iri; Cui-r;i S0DA 1 Id !;uo isct s"' tcr I,rIiik Yet- Yjjfr ff II, liLMj & CO.'S. Paying octers' m m & BOTASiS S ui&aBn BLOOD RALMg C-VhiE GREAT FEMEDV $ r; r4 if I:' -) fj. flOOO ANO SKSiJ DiSEACCS - ' iMmiuih mill tim tKU!9 i - (i nr, iiml iK'vtr foils to ifr-il. ulcers, Eczrwu. -. : ...... ,r i atinu. snn'niN(; m i ' , .. , (. luvari:iblv on:.- t'.f n : ' .' , i . ', il ili'i n'i'H if Jin-flint: .' rs f ' :, - " ii jtr twltic, 6 W-lci Jorto. k ) "i'T FP;E5 W05DI.KII r;3 i'ALM CO., Ten o?' L 4J VOL. XII. RALEIGH, K. C, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 1, 1833. NO. 01. IHflltAI, l'1 U " of Delicaciest v'.ooiiof Mr. (.'has. Bri-tech, .u-rtetilld N".J t .S: . .., . f ;i: r o.-t r-opulftr resorts in ' I ...... iy i fee nhhcu ptoyresfea . ..t rwl tcr the splendid . '; . ., ; writ-lies, lu additlc-n is the 3 js IC E Y . V t c :es, pie, &c, can D9 1 t'Hortlt-s, frtiits and 'a.- i i infusion House and Lot for Sale. of nrthority ccriferrtd in a i k'f c-xecnteil by S. M. Vas, i :t (l ia book 113, page 603, .; i.v'ds omen cii waKe conn- ; M; :. ca 5-ainrnay, xne itt oay s .-. .-i ;i to the hitbest bidder, for ' a 'r.., at the Court Horte r o . 1 . J .V. V. 1 (OC 'J '" ' K 1 iin'kii in. use uuu 'et c! :.:i whr-n the .aUl Vass now re--:r-iH't'' on tenth lilontt street, and dijV.f?c::':M d .a the said nit rtgage. -a cash S BATCHELOR, d:;U Mortgagee EV v.rir.v si": r:'.y if tr.N f . ca i. :.i ' Murliiairc Sale of Land. - t. ! powc; conferrtd cn Te by trri'.iu ii.-rt;n;e deed, executed by i'?h:nch and wite, which said'f '1'ii'y rtcovded iu rtgitry o Wsei' uutv, F(ok No. 1 3, nt rage 745, !r..l o'Ur for P!i!e to the highest biddtr ;-r c-.--h ht ti e court ht ii--e d or in the c'tvet !:.tV.-ti N C, c:i Monday. June 5::. 'm. i.1- i- o'clock m , the property in H''4 ffKCtint-d leinx a tract of i: cf i ". i. liinety-niue 8063 (Sit ic ? r.ure c r 'e-s, Dtar the town ot Mor r?T:.le in Mi i toniity. hdjcinincthelar.ds c!Jo-e.'b M-.rrurd, P.eatant P. Pender- kTh..-, Wii. t itc er.u? ar.d others, and t:::'ric!u,:.iy iuri;ed in said mort- ri. r .ili.'iN I AUL K, All y, , N. ' :.. May 6 'J.l- Ssalem Female college. 1 Wissto C, May 31. Spe cial. Ar Library " - ,v happy and interestiD- ifcin mencemeiit of Sal- xc... Col lege waa the. class reunion this morning and the Alumrre Associa tion meeting thi3 afternoon. The latter waa attended by a largo num ber of former pupils from various sections of the South. The pro gramme wfis carried out as follows: Call to order; address of welcome by the president; report of secre tary -and treasurer; short address and letters; report from clas3 of '85; report from class of '88; S. F. C, Alumnao song, 1S93, words tj Mis3 Gertrude E, Jenkins, now of Wilmmgton.N.C.; paper on Alumnae endowment fund, Miss Annie L. Pittman; general business; short religious exercises; love feaet con ducted by Bishop llondthaler. There was a social reunion to night and a muEical concert given. j.he programme consisted of voeal solos, duetts, choruses, instrumental music and recitations, making one cf the most crGuitabla concerts ever given by this school. roUiOrrovv will be commencement ay proper. The annual addrees will be delivered by Congressman Ur. W. Shell, of South Carolina. He arrived in the city last night. The Presbyterian General Assembly. Washington, D. C, May 31. In he Presbyterian General Assembly thii morning after the opening de votions niteen minutes were ex hausted in a desultory discussion of the order of procedure, the result cf which was that the Assembly or dered (with an evident confusion and lack of understanding of just what they were doine1) the roll to be called. The commission- ii i ers 3 caiiea ere to give reasons