0T (AN A SICKLE DO irsT CMIUY ONE TO t ii, king & eft's AND GET 'your Lire. Library r prp mi. i 6.mV0L. XII. save - Paying Doctors9 Bills e BOTANIC BLOOD BALM km BR R h THE GREAT REMEDY i r'R ALU BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - ' v i .. n UmrnuKlilT tested by env I I, ! sti'ian au the people '. ' ... .Hi'. and never fails ta f I r,. .iiuckJjr ami permanently i i. ULCERS, ECZEMft. ihcV-MATISW. TIMPLES, ERUPTION J ' ' " V- v. ...rs. Invarinblv cures tlio mo f 1 1,1 1 , dLwnH ir rtiPTtiima are fol- . J Ji pur bottle, 6 bottles for ii. Vat i-,,ri;l'rnr'e HOOK or LCCD BALM CO. A yiiAYKEYE .1 :! '' t!. . . 1 " r tf ,H AY-FEVER RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY HORNING, JUNE 20, 1893. NO. 77. THE BANK OF NEW HANOVER JUST CARRY ONE TO ff. II. KL6 & co;s The 3Iost jlefresluns: Drink o lour Life. Try K ! CLOSED ITS DOORS YESTERDAY IN WILMINGTON. The Assignment Causes a Run on th Wilmington Savings and Trust Com pany it Is Bellevea Depositors Will Be Paid Dollar for Dollar. . . . m: i.::elin each noctrll and . Vv. Vr.c.- M cents nt DmgKlsts; ' r4 e.i. flo c:a. ' i . ,i'T H kK8, 5 Wr.rren St., Nw York. By Southern Associated Press. Wilmisgtos, N. C, June 19. The Bank of New Hanover was not opened this morning and the follow ing notice was posted on the door: "Owing to the withdrawal of more than $320,000 of deposits and notice of over $150,000 intended with drawals maturing in a few days and also to its inability to realize quickly upon its assets on account of the stringency of the times, the Bank of New Hanover has been forced to make an assignment to Junius Davis in the interest of all con cerned. Depositors will receive dollar fcr dollar and the business be wound up a3 rapidly as possible. (Signed.) W. L. Smith, Cashier." The general belief here is that the above statement is entirely fair and honest. The assets are esti mated at $1,250,000 and the liabili ties at $800,000. All unpaid col lections of the Bank of New Han over have been turned over to the MM. FREETOALLs Our New IlluntrfttM C'at&loKue of Plants. Kobks, Bulbs, Vines, -8hrcbs, Ornamental ' Trees, Small Fruits, f r etc., will be mailed t res to au applicants. 100 pares. Most com plete Plant Catalogue '"Ou-.l. FatlsfflPtlon Guaranteed. 20 Rosk i. LKhMwisiis: 80 acres Mpbsebissl k at, mT . The Tragedy at Wilmington. Wilmington Star. The terrible accident at the fire early yesterday morning by which Mr. Joe B. Willard was killed and Mr. Henry Oldenbuttel very seriou sly injured, absorbs much of the attention of the public. The great est sympathy is felt for the family of Mr. Willard. His fellow firemen especially of Willmington Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, are greatly distressed at the sad and untimely death of one of their number who had endeared himself to them by his many admirable traits of charac ter, and by his zeal, courage and activity as a fireman. The deceased Jaseph Ballister Willard was the second son of Mr. A. A. Willard. He was born in Wilmington, October 25th, 1871, was reared in this city and had bright prospects before him for an honorable and useful career a3 a citizen and man of business. He was secretary and treasurer of the Willard Bag Manufacturing Co., chartered by the last Legislature, and had just succeeded in working up a good business. He had been a member of Wilmicgton H. & L. Co No. 1 fcr about three years, and his record as a fireman was equal to the best He was also a member of Orient Lodge, No. 395, A. F. & A. M., and was to have taken the third degree in this order next Wednes day night. When his poor mangled bleeding body was taken from the ruins of the fire yesterday morning, it was at once taken in charge bv i Foreman R. B. Lewis and three RAGING FOREST FIRES. DO GREAT DAMAGE IN BIlSNE SOI'A MINING CAMPS. WHOLE