ffllAT CAN A Mtum. uu.if jrST CARRY ONE TO II. HI Library -AND GET Mo4 Refreshing Drink your Life. Try It 1 AYf S? IWUWVl VV L lUJ JUL ML I. ft . VOL. XII RAIYETGTL TL fi.. SATURDAY MmtVTNn JTTtfl? 17 nn - I 1 ' I WHAT CAN A NICKLE DO? JUST CAURY ONE TO W. II. !UG & CO.S AXD GET The .Most Kofreshin Drink o Your Life. Try It ! Save Paying Doctors' Bills AT WASHINGTON. AT HIS POST. a uu i nil BLOOD BALM r.REAT REMEDY ' rR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN I D1SEASE3 - i .,,lU'n thoroughly tested by eni- i ,.i t iiIivhIi'Iiiij ail" me l'ropiw 1 . V ,r, n1 never falls to J re nuStUy smi iTiuautatiy I Knci Ll CLttna, catena, lIufLMATlSM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS. i ' ". r.;KS. luvaribly cures the mo.-t ' K v ' . i 1.., .1 diwiiHi H ir uirwnom nre im- iQCNT FREE WOXDKKI LLC lt,'Z- v The Southern Railway Association. By Southern Associated Press. New Yobx, June 16. The anr.ua! meeting of the Southern Railway president cvkkd kji.ctiaij .aBuciaxion was con tinued today at the Ffth Avenue Hotel, the session beginning at 10 o'clock. Discussion over the new agreement was immediately begun. The various roads did not agree to sign the document with the alacrity uiai naa oeen anticipated. A sub committee, which was appointed at yesterdays session to act on the uiabbcj. ui o new agreement, re ported no progree3, and asked that tne matter be referred back to th AGAIN He Is Suffering Frcm Rheumatism, tut Is Able to Attend to Business He Will Not Go to Gray Gables for a Lengthy Stay Till July. By Southern Associated Press. W-shixgtodt, D. C, June 15-- The President though still suffer- ami catarrh tnfh'i LilM t,-:-ir Cl'irfQ. s,,,.l.. ol I ae KVER . ; ; .;-ri!-1 in ?Rch nostril and " V . 'i-1.' 1 rice M crcts fit Drnprgsia; '.''""-'i'i.-t. td fiO cm. - ", ; Y l;0''hKlv.S. Ifi Wftrren St., New York. fdliUii) RLTRtAI mg irom rneumatism. came to d meeting, and that the committee be the "White House today at his usual 0 discharged. At noon the discus-1 time. sion was still going on, no action I The Cabinet meeting was at having been taken. tended by all the members except There has been a general cutting I Secretary Herbert who is out of the oi raiea dv various roads, and there city. is a cause in the new agreement for I It is impossible to ascertain de tne purpose of putting an end to hnately at the Executive Mansion, this practice. Few of the roads whether the President will accom- have been able to resist the tempta- Mrs. Cleveland to the Gray Gables tion to thus secure business that cottage, Buzzard Bay next week, would otherwise go to rival roads, The President himself has not yet and strong opposition has been de- decided. The probabilities are that veloped against changing the old be will not go. The President dees agreement in this particular. It is riot expect to join her at Gray Ga- Btay until the that has made trouble,and the execu- middle of July. tive board and the board of adjust- the isqtjest ment has been unable to smooth Washington. June 16. In the con- matters over. I tinued inquest of the victims of 50c FAYKTrEVlLLK'3 SAFE BLOWER? OVERTAKEN AT KEY&ER. They Proved to Be Two Young Strangers- The Money Was Found In Their Possession One Was Shot In the Leg Before He Surrendered. house, at 11 o'clock on the night THE kTTRGT.APQ fliPTTTPrn ueiure ico muruer. Mark Chase said he saw a man with brown hat and black coat in a buggy in front of the Borden house just before 11 o clock. Dr. Benjamin H. Hardy, of Fall River, testified as follows: "I know where the Borden house is. I went by there on the morning of the murder at 9 and 10:30. I saw a medium-sized young man, very pale in complexion, with his eyes fixed on the sidewalk passing slowly to ward the south. He was acting strangely. In consequence of his appearance I turned in my carriage to watch him as he went by. I have a faint idea that I had seen him be fore. This man was well dressed in a light suit of clothe3. I have tried to find him since, but have been unable to do so. seen him since." Republicans Looking South. Chicago, June 15. The executive committee of the National League of Republican Clubs met at the Sunshine conies, nj nutter how dark the clouds are, when the omir. who is borne down by woman's troubles turns to Dr. Pierce's FaTorife V Grand Pacific Hotel this mormn tr I life made eloomr bv theihronie to elect a secretary, fix upon the knesses, dtlicate derangements and place lor the national headquarters and to lay out a plan of campaign. Messrs. Smith, of Alabama; Bell of ISorth Carolina; Cooper, of Ar kansas, and Ashcroft, of Tennessee, vain f 1. 