- v .. 1 ' v ' I. I ! j I V J t ? -? : L ' , I" . . .TV .. ..' ."."til ::;! ' r':'-. v'- .''' !" --:'! -.V'-.:'-""".'.'- :.- '' " -1 'v ' -f ; " -" -' ;P J!; .'..'. ; v : " ' f': ' :.. r . . . ; - ' ....,: . - ' . ' ' 1 '; i il l V rlf.1 ''! . 1 4' : ti- 54 ' m 9: - i i 1 f v.. Jt - ; .--. 'tt--V M4J fi't w, 5 2- ' 1 1 1 r 1 1 4 It, ' ? .' A ill" f - - ' .-. 4 -. : n St "; -;l Mt"l;i'':-' ' ' : f. ::v 1 i - ?,v-- i ! ';'" r 'V I l - n : . : fr - ' - 1 .: ' MHy; Mat il.Httl ha i;i:i. u, . c. Ti :kiaV...t.... !.( KMBKR 16, 179. FRED. A. OLDS, - CItj Editor. T WN AXI Coi'NTV X)TEM : . Tin re arc now 2-irl-nrs wafiiuxl in Hie county v ' . ; , , F.Hir j- r ivirt. Stat lx.nd new L-'sue, i C'liurches arc iftHy decorated C-hristinas. .Otllt Th; revenue olW-tions, in thin listrict, ' f.r t'io w-;k cn'Iinjr Saturday aiuountcl to ( hi a iintiilxT of tfie Mreetrf young and haii'lMiinchaI; trei-s are In-in st-t out, to : ivj.KtL-en.M oni-s. . . . - 1 ; An. "yli-pint twy-htory fceiuVnee is ; being . built at Vak; Furext Collefrc for President Those Il. IVitchard. .- . ; I . I ; , h t'the building of the new bridge at Mil ourm, awarufU uie work lu Jmi dolin.n at'Sl'l. He w to have it completed by March 1st. - ; . ' . ; i 'I'll r.T liil 1 V- " - u S.UVA JIIIU Ileadiiartei-sfir eh'ctions of fl of, thej'jrst and Second Itegir 'I" -! . I IVMI II .1 I' 1- . ' ( Jrdt-r.' hav? le-u Ls.sued from (Jeneral of Cold officers riments arnl 1'uiirth and Fifth Battalions of the North ; .(jirolifia State (iuard. f . .1 udge A veryV-will hold the Superior " 'Court during thejiionth of Januar and dudteiudgerwiIhoId it during February, The term will begin with the new year and ffiitii'iu; for mx or seven weeks. , lvi 'Hi- FjxeeHency (inventor JarvLs and a party of distinguished gentlemen leave tc " day l"rthe. Blue Ilide where "jhe will'for : hiftlly ojK-ii theJ Swahnanoa Tunnel and go on the lii ttain on the Western liailroad '-thr.Viigii JLlie. Itidgi!, ' ' -;. - , ... fMV. y. J. Kllis i.s .building a singular ih !liiigoiHIillsboro avenue. It is a frame " lniii-.e filled, in with brick, only the'ihiek - k rAs Vj a. bcick , that W font" inches w-ide.' 'liicr pnn:ly is no other fiuch' example' "Of building -m llie State. , " . , " Al handsome monument lias leen erected ui Oakwood CemeteryvtO- the memory of. the late- Judge William II. Battle. The ' base is i jf colored marble and the shaft of :pur.j ".white -marble. Other monuments '.are being built for-the lata lion's. Bat. F." plimre, Jyhn "(. WiHiam-i, and Jefferson Fisher.; ' - :. ;K--;. ' V itevl r", C'. jNorhian, who "has for four . j- ii"-:f years,been the popular pastor of the Second ;f- ; .'!;f '. j MetliodLst Church, has been assigned to .l.': 1 :t'j' t liu'isbjurg, and is succeeded by Key. T. Wk Siiii.-Kev, W. S. Black returns to thi I lrsf 3lethodst Church for Another term T'j-j -lJl vjtwoJyears much to the ileasurp .xF his rr ' - cuhgregation . t ' J "t. The ltegister of Deeds is sending out J'laiiki to be used by merchatiti and other ; Uoaurs.. in making returns of their1 pur r .chases.! The iay rcpiire these, o be t . made twice each year, on the'lst of -Janu-; ary and July, to embrace all purchases " rnile ' during the preceding 'six months, -uriijer Sehe(!ule B., of the ltevent(e act. V V fiilure to luake auclr returns is an fn . du-table offence. . . i- . 1 - f. ),, ' - : '. ": - ! - .fy. " pKATiiSjJames Hodge, " a sn of V Iadison Hmlge, living about 9 miles fronr ! J:il-igh, ified suddenly on Tuesday. V ; Seaton (ial's, mfant son of Weston It. Oatef, diM on Friday, in the city, aged a '"" little over a year'. " ;. " t ' INiTEi States Circi-it; Court, ' I : . .SiiulgerIIugh Ii.. !Ilond has arrivd, and S i ; f" .witliV'udg Oeorge.W. Brooks, is jon the :I bench. ' A number of case's, mostly? unim- ; ; g; : , 'p.rtant, havebeen tried. Two important ' : j I .-- ones i were those of the'Wesleyan female J f (4Ueg vs. the Virginia Fire and Marine '.' J . Insurance Company, of Kichmond, Va., U "w. .-, ' i wJich was settled by "compromise ; , and : - that'vf Jaeiib .Weirvs. the Cape Fear & i : 'rf Vadkin-Valley Kailroad, for S20,000dam- f J. . ' ages for injuries-received, which was gained j $3 - "hi the defendants. " This week the equity t '1st r :. dtHL-ketls being, tried, and the Court will .i-obably adjourn about Thursday. KEK. Ine old corner of Dawson torn, down to f . make: room for the "ew primitive Baptist il' i - cnurt-n. t-ai tne I'eace insucuie, rn- Iv l : V day evening, one of those delightful enter I f i I -tainnients known as an "Old Folks' Con- cert "ber; as given. a. consiu.'raoie :num- initrovements have been made at ( )akwHd Cemetery in the way of cleaning - up and; arranging lots, Xc. -rThe ladies : are preparing evergreens for the Christmas : 7 ; decoration of the ; churches.- Maggie 1 Walton, a colored ,girl, five years of age, 5 , .'. - died suddenly Wednesday.. The cause of - v death "was . hemorrhage. -The freight . bainuss - continues very large, 'abd- the ; - f trains are longer than ever before; - j "Messrs. Bingham $ Wagstaff have begun - -the manufacture t of tobacco. - Tnirteen ' f ha"hds . are employed -and-seven more will :, - tie added at an early day.- -Work at the . "-Rescue engine1 house goes on slowly. - The 1 tjuarters appear to .be rathen too small For rVthe engine, hose carriageshorses and men. I '"'A very; lrandsome organ has ,been f - placed in the' chapel at , St. Mary's. The instrument is sweet in tone and is quite an I ( addition to the thapel, Two lads en- Srra-ed in a cpiarrel in the Gnided School 1 ' Friday morning, and one of them, drawing a knitVcut the other in the arm, severing, an artery - Mr.". William Q. Upchurch- lias a fine herd of pure Jersey cattle at his nffTnea this city. Last week he p v cliasel in -3Iaryland two more thorowgh brM cows of that breed "which were ex- , I'Jsletl-T There is another street" nuis- s aif in 'the shajie of a drove of sheep, - - which promptly enter yards 'if by chance a v : "ate be left open.: he nunjjber of bad '. Ilo 4 which roam the streets late at 'night - is irriat-. ' f . . ' ' . ... ' The Baptists in North CaroLtIxa. Mr. John i- Ray, Secretary of the B mtist Sunday School Board, has sent us v 1 a copy. 01 uiepi uaxuiuu-? vi iuc --u S.EftI - ' SJ---t:; f ilia 1iiir.twt Stato f.ini an- l?.nl we following "Number v " of hools ui operation during the, year . it T . - mini mi i.i "" - 1 (I t " : lion a- r . - : U f --Vlf-ivs. -l' t..K"S' Allen of the Sundav School I t A . - Jt - ltiunr - 7 : ti tne -I -I s-I " r600 ; number of new schools organ- izl in loy, more man -u ; total numoer ..f liools, 610. dumber of churches this side pf tne Blue Ridge, 20 ; number of churches without schools 200 ; number of" otYimnnicants!in the 720 chnrches 73,000 J number of attendants in 'The 640 Sunday, i "f'. ..hools, less, than ! 