' ;-.t Summer flu' ' f W & CO.'S. Save ' $ fJTi?M(V r Oselsrs' Oi!!a W BLOOD RALM f TH - GREAT REMEDY , ,, i .l. 'niik'M.vU'wteilby rnv , v ; H HTl'l III'V.T f M its tO V7 ... ml tH-riuauuttly & ILCERS, eczim,., PIMPLES. ERUFTIGN?. V ft katin'j, miPAiaxa -i : , s. luvurin'.il v runs l.'u' t -' i ,. i!ii i-m if linvti'iT' nro f l- ."r'ncc Jlop fa' lLCD tALM CO., A,u" SFLthU:U RLIBtA IV,: i of Delicaciefl. , t.tloouol Mr. (has. Jirttctl?, ;'Neitevi;le the r ofct rrlnr reports In i a.j the befell progresses :i lti i.t ruuh for the splendid , ';ar;etiie. In addition is the 2AKERY cakes, pies, &c, can be .'i.l flue. Candies, fruits and '..s ia profnslon BAD WRECK Caused By a Washout In South Caro Una. By Southern Associated Press Columbia, June 2 A furious rain storm generally prevailed through out the State last night and wash outs are reported on the different lines of the railroads. Mixed train No. 9 coming south on the Rich mond and Danville Railroad when within three miles south of Ridge way ran into a washout about a hundred feet wide and engineer Jack Germany and fireman T. D. Henry were instantly killed. The washout occurred on what was con sidered a particularly fine stretch of road, there being a stone culvert at the place filled in with rock, and it had stood the severest rains here tofore. The train was badly wrecked going down the embankment twenty feet. Express Messenger W. W. Holmes, who is badly .bruised, is tne only other person hurt The tender turned bottom side up to wards the engine, turning the en gmeer around with hi3 back to the front of the engine, pinning him between the boiler head and the tender. His hands were thrown up in front of his face, his face crushed in and scalded. Fireman Henrv was found with his head almost in the furnace door pierced through the head by an iron rod. Both men were badly blackened and evidently nstantly killed. A SENSATION AT WINSTON. THE SHERIFF AND EDITOR GOS LIN HAVE A FRACAS. Mr. Goslln Comes Out of the Melee With a Bloody Face The Trouble Caused by Goslin's Refusal to Give a Correspondent's Name. Housi and Lot for Sale. '7 v cf authority conferred in a .-i'? t iorrifce, executed by S. N. Vaps, f'.u'.y uoov.fd ia book 113. page 60.2, - We cf Deeds otnes or v ase Conn er r . ' will, on Fatnrday, the lit day c'- .'r.lr. sell to the highest bidder, for "yb lit o'clrck ui., fit the Court Honee V.v' . tne c.tv of Kaleieh.the house and c: wl.t rton the paid Vass now re i'.t. :'.! ou South Blonrt street, and i-T ..'.i-vrii'id la the said mcrtgage. " ' : f-iile, cash S. S. BATCH ELOR, it.li Mortgagee. Morlsasf Sale of Laud. ' v -tnp of povrer conferred on me by dVtrtr. r-.ortwage deed, executed by :!ih I'lKlir.Tch and wife, which said -..or.fnk'e i ilu;y recorded in registry of Wifcecfnntv. Hcofc No. 1'3, at fe.ee 745, ;'.:io,rtr fcr sa.'e to the highest bidder : r c.fh at the conrt house door in the -.-.wet' KtV!k-h' N. C, on Monday, Jnte ', a. Vi o'clock m , the property in ' r:i.'e tfrCTina cc-mg a tractor cci.tr.i'.i'.r.u ninety-nine acres (99 t.c:. mere or le.-s,ucar the town of Mor : -r..:e :u ud county, ad joining the lands -.: Jceer h M-tytnnl, P.easaut P. Pender Wt.) CMen ent3 ar.d others, and z''f i .a .t .chI i y ceftfiKitd in said mort s -.a. U. F. MDNTAGUE, Att'y, ' rUeV: N. -.. -May 6, 1S93- John W, Evans, MANUFACTURER OF ca:uuage9, BUGGIES, DELIVERY WAGO?;S -"V - -'rti Ktu-ntlon glveu to j;u: and Painting. ."o;ircHr:'. .:p to ct. v.y style of work solicited. All Work Guaranteed o ba reprur anted. The W'aldenses Have Come. Newton Enterprise. From Mr. Eilia Coulter we learn that the advance guard of the Wal- denses arrived at Connelly Springs Monday. They came in a special car which was sidetracked for them at the coal chute, about four miles above Connelly's and on the 10,000 acre tract the colony has purchased They were all dressed in