Si EJ i i vS hLOUUEST PLEDGE. VIII. NO 7 RAJLEIGH. TST. (T. STT"NTAV TVRf'!TiyM-R"R!R 7 1Rflf l UT1I r rntw-wwi . . . i : PEIOE 5 CENTS. bi, ,,(lIK Ml03Hsr..HTOCUIlY ii VNCE BANNER 1 I Oil MAUD. i!ll .tMll ., Hint lie Will lie , it It it Snow White Folds Made by in the Hottest Part of III ,ti'" . l. tlfirLu ii . . . ... f 'ii 1 1 .nr. iinrvcy rays vui. P ' ' ...ulimi. (Ml ' .' lUr United Press.) K v, I'l l- Iec. G Upon the au-"'.n-'.ii i f re-electioQ by the Alliance yesterday evening, 5- 1 ' . . . m i A . At A pro i h-st moment oi my me. iuilnos and partiality ana conn ;ls H personal tribute,but simply How a Ifeport Travelled And the Eageerated Form in Which it Reach ed the Chronicle. The Chronicle published a "Three Black Crows" story a day or t wo since. This paper seeks to give facts only, and aiwa.ya investigates matters wnen prac ticable. Bat some times reports come by correspondence direct or indirect. which must b3 taken as thev are receiv ed or not at all. The matter in Question was the report to the effect that a Mr. Coppege, of Wake Forest, attempted to commit Fuicide by drinking a pint of coppera3. it reached the Chronicle through a source which any one would . .j . ii . ..... ruiu us amuoDiic, out mat source bad received it in a most grosslv oxusftrm- THE NATIONAL CONGRESS L the twin-city section. WILL BEOWEH 60 TO JAIL I SAM Josesin alalia. 1:1 . t A T 7 1 l:k tool me noor ana saiu : iVu and sisisrs, I say to you ated form. In fact it was whollv untrue. o .'.r.tliuest aueuiauou, iuiii : luuuwiui; ieuur win snow.ana tne letter is published in the hope that it will recall all ltnustiee which may have i . i i oeen unwillingly aone. Wake i orest, N. C. Dec 5, '90. Mr Editor: In your issue of to dav. !!. a. I .5 ! i ,i ifs. iaent oi my nuemy 10 your a corresponuent irom tnis place gives an the profit luterest that account of a Mr. Coppege attempting suiciae. it is incorrect, and notmnsr of the kind took place. The vounsr man. speech, at when being teased by companions about journed. "his girl going back on him ' said he be lieved he would commit suicide, and drank some sweetened water. That is the amount of it. The report about the student in the same article is also much ... t t, I1" " , t ,i iutmstcd ...u tul wj twelvo months ago to mv hands when I THE PARMURS nppn&iwn tup . . M. a WkSIVS X MM. M-A CONGER LARD BILL. Mr. Houk Cuts a Curious Caper in the House 100,000 Appropriated lor "Hash for the Noble Red Man." 4 I By United Press.l Washington, D. C, Dec. 6 -In the Senate today Mr. Paddock presented the prot( st of the Farmer's Alliance, now in convention at Ocala. Fla.. against tho j o ' " " passage" of the Conger lard biil. Mr. Morgan offered a resolution call ing on the Secretary of the Treasury for information as to the sums of money paid oy tne united Mates ou vouch ers or reaubitioiis. madn hv or in iavor ot John l. as an election supervisor since August ist, io n either tor his own comDen&a- tion or for that of others employed under nis airection ana supervision in the en forcement of election laws. Mr. Gray resumed the floor and con tinued the argument against the election bill. At the conclusion of Mr. Grav's 4:30 p. m., the Senate ad- A Sensation in KernersvilleWihston's New relephone System Other Notes. (Special Cor. State Chronicle.) Winston, N. C, Dec. 7. In his en thusiasm over the finding of the right man for the right place, your correspon" dent proposed in a recent letter the name THE EDITORS OF THE REVIEW EXPECT TO PUT HIM THERE. Brower Said To Be Sick of The Cne Already He is Badly Under Hack. Special to State Chronicle. Eeidsville, N. C, Dec. 6. The libM cf Mr. Peter M. Wilson, of this city, for suit which was brought by Congressman manager of the North Carolina exhibit Brower against Messrs Gilliam & Olli- at the creat Columbian Fair in 1839. ver, editors of the Eeidsville Rfvi.dfid This wa3 done without his knowledge, and since then it i3 learned that he does not desire his name to be proposed since his engagements here occupy all his time very fully. Your correspondent, while he is still confident that he was T! tV, t- in llannffi'nnl) 4-U . i i U 3 ; Place i8 however, glad to see Mr Wil son so closely engaged in our upbuilding and in the development of our excellent surroundings. 