40,000 of these not tians, which leaves Of the church mem )eis who bre hot regular attendants . upon the Sunday School, 65,000, The white .Baptist , Associations iaNortU Carolina number 2, with 464 ministers. The" wbvle number of churches in the Associa fionX is 736, having about 75,500 commu nicants. .OUR MANUFACTORIES, . TIk re are in tliis city five wood-working 'hhos, one Loiler inanufactory, and two iron foundry and machine tdioj, alrowti?d by private individual. To these. must be addeJ the shops of tlieIlaleigh anY(- ton Ilailroad, at nrhicli both iron and wood work w done. It it not saying too much to htate that at all of tliese manufactories the work done 4s of the bet character, and. off such finiwb as to be regarded as uriMirpaftifr ed iii the ioutb. ' We prr pose to give brief sketches of'tlie various manufactories to-Jjej ari fir?t take up that o . 'I ; .KLMxViTOJI, ROSIER i o. Tlili firm is comtf!ed of Messrs. . J Kllinirton. Ull. Koyster. IT. F, Fark and K. K. l"ikston. . The slums' are on North street at the railway, near; those -of the It.- & (. It. K., and are admirably located. They were built in i87"i, and are of woxl, two stories in heie-ht and in the form of an L, the main "structure being . l()x lit i'wt and the wing 18x30 feet. The shops were purchased by the present firm in 1H78, and have been fitted with complete and improved machinery of all kinds. The numWr of. employees in the shops is 24. The firm does a large" business in the way of contracts for houses -on any of the rail ways, and on this work employs 20 men. iVll kinds of wood-work, sash, doors and 'blinds, etc., are done, and many thousand shingles are furned out monthly. The business last year amounted to 30,000, and has increased grefttly thfs fall. The lumber used is pririeipally yellow pine, and jomes from points on the Kaleigh and Au gusta Afr-Xane, in Moore t-ounty. Thus far this year 1. . 500.000 Teet JiaveWn pur chaseil. - : i ' ' , J. s. ALLEN & co. : This firm, composed of Messrs. Jacob S. Allen and Fred. WJWatson, is com paratively a new one. The planing shops are loeated on North and Harrington streets neap those of Ellington, Koyster x Co.', and are of wtodr one story in height and in size 140x40 feet'- The wood -working machinery "of all .kinds is of the best pat-' .terns, and the work- done is excellent.. There are in the shops 15 employees and 25 are kept at work putting up buildings, in various parts.ot the Stttte, as the hrm does an extensive contract business in this' 1 " 1.1 1 1 ' ! 1 1 i '11 - -- line, .-asn, uoors.ana Diinas anu an vari eties of interior wood work-are manufac tured. During thej year, ending August ': 1st the business done amounted to about S20,i)00, and about 100,000 feet of lum ber per month is bought. The shops have; been recently enlarged and are to be furth er extended; They were built in the au tumn of 1877, by Mr. Allen. ; ALLEN CRAM.1 ' The iron foundry and machine shop, of this firm' is at the corner of Davie and . McDowell streets. " Messrs. G. W. Allen iand William Cram compose the firm. The shops were built in 1870 by W- T. Adams & Son, and were purchased by the present proprietors in 1 877. .The buildings are .of wood 60x40 feet- AlHkinds of castings : are done,' as well as. iron work of all des--1 - cn'pt 10ns, -but the firm'doas mostly job - work on orders. The -mimhnr of emnlnvoeci I ' at present -is 12.'"" Some improvements have been- made at the shops which are Veil fitted up. The business done amounts to some .810,000 per annum. . i THE RALEIGH & J ASTON SHOPS. As one of our city industries these" fine shops are- worthy of ' extended mention. The buildings are of brick and were erect ed in I860. ' They consist of a round house, 126 feet in diameter, for the accom modation of engines, a jnachine shop 175. ij xSO feet; a blacksmith shop and foundry :i 40x60 feet, and car shops 125x00 feet. i: A lie . 'iiiasiei itk jiiauiiiii;i v is .ui. . x. 11. Harding, a skiHedmechanie, who is ably assisted by Capt. Joseph II J Green. I . 4na-htn. Whrava.nn' oion srn .vnmWor1 In them all repairing of engines and roll- mg stoefc is gone, in; tne wood snops, which are in charge of Mr. R. T. Bishop, 25 men arte employed- ' The : cars of the ; road, both freightand passenger, are built in these and are- as handsome as, any in the- countr-." The road has now 19 en gines ani 237 freight t jrs." The pay roll and expenses of the shops are. about $S0, 000 per annum. .. , ; . . ' ,: y ' R.vlf.ioh's ' Cotton Trade, The past week has hecn one -gf al mast. -unprecedented excitement and depression in the cotton trade. The highest prices of the season 12j for middling, with some sales at 13, wore obtained on Wednesday. ' On? Thursday the depression began, and by Saturday prices fell to 1 1 1 -! for middling w'ith a duU market. , The receipts for the cotton week ending on the 12th instV were large, being 2,471 bales against 1,675 'for the same" week last year; an increase of 7 S6 bales. The total receipts this 'season to date are 32,808, to same-date in . 1878 they were , 28,757, showing an increase of 4,051 bales this year. - ! Bingham School. We are in receipt of the catalogue of Bingham School for 1879, The number for the current ses-; ion .(thfj 17 1st) is 50 per . cent, ahead of the la.it and 25 per cent, ahead of any for mer session. Every Southern ' State, we believe is represented and also New York and Wisconsin, Brazil and' Siam. "' The catalogue claims that the culture of the faculty is broader, the -discipline and in struction better, the satisfaction given to pupil and patron greater than ever before. The Prize n(l Scholarship features are new and so is a Leipzig Ph. D. among the teachers of a Southern School. , The in increasefrom 103 in 1S76, 122' in 1S77, ,142 in 1878 to 1-66 in 1879, is very significant.- BqardTs 812 per month, tuition $50 per session. See advertisement. Mortcary Report . The health of the city shows a. marked improvement. During the week ending at sunset on Sat urday,' 6th instant, tliere was' not a -single leath in the township. .' During the' week ending Saturday, De cember 13th,: there were 4 deaths, of which 2 were white and 2 colored ; 1 was an adult, 3 infants; 1 male, 3 females. , -' - A Narrow Escape. 