-4 r. J", V 1 mn f-.v-f ..... . : - 1 1: r i. mi mm ."a . i: n 1 : - A a . RAL E I li II , N i C . TtJLSjDAY ..L:....NOyKiirLnK( 1., U7; .J ! f . LlfeVSpiiinrn! KaI at allmnksc:r-I:i' HiMer! given to!the operative of the.cHe 'ittoii r'aetory. ' M.MIY IJ.WAKU ("LAKKtl .Cotton spinners, watch your I.LLits, See they all do even run, -; j Watch. 'Kain.t snarls and vexing tailzies Till the work, of dav is done.' ' i . . W hen they nil s-eni j ! u n hit smoothest Watch them with most carefol cveJ, j ; I4 For yoq know not at what moment ' . y Snarl and tangles hiay arise. t Now they ran o wiuooth and tU,; ' ; : That J-ou.ftlrno-t hjie stand,, ; f " Rut neit moment to a tanfc -' . I1 Need a careful fjatight hand. '. : Friendly we all of us arts spinners, -Look .around and you will find That on inany Vtwlrlinsr bohhin . . , We the yarn of life do wind, i j See the thriad of love that' purest -. '' Spun from out a mother's tieart, . I AViiliniTTotinrfieg lmn -hohl-1'l'N . P QThtf yeixlifc a act. -' ' . ' Smooth and ven it i riiniiin. ; . Lo!.a little snarl appear ; ' T Ob, my friend-, with patience (-t it Or t'wMl tangle on for years. T . '"ThreinU friiru heart and lruin.:Mnl spirit . . .ThrouKhour livi"3 we all imist sjiiii. j . ; ". ' Some oCjoy anl some of swrrow, . : ' ' - - Mnic,;alas ! of fh-ath auirsinj 1 Some are smooth ami Mirne are lanlc'l . Ict usl patient v.iiteii them all, ' , Tnistinjl that.oursjH(jIs of sorrow ! s. , And of may 1th he smalL A Pariflic Earlh(itiakc fn Flusli Trmes. ; . ; -l:: ':. j-. t -plark Twain, the Itcporter.' . ' 1 , jf Jt.was jitut alter noon, dh a i ! iriglit-()ct(flxr day. I was coming down - Third street. The . only ohjet-ts. in motion . 1 anywnere in Hignt 111 mat iiuekiy uum aim j)opillous Quarter, were a li'iann a huirgy . beliind ineand a street ear wending slowly .? up the terostf. street. (;)therw5e, all was v, solitude1 and a i Hahhath stillaew. Vs l f turned the. corner, around a frame, house, there was "a great rattle and jaif, arid it tx-- curred to nie .that here was an j item N-no f 'dwht'a fight in that house. .f Before I coujd turn and m-k the door, tlu-re tsiuie' I a really terrific slukk f the gromid; seemed i ' to to1 under me in "wave!, inkrrupted'byji j a' violent joggling un and down, and there1 was aheavy grinding ,noLe as of.jbricfe ! : - hoitses Tubhiug together. I fell up agtiiust1, ' ". ' .the frame; house and hurt my elbow. - I . v knew -w hat it was', now, and from inere re . gortorial instinct, nothing else, took out I - my wat;Iahd notwl the tiine of day; at ; -'ihat moment a third ami still severer frhqek . caine, -and as 1 reeled about on the pave ' nient trying; to keej niy. foiAirig, I. saw a ; sight! -Tlie gjitire front of a' tall four story brick building on Third street sprung ' outward like a door and fell, -sprawling . : across the?treetj raising a dust like a great volume .of smoked - And here, canio; the' ; " t liuggy-'-overboard Vent the man-, and in - ! ltsa time than I can tell iHhe veJiicle Was distiibiiU',l in small fragntehts .along three hundreil v;U"ds of street. (,)ne could have nviett I nat somebody Jiati fiireu a cnarge -'hair-Toiinds and rars down the thor- 0f. v c atlie- The street car had stopped, the rsies were reariug anu plunging, me iiu- "senirera were "pouring out at both ends, add one fat man had crastiea tiaB way tnrougn a "lass window on obe side of the'ear, got, wedretl fast and was squirming and scream ing like an-impaled madman.: j Kvery.door, fPoverv house, as far a.s 4hi& eve could re&ch, was Tftoiting a stream -of human . bein; and almost before one ciould exe - cutePa wmt and begin another, there was . a massed multitude of people stretching in endless procession down everj- street my wwJtjYm commanded. Xever iwas solemn '.solitude turned into teeming life quicker. Of the wonders wrought by i' the great earthquake," these were all.th.at' came un :t: jer my 'eye; but the tricks j it, did, else, - S here, and j far and wide, over the' .town- 't." irtnde toothsome gossiTdr nine days. - The IWmotinii - of PrmK-riy -was trifling the iniury W iti was wide-spread and somewhat - senous, ; ... .r ' v , tTliq "curiosities , 01 tne earuiquate wcre simply endless. Gentlemen and ladies whd were rick, or ;were taking a aorta,' or lissinatd till a late hour and were V; making up ht -eep, thronged into the i ; - public streets in all 'rts of queer -apparel, ; v and some without any at all. One woman 'who hadbtien washing a naked child, ran V J3Wn the street holding it by the ankles as "if itere a -dressed turkey.' Proimnent. . citizens- -who were supposed to Keep tne , Sabbath' strictly, rushed, out of saloons in their shirt-sleeves, with billiard cues in - their' hands. .Doiens of men with necks " swathed in napkins', rushed from barbcr V shops, lathered to the