. v 1 VTPU t.VC. 1111 1 1 irsT CARRY ONE TO AN'D GET )0st Refreshing Brink 'Your Lift1. TlT 14 ! of Ito r r i WHAT CAN' A XICKLE DO? vol. xn. 6994 fy Paying I mpfl Doctors' si 83 P3 o BOTANIC $ OgPaPn BLOOD BAl&ll , THE. unLHi nt.nii-" rcH AU BLOOD AND i SKIN I DISEASES li.. t.o n tliiToutclily tested by era. "r.t i.lirl''l'' the peopla L. my ami IwriuauenUy i.,BnfUL; ULCERS, ECZEMft. 5"nl".:.Tiiu PIMPLES. nr 'Mi 1 1 , , , im.nn.-e of T.A tN-!; i.i 'li' eruption: F ATI NO, 8TOEAPINO an.i iit.ii" hook Or CFNI NIC 6 W'OTDKHKLLU CL00O BALM CO.t A1-- 'rilruf.V"'1"' varinbly curpa the iu.-ac enH-H It mreetion are loi- C' UUio, ft buttltn fur (a. lu A To Act as Indian Aeenta. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 17. The dent today issued an executive order detailing army officers to act as In dian agents at the following agen cies: Blackfoot. Montana- CW.. enne and Arrapahoe, Oklahoma; Calville, Washington; Forest City, uirtu aoia; ij'ort JJertholda, North Dakota; Fort Belknap, Mon tana; x on nan, Idaho; Fort Peck, Montana; Hoopa Nallev. Calif nmm- Kiowa, Oklahom; Mescalero, New g Mexico; Omaha and Winnebago, Nebraska: Osar Olrlnimmo. bio and Jicorrillo, New Mexico: fl J 1 "wr rs. m oouinern ute, Colorado: Shoshnnp. Wyoming; Tongue River, Montana; warm oprmgs, Oregon; Pine Ridge, oouin iaKota. .TV i - i J . 15 2Y tHF 111 .TrMLPnTi R. IMI1I 111 GATA.R R H By Southern Associated FresB Wilmington, N. C, June 17. A .!.. .1.1 r i i v utuuDorn nre in tne Dries ware house, owned by the Calder estate on Water street, occupied the atten tion of the firemen from two to five this morning. The building was stored with cotton and Molasses. The loss is estimated from eighteen to twenty thousand dollars, well covered by insurance. During the 6arly progress of the fire a part of the Iront wall fell, killing Joseph B. ..it nn i xr tj . i" i " " 50 c 5BBt,HAY-5"SVER I XTTill JS J T i rtr i 11k I in fmK nAurTii anrf i ww 1 1 1 il i i m - i- r i 71. 1 1 1 1. . . iiiim ill u tVble. Trice so cents at Druggists; most active and popular members of r::i.".tlf.,VJ.fflcL,L-, o the Wilminofon Hnnlr &nA Ter V. V nHOTHKKa. F6 WsrTenSt.. New York. MID RLTRtAI Company, No. 1. Henry Oldenbattel, a member of the Howard Company, was seriously hurt. The Ford's Theatre Inquest. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, June 17. Contrac rmmr um of Delicacies, .tor Geo. W. Dant was severely con- day at the Coroner's inquest over the remains of Ford s Theatre vie tims, although some of those who PftVfi tflslJmnnv fton.?nsf. hia mofVinlia . .1 Avfniiucnrfilr, "O S;7t rLd ai thr.5on wVir Pote highly of his ability as a prac iere will be a piet rush for the epleDdid tical mechanic and bricklayer. The United States Government also came in for its share of condemnation for its msthods of doing the work construction. Several expert wit nesses testified that the best con tractors did not care to do work for the Government v, cream ealoou of Mr. ChftS. I'retech, 4 m- - - 1(3 FayettetMe . II nnAlna Try aAAi1s-r lo tlia BAKERY f-e- Lp bt ctkes, pie, &c. can hfdtfsa and llae. Candles lrnir.s and cf'erdjlutles ia profusion RAIEIGH, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 18. 1893. ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. NO. TO. JUST CARRY ONE TO W. II. KLG & CO.'S AXD GET The Most Refreshing Drink o Your Life. Try It ! cossruuriON and by-laws ADOPTED. An Important Organization whlck Should Meet With the Encourage ment of the Entire State An AppeI to all North Coroliiians. For the purpose of collecting and preserving interesting and impor tant histoiical relics and documents of the State of North Carolina which are being lost and destroyed, and even sent out of the State, a society has been organized at the State Capital. This society has been named the "Antiquarian Society of T.tu n 1: j i-i i haB been adopted for its govern ment and for carrying out the pur poses for which the society was or ganized. No State has greater reason to be proud of its history, both during colonial times and since the forma tion of the Union, than ours; and no State could show a more inter esting and valuable collection The importance of collecting and pre serving such articles cannot be overestimated. The Governor has placed at the disposal of the society a suitable room for the care of such articles as press of the time and place of meet ing of the Society, and ten shall nent exibition in a suitable and se cure building. ARTICLE m MEMBEB2HI?. The Society shall be composed of Active and Honorary members. To be admitted as a member, the applicant shall pay an admission fee of one dollar; and an annual fee of the same amount, to be paid on or before the date of the annual meeting, all applicants for mem bership to be subject to the action of the Executive Committee. AETICLE IT OITMEBS. The officers shall consist of a President, a First Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such additional Vice Presidents as may be elected by the Executive Com mittee. The President, Secretary and Treasurer shall reside at the State Capitol. ARTICLE V GOVERJtMEXT. The Society shall be governed by an Executive Committee, consisting of not less than fifteen nor more than trrentj -five, members. Of this number not less than six ladies and six gentlemen shall be residents of the State Capitol, and the Governor of the State shall be "ex-officio" Chairman. Four members shall constitute a quorum, AHTieLS VI MEETING?. A meeting of the Society may be called by the President at such times as shall be deemed proper; and it shall be the duty of the President to issue a call for a meeting upon the application of three members of the Executive Committee. Due no tice shall be civen through the may be given or loaned, and the State Librarian, Mr. Ellington, has kindly consented to act as custo dian, and will see that all articles are properly cared for and placed so that they can be at all times in constitute a quorum. The Chairman of the Executive Committee shall have power to call meetings of that committee, and shall cause each of the members of MRS. DAVIS AND MRS. GRANT TO MEET THls SUMMER AT WEST POINT. Both the Widows of the Two Great headers to Sojourn at Cranstons os the Hudson. Sunshine comes, no matter how dark tie clouds are, when the woman -mho is borne down by woman's troubles turns to Dr. Pierce's Favorife Preseiip tion. If her life is made gloomy by the . Lronic weaknesses, delicate derangements and t vt.euiucra mil auitci Dr sex. spected and examined by those who the same to be duly notified thereof, ueeire 10 uo ho. i akticle VII ELECTIONS. The utmost care will be taken of The annual meetings of the So- such articles and documents as may ciety shall be held on the last against 3,618,765 and 2,926,885 be entrusted to us, and provision Thursday in January of each year, bales respectively last year. Re- By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 17. Mrs. Ulys ses . Urant and Mrs. Jefferson Davis aro to meet. The wives of the two great leaders will exchange first greetings at Cranstons on the Hudson in sight of Westpoint Mili tary Academy. The place has many associations dear to the hearts of both, as their husbands were graduates of the academy. Mrs. Grant is now a guest at Cranstons and Mrs. Davis will stop at the same place. The two ladies will thus meet every day. Mrs. Grant in speaking of Mrs. Davis in tended visit, said she hoped she would not disappoint her, as she did last year. She is very anxious to become acquainted with her. Mrs. Davis and daughter. Miss Davis, are at the Hotel Marlbo rough, and will remain there until 6arly next week, when they will go to Cranstons. Mrs. Davis has expreseed a wish to meet Mrs Grant on the ground which is of such historic interest to both. She feels greatly pleased with the kind expressions of interest Mrs. Grant has manifested in the coming visit m m The Total Visible Supply of Cotton. By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 17. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 3,183,573 betas, of which 2,582,273 bales are American, FREE SHOW OF MIDWAY rL -USANCE. The Inhabitants of the Foreign Villages to Parade in Jackson Park. World's Fair Grounds, Chicago, June 16. The Midway Plaisance :u i ;i f . . I . - ' wiu matve us nrsi erana entrv into tner are comoletelv core 1 If T- -1 T-.1 I , . or.c.svu r&vs. tomorrow alternoon overworieu, nervous or 'run down "she at 2 o'clock. It will be a half holi- ha ?ew lfe n1 strength day down town and the plaisance . ".rT0'- Inscription" is a powerful, people propose to show to the world ,nv,grat!nC tonic and a toothing and just what they have in stock. trt n, themng nervine, purely vegetable. The exposition authorities are of Kimot. a!?"r; "P1" ClJ the opiniL that even such a display ZXo-Jll as the Worla s Fair affords may es the blocd, di?Pels aches and pains grow wearisome to persistent sight- brings refreshing bleep and restarts seers, and therefore diversions of all health and vigor. For every -female kinds are being planned for the complint" and disturbance," it is the multitude, which for an hour or so ?nl remcJ7 ura and unfailing that every day may relieve the tension 1 cytee!. i -it mJ If it doesn t benefit effort of trying to comprehend hun dreds of acres of exhibits. Rice, of the Columbian Guards, will have out two companies of your money back. benefit or cure, tou have Killed by a Train. By Southern Associated Prts-! United States regulars, now camped vZlS"1 ' 17 in the grounds, tnd the Michigan by farmer rj.i- ' i t. ,.6 and wife and daunhttr. while on VJHUhLH MM H I ' II u r , I m nnnnr. M (lffl I.. than a thousand men, women and children, and hundreds of goats, camele, donkeyp, elephants, lions, monkeys and other animals will bo in line. At the head of the procession will march the United States Regulars and Cadets, with a band. Follow ing will come the inhabitants of the ii i me way uere tsia morning were struck by a Vandalia train on the road croteing one mile east of here. Hipes was killed and his wife and and daughter fatally injured. One Company Not llrokea. By Southern Associated Press. New York, June 17. TheTccnes- Turkish village 500 strong, headed see Coal and Iron Railroad Company has declared a regular semi annual dividend of 4 per cent on preferred stock payable July lo. by the renowned individual, Far way Moses. The members of the Bedouin encampment, ladies of the harem, the theatrical troupe, fire engmee companies, all the sedan "Look at me, ma'am" tuid the chair carriers, employes of the Cafe I man who was asking for something nantant, mercnants, swora ngnt- to eat. "Ain 1 1 the picture of de ers, and, finally, all the camels and epair?"' "I don't know anything horses in the village. about jer bein' a picture," the an- The Algerian village will turn I swered, jlnnc-insr at the axe, "but out seventy-five people, eunuchs, I unless you're in the wood-cut line soothsayers, dancing girls and I you can't get anj thing to eat here." slaves, and tne Vienna bakery will I VaBhincrton Star. send its band. Cairo street will be depopulated for the i: v will be made for the payment of all or as soon thereafter as the Presi- ceipts of cotton this week at all in- camels, donkeys, babboon, dan- enough wbfcn at his business, but at expenses incurred m