hcjMatc (Chronicle PUBLISH KD DAILY AKD WEEKLY BY TflK ClIttONICI.E PUBLISHING Co. 216 Fayetteville Mtreet, Ralekjh, North Carolina. T. It. J K It N Hi AN, Editor. ( 1 Y DAILY. H (3 M SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Year tontlis H On Months 1 50 TiikWkkkly Ohuoniclk (eiKhtpages); Oue year ft.2T. In clnbs of five. 1 00. Correspondent of the Chronicle will please bear in mind that no communica tion will be published, except over the minor's real name. Brief letters of cor rent topics will always receive attention, and, If found available, will be used with the condition above named. FRIDAY. June 24,1892. IIK.-norilATK! STATU TK KIiT. FOR OOVKI'.NOR, Km as Cark, of Kdgecombe. FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, R. A. lKt't;ilTON, of Buncombe. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE, O TAvirs t'oKK.of Wake. FOR AUDITOR, H. M. Fpkman, of Huiiconibc. FOR TREASHRER, 1. W. Bain, of Wake. FOR Hl'IT. OF rURLIC INSTRUCTION, .1. C. SrARHOKorfJH, ol Johnston. FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL, K. I. Oshoknk, of Mecklenburg. rora all attempts to straddle. The ut terances are bold and clear, typifying the character of the great democratic eader in the contest. It is only neces sary to read this platform to see at once that the convention meant business, and did not mean that the nature of the business should be misunderstood. Read the platform carefully. Cut it out for future reference. ; It n v i: it X K V K LA N . This gentleman was nominated yester day by the Democratic National Conven tion for President. It is the third time he has been nominated by the reprcsen t itivcs of a large majority of American voters for that high oflice. No American citizen, however distinguished, has ever had such an houor conferred. Mr. Cleve land is worthy of this honor, and of the great party that, for the third time, has confided its leadership to him. The nomination at Chicago emphasizes the confidence of the country in the ex President. His record as President is without stain or blemish. lie adminis tered the Executive office as a trust from the people, lie met every requirement and discharged every duty. Mr. Cleve land is an honest man and a patriot. The country believes that he is both, and this belief is the overmastering influ ence that secured his nomination by more than a two thirds vote on the first ballot. The democratic masses wanted him. They instructed the delegates to vote for him. These delegates obeyed, and the result in November will prove their wisdom. We believe that Mr. Cleveland will be elected. In the Ameri can bosom there lives an instinctive ad miration for nobility of character. It has been turning to Mr. Cleveland for several years, and yesterday it named him as its representative. Defeat in the last Presidential election has not shaken democratic belief in the availability of the ex-President. Every month since his defeat Mr. Cleveland has grown in popular strength and popular esteem. His career has been extraordinary. His popularity is without a parellcl in Ameri can political history. What is the cause of it all ? He was born honest, has lived honest, and that is the cause. In this man the people have found great pleasure, and they determined that he should fill two terms as Chief Magistrate of this Re public, even if he had to be nominated a third time. The platform, revised and now accurate, upon which Mr. Cleveland was nominated, appears elsewhere. Read it. On public questions its democracy is sound, and it does not vary in princi ple from the platform adopted by our late State convention. Alliance and non Alliance Democrats can stand to