s f n OlhTH j Library r iJ . 1 r 13 't. on roc fUM fry It ! of Save Paying Boefers9 JBIIES o BOTANIC BLOOD BALM tuf GREAT REMEDY I r:s all dlood and skim diseases ' ' i: i , n ihnrntujlily tettd liy prn f i. 1 livsirlll Mill tllO l.i'Uf'lH - i inrn, nl never rails to , . r. aukVty miiI iwrumiuattly rVerriiUb ULCERS. ECZEMA. iJurTiMTlSM. P'MPLES, ERUPTIONS . . r T!'(. RTTJF till V." ' , 1 , -i i . h S. Invurmlilv mi en the 1 ; ' , i il iIIwhk s if oiri'i'tmns are : ,' i per UUiv, bUk:4 for 4.1, LI) cpT FREE wondmiTii 3 t'.CwS BALM CO., r; CATARRH r:"'i" S-i-U JUtlS.1" r? S- I'.r.HV-FS-VER iff ;.!. i'mu'-'I 4a or.ch t:C-'trll and - r.ta Fiii tf.ntfi at Iirngglhts; r.-..' t. f'-O cfs. New Yori. v PI I- N 1 ! ! OF UhuIu RlfRU vj. per iii'i u J'ciicncieH. : jUocn of Mr. Ch.. Eretsth, ; Fi;j e!tevllle u c.f the luobt ppnlar re?orts In . ;u the tfftscn pro?respes .'..! 1 e cre;.t rr.sb for the splendid :. ( nil var ieties. In addition Is the !-,vt cakes, re. Jf.c , can be rii li'io. t.Hti;i. ?, truhs and vx profusion and Lot for Sale. 11 . : cy f.vtliority corferrfd In a t;t.; .e, exccr.ltd by S. N. Vafs, r-. -.-'Tfd in book 113, page C02, ' r IKci'.s offic-j of Wake conn- hi; . r,.j .atnrdfty, the lf.t day . "Ucothe highest bidder, for '. (.'; ci 'ii., f.t the Court Hongp : cy r.t HaleJh.tVie house and : 'icitoa tlie Hikl Vass now re- r.u South Klontt street, and 1 I'd ii the s.ihl mcrtgBK. '. . .-u'.e, casa S. B. BATCHELOIl, Morrpagpe. on n 3 w. tvans, M vNUr ACTl'KKR OF Y WAGONS 0 'IL' A, in Pa'mtinc. .if. :: i t ' t. v-tI:.k.- Kt;-t In fatock l ' iv.HXl and rflCb TO ALL: Our New Illnstrntpd C atalogue of Flants, imji-ej, 15ULB3, VINES, ' Shrcb8, Ornamental Trees. Small Fruits. Crape Vines, Seeds, etc., will be mailed . Free to all applicants. iuu paj?es. wost com- ,(..-.. cel. Fftt!?fart!on Guaranteed. 20 Rosb 14 i V vr v. V .1 1 f ' '.,.,Ti4rH'.Y, OP.OTHrR ' 1 f.ccu..iprriE,,31PiM'u?. JA riOi'iJi.'ESSIONZwG, " j. 0 iVCpril Boston, i fiadari'.e Peiclii, Mass. iliivloe rrea. ' ...'JrHj ' ' ino Livery. J'fin) ff ,t I)ur,n wifch t0 an. ;e,t0 t!i1 1-uViic that they have the "t.vr ttanig in town, connected 12) 13 ami 12 ''.jj Mr et. Sou'h LKE ft DUNN, CALL AT VOL. XII. RALEIGH, K. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1893. The Borden case. By Southern Associated Press. New Bedford, Maes, June 13. Another big crowd was present this morning, and seata in the court room were all occupied some time before the court opened. Miss Bor den made her appearance ten min utes b3f ore the justices took their seats. The counsel held a short consultation with the justices in their room prior to the latter's tak ing their seats. Mr. Adams continued the cross examination ot Dr. Dokn, who de scribed the position of the bodies and blood spots, and said the blows came from left to right, and were of moderate force. The prisoner eat with closed eyes, and a fan over her face, Continuing, Dr. Dolan said that the blows were made by a sharp in strument, and some on Mrs. Borden by an assailant astride of the body. A juryman was taken eick and a recess of five minutes was taiisn. Ine prisoner was affected and led from the room. was , DRUGSTORE a('eliclous beveiae, '' the u'.e of cinchona ia la- 'CK! ICE! ICE! ai me lactory 1 ' ' i woo it,, at the factory. uiiily Trade. 'AH.. UtNDRKD 1'OUNUS. SO. 72. IKX THE INVESTIGATION. SMCONG EVIDEJiCB THAT FORD'S THEATRE WAS UNSAFE. A Petition Was Prepared Asking a Furloush for the Ulerks While the Excavation Was Going on, But They Were Afraid to feign It. Ask Further Time. New Berxe, N. 0., Jul a 3 Spe cial. Maj. W. S. Stanton, of tho corps of engineers of the United States army, was here today by or der of the War Department to look into the complaint against the At lantic and North Carolina Railroad Company with reference to the draw in the railroad bridge over the Trent river. At the hearing this morning the company filed an affi davit asking further time to answer the complaint, and the matter was postponed until the first of August. The complaint is that the bridge is not high enough for shipping to j parties as results in paes it ana tne draw is so placed that it is a ssrieua obstruction to the navigation