iTIicState Chronicle Largest Circulation of any Daily Paper published in North Carolina. I! 1 1 The State Chronicle Is the only pap;r publ shed i the States that has a Lei ed Wire, anil a special o,. ra j in its own fiice ; and i the o I paper in Raleigh that tikte th rcLL press dispatches. Qual and Exact Justice to All Men, ot Whatever State or Persuasion, Reliaious or Political.- rhos. Jeiterson. Vol. IX. No. 89. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE I9 1891. PRICE: ? CENTS. TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY III FOIL BUST, Opening Speech Made by I)r- Geo. W. San- derlin. NOTES FROM HIE ASSEMBLY. composed of the following ladies and gentlemen: Mr. and Mrs. John Burwell, Mr. and Mrs. Omem Foster, Dr. Fab. Haywood, Miss Mamie Meadows and L. J. Battle, Miss Lillian Ilolmesley and Frank M. Harper, Miss Emma Katie Jones and A. B. Andrews, Jr., Miss Mamie Allen and K. 1. Man- gum, Mrs. Ellis and Dr. Skinner, J. .Meyers and II. Rumbough. Among the married ladies pres ent, Mrs. Willie Tucker is con picuous for hiT charming appear ance and delightful manners. There were about fifty persons in the surf this afternoon. More bovs are need ed here badly. Can't some of the Kaleigh boys come to the rescue? At nine o'clock a most delightful morning sail was given bv Miss Fannie Holt, of Graham. Two boats were chartered and we had music and sailing, with the light of the moon. There are at least one thousand guests here now, but the Foster Bros, will no doubt prove equal to the task of assigning all to rooms. We were glad to grasp the hand of Dr. Thos. Hume of, Chapel Hill, and also that of Henry King of Kaleigh. All of us are having a I'llV'll THl(l t.lllC "llil ii'n nnviiii.'l ' it . , , I nil' IIIIH till lUIAIMIl."! ) I lie exercises Were begun bv sill"- 4i i rn , . . . ' : 'ii 'iitnur t id liwii'i-iiir t 1 . .1 . '1 ..I ..iiiiin uii, hum i wn l U. 11 Aill- GRAHD CHANCELLOR P' iH 30. M, SHEhWOOD. A Raleigh Boy Honored With the Highest Pvthian Office AT THE STATE GRAND LODGE. THE TKADE IS OFF. The Uu'IiHm Tobacco Company Do?s Not Enter the Trust. By The Uoi-.e i Prea Roanoke, Va., June 18 It is authentically reported here to-day that the pending sale of the Black well Smoking Tobacco Works at Durham to the American Tobacco Trust is off and that the business will be continued with Col. J. S. Carr as president. BLOOD AND THUHDER A AMONG THE TURKS.! GREA T MMDPlMTflH munuMiiiu III t Mihran, an Italian Rob- j Thos. W. Mason, Esq., ber, Monarch of all j Eloquently and Bean- Mr. a:,d J;-.. IB. A. Tucker Giro a Del'yhtful Sail ( Friends. Pcail to the Chronic lc-.j Mnijr.iir.i City, N. C, June Is Tli - Assembly Hall was abso- ' 1 v lilh-d to-dav"at 10:;h A. M. le witness the opening exercises of riil.-, ihe eighth annual session of the North Carolina Teachers' As- mill v. inglhat patriotic song, "Mv Conn-! , - t i ... . . ... , , mage s appearance is expected. :rv . with charming Miss Homes ey I i. f-e i . . ' ,,.,,,. 11 1?i quite gratilviug to be ;i : ! t lie piano. Braver bv Dr. Sk hi-L , ; i .' . , to announce that not a single v. i 1 i H'iei-H, men (i it SOI I g, i i J l . , r . 1 . . .. . oler lias so tar ventmed to start vi:ii ot Mv Niul. 1 he newlv A Hemic r of Phalanx Lodyc, No. I f Elected by a, Flutter! ny Vote, and His Friends are Glad. A Kaleigh boy was again honor ed vesterdav. At the Grand Lodge, Knights of Bythias, held in Charlotte, Mr. J. M. Sherwood, Bast Chancellor of Bhalanx Lodge, No. 3 1, of this city, was elected by a flattering vote Grand Chancellor of the The President -ohs to Cape Slay, fBv the V.w-A j Wasiunctox, D. C, June 18 President Harrison, accompanied by Mrs. Harrison, their two grand children, Mrs. Dimmick, Mrs. Geo. B. Williams and Miss Ella War field, lett Washington this morning at 0 o'clock over the Pennsylvania railway for Cape May point. Tin? cottage there is ready for the party. The President will remain at the sea-shore until next Tuesday. he Surveys. tifullv Pleads HE PULES HIS BAND, FOR A DAVIS MONUMENT. "it. UornjMilsory Education in t'enn sylva uia. IIauijisiu-kg, Pa., June 18. The Governor has vetoed the com- ible ar- Austrian Sttt.ject-s Mistreated. ! et.