LA W I!) ha ctved ,u'h, cezMjja, a d ,1 liircHK- h Ai'u t other i, , i ni il Poled You do t h' ii.jil" i e llult n yn.i .,. , .1- a t.iil S ri'i t. ; ,n, (: . I'T din 'r nl : 1 with letters 1. o,u H. IJ. iir nchnro.Oft.. write: i l.ii hies I 1 1 i.di oly r ''.US breiOOfltf I ut of . r kill. M :1 tit" u ( a,. Im tie ot H H !- k'i' of ccvt'la. ,., cui!l -poedily t)y me rJri l'tr'&i run SAUK AT REORGANIZE, OR HOT? TII VTIiTIIECH'ISIION Its WAMll IMilON AT PBlii:.N T. r. i ! M v tir-Mi, r and -is- icit llll Hid UlM'Vl d ) j I l.enoiit trom it- une .,, i t ! ever nnl. 1 1 nut efeirei ou '. bv a:.ei hot ween - I. 4. ', ;v! ,1 in.rll.'.S, I tU'l ! . .-. ... of NotUl C dl IK, , ,1 I'il.i -e 1 U.. d.. , rt U, Vrt ' '.i.u iln: r. ! r.'f.l on p 1M I,. (,iiv ot tho itfK.ater id n nm :ty ain ta ot i-nrr 1 1 mm indebted- n -.1 (..!,(! to tne Kar ; t-' L an Mul Trutt Com. j is 'o anil due Jibuti"? -v d 1 bare with interest ,:i vei i. h i now bud and ir-iiul . A Sons, and whhh i in dt fault of pae n.e it i u a tor u ore mau miny . r -1 ' ! Tiin'ot), ui uii uie -it , -ell for cash to the I, ( otir; b use it J nikso.,, S r 1 1 "ti)to;i tnd Stite of f .bowing r- al estato (,! and decnbe 1 in v 'ir "m Occ'-nKicli'.o N"c!i i i, ili'rt laud," coiiUmiup ,.i l.utvliod cr. lyiurf in .rt!ii i iin and which it d'1 , - in ti e deed from David to t p cai ' 'Ibu Karinerti ..u a id Trut Cont( anv ot .!, r-p'tt-red in tb r it Nortbatn. t u n mity . , y ,t. 1 1 , and which M '1: ili'td J. V . Urqtl- , ,i t tnc i-a-u i n ratuuTi) . i, nu aud Iniv CtiinpM yof 7, rcpiwt. re mi wee v, ":t , and ulso df'Hi-rilwd iu n "v'"'.' d I'y tl n eairt t'uni n:f ,., aii (vn 1 i't not ompmv to V VM-'.n.-'.aU-dMsvV,?, 17 , an ,, W.i i ll H , nd ha'tup. bt'un : h Mi- of a'd uitn to make r r :' Pv 'aid indt btndneea. t... . i it i .I I I r .!. if win i'r ,. to tU- it- w t j th State of ii at tn aum al rent ot $1.6 t.i t- rnivhvi' :or ti i.t.'dO both of ,ti, r.. .1 .m.'HTV I, l'Xl, an-1 which re in -he wi Rrf'iiifut made ana li n i'tuL,. r 'is, by and be- c.'MMiv nil i.H.Oraniv, part- ( , i . ve al i!'fds will more made on i: v (i'M.iv -nd '. v t'.rHii !v a- Hon, cf Norfolk. 1 ' W, (ir-.:i'!v (MC'Wtltor of Will m . i l t.V first part, anl J hn W liirlord iMjii v, North C ri lina. . :!. M-ci-ri-; vsri in winch his wite r,.. t p.: .I !it Matt) if orih f'ar-.lin m 4 tli'on, h tiiH b"rdof directors i n'lMV o: oaid State party ot the : w s.'ti in re -'rd' d on , ae 'i, i : 'i ! :ij f ' o k " in t.i e officii ,f .-..r-t !. f ' 1 1 fiid county of North- . 1 r,-. r-i.ntsiv H IVM. - ALja Kl.l. HAKDV, Tmstee. ; . , p., l , i.- , at th OH V(V ! ti,1 t'H" t p r'- I ".' t f iv. -a. t-'i "! ..; tl I. : a a - wmi ! ;, th.. t tLH .:e n , . I wil virtue f i i' ' y t twi tt r r. r hh!- iih.r f j K il v arcii van, 1 M, the l ii. Iv! b ni. Ti t e, l.ii a' a tk',, W. '.' e hi:-,th -H il.-'ee p. ei 1 1 a Make ia siid iu c rt. rth -lutht po!. s to ; u ira; ti,c c i)o'th r.y pole i i) a P'aae and : l i tli S vest. i -t -to iu i f:vu tntbi t a stake ; w tbeme firtrt 47 dew re p, 'i-t f nr ; ..Id in h stk; thc"e tmth " 1 1 tie hnrutred nnd twetny- s ! i,c tl'th ,.o'(h to the tr1.i. ina, :x'.i, Hn'.ordinif to t;ea ne:nenT, ' " : tie !( '1 nirt ptrffct Tosa'd '-ii . f 'n..rtHfc" 1h rea,tei-i1 m Kiok "4, "'. m'; . ot n-tthdei &i deed's cilice -.'' co'tuty. J. (J. T,. H AKRH. tf'-rnrvof MuTtwiw SALARY OR COMMISSION To n:irt,- the I'ati'Ot ffipniical lnU-Kr-i.iiu . in il. The tmt us-fnl ant' nov-1 i-ncrkin of the atre Krase Ink !.r.'t"uri'y in two necoi dr" WorKH lll.e !'i .v c V'o to mmi percent protit, Snouts oit.k.n; f.ii pfr w-ek We also want a t .-..rr.i! cent to takf chary of territory. The lteiibin-aiH ritillii- It Ullli .1ovi m Ilie ViKtlorit and White lioiinc iScwH. Wasuinoton, March 10. to the White House bi-g-m cora'n some what earlier than usual and lurg r rjum bers of them consi6te.ii of couriS3'n'in, among thorn Sena-orH Mitchell, of Wis nonsin, Ilinton, of Virginia, J n iH, of Vrkapsas, Baettle, Caulen, Pi'nu-r. Turpie, of I-idiani, Dljh, White of Louisiana, Proctor, Teib-r, Wuicoit, McMillan, George Gordon, HcPhjrson and Smith of New J rs.y; R-prisenta rives Wilson, of Wet Vigiaia, Eul e. P-iohll, of Texa-, of Ctor -ia. Form n, of Indi ir.a, Cao'e, i f IUnn-ie, Wheeler, of Alabama. Tinker and Mt."-!-dith, of Virginia, Wis-nnt o, of T-";-nessee" 8pekt r Crip chIu .1 to int-o d uoe Mr. ltufttttll, of G org:a. a new member; Wheeler, of AUbnr.a. and Washirotn, of Tetmetprts, accmipitiied J1 Ed Paxter, of N-it-hvdl -, pr,sideit of the Tennessee B r Asbociation, and Jndge L. B McF irlanrl, of Meirp'iis, who orc-ent-d additi -nal i.tiDf-rs urm thi appoia'.munt of Jiide Lctoa to cir cuit judgeship, ui-id.t by the pro motion of Jud 'c J-cksou to the supremo bench. With ex-representative nm;h;U, of South Carolina was C I W. B 1) vU. of Chailcbton, an tpplici..t for the n)8it o i A L Dited btatt9 idarth-il foe t i ditnct f B 'Uth Ct!ina Ex S -na or Wadti flampton, a candidate for the i lli.'e if commissioner of raiiroads, w,-is a. so one jf tne calh rs. Itnmedia'tly after the Senate adj -tim ed today the dtmoo.rntic eaui-u1 c.ofi.iuit- tve risumtd us 6itlinar. and tofk u: uie ma'ter of the reorjin zUioa of t ie th e tive t fficers of the rV-nate. It i3 ta;d that the cTrm'ttt wdl be r-.-ady to re port to the full Ctuous etly uexf. we k. p'obatily Tuesday uiovning. Whether the democrats int nd to rcorgatuzo or not, U an interesting ciuestii n, but the republicans are acting up -n tue .siunip tn'ei.d to prepriting a plan of their own It is an open stcret that a number of republican Sentit ra favo an organ zod op position to at.y attempt to reorganize tlective officers at tlrs time. It was sa il to-'iay ihat the republicans havo al ready d'scused the tn tter and have it t'tiert tae democi.t' that such an attt inpt would be very dis-tis'eful to them. Th s is accepted as a de lara ion that tho re t n'rilicaDS will fipp.;.