heme Bpunclothes and coarse shoes of their own mase. They had with them a limited quantity of house hold goods and a quantity of corn and other farm seeds which they had brought with them from their homes They looked as if they were not afraid of work and were just itching to get into the fields to make an examination cf the soil with their hoes. xnere were zo persons m tne snuaa wno will occupy tne six houses that are now completed on their lands. Contracts have been let for othar houses, which will be ready by the time the next install ment arrives. They will build a town of their own in which all the colony will live, instead of scatter ing over the lands; The lands will be owned in common and will be allotted to the different families, according to the custom of their paople. They brought a preacher witn them, and a house of wor ehip will be one of the first build ings they will erect. May Have to Go Into the Hands of a lteceiver. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 2. President Ransom and Attorney Porter, repre senting the failed National Bank of Deposit of New York, had a confer ence with Comptroller Lckels this Winston, N. C, June 2 Special. R. M. McArtur, sheriff of Forsyth county, and Capt. J. W. Goslin, edi tor of the Republican, created a sensation on Third street this morn ing by engaging in a personal com bat The sheriff was the aggressor. He told Mr. Goslin he proposed to whip him if he did not give him the author's namo of the communica tions appearing in the Republican reflecting on Me Arthur as an officer. Goslin asked when. "Right now," replied the sheriff. The editor re fused, whereupon a fight ensued. W hen separated Goslin arose with his face almost covered with blood. After the fcheriS's temper had sub sided somewhat he informed the men holding him he would fight no more. ith this undemanding he was turned loose. He thereupon A. west up to the editor and said: "I tell you now, if you wiil publish the truth about me it will be all right, but if you print any more lies I propose to hold you responsible. And furthermore, I will whip you every time you do so. lin replied that he claimed to know his own rights. After the first article appeared in the Republican reflecting upon Sheriff McArthur he went to the editors office and demanded the author's name. Goslin refused to give it. The sheriff informed the editor he would hold him person ally responsible. At the trial thig afternoon McArthur was fined five dollars and costs. CLOSING EXERCISES, The Commencement ot the Raleigh Male Academy, Messrs. Morton and DensoD, Principals. This institution.now so well known throughout the State and the South, presented an interesting scene yes terday on the occasion of the close of the scholastic year. The rooms were filled by many of our leading citizens of the capital and the adja cent country and a lovely represen tation of the beauty and culture of our fair women. The exercises were opened by the Rev. Dr. Daniel in a touching and appropriate prajer which in voked the Uesaing of God upon the institution and upon all who are faithfully leading the young in the paths of knowledge and of right eousness. The class-standing, e? result cf the final examinations of the last two weekB, were then announced, in the various departments of the scheol; the classical course.in Latin, Greek and French, whose graduates CHILDREN LAID TO REST. INTERMENT OF THE SONS PRESIDENT DAVIS AT HOLLYWOOD. OF The Bodies Were Quietly Consigned to the Graves and There Was No Funeral Ceremon j . By Southern Assosiated Press. Rishmond, Va , June 2. The re mains of Joseph, "William and Samuel Emory Davis, sons of the late President of the Confedera cy and his grandson Jefferson Davis Hayes were re-interred in the Davis section at Hollywood this evening. Mrs. Davis and her immediate fam ily, together with