J I" . 0.y GET if T1;, .V r si ff3 m n Try Paying Doctors' Biiis V III Y i T . vn Tt " WHAT CAN A SICKLE DO! Jin 11 Ul 1 ' THE GREAT REMEDY i t f;3 til BIOOO ANO SKIN DISEASES , t i Mi.'ian auil the peofiift ( r t' j.-nns ml never fails , .-. ; iiiAijr an J iwriwuicctly rVfi;H. ULCERS, EC2CK3. i EcViTlSM. FIVPLES, ESOFTICN1?. The Bhrljjg sea Tilbunai. "asSteSi 12.-Sir Charles Rus sell, Sir Richard Webster and other counsel representing Great Britain before the Behring Sea Tribunal of arbitration today asked the tribunal to find that the searches and seiz- Sfil"1?. u8fcring Sea' mentioned m the British schedule, whether of BLOOD UUu $ SlSS?dl,and crre8t3 ofma8 REMEDY IS RALEIGH, H. THE BORDEN TRIAL. AN IMPORTANT TURNING POINr REACHED IN TOE CASK. The Testimony of Miss Borden at th Icquest Ruled Out by the CourtIn creased Interest In the Trial. - : i s. lovHrinblr curesi the nctc 1 ; . , .i i!l H'fi if direction r.re fil. . i i r buttle, 0 bottles t'ur fj. lur Irur COCC .."'1,k or i CCW I rr.ct woxdkiutlu , s" i:c:a ealm co., thoritv nf fria tt;.i cii.i ti, . ;r uuiu oiaces: next, tnat the searches nr.rl aivnMa ' made in non-territorial waters for , T nes of the "cited State high seas, and further that the said ira ana crews and lints im- fvaeu upon tnem wPrfi inflicted or imposed under any claim ot right or lurisdiftfion r.- .t. o ueeu sUDmitted to fh cision of the arbitrators. ue- 4 1 s - 3? i ' I . -ft a :ver She Broke a Walk! By Southern Associated Press. Chicago, Juce 12. The i steamer Musker-on. tn fi,i.- i. Iraneportation Line, which left wyuncn cocks at Rush xiuge at ,:4j o'clock la street si night, . . ! . ; lu each nrtftril ruA c c-.'at-: n Druggists; jiKlW, 5f. Warren St., New Yoik. RLTRtAh of Delicacies. C"hiw. Erctsoh, ' on a o I.j o:tev'll. ' f ' ' - o.-1 poplftr reports !n a i ire. stfason projrreswes t( : r; en rnsr. icr ttie feplecriid . . .. r.ilcticd. In addition Is the A ive. (.'sti'.lUs. c, can be inute and anil Lot for Sale. finthnrity cor. fern d in a extcatcd by S. . Va?s, 'fi, i" '"Xk 113. Mjy '.c'-ceicecf Vke toun- " Satr.r.iHy, the lit day i 5 the hUhest bidder, for .a "... bt the Court Houie : 'plt1c,h,tie hcr.se and the fH'.d Vaps novr re : .-tuth Blount etn et, and - hi .id d.; rtsage. ti. 6. itATC:iElx)a, Mor'ctigee. tvans, 'HER OF I5UGGIES, WAGONS Painting. , "Oll'-.jf.wl. Mriiig TTT o ri - . 1 1 ft hmu&l,u M I n I I I f U Tl I I n i van5l0n tv the breakirrr nf wii. ing beam and the subsequent col. lapse of almost her entire machin ery. There vere thirty passengers on the steamer. When tho acci- ueni occurred most of those had re- $ "cia iu mcir state rooius. Thfl savenng of the walking beam was accompanied by a terrific report ond tae next instant the ermnor.tSr,, chinery began to crash and fly in aegmenta to all parts of the engine room. Scenes of wilriftcf followed in which the crew tnni, D excited part The en-ineer. Low. ever, soon stopped the engines and after the clatter of the broken ma chinery ceased confidence was speedily restored. Later the Mus kegon was towtd back to br wv j A The Honors at West Point. Wist Point, June 12. The rrr,1. mating class at the TTnif.Al Aiintary Academy cocsiRfa r,f r,s members. Charles W -R-, f rennsylvania. brads tho Uof na P. Howell, of North Carolina, is second; Meriwether L. Walker, of irgin:a, is third: Robfirf. P .t,-,. eton, of North Carolina, is fourth Edward J. Timberlake, Jr., of Ten- ncssee, is sixth; William Bates, of Georgia, is 2oth; Matthew C. Smith, of Alabama, h thirty-second; Rob-! crh F, T, . . ! .Uuui . in l tpnrrr:o i n forty-first: Geora H. JamflRor f