A i ..... cvisVS AT OCR rOfSTAW ,r ' CREA?t SODA nt sun.n.ir Irii.k Yet. .x- 1 ' - i Pacing BosSsrs' Oilia .A n BLUUD BALB1 S An w 4 THE GREAT REMEDY J f m CLOOO AND SKiM DISEASES . . ', . . !, tti'-'oiiKiiiy tft'l l.yrm- r ' i!,-i' iHiis ami tlio iM'ojiia i ' 'nr-, never fHiW tO v I " ixTJuauoutw i (,,.,Fi' 5.' ULCERS, lC2Zu.?., i: ;: V. PIMPLES, tRUPIICW l'.:Vrill ilV f'l:. 4 t ,rii if ?ireetui:. ! IV If I- I if boltit.,6 liutilio fur jo. Ivi WOMM'.ltKt'L U V 0 ICE CREAM SODA AT YOL XII. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1893. 1 ''!' i RLTRtAl cf Delicacies. oiu of Mr. ry.vi. Breach, ycttv'Viile Swept by a Cyclone. By Southern Associated Tress. Hope, Ark, June 1. Howard county waa swept by a terrible storm of wind and rain yesterday afternoon, resulting in the loss of life and great destruction of prop erty. County Assessor Stewart and two children are reported killed in the collapse of their home. Many bridge and trestles along the dif ferent railroads are wrecked, and several hundred feet of the Aaikan saa and Louisiana Railroad aie washed away. At Harrisburg the Cantly Lum ber Company's property was swept away. Among the injured are Da vid Roberts, fatally; Jacob Suzeda and wife, slightly injured. Loss to property $90,000. Th9 entire country ia wrecked from two to eeven miles southwest. Rain and hail both fell heavily. Judge Gibson's farmhouse, three miles south, is totally wrecked. At Guern3ey half a dozen houses are blown down and many inmates se riously hurt. At New Leadville a destructive hailstorm did great damage to the crops and residencep, and killed a NO. 02. ne t popular resorts In tii-s t tf.se u progresses trr.it for the splemVd ai-Mkd. In addition is the larjre amount of stock. THE NEW TREASURER TAKES CHARGE OF THE UNITED STATES VAULTS. Mr. Morgan Relieves Mr. Nebecker -It Will Tafce SLx Weeks to Count the Cash. KEEY : csKe!, pie?, c can bs i; Caudles, fruits and The World's Fair Is Ready. By Southern .Associated Piers. Chicago, June 1. Everybody in every State is informed today by the commissioners that the fair ia in shape and a good time to see it is at once. This official letter will bs scattered in every corner of the pjul Lot for Sale. f1ounH7a?d itsaii to disprove me amy cnarges or incompleteness T t i rr i - . r r r ''t' 1 1 ' fiv 'UJU' I'.J tuuiriltu ill 1 I - - .- - vw muawuu tm ;-,.-. n cr-..'.Kv. execii:ed by s. . Va?s, long affair explaining the immense hiKtiotSt WBKKconn' SC0Pe of exposition and its ad it ,.vr h. on Saturday, the Ut day vantages from an educational stand ,-.:itotbe hltfbeat biddor, tor r)0;nf Tf -will rpc;fl tlmt H-oro ;a :ca -n., at the Court House Pomc- it wiii recue tnat tbere is t;iy vi urtitiua, ine ncuse ana vjjwugu tu uuay 1110 ujiuu VI Vile SISSS studious man for many months. It .;v';Hr,,i xu the said mortgage. advises no one to stay away sines tne eccasion is the grandest of any age in any country, xnere are no excessive prices for essential thing3 and it is time that the stories should be branded as untrue. The state ment will be wired to the leading papers and given the widest possi ble circulation. j S. i'.ATCHELOR, Mortgagee. .!oli;(, Sale of Land. i: ov t' conferred on tue iy ."-;:! vuk's-.kv otea, executed by . n t r.-.i.