Mayor Ellyson, President of the Jefferson Davis Monument Association alone wit nessed the consignment of the bod ies to the craves. There was no f u- are now ready to enter the various 1 neral ceremony whatever. colleges, tne mathematical (mclu- It is understood that if the wishes ding a clas3 that had solved the 0f Mrs. Davis are respected in re- Henderson Dots. Communicated. Hentefsdn, N. C, June 2. There are quite a number of vis iting legal lights in attendance on Judge Shuford's court here, among whom are Judge Hilliard, of Nor folk, Va ; Messis. R. O Barton and John Devereux, Jr., of Raleigh, Capt R. B Peebles, cf Northampton Hon. C M. Cooke, Louisburg; Mr. Jacob Battle, Rocky Mount Dr. Arch Cheatham, of Durham, formerly health officer here, came down yesterday to appear as a wit- Henry, ness in the case of J. A. Hayes vs. the town of Henderson. Hyes is suing the town for putting him in the lock-up. Sheriff II. C. Kearney, of Frank lin, is spending the day here. Mr. W. S. Clang, formerly of this piace, now a successful tobacco manufacturer of Winston, is here for a few days. Dr. J. S Meadows, of Louisburg. was here today, a close attendant on tobacco sales. Thad R. Monning, cf the Gold Leaf, and Mrs. Manning, returnrd last niht via the Richmond and A MOOHIKU C.lPri UKD. He Fires I'fon the Ofllcers n.l U Him- wlf Shot Down. RrTHELlOKLTCN, JuU6 1 . I "i r0 Hunt, a note J moonshiner, was ar- reetcd yes-ter ay in Gc!t!-?u Yilley township by Deputy SbeirTs GeHys and RDbicsoa an I Jo Hodge and Jeff Gettys. The ofikfr.? ere armed with fcvciI cip'a.e- for Hunt He is also winti l in Scuth Car olina to serve oat a Ftticcee cf one year in the penitentiary ,'or arsra vdtcd assault The oHieers four J Hunt in the mountains arirel vi'di a rltla r.nd pistol. He raised his un Len th3 cam up but put it d .v.n when oruered. As the Twrtv ci:. carer, bo rsisfd Lis p,uc and fire.'., narrow ly erasing Joe HoJge. The ofiL'trb then bogAii firing, e-vcri shut tak ing efT.-tt upon Hunt, the most tevc-ra being cne wh'uh iv-iip'tte-ly shattered his left tia:b. lie was brought to jtilt.nl is. L;.vi::g the best rnedi 'ftl attention bu'. is t:u:Ter ing intensely. four hundred original problems of Wentworth's geometry) the Eng lish course, embracing a complete course in spelling, reading, Eng lish grammar, rhetoric and history; the business course, which adds commercial arithmetic and Book Keeping, and the primary couree, which has been largely developed in the past two years, as preparatory gard to the location of the monu ment which will perpetuate the memory cf the Confederate Presi dent, it will not be placed in Mon roe Park as proposed. Mrs. Davis, it ia said, favors the grounds of the Soldiers Home as the most appro priate site. The vast number of ex- Confederates think that the Sol diers' Homo grounds is the most L whip you I to the other departments. Honors suitable place that could be selected Editor Gos-) were awarded to the first and sec- outside of Hollywood cemetery. ond in each class, and the nature and extent cf the work performed, duly explained. In addition to the branches named, were those of phy sical and descriptive geography, declamation, corporation, & Danvilio read, from the National Press Association at Chicago. TLe case of E G Leigh et als., vs. i , n. uowiana et ala , lias ex cite! mere interc-tt and consumed mere iinie than ony other at this term of the court. The jury has been out three days, and are ttill hung. Rumor has it the score stand 11 to 1, the one being Jim Watson, the colored member of the ! that l.ts. t'cn-tipt on. Indict ion. Ix)oi at the MZt- of the o:!ir.rv j.ill. Think of all ihe trouble nr. 1 d.turh anoe it eaeu ) ou U'oii'.'.n t jou wel come homtth'njr chmit tj taki-, ar.d easier in its vrys, if x tht f.t- tim it did you mor.