-d Pivid.-nt. Prof. Charles 1). M -her. then introduced the most up Annie Roony.'W ill endeavor to 'five a fullaceount of to-morrow's i nt'oeeeili r. i i.Tlaiiiing -peaker in North Car-! 1 na, lion. (ico. V. Sandei lin, I F. M. II. iJl livau Figlit flavin ? IBy The United Press v. ii"-e duty it was to make the open- i;r.: addre.-i. The manner in which j performed that duty was niani-i I'd in the faces of his audience.! Omaha. Neb.. June 18. Tin '. ', ihe hour and twentv min- i Mairic Athletic Club last nilit . lid. most entenain'in- of! offered a purse of L':,n0 for a U l,ilst thnv .Vl'5ll"s? togetlmi 1 i . . .: t . i . ....... i i d-li.rhted his nuli-! iiiiht b t ween Snllivan ami Slaviu. I lu' vuvv? ana eninusmsn order in North Carolina. This was good news to his host ; pnr education bill 1 I 1 1 111 oi irieuas in uaieign and all over j the J-Jtate, :ind the news, which was I telegraphed here yesterday after-! By the United Press. noon, soon spread over the city. j Vienxa, June Us. The govern- Mr. Sherwood is the efficient and j nrnt announced in tlm Beichsrath j)opnlar Assistant Treasurer of the j to-day that a careful inquiry into Baleigh and (iaston Bailroad Com- the alleged maltreatment of Aus lany, and Treasurer of the Durham trian subjects in Virginia. U. S., and Northern, and is known and j -hewed that no foreign workmen esteemed by everyone, and every- i ha I bee subjected to ill-treatment where. it lure. lie is an enthusiastic Pvthian, Which Demands Toll lo-n all Tarls Upon the Penalty of Death ar.d Destruction. (By Calda.) London, June 18 A dispatch j from Constantinople gives an ac count of the increase of brigandage in various parts of the Turkish Empire. In the Ti rkish province known as Old Servia, a brigand thief named Mihran has established himself in the mountains with about SO followers and lives in princely fashion on black-mail exacted from the people of the villages. They are glad to pay the exemption and protection of their property from injury and for that purpose each householder pays Mihran a sum in proportion to his possessions. Christ ians being obliged to pay about double the amount exacted from the Turks. Mihran is said to be a ren- He is followed by Col. Thos. S. A nan. iclta a7 so Soeals of the Confederacy 's Chief tain. Special to State Chronicle Moiiganton, N. C, June 18 The meeting of the veterans here to-day to raise funds for the Davis Monument' was a glorious success, notwithstanding the fact that the farmers are busy in their harvest. The old soldiers turned out in force, and these with the citizens and fair women of Monranton, filled the lare Burke county courthouse to over flowing to hear the addresses of Hon. Ihomas W. Mason and Col. Thomas S. Kenan. The orators were introduced by Associate Jus tice Avery, and for two hours the larire audience lis- and considering the great increase in numbers of that order in the State nu '.olph ISolliug l; ad. Uy The United Press. I tfMif'tl witli nmt ;iftoiitinn in tin egade Italian, and he holds his fol-; lMv iMWvrM iu lowers m complete discipline. One Ulis hUtori. towll. Mr. Ma.i's ot them havinir l.ieen shown to have elllo "V on Jefierson 11 . t i s. v:i plundered a peasant who had punct-1 t71 . i . r 1 -iii i -i Ai-i i supern. rdeuant and chaste in dic- uallv iaid black-mail, JMihrau had ! f -ii ' i 4i i 1 ill i tion. it wui rank with the nest, pro file offenders ears and hands cut I ,i, . , 4v . TI I auctions ot the aire. He canie es- u. and sent them in a ha'j to tlie t ,. i . , , . . i i . . , terdav a strange;- and to-da los praise is on every tongue. His ihute to Southern women was a o ' . . ' . . 