eyes or with one " cheek clean shaved and the other still bear-' j in' a hairj stubble Horses broke from ' stables, and a frightened dog rushed up a short attic ladder and out on to .a roof, and. - ' When his scare was over had not the nerve to go down again the same way -he had . o-one up. S A prominent editor flew down .8tairs,..in the principal hotel, wjth. nothing : . i on i but one brief undergarment met . a chjuubermaid, and exclaimed:. - "Oh, what - shall I do ? , AVhcre'shall t ' -r he responded with naive serenity : 1 - - " "If you have no choice,- you might try a clothing .store t" ' '. '. . y " A .certain foreign consul's lady was the Acknowledged leader of fashion, atid every', tinwi she appeared in anytlung new .oij ex traordinary; the ladies in tlie vicinity. rii:ule a raid on their husbands' purses . and ar rayed themselves similarly.., One man who' - had suffered considerably and growled ac cordingly,! was standing at the "window when the shocks icaine, and .the next in stant the consul's wife, just! out of the SS 'V i r bath, fled- by with no other apology for tk" " : 1,nT, n Kith fowvl ' ' The suffer-'. VIUIUUI -! - j er .rose superior to the terrors of th earth quake, and said to his wife : ' ' . s ;iNow .r7iar is something liki ' Get out ; your towel my dear !"' , I , The plastering that fell, from ceilings in : San Francisco that day, would have cov- ered several acres of ground. For some ' days afterward, groups of fcyeing. and , pointing men stood ibout many a building, ' ' looking at long zig-zag cracks tliat extend ed from vthe eaves, to the ground. . Four feet ofrfie tops of three chimneys on one ... house were broken square off and turned -around in such a way as to completely stop . ; the: draft, - j A crack a hundred feet long , gaped "open six inches wide in the middle of ne street and then shut together again ''" witfr such force, as to ""ridge up the meet-. ingf earth like a slender grave. A lady - fitting in her rocking and quaking parlor, saw1 the wall part at the. ceiling, open and r i end of a : brick on the. foor libel a' She Was a woman t:aify iii.--' us with fi ItX'IL-hncsx. anl she- arose and .w iit there. On;; lady'who whs wioi&z down rtairn was asj.ooi.-hed to wo a:brr.n1Stc . Hercules lean forward on iti dttal af j to strike ' her with its club. They bojh reaches! the -bottom of the flight at tc ! win; tliiie--thft .woman insensible -from.. I f'riL'ht. ; Her child, Wn soiiu? little tithe; r afterward, was club-footed. However --n r;W:eond thouhti if the reader 'sees ahy. 4 do it at his own ! coineidence-in tbi.s. b.e must The tirst ' .hK'-k brought down two. for three hngel'. organ piMH-in one. of rie churches. The .minister, with upliflpd liamjs, was j ust eiosing . the sj rviees'. le -glaneed uj", hoitated, and said': . j ."Ilpwcver, we will omit 1 he beftedje tkm,! and the next instant there, was a vacancy in the atmosphere- where, he lid, sKkkI. . , : .'L ,m . . "After the fir.-: .-h.k, an Oakland min-'; irter said : j . ' ' ' , 'reep your seats ! There js no better plaeei to die than this" .(', - i 'Ajid added after the third :". :;- " J . j "But outside is good ; etiougli !" ( I e' then'skij.ped out at the back door. . I i Sueli another destruction of mantel 5r- . iiami'Uts .and, toilet ; bol ties its the eorth- quakc created, Han I'anciseo never $r,v before. There was' hardly a "j'.irl or a ma troti in the city but" suffered losses. of this kind. .Suspended pictures were thrown down, but ofiencr" still, by a curious freak of .the earthquake's hunior, tlicy were whirled completely argurid with their faces to the wall ! " . There was great differepca of opinion, at first, as to the course orf di rect ion tlie earthquake traveled, but Wijteii that splashed out of various tanks nd buckets settled that. Thousands of peo ple were made so sea-sick by the rolljng.1 and pitching of .Hoots and streets that they were weak and "bed-ridden for hours, nd Saue few for even. days afterward.. Hard ly an liwlividual escaped nausea mtirelvi :.!- " . A Patented Child. Mr. Al.-n in the New- York Times. The townof Sussex, Pennsylvania, lias ra- ..lately. been" profoundly stirred by an. exj "ordinary and romantic lawsuit. 1 he case w;ws an entirely novel one, and no. prfceer dent beaiing ui it is to be found in; the. comnion or statute law. While it is ndces siirily a matter of great interest to th lo gal -profession.' its romantic side cahnotiiI to attract the attention of persons, of all ages and every kind of sexi Jn fiict, Jt is destined to be one of the most celebrated cases in the annals of American iurisbru- deiiee, ; J . i Some time last winter a lady whomf We . .will' call Mrs. Smith; who kept a boarding house "in Sussex, took her little girl, ged four, with her to make a call -"on Mrs: Brown,, her near neighbor. Mrs. Brjown was busy in her kitchen, where 'she fc-cef ved hvr "visitor with her usual cordiality. There was' a large fire blazing in thej si6ye,;'and . while the ladies were excitedly; discussing the new bonnet: of the local 'Methijidist .miuiter's wife, the little gul incautiously sat .