Virginia, is fcrty-fifih; Hamil A. Smith, of Georgia, is forty-seventh; Hunter B. Nelson of Tennessee, is forty-ninth. were The second week of the trial has the B By Southern Associated Press. .u;dford, MasB, June 12 Over one half the spectators in the COUrt this morrnr.cy wcv Borden appearance of in creased interest as the uncertainties ol the case are unfolded. Indica tions of a severe struggle over the admission of stenographic notes of ixsa uoraens testimonv at the inquest are plentiful this mornin m the piks of books containing au thorities to be cited pro andcon. A few moments- before court opened counsel on both sides were summoned into the private room of the presiding justices for consulta- 2vAMiS8 Borden caG3e into court at bioO and took a kpaI. mfi.-n bar, looking somewhat dragged and m answer to inquiry from Governor noomsoa aa to her rest last niht wcrus and marcsr i-ioi that see did not bsss a nn0o4. Eight. After court opened the jury was polled, and tie officers were di rected by the court to retire the jury until sent for, pending the ar gument to follow. Mr. Moody then addressed the court, saying he uu- uerstoocl the discussion now to be opened was the admisibility of Miss liorden's evidence. He spent three quarters of an hour maintain; 'admissibility of the authority in 4 luwutp, claiming tne rule to be that testimony is admis siole if voluntary, and arguing that the defendant's conduct and declara tions showing consciousness of guilt would be admissible even if the de fense should claim that the confes sion would not be. Daring the argu ment the prisoner was affected with indisposition, and was led from the room by the sheriff. Governor Robinson for the de fense argued ekfuently that the facts showed the defendant's decla rations were not voluntary, and then discussed the authorities, which he claimed admitted testimony enly vhen tie facts were different from thcee here. The ruling of the court was thaf. tae testimony of Mies Borrfn excluded. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13. 3937 WAS IT A DEATH TRAP? THE At Rest. Death entered our midst on May 27th,. and bore away one of our sweetest flowers and brightest gems Occie Wilkerson Royster, the only child of Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Wilker Bcn, was born July 6, 1868, and two years ago she was married to Mr Alphonso Royster, of Suffolk, Va.' Early she became distressed about her soul's salvation, and when only nurteeiIUi?a? ?f 8ge afc Ama' Chapel Church, she gave her tender joung heart to Chri.t She then became a consistent member of Shiloh Presbyterian Church. An exemplary Christian, kind and affec tionate, she was not only the joy of her fond parents' hearts, but the light to all around, both as an exam ple and an inspiration. In all her walk, she strayed not from the paths of a true christian woman. In all the relation , t v,r she modestly displayed those graces uau virtues which ennoble a chris tian character and adorn a beauti f ul life. nn t . . - Anougn Eici lor come weeks, she murmured not; she bore it with pa tience and christian fortify Q ..i. i Hue Knew that the Allwise Provi uence Knew best: sho L- h , i tuati er Redeemer lived, and take her to His" celestial mansions testimony JUST CARRY ONE TO II. KLB & rn -v, v. j AXD GIT The Mot Kofmhinar Drink of Your Life. Trv II ! ISVKSriQATlON OF THK WASHINGTON DI3ASTKR IX PROGRKSS. Testimony of Clems Make Col. Alas unn appear In a Bad LIht-Ex- citing Scenes In the Court Roc By Southern Associated Press. .V a cnTi'AT,.. T m mi ui,june iz he inquest over the bodies of tbe victims