TOWNS LAID WASTF: forest Fires Devastate Villages In Mln nesota and Wisconsin Hundreds are Homeless. Duixth, June 18. The result of a year of enterprise on the Mesaba Several camps Believed to nave Been raDg has been wiped out in a sin- Totally Swept Away, and the People Left In Great Destitution. By Southern Associated Press. St. Paxil, Minn., June 19. There were many mining camps employ ing a large number of men which were undoubtedly burned by yes terday's forest fire3. Among th6m were Mountain Iron, New England, Rouchleau, Jack and Poca mines. All the camps had large store houses. It is feared that some of the men may have perished in tho fires. It is difficult to estimate the total loss, but if reports be true as to the extent of destruction at vari ous towns mentioned, it will amount to over $1,000,000. Duluth, Minn . u une 19. The first train bearing refugees from the gle day. Advices received todav indicate that the towns of Virginia and Mountain Iron had been de stroyed, and that Biwabik was par tially if not entirely wiped out It is impossible to estimate the loss, but it will approximate $1,000,000; and several thousand people are homeless. For three weeks the range has been in danger. Forest fires has been burning on a!l sides of the new mining towns, and only by the greatest effort has the disas'r of today been so long averted. Saturday the first news wa3 re ceived which indicated any serious danger. Up to thi3 time the range towns had fought the fire for them selves, and had so far as possible kept the news of their danger from reaching the outside world, for fear that their prospects might be in- GLENN AND ELIAS WTILL BE DISTRICT AT TORS KY AND COLLECTOR RESPECTIVELY. Their Appointments Made by President Cleveland Yesterday other Appoint ments of Tost masters and Other Officials. of the work of rcniir and alteration of its buildings in charo rf ih U War Department, is most unbusi nesslike. Coroner Patterson deciied net to issue warrants for the commitment of Aiueworth, Dint. Covert and Saese until tomorrow morr.tr t in order to give iheta an opportunity of obtaining bail. Ainsworth has already secured bond. Ihe Younj People , at th? r.ovtrnoi. Mansion. Gov. Carr's daughters Mist Eleanor and Bruce gave a reception . . . ana aance iasi night at tb Manciou to tha younrr reonle of tli rltt- it was indeed an event to be rmoni- firfi ravflfA nrrv?ncr 2Kft rprnlo mostlv women and r.hilrtrfin. arrived' jured. On Saturday evening Gen at 1:30 o'clock this morning and tha eral Manager Philbin, of the Mesba Wilmington Savings and Trust Comoanv for ramit.t&np.A. The closing of the banV nf Naw 1 members of the company, who ac Hanover was followed by a run on comPamea remains to the family the Wilmington Savings and Trust. r.eBldence and stayed there through Comnanv. anrlthfthftnlrnToooi the night. Yesterday the hall of with depositors The bank is pav ing the full amount on all deposits of ninety dollars or under, and ninoty dollars on all larger depo3- tho H. & Li company and the truck were draped m mourning, A PUBLIC FUNERAL The f uneral took place yesterday KAZ &. NEUNER, LomsmLi, Ky j its No depositor under this rule at 11 o'clock, from the First Pres jzzzx T..-r..r.rv?r:;-".-w can draw over ninety dollars with- bvterian Church. All members o C 5 -lOf AI,5aNSY, OflOTHE! . : -cue D;vjO?."jsTrsrKraa '.u U CO fJt. I iTtCsAiNr m. .-, .A -yf.E.SAFA KtHtDf. ; Y.'frAOc GuA3 ANTE&O.. U-:;y5.00 Yrt?XL Boston, HiUamo Perrlne, Mass. , V - ,.trel rllher ex, or -.... - . ...... ... i Ilk IlilV- SFitHUlU R'JRM, Emisor luii of Delicacies. t . locixcl Mr.Ctss. Brettch, . : Ir f:eiteville o:r f the mo.st popular reports in city, hS'i as the eeescn progresses he ;t xreBt msh for the eplendld :..::f.z: el t.U Vhrieties. In artclillcn is the BAKERY tt'e t'f-t cakes, pi1?, &c, can be a1!