-'t'-ii and vife, which said V.,A.'f ''.11 y recordtd iu registry of i f : Tiiitv. J-' ok .io. l 3, at I'aee 4d. c :' ( r U v n'.eU' the highest bidder ro1". at thtf court houro door In the v : ;:::'.L-h' :i C, on Monday, J ate ' : , ;;: :. o' lc ck m , the property In v ' : -rr.'H :e r-cn'w'd leirjg a tract of innety-cine acres (i'i) f near tne town of Mor- "t'ltr.euta and others, and .1 v c fscniied in said mort . I'. M..NTAUE, Att'y, A Cyclone la Mississippi. I?" Southern Associated Press. .a. Airnis, Tenn., June 1. An Ap peal-Avalanche special from Rose- f if, near me xown oi aior- AfSco eo-,.. i. .nuy, ad juinini? the lands dale' Miss ' saJs: A cydone struck i :ir(i, i'.ead.nnt r. renaer- mis town ai lour o ciock vesteraav afternoon and tho roar of the wind drowned the cries of the wounded. The scene as awful in its grandeur and begr -rs description. The killed aie as 'vllowe: W. W. Bowdre (col ored .'inister and wife). The list of mounded embraces the follow ing: Mrs. Capt. Miller, John "Water, A. V. Foote, Lucas Yeal, Lynn Rob inson. The two last named are col ored. Twenty houses were either wrecked or badly damaged. Among them were tho Baptist and Methodist churches and the City Bank. Many cabins occupied by colored people were blown down and trees and fences were carried by the wind like straws. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 1. D. H. Mor gan, of Connecticut, the New United States Treasurer, took the oath of office this morning, and entered upon the discharge of his duties, relieving E. fl. Nebeker, of Indiana. The committee appointed to count the money in the Treasury assumed charge at 12 midnight, and began the count. It will take sis weeks to count it. Owing to the extra work necessitated in transferring the office of United States Treas urer from Mr Nebeker to Mr. Mor gan, the figures necessary to pre pare the monthly statement could not be compiled today. The debt statement will be issued tomorrow, June 2d. The coast defense vessel Monte rey has completed Lor iaat official trial trip and there is rejoicing at tho rsavy Department ac to the re sult-, ;n viev? of the repeated attacks that have been mr.de unon the A. character of the workmanship upon the boilers and machinery. These stouts, it ia presumed, have now been set at rest by tha trial, which was particularly eevero in the en durance test, the boilers being kept under lull steam pressure and the engine at work for more than two days and three nights. The trial took place off the Southern coast of California, the vessel leaving Mare Island navy yard last Saturday and returning yesterday. Capt. Howi son, president cf the trial board, telegraphed Secretary Herbert that the performance of the vessel was satisfactory in all respects. To add to the board's findings the following telegram, dated May 81st, has just been received from tho chief engineer of the Monterey, for warded through the proper chan nels: "Machinery worked very well. No water in journals. No leaks in boilers. Continually in operation sixty-nve hours. Power not as high as expected, due to interior coal. Spaed nearly thirteen knots." Salem College Commencement. "Wes-stox, N C, June 1 Special. Today marked the close of the ninety-first session of the far-famed educational institution, Salem Fe male College. The exercises opened at nine a. m. and concluded at twelve m. As usual the attendance wa large. After music by orchea- tra,'reading of the scripture lesson by Rev. James Hall, and prayer by Rev. S. B Turrentinc, of Winston, a beautiful vocal solo was rendered by Miss Tracy, director of that de partment' "What woman can do" was the subject cf the annual ad- ;v if L'lYf: a ra-c Our Popular Summer Drinks IWAKE FOREST COLLEGE. THE GRADUATING CL&SSOF 1S9J. Twenty-three YouDg Men Take Their Diplomas--! he Graduating OratloD6 and Thesis. Wake Fokest, June 1st, 1S03. The scholastic year of '92-3 at Wake Forest College ha3 drawn to a close and twenty three young gen- dress by Congressman G. W. Shell, tlemen took their diplomas today of South Carolina. It was an ap- uli Hedged graduates. Unlike propriate and instructive effort most