4 3 it i IS ! t J '!1- 1 ' ' '; " rOvT-s, - ' ' -:; Hi: -.. ;;rtf " '. w . j - i . t i s i r " ! t'; ' hi ;T' i I ':, 4 ; : mm :.t ! . ill OS Tt'E. sliAV .. DECEMBER 16, 1879. Tronblein The Choir. t- There Was (Miiiatliing so unusual in the ringing :-,' '- of th$ choir --' - .1 '.":-. L "That the IIdcr loked up mildly frorn the f A" tenth jof Jerem iah, . .' . . .Aiidwith'rij-adju'stcd eyegla looked along the forcniioo.t row, - ' 1 While a hundred 'necks were twisted in a stare frriiu nlL-lielow.. j ,- t . '.- A -fire the rolling thunder comes a distant, Jwailinjr inoan " There was presajre of disturbance in the very ; . ' : . , -organa tone. , . '-" : . j . Just the jioppin of the" picket, ere the battle's '," ilwful din, -. Or the tuning of the- fiddle ere the orchestra1 a . In';itik . . . ". , t-s.,.. ' ... , ''" .," jv- J !. ! " ' ' , ' ' ' -. "'""' :- A n unprejudiced olxjerver might hare seen with ' X. half on eye " "' : ' : ; - .-.'fliere' was I wait'ingSin explosion that would' j, " j" blow them all nky-high, . ' Or- HMintaneou combustion,, to" accept a modern 4 ' . " . ' ..... . . That was .waiting jtirit a motion Ho burst, forth ; Into flume. v- - . ! ! f - i ' . : . v . Theo)nno wit in grandeur, with her book -" lH-fyrs her face, " ' f. - . ; . ;; With her back comb turned in anger on "the '. AltiVhnd the Has;.,". ' ' . "n '" While the Tenor Mood leide her ' with an ele- -vjited ne, ' ' -;. . ' 'Ab1 the OrjraniKt pawed madly at the pedals I - , ' w'tn '1'M tooki . , . i : : Ilciw could any one but Angels sifg when they ',''.'. "f , were feeling so? y , t - X f . " " 1 Tliougli-the bymn4waa '"Songs'of Gladuess.' .; ' - - i .i..i.i.i ;( "s.,.ia f ' Wfien we sing a)out devotiin, some devotion we must fi;l, , i Or." our plaintive tunea of worship will partake , : somewhat. of queal. I . --. . ... I!ut thc.Alto sung her solo, and then left it to ' - " tlie Bass, ' . "" . ' . ; Who 'was gnawing at his niustuche, and was i- looking for the place; ! ' . ' "' .AVhile the Organist in anger, sung the-leading V ' . part alone,- '.. ' ' f 'And tlie Tenor. tried to follow, but it endeditt -l- i "-':! groans " - . , - -'."-' : ' . r ,' - ' : As the. horror-Rti iekem' jx;opl heard the discord- ! rising lugher, '. . ' , f.'It jias patent-to-the f-iuijdest tliere was trouble i in the cliTtr. i ' And the Organist,, in fnry, cjosed the organ ' .' " with a crash, . . ; ' . ' And the Alto sobbed in anguish, and the choir ." ' " had gone to Smash. . . . , " . .." " -Wnu-ii the Elder went among them with a view - , to reconcjle, ; ,- ' . j Jt''-'. ri '. "'ThefSiipranp told her story with ft-sanguinary : i iC-sl! i'mtle;.1 - , ' " ' ' : : '" '.' 'r.. , "It apjeared the wretched Chorister had intr- f 'liTi;-- , '; . dueed a'girl v ' ' "' j I ' . .. . AVith' a bran-new styje of singing and a most i ..j.7'-a.'tf" ' .distracting Cutl.: 1 . i - ' ' tiut, to cap the bitter climax, this usurper worp V '' a hat. - - t - j' . . Just a duck, a gem, a beauty, and it made the I' ';'; . '. T. rest look flat ; V, ! I j v I -(vnu me straw tnat DroKe tne camei s nacK ana J . ' j" .L ' 1 i .... . . iiuuie mc vn't'K complete r . iT 'I - - 'ie canie,?ariy Sunday morning nndusuriied :'.'-?'! -:, ")':'. i- the lyadiiig seat. . t-, j .. " . i if ' i When the Elder asked the Tenor why he left, ' Vi&i' ' .1 '' : ', he sajd: "Because -.' . : i: wM1 " ; I Soprano said his clies'l-toncs foundetl just ' ; : . like filing saws: J I And he overheard the Alto one night, whisper to -the Bass, t - " That a man with such a mustache vraa apalpa- - .: ble disgrace." - . ' t -. . . ' t ' "... . 1 t .y m . ' '. And the Bass informed the Elder that le sacri ' .'-".- ficed his views . 'When he came and joined the Elder's choir, to help fill up his pews. . pe was an Episcopalian," and if people thought s. . ' toke . . . '. Any ; npnsense-from-a Baptist, they bad made. A -a great mistake. : ' ' - ' . . ' " . ; Then the Organist and Altp both put on an in- - . ' jured look, - t -Saying -something in. an unilertone about a. . , change of book ; ' : ' ' " : " - And, the Elder overheard them, as he gently closed the door, ; ! Use the words, "A poor old Fogy,'' and "A sen ' ttmental Borg." ' . . - " The WaTes. :: ' fFrom the Xew'York Tribune. , Tvfl waves came down upon the stream ' With-light discourse and play ; Together they would drift and dream; The sea was far away. ' ;. . An Island rude, sharp-fronted, rent ' -; . - Their bond with stem decree ; - "L By currents ar apart they went, -" 1 But met amidst the sea. j . go on life's stream fond hearts that flow - As one, apart are east ! ; But in that sea to which we go . They all shall mect.at last ; Wonders of the Holy Landj ': H . What Mark Twain did and did not see. . iiliSfr'" - ;. - I - The' Gre4k. Chapel is the 'I'ifh ; '" most roomy,- to richest and the showiest Ml - chapel, in the hjirch'of the Holy Sepul ; r 'X'l - ehre. ' Its altar, like that of all the. Greek . 