1 9 -J I" I J M 1 jorauuem, a uorea politician, was heard before a justice of the peace in Surry county yesterday. The examina tion was waived and tiie defendents re quired to give a bond of 83,000 for their appearance at next April term of su- A. . l 1. X i a 1 utriur cuun m laai c. uaiv. a laro number of the bst ckiztrns in Surry A. 1 M 1 county voiunteerea to ao on their bonds. The a most sensational h you, coa- aud out before and hhirhiag nothing i . l !.... T 1 1 c)M(Jv'iVii to uo iny uuiy. i Biiwu heart too full for express to you, as the deep gratitude 1 feel at exaggerated. ,,-. you with a vri.'c.', and nly I r:in. , D)modt you all. l can sxy voj, ny lJe;ir brelhvca and sisters, . , l .1 . .i 'in "Jv ti v:ius is yoai ieauu, wncueer a in! t ) s.e that loug a3God iii,r;a!i me to carry it, I charge you n-v'l look in bat one direction "t "-m v.irely in the .front iu the hot of tne contest. I pledge you here i t ,w. tlu? with the help of my kind Iiv-r. wbon I shall return that banner r ! l will return it without one sin- h i it. (ii ll.Ul UU lin Puun nunc luiuf, Lvo the m irks that are placed there by L'tU'-aiv. y4ky U ' lb esH each ana an oi you Cw vour c.iuse and our common now ii:'i 10 re ver. i inaiiK. voa We do not need ments. House. Washington, D. C, Dec , C Mr Houk, of Tennessee, introduced in the House to-day the following resolutions: Whereas the second section of the 14th amendment to the constitution declares that "when the right to vote at any elec tion for the choice of electors for Presi dent and Vice President, representa tives iu Congress, the executive and ju dicial officers of the State, or the members of the legislature, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of a state being 21 years of age and citizens of the United nr in anv wav nViricrorl pvnont The eminent French violinist, Mons, for participating in rebellion or other De Seve,cccupies the position ofleading crimes, the basis of representation there- any spurious excite- Respectfully, L. TIIE BOSTON SYMPIIOJIY CHESTRA COMING. OR. Something about De Seve -The Phe nomenal Violinist of the Club. I and solo violinist of the Boston Sympho- Orchestral Club for the season of 1889 and 1890, and iu his engagement the organization, gains a soloist and vir tuoso whoe distinguished abilities have been recognized aud enthusiastieal- m shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens in such state:" Therefore,be it resolved by the Hons0, that the committee on judiciary is in structed to inquire into, to ascertain and (iovernmeut tics. it, f t r.s lYr.e.vcd manifestation of your ly praised by the leading critics of Ea- report to this House whether or not any t . 1 l 1.1 IT.. I 1. .-1 O ... A . Tkf T -Cxi CIil TT- r pe anu 1110 uuneu oiaies, jiluus. ua ouo or more oi ine oiaies oi me union Satatis- eve naa tne rare gooa iortuno orsiuay- nas, ny any constitutional or stautory ing as a private pupil with the great provision, violated this section of the Vieuxtemps and Sarasate,and has shown fourteenth amendment, so that a proper such unqualified genius at an early ago apportionment of representation may be that he became the pet pupil ot Vieux- made by Congress. temps. The pronounced success and In the House the resolution directing high praise attending his performances, the President to request Mrs. Grant to gave him an immediate recognition as permit the removal of the remains of - c .1 . i. t : a .. . : .u:. i . l -i i. a i : .. ji, jw t - one oi mtj reuttsi vnmu.w.ieei m una vieueiai jricut iu Aiiiugiuu wa ueua- couutry. Leading journals declare him ted without action. m the Ole Bull of to day, in nis best The benate bill appropriating $100,- TtT i , 1 i in ews oi a mosr sensational ana scan dalous affair comes here to-day from Kernersville. Your correspDndent could not get the full statement of the case, but it seems that on Wednesday night just after dark, a quadroon entered the house of a respectable white citizen while the husband was away and ap proached the bed of his sick wife who was alone in the room. After glancing around the room he attempted to assault her but her screams were heard by her husband, who was in the yard, who im mediately ran in only to see the quad roon escape out the door. Intense ex citement prevailed throughout the vicin ity, and after a spirited chase the scoun drel was caught and locked up. It is said that the community was so enraged that feaTs of lynching were entertained. Nothing further has been heard of the case. If your correspondent learns the full par ticulars he will not forget the Chronicle. Messrs. Watson & Buxton have been employed as counsel for the