1 TO - I inB CREAJjl SODA . ....... TlrL.lr l?ft "v. " The 1 11, Kl . Mbrar? c ICE CREAM SODA AT 1 .; a Ex? save - Paying Doctors' Bills BOTANIC $ Til nnii nun A BLUUU HA Liu il. XII if. hl.G 10S. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 30, 1893. M). 01. i TH GREAT REMED .. L BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES I ihoroiiLTlilv teti'd bv ptii- v-i' ianx nml t lip j'""l'' mii, unci never fnils tO ami iMTiuaucntly ULCERS, ECZEKS, PIMPLES, ERUFTIJMS. r,f KATIN'i. STOK U'TNC bpI A v Invnrmulv eiin M the nnit !i.',i"s if tiri ,i A ih me t'ol- ft cr tiutlic, 0 butilcit tor j. tor ' rr.CC Tinnrc OP iC'-'iT f!ttCWOimHLu 5d" III' 0 BALM CO., NEW ORLEANS TO RICHMOND. THE DAVIS frUSKilAL TRAIN JOURSEYlNQ TOWARD US. r.oT.ar urn i uei) iciea. , Kih-'oaof Mr.C'i a Bretsch, :, Kayfttcville Entrance to Metairie Cemetery, New Orleans. TO HONOR HIS ASHES. RAL.KIUII WILL. TO-DAY PAY TIIIB ITK TO JKFFF.RSON DA VIS' MEMORY. - o. f i'f the r-'oft popular reeorts in tne Beascn procresees BAKERY .vo-efJe "'t c-itw, pies, &c. can fri-h f.r-A f.ae. Canrtlea, fruits atd yXtt (KiJtU'N in prorusioa Our CItv and People in Re&dlneas to Receive and do Honor to the Remains of the Great Chieftain of the Southern Confederacy -Lfulldlngs Draped In Mourning Business tc be suspended and the Bells of the City to be Tolled. jouso and Lot for Sale. Raleigh and North Carolina will today receive and do honor to tho ashes of Jefferson Davis, whose memory is today in the minds of a loval and afffwtinnaffi rAorl frnm fY ;.lT IllllliUlltl 1 LX a 1 IJil 1 m n n.oitwHce. executed by s. w . Vass. one ena lo tne otner 01 our loved c'; Cnly reconted in book l", page 602, lfVl A.nA ... i. uf k' j.tr c i l teons omce ii wsse coun- I ma i.y;j..r L"?.1 L State at large unite with us in pay i.i . i .. tv. - t i i . J I: . at, i" U 1 1 1 it ch. u.t at iu uouri nonse mi iriuuie io ms memory, anu to ("OCT. 'J tuJ ul rriK"i " uuust? niKi iiffc: 1 "I wherto-a the 81d Tass now re- f.i.s.tnrtted onfoiun rsiouLt sir et, ana iyvcn a in me saia mcrigage. "ie:s." rale, cash S. S. BATCHELOR, d:i Mortgagee gether at the Capital of the Old North State our commonwealth will today receive his coffined remains, and with a great outpouring of the people pay impressive and solemn and impressive demonstration. The Capitol rotunda was yesterday beau tifully draped by the Ladies' Me morial Association. A large cata falque, with steps leading tots apex, has been constructed in the rotunda just under the great dome of the Capitol and upon this the casket will rest. It will be covered with black and beautifully bedecked with flow ers, while the granite walls around hare been hid from view by the sombre drapings and hangings. The decoration of the exterior of the building was prevented yesterday by the rain which continued through out almost the entire day, as was aho the decoration of the buildings along the line of march, but they will be appropriately draped this morning should the weather per mit The floral decorations within the Capitol building to-day will be most beautiful and profuse, and a mag nificent design has bea prepared as North Carolina's offering, to be placed on the casket and to be sent on to Richmond with the remains. THE ESCORT TO MEET THE REMAINS. Where the Body will LieThe Jeff Davis Circle in the Foreground, thtlC onr0 Tomb in the Background, with the Joe Davis Mound Between. Mortsase Sale f Landt Ft T'.rtne of power conferred on me by i icTt; m oortkcHge dei-i, txecnted by .Vail I wharch and wife, which said r.or'.iii :ik.'t' If 'lu'y recorded in registry ot WiRecvnntv. Kcor o. l A, hi Pae 74o. lr.il offer for ale to the highest bidder or cvh at the court hotne door in the ctyof KA'.elkrh" N C, on Monday. Jute 5ti. K ht o'clock m , the property in Pn'fi n.orVttk'? descried being a tract of Lei coutiiialL uraety-nine acres (99 En re nr e ?,Lrar tbe townof Mor rfV.i'.e i'l s rid Lomty. art joining the lands ttJoi'h .Miriam, i: ewant y. pender Wn ( iei;)':nts and others, and sort ;r.;i. ic ) ' v i bed In s.ild mort itA Ik Y .V NTA?rK, Att'y, John W. tvans, MAM TACTURER OF 15UOGIE8, DELIVKttY WAGONS -i .t,teatiou ziv.u k-j a ad Painting. , 'jjT iv.'