y . v s . 7 r if J fj 1 -I '- -.-V. '! rv-K' ' ' I: .i I'"-'-' '! v ' I . ,:i.- . 3 ""if 2 it 1 i J ?4 ' fc y .fc-!'. t v. '' p' 1.1 i 1 .5 :4 ; i ; '' ! -.'IS : rtis- mi - "r'- . si i. . ; - Aftm- -f a if? '3.w 1M. i V 4? '1 SJ 7i I - i -U the Bar.--: 4 . ' v - j ;A!1 tl.e. Year. Round.:' -.'".. ! ; - HVh speaks 'fi;r this man ?" From ..the trtit " i white thrrfiio, " Vclleil in Us - j-;.-.-iit ! - forth;, ;- -i - the, voice came . I I M 1,s",r,!.11 oI.a rtp! mul alone, ' . . i j tf i" '! 4r..i r.fir; .-ust, .-rmV-Art -t, aii.l -south. .-.Ik(rtf;it etixvl.a jartp! s! al. and i AM mnjlity r.ts !ninii,.n-.l1iii-k aul . al; V'ho fipeaki- fr this man, r hit lfxim le vcrinj he iu in-A, for hid -arthly life - r " 111 Ia.vs-(l jn''ilii!l unnotf calm awav ;; ! ' lie brtmght no irlory t itt laily ftriff, ' Y .". Ko wrarh of -faru-, or uiu"- Ccry ray ; . AVt-ak, lone, iiiKriffftl, jhict anl oliscnri'", fnrri in tlu- f-lri-low, -flying '-mill flip jxKrr , V ' " 1 '. . .' : ' - . .: ' : '' . I, from the solemn coucoiire ltuLctl aul Jim, Tfie widow's iiraycr, the orjihiin's Wisisiiijr -. ft roue ;.,'.'-':'" i - i j- -'- r Tlie htrniyjlifr told of trouk' "'"tred by hiia, . i. iTlie lonijiy wf cheered liourn and softened A lid like a choni ViHke thv" crushed' and sad. 'lit us ulLJie-ctttild and what lie had. ,T ! i: "-.VjmI jiult of Utv'itfi .-kindnrw raid . jAnd tender thouglit.-', and help in time of need, SJrlHir ii'ji ike lcnv-H y soft SjA'injf .HliowcrsJ ji fir sonic - warfte s .; seed ;i coruiT vouii ly irhaneV-flnhff; Ik grateful wontli r lieard tie nudist soi'ij, Viicli trifles jpiOitrid tof h hU t a i hole: - ite, ly eiri-ittii'aH"ePtrtistron,fetter hiiiid, iWKtll A happy pairjii KEoait array . l!y hoiy eliiireli-iiiiited, 1'rjuii ;I4nudon .town' in tjicn shay, i t out, (y loye incited.'' . ji'lie IaV'Was iluit'as. dull could- he, (dreaming of no join ) : 4-.iotli'.lohn, ''1 hope, iiiy deat, tliat' we -... , Mav have iuli'ttle si-:.." A ; . A: ' i . .' " j' .. . . '..'!', t .- . V To wlrieli h.in lirido with sinij)h? heart, -Jteplied," ('twas iiSture taught h?r,). 'Well, I. iiifcs for my own parf, I'd rasher hart a daughter' : A-'Oin!E(H()sV -t'h-kJ .Miix;ut iU I-A- j.Ti: i TtuixsV VSf OF Til K JKAI II A A: 1 f ifS TIIK ' " .';' ; M iir Hr ir i.akv -' , f J ;f ' -. - 1 5 BI- RESFOItD. ' . i '' '. '.! '.' . j ' k . ? v-, 1 From .tlie. London (iK-cn, OctoWr' 4th, 167!). t i A i . ..1 e 'p. : i:. ".A. A. n.,,..' : tlOlill, ran iii i iDiie, iyiu levua j uli- Jj 11 11 J The torepA. Fill hv and jjhe hand so. frail, i 4 j lo.hiit ii best-'ve iu. f.if jfil! arottiid"; . I .vJ-et synijiailiy le tf ueiMr courasre fail. V I :lriw".'' - r YvinniitK anions; your iteilrMrs jnnr and' w J. "'tf? ; " j- oiiie v.itnt-Hsiit your tral hour to sjK-ak. i i ffs-f-" ' .jf "r .r Matrimonial Wishes. ---- --. - : - il$ '. Koiu-iitletward Vife of Sir Trifftrai - fcsforir,were "horn in Ireland in the 1 ti.-; Tl of Charlej 'I fi. They ;were; almost Vife of ir Iritrtram Uer- e reijin of the same a:ie and wore intrusted to the care of j the same jHcsbiiby wholii they were edu- jeated in the 'principles, of j-Deism. Their A :A jjruardiah dyinir when tiiej were still young, -'A ; Itliev fell into ttifierent hands. The per- nnn ifh..ti I. . ft llJ-l"M riTir tltl MttoJ Ai'pr t0 have itMl jeveiy possible endeavor to eradieafe the crrbneou-s princi-jdes-'w'hteh they lr.ul imbiVtcd 1 and to. per suade them to embrace- revealed religion in jurnic firm r other. But thewj endeavors were all in -vain. The arguments .of their friends were insufficient to convince, though they .served tVstagger' their former faith - r rather; th?ir former . sceptici.sm.s lJut, tlio.vtiili thev were" now separated from caeFi . it other, their friendship', remained unalterable, - - f find they: .continued to regard each other with7 a 'siricero and, fraternal,' .or. rather i cousinly affection. Alter stipe years ; had t"! elapsed ami they were both, grown up they i I 'made -a solvmn promise to each otherlihat r :( l hichever shoTiltl.die first . wbuld (if per-; !; t mitted) appear !jto" the , other, in order to j declare'.fQ him or her. what; religion was. 1. 1 'jaoBt a!eceptablc to the Supreme r Being.. Miss "it"ola was shortly after married to t irSir Tristram lieresfijrd, but no "condition ' A could alter tlu5r friendship ajji the families A: " frequently visited; each other., " During a N;i i visit to the lacty's brother-in-law 'at Gill tflfall, near Diouore, iu the 1693, Sir Tris l.'t'rajft remarked when-h is ': lady came down t. to ..breakfast that her complexion was uniis-. . l ually pale land her countenance bora evi- 1 dent marks of tern. r aiid confusion.- lie iufiuired anxiously after her health, but she assured 'him .that she rwaS' perfectly well, j I-. 