commencement days the fore Principal Clewell made a short ad- noon was bright and propitious and dres3, reviewing the work of the tneccuntry people from miles around school during the past year, and were present in large numbers. success it had attained. He said And to this may be added hundreds the attendance was the largest in Alumni and friend3 of the Col- thirty years. Diplomas to 41 grad- le2e been in attendance uates and thirteen post graduate I during the entire week, making the students were presented by Bishop auuience as large n not, larger man liondthaler of the Moravian church, on lormer occasions. The exercises ero concluded with uigu noon the W in gate Mem- a benediction by Dr. A. D. McClure orial Hali was eemfortably filled of Wilmington. The ninety second aild the class of '93 were uehered'to session of the college opens Septem- the rostrum by the Marshals of the ber hf th. Tne twm city club gave Luzelian and Philomathesian Soeie it3 tenth annual reception tonight, j ties, respectively, and given seats to Beauty and splendor held high the right of the stand. On the left carnival. Five hundred people whre noticed, in addition to Presi- were in attendance, two hundred I dent Taylor and the members of the being visitors from many states in J Faculty, Drs. Huffham, Hobgood, ; f urmanco. tue ooutn. xne music was iur- u. uurnam, OKinner, jrritcnara. nished by the Salem orchestra and Cade, Hall; Revs. J. L. White, A. C. Charlotte band. It excelled all Dixon, of N. Y., J. C. Hiden, of Va-: former events by the club. The Messrs. 17. E. Daniel, N. Y. Gulley, german was led by R. L. Crawford J Geo. Blount, Judge Fftircloth, Hon. oi Winston ana jiiss iaa uuniap oi i o. vj. ocaroorougn ana otnersprom- tendent of Public Instructions, re ported for the trustees. He re ceived the work accomplished at the Alumni banquet la3t night in regard to the Royal English Chair. This is to perpetuate the name of the late Prof. Wm. M. Royal, who for a number of years was teacher cf that branch. Tho chair is to hvre an endowment of $25,000, and over $2500, was subscribed at tho ban quet table.lt has also leen Jefinately decided to establish a law depart ment at the college and the legal members of the board were author ized to make f all preparations for the same by the beginning of the fall term. A school of medicine is being contemplated. The decrees of D. D. wore conferred upon Revs. H. W. Battle, of Virginia, and A. T. Robertson, cf Louisville, Ky. Tonight is the concert by the band and the social reception in the Society Halls an annual occasion of great note on the "Hill." The Ralesgh Public Schools Enter tainment. Metropoli an Hall wa3 crowded last night as seldom before for tho clcsmg entertainment of the Ral- eiru I'aonc bcnooia. it was a I A DAY IX THE WI S I IZV. Mr. Krgf than! Glvr u IMe.ismt !:.- Mo P.irtv. Few anniversary occi-Icrr. nre looked forward tD with more j leis ure than the annual ch-j(ivr cf Mr. i: B. En.?e!Ianr 1:1 .l.,v which happy event Le alw,i Mg nallzes ly gathering about Liu many cf his frieu b to erj) its? de lights incident to a day iu the coun try. Instead of these recurring j c rio.'.s indicating a growth in ear tho course of the cycle scms to re verse and his perenuii.1 yc uth was never more appart-nt thau at yester day' picnic at tho Water Works near ihe city. The day wi; i:ifst happily spent iu ishiiig, boating and other pleasures. A most enjoyable barb cue tnd 1 runswick was terved. Among tho!;C present were Mayer Badger. K. B. Biilt-e, C. K. John son, C. M. Busb-f. Dr. James Mc Ke, Mr. and Mrs. E II. L(e. B. S. Jerman, Mr. and Mra. V. 1 Wright, Mrs. E C. Laird, W. M. By Ian, A. A. Thompson, J. U. Ferrr-llMrs. T. S. Kenan, Mrs Mimic Parity. G. E Leach, J. . yiarshall, Mr. au happy gathering. Tho litth fo!ks . were there ia full fou-?, and so were V' Je' U?' , j!lss J" their fathers and motherland all Jijb MiKlrt-a Bvlgir. J. P. were highly delighted with the rer- l6"allJ;.A?,au.cf"'. M L ls:! xuciier, Aiiss jiAHei li ne, ilis hadie Tucker, pro- f olio win" delightful lohfi W. Evans, MAN i L-'ACTURER OF WAGONS 4.w.