of the river when opened, being situated on the side of the channel and at an angle with the current that renders the passage through difficult and dangerous. A Cool Burglar. Wilmington Jesenger. On Saturday night a burglar en tered Dr. Pricchard's residence at Wrightaville Sound and boldly en tered a room where two young gen tlemen were sleeping, robbing one of a valise containing some valua ble clothing. He, however, left the wearing suits of the young gentle men, containing over $200 in cash. After taking tb.3 valise the burglar went into the dining room, lighted a lamp and coolly took out what the sideboard contained and helped himself to a substantial supper, even putting the butter jury on the table, worth and his two When he left he wrapped a large dinates. For the roast of beef in a newspaper and it annflarp.il that, lifltifinn imd hABn t. ! I ri - . . By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 13. Chief Jus tice Bingham, of the Supreme Court of tho District, has issued an order requiring the acting coroner to show cause at 3 o'clock this afternoon why Ccl Ainsworth should not be al lowed to be represented by counsel at the inquest Juror Warner, who stopped the outbreak against Col. Ainsworth yesterday, said that after a confer ence with his colleagues he desired, in the interest of getting at the facts quickly, to request that the questions be confined to several points, as follows s 1. To prove the death of the party :n regard to which the was sitting 2. Testimony as to the condition cf ;he building before the recent work was begun. 3. Whether the recent work added to the unsafe condition of the build ing 4. Who u responsible for the dis aster and the death of the party we are now inquiring into. 5 Whether such condition of fesling exists between the employ ees of the building and their supe rior officers, or between any other the suppres sion of the testimony. We (the jury) think this about covers the material points in the case. The Deputy Coroner decided that, although there were eighty persons desirous of being heard, the only witnesses who could testify directly as to the points named should be questioned. E samination of other clerks em ployed in the wrecked building then proceeded. Their evidence wa3 cumulative on the points brought out most strongly, that it was a matter of common talk among tho clerks that the building was unsafe; that this talk had increased since the excavation in the basemfnt begun; that the clerks had not uttered complaints through fear of consequences to themselves, and that there was a general fear and dislike of Ains- principal subor first time today carried that along with his valise. Appointed by the President. By Southern Associated Fress. Washington, June 13. The Pres ident today appointed D. Price postmaster at Jackson, Miss., vice prepared a3king that the clerks be furloughed while the excavation was in progress, but that the clerks refused to sign it through fear. The session waa short, and wa3 interrupted by the service upon the deputy coroner of a summons to appear before Judge Bingham to The Duty oa Tobacco. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 13. Assistant Secretary Hamlin has instructed the Collector of Customs at New York to refund the duties paid under the conditions involved in the suit of Blumlein & Co. Against the United States, recently decided against the United States. The question raised in this suit was as to the proper construction of the tariff act of March 3rd, 1883, relating to the proper classification of leaf to bacco. The law provided that whenever 85 per cent of leaf tobacco was suitable for wrappers the duty should be 753 per pound, otherwise 35c per pound, but no unit for com puting the percentage was named in the law. The collectors under the instructions fixed upon "the hand" as a mininum unit whereas the court decides "the bale" jo con stitute the unit in question. All entries cf toba'co therefore await ing the detfriviiation of this ques tion will be reliquidated in accord ance with th9 court decisior, and it U estimated that at least two mil lion dollars will have to be refunded to the importers. a . laaen rom the Train