1 ; i He repeated his nnijuirie and begged '1 to tt't i;f "'- -i know if airyth.iHg.liad disordered her. ; She. ' ,Vi s? - replied, "Xo. n.; I. am as well as. usual," "''!fit'-: -J'. "You --have ha--& your, wrist; you have - ?j II f. sprained i?" asked he, obseniug a black . ';.. r v ribbon bond ruhnd it. She replied that she had not, but 'addedr .': Iet 'me eonjur ' 11'; ' you, my dear Tristram, never more to in-." iue the cause 01 my wearing tnis riDoon; you. will never see u e henceforth without it JV If 'it! comvrhed you as k husband.' to know the reason I Wipuld riot for a moment conceal it. .1 neVer in my life, denied you lairetuest j but of this I must entreat you ; to forgive my refusal and never more to urge me further on th, subject. ."tVcry welljrmy kdyy'Vsaid' he, smilino-- '. since you so earnestly desire me I will inquire no further," f "J: ''!'" . '- ' ':. ' : The conversation- here endetl. - Lady j . 1 - ..-rV : - 1 . l- !0 . .... i - . jieresiora mquireu eugeny . mo p i SU ': -CUrt ir'fta i-rlrl 5 ll-iI Tinf fllTlVfl ' i i vwixnj ni , uuu .mo . " v ... ' ', In a few moments she again ran the bell 4 '.and repeated "her inquiries, k.Is not the V! - -nost vet. come in?'' She Was- again an- !nwprwl that it was not. "Do vou exwet ; ! letters?" asked Sir Tristram' that you are "so. anxious about the airival of the post?" J '. i- Tdd." she answered J ''Mlexpect to hearH . ! Lord Tyrone is dead; he died last Satur--" ! ! day at A VcloikV . I never in my life," r A X '.- said Sir Tiistram," "believed yon to be su i. I perstitious j but vybu musl have had an :V; W idle dream which has thus alarmed you." ."1 At this moment a servant fjned the" door ; Al' and 'delivered. letter sealed with black : .7 i wax. A "It is as I suspected he is dead." Sir Tristram oncned the letter, it was from Lord Tyrone's steward and contained the melancholy nsws.that'his "master "had ' f i - 1 jt. .- i.z:A. ,rr,. -aXt..uiw o.v.v- taea on iue jpiuuc-uiu javLkiujjf ulww 1 : 14, 1603,) at the hour which Lady Beres ford had specified,,'- ' ' .-. -:. '-'-"-i t "After a period of some months Lady Beresford had a go whose- birth Sir Tria tram survived htUe more than seven years, dying in 1701, and after his death his lady " seldom Trent from honie; in fact, she Visited ; no family hut that of a gentleman in the neighborhood, riamed Gorges. 'V With them sheTrequently passed a few hpurs. The rest of her time was entirely devoted to sofitnde, and she appeared determined for-. I . ever to banish ail other society." The fam r flyWslited of himself; his iwife and one. ' " son, who was about her own age. ; To this son (who became Lieutenant-GencAd , Gonrefs of Kilbrcw) after a Vcvr years she was married, notwithstanding the disparity of a connection f-o ungual in most re spect. The event justified the cxjttation -of "every one. Lady Beret Prd was treated by her husband with contempt, and even with cruelty; while at the same time, his whole conduct showed him to be the most abandoned libertine, utterly 'destitute: of i every principle of virtue- and humanity. Tojthis her ceeond" husband Lady Beres- 1 . . . w a . i r . f lora wrought two aaugnicrs, aiicr wmcn, in ctmjsequenee o tne pronia-y iu conduct, she msn-ted on a reparation, j They parted -.fir. several -years, when so great was. the . contrition" which he cx- ; pressed for his iormcf behavior .-that over i coine by hw fer.uaKions and promises she i was induceifoto pardon and once more re- side with liim! an! some: time after she be j. came the Imother of another son. The i very -day '.month' after the birth ofj her j child being the anniversary of j her own I birthday, she sent for her daughter, Lady I Kiverston. and a few other , friends,, to re :': quest them to j-Jk nd the xhiy with ' her. S ('- For,' said she,-" I am fortnight to-day." . 'o, answereu the clergyman, ."you are ' mistaken; your motherjand I have had .many disputes wnccrnrng your . age. So, ' happening to go ' into , the parish church where you were baptized, I was resolved to put an end to my doubts by searching the register, and 1 find that: you are but forty j seven this day.". ' You have signed my death warrant !" 