sending tnem dent shall specify, at which time it tenor towns, 10,376 bales. Keceipts , ?, lt , , , home he i9 fearfully abbtnt-mind House and Lot for Sale. Ey virtue cf anthoiity conferred In a esrtilnmcrtfUTe. executed by S. N. Vass, ud duly recorded in book 113, page 602, iKce-Et:rcf Deeds office of Wake con t s . l' . I will, on Saturday, the 1st day i Jul?, t?''3, sell to the highest bidder, for ca b, iit 12 o'ekek m., Dt the Court Houee ioor, in the ciy of Kalelga, tbe hcuse and lot ci lati'I whpreou the natd Vasa now re- sldts. Mtnare d ou South Blourt street, and izly dfecrit)frt ;n tne sa'.d mortgage. 7e:2:s ol sale, cish S. S. UATCHELOR, d'a'j Mortgagee. Fatal Railway Accident. By Southern Associated Press. Baltimore, J une 17. In the col lision of freight trains on the Balti more & Ohio Railroad, 38 miles east of Wheeling, W. Va , at an early hour this morning, fireman Fisher, of engine No. 1205, was killed, en gineer Gebring was badly injured, and brakeman Adlesberger was fa tally injured. Another brakeman, to Raleigh. For the purpose of shall ha t.bn flntv nf fb RnniAtv in from the nlantations. raising a fund to pay such expenEes elect the Executive Committee, Crop in sight 6,390,752 bales. and others that may be necessary which shall have power to elect the the constitution provides that any officers of the Society for the year Weekly Bank statement, person may become a member of the following; and the said officers shall By Southern Associated Press. bales. society by the payment of one dol lar. A copy of the constitution will be furnished on application. We appeal to the people of the State to aid in this patriotic work curing for it as many the desired articles. For further information address continue in office until their sue- New York, June 17. The weekly cessors are elected. Rtatement of the associated banks is I article viii non-payment 07 dues. aa follows: Reserve decrease. $5,644.- I - - -wv The Secretary shall notify mem- 100; loans decrease, $3,699,800; spe- bers of the Society when dues are ciedecreaee,$l,310,900; legal tenders decrease $7,ddO,5UO; deposits de- 1 it- - 3 1 as possio.e oi member to remit tnQ game in crease, $12,389,200 ; circulation in sixty days after such notification, it crease, $37,000. The banks now will be in line. The Cathedral of St. Peter will send its four Swiss guards in uniform and the Ferris wheel will do likewise. The Moor ish palace will contribute its native band and the Persian pavilhon its quota of attaches. The Java folks cannot bring their ' orangoutang, for he is a fighter, but they will bring everything else. Next will ccme the South Sea Islanders. Herr Hagenback will show his fine band of performing tigers, dogs, cages of lions, &c. The ed." Wicks "Bat then hia wife ha? a mind of her own, aud it is quite unnecessary that he ihould take h:8home with him.' Boston Courier." o7ZSSS fhaU be( al? f Secretary hold $8,776,800 in excess of there- euneroi me undersigned at rvaieign. to rt the 8ame fco the Ex6Cutlve quiremsnts of the 25 per cent, rule . anA ..m f.J ,. Mrs. John B. Bur well, president; Mrs. A. B. Andrews, first vice-presi John W. Evans, MANUFACTURER OF CARRIAGES, name unknown, was slightly injured, dent; Mrs Elias Carr, second vice- The accident was caused by freight president. sport Committee, vhich shall suspend delinquent members until arrear ages are fully paid. low and after them Irish linen, lace and homespun weavers engaged m their different occupations. The BUGGIES, WAGONS Repaiiin end Painting. Or for r.ny ntyle of work eolicited. train No. 89 overlooking the signals at Floyd's station. This train met the fifth section of No. 92 near Bell- ton. Both engines and several cars were badly wrecked. i m A Texas Bank Falls. By Southern Associated Press. Dallas, Tex., June 17. A Brown- wood, Texas, special says: The Na tional Bank of Brownwood closed proeedings of last meeting Pursuant to adjournment the So ciety met in the Supreme Court room at 5:30 o'clock, on Thursday, June 15th, and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and a good number was found to be present The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Liong Expected Letter. Bv Southern Associated Press. Baltimore, June 17.