of " liieaire disaster was com menced today in Willard Hail. Ains worth, Chief of Record and Pen sion Division, who has been placed on the defensive by implied accusa tions that he was responsible for the presence of clerks in the old build ing, was m attendance without an auorney. About one hundred per sons were present, most of them Cifciks of tha Record and Pension Division. The statement of witnesses that the clerk3 held themselves in abject fear of Ainsworth was re sponded to by a round ot applause. A letter from Secretary Lamont was read, giving assurance that no clerk need fear dismissal above, when her earth was over. T-V B -uunng the last few A nf i - i . . - - w -- piness visions of Jesup, the an guis and neaven were evf r with her. ' Why skould We WPfin fr Occie ? She if fit 1-f.ct 17CO ocl !TI .IACin 11 T 1 r sdub, jjieesea sieeD to awake until the morn. y ould again ! jorrney on this preci.t dear never more resurrection we call her bant No, she is happy; she is ra- juicmg witn the angels above, Sue leaves a darlin greaa of excavation three weeks old. TrnM iia Charles Trout ioiJ.t; t Benjamin Rciss, clerk ela?n 1 r. cord and pension division cf the war department, employed in the old theatre building was the first wit ness called. He had been excused he said at 9 o'clock on the morning of disaster on account of business and was not present when the buildine- 10"- ior several years heard rumors tnat the building wsa un saie. ue had ueen Col. Ainsworth in the building a day or two pre- viuus io tno uieaster while the pro- a. neannfr l e Poraon cf the room where ci tne clerks were sitting ouansr loked astonished. Ainsw-oith grew red. Shaffer thfn arose and delivered a lecture to the rentiers, alter vrfcioh the proceeded. A TV . , . 1 i..t. ... . "fwcu ueiiei tnat the feeling Px . . '-i.huiib ana everv man in the orhce was such that if mcjr xiau maae suggestions as to te safety of the building it would have jcupiraizea their positions. - 'cu ii mere was sucu feeling of fear that the clerks were afraid to make a suggestion es to uoe dangerous condition of the building -It wa3 Mr Wara emphatically ,t was," wis the an- swer. rni . u. xnompson was questioned further about this feeling, and he eia in extended to Jacob Freeh colored, Ainsworth'a right bower,' and tja chronic pessimist of Wash ington, and to Mr 0 R Brown, chief clerk of the building i Jefferson W. Carter, clerk on tbe third floor of the wrecked building took ibe stand, but h?nr u' his testimony, Dr. Shaffer reat a later from Attorney-Get eral Oluey, tendering the use of an a-sistant to give professional advicoia condu-t- iug inquiry. This offer was de- tavaanah' CSovrati, hf SjutLern AMociate-I rr". Waseingtox. J une 1 2 The zWrh of p s for the te, ro4 cfiice Adding at Savannah 'U commenced. Cct m.r., t ..V. ad a conference .Saturday wif, n px, ,lUg architect j.nd trs will now be pushed. rrat- lr I)r. llool Anl thr ,,.,.' .i - . " ' uw inrio- and From Head to Kn,it you tol tie good tbatV dor.e t lerce s (.oldeo Medial IiCov raVs the wliole system in reeoverinc from drl. . convalescence fr m rre an.o " or other wastin? di-,.- ' equal it as an smtizin : ? tonic to bum B.r:.i ":8. strength. It rou, everv or ptural action, promote 'all t& K'ilv Iiinotions. and ntnr. - v . . . tromearl dien..