- good .' I lint is tLe vrith Ir. riorc-' I'ltasH-.t lV.lrts. They're the t-mnllrft in tize. the imM-t in action, but the mot isr-rem tiing in r'Miiis i ature's methods, and ;hey r thorough r.d :ollow ; Ldp The Cholera in Austro-Hungary. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 2. United States Consul General Goldschmidt, at Vienna, has transmitted to the Capt. C. B. Denson, in a few ap-1 Department of State an official re propriate sentences, introduced the I port on the cholera in Austro-Hun- distinguished orator of the day, I gary up to May 4th, showing that Hon. Thomas W. Mason, of North-1 during the week, from April 26th to amptcn. i May drd, only one case proving in his opening sentence Mr. Ma-1 fatal occurred in the community of iu. M. noskine, an esteemed citi- son declare,: that in some respects Kudrynce. In the case of the man zen, cuea nere mis morning, agea 63 years. declared that rarely has such an oc-1 of the Koch bacillus wras detected Legislature from this county. Tobacco receipts for this week are the largest for seme time, and it is thought will nearly wind up the crop. Mr. E. M Williamon sold seme 5,000 pounds very good at the Cooper House today. Col. W. H. S Burgwyn is to leave this morning for Greensboro to meet members cf the State Tobacco Association, of which he is Presi dent. A. Hatcoett. Bilious attai K;. hi. k and Bwio'i Head aches', and all derar.rm-'t cf the. liver, stomach ami Vowel, nre ronij tly re lieved hiid jfi mailt r.tlv turd "It we can't c-r" your ('ata?ih. r.o matt r how Lad urease or of Low lonjr standing, we'll i hv ou . H'0 e.i.h." That is whiit is prom M'd Ly the pro prietors of I'r. Sae'is ("wtareh llemedr. loe'nt it prove. Letter tLan any word could, that this is a remedy tht curen Catarrh? Costs only f0 cents. he had never seen such an interest-1 who died at Smykowce and another ing occasion. And it may be justly j who died in Bucaacz, the presence A Possible Deal in Glass. By Southern Asc;iated Press. Pittsiceg, Penn., June 2. It is stated on good authority that a gen eral shut down of the plate glass factories of the country will take place within the month to last an indefinite period. It is given out as a reason for this action that the factories in the combine have be come so overstocked that a suspen sion of production is absolutely nec essary, not because of the dull trade but because the factories have no longer any room to store their un salable product. The opponents of the organization hint that the above is not the real object of the suspen sion cf the production, but that the trust means to diminish the stock of glass in the market and then raise the prices. The general stop page contemplated will bring seri ous inconvenience to thousands of men employed at the factories. D. E. Wheeler, agent of the trust, says that hree of the plate glass works have already closed because of dull ness of business and admits that it I t iiii T fur.vtf.ia on.i em rin co tor.Hn ctrt mormncr an to "nermitun tne Dank - - v Ok" ".V f W W 1 n K O I. mm m . . . in ract anything belonging o rpsumfi buainees. Comptroller possible tnat otners will cease Eckels told them that his present operations, as they are greatly over- Lentz for big faithfui services as tc vtU-.e un be lound m rny tactory. F.f;:j 'onLwts.t ctmer Jtf"r?an and tionr.t i-rrw-tP. RMeich. N. C! casion been graced with a speaker of sucn superb command of thought and ease and beauty of expression. It was freely commented upon as the most appropriate and most elo quent eftort ever enjoyed by the hearers upon a commencement day. Winning the rapt attention o the young by his sympathetic words, he pictured the rapid changes in hu man tnought and action m the mod ern world the advance of social ism, the spread cf communal spirit, the inroads upon pure Christianity, the unrest of the mob, the power of the plutocrat, and turned to the pure and