'churches, is a lofty screen : that extends. clear across the chapel,-and is gorgeous wkh gilding a6d pictures. The huiiierous. lamps that hang before it are of gold, and aJ;ost great sums. But the feature of .the place is a , short . column (that rises from the middle 'of the 'marble pavement of the chapel, and marks t!the exact centre ' of the earth. The most ' reliable traditions tell us that this was .i known la be the earth's centrej 'ages ago, J! and that rhen Christ was upon earth he ' set all doubts upon the subject at rest for 'ever, by stating with his own lipsthat-the tradition was correct. Remember, He said that that particular column stood upon the "centre of the world. '-If ; the' centre of the : world changes, the column changes its position accordingly., Tliis column has, moved three different times,, qf 'its own aecord. This is because, in great con vulsions of nature, at thj-ee different ' timesj masses T)f the eartl whole ranges' ' of mountains, probably--hare -: flown off into space, thjis lessening the diameter of the earth, and hanging the exact locality f of. its centre by a point, or two. :- This is a very curious and interesting, circumstance, 4 i t y '. . : ana IS a wimenag reuuxe w mose pnuoso A - ' phers who would make us believe that it is - Til. " T 1 . . .1 1 1 6t possible for any portion of .the earth to - LA.'!- . y off into space, " ' . J . "t iK -I :X Te satisfy himself that this spot was really the centre, of the earth j asceptic - . onpe paid well for the privilege of ascend . ihg o the dome of the church to see if tne:, suu'gave him a shadow at noon. Pie came - j down perfectly convinced." The day was very cloudy and the sun threw'no shadows ' at all ; hut the man was satisfied that if the . surf" had come out and made shadows it eould not have made any for him. Proofs like them are- rn to be Bet aside by the idle tongues f ca viler. To such as are not bigoted, and are willing to be convinced, .they carry a conviction that nothing can ever shake. - .. s ! If even greater proefs than those I hav . mentioned are wanted, to satisfy the head- i strong and the foolLeh that this U the gen- ' uine centre of the earth, they are here. ,Th'e greatest of them lies in the fact that I from under this very column was taken the jdtnt ffrom which Adam teat nuuie. This can surely be regarded in the, light of a settler. It is not likely that the original first man would have been made from aa inferior quality of earth when it was entire ly convenient to get first quality from the world's centre. This will strike "any reflec ting mind forcibly. That Adam was form ed of dirt procured in this very sjjot is .amply proven by the fact that in six' thou kand years no man has ever been abhj to prove that the dirt was not procured here whereof he was made. ; t; It is a singularVircumstance that right under the roof of "this same great church j and notour away from that illustrious col umn, Adam himself, the father of the hu man race, lies buried.. There is no ques-; tion that he is actually buried in tlie grave which is pointed out as, his there can be none becauee it has never yet been proven that that grave is not the grave in .which he is buried. '- - s i The tomb of Adam ! How touching it was, here in a land of strangers, far away from home, and friends, :and all who cared ' for me, thus ' to discover the grave of a blood relation. True, a distant one, but still a relation. The unerring instinct of nature thrilled its recognition. The foun tain pf my filial affection was stirred to its profoundeat depths, and -I -gave way to .tumultuous emotion. . I leaned upon a pil lar and burst into tears. .1 deem it no shame to have wept over the grave, of my. poor dead relative. Let him who would ' sneer at my emotion close this volume here, for he will find little to his taste in my jour neyings through Holy Land. Noble old man he did not live to" see me he did not live to see. his child. And I I- alas, I did not live to see him. Weighed down by sorrow and disappointment, he died before I was bbrn-r-six thousand bribf summers before I was born. But let us try to bear it with fortitude. Let us trust that he Is better off, where he is. Let us take comfort in the thought that his loss is our eternal gain. ' ; j r GROCERIES EDWARD J. HARDIN, fi ' GROCER, if ayettevillc, Street,. Raleigh, N. C, DEALER IN FINE TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, MEATS. " WINES, LIQUORS.CFOREIGN ALES,; ' ? -'"-V - . 