-that h torpid liver tr impure 1,:00J. Ma, lndIgestion. IMioum s.s r'j mcft stubborn Skin. S.vh1... ..r.,. . alIectior.s.the -I.i coveT,.. j,' t'h;Uiinl r;medf to certain tuat it cn Ltf J. nteed. If ,t don't lumfit or c?r In every ce,y:u mxv have n ,r back. ' For a perfect and t,Tmn,m 0's.tarrh, take Ir. h.'i.', rHtMr its irorrit!torM rtl . . v.. ed v. ar for Ii Kern. r SSVO r."W!:d for any incurable cae of t'xtatrh aiready made the uor- same old. Would thaf. coma console the bereaved husband and heart-broken parents ; but the only comfort is the divine comfort oi iim "that dceth all things well.' vmpainiza with them, and woua not have them forget that incruseo! immortality is planted in tha mos3 of the tomb." N. S. Winston At the A. and M. College. xuo mreatenmg weather last evening prevented a large crowd from attending the Baccalaureate sermon at the A. and M College by Rev. Dr. Henry W. Battle, but nevertheless a good number wero present. The sermon of Dr. Battle was a most eloquent effort and fully repaid those who her.rd it for their presence. Tomorrow at 11 a. m. addresses ntecd if !on:.rt in iii - t t. ' ; : r r ix- pt In stock ,1 ctory. o:hn and FHEE TO ALL: Our New Illustrated 5 yw' BcU53 Vises,' $f i REES, fcMAIX FP.riT3, vivu-a iriC3, OEEDS, etc., will be mailed FREstoall applicants. 100 paees. Most com- T.lAfd Plan . 1 1 P nt'Cil Kctstor., -..-. .a.r.a PcrrSne, Mars. I -'Ml.', . ., y. Ali, n (yso tino Livery. Ml f.i I I tt;ir Mi': I'urn wiiah to an tliHt thev have th in town, connected hi ding and sale sta nrid 127 Houth Drownea in Roanoke River. Waekestok, N. C Ju no 12. Willie C. Drake, Jr., aged 21, and son ci Ma j w. (3. Drake, Superin tendent cf Public Instruction, wai drowned yesterday fSundav ,r Roanoke river, at Robinson's Ferry viiiio iu oatnmg with a number o oiner young men. He attempted swimming across the river, a dis tance of 300 yards, and was taken with cramp and disappeared. His body has not been recovered. a Postmasters Appointed. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 12 The Pres ident has appoinied the following m l 1 ttTMl- n P ijufcimasiers: wiuiam 15. uopeland, liirmingnam, Ala., vice R. H. Hous ton, removed; James M. Davis, at Cordelle, Ga , vice M. G. Hall, re moved; Richard F. Moore, at Co lumbus, Miss., vice D. Hale, commis sion expired; Wm. A. McCanless, Tupelo, Miss., vice D. J. Eckles, re signed. Archibald N. Boyden at Saiis bury, N. C , vice J. N. Ramsey, re signed. Ihe Secretary of the Treasury appointed today Richard A. Whit field, of Florida, Superintendent of Construction of public buildings, rpnl T7ii ,. A Fight With Train Robbers. By Southern Associated Press. bANFBANcisco, Cal, June 12. A special from Visalia says another hght between Evans and Sontag, the Calis tram robbers, and officers took place last evening. An offi cer was shot in the leg and Evans was probably mortally wounded, if not dead. AT- ;-IkUG STORE ti !(,'f'kicri3 beverage, 1 fe or c.'L'chcna is Jn- iter factory. Ht. the fact ory. iluilv Trade. k:; tickets A Murderer Recaptured. By Southern Assooiated Pregs. MABtn:Ro, Md., June 12. Wil liam Pinkney, a colored murderer, sentenced to be hanged June 30th, and who escaped three weeks was recaptured near here ago last night. The Ladles. Tho jjpleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid lax ativo, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get the true and gen uine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co., print ed near the bottom of the package S1.C0 1.05 1.05 y cash. TE ICE CO. The public are cordially invited to call at Moseley & McGee's old stand and eee the beautiful design, donated by Mr. A. Dughi to the Marguerite Festival, from G to 11 o'clock tonight. Children especially invited. How They Stand. The New York Times prints re plies from 122 Senators and Repre sentatives to its question as to what tuey propose