www ill v Mm r m u M -m mm mm w m mm . 3 1 ill l l iiitl u -x. r l l - - VOT YTT i V E SERVE Drink Yet. siiinine V iy, . KIM & CO.'S. save. - I Faying Bashes' Bills t BOTANIC 5 BLOOD BALM I 4 THC GREAT REMEDY . r.i, V.l Bl.COO ANO SKIN DISEASES . i . . 'l"rovRiiirt;!tfvd tvru. Aj i , : Mm ami the p'"lil A - . ' ami nevrr f ija U9 -;uvtf Mitt H-rnuMkrtittT ULCERS, FCZEKA. S', PIMPLES, ERUHioW V : ef J'ATIMJ. Sn;K',I,rV(i VT,(I , , t s litvuriM.T turns tt;: " 1 iII-m-i if iirf"'iiiTm .1 f t WhA i ) ;.Vf u i s:.;03 tUM CC, AM- ICE CREASTSODA ii. Kixfi & co.s. Ms RLTRfcAl of Ilelicajfics. j :.e i rt Kilooa of J&r. Cha j. Br-etecb, 1" i".j-ettcvli"6 vcif'TP f f e noiC popnUr deports In .kJ hu'I as h season frogrespes :.f Wi' ' h ici-ft-t T-teh for tha splendid ..vi&.i: ;uaritfJ.c8. in aoration la the EAICEEY t;). i .A- i'i-.-i. ..-vo, wir.-w ori;., can ot t-.: I: f-; n s-"1 irulta aeS Idmiiii ralor's Notice. vft uh'-ii "it leitfrs'cf admlDlBtrattnn ;. s ti t- ertu:.- .re iateirc. A. A. Perry, t: It " " j-.ws, iaTIUK CiHIUB w-Mr.'t tr ii"-",ut to pJ"eiitthem tome on if! rf a; ri 1 1 IMU: all p?rsons Indebted to i:JJtie'. i.s rr .a muse iirjea mie payment to je. .1 imw ni HE, Al-ilristratnc I Mrs, A. A. Perr r.nd Lot for Sale. T.ri.. ti itMiiKijiy CJODIC-rTCCl In a c r.'con:td in boc-k 113. pHgaeOA :;K.'5t rcf DticisTi.Tic.) of W'ske conn st, N C . wll;. ou MoDday, the 2th day cfi'sy. s-c-I I to fie hianest bidder, for ca-h. t 12 o'drck m., p.t the Court Honse CDor. :a r.e tny oi r.aieigii, tne hor.se and xt c: wnert-oa .De 8am V aes now re ('.(!. ;:areJ ou nh Blonst street, and ierts :i tA'v, CHca E. S. BATCHELCR, d: Mortgagee. Jloljase i'ale of La Ft T!-:r? of ir wer conferred on oae by i crtv.n novtL-ve deed, extcrtea by I'pthnrc.': and wife, which said r:r;.ielii uu:r recorded la registry of TKnnry.H-okNo. 1 3, at Faf?e745, rJofffrtornrJeto the highest bidder !::ci-h at the court house door In the ctjof.elwh' N U., on Mondav. Jure liucrrae dctid beinj? a tract of ill containing uinety-nine acres (99 km mire or I b, ntar the town of Mor- Tii,t IT SHiil COlintv. ad inlnlTifI cJoh Mijca, P.eHsaat P. Pender Fm. n. Clements and others, and acre pmtTlcaTv ("Merited in Rv mnrt , . - MONTAGUE, Att'y, Krt.e'Kh .N. (J.. May 6, 1S'J3- y' lofio W. Evans, MANLjACTURER of CAKKUCES, I5UGOISS, DELIVERY WAGONS t;ccLa' tteuiiou grtven to 1 b and Palntine. 2r"7.;yle of worlc oiicitftci. & & K JGg?y nd9 "Pail!! 8 ffi Work Guaranteed lo be fw repraeeated. sprlnrakept la stock Xa:eM?u U.ot ttDything belonging Salem Female College. WiKSTOJf, May 27 Special. The loDg-establUhed and widely-known Salem Female College is one of the m the United States which are the Church, and are conducted under the supervision of executive boards FortPftTmC68 North and South o aW J ! C6ntUry its ousands of alumna have spread its reputa t onover all parts of the South? and it s their favorably opinion and matwo judgment that now secures a large patronage of the institution ! xotight was locution evening of tbo nmety-firat commencement cx eccises. Th Tjroerammrt a rairab.y recaered, eliciting hrirr encores and convinced the large au- U7C n.tnis was one of the. scnoola caany commenrifthU ano.J ments. a J? 'lock a- m- tomorrow Eey. A. S. . MrOIure, D. D., of Wilmiog ton N.3., will deliver tiie baccahu reate strmon before forty one young ladies composing the graduating xIhe Sunday Opening Queson. iiy t'outhem Associated Press. 