and Hanfi. By Southern Associated Press. Pvichmond, Va , June 13 A Times special from Staunton says: Wil- iam Shorter colored, whn has een confined in jail here since Mav 7 th, for security, charged with at- temptea rape upon the person of Mrs. Clevenger at Winchester, Va., was this morning delivered by Sheriff Watts to Sheriff Adam For ney and his guard to be taken o Winchester for trial. When Shorter left the iail his f pl ow prisoners said to him "Lookout for Winchester, you will never get there alive." This prediction was verified in a few hours. When the train reached Kernstown, four miles this sme of Winchester, a body of armed men boarded the train, took Shorter from the sheriff, and taking him to the woods hanged him up and riddled his body with bullets. Shorter was 19 years old. To Increase Tobacco Insurance. Winston, N. C, June 13 Special'. - At a special meeting of the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce, Special Agent Chatterly made a short address, saving that the in surance companies have decided to increase tobacco ratG3 all over the South; also to put the three-quar ter clause in almost all Southern cities, and the iron clad clause where mercantile stc are written. The Chamber unanimously passed resolution requesting the North Carolina Senators and Renresenta- ives in Congress to vote for a re peal of the Sherman law. V. H. Gibbs removed; Thomas R Robertson, of Charlotte, N. C, vice j answer Ainsworth's petition to show A. ijraay removed; .Bennett JLmnn I causa why Ainsworth should not be at Rooky Mount, N. C , vice W. L. j re-presented by counsel. Person removed; Wm. A. Gilliam, of Covington, Va., vice G. T. Mc Glintie; Frank W. Shield, of Hamp ton, Va , vice R. R. Wood resigned. Holmea Conrad, of Virginia, As sistant Attorney General, vice John B. Cotton resigned. R. Bedler, of New Jersey, consul at Sheffield, Eng. Another Bank Falls. By Southern Associated Press. Omaha, Neb., June 13. The American National Bank is in the bands of the Comptroller. J. L. i The Financial Situation. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 13. The finan cial condition of the country, as viewed from the Treasury stand- point, shows a general improve ment. Bank and commercial fail urea are fewer, Europe is buying our grain in greater quantities, gold shipments have ceased at least for the present, confidence is being re stored and money is not so tight. The Treasury net gold has increased from $89,000,000 to $91,300,000, and McCague is President and it is sup posed that the American Nationals the demand for small money in the connected with the McCague West will have the effect to further Savings Bank which failed yester- increase the Treasury gold. The day caused its downfall. There are J rate of exchange is sufficiently high to warrant the shipment of gold abroad, but the fact that commer cial paper is for sale in London has a deterrent effect There is a gen eral feeling that the worst is passed, the weaker financial institutions and business firms having succumbed, Paraffine Co.. corner of Seneca and while those that passed through so Ohio streets, was partially destroyed far unscathed are the stronger for hv firfi last ni?ht. The clant con- navmg weamerea me nuanciai heavy runs cn all Savings Banks here this morning. Fire In Ohio. By Southern Associated Press. Cleveland, O., June 13. The works of the Meriam & Morgan storm. ''ft ib.- lb T. "r 2.1 10-lb. tickets, 15 20-lb. tickets, 7 59-lb. tickets, ,jrni strictly cash. Baseball Yesterday. At New York New York 13, Lou isville" 6 At Baltimore Baltimore 2, Cleve land 8. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 10, St Louis 5. At Washington Washington 6, Chicago 10. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 1,- Cm- cinnati 9. At Boston Pittsbng 9, Boston 7. sisted of a three-story brick build ing used in making paraffine wax, a three-story frame cooper shop a four-story brick candle factory. The first two buildings were completely destroyed, the other slightly dam aged. The loss is about $200,000, partially insured. A Bank Suspends. By Southern Associated Press. Salt Lake, Utah, June 13. The Park City Bank suspended yester day. The liabilities are fisu.uuu, with assets as much. Uiaim is maae i Again a Prisoner. that the bank will shortly resume. I By Southern Associated Press The assignee says that the aeposi- vI8ALIA, Cal, June 13. Chris. tors are to be paid U cents on the i gyans, Sontag's companion in crime, dollar. I is at last a prisoner in the county i'ttl ham. One of his eves was shot , j-.. - - inU liWUOT. I - , ,. . Li am Voiron Thelpleasant enecx ami F" nlacGS and his ieft arm shot through . j 7 i i iniin mov r saiety wun wmou the flashy part the California liquid lax-1 - z. r m iji- MM m a-m a i i - m. a a htfi. vruu OI .xiusi uuuw cm fLieciropuises rnnditions. makes it their favorite i Are kept on nana py miss a. a. remedy. To got the true and gen- I Tillinghast, Agent of the Atlantic orf innfc for the name oi I ftiectronoise uompanv. vrue or the California Fig Syrup Co., print- I call at 425 North Bloodworth street, ed near the bottom of the package. I Raleigh, LEAPED TO DEATH. PEOPLE DEMORAL1ZKO IX A SEW YORK FIRE. Two Hundred and FIHy People Rush for the Fire Escapes, and Fight Like Demons for Freedom - Some Jump and are Killed. By Southern Associj.ted Pres?. New York, June 13. The six story building filled with "Sweater shops" No's. 10 and 12 Montgom ery street caught fire at 3:30 o'clock this morning, and in the mad rush to the street of 250 souls working there at the time, three were killed and several injurec1. The blaze started on the frit floor and in a few minutes the flames shot up as far as the third and fourth floors. Then the panic fol lowed Tho inmates were all Polish Hebrews, excitable under any cir cumstances, were maddened. Two hundred and fifty people rushed to the fire escapes in front of the building and fought like demons. All were fighting for good places on the fire escapes. Suddenly the flames burst like a rocket from the second and third floors and leaped out nearly across the street. There was no longer any fighting on the fire escapes. People poured through the manholes like wax. They fell on each others' heads as they came down and were piled three tiers deep. The ladder from the first fire escape waa not yet lowered and the people began to jump from the balcony to the pavement The first was a large woman. She fell on the iron railing and rolled over dead. A man jumped further into the street Eia h6al struck the pavement. His skull was crushed and he never moved. The second man who followed struck on his head, but did not die imme diately. A young girl was the fourth to leap out She fell cn her side. several jumped into police officers arms and were not hurt At the near by hospitals twelve people were treated for injuries re ceived at the fire. It i3 said two of the injured will die. It is reported at 11 o'clock that two more bodies haYe been found. osmoxd PAYS THE ALTY. DEATH WHAT CAN A MCKLE DO J JUST CARRY ONE TO W. H. KIM & co;s AND GiT The .Most Refresh inir l)ri;.k Your Life. Trv It ! of A Collision Between Yachts. By Cable. London, June 13. The second of the series of yacht races took place today but the sport was prac tically spoiled by a collision in which the Britannia, Vendetta and Valkysie were mixed up in the most confusing manner. The shock was so violent that many of the hands on the Britannia and Vendetta were thrown overboard. So far as known all were rescued, but the vessels had to withdraw from the race. When the Valkvsie finally got started she was twenty minutes behind, but rapidly overhauled the opponents, finished the second. The Cailuna finished the first Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. New Berne Journal. Two hundred thousand dollars is a pretty good fcized pile of money, but it h approximately the value of truck that wont from this section during the week. The N. N. & W. steamer Hue gives U3 information of their taking 10,00 packages, the E. C. D. line 25,000 and the railroad has net aken less than 50 000. By far the greater portion waa potatoes. Ev ery eteamer that has been limited as to its cargo by naught except its holding capacity and the railroad ha3 run three heavily loaded truck trains daily. Yesterdays trains con sisted of fifty-two cars. This mouey will be credited to our farms. 