-Cardinal U? nd, Venetian glass works Gibbons has received the Ion ex- W1U ool.a nave "g o;Epiays. ARTICLE IX AMENDMENTS TO BY LAWS. , ' . , . Will both have ihese by-laws may be amended . -..ILaEt wiU come the Amazons from by a vote of a majority of members Z " ' J Dahomey, equipped in full war cos oi me oociety present at any annual 00f frt OOT, onzaa ' f if frt tume, every one of them hidously t ttu,i eafM Hcarreu iroiu ine many conmcis in The Cardinal says that it is a long whlch they have engaged and voluminous document, and is eminently worthy of the august head of the Catholic Church. The committee appointed for that ??0r?mF A Texas Bank Closes Its Doors. By Southern Associated Press, Washinwok, June 17. Comp troller Eckels was informed this that the City National 1! ;oar carne or baggy needs repairing doors yesterday. A sign was hung All Work Guaranteed To be &e T'Wf ssiited. tors" tightness of the money mar ket and slow collections are the causes assigned by the directors. The run on the bank begun yester day, and continued until they were lictoiy : o!t r. writ coi-T.tr ai or and compelled to close. Capital, $150, tics wbf els and sprlugfj kept In stock tpalr'n?, ia lact hnytuliig belonging ;:a7ea!o.e u u be lourirt in mj lactory FREE TO ALLs Our New Illustrated Catalogue ol Plants, 1wbks, ucle3, vines, ' Sbrtjb8,Obahzktai. Trzzs. Smaix Frtjtts. Grape Vimes, Skeds, etc., win oe mauea , Free to all applicants. 100 pages. Moat com- T1afa Plant r'atolrxmo ..Satisfaction Guaranteed. 20 Ross L..V Ijtt6cs& u Greiunuowmj 9) acres Kvtwua. UNERfLouisyiLLi:,Er! f A Serious Crevasse. By Southern Associated Press purpose submitted a report recom mending a constitution, which after discussion and amendment was adopted. It was resolved that the executive committee be authorized to issue proper certificates of membership. Mr. R. T. Gray moved that the executive committee be directed to procure a seal for the Society. Car ried. On motion of Mr. J. C. Ellington, Bank of Brownwood, Texas, capital $150,000, had closed its doors. Its last report stated the assets of the bank at $39T,200; the liabilities are about the same. Bank Examiner Stone was ordered to assume charge of the failed bank. The Comptroller has ordered a dividend of dU per ington 7. cent in iavor oi tne creditors oi tne Commercial National Bank of Nash ville, Tenn., which failed March 25th. Checks for the payment of land 7. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 6, Baltimore 4. At Savannah Savannah 5, New Orleans 1. At New York New York 5, Wash- Appointed Receiver. By Southern Associated Press. Washington, D. C, June 17- New Ob1S3, May 17.-News or the President appointed I Mrs. Arm- " J" S OomptocJtor Eckels has appointed what ma v urove to be the most lsieaa o ones, i.ro. -x. auuioho jonn d. xnomas jrteceiver oi " J A. " ... serious crevasse of the season at and B. ii. Juacy a committee to nom- Bayou La Fourche reached the city inate members of the executive yesterday afternoon in the shape of committee to complete the number, t ioimrmrm meaAatre from Narjoleon- it having been increased to twenty- M liv.w wv w Cj -. I . ... . . -n mt. I ...A villa fry. thA !ST.ftT,fl VmPlIieeT. 