'V - PORTERS, CANNED GOODS, FAN ; if" " '' ""- - J'i ' CY GROCERIES, AND FIRST t'LASS PROVISIONS - j GENERALLY. SOLE AGENT FOB THIS MARKET FOR Robertson County (Tenii.) Rye Whiskies. Summertleapt, (To., Valley) .Rye Whisky. The " Capadura" Half-Dime Cigar. C. D. Boss Cb.'s Lunch Milk Biscuit, the -best of all plain crackers, s tf c, f"C, it-C., dc. ' Orders from a distance accompanied by CASH or satisfactory reference, PROMPTLY FILLED by Express or otherwise. . V - E. J. HARDIN. IAAA. '.f aec 3 !j-im eAnd&earbeebeos. '. . ' i : .- ' -; '- j '' WHOLESALE GROCERS AND j Cotton GQimnission MBrcbants. NEW STORE : No. 2 Wilmington St. IN STORE AND ARRIVING; 3O.Q0O yards BAGGING, all weights, " 1 ,0(0 bundles Piece Ties, Arrow Buckles." - 25,000 pounds Clear Rib Sillies. ' j ' ' 10,000 pounds Bulk Shoulders. - " ' .40 bags Rio Coffee. . j. -. CO barrels Sugar, all grades. , . ' 40 barrels Cuba Molasses. A FULL LJNE OF CASE GOODS, FRESH AND CAREFULLY SE- LECTED, ALWAYS KEPT. aE? Personal attention given to Cotton sales." Liberal .cash advances made on cotton stored. We have special facilities for storage of cotton. Terms 25c. per month, per bale. J. Consignment and correspondence solicited. .' ' ' ' 'hj : oct 7. J879 l-3in G ltAUSMAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in . I Fine Groceries ALL DESCRIPTIONS. P Fa jetteTille Street, - - RALEIGH, N. C. . . . i . ' ' ' "f a full stock of Selected " FA MILY GRO Q E R IE S ; ; ALWAYS IN STORE.. FineXines of BRANDIES, WINES, Etc. CANNED GOODS A SPECIALTY. CIGARS of Finest Brands. ' V FRUITS AXD CANDIES, Seleeted. PRICES J - oct 7, 1879 l-3aa. ' - ' U NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 14 B FOR THE, ! . ... PRESIDENTIAL TEAE. fltht Leading American Newspaper. The New York Tribune For 1880. SI . . s ? During ; this coming PreWdentiaJ year The j TuiBrxK "will le a more effect je .agency tha fver- ror -telling tne new iet worth knowing mi fur enforcing aoand politics. From the day jibe war ckwed it has been mmt anxious for an Enl of sectional strife. Dut.it saw two years j'4o, and wa the first persistently to proclaim ' Ihe new danger to th'e country from the rerived kfiiance of tlie Solid South and Tammany Hall. , jA gainst that danger it sought. to rally the old. Iarty of Freedom and the Cnion-v It Jbegan hy llemanding the abandonment of 'pirsonial dis Jijces, and set the example.- It called for an end to attacks upon each other instead of the ene Iny : and: 'foV. the heartiest agreement UMtn iWfiateTer fit candidates the majority tthould put , ip against' the common 'foe., Mnce tnen the - ule of disaster has been turned hack i everv . kloubtful Statf has been won, and the omens for Esatioual victory were nerer more cheering, s , 'THE TRIBUNE'S POSITION; J Of The Tribune's share in' all this, those"" bpeafc' most enthusiastically who have seen the , jinost of tlie struggle. ' It will faithfully portray,, the .varying phases of the campaign now begin liing. It will earnestly strive that the party of freedom, Union and the Public Faith may se ileet the man surest to win, and surest to make !ii good President. But in this crisis it can con ceive of no nomination this party could make that would not be preferable to . the best that jeould possibly be supported by the Solid South . and Tammany Hall. , ; v tj TUB Tkiblne is now spending Biore labor ami money than ever before to hold the distinc tion it has long enjoyed of-the largest cir IpCLATlOX AMONG THE BEST PEOPLE. It se- i cured, and it means to retain : it, by" becoming the medium of the best thought and the voice mf the best conscience of the time, by keeping : febreast'of the highest ' progress, favoring the. freest discussion,-iiearing all sides appealing ( alwavs to the best intelligence and the purest morality,' and refusing to cater to the tastes I of the vile or the prejudices of the ignorant, t SPECIAL FEATURES. I The distinctive features of The TbibuxE are :known to everybody, - It gives, all; the news. It has the best correspondents, and retains thtm ifrom year to year. It' is the only paper that 1 main tains a special telegraphic wire of its own between its office ana