-down on tlie stove-hearth. ' Shewas" instantly convinced that the heiitth wa4j ex ceedingly diot,' and on loudly bewailiiii the fact, was rescued by her mfcther andcafrried lioiue lor medical treatment. .A fewldays" after Mrs. Smitlt burst in great excitefoent into the room of 1 young law studentjiwho was ." one of her boarders, and with ears and lauiantations disclosed to hini the fact tliat her child was indelibly branded Nvith..." tlie" legend, "; Patented. . 1 872.' These words' iii raised letters had happened, to occupy justl tliat part of the stove-harth on which the child had seated herselfj and being ' heated uearlyto red-heat thef had reproduced themselves on the surface of " the unfortunate child. The law -student entered into the 1 iotl er's sorrow with much sympatliy, but after he had in "some dtgrce calmed her mind he informed lier that a breach of the law had been crtinmifted. " Vour chiH, ' le re iwarked. u has never l).een patentexl. bt t she is mark'ed.' Patented. .. 1872.1 Thisfis an infringement: of the. statute.. iYou falsely ' represent bv that-brand that- a child for whom 110 patent has issued is patented. 1 .1 his -false j representation is rofgeryt and suljeets you to. the' je"nalty inaile anc pro-, vided for that crime' ' ! ' ..'Mrs. Smith was. sts maybe supposed, greatly alarmed at liearing .this statement, and her first impulse was toJjeg tlie joung man to save her" from a convict' cell. AVith a gravity" suited to t-lie oecasiin, he explained tlie -whole law of .patents, j' "He "told her that had she de sired to jiatefit the cbild. she should either havd const ruffed a model of it or prejared accurate drawings, with sjiecifications showing distinctly! what parts of the child she; claimed to have in vented.. This model or these drawings she should have forwarded to the Patent Office, and sh would then have received iji due time -a' patent provided, of. course, the' child was really patentable -and vould have been authorized to label it,'-' Phtent ed." .'Unfortunately,"' he pursued, I' it is now too late. to;. take this Course, and we must boldly claim that a patent was issued, but that the record was. destroyed 4ul"ing the recent fire in the Patent Office.'' J . This suggestion cjieered-the spirits of Mrs. Smith", but they were again .dashed y the further remarks of the youngfnian. lie reminded her that the child mightjind it very inconvenient to be pjitented.' " If we claim ' he went On to siiyMlit she has been regularly patentedlt follow that the ownership of the jjafent, ineUuling the child herself, belongs to you, and wijj pass, . at your death into the p'tssession. of. your heirs. Ilyldinir- the patent" thev. c;m ore- pvent any husband takinir possession fof the girf- hy marriage, and they can sell,, assign, tnnsfer,and set over the patent-right "and accVjiiqianving girl tel. any purchaser. .If she is solcl to a speculator or to a joint stock twmpany, she will find her position a most unpleasant one. " To sum up tl6 case; madam, either your child is pateijled or she is not. If she is notpateiited. you are guilty of forgery.; : If she is'patented, she is an Vbj.jct of. barter and s:de,if, ik other words a chattel." : . .-' 1'. -This was certainly, a wretched "state of things, and Mrs. Snnjth, to ease" he mind beg-an to abuse Mrsj Brown, wjiostf stove liad branded tlie unfortunate littfc'girl. f She loudly insisted -that the wholf fault ; rested wit h Mrs.' -Brown,". and i' demanded to know if the latter could not be puiiished. Theyoungman, who was inimenselylearri-' 'ed in the law," thereupon began a new ar gument. He told her that where there, is a wrong there must, in the nature'pf jthings, be a remedy.' " Mrs, Brown, by njeansof' her stove has done you a great wroiig. In accordance with the maxim, 'qui fecit per dlium facit per $;' Mrs. Brown," and not the stove, is the party from whejm you must demand redress, i She has ,j!ickedly. and maliciously, ,and at the instigation of the devil, branded your child, and thus renilered you liable for an infringcinent of twice, like a mouth. an-1 then irp the patent law. It is 'myLo ini n. madam, that anactt?n for assault knd an action fr Ii'fxl will loth lie against MfsMirown, and. ft-wlJe that there is als ground for hav ing her indicted for prfxarement of forg ery.'' : Finally, after, much farther argu- ment, the young man advised her to apply r to a magistrate and procure the arrest auu punLshmerit of Mrs. Brown Accordingly, 3lrsl Hniith applied tot he Mayor, who, : after j vainly trying