'rnough thev have brought in this princely sum not a bot of land has been parted from in oraer to obtain it This beats town lot booms and average real es- ate tpeculations badly. Not Stolen. By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 13. A dispatch to the World from Chicago says the report that thirty pieces of lace sent by Qa6en Margherita had beon stolen is untrue. Countess de Bron sea said the pieces supposed to be stolen were held in Italy to be photographed. The Treasury Department. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 13. Since the 4th of March Secretary Carlisle has made changes m the unclassified service of the Treasury Department, including messengers, watchmen, laborers, etc,, to the number of nearly 200 people. Secretary Herbert Goe9 to Alabama. By Southern Associated Presa. Washington, June 13. Secretary Herbert, accompanied by his daugh ter, left Washington this afternoon for his home in Montgomery, Ala , where he will probably remain about a week. Senator Vance in Good Health. The Charlotte Observer says Marshal Allison who arrived in the city yesterday, was at Gombroon last week. He reports Senator Vance in improved health and as enjoying the rest and quiet of the i - mountains very greatly. Me is superintending his farm work and, the marshal says, his crops look first rate. Senator and Mrs. Vance and Mr. Martin will remain at Gombroon until the extra tes-iua of Congress meets. SI .00 1.05 1.05 a0lENici PLATE ICE CO. A Test of Iiove Little Effie Do you love me very much.mamma? Mamma (a widow) ve mv darliner. Little Effie If you need anv fancy cakes or candy go to C. O. Ball & Co.'s, Fay etteville St The Infanta has seen so much in Then why don't you marry the man I this country that she does not miss at the candy store? I the excitement oi puu ngnts. 1 he Governor's Guard. The Governors Guard at tfceir annual election of officers chose the following: Joseph Bernard, Cap tain; Alfred Williams, Jr., Firs Lieutenant; James F. Jordan, Seo- end Lieutenant govern Annual session of the Grand Lodare Knlghls Templars at Greensboro. For the above occasion the Sea board Air-Line will sell round-trio ickets to Greensboro, N. C, at greatly reduced rates. The follow ing round-trip rates will rom competitive points: Franklin, $9.50; Lincolnton, G.05; Norfolk and Portsmouth. 10.90: Rutherfordton,7.85; Suffolk, 10 30; Wilmington, 7 45; Henderson, 4 85; Maxton, 3 05; Raleigh, 4 05; Shelbv, G 15; Weldon, 7 50. Tickets will be sold June 19th to 2l8t inclusive; limit June 2Gth. Continuous passage in each direc tion. A Successful Klfctrccutlon. Sixu Sing, N. Y . June 12. John Lewi3 Osmond was legally killed in State prison here today for the mur der of his wife Mary and her friend. John C. Burchel!, on October 3rd. 1891. The electrocution wa3 the most successful that has ever taken place. There was no burning of the flesh, no steam, but a noiseless and instantaneous extinguishment of life. Osmond had been asvake ntarlv all laet night Ho was physically vigorous, but pale and haggard. The Rev. Father Creeden, pastor of bp. Augustine s Church, prayed with him for eeveral hours in the evening. I wish it was over," Le said a score of times dunnc l,n nif!. He would then attempt a joke, while the death watch tried to con sole him. Osmond ate a hearty breakfast a 7 o'clock this morning, though he did not seem to enjoy it. Father Creedcn called shortly after, administered the last rites of the Catholic Church, and the con demned man joined him in prayer. He never ceased praying from that time while liie remained. ALL WAS REjDY. Warden Durstcn led the way for the nineteen witnesres to to deh chamber. Thero everything was in readiness. The electrical mach ine had been thoroughly tested by State Electrician Davis, and when the lamp board was placed upon the death chair, as an experiment, the wire filaments in the incandes cent globe glowed fiercely. Warden Duraton gave a tilent signal, the door of the death cell waa opened, and there entered Principal Keeper Connaughton, the prisoner, Father Crteden and the death watch. Osmond, swarthy, short and slightly built, was keyed up to a high pitch of