-i sueh a re orani zation, pneedents of tae toiy b-ing against the re otginiz vtioa c au ex :ra ession of the senate. ! h also f-aUl fiat a number of older aud in n; c inservniive members of the patty among democrats nre in favor of permitting things to re main as they arc t: U a regular sts-dci ot the joint hou-es. whenever that may b.-. Two D'l'ini'iii-tit. members of the "eer;nrr ooinutitiet: are pu u-a &s tx.-ir g op; s ed to re organ; z ttu-n at this time, an 1 ii may be th:t the prolunged trjrg'o atten th'5 two p.-ntiis wi.i be prevent, d if thit advice ;s followed by a dem.icatic cauca. Should the rauctn, how.-ver, vote t take tip the task of reoigar.izit.g. it sttnis to be quite certain that the stri.g1'; will tie lorg and protrhct-.'d. A a n.a".er ot fact the w uate has never been rcorgiu-iz- d in this particu'ar at a similar ex ri ordinary session. Tha r.puolicans t tempted it in lb81, however, bu i they now say that they desisted from t lis ut tempt as koou as they lea-ned tht fiey were seeking to violate the prudence of 'he S'-nate, if democrat.3, therefore, at tnpt to reorganize at thi see-ton it is almost certain that the republicans will show fight and prevent con-nma'ion of the plan if it be witb-n th-ir p )wer The iriaratlmn (liiaranttne O Alters foitveued Venlerdsyt Washington, Ma'ch 16 The con f .roce of the riaratime ()uarantiQe i tfi c rs and the fiieers of the marine h s p t.l horvic couvened at, nocn today at t he. ofl'c.'of iupervisirg Surgeon General Wy:nn, of the marine hospital service The object of the conference is to secme oo operation in state and loctil maritime ipuarat.tioe .fficers in adopting a set of uniform quarantine regulations in order that along the entire coast there may be concert, and uiifurm.ty of quarantine during the coming summer, when cholera nay v'sit this country. When thtsj eoii'a'. ions are agreed upon Dr. Wyman will asii ti e treariuy department to sane turn aid proniu'gate them. Those oresent from outside cities were Dr imuel II. Durgia, poit physician of t-tin;Dr Frank W. Wiitiht, health THE F1EKY SPKAY LOVING mOTIIKR CLINGK TO COVKKS AN SHE II KK OWN. AVILl. STEVENSON COlK! lion that, having power, they exetcse it, and have been itit Mih-ftk'entJH. A rare thaucp "wir.fv Writ for term" a- d i'ii ot f ra.'M'n, m0XRQE ERASER MT'6 CO The Switzerland of America. v.. 'tT'i North Carol na, ' The Iarid of '". ti a elima'n -u.d s. enery tin h'i'i l.e I;, tt f eHHern par of the I'nited It 'm tr Kr-Ht health te.-orr, and li-;i. n- f Wirt, of tn northern nud sotith-t-r-i tr 1. 1 tr r northern r.eople Ptmrling '"w"'" t,d t,e Koutlurn people he "H'-'t-r. M l.totMof -"oilers Hre Deride i t-v": yiMt i, y ri:ors Th c-t Xrr- of the f'-' Ti U Aruvi N. C Rlv'nt lt'tlps a.- i.vti. in the centre of the pros I'T' in in vi '(K'c o( Wravi-rvi le, luiri 11 "' e untv v t mir.onnrlert hv iiu ci iu ntjui, si ni'V ' Yhiiih hiilldlnt. t wniitT-twn "i s, i',hv wt.ii (sltwr.tly chaly "M 'I''1 fruit tre"s. - Tahle.s, Pte. . '' io v . Dl VKK, ' i.v. r ' . ' ' ' o J A M Hi H Ci N V M h S K ' r ri 'tt..i i ll A First-Cias Tt:.. 11 '-.Ml I ISA, W I 1A, I 1 'ofTV ) M In .luatice'n i ourt, iph Township, bd re M. li oarbee, J P. tn v. J)r. B K. 'rdimr, Jttra !.. Hirdll'.f . lltM.rV I'l Hi,I,Jl.III. I' a- tn -tn it, trom tbe aflidi vito' H. K Fnt 1t in (,-net. ., ti,t i,r. U , .urdtieraud ' h-ra i.ardi er, th dt-tKudaotn tlmre 1: rt ii. t to be found i i Vak co mid t after diK dll ireticK b fm ml in thu t,:l i ti .1 Seven I'emoiot IVrUli in the Para'.rle Elre. Saliua Km., Mireh 10 Only inea gre reports can be secured from the pr irie fir s which have been rogmg in w s tern Kansas for the nist two days. To day news was lecuved from Ku's.-d county that seven persons were caught ottwttn two flits jtfateid&y ana p.r- ished . Their names a-e Wi'd'ara B ii!ev. Dave Hutrhinsou. Albert Moore, A. JkD -a nld. Mrs L'yre and two unsnowns. Bailey was fea .fully turned ai out ttie abdomen and breast and ou-d in awful agony. Tiie men were all fatmers. I lie Louifcvltlp and Nnfchvlile Hauled Over lliu Coal. Nashville. Tenn , March 1G J. -ha Huhm, Unred h'atvs difttrit a t r , y, tiied in the Ftdeia; court here yt..-t r ; -vy the bill of compiaint of the inter -b tt commerce ct mmisston agaiutt tne Louts ville aud Kashviile milroid. The L-dl alleges that the company has steadily re fns.d and eontinuid tj refuse to obey an order made by the cnniru's&ion und r the decision of the commiss'e.n lelanve to dbcri mirations ia coal rati s charged shippers to Nashville over its lines. 111 : r of New UUven, Conn.: Dr. A Ciaik Hunt, repre.enting the state brard d he alt -i of New Jersey ; Dr. Benjamiu Lee. irtcrctary of the state board of health, of Pennsylvania; Moses Veale, hea'th orh er .t Pailadelpbia; Dr. Jumts r. Mcshane, cmmissionsr of hed h kt Bakimoie, Maryland; Dr. William A Thorn, quarantine tfficer Norf .ik, Va ; Dr. II. B lioribeck, heal-.h officer, Charh s'n, S 0 ; Dr. W H Bru.m r,h"a th officer, Savannah, Ga Dr. 8. R Oiiohant. rn-esidect of 7 I ' health of L u'siana. and Dr. II M Svvi ai'inger. s ate health sfficer of Texas. Dr .T nkin", the quarantine officer at N' w Yi tk. tf legraph'.d that he had been 5eta tad bv reason of his visit t) Albany, out. would be here today. Tne officers iu ths other A'dnlic and Gulf coast Stales accepted tne invitation to be prt &- en1-, but iiav--- not a'rived as yet. Drt. J Y. P.ufr. heahii oiR erof F.orida; Wiilars Springer, port pysician, f V:!m'tig-on, D- uware. ana W. C Curti -.quar ntine ' lfi vr, at Wilmington, N C. ; the quarantine a!s tooi part in the conference, aud Dr. Wyman opened tie con'ere ;ce in an address in which he siated Up i..utt)ose. The act of the last jes-rm oi ;otigre?s estaonaoing auai ttonal qti ira itii e laws was explained by him. He said that, it was msde the du'y if the supervising surgjoa gen eral under dtr c ion of the secretary of treasurer to care for the quarantine ser vice, to examine t'.is State aud local quar ant'ne rt sruUtious. and toco-operate with thr- local authortt es in their execution, and where the local or State regulations -ero iissuffi'-ient to supolement them with additional regulations The regu Utions w.