.y tfy!e of worn clitived. cir.-.ut c: i'gy ueeda rejalnn ill Work Guaranteed lu t at reproeQUd. l'-'l-'fls htA Fcrlr.KHkeDt in stock 'i t.r -ru. ia fact anythkg btlGLging ff-. -e nu ht rouLd In my Inctory. h:or:' tT; owe; i cutiutr Moiuttn .nd 1 riitt TO AW. S Our New IlliiRtr&ted Catalogue of 1UINTS, IiOBES, l!CLE3, VIMK3, 'Irees, Small FP.crra, Giui Vines, (Bkkds, etc.. vin be mailed Fhek to all applicants. .V plete Plant Catalorue t .. "!. --rrtpUon Guaranteed. 20liosB t Z i KLUNER, LonsTTLLC, Et,' : - - i , i.J..-l 4. 1 Where the Body Lies in Metairie Cemetery. homage to him and heap tender and loving floral tributes of affection and reverence upon his casket. The funeral train, bearing all that . 1 a 1 J remains upon earm oi tne great chieftain of the Southern Confed eracy, iB moving toward us in its long sweep from New Orleans to Richmond, bearing his body to its place of final sepulture at the Con federate Capital, and a few hours after these lines are read the fu neral cortege will be within our city a, n ft' :.' i: ! N'r 50c lE.HAY-PEVER General Longstreet. The iourney from New Orleans northward has been one series of impressnre demonstrations in honor of the dead, a fitting, final tribute in this long journey across the States of the Confederacy, and liaieign and North Carolina will today show that their loyalty to the memory of Jefferson Davis and their requiems to do revtrence to his ashes are co- Yesterday afternonik Gen. R. F. Hoke, Capt. S. A. Ashe, Capt. M. W. Page, Mr. G. M. Allen, Dr. W. R. Capehart, of Avoca, and others composing the escort of honor, left via the Richmond and Danville for Greensboro where they will meet the funeral train. Other members of the escort joined the funeral train at various points after its en trance into the borders of the State and will accompany the remains to his city. Representatives of the Ladies' Memorial Association of Wilming ton reached the city yesterday and will be present at the exercises. They are Mrs. Hettie James, Presi dent of the Ladies' Memorial Asso ciation of Wilmington; Miss Mary Fairfax Davis, daughter of Mr. George Davis and President of the Junior Memorial Association of Wilmington, and Mrs. Kate De Ro- sett Meares of Wilmington. The Chief Marshall has perfected arrangements for telegraphic com munication with parties on the funeral train, to speedily obtain in formation necessary to complete some of the details here this morn ing. But they will not interfere with the general programme as here tofore published. Business houses will be closed from 10:45 until the the ceremonies are concluded- Bells will be tolled as the proces sion moves to the Capitol. - Ladies will assemble at Capitol Square at 10:45 this morning, at tired in either whit or black; and when the funeral car enters Fay- etteville street, they will be assigned a position near the Capitol grounds and return with the procession entering the square at the south gate. No vehicles will be allowed on the line of march from 10:4.-5 to the time the column passes. Manager Huff will give nacesaary orders in reference to street cars. The procession will be on foot But carriages will be provided for the visiting escorts from the South. The Marshals' headquarters will be at the corner of Fayetteville and Martin streets until 10 o'clock this morning. His Excellency Gov. Carr will ac company the Jefferson Davis f un- ! eral train from this city to Rich mond today. The Departure nom New Orleans Great Demonstrations at Montgom ery and Atlanta and Crowds Gath ered Everywhere to View the Passing Funeral Car I he Cortege Nearlng Baleigh. By Southern Associated Press Mobile, Ala., May 29, 1 a. m. As the Jeff Davis funeral train pulled out of New Orleans last evening, crowds appeared at every street cor ner on both sides of the track, until the corporate limits were passed. As soon as the cortege reached the open country and ot under speed, the military part of the escort laid aside their arms and uniform ex nnvl- 11 n I i 1 L I 1 I.. UDUb LUBrL LUD VCLHIUUH KHlll. flfl TnAir I tk.l -11 11 1- 1 - j i 1 mi , , " turn, uu couia do aamutea. ine gray coats ready to take turns in train pulled out for Montgomery at standing guird over the casket 1:20, a.m. every station crowas assembled; at Montgomery. Montgomery, Ala , May 29.