to ctm prehend the case and to find out' what' was the I rrecise ; crime alleged against Mrs. Brown, .compromised the ' matter by unofll cially asking tnat Mady -to , appear before hiuij. When both the laditW were in court, 3Inj. Smith, prompted by the clerk, put her j couij Lint in the shape of a charge thatj Mrs.' Brown had branded the youthful mith girl.; The latter was then marked " Exhibit 'A," and. formally put in eyidenee and both complainant and , defendant told their respective stories: The result was that the court, in a very able and voluminous opiniom, decided that ,nolody was guilty of anything, but that, with a view.oi' avoiding the penalty of in fringing the patent t law, the mother 'miVet apply to .Congress for a special act declar ing the child regularly and legally patented. If Congress finds time to attend; to this inqMirtant matter, little Miss Smith will be the first girl ever patented in; this cuntr)', and the legal profession will, watch with unflagging interest the lawsuits to which in future an v infringement of the patent may lead. f .- -'' . L . The Week's, Waifs. " Where's your partner, this morning, Mr. Hvsini?'' the neighbor asked the cro- cer. I " Don't knoW for certain," cautiously.; replied the old inan," " he died last night."';' During a school inspection at a town in Staffordshire where some ; Mormons had been lecturing, the inspector asked the boys 'why-a. man ; should have only one 'wife. " Bec-ause no man can .serve two masters," was the prompt -reply.; . i Never ase fast .: 'words, j tt may not al ways be agreeable. ' II.oW do you likij my bootsj love? 'j exclaimed a. youthful bride. 1 u03t, they're! immense," replied the part- ' ner -of her iovs:; and she had - the first .matrimonial fainting away :is the result. 1 31i.lber "My darling : daughter,- you ouglijt to go into a convent and be: a nun. That! is more pleasing to i J od trmn any thing else yciii can do. ; Diighter-'1 But, ; imth(;r, .why- didn you go into a convent andVbe a nun?". . ' Mother;-'' How can you ask sueh silly .questions? I sacrificed ort-rytninsr out of loveior the" i ; " ' -1 ' ' ' . WW 'does the" Lillet! ihlnx ? -What' check did counter sign? Who eVer'sawaJ 'hcxid wink? AVho; ever saw a pig iron ? ! What does egg -plant? ; Ahy did the ' thunder bolt? Who ever heard a foot v...ii-? -'vi i:.i -v i.i o vvi does ! clock work ? What did plough share? " Who twer, saw. a ! wheel wriirht? For whom did nennv- wei-ht? Who' did What: did brand v smash? .What did grass plot ? What was it grape hat did the pick pocket? Whom shut?! Wl did the go;se- berry? , Is it jokes that Jim cracks? ' j ' . - ; A story is "told of a teacher who was talking, to her scholars regarding the order of the higher beings. ,It was a very profit able subject and )iib in yjiiicli they took an uncommon; interest- She told them the angels came first- in perfection, and when she asked thcur .who came next and was -readily answered by one boy, " Man," she felt encouraged to ask, ' What came next to man?" And here a little shaver, who was evidently smarting under defeat in the preceding question!, immediately distanced all competitors by promptly shouting out, ; "His undershirt, ma'am !" A colored man ' who had' contracted a debt Sonic vears ago with a town merchant i called on, his; creditor. . . j ; "Didn't you splain to me dat if " I set tled up clat ac-count.jou would give me a 'lowanccr? " sttid 'the darkey to the mer chunt.; ' . ' ': : .' .'Yes, I did say" so,' Sam,' Siiid -the mer chant. ;; If y'ou are ready to' settle your bill hdw J will "make t a gool allowance," and tlie merchant waited fr the. colored in dividual jto pull out his jioekbt-book. . -''."Well, sir, I hasn't got do, money jes' in5w, butj I (hough t I'd come in and get -de 'lowance; my vrilc wants a shawl."'. i Strietlv fresh, reniiniscenec of (icneral Grant ; When a boy ill Ohio, or some where else, Grant-drove ; a milk-waron Among-his -customers was .a colored.fainily. As he drove up one day to the domicile of his .colored ii:if.rnn ho . lu'tlunio-hr. ' htm to have a little fun all the expense of a pick"-, . l """1-1"" J aninny that was making niud-picshi the door-yard, and so addressed it : " " You Ephrahaib, take dat chalk out" oh yo" eye!"' ; ; . 'Ih;' ' : , Eihrahan'suieither haipened to be just around the chrnerlof the house hoeing the Watermelons,' and ! hastening -around in front, she almost jrejlljjd in .lier indignation : i " Sep heah, lioney you hab all you kin tend to.ef vou take dat chalk out, 6b yo' milk!" !; '1 - !" ;.'" ,. . SCHOOLS. ' : ( ST. MABY'S SCHOOL. ..' i , For xriED 1842. '-j REV. B. SiiElfEsi A.;M..;lrineipal. Mrs, C. DeR. 