'replietl. she ; "I. ha vie not much longer to live; 1 iuust therefore en i treat you to leaye me : immediately, as l have something of imjxirtance to sele be fore I die!'1' -When the clergyman had left Lady Beresford she:sent td put off her company and at the same time to request" Lady Betty Cobbe and! ier son of whom Sir Tristram was thVfath'er, and who-was then aliout twelve yearsof age, to cope to her apartment immediately. Upon their arrival she desired her attendants to quit the rooin. " I have, something of import ance to J communicate ! Co you both," she said, 'before I die for iny end is not far distant. You, Lady.Bette Cobbe, are no stranger to the friendship that kl ways sid sifted between Lord Tyrone and myself. ;,Wc were educated undjjr the same roof in. the principles of Deisml ;y when the; friends into whose hands we afterwards fell endeav ored tj jicrsuade us to embrace revealed re ligion , : theirrgumentsj though they failed - -to convince us, iwere powerful enough to stagger our faith and to leave us wavering-between- two opinions. In this perplex ing st ate of doubt and . uncertainty we jnad a solemn promise! to each otheJ tliat whichever . should die Jrst would," if p3imitted :by the Almighty, appear tq'the 'other to. declare1 what religion was most, acceptable to him.' Accordingly one night when Sir Tristram and I were in bed. I waked and discovered 3 Lord Tyrone sitting , by niy bedside I screamed out and endeav ored to awake Sir TrjAram. 'For heav en's sake, Lord. Tyrone,'; said I, 'by what, means and for what purpose came you. here : at this time .of night?' 'Have you. forgotten our promise, then ?' said he. . 'I died last Saturday , at 4 o'clock and am permitted by thej Supreme' Being to appear .to you to! assure you that revealed religion is the, true and the only one by w;hich you en be saved. I am further permitted to inforni-you that you are now with child of a, son. which is decreed shall grow Up and marry my niece. Not many years after the child's birthSir' Tristram will die and you, his fidow, will be married again to a man by: whose ill-treatment your life will be rendered miserable. You will bring him two daughters and afterwards !a son ; you Vill die in child-bed of that son on completing your forty-seventh yeai-.,' 'Jiist heavens !' exclaimed I, 'and cannot: I pre -vent this?' Undoubtedly,' said . fie, 'you can ; you are a free- agent and may prevent it by resisting every temptation to a second marriage: More ; I am not permitted to say. But; if, after these warnings yoii persist in your infidelity,' you will be mis erable indeed.' 'May I ask said I, 'if . you . arc happy ?' 'Uad Lbecn otherwise,', said he, 'I should n'ot haVe been permitted to appear to you thus.' . 'I may, therefore, infer '.tW you1 are happy ?'i ; .He smiled. ..'But how;' said I, 'when, to-morrow morn ing, comesshall I be - convinced that your appearance thus to me has been real, and : .-not the mere pliantom of my own imagin ation t ' ill not the news of my death be sufficient to cemvinee you?' said ih 'No,' said 1 'I might liave had such a dreap, and that dream accordingly come tr pass,'" 1 wish to have florae strong proof of its reality.' -4 You shall,' said he ; then lie waved his hands, 'and the bed curtains, "which ; were of crimson ! velvet,' were in- ' stjintly drawn up.tLrou-.li a large iron hook, by" which "the tester of the bed, which was.' ofi an oyal form, was siispendel. 'In that,' said he, 'you caunot be. niistaken, for no mortal aim'! -could have performed -".its' 'True,'" said 1 1 'lull as we sleep we are often" possessed of greater strength than when awake 7-asleep I might have ; done it, and sliall still doubt.' lie then said : 'You liave a pocket book here in which I will .write ; you know my handwriting ?' I repUed 'Yes.'-1 He then wrote with a pen cil on one -side of the leaves. "'Still,' said ; I, 'I may doubtrit ; though waking I could not imitate, your handwriting, asleep I might.' . 'You are hard to believe,' said he.v I luust not to.ucliyou ; it would in jure you irreparably, ."ft is not for -spirits to touch mortal's flesh.' 'I do not regard,' said I, 'a slight blemish.' '.You. are a wo man of cburage,' said" he, hold -out your hand. I did so' and hej stnick my . wrist ;. his hand was as cold as; parble'. 'In. . a moment the sinews shrunk? up- every -nerve withered'! 'Xow,' said .he,Vwliile ' you.Uve let no mortal eye see that wrist'!- It would be sacrilege. He stopped; I turned to him again, bnt he was gone. ' I felt cliilled with horror. I endeavored to awake Sir Tristram, but in. vain ; all my efforts were ineffectualy and an this state of agitation and horror I lay for some, time, when, a shower of tears .coming to . my relief, I dropped asleep. .In the morn ing Sir Tristram rose ancl dressed himself as usual without perceiving, or at allvents without noticing'; the. state in which the curtains remained. . '.When !l awoke, I found Sir Tristram had gone down stairs. I arose and having pui on. my clothes went 4 into the gallery, adjoining our; apartment and took from, thence a4 long broom, with which I pulled down, though not without a great effort, the t-urtiias, as I imagined r thek1 extraordinai condition would oeca- sion many inquirjes, which T wished to avoid I then went to my bureau, locked up my pocket-book and -took oat apiece of black ribbon, which I bound around my wrist. When I came down the agitation of niy mind hal leftTan imp'ression on my countenance too visible not to be1 reniarked by Sir .Tristram ; he instantly observed