- -Greenville, Ala , was the first sta tion reached this morning after day break and here despite the early hour (6 a. m., quite a concourse as sembled and gazed with the usual intense interest everywhere mani fested at the funeral car. By this time the massive oak casket was al most undiscernible under the mass of flowers heaped upon it and sur- i - J v I rounding it and of every variety of v m jt ... - m J r i i t i . design irom tne most elaborate ana costly to the simple bouquet. One 1 i mm i - m Duncn oi lew wna flowers nas a card attached with the inscription erav headed old soldiers an"i Urtip i a woman s hand, "A faithful sub and children, with flowers b ding the 1 3ect ol our Southern chieftain." prominent features. ! At Montgomery carriages con At Keauvoir. Mr. Davis' old hnmA I inning mo omoers oi tne ladies the track and station rdatform had I Memorial Association came first in beed carpeted with the most beauti- "view tben Governor Jones, of Ala,, f ul and fragrant snow white rhodc- accompanied by his staff, appeared. dendrons. The little children f simultaneously two mlantry col Beauvoir thus paid their tribute to umns marched down alongside the he momorv of one whose declining tram aaiiea ana pretentea arms vp.ftrH had hfifinnnRSfiil .f t.Viat rlao I J-wo oattenes opened hre. Kain It had been expected that the escort beSun to fall, but Gov. Jones an- would have time to visit the Davis nouncea mat me procession would residence, but the stay was too move from the tTain to the Capitol, ahort for this cumosa. Gen. and at m- and a few minutes be- Our l'iular Sumiutr Irink; Miss Winnie Davis. ATLANTA REACHED. UKVsK CUOWDS GUKKT TllK Fl NKRAlillUIN ALONG TI1K KOU TK. Volleys and Salutes Fired at stations as The Funeral Train Sweeps liy l ne Train Rolls Into Atlanta On Time. By Southern Associated Prest. Atlanta, Ga.. May 29 Governor Jones and staff accompanied the Davis funeral cortege from Mont gomery, Ala , to the State line. As the train drew oat the infantry sa luted and the canuon fired. The ar tillery service throughout at Mont gomery was excellent A few miles out the wayside tributes began. The first was quaint enough. A col ored woman rushed out of her cabin with a child at each side and franti cally waved her handkerchief while the young ones cheered shrilly. At Chehaw there was a slight stop. Mrs. Joseph R. Davis boarded the train and gazed upon the beautiful decorations which surrounded the catafalque. They were accompa nied by their little girl. Several large floral tributes were at Beau voir laid upon the bier. One was a wreath of cypress, which Mrs. S. T. Green, nee Morgan, of Mississippi had brought all the way from her Mrs- Jefferson Davis. present home in Calusia, California. With the exception of one wreath of white 'immortelles with "C. G. A. and Augusta, Ga, on it in red flow ers, the memorial tribute of the old Confederate soldiers of that city, there were no floral tokens on the casket outside of those of the Louisana veterans and ladies of New Orleans till Beauvoir was reached. But if the other points contribute as well in that respect it fore that time the storm passed over and the sun came out Promptly at 8:30 the first minute gun boomed out and the procession started. Every window, balcony and sidewalk along the route were thronged The Capitol was decora ted outside with bayonet plants and magnolias and inside with profu sion of flowers. The minute guns at the depot fired tity the head of the procession turned into Broad Avenue leading to the Capitol and then