'MeXres, Lady Principal. ' This ivell iknowii j school was 'never so eotiir pletely ifurnished in its various departments as at present, A full corps of aide and experiene- ! ed teachers is engaged resident French and tierman ladiesniusical department, hoth v;tt eal and instrumental, unsurpassed. In every resjvect the Principal . feels justified in recom mending it to the patronage of parents desiring i for their .daughters advantages ecpial to any in this country, for thorough education, for reiln-"' ing surroundings and for careful moral and re- j ligious training.! "; I ' i Terms for Board and Tuition, per term of . twenty)' werks, $121 J'or da'y scholars front; ! 15 to"$3p. jThe only extra charges are'for .Mu-i j sic, Art and Languages. ; iteeial students, whether liafders or otherwise, received in eith er of these hranelies, ' ; -- For catalogue and eireular, ap)lv to j . f .f -. RKV. Ii. MKIES, ' " !p ' ! St. Marv's Seh.Hd, oct It, 1S7!, 2-tf : ; Jtaleih. X.C. SUPRE.ME COURT REPORTS. We bave for sale set of j . - ; . . if applied for promptly, a Supreme Court xRe)oi ts; complete, except Dev.'s. '4th Law : ahd Iredell's 1st Equity, for tlie f emhrkably low price . of :$3(K, cash. The usual price: for a set, 80 -vols., $45o,! : , ' ' n E. J. HALE & SON, 17 M array Street, Xew York. N. C. Sopreie Gonrl Reports K t 21, 3-tf rtiU a v- . X f ! 1 V T T O li S Kt V A T .If 15: K . ... isS Will attend prj ittiy i alT-1isieiri.iwtil with the ditler iit; tlt i.irttiu-nt of tSi?(ioverw- tii.-ut. SiH-'ial btleiiiiin pai.l t.-l'.?.iTs. i A. GILI.IAM. I I. LI .VM A3 ( TLlS. ' I -:. ' Aft o r !n!A w s a t v. ki nicif vi t' M Praetii-e in oct 7, 1679 K. T. GKAV. (iK,V Atto Ait - "4" . psite ani Fteral.ro.if S i ' ST r . ' Zm- tie Sf Refer ko!the Batiks and bu'3 men' of jiaieieh. Tsif t"ollet iins projiiptly attcnlM. oct 7, 1S79 H i " - fi J . . -5 .- SS : J. V. I. jlfAl K I Sv -J A'tt'dl n e at' Mm .Office SYufr I OF i (IUT JlOlSE JW.DSK.Nr Practices ii I.tKL 111 ILIIXU. f 1! the Courts of tlieBbt('. o-t 7, 1S79 3 ! ' : ' " . 1 ' I - . -'''': y?'?f Fot! mQl pR: BjgfjS. - EXTBA IcARGE'SliSrsfe'kA'LlrY. . ii-n,i' -m-J vrit rv;i . n ::.uiy:wmu J lit MAlb Ass-;! UKTXniTI,w i - ' 1" i ;r tXl TCAV;?fm Ij : -t... SUS lap DJiKS,. . half lwm, GIX)YES; :p 1 1 A NDK t'H I E fS, UNDfe-lWEAH, .TKUjili-S, UAtiS, AArats. Prompt atleiirtion givftiffo orJqrlii a (lis tanee. 1 ! :- !j ,"1',!8d'" : .': :' n . it'-'- :- :"i-s.Kj:'-..-No. 4l Faye! jeville StV- :: ' rLETiI,,.'( octr, 1879j jpm. 'Ij'; - - ;:;. ; , HOTELS AND ?ItESTAlANTS. TIM. LEB'S R A L HIGH CLUB H "Delmonicolof the uth," ill . - t'orner Mar n a iifl Sal isntjjf ;St reets. ; ; ;.- - I. - , i '. .. :- j Genuine Diillin $ XX : Hrowjcj Stout- on draught with llass Al ; the old IvKtsh drink f ot Jt;ut-ani-llll, can pe proiinr'f-4lne luturc at TIM. LEE' CLE 18 HOI Slv'j Also offhand old Kohinscm tfe. kji.Whisky, hought of Hardin & it'imes. "e" "" Baltiniose niats aim (all del ie1 O.tif the soji- son served in iijrst lasil.onler. Aine can alw privaM Sittiiu-. llooins, Wliat forties: ij s he pri vatt , 44, - V ren c h :!( 'oo k . G Jl O CjE R I E i"JJU MS K-l-: t--vU KAN I) & B ARBEBSIEOS, ! Lv i: !-L 4 -.iitk''" i - --Sir ' J" . tfv ' r ' i-i .' ' L ! " f iSjl, VII()tES.ALE a . g R ;o c Ems NEW STl Nt. 2 Wilinjfoh St : IN STORE 3QXK) yards FAGG all wei.iS.'iR 1,000 bundles Piece Ties, AiTovflles, 25,000 pouaiMs Clear Rib ?33f ;j lU,C?w pouillis Jill OHW,UIW,i . ... ili.... i:.. 1 ... ' " . . W vugs li-io Vilnius. . . ;ii ,:: CQ Inrrels Sugar, all gffBfji'- barrels: Cuba Mo,;ScJ. A FULL pINE iOF OODS. FRESlt lAND QSOEFVM IjSE- LECTEL ALWAYS JBT III mm----i Personal attentum given 14'Hbn. sales. Liheral cashjaivanees piade On MtAtii stored. We have spticial: facilities for stoye5 Terms 25c, jfcr; month, fcr bale. Ciisfij Sin-' couon. gmuent and correspAidenee solicited. - fjjg p oct 7; l.S7!M l-.hn -mm. M. I Wholesale and Retail Deir)i Fine Qrociies, mm 'i -TjT " Jrvt,''Cir,(Tl.T.IHT"ii i! Fayetteville Street, I - KAI4 r- N . C. '.- . " 1 - i' LL STOCK PP SELt:s "C&l FA MBL Y GOChzMTES ALWAYS IS STOR4 ; t BRANDIES, WrINifi;i Fine Lines o: CANNED GOODS A S&lALTl CIUAKS r Finest iiranas. ;;. : y X' , i FRUITS AND: CANDIeiect f.-V i 1 j .It: B. ANDRjE.p. j ;.'W.I-TrJfQ... , '' '- . -4&f3'iflf1'v"-Sf!J!.i' -! I ''-v.;- : i -. . ' . : '. . M&mis9gma&&' ; :' : ''"'- ' 1 ( i'i CLOTHING. -jj- I. - teai u IX u "; - l ' '-. j HATS CAf,s i )S ' ' ' ! : ''' ' Rf ' J RBL0FIWS4tM. I 3 ?' '..''". .; ' - : '.' ' is)'- II flsn 1 I saw .- --r- i".::-.sfeSiSrt i- T -TV i "iTTVTV TJTTTPI iSI .nA'V! "y.; xui J-r a. J- j f p jlfji . Alts'-.;i;.'"''. . . j j ..... ; 5jj? " ColtoR CtafflissiBi'lilaits. fe.; oct 7:879 l-3m. i) 11 y ii.o o i) s NOW ON EXHIBITION.! r-T- . .'!- An uncjoiilv-d AKmment of English, ; 'trench and Domestic i Ii:rKAl;RH, f r 1! fclJLVELVLTK' ' ';-" 'A . TRIMMINGS, .'.: :.':'-V J '-:.V t"5s BKRWEA R, 3ISIKRY, Ktc. Ktc, '.. .FOR. 