my confusion and asked the cause. I assured him that I was , quite - well, but informed -him tliat Lord Tyrone was now no more, for that he hactdied the preceding Satur day at the hour of 4 : at the same time len- I treated him to drop all inquiries concern ing the Mack ribbon." Ue desj.stcd ever aftrfnm further questions on the subject I I a im? tuy oyit, w kji uiui, x aiuri- wills brought into the world, and a little mine' than four years after your birth your evjr-lanentel father expired in iny arm. Alas; i nave inw oay neara irotn inai- mrhat!! anthnntv that I havo lam nndpr h.umo.with reg.rf.to .n.y ajr,. , and that 1 am lu: frty-seven to-day. Uf th near approach of iny death, therefore, IlJave Vthe least doubt, hut I do not dread its arrival, armed with the sac red principles of tlirlstiauity. I can meet the kirfc of tHm, without dLaoav and with. I. pui atjear bid adieu to the regions of mor- , , e ; Tr i taliity forever: TV hen 1 am dead 1 wish tha you, Lady Iliveron, .wiiuld unbind j iuj4ruH. auu jet my sou wuu y uurseu uc- i holtl it Lady Beresford here ceased for some tune. . ' ..,!. 'j. '. An'hour passed ajid all waj silent in her rootnT In aboit half an hour more a bell rang -Violently ."I- They flew to the apart- ; meht;" but before they reached the door they heard the servants exclaim, f Oh, she isdcad ; my mistress is dead I'3- Lady -ers&n then desired the servants to quit thelroom. . She approached the bed with Lady Beresford s son. . They knelt down by the side of the corpse, and Lady River- stoq then lilted up her hand, unbound the ford,-as had baen predicted, on growing up '-to ulanh niariIxirdTyrone'sda ter rind heiress, Lady Katharine Le Boer. In due course of time he was created Earl j of Tyrone, and his son was afterwards created Marquis of aterfbrd. . . Tlie rpocket-book and ribbon Worn by the un- the JBeresford family, now the representa- tives of the Earls of Tyrone,, wilr be ready i eve to attest its facts. - . '. I ; is easy enough to find plen;ty of men whe think the world owes thenva living, i but hard to find, a chap who is willing to ! owq up that lie lias collected the debt, in full: NEW . ADYEKTISEMENTS.i .', IJjright ! Sparkling! Humorous'! THE WINSTON LEADER, fFOR 1880 BUTTER THAN BVKR ! Miny new feature.-! will be addwl during the .coining year to this popular weekly, which will tentf to make it one of the best-family journals in tje South Puldished in one' of the finewt audlrichest sections-of Nortii ("arolina, among an cfnterppising and induiitrious jieople, and in . a rabidly ;rowing community-. ,. Full of Gootl Tilings for; Ererybody. Fartn Notes, Stories and Poetry, Sunday Read ing, Gems of Humor, Science and" Art "1 terns, Gossip for. the Ladies, Jottings r" and- Cl4))ings, Stories for Little . v. . Folks, Sicy .Editorials and , s Locals, and funny items " ' 1)V " OLD JllUtRYGRAHIiy." . . j ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. SPECIMENCOPY.FREE. SEND FOR OX E. . . Address the Editor and Proprietor, .IAS. A. RiJBINSON, dec 2 ff-tf. Winston, N. O. : ' j . new "soitsi: : ! ... y; VVeekly Herald. I ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tie circulation of this popular newspaper, has jmbre than trebled during the past year. It ctn fains all the leading news contained, in the DaIly Hkrai.o, and is arranged in handy de partments, The j .!.:; -. :" FOREIGN NEWS emlisraees srieeiai dispatches from all quarters of the glober Under the bead of ; : AMERICAN-NEWS are iven tlie Telegraphic Despatches of the. Week from all "parts of the Union. This' fea turefalone makes ! THE WEEKLY HERALD the most valuable chronicle in tlie world, as It f is the cheapest . Every week is given a faith- tiil reort of ' 1'OLITICAI NEWS emliacinu complete and comprehensive de. patches from Washington', including full re- i port of the speeches of eminent politicians on the Questions of the hour. ; f" : -rPTT V X.' 1 if OL'O A DTIIUMT j.iJ.J-j I'JIHJl llil .Ilk .'1 li.. X of tlie Wektcly Herald givos the latest as wellias the most practical suggestions and dis- eoveries relating to the thities of the fanner. hint for ratsinf Cattle, Poultry, Grains,' Trees, i . Vegetables, etc' etc., with suggestions for keep- ! ing buildings Jand farming ntensils in repair. , Thislis- supplemented Iry a well-edited depart ment, widely copied, underthe head of y THE HOME. ;' ; f giviflgrecipas for, practical dishes, hints for I makjng clothing and for keeping up with the i latest fashions at the low;est price, i Every item of choking or economy sugsrested in this de- i partjjieht is practicallv tested bv experts before i puuiieaiitii.. jikerd icthii tiur runs unu Aboli tion Correspondents on the very latest fashions. ; Theilome Depurtmi-ut of" the .Weekly. Her- -Al.pKvill save the housewife more than one hundred times the price of the paper. , The in terests of t. 