about the currency. vyuy oi ara uuiivorsoie to the re peal of the silver act, We clip the following anewers: Wallace, N. C , June 11. To the Editor of the New York Times: I prefer a cheap money of our own. 1 will vote to repeal the Sher man law with a free coinage substi iuce and a tax on the State banks .Let the people rather than the gov eminent control money volurre. B. F. Grady, (Dem.) Washington, D. C , June 11. To the Editor of the New Yorl Times : 1 stand squarely upon the late National Democratic platform, and iavor a repeal of the Sherman, act. the coinage of both gold and silver at the mints on equal terms, and a repeal of the tax on State bank notes. John S. Henderson, (Dem.) Salisbury Goes Wet. Salisbury N. C , June 12. Spe ciai ihe local option election held here today resulted in the town going wet by 155 majvuiy. jjnue interest was taken in the election. The to tai number of votes cast was 4G7. Few colored people voted and these principally voted for whiskey. The town was exceptionally quiet and or derly throughout the day. win ue dsiive:eu j members of the graduating olass, and diplomas will be given the graduates by Presi dent Hollar ay, and medals for in dustry will be presented by Hon A Leazar. Tomorrow night, at 8.30 p m , at Metropolitan Hall, Hon. Henry Wat terson will deliver an address 'before the faculty and student3. Tho public is cordially invited to .ii i i . anena an oi the commencement ex ercises. 'a death A Murder in Davla. Winston, N. C, June 12 Special. At Elbavilie, Davie county, Satur day night Charles Hairstone killed Sam Be.'rier, both colored, by cut ting the jugular vein in the neck with a knife. Only one stroke was made. The row occurred over Ber- rier's wife. Hairstone is at large. Two Assignments. Winston, June 12 Special. J. M. Richards, a butcher of Winston, and J. M. Lackey, general merchant of Kernersville, assigned today. The labilities of the former are over $3.- 000, assets over $6,000. The liabilities of the latter are over $1,000, assets not known. Richard's trustee is E. H. Wilson; the assignee of Lackey is J. M. Bodenhamer. The Sherman Law. By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 12. In reply to a telegram sent to members of both houses of Congress by the Times as o their attitude in regard to the Sherman law, 122 have been heard rom 18 Senators and 104 Repre sentatives. Of this number 88 are in favor of repeal, 26 against repeal, and 8 are still undecided. Worth Knnnfnir That Allcock's Porous Piasters are the highest result ofmedica ft. a. t-cience and skill, and in ingredient and method have never been equal led. lhat they are the original and genuine porous plasters, upon whose repusauon imitators trade. mat Allcock's Porous Plasters never fail to perform their remedia work quickly and effectually. That this fact is attested bvthnn. sands of voluntary and unimpeacha- uie testimonials from grateful pati ents. That for rheumatism, weak back. sciatica, lung trouble, kidney dis ease, dyspepsia, malaria, and all local p&ms, they are invaluable. xnati when you buy Allcock's rorous Plasters you absolutely ob tain the beet plasters made. n Get Readv fnr It you intend going to the Wolrd's xair you will do well to secure accommodations; if not you will very nseiy be disappointed. We know as a fa3t that there will not be near enough places in Chicago to accommodate those coming, and by securing your place you know just wner you are coming and know that you are right Nearly every place in Chicago is already secured, and those who intend com ing must at once eecur acccomada tions or