-re to be u-itform, and were not :o dtscriininite against any port or At the prcsei t the reuia'ions were not uu;fmn, and were not always written regu'.a'tons. I a "rder that the service m gr.t leara whi.t were t le rules at the v.iii- us p rt, atid in order that t iey might be. unitonr.ed, he had reqaeted th ; S cretary f f the Treasury to have a nocfere'. ce held A svstem of rules had hem trained by the i ffijers of the Marine llo-pital tervice t serve as a batis for t.ieir deliberati ms, Ouly a f mall Lumber of persona had been invited as it was thought this would liif-ure greater i fleet veness iu the i'. aii. ..1 tcuo-g UVlLitlolja ilixry Liu j u bmi-ed to per -.ops acually engaged j o-r directly connected with quarantine , . - . i. . .. t worn me regulations as neietoiore r;iiii. d consist on th.: preamble stating ,t wh tt. p- rts quarantine stations sh. uld -e tq'iipped -wich all appliances and tat ft-r port i:.pectton ktitions aaouiu De ina nt .ti e.i a.:d the period ot mamten- ce The n guiations define the equip . , : l . l. . . i 4 meut ot siilions. ette wnat evus bii"uiu be m pected, how they should be treated if the dts . ases are found ahead, made of th tri a'm-nt of spec tic diseases, proper nade of oisinftctiou, etc. Special rules are maao with relet ence to quarariiue 'or chobra and jeiiow fever. Hegula tioeswere read section by section and were freely obcusfred The discussion was cond afted in an entirely friendly tono thriug'out. The meeting was harmonious and will be contirued till a s if act ry set of regulations are mu luiily agreed upon. fhe Wife of Thoman Dixon at Kcth erfordton, Burned Wltb II er Two Clilldren The Sad Oetalln. Charlotte, N. C, March 16. Dr. Dixon, of this city, has just received word of fatal burning of the wife and two children of his son, Thomas Dixon, of Rutherfordton, N C. The fire occurred last night about 8 o'clock. Mrs. D x n was alone, her husband being at Shelby. After she had gotten ready with her little ones to retire and while sitting by a table with her youngest child in her orrns, the child accidentia turned over the lamp, which exploded and spread its firy sprays over the mother and two children Mrs. Dix in might have saved herself, but for her ef foits for her two children. She lived until 1 o'clock, a few minutes after her husband reached her, l ut was never con sciou after she was first reached by rescurtrs. Mr. Dixon is a traveling sales man for C( f rell, Watkins & Co., of Richmond, and is well known all over North t-.nd South Carolina. The house and contents were burned. Another Account. Charlotte, N C March 10. - An other account of the fatal fire at Ii.ut.her ford ton is to the effect, that Mrs. D xou had left the room ia which her children were, and in her absence the three year- old child upset the lamp The child's creams bi ought the mother back. A colored man uami d Alex McEitire, who saw the flames and came to the rescue, bore Mrs Dixon from the burning build ng, at the same time pushing before him a third child wh'se life was thus saved. Mrs. Dixon died from her in juries this morniog Sjme years ago Mr Dixon lost h's former wife and two children in one day by a disease. He Will be Invited to bePn fcent at the ;ullford Baltic ; round Celebration. Greensboro N C, March 16 Spo c:ai. A meet ng of the direciois of the Gun ford Ba'th Ground c mpnv and the eitizens i f Greensboro was held at the court house and it was unanimously de cided to have, a celebration at the battle ground on the 4tn of July this year. It was also decided that V ce President Stevenson be iuvit. d to deliver the an r uil address The statement in the papers of a ffw days ago to the effect hai Judge Dick will fch'Tt'y retire from ;he benen, is with, ut fvundation The Judge says h has no Hea of b coming a pensioner of Uncle Sam's The Judge is wonderfully well preserved ;he takes long walks riai'y always in company with his iarge mastiff G'.ad-toue " Greer.sooro is probably blest with fewvr uppiications for the postmaster- hip than any town in the State Capt Geo Gregory, former postmasrer under Cleveland, and Ex Mayor For bis. are the oniy applicants The lafer gentleman is generally believed to stand the best chance for the desired "plum " The C F. & Y. F rai'road is placing nde tracks cut to the Finishing Mills now and work will begin on the ware house toon THE OLD SALEM AMDEMi. TILL'IAN TILLntM, TinitHONOKKIKTIIK IPCRit ll II INO 0.I.7EX'E.7 EXT. THE BLUE AND THE 4iltEV. Virginia Counterfeiters Bun Down. New York, March 16. Detective Sergeant Zungt succeeded in running down today what may prove t be the operations of a gang who are making Counterfeit money in Rirhreond, Va.. and passing it in New York City and Brooklyn This morning he arrested Frank Hil&tead and David Bartholo mew, of Brooklyn, on the C"mplsint of Dav id To. kard, a jeweler, who charged thein with pat-sing counterfeit $5 00 bills on him on January 27;b. This mom:ng the men called tgain at the srore and tried to sell Falkard a watch, which they had bought from him. The jeweler recognize i them and called in D -teefve Zungt. They were arraigned in the Uuittd S ce court in Brooklyn and held to av -io action of the TJjited States grand iui v. llibteii.i admitted that he passed 144 in coiiute' loic money in B.u klvn aud Vp-jt Yo'V', Hud tHt-th? ntopev hd bet r maCc in Richmond. Va. Jiraitd A rm r ITIetnbern Fit up a Ward In ihe Confederate HonuKal In Richmond' Richmond, Va , March 16. A la'ge leitgarion of the Waahinfet n commit tee, whicu had in charge the arrange ment for the late encampm.nt of the Gra' d Army of the R. public at that point, came down to Kichinotid tod-y for the purpose of presentu g their ac k"OA leonment to the Lee Post of Con federate veterans of this city for hospi tality and courtesy extender by num bers of that post to veterans of the Grand Army who visited the battlefields about Richmond. The executive cjuioiit tee in Washington, acting iu the name of the Grand Army, although without speci tic authorily from that organization, de termined tj pre cure ana present si me sU'tablis testimonial to the Lee Post The pec al committee theiefore visited Richmond some weeks since to ascertain what in iheir judgement wou'd be the most appropriate test-monial Upon rinding tnat the Lee Post was greatly intf rested in the support of the c ufed eratt's home and that this was not as yet entirely furnished the Washington com tnittee dtcided to futni.