1 I .1 jn . i luiut unuiutu iuai aci:ci aer e. they are completely cu:ei If she's overworked, nervous or run down "she ha new life and tren;th Favorite Prescription ' U apowtrful, invigorating tonic and a soothiac and By Southern Associated Press. Fayetteyille, N. C, June 16. The safe crackers who robbed two safes here Wednesday night were captured this morning at Keyser. The stolen money, nearly two thou sand dollars, was found on them. One was shot in the arm and thigh. Fatetteville, N. G, June 16 Spe I have never cial. Sheriff Smith and posee who of organization in that section left here yesterday in pursuit of the The Western men favor the neW. Un cross-examination, Dr. Hardy burglars, telegraphed back here tion of Chicago as the headquarters "lite man was acting differ- today from Kejser that he had cap- of the league and thev are confident reported thst the populists' cam- I strengthening rervin.Tiurtlr vegetable paigns oi net year naa aone much to break into the solid South and that republican success in many of the States was possible. The com mittee will give considerable atten tion to this matter by the appoint ment of a committee of nine to make a thorough canvass of the condi tion of the party in the South and A to report upon a special campaign The other point which has been turned over to the sub-committee is the exact relationship to the association of the extension of the Ford s theatre disaster today T. C, Entwisle, building inspector of the District, testified that the mortar used in the alterations was bad, and Norfolk and Western to Columbus, that the brick work was badly done, Ohio. This extension was formerly I If be had had authority to prevent r . sr um of Delicacies. n.i f r-ioon or Mr. Chae. Eretchf 1 3 Fsyetteviiie to- of the irobt popular re sol ts lu T.jV, urt HS the e6Cn progresses Ve ill a Kt fet rc8h or the splendid -t'i'itm ol all varieties. In addition is the BAKERY j-J tie bft cres, pie?, &c, can ba i;r.d lice. Cr-ucies, linits and '-': d.iiiiUw iu prolusion. known as the Scioto Valley road. Its situation gives it little in com mon with other roads in the asso ciation other than its connection with the Norfolk and Western sys- A Ti A iem. At taps a large business in the neighborhood by other roads in the association, and comes into competition with lines not affected by their rules and regulations. it, he would not have had the work done in the way it was, for there was too much risk. Architect Clark, of the Capitol testified that the weight on the floor was considerably less than the safety limit. A rumor prevailed in the jury room that Contractor Dant, who j performed the work, is nearly crazy The complication is one not easily over the strain and ex iitement House and Lot for Sale. lj rlrttv of anthoiity conferred In a r.,crtknce, executed by S. N . Vass, iit duly recorded in book 113, page 603, Hcc st'-rc f Det-ils office of Wake uona r N. C , 1 vrlll, on Saturday, the 1st day si July, 1S 3, Fell to the hisbeat bidder, for a-h, at Vi o'ekek m., at the Court House c lnnl whereon tLe nald Vass now re- ::. 'itcarcd on i?outh Blount street, and .t ilwcnU d 5u the said unrtgae. ItriiS c' sale, cr'.s-.h S. S. BATCHELOR, l.is Mortgagee. loll n W. Evans, MANUFACTURER OF CAHRiAGES, 15UGGIES, WAGONS Hcrainnr and Painting. disposed of. The meeting contin ued in session until 1:30 o'clock v.ithout arriving at a settlement of any of the questions involved. The discussion was lively and at times warm. Finding it impossible to come to any settlement of the questions involved. The meet ing was adjourned to mett July 11 at Manhattan beach. At thst time the sub com mittee in charge of the main ques tions for consideration will render I reports. The most important ques tions are the differential rates from the Seaboard and the relationship to the association of the extension of the Norfolk and Western road. After the adjournment of the meet ing the executive committee went into executive session for the pur pose of acting upon the points com ing within their province. A, the close of the meeting commissioner E. B. Stahlman