gether on both of these platforms and elect the Federal and State nominees of the Democratic party. A. K. STKVKNSON. The democratic nominee for Vice President was born in this State. Mr. Stevenson was first assistant Postmaster iSi-nernl under the Cleveland administra tion. He now lives in Illinois, is very popular there, and was a possible nominee for the Presidency. A majority of the North Carolina delegation supported him for the first place on the ticket. He will add strength, as his popularity in the West is said to be very great, and he is favorably known to the Democrats of the wholo country as the officer who turned out the largest number of Repub lican postmasters. President Harrison has manifested pleasure in appointing negro postmasters for the South. This will be dilTercnt after the election of Cleveland and Stevenson. It is a strong ticket. Uloreherd City New. Speeial Cor. Wtate Chronicle. Morehead, N. C, June 2:i. Mr. Eutrene Harrell, secretary, presented to the Assembly to-day a gavel cut from a tree on Lookout mountain, Lmbeaded m the gavel is a Duuei urea in me memorable battle at Lookout mountain. The following committees were ap pointed : Press committee E. E. Brit- ton, chairman, J. Allen lioit, Alexander Graham. Programme committee J. J. Blair, chairman, Dred Peacock and Dr. J. B. Shearer. Teachers' Bureau com mittee D. L. Ellis, chairman, Misses Rachel Brook field and Mattie Whittaker. Yesterday afternoon the boatmen gave a sail complimentary to the Assembly and .. ., - iv -llJ-n1 it was greatly enjoyea oj an. xisnop Lyman took a party ol mends over to ueauiort, anu some oi them called on Judge Davis, who is at Miss Sarah Davis' celebrated boarding house He stood the trip down very well and is enjoying the sea breeze. Bishop Lyman will preach on Sunday in the Assembly Hall, and will be assisted in the service by Rev. E. M. Forbes, the venerable rector of the Episcopal church at Beaufort. The Bishop is enjoying his visit, and is loud in praise of North Caro lina teachers and North Carolina schools. In a short and feeling address yesterday he said that he believed there was less skepticism in North Carolina than any other State in the Union, ana ne at tributes this to our homogeheous population, and the excellent instruction imparieu in our scuouis. Prof. Frank Beard, the celebrated chalk artist and cartoonist, delivered one of his celebrated lectures last night, and amused the audience immensely, with his humorous pictures, cartoons and witty remarks. He is a prime favor ite and will deliver another lecture to morrow. The State convention of the under takers is in session here. It was called to order by Vice-President, W. P. Woot ten, of Wilson. Rev. Dr. Skinner opened with prayer, and a hearty speech of wel come was made by Mr. W. L Arendall and his address was responded to by Mr, Jesse W . Stanley. The several commit tees were appointed. Twenty-six new members were admitted . The following officers were elected: President, J, Robt. Parken, of High Point: Vice President, A. C. Vogelers, of Salem, and F H. Zeigler, of Elizabeth City : Secre tary, J. M. Harry, ef Charlotte Treasurer, Mr. Brown, of Concord. There was discussions upon subjects for the advancement of the association. Mr. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, arrived to-night, and received a warm greeting from the teachers and friends of educa tion. He will deliver an address to night on "What Business Men Expect of the Public Schools." "HOTHER'S FRIEND" is a scientifically prepared Liniment and harmless; every ingredient is of recognized value and in constant use by the medical profession. It short ens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to life of Mother and Child. Book 4To Mothers" mailed free, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, $1.50 per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 61. Sold by all druggists. Valuable Property For Sale. Havine obtained an order of court to sell 8 nblicly any portion of the real estate of laryA- Morehead, deceased, this is to give notice to any wno may aesire wi pu chase any of Eatd real estate to apply to the imdersisrned. n a snmcient oner is maae to justify the placing or any 01 saia reai estate 11 non the market the same will be done after due advertisement of the time and place of sale. JNO. T. PULLEN, jeH-tf Admr. c. t. a. FREE TO MAGISTRATES AND County Officers, UDon the receipt of name and postoffice we will mail to any Magistrate or County Officer in North Carolina a copy of Revis ed Fee Bill and List of Blanks to be used. EDWARDS fc BROUGHTON, Publishers, Raleigh, N. C -IPIIXT. M. S. CLARK, RALEIGH, N. C, I iS li 1 in' " TJii iHllH " IS PREPARED TO DO SLATE ROOFING In any portion of the State on short notice. Charges moderate. All wort gnaranraea. References given. Address for particu lars. . M. S. CLAKH, P. 0. 132. Raleigh, N. C. THE MOST OHjftJRMI2STC3- SUMMER SE-SIIME RESORT ON THE ATLANTIC COAST. THE NO FMES ! ::: ATLANTIC ::: HOTEL MOREHEAD CITY, 1ST. O. NO MOSQU1TOS 1 N NO NOI8K! Did you know that one half of the tin roois in Raleigh need painting at this time and some are being damaged by the lack of a coat of GOOD PAINT. I make a specialty of pale ting roofs, and nothing but tin roofs, and use nothir g but the BEST ROOF PAINT MADE. Water Proof and Rust Proof. I have used it more than twenty years All work warranted. J. C. S. LUMSDEN, mr3C-tf Raleigh, N. C. D. T. Johnson. (AGENT.) W holesale Dealer In Lemons, Chickens, Oranges, , Eggs, Bananas, r Butter, Cabbage, Peanuts, WANTED : Daily Shipments of Chick ens and Eggs. QUICK SALES, BEST PRICES AND PROMPT RETURNS. Now on sale a consignment of N. C. Hams and Shoulders, and a big lot of N. C CUT AND ROE HERRING in barrels and half barrels. Will make low prices to the trade NEW CABBAGE RECEIVED DAILY. Always in Store : A large and well selected stock of staple and f aucy NO MALARIA ! But the finest Fishing, Boating, Batiiing, Sailing atsd Sea Brkkzk to be found along the American Coast is enjoyed at Morehead City. Soft Crabs, Scollops, Shrimp, Clams, anil every delicacy of the sea, i served in abundance to guest with the very best of everything which the interior markets will supply. Many thousand dollars have just been expended in repairing, improving, enlarging and Ix-uutifying tin inimrnsr Atlantic Hotel and premises so as to make it a far more delightful and Mpular summer home for rest, recreation ar.d enjoyment than ever before. These improvements are also to be seen on the sound, at the surf, in the bathing houc and elsewhere about the Hotel. : TO : LOAN ! ! ! . We are now prepared to negotiate loans on centrally located BUSINESS PROPERTY IN I1ALEI6H and otaer North Carolina cities, in sums of $2,000 and upward, and on three to five years time. Till; I'l.ATIi-OKIU. The "glittering generalities" that so often disfigure party platforms are con spicuously absent from the platform adopted by the Democratic National Convention at Chicago yesterday. It declares the faitl of the Democratic party in the soundness of Jeffersonian democracy: for home rule; against the force bill; against high tariff; for gold and silver; for the government control of trusts and combines, and for the repeal of the ten per cent tax on State bank is sues. These are some of the demands of the platform upon which Grovcr