'Chicago, May 27 After a long conference held between District Attorney Gilchrist and hia asais ants this a. tt it was decided to ale a bill to enjoin the opening of the World's Fair with Clerk Burn ham today. The bill-will be pre sented twfora Judges Jenkins and Gossip sitting in the United States Circuit Court. Beyond setting tba time for the bearing, no action will V, toi,, and tbe proceedings of the court will only cccupy a1 few minutes. It was decided that the date for hear ing be set at such time next week &? u -1 HConvenie,lt for the sitting of Chief Justice Fuller. RALEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING MAY 28.1m THE FUNERAL TRAIN. THE JOURNEY FROM NRW LiEANS TO RICHMOND lt BE GIN TO-DAY. The Remalna othe President of the Southern Confederacy to do Honored Along thu Line aa They are Borne to Their Flaal Place oi sepulture. Tbe solemn transfer of the re mains of Jefferson Davis, late presi dent of the Southern Confederacy, frosa their temporary resting place is New Orleans to their spot of per manent sepulture in Richmond, will present a spectacle unprecedented m this country. Indeed, perhaps the only analogous incident in all history is the removal of the ashes of Napoleon from St. Helena to the splendid tcmb of the Invalides in Pans. The reinterment will be made the occasion of a quiet, but general demonstration of respect for the memory of the distinguished leade throughout the South and especi ally in the States throusrli vrhinh t ... . - liiauaier win oe made. lanta from Montgomery at 4:30 o'clock on the afternoon of the same day, and the casket will be immedi ately borne to tie new State cap itol building, which occupies an em inence only a short distance from the depot The casket will be placed in the great rotunda, reached by four wide corridors, through which those who wish to take a last look at the body can approach. In the course of the three and a half hours during which the casket will remain there, thou sands will pour through the build ing, it being the intention to make the ceremony the occasion of a great gathering of veterans from all over the State. At 8 o'clock the funeral train ;n leave Atlanta. At Greenville, S. C where the train will arrive in the middle of the night, a brief stop will be mads. Greensboro, N. C will fea reached at 8 a. m. and Raleigh at neon of the 30th inst Here the remains will again lie in state in the aapitol for three hours, the journey to Richmond being re sumed at g p. m. At 3 o'clock the ex-capital of the confederacy, where Jefferson Davis lived as President of the Confederate States. w reacnea, ana the nest dav tne solemn and ftUSnrofo Tsome time, are elabrtfite and in-1 LOiul cerernonies will take place. CALL AT- DRUG STORE IsayaTenlc, a deUcioui beverage, here the oe of cinchona la in- km, L. Catarrh AT r-QV C inn OSk- ri'm (tin 1A . H MX; IkfNX 50 c yu-Jn. FHAYFEVrVi fcjiei j. ft :v-,. -a 13 1!'J'vr"i !n cacn nostril and 15; ;;:; ,..Ilc,e P cents at Drufte; ' O'UiKIis.K Warren St., Mew Yoik. The Jefferson Havls Funeral Car. The funeral car or catafalqea which T7ill convey the remains tf President Davis from the Union station to the Capitol will be com pleted by Monday evening. It was built by Messrs-'Ellington, Roysfccr & Co., after a drawing mn.r?A at A. G.iEauer and is being draped by Mr. John W. Brown assisted by Mr. H. H. Roberts und M. Ed. S. Brown. The car is fourteen feet hi ah nri will be the most imposing structure of the kind ever seen in Raleigh. It is built after the Gothin Hfv70 hating side and end labels.. ported .by eight columns with the old style screens and ent&hlaina The dome is surmounted by a cas ket shaped tower. Its attractive ness is dn the matchless harmony of itn various parts. The car will be drawn, by six black horses covered with black nettincr and driven bv James II. Jones, colored, the body servant of the late President Davis. Each horse will be led bv an er- Confedcrate