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AiU''-'-AA.: . ,J j Office (Sejcer al Scpkbixi bxdext, ' - . .WiiiiiiBgton, Xvt'-, May l i, 1&79. ; ' J y CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. J Oii and after this date, the' following sched ule wiU be," operated on Him Railway : r. -; -' t rASSKSCLER, MAII, A" EX PBHSS TRAIX., ;.. .) Leave .Wilmuigtod at.;.i...,7:00 P 31 No. f .- Amv at Hamlet af... ..-w.2:27 A M t j at Charlotte at ..,:&) AM' i Ieave Charlotte at . ,8:25 P M No. ?. V Arrive at H: m'f4at.-.....v.t.,.l:3 A I J iJVr at Wiiarinton t..,..V:o0 A M Close connec-i'on made at Irani let with trains of lialeigh & Augusta Air Line Railway. SHEtCY DIVI8IOSJ MAIL, FREIGHT PAS ' I " SRXGEB AXO KXrBltiS. . i. 3 " . .::-: x Leave Charlotte... ............ S:40 A M ?" 5 " Arrive at Shelby ......,12::W P M v irt ( Iave Shelby ......I..... 1:15 P M, , ") Arrive at, Charlotte- 5:0.5 FM1 , . : V Q JOHNSON, i dec 2 9-tf : General Superintendent. i -H - 1 4 gJTUATION -WANTED. I aIyOUNG LADY thoroughly competent to teach the English branches, French and Music, desires a situation as ASSISTANT in a Semi' - nary, or will take charge of a school -or teftoh in a private family. Keferenees exchanged , ; i e j i." : .i i ,i . rvmi. ., m,.. . i,.u.,i..,i..i :..i.i5.i. Utatf; which Iidy Beresford had described I with an exhaustive. Analytical Indexed .. I torner Martin and .SaJisbary Strata. ; -its sinews slirunk" up and-'every nerve f alo a comjdete Jahle ofTases. fc . .-Genuine iHihlia XXX Brown Stoat on j, tf i - I . . m . : .- i -.- draniht with Bass Ale; the old Einglinh drink .wiintrtu . .-. . . . , .. . - , , ; KDTTED BY v fe 'f Half-and-Half, can W proeurediin the future : Lady Beresford son. Sir Marcus Beres- ' J at TIM. liKIC'S t'lA'B Hoi;SK. 1 nappy ijauy .jsexusioru-: were .long in me i win piease remit, wnen u win ue mrwawpu as possesion of Lady Betty Cobbe, by whom j direHed- AdlrS8 v he kbove story Constantly related, and ! ' EDWARDS BROUGHTON A , i , J . , x, , i , ' - nov 'Li, 1-tf , - - r Publishers, ItfUeigh, KsjC. Who, together with the other, members of i r.. ' - .. AUuress - 0y 25 8-tf : i "TEACHER." Box 285, Raleigh, Jf. C. f m n ' j?-:? j I VI Li 1 1 U I II & Tlflf j LHlf rUuLIUH I IUlljl . ?: x NOW im: A I) Y ' -! . i N.' S-'-i. .. - The Law Lectures of tU , , " . : -N. v f M. rT,,V tnflM U-9flviS i itUM &Si.03l Mt ffi3,. : . . sffk i rrtTVnfZ ,he PA. ; . F"9 I u" '.Z Z Z,.?"! l.I .'T." VJS?.. si h rules of pleading and their incy$iu; , , . . . . , " . i .,,2 , j Pded with Rfere Xoandalor- s t j UM1d .1 r.. T 2 - .- ..'. JtM N Price oo. Py Mail $r, 20. J Send orders at ouce. i . B ? " 1ITOV & cn&fj gh.x.c. X? Publishers, Ralei 5th N.Oi Digest, EMnnAcixo the Uetorts fboV 71st Tiji-ffrm: - m YOLrMJC, BOTH IXCI-CSIVE. 111 t irnn WIF TJA TT PT 110I1 Y . 11. iiAljjl, ... , . .. v, , y- , I, lurmrrhj A t fortify General, Oxh jom- mutmoner, etc': PbICE $4 j0.' SE5T By MAIL $1 ?v?v -.. partie who 'have subscribed for thil'ihook j L AGE 11 BEE II. M. BILL, CITY BOTTLING WOtS ! ALE, BEER; AND PORTER BOTTl.EnEsn .:'. EVERY DAY. . ' - ; ,lTtT; , - & Only the Best Brands Lised: 1 ' , ' -7 i The following Medicinal. Waters, strcly re-- commended by the Medical Faculty, fc? also 1 liottled: i Sodfi, Potass, Seltzer, Jithfa, Carrarar-i Tonic, Magnesia, A ppolinaris and Vichy.'sir- l - - - -:.r-f '. Orders FIJM Promptly A nyicfierjiyb the, ' ii Prices. :.. :... If;. . !, i ... I -1. V - , 1 ,. :.. 1 The Beer, Ales and Porters bottled byiM are put up ia convenient 'shape, and always $hid a ! ready sale. Write for prices. Try theij?rod be- 1 convinced. - " j . , o : :. ( PROFESSIONAL CAKD' yM, M. COLEMAN, , 1 . ATTOllNEY'AT 'L Afc&r . i t WASHINGTON,- D. C, A? ' x. ! ' Will attenil troinptly to all business colineeted 1 j With the .different departments of the &ivern- - ( 1 ment. Sjecial attention paid to Patents. j oct 28, 1879 4-tf '. ;-'j I .-"--h". "'. ' ; ' ! I -:.- - j I II. A. CHI.LIAMJ I S v , V JOHN CrJffl.IJfG. I G I Ti L I A M &,fi ATLINCj. ' I At to r n e ys at Lar RALEIGH, N. C. , Q Yra.nio in Snfp ami KiIoral rVmrLK oct 7, 1879 l-tf is ' R..T. E. R. fciVMPS. & S T A MPS, Atto r n e at L,aw, RALEUHI,L C. 1SSf Refer toi the Banks and busuiesien of i TJaleio-h. i; . . . . I fZ R-rl'tf8 P'"ltly attended JC . L . H A R R 1 S ' ! . ' Attyl c"a f Office South of Court Housk in cSkn- TINEL Bl ILDING. fT Practices in all the. ( otirts of the Stafv oct 7, 1879 1-tf ' ' J TI (1 li O C E R I E S . I -- - p-' - - A 13 A K Ti AV PA PPPl.Rl? OS. J I II L i XJ VJV 1J ll J1171JU UX i m RAX EI G H. ST. S. "y - :? I ' f r.-: ! ""': : - ,;. ' ' WHOLESALE - - -- ...... if.': II-"!" Q R OCE R6 f! -I AND- Gottoa Commission Mercl&ti , NEW STORE : No. 2 WilmingtftflS - . v?4f '.T, ' ''-";'!-i?i'.