faithful training of the young as the only bulwark against the encroaching tide. He graphically portrayed the character of our ancestors in Colonial days, and in burning words moved his audience to enthusiasm as he told of the North Carolina of the past. His tribute to the Chieftain that lay in our Capital three days ago was most exquisite. He closed, amid enthusiastic applause, by a patriotic appeal for the preservation of the glorious fame of the past. Capt. Denson then thanked Prof A Thrilling Leap. By Southern Associated Press. Biemingh .m, Ala: Brookes Story the express robber who escaped from the Mississippi Penitenitiary at Jackson three times and was recently captured at Americus Georiga jampedfrom the car window on a fast Queen and Crescent train yesterday after Big Fire in Mew Orleans. By Southern Associated Press. New Orleans, June 2. Fire last night destroyed the Home Brew ing Company's plant, a cistern factory and other adjoining build- ings. lae loss is estimated at $125,000. Daniel Salmage's Sons & Co.'s rice mill, 41 to 53 Girod street, was burced. The less is es mated at 2o,C00. Allow a coujrh run ami. .t . :.vi.c yond the rent h id r..tdi:.e. Ti.t j ilvn ttij, "Oh, it wili T.--;ir u. ..-,' l.A in Kott cases it wears them i.sy Could they be induct-i '. tr t'.e v.'.i twdul medicine called Kt i:ij"i Ii.:ui, which ifi Ki'd on a p'it Ut;r.i: I-. c. rc, :: c t-xrcl- they v.t.uld iuir.iidi::vij lent elite t f.ftcr Price 50 i u-. t.... At &ildrvi;:y-c Perished In a "Wreck. Victoria, B. C, June 2. The x c!a:Lj i i : i 1 r olives that tlioy are a help to digestion. Steamer Taeoma which arrived from noon near Yinces. He was manacled Yokohama brings the news that the J ABM rntc iu ALi. : u Our New Illustrated C atalogue of Plants, Y Koses, Bulbs, Vines, p Shrubs. Ornamental Trees, Small Frctts, Y Grape Vines, Skeus, r eta, will be mailed n r res to au appucanis. 100 pages. Most com- '.rv-.C(!. FatIffart!on Guaranteed. 20Kosk , '..u, ij o utL.Nuuuas; w acres MPasERiE AdJrcsa ' 0 ' W i U 7 t tirntir-n Tr . ",fc u, iituncn, avuuisyille, aw' :--r.---vv-v'r-r-v--- fV.nf fVifi hanlr wnnld Stocked. have to be placed in the hands of a receiver but he would give them iaKt? up U1 MveuuB utll,ns impaired capital A committee, consisting of Messrs. Bennett and Straight, representing the failed Chemical National Bank By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 2. When the President returns from his fishing trip to Hog Island, Ya., he will take ma:, qatarrH ISAM BALM Vt Cl-anf th Inunmatioo. f HAY FEVER 4 bores. ( nf Chiftasro. also had a conference up the papers in the cases of be with Comptroller Eckels with a view tween fifteen and twenty collectors to the bank resuming business, oi internal revenue wuicu now tvtt TOOrQ ooonrorl thftf. if fbfiv awaits nis action, commissioner J ? w- I n.r-n i. n i 1 could present the evidence insuring iunier epsm, me weea. m uuiibiubi- the stability of the bank in the fu ture they would be permitted to resume. 5 , ' -:U.3 t.uj C7 u... . i r. Jfav'i ;( Taste A hi The Sunday Opening Muddle. By Southern Associated Press. Chicago, June 2. Tne powers that be at Jackson Park are not greatly exercised over the court proceedings in which it is sought to close the Fair on Sunday. Di rector of Works Barnham yester day issued an order to the depart ment chiefs instructing them to W IHE CURE. HAY-FEVER JM: erector of works had no official in formation to give regarding his reasons, he is understood to take it for granted that the decieon of the court will be in favor of the Expo sition eide cf the case. , A i' ir fle is arnlied In Fth DGf tril and r .tt-io. Price no cents at Druggists; r'' r-.'