for their votes, the speeches to be limited to three minutes. This soon became monotonous and tiresome and shortly before noon when Kan eas had been reached in the call o synoas, tne moderator arose ana said: "Dr. Briggs is very weary o this proceeding and has asked that he be excused by the moderator from further attendance as a party cheerfully grant his request. Dr. Brigg3 then left the church amida buzz from the galleries. He looked tired and sad, and seemed clad to get avay. John W. bvans, MANUFACTURER OF BUGGIES, WAGONS ! at;Uii CO P! r. ft . CM1 Why. FINALLY LAID TO REST. JEFFERSON DAVIS' REMAINS SOW RKPOSE INIIOLIiYWOOD. The Imposing Obsequies at Richmond Yesterday Marking the Last Rites In Honor of ihe President of the Southern Confederacy An Immenie Multitude at Richmond to da the Last Ilcnor-3. By Southern Associated Press. EicmiON, May 31. At 3:05 this morning the funeral train bearing o the remains of Ex President Davis drew up at the depot in this city. Thousands of men. women and children, some of whom had waited hours, greeted its arrival, besides the military escort composed of Lee and Pickett camps Confederate Veterans and the First Virginia In fantry. The une cf march was taken up with the Richmond Light Infantry Bluee, who had gone to Danville with the Governor to meet the train at the head of the proces sion, followed by the First Regiment and the Louisana, Mississippi, Georgia and North Carolina Veter ans as escort The march from the station to the Capitol was very im pressive. Wailing notes of th6 dead march on fife and drum and the slow steady tramp of veterans marching in fours behind the bier in the grev dawn, between iha spectators on either side ranks of Virginia has a square battle-flag de sign. St Paul's Camp has a diamond-shaped flag. The Army of Tennessee badge i3 circular. The Mississippi is Stephen D. Lee, Gen eral; S. W, Ferguson, Brigadier General of Cavalry; J. R. Binford, Colonel 15th Mississippi Infantry; E. T. Sikes, Adjutant General Jack son's Cavalry Division; J. L. Power, Adjutant First Mississippi Light Artillery: 11. J. Harding, Colonel 1st Texas Infantry; J. H. Jones, Col onel 38th Mississippi Infantry; J. R. Mcintosh, Lieutenant 24th Mis sissippi Infantry; Newnam Cayce, Lieutenant 11th Alabama Cavalry. The Texa3 delegation is: F. R. Subbock, War Governor of Texas, Colonel of Cavalry, and Aide to President Davis; J. R. Maties, pri vate 2d South Carolina Infantry; E. F. Davidson, private 8th Texas Cavalry, Terry Rangers; W. H. Kyle, private 8th Texas Cavalry, and Judge Norman G. Eittrell. The Georgia delegation is: C. A. Evans, Brigadier General, Com manding Division; Pv C. Maddox. Lieutenant Colonel 42d Georgia In fantry; C. A. Withers, Major and Adjutant General John H. Morgan's Cavalry Division; R. E. Wilson, Major 1st North Carolina Battallion Shapshooters; Salem Dateher, Ser geant Virginia Infantry. A. W. Bealor, W. H. Taylor, Gov ernor Tillman and General Ellison Capers are the South Carolina es cort The North Carolina delegation is very large. With Gov. Carr and y style of work sclicliea. All Work Guaranteed To u is rj-prwdtwi. I'.i? vr.'c-l aid sprint's kept iu stock C.'.-'r.V.a Inct anything belonging tuvth'.ric i-m t,e founa in my factory, iu'.crj loi.uvt-t twicer Alofm nand FREE TO ALL: Onr New Illustrated Catalogue of Plants, Kobe9, Bulbs, Vines, bUHL'BS, Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, f Tl 1 Til. VtU. CwtD r etc., will be mailed t res to all applicants. 100 pages. Most com- nlptfl Plant f'ntAlivmA f a!!f faction Guaranteed. 20Kosk j., 'liis, ij 0 ULu:ugV5K3J 80 ftC8 K PB8EBIE& lj Ad Ires j 'X .-. m ii J. t pB , pn u .j jii 31 v t!l ,U . ptl ?II . 3 an 9 .4 9 1 9 9 9 i .