-v- r ' ' J f3 . IN STORE AND ARRIYINf& . ' ' ' f'i 30,000 yards BAGGING, all weights. - : 1,000 bundles Piece'Ties,-Arrow BmJss.' . . ' 25,000 pounds Clear Rib Sides. . : : Jji 10,000 pounds Bulk Shoii lders. 9 " .. ' , 40 bags Rio Coflfee. if CO barrels Sugar, all grades.!- 40 Tbarrels Cuba. Molasses." ioIiisses.v$. j , j A ft ULL LINE' OF CASE GOODS, FRESH AND CAREFULLY jE- -LECTED. ALWAYS KEPtf. . . - jF3 Personal attention given to C8tt'! sales. Liberal cash advances made on 'ootteif 'Stored. , We have special facilities for storage okyptton. Terms 25c. per month, per bale.. ; Consijfepients and correspondence solicited, i " " i' oct 7, 1879 l-3m " - V' 'ji- - M; GRAU!SMAN,'i -A. ' ' - - v - t iliolesale and Retail Dealer in sr l v V MA m irr r f i i Vr FajctteTllle Street, BALEIGIN. Cy . . y - - A FULL STOCK OP SELECTED '' FA MIL Y GR O CJJJlfES; A ' :-A;,i -?. ' A'-ft:A ::-tJilyTrM-1 ALWAYS IN STORE. - f Fine Lines of BRANDIES, WINES, E CANNED' GOODS A SPECITY. CIGARS: of Finest Brands. . , FRUITS AND CANDIES, fected. .-w ww -i ivwf.w. y. u I ' . - -, - .. . --. K W SCHOOLS. -I ST. MARY'S SCHOOL. - RevB. utDi&l M.. Printit. jMb. f TlI Vln,.. T..J fn .'...t . - - ! fSrS.SaSS-SSSfTS ' ikwbC A full corps of able arid experieae -j- 1 tbfi..eniral:TdHit Fnadi. mmi nnan pV repm the Ivinciwd fceU Justified in Worn- -n'lin ,he l-one of pwents dur.nt 1 "r ?,.tef5dv"- fq ? I this .country, for thorough, education, for itrfla i s- inv ftnrmnnflincrv a ml r.. MWfnl I . p, - " vhav.u. m mm ir -iwwhm mining.. twIS'kVmL" Forfe r terns of dar iscfaolan from $15 to $.10. Th on! v extra rharr are for 11a- wc,: Art and" Language. Special 'studenta, j whether boarders or otherwise, rewired ia cith er of these branches. : , For catalogue and circular, apnlv to KEY. It. 6MtlES, - -! . St. Mary's School, . oct 14, 1879, 2-tf .Raleigh, N.C. HOTELS AND 1U-STAUBANTS. TT r T T? i?C -r- raleigh i CLUB HOUSE. Delmortico of the $outh." A,'"lla,,,!.ol,i . lhtI- Ah on hand old Kobioson County Whuikjr, ; t nines. ; o a .ii juii...;, r i., son served iu" fimtlasH order. t . .yine priv8Je sitting Kooms ra that parties . can always be private. ift rench Cook. Oct t, 1879 1-tf.: DRY GOODS!. NOW ON EXHIBITION An Hnesipialed i Assortment cuft EnaltHhi French and Dopiestic ,''!' DKK8S FABRirs, SI LlC VELVETS, : LACES,' . - TRIMMINGS, . 'I-.-.! :f ,'.. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, Etc. Etc., !' FOR VJrirTTI2. 7 ' i logetner witti all the latest ovlties in - j -. - , ! . iDamasse and Brocades, i r . i 7 . With PERSIAN, INDIA, JAPANESE and 1 ' other Antique Designs audi Colors . ' . tor tlamiture, Drapery and -i . ; 1 " . Cunibination Costunies . . . I r t .' -i EM1JOSSED ftROCADE ANI SATIN STRIPED VELVETS AHfJ p'jySHES ' ' ALSO . BtXTTONB. YNCY, PEARL ' .MS AiND METAL, i - . . . " r I . : ' I - - ! the most novel patterns ; ball, flat, round, octa- rrn llnnrr -irktral ennava. on1 m'dmnnil chanAa . cfiiy v tj mi I V T t uVuua j iiuu uiaioiri mi rv-t3 . painted in exquisite colorings or.in inlaid and i raised designs. ' - ;' ' ... i ; f I iJ A DIES' DOLMANS AND 'WRAPS', ' CLOAKS, ENGLISH WALKING JACK ETS AND .ULSTERS, SI AWLS i FOR LADIES, MISSES AND ' CHILDREN, MISSES' VCLOA.1CS AND ; ULSTERS. J !. jtXOW OPKxUxi) R-ECEIVKD DAILY. "1$ Prices to niert all ClaxeT.of Purchasers. W. II. & R. S. nov ll, 1879 l-3m. i . j TUCKER. NEW GOODS ! Pretty Goods -A XI Cheap Goods! Doors Open Daily. Admission FREE! '' ' r v.1 : ;i GOME TO CREEGH'S! Vi desire la call the .attention of buyers of Dry Goods to the fact that -never in the last twenty jgve years haVe I, had the pleasure of "offering to any numerous friends and customers a more at tractive stock of goods than I offer this season, aeeaeh and every department is full and com plete, and embraces everything that is kept in . a firstrcUs Retail and Jobbing House. V I have a corps of polite Salesmen, of ten to - twentv years experience, which will justify me in saying that niy House is. thoroughly organr ijd, and customers will save' time and money bt coming to Creech's to buy Goods. ,3. wish to call your special attention to my .Black and Fancy Cashmeres as one of my spe cialties in Dress "Goodsi ' I also ask your siiecial attention to my stock of Cloaks, as I have the brgest and most complete assortment tnat was ivt brought to this city, and ladies, will find it Irt their interest to examine my Cloaks before bnving elsewhere. I ''( ify Shoe and StapleGooda Departments should neSi'r be forgotten, as the goods tvill . lie sold at pnees to meet the hard times. ! . . ; A. CREECH. if v V j ' 1 ' t I Sv The -Wholesale Departniient ia, full and chants want. ' C41II and examine them when you Want to buv, and I will save vou some monev. ' A-CREECH." t v T S 1 1 i 1. -. r - DEALER IX i. ' DRY GOODS, Fayettevllle Street, KEEPS! ALWAYS ON HAND Ill llscriptlons of Ladies'; Dress Goods, LMens' and Boys Clothing, bifis, CLO Vi BOOTS AND SHOES, , . : A HATS. FULL LINE.S OF' u - ' . ' r Vi? EVERY VARIETY!. ---.