-h ftMl fi:i. Caudles, fruits and ;::t: cutltd in iirofasion can draw over ninety dollars with out thirty days notice. There seems to be no doubt of the entire sol vency of this bank, and that it can meet every obligation. WiLMixGioy, N. C, June 19 The run on the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company continue?, but con fidence is being restored by the ap pearance of a newspaper extra on the streets containing official assu rance of J. W. Atkinson, President, and H. Walters, Vice President, that every dollar of deposits will be bytenan Church. All members of the white companies of the Fire Department, the Chief and Assist ant Chief, and Mayor and other re presentatives of the city government were present. The following correspondence in regard to the funeral took place yesterday. City cr Wilmington, N. C. June 17, 1893. Mr. A. A. Willard wearied hungry passengers hurried to the baggage rooms where elab orate luneheB were spread. The greater portion were penniless, ab solutely dependent upon what charity might be offered. James McArthy, an actor, (accom panied by his wife and little child) who had been playing at the Star Theatre, speaking of the fire at Vir ginia, said : "The fire has been burning about Virginia sever al days," "but no one else seemed to worry, so we did not." Saturday night we were called out to fight fire, but it was easily gotten under control. Yesterday morning it was worse, and the town was al most surrounded by fire. About 2 o'clock the wind, which had been rising all the morning, began to blow a perfect gale and the houses on the edge of town began to burn The people went mad. Thev at tempted at first to save everything. and Northern road, received advi ces which convinced him that the danger was imminent, and he went to Virginia to look after the interest of his road, which touches most of the mining towns. The fire at this time wa3 all about the village, but there was every reason to believe it could be kept under control. This morning a strong wind blew up and the greater part of the range was dcoaaed. The first news came from General Manager Philbin, who telegraphed at 2 o'clock to Presi dent Merritt, of the road : "Men, women and children loaded on ore cars ready to leave. For God's sake send us aid." At nearly the same time messages were received from the other range towns. The operator at Mountain Iron telegraphed that the town was burning, and the Duluth and Iron Range operator at Biwabik wired to By Southern Associated Frets. Washington, June 19 The Presi dent today appointed Milton A. Smith postmaster at Annistor, Ala , vice S. B. Randolph, removed: Wm. S. Norwood, Titusvilie, Fla., vice R. 1 bered by the harpt throf who v,. cenmagour, removed; u. u. i garnered tuere ana one i ic : will Moses, Larrollton, da, vice C H. I be looked back upon as u Scale oc iuorreii, removed; inos. a. iauey, I casion in their oanIivts. Tha jarien, ua, vice u. it. jacKson; the I alantion was turoivu onn to them ornce Decame preeiaenuai; Joseph and lor several hours hih carnival woor, ueorgeiown, o. u , vice r . j. reigned. lucre wero at leait tvo N. Sperry, J ohn T. Essary, Tennes- hundred young people prr sent -nd see, Collector Internal Revenue for a more gay r.ni litppy tLroL was tne second district el lenncisee; I never eten in the State. The Man Kope Elias, North Carolina, for the I tion was beautifully illuminated faith district of North Carolina; and every thing wan done t.i ccn vnanes Wallace, lrginia. Uol-1 tribute to the hn.i)M-. ector oi uustoms oi the district or Richmond, Va.; Robert B Glena, North Carolina, United States At- orney for the western district of North Carolina; Willam Perry Mur phy, South Carolina, for the district They began moving the furniture President Greabinger of hia road li n a i j j, i. ii I "ftnnrla rom.