expressed the belief that while some of the roads were not inclined to sign the new agree ment they would all come in at the meeting July 11th. Other mem bers of the association were not so confident caused by the disaster. THE BORDEN TRIAL. tured the safe-blowers, with the money, taken from Messrs. McNeill and Huffine's safes night before last. The distance from here to Keyser is about forty miles and the down-pouring rain this forenoon will doubtless prevent the arrival of a majority, as against the sup porters 01 v ashmgton. said A t -W eni irom any psrson 1 ever saw on the street in my life. He was agi tated and seemed to be weak. Mrs. Delia S. Manley, who lives on Second street in Fall River, tes tified that 6he was passing the Bor den House with Mrs. Hart, when he saw a voune man attired in a suit of whit6 standing by the Bor- aen gate, mat was aoout ):io. me Dureiars who roDoea tne two nnvArA.l 1 90n winni She had not noticed the young man safes Wednesday night were cap- college hall in attendance on corn when she first came along. tured at Keyser today, and are now mencement exercises. That a panic footsteps ik the barn. in charge of Sheriff Smith and Geo. did not ensue is due to the presence George T. Borden, a relative of A. Burne, who went in pursuit of cf mind of the i.residinf? officer, who 11. 1 n 1 " v 1 t -v flail 1 l O iue aeienaant ana a piumoer dv tnem. une 01 the ourgiars was shot in the arm and side before he would surrender. One thousand dollars of the money was taken with them, with one hundn d and Dormitory Destroyed by Fire. By Southern Associated Press. Warbentox, Mo , June 16. The dormitory of the Central W'Blevan fli m 1 1 I J ci the party nere Deiore mianignt. College was dest.-oyed by fire last X ATETTETII. JM. Kj , JUne iU. periectiy nannies". It regulates anl promotes all the proper function cf womanhood, improves d;fftion inrith es the blocd, dispels acho an 1 j ain, brines rtfiething slep and re tores health and vior. For every frmala compUint" and d'uturbsn e" it is the only remedy so sur. and urJaiiing that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or cure. . 4 Inve your money bach. By Southern Associated Frees. Chickk), J j..g 16 TLe National Republican Lt-aue, iu ciecjtite committee, Las selected Ch:co aa national boadquartern bv .1 vote cf ten States for Chi airo. four for St " A 1 m . aauj3, lurc-o ior a: ciugtcr. one for New York. and Call fortho Horeo Hranl of Jotn- night At the time the fire was dis- 6ons Magnetic Oil. It has no equal for the ciistapcs of lories end cat tle. Sold by John Y. MacRae. trace, tes tinea: "Aiz ociock on the day following the murder I went to the Borden house. I went up to the front door and found it unlocked. When I went into the house these who were inside ex pressed surprise that I had got in without ringing the bell." Walter P. Stevens, who at the time of the tragedy was a reporter for one of the Fall River newspa- pers, testinea that o the morning quietly had the doors locked sepa rating the hall from the burning portion and allowing the audience to make their exit calmly and safely. Several persons were iniured by fifty missing The men are strangers falling timbers while attempting to and very young in appearance. The extinguish the blaze. The electric sheriit arrivea tonight at :6V with lights were shut off to prevent ac- them. They refused to talk. There cident leaving the eiv in darkness. (). L Rice, Mtndota, Iil , write: "Have used your Jup&ut-e Pile Cure and found it a ture uu l ier- macent curt." Sold W John Y. MacRae. Japanese Pile Cure n ti.e only one that cm be nsr sntt i d. a it is the only MacIUe. cure. Sold h Jehu Y. is great rejoicing over their capture. Aberdeen, N. C, June 16,--Two unknown young men who robbed the safes of J. D. McNeill and H. R. of the tragedy he went through the Huffines at Fayetteville Wednesday grounds and out to the barn. "While I was in there," he said, T heard three persons walking night, were arrested at Keyser, 5 miles bslow here this morning. About 9 o'clock Sheriff Smith and The Defence Opens. A iew iseafora despatch says that in his speech Andrew Jennings, counsel for the defence, said: "You will find that a motive as one of the links in the chain of cir cumstantial evidence becomes of tremendous importance. The gov ernment s chain is that whoever killed one killed the other, and where they have assumed to show a motive for the killing of her own father. In measuring the motive the upper part of the Mr. Geo. Burnes, of Fayetteville, this evening the numerical relations about in barn." Policeman Medley, it will be re membered, had sworn that there were no dust on Kerster, Profeasor of Theology, fell from the roof of one of the build ings and broke both leer?, besides sustaining internal injuries. Political Affairs In Germany. By Cable. Berlin, June 1C. At 7 o'clock Cases of 40 -jt-arn KtPL-'ic,; where operations have failed, Lave been cured by Japi.