-!? . 1 1 . ! rr l A.. ' ;! ; - i ;::,: :' ' , .' AND-- . i : . -' , FOVpTS HAND-MADE SHOES, f ARE SPECIALTIES. We ale auong the largest dealers in Hand. j ma le slKCn'the State. ! i j , j -! Or.W.d.promylllled. . - 27.,' efoor FOled tcith Goods , 1 priees to suit bayera. r : - T i t- t ar i -r scTi u. r- vib 4r mi INSTKANCE. i LIFH IN8UBANCB GOHPT, hp TTTtTvnrn . vrao mt oioit comianiM in the eoantry, having been established in ls, it haa all th adTaatagea of af ad exprrirtw. With a low rati if expeme, it olm riMt lMiiM oa MmpU phuu. - . ; ( ! The. Company haa dUbanrd to th tkinilica of forty -wra poliey-hnl.W ia thia tate, dunnr tWpaattea year,fias,Ki.ia. . 1 .') , bend for (Uteiurota, ete to I "1 - SAM h l)Ol'GL.Cs WAIT, '. 1 ; , General Apmt, , oct 7, tS79 l-3m. RALEIGH. N. C. Established Comblaed Awt.v $14t,;fi,4rS.OO. P. r. PESC.UD. P. F. rCSCl'D, Jr. '. ' : I : . '''. i '.' l'-. I P. F. PESCUD & SON., -: 1 A ' 1 ' 1 . j . I "' : GENERAL . - Life & Fire Insnrauce Agents AND ADJCSTERS ! Haliwh, N. C, Oct 7 Th readera of thia twner wanting 1879. insnranoe on any kind pi, lnnurahle property, oo their live, or against accident of anyi kind, ara in- " w innivr- appiicauona to us. . . j Our Companies compriae thoae lirat known j and most distinguished for their I strength, I promptness and liberalitr. I T ! p. f. piscrn i son. ! octY, 1879 1-Sra. II. :', ! rpHE NORTH CAROLINA 1 ! i Home Insurance Company, ' ' Of RALEIGH, N. C. f ;t .-. 1 ,..: (ORGANIZED IN IM'.s Insures against loas bv fire on - DWKLLINfJS, . . 1 . FURNITURE, ; - ! , i - STORES, MERCHANDISE, AND FARM PROPERTY, , t . Including COTTON GINS, ' :-.rl:'.-;. '!'.',; ' ' 1 ; i. - . Of the liettcr kind, on as favorable rates asanr . .. - - 1 i .' - j . . Reliable Comjianyl ! ;:' i-.'i .( .- ' : ' ' a. i JOHN GATLING, President. W; 11. CROW, Vice-President. W.- S. PRIMROSE, Sec'y and Treasj P. COWPER, Adjuster and Supervisjr,i . oct 7, 1879 l-3iii. . .;'' j' : j ! . NolRTH CAROIiINA STATE 1 - ' ' I -V ' Life Insurance Comp'y, .y A', ;:-A 'i- ;' : '' . " . Incorporated in 1372 .';;.!. -;' -: :.' 1. : RALEIGH, - .... NORTH CAROLINA. F. H. CAMfRON, - - - President. W. E. ANDERSON, . - . . Yice-President. W. H. HICKS, . - Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. E. B. HAYWOOD, - - Medical Director. Prof. E.'B. SMITH, - - - Advisory Actuary;, Assets, . . . I $260,170.70 Surplus to Policy .Holders, 175,394.20 THE STATE LIFE IS THE ON LY HOME COMPANY I IN , . NORTH CAROLINA.) . It is the only Company that invests all its funds in the State. All of its money is kept at -home and circulated among our own people. . Out of fifteen companies reporting ko the N. C. Insurance Department, the Nj C. State Life issued more Policies in the State Hast year than an oi tne rest put together. . I LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY. i Company's rates as low as those of tamy first class Comjmny 1 n. livery man, rich or"j)oor, neeocinsuranee. It will cost a man aged 30 about five cents a day to keep his life insured for One Thousand Dollars. j . j i. . NORTH CAROLINIANS, STAND BY AND SUPPORT YOUR OWN HOME :.'i;-'-yy ':';;'. INSTITUTIONS. ' For Any particulars concerning this excellent Home .Company, apply ; to any of Company's Agents or to Company's, office in Raleigh. . 50Good agents wanted irf every county in the State. . - ; oct 7,1 17 1.3m. .' CLOTHINCri Jt. B. ANDREWS, j; ; " S. W. WHITING. 1lJ R. B. ANDREWS & CO., DEALERS IN CLOTHING For Men and Boys. EXTRA LARGE SIZES A SPECtALTT. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODSt, - HATS AND CAPS, jjkess a u lias, , COLLARS, CUFFS, i TIES, SCARFS, I SUSPJJNOERS, HALF HOSE. GLOVES, j ! HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDER WEAR, TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES. ..,-!.- .-';! ' ' " : ,.' -. ' --.J I . ... Prompt attention given to orders from a dis. tance. No. 27 Fayettevlllo Street, KALEIGH, N. C. oct 7, 1879 l-3m I . CONFECTIONERIES M. J. MOSE LEY. CONFECTIONER AND RESTAURATEUR, FayftteTille Street, Raleigh,! N. C. Choice Fruits and Candies. , The only Ladies' Restaurant in the City. Oysters served in all styles Day or Nightl Ele- gw oiuwa apccimiF lur usnmi Oct 14, Z-3UI tt if CLOTHIcI Sh f- 1 1 MATS a. CAPS. I U ' A v- I DQDff ! 3' STATE SCTIOOL BOOKS. OPFIOIA.L. Offlf ftaytTaaIIe lavtrartlaa. HA IKW1I, Srpt. PrA,l7n. Capt. W. B. KKXDRICK, Gen. Aprmf; I mtrrr$fy P-h Cu., , RAllEIGl. X. , Dear Sir: It gives me, pleasure to i' inform you that Holies' Beaters anl Mil A llairy's Geopjlies, .. i. Holies' Grammars 5 History have been adopted for use in the PuJlio I Schools of thit State. J! f 'Very respectfully, ' . il' : . '4 '! " ; john c. st AunoRonai, y Siipt. of Public Instruction. These books will be furnished to the jnipil fur -i... :i ' FIRST INTRODUCTION at such low rates as will enable school .oulcers' ''".'