-VA1 from rlp-nof. floorl then they tried to save the lighter articles, but as the fire grew fiercer they were glad to save anything and escape with their lives The town burned like tinder, light frame pleasure of the light hearted gueuta. Dancing was a delightful feature of the evening, and delicious, it-frrph- ments vera served. Gov. and Mis Carr and their accomplished young daughters had tLo thanks of all the of South Carolina. The following! happy throng for an evenitg filled appointments have been made in he Interior Department: William P. Couper, Fla., chief of patents and miscellaneous division; Marion Hull, Georgia, clerk of class 4, detailed for duty as receiving clerk of the General Land Ofhce. to the brim with huppittss end one that will long ba rtuuembered. It was the firtt time in the hibtory of the State that the young people nave ever been entertained at the Governor's Mansion. Goods removed from depot Good by." Since that time the wires to Biwabik have been down. The Mesaba officials state that their ad vices are that Biwabik has been paid out continuously in the regu- gloom. That in the midst of a life lar course of business, and that the of the greatest promise, one so brave doors of the bank will not be closed, so generous, so unselfish, should be Concerning the bank of New Han- snatched so suddenly by death, over it may be said with certainty casts a pall over each individual, that the depositors will not lose a and they mingle their grief to- dollar. The run on the Wilmington Savings and Trust Company has al most entirely ceased, and huge piles buildings liko so munh n&ner. Thfi Dear Sir: This entire community whole town was in ruins in less than the indications are that stands in the shadow of a great an hour. The terrified people gath- th.e l8Q haa shared the fate of ered about the depot, where the of- a r ficers of the road were doing every-1 At G:L thing for their safety. A train of ore cars backed into the depot and the people loaded in. All the way we came through a lane of fire." The Ford's Theatre Disaster. By Southern Associate! Press. Washington, D. C, June 19. It was decided by Coroner Patterson today not to summon Col. Ains worth a3 a witness before the Cor oner's jury investigating the cause of the Ford 8 Theatre dis-ister, Ainsworth is vailing to appear as Chief of the Record and Pension Division and an army officer, but not as an ordinary witness. The Coroner believed nothing could be gained by summoning him in hi? official capacity, and as Ainsworth I is not willing to appear as an ordi-1 nary citizen, it was thought nothing could be gained by calling him. Aycr'a Hair Vigor h a uii,tr?:d bcautiiier. lianukv!, tt!. :i, and agreeable, it L&s tak n hih rank among toilet hriicles. TLU :t ra tion ciusts thin ar.d wei-k Lair lo be come abundant, strong am! laakiiy, and restores to gray hiiir it? cr:girtid color. gether. Your son voluntarily offered his life a3 a vicarious sacrifice in the defenee of a common and a public of greenbacks are still standing on interest no reward, no hope of re- the cashier's desk. Opinion is now somewhat divided as to the outcome of the failure of the Bank of New Hanover. The stockholders will undoubtedly suffer, and some per sons fear the depositors will not be ward, in the fellow men. A3 re presentatives of the city govern ment, will you not permit us to testify in behalf of the city the estimation entertained for him while living, and the honor and res- o p. m. Mr. rmiDin tele graphed : "The whole town of Vir ginia, including freighthouse, is burned. We are bringing women and children here and have the en gines trjing to get cars out." In Duluth the news was followed by immediate preparations to care for the hundreds of homeless peo ple. A special train was ordered out by President