Washington. Its scien tific," literary, artistic and religious iatelTigence pis the fullest; Its book reviews are the best, iltt commercial and'finahcial news is the most !exact. . Its type is the largest; and its arranjje siiimit the most svstematic. i ! " THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE 'is by far the most successful Semi-Weekly! in j ithe eountry, .having tour times the circulation T-i'of any other in New York. It isiespeciajly adapted to the large class of intelligent, pro '"fesSional or business readers too far from New 'York to depend on our papers for the daily ' news, who nevertheless want the editorials, cor jirespondence, book reviews, scientific matter, ilectures, literary miscellany, etc.," for whi ch ! The Tribune is famous. Like The Weekly i it'eontains sixteen pages, and is iu convenient form for binding. j . :. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE remains tlie great favorite of ur substaiitjial country iitopulation, and has the largest circu- - lation of any Weekly issued from the office of Jia Daily paper in New York, or, so. far as we I know, in the United States. - It irevises and con fedenses all the news, of the I week into readable ijshape. Its agricultural department is more carefully conducted than ever, and it has alwiys i been considered the best. Its market reports I are the official standard for the Dairymeto's f; Association, and have long been the recognized : authority on cattle, grain and country produjceV l:There are, special departments for the ' young, and for household interests j, the new handiwork i.department, already extremely popular, gives punusually accurate and comprehensive instruc- j ui:U l l nuns iu Jiaibuii, uwueiiiig, ituu uiiuicu eiiu- 'jects ; while poetry, fietionj and the humors of :tne aay are an aounanuy suppiieu- aiib vier jdict of the tens of thousands of eld readers who have returned to it during (the past year is that jtbey find it better thalKever. Increasing pat- jronage ana tacmties enaDie us to reauce ne irates to the lowest point w4 ll&ye ever touched, and to offer the most amazins'Njreiniiim Vet jgiven, as loiiows : . ; i! - - Terms of the Tribnne Postage" free in the tTnited States. fiDAILY TRIBUNE, one year..-.. $10 I . v THE SEMI-WEEKliY TRIBUNE iSingle copy, one year...i...t....i:i.....$3''0O i-c: . - O KA jitc ljupitrs, uuc canM,.4. ........ iaj tn ... jTe en copies, one year.. ..1..........: Z W each. THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. . Single copy, one year. ....... j..... Five-copies, pne"year............. jTenoopiesfc one year....:.. .'4 !. i.....$2 00 !......... 1 50eafch ! I.... 1 00 each. I Any number of copies of either edition abtive ;4en at the same rate. ' Additions to clubs' may be made at any time at club rates. Remitjby Draft on New York. 'Postoffice Order, or in 'Registered letter. - j l ' ' ' 1 - -I AN AMAZING PREMIUM. ! To any one subscribing j for The Weekly Tribune for five years, remitting u the price, -$10, and $2 more, we will send Chambers s En- icyclopjedia, unabridged, m; fourteen volumes, with all the revisions of the Edinburgh edition fOf 1879, and with six additional volumes, cbv t ering American topics not fully treated in the (original work; the whole embracing by actual printers measurement, twelve per cent., more matter than Appleton's Cyclopasiia. which sells for fSO! To the 15.000 reader who procured from us the WebsterIj nabridgod premium we Sneed only say that while this offer is even more Eliberal, we shall carry it out in a manner equal Sly satisfactory. The following are the terms in kletail: . . .! : ' ' I .'For $12 Chambers's Encyclopaedia,' a Library of Universal Knowledge, 14 vols., with addi f.fions'on American subjects 6 separate vols., 20 Ivolsi in all substantially bounl in cloth, and The Weekly Tribuxe 5 years, to one sub hscriber. ' ' . - -. I :.. 1 For f 18 Chambers's' Encvclopsedia, 20 vols., las above, and TnE SeMi-Weekly Tkibcxe 5 lyears. '. i . . .'"''." jj For 118 Chambers's Encyclopaedia, 20 vols.j lias above, and ten copies of THE- WEEKLY Tribune one year. - ! . I jFor$27 Chambers's -Encvclopsedia, 20 vols., !as above, and twenty copies of THE V EEKLY ribuxe one year. t or 9-b Chambers s tJicycIo2Media, 20 vols., above, and The Daily-Triimjxk two years. The books will. In all cases be sent at the sub scriber's extense, but with no charge for jiack Sng. We shall begin sending them iit the order an which subscriptions have been received on She 1st of January, when certainly five, and per jhaps six, volumes will be ready, and shall send, henceforward, by express or mail, as subscrib-' fcrs may direct The publication will continue jtit the rate of two volumes pur month, conolud ng in September next. i . 