'A little son of Captain C. N. Allen, who lives near Au burn, about nine milQs from the' city, on the North Carolina Railroad, was "playing in 'a gin house near a line Of shafting which - ran close to the floor. Suddenly he was caught in the rapidly revolving shaft and held fst by his clothing to it as it wentv at apeedof 350 revolutions per minute. -His. clothes were torn off,, first his coat and then his pants and undercloth "ing until nothing was left but his boots. The right leg ras 'broken in two places, the left .shoulder dislocated, and he was bruised "froui head to foot Throe physi-1 cians were in attendance, who dressed his i wounds. They, do not apprehend fatal' re suits, despite the character and extent of Z tne injuries, and the lad inow improving : rapidly. ; Capitol Notes. Adjutant General Jones will not be able to return to his du ties 'before Christmas. Old bond to the amount of 9225,000 were, received at the Treasury. Gov. Jarvis, Treasurer jWortli and Dr. Eugene Grissom went down on Wednesday to inspect the' new I asylum for the colored insane, at Golds bo ro. They report the work as well advanc ed and of excellent character and that the j building will be ready for , occupancy by 'the; 1st of March. Durimr the week the following sheriffs have settled the taxes due by their respective cotuitjes : Benjamin Millikin, Kandolph, $,828.48; J. A. Kobinson. Lincoln, 8i;i20.0T ; K. A. White, Gaston, 84,734.57'; Jas. F. Hi ir, Alamance, 85.5U0.27 ; (X F. Waggo ner, Kowan, 87,036.06 The Governor has offered a reward of 8200 for Bob Fharr, of Mecklenburg, the, murderer 'of K" rr .Watt. Some improvements have teen made in the State Library,, and new books purchased? -The neportg of the Condition' of the State Guard are coming En, and are on the whole satisfactory. The Governor' has ordered a special term of Jones county court, Judge Eure to preside.- -L. F. Howa'rd has been ! ap pointed Isy the Governor a Boundary Com missioner on the part of this State to set tle the line between this State - and -Geor gia, at the point where Itabun county, lieorgia., and Macon county, N. C, join. j During the week convicts have been brought in as follows : Sheriff C. F. Wag goner, ot liOwan, 10 ; Mientf Nathan Barefoot, of Samrson, 1 for burning ia jail: Sheriff C. Ci. Lanford," of DaTie: 1 : Sher iff II. CVlIardison, of Beaufort, 4 : Sheriff J. W." Taylor, of Chatham: 4. Col. Marshall 1 Parks, President of tHe Albe- marie and Chesapeake Canal, exchanged 8100,000 of State bonds for a like amount of stock held by the State in that company. . Maruiaces, During the week there . have been scsveral. marriages of people in the county or city. At Wake rorest. College, lhursday, prof. Needham Y. Gulley, of Jtaleigh, was united in matrimony to Miss: Alice, eldest daughter of Rev. W. M. Wingate, D. D., late President of Wake Forest College. Mr. Alf. Jones of this ceunty, was mart ried at Chapel Hill on Wednesday mornings to Miss Lizzie Looke, ot Chapel Hill, Rev. A. C. Dixon officiatinsr.J j; . 1 Thursday evening ' Prof. Alfred Pauli, organist of Christ"' Church, was united in juarriage to Miss Ida, daughter of Henry' xorman, Esq., 01 this city. 1 1 V v Ajinux xius, a jrersoii vouiiiy auo- striber asks : How many of your readers can beat this 'in the way of hpap? Mr.' If. V . Malone, 01 Bushy fork township, erson fcotinty, killed ten.; pigs seven months and ten days old averaging 141 pounds, all one litter, the mother only eleven months " old at. birth of pigs, j .Come on wiih your i.iirs. f i THE METHODIST PROTESTANTS. AVKSTJ5RX N. C. CONFERENCE-i APPOINT- mknts of 1879-80. ; From the Greensboro Central Ir,otestant. lresident A. M. Lowe. m. r Orange circuitT. F. McCalloch. ; Alamance C. F. Harris. Randolph -W. W. Amick. i 1 , ' Cedar Falls A.'W Lineberry. : Ashbo.ro J. W. Heath.. I Davidson W. C. Hammer.' ? Greensboro J. It. Ball. f (ruilford D. A. Highfill. Haw River Henry Lewalleii. ' Winston T. T. Ferree. Moc-ksville C. A. Pickens. Forsyth W.. C. Kennett. ! " Waughtowh" mission to " be supplied j with V. (r. Hamilton by the President. ; - " mston to oe supplied. ty loan irom t.e iNorth Carolina, ionterenee or other- i wise. Yadkin College S. Simpson. : Kowan J. 11. Vox. ' , Dan River II. C. Fulori. j J 1 Mecklenburg circuit R. R. Hanner. liCatawba II. W. Peeples. Monroe-1 R. W. Pegram. ; Stanly 1. I. York. j Bncoinlnj Sam'l W. Coe. :' ti liigeon Kiver J. L. Moton-i Jersey n)ission' unsupplied. . Superanhuated R. R. Prathef and j . Swain. '-.. .;'., ' -'''J'' -. " ' 'At' Conferpnt-e EAangehst- Abon Gray. Itailroad Business Reports. f For the jvear ending September 30, the I Charlotte observer reports the gross earn- Sings of the Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta i Railroad as 478,491,61, expenditures f$437,964.72, net earnings 40,526.89 j The business of the present year has net j ted 84059.81 over that of 1878. The profit and loss account shows 8105,121.89 i to he credit, and the increase of trade . of the towns and villages tributary to the road gives .good promise of the future prosperity jof the road. The debt of the company ! represented in bonds, bills payahle, accounts, i &c. j is $2,639,943.41; and the amount of ? capital stock outstanding liable for divi dends 2,392.000. ' ; ' For the year ending September 30,. the earnings of the Richmond & Danville Rail-' i-oad were 1,098,597.70, and expenses 598,603.5O. On the Northwestern North . Carolina (Salem) Railroad the earnings fwere 39,241.46, and ' expenses 21,454.- Un the North Carolina ltoad, earn- fingsi 561,264.35, and'expenses $337,170.- yo. ! I he total excess 01 earnin"3 was $704,613.89,' which interest and rental re-. duce to $187,565.23 net revenue. The year's business exceeded last year's $224,- ; 003.89, and the cost decreased 27,795.87v I The: road's finances are in good plight, and i besides laying much new track and build I ing two iron bridges on the North Carolina I Road, arrangements have been made for I 3,000 tons of 65 lb. steel rail for use on it this year. Col. Bufordand the old officers were re-elected at the meeting in Richmond ilastweek. 'r- - ' 'Business News Items: i y " , ' . . -. - - ' .'- i i X O ver one thousand English Operatives are now steadily employed in the silk manufac- itbries of Jl'aterson, N: J.- The majority iof themhVve come from Macclesfield, the "j teat of the British silk trade.! j r The liquor bell-punch, brought $30,735 into the Treasury of Texas i in October, s Complaint is made that the bell is not rung f;in Galveston,: Houston and other cities 5 once for every hundred drinks sold, j ; x St.. Louis estimates her cotton receipts i for the year at 450,000 bales about 23 times what they were in 1866, before the I Iron Mountain and Missouri,: Kansas and Teas roads fhad laid Arkansas, Texas and fj d part of Mississippi tributary to her thrift-, Kdlcati'onal Notes: ,r t r ' The University of the South is to be ifeodowed with three memorial professor ships in honor of. Bishops Elliott, Polk i and Otey. Ue re and Tfaere in North ' ' '. ' ' - LETTER TO THE 3iPlTOR. t .-'.- " ' . i!Sr . 'S ITEMS FROM Hertford CocsTr Notes : t Hertfbrdi Ciiufy, Dec. 12, lkf J Any one traveling from Maoey'a Neclhrough a great portion of Hertford county struck forcibly with .the neat and well kjfSjt farms on the route Ilegardlesig of M short narvesu ine tanners tbrough thisj section are making great, prei arations fohe en suing year. On nearly every fartfSloughT ing is going on. ' . The mild and remarkably dry! feather has been very beneficial to the fafmers in. housing their erops, and it is a re thing cottoa and corn unthervi. The farmerBare seedin? more wheat t&an ever . before. Chnfks have proved of great est benefit this year as other crS vrere HO tiflOTT ! i. , . 1 ;. 