Greabinger, of the Fire at Boonsvllle. Winston, N. C, June 19 Special. The store house, with a two thou sand dollar stock cf goods, the property of W. M. Crumble, of Boonsvllle, Yadkin county, was de- Duluth and Iron Range railroad, stroyed by fire early Sunday morn- and carloads cf provisions were also ing. There was no insurance, ordered sent When entering the store after the It will reach the range about mid fire broke out, Mr. Crumble was night The last advices from the H. Heincman, Wilwaulicc, wiites: "One box Japatepci Pile Cure has cured me of a ohso of -S years standing, after being treated by New York's bs-et pbyt-i?; Sild by John Y. MacUae. All di uiee&bts ul tue faKiu cared. and lost complexion rest .red by I u . . i. i j . -. . . - J. . Ti i I John i. MacRie's. principally m reierenca vj me cnar- acter of the material used by Con tractor Dent m doing the work be neath the old theatre building. Washington, June 19. The cor onors jury investigating the Ford's Theatre disaster has brought in a verdict hcldicg Col F. C. Ainsworth, John&oii'ti Magnetic Od ki'Js al p&in6 whether internal or external. Sold at John Y. MacRae's. Why undergo terrible tufft rings and endanger vour life v-Lcn vou at contractor Geo. W, Dant, suptrin can be cure'1 y Jr I'd Cure; tendent Covert, and Engineer Sasae. guaranteed by John Y Mn -Kie. , J y responsible for the deaths of the vic tims, by reason cf criminal neglig ence on their part The jury were out nearly two hours. The verdict with much sur plus verbiage says that Dant exca vated the earth beneath one of the The Ilnndwt rnl Li.t In llclrlcb, Remarked U a lri-i.-l ?! v ? U.r duj that fch krc-A IItn;j ii.;,-:tta f T the throat and luns mp i. fi:;. ri- r Tiziwij, as it ftoj. j..-.! ht-r r u'b ir-l&::iY "whtu other cou;-i rLn.in l.vi r.- .Cttt whatever. S i rj v. ibib i.tl i.i.vi!ice House and Lot for Sale, outlook. paid in full. However, this does pects held for him now dead, by badly burned, if not fatally injured, vicinity of Virginia are that 1,100 floorg bovQ wilh0ut not seem HEeiy irom tne present tenuenng a puunu iuuerai, aim iu y vp UA i -- , " . I shoring or rrotectin? the nillar and brick pillars which supported the I YOU of iu r:t r-rJ .:irt n-:: C;vo in any way ym a curcj-Jc b -t; ca-ilb ir d 21.: r.h-"- fin: tiQ "'.rtup of unthorlty conferred in a "!'-raortine, executed by S. N. Vaes, C. Inly recorded ia hook 113. page 602, ".Re su-rcf Dti-ds office cf Wake conn ?.S.C. ! :b. on attirday, thehtday Miy, lv ', nil to the highest bidder, for a-.h, k. U o'clock in., at the Court Honse w. !a thtf c'.fy of Ialeip;h, the house and cto land wnerton the paid Vass now re K.fs.Mtuh'e.l oa outh Hlount street, and "-yrtercr.h-Ml in the said mcrtgage. .t.-.? 0. V, CAP h , S. S. I5ATCHELOR, '-'' Mor(?agee. John Evans, An Evening of Music and Muscle. This evening one of the most de lightful entertainments of the sea son will be given at Metropolitan Hall under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Prof. Horaco F. Smith, of Rich mond, Va., has been here several day 8 training cur boys for the gym nastic exhibition, and he has suc ceeded in getting them very well under control, and their feats are wonderful. Prof. Smith s part of the pro gramme will consist of work on hor- that end we desire to be oresent in powder. His wife and Mrs. Flem a body, and to defray all expenses ing were also painfully burned by incurred of whatever kind or char- powder. The fire is thought to acter. have originated from matches struck Will you kindly apprise us of the by rats, hour of the funeral ? Capt. R B. Glenn, the new dis- Tendering to you and your house- trict attorney for Western North - " .... 