'J - ; 1 .;" .' " A MAGNIFICENT GIFf! I Worcester's Great Unabridged, Dictioiiary Free ! The New Y6rk! Tribune will send at sub briber's expense for freight, or deliver ih New ' York City Free, Worcester's Great Unabridged, fjuarto illustrated Dictionary bound in sheep, editlori of 1879; till yery latest and very best edition of that great work, to Shy one remitting . '10 for a single five yearasubseription in "ad vance, or nve one year suoscripuons lo ;ihe VeeklYj or, $15 for a single hye years' sub-" scription in advance, or five one year "subscrip tions to The Semi-Weekly, r, , one year's subscription" to The Daily, 0r, $30 for single three years' subscription in adfance to- The" Daily Tribune. ! , I For oneldollar extra the- liietionarv can be ent by"mil to any part of the United Stated while for Wiort distances- the cxl)resiis much Cheaper. yklJress,' - . 'I , , l Lecio-iJ) j. i itCj litiuL'vr., jew iorfc. F R D E A L E R . TT A ME SIP . HA Y E S . tf Dealer gi Cotton, Hides, Furs, Wool, Bees-j wax, 1 allow, feheep. Uoat and Deer S ins. Old Metals. Drfed' Fruit, Pease, Boaes, Rags, Fac tory WasU etc., etc. ; ; - , ' .'- .: .. I RALEIGH, N7C. ,;;V Refers to Raleigh National Bank and State ii , National Bank; Raleigh. U; C. 5 T SITUATION WANTED. S ITUAtlON WANTED. I A YOUNG LADY tli teach the English branches, French and Music, desires a situation aa A kstst a vt ;n , a; oary. or will take charge of a school or teach Address w n - 'lliAUllER,' Inoy 25 $-.tf Box,286, Raleigh, N. C. 1 DIRT GOODS. J; P. ; GTJLLESr, I!" "' .v. Nl)E.UU IS DRYiGOOCtiiS, Fajttterllle Street, ' '' ' : - -' U I - " ' .. ' v-" : . KEEPS; ALWAT8 OX BAKISi ! r -1 ; - - . s".' . All Detrlpllons f Ladles Drr H oods, Mens' and Boya' Clotkln&H CLOTHS, coorrs AD SHOES- EATS. .Si..- FULL LINES O? 'Mi I n IN EVERY VARIETY. 'U;.': -II, I BOYDEN'S JIAND-JIADE SHOtS, ARE SPECIALTIES. - ' . 1 ' I i . -Kl ' " e are among the largest dealers ia1 Jland- made shoes in the State. - . Orders from a distance promptly filled If '- . . -'" !" ' ' ' - : ' r- " Three Floors .Filled with . GoqfU 7 i .- ' ii'j i '-, '. Prices sure to suit buyers, oct 7, 1879 l-3m. ( t . NOW ON EXHIBITIirN. An tinecjualed AfKortment of Encash, ' Frencli and .Domestic DRESS FABRICS, 1 . j! SILK VELVETS,' ' LACES," TRIMMINGS, , " UNDERWEAR, " ' -" . i , , , HOSIERY, EtcvTC., Together with all the latest Noveltiiln ... Damassel and Brocages, ... it . . .- -v ' With PERSIAN; INDIA, , JAPANlj3 and . other Antique Designs and Color;-' ; " -, i for Gacniture, Drapery and !-';'- . ,'"i" .Combination Costumes y. v -i L't . ' EMBOSSED BROCADE AND SATIN BTTvPED ; VELVETS ANB-PUfSiiES. ; . (ALSO i. BUT TONS ai . FANCY, h PEARL AND W7TAL, the most novel patterns:; ball, flaf, rou octa- -1- gon, oblong, oval, square ana uiamoncfapes j painted in exquisite colorings or'in infjd and raised designs.' ", ' LADIES'-DOL.MANS. AND wlAPS, CLOAKS, ENGLISH WALKING aJK--- ETS AND ULSTERS, SUA WHS FOR LADIES, MISSES ANlfj . CIIILDRENVMISSES' . CLOAK S A ND X$ ULSTERS, -. ?' V ,'''. -Jl- .".-.. !" ' ' if-:: V ; 35 NOIV OPEN VAND EEGEIVED DAIJi. -tS! . ': !; . .1 : ! '' ' - 1 Prices to:meet all Classes of Purf&asers. W. II. & R. H. TUCK ER. noV 11, 1879 l-3m. NEWIGOOD! retty Goods? Che2Qools! Doors Open Daily. sion WtLE I GOME TO GREEGh'S! I desire to call the: attention of buyefitf Dry ' Goods to the fact that never ta the last Senty five years have I had the pleasure of ofijying to my numerous, friends ami customers a -lire at tractive stock of goods than I offer thisason,. as each and every department is full ar com plete, and embraces everything that is i.pt in a first-class Retail and Jobbing IIouse.'M .1 have a corps of pdite 'Salesmen ojjten to twenty years experience, which will- jujvv ify me in saying that my H6u.se is'Vtbortfughlxfgan ized, and customers; will save- time anqnoney by coming to Creech's to buy Goods. I wish to call- your special attention. o my Black and Fancy Cashmeres, as one ofuy spe cialties in Dress Goods. . I also ask yoai" ecial attention to my stock of Cloaks, as I Ke the largest and .most complete assortment H?t was . ever brought to this icity. and' ladies. vtM .find it to their interest to examine my Cloak fsbefore buying elsewhere. , ii , ;; I ' : tn "" SlyiShoe and StaplGoodg Departments hould