-h an entire waid of this hospital thems-e vi-s, which they hve done, providing its beds and ad ntdding ami furniture pertaining to eat h and the general furniture of tie ward ai well, and this will be formally prosented ' j the veterans of Lee Post tonight Answered til L,ct Boll Call. Ch i.iioTTEsviLLK, Vi , March 16 Mr Franci9 E G Carr. formerly of this coi y. but mors recently o' Sr. Louis, d e i near the unw-rsity in the 70th yeas of his age. Mr Carr wss well known to the older citizens of this county. ,H was lieutenant of the Albemarle Light Horse Company 4 K " Second Vitginia Cavalry, and continued in active s-rvice in the Confederate Array until forced t) have on Recount of ill health. Ilia father was the late Dr. Frank Carr, a g nt'emaa of eminent ability. Mr Carr le t here in 187G to make his home in St. L uis ard relumed to this city last Au guirt He was for many years an elder in tne Presbyterian church and ws a man of deep piety. The fun"ral services will take place from the Presbyterian churoh tomorrow afternoon. of the of the vie w ol t pay O' Krleu'H Term i Bejected Toledo, Onio, March 16. M J O'Brien, of Chaitanooga, Tenn , for iTierly treasurer of the Catholic Knigh's ( f America, and who defaulted in the cum of S76,000 of the fun is rder, m.;t the supreme officers oigdulzamn hire today with a making a st ttltment. He submitted a proposition town 45ta iPH) cash aud give bond t pay S.j.UOO a year in semi aunual instauutn.s un'd the ducrepancy, which he claims i $00,000. is made good. O'Bri-n WfiS represented at the meeting by Gen. Wheeler, of Chut . -a. After a lergtbj a ideration of the pn pohition the officers rejected it, at d, pe.-uing a more acceptable one, nsolvtd t prcsicute the case against the ex treasurer. O'Brien, it will be remem beied. Aid from Cnattanooga before it bi.came known that be was a defaulter, bur, was subse-juently captured and i i dieted. Politics From a WenCrn Mmiil point Leciures In saleui Other Twin City New. Winston, N C, March 16 Special The progrmme for the 1S93 c. mrLence raent of the Salem F. m-le Academt has leen completed. Tha Bacalanreite ser mon will be preached on Surday morn ing, May 23th, by Rev. A B M'Cure, D D , pastor of the Wi'mington Preo byterian church. Monday ani Tu'-sdy will be seniors evenings The c ass is the largest thi3 yeer in the hs"orj oi the schocl, being composed of forty two young ladies. Piincioal Clewed; has acceded to a request from the clat-s not to have any honor es-ays thu year A petition, signed by every nienib r, was sent to h m saving that thev would all oe conteut with the honor of trraauitirg Tuesday afternoon there will b aa ex nib t of thi art and indu-triti depv l- merts Wednesday aftinon wi'l te devoted to a r; eeting of the Alumni Ax -ociauon. ihe attnuance this year nromii-es to be exceed ngl? large The association is raising a scholarship fur.d for the education of the needy and wot thy daugntets of the alumni. Over $1,100 has a'ready been subscribed to the fund. Wednesday night the grand musical conceit will take place. Thursday will oe commencement day pretoer. 1 h' xt- nual address will be delivered by Uo i G W. Shell, Congressman from Sou'h ar.dina. Cadt. R B Glenn is back fron W at-h lngtoa Ue expres-es himself as feelu g very much encouraged over Lis jiropettb lor the district attorneyship as a reward for nis hur t wora during the late cam paign Capt. Ci anes Price, of Salisbury, the present district attorney, will no di.u t tie retained his four years expire, June 5 No a.- intmeut wili harulv be made before tnat time. From a private source it is learned that the main fight for the collectorah'p f the huh icternal revenue district lies oetween whither Mali, ot uickory, aai H. A. Gudger, of As evi le Mess s Robert S. Galloway and II W. Barrow re the latest osrdidates an louuced for Mr. W J Ellis' p ace bs deputy revenue collector of 'he Wii.son orhce should the head oific : te loeate i here it is aaid neither gent vsau w u d oppoee a good clerkship. 1 Le n p.ioiii an postmasters ot vvoi Pton ana Salem, Whe- ler aud Mhoro. re syectiv.Jy, are expected to "nold tie f rt" until their four years xpire, Au gust 2Sdi. The democratic candid ate b f r the two offices say they expect n th ing eise. Mrs. Kilbuck, wife of Rev. Mr Kil tiuck, a nottd missiooary in Alaska, tias accepted an invitation from th lsd'e miSHionarv soein' v of tht? irfivian .hiirrh to i.e!ivi.- e.-Viii r.l nr. in S.-'. 1 Urn She is xpected to arrivu here ihe i ter part i f the present week. Mrs Kilbuck is said ti Ihi an el- qu nt aud magnetic speaker. She has beeu ! t'lr mg on the mission w eek iu Ala ka f r .-everal weeks up north Rev. J. E Cleweil,of tbi.'Saiem Acad emy, has accepted an invit iti-m to de liver the anru-tl address t tne cloe of the H gh School at East Bend, YadKin county, on May 16. The Wiiston Salem Land and Invest m ;t t company had a successful lot sale yesterday afternoon. Every lot adver tised wis sold at and above the price asked by the company before tha su e I'alLof Gforur Uuunlns Itatunt Ren lor linfrruor. ( oi.VMniA S C , Markh 16. It seemi X p etty genera.' y unner-tid n. p d't'eal circles that Ex-Cor gr-man Oeorire D. Tillman wili le a f .otir in the next Guarns?orial contest. Tbe harces are altogether f averab!e to his 'eC'.m ng a candidate for Governor Should he run the understanding is that te will lie a kind of "tote mv own kilUt'' car.dida'e He is bv no mean' riendlv with what is commordy known the Til manit- forces, and it is com mon report he his opeuly declared hi independence of certain leaiers of the reform moveropr.t. It aDnears that Uncle George" has for some time been consioering the advsabibty of his re entering politics, and his friends sav hat he has r reived en many letters ani e juests, urging h;m to become a