'WflXSrTJSJRL. Togetlier with lltle lttt Xwyeltiea, in j Damasse' and Brocades; V'ith: PERSIAN jlIA, JAPANESE, amj other Antique' I'eiens and t'olor ' . , , tor tiarnituite, lrpery and ; Comhinatlou t'ostuuies ' ; . - -. . ' ' I i 1 " ' - KMISOSSKD nnX'AK' AJ'MtI!t STRI'1'EI-. VELV ETS m G PLUSH E5 oxsrsiT ;- " E.VNfY, j PEARL' ?.--': :- -it AND M ETA If, t the most novel paucriis ; hall, flat, rounil, oeW ) j;on, ohlonj; oval, wiiiare ami. diaiuoml shaped; raisel. designs. ; : ' . . ' . -. LADIES' DOLMANS AND WRAPS), CLOAKS, ENGLISH WALKING jA('K- '. ETS AND ULSTERS, SHAWjLS f. FOR LADIEg.lMISSES ANDj . ciriLDREK, misse' : : J. -'.' ,"'.;' .' ULSTERS." ' ''- ' ' l . .. ".'' ' ..' . .".'( S'T-NOW OPEN' AX1M 11ECE1VE1J DAILY. I'riii a (i iiii't-t. all '; W. ?TT.v;11, 1S7'J l-3m Clitwx iif- Purchaser! II. A R. S. TI CKER. ' t ) - . ". ; . - j NEW GOODS ! I Pretty Goods Cheap Goods! ; : . . f ', -Doors Open Dalljf Admission FREEj! GOME TO CREECH'S! I I desire to call tli Attention of buyers, of Dry (ioous to the tact Uati never in .tne last twenty- five years have I had the pleasure oullering'ti).'. my numerous friends Bnd customers : a more a-. tractive stock of eootlfe than I ofliir this season, as each and every department is &lf and coui-. j - piete, ana embraces eyeryining tinut is Kept in i a first-class Retail and Jobhing Iljouse. . . ! ' I have a corjs of 4lite Salesmen, of ten' to tweritv vears. experience;, which will justily mfc in Raying'th.at n'l House Is thoroughly organ ized, and eustonier wall save tiiue and money;, by-tfoming to Creech' fbuy Oools. i ' . 1 vHsli,to call youri siecial attention u my Black artdLFancy Caslimeres,'as one of my !-. eialties in Dless'Goodfi. I also ask your special ' attention to my' stork of ( 'lojlks, as "l have thf largest and ino.s eotulete assortment that was ever brought to this -cfty, and ; ladies will- find it ttr their interest 61 Qxaime my Cloaks befoiy. buying elsewhere. ' ! i "v. ' i My.Sltoe aud SUipleijds D-iiirtmets should never be forgiitfeii,tisitliie sroods will-'l)e sold at prices to meet the liaril times. i - - -i ; - .'J .:' ' "'; ' "' . j 1 ; A; CREECH. , P. g. TherWholsaIe iDepartimmt is full an complete, with just gufca goods as Country Meii', AsCliaiit-s want, liiiiaw examine uiemuen you ( want to buv, and I wilrsave vou some monev I" ' ' 1 ! A. CREECIfJ j - oct 7, 1879 l-3m. .JNO. D. BROWN of Nortli Carolini WITH 350 BROADWAY oct 14, 1879 2-Iih i ! NEW YORK, J. P. GTJIiLEY, pJeaj.kr in DRY QOODSJ "".'' - - : '' t I- " ' - - ' ' i' Favettevillc Street, . . ' KEEPS ALWL1VS ON HAND 111 - '- ' " All Descriptions oM.adies' Dress (Joodsj Mens' and Boys' nothing, 1 CLOTHS, BOOTS ANI) SHOES, HATS VVhL IUNES OK I : i ii i-.-. IN EVERY! variety. BOVDEVS HAND-MADE SHOES, . -. ' : - - :-! ' f .' ' ARK SPOMALTIES.'. - We are among the largest dealers in Hand ; made shoes in the Sta't.i '.'': .' , u Orders from a distan?ipronii)tly filled. ! ; "' i .'.,'. ;.',. V-,i i ; ' :''' ' ' Three Flours Fill'il icith Gmxlsl; ' -: -: ' ; - !. :.''i ; :.;' - - ". ' Prices sure to suit "buyers, ! M " , ,.oct7, 1879 l-3m. ' i,': j - ,-,:;..' LAGK1 iBEER J M.BILL, ALE, BEER AND POijTEa BOTTLED FRESH : .. ,-' r -I-!!-' . - '. . EVERan -day.;. ,.-.. ,-.t .' : . : - ; 'A Only the Best Brands Used. : 41 ' .;'". The pillowing Medicinal Waters, strongly re commended by the MClieal r acuity, are also; hottled: Sola, fota8s,;5eiizer, uibih, vrnr Tonic, Magnesiaj Appoliiiaris and Vichy: Orders Fitted ProrAptly Anyicltere in thel Vi1y or State Xycml Ueductvm' '.' in Price, Ti.o it.wr !. and Porters bottled by me are! put up in convenient shajie, and always find a ready sale. AWite for riees. Try them and be! convinced. .'. ' -:; !. j '? ' .' oct It, 2-3in CONFECTIONERIES. ,M. J. MQSELEY, CONFECTIONER AD RESTAURATEUR, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. Ceqice !Fbiiit and Candies. The only Ladie' Restaurant in the City.' ; Oysters served in all styles Day or Night. Ele- - gant Saloon specially ior iiieb. CITY BOTTLING WORKS oct 14, 2-3m piano Trx e ii: A..PAULI rrofesNiona! Piano and Or?aa TBtfer. Ofir hiH-cemoes to the publie and maram-- satisfaction. Thorough iut ruction (tivrit in V cl md IastrutiienlAl Musir. ; . ANY PART OF THE STATE VISITED. Leave onler at J. L Sti.ne't oflif. lU Fay. rie.ni jmti oc(M. -1"" - ? INSURANCE. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPT, OF HARTFORD thte 'of the olJet Companiei in the ci havinir bra vntabltMhol in it hn nntrv. nil the tulvkatiices of age and ext-rieiHe4 I With a low ratio .of expense,, it ifti rs, ehr-aji iUMinJnce on simple plans. . , , 1 - ; The ConianV ha dtshUrved to ihk fa.'titlteii of forty-seven policy-holder in jiis nati-J during. me juisi ten years, fi.wi .otf. , Semi for KtatiemenbK et-.. to .' SAM L DOt (.LAS WAIT, Setieral.ApeHf, t 7,. 