-CM Pyl 4 Cam : ? t Painting. .-I- CI o: ; c c licit' i. rerjLricg Guaranteed rrprcf?Kitf'l. r.r. I trring5" kept in ttoek t ; l.-.ct anythiuK belonging . v;.u t e iouLd ia my factory, r r: r .it Uii utr Morvan ard :.rt-r;itfi I'-ttif-Vn. N. f Macon, Ga. inent in Church and State. THE SENIOR OKATIOX3. After a preliminary concert by the band, President Taylor an nounced Charles P. Sapp, of Con- The Nantucket Sent to North Carolina. By Soutlern Associated Press. Washington, D. C.,June 1 The Navy Department is determined to cord, as the salutatorian, and the do all in its power for the encour- J visitors were welcomed by this acroment of the Naval Militia in the I youncr gentleman in a neat and different States that have shown J effective manner. This was followed sufficient interest in this important I by a strikingly appropriate oration branch of ;the defense service to I bv Mr. E. Y. Webb, of Shelby, sub pass tho necessary laws to warrant I iect, Jefferson Davis. The name the extension of Federal aid. To-! alone of the great Confederate day an order was made transferring j chieftain inspires, ever, a hoarty and TAELEAl". Flora's Feast of Flowers Walter Crane. Flora, Miss Susie Tilling haat; Flora's Attendant, Miss Annie Bruce Crr. FLOWEKS: Snow drops, crocus, daffodils, an emones, violet, primrose, marsh marigold, ladysmocks, buttercups, cowslips, tulip", hyacinths, May, daisy, Hlie3 of the valley, peoniep, hedge roses, forget-me-nots" white lilies, yellow lilies, poppies, evening primrose, pinks, corn marigold, sun- ilower, chrysanthemums, Christmas rose. Misj Maiv Saow. E. I'. Bain, A. M. McPheeter. Jr. Mis Alice Jones, Miss Busbee, Mi.'-s Mar shall, Miss Wiugiield, Mis. AHco Young, F. P. Hey wood, Jr., Ho vur l Tiiomas. . V - TREE TO ALL .11 Our Kew IUuPtrated f t atalogiic cf .Plants, ' KOBES. 13CLB3. VINES, t BiiHvm, Ornamental f 'J rees. Small Fruits, I Grate Vines, Seeds, r rfta, vlll be maiica , t i:EEtoauappucanis. 100 paces. Most com Tjlpte Plant eiatalotme f'Nfr.r'.lon Guaranteed. 20 Rose - 0iu.usugvs3 so acres ycBSEgaa. I L NEUNER. LonsvrLLE. Kt. FLY',: .1 U.' I: Catarrh P.: THF. an 'inn",; in y HAY FEVER n? Insanity was the Plea. Bv Cable. Losdos, June 1. William Town- send, the man who was arrested on the charge of having discharged a pistol in Downing street, but really on suspicion of intent to murder Prime Minister Gladstone, and sub sequently charged with having sent to Gladstone a letter threatening to take Gladstone's life, was put on trial today at Old Bailey. The de fense offered w&a that Townaend wa3 insane. Aftetr hearing the evi dence the jury found Townsend guilty of the crime charged against him, but was irresponsible for his actions. The judge thereupon or dered that Townsend should be con fined during her Majesty's pleasure, the usual order made when con victed persons are held to be irre sponsible on the ground of insanity. A .... - H S0c II lit! The Tomb of Jefferson Davis. By Southern Associated Press. Richmond, Ya , June 1. Crowds of people visited Hollywood today to view the grave of Jefferson Davi3. Mrs. Davis and family went out to take a last look at the casket At o o'clock the work of bricking up the tomb was begun. During the day a lit C'JR:.H AY-FEVER iu each r.trilRad number of people called on Mrs. 1 i. .liKM.