never be forgotten aft; the goods will baiiild at prices to meet the hard times. , '- , . - . . ! '.i- . ;A. CREECH. , P. S. The Wholesale Department is 1 11 and complete, with just such goods as Count. Mer chants want. ; Call and examine them wtn you want to buy, and I will save you some nmey. ; 4 A. CREECH. oci 7, 1879 l-3m. ,i t , " if SCHOOLS. f. s 5T, .MAR5 SCHOOL . j Founded 1842. . Rev, B; SjiedeSj'A. M., Principal Mrs. C. DbR. Mkabes, Lady Prinal. ' This well kpowu. school was never si3?pom pletely furnished in its various deptirtutgRtti as at present. A full corps-of able and experienc ed teachers is engaged resident Frein and ' German ladies musical department, )fs vo cal and instrumental, unsurpassed. iBvjvery respect the Principal feels ju'stifidff'in iiAcom mending it to the atronage of parents djtiring for their daughters advantages equal .toS &ny in this country, for thorough education, fojS-reflit. ,-ing surroundings and for careful moral 14id re- Jygious training, 1 . : I'srms for Board and Tuition, per fa'm of twenty week8, $12J.r i For ay" scholar from $t4o $30. The only extra charges are Mu si e,Art-jind Languages. ( Special stftients, whether boarders or otherwise; received ihk eith er of these branches.1 . , ' - . s ? For catalogue and circular, apply to , ; BEV. B. SMEDES-j , "' : ' St. Mary's Sch4 '. oct 14, 1S79, 2-tf Raleigh, gC. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. : '-: . i ; ' . . 'ZM 5 RALEIGH CLUB HOUSE . "Delmonico of the SoutK ' Corner kartln and Salisbmry Sfak s. Genuine Dublin XXX Brown Sttfy ! n draught with Bass Ale- the old English; ylrfk fit Hlf;-an(l,Half, ean be procured in thesr it, e ai TIM. IJEE'S PLJR IJOUSE. i )1 Also on hand old" Robinson Cpunty "WZjfc f .bought of Hardin" A Grimes. - f iT Baltimose meals onii 11 kaUnnr-iin nt tl: ft i ;8r on served in first-elass order. iif vl.f Kino private Sitting Rooms bo that . ' and i Mi----: A (l in is - " V? jzb-1! reneh, Cook ; oct i; 1879 CLOTHING I.' B. ANDREWS. V i 8. W. I WHITING. KAti J. CAS. ttiMDOCWSACa WW i 1 .1 . r i E. B. AUBREWS & CO.. -..;,.'-:!' .',,-". DEALERS 'Vt :'; '-"''' '.!.':' CLOTHING For Men and Boys. - EXTRA LARGE SIZES A SPECIALTY. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ' , HATS AND CAM, DRESS SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, ' - . TIES, SCARFS, i SUSPENDERS. HALF HOSE, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, UNDERWEAR, . TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES. . Prompt attention given to orders from a dis tance. f . .... s . No. 27 Fajetttrille Street, RALEIGH, N. C. ' oct 7, 1S79 l-3m i i INSURANCE. EstablLshed 18C5. ; f Combined Assets, - - $148,978,472.00. P. F. PESCUD. P. F. PISCUD, Jr. P. F. PESCUD & SON.. GENERAL Life& Fire Irisnrance Agents - AND ADJUSTERS. I Raleigh N. C, Oct. 7, 1879. ! - Tlie readers of thi paper wanting insurance on any kind of insurable proj)ei-ty, on i their lives, or against accidents of any kind, are in vited to make applications to us. i f Our Companies, comprise those best known, and most distinguished for their strength, promptness aud liberality. ..: V. V. PESCUD & SON. oct 7, 1879 l-3m. : T HE. NORTH CAROLINA Home Insurance Company, OF RALEIGH, N. C. i (ORGANIZED IN lhGS. Insures against loss by ( fire on. J -DWELLINGS, j ' , 1 FURNITURE, f. STORES, . . MERCHANDISE, AND FARM PROPERTY, ' : , - Including COTTON GINS, Of the better kind, ion as favorable rates as any Reliable Company. - JOHN GATLING, President. " ' ' -W H. CROW, Vice-President. W. S. PRIMROSE; Sec'y and Treas. COWPER, Adjuster and Supervisor. ocW, 1879 l-3m. ! H CAROLINA STATE ; Life Insurance Comp'y, - Incokpoeated in1872. , . RALEIGH, .! NORTH CAROLINA. F. H. CAMERONj - - - - . President. W. E. ANDERSON, ; - - - Vice-President. W. H. HICKS," - j Secretary and Treasurer. Dk. E. B. HAYWbop, - - Medical Director. Pkof. E. B. SMITH, - - Advisory Actuary. Assets,- $260,1 70. ;o Surplus to Policjr Holders, , 173,394.20 TlfE STATE LIFE IS THE ON LY HOM COMPANY IN NORTH CAROLINA. : ' ' i It is the only Company"; that invests all its funds in the State. I All of its money is kept at home and circulated among our own people. : Out of fifteen companies reporting to the N. 