1U6 I xivo. prox. the First National Bank of Brunswick, Ga., suspended May 18 last. The committee reported the fol lowin?: Mrs. R. R. Cotten, Gen. Rufus Barringer, Judge 'fYHOYAU.TAtlST.OdOTMER 'r-tii. In n eCiuuAR rriK3.rtNrui. JcV'RtpACRAOE CuARAMTttO- fcylLM'iAQYTlVad. Boston, iZr MacJame Ferrlne, Maes. H. E. Fries, Miss Annie Devereux, Mrs. Garland Jones, Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, Mrs. John S. Henderson, Maior Graham Daves, Dr. K. P. Rattle. R. B. Creecy, Mrs. Charles crevasse is two miles from Napo leonville, on the plantation of J. B. Gottreau. A Beductlon Demanded. By Southern Associated Press Chicago. June 17 At the session of the Typographical Union last eveninff bv a vote of 76 to 10, it WOO .V, I I ' , tr TTT.JJ.ll HI" fan bmirfi to a dav Mcirer. uoi. A. iu. wauuen, m.. for book and job printers to nine Henry Bahnson lIrs. Armistead hours to go into effect November Jones, Mrs. Walter Clark, Mrs. C c i i (louncsuu. me report oi me uu-uimuco no Will Be Open Sundays. adoDted. Uv Southern Associated Press. Dr, H. B. Battle offered the fol- Te firm ftf Ta n,, . fimman. .Tune 17. The Court of lowing resolution which was adopt - - -v. AUUU TV 1CU I vkv'- w w m . -v m i u T.n r i I I A ri Av THAI A VA I CI nOQ 11 TlHIll 1 1 1 1. J LJLriJL V UOVJkU.W I CLA . JJt Uvery teams in town, connected in favor of opening on Sundays at Resolved, That the executive . .u targe ooarding and sale sta- ti.e World s Fair. The court noius commiueo 3 huuu a oiUiD , Declined to commlsson Him. By Southern Associated Press. Richmond, Va., June 17. The Governor today declined to issue a commission to Lieut. William M. David I oeay, Jr., one of the J.itzuee troops, Schenck, Mrs. B. L. Dewey, Prof, of Lynchburg. Lieut. Seay was re- lot will be necessary in 122 of them. S. B. Weeks, CoL John D. Cameron, cently cashiered for disobedience of Qf 12Q d tiea eleJcted 53 wiU Tote ,71 i.. P SI r the bill, and 67 against it OlOUlrCU 1UU1 IU UM UtU 7WaAV-AS-. appeared before the board of exam iners of Virginia and the board, while admitting that Lieut. Seay was Kellglous Services Today, EPISCOPAL. Christ Cnracn. Rr. Dr. Marsha!!. IVvt-.r. Third Sunday alter Trlulty. K-arly (:-l,ra-ton at 8 a, o . Suiinj--ech-jl In n. in. !! lue Service and S.rnionlla. ru.. EveniiiR wr. vlce at 6 p. n. Korvtcea durlug wwk : Wolnnt. day 6 p. m., Friday and Saturday st. J .im Baptist) lo a. m. Free seats. a:i cordially Invited. CHCRCHOF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Rev. I. SIK PHUnROr, ltector. Third Sunday a?ti Trinity Holy CummuDl u at 8 a. ra. huu-lay f. lir-.l at 9:0 a. m. Morning Prayer and Herman n a. ir. Evenlag Prayer and Herm.n M3J p tn. Services duilnR tbewec: Wniliday at 10 a. m., Friday 5:J p.m. Hiturday (t. J..hn I'.ap list) ILd. Comniunloa at lo a. n;. All srats freo. All cordially invited, METHODIST. Edenton Street Rev. J. jf . cir. TaflU.r. Sunday b;hM at 9 0 a. m. W. J. Young. Suj U Preaching at 11 a m and HD l m. CENTRAL Rev. J. B. Hurley. Pa t-.r. Sunday School at 9:3) a m, W. N. SuellinK. Hiit. lY-a h lng at llam and 7:15 p ni. 8iran.rn In th city are cordially Invited to attend the -Sunday school and church service. Brooklyn Rev. J.J. Barker. .at..r. Sun day School at 3 p in. 1. U. Vouujr. Sui t. IT h ingat 11 a. m. and 8 p m. 1'rayer mtetmg every Wednesday night at 7 30. BAPTIST. First Cnrr.cn. Rev. Dr. J. W. Carter. D. D. Pastor. Preachlue at 11 am and H:01 V Prayer meeting Wednesday night at ; &u All seats free. Poilte ushers at enurch services. Double daily vestibuled trains with tJ-Ji'Jfc? Pullman sleeping and dining cars. m- ah arecordiaiiy invited to these eerricee. The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the bSShm.u. cheanest line. Ask for tickets via s at n a m and s p m. puiuc ia- FATETTEVILLE STREET. FrwMi:g fct 11 am and 8 pm. Sunday Hchcol at 3 :3o p m., John T. Pullen, Superintendent. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Bv. Eugene Daniel. D. !., past- r. Sunday school at 9 30 a. in. Pieachlni at U a. m. ar.4 8:00 p.m. P llte ushers. Heats rr-e. All y.rdl ally invited. Irayer met tic g every Wednesday night at 7 :33 p. in. CHRISTIAN CnCRCH. Rev. J. L. Foster. Pastf.r. Sunday S. h-.l at :30 a m. Hon, let 1 :3J o'cl'k p. m. All cor dially invited. CATHOLIC. Sacked Heart Father Marl, n, Divine fer Vlces at 11 k. in. Way of the Cr-jes at 3 p. m. World's Fair, via Chesapeake & onto Railroad The quickest and best line to the World's Fair. Only twentv-seven Baseball Yesterday. hours from Richmond and twflntv- At Pittsburg Pittsburg 8, Cleve- three from Charlottesville toChicago. this route. If you desire to stop at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or any of the famous places along the line of the C. & O. your World's Fair tickets will permit you to do so. Special arrangements for the care of organized parties. For full information and pnnted matter relating to the World's Fair, ad dress John D. Potts, D. P. A. C. & O. R'y, Richmond. Va. The Result in Germanv. By Cahle. Berlin, June 17. At 3 o'clock this afternoon reports were received from 242 districts. The second bal- The conversation turned on the number thirteen, the spilling of sufficiently acquainted with cavalry kmves and forks placed cross- tactics to enable him to perform the Vot-thfiil Tljrer t torca either , or o uav. Advice free-. Dr. Upy, Doitun.Mtft- duties of his office, declined to award him the certificate of qualifi cation required by law. Fine Livery. LEE & DUNN. 13, 125 and 127 South IU. 4l lrt.ol :rptnrv is in full take such steps to enlarge the mem- htrr Af I . . j. I i i e jLl CJ .Zl-wr oa fhT7 niav control, and that the government oersnip oi mo oucictj j has no standing. deem desirable. . . 1 1 A 11 A Fatal Railroad Accident. quested to issue an addresB iu me By Southern Associated Press. people of the State explaining me -- tr CALL AT MRGAN'S 1 S1..JJ VJ 1 V 1V- rnro rrtk taSiherethe 01 cinchona is ln- Atlanta, Gft., Juhe 17. The light- purposes of the Society and appeal ' j I- frt ftirl in nrrvinfir them nine express on the western ami iug Atlantic roaa ran iuw ib"" ICE! ICE! ICE! Secretary. Aii.nL lafAlftst ni&ht. and killed AV-nuuw, " iC0 Per ton at the factory. ""I" 1,000 lbs. at the factory. Family Trade. 30c HUNDRKD rOCKDS. C. O. Jackson, ft train hand. Sev eral others were hurt. tfOtn irauia were badly broken up. By laws, article i name. This Society shall be known as the Antiquarian Society of North Ifc' 0r 25 10-lb. tickets, Iinv 1 fc" or 15 20-lh. tir Vt M6-15c.,or SI. 00 1.05 1.05 20-lh. tickets, 53 lb. tickets. ierms strictly c8b. aQIESl0 PLATE ICE.CO. The Ijadles. Trfl Enleasant effect and perfect Carolina. . , -lv. larlifiH may article h objects saiety . . linuid lax. The obiect of the Society shall be to USe mo . , ii f lrtaa on rlAAciv. KiiPri iitive Syrup Ol JJigSi unaer n preBeiva !S3i2 makes it their favorite articles and relics of historical and rmedv. To get i uine article, look for ... Utf c ! To cet the true and gen- traditional interest connected witn :.:rr:t;?rti. look for the name of North Carolina as may oe oonnae ffiS VP Oa. P-t- to its care by loan 1 near the bottom of the package I wise, and to keep them or other on perma The Blarney Stone at Chicago. Chisagd, June 16. The famous blarney stone, which for centuries occupied a place m the walls of his toric old Blarneystone Castle, in Ireland, has arrived at the World's Fair. It was shipped here by Lady Aberdeen, and will form one of the attractions of her Irish village. This afeernoon it will be placed in the walls of the reproduction of Blarney Castle, which forms a part of the Irish village, where it may be kissed by all