it will be too late. Th is no doubt thousands will have to "walk the streets" at night. If vou Bend us references it will secure you accommodations. The Strickland Hotel, the Cnrr-pll Avenue and the Park Gate are three of the finest and best aDDoint. ed hotels at Chicago. Write for particulars. John O. Plank, Manager. Cornell Aveune Hotel 52nd nfroat. and Cornell Avenu Chicago. m m - - La Grippe Again. During the epidemic of La Grippe last season Dr. Kme s ew Disrnvprv v. Consumption, Coughs and Colds Drovpd to be the best remedy. Reports from the many who used it connrm this st;;.- i ment. They were not on'v nnifVlv ieved, but the disease left no bad aftr results. We ask you to srive this rem edy a trial and we guarantee that you will be satisfied with results, or the pur chase price will be refunded. It has no equal in La Grippe, or any Throat, Chest or Lung Trouble. Trial bottles free at J ohn F. MacRae's drug store. Large bottles, 50c. and $1.00. clerk in fbo old theatre, whose desk was on the first floor, described the full f floors and his escape. He said he knew instinctively that the excava tion naa caused the accident. Wif ness had been warned rr.k ir o proach tho roped off ed&cp. Win 1 A ma Knowledge no orders had be iBauea aoout tha msecnrifv of tiA uuuumg except an unofficial warn xx taw no underpinning of me nrst lloor. lie had heard of thA lopea-ctt space called "Tha Wrl line." The day before the accident ae siw Ainsworth examining tv, -i am r ft.w ropeu-on space minutely, and hn 4.1 1 i l . . ' " w tuuugnt ne went down stairs fo co the excavation. Ainsworth r-omn nearly everyday while the excava tion was going on. The old em- Pioyees oi the build had trtM mm it v.-as a shell and tr?.p" Smith Thompson, clerk in fS Ueatre building, who made a bitter speech denouncing Ainsworth t. the relief meeting on FHfinir f00t;. fied that when the accident, nnr.i he was at his desk at work on the sec ond floor to the rear of the light web, the part of the building which e laii. -la describing his ex- vviivuvQ ue said there was no fire escape on the building and only one door for entrance and exit. "Had you ever heard warning about the stairway?" asked the deputy coroner. "Frequently, frequently," said the witness. The servants or messen gers of Ainsworth who were sta tioned on the stairway notified us with bated breath that it was Ains worih'a orders that the employees should go easily, on tip tee, up and down stairs. I do not know the names of these servants or messen gers. One was called "Henry," a colored man. The building was known to all the clerks as a death trap, bat our bread and butter de pended on working there, so what could we do ? Only this morning I received a letter from a friend, a lady, in which she said she recol lected distinctly that I said two years ago I was going into a death trap. Witness said that he had been a civil engineer. Every dav he went below stairs and watched 4.1. a. m progress oi the excavation. He Rfl.lT n r nillni. ymaia ui props used in noiding up the nrst floor while th excavation was going ou. It was a matter of common talk that this worn was dangerous, and a fellow cieri had warned him not. t v bts ney cad. offer. Another letter to th ated a buzz. It was from Col. Lv mont Secretary of War, and read as iojiows: "In the matter of the investiga tion now in progress before the cor oner s jury, in regard to lots of life on June 9, at the Tenth street build ing, which was occupied by tbe Record and ? Pension office of the War Department, the De partment is informed that ap prehension exists among Depart ment