'C. Insurance Department, the N. C. State Life issued more Policies in the State last year than all of the rest put together. , i LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY, j "Company's rates as low as those of any first? clai Company, j. j- - ;; , i . . Every man, rich r poor, needs insurance. It will cost a man; aged 30 about five cents a day to keep his life insured for One Thousand Dollars. . j NORTH CAROLINIANS STAND BY AND SUPPORT YOUR OWN HOME ! INSTITUTIONS. For any particulars concerning this excellent Home Company, apply to any of Company's Agents or to Company's office in Raleigh.; x j"Good agents wanted in every county in the State. . j .;4 oct 7, 1879 l-3in. THECONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COUP'Y, OF HARTFORD. . , One of the oldest Companies in the country, having been established la 1846, it has all the advantages of age and experience. With a low ratio of expense, it offers cheap insurance on simple plans. j;; '-.."(; ' ' - - Tne Company has disbursed to the families of forty -seven policy-holders in this State, during the past ten years, $188,881.00. - i Send for statements, etcv to SAM'L DOUGLAS WAIT, V General Agent, oct7, 1879 l-3m. j RALEIGH. N, C. CONFECTIONERIES. " MiJ.MOSELEY, OONFECTIONEB AND KESTAURATEUR, Fayetteville Steeet,Saleigh, K. C. , . Ceoicb Fruits and Candies. The only Ladies'' Restaurant in the City. Oysters served in all styles Day or 3ight. , EP" " mat Saloon specially for Ladies. 1 Tft CLOTHlMill i i r STATE SCHOOL 'BOOKS, O F F ICIA.L. State of Nortl Carolina, 0Of Spt Pnfclk lR9traitlon, j RALEIGH, Srpt. 187l. ':;': -. v ':: ' . - . ' V-;-' : . .'..!' Capt. W. B. KENDRICR, I t Gen. Agent Cniunity Tub. Co., RALEIGH, X C.f :: Dear Sir : It pives mc tWuivi to I - infurm you that 1 .. Holes' Eeaiers and Speller, faints GeograjMes, HoIfflBs' Grammars Hislory ?". - ' '-.- . , : . - !. 1 have been adopted for use in the Public SehoolH of this State. f . . Very rospeetfully, j 1 . .' . . ;' . JOHN C. SCARHOROUGHr i ?upt. of Puhlic Intilruction. -I. ! These books will be furnished to tlie pupils for ! '-':' -r ; "' ' . ' t i i - FIRST INTRODUCTION at such low ' raUs as will enable school oflieers! . and teachers to bring about k 1 1 completel uniformity' of i 1 text-books in the .; --, ;. i ..: ' '.. ''V; Behools under 1 their charge. 1 List of Books ana Prices: READERS AND SPELLER.. Introdnction Exchsnce friee. . , ITice. Holmes' First Reader, $0 13 Holmes' Second Reader, - 22 $0 07 ( : -'' I ;12 Holmes' Third Reader, Holmes' Fourth Reader, Holmes' Fifth Reader," Holmes Speller. . 34 45 . 75 12 ' .'24 ! 40 " ! 07 EXTRA READER FOR ADVANCED CLASSES. Holmes' Academic or Sixth Reader, 94 GEOGRAPHIES. Maury's First Lessons in - Geography, 0 30 50 $0 20 40 i C4 80 .1 .r. $0 18 ,28 50 I Maury's World We Live . ! In, , 75 Maury's -Manual of Geo- ! graphy, f 1 20 Maury's Physical Geo- . - i - i graphy, 1 50 Maury's Wall Maps, set . of eight, net, 10 00 GRAMMAR AND nLSTORY. Holmes' First Lessons in Grammar, . $0 35 Holmes' English G ram-' 1 . mar, ' , . 55 1 Holmes' History of the , United States, 95 -. i Explanation. A pupil who is now using a book by some other author, may, by giving it up in exchange, , buy one of Holmes' or Maury's books 'of same kind' and grade, at the Exchange Price. This he can dq, no matter how much soiled or worn his old book may be. . If he has no old book to exchange, then he may buy one of Holmes' or Maury's ai the Intro duction Price.' - i 1 For further information address, i ' ALFRED WILLIAMS k CO., , ' , 19 Fayetteville Street, ; RALEIGH, X, C. Or Capt. W. B. KENDRICK, -J ! v . t . " . ..1 . . - Gen. Agent Uhtvertity Pub. C6:f RALEIGH, N C get 21, 1879, 3-3m ROOKS AND STATIONERY. Books ! Books !' Books ! I For Noktu arolixa hohj ;: Srhool lil.lory fff Nor Ik Carollaa. f ly Jonw AV. Mxre. I ntrwjictrT IVW, 70 r-rnU. J CaRkLIXA lAil!TRATM: For Nurtii Hand Rook for Coaatj Offlcff. ' iTirr, y:.an. TrW, fi SO. Ior Noktu Cjiai i.is a Layvy : . I 1. . . Tonirr- DI?et f C Itrd ( . ' J -. ! , ji ' i ' '. viij.on. TottrYtV I'pUr, Willi N'otv and Ir eluon. Neyr ylitio:i. Irir, r Fur iNtiRTU Carolina Tcui.rji: SCHOOL IMM)k? IT Iif PRICES. Lil x-ral divnuut t Ti-ni-tirn and j:trCtugiHM ttyir n spplmtuin. AiM ALFRED IT ji I.LI A MS k CO., RookwUfrs u4 StaUonrra. 1H7 1-tf i RALEIGH. X; C. oet f 1 MKRCIIANT TAILURINti. . MTT. Ri Loader, 3; ,: Satisfaetlon ia ail rvjHHUi Kiaratik-d. BCITB MAbK TO ORDER WITH DIsrATClI. Iht finest.line of sample iu Um city. Over 00 styles from whtt'h to uik HcltHrtioiiA. r. oct 14, 187D 2-3u i DRUGGISTS WM. SIMPSON, ." .-('.'.