candi- l&te, that he is now giving it serious it Bmr:n of a . . "J-- O i.Y O TAl.r of W ke con it iu rhi n eciki consideration There are pot a few who think hat it viU te neces ary to have Governor Till nan run again for Governor. There are ime reformers who think that he is vb -ut the only geuetal vho can keep he ft rce tog'fu-r and are somewhat draid of a contention for the re Tin Gubernatorial n 'inination I; seems o tie prettv well si tt ed thst in the event f Mr. George D Tillman's candidacy he would rut. stri tly on his ow n merits and would ra'her make himself a new srty tnaa h recognized as the leader f either of the t listing democtht c fac tions All in all as the campaigning season pproache the bi'uation crows more and i. ore toinp'ex A prominent lillmantte laid t i dav tbe very thing that jould happen foi thetr faction in the tate wou'd lie for Cleveland not te give them a single ffice. He argued that if he rillmariitea gut t wraukling over he distribution of Federal ffices it would do much harm. He thought that a great deal of hard feeling had already 'ecu engendered by the little pri-limi-ary Campaign ng for the new plums in the state. iti.A J V Hnl,.i.. A . "'-- -. -.-"tui irir 1 1 .1 , .. !et;tou, de c ts.i, M K 1 t,D Y: 'illvell on Mouilo th - i th dit. iv i V 8, at Jo cioea r...t tt c urt h. w?h of ail county of Vke in thf ,-tT t 'r the toll ui.,- dewnlH-d r v-rtv Twn 5' .tores and lots on KtchatjR IB f Half iph,!n d d on t e corrh r !, ."'7 dl tofW.C. A A B. tn r. et ty he store and 1 t ed o Dntrn aa dewer ou the se.utt iT i4 F cha' pe, and "n the we t bv th h at d lot ot L D C t etrry Md ,tr. ZJlA mps are now i p.s. t couditiou Tt., . . l" l.i.elOeach bo th ai, , h. nVnT tot in the eartern part ot th ciu ,,j ji,, ,JJ b-mnded n Uie north by th !anl- of ' , "onKh. rtv on the ea-t by the I'odie IVrry, n th south "ti- i..r-, ,,r.t ludmi th(etlT he lands itj Uj tw con'ainil'jf s"re i: ore o i ,.r m ( 1 nle: One-'.hird cn-h, one-tbirn jn ai tuths. and the bdauce in fl teen ni'n tt tr.'in day ot sale, the orrbsrer i. tiecnt notes for the ceter e t paym-u's, t s ltigi-j. teiest ironi la ef at jei cent p,.t ,D tiam. The U'le reserved rnrrbaes i.i e' is p id lu fall. - urrhser showed to par full amount raih il deeired. Ftbrnary 17, lfcttt. tec'-.tds A 'Oiitdatralor au J. N. HOLDISd, LU 1 C lUWlWUI SuKTh CAUOUS4 hlA warrani ot t lachnieut. .tiE.neaiN on top. Ihe Souiliern League Team le feats the St. Louis Team Memtius, Tenn., March Ifi. Tiie M mphis S -u'hern league team defeateel tlte St. L inis Browns this afternoon bv a -core of 7 to 1. Witt Crook pitched for Wtmph's, albiwirg thi Browns five hits. Clarkson, Hawley and Breitzenbtein p tched three innings each for tbe fjrowns, ami eight hits were made off of '.neni The ga.oe was piatrd in a flurry of snow, the c Id w.tve hav.'g struck Memphis th s morning. ' , and it fu.tlier a. peannR that die plain k a i-aiiriH of aitio'i nrfuiiiet 'liecHiddo- lor W'TU ri(l Ulioi dorm ..! , ia. J' ri-im t.irt irbed ot. a hiice air! lot of their w and iiiik tr. Itieih. N. ! i 4 U re . re ordered, iha't notice of this 't M t. published (III. 1 a Wei,l f,.r .ii,.- tv MV.. iiii in tli- stvik (1M)N,.,t g ( y tn w-paper rtlbhrhi'.l in ' eeintnf f itth th title of the anti.n', the Vn 1.. of the mnie, and requirii g the' de b: 'Utit t . ap; ear ou ti.e 2 dh dav of March J".l, ti fon. M li. liaibee, Ju-tice ot the (., t I. is (fl;ci in llilfiRh, N. r., at 12 11 ''l'"'k tn,, and atiMWer of fieninr to the coiu i 'iin'. or the n-h. t demanded will be granted. l' Juiary Zid, 1VJ". M. B. BARBF.K, . r, Jastl. e of the Peace. I U I.. HAi'HH, Attorney tor Plnbitltt JellerMOii Davis to be Removed. Richmond, Va . MatJi 1G. At a rue-ting ot th : b srd of directors of the Jefferson D .vis M nutrent Associstion tlis evening, Mr. J. Taylor Ellyson, president, was authorized aud instructed to proceed t New Oileans to make such arrangements as he shall detm Leccsary and rjroj er to remove the remains of J ffvrson Davis from that R ch mor d ar.d determine the rout- by w'; ii h th'-v shall be moved. He was furth.r authoi'z d and instructed to confer with Gen. J. hn B Gordon, commandant of 'i.e Uai.ed Cor.federate Veters.n', aud (eu John G yen, comma, dander of the Loti'-staaa divi-l.-n of the Confederate Vet nns, with rcp'Ct to a funeral escort from Nc'W Orleans to Richmond. RETREAT. A Turkish Kel- u of Terror. Constantinople, March 16 Mi-lem mobs have p"8scstdon ff Cajtana They have established a reign of terror over the Armenians, have robbed huhireds and killed many. During service in three Armcrian churches the mobs burst in the doors stripped the women ol their j-.'wtlry, and beat and cut the men After tne Aim: nians fled tie Moslems sacked the churches. They afterwards went through the streets attacking all Armenians th- met, bursting iuti private houes and sackirc shoos. Alt plhces of business are clo-ed and trade is utterly stagnant. Violence and theft continue day and right. Christian caravans are b iog robbed and the mer chants murdered. Tbe prisons ate crowded with Armenian pri.-oi.ers. Most of the conspicuous Armenia-. 9 of Cads .rea have been imprisoned. A few esc-ip -ei by paying high ransom. ToOpi'ose Every Bimetallic Scheme. London, March Hi In the house of fumiii ols this evenirg Sir W.lliain Houhls worth, conservative and British deb i-ate at Brussels' monetary confer ence! criticised the conduct of the Brit bh deleo-at' s at the confeteoce and asked what would be the attitude of the gov e.