employees that they may jeop ardize their posiiions by testifying before the jury. It seems hardly necessary for me to say that such apprehension is entirely groundless, but to allay any such fear as may exiet I beg to inform vou that n employee of the Department wiU endaccrer his nncJfi I "--- a m Kuy 73' OTI flAonnnt t . , . r J Given before thn, . .J . cxitr a inis case." Afr Carter by Mr. Warner about but d.. Shaffer interrupted, savins tfcet the investigation must bocon nuv.ii io tne cause of the IXCI!IN( SCENES T - t . . j-aier m mo rumination ti A Texas, o A High c oiiipMtnmt. loading papt-r if (ialv.tcn College eo:iim.!iir.--'Tif n m-M ft i Ql tit I jary in was aiked the feclint' calamity. eo:nm:ii .--'cr nl. Ur roferi-cce is iur.de to the l.in. qut over whi -h Mr a I)n,l.i f tLis city, was the chi f i is loj in iJt. praise rf tbe "ui- nn " and dec!a:c3 that it war, one of the ficst "grt up,' tlut was tv.rKn on such an orr-ium The ice erf am cme in f r a full &i;iire cf praise, it being doclarc-d th.- frr ItKli.l llivorand lci:-.-jt t'l-.i.'i ....ui.i not Lave Ut-n bi.rp... 1 1?, ap pears that l!ui re out ati n if Mr Dughi is reechtbir cut fcT..n i fh borders of the country, r.nd f.i t?M of the "Deln.CEi.-o" o! tho i.iit!, being fairly won. The c-c inr.ljsufnt is cot only one of whuh Mr Dn-hi may be proud, bat it i Bh-trc t in by ail oar p.opl, -6-to . Wlil Lecture on fjrant ami lo. kw York, Juno B. Gordon lit?, at tlw rcli: many prcrniuci.t cotss: ed ft.-. f progress cf the tx- ne5 Mr. itots Perry triad to speak for Ainsworth. "Sit. was shouted. -You are nn nnt.'iAL ua nave no right here. I m-oteafc n n . . M a. j . - a. kub6 an outsifler SDoakinjr Wr, " -w.ftVft I Join tit n of Mr:n in tl ia t iftr nn rf Hie rv. faderacy anl hi. perncnal estimate o. the o greet General riro r - - rr.. . . ne date of tL be announced later. ..ft. ft In.' oh Cure, the roup Care, is for lecture will s:ze contain' t wt-nf y-i'. v Children bive it. Sold ; i v echoed the 4.1 ir. i , . mete, ne naa heard thaf. Mr- Gage, one of the victims, had anrdipri for leave of absence during the pro gress of the work in the basement.but tnat in nad been refused. Mr. fi..oo he understood, was apprehensive of danger. Uoncerning the one stair way in the theatre building. tv Thompson said it was not sufficient lor the rapid exit of one-half th clerks with safety. In going down the stairway he heard the clerks call 0Uf ,V ecsre; tte stairs are 'un just at this stage in Thorn nson'n testimony there was a strange Rcfin illustrating the bitter feeling against Ainsworth. A majority cf the spec tators present at the inauest wp clerks who were employed in tha old theatre building. Mr. Warner, one of the jurors, asked the witness what wm the feeling of the cJerka in the theatre building towards their superior officer, Col. Ainsworth. "Ihat of abject fear," answered Mr. Thompson, impiessively. A slight buzz and shifting chairs followed, then a slight clapping of hands. The lieutenant of police present held up his hand to stop the attempt tbapplause, but he was too late. At laurstof hand-clapping followed tha a s ted a quarter of a minute. It came ait down, sit down wiu voices tnat were not re strained. All this timo Perry stood immovable, and when the uproar had quieted somf.