. , ; ' '!. A (!'.': -. ' f' and teajchers to bring about a - ' - I ':' ' ,' 1 i , . complete uniformity of. ! " I i1 vi .' '.' -"' .' text-bookar ia the - ' . . ,f ' " - " ehools ander , their charge. List of Books i anl Prices: READERS AND SPELLER. Intrndorllon EsrhaafWf . Prim. FrlcK.T IIolmc8VFirst4leader,j.' $0 .13 Holmes' Seoond Reader, 22 Holmes' Third1 Reader, - 34 Holmes' Fourth Reader, J 45 Holmes' Vifth I Reader, ! 75 $0 -07 12 18 24 '40 07 Holmes' Speller. I -i.A ' 12 EXTRA READER FOR ADVANCED CLASSES. , i - 1- nolmes', Academic or Sixth ', Reader, 94 50 1 $0 20 i C4 i 80 OErKJRArKlES. ( Maury's First Lessons in ! I Geography, I $0 'AC Maury's World, We Lire ' .. . "' In'; " ';' !'!';. 75 : Maury's Manual of Geo- : graphy," I .. vyj I 20 Maury'a Physical 'GeU I ' ' graphy, j '!;: ' 1 50 Maury's Wall Maps, set j of eight, net, ) 10 00 ' y :i. - - :--a ' . ... ' GRAMMAR AND I1IBTORT. ' - '-. - 1 !: '' ; -;-''! !,!.. . Holmes' First Lesson in Grammar, $0 35 Holmes' English Gram- ! t mar,. ;. 55 'Holmes' History of the ! , 1 United States, . 95 0 28 50 Explanation. A; pujl who is now using a book by some other author, may, by giving It np .in exchange, bny one of Holmes' or Maury ' books of same kind and grade, at the Excknnyt JYice. This he can do no matter how much soiled or worn his old book may be. If he has no old book to exchange, their he may bay one of Holmes' pr Maury's at the Imro- duction Price. : f'.'i L ' i ! ''!'': '"I? . '. ' : For further information address, v rNITERSITt PUBLISHING CO.. ' 0 Afmrray Street, . A- NEW YORK. ' A A - - - ' ' . '-, Or Capt. W. B. KENDRICE, "-- ' Gcn..!Agenf University Pmb. Ci, ; ' ' ' iRALEIGII,:N.;C. oct'Zl, J879, 3-3m DRUG C. ISTS. ' Williams & Haywood, WIloLTSALK AND RETAIL DXl XX O O X O X O. ! nrAl.l.R M f Hitter f. fumrf Arttfirt. G.vinE. AND tilt ASS SKKPS , CIUAR.O, Clir.lVlMl AM) HMOKIXO TtRAvi omtaiitlv on hand. WlllTi: LEAD. PUTTY, KFRfMESr, LIN- Sin:H. TANNEK'S AND MACHINE UIJ. WINIMIW til-AfW, I VAUMH .I:tv. j T WEST V KICKS. A .. J . .-.J .. . . . i ' ' 1 ' ' : w M. SIMPSON. Wh!riale and Retail IValer In t Al Agricultural Chcniicals :j ; Full a-iid well Mort-d lim-s of Druir. Palenl inr Tim Irt Articles, -Perfumery, SMi l'i'VI aud UanWn herlM, lrn-, 1'ruwra, Ac fcrtilizoKs for Fanners ' .''' ' I ' !'' , -. i .1'. irsv on hand a full Mi-k of VhrinWU for Al the . Home Manafaclnre of IVrllllirra. . whiijli are otl'f rel at hkw ptrej", iud rank ili tfi lt artificial iiiaiiurmi iii Ifse rftitrk . The Chi iiicals are pure, an sflcr U-ing t-l.il ? . : , the' )rarl ment of Agriculture are pronounce ! ! ; fillW Up to the hihct Ktnudiird. '.'-I ' - ' " ' ' . .' 'Send for pamphlrt iitiitaining formula and tenlitnoiiiaU. , f : , wt 7, 1"U !'. ! , T PFHCI'I). ; I.EKra6 " '-' ' I-. . DRUG (J ISTS. WlKlt.WALK ANIl ItETjAII., - Corner Fartttef 111 aad Marila MrrVls," , UALE1GI1, NC. !' . pair Garden Srril n Sprcinlty.fJA, Mineral Walera on 'Jrailifht ami in bottle. ! j Fill! LiiW of Fancy (mhmU ia rvrrjr variely. j 0 Hnishin, ( oiul-i, IVrfu, Homi,' HurgU al I sfc-. strumciitu, etc., aluays wu hand., ; (jiuARHoi- Best RitA.M)N Sale. pLrtitnlnr nttcntioii (,iven t roftipoiuidiiig" IYi-friptim.; 1 j' curt 7, 17M I .nm. ' 1 ' - MEUCUANT TAILOUINJI. j T. R.' Loader. KatiWiictlon in all reMi-ts gharaiiUiil. HI ITU MADF, Ttl ORDER WITH MiKin H' The finest line, of Mmi.lix In tl.'.ti. O... I .1 -" ' " ' J t "Ml ms styles rmtn .which to iuak m-lrrtion. r BOOKS AND STATION Ell)'. i Books : Books! Hooks! For North Carolina sViuxhT Kdhool History of North CaroHna. Ry John W. Moohk ntrmluctory Price, rl ecnu. r1 hR North Carwina Maoistratkh; f Hfad Book for toualr OfBeem. Rasbe's Jnsllef. I. " .rL.- SJ .VI)., For North Carolina Lawvkr Tourj-ec's Digest of Cited ( Ws. ! ".' : . ' x - Pri, lliisi; , Taarfee kVo4 V.il. N4ci mu lh. , L f f 1 - . . . 1 ; ' riMons, rw K htlwi. . price. ',.:). For North Caroli na Tkaj iii.rh: j HCHOOL BOOHS AT IjOW VMVVsl Llieral diiMMUut to Twnhera aa I lKlr,. jsrv aiaiorucs tree m aool tl..a. A.Ll, rf-S A ALFRED WILLIAMS A CO.. Bookseller anil Ktatloaeni 7.1879 1 if RAUUGII. N. ""'lltMlTS IHoes. ! WALKER, ' r.w.aMfTM y ALKEU 4 'MM I Til , NMITH. ! i , WITH. .1 ' B E N E D I C T. Ji A h L & C0;. . : i r . i ; i ! i . i MAxrrAcri krs asi Jobukm or B O OTS A N d s h e p.q Of all kiixln for tha'Soutliem tnMk-, including .. . u erlebrated . . . , Ktaadard Kerf w-FastraH Vo4n. -promj4 attention given to orders. 134 asd 1M Grand Street. Vkw Ynm. '' : J$r a d I . 2 '9 ';H H lmt. , --- I I C .pi K f-t7.I87 Ltf H''.-'' '": I," ,1 ; ' T . . , ' 'I ' I .'. H'i T, 4: ,1 i -V.".. - 'I - v a, ... --J r- i, ... I ' iMA- .ft t : v.'' ft 1" m 'm