.3t ed, Wets. ' V '. ROTH KKS, 56 Warren St. , New York. ing them, and made hia recommend ations. Secretary Carlisle spent several days last week in looking them over, and has fully made up his mind as to whom he wants in each case. He will go over the matter again with the President. Had.the latter not been absent from the city this week the appointments would have been made before now. In the meantime Clerk Kretz is get ting together the names of the old collectors who have tendered their resignations, and those whose places are wanted, but who have not done so will be requested to do so at once. - '.1-JiAt.ll.ABITiC.rA!Nlr:,n. ' ..it.Tft.OAFt rt CHF.OY. rf?J''-'j$'XJZQ Prepaid. Boston, Madame Perrlne, Mass. s y 1 1 wV Yontiifiil rlgror r. IT- tAii L3 ntortl fltl.er era, .r j j ;-r'is7IL. no py. Auic free. w a. 111m lr. Dpo, Button, Wm. Nerve Jfe., fir, mm Blood .Builder tfescrtptiv '7.'ILLIAMS i .FsclicnCctaiy,N.Y. Death of Dr. F. W. Potter. By Southern Associated Press. Wilmington, N. C, Jane 2 Dr. F. W. Potter died last evening. He was superintendent of health and one of the leading physicians of the city. Appointed Immigrant Inspector. By Southern .Associated Piess. Washington, June 2. Wm. Bethel of Fiorida was today appointed im migrant inspector. ' The Ladles. The 'pleasant effect and perfect safety with wnicn ladies may use tne uaniornia iiquia lax ative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and gen uine article, look for the name ci the California Fig Syrup Co., print ed near the bottom of the package. Said he Would Drown Himself. Hariusburg, Pa., June 2. Mayor Eby yesterday received a letter signed Henry Rothermel and stat ing that the writer would throw himself from the peoples bridge in to the river and drown himself. It was dated Tuesday night last. The letter stated that his effects could be secured at a boarding house on Walnut street and were to be sent to his wife, Mrs. A. R. Rothermel No 623 Poplar Street, Chattanooga Tenn. A letter has been forwarded to this address with the particul ara. In this satchel was found a letter to his wife instructing her to go to her farther at Mansfield with their children. An Ohio Bank Closes Doors. By Southern Associated Press. Paulding, O., June 2 Potter's Bank, the oldest bank in Paulding county, and heretofore considered one cf the saftest, closed its doors this morning. The bank was estab lished in 1874 and has always done a large banking business. assistant during the past year, and reminded the students about to de part for the colleges to keep the ame of the Academy as bright as it has ever been hitherto. He men- ioned in this connection that one-! sixth of the large graduating class at the University next week were pupils at the Academy. Prof. Hugh Morson announced that the" past year had been the most successful in its entire history, and that the next scholastic year would begin on the first Monday of September. The Rev. Mr. Cole, of the Eden on Street M. E. Church, then pro nounced the benediction. We were gratified to notice the general satisfaction expressed by the patrons and friends of the school. It has been more largely sustained by other sections than usual, Wake, Nash, Washington, Pitt, Moore, Franklin. Buncombe and other coun ties having been represented during the year past. The enrollment was 145 and the number attending the fourth quarter 123, the average be ing about 120. It is of interest to our citizens to know that the principals have pur chased the school property, includ ing the entire square, from the Smith estate, and contemplate some improvements. They desire to Jf,ave nothing undone to present every advantage here, and we believe our j people appreciate it. A very beautiful floral offering was sent "to the teachers" by Miss Jessie Wyatt, which was gratefully received. and in charge of deputy sheriff Montgomery. A 92o0,000 Fire. By Southern Associated , Press. New Ytrk, June 2. The Archi tectural Iron Works of J. B. and J. M. Cornell, at 26th and 27th streets and 11th and 