189 l-3m. , RALEU II. N. C, ;,.';.t'" Estahllsbed IMZ Comhlncd Asisets, - RltS'lllsi P; F. PF-SlTlfl. P. F. I'I ..( I , Jr. P. F; PES CUD & V : GENERAL SON., t Life k Fire insurance 'Agents AND ADJUST Ell; . Ralekhi, N. ('., (Vt. T. 1 s-7:. i The readers of this pnpej; wantinjg insurmn e on any kiua (ot ; lusurulile : pro'rty, their liVen, or against accidents iff any iinili-arein-vitel tt make applications to its, j " - ' j. . (iiir Coiiijianies comprise those jlcsrr known and inost ' distinguished fc.r . lln-iir : sln-ngth, promptness anil liherality. i ; . I'. ! . WKSI 1) A- S() i . K t 7;.j 79 lSm. rpiIE NORTH CAROLINA Ho m Insurance G omp any, i)F;UAi.i:i;ii,- n. f (0U0.UN1ZED IN 1SH. , Insures against loss hy lire nil DWKLLINC.rs, i 1 IT UN ITI RE, - ' snnii"-, MERCHANDISK, A X I ) FA li M l'MK ) PK RT Y, -q, ; Including COTTON filNS, .... i s as any Of the. hcttcr kiud, r.n'as favorahl . . -.. t; ; ' ". .. ICel i aide Company. rat JOIIX (JATLINU,PrUK-i.t. V : i W. II. CROW, Vice-Piji-sident. ; W.. PRIMROSE, Si c'y and Tn;as: P. 'COWPER, Adjuster and SujK iivis.. ..7, 1S7 l-3m. . ' ! 4 NORTH CAROLINA -stATE. Lite: Insurance Goiiip'y, :-- ',".'-'-'-' :vi' ::"' :. I' i' ..v --" flNCORPflRATEn IN tSjT2. '''i ':i'"-:-;: -K '"Ii f' '". RALEIGH, - - - - - 0RTH CAROLINA. F. II. .CAMERON, :?rw resident, 'resident. ' Wj E, AXDERSOX, - - - Viee- w. ir; HICKS, Secretarv and Treasurer. 'Dr.-K.-R. HAYWOOD, - - Medical Director. Actuarv. PKOF. E. H. SMITH, - - - Advisor Assets, $2flO,170.70 Snrwlns tp Tolioy Holdors, ! 1 75:394.20 ' If ' '' THE STATE LIFE IS - THE ON LY II03IE COMRANlv IlN , NORTH CAROLINA It is the-only Company that invests .all its ' fu nils in the State . ; All of its monev is kept at home and circulated among our own lH-ople. j t)ut of fifteen companies reporting to the X. C. Insurance Department, the X. I'. State Lite issued more Policies in the State hist vear than all of the rest pat together. LOSSES PA I D PROM 1"TA , Coinpahy's rates as low as class ('imiiiany. . ' ' Everyman, rich or jxtor, netils inn ranee. . It will cost a man asrisl 3d alMiutifiye cents a day to keep his life insured for One Thousand Dollars. NORTH CAROLINIANS, STAND RY-AND '! Sl"PIOKT YOUR OWX HOME , ipnTTCTIOXS. For any particulars concerning this excellent .Home Company, apply to atiy .of' Company's A,gent or to Company's office in Kaueiglw ' Ctocsl agents wanted in every eoiintv in j the Suite. - ,.';. ' oct 7, iwj7i 1-,'Sm. H RO()KS AND STATIONERY". Books ! Books ! Books ! 1 For North Carolina Schools: School Historj of North Carolina. By John V. MttoRE. ' Introductory Price, 70 cents-. 5. For North Carolina Magistrates: IfAnd Book for County Offleem. ,iV-;-:; . -, . '-; Price, 2.W. B ashee's J nst lee. 'Prti II PHee, $2.50. For Nxirth CARfLiN. Laatvers: Toiirpee's DJ?rst of Cited ('as. . .: -.;.iV; ; ; " . t. Priw, 12.00. Tourgee's Code, with Notes' iipl Dc V cisioiw. . Now Edition. ' lricp, $0..0. For North Carolina Teacher : SCHOOL BOOKS AT LOW PRICES. Lilferal discount to Teachers am) Dealers. , e-Cautlogue free on apidicatirtn. "Address ALFRED W ILLIAMS & CO., Booksellers and Stationers, pet?, 1879 l-tf RALEIGH, N. C. . ROOTS AND SH0js. - - " J. M. WALKER, if. w. BMiTir. A L K E B & S M I T H , '-' 1 with ; BENEDICT, II ALL & co.; MAKCFACTTBERS A XD JOBBERS Of BOOTS AND SHOE S Of all kiada for the 'Southern traide, including --'l '-. - ' : the celebrated jf. Standard Seretr-Fastened; Goods. j :pS Prompt attention given io ijirders. : 14 AND 136 GRAXDisTREETj NEW YORK. oct 7, 1879 1-tf STAT K SCHOOL lti . K S J- 1 State of Nor ill Carolina tlfilre Supt. Pntllc lalrrtlon. , AM U'JCli. S'i't. !rV lTi Cai'T. W. H. KKNhlHCK. i ! " ' :: , i !' . A v ' ci "V if 11- ! . " 'II. "' ' X. r.;i: HALF I t;u I'EAR Silt: It ptVC.Uli .lcaNT 10 Holes' Grammars History liavi Ih-cii ;il.iptiil h'.r uc in kiln' I'ul'Ii-: ' I ' ScIi4m1 of tliii State. :" : V TV. Ti Sjs'i t fully. John c. scAKi:oitcli;ii. . f Siil. d' I'ulilic Ini ruihn. - c Th. U iKMiks'will lie firnii.licd to ihii". papiN for I' ' i --' -' FIUST tNTUOIH tTloN ,.i i. h low rates tw will eniihle wIkmiI li"l'u-pr J , t ,1. ' - :imiI 1eaehrr to bruit; 'iiNt a ei.inplet.'- Iinifiinilitv J 4f ' text JmmiUs ill the ! 1 lolmcs' First Ra.l. r, ; SO-' 1 1 90-4I7 , !. ":';'. ' inf' nn vou t lint . 1, i ;:". ".;, ; -V " ;! j.-;. !. : Hclmes' Reaflers aM Spoiler, - I -';' !.'' - L" I' ! "' ! -; ! -. - . " Manry's GeograpMes, " 1 1 " , ' ' ' " f ' i ' I ' . ' -j1 schoills under j J JCIH 'I I A NT T. I I.O Rl M i . , ' . ,-r'.. ''!' their Hiart. ,' 1' -''-' .V M ' '"." J " '" . if ' , ,,,.: v IT. R. Loader, j f ' ;! i' ill V'; P3h - j- - ;. h ' j Is oil ,'7 ' ' '. iff . . I . V; ff A lIljfluU'M. .SCCOIH Ut'ttiK-r. ItS th.inel of -ttiiy firM' ! .,!, , , . ', , .. Ii : lloltncs I Innl I.eii'li B. ..I Holliic.s' Fourth Ru'ailcr,' 4 ir.Li,,Au- viiC.l. p r ipuiiv i linn it...... HIuich' Speller. KXTR'A RK.VPK.U l-MR AtVAA' -.1 :!' -:-!. - :; . Hillnu's' Acalcinjcir'Sixtlr, llcailcr, ! ..;-; H - i ' . !': !" ' Ji;o;;tAi iiiks. Maury's First Ix-Ksniisiu. .