- 9 I I ; ;i ' :S ! :i . i ' ( i ,. 4 .i i -1 .":' tLfs t if fun,., 5 i ,.. r,-'vr.,'M,iVo Ri. refi.v?v -4 ' " 'i .arc b ut 11. TRY n: ..V 1 )0C The President cf the Nicaragua Resigns. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, May 31. The State Department has received unofficial advices that President Sacasa, of Nicaragua resigned last night after signing the terms of peace. Washington, May 31. Secretary Gresham today received the follow ing dispatch from New York : 'President Sacasa, of Nicaragua, resigned last night and signed the terms of peace. Jas. A. Scrymsek." Scrymser is president of the Cen tral American Cable Company, and this dispatch is the first information that the State Department has re ceived indicating an end of the war in Nicaragua. It ha3 been unoffi cially stated that United Statoa Min ister Baker has been using his boat efforts to bring about pease, and the deparlment is anxiously await ing official corroboration by him of Ihe dispatch sent by bcrymser, al though Secretary Gresham believes the latter to be trustworthy. e- The House of Commons. By Cable. London, May 31. There wa3 a fair attendance in the House of Commons today notwithstanding the attractions cf the Derby. Vis count Wolmer, Lord Salisbury's son in law and Liberal Unionist, moved as an amendment to the Home Rale bill, that the Irish legislature should not be empowered to grant votes . 1 i.? Li. in supply respecting minora upon which they were forbidden to legislate. The proposed amend ment waa rejected by a vote oi to 188 after the closure had been or dered. ' Pi"""" ICE CREAM SODA AT n. ma & co;s. Our Popular Summer Drinks. headed the line, followed by artil lery with three batteries, howitzers, Grimes of Portsmouth and Norfolk Light Artillery Blues, ail under command of Maj. W. E. Simon. Four troops of cavalrv followed. commanded by Col. W. E. Wick ham. They were the Stuart HorBO Guards, Ashby Light Horse, Hen rico, Chesterfield and Albemarle troops. These were followed imme diately by the catafalque, behind which came carriages in which were seated Mrs. Jefferson Davi3 and Gov. McKianey, Miss Winnie Davis and Mayor Ellyson and &ir. and Mrs. Haves. These were followed by the honorary pail bearers in car riages, Govs. B. R. Tillman, S. C. ; Elia3 Carr, N. C; Frank Brown. Md ; P. Turney, Tenn ; W. A. Mc- Corkle, W. Va. ; T. C. Jones, Alabama ; General J. A. Early, D H Maury, William H Payne, Mc Laws, L S Baker, Stephen D Lee, Harry Heth, Geo H Stuart, Major Jno W Daniel, Senator E C Walt hall, Messrs Moses Milhizer, M A Allen, Hugli Blair, John R Purcell, P P Winsto, A S Buford, Col Jno T Wood, Dr John B McCaw Col E P Reeve, E T Glasgow. Other dis tinguished persona in carriages were Bishop II II Thompson, Rev Drs O S Barton, M D Hodge, W W Landrum, Col F R Lubbock, Col Fred Skinner, Barton Harrison, Col W H Taylor, Judge B W Crump, M8j B W Richardson, Col Archer Anderson, Gen D A Weisigea, W T Woody, Senator M C Butler, Lieut Geo A Smith, John Enders Sr, Senator G G Vest and wife, Mrs Gen Geo C Pickett, Mrs Gen A L Long, Mrs Pickens, Mrs Wilder, Mias Emily Mason, Mr Broadhead, Miss Minnie Hill, Mrs Gen Pender, Capt W G Waller and wife, H W Davie, H H Clark, Col Wm Roy Mason, Col John W A Sanford, Col Jno Goode, Col R Snowden Andrews, Maj S M Kill, Col Wm Lamb, Bob Brown, James Jones and McGinnis, the last three colored servants, of Mr Davis, members of Jefferson Davis Monument Association, offi cers of Hollywood, Oakwocd and Hebrew Memorial Associations. The only veteran organization from Georgia in the nrocec- sion was the Confederate Survi vors' Association of Augusta, rep resented Jby Capt Edge Eve (Cap tain Cobb Legion) first vice-president; Salem