-SJO Warren St., New YorSc. E.c t'oo ceaip at Drug:-;te; Davis and her daughter. All the lloral designs in the Da via section have been turned over to the trustees of the Valentine Museum, who will have them em balmed, after which they will &e transferred to the Confederate Mu seum of Antiquities. e - .(: til .K ITtr.1.fjHM7tit. oston, ass Vr" llajjjna Perrlne, M Death of Mrs. Jennie Kirkland. New Berne, N. C, June 1. Spe cial. NewK was received today of the death at Old Fort, N. G, of Mrs. Jennie Kirkland, wife of Capt. A. M. Kirkland, formerly of th city. Mrs. Kirkland waa a daughter of Rlnfiri the late Israel Disoway, and has a UIUU4.I , number of relatives and bUHdsr frifindfl in this State. Yonthful vlaror re. Ihe Presbyterian General Assembly. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 1. When the Presbyterian General Assembly con vened a3 a court at 9:30 o'clock there was a notable decrease in the attendance, both on the floor and in the galleries, last night's vote hav ing been the climax of the meeting of the Assembly; The members of the prosecuting' committee were in their accustomed places, but Prof. Briggs party, represented by Prof. Franci?, wTere alone. Tha Moderator first announced the committee, the appointment of which was authorized last night, to formulate the minuter, expressing the sense of the Assembly as to the vote taken upon the appeal from the judgment of New York Presbytery. By a vote of the Assembly Rev. Thomas A. Hoyt, D. D., of Philadel- a, was made cnairman. Tne other members are as follows: Ministers H. W. Cogden, of New York; James H. Brooks, Mis souri; Calvin W. Stewart, Nebraska; W. W. Marshal, Nebraska; J J. Lu cas, Indiana; George D. Baker, Pennsylvania; E P. Whallon, Indi ana, and Thoma3 D. King, Iowa. Elders John Randolph, Balti- rwi -v - -w-v it M more; inomas Mcuougan, unio; David Jackson, California; Edward T. Green, New Jersey; James A. Curry, Kentucky; E. D. Warfield, Pennsylvania. The committee were given leave to retire for consultation, and the Assembly as a court adjourned to be reconvened at the call of the moderator. The Assembly then re sumed the consideration of legisla tive business. Chairman Baker, of the judicial committee, reported upon the complaint against the synod of Pennsylvania, which was not sustained by the committee, and the report was adopted. At 12:50 the General Atsenibly took a recess till 2:30 p m., previ ously adopting the report of the committee on bills and overturea, reaffirming the deliverance of the Assembly of 1892 on the inspiration of Holv Scripture. The committee havinsr under consideration the sen tence to be imposed upon Dr. Bribes had not reported. The com mitted appointed to fix upon Dr. Briggs' sentence have agreed upon their minutes. It ia understood that Dr. Brigga refused to make anv compromise, and that the com mittee recommend that he be sus pended. the old monitor Nantucket to the Naval Militia of North Carolina. The monitor is a veteran of war and was under heavy fire at the bombardment of the Charleston de fence. The machinery is in good condition; the boilers have been re cently tested and the monitor can in a few days be put in as good con dition as she was when last in ser vice. She is now at the New York Navy Yard, and as soon aa a few re pairs are made she will be sent to Wilmington with some one of the new cruisers Southward bound and will ba turned over to the North Carolina State authorities. To the Public. I have been requested by some of those who are now engaged in the preparation of "The National Cyclo paedia of American Biography," to try to procure the autographs of the following named Governors of North Carolina : James Turner, David Stone, William Hawkins, Jesse Franklin, James Iredell, Ben. Williams, Nathaniel Alexander, Ben. Smith, William Miller, Gabriel Holmes, John Owen, Montford Stokes. If the newspapers of the State will kindly give this request one or two insertions they may do the State some service in trying to rescue from oblivion th6 names and autographs of many of our early governors, it any oi tne news papers or any other person can as certain the county in which any one of said Governors resided at the time cf his death, and will inform i . i me oi tne same, he or tnsy will , .1 i Vvj TV ft ' : mm ii, k :.;itP Schenectady, N.Y. j Brockvllla. Oct, The Ladles. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid lax ative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and gen uine article, look for the name of v,a nLlifnrnia Fie Svrup Co., print ed near the bottom of the package. enthusiastic applause, and now as all Southern eyes are turned to the newly-made mound in Richmond's Hollywood, that applause was the mere intensified. And the subject was gracefully handled. Mr. Webb is an orator of ability; he writes with ease and speaks with ease, and every word goes to the hearts of his hearers. He will represent his col lege at the Intercollegiate oratori- conte8t thi3 season ct More- head. Mr. Webb was followed by Mr. Josiah C. Kittrell, of Kit- trell, N. C, subject, The Modern Sphinx. This young gen tleman wa3 the orator of his so ciety at the last anniversary exercises and his oration at that time was pronounced a master piece in thought and m diction. Even more can be said of the effort today. Mr. Samuel J. Porter, a member of the class, waa elected a mission ary to Brazil at the recent session of the Southern Baptist Convention. He expects to sail in a few weeks, and naturally his thoughts are turned to Our Southern Sister the subject of his oration. Mr. Porter reviewed the civilization of Brazil, its rapid growth, ita prospective fu ture, and spoke feelingly of the lack of Christianity in a country ao blersed with sunshine and flowers. His speech was emotional, and list ened to with a strong, feeling interest. The Message of Modern Science, was the next oration, by Mr. R. W Weaver, of Greensboro. The speech was along the line cf the theme. the "message ' being suggested to him by the inscription over the en cial. Matiis co:oret CALISTHENICS. The Brownies at the Court cf Jack Frost. Jack Frc3t, Master Duncan Fai3on: Herald, Master Charles Harris. The Cadet's Pic-nic, or a Merry Company Captain, Master Leigh Skinner; Charlie, a cadet disguised aa a peddler, Master Edwin Nowell; Florence, the village mischief dis guised as a peddler, Mies JNina Green; Bessie, Misa iiaud Edwards; Gertio, Miss Kate Skinner; girls, cr.drt.', policemen. Synopsi3 Act I, on the way to the Pic-nic; tccne, in a garden. Act II, at tli9 Pic nic; Fcene, in the woods. Act III, the homeward march; scene, as in Act I. Solos Leigh Skinner, Miss Nina Green, Edwin Nowcil, Talcott Brewer. Tho songs of aU were after the latest and most popular operatic air?, well rendered and most highly enjoyable and appreciated by the arge audience. There was not a vacant seat, and the rush for fceaU was evidence of the great interest manifested in the school by citizens of Raleigh, and the well-fiiled hall was sufficient proof of the popu larity of tho schools. oblige me by so doing. It is rea- trance to the Machinery Hall at the sonaoie to suppose tnat any man Columbian Exposition at Chicago wno wa3 prominent enougn to be j -The fittest survive. It was brief Governor of North Carolina must but strong. have left his autograph among some Mr. Isaac T. Newton, of Fayette ot the record3 