prisoner, while Mr. R. B. Kerner will represent the State. The fixtures have arrived for the put ting up of Win3ton's new telephone sys- . gentlemen ot the Review and Mr. Bradfieid hold stiff upper hps and are confident that they will not only defeat Mr. Brower in his purposes, but will very probably suc ceed in sending him to the peuiteniiary. It is said he is already badly under hack and is sick of the suit to bein with. lhe Review and many cf its friends boastingly claim for that paper the honor of causing thejdefeat of Congressman Mr. Brower has resorted to in order to let himself down as easy as possible as he steps out of office. He may get him self deeper into trouble. DIVIDING texas ivro STATES. FIVE As Remarked Before, It Can Only Be Done on Strong Provocation. Dallas Correspondence St. Louis Re public. In your paper of the -4th I find the following : "While the republicans are holdiog the upper house of Congress by means of Ktnators from sage-brush and j ick rabbit states like Nevada, Idaho and An Editorial Endorsement nf t?o- - Sam Jones Taken From the Alabama Baptist. (Published by Request.) Several months ago a band of Chris- tiau workers, corn nosed rf rru.m from all of the churches of the city, ex cept the Episcopal and Catholic, inaugu rated a movement to secure the services of Rev. Samuel P. Jones in their fight against sin aud its train of evils. The little band abaut forty had a hard pull, and their road was all the way up hill. Sometimes they were discouraged and almost despaired of success of the movement, so great was the opposition by the worldly minded, the indifferent and the immoral element of thf enm. munity. But they persevered, and succeeded. For nine days, from" October 18th to October 27th, services were conducted by that wonderful man, Rev. Sam Jonos. Meetings were held three times a day, and people congregated under the large tent from near and from afar. On rainy days the people went bv the hun dreds and thousands, and never seemed tired during services that lasted from two to three hours each. Mr. Joneiis a wonderful man. We have never seen his equal in many re spects. In preaching, his words are at times full of pathos and tenderness; of love and affection; persuading men to forsake evil and cleave to that which is good and noble and right and pure. ins metnoas are not those of anv other man we have ever seen or heard of. Ue is sincere, wo honestly helieve when he says God has converted him from sin and given him a work to do. He is fighting sin and is conscious of the fact that ho has always been fight ing for God and for tho good of hu manity. He is a "fisher of men." Some things he says sound harsh, but be usually drives home a truth with a sledge ham mer stroke. Thousands go to hear him because of his peculiarities in preaching, and many have thus been taken into the ark of safe;y. Men have been "born of TTT 1 . 1 t t Wyoming, it may oe worth wane to re member that Texas holds a trump card i the Spirit" while under the influence of which it can play at any time to break od s love, who had gone there to jeer at fyulilCuie. tomi! liiiiuu at 1 i, I ., i noe o. vir. ivvingsion.oL :a i a orupUint this morning x Alli.uav ouvention that the crop t !' i mi relied too much on mforma ti :u' ;u:u d from uuiformed Congress- ti U. i lie C'Kuiuu'.tu uu ttgucunurm e recommended in their report li: iU nmittee of hvo Alliance Cong- Senate bill to retire General Stonemau At 4:30 the House adjoured. A ROWDY LEADEU F.LLED. W'zssbi appi'mtod toco-operate with days Mons. De Seve's playing is char- 000 to buy iations for the Sioux was actenzd with the same breadth, rich ness, and largeness of tone, as the play ing of Vieuxemps and Sarasate:aud the bri liaucyof.hii performances a. ways gain him from four to six encores wherever he annears. Mons De Seve has been de- a. a corated bv H. M. Oaeen Isabella the Se- sa lati.'S. rwl nf Sn;iin. 11h will be here" with the h cr.tary lurut-r protested against B0aton Symphony Orchestra on Friday, sic:i ruster kriog furnished as it gavo rje(.eILbr 12th. viiM u in ioo raucii power, lie saia sucu crop statistician in iurnisning r,' rant ion, !o that people would not vi' u-jon unauthorized re- - 1 .... i r :?s ot ''.,verunv-nt statsti'jians. rrans Ji.irkitt, o" Mississippi, moved that a rver (.