Dutcher (Sergeant Seventh Virginia Infantry) Adju tant; Maj. R. E. Wilson (Major Seeond Battalion North Carolina Sharpshooters) Major C. A. Withers, (Adjutant General of Gen. John H. Morgan's Cavalry Division) and S. A. H. Thompson (Corporal 2Sth Georgia Infantry ) This organiza tion had its colors along, the Cobb battlerlag. This rent and fight was indeed a beautiful the one. Women and little children per formed a large part cf this feature of the parade. The bells cf the city tolled while the procession was in progress. A number of old Confed erate battle flags were borne in the procession while a number of car riages were filled with flowers. Ar riving at the grave the military formed in the avenue to the right overlooking the bluff. The Veter ans assembled in the avenue to the left. The Ladies Auxiliary Camps occupied the section east of the grave. The family of the deceased, the pall bearers, the escort of hon or, the officers and officiating cler gymen took places around the grave. The other organizations in the procesfcion remained in their re spective positions until the services were o jr. As soon a3 everything was in readiness the Monewau Band of Staunton played a funeral dirge composed by Prof. Jacob Rinehart Rev. Wm. Munford then read a selection of Scripture. Bish op Thompson, of Mississippi was to have taken part in the services, but he was unable to come. Rev. Dr. W. W. Landrum then read the hvma "How firm a foun dation" which wa3 sung by the &s semblage. At the close of the hymn Dr. Hogo stepped forward and said "let us pray", and nearly every head in the vast assemblage was bowed. Dr. Hogs prayed moat impressively. Rev. Dr. O. S. Barton, of Norfolk, pronounced the benediction, im mediately after the benediction the casket wos lowered into the grave. After the bugle signal came taps and the infantry fired a salute wmcn announced tiiat the services were over. The column then moved to Gettysburg Hill where the annual memorial services of the ladies' Hollywood Association took place, which consisted of the decoration of the graves of 10,000 Confederate soldiers, alter which prayer wa3 offered and a hymn sung. FIRE AT MURFREESB0R0. WKSLKYAX FEMALE (OM.Kr.w r.UKNKD TO THE OKOl 5D. Property cf thr Students nl Te.u her Destroyed -the oimiieunTfieni Kx erries Which Were to Take I'U Next WrcK Necessarily Postxoned. Mr&TBixsBOKo, N C, Mr.v 31 Special. Wesleyaa Ft-tr.ale Co'If ce was burned down tOLi';ht at S:.'H). Part tf the furniture vr.g favfl. No one was butt Tho fririu is un known; insurance $10,0 jO. The closing exercises st the institute are necessarily postponed. iXOKroLK, mv . 1. A Vir ginian's spcciitl from Murfrecsboro, N. C, says: Th Wcsleyan FctafJe College at this place is no.v Wing rapidly destroyed by fire. Prof. R. P. Troy, with tbo assistance cf citi zens aud visitor.-, Li succeeded in saving &11 the young ladies without the slighte t irjary. Much i.f the private property of tbo studtnts and teacher i is loat. All of the li brary arid ! is a total Ioch. The magnificent building was in sured for $10,HK). Thf exerci:cB were to tuLf nlaco next week. Preside nt Ureter, cf the Biptist Co'lei", has tendered the uee of hi college for the com- nibuccmc-nt ci thy Weskvan. It is m probable the young ladies will re turn to their hemes. The closing oieivir-.ea i f tie Bap tist Female College wcie in progrets when the lire brok out. and tua- pendfd at onc. The iintr of the Wbfleyan College whs burned cuce before, in 1877 11 tch-f, cM sore, ulcf-r br.d skin eruptions curd by P. P. P., greatest blood puriti r if tLe ago. th i i rose "I CAXNOT TAKE YOUR MONEY." A Touching Story In President Davis' Life. Rheumatism and fyplniis it il readily to P. P. P. PiuklyAfh, Root and Potas.