of his county. yille, spoke on Modem Epicurean- It is proper to remark that I have iam. ln this he reviewed the worldly no interest in this matter except as j Bina and in a clerical, to be-sure, a citizen of the State. C. H. Rkogden. Goidsboro, N. C. Married. Yesterday afternoon at the Epis copal residence, by the Rt. Rev. T. B. .Lyman, D. D., D. C. L , Mr. Ster ling Rumn, of Hillsboro, was united in marriage to Miss Jennie L Hur- tuU) nuu uaa uccu iui uuuiuei vi months a member of Bishop Ly- Salislii.v, N. C, .lane 1. rf:t- Murphy, a ycucg woman, wan found dead about 11 :.') o'clock htt night i etido the railroad, a short Jictauee Wknv the railroad Bhcps here. Sht; had au inci&ions on the back and front cf her head, and i3 feuppossd to have been murdered. Charley Armstrong, colored, porter on a bleeping car, ii bell under . uspicion with com mitting the crime An iniue-tt as held this morning, but the verdict ia postponed until thei arrival of the south-bound triin toni';Lt to gt the evidence cf tLe I'aginau on No. 12 last riiglt, who is tl-.r.ught to he an important vvitcca. The c. roi.er says he believes Arm?trg guilty. hLtch?s, cM sore1, ulc r Red kVm eruption cured by P. P. P., ?1 greatest biocd uri!Lrof ll;i- a-.- lu.eumatHm unI syphilis jI.-M readily to P. P. P. Prickly Aeb, Poke Root and Poiafium ; If you arc trouble! with !y-j' ; stomach disorder cr li tr ai I ki-Ify complaint, try P. P. P., an-1 y. i will rgoice at ita maicHl woikiej-. Fe males are peculiarly r. litt.-d by P. P. P. It cxptli di- a--, r.nd h heal .by action to every or,:aj. mi im tuny l'rsiM .r-. '. : ; wn from i-rwo'k r l.-.i- : . . .- IJriiwn's Iron I!i(i r . :- pyslein. ai'ls l-st;,!i. r.--: .-. . t f I iJ curt a XiMiiurio. Oct ilic but strong and impreasive style ar raigned the card-players, &c His speech abounded with pleasantry and was entertaining. The valedictory address was de livered by Mr. F. P. Hobgood, o Oxford, and a happy departure it was from the old style. "Farewell was said but no tears were shed. In bohalf of his class adieu waa said to faculty, schoolmates, citizens all, but it was not the intent of the man's family. The wedding was epeaker to appeal to the emotions of performed in the spacious picture j his hearers. And it was especially gaiiery and tne bride was given good. Mr. Hobgood s average grade away by the Rev. Mr. Pittenger. at college waa 97.8, an average Quite a number of the immediate worthy of record. He has been re- family and frienaa oi both bride J cently elected to a chair at the and groom were present, including I Oxford Female Seminary. Mrs. Cameron, xurs. Peebles, Jura. I The other young gentlemen of Hamilton, Messrs. Jamea Webb, R the graduating class, wno submit- World's Fair, via Chesapeake M UMo Kallroad The quickest and best line to the World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty- three from Charlottesville toChicago. Double daily vestibuled trams with Pullman sleeping and dining cars. The Chesapeake and Ohio ia altfo the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you desire to stop at the Greenbrier, Yv'hite Sulphur Springs or any of the famous places along the line of the G & O. your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care of organized parties. For full information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair, ad dress John jj. l'ott?, u. r. A. u. k O. R'y, Richmond, Ya. o-- If you have kidney or bladder troubles or suffering with indigea tion, torpid liver or of disease of the blood, if you will use a case of Har ris' Lithia Water anel not be bene fitted your money will be refunded. Nomo FutUli frolic. Allow a coujjh to run uatis it :.c-v-:nd the reach r t rr.cdicir.e. Tlit y '-lUii sa7, ''Oh, it will wtur awsj," but in most cases it vetrs thou; p.a:i. (J. SA tiicy be induced to trv ti.e k.co rat'dicirt- cu'cl Kcn-.p'n Iilv.m, which is sold on r jvyitivc u-iraatc- t; cure, they would immediately see the xttl lcnt clTtct &ftcr taking the li.