-i.mnt should oro:;eedi;igs in Brussels b) reMimed. S r William Harcourt, chancellor of exchequer, replied that the delegates won d be instructed to opp.'S'; every bimetallic scheme proposed at the conference. A New Steel-Making Process in the South. New York, March 16. The direct u-s of the Tennessee Coal, Iron aud Railroad (totrmanv were in ses ion for three hours this atternr.on. Thev decided to adopt I Gangs of men have been filling the Taibot open health steel process, 'h-; pa'ent owned by the Metal Refimcg Company, of Chattanooga, leuu., on wh ch they had an ootion good u til April 4 Secretary Bjwron said the c mpany propose a to De in tne noutn in the manufacture of steel what is in the North. Oarnt gie Cholera lu BusMia. rr'T. Petkusbuko, March 16. Owing to the spread of cholera in certain dis t ics in Rus-ia the Congress of sanitary . fiieers L .s been summoned to meet and arrange for prottctive nieasurt s against the d-s a e. In the province of Podolia which s.d joins Galicia and has consider ,.b e trade; with Austria and Germany, the number i f cases of cholera iu the last f -ttnijihtof February, according to the i flvdai report, was bOo, of wbicuda were ftal. Spanish Anarchists Captured. Madrid, March 16. Many anarchists were air sted today by the police Sev eral bomb factories and small printing shops were raided and their contorts were s.eizod. The police secured a large amount, of anaichibt literature and ex plosives. An Italian wss surprise in the ac1" of charging a bomb. He dror-p. d the bomb, it exploded and he was kuied lnstatj'ly. Nobody else wssii jured. Total Exports of Cotton for February. Washin ton. Mrcu 16 The total (X!)nib ed cotton tor the month ef F- b luarv, 1893, amounted in va'ue to $i4. 852,414, or S11.2S9 272 less f. r the cor responding period of 1892. The t- tal value fur the S'x months ending t jbru ary 1893, was 134 664 190, and for the same period of 1S92, $196,313,913. The Oerman Farmers Heard From. Leipsic, March 16 A large meeting of Agrarian Conservatives was hel i here this evening Count Mirbach, ii.ron Manteuff-1 and other Agrarian leaders who were present declared that they would suppoit the army bill only upon cot d tion that the government abandon its purpose of concluding a commercial treaty with Russia Grand Bapidsln Danger. Grand Rapids, Mich , March 16 The stretts of the city ate in total da'k ness tonight. The ehcltic light; works are submerged and twelve dnamis ruined. Ma y of the largest manure taring establishments in the city are closed. This morning the river cut through the bank of the canal on the west sioe. in the break with sacks of sand and stoue, and tonight have practically cloi-ed the gap South of the Lake Shore road the coun try for miles is flooded. North of the roadbed the situation is far more serious, aud unless the water soon subsides many of the families will have to be tsken Jrorn their homes. Butterwortb avenue is oveifl iwtd to a depth of eighteen inches Whtson and Hovey bUeets are completely inund ted. Passenger Trains Collide. Port Jkkvis. N. Y . March 10 The eastbound Erie pass-merger train Ne. 12 was run into by No. 10, another passen ger train, at Li(kaaxtn, 23 miles we.t of Port Jervis at 5 o'clock this morning The rear Pullman sleeper was demolibh d, and the ten passengers occupying the coach were injured, s me somo seriously. No. 12 was waiting at a station for a io i n . .i a:.. is now ors of tv. t. , . i comouve to replace one wiiicu was uib- hM,rt"rK " blt,d' The other cats were uninjured .r w'dhHre-t rush for the splenrid Hnd no passergers in them were r.urt. e treHI of ail varietitB. Iu addition Is the They were Bhaken up badly by the Bhock. BA .. mm I Sut-teona and pr.ys'cians were sent to tue -K. H Jrf. jf: sr.ette of the wieek on a special train Kin! T !!! i - Is no ' r urn of Delicacies. ena nsa'ceno' Mr Ch.ts. Bretsch, 1' 3 !?'hi ettevllle The St. Louis Team Comes South. St Locis, Mo , March 16 Bob Ca rutheis. a wed known ball player, has been trieu a conditional release by rres idem Von Der, and a free sign where he pieces. The St Louis Browns left lv.t right for a sr uthern trip. They will tdav at. M.mphis, Chattanooga, Nashville tit.d other ci'.ies Joe Quinn has been a; pointed captain of the team. Subsidies Could Not Save It. New York, March 16. Judge Brown, in the United States district court to dav. issued an order for the sale of the ' .... , steamship Vigiharcia, ot the buited States and Brazil mail steamship com pany, to satisfy the claim of the steamer for wages. O her vessels ot the nee my also have to be sold. Not Yet .t cakes, tfe.. &c. can be "h mn.r .a ..ivu, , Tor .Tervis unirTi and the injured passen New VorkQuaranline Notice. New York, March 16. Tbe follow irg has been issued by the health office : Q iirantine Notice All vessels arriv ing fremi domestic ports, south of Cape Henloptn. on and aft r the first day of Atril. and until the first day of Novem ber, will be required to stop at boarding, oration for iiis.ier.ftori- W. L. Jenkins, cheap imitati) Haum Besisus Suc ensor Appointed. Washington, March 16. Secretary of Interior today accepted the resignation of Green P. Kaum ss commissioner of pensious ani tas designated Deputy commissioner Andrew Davidson to take charge of that offi ;e till an appointment by the President of Kaum s successor. A Lost Steamer. Wilmington, N. O , March 16. ?ig nal Service Ooserver D rman at S 'h port, telegraphs that an uaf in steamer, supposed to be a British ' . J p ia atrauded on frying pan shoals. The News of the Day. Alaska has so far yielded $33, 000,000 in eealtkins, Women now vote for minor elec Mve offices in twenty states aad three terri tories. Tbe largest single loan made in New York lastyear was for $1,325 000 Denver people claim that durirg last year the cear sun snown on their city 320 days of the 365 Tbe manufacture of bogu Confeder ate monev is au established industry in Van Buren, Missouri The American Line steamer Ne l rk when running at full speed buras enough coal in a single day to last a family using ten tons a winter for thirty three years. Nearly every county in England has its favorite obk. the largest f 'vhu h is the Cowthorpe of lorkshirc. which Las a circumference of eighty feet. The railways of the United Sta'es car rid in round numbers 530,000,000 pas sengers during 1892 They als i killed 293 people. About 7S4 000 men are given employment ' by tueia the year round. Four hundred pianos piled up in the form of a pyramid and connected to gether by an electrical controlling de vice so as to admit of being played sim ultaneously by one person is mentioned as an "attraction ' for the Wortd s Jf air Tie New York