-ium'l Il you are trebled witn i'v.h -p.-ia, stomach disorder or nvtr a:,d kidney -coco plaint, try P. P. P., and you tiill rijoice at ii magical workb r. Fc malos ar iculiailv l r:ui (d y P. P. P. It t-xj !. ;!i -i ar, and t'ivi s heal liy c!io:i to ev ry or-.''!. The told by following Mrs. i touching etory is W. T. Sutherlin, of Gen- John B. Gordon, OMef Marshal of the Day at Eichmond. :ver :r .' .'.1 in r HCh rjOftril and Price r-f; t.nti at Druggists; : ' i. c t .4 f 1 a '.OlTei-JjJ. Boston, fiaJumo Herrlne, Mass. Ihe Richmond Terminal. By Southern Associated Press. New Yoke, May 31. Sjme of the Georgia Pacific bondholders wno are dissatisfied with thej Jtticn rnond Terminal reorganization plan threaten to withdraw the road from the Terminal system unless they set better terms. Six per cent bonds of the company sold at 112 at one time and holders are now asked to exchange them for 90 per cent in new bonds and 30 percent in pre ferred stock. 1 . Youthful vlirnr re !lll f orrl either tel. or "'it? " Jy. Ailvlre rro. 'J. S.. Biood Gold to Go Abroad. Bv Southern Associated Press Nfw York. Mav 31 The Teutonic for Liverpool today carries a million and a quarter of gold, xne r ueran fn. r.iRmarck tomorrow will carry two millions. The Bells Tolled. New Berne, N. C, May 31 Spe cial. The various bells of the city were tolled today, while the obse quies of President Jefferson Davis were taking place at Richmond. jMTiltiV pcupiilut. 'iaiiy Dr. WILLIAWS' rto. ,fw nr.DicirjE co.f s& Schenectady, N.Y. J BrockviUe. Ont World's Columbian Exposition Will be of value to the world by il lustrating the improvements to the mechanical arts, and eminent phys icians will tell you that the progress of medicinal agents has been of equal importance, and as a strength ening laxative thatSyruy of Figa is in advance of all others. of the street with bared heads, was exceedingly wierd and solemn. Upon reaching the Capitol building the military opened ranks at present arms while the veterans marched through with heda uncovered until the doois of the building were reachsd, when a halt was made and the casket was borno to the door of the Senate Chamber in the rotunda of the building, and placed in posi tion under a guard of Lee camp. Richmond, Va., May 31. From daylight unlil 9 o'clock hundreds of strangers and city people passed through the Capitol and viewed the casket, which was almost enveloped in flowers of varioua designs from the North as well as from the South. Between the hours of 9 and 11 o'clock about five thousand public school children passed by the bier, each one dropping flowers as a trib ute of affection until the huge mass had assumed proportions equal to several wagon loads. The Louisiana escort of the re- i m 1 t1 mams consist oi general joan Glynn, Jr., commanding; Col. M. P. Ducros of his staff; J. Moore Wil son. John T. Block, Chaa. Santana, J. K. Renaud, Dr. Geo. H. Tichenar, T. W. Castleman, Robt McMillan, Jos. Demourelle, D. S. Sullivan, G. F. Uttz, Thos. Clements, Howell Carter, N. M. Haas, Hon. Dugas T. G. Royster, E. McCullom, Will Mil ler, J. T. Brown, T. B. Finlay, J. Y. Gilmore, Thos. Higgins, T. C. Stan difer, E J. Kursheedt, M. E. Shad dock, D. Arsnt The following con stitute the special detail of honor by Goverzior Foster, of Louisiana, and are also a part of General Glynn's escort : Brig. Gen. Vinet, Chief of Ordi nance; Brig. Gen. McGurck, Com missary General; Brig. Gen. Barks dale, Judge Advocate General; Col. F. A. Ober, Aide; Lieut. Col. Tre maux, of Staff, of 1st military dis trict; Brig. Gen. Bortand, 1st Brig adier Louisiana State National Guard Maj. John W. Watson, Brig. Ordnance