Cleveland was nominated and which were submitted and approved by him before he was nom inated. Compare the Chicago platform with that adopted by the State democ racy and they will be found the same in every essential particular. On the sub jects referred to, the Chicago platform gives no uncertain sound. The language is clear and explicit, and the meaning doed not admit of a doubt- It is free ltHtilicatiou Meeting at IVIoreliead. Special to the State Chronicle. - Atlantic Hotel, Mokehbau City, June 23 . A large and enthusiastic meet ing of teachers and friends of education, now at the Atlantic hotel, in attendance on the teachers' assembly meeting, held a meeting at 2 :30 o'clock to ratify the nomination of Grover Cleveland, the nominee of the National Democratic convention for President of the United States. Enthusiastic speeches were made by Mai. . M. Finger, Hon. J. C. Scar borough, Col. J. S. Carr, Capt. T. W, Mason, President Charles D. Mclver and Mr. Jusephus Daniels. The meeting ad journed to meet again at the polls in .November. Maj. S. M. Finger said there are no braver and truer people than North Car olinians, and they admire a brave, hon est and courageous leader even though they may diner with him as to some views. Mr. Cleveland's general charac ter for bravery and honesty of purpose and his strict integrity as to all his promises, and to all pledges which his party may make for him, make him iust the kind of a man that North Carolinians should delight to vote for. I think the opposition to him will gradually die away, ana that he will get the electoral vote of the State. I do not believe a stronger nomination could have been made." Josephus Daniels said: "It was the best nomination that could have been made. Clevelaud is strong everywhere, because he is the best living type of democratic principles, and he enjoys the confidence of all men of all paities, his position on the silver question weakens him in North Carolina, but he is so hon est and so brave that our people will vote for him when no other man having his views could obtain their support. He stands iu this campaign as the only hope of the masses in their struggle against the aggression of the classes, and the only hope of all who fear the passage of the force bill and all other sectional legislation. Maj. J. W. Wellons said that it was the wisest thing that could have been done." Bishop Lyman said : "I know a num ber of republicans in New York who will vote for Mr. Clevelaud and I believe there are aiany throughout the North who will do likewise." Prof. J. Allen Holt said: "A won derfully strong ticket. It meets the highest aspirations of the party. I have never wavered in my belief that Cleve land would be and ught to be nomi nated, Mr. J. S. Carr said that nobody could doubt Cleveland's greatness, and that whatever democrats might have thouerht as to his availability it was now the duty of all democrats to give him warm support. 1 lie general sentiment here is that the nominee is a strong one and mat it is a winner. Mr. Mclver said: "While no man who understands North Carolina can doubt that Cleveland will lose votes on account of his expressed views on the silver quesj tion, yet on the other hand our people have only that against him; he is the first choice in every other particular. The people know Mr. Cleveland to be courageous and incorruptable statesman, and their friend. Courage and honor appeal most strongly to North Carolina people and Cleveland is the embodiment of both. After his stand against pension frauds and for tariff reform it is hardly possible that we would fail to support such a man when our failure so to do means the election of a man who is Correspondence invited. Inter-State Trust & Brokerage Co. Especially adapted to the wants of the city trade. Prompt attention to orders. Free and prompt delivery. 