1 "11 T1 tt hold onr dftADAat svmnathv m this Carolina, win appoint IS,. Xju uaw . n... . . I 1 t 1 IT- i , nour oi your great amiction, we have the honor to remain. S. H. Fishblate, Mayor. R. J. Jones, Chairman Board Audit and Fin ance. Joseph Willard's Funeral. Wilmington, N. C, June 18.- One MANUFACTURER OF CiUUlAGES, BUGGIES, DEMViUtY WAGONB p .. 8ented to render some of their gallant , young j fireman whe lost his World's Fair, vnesapeaKe & onto Kepainr.g and Painting. choicest selections. The Raleigh life in the performance of hie duty The quickest and best line to the .Orders !rrnn. male Quartette will also add mucn yebieruay muruiag. F j . . I . ..... i I nco nraa t-rt-r, , i n.nn rkTT T.no TY1 1 1 II 1 f '1 ore cars will be brought to Duluth. The train is expected at 2 o'clock tomor row morning and preparations are being made to care for the sufferers. President Spencer, of the council, the acting mayor, has authorized a gift of $1,000 from the city and all ford, one of Winston's popular the provisions that may be needed I i,OT1- i i i i r : i : r i 1 vulhvm young men, nis private secretary, iuj- immcujaio ruiiei. epuciui Glenn's salary is six thousand annu- meeting of the council and citizens' ally, with fees amounting from one meeting have been called for to- to three thousand. The salary of morrow morning. Ample aid will the secretary is twelve hundred a be offered the suffering people. year. Capt. Glenn says that the as- Tonight communication with the siatant district attorney will not be range is almost cut off .Latest advices add Merritt to the appointed until he confers with the P . , , ii.i i i u rsf fb mnnf imnofiintr funerals ever President and Senator Vance, which I list of towns burned. It was a vil- SfwiP in this city was that will be done in a few days. The iage of two hundred people, and T,u, i , - I i i j i-U I oUnn.nn nn,-.wi-.a iko.na .-.f I wna on I v fthont. a mi Ia f rom Kiroohilr thft Roberts dumb-bell. The Ro- wmcn iook piace iuuy iruui .7 oooumo l,"ai6 U1 " J . V ' T man ladder posturing is beautiful. First Presbyterian Church over the the office July nrst " . . ; t T !, T? TI7;ll-1 t The Pythian band has kindly con- remains ui ouaayu x. muxuu, mi - I MAllAi v -fi vAivi Al TIT n r lAOt ilia Ashland, Wis, June 18. Iron River, a thriving town of over 2,000 population, twenty miles from Ash this caused the pillar to fall, bring ing down the fioors above with the results known. "That Frederick C. Ainsworth was the officer iu charge of said building and the sail clerks and that William G. Covert was su perintendent cf th3 said building, and that i rancis basse wa3 the me- engineer and fireman of said building and the latter, al though not an architect cr civil engineer, prepared the plans and specifications for the enlarge ment of said cellar, and said Ainsworth, Sasse, and Covert, and each ot them knew, or ought to have known that the said Dant was engaged in excavating said cellar and underpinning the said piers, and that ho had not shored the columns and beams of said building or taken any other pre- Or yo'i nr.- n'. v.-;. . f i . : ft t:t it v s i i It v-;i; cu: i. ' i;. 4 SSEEi instrumental neral was tendered by the muniei I w " i I 1 11 ZIZ all r.vnfiyioDO 1L III H W H j CM E. XXXUUAV I TtA Qoofa of W TT. Kinp'a k Co's drug store at 50 cents. Gen- was packed to its utmost capacity Pullman Bieeping and dining cars. eral admission 25 cents. Help the boys. to tie. AH Work Guaranteed To be represented. w w t:- arid epriDgs kept in stock ,,,eMn fact anything belonging k- erilc cmu he found in my factory. World's Fair. Only twenty-seven hours from Richmond and twenty three from Charlottesville toChicago. Double daily vestibuled trains with and hundreds were unable to admittance. era in i ar v,i e vi t . , forcer m ui ku Fine Livery. Rlectlou of Officers. The Capital Cycle Club, about twenty-five strong, will elect officers The Chesapeake and Ohio is also the cheapest line. Ask