13th avenues, were damaged by fire last night to the extent of $250,000; fully insured. Arrivals at the Yarboro. T. W. Fenner, Cincinnatti; B. F. White, Ed. F. Moses, Boston; Geo. T. Love, Perry, Mich.; T. R. Little, Littlesville; T. F. Wilson, S. A. L ; A. Page Watson, New York ; W. B. Linus, Jr., Carthage; J. H. Wissler, Rural Retreat; Mrs. North, Sanford; J. E. Dockery, North Carolina; W. A. Johnson, Washington, D. C. ; Robt. Belling, Jr., New York; J. P. Stanley, Fort Payne; R. W. Rice, Baltimore; T. D. Waddell, N. C; John Manning, George T. WinstoD, Chapel Hill; T. H. Pritchard, North Carolina; D. N. Durham, Richmond; Miss Lallie Raney, Kittrell; Miss Marshall, city; Misa Wingfield, Portsmouth, Ya.; T. M. Pittman, Henderson; F. Meyer, G. B. Hender son, Baltimore; F. T. Meyers, Virginia. my i Russian Corvette NitiaB went ashore on the Corean Coast May 15th, and became a are lost. total wreck. Nino lives Thomas and Maxwell, the enter prising furniture men, are adver tisers, indeed. They received on yesterday an invoice of summer cap3 with their business cards inscribed thereon; also thousands of fans that will be distributed through the city bearing their cards. Accommodations at Chicago. As announced, there will be three elegant hotels open to the public at Chicago during the World's Fair undGr the management of the un dersigned, the Strickland, the Cor nell Avenue and the Park Gate. You can have rooms holding two or four, either seperate or connect ing, with every convenience, and with board, or upon Earopean plan at as moderate a rate as any first- class hotel. You will find the Strick land Hotel as handy and convenient as it is possible fo find, either for the Fair Grounds or for the center of the city. The Hotel is situated on Lake Avnue, close to the lake, and the Thirtieth Street Station at Oakland, on the Hlinois Central Railroad, the mam line to the fair, with trams i ruHiiiii" every iew niiuuies. Aja&e 5 Avenue is the direct road in walk ing distance to the Fair Grounds. John O. Plane, Manager. Lake Avenue, between 38th and 30th streets Chicgo. World's Fair, via Chesapeake V Ohio Railroad. The quicliest and beat lice to tho World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty three from Charlottesville toChicago. Double daily vestibuled trains witn Pullman sleeping and dining cars. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you detiro to stop at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or any of the famous places along the line of the C. & O. your orld 8 Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care of organized parties. For full information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair, ad dress John D. Potts, D. P. A. C. & O. R'y, Richmond, Ya. Eulalle Takes a Trip o the Harbor. By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 2. The Infanta Eulalie, her husband and suite, ith Mayor Gilroy and a number of in vited guests, went on board th A Tried ltemedy for Biliousness. The se who surer frjia C ldorder or inaction t the Hv6r will never get the upper taml ct tho unruly organ eo long as they use such lrrlta- tlonat remedies as nine plH.calomel anl id'.j h- yll!n. But '.Tom the tried and i-opu'ar medicine, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, ttey may espoct relief with a certainty of otta'nlr.g it. The In fluence of the Bitters upon the pre.t biliary gland Is direct, powerful and sx-eedily feit. The relief aflorled ia not spssncodic, but c Deplete J and permanent. The eallowness of the fckln, j furred apiearance of the tongue. Indigestion. I ctstlvenees, headache, nausea, pains throucn I the tight side and thouldtr: in tact, evfry ac- j c mpanlment of the the obstinate complaint are j entirely and promptly removed by a couree of inestimable medicine, In behalf of wbl-h tetU mony is constantly emanating from tvery-juar. ' tr, and from all classes of sx:iety. wood's piibypiioDiNii Tbo Crest EnjlUli Itemed v. rromptly end prmaTiPr.t 1y cures ail f ormaof Anv,u . H'eaknfxx. f.misxutM. ytirrm- Icitftrrtea. lmjtiAenry and ail rH'ctt c A tve r,r i.xerar. Betn prfs-criUd ever S3 years In thiwsan'U of cases; li tbf'r iiitU arul Htm- Vmns nn. AtiC fiefcre ctl! Aflrr l'J:oi:s; ; If r on.