soldier in Confederate uniform. Four young girls, daugh ters of veterans, bearing Confederate flags will ride upon the car. The arrangement of the ear is such that the casket containing: the remaine of Mr. Davi3 will be in full view toill along tbo line of marsh. Mr. Jno. W. Brown is sparingno pains or expense tontke the car an imposing cne and the Ladies Me morial Association did well when they put -it into his hands. We venture to nay that no itv in which the remains of Mr. Davis will ston have a unore impoaincr funeral car tnan will. Raleigh. The following are the young Ia ilies who will eit upon the car, eaei: faring a furled Confedorate flag: Misses Mary Armistead Jcaes, Fran- ei3 Burton Hoke, -Ellen Devereux 1 e ran of 1889, when imma crowds from every Southern State uueU io gaze on &ia remains lying in state in the city hall of the Louis iana metropolis. ROUTE OF THE FCKERAI. TBAIN. The casket containing all t.w; left of the dead Confederate i,if WHERE HK STOW RESR. when Jefferson The rations, which have ben under way teLTnt fonsome time, are e1l- :J terment aioate that the ceremonipR win pS3 those attending the first tuner- Jeffersoa Davia died in of M, Davi8 in New Orlsm in 0. H-Jft 1W- . , uuuio uiubu ac onco a rriendly competition xities of the South for the hotor of xuimnmng nis last resting 'place. His widow, to whom the question was left, declined to decida it at once and it was only recontly that she gave her decision in favor nf will be borne from New nrwD u ' I ,Rl9nd. Meantime, the remains an imposing special train of Pull-' 6 re.ed t61P0rarily in Metai man cars, draped in mourning from neTcvfmetery' in New Orleans. p Dpirom The remains of the distinguished. ment is crys;alizing in favor of a Bhnne rather than some towering monumental structure. The sug gestion has been made that the shrine be a simple Greek temple, with a certain number of columns in front, and following the rule, double and one over on the sides. In this temple it is urged that there should be a recumbent figure of Mr. Davis lighted from the top, and in bas-relief in the architrave, freize, cornice and pediment of the temple should be sculptured the principal events in the history of the Confed eracy. The location of the burial plot was selected by Mrs. Davis. It i3 so situated that it catches the first rays of the sun in the morning and the last rays in the evening. THE PROGRAMME IN RALEIGH. We republish below the pro gramme of ceremonies which will be observed here on next Tuesday: On the arrival of the funeral train (en route from New Orleans to Richmond) at Union Station on Tuesday at 10:45, a. m., May 30th, 1893, the remains of Mr. Davis will be received and escorted to the Capitol building and lie in state in the rotunda until the afternoon un der guard of honor. They will be received at the station by the mayor of the city and Adjutant General of the State, and at the entrance to Capitol squf.ro by the Governor of the State and his Staff. Order of procestion, via Martin and Fayetteville streets to the Cao itol ; NO. CO. AT NEW ORLEANS. ALL BKINGGOITKN IN READINESS FOR THE JOLRNEY. Mr. I) vis' Remains Transferred to Their Final Casaet and Borne to Memorial Hall Richmond Prepar ing for the Reception of the Cortege. C. D. Hrartt, Platcon of Police chief. Knights of Pythias Band of Rr.leigh. Governor's Guard, Military escort. Fcneral car drawn by sis; horses, James Jones (formerly a servant of Mr. Davis driver; John W. Brown, director. The casket will be borne by J. Wiley Jones, S. W. Wall-, v s Mosely, J. R. Rogers, E. JL Bradley, and J. Q. Hudson. 1st Division. President and Ex-il ecutive Uommittee of the State Con federate Veteran's Association-: Geo. W. Sanderlin and Chas. H. Clark, hiefs. 