1. j 1 .' . . ; Peanuts, a production of but yg2y little cultivation, iarei Lio assuming veil large: proportions in oor eounty. SomtrmcM contend that there is more moneyi thetu than cotton ; they at this time assif worth from 75 io 85 jcents per. bushel. t has been a most splendid year for thejoine fanners have made more, than ajfundred. bushels tot the .acre without eithi? guano or lime, The principal thing to pMiureu good crop! is thoroughly lime land. It is said by some farmers that Sfey are equal to chufasl for hogs". v.-'Land fet will not produce f.bltit . 300 jKiunds ticotton,' with good luni4g will produce fri forty to fifty bushels lof marketable peais. ; It. D. Camp & Co., a Ahnr:y&yr-vm firm ia Maney'$ Neck, have la, j;xhum ed some jeuriofities. In diggings- well oyster shells ,and large' bones ha lbeen found at.aj distance of sixty-five iromV the surface of the earth.. On aniier oc casion a stump and coal was exhuti ?d at a.; distance, of thirty feet. Some w;?. men say that this now gigantic forest? s once covered over byj the rolling billows-f some ocean.- r i :: ,: ;' The bridze that spanned the Jiherrin river at Murfreesboro will soon be5mple- . ted. The bridjje was swept awafeiiearly. two years ago by a heavy raft of 1$ The ; citizens of Maney's Neck will -Ktoice at its completion, i as Murfreesboro j'- their - 1 1 t -wr -'r'-J "... place ot business TAV" Halifax! County Nots : J Halifax Vttuhty, December 11,$79. Your valuable paper is just gettiil , foot hold withus, and a big list is in ie for ; it when it becomes knowu to our people. " Old Halifax iq biginning to. brafe freer under the! hew feystem of cbunty-Bijvern- ment. The Board of Commissicjgrs are - all true men whd take pride in hohp man agement ot public trusts ,' the - whpli men of the East, yes, !all lovers of goodivern ment, owe ia. debt of gratitude to otf-West- ern brethren fori their frieqdly ain the . Convention; of 1875, in- freeing jMj from the rule of ivice and irresponsible igteance. It is a debt'which should Ite renvjbered and paid ; some man has said that gtfftitude is a lively sense tof coming favors ;ilet not this be said of our gptitude. A1ien we were in the very gall of bitternesibf po litical degradation they eame to ouii' relief and lifted us up' so that again peas and good rule shed their mild effulgenclin our midst. : . ! . I ! ' Now, after we bave reaped . the -feits hf their generosity, the cry is raisedpn the land that we are exhausted by the jgjped of the West jthat our noses are- heletrlo the grind stone to subserve the - ambon of politicians' living west of the BluoiSidge ; that the'Western Railroad is a gigaStfc old man of the' sea fixed on the baclJftf the tax-burdened; East; that Mud-Cujkas the nineteenth jcentury prototype of tl.ijt gulf which opened in" the forum and coid only be filled by becoming the living jttjb of Rome's best and bravest, etc -. nauseam. inThis last figure was rar un fortunate in that the precious yiisure needed to close the , chasm may be fjt ami bitioa to be A.ttorney Oeneral , that State, Whose first bantling crow waglheard at Greensboro in 1872. - ! . '2,. Apart froni considerations of StatoxilicyZ we of the East are in a manner bcid to assist the West in building its roadfand if in so doing some man there can maie use of it to rise: in life so be it.7 Theoad is for the irood' of thie many and the low are included. Down j with tire dogili tho . manger policy, and down with thelfish j ambition whose otily chance: of sfees"s is ; over the blasted hopes 01 otners. - g , ; By the way, a Raleigh man invnfield on Sunday, ;as tne writer is imorm3a, was asked - now; is mua-cun in aswer. was, "I heard in iWilson,'lastnigy, that it was hlled up level ana a iram caMiit on; the mountain.'' -'Is. this ; true? ; have en nothing of it'in any newspap' - ';:- ! " i - Bkach SWSip. ' :" -j ' ; . ' .-M : ::' ' TaJLNS'MOSTANK iVTOTES r ' Jfacoh County X December 6, "f2.79. Some industries to which this trapsifiintane . ' - i . - a ' -i W.u : - section is adapted, pave Deen pot op neg lected but ignored, because . thosfel who . would gladly engage in them can n. suc cessfully compete with 'other section more favorably situated for want of rail fMd y fa cilities. . 'W .- ':A "'; -;lg ::';v:- V ! One ; of these industries is sbeg hus bandry withj its concomitants wojgn fac tories. There ii not! ihe least doubt $gto the superior wool fibre) raised in theseSrnoun- , tains. Sheep herej when left, to th&Glves seek the very highest pbinta of thfeaoun tains and hiave their walks j amon; the . rock ledges pf jtheae lofty summits is quite cool on these- high groundsi ?uring . the summer' season! and the sheep xfe less troubled with the fly.: It is also" ol;erved that they are-much healthier here in the valleys, and on the rich wild paJiirage ' grow larger : and yield heavier fleeeVj; and thesp fleecea.aie al$o ina great .asure free from the common burrs an)riars which so much' deteriorate - the y$pt of pastured sheep. , 1 suppose it will Jflardly he denied bv anv one that, the brortls be- J J . t V & ing equal, a healthy animal in. goo flesh, will not only yield! a heavier fleee&r jbut a fibre of superior quality a iBatert- that will work to better advantage unjpr the cards and spindles j producing a beigr and finer fabricj Thejcapacity ta prbde su perior wool ito jinywffihed-fqr extetis be yond a idoubt.! A fact entitled '-tgg great' weight in this csonniection is that thS rich mountain lands prjxluce the meadM and pasture grasses abundantly oats, tlttlr-; nips, potatoes, Ae-I so they wpujield winter supplies for. the flocks reared upon them.''-- :)'''-. A ''-.':' ': ".', I may say without the multiplicoon of i words, that there u no better eliimte and country in which to manufacture , pooled goods within, our knowledge: TImjt aterr power" is immense, the. 'water is clj; and pure, the ' streams! never fail to Nnpply ample water during the summer .-jiason, and never freezing so much dur the, winter as to .seriously stop- iuachinSr, ex cept very bhort.'ct'ld knap?:, and th hut rarely. Erery county west of the foun tains x?ould furnish raw material forj&a or- dinary woolen. factory. Without such fac tories amongst as the iaducement to wool growing are bat feeble.! Th? Mmwnce Is that the people here aim Vl v u pro.Juoe .'the amoont they need fir family use.. Xi r .do they care to cultirate the timr win l produtihg breeds ; : IndWd. tbey think tht finer- grades of troobw. wt-iraited t the old-fashioned hand ml and hvl. Railways and factoriei w i; I stinuilate this industry and add largely to our popu lation and commerce, ad in the same ratio to the material and reprsentative Mr-iigth of the SUUv ; j;:' fj . ."'. ,.; ' ; - . Another industry that would be, devel oped by the inspirationi of ready tran.