for tickets via this route. If you desire to stop at the Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs or any of the famous places along the line of the C. & O. your '-i.:m of I .pa A- llnnn wish to an to tb public that they have the tt :m-ry t,.Hms in town, connected , "0 tLi'if UrffM l.AftrdinrT anil Balft fita- n -- fa and 127 South LKK & DUNN. The Borden Trial. By Southern Associated Press New Bedfokd, Mass., June 19. (rtf f Via nAxt six months on Wednes- The day of argument in the Borden "World's Fair tickets will permit you day night. They meet at the Y. M. trial brought a terrific jam at the to do so. Special arrangements for fVlftf. 4. U w . j TT7 I. . . 11 J i m m- m . . t every member will be present, we f0re the time oi opening, me uuurb mil miormation ana printed matter . ., M X In nA I 1 " J L-.nnln mnnHn la. I T - i. A i.1 TTT 1 J " J are pleased that tne prospouw wo were Desiegtiu ujr pcuio, - nuuug w uio uunuu r air, au- rnat Raleieh will have as good a dies, hoping for seats. There were dress John D. Potts, D. P. A. C. & in the otate. -n not enouen seam ior wum i v. xy, riicnmouu. va. n V no A.nV the country the wheelmen are at the the claimants. When the court was CALL AT- r DRUG STORE W'15 Toii,c' a rie1dciou8 beverage, ' hfr; the uf-e of cinchona ia in- of the erood roads move ment, and are doing great work in this respect. Another Bridge Jumper. Bv Southern Associated Press. Arriving at Morehead. Atlantic Hotel, Morehead Citt, June 19 Special The train was filled tonight with teachers and their friends, and the Atlantic Ho tel is a very lively place. The As- ICE! ICE! ICE! ') t (T , ... .1.. p , 0. ' ,,J" i iue iaciory. I"t 1,000 1h. at the factory. family Trade. ready for opening many ladies were standing in the aisles, but they were quietly ushered to the ante-rooms, and the corridor. The bar enclo sure was packed with legal lights. rrUn nvn rinlr tVioir RAn.fa at. firKK. New York, June 19.-John Hag- hooking quite refreshed after two mbly will be opened Wednesday jsew xork, . A, o i it. bv Col. Waddell, and the attendance rrnrf-V of 21 UnryoUO dmooh, "b aajB real, UU low wiuunco inici garty, oi yu j wmntlvn T,j uv, o 1 will be as large as ever. The many 33 years lumpet n uui iu j aiito uuiucu u Triae this afternoon. He was res- of in her hand and a content- cued from tne water i eu bmiia uu iox j.vo. mediateiy vjtov. avuuiubuu uegau uib argument. large happy reunions noticeable. of many old friends is under arrest 3) HlNDRED POUNDS. In i, A i. c, or 'is i n.u. or 9n.iK s-.ts. LCf $1.00 1.05 1.05 or 1 50-lb. tickets, Terms strictly cash. BYGIENIQ PLATE ICE CO. The Ijadle. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with wnicu " a. nolifornia liquid Xe. Sjrup. ct Fig8. under ?U Bung the Wrong Man. By Southern Associated Press. Milan, Tenn., June 19. lhe mob 1 ftnrAVNAaArl lf VlflVA 1 TTT1 Vl conditions, makes it their "orue Bennett, at Gleason, hanged The outlook for the August races is very favorable and there is every indication that there will be tome good racing this year. -Att. To tzet the true and gen TTarria. an innocent man in- iCiuvuj- w , , omQ Of Ul" -' uine article, look for we name . oi Bennett is in jail at Dresden the California Fig Syrup Oa. print- d ed near the bottom of the package. With Christ in the heart all things are possible, but without him noth ing is sure As soon as a preacher begins to get proud of his head he becomes moudly in the heart and, is in flames and is likely to be utl0. Prevent tall thereof or in the outskirts of the village from orest fires, destroying the new schoolhouse, Congregational and Roman Catholic churches, and Hes- sey and Hatton s big warehouse. Forest fires have been racing all through northern Wisconsin today, causing the hot air to sweep this section like hot winds in the