2nd Division, 'ffake Oounty Ooa federa,e Veteran .Ass ociatwa end Ex-Cenfederate Soldiej.-a generally : W. C. Stronach, L.D. Stevenson, G. M. Allen and N. W. West, chief e. era Division. vTai!.? By Southern Associated Press. New Orleans, La., May 27. Gov. Foster has ordered his personal and general staff to assemble in this city Sunday, May 28th, in full uni form for the purpose of escorting the Governor with the funeral train as far as 'Mobile, Ala. Gen. E. P. Cottraux, J. B. Vinet, Allen Barks dale, Col. S. J. Utz, F. A. Ober, Maj. W. W. Watson and Lieut Col. Fre maux are ordered to be present to proceed to Richmond on the funeral train and participate in all the fu neral ceremonies, said escort repre senting the State of Louisiana. Mayor Ellyson, of Richmond, and Miss Winnie Davis arrived here to day. Gen. Stephen D. Lee will be in charge of the escort from Mia- wrsuippi removing tne remuns of Jefferson Davis from this city to Richmond. The funeral car was a handsome Richmond rmd Danville observation car, with a handsome catafalque in the centre, arrived yesterday. The reraains will be re moved tomorrow from New Orleans to Richmond, Ya, for reinterment Wednesday next. The tody will be removed from the tomb to Memorial Hall at 5 o'clock this afternoon. It will lie under guard of honor until 3 o'clock to rcsrrow af ternoon, when it will be removed to the funeral car for con- ivjj a, li wo i,u Awiuuuiwnu. xn6 pro gramme of ceremonies by the mili tary veterans and civic organiza tions is aa follows: At Memorial Hall at 4:3 ) o'clock Gov. Murphy J. Fos ter will announce the transfer of the remains from Louisiana soil to Virginia, after which will be the reading of the order from Mrs. Jef ferson Davis directed to Camp No. 1, Army of Northern Virginia. Lou- lsian Division, to deliver to the Jef- Our Popular .Summer Drink: an oak catafalque, and expoeed to public view. ar- e pro- PREI ARATIOXS AT RKHMOSI.. Ricomoxd, Va , May 27. All rangementa m reference to th e,.-. Vl lDe uav, iiav 31st. the occasion of the re-interment of the remains of Hon. Jtffertoa Davia have been completed, and an im mense crowd will witntss and par ticipate in the exorcises Promi nent ex-Confederates from all oter the country will be in attendance. Among the veteran organuationa there will be seme twenty-five Con federate Camps from Virginia, while Jjorth Carolina, South Carolina, N aabington and Marjland will teed organized contingents. Floor OH Clotb, Yard wide 2"c..two y.-cs wuie c morrow. MosdaT. at t-'w ndel. u- Mfn'j Straw Hats Mondayat8' U 10c" a.oiraw, , i?witdeir. Ouce More, 'lotoorrow Mocdny, we will fe!J yard wiceiljoroilciuhfor uc ir )ard, two Jarda wide 40i., at rerr Swindell r. m-' Jlany Icrsn tro r Vi-n nnwn from overwork .r ltu hoi l r. r, ltroviis Iron llittrrs Kt-tM -s tie iysteia. ai.la diirmtlon. rrmnv,. of I auJ curvs malaria. Get the gen uiac. the headlight of the locomotive to the signal flags of the last car, and Danjcea with flora I offeringa from the four coraers of the flowery South. On board the funeral train will be Miss Winnie Daris, the "Daugh ter of the Confederacy" and .guard of honor composed of Lonisana veterans, led by the surviving lead ers of the Lost Cause. It - was in- HinsdaJe and Addie Bojian Snow. tended that Mrs. CMHl v- ui'ARANTUD. .Ct'wU Boiton, ;r,o Herri no, W ast,. Junior Urdr American JScchanlce liaieign voua&l. Ne. 1, of th above named Order, held .