-jMr- ' tatipn, ia the proper manipulation of the furniture timbers of this region. Dr. Em mons once remarktjd to- iiie, when passing through, this section, -that the furniture timbers he saw along Iws . route, whefi;our great Western -Railway should be com pleted, would warrant new industries. Here, said he, '-Is the finest country '1. eer saw ior inanuiaccunng . lis own re - sources, t urniture factories here could be furnished from : your ' own forests,, with black and white,' walnutj cheery, maple sind birch.1' Here then, wth :i railrid rim- nihg j through the heart of this whole "'fee-.'' t ion, is another proStable resource, cah-ul-it- ;ed'ti swell our populatijon, bring in skilled, labor , and capital, all ging to increase -the glory and prower of the State, ; ', :; ; 'jy - j Allkuicanv. iKXKgAL News lTE4--r-: j-'-'li';;;. Tlie Senate I Financp '(.Vmmittee has postponed action on th( important matters before it until after Jthcf holidays. . I The total debt i f Boston at the close of this yar will be S 12.0,816.2:1, being a decrease during the; year of $9,720,624,. Hon. Amos Tudt died at Exeter, N. H.,. on Friday, i Old people may recollect him as a member of Congress from l"S-47f to 1853, and a member of! the Peace Conven tion of 1861. . 1 ! I . ''.. :.'( - The c6rn crop prospects fell off 55,000, 000 bushels in November, according to "the :U, S. Agricultural Department. It! is consolatory to know that it is 150,00),lk)0 bushels bigger than ever before. 1 f, ' During the four months ending on Sat urday the total amount! Of gold brought to New York from Europe was 71,672,9.50, or an average of $513,826 for every day of the: one hundred and twenty-one. . fhe Virginia iieadlusters' caucus ias nominated General William Mahon6; dnd he wHl bucceed . 3It Withers, present United States Senator, jwlifosa term expires on March 3d, 1881. poth Democrats.f, Three times as man3.immigrantsarriy-d at New Ybrk during List month as during November, 1878; and! during tlie twelve months ending with lait month there were! , 181,000 immigrants, jas compared .'with 120,000'during the twelve months ending with November, 1878.1 , j . i - Mrs. Adelaide C. 'Hotchk iss and fur raraniour. Dr. Wilsoii; were arrested Ion y Friday, in Detroit,' charged with thi miir- der 01 ner nusDana ana seji, rioicnKLss ,oy i name, eleven years ago, in Youngstown, : 'N.'.Yi Hotchkiss had..been restirected and i things found in hhj stomach. - t ; , : The New ork. Board of Canvassers ha. announced the result of the late elec tion'. The pluralities pre as follows: f Cor- "V k tS.'i 4,144; Seymour, .12,441. Mr. Seymour is a Democrat; all thejothcrs lladicals. . Last week's statement of the New Tcirk j Associated J$anks nhows tlie following changes: Loans inc-rease $2.G4,000 ; specie decrease .6POljli00; legal tenders jj decrease ?1 ,269,300 j deposits . increase;. I. 259,100 ; circulation j inc-raise , $208,700 ;'.. I reserve decrease 2, 103, 175. The banks now have $5,571 50.1.' in excess of legal ; I ' requirements. 1 - '' It is reported froui ? Washington that i j Mr. Justice Hunt,' the8 condition of wliose j health is such ..that le can never resume ; his place jipon the Supreme Court bench, ; has resigned, and that Senator Edinunds ; ( has' been tendered th'tj- vacant place. I, r f iontra, it is said th:ijt Judge Hunt will "liold on until Mr. Et&uunds' term is if. pn March 3d. lSSl. J Three tons of 'nitro-dyeefirie exploded ; in Canada on Friday night, shaking "houses and' scaring the people in the towns j for forty-f()ur'miles around. .At the time, of explosion an immense iblkze lighted up the ! whole heavens, the erth trenibled- and a j tremendous report followed. At the scene I of the explosion nextt day nothing, what- : ever could be fountl of the magazine. Where.it stood is a hole f-ixty feet in di-; ameter and fifteen fieti deep. -. ' ;3Ir. Manning, Miisissipjii representa tive, has a bill for tlie re-organization of, t the Supreme Court. Its main feature s i are: The Court to be composed of a Chief Justice and eighteen Associate-Justices; a classification of work and its division into three branches ; the assignment of six As sociate Justices i(one( of yrhom shall be designated to preside); to each branch; and all constitutional questions and all "cases in volving' $100,000 or Inore to be decided by the full Court of eighteen Justices, pre' sided over by the Chief Justice. . , , A large deficiency n the postoftice ap propriation pmade , for the "star seivicc," that is the- conveyanpe of the mails' on routes traversed by horses and stage cqaches,; is making .trouble atj Washington." The suni appropriated forjthis service, for the current fiscal :year, was $5,900,000, but now,-before sir months have elapsed, the Postmaster-General informs the House that he must have another $2,000,000 voted before the holidays or the " star service hiust be discontinued J The money appears to have Wen wasted op favorites in the In- dian territory. -" '' '. r i ' f - .y The 'Senate has confirmed the Presi dent's nomination ofj War Secretary Mc ' Crary to be United Spates Circuit Jua'f.e ; and that of Hqn, Mi;x. Ramsey, of- Min nesota, to be Secretary of) War iti'Mr. Mc Crary's place. " Mr. Bamsej was born near Ilarrisburg, Pa., feepUmfcr Sth, 1815, and from his boyhood h'been intrusted with important public -offices. Indeed, he has held office of pe kind or another since his hit fourteertn year. His last position was that of Jnited States Senator from iMin hesotarom 18G3 to 1875. - Til celebrated pigeon, roost in Scott Cwnty, Ind., is ! now, as it has been for seventy-five years, th roost of millions of pigeons. 1 Th Hy-way in the morning to their feed-groundsj many of them going to Such a distance that they do not return . until midnight. "Th timber on thousands ot ''acres covered by this roost is broken dorn badly, large.liinba being snapped off liitt reeds by thie accumulated weight of", thi birds. .Thousands are killed nightly, buithe slaughter, seenis to make no ;dimi- . nution in the vast flockii that congregate thete.-: ' .!'.- ' . J- . Tliere was a great oil fire near Red Rock. Pa., on Friday, which ended in burning the business and private Ka.cs of the town. 'Three hundred families are homeless'and there is 'great suflt-tiai! amon the people. : , Tlie bi is 816.0M. The fire bt-gan in a 250 lam-1 Unk of;!!. The fluid ran down the hill and -onnu union tod' with a lank itntainins ' 25,tHHl ij ha nfl. The tank was kx-aU-d iu -i(iio , that coiumanded the heart of the town. K111 batikments w-rts thrown up ami wvenr Wv caution !taken s' ruction, but to nave the pLu-e fntu dt without avail. ' The tank iburt; the burniiis; oil ran out ; a huge fiery Wave jumped hih over the emtukmenM and, t Kjiding to the eiti ut of ttjrie huo- y drtil , feet, swi' i.t thromrh the.lieart of the 1 town, which literally nulted awaijr before' the heat- The burning oil coursed t hronirh the .istreetH fully four feet in deth. A wave of fire would bound against a hou-n-. t j jump over the jroof, and.in le?w time than it would take to write a dcxt-riptioii of the : j di.Lstef the entire town was in;: flames.' People barely bad time to vsji-ape with their , .uyes.