who have the hardihood to be lowered head down to where it is to temporarily rest His Head Burned Off. By Southern Associated Press. Coney Islakd, N. Y., June 17. A large amount of property ?as ce stroved bv fire today. John Mad den, a volunteer firemen, was stnd ing on the roof cf the building near the fire when ho was precipitated to the ground, falling between the two structures, and before his com rades could go to the rescue his head was burned completely from his body. wise, and other kinds of supersti tions. "Pou need not laugh at similar beliefs," gravely remarked Tvanquilletti. "An uncle of mine at the age of seventy-three commit ted the imprudence oi going to a dinner at which the guests number ed thirteen. "And he died that very evening?" "No, but exactly thir teen years afterwards. Gazettee Piedmontese. Death of Mr. W. Scott Carringtoa. Richmond, Va., June 16. Mr. W Scott Carrington, one of the best known hotel and society men in Virginia, died at his apartments in the Exchange Hotel this morning after a three weeks illness of thy phoid fever. "One of de penalties ob great ness, said Uncle Jioen, "is ter be specially conspicuous ebry time yer makes er fool ob yerself." Wash ington Star. Or you are r.' rn on'. r r.! . ; ir.;, it U r' jj T.; ! 1 i. - v. Ttitott's mux fir: II CI cure yon. c!-i?iw y:r a irofKl ::- 'tc. r. : r, J i , Figg "Do you believe in second marriage?" Fogg "Yes, for wo men A widow is a perennial dan ger to society until she is married again. Jjoston iranscript. Runaway Marriage. Hillsboro Observer. Mr. R. J. Marks and Miss Effie Flannigan, both of Greensboro, N. C, reached here Wednesday morn ing on the mail train from that place. In the afternoon they were quietly married at the Occoneechee Hotel by Rev. B. S. McKeczie, in the presence of a few witnesses. The bride is a daughter of Capt Flannigan, of the revenue service. The lIandomrl Lady In ItaleUb, Remarked to a friend the oth'-r day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior rtn.tdyt as it stopped her cough iueta.t!y when other coutrh remedies had no eflect whatever. So to prove this und convince you of its merit any druggist -v III give you a sample bottle free. .:- size GO cents and 81.00. Perfect Bafey Kealiii ought Colored Party "What yo' fishin' fo', boss ? Fisherman (carelessly) "Oh, lust for recreation." Colored Party "Well, yo' won't kotch none. Dere's nuffin in dat creek 'ceptin j Jt3old in Raleigh and everywhere SooMlonRoot COMPOUND. A recent dlscorerr tT an oM phybiciao. bucctt'fuUjf vi vwnthlv bv thfuanrt of Ja ies. is t tie only periectiy tare nd reliable medicine dineoT- ered. tewareof unprincipled medicines in place of tnia. A Rk for Cook's Cotto Kckt Compound, take no ruaif u(,or Inclel and 6 centa in postage in letter, and we will send, tealed, by return malL lull sealed particulars in plain envelope, vu jaujes on 17, K atarnp. Address I'ond Lilv Cnmnanv. I & f J WW t o mean glow ing health throughout childhood, and robust health in the years to corr-e. nen we S2-2 v. children mud-eels an' suckers." Puck. by all druggists. ..r.flencles to weakness, v. e knew are mi air. the life cf foci .J.r.i. Th;f loss is overcome by Sootfs Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, with Hypcphos phites, a fat-food that builds up appetite and produces f.c:h at a rate in at appear? mag'cr.l. 1 - - T 1 BROMOSE LTZ ER -cukes- NERVOUSNESS, Headache, SSNESS- AND ALL FOB1IS OF BRAIN FATIGUE, DISORDERED STOMACH. Price, ioc.t 25c, 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Dr. J H. Daniel, Otferohls prcfessiotal itrriaiVto the Entfer'.ng with cancer. Will visut iat4it8 wherever called. Write for pacphJet en cancer, its treatment end cute. d&wlCp-ly - '

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