'Phone 23. D. T. JOHNSON. Agt., RALEIGH, n. C. S-d&w tv CAM'S mm 7ITAL1ZERS A UUiCK AlU Ok. TIVE Restorer of Manlj Vigor, and the only lie estimate specific for sexua Debility and Lost Vital ity known. AMarvellout Inviaorator, entire!) harmless. Druggists or bj mau. i, eior 5. mrcu lars free. DR. R. Jj. CATON, Box 5.257, Boston, Mass oct20-d&wly :THE ATLANTIC HOTEL OPENS FOR GUESTS ON JUNE 11, 1 The property has been leased by the noted Chicago Inn Company with Mr. .John (). Plank as manager. The experienced manager will conduet the business of the houce with a force of the most skilled assistants and employee to be obtained, and the service will be all that can be desired. AN EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA AND IMMENSE BALL ROOM New Furniture, New China and New Carpets will be appreciated and enjoyed liv guests. This will be the biggest summer season that Morehead City has ever experienced and you ought to make your arrangt nients to be there on June 18th. Rates very reasonable, and room will be reserved when requested by a note to the manager. je9-2m gEABOARD AIR-LINE. Between Atlanta, Athens, Charlotte, Hamlet, Fayetteville, rtaleigh and Forts mouth. Richmond, Washington, Balti more. Philadelphia and New Yora. No. 38. June 5th. 1892. No- 41. 6 OOpmhv 8 40 p m 520am 4 30 a m b 7 40 a m 8 15 a m 11 25 a m 10 35 am 12 59 pm d 2 45 p m Ar 3 09 p m Lv 5 50 p m Ar 6 00 p m Lv 7 00 p m Ar 700am 10 47 a m 1 20 p m Telephone No. 12. RALEIGH, N. febie C. TANSY - PILLS Dr. Caton's Reliable Remedy. Safe, prompt and effectual. The only guar anteed woman's salvation. Price $1, sent direct, sealed; advice free. DB. R. F. CATON, Boston, Mass. octao-d&wly Twin Giiy Stencil Works STENCILS, RUBBER STAMPS, CHECKS, c. Manufactured to Order S. B. TURNER & CO 81 Water St. Norfolk, Va POKox124. m3-lv OAK ll'DGE IN8T1TUTE. SUMMER SCHOOL (Book Kef ping, Short-Hand, Type-Writing and Tele graphy) will open June 29th. Address J. A & M. H- HOLT, el6-lt Oak Ridfce, N C. Atlantic & North Carolina R,R, Time Table No. 22. PASSENGER TRAINS, DAILY. 51 EAST. 50 WEST. AR LV. p.m. p.m. 3 30 STATIONS. RICHMOND & DANVILLE KAIL ROAD COMPANY. F. W. Hendekoper and Reuben Foster Receivers. Condenser" Schedule in Effect May 29, 1892 TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH, N. C : f DAILY for Durham, Oxford, I Henderson, Buffalo Lithia Springs, Greensboro. Winston .00 Salem.Salisbury, Western North A. M. Carolina Points, Charlotte. Col umbia, Augusta, Charleston, savannan. ail Florida Points, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mem phis, New Orleans and all DOints South and Sonthwpsr,. Danville, Richmond Lvnchbure (i.15 Washington and all points Jr. m. I jNortn. rnroimn Pullman sieeD ing car Raleigh to Asheville on I tram leaving at 6.15 p. m. 1.28 P. M. Daily. S.45 A. M. f 8 15 P. M. Daily. Atlanta Athens Monroe Charlotte Hamlet Fayetteville Raleigh Durham Henderson Weldon Weldon Portsmouth (Bay Line) OW Point Baltimore Phila P. R. R, New York Ar 10 00 am 7 12 am 10 10 pm 11 00 pm s 7 50pm 8 00pm 400pm 4 30 p m 2 18pm Lv 12 30 pm Ar dl2 03 p m Lv 9 35 a m Ar 8 00 a m Lv 7 00 a m 7 00pm 4 41 p m t 2 10 p m Ar 9 10 a m 6 CO p m Lv Portsmouth N Y P & N. 7 00 p m Ar Old Point Lv 7 30 a m 5 20am PhilaPRR 1116 pm 8 00 a m New York t 8 00 p m 3 15 p m Lv Weldon A C L Ar dl2 10 p m s 628pm Ar Richmond Lv b 9 15 a m iPOpm Wash'ronPKK 4 10am 12 4S a m 34Um 6 50 a nr Baltimore Philadelphia New York 2 50am 12 a3 a m 9 00 p m No. 34. No. 4h. ft 00 p m Lv 2 30 p m 6 30p m 8 15 p m Ar 700amLv 9 48am Ar Raleigh Durham Henderson Weldon Weldon Portsmouth Ar 9 4-1 a m 4 30pm 8 16am Lv 6 30 a m Ar 5 30 p m Lv t 3 00 p m against us in everything. 