-ffo Pile Cure. Guar anteed by John 1. Madia,-. When traveling, ulvaje take a cake ol Jounsobb Untutal boap with you; disease1 nro of:m caught from usinr hotel eoa?.. Sold by John Y Mncll ic of the parties as indicated by the returns confirmed in most respects the estimate made at noon. The Social Democrats had continued to gain at the expense of the Richter- ists. The government partita had traced them to this point, reaching here about an hour after the pris oners left yesterday evening. In- traces of foot-steps in the formation was received by wire that the floor of the barn loft suspicious looking parties passed when he went up there to make an Keyser this morning, and a posse J examination to see if there were any of men headed by Mr. Burnes went I lost apparently four of their former mco ui luun puutB, uuwu 011 uu car. xiiey uver- seats, out naa maue up lor the loss The witness said that he did not tcok the men just below Keyser. by increasing their chances in the see Policeman Medley and remained They were walking near the track sGcond ballots and by winning three m tne earn only ior a moment or so. and the car was stopped opposite I seats formerly held by the opposi Hyman Robinski, an ice cream them. The officers ordered them I tion. TLe Free Conservatives, more needier, tpftfified that aftar p1vpt I fr tbrnw nn ftiAii Vmndd Hnn rvf I nrs V, o -1 onnovAnil., r.nAi. you have got to apply in it this case ( o'clock on the morning the murders them complied, but the other per- of swel ing their parliamentary del- tuat gin ana ner own i were committed hi saw a lady come sisled in keeping his hand concealed I egation from 18 to 22 or 23. Or yrz m r.'l iua. i: :- . nM v. II will cure y . ulp to ,iy:ect vrork eolidted. All Work Guaranteed To rj m rtpiK-ier.!od. i.a wb-i-is p.mi f ptloeskept In stock t;ilr'Pc,lt; lact auj thing beloiiKing ..nil's, e i-.L l,e lcuQd in uiy factory, incry : -t ;:r,y t c.?mtr jyc;Ktu an-5 8r.t lifelrtVfc. N. ". 'ML FREE TO ALL : Our New Illustrated Catalogue ol It ants, iwbes, .bulbs, vines, ' Shrubs, Ornamental Trees. Small Fruits. Grate Vines, Seeds, etc., win De mauea . Free to all applicants. 100 pages. Most com- ir"tv"j ... . pieie riant caiaiogue Fattsractlon Guaranteed. 20 Kobe .1 U V V lp. k I y ... ; '''P.nYAi., Tansy, OaOTHtw , -?.OV3 DRUQS.riSBI!BWS ;'- ! ? C.Cii.ttR;Tti,RiiHFUu . '-!ST''j.'StTidN,&UPPIKSSIOrA& ftV'-vVO I l'tpaicL Boston, v Jf riiduma Perrlne, Mass. The Richmond and Tarinlnal Matters. By Southern Associated Press. Baltimore, June 16. Drexel, Mor gan and Co. have appointed the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Com- pany as their agents in jaJtimore to receive Richmond and Terminal, Richmond and Danville and East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, the securities to be deposited under the reorganization plan. The Rich mond and Danville underlying bond holders' committee here has decided to recommend the holders of the Georgia Pacific securities to accept the amended plan of Drexel, Mor gan and Co , and to deposit their holdings as required. Drexel, Mor gan and Co. have consented to amend their original plan so far as it relates to Colambia and Green ville holdings, by granting conces sions to this road. First mortgage sixes will be given the terms ao- nnriW tn tha same class of bonds of the Georgia Pacific. a3 between father, "The blood which was shown in the axes has disappeared. The claw-headed . hatchett has disap peared from the case. It did not disappear until after Professor Wood had said on that (to the de fense) most glorious morning in Fall River that there could not have been blood on it to have washed so quickly. "The attempt has been made here to surround this house, to completely shut it in; but you have heard the evidence on that matter. And there has not been a living soul among all these witnesses to out of the barn and go to the stairs at the north side of the house. It was not Bridget Sullivan. He knew her. He could not tell how the woman was dressed. He caused the in his coat and he was fired on by two of the posse. He was struck twice, one ball going through his shoulder and the other through the arm. The wounds were dressed by Tb llanrfnouirM Lady In ItitUlutt, Remarked to a frLnd the thr d;;y that she knew Kur re )Uhm U-t the throat aa 1 lunjs wu-? . t upcricr remedy, as it -.topped h.