Officer. Every man is a picked Veteran Confederate soldier, selected of the entire State of Lou isiana bj Veteran Camps. The es cort badge is a white silk ribbon, with a portrait of Davis, and the black lettering, "Louisiana Division United Confederate Veterans escort, Mav 28 to 31st 1893, Louisiana to Virginia." At the top is a bow of redand white ribbon, with the Pel ican coat of arms of Louisiana, craped, on blue Union, finished off with a silver fringe. The cavalry veterans have an enameled shield with a battle-flag as their regular badge. The Army of Northern Legion Danville, where President Davis' last headquarters were located. Rlie vn( "Whpr Mr. Davis: hftrl been at our house for three days he said that he could not impose cn our hospitality longer, and maue arrangements to estamisn hif headquarters at the old Benedict house, on "Wilson street I told him he might take his cabinet to any place he pleased, but as for him self he muet be our nuest so ion 2 as he remained in the citVi and he L)t nunhood i rn-.rjy, -.wuk-neda, general dtbi!itjT art-, all t in d by P. P. New life, rtw ci.trpy ar iufu?cd in the fjfem by ihv bh.fd purifying and cl. ar?; g prep1 rti-s .-f P. P. P. th.? greib.-st Wood j-urilitr of the tattered ensign vas carried in Rich mond three years ago at the unveil- ielded to thore t. He remained mg of the Lee monument and gave ere five d that u RnJ staff are Capt J. A. Ramsay, Capt. R. A. Bost, Col. E. Everett, Col. Wharton J. Green, Col. A. D. Starke, j Capt. Wm. Smith, Col. J. S. Carr, Capt. N. A. Ramsey, Col. J. E. Brown, Col. J. M. Odell and Dr. Leith. Richmond, Va., May 31. All that is mortal of Jefferson Davis now rests in Hollywood. The special train from New Orleans bearing the remains and escort arrived here this morning. At the depot the first regiment and the veterans from Lee and Pickett Camps were drawn up to do honor to the distin guished dead, while thousands of men, women and children, some of whom had been waiting for hours, testified the appreciation of the oc casion by the most respectful si lence. As the casket containing the body was removed to the hearse, heads were uncovered. The procession then proceeded with the visiting escort of veterans from the various Southern States in the post of honor to the State Cap itol building where the body was placed in state in the rotunda im mediately in front of the Senate chamber. Lee Camp performed the duty of guard of honor. Here it regained until 3 o'clock, and it is estimated that at least 25,000 peo ple viewed the bier. Indeed, a stream of humanity poured through the building aa long as it was ac cessible to th6 public. During the hours set apart for the school chil dren of the public schools, Eix thou sand of these alone marched past, presenting a touching and beautiful sight as they dropped their floral offerings at the foot of the casket At 3:30 o'clock the body was removed to the cais son drawn by six white horses ca parisoned ii black, and the line of march was taken up for Hollywood. Houses along the line were almost without exception, decorated in black and white. National, State and Confederate flags, the latter pre dominating, were either floating to the breeze or worked in the funeral colors. The streets along the route, yards and windows of dwellings were packed with people. Nothing of tumultuous or noisy character marked the day or progress of the cortesre, while the scene wa3 a most imposing one, though city seemed to oe in to Gen. Joseph E. Johnston on the succeeding day the last salute he received from the battlefield. The Augusta Association sent its adju tant to New Orleans to lay the wreath upon the bier of President Divia and to accompany the