-hnf h appealed to the crowd to let him speak. "I appeal to you as Ameri- f,vn C1Kz.e,Da for f air Play," he cried, "lou idid not Give vm r,w yelled an excited individual. Old Jiutlcr Fitch kent crvin v timidation." Mor?an Rncn, Lndgeport, Ala., another vrn. ment clerk, called out to Ainsworth lou should be arrested for mur der and not released on bail" Here the tempest broke out in its full fury. "Hang him" was shouted irom a dozen throats. m mo spectator s seats rose at the nang mm, hang him!" The snout grew louder. Ainsworth eat cooi and collected. RnmpW, said after the uproar was over that kis nand tt.ovah tn i . , - it io m- .iae coat pocket and remained .here. Bis features seemed abeo- llif.lr. - . VI -ft. tjr immovauie. There wa3 the amiest suggestion of a smil on h;a ips, Perry remained standinrr Knt r.ln1. .11. .. - & iiu aitemps to quell the mob, for it had grown to be such. Lku- lenant Amis was utterly powerless lu iu. we tumult. A mad rush nod infii lv t juct uegun in tne direction of ainsworth, when Juror Wtmer aroEe, and standing in his chair pegged tor order. The sight of mm standing stopped the rush. At 2:20 p. m. Dr. Shaffer qui v,juurueu ine inquest until 10 ociock tomorrow morning at the Firt Precinct Station. in Tlie propri- turn ! Ely s ( V. a iM.m rot r.H-.D. it tj o- a fLx-.ij.!f bnta nmedy for cl .rr! , ( !,., ;., tJ. If is not a ilpid head or a .fiufT, i i.nd t-.Ay lever, nofctrili r.Ii.i li'd into the John L. Osmond Klectrocuted. By Southern Associated Press. Sing Sing, N. Y., June 12 J.n ij. u:mond was electrocuted morning lor the rcurder of his wue Mary ana cousin John Burchall. this iis C. Chemical Works Iiurnfd. By Southern Associated Press New Yoke, June 12. The Joh r? : . , m . . .luua uemicai works, of Williams burg, were burned last night. Loss, KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to iK.rsonal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live 1m l tcr than others and e njoy life more, with less exnditurc, by more promptly adapting the world' lj st prluct to the needs of physical being, will att--t the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles c m bract d in the remedy, .Syrup of Figs. lU excellence is due to h. printing in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial projTtics of a rx'-rfect lax ative; cfiectually flcan.-ing the sv-ttm disiIling colds, h' adatht .s avA "fever-I and irmant-ritl v mrin'r u.u.t It has given satisfaction to milli-, and met with the approval t.f the inodirat profession, bt-cau-e it act- u the Kid ney-, Liver and levels without wc.-.L-. ening tlif-m and it u j rfcctlv free from every objectionable mb-tann. Syrut.of l i-- M f.,r sal- by dru-- giH io oOc arid 1 l,ttl-s. lr.it it i tr.f,,.' ufacturel bv the Califorr.in r;-r Co. only, whose name h r.rintrd on r rr rv package, also the name, Svrup of Fig-, and being well informed, vou will not accept any sub.-.litute if ofilrcd. Mortgage Sale of Land. vir;r:eo" towerriirft tertnin rrr.rtoo -a .1 T , - V. "it i tJftcr.r-. Ijy l 13 bHUi WOOD'S nioSPnoriTviv The Great En; Huh Remedy. IT cures all forme r " eaknesa, f. mixtion, kprrm- 1 rtcu. umpoietu-y ami all ia vj wwe or t-xtmnt. Heen trt-scrtbed over 5 a.vuaty.llcoko. 1 ;:. ; t KalrA -mLv--6'? f'Ur - the lrn: TL: cV-S r f-xii't- 1 oou-tv aJi 1, ,-'-; of Je,h Mirr'Sf;' Vy.lfe gratfe. ',Vnv J 'V -c,Jef: more pc'Iclr nSr,v(''D gae; m.f MvnV I; .?oxf Hefore GIlctAfttr mowr-: ho oXcn tom f Mo 1..-. .T , iiiru.-n,e in place ff t Save b,, lenest eto: e, Incloee price In lettr. and we will Bend by return mall. I'ricV. on. Pamphlet in T,laln sealed enveW,e. 2 tam TIIK VVOOD CMfcMICAl.Co.. 131 W cod ward avenue, ltrt.t. sik. Sold in Rale-eh anrjevtr. wU b y druggists " 7 Sala toi-tinned till .Vcadcy 1 j&. Dr. vl H. Daniol DCNNi-S. U. ' wLerever ca'Jed. - Write &SiL- 3-:r, Us trcatmer. An i rH-p-"et

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