nervous intensity. His left hand clutched a wooden crucifix. His lips moved rapidly in prayer. He glanced fur tively about the room and hastily seated himself in the chair. Father Creeden leaned over and whispered some words of encouragement- Ct mond was oblivious to all about him. He was in a religious ecstasy. His legs and arms were quickly strapped and he prayed with a fe verish, fearful earnestness pitiable to see. The gauze M ire head-piece, lined with a saturated sponge, was adjusted, and the leather mask that permitted the lips only to bo seen, was drawn across bis face. And still he prayed icaudibly, but with in tense fervtr. Father Croc-den stepped back. The bignal ws giv.m. The body stiffened and rose as far as tho fast enings would permit Prucn Phy sician Irvine held Li j watch and at the end of forty seconds signalled to the electrician. Tha current was turned off; the body relaxed and sank limp and lifeless in the chair, the air relaxed from the lungs in a whistling fcigh and it was ell over, but the left hand never relaxed its clutch on the wooden crucifix. perfectly painless The physicians expressed them selves as thoroughly convinced of the painlessness of his death. The current for tho first four seconds when applied at forty-one minutes past eleven o'clock, meas ured 1,700 volts. The intensity was abated gradually until it reached 150 volts. CHESAPEAKE .V OHIO RAILWAY. World's Fair f ceolc Route. From the Carolines and from Vir ginia points the Chesapeake A: Ohio Railway and its connection the Atlantic Coa&t Line ani the Rich mond & Danville System-fcrm a direct and m all reepecU ti e bet route to the World's Fair r,t Chi cago. Tho entire line from the pjiut named through to Chicago is under one general hez,l an 1 management. The Chicago r.-rnit-:-. V . wt - M, j Vi Lilt? I . . . . . vmseaie ucio routo i the only route from the Scurh runcis -past tbe Wcrldd Fair grounds. Its trains laud passengers direttly at tae Exposition ground?, iu tLe midst of the vast number of hotels and boarding hou?es erected around the station. It also hs btutiens at Thirtv ninth street and at. Twocty-t-tcond street, which stations aro in tho proximity of the grounds, an 1 are within easy rerc'u of hundreds of hotels and boarding houses. Its m&inor Central Stiticn, is on the Lake Front, and all pamngirH via the C. O. route, even though they go into the main Ftaticn, a-e carried along tho LaLo Shore Front in full view of the ground, which privilege i accordad by no other line from this tcriilory. A 'not Beautiful and liUtorlo. Pitdmont North Carolina hua many charming tpotn, but none more beautiful cr more a.vebbible than the Guilford Butlo U round. The Cpo Fear and Ytdkia Valley read runs light through tLia his toiic locatioa. Tho trees tire now in full foliage and form a uenso shade in the magnificent grove. TLo gr&ss in eome portions is like the turfed growth of a lawn. iiauy things there are to interest a viuior, besides the beautiful scenery. There is tho muum a little room in which is gathered a splendid collection of Revolution ary relief", rifles, svordn, caLtcens, knto-bucklfcd, and n huiuirtd me mentoes of tho struggle for inde pendence. Gen. Jtthro Sumner's bones find u retting pluco ou this field. The grava is neatly fcMjJ'jd and covered by a luonunr.rt. while a neat railing eunouuda the .hole. The Maryland monument, erected by tho Maryland II idler: zid Society to the memory o; the bclditr. from that State who fought in this bat tle, is probably tho LanJr:ou'.i on the ground; it is a squaro block cf superb gianitc, iu the rent un I back of which are a set of handsome br nze platee, cne bearing a suitable in scription, and the othr the dry land coat of urns. TUre tr a number of neat commemorative stone3 at different spot. This year tho cuat'jin.iry ceLA ra tion there r.f the ejloriois Fourth pOBcestea t,j addtd initial Iu lie fact Iht tho beautiful monument just erected by Gov. Holt will then be unvbiled. TLe- e xcrti.