(their annual meeting laet night at Odd Fellowe Hail. The reeeting was very largely attended, and much enthusiasm manifested. Past Councilor Ed. C. Owen, of Virginia Council JNo. 3, Petersburg, Va:, was the oratcr of tha occasion, and his ddres was in every ray very coad- atable, he taking for tuo subject of hi3 theme 'The South, ;&e Nation's Safeguard Address s?ere also delivered hy M sasrs. Gea. H. Glass andJi:.S Cheek. This Council is but young, being instituted February 4th, 1880, with twenty-three members, and up to this date nuLibors in the neighbor hood of 100 patriotic young, who have enlisted in the cause of Amor ican principles. vwu.r..i vigor ! AM' Blood Builder mm PPnd ftl dencri,llv piiiuphlut. WILLIAMS' MEDICINE CO.. Schenectady. N.Y. Md BrockvllleOnV World' CsJumbiau Exposition Will bo of value to tho world by il luttrating the improvements to the mechanical arts, and eminent phyg iciaLa will tell you that the progress of medicinal agents has been of equal importance, and as a strength ening laxative that Sjruy of Figs is in advance of all others. At a meeting of Raleigh saloon men answers to circulars sent out May 4th were read, and it was de cided to call a meeting of the liquor distillers and dealers, to be held in Raleigh on Wednesday, the 21st of June next, for the purpose of or ganizing the North Carolina Liquor Dealers' Association. A constitu tion, by-laws, Ac, will then be adopted and officers elected. .T 1 i -. icuueu buL iliiS. OaVlS BiiOUla i also accompany tho cortege, but IrkAaB l 111. -11 a nor lcuviv iien: in wm not permit of the journey from Hew Yorl; to lew Orleans .and baok, and she will meet the remaine in Rich mond. The special guard .of honor will be supplemented as the tr,in passes through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Socth and North Carolina tad into Virginia by special escorts, made ,u of the governors and distinguished con federate survivors of the respective states, who will aeecsnpany the re mains, some of thets. only fca the border ,of their own sUtes and oth ers on to Richmond. According to the programme as at present arranged, the trin will leave New Orleans at half-post seven o clock on the evening of the 2eth of May, during the night Beaavoir, Miss., the old heme of Mr. Davis, will be passed and a short stop made. ST THE ALABAMA CAPITAL. The first stop cf any length, how ever, will be in Montgomery, the Alabama capital, where the first Confederate Congress , met, and where Jefferson Davio first took the oath as President of tha Confeder ate States of America. The special train will reach there at 6 o'clock on the morning of the 29th, and the body will he in state in the historic old capitol building until 11 o'clock, after which it will be recon rcy ed to the train and the journey north ward resumed. The associations clustering about the memory of Da vis and of the Confederacy at Mont gomery are so numerous and pow erful that the ceremonies there will be particularly impressive. AT ATLANTA. The special train will reach At- A --v ... 4 th division. Nearth Carolina es cort: K P. Willi&mscm and -F. J. Haywood, chiefs. th Division. 'Office ira and ex effisers of the various departments of the State Goexnmnnt: Walter Clark, chief. 3th Division Slayor and city and county officials, Chamt er of Com merce and citizens gent .rally:. J. M. Heck, chief. 7th Division The scfc oola, ender the immediate cherge of their prin cipals. St. Marv's and Penr T Agricultural College a; id Graced Schools. Morson and enson' s School: John B. Burwell and C. 3 3. Dcson, chiefs. 