3 53 4 06 4 21 4 35 4 55 505 519 5 31 5 41 6 00 6 39 6 44 656 7 13 724 728 738 7 45 753 3 56 4 09 423 440 555 5 05 519 5 35 5 41 608 639 6 44 6 56 716 724 7 28 7 43 750 AR. LV. a.m. a.m ...Goldsboro 1130 Best's 10 36 10 43 . . .LaGrange 10 22 10 20 .Falling Creek. 10 06 10 05 ....Kinston 9 48 9.E5 For Goldbloro Favetteville. ! W'lmuiKton, Morehead City, "J New hern and all points in East ern isorin Carolina. Ex Sun. ( For Durham. Oxford. Hender i son, Clsrk8ville, Buffalo Lithia I springs, neysvi le, Burkeville ! Richmond. West Point. Ralti mnro nnr all nninta m.V. ni. YorkRiver Line.carries through Pullman sleeper between Ral- eigh and Richmond. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH: i.23. r P. M. Daily. J From Greensboro and all points 3 00 1 North and South. A. M. 1 Daily. I Trains No 38 and 41 have through Pull man Sleepers between Portsmouth. Wei don and Atlanta. Train No 38 connf cts at Weldon with through Pullman Buffet Sleeper for Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia and New York. Train No 41 connects at Weldon with Pullman Sleeper lor points South via Atlantic Coast i ine. Daily t Dddy except Sunday) b Break fast, d Dinner, s Supper For information , relative to schedule etc., apply to T. H. Murray, ticket agent, Raleigh, or E L. White, ticket agent, Johnson si ret. Kalei?h O. V. SMITH, Traflie Manager Lt. r. AiyERJs, Qen'l Supt. JOHN O. WINDjKH. (ieo'l turner New Discovery v Accident In compounding a solution a part was accident It spilled.on the hand and on washing afterwarl it war discovered that the hair was completely removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation on the market, and so great has been the demand that we are now introducing it throughout the world under tbenameof Qiiren Anti-llairinr, IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESH AND SO SIMPLE ANYCPILD CA USE IT. Lay the hair over and apply the mixture, for a few minutes and the hair disappears as if bv msrfr without the slightest pain or injury when at-plied or ever afterward 11 ts unlike nv other preparation ever used for a like purpose Thousands of LADIES who have lieeh annoyed witn hair on their FACE, KCK and ARMS attest it nerit. GENTLEMEN who do not appreciate a beard or hair on their neck, find a rricel. boon in QUEEN'S ANTI-HAIRINK which does away with Shaving, by rendering Its future growth an utter impossibility. Price of Queen's Anti-Hairine fl per bottle, tent in safety mailing boxes postage paid by us (securely sealed from oWrvation . Send money or stamp by letter with full address written plainly. Correspondence strictly confidential. This advertise ment is honest and straightforward m every every word it conlains. We invite yon to deal with ns and von will find everything as represented. ( ut, this out and send to-dy. Address QU KEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Yon can register your letter at any Postoflice to insure its safe delivery. We will pay f50 for any case of failure or slightest injury to auy purchaser. Every bottle guarantee. CPCPIAI To the ladies who Introduce and ell their friends 25 Bottles oQtieenV 7. "U'MI- Auti Hairine, we will prei-entwith aSILK DRESS, 15 yard sbest silts. Extra large Bottles and samples of silk to select from sent wltborder Good RRlitry or commission to agents. f e V 1 7-1 y RetirTr allnrro-iof thr aiu. nus Draitvane anl mrcsiAJNOKRHO' A and CI.l-.l-T in t o$ 1t. No othrr treatment opt nsary. Nc.rttatru- stricture r