( all -ub-Alliance secretaries I) t.iVen v-'utch led to all the informa- headquarters and the poles will be re ceived in a few days. There are about seventy five subscribers to start with, which is by no means a small beginning. It is calculated that by the beginning of the new year the system will be iu opera tion. Athough there was a considerable slackness in the leaf sale in Winston for a few days just passed, occa sioned by a few of our large buyers being temporarily effected passed with verbal amendments; also the by the recent Wall street panic, now the tern. All the wire aud tools are at the down a good working majority of repub- the speaker and mock his words. tlo?j l. arm ' on He Meets a Man Whom He Once Nearly Killed And is Nearly Killed Himself. 1 ;i r-;: .tor could be used to destroy the orl.-r Ly po'itician or schemers; that if In', iiati iual secretary, had possessed ro-f -r, he could if he wished have sold I it for 10,000 during the recent politi cal e.itr.paign. liurkitt did not b.dieve that Alliance sscri-fanos wero so CDrrupt as to fall vutiaj.s of such a scheme. Livingston favored Turner's lino of argnmeut. bo it Itunning the Convention? ilirvey, of Florida, thought Living stt.n took up too much of the conven ti . ' , i; i , . . . . . "'u.-iwue anu s'jemeu mciinea to rn. t:i" whole concern. .Livinijstou n-plied that he was run piug it tirait:edly, while neither bin K.L'-i 0 1 i if i lt Vflnn iuriii-r said Ingalls, of Kansas, had w-rtMi ?!.j,ooo for tho roster of the ivm-jas fcceietarios alone. H ants uu Unbridlded Press, (I jvcrnor Huchanan, of Tennosse, pro- ' '! 1 against the amendment to the St. io ;h jil.'.tform passed yesterday, which kv" r:a"ional president power to sua- ' A!iiun:;e papers if they did not ad- '' -i ''t.iis form. The protest was re- ri'i' i to u committee. Wr. II. & R. S. TUCKER A CO. Tables, Cabinets and Pedestals. A magnificent display of cabinets m xVntinue Oak, Mahogany, &c. Tables and pedestals iu Mahogany, Oak, Brass, Onyx and many fancy wooas. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Special to Stats Chponicle. Charlotte, N. C. , Dec. 6. A shock ing affair occurred at Dysartsville this ingham county, was sold yesterday. The morning in which Oapt. J. leaf trade is looking up and improves each day. News comes here that the depression in financial circles has almost destroyed the leaf markets cf some of our sister cities, while in Winston only a small number have been effected by it. It is thought that by the New Year the leaf will bring its full value on our market. The first leaf tobacco sold on the warehouse floor at Sconeville, in Rock- DEATH 11Y IJURNLVtJ. The Heroic Action ol a Raleigh Young Lady. (Cotton Valley Cor. in Robesonian.) Ona of the sadest accidents that has ever taken place in Cotton Valley, oc curred last Monday morning about 10 30 or vsu-m resulted fmm 1 1 arvev' o'clock, at the private school nouse oi Mr. C. W. Wiggings, whereby Ella, his second oldest daughter, was burned al- C. Mills shot Albert Cowman with a double-barrel shot gun loaded with small bird shot, in the lotver part of his abdomen and in his head. Cowman shot at Mills three times and then threw his pistol at him. Cowman is of the gang of rowdies who came so near killing Oapt. Mills af ter a new warehouse was opened and a grand sale had. Sioneville is situated m a licans in the senate. By the terms of its admission to the Union Texas has the consent of Congress in advance to divide itself into five states, each of which would, of course, send two demo cratic members to the senate. No other state has this right, and Texans are too proud of their state's past history and present greatness to think of exercising it upon light provocation. Still, tho right exists, and its exercise depends solely upon the will of the people of Texas. Any other state desiring to form a new state or parts of a new state out of its tertitory must first obtain the consext of Congress." You could get the people of Missouri to divide their state with their great river as the line or get the people of Illinois or Indiana to make two states as easily as you could get the people of Texas to divide into two, four or five states. You couid not get a majority of one precinct in our 22G counties on that proposition. Of the 250,000 voters in ad Texas not 1,000 would vote for disso lutionnot 300 I might say. Were you to guarantee the senate, nouse, presi- The service on last Sundav afternoon. for men only, was the grandest sight ever witnessed in Montgomerv. There were present about five thousand men. After a powerful sermon by Mr. Jones, he muted all to come who