- ; FoRfcHiji Newh Notes: People will cet mad about Witk-s. ( )ver in Ireland just now the question isli famine - or nofaiiiine; and tlje adherents jttf either . t-id . arJ a'lJiut ready to brain the of the ,,,,Mr- : !'; L:: : ' I All over Eurojie there is now Extremely ' soj ere winter weather There j is heavy I snow in Italy, intense ct.Kl at Vienna, and j the uewrf from Paris is that the lljrer Seine !. i crimjiletely frozen over. , j . The situation of Ku rope now has three ijharactetistii-s: Famine, deficits it budgets, and preparation for war. Armies arc be ing reinforced and National debts jncreased, while the laboring mass pf the people starve unhindered. " , ' .; j Nearly all the rivers and brtxAs in Tran. ylvanta have; overflowed their banks, lay- " ing under wafer vast tracts of country and destroying bridges and houses, interrupting1 communication and sweeping away fanning utensilsj cattle and grain. In sijine cass the -inhabitants were for days on trees and roofs of houses awaiting rescue. The over flow of the rivers Koros L and aros has caused fearful destruction.! The city of Arad,-on. the Maros, andBeyerali other towns have been ruined and their inhabi tants driven away. ' Fully ten thousand persons ; have been?; rendered homeless. Many entire families who had found refuge in neighborini- woods were frozen to death. The (Imdon) Patl MairGaMth Bays : ' It is nfiw ascertained that we shall jieimlre ibt loss than 18.4)00,000 quarters! of wheat from outside souirces during th bominir 1 year, ;or 2,000,000 more than was at first i; officially estimated. ; Here lies the! para 1 mount necessity, for a stronger navy.K We ! cannot afford to run the slightest risk of ! a temporary blockade. With millions of I men dependent upon countries thousands ' of miles distant for their daily brlead; what ; would be the result of even a fortnight s ; short supply ?"' The- AiTwrtir echoes ' 1 tl)e alarm, declaring that out of every five. aves of bread eaten in England: in 1880, thre ; inn.; i come from the. United States an illussia, and that the same condition of :ifT;.ir.4 is "likely to continue in future. Si-Vi i-e liirhdng and an Afghan victory re rejMirted nwir Cabul on Thursday last. The Ut iiifih i ' H. rals Massy and 3Iacjher- 1 n- body of hiUmenlwho repulse! the Bi ';s!i attack and! captured lour guiu; whitii v.irc. however, subse quently recovered. . The enemy !. subse quehtly aittacked the British inj thei hills .south' of the Bala Hissar,' but were j beaten ift' . with loss. : General . Roberts reports that the combinationof the tribes against the. British is a strong one. On Friday ( rvUieral Maepherson attacked the 'enemy b if the ru'gj1 above Bali Hissar. j He cap tured and now hoMs the lower part of the ridge. The erest of the hill was to lie sur rounded and stormed on Saturday, j" -: The cold weather in Europe began with, a great "cold wave" at Ixndon in October, 1878, . The official report show that' the ci":ht months ending with June 30th last were throughout the coldest period recorded in the pastjsixty-lfive years; and the period " f the past twelve months," closing No vember 13th ulijone of "all but unex ampled cold dull weather. , As long jago as 1872 tjie British Royal Asirohomeri an nounced the recurrence of a " great beat wave every :eleven years and a fraction," and a pifiod of ' extreme cold close on either side' of the great beat Wave,j" so that the Astronomer Royal was then led topre d?ct: "The next similar cold wave will oc cur in September,! 1878." The jAstrono ihcr,rItoyal,.in 1872, also, said: ';We may expect, the "next occurrence of the great heat wave in or about 1880." I J J CO MMEECIAL NEWS. - llaleigh 3Iarkets. ':':' .:' -: ,'' ; .'; ; ' : Official Iifj,m:t of the Cotton Marltt. - ' REPORTED BY i THE ('OTTOS EXCHASdE. , Raleioh, Deccmlier fi, 187P. Miaaiin?:.... inf.;. Strict' Low Middling.. t ...illi .Lw.?MI.Utiijj 4...". ......Illi ; Tiine of market thill; receipts heavy, ; j 1. :. j 'Ct'tjf Market Wholesale P, tee. RKPORTKD WEEKLY BY POOL & MORI X IS Ofticial Kiort?rs for Grocersi' Ext-Uiangey . Raleigh. December 116, 187t. Aple, ler bushel .. 73 a fi iOO (lnea....i.i Bacon; X. (.'., ho round ... ' -" hams..... Hulk' 'Meats, clear rib xiiies, .. , y a shsulilers, ...... Hufter, Xorth Carolina,..; lleoswax Bagging .....U... ' t'otton : tie.", new, per bale...... - " : spliced, her bale.. Corn... Corn Mtal ............. - Coflee, prime Kio....... I .. " gKxl ; " ....... Cheese, cream....;.... .' "Chk'kens.. ... Ksgs, per bizen. .i.-. Flour, North Carlina, Irish iMtates 3 a ... "' 9 a .. il- a ho 13 : a ; s a Gia 1.5i a n;a 11 a 751 ;'. twia "'i; a 70 a 15! a 13 a 14 a K'Ja 171a 20 37 13 15 15 50 00 2ota 7-ja Jlf lawses, . t'ulia.,..;. ............... T atf hel led ..'...'.... . . .LV-achea," peelwl 3-7! a 50 Ib.i nnjieeled white, per bushel ij. " tK-k, " J I'ork, North Carolina... , i "Hags, mixed. I ' .cotton Sugar, white .'. 31; ""'J. sola I 00 f 3 5!a : Ua Ha 6 10 11 10 . yetiow Srniji "K. ll... Salt lLiverHMil fine Sweet potatoes j..- Ktk.wOtter... .J. Mink .... Fox............i CMn : : MuKkrat , ; iv ; Uabbita :.. AlKive are for larsre anantitiea. "".9j 25 1 2 00 50. 5 OOf HO 35 10 3 Vlien small .quantities are wantd higher prices) will ; be charged. Markets for all good firm aadad- vaiie.n. iy Fajf tterllle Markets. UEPOBTE D BY J. B. STARB, Commission Merchant, Cotton and Xaval Store. . - Fayetteville, N. C, December 1. Xo quotations reeeiretl tolay. Dnrkata Taharr Xarkrt. it to are t it Hi A. KCAMf, rrrirtf -f Krtur Varrhour; I !( tin'ii, S. tVIVwniWf A ici. . ; . u .. : 1 OO j IU-1.... j VHtollT Ll" .. t 44 IKI s t'rtuml .. 7 ii 00 I I'aiM-r -.1 J km 1 nr, n i : Park. ! iUK il ..(.J '. Milium i. i xwi ... l ft 'f r .3 . ht 1 -Klr l ine 1 1 .ronton ..: . oital.l'i j . ....... t 4i K. MrUiuw j.....l'J l4ki. 11 j I. lint .'t iJ?l i )ut no rlitnK of rt- wit par lt rt rt. Irirr 1 1- I linn all tlrinc Kr.lr In ift Iaa 1 1 Hr Tttare MarkrU u.iti:T' I V HK.Idi A Jt lil AN, i't Karni!r' VVr !iou". ' rrnpri-tir k lt.LK.iVA.. v-. .Vt""'. ... l lNl 4 - 4 I.I I.S I.irk mikJ linnnr V Common ! twa'al.j.. ...... S tK l:ttt- 'ouii.i u Mtkltum !, I .O0 1' 011; to l.'i 4 on. A Ik 1 .'ilkkt 'l 7 lk til " 1 k 1 Ud lltkl 1.1 ( i'2 ..' i k XVllO. 41 mi toii 1 I'iiMPii lhirW Kill.m ' "xik; .( J.KAK- ( iiiiiiiioii fi - Mnliiim, Mitliiim (il. ...... j tJmxl Ui fiur...... J j VRAFPKIti-4'iiiluinn t Irdiuiii i . M-illlll to ' inl ! toikl to 'FiiifV....: 'i. Faiirr . ....... J., Our ninrkrt fof Ihi- wk limt f ixlioir hti In-vii ovrrmiii w -ijjli IoIxmxi. I'lirrr Urn ntn ' K-rhuki tuore on the mariit than rvi-r ' hrforr' during thr kaime ti ntrth oftiuic, ami yt roiilra-, ry to rxMTtatiofl ami )nt r ri-iicc priii- have ntliminnl ti ami ift aly. - It haa Utii rvmarkable that Amb-r kurfli lu-atv (iluU priiv ihouM fiavc muiinfl lirm. 'e ill ywr ilsy Vi-r tn liumlnil thnaioil pniind in our hou'K at very atila-lry i riiT. Thia klu n well fur tlif nUiliilily of thia inarkrt over oilu-r inarkt-U. j ' ' .!''--". '-' - - . ('harlotje Cotton Market. f From the ( huilptt- lwrvvr. IV--nilrr. 