Commercial Bulletin estimates that the shrinkage in the market value of 'he s' .ck of the trust monopolies ttaded in iu Wall street since January 1 has been over $64 000,000, or above 20 per cent, of t te total par value of the issues Carlisle as a (.old Hunter. Washington, March 16. The free gold in the treasury has been built up until it aegregates more than $5 0( 0.000. Several offers were t( d iy received fr ra western points aggregating $3 000.000 Secrttiry Carlisle is accepting these offers as fast as he can eupply small treasury notes f -r them only the most advantage ous off- rs are now accepted. The names of the banks that maae tbe offers and the cities in which they are located are not now given t the press for pubiica'ion. This change in practic; is said to have been suggested by President Cleveland, as some of th-j banks haei an idea that tei have the fact stated that they wer part it g with gold might have the effe't of weakening the c felt iu them. The treasury department is also accumu lating gold in the ordinary o.urse of business, because of the high ra'e patd in New York for money, though no of fers of gold in ary considerable e xtent have been received by the tnasury trotn western bankers. Why Eva Boss Poisoned her Fuuilly. Madison. Ind . March 16 Th-.1 mv- tery s'jftouuding the p 'lwuniug ot in Ross family has been solved in a tai.s- ure. lc is now general' y telievM mi Eva Ross poisoned b;r.ejf aud then pu arsenic in the Coff e Tne giri, it is sniei. supported the entire family, and n t weii treated by them She greev tir. d or life, and took leverge upon l e' 'e'-a fives teforc killing h r.-elf. Albert R isi died;iday, miking the thud deth in the family Au Old Landmark Sold. Durham Sun. Afewdys ago, Mr. A. M. Uig "bee, purcud of Dr. N. M Jobnton the. cot toge hou-se aad lot, orner 'd Ch ve land and Holioway str..e'f, an i v .own ai the Lyon place I: is em- of the oid land marks of Durham. It contained tbou. hrce qtiattets f an acre, and th- p. ice paid lor it was ?2 500 Mr. R gsoee now o vns the whole north side of Ji j:n way ifeet. tatwien Margum and t ieve land streets. Odisiders my iy wna' they please, but D irnam t 3 ha'-e the greatest faith in Durham dirt and h- n this is tne case outa.ders sh u.l n-t hesi tate to come in. The IVew Haud Book. ("er, Ktatee Chronicle. i ii a pkl Hill. March 10 This is realty a success. We have been so often disappointed in mcdioc-e and inferior productions which we are: urged to brag over bt cause they are North Carolina's very own, that it rnjuires an ff rt of riid to believe anything of late that it in w ai mi) recomiueiided. ' Bui f mething has teu done this tim s and the public miy ret assured of it. The State board of agriculrure has issueei a hand book of the state in which we id I msv take great, satisfaction. Vre have N rth Carolina fatthftilly jorlrayed. Itisdmeiu perfect tasie, a;i urate !y and simply. The book is written in a t-tlc so clear, marked by -uch propriety and modeiation, with titjora-; or gush. so sprightly and ff instructive that once ic band, no man who fakes a real unselfi h interest in the wel fare of N rth Carolina will feel wilting o '.iy it d.iwn unread. It leg:ns with a general sk t :h of the b pi.grap' y of the state in itsdffTetit s-ctions, its swunpsand b.ys, its rivers, hi. s and mountains; its climate, p pula ti.m, goveriunetit, public lnsti.utions; educa'ion aud religions; each cunty descril.H-d, its s. industries, towns etc. Then we have the agricultural products, the fisheries, the ruaiufactures; the mining interests, railroads etc., etc Tbe gold mining, lr-m ore and economic minerals are fully set forth. A good ndex. and a good map of the state ac company in g leave n- t'aing tu lie desired. The work, m fact ha isn doneti- haus'ively, and no one need now l.e at a I ss in seeking information as to N rtb ('and ii; in any of her asptc's The tieautiful photograph-c Tiewg of scenery at repre-entative point;, add im Tensely to its value Weunderstind our selves to be indebted to Prof llolrnes.state geologist for con'ribu'ing thei. Mr. Hoimes has ooen d up a new mine of i.jterer.t and i iformat-on in the getting up of a inag'iifi'terit serti.s of these illus trations North Carolina in h-r rice ib id, in her fisheries, her quarncrs, her xwamps. her t'bacco warehouses, her mountain g rge, farms and -uaimits. He gave an e xuibif ion in the University chapel this whk, tnrougo bis camera of many of the sinking h eoes whi'ih are intended for the Oti'cao exhibit. The le ture accompanying was as g'od in its way as the vewa As Presider.t Winston sai 1 coming away: "A veiy b ight, very bright " Ia short the ie.rd of agriculture is to if. t o'up'.i'ueufi d avi congratulated Upon ttie get up of thdr haud tiok. They have di n- the Mte au essential s-rvii-t at home and abroad. Certainly no iriteli'geut ct zeti ought to J with out aiojy. and us tertamlj no lLtnding imm era.. i. WAKI COi NlY- Vrthar A pster, plaintiff, w Jo t-r fiiiiu htiluet a I'orut & Co . itefemlant. The dete-nda t sIm-ts nan.ed bours tnat a etini a n ii fbe abor -t Th d rti D was isMied on the 1st day .! fit 'ute. hv W. D. Hsywivid. a Juru.-e of itv ,j Wke county. North "aren!i, I. r l e uiu f ne hu'-dted and viu t -inre io la , L( torty-two punts it 99l'2 due tli aid j .u tl by aeoonnt ler persi-na' s- vi es ieid-rd htm and expenses whil rendi ritm t!.. n,, which trnruu.oi.". is returnable :'..e rk $ inrtioe ai the rmiw o' Mrnrnt A Mr tin m th ity of Hale'Rh iu said eaiumr u.' ,-,,D the2Sthdyol Kebrnsry. I , I-W jf,r lfenant wv.l a so taku notie -bat a s.rraut of attaohment was ibu- d by the aid Ju.t re on ihe said UX day ed Kebrnaiy, 1"U , slurb warrant is retitrrib'e helot e t'. 1 Ju.ties kt the tiroe and plaee kIhiw uarned lot the rs tum of the stinu ouk; nd 'h de eudani is reqn'.ret tu a. pear beiore tti eai.l Ju..,- st the. lace abov named .h- I th ly o March, A O 1NW.S, at the h H' li , ard at ii answer or deniu to the complaint of the ila ntirT, or tho rullof d tuauJe.l ttfeiu sill e rrnted. 