-r cu-5. mt&j Lcn other couh rjrc.!hs had r. tiTect whatever. So to prove ibis and coLvince you of its mtrt .-.iiy d insist v ill ive you a Baniplj Lottie f ;. Lar-v e 00 cor Z'. d CI. 00. testify that he saw Andrew j. ror- t or the tragedy he saw a man pass- den go down to the bank from his j ing along the road near his farm, house; he was actually invisible. J his clothes covered with blood, and "We shall Bhow you there were j presenting a decidedly repulsive ap- others about that house. We shall pearance. The -orden Trial. By Southern Associated Press. New Bedford, Mass.. Juno 10 There wa8 a less crowd at the court State some embarrassment by add- a physician and pronounced not se-1 bouse this morning than at any time ing that he had told Policeman nous, $989 of the stolen money since the beginning of the Borden was found in their possession. They trial. Among the early visitors was were brought to Aberdeen on the Emma Borden, who it is understood hand car and taken from this point is to be called for the defense, al- by private conveyance to Fayette- though down as a government wit- ville. Neither of them appear to ness. The court decided that the be over 21 years of age. They re fuse to talk further than to say that one of them came from Montgom ery, Ala. The wounded one gave his name as Woodwoiih, but would say nothing more. Mullaly what he saw. Charles E. Gardner, who keeps the stable in Fall River where Rob inski used to keep the horse he drove, was called and fixed the time by saying that it was 11;10 when Robinski left the stable. Joseph LeMay, who lives about four miles from Fall River city hall, was called to testify that on the day evidence cf the Portuguese who saw a man with a bloody hatchet could not be admitted, and Jennings de sired the exceptions to be noted, at the same time stating that he would put in writing just what he intended to show. KNOWLEDGE show you that Medley s cake-walk in the barn existed in his own im agination and that people were in that barn and all over it before he went there. We shall show you that Liazie was in the barn just as she said she was. We shall show you that Miss Borden's dress was The question of the admissibility of the evidence was argued, and the court reserved its decision until to morrow morning. A HATCHET FOUXB. Fall River, Mass., June 15. Last night a boy named Potter, a son of C. C. Potter, clerk in the Fall River soiled with paint gotten on early in I water-works office, while looking for Vonthfitl vlaror re. cither or Advice free. Button, Ma. Killed By Burglars By Southern Associated Press Minneapolis, Minn., June lb' M f-tw and daughter. B. Harris, of the Lubricating Com- Thft uHaoner sat with her face May; that it was burned there m broad daylight with the windows and doors open, officers and other witnesses about We shall show you that she had on the very dress she savs she had on, the one I gave to the officer myself. We shall ask you to say, in view of the presump tion of innocence which the law savs you shall considar, that no blood was found upon her, and to nnn aider the relations between iino Lircry. firm of I.