-. (iwfrrapliy; - j '. lvo IHi:- $0 20',. Maury'rt W.rU W. Live j In, . M.'; -:f.--7A; - 10 Ma1ury.11 Manual if'.(J,fr .. j : TarjliY, ' ;.- : J 1 21 . Maury 'h I'liysicjJj" (icxi- j ;t '-. : faI'nj.- 1. 1 " ' Matirj'8 ull Ma, fi I-t-. .' J 7(t I ! Jl ; -iff ci; it, net, '' ' 1 : 1 10 m iR.' lM MAR ANlf UfsTo IV. r ' ( Hoi uncs' Firt Iji-swiiis in j (irainiiiar, ' - j ". . j fO .'. llolluen' Elilisli Jr.uu- - ! j mar, j- j- . ' : f5 IIolW History .l tl.c ?"JS - '1 1 I 'j . r " I .. " I riiito states, ; ;i5 ' v.-'i. '' ''! '. nxn.AN VTioA. pup. w.io .s now, Usinfr a Ixxjk ly Homo Sothct ntiltlior, may, i I" , '.!.. . 4 r ' j by J9vmrit up in exchange, Vuy . one EXFLANUTloK.-'A pupil u ift now j Holikics' or Maury h bfoks organic kind , : . 1 1 . t the Exchange Pi!ce: .This ami trade, at . 1 . hexan .'do, no matter : liow- iiiutt -7 dVhoiledor ! worn hLs.ohn.k mavjJ'e.; If he lias no J tT UI llj u 11. VI i'f r maityuj j ' old nHik to exchano,! Uh1'! he . - I T tl lM.IV lillV . one fJ(f Jloliucs' or Maury's at the Iittrte- 1 ! ductfym Jrcet f .i ...... Foir furtlier information ddn t'MVERSITV PUBLISHING CO.- j . H 10 Murray Srcf t, XEW "X'ORK. OrCapt. W. B. KENDRICK, Gen. Aynt Univerttty Pim-Co., RALE 10 I, N. C "octj2i; 1879, 3-3m ' D ix u; m ;Ts;' ; ! i '. iVaIu.isii Kpjv--i-l;: . '(illiams & Haywood,-: ; wm.i.iu wit'ttrtAiL i 1 . -i - T : 1 . i .:, P R. XXX GIST SV ! ! '."r. . Ait"' ID i. .v A N D ; R s s s i: U. DS T'ltlf ' f!t.fl'lt!v ! I. i i ri,iTv; K,l ttl VI. 1.1 N M ! ! I t I. T A 1 M U 111 I. . ;. VAij.ilj:t' ' ' j ATInU EST I IIC: r f ( M. SIMPSON1, RALEIGk, TI. C. hi !. .;.(.- no I K. M.I m ,.!r iii '": ' - .. :.. i ; A it ri fLi t U t ti r.i 1 C 1 1 r 1 1 1 i t ;i ! s. iv,;i. ui:: kie.11. ii..;. T..ii. ; 'i;.!.-.,'vii mi 1 , i; "'V . I i' 1 I sn l nd. 11 S , ; I Ir 11 I'i l A ', Vi I'tilizi'is1. Tor M'a hi mi M.i I a ( 11I, V ol i mors 'A I li IMI. hU I'"' - 1h ' ; i-i lioiue Mitiir.t Imiv f 1'rrlillUcro.' 1 me t' r.-1 nt ! pt iee,'nn. t.mW villi art If.eial m mmi in tin' M.o l t "'.'"'j' H III llie I . heiliieiiU ii J'Oie, mi I nil. r lili'i .'0'd iv fepiuloo-iit"! A iii leUllturi' Mle i i..i..iin. -d , 1 .. 'I. ,1. . i . ' (nl!) up U the highetl olithinl. ; ( S. lei 4..r p.-Ho) l-t I HI .11 . 1,1. I I l.i, I.I ill ill ! llll.l I m i i,k 1 tin. i M 11 im;m l o. 1.1:1: x t o., f ! f R U (i (i I S T S Witoi iHAl i, vu' Rrrui . ; . I i'orin r r'aiMliMllle miI .MKrlln lrci l, It ALr.H'M. Nfc. C. , ; -J -i MMi' t'id NVl.jr i.'i idriH'i.dil nod in In.hL ., l-'jilt l.itf'1 ii.fjrMy O.hmN-Iii evi r) irii'ty.. -I'.riiUie, i '.riiihJ lVrfmiN-i, S..ii.i, H'lrtfi.itl lip'.. I irniiiei,l), ic, 11J i 11 Iwiiid. (f t'ld Alts HI ST T.lt A'NPH UN SAl r- J ' I'jirticiiUr iillilw.u irivrn lo e'iiii'iiiiilnii'f SntifiietKii In all n-jircti gn irnnU-e.1. ' ! : ' -'1 SI I I MAI : To iiitiiKIt WITH Tlie finest line f Mliij.hit ill tlx- rity. ( ri r yt Hi vl. fr .tiy w h;. Ii hi' liuke M leeti.11111: ; -H t II, 'I :.m 1 1 ; ! ' . NEW VtMJK triri'M:; j A ilaniliccnt (lilit WORCE GTEU (.real 1'iiahri.lgi d Di tloaarr I'ree J . 1 ' . .V 1. ' 1 Tilt: XI.W YOIIK 71:1 liCNKi. ill t siiltH'rilM-r' iwfiw frir freiirlil. or deliver .In '.' Ne York City frV," Wrwi-r'ii lri 1 lri)giil 1linrto HIfitr;itcd 1 iliiiiury, hound i in Miecj, iiiin ! i, i, mi. At-rv !( mi, v' rf' '' ,f,l'l!'u of tliat Kien Work, to Miy t,Hf reniuiiiig ; WF.KKLV.or . . - t 1 -'Ml (r cikI'I hic- far ulmi'riitioii ' U'l'l'L 1 v ... ' - I . I'r. fi"ipli"ii. . I . . i . - I V-n Hi a - 7 , as is. :?.va ii I z,m . t - ' i'i! f '-i Tin: v toIIE ' fit ior ni'.'e lii-ver uiripli.,i lEWI WKKKLY,ot; , . I ,'til for ten i.ue.inr iihwrlpti.ii to lllf SEMI-WIILKLY.or r 110 for m iiufle lhr. e yeBrn .iiuhw rii.ti,,,, .,, THE htll.Y lltlHI ;. . ' " " VI' I' I ' k' I V" n l.. tiPui U'll. ! . ... r...v ,:r,.c 7. --" .p.i ki .,.L.r.'A,.Vlyr-r. Thim muy- rviijitfintr the . retruUr ti Wriptlon i,hv ,f -ifherdilioii, mn alxive, will rt-rl ve ll.i (;. ifintiojwry prfui tntn THE TUlicXK. "', "" . e.p,, f ri, evr titrere.j. THE THIIU'Xi: in imw iftw-rmllr tut "mum !.r,,.,.,?Ji"!-V,rri? .-Wrl ml ,n. 1 kivi iiii lur'Jtmi 'lrciAiiiiiain aitiiita n.. i a l'H Semi In or-h n. at one. Addre, . 1 i . - n 1 rr .. 1 ur, 1 iu ill ' v' ; rNew York. SKWINIJ MACHINKS. T f T '-.!,-' I' J . , L. STON E, J J Oeneml Alrrtit for th :W, HOMK SKWINtJ MACIH.VK' NKW KXCJLANI) ORGANS ' ' ! ' ' i ; v.- , L;" - - ' , -i; w LVTKI1S' 1'IANOS AND OROAN No. IS FayctU-villv .(. RALKKai, N..a I fflT.ce And Show Room., fruUU I,3s2 K.Uar : . ( .1 '- I ! H i t . ' I V ':i . 1 . 1 1 I I' 4 ; i " 4 1 -- IK

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