1 his 'at day of Kebrnarv, A. P. l-r.s. W. I) UYWiNil). J. p STR 'NO & -eT':oNr. IfnnMi Fairview Farm, Stallions In I'se 1K3. KHA.NKLIV CUIKK s-andar.1 and r Utered Nj 3' 17 cnertnut Hall'.un. S'4 h ttida high weighs ),-u iionudH He Is mu miired Voraa His sire Ke itTsnk dn record 9-2 ', i- the mreut 21 In 2:3 1 d-t, he rt jwni of I) n el lrfm i"', xs I j hi Ht, 43 'i th d tru of 41 In 2.'" dst Miriam h-oou in S : li-t and sh by a sou of v. nan Alb-n 4t reeoul i:?Ulm. that Mred Dan'.el linlert atv r. Kr iul n i hlel Is the handsome d Ma Hon In f he Snoth, and the reiH'e t -ire .f au i syety co't io North C-ir..'1n4 M ONDYNK htandttd aid ngsterel Vo H2.TU dark brown Mai. ton, bands hirfh. w-lrfhs u .uu'lii. lie i tired HtinhVi p u. sbe A rnrd 2 23, aire of Ahluan an t oiher 2,: tro t'T ia a o of IJeotJ Wilke, reco.-d ti:tJ, on o' a diibter '-e in ut. slrl' .u2:iO ii-t it- ptui in Nutwcs d wit KM In HI list ieirge viike- and rt linout. hve 'Trtu;-Tt''ar t Jo I'M Mi ru'vLf- s ri. lTubleiionie, revojet i tC? WJTh it- better than to her red t U by Mes senifer Dur- c, dre 1 in 2:i li snd t a drtin of 0 ia 2 ''0, aud he by till lUmble oninn ID. SljIIou cards kIvI'ii full !-cr'j tlnn and ex-tlid uadlgrt t au tie hail ou pjil cation to H P. WIL' I . V.SdN, Fairview Ksrui. iUi 1 ,h. N. O. Mait-h 1st. lW. ot m A $75,000 Fire. New York, March 16 A fperia' from Patsrson. N. J . to tbe evening World says: Turn hall, the building covering half a block on Ellison and Croff streets was totally destroyed by fire this mornirg The loss, roughly is timsted, is $75 000 F. ur firemen were iniured and it is believed two of tbem will die. They were caught in the building when the walls collapsed, and it was with great difficulty that they were removed from wxuf"'" The Temperance Outlook. Boston, Mch 15. Tne annutl meet ir tr at Eist Camrirtdsie of tha Woman a Christian Temperate ; Union, held 1 .st evening iu Trinry M.-tnodist Jjpiscop' churc h,wa abruptly interrupted by the sudde n death of one of iis speaker, A. M Graham, past c ot the Firi-t Re formed Presbyterian cbu ch of Ua-tm. Mr G-aham was idtr :uce i to sptatt on "The T- mperance Orli.k" He arose and aid: "I ame i.u of a s ck led t show ihe side I am n " The sentence was hardiy spoken Dcn he fell bak dead. qurkilon lor an A ustver. Cor. Stale Chronicle. Rai.eioii, N. C, March 10. It may tie an it tin of i.ews to j u that one of tbe lianas d Raleigh at least the (.it z'.lb' Natt'-nil Bnk r fuses Ui pay gold. I teq'i sted them to col'ect a check for $1.5(hi fT me iu poll which tbey said th'-y c eild d in ab ut five days At the expiration of that time, payment in gold was refti-ed I-that not dogging pay ment of gold ( H as the bank a right to di'crituinate between persona giving some go d and refu'ng it to others I Th-i bank cannot say it htd no ld. for five days before th-y said the check cou d be collected in gold. Yours vcy truly. C. F. Vos Uerhmann. Not ico f fair. tin the tth day of Marrh. !-.U. st IK in., al the nourt li. us d.n.r io th e ty f K cub, N C . nnd 'T powers eo''f-rrl in a certain niortfr jf, eteeii'e t t Sel is Mangnni rs d fled in the olfiee id Hie K-Kts'erof leeds of iVskf conny, la i b 7. p li", I dl sell at pnblio auction 'or eteh tb l-nd il-w Titd tti bvi I raortKiKe. situst-'1 l.l Vv.ks c nt.t. Nw l.iifbt tnW'.sh p, a J iitntiit 'be lan.-s ed -pei.cer O.rrelt. H K. SendhiK, 1 irtue Iy H. K Uwi snd others. cii.i..riiii ibrra c es, iuo:e or less. TIIO K l UIiNKUs le.17-tds . hm: Ul V IbBNLiS irsanreid auuuvlly lo the Old KruahU dutnal Beuertt Uie luxx!AUCf Coqipasy if Newark, N J . re tae larited- Tho aiai of rtie 'jftlfs-is Is u ItEDUCK ltir UemUl rUje U. tne iot"t point and v bnng her ef peiaea lown to tne mlal ti nm That they have doue so TIIK CH)NT Of A pulley In tew Oouiuy pruvr Her coVract coaraln only jrnarateea. o entlmatM are given out by her to mislead the nn we ry ehcr fM-r lslrh 1SUKA0K. A'e do not cUtTi t tLe irvsit ar uiTtty the Bet Company A cUa rtre for firty-neveo Yenara IOlIl J. OHKWKV. tte Assent fc Nortn aud Sooth Carolina. eiV9 a eri rr J4-t1 ALU ABLE IT 1 Y I 'JturE.Cl V K SALE rTtr-Totut o j idn -ti-- kp"";l; H.Tlor t,nn. r 1.1 st tl - '""'I'T: t-m -ul tb. KV-Liti-ry-r-n. ' 10 t-. ,. t a-. i. m -:r'jt. . H rn I in. w I ' - . - . r-t I - KM I .... L t . ljll.Vsii 41 "1 -i...i,.i r.tir r.f Vurr lrl'"' " ;j :v v;-nni KiyaVr, guard an ! tif i ' rf ,v'j sui-eiu. wr w in uj .j j .1 f.nrt tuk l ,r 'M 'I W..-I.. V I" st .1..IC "1 ; ... . - ..i., .t,,. t,r c-o. .l Vt 'I.C M ---- - r.dlowltiir IO. or .arc 1 ' I ' ' J of Hi'etgh. N vl 1'i.D!tm','''J o: Mrs 1-an-a A a la f-i " bii on fee sr.ntaest ' " f u.rtinnr.1 H --.1 1. r.'t m d f I'.Sl"' . . . . , . , m. voril 'fit pari oi c 17 i 1 .ik I- ..J ... i Ic .r. I kt e .Ml v ' la tte"ed of Ttl)1 'H'Ci''! ' '' I vf 1 ..I Mi uie to A 11 . ..a. . ,. .k'r ' 1 . . , . .4 orr.cei rrnsi is miy r;'-," v' iwwer n' P el" " r as -la tsa HO. fsg-T'?. t ,onrof ale. 12 oc v-x-k m yW( W.J PKr-o- IV.m l-l"n .fir C.ladalone Better. Lonu N, March 16 Mr. Gladstone's reco;.y irotu iudisposiu ji ia progreas ing bo aatisfactori'y that n more bulle- lina aill tMhi.Uc:ti awl tO iU COdllliiOn sj Kerretarr Smith and the 'Varsity Bo is. Tar Heel. M- Hke Snith, Mr. Cleveland's sec retiry rif interior, is very pleasantly held in remembrance by the Univcsitj foot bill team, of last year. Wh'.le they were m Atlanta lat fl!, he showed tiem tverv ourttsy and atf-ntion possible, a d a'er the.r brd fought e.od victon-u-..s -aeue with tne University of Vir f he gave ao elegant btrrjuet t the T-.r ileel champions t Lis reatdence on P. -6;ntree street, at which it was tbe D'e-sure of our boys to meet many of the 0t Caty s icrveuesa uauguisTn - CANNING FACTO iU SMI. The Creicent Caitdr. i Co V I-. r.T,r for a! thel " t-e ... u., - i'l'inj of tow a :ot aad Olive one iH-hor-e jlT L'iivli Pnn.n an 1 .'i'.Ti.'' U1M.UI j . r ' an. cos- CSiD. cans rally A'J t.' - :-" Purr, i.r the wnoe ca'i li ..nt .'.d st prvate sals 1 wriw-v vaia s. - fore, it will be ao.d at ?ahdc i lith of April, neat. Appiy to. : saie tn tl B, A. UULTift-ltB S-Sl'T"

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