1 1 O K ' . .vvu...;....-.xm, va., . line jo. . trntwed Tcasant. , v,hh a -r.-, f h uhtrh, for ; A $it,non Bond' was filed to makr ! A' lh.! roV ( Jnn,1 C!i;Ui!vI!,,r' it ; '-able dispatch was received here to-j Mihran exacts from every one 1 JH 1 tt, l.., .x.-..,. ! T.....I tl. 1 ! J-" ate to say that lb- cominir vear .lav announcing the death of Ban- ! tl... liu:mi- ihie to the hunk of P;e:i. . ! . .lii-ea-ed at MoreheadCitv. i vv5il h" 1 ureat success ibr ihe ' .h-i,,, Billing at (ietown, Africa. Th,. Turkish authorities made a .'i ;K. tll.:,. : I4- ,-...,,. ' ' . i o,. l .. : . . i c . i ' n i i 4. i , . . , . , 1.1 Ke i nei i s i s i ej ot v. a 1 1 1 i.i ,re Ii v,a- one of his neatest effort s. 1 uihtio-, u ra;i UvivhcM. j ( h '. m tie- State. I h- aeceas-d was a highly esteemed . ,l;.inonstration ot atlackm- the lv.(iX , t . r . ,. i i t , . 1 1 . ' . t . ( i ' l i i i i . , , ' i we u o e iiieii lail 1 1 es.e into His subie.-t v.a-'- "The Importance1 ' ,!1 ,h ,,'B,i't ul "ami( ban-, young citizen ot Kichmond, and was ; !ni-ads about three mouth- u'io. , ,.p(.nl . to ,M.r!j tl(1 y. j end Dbjhiiv Due the Tea 'her for i f:h);., j -''llor Cook we find the Order in a; at Capetown representing the Bich-imt withdrew their forces without lJJZ- Thev I no ell-ne,, d 1 , - T i r, , t i i i ii t i' i . , . , . iii r.ii oi uouir. iiievioocnau'jeii B Hi-di Vorajbui." Vfter a ! - ii:na, June 1 )ut ot a total i condition, having over ; moml Branch ot the American lo-i lVyUir done anvthmir ot -onse-, tl . , , , . , , . . , , , i ,-ic, .i . j .. i 1 t i r 4 1 i 1 . .. . , . , iiieu in. n lone.- into silken .launers .btful inlrodueiion. tin- sp aker , u' members in th' il'ichseratli. ! in--inle, a Li'aiu of per , na.-eo v . ilewas thrown from a j uut-nce. Iihran remained m seclu-' u..(L.r wi W utt.v (.,11, . fared tli.-I tie were fbur classes (b-rman liberals number 1 I (I. ! cent, in the last year. ; liore a lew days ago and had his ; fur f,;W davs. and then sud- ; :.t tl, jir ..(!T "pjj,. .,, v,:l;)1;l honor was due: The new majority will be formed ! The Gmroxiru: is happy in this i Pg fractured which necessitated am- ; m.Iv descende.l o'n the villages and ; ! w '"eoneno.d ,!,';,' f-dr l,lh i Mini-ter. of the (ios.H.l: (1,.:by the addition of;!0 mod -rate con-j ,; ''"f ion the yaluaole services , lu.Jat ion. It is supposed that he ! collected all the amounts that the : " .... . . ' ... . .....,...:.. 1 Co Tl i oi 5';i-.t i i:i!li-:'l iir S hi rwoo.' frith,-. 1 i lo of Oec I:: w 1 J l iiiitinw v . 1. . . .. I ! 1 1 , ,;( I i ((( sei .ii i e- a : m o - , oies. l ll e .- " .......... t t ... , v .......... peasauil lla'l illiieeo lO on e voun'i' Czechs, i 'rd:'!', and extemls its congrat tile- -. uealn ce.sts a gloom over Ki en mom I ; The mo-t startlinu reports eo ei i' I e.i r i w oriliv of all ; 1 1 1 1 sections of tb iVoi,, ihe erv nature afid ' anti-semitics, and rdir::. Jencals i ''' ; e ,.f ,B ,-aUing: II - has to; 'Vtil constitute th tu-posiii(),.. ' . , i ! i !e ' i ', i ' 1 1 1 i , ! a 1 m i i i d . What, " j - i :; X, m:;!er. What B:. VnrMru, d f r ;,o:v;. i N"er laiieb Dr. Ar-; . ! !: : 1 1 -! t'-e he". Iiseil lo soeiet v Io-s:?iit;e' o( h uture. The itker!s . in. pra ver. me rr' i if ii l . ( m ( , i e 1 v i 1 ' : ! l i W : i s ; 1 1 1 1 o i e o i from Algeria of the ravages a tin - c , . . i , , ,.. i .. i , . . ii i 1 1 . , . i 1 1 t ,'iiii .I!1.. 