would change their course of living and be reconciled to God and live consistent members of the church. A song was sung, led by the matchless singer, Trof. E O. Excell, and at leat four or five hundred men shook hands with the preacher, with b tears flowing down their cheeks, and sobs and moans from their verv souls. It wTas a grand sight, the like of which we have never witnessed before. Old men, steeped in sin, folded each other in loving embrac?, and wept and rejoic ed. White and colored rushed forward and grasped tho preacher by the hand and asked him to continue to pray for them, until tho large crowd was a moving mass of souls pressing to tho front to vow obedieKca to God and to his church Two old men, who had lived lives of sin and wickedness, clasped each other in their arms and bathed their cheeks in each other's tears. No one present, even M. Victor. great tobacco section and some day will dent, supreme court and the governors among the preachers, ever saw such a become quite a market. and legislatures of all the states in the sight, lhe spirit ot God moved upon Union from to-day to the last day of our tne peop:e ana me angeis sang songs oi Union in return, we would not accept rejoicing as mej saw sinners returning For Enrolling Clerk. it. People cn the outside seem to have small conception of tho patriotism and Special Cor. State Chronicle. I desire to place in nomination for En- state pride of the Texan. may ago behind with a rock. Cowman's wounds are painful though county. not necessarily fearful. many political speaking there some time roninK clerk of the next General Assam- UO WHS IUOOUC WUU Ulk JUU1S 1IUU1 , , . , rt Jl TT TTTUV. f A 1 Diy, lur. oiiui i n. neuu, ui niaiuiiucc Sam Webb 13 well known to people in North Carolina. To NORRIS' DRY GOODS STORE. The reputation of our $2,48 ladies' fine shoes is well sustained by the public, most instantly to det':; also the teacher, and no better wearing shoes can be had I'OIt CHIEF CLKRK OF THE HOUSE. Miss Lilly Green, of Raleigh, was burned verv badlv about the arms ana nanas. . 1 It seemed that she wasstanumg wim uer face to or near the fire wnen it caught Mr. S. O. Thompson, who was standing in the third storv of Mr. L. B. Ward s ain hnnsfi. saw it about the time it caueht. but. before he could reach her, her clothes were burned almost entirely from her. Miss Green, in attempting to PTtintrnish the flames was burned as O YT 1 1 AlA above stated. Miss Wiggins uvea unui t-u-.-cial Cor. State Chronicle.) t'lMNviLLE, Pitt couuty, N. 0., Dec. I'-Isveit announced that Mr. B.C. tjckwith, tho talented ande fficient sec Mry of tho State Damceratic Exrcu t.V" Committo3, is a c indidate for chief of the ii'jxt North Carolina Ilouse o: prcs'jntatives. l'i politics, as in war, he who dis jrgtM well and faithfully the duties itied him, deserve promotion and v.trd. The Democratic party and t'l'-' peoplo of North Carolina have never l'' considered ungrateful or unmind fil of eihVient services rendered. -'o nrro H an instanco where the 'taucratic party should show and- ex- I( n l not only justice but cenerositv ' Bei-kwith has served tho Democratic j'rty, and therefore tho people of North -."ilma will bo pleased to see him the l; n; e'.crk in the House, for thev know - . ij.. ii in ii is. m i t na rin nuprnrmnn r r I' ll iy an i state. As Secretarv of the committee in the last campaign give mouths of his time, t.r r.h ti.: If! 1) 'QOtiratif' rviptv nn.l rll I. 1 ,1 - t"-llj f.uu uuw vvcu lie nun " oung chairman of the committee formed the responsible duties of ' (r otiiccs let the forty-two thousand ( J'' 7 Ior too state ticket speak. to hM (i-ialifications to discharge the w, ?i 01 lao oflice of chief clerk, no one rnLf uo3 him wil1 question for a mo- s'v. i 1110 writer has known him for i,.t years' ana" can vouch for hia com-L-'Qcy and his pains-taking industry. Cdle.?yiman for Replace. Let him at any price. They cover "Uommon Sense" and Opera styles, also Common Sense heel with Opera toe. Norris' Dry Goods Store, A HORRIbTTe DEATH. A Lady's Dress Catches l ire--Ana She is Burned Alive. By United Press. 