re mains to Richmond, which was done, other members meeting him here with colors. Maj Withers also had the headquarters' flag of Gen. Mor gan, with that officer's blood. Then followed Brigadier General Brander and staff. Brigadiers then came as follows: let Brigade,tBriga dier General T S Gr.rnett, Command ing Staff; Colonel Samuel Hodges, Colonel D H Lee, Colonel Thomas Lewis and Major James H Capers; Stonewall Bragade Band; R E Lee Drum Corps; R E Lee Camp No. 1; Col T P Pollard; Murray Camp, Col Thomas E Proctor; Pickett Buch anan, Col Thomas L Doram; Stome wall Camp, Col H C Hudgins; R E Lee Camp No 2, Col W A Smoot; Geo E Pickett, Col R H Northern, - John R Cook, Col W W Green, Jno Bowie Strange, Col J M Garnett; Second Brigade, Brigadier General Macajah Woods commanding staff; Col R T W Duke, Dr Hugh T Nel son, Dr Thomas J Moore and Col J E Rockwell; Fourth Regiment Band Drum Corps; A P Hill Camp. Col W Gordon McCabe; Pierre Gibson Camp, Col D AGrimsley; Jeb Stuart Camp, Col H A Moncure; Magruder Ewell Camp,Col T Jefferson Stubbs; Stonewall Jackson Camp, Ccl Jed Hotchkiss; Louisa Camp, Col Wm Kean Page; Puller Camp, Col Wm K Perin; Meimyer Shaw Camp, Col John S Whit worth; Third Brigade, Col Thomas H Carter commanding staff.Col H P Jones.Maj. W W Parker, Maj H. C. Carter, S. W. Travsrs. Jiand; Howitzer Association; rarKer Battery Association Society of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States of Maryland; Beneficial A3 soeiation of Maryland; Confederate Veteran Association of the District of Columbia; Rowan County Veteran Association; bumter Uamp bur- . . . : a ciT n full micrmati lina, bearing palm branches; Cabell Grove Camp, Danville, Va. ; Confed erate Survivors' Association of Au gusta, Ga.; Richmond Light In f anty , Bluea' Association ; Person county N. C , veterans ; sons of vet erans; R. T. W. Duke Camp; R. G. Chew Camp. Cavalry division, Gen. wr.IlV fc"TMi;s 1. re t r ; dfiira f;ora ovtrwrk r I:.,-; 1 1 ISrowiiN Iron t r i t ' 1. ; w p systt m, aiils diK'tioi. ri mov -xi-,"t, of 1 . r.f. ainl cures uiii'.urni. Ovt ihe .-ui:uv. was, cf ccurfee, ia a most anxious frame of mind, but was always pleasant and agreeable. One morn ing he and Mr. Sutherlin went down town and soon returned in an ex cited manner and I know something had happened. I met them at the door, and Mr. Davis told me almost in a whisper that Lee had surren dered and that ho must leave town as soon as possible. "Making a few hurried arrange ments, ho offered his hand to me to say good-by and I asked him the question: 'Mr. Davis, have you any funds other than confederate monsy?' and he replied in the nega- 'ihen, eaid I, offering him a bag of gold, containing a thousand dollars, 'take Ibis from me.' I of fered the money without having consulted Mr. Sutherlin, but knew would be all right with him. "Mr. Davia tock my hand and the tears streamed down his face. 'No, said he, 'I cannot take your money. You and your husband are young and will need your money, while I am an old man, and,' adding after a pause, 'I don't tLink I shall need any very long.' "Ho then put his hand in his pocket and took out a little gold pencil, which he asked me to keep for his sake, and I have the little memento now." The l'upulallon of Halt Is aiw.-nt ii'toen tlUFaaJ, rai v.v would say at It-asl ore half rr ri-jh-d "with tr.8 thioet nr. iunp-, i'ts htc, ril'r. to Etatisticfi, inoTi numerous t!--. c;hcii. We would adIoC all rt n'-.r.' cr t to neglect the opportur.i'.y V r.n their "r,1-gS,t !-ri1 VI' 1 Ji tie i himp s p.aVskin for tbe tim at asd iuic'--. Trill siz in-. Lare i-o!!k TO r ent- ...d 1. ft'.ld by all dru:.