1 i n ,!) l . . i. :. . .1 i . i . mi nap ana a ro pruoe loCUSt: In nuuiv districts not ; J:v C 1 K rs i C'ty ' i- -t " Mr. V !i.-en iincuted what he (By the I n;te i Press.) srie- remains on a farm, ami the i ,.i. 1 ,i i '. i , m in- remai us lo the oia e,erau. haljitaiits are m a famisuin jf eon- i , f i A nice eont rr.iiit i m tilt uea. heir onlv resort for food n was en to i calls a eo-mieal teleala e i n hen he came into Drr.MN', B-e.. June Bs. Tlie Na-! en eh! -s h:m o 1 . ttw, Tm!: fnm;i,u.iit i' iiiiil -1 i t . . t l , s . i tl , I. .'l"ll Hill, III I lllt'l, HM, I i i i i i , i t . i ; i . i ! i : i . 1,1 .ii ... i m in .1 ti,,,i.,,. -,.- y.t ,-i,i..i, . . . ... 'e . ,ae a . , ... ' which the old so ale s oi ,o k oi ;i i . . ; ' i t l i : if.,, ! - t i i i , J , i , i ! - w . 1 , . . .... T ". .. ....... I 1 . . . . . ..ii 1 1 i, 1 1 1 1 1 n i m 1 1, n- a si ouaniiiies a re o. a u u ear the sun s;:ot I consumeU. i . , - of one of his pupiB . timial Press says that proeetMfings j r,Mr 'flint man will m t be irv- ; in'r i'iiViV oi'lm'ir liv- 1,51 s iu thesev-i 'Phe French Colonial authorities elegant dinner prepared for tie .,B. he, "i know not but have been commenced against lar-;ingto !ind out what the wildwaes i .oe, iaiKiie: lo the future rulers' aell to recover from him the sum of! art. whispering. " Tl... !mi!iiihis, of S."M.(MM). which he has been ordered i ' . I ' I I A.' . I . - . ' ... .... . . .. . . . , f . ,1 :d .A' hi, on. ' to na v as co,ts in the ( j'Shea divorce ! A 1 I nii.i) v Dinu -d. 111 I'K'niniii inning, out noi serious I 1 i i o sav me plague (K-easion. emu inning. J lies:.' with tne aidot ai'e taking step-s t a foul by Irowning nettel four ;l mm-h a.- possible bv th ' use of i - i , jjiirr were marrn runs. ..nller had his foot injured: scientific means. r , , Ar , .... , . , IJ ! . i iO-s a !'H .! I - A Shanghai lispatch that : sir ! a-e in ils effc.-t s. suit 'ling feeililes f J ) nt'i'i(Cf. 1 Iv Pittsburg :j, Cincinnati 4. ; tln number of executions in that Senator Aevrv and Mrs. Lilian ed las! night and Kate ( ha nibers the ni jbt before. All off on bridal (By thf. ("nit"! Fro as ) Pi:Ti:ui;!-i!i:e, Out., June IS. ! Beatin. ; Batteries, Galvin and 3Iack. 3Iul- ; vicinity has m,t been jtaralleled. since 'loin' and Harrington. Cnipire, j tie. Tioiie-- rebeilir.;. 11 1 lie mor - active of the mob loaders have fall- tour. Kilted lv :t Train. ... . ' I 1 l . itII-!-TlllfJIl I I I I ? k I I - iL... . ... ..i. .. "I., . . - - -:eial plea for the plod-, t oil mvr .'ist rate: . i . 1 . i... t ; '""" acilC'M mi- jnoo ie;;uei ii, i e oui- P- Tlio Ctiltwl i i,. 1 1 ,M ,'l i, ! vocation calis I V 4 ..i 1 1 ............ 1., i J ifle L uitea I re.Ss. ,,W , fllvHieU iPrcsO- j . Ml 1 .. . - ' ' At New York Philadelphia en into the hands of the govern-; TOXN-oKK '.. I,,,,,. fy...;,, rrra.tce ; (.) uisikou- ' Hiawatha, went sailing ma small: , 1 , , , , , ,'"AN"K,- v..,.iun i.o-i.i game j"si ponvo. fid'j, (,, t is also necessary. ,;, Pa., June 18. vacht on Bice Lake last evening. ry school, aeh pupil will J'ather Mollingcr is so comjdettdy siublen sipiall capsi.ed their boat ' mi. d-r one of ihe following ' ovhausted oer the strain of the !; ;!nd John JrH)te. his wife. B) year ; m Boston No gam;1 to-day. Chieaso Just Did . (1) The plodding ox, (2) ' past few days that he has been j ol( daughter, and their 4 year-old i Clkvklam), 0., June Is ' 1 ? ", .0 Va duly i-B d oiit h' tW,'n U,rMl;!,1u al -lubborn mule, the fiery J roiupelPd to take to his bed. He I babv were drowned. The others ;( Bunber threw away an ll',rt-1 tl, rxecuVioner havin- ,'. Vbribei nl Jntan.tly klll,'M . or (1) the soaring eagle." j has nervous prostration, and he has wcl.;, rescued. The bodies of the i ity to win to-day's game by allow-; - - ' ' nmrried about four months -peaher then touched upon ! announced that he cannot see pa- drowned were recovered. ing Chicago to score five runs in nl'vh ' - lived near the place wh.