leaves any injurious allcf elicits. TrnC. $. Sold by druits. BLOOD BALM C0.,Pr't, Itlinti. Ga. V apll7-ty. 11 L. DOUGLAS S3.?? SHOE For gentlemen 1 a fine Calf Shoe, made seamiest, of tbe best leatber produced In tbls country. Tbere are do taoks or wax ttueads to bait tbe feet, and la made as s moo lb Inside as a band-sewed sboe. It Is as styllsb. easy fitting and durable as custom-made aboes oostlng from $4.00 to S5.00. and acknowledged to be tbe Best in the World for the price. T ALEIOU Xl 11 B. In effect Snndsy, Oct Caswell Dover ...Core Creek... Tuecarora... Clark's..... ...New Berne... Riverdale.... Croatan Havelock Newport . . . Wildwood Atlantic, . . . . .Morehead City. . .Atlantic City. . Morehead Depot 9 39 928 9 12 8 55 8 48 817 7 52 7 47 7 31 7 10 703 6 58 6 42 936 923 919 858 8 42 838 7 58 740 732 717 703 653 648 6 27 MIXED FREIGHT AND PASSKNEH TRAINS. 1 EAST. 2 WEST. AR. LV. a.m. a.m. 630 57 7 01 20 730 8 48 7 53 811 8 30 9 50 8 55 STATIONS. . . Goldsboro . . . Best's .. LaGrange ... .Falling Creek.. .... Kinston. ... Caswell. . . 10 15 10 00 Dover 11 31 10 36 . . .Core Creek. . . AR. LV. p.m. p.m 7 20 624 554 5 24 4 25 400 325 254 224 202 10 32 9 41 928 8 59 817 800 7 47 717 705 6 34 6 04 5 30 5 00 4 05 8 40 800 200 200 1 30 946 933 904 802 8 57 7 52 727 710 700 ( From Richmond via Keysvllle -j and Durham. 10.40. A. M. Daily. 6.00 P. M. I Daily From Goldboro 11.5-0 P. M. Ex Snn PASSENGERS LEAVING RALEIGH at 7 00 a. m. Makes clese connection at Greensboro for all point 8 North and South, also for all wesrern JNortn Carolina noints. arriving in Asheville 5.58 p m , Lenoir 3.50 p. m , in ample time to stage to Blowing Kock, 20 miles distant for supper. Double daily trains between Raleigh, C hailo tte Angnsta and Atlanta. E. BERKLEY, Superintendent, Richmond, Va. W. A. TURK, A. G. P. A., Charlotte, N. O. W. H. QUEEN, General Manager, Atlanta, Ga J AS. L. TAYLOR, Gen'l Taea. Ajr't, Atlanta, 80L. HAAS, Traffic Manager, Ga Atlanta, Ga 11 00 11 05 ... Tnscarora 12 17 12 41 Clark's 315 3 0U ...New Berne... 3 37 3 42 ....Riverdale 4 48 3 50 .... Croatan 4 08 4 13 Havelock ... 5 37 4 42 Newport .... 5 51 4 55 ...Wildwood... 5 01 5 01 Atlantic 5 '6 5 21 .Morehead City. 5 23 5 28 .AtlLtic Hotel. 31 Morehead Depot Train 50 connects with Wilmington & Weldon Train.bound North, leavingGold8 boro 1 1:50 a m, and with Richmond & Dan ville Train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:00 p m- 1 rain 51 connects with Richmond & Dan ville Train, arriving at Goldsboro 2:55 p m and with Wilmington & Weldon Train from the North at 3:10 p m. Train 2 connects with Wiln.inL ton & Wel'ion Through Freight Train, leaving Goldsboro at 8:50 p m and with R. & rf Through Freight Train, leaving Goldsboro at o:10 puj. S. L. DILL, Supt. JYNCHRURG & DURHAM R. R. SHORT LINE TO NORTH AND WEST. Trains leave Durham as follows : No. 22, Local, e. o. d 6.20 a. m. No. 2. Mail and Exnress 3.30 n. m. No. 12, Mixed 5 a.m. , Arrive at Durham: no. 1, Mail and Exnress 11.50 a. m. No. 21. Local, e. o. d 5.30 p. m. No. 1 1. Mixed 7.30 n. m. No. 1 connects Rt. nnrham with Richmond and Danville trains for Raleigh and points ooutn: at uenniston Junction witn Atlan tic and Danville trains from Danville. No. 2 Connects at Denniston Junction with Atlantic and Danville trains for Danville. Close connection made at Lvnchbuwr with Richmond and Danville, Chesapeake and Ohio, and Norfolk and Western rail roads, to and from all points North and East, West and South-west The shortest and most direct line to all points North and West. For information apply to Lynchburg, va. AND AUGUSTA AIK UN 25, 1891, aoiso SOUTH. No. 41. Nu. 6 Faasen- er Freight Mail. Paeaongt r. 6 30 a n 7 07 8 00 9 00 p ni 10 25 12 20 p ni 2 40 v u. 5 00 Lv Ualeigh 4 15pm Gary 4 35 Merry Oaka 5 11 Monoure 6 23 8anford 5 49 Cmor',Q 6 15 p m Hoath'n Iiuub 6 40 Ar Hamlet 7 50 eOIHG NORTH No. 38. Passenger A Mail. Lv Uantlet 7 4n a ru No. 4. FTeigh Pasnenx 5 on a n 7 47 9 19 10 40 p m 11 42 12 ) 2 17 2 45 For GENTLEMEN. 