-(i$ some Rucetuin rI as those ecinr.1 World's Fair, via Chesapeake V. Or.lo Kallroad The quickest and best line to the World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty three from Charlottesville toChicago. Double daily vestibuled trains with Pullman sleeping and dining cars. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you detire to stop at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or any of th6 famous places along the line of the C. it O. your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care cf organized parties. For on and printed matter relating to the World's Fair, ad dress John D. Potts, D. P. A. C. & O. R'y, Richmond, Va. WOOD'S PIIOSPIIODINli Tbo Crest EnilUh Remedy. KNOWLEDGE rrin comfort and improvement and tends to pcr.-onal enjoyment when rightly u.oij. Tin- many, who live le t ter than others and enjoy lib- more, w ith le.-s expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world' lx-t product to the needs of physical Uin, will atte-t the value to health of th' pure liquid laxative principle- embraced in th? remedy, Syrup of Fig.. It exeeilerjce is due to it pre-rniin- in the form mo-t acceptable and pleas- ant to the tab-, the refre-hiic and truly beneficial projerties of a rf t lax ative; effectually rlean-ir.g the f-y-tem, di-jK.lling cold, headaches jind fevers nnd permanently curing coii-tipation. It has given sati.-faction to million- and met with the approval of th-- n.'d'n al profcs-ioii, becau-e it rt- 01 the Kid ney, Liver and Powels without wak ening them and it i- ' rfectly fr e. from every objectionable subtanc. Syrup of Fis ii for r.a!-- by all drur-gi-t's in Goc and $1 ltth -, b it it is man ufactured by the California Fir Syrup Co. only, whoe nar:i- i printed on evr ry package, a!-o the name, Syrup f I ).'-, and being well informed, you will tit accept any substitute if oMered. ALL ORGANIZED. We take pleasure in stating tL: Maj. II. II. Itoger-, State Agent of tLe United Panking and HulliU-a Conor any of Richmond, Las orgxnizd a loard in Iial- i eigh with the following olHetrs ar.d ! directors: orricEBs. Drewry, President The time set for the procession to move was 3 o'clock, but there waa a short delay in starting. First came Gen. John B. Gordon, chief marshal, and staff of some fifty prominet Confederate officers, then the in fantry, under CoL Henry Jones, the wholy 3 Fitz Lee commanding staff; Gen T Inourning. j L Rosser, Gen L L Lomax, Col C T O'Ferrall, Capt Thos Pinkney, Capt P T Sutton, Rev Frank Stringfellow, Judge B W Lacy, W J Binfcrd, R F Vaughan, mounted veterans. Aa was expected would be the case, flowers were strewn along the route in front of the catafalque, and f?l, ' jr. J Eefore andAfUr rromritly and remanent. ty cures aU f ormsof Artxu M eaknrn. J-.mixtuntx, ftxim atorr)iea. Impoteru-y an'i ail 1-een wi-ibd cver S5 I years !n thousand of caes; Li tile onl j I. 'iia hie and Urn- :.l.npfcist for V. ino- fiiowst:; if ho cnt-rs corns worthless ineiilcme in place cf this, leave his dishonest Ftore, In clot rrice la letter, and we wlil BtiiJ by return mail. I'rice, one package, 1; Eli. $5. one vHU jtar, rx trill trur, pamphlet ia rAziu sealed envelope, a 8traj . A4r THK "-VOOI CHKMICA , CO.. . i. 121 Wacaward avtnue, leifoiU iUch. 8old in Raleigh arid evtrj where by by druggists. John C. Drewry, President: F;ar.k . Carpen'tr, Vice-Prefiden: Htnrr K. Litchfcrd, Secretary and Trea-ur-r; J. Ts. Holding, Attorr;-: v r?.r t II. Baker, Iv.-al Ager.t DlKr. -jr-T. j J. A. Ilollornn, Jchn Y. ljT!&i-, R. II. BiaJI'-y, Wil im Himec;., If. B. (ireacn, William K. As.Le!ev, p. IJ. Ilnghes. 'V. H. iIo'.:cw.-.y. ArfRAI-iERR. W. E. Afchley, II. B. (ireason, John Y. MacRae. Maj. H. II. Rcerk, State Agent. - 1 i f ! i ? 1 r n 1 i i .;f ': ii 1