1 Charlotte, N. O., Dec. G. Mrs. such bis qualifications, for this important position, need no comment on my part. To those members of the Legislature, who never had the pleasure of meeting him, I desire to say that be is well quali fied to fill the position to which he nsnires: having served the people of Alamance for a number of years as County Commissioner, and, as secretary of Alamance county fair, built up a county fair second to none in the State. For thorough and efficient work, no better man than Mr. Webb could be selected. Democrat, You may add other Alamos, other Goliads, other San Jacintos to the page of our history, but until then Texas will not bs divided. H. C. Stevenson. Nobbv stvles of cent's and boys' fine bats, in stiff, crush, or knock-abouts, be sides the regular standard shapes. Norris' Dry Goods Store. AN APPEAL TO NORTH CARO- LINA. about C o'clock Tuesday morning when Elizabeth Wilson, wife of a well known she breathed her last, surrounaea by sorrowing relatives and friends. . m m -m The funeral obsequies were conauctea bv Rev. Mr. Evans, of Plainview, at ten o'clock at the residence of Mr. Wiggins, and her remains were laid to rest in the farmer of Burdette, ten miles east of here, suffered a horrible death from burning last evening. While passing a fire place in the house her dress caught, and befcre the , i -, i . 11 l 1-U Asbpolo graveyard, followed by a .arge "7J 1 TlI I tiki' L LA A. W V u w Jk m - - nnmher of sorrowing relatives friend3 to pay their last sad respects. All honor to Miss Creen, lor tne hero ism displayed m trying to save the ycung lady from such a terrible death, and v, e are sure she has tne sympamy oi an our people and to the bereaved family who . . i i p e : i -. A,. have baen aeprivea oi one oi us ucaicon members, we extend our sympathies, and ooint them to the hand of God, who is able and willing to sympathize to the utmost. lievod her of her 55 years old. sufferings. She was A (Jreat Cotton Ilouse Wall. Goes to the By United Press. New Orleans, Dec. 6. The cotton house of V. & A. Meyer suspended yes terday with liabilities aggregating 2 500,000, and assets $3,000. tbird lareest cotton house in the country and was supposed to be one of the wealthiest. They will asK ior an ex- Railroad From Norfolk to Bristol. (By United Press.) Danville, Va., Dec. G. The directors of the Danville & East Tennessee rail roid met here to-day and decided to build a line from Danville to Bristol as soon as the work can be done. The line will ba 200 miles long and practically an extension of the Atlantic k uanvuie road from Norfolk to Danville. Two of the Atlantic & Danville directors were to-day elected directors of the Danville and East Tennessee. GROVER CLEVELAND'S COUSIN. The Wile of the New Methodist Pastor at Salisbury. (Charlotte Chronicle.) Mrs. Lsith, the wife of thesnew pas tor of the Methodist church at Salisbury, is a cousin of ex President Grover Cleve- land. Mr. Leith comes to this Confer ence with the new territory ceded from Holston Conference. Mrs. Leith is rath er to be noted, however, for hor own mental acquirements and intellectual graces, than for her kinship to the ex President. .She writes excsptionally well, with grace, force and logic. Her occasional contributions to her church Ladiis and Gentleman of North Caro lina : You have heard of my great work in Western North Carolina, in educating frr the last twenty-eight years, thous ands of the orphans and indigent of our people, free of tuition charge. You have also heard of my great loss in August last, by fire, in which all my buildings, libraries, nhtes, apparatus and records were destroyed. I am now preparing to re-build. The building has been planned and the contract is in the hands of the workmen. It will co-t $7,000, which I am to pay on July 1st, 1891. I have secured $3,000 of the amount, and need ? 1,000 more. I call upon all good rcen and women in North Carolina to send mo contribu tions I call upon all Christian denom inations, for I work for all. I call upon all. Aliiancemen, Masons, Odd Fellows Prohibitionists aud teachers, for 1 be long to all these classes. 1 The special meeting of Concord Pres- This is bytery, to be held here next Monday evening.promises to be a very interesting one. The primary object is to take ac tion upon an application of Rev. J. P. leosion and y they wl. pay Soil- for Marion, f pastor of the Prey dollar. The recent rinanoial P L" " Thix vii ill n in tnrriiii i inn lvvl ui x- " r : - I claim help upon the ground? that paper are universally praised for their have given free tuition to over 2,000 or finish and stvle. phans and indigents in the last thirty- eight years. NORRIS' DRY GOODS STORE. Cool bracing weather calls for blankets, quilts, cloaks and Canton flan nels, country and shaker flannels, cassi meres . for