4. The market y"M-nl'y I weak and U-ml-tag down. 1 I ' (mnI MiJ.lliinf.,J...... ..,. 1 Halt I Mil.lliiuf.... ,4... .d. .111" Xtriet Ixw MitliHijiiK. ....... .JIJ ' lxw Mid.liiiid....Jj..., i. If .Vlii Jtect-iptM -10 Italck ; Tor llie vk, 2,17.1 twl, . r ; lYlliiilngton Uarkrl. ' .-.! I ' !' ':.' r nm the Iteyirw, IH'j-niWr I V, 4 i. m.J , fSl'IKITS Tl UTKNTlNK-V.iot.il f.n.i at 33 H-HtH. 1 Sal.n 100 cak lit that tiyurv. - KOS1N yuoUl fiuw-t at $.2" lor ktrniuol 1 i . I . , i - . : ami trol NtraiiKil,! .No xal if n'piiraii. i , TAR htvailv tv$l,IO. j uuotatioiik. " 1 rHln r-ci at J t Ul DK TrUI'KXTIN'r-St.ml, at $l.7ii Sltti'k ti ; tor nam, ami 2.7.1 tor 1 How ii; v. efitvtsi at iinotntion. , ' J ? XOTTON-Uiiii t hiid tioliiitiiil. No lth C" iHirtoil. - j i !' The following tin- tin oljlic'.al jiutiii ioina : j Uruiuary .....4........... iiKKl )nliiiarj--..jl..-.,'.'I,...L.. Strict tJMHl t Inliimry . JxiW MiiMlini..... ..i In 11-11W 11 l-M . II 7 III I2v Mi.l.llirtif j,.., j ioo( Miillliiix....i..... ...... i f " i n.y hit it 1 its. "MV 'j'u',."M'.ijJ" " iuiii',.,..L.....-.....;4 (Nit ton , ' .Slklt'Hk MiN 21' s:;o ". " . 1 nr.... 'rue Turju'iitiiitij.,. .Northern and ForeltrB.nty Market-. . New YoitK, Ih-rinlM-r, hV 'tlini'ii'iiuinul; kuIch 31 I bull- : mI'niid I'JJi 'orleniiH U'; rn; Holilnte.l J net . rvijiit4 ; -exjMirU !,o!i. lUs. Net riHviiil 2;'27 bale; grfw 1 lf,!H7 bub-!. ! Futlirett : chwed Mk ; nuleii '.l.ViJMiO haUi; jU-eemlN-r I2...1lal2.:.'5; Jam 12.4s; Fclirmiiry l2.i!Ml2i7o; Mi Jantlurr li'.l'iit an d -1J.!H. : April 1.1h1;I.J..;' MV 13..!0l.'J.:M ; Juni' 1'I.Ha i;i.i j Juiv i;i.'iI3:.';7; iini-'Ufci. Southern lliitir iuiiijhangeil, j Wheat $1-57 Jul ..Ih. Corn lilii(i.!ij(. '-Hiiji: Aoa.'Vif.'. Sugar; wtundwrd A I'jiilJ ;jrn null tit jid iiln! j i Miwihrcd Vin'Ji ;' .rmsped UiitilJ. .MulH.twn; New OrlemiH .'liiu l.'t. Itnin$l.i;t. Sjiirka TuriH'utine 41. ' I'ork, 12..'ViiliJ.il; niildti 'lull; Joiiir .'l.-ir 71; abort 7i; long mid Kliorl 7. I4r. w7.i;.". Wbinkv 1.171.17A. i- . !". ;; ' . '., IJaitimork, HeiN-inlxT X Coiion iii i ut i2i, for middling, Imw middling: giMMl ordinary; 'receipt 4-'K Floitr f.'mM.'.'.'i. vhent tl.40ur.rH. Xiuta 4tt4. Mw jmrk fU. Bulk meats, Iimwc, hlimildcM .) ; i-lcar rib aide 7J; pat-ked, - .ria7. Hui-on nhotildcni o) ; clear rib Hides M; banm lilnlt. IjihIm). Collee firm, Rio curgMH l-kil7. Sugar juiet and lower; A soft Slo!i. WbUky firm ; at 1.Ual..". . ClXtixXATI,, I'lfeinlx-r ' 15. Flour ii.2.Mi 6.40.' Wbent 1.34al.3tJ. -Corn, 4lull. OnU 3Ha41. I'ork; l3.a.".i Ijird $7.30. Bulk nienta dull; hIiou blent, hulf cured, 7 ; abort t-b-ur nide 7i. Bacon, clear rib 71; gni-n meata lu-avyr ahotildcra and "idei; GJniii hiimi", buj-ent and nellcru anart. ii 1 " I . Norfolk, lVci-inber 1.",j Cotton steady at 121; net receipts .r,l2 bule ' . ' LiverixiOL, DircnilN.-r :i.". Coiton caier; uplandxliil ; orleana 7. FutiircH -M-llem nl decline. . j. i I ' .i. Last iVeok's New i York Cotton Market. -.From the Xew 'York Financial Chronicle. : The mnrket" lias beert feveriihly iietive for future delivery,' at rice varying widely, even within the hour, dowiing, however, at a unite rial decline. The ojieiiing i on Saturdiiv I nt wan quite depreiwed, under (he increHMI crop t'Htiniute that fouml. aiTeptanee with all par tie. But on . Monilay afteriiiHin and Tm-wbiy morning there w as a renewal of upcciilutiott for the rine, which carrieil prieet tip il'iO JxiinN from the cloning ligtirea of the prcvioiii I- riihiy; hut most of tli im waa loot at the clow. Vi-diie-t day Witnemeil a renewal of x-ciilntion fr the rise; prices advanced "X'tdti'M poinu and rei'il ed 35(o,40, and yentt-rday, under a lower Liver, pool market, incri'iminif ntoe,kt Inrire rii-ipt at the porta and at Southern interior town, tliere waa an enormouM prexiurc to hi-II ; jirieci f;ave way rapidly, ahdeloKI 4i',0i? bundreilthii uwer. or at a decline from the revioui Kriiluy of alxitit I cent for the early jnoiitji ami 4 cut for the later monthi, and about 1 (i 1 1 Im-IoW the higheat prii-ea of Tuinday morning. It in n wrtel that aome of (he lender of the bull par ity have sold out and retired ' from the market for the prcHcnt. ' T'l'dar Liverjawil came Mend-, icr than-, was e xpiVloil, and prteea recovered alxnit 30 huiidn-dihir from the cloxiiig bid of yct;rhiy ; but parti of thi advance wmm'Iim'I at ' the-loiM.,;1Sj"M(U kipvaneeil il -111 cent on Mon day and ,'J-lli cent pi Tuentlaj- morninif, ti cent for miiidliiigj uplan'U, but receileil l-l! i-eut Talar afU-riiooiiiand 3-lijcent mi Thur day, to 13J ccntx for niidilling nplambi. Trade wan quiet, except a coiiMdcralile tiSnmai'tion f.rr njiei'ulatioii on Wcilncwlny jmoriiing. Toxlav quotations were reViinil; regular grades' were reduced ,V( ecrit for the various ihac of ordi nary, and 3-lii cent for low middling and aboie. Ktai'ued reduc!l eiitrfor middling. The total wi leu for forward ilcjircrv fur the week are I, 31'i,.ri(KI tale. For imini!iate delivery the total' ales foot tlji thia r!c ,'I,'i." bub-, including 2,11 for coiiMimtini, I . , :for njH-enliiu.iri. Lant Week'.M X. Y.1)ry!(;iMMl-4Trale; . .From tlie New Ydrk Finamyal Chronicle. ' There lia'w been duVing the past week a f-ady. movenu'iit .in the nnt abifkle cotton and woolen fabric on cwunt of former ordem, but aeanon able good were rsjthiT i uli-t. owing to the mildneaa nf the weather, which tended to cheek the demand for consumption. There wan a more exfendii demand for -good adapted to the , early apring trade, a a result of which liberal ordern were lfti:ed fr dreiia pooiU, pique, quilt, iihirting prjrjta, and other fabric, for future delivery. ; i'otum giKxlii continue-1 to ad- vance in iirice. andioolen eoi! wer firmly . held by manatactnrri' agent. The bibbing trade wa Irregular and on the whole Iu.'gih, but a few of tne larger firnii continue to make ' large aaleH of cotton good and calioora iu iack-', age lota. The export of domestic from thi t foreign markets ilnriing the wck atrgrfmtea . 2025 fiaekagea. ; ii " -W ' Last Weck'H X. V. Bread M a ffn Market: i From tlie New York Financial Chronicle. ; The .flour market 'has hovn an ailvancing. tendepcy. in aympathy with the course of val-' ue for w heat," and at time! the demand has lxen quite active, especially for low jrrade,. which have leen taken quite frwly fof extiort to (ireat Britain and tlm Went Indie. Rye lloar ha ! advaueod. There ha lnK-a a conMlrr able advance in wheat,ihe j,t week, the effect of speculative action. Indiau worn alo ajlvano ed. Rye ha bee active and higher. Barley ha been rather more active at about steady Taiuen, . Oat were active an buoyant. ; , Ut CotV l'.unrt-; 'Ail . " IKnwavllie Yok I'iaa-.oilfl Uii'u'u',) . Kir thf rrl.m k rn-lm; IVi U r, -,, 1., IWrmHrf 12, thr l al r-r-vr KiVrt r . 'i. I Jl4.7- a-krft Vl' k-iU ll nA. I',l"2 tlif liTtt. ii-. rl(, an.-2l,4' tl- ! 2.1 I..'." I wi- I 'f I !