the battery in front of this building opened and kept firing un til the processioE had reached the front portico. The flags over the Capitol and on the other public buildings were at half mast Ap proaches to the building were lined with infantry who rigidly kept every one outside the lines, unless speci ally admitted by the offioer of the guard. The procession approached in the following order: Mounted police; Governor of Alabama and staff, and the advance guard of Vet erans; hen followed the coffin on a caisson with a lofty canopy of pur ple over it. Six powerful black horses in regular artillery harness with brass mounted saddles drew the caisson. The horses were cov ered with drapings of purple sweeping the ground and a canon eer in uniform of blue and Bcarltt facings and wearing an artillery sabre was at the head of each horse. Each pair of hortes had a driver similiarly uniformed and armed By the caission walked the pall bearers, twenty-five or thirty of the most eminent citizens of Alabama, tS mm The State Capitol, Where the Body Will Lie in State. Every head was uncovered and the ladies pleaded so plteously for leave to enter t' e funeral car that the guards relented nd allowed them to pas through. A few miles f 11 1. 1 -m iartner aoout one Hundred men were drawn up in line with shot guns and riflfs, and the moment the funeral car passed them a rat tling file fire cracked down the ine. It was a fmall station, evi dently these men had rendevoused there by agreement to give a salute. At Ouelika full fifteen a hundred people were at the station. The ladies had quantities of floral emblems, and the veterans were drawn up in line with heads bared and coloia saluting. The people clustered in a dense mass SALKM (OM)IKXCKMKST. Twenty-One Young Lndy Graduate Kead their KM). Win-ton, N. C. May 29. '-.Seniors first evening" was the title of the commencement exercises cf tie Salem Female college tonight Twenty one members of the class read admirably prepared eavs be fore the large audience. The pro gramme was carried out as follows: ' Another epell than beauU',' Miss C Palmer of Virginia; "Mi-understood," Miss A Carrier of Ashevilk-; "Truth," Mits L. Allen if WiLtcu; Man a pendulum betwix a smile and a tear," Miss M. Conrad of Salem; "Grumblers," Miss M. Mo Cauley of Chapel Hill; -Piano Duet, Grand Vale Brilliaate." Misses A. Mimocks and Julia Jonef ; "A temreht in a tea cup." Miss X. Taylor cf Danville. Va.; "Trifles reveal character," Miss F. Barrow of Winston ; ' I my regions, Miss B. Sims, of Spartanburg, S. C ; "Smile and be Glad," Miss F. Creight, of Winnlcro, S. C ; 'lie wards of Industry," by Mits C. An derson, of Cedar Grove, N. C; Vo cal trio, the "Water Lily," by Mit-es E. Hege, M. Scales, and H Shields; "Character," Mirs E UuiUck, f Co lumbia, S C; 'Flattery," Miss L. Wellborn, of Wilkesborn, N. C. ; "Which gives the greatest pleasure books or friends." by Mipt N. M - Gehee, of Madison, N C ; "Every why inuft hav its because," by Misa B. Kiik, of VWuston, N. C.;"Si lent Influence" by Mian C. Neely, of Yoikville, S."C; "Tho gift of tongues," by Mies C. Gree. , Hot-ky, Mount, Va ; Piano Duet, Marionette overture, Misses S. Reynolds, and A. Davis; "The Power of Determin ation," Miss Ambar, Huntsville N. C. "Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining;" Miss M. B. Williams, of New Berne, N C; Gardens of Pleasure," Miss II. Read, of Texas; "Old Things Have Passed Away," Miss M. Coop er, of StateBville, X. C; "Follies of the Day," Miss M. Johnn, of Auburn, N. C ; Vocal Solo, "The Spring Revel," Miss II. Cross. The Baccalaureate sermon before the graduating class yesterday de livered by Rev. A. D. McClure, I) D , of Wilmington, was able, ornate and replete vnth practical gosj cl truths. The Fayettevill Light Infantry will arrive here at 0:15 o'ol ck this, morning, and will be the guests of the Ladies' Memorial Associatioc at the Yarboro today. will take one cr for the flowers The rich uniform of the Governor I from all parts of the State