al the elite 01 tne city pass, and opposite the large dry goods house of W. 11. & R. H. Tucker & Co. 2 1 find everything neat and clean at the Moseley House, and teel as if at home, for they make me so. 3 I find the Dining Hall for Ladies and Gentlemen well cared lor and as pleasant as any seaside resort no flies, and the Rotating Fly Fans keep one cool and pleasant, while I can enjoy one of the good meals you can al ways get at the Moseley House for 50 cents. 4 An enterprise that the travelling public should appreciate and patronize is the Mose ley House. (julyl7-tf Nottingham Lace Curtains in Sets. In White, Cream and Ecru. French Canvas Curtains, with heavy Torchon border. Portieres in Reps, Felt and Che nile. PONGEE DRAPERIES. India Silks, Table Chair, Mantle and Toilet Scarfs. TABLE DA3IASK. In Turkey Red, Unbleached and Half- bleached. BLEACHED TABLE CLOTHS. With Napkins to match; breakfast, din ner and tea Nap fe ins, with and without fringe white, red and fancyb orders. SHEETINGS. Bleached and Unbleached, in all widths. TOWELS. Damask, bleached and unbleached; Huck, French woven and Turkish Bath, plain and fancy Crash, Turkish Wash Rags. We show something very handsome in the way of Hand Woven Towels! With Drawn Work, and Fancy Borders. To parties living at a distance we will cher fully turnish Samples, and have Carpets made up ready to be placed on the floor The only Ladies' Retiring Room in the city. Or ders solicited and promptly attended to. That our facil.tie.-s ! 1 ; -unsurpassed, the m."li . - anteed as to purity and ration, and as beu;u' - with the physician.-' pr- - " That our stock of ; Medicines, etc., U cur, . ' That we have th- ;.:. Tmlet Waters. CoW--rs. I other Toilet pri-par,!' ' -can be assured of U-.v . ment? If you do not tell you now that it i- - ' " us a fair trial and be ' meet the wants of ov.r "".-" " . merit their patronag i " - ' -fully and honestly at a.. - Very respectfully, king & yu Gi:t 101 Fut!''; octla-3ui. iVOVKI'S:" MILL!NERy FANCY G Arrivi:: MISS MAGGIE BEST I-lX'--- GO0V TIUM3IED From French an i L:.- ALL TnE Li:AL'- : J ' ...TT ' : j- MISSES' AND C- FRANK THORNTON, Hats' CaPs anl F AYETTEVILLE, N. G. ect31-lyr The ladies will firl tnem in looking tnn .'u v.vf?''' ' 2.v

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