-'t df.M?. P:ice50cts. rsA il. Tti d eie !rcc. At alldruKislb. LockSn feeling better bctte-r ia every way. Ti.ere's more consolation in iliat tiir.n wed! setter X.r I t kkI; fl''-'i and j " 4 t!j;iiLr. . I - ; i Large Failure. By Southern Associated Press. St Joseph, Mo., June 1. The wholesale lumber firm of Muthlei and company, filled a deed of as signment at midnight The firm has several yards in thissectkm, also in Kansas. Liabilities are estima ted at $150,000. Another Bank Closes Doors. By Southern Associated Press. Milwaukee, Wis., June 1. The Plankington Bank, which waa in H. Battle, Dr. R. H. Lewis, Mis. A. B. Andrews, Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Miss Jane Hawkins, the Misses White, Miss Baffin. Miss Coffin, Dr. and Mrs. K. P. Battle, Jr., Col. Ruf fin, Rev. and Mrs. I. McK. Pitten ger, Rev. and MrB. A. B. Hunter, Mrs. Makin, Miss Limerick and Dr. Battle. Immediately after the cer- ted thesia' were: J. Elbert Austin, J. William Baiiey, Georgs W. Blanton, Charles H. Dur ham, D. Milton Gaddy, William A. Jones, Everett B. Lattimore, Stephen Mclntire, Jesse D. Mocre, Jr., David M. Prince, George H. Ross, William A. Smith, Claude W. Wilson, John A. Wray, Alvis M. THE BOTAL CHAIK LAW MEDICINE Hon. J. C. Scarborough, Supetin- emony the happy couple were the Yates and J. Judson. recipients of many hearty good wishes. Refreshments were served in the dining-room and bhortiv a terward the rics was scattered and Mr. and Mrs. Ruffin left for their new Lome in Hill8borc. Don't Forget This. I have fpecial machinery for grinding Lp.wn Mowers, snd can give you a perfect job on chert no tice. T. F. Bit;cnv,LL, 212 Salisbury St., near New Opera House. The cynic is never really happy unless he can make others ushippy and feel quite miserab.o himself. 1 I--, ( 1 i . .--' (;..: ' I I--T-0- ..... - .i V.:-;''t- ; 4. - !' oIlS Cotton Hoot COMPOUND. A rwrt yvrery 7 an c I Jhyci-mr. A-vn-, "J-iU'j v. t 7i,oi,tUj ' V. iW'livlH of t- Al. . In t!..-only jrff;ctly eafa anl rcilaolo nciicino iior- tr. I'vwareof ur.jrlii-1r.lvl f!rui.-?LH V. ho r, T. r it.li.ririF rr:?dfc!nes In place ef tnis. Ack for toon's v,tt' i.ooT C'.Mi-'.t. :.!,, t il.r uh't.t ut.;t .r lntl'i- 1 ari l 6 c r:t3 ln istae ln U-U-r. and w tv:!l u iul. s-;J,-l. ty f-tura maiL lull BfalM particuiujj luj-ljkia tneIoiK, to lilies 'J stuni i. Audrtsd Ik:nd I.ily Company, ki?"So!-l in Rtleigh and ever.- Lei; b j ail 'Jrnggist. fa ta IT 000L! A n.NI'.-OME LTSE OK FANS, JAPANESE FANS, PALM LE VF FANS, ALL SliLES OF CHEAP FANS, At ihe Lvon Hackf! Store! New York gets as much fun and circus out of one Spanish princess volved in the F. A. Tappan failure, as Chicago gets out of the whole closed its doors tins morning. uoiumDua Dusinese. 1 i -vry- i pOOR, TIRED, WEARY WOMAN ! Weary with Work and Worry. A Headache and a Heartache, loo. But if relief for the first means relief for the other, one dose of 44 BrOmOSeltZer " enough to restore her Health and Happiness. Trial Size, 10 Cts. .Milk CV.-:.. Milt I'm., Hack !, l'rtJ-"rvi: g KittUi. thin;; in the tinwaitf llri-. I.ir.ir. I'-ggy Iiov e, .SuriiT.r ea'.s fi;. I Vt-t-, M-n n and Doyfc' Straw llf; roiUr.s &nl 'clT-. .ia-r- ti.JiB from - .SIio-.s Hid Slir pert Tirt H..Tt'.'i.P. Cur'.a'.a I'oles, I.Hce Curtair-s. r'-r::n 4:-"a j a: Large Picluie froi ?1.00 to -r i (''- A lull lir.e of ili'ilinerj ioo!s;. llniuzn-.it siA iilrd Cages, at THE LY0. RACKET STORK,