wearing of Louisiana was heavily laced in a purple satin rosette. By the side gold, every officer being in full dress. The gray uniforms of the men of the united Confederate vet erans, badges and buttons of the other veterans most of them worn with red and white ribbon and the familiar gray slouch hat make the cars present a striking appearance. The grave and dignified appearance of the veteran escort is particularly notable. The generals, colonels and privates have the air of performing Itoot and Itraiirh. the poison in ycur blooil, lio -r it ynia nave come or whatever shi- it is taain, is cleared away lv lr. I-n-e.'n Golden Medical Him-overy. It rem edy that rouecH every orKti irt'i health ful action, juinfi- hh eiiri i.r the blood, and through it eh-trice and in vigorates the whol Kyftetri S.nlt rbeuin. Tetter. Kezema, Kryfipel-. Ifoiln. Carbuncles. Enlarged Glands, and the worst ScrofubriB hores ami Swelling, are j.crfectly and i.eriicmeiitl v i -ired kv it. Unlike the ordinary spring mdicir;e or faresparilla, the ' I !!(, ver" work- equally well at ad season. All th year round, and in all i i h, it is jniar- anteed.as no othtr blood in. -ii- ie ih. If it ever fails to benefit i,r cure. ou have your money ha k. You i hv only for the good you 'et. I.n t it safer to s v that r.o t, . r blood-purifier can he "j'ist a- good ? ' If it were, wouldn't, it be so s-.l'l "' 1 Jlk 7.k II otitis i-r t ; . : town lrfun ovtrw.jfi: ,r 1. . i-. ! : Ilrowti's Iron dtittris i . a:. ! ct.rv.3 iL.fi: j.r. a. i.l t;.... v Tlie lN.pnlallon ol ICalelli. fs atH-iit ilft4.cn Vli'iuf-iirjo, n! -,v v.ou 1 kbj Ht leabt OT:C i;J!f HT" 'rMil i 'i with soir.e aUecti.vu of tlx thrc-at a: i ;-mg, ah tL.e cn,jalnt.-: ur . h. i. r':r:f. t Btatislica. t.v.re Tim k.j i.s xiiH'i .ther. We would advi.-e m'.I i-ut h :-. n ij- l t neglect tbe ',p.,tti.i.i:y t'. (... '. r t!. ir dru"girt uiid get a le.it i- Hr-i;.p" of the coffin a strong body of Con federate Veterans marched in fours; then followed the Louisana Veter ans, the special escort from New Or leans to Richmond. Behind these came a long line of infantry, a body of artillery men, a equadron of cav alry and fifty cadets. Alabama Veterans formed in two lines at the Capitol entrance and three maimed Confederate officers, two with bat tle flaga, one the Glth Alabama the liti'surn for the thr'Ht ard Jul,:"- Trr Bize free. Large boitV f r r v -. d 51. rld 'V irnf.'(.tr 4;,-. h- vli'd v ench nostril and : rice f'O ceava at Druggistfi; el. tA! CVS. . l-i Kllfc, M Wan-en St., New York. '' ..i: C, : i . - vi: im ui. VLV.;:.'tiTE.0. Atjul boston. w.ti. e'errlne, Mass. r . 1 VMithfi! vlar rr i "" t':, v. Ji it lee fVe. ' v T . i Blood Ut wilder WW'S 1' ri-vrns. the sacred duty and each bears I otner tbe 6Ind Georgia, faced the equally his turn in standing guard. I coffin as it was borne up the steps, The White fiouse of thoriMexacv r s i Dr. WILLIAMS' P1ELICINE CO., Schenectady, N.Y. ad ErOwkvlllc- Ont eaual with those of the other cities .. i v-i.it-- 1 and States tnrougn wmcn ine iuuerm train has passed. I'REl'ARATIONS FOR THE DAY. The carade when the funeral car is escorted from the station to lie in the Capitol rotunda will De a ncung It was a rather curious thing to see an ex-Confederate Major General with paper and pencil telling off his guard and a tall soldierly looking gray mustached Colonel composedly receiving notice to act as a private soldier. At Scranton, Miss , Major General Whiting and staff had their car attached to the train, and the special bearing Gov. Jones and staff joined the Davis train. The run over from New Orleans was a quick but very dusty one but all were pleased witn tbe way the train was nanaiea Dy superintendent Marshall,, who was on board person ally superintending its movement. At Mobile the Semme s camp of Confederate Veterans was drawn up two hundred strong on a platform with a camp flag floating in the breeze while the battery of the Al abama State artillery fired a salute of twenty guns. There was a great crowd there to welcome the train, Gov. Carr extended an invitation to Miss Davis and the ladies accom nvinsr her to stop at the Executive Mansion during the time the funeral and fully one thousand people took train remains, here. But she pre- what view thay could of the casket. ferred, under the circumstances, to No one was allowed to enter the be at a hotel. 