5C An Genuine UU Hand-Be wed. 4.00 3.50 2.50 s2.00 Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe. Police and Farmer. Extra Value Calf Shoe. Working man's Shoe. Goodwear Shoe Bout'rn rinea 8 46 Cameron 9 14 Sanford 9 42 Hon our e 10 15 Mrrvom 10 15 Crv io 52 ttaleia:h 11 20 a m PITT8BORO UOAI). Lave Pittaboro 9 10 a. in. and 4 00 p m. Arrive Mononre 9.55 a. m. and 4 45 p m. Leave Mononre 10:25a.m. and 6:30 p m. Arri. Pittoboro 11:10 a. m.. and 6:15 p m. J. C. WINDER, Gen'l M icager. L. T. MYERS, Gen'l Snpt. WM. HMITH. Knot. RALEIGH AND GASTON RAILROAD in effect Sunday, Mav 29, 1892. TBAINB MOVTHO KOBTH. No. 84. No. 88. Passenger Pass. It Mail. Daily ex. Bun Dailv. Lv HaleigL 6 00 pm 11 25 am Mill Brook 5 05 pm 11 40 am Wake Forest 5 38 pm 12 04 pm Franklinton 6 57 pm 12 28 pm KJttrells 6 14 pm 12 4S pm Henderon... 6 30 pm 12 69 pm Warren Plains 7 Oo pm 1 89 pm Macon 7 14 pm 1 47 nm Ar Weldon. 8 15 pm 2 45 pn tbaihs Kovnro SOUTH. No. 41. No 45. Pass, and Mail. Paatenger Daily Daily ex. Son. Lv Weldon 12 80 pm 6 31 an naoon 1 SO pm 7 89 am Warren Plains 1 39 pm 7 41 am Henderson 2 18 pm 8 16 am Kittrell 2 34 pm 8 31 am Franklinton 2 51 pm 8 47 am Wake Forest ....8 15pm 9l7an Mill Brook 40 pm 928am Ar Baleigb 4 00 pm 9 15 am LOU1KBURQ KAILBOAD Leaves LouisbuTg at 7:33 a. m., 11 30 a m. ana 5:00 p m. Arrives at Franklinton at 8.25 a m, 12.05 p m. Leaves Franklinton at 8.00 p m, 6.05 p m an" 9:20 am. Arrives at Lonisborg at 3:35 p m, 6.40 p m. Noa 34 and 45 trains of the Raleigh aod ixasion rauroaaa wai run r any except Sun day. Wx Bmtth, Supt. L T. MtTCBS, Gen ttupt J. C. WiypcR, Gen'l Mn- For LADIES. So 0 f Hand 3.00 2.50 2.00 l.75 For BOYS' & YOUTH'S. 2 Ct 8I.75 SCHOOL SHOES. Sewed. Bit Dongola. Call and Dongola. For MISSES. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTED. IT IS A DUTY vouoweto vourself and vourfamilv.ilurini' l!icw lisnl times, to get the most value for your money. You can economize iu your fd- wear n you purciiase w. Douglas' Shoes, which, without uestion, represent a greater value for the money than any other makes. fVI W. L. DOUGLAS' name and the price is stamped r l on the bottom of each shoe, which protects the consumer against high prices and inferior shoes. Beware of dealers who acknowledge the superiority of W. L. Douglas' Shoes by attempt ing xo suostitute otner makes tor them. Such substitutions are fraud ulent, and subject to prosecution by law, for obtaining money under false pretence. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY Heller Bros.. No. i:M FuY;M.vill St., Kalelgh. Ti. C. J. J. Thomas, President. A. A. Thompson, Vicc-Pres. II. S. .Term an, Ca&Lier. II. W. Jackson, AeA 0!.ifi THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' WL OF kaleigii, n. c. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL PAID UP CAPITAL . . S500vOOO.O(i lOO.OOO.Of Our large resources and speciui facilities enable us to receive on favor. U: terms accounts of individuals, firms, hanks and corporations. Our large steel and granite Fire-Proof - - Vault is fitted with time lock, burglar-proof safe, and with wifety deposit hoies We would be pb-ased to correspond with those who contemplate making changes or opening new accounts. Our cardinal points : Safety! Promptness! Liberality! Courtesy! 9-30-tf

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