( n.uif - r..l at 4 ! x-t ait om Ut t, i:'. "f 4i.rt. f.r '(li W ku ! ." - Vi-rk f li ati l IS' 7, an- j J-..l.. Knrri4 tin ii k At I V Hlrau. ilmrli.t..ii. lN-rt V.fn SklH.ll, il--t..l. lnliaul, Ac . Irnnnxv, Jl v. , 1 I.thU. .rth arttlii' ...if..JL, . it r.ont. Ac, ' ' : y Tuta'l thi n k , . 1 T"II kiiii-r . l't. I, Tlir rtri ..r tlii- m hirh 7.VI rrr to ifraiHf, kill J4,i"k"i t" win It- tliff ktihka ih tlif fMrri-i'lfKis" thrrv l ail liii-n m ll I 2V. Jli. o. t -.1 l.-l ....... P; ..... I IIP f IVll'l Ht k at I 4TI-I '"ol. Hitx k at 1 011. 1. 11, Tol.il ( r ,t lliim n Nt.uk at llavr. -Hi'k k at AUr-pill.-". Sltik k at.lUh-. loiia, hll.x k at 1 1 m)ii lu k at Itr. io. ., Stork at Aiiit'rl.on, M. k at rUm, ."fork at viit ip. irk ll ..(li. l t .'ill I I Total t nt : 1. nit n!. f. IkIiiI l.nr mi lil, lidia i-.ilti.li Mil 'I l'r I uii'.H', Amer'n c't'n all 'I rr I urw , !i.'i pi, limnl, A.'., all-al l r I.4ir'H . Sbx-k III I lilted Mnli -'M", "Ii III I . !. I nt. ri .1 I- S. i- j.i I ! j , I'., I i.l nu .i .1 . f :.'' Iflhe aloi" Ihe I'llV of mil ii no , 4 I..H..W.; ..- '; k 1 NMl fcl.ll.., ' iiIiii.'HIhI . !., . Imerieaii nil. ml br I ' nltml Slut.' ' . S..,inli rio I L S.. .1 1 .--1 Total Aiiii Henii, 1 KiUl .7imi, i'.iJ. verHHi hm'L , f I I 1 1 tl I.H k. li 1 1 in 111 l I rru k,-, t India atloiii lr I ih I: pi, I'.HVll, Ae , nil- ini r.nM Im.Ii.i, . till A hit I H l,'i I'.'till i ibU- xll'l' I he nrus- IVr mi.l.ll Illi Jill Oil 4 I I'll! N III' t At l.iverMNil wa ii ImI. ; Mime .bile be I i if, 41: 177. 0 ! IikI ; I i. l'-l. The nlw.ve IIk'UI' ii indieiile i in. rni-c in lln cHton in k. v'ht on I'ridnv nifbi of I". .i'.7 lmli eoininired with tin1 mime d.ile of 171, mi m- rri ili of 1T.!M I bab-n n eonii.uied wnlillo' curreKlioiiding ibtle of 177. ilfcd a iln'tinx' of 47 P,Vi lHfe IK colli mri-'l Hlttl lajli. " Lttbe ililerior JkiiI lh" ice-ijitWinr llir e."1 re-a follukkii : l7!' , :.,k ui V;!in'i 1,712 7,1'Mi 7. mi" A liii'lii, in., ( ' luiulnu, iit:, ' M won, ( ill"., : Montgomery, A In . Hthinn, A Ih, Xlfilil.i. Tellll., Na.livtlle, Tellll., Illl, TelH", Jtlerrin, Tex, Sljrt-veort I A, Vlekublirg, .MlK., ( 'ijlunibiix, M'Uv. Ifaula, A In.', ' . (iiillin, (ia., Atlanta, m., . INMiie, liu., ( I nrl.itte, N.C., Stl lyOllix, M'l.j Cincinnati, 7,k.', .'I, 7 r,"-"7 .'..i:mi I " : r '.'-,".! ' I j. . . ';,.' -i ' ;, ; i ii '-' . t , '. ' , . . . i i .-) ( . '.'ii- ' . i".- -. ,. ' 1 ' I - : t " .-...v;. " : I ' ' '' . U - I, , : , . ,... i t i l j . t :. . t i - ) ! ! i ; I i. ! ... .,15 ' - f ' '.' 'ii . r.M.j. ii :..'. ! . ' '' a i..'ll i,1'i;Ul..,,.f' !'."' ri ili I ' I i ii . . ", : ' ! 7 Vi 4.1 Imle :. .ii..r.sr "l II. i i..i in. in, i i l I'.- Ill . ' if i 11 T I Ij i k i( ' . , . ' ,' l,e al.ii' I. I ll. I i..-lil 4 -..its, iv a-.M -,i . ;.-4.'i, . (', ,'. . ;' ... ' . I is. i .i ' . t:, ", ..' v ' J it I ! ; ' ' t 1. 4 i. , I , :mS,! " , i ! . r.' ' . '"'!, ' " - ; , i ij'v ,.i(i,. ' .. 1 , .t 0 t . . V i . ..... . j i-.r - , j n, , :.'., iir,!"" i s ,, i ' ' ;!''' '' :;' ; (.. linn -i t..i . - I ;t''.n jTnti.mv ' ' f ' I -e, i I -i, .-"'I.'1)'' 1... .- V I h, X . ' ; 7 -1 . a -1 t ..'.H.-fi' , , I. jo i,i i ".4,i . ' ' i ':.' I ' 1 ' ..-, h..; t! -.' ' , -. , -' ','. ! ;.'.i'. -..; ." . ; , -.'J . .i 4. 'M INMI ''' i' ' '. Hit . I .' :i,iiji .ii'.Nw' ! 1 .',ir.'' .M7i 7i 1. 1...' 4,i.; i .,:t7l: ,'.) I ii.ii'i - ':',"- , u -i ' :''f' ' 'H . , t 7, Vi " -i.j.n :y: . ,?,M'i .4,1'ni !.,'. ' ivi.r it,. 7 t n-,"ui I'Mi i-n ' folal, . . , The t.N k in l bne in l7i. r: r.- :r,b The lotiil rei-ciplii from pL-intnl iom iliee Ki . 4elilK-r J, Ii7H, en- .,',!i,.'lrl Inili'ii IMI.", J. 4t.'l.750 bale J ill H77. 1U4 i.KH bale. ' b- reii'ipl the pn t wCvk wi re 2.'ICt7'l Imlen uo.'l tin ai'tiial iiiovi meiit from l.limlMl u.na 'i."i,'.' .' 7") bikle; the Italance iM-ing adiiivl to tock at the J hiti.riororl Inl : yiuir the r.ii il from tin. ? tpllillilutioll for Ihe Millie week were '.'ll.ll'l ialr, and for I s77 they wej-e X:,V.i7 lab, , liir reMirt to uiirht kIhov llnat tlii lmr lM ir qiiiite a rainy week ill ino-i Hirlioo of tb Soijth. ,Te. however, w In .it i mot niii dJbii bared Jn it toft ry limited client. . ' -' . Lant Wrcl'it F!iiiiiei In St n Vork. lom the New York I'Imiiiu ihI CbrnniiJe. ' 'I rade 1ia cimtiiiiied verv 'g.Ml for the, mh'i, and Hi-uliitioii. ha (-t it in like , 1 1 - lending Ktflphu nf Hurii'itlliire ; bill lln re i inn 't leu uniform buotntiey in the onr- o val,n-. The future i, dowi vi r I '.nrdi-d w il h condaci'liey and iillifiih iic.,, Tlie weiilhi r -oninue uiiaeawinulilr mild. X KW All V K UT I S K M I : N TS. 1 ii:Kss n i: kai.i:. , 1 J a v... i I'iiwi i: ii:is. I'oit.r'. mil.. ; tnl.l. li-lrMiiitioii, in c.. kkorl.ii.x or l' r, .'ok 1' lltnile ln-arcr, lor mile i lovip. . .HHIN C irMlJMAS. l:..i. n-h, N. C ii t i c i; , iTiivini! ililalilu A u A'luo'ii liul r l.l'llle 1;ili. KMW AI'.KS. I!AM. :, ull j-r. n iudebi.sl to bti enlrile w ill tiniW" proropl p ivroeot, and th4e to whom hi i-(ite i ii'bt.d will nr. M-ni llieir claim uutiui tb lime allow e. Iv law S. IIAlMil.U, ' s .hiiliilrMiur. Mr .hi II If xl t i cir ., r ! a ile i Us l.v I If" 'utaTlur i oiirt or like eoiintr on tiieHlr il.ik T Illecemlieri 17!' il the. himh-ImI jiriwliii j . theiteill p 'li lin, enlijl.'il ' Viim Iim 1: 'bterlnrl -, th ra t i the court." 1 w 11, on S A 'I I ' J! 1 1. , . the loth day of .latmat r, V, !.. t ,-.?-. ex.i. to public mile nt the-('oiil't I oiie..h,,r, in the, fit) of l!:ilei'li, I hat Va.lHiibl projr'f iu the cilv trt Maleigh owned nt Ih" liiiik- ill hi death by'lJie late II. A. Ie.kin. '.' . ' Tlie.projuTty conil of to piire. l. 'irl, J the ot lying lirtwrcii Martin and Pavie nrn in, whiye the an id lK-jkin roided w hu in lile; nud wc.in 1, onisiii) Ii vide I b: If.int. rt in Ihe lot lt'ing tietwei'-n I'lVeftevilH and Saloburv ' atreitU. now occupied hy A. Wf Kmn. . - Ni li-tli-r opportuuii v Jf.r prodiuble invi-t-ment in real tate fi:i Inii ri-ei-iitly ofli red. The tennof unle are: (Cue ibiyl in ch, and the lafanrr in one mid tkCie-ir4 w illi intere.t at tlie rate of eight er nut per aniiitm Irotu ' day k.f rile. J )l N (i.U l.i Mi, ' liie 1 1 li '! i, uih mi.l oner. MNdlUM h '-Iii MIL,' yl'r M l.lsA NIA I U.J., X. ('., tal Jaaf tD IT VUlkl'VT .. j.t, Hjai .la . I. a , .. t - ill"" t r i.ll'l.'l iimihii,; i til ' lit -I if infill ip now J ing hcliooU for Ihij. "I Tbe niM Siom ndiiig !'! 17ih. -1 ':;. J Ih-ciI the mo 4 pro! rum. in the mj yt r .( tle 'chriil' hll-iry, ' .' ' ' '; , I Tide I7-2KStion will U u',n I lib, 1. Ibiatl $12 kt iiiontii. Tuition f,Vir N"ion. For CataloKiie rfvitig full parjieiibirl, Adre. ,M 3. B. Ill Nti II M. bt ! 11-lM ' : . H''t. C. I . HARRIS ttorney at Law, RALKWIf, S. V. OiricE Siittii of Cor.BT IIotr 'is oi.n - I : . TIKIL Ul'ILtilMl.l Practices in all the Court; of tfce Stale, oct7,l79 l-tf ' . 1 - ' ' r. I I . " i ; ... ' I '; ' ' , " ' ; 7 I'l.V' I' I .. ." f : . ,t.,..l ' . u.'i" i .; 'ix . .1 v iii I - . . . ' ' ' ' 1 '.' - ' i - 7 1 s 1' i. V ' "r i StjiS .:--' - ; mm

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