boys' suits,, good reliable shoes, rubbers, gossamers, gloves, &c, a full supply of which can be obtained at.reasonable prices at Norris dry ijOods o tore. HelD. friends! Direct to me at Ruth erford College, Burke couney, North Oarolina. I am too rheumatic to come to you in the cold of mid winter. Yours truly, R. L. Abernethy. to God. It was a beautiful sight and one that memory will carry to the grave. A hundred or more will join tho churches and the reapiDg is to go on from week to week. The best woik done was in stirring up the members of the churches to a deeper interest in Chris tian work. On Monday night last an immense audience gathered in tha tent to hear the evangelist's last sermon. At the close of the services it was the al most unanimous vote of the audience that Mr. Jones should return again to Montgomery next year. Now, then, what shall we write? Just this: Instead of a little band of forty or fifty to invite him, Mr. Jones will come again at ths earnest solicitation of thou sands. No man ever grew upon the peo ple so rapidly and captured their hearts more completely. Even the most pre judiced have become his friend and his critics are few. lie did a good work in Montgomery, and public sentiment did arise, as from a sleep, and has been rob ed in strength. The fight on bar-rooms, gambling, dancing, card parties, wine hupptrs and other ems, was just what he begged the brethren to pray for "a prairie fire that would burn everything in its way, from a jack rabbit to a buffalo. Yvhat, then, do we think of Mr.JoEes? Well listen: He is a man of wonderful power, a soldier ci unrist, a toiiower ot the Lamb, a terror to evd doers, a preacher of strength, a cyclone of the gospel of salvation. in short, we believe him to be among the greatest of the liv ing ministry and a man who will dare to rebuke sin because it is light and be cause he feels that God will take him into judgment and ask a faithful ren dering of account. Mr. Jones is a tower of strength and a fearless soldier of Christ. With thou sands of others, we will gladly welcome him to Montgomery again. The recent financial panic and the decline in price of cotton each had a share in tho result. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Fitt. Dolls. A perfect army of dolls. They are of all kinds and sizes. JJOii carriages, uuu beds, doll tables, doll chairs, doll china ware, &c, &o. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. application is an out-growtn ot tne re cent Fife meeting at Morganton, one of te results of which was a variance be tween Mr. Marion and some of his peo ple. It is understood that some of the members of his congregation will be at the meeting of the Presbytery to resist the dissolution of the relation between him and the church. Statesville Land- I mark. A Correction. (Special Cor. State Chronicle.) Durham, N. C, Dec. 6. The head lines of your dispatch from Charlotte, in this morning's paper, are calculated to convey a wrong impression. It was not an insurance company or ganized, but an association of insurance agents; just as you editors have your press associations. Please correct and greatly oblige. Yours very truly, Samuel l,. Adams, Secretary. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was iust an ordinary scrap of wrap- hnt. it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told bv physicians that she was incura ble and could live only a short time; she Pichod Ips than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read o Dr. King's New Discovery, and got i sample bottle. It helped her, she bough a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fur ther particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bot tles of this wonderful Discovery free at John Y. MacRae's drugstore. A Paper Combine in Winston. (Special to State Chronicle.) Winston, N. C, Dec. C This after noon J. O. Foy, proprietor of the Twin City Daily, of this city, purchased the Western Sentinel, the second oldest pa per in North Carolina, and will consoli date the two. W . II. A R. S. TUCKER A CO. French China. Thi? week we will show handsomer sets of French china than we have ever brought cut before, and this means a great deal. In this department our assortment of Fine Plates, Dishes, Chocolate Pots and Knick-Knack3, afford a splendid oppor tunity for the selection of sensible and inexpeosive gifts. W. II. A- R. S. Tucker A- Co. ! i 1 0 1 ; i, ' f

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