8th Division Ladies' Memorial and Monumental Associ; itioas and ladies generally: E. Bur-ke Hay wood and C. M. Busbee. c hiefs. The Divisions as above indicated, under the eseort of the Confederate chiaftain lie in the a&med will be assigned their , pcei tomb of the Army f Northern Vir- "ns n Martin and Fa rettelle ginia, which is one sf the grandest, streets bv th marskaln. and taost imposing monuments on I wil1 ioin the processien, in j-egalar J. B. Hill and Geo. H. Snow. rhief fe.rson Davia Monument Association . Ncarth Carolina es- I f .cnmond the remains of Ex- Ihe head of the column will march around eapitol fejuare, and, with Division 1 and 2, enter the grounds at the north gate. mBions a,, , and C will enter the grounds. Tb mosLument proper soars thirty fee t above this artificial .knoll. It consists 43f a sh,ft of granite, gracefally proportioned, supported upon a handsome base. Above this shaft is a heroic statue of Sr.nnwftii f at the east cats. Jackson, the work of the soulptor -Divisions 7 and 8 will enter at Porelli. The shaft is twenty-nine the south gate, and converge, feet in keight and the ttatute eight at the capitol. feet nine inches. Chants and Dirges by the choir The vault in hich the remains of Wni & Primrose, Director, the ex-President have bfcen temoo- Praver by Rev. M. M. Mfli.Qtoii ranly placed is dkectly to the right -Return to the station via the west of the entrance of this chamber of gate and Hillsboro and Dawson St the dead. I (If unfavorable " ouuuiu ihe tomb has room sufficient to prevent the carrvino- nnt i,Q 1 inter the bodies of 1,500-mem gramme, appropriate ceremoniea The last resting place of Mr. Wil be heid in the large waiting Davis, in Richmond, will be in what roms of the Union station ) i known as the new part of the , Any visiting military company IU'riOH TT.-V I I TTTTTZ-V T 1. thai- VMt ii 3 ... . . 1 J r. " v nuw4 vutuevcry. inuat ai-ieua, wui be assigned city of the dead repose the remains a3 escort in the Droceesinn of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart Gen. P. president Davis. Following this will be read the order of Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson, President of the Jefferson Davis Monument Associa tion, designating John Glynn, Jr., Major General of the Louisiana Di vision United Confederate'Veterans, to receive the remains to be re' moved under escort to Richmond. Ihe ceremonies will close with prayer Dy Kev. Gordon Bakeweil. TO STOP AT DAXVIDLE. TTT Washington. D. a. May, 27.- - Biigut cnange is to-day an nounced by the Richmond & Dan ville odicials in the route to be fol- iff Sy x avis funeral train. Alter the ntnn of T?t.:u ,, . , rvf ,i,w ioigu, me tram. insteaa of going direct via Keys ville to Richmond, will return via Greensboro and Danville, stopping ... ' ; w-fc,! Vl i peopio oi that city and sur- l Ciry aa PPortunity .uouoau caieitam. The f u uciai irain wi roonl, The Population tf llalrlxlt. Is about fifteen thousind, und e v.ouM Bay at least cne half are Iroul.t-.l with some affection of the throit an i lung?, as those complaiuU are, atcoiiini; t statistics, more nutnercus than i.tbefi. We would advise all our rca.!f rs n.-t t. neglect the opportunity to chII thtir drugt;Lt and Ktt a bottlo of Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lur. Trial eize free. Larc bottle 5( cer-: and $1. fV.ld ly fill drnevi.at Looking Better aT 1 iecnng better better in every way. Tl:ere"s more consolation in that than well people stop to ponticr. 1 o g-ty back flesh a n spirits thing. every '.CV J" Sfifitt'i of p::r- Cod Liver Oil II phospiuics i.i prcscriK-! ! inif piiysicias tvei yw ;:t i r;:c:us that ari cautii'-r r.--. 