(.e I)urn wish to an- 2y tlie I,ullic tLat tLey bave 4he 'l . teams in town, connected ft!Nw-m, 12) and 127 South 'ngtontnet. LEE & DUNN. x.r CALL AT- UORGAN'S pany, was uieu uy tww who had been discovered by him in Vi:a rmrlnr on Fifteenth Avenue, Rnntheast at 2 o'clock this morning, He attempted to seize them and was fwir.fi. dvinc at 8 o'clock this morning. a ball found a hatchet on the top of John Crowe's barn, which is located just in the rear of the Borden prop erty. Mr. Potter this morning reported his find to the po.ice, and also sought an interview with the coun sel for defense, but was unable to find Mr. Jennings. He still has the hatchet in his possession, and de scribes it as an ordinary implement with hammer head. The handle was weather beatan, and the blade coverel with rust. Some of the buried in her handkerchief during I particles of rust being removed a Mr. C. W. WatKlns Killed. Bv Southern Associated Press. Richmond, Va,, Jane 16. Charles W. Watkins, a wen . thftt direction chant, was killed this morning I . f f, fl windows were closed and it,., v..oiin nf an emery wneei at lit i n uuiu vAh w her counsel's statement THE TESTIMONY. Martha Chagnon testified that at 11 o'clock on the night before the murder she heard noises like the pounding on wood in the direction of the Borden fence, continuing for five minutes. On cross-examination by Mr. Knowlton the witness said the noise DRUG STORE the Starke Dixie Plow Works. I ' adellclon Leverage, he of cinchona la in- ICE! ICE! j!,? Per ton at the factory. r 1,000 lbs. at the factory. Wilv Trade. 3f HUNDRED fOUNDS. hnt. the windows were closed witness made no investigation. Mrs. Chagnon confirmed her step daughter's testimony about the noises, ana on cruB8-cA.nuuwu paid fihfi first thought it sounded President Carnot's Condition. Rv Cable. J . . . . I Du u w - Pts June 15. The condition ui likfi ft do President Carnot is believed to pe j0hn W. Grouard testihed that xi a HHfTflred a reiapse w- i llQ --inf the .Borden nouse in day. Ml,' 0r 25 10-lb. tickets, Hi w'orl520-lb. tickets, ioc-. or 7 5Mb. tickets. wm8 strictly cash. GIESIQ PLATE ICE CO. 1.00 1.05 1.05 Tne Iiadlea. The Ipleasant effect and perfect .. nalifornia liquid lax- flrmn of Figs, under all conditions, makes it their favorite remedy. To get tne true irtnV for the name of Mav. 1892. and he thought the pris oner was in the vicinity of the paint tubs. The court excluded the evidence that the fall before the murder Mrs. Durfee saw an angry discussion be tween Mr. Borden and a stranger. MYSTERIOUS STBANftERS. pwIah M. Gifford ana unan 2?T&.S S'&rt steps, n theCUI slight coloring of gilt was disclosed, which would either indicate that the hatchet was at one time used as an ornament, or was auite new when lost or discarded. The Cotton Crop. By Southern Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga., June 16. In a brief interview in the Constitution with S. M. Inman concerning the cotton crop, that well known gentleman, who stands high in the cotton trade of America, was made to say that this year's crop would be smaller than last year. This was an error. In talking to a reporter of the Con stitution, Mr. Inman said that this year's plant was smaller than last year, referring to the plant itself and not to the crop, the lateness of the season and frequency of cold snaps during the spring being the cause of the undoubted tardiness in the development of the cotton plant It was to this that Mr. Inman re ferred in speaking of the smallness of the plant As to the size of the crop he expressed no opinion, atat- ing that he was not prepared to talk with any degree of accuracy on subject at this time. Get Ready for Chicago. If you intend going to the World's Fair you will do well to secure accommodations : if not you will very likely be disappointed. We know as a fact that there will not be near enough places in Chicago to accommodate those coming, and by securing your place you know just where you are coming and know that you are right. Nearly every place in Chicago is already secured, and those who intend com ing must at once secure accommo dations or it will be too late. There is no doubt thousands will have to "walk the streets" at night If you send us references it will secure you accommodations. The Strickland Hotel, the Cornell Avenue and the Park Gate are three of the finest and best ap pointed hotels at Chicago. Write for particulars. John O. Plakk, Managei. Cornell Avenue Hotel 52d street, and Cornell Avenne, Chicago. The Levees In a Dangerous Condition. By Southern Associated Press. New Orleans, June 16. Work on the break at Magnolia has been abandoned. The break is 110 feet wide and 10 feet deep. A break occurred in the levee on the Fortier place, 11 miles above the city on the same side of the river, at 5 o'clock yesterday evening, but it was closed. The levees all along that line are in a dangerous condition. A break occurred at the English turn, 15 miles below the city, yes terday, but it was closed. World's Fair, via Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad Rollins Resigns. By Southern Associated Press Washington, June 16 Wm. M. Meredith, chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing; Wm. W. Rollins, collector of internal revenue for the fifth district of North Caro lina, and John W. Fisher, collector of customs at Richmond, Ya , have resigned. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, "Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia and Rheuma tism, his Stomach was disordered his Liver was affecled to an alarming de gree, appetite fell away, and he was ter ribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, IIL had a running sore on his leg of eight years standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. JohnSpeaner, Catawba, O., had five large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bot tle Electric Bitters and one box Buck len's Arnica Salve cured him entireily Tho quickest and best Udo to the World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty three from Charlottesville toChicago. Double daily vestibuled trains with Pullman sleeping and dining cars. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you desire to stop at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or - ay of the famous places along the line of the C. & O. your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care cf organized parties. For full information and printed matter relating to the World's Fair, ad dress John D. Potta, D. P. A. C. & O. R'y, Richmond. Va. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usod. Tho many, who live tat ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, ly more promptly adapting the world's lx-t product to the needs of physical boinjr, will attrt the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its printing in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the ref resHnr and truly beneficial proirtics of a jcrfrct lax ative; effectually cleansing the -y.-Um, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing c-n-tipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, bccau- it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is jcrfcctly fret- from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Fiprs is for sale Ly all drug gists in 50c and $1 Wiles, but it is man ufactured by the California I'i h?yrup Co. only, wh.')sf; name is printed on every package, also the name, rryrup ol r ijr. and being well intormeo, yon accept any substitute if of'ereJ will not DrT J t Daniel, Offtr li? ; Tc'e-ioir.J .-n suffer n," vs:tj c.--i rer v i; wherever ' V .-it cancer. ;ta iri.:ti.t ."ict-. "o l.o4e ; v.-l: pAtJcrita r ; K'r. r.:ct on rt. An Ordinance, If ycu feel 77ec.i: and all worn out tako BROTH'S IRON BITTERS The outlet theorist has no planta tion where he would locate his outlet. woows iiorixoxisrja, The Great English Remedy. Promptly and permanent ly cures ail formsof Servou k eaknt, Lmui&iowi, bptrm atorrkea. Impoteruruand all effects of Alrwe or jrceie. Jieea prescribed rer 85 vean tn thousands cf caMt: Is the milyl. -liable and Hon- ext eicdu;ins tnwn, ASK Jrnckrist for Wood's Pbos- k Before and Jlflsr Vhouif; If he offer tome of this, leave hi dishonest store. Inclose price la letter, and we will send by return mall. Price, on package. SI; Blx. Ao. (w trill ylrajr., tlx vcill cure. Pamphlet In plain sealed envelope, 2 stamps. . (eu THE WOOD CHKMICAL CO.. V '. 131 woodward avenue, lt troll. JUea. c Be it or Jaii.td by the Board c f Alder men cf the City of Raleigh: That on and after the 12th day of June. U33, that it shall be unlawful for any perron cr persons to put or cau-e trj bs put upon the streets or eidewalks of the city of Raleigh any trah, leaves, litter or sweepings of any kind frcm their yards or lots between the hocr of 12 noon Friday, and 1 o'clock midnight Sunday of each week, nnder a penaltv of five dollars for each and every such offence. C W. LAM BATH, City Cleark. Catawba Springs, CATAWBA COUXTY, C , Sold in Ealeigh andevcr whei fcy Sold by John Y. MacRae the druggts ' by'druggisis Is now rtady fer gnotf. T'.zz medici nal -atTB for I ivtr, Iyepep:a. debil ity and .Ntro-enf8. Cool. Tempra-4 ture never above 87 degrts :n the fchade of the Blue Ridge Xear Hickory, N". C. Carriages at depot every train. j: or circulars address, r E. O. ELLIQTT A-SQN.