-' s. inirad Arrivals at the Yarboro. C. W. Stanford, North Carolina; W. B. Meares, Jr., North Carolina; J. R McLelland, Mooresville, T. W. Jones, city; J. F. Payne, Alma; John Tayloe, Baltimore; John F. Bron- son, Irving E Schloss, New York; B. A. Richards. Jr.. Philadelohia: P. H. Yant.Cincinnati; II E Fries,Salem; J. E. Young, Henderson; O. J. Car roll, City; E J. Parrish, Durham; L. A. Potter. Beaufort: Jno. H. White, Baltimore, Md.; W. R. Capehart, Avoca; C. A. Dixon, New York; James, Graves, R. & D. R. R; T. B. Clements, Boston. lhe Antiquities Society. The Antiquities Society meets Thursday afternoon, and as a con stitution is to be adopted, and as a real start is to be then made, it is hoped that all who propose to be come members will attend. The meeting will b6 in the office of the clerk cf the Supremo Court room. Some donations have already been made, and we suppose the articles will be present and can be teen. Let both ladies and gentlemen attend. Lottie Collins is to have a play written around her "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay." From Head to Foot you feel the good that's done by Dr. Pierce's Goldei Medical Discoverr. It puri5e8 the blood. And through the blood it cleanses, repairs and invigo rates the whole system In recovering from "1a Grippe" or in convalefacence fr;m pneamonia, fevers, or other wasting disease, nothing can equal it as an appetizing, restorative tonic to build up needed fl-esh and strength. It rouses every orgtn into natural action, promotes all the bodily functions, and reotores health and vigor. From early disease that comes from a torpid liver or impure blood, Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Bdiouenos, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp or Scrofulous affections, the Di covery" is the only rrmedy to certain that it can be guar anteed, if. it doesn't benefit or cure.in every case, y.u may have your money back. For a perfect and permanent cure for Ctarrh, take Dr. fcage s Catarrh Pern edy. Its proprietors oflr 8500 rewart for any incurable cat?e of Catarrh. ooIls Cotton Root COMPOUND. A recnt discovery hr an eld t.i'itithlu fcw thtiusamln r,f Ijl. Ait . Is theocly rrfpctly safe ar.J rtHaMe tr.clicine dUenv. er-il, liev.-areof unj.rlnclrlcd ... , - -jo - ' - . .ui'.i .v. ivuiuura iu piace oi in:. ac tor cook's C'otto l -OCT CoaiPor:rx. tnkfirm kithst .t ttt.- inniu.i . a 6 cents la postage in letwr. and we vi -Hi brn-J. waltj, by rctnra tnn'.L lull scaled particular iuLlaia envelope, to laiie cciy. 2 etair.p3. Address Pond I.ilv Company, -o. 3 KUr Uiic!:. l.-truit, ilcli. tery-.SoM in Raleigh and evf rvbee b all druggist. tne oi being hud n tha c:r.iic tA ground as utual, will bo held at tho n w monument, tui'.abk eland? having been erected. Trie Fourth of July celebrutione at tLo (Juilfcr 1 Battle Ground aro historical IrcatH, as wed aa occasion of Eocinl e-r joy ment. You cannot wlk upon its consecrated soil without imbibing some of the patriotic fer or tf the inon who thero fought and ble 1 for independence. What more fitting pkco for a North Carolinii.u to cel ebrate the anniversary of Liberty 'a birth? John XV. Jtssiw. June 12, 1893. TL ;imHlr.t .Man In Kltlb As well as the haij(ibjru.it, and otl.t r are invited to call ra r.ny druggist and get fne a triid bottle rf Korr.te Dtai for the throat and luni:. a remedy that :a selling entirely upon its rccriis and is guaranteed to relieve and cure !.!! chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitia and consumotion. Ltree bottle. C? rt. and ei.00. If j H h HA' U A: ii I O." Yxi ar-j )I -a ,rf. r i- iT'sr. 1'. I t,v;i-iu t.i. i . : niztury:; Jitu ;,-; It wUl cure J'j'j. rV-pii-e v,,--,r v. Casea cf 40 years ttnndicg r.Lcra operations have failed, have been cured by Japcee Pile Cuie. Guar anteed by John Y. MacRae. for A Powerful s . 1 ni4r i'rO'Je'-S tii.'it I. ill t'lf C of CO.I-livvi- ;'. .'Ion-:; i :,; - r i, . i u ch si amis r... ;:c in :. ci fat-fv;Is. It i, e.v-v of ::ir.5i:ii:a ;cau:?c part ly Ji:;e?U-fi !frc taken. S: it s l:,uuhio:i chiil; Gui- FOR LANGUOR AND LOSS OF APPETITE, USE MOMQ-SELIZ IT INVIGORATES PROMPTLY AND SURELY. ER HI t .4 Dr. J, H. Daniel, dun:, X. OffTi hla profepioaal Z':T7icn to suffers with cancr. v Uf v!t r-at!enta wnerever c? :el. Write tcr rami-Mer on cancer. Ub treatment and cure. 04cwlCn-"J

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