1 ics'i a-cl vital strr4t;! we system AllAIliT i rtitu : v. ... - .... FOR THROAT AND LUEMC complaints, the best remedy is AYER'S Cherry Pectoral In colds, bronchitis, la grippe, and croup, it is Prompt to Act sure to cure. s-S?Ficteres(iB8 Chicago ALL ORGANIZED. We take pleasure i speed of gram, Gen. John R. Cooke, Gen. The New York's omciai gpee4. Wm. .Smith and other Confederate B Southern Associated Press Generals and 12,000 officers and sol- Washington, May 27 Late hU 11 Lih? Los C&U8e- afternoon Secretary Herbert re! The Davis lot is ellintical in atano ceived a tl find is located on a nh ZZT: ttoil, " T" ". wmuiU"ore - r-wniA in a i aa iiiiows: "Ihe Tho a ;a a. ... , . T iU1 currents j l,uii wo uuo ut luo meat nin. was iwentv-nno tnn '"-1 iiuujnuuu. T, 1R DA. tuuou, yon wi,ue oaiue lime anneH. I Itauh.n ... ... . - I winvuui, suae na its natural beauties are At Baltimore-Baltimore 15 capable of being greatly enhanced Brooklyn 4. ' uy arunwx means, it commands a At PittflbnrTpai.u.,. -, . : 1: t " fc somewhat precipitous slope on the the New York from close computa baaks of tbe J ames river. tion and corrected for St. U IT. illlltJ C ' P oa Aue8Jaj. May the w via NewOrleaks, May 27. Early this morning the bodjof Jefferson Davis in its copper receptacle was trans ferred to a maffnifinenf. ir u-. with heavy braes trimmings. The cedar cofun in which the oricinallv . T ,K"a ','f2.n'.-''i-' WttH eturnea to i7u"9?o.. , I""", " was closed with a marble slab upon which was a fac Zr'r Ul Qe "gnaturo of Jefferson Davis, and it will remain in that wuxuin as long as the tomb of the vi xortnern Virginia stands, ihe transfer was made early and Theho tb8 f8mil'a 'uest Ihe body was naturally decomno,! but was m a fair state of preserva tion and the face was recognizable A guard of the Army of Northern Virginia veterans remained at the tomb all day. At 3 o'clock a mounted eeCort of aruiy oi the XorHiom V;-::- vetetana arrived and shortly after ward the rfc conducted tfae ket m a close hearee to the memo rial hall, whifih wuo -v-a . :Z:S:T.."ete. was re- foAl V nce bj tne United Con federate veterans and placed upon Baltimore, Md. " c Pleasure m etating tlat MaL vMuivuu, una urfTaniTPf i 1 eigh with the following 0fW Girectors: b arl in Ral- anI Richmond i, ;;Pny OFriCEEg. John C. Drewry, PrenLltnt: Frank 11 Carpenter. Vire-Ir.:.i rn.''- -- - v, 7 , j . v rr i ii - AM rs, leaker, Local Aut llR:rroR3. A. llollomon. Join V. II. iraIley, Wii;im j . . ...... M . 1 T . .1 ,1 -r- spienaia 7jew oi toe J ames river up cinnati 4 n -J J . l: . ' . 1 . auu uuwn, iine immediately be neath it are the falls, over which the foaming waters toss with a ceaseless roar. The Davis monument, however, will not be over tho grave. Thou eh some suitable stone will mark his resting place, the monument it is proposed to erect will be in Monroe park, which is in the center of the most fashionable residential section cf Richmond. What is to be the character of this memorial, has, of course, not yet been decided. However, aenti- s Cotton Hoof COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an nM rionthij bv thouand ofL Birmmffham Birrr.nrro i TT S?reorunprinc?SJ.Ti Savannah 0. " FtSS- At New York-New York 9 Philadelphia 5. ' J' "AfSjnST1 At Boston-Boston 8, Washing- 1 SoM i"fe" I by all Hriifirgigt. BROMOSELTZER H It',R, S , NERVOUSNESS, llS2ache sr,Es5" AND AIX FORMS OF BRAIN FATIQUE. m DISORDERED STOMACH. Price, ioc., 2sc 5oc. and $i.oo per bottle. MacRa. II Himpson, II.' H. A It r "ubu"i T' i. uouowav. APFRAIPEH3. Mj. H. II. Ito.er,,, aute A LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS, At UMrty to make contracts, a- 'nvi M the uomi us r0,aiSs "Z;?s -oklra THE ' HOME Surplus Sl.o'iS.OCC.l t. Wond8ffui;Growlh Last 5 Year?, Tie pciiclfs of the HOME an bread .r literal, both as to Urma and conrlitin.d and contain all theadvtaa of modern lnsnrance cottrt PtioiB J. S.COlS . JR . 6S?ABetti Main office. Colnmtla. a C

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