-rt i. r's blue-back spelling book, j Bents. He intends to go away for the seventh inning, after two men j P j . ss . killed. n 1 I ..a. -f' , ? 11 ..1.1.... , r :n Ids wittiest style gave some a r(.;t as soon as he can recover sut illations of the manner m which ficiently from his prostration. ; 'j- Ibng lesson was conducted " l! :igo. I lis address was full of :"K but was not at all dry. It u " ;e knowledged by all to be the ' iitertaining seech ever de 1 ' i ' 'I here. WhT tin; jtddress, the audience " '.'"n iied to the dining room where 1.1 I . . k A l11' mint dinner was waiting, vi o'clock ji free sail was given 'ill the boatmen to the entire v, iiibly. The day has been de t w w .:l ,,,d with no rain, but a steady tour o'clock a sail was given Jr. ami Mrs. Willie mcKer, Hucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Pvheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by John Y. MacRae. ent troops, and been condemned j on,,. , ( rf0jk , ,..u vn Bail- to death. One of tie- men who ro;1 t,...,!.-, wa run over by wrecked the French mis-ion wa- .senger tr .in at Yick.-rs' Switch, to ne cm 10 piece.., ana 1)t tw,.on (;hrNt j:!11sburg :iIld i;a(. He was .ago and he was Lost. i were our. irtues all round pia - o.tu,: , ;. Tacoraa Colleciur lu be Removed. . - , . . D lieu i Uu licl Uli lllC LIlLlll itL lutinuil ' A small package of surgical in- ! ing was the feature. Cleveland b; )e sure to ask for one of Upchurch & ! struments, mailed at Gohlsboro, ! Chicago 11. Batteries, Gruber and Lancaster's carriages. We will send ; (By The United Press.) June 1.3, to the State Hospital, ! Simmer; Stern, Luby and Bowma. i -.ity for cents Our stables are open ! 1 acoma, U ash., June 1. Pn Lmpire, Lynch. American Association. Traveling gives violent headache. Bradycrotine cures them at once. Raleigh, is unaccountably missing. Anybody to whom it has been de livered by mistake, or who may find it, will be rewarded upon its deliverv to the addresser or the Postmaster. A. W. Shaffer, P. M. j-!8-2t. Ladies' Shirt Waists. The shirt waist is more popular now than ever, and to-day we show new lines. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. At Boston No game, rain. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 3, St. Louis 6. Batteries, Dwver and Kelly, Stivetts and Boyle. Umpire, Jones. At Washington Game called at the end of the third inning on ac count of rain. At Louisville Louisville 2, Col umbus 7. Batteries, Kneel and Dowse, Bell and Cook. Umpire, Davis. day and nisht the year throush. Vate advices received in Tacorna . LANCASTER & LPCHLBCH, j , , , . junltWt. Kaleigh, N. C. nam asinngioii siaie umi . Collector C. 31. Bradhaw, ot the ' Bort Townsend custom district, will Where theSuow Birds Nest. For a cool place in summer; for be removed very soon. Formal health and recreation visit Linville, j charges were filed against him at Grandfather Mountain, and the J the Treasury Department some beautiful region surrounding them. ! time ago alleging incompetency, j neglect of duty and connivance at Regular sales of real estate will commence in Linville on June 1st. Residence and business lots, and suburban sites ottered at private j sale only. certain irregularities,notably, smug gling of opium, and bringing into this country of contraband China men by means of false certificates may-6-2-m. from Victoria.

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