desert Washburn had a close shave, and the fire has made a heavy sweep in and about White River. It is likely to sweep on south and burn millions of feet of standing pine. The Board of Visitors of the Med ical College of Virginia will assem ble at the college building in Rich mond on Wednesday, July 12, 1893, at 12 m , for the purpose of electing two professors for the newly created chairs, one for the Diseases of the Eye, Ear and Throat and the other of General Pathology and Bacteri ology, and also to elect two pro fessors to supply the vacancies cre ated by resignation in the Chair cf Diseases of Women and Children and in the Chair of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Candidates for these positions will forward their applications and testimonials to Christopher Tompkins, M. D Dean of the Faculty. Wm. W. Crump, President Board of Visitors. Daniel D. Tallery, Secretary. The Governing Committee of the L'Allegro German Club will meet next Friday night Saase or Covert, or either of them, take any precaution to prevent the fall of the said floors whil9 the said Dant was engaged underpinning the said piers or columns so as to protect the said clerks from loes of life or limb by reason thereof, but said Ainsworth, Co7ert, Sasse, Dant were and each of them wa3 guilty of criminal negligence in respect of said excavation and enlargement of said cellar, and the underpinning of said piers, then being and about to be done therein, and we, jurors aforesaid say that the eaid Ains worth, Covert, Sasse, Dant and each of them is guilty of criminal negli gence, and wo further find that Frederick C. Ainsworth, William G. Covert Francis Sasse, George W. Dant are responsible for the killing of the said Frederick B. Loftus And we, the jurors aforesaid, do further say that the failuie of the government of the United States to provide for skilled superintendence ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. tuccesfuUj iuei mnnuiiy ojf inoiuaiwu or Axl diea. Ia the only perfectly s&fo and reliable medicine dlscor. ered. Beware ot unprincipled medicines In place of tnia. A sk for Cook's Cotto Koot Compocsd, tafc no ulsftfit, or Inclofietl and 6 cents In postage In letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars laplalm envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. k Address Pond Lily Com nan v. - KNOWLEDGE Erinjr comfort and improvf rr.' nt and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly u4 Thf many, who live le t ter than other? and enjoy life more, w itli le-s exjicnditurc, by more promptly adapting the world' la st pr'nlucth t- the needs of rhy-ieal lx-iri, will atUft the value to health of the j'::re li'juid laxative principle embrace 1 in thi remedy, .Syrup ef Fig. Its exceile i.ee is due to its prc-entin;; in the form rno;-t aeceptahlo ar.d pk-a.i-ant to the ta-te the refreshing and truly beneficial pro'rtieh f .1 j- rfve t lax ative: t'ffectually rh-.-iiiMiig the y-teni, direlling eold-, headaeln-s arid fevers and ieniiane-ritly euring eon-tij atiou. It has given witi-faetion to millions and met with the approval f the n.edieal profession, Ixcau-e it a t- .n the Kid nev!, Liver and Ilowels without weak ening them and it is p-rf ctiy free from every objectionable Huli-tance. .Syruf of Figs is for hale by all dmg-gi-.ts in TJ)c and ?1 Wtles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig .Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Svrunof Fig-, and being well informed, you will uot accept any substitute if olIe.reL Dr. J H. Daniel, DUNN, N. O. Off rr.'s ; rcfes6loial service 'o ihr Enfff rrj with cancer. W:i. f.-:t :ku itta wreit-.t.-c-; :eel. Srlte r i -, b.et en CHJ t t. h t itfctTitEt acel l, :- CALL FOK Lime Juici: and Pi IN AT 2 ball druggiati. J. E. MORGAN'S.-- 2z: - All popular bevtragee lways on hand.