-r some fVCJOrc SJJier v.ortL1,. g El, dine In Mac cf this, leave Ms diermnpst dlore. inclose prlco In letter, and we will bend by return mall ItIcp.oius paokatre. tl; six. So. Lntev-tu jiru", mr viucurc, i amr cletln rliin sealed enrf-1. if.. 2 stamp. .JUk.rt83 THK WOOD I HKMICAbtO., ll ooawaru avtz.uu, xei.-o.t. jca. KNOWLEDGE Prinpr-? comfort :md improvement and tCtt'ls to IK.T-.!;ll ( 'V III' -Ii V. li II rightly used. Tin many, ,-t live let ter than others anil enjoy life more, with le3 exjeriliture, ly more jrin'tl v adapting the world's In st jr lu(ts t- the needs of j.hy.-ieal Ik in;.', wi.I :itt4 t the value t health f the j-tip liquid laxative princi'!es c-intra. el in the remedy, Syrup of FiB. Its exeeih-nce is due to it- r- -rr.tin in the form most aeeeptah!'- :: 1 la ant to the ta.-te, the refre.-l.i;:r' and truly beneficial irojK-rti s of aj-i ! . t lax ative; effectually !eaiiinu' the -y-Um, distilling colds, ln-adaches : i f vi rs ana j-ermancntly curing :;-tij ati- n. It has piren satisfaction to million- ".i;d met with the approval of the i:. ii -al professH.n, lMcau-e it aet .n tie- Kid neys, Liver and IioweN without weak ening them and it is p rf et'y fi- e fr'.iu every objectionable sulstan . Syrup of Fis is fr sal- by :A dri.r frists in oc and Jl iKAtle-, but it is nrm ufactured by the Califon i.i I L' r.uLp Co. only, wli'i-f name i- priiit i u ry package, al-o the nam'-, Syru; f I 1-, and lx ing well informed. y u v.ill ijt accept any hutstitute if oilen 1. Typewriter V'i-r" ' '-.( a I Lia iirlppe Again. During the epidemic of La Grippe last season Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colda proved to be the best remedy. Reporta from the many who used it confirm this state- told in Ealeigh and tvcr where by by druggists In Ordinance. Dolphin, at the foot of 42nd street, menti not q;ly re- North river, at 10 o'clock this morn ing for a trip around Nev? York harbor. The weather was pleasant and it is likely that a short run out to the ocean will be made. The Pope owns a single pearl that is valued at $100,000. I lieved, but the disease left no bad after results. AVe ask you to give this rem edy a trial and we guarantee that yon will be satisfied with results, or the pur chase price will be refunded. It has no equal inXa Grippe, or any Throat, Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at John Y. MacRae's drug store. Large bottles, 50c. and Si. 00. Pe it or 'aired by the Board ef Alder men cf the City of iUleigl: That on and alter the l!tn day of June, if 'j3, that it fchall be unlawful for any rtrson or persor s to put or caue t) b r ut upon the frtrt-ets or eidewalke of the city of Raleigh any trah, leaveH, litter or swepingij of any kind from their yards or lots between the hours cf 12 noon Friday, and 1- o'clock midnight of each week, under a penalty cf five doilarB for each and every such offense. Absolutely Unrivalled For Excellence of UsL-n and Construction, Simplicity, H.i-,v Operation, fJur.il iiity ;n.i Sptvd. OFFICIAL WRJTIMj MACIIIMi CP T-E World's Columbian reposition. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALCSyE Wyckoif, Seamans livr.cuict, 337 BKOADWAY. NHW OUK. Fine Livery. 'ih-f:rn. of !. I'u n v.i-! tj nt r'untc to tl - 1 1 b'i iL t ! tiif the nicest "ivery tran..- Li ;c a:!. w.-i.tctcd with tL-ir lrpr Irardirg id fale kta ble, at Not. IL'3, 12" nl 117 South "Wilmingtcr. ttr et. t' LLK i DUX. v- - U1

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