1 car as it was manifestly impossible then they advanced and laid the worn and tattered flags on the cas ket. The Louisanar Veterans fol lowed, then those from Alabama and the other States. The band played a funeral march, and the veterans witn measured swincinc. tread keeping their ranks in fours, and maintaining perfect step fol lowed the body inside the hall from the main entrance. No one was al lowed inside but the line cf infan try, which stood at present arms except ladies and girls who formed two dense ranks between which the cortege entered. The Supreme Court room where the coffin lay in state was very tastefully decorated. Over the right hand exit was "Monterey" in golden letters on purple ground, and "Buena Vista" over the left hand door. Over the judicial bench was a huge stars and bars flag, an old garrison flag, a portrait of Mr. Davis under the flag, and over it in letters of ever green "He suffered for us." There was a terrific rush CO-STrXCED ON StCOSD PAGE J Tha Confederate Monument, Hollywood1 about the funeral car. A heart cf roses, and floral shields from the ladies and from Confoderate veter ans of Lee county, Ala , were put cn board. At Went Point the crowd was denser, if po-sible, than at Ope- hka. Tue children Lad tbe dav 1 T- 1 - ... nt-re- iverv ooy and crirl fcad a magiioha or c&i.e 'etjsamine, which they passed up to tne veterans. The ladies bunded up mote elaborate offerings. Tl ose cn the outer cir cles of tbe crowd passed tbt-rn over to those in front. At LGrange cannon boomed aa tbe train whissed by. Tbe local cavalry mounted, and with sabres at sl jte.were drawn up a little distance from tbe fide of the track. Tbe solid wall of ladie3 and children lined tbe road for about 250 yard3. At Newnan the local infantry fired volley after volley as the train A. 1 TT 1 swept Dy. litre a:so was a eral outpouring of tie people. At Wtst Point Governor Northen, of (jreorgia, and bis staff, boarded the train, and thence a higb speed was kept up till reaching0 Atlanta, the funeral train rolling into Union depot shortly after -4:3(J o'clock. KNOWLEDGE I.rin? f.!iif'rt a:nl irntr'v-rii i.t 1 tends to j-r-o.i;il eiij..yn.'-iit v.!:i rightly u.-'-d. 'il.- in. my. live t r than oilier-, and enjoy lif- ncr--, a .!:. 1 . exirf riditure, by u : j r n.j Jy adantiiiir tie. wrM"- J -t r r . : t I T- ... .V- 1. Ken- tb t.'ie riC( 'l-) of ;hv-ieal I K:g, ' the value t-i l, allii 1 tb- l-'H- laxative tri Tj i :! ni!.ra . 1 in rerie-dy, Syrup f Fi;N. 1 1-. exi-eileiice i-; due to iN jTf i.tini' in th- form nv-t aecej.Ltbie a'.d plea bin.' :M-.-i tr; . ; :i i- rf- World' Columbian Exposition Will be of value to tbe world by il- luiitrating the improvements to the mechanical arts, and eminent phys icians will tell you that the progress of medicinal agents has been of equal importance, and as a strength ening laxative that Syruy of Figs is in advance oi all others. ant to the ta.-t-. the n lr- beiieficial pr'ij-rti'-- cf ativ..-; cneetua,Iy eit-an-iri.' ti e -- :-.., di-lcllirir cold-, headache-. ' d 1 v r-i and er:iianently e-irinjr c n.-tij ition. It has given Kit i-fa' ti :i t n.i'.il-.n- ati-1 met with the jqiprnv.it ,i t!.t.- j:.- !'al profcrsion, lj-cau-e it :.- :, t:..- Kid neys, Liver an 1 L'.wch wi''i.,'it w-aw-ening them an 1 it i.- -rf . ?!y :r. e from every cbji i ti'inal'le -iih-tui"'. Syrup .f Fi'- is f r k i- by a'.l drug gists in o')r and -i'l l-tt;.-, but it is nan ufactured by the Calif'. mia l'i Syrun Co. only, who.-e name i- pritd-loii every package, alK the liable, Syrup of Fig and toeing well informed, you will liot accept any substitute if offered. V 'I l I I i m - i i