- 1 , ; ' ' ' - ':' f Fa v t thrill' Stmt, '.':; . . ' : j ' : AVholi-sale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS AN Agricultural Chemicals. Full and well awtor-U.nl linea of Drua, I'atent MedicineaToilet'ArtiTlea, Perfumery,' - 1 Soajm, Field and Garden Secda, I Draees. Truwea, tc. Fertilizers ;lbr Farmera Alwaya on hand a full atoek of C'hemicmla fir the -i j . . Home Manufacture of Fertilizer, which are oflennl at low price, and rank with the best artificial manure in the market. Thea Chemicala are pure, and after being .teated by the Department of Agriculture are prnnoiinevd fully up to the highest Ktandard. j Send for pamphlet 'containinif formula and testimonials. i . oct 7 XhV l-.Ttn. PESCUD. LEE St 10., DRUGGISTS W1101.K8ALR and Retail, Corner FayetteTllIe and Martin Ntre!, RALEIOII, N. C. S&T Garden Seed a SjiecudfyVtA Mineral Waters on draught and ih Iwrttlea. Full Lines of Fancy Goods in erery Tariety. Bninhes,- Oonilis, Perfumes, Soajia, Burifical In-atniiiM-ntx, etc., always on hanl. CiiAE8t)K Rest Urandh 6n Sale. Particular atU-ntion given to compounding Precsriptions. - u : oct 7, 1K7 l-3in. . ' (! ESTABLISH KI IN 1827. Williams & Haywood, WflOLEriALE AND, RETAIL It U &QX ST.S..' ' DEALER IN ' Medicines, Pants, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Pit fumery, Faiu-y Article: , , - GARDEN AND GRASS SKEDS. CIOAIW, CHEWINd AND bMOKI. tobacco constantly on lumd. f ; ' j WHITE LEAD, PUTTY, KEUOSEXE,LIN ,8EED, AND MACIIIXK OILS, WINDOW CLASS, : j , VAUXISIi, Etc v I AT LOWEST PRICES. oct 14, 1879 2-3iO ; J , ROOTS AND SHOES, J. kf. WALKER, V, W. SMITH. -yyALKEB k SMITH, ' BENEDICT, HAL L & CO., VAXcrAt-rrKKr.3 A5D jobderm or . B O OTS ANDSHOES Of all kind tot the Southern trade, including I i Til I CO - n 22 A " J 2i i 1 A 1 1 I z I I a " the celebrated Standard Screw-Fastened Goods, ff Prompt attention siren to orders. 134 AD 136 Geajd Stbeet, New Yoke. oct 7, 187 1-tf i ' "' . I :' J ' LAW PrULlCATin.NS. LAV"PLlMlO"tlS ! j NOW UK A IV I . The Law Uecturos of Iho TrratluiJ of ih ru'l.U ahirli rrUl ihiniT r l t. -r.nl ; ilio rifWfc Kh rrll- M th-rruit; tK jmiiM i W U ta ritll - - - 1 t.m raU .U iJPa.lm kim I llw-lr ilrl.l.-fil. friiy. . .tipilcl m 11b l;rfrn, X.r mmi 1 1 ' ' Mviniunr by . : , 1 Al. UiM lmr f Vrr Mtr. . I 11 M i Itv.Mut .. rtil rr.lrn al . ; ivat;ih, iii:tr;uTo; ax., J'ulftlUHf n, l:lrleh, X. 't t 5th N. C Digest, ,. VOM K, tTH In 111. ( ainUlnlnf !( handrrd sn.1 (r ' U'! I .'". . i:mti;i it ' Hon. -Wi II. It A ILK Y, . Fortirtty AHiirtiry Grmrnit, ( W, Ohm iuM('rr, '. i ' ' . 1'KU (4 .VI. KWT r V M 70. . I'artin lid liaf imlnonlMl t"T UiU Ivahk- -will pU-M! n-Hiit, lta ll m f.ira arlnl ' dinilcl. Ad.lniK '.i. , i i . ; il.DWAltDS. ilRor(aiT A OV, liuvj 2. l it Ul-laJirrn. Kalriirh, N. ;: In k w" si' T"inr: r x THE WORLD FOR 1880. - IVitiocrnK rrrr hrr lf"nu lltt-in ' -lvri ran-fully alika t U iu-ifi f lln ir . . arty tliruiii(liit Hit nHinlry and of llir ! , liu nU id tlx-lr IC.-piiliUraii i.)ui-iiU. A f 1 1 -. -Hrr t. ilithU la 17 fkiHlnl.ulcl rrratlr to tk ' Km Imt thejN-murnM-y of Ihr fruiu vt thv i- 1 ', t'irv itiirlv ni at t r mi!U. j i fl y-r Sm) pnvntiw. I.t P niia of ihn ; iikmI ni-rtrni( and imrtalil' yrani .f tlil i-r.iwih-il and rvriid'ul .rrnlurr. Jt nUtra - l'rcl.fiitil claH'tion 1iili iiiav r-ull in rr- rllillihin tlio f)iwrniiM-nl 4 if tliU onmtrr on j -t lie priacil f iu fitntatitutinnal fuiilT, r ' in N'iniiaiM-iilly rUanpiiiff r Utl.nia if llto SUtH ! Uif Yi-drral K r. So lull IHi iit . mini tn rwl awrK an rlrrtmn Hik Imlidfr J, riif . I Til K UnltlJi aa thr whir daily l.niflUli- . nrwiMiH'r mllilicl lit tin' city of Nrw utk hit'll npludda III dM-triu-a of ninatilHtiniiat lK-aio-nwy, will U-aaJily rjrr'iit th IMho. rratk' rtjr in thia prvat tjinvaju.. It xilld.i, th ia ill Imi apirit of limHIt HU-Uaaiiaiilp( lMt 1 t-tiiptrat4'ty and (Iriaiy. Aa a nrHiH r T11K , W011I l, U'inf th orcaa f tiu man. mt -ll'u . and no InU-rraL will pTi-iit llir ful.-t and 11m I . fhirt-t jMoturi- it ran niaka of a h Uy'a a 1 ainitliiftory In tha oitr, thr Slat-, tha nintry and tai worlil. It will aim hirwVrr. aa l"-iv. toforri at ats-wrary firat f all llititir In all I Imt it ptililiilir. No mart, liowrvrf liuiulilc. alinll pvrr ln Iwrmittl truly ti tvitnplaln tiiat h liaa Imu anjuatly dralt w iih la tli coluniaa of Til R ', WokI.Ii. No Ink-rtxit, howvvr iwrful, ahall ever fx H-rmitUH truly ti Ih( that It ran aih iK the fair rritkeiain of Til K Wom ni 1 luring tliKint yt-ar T11K WOiil.D ha tern lla dally rlrt-n Int Ion treldril and ila wrt-klyrir-: rotation puahiil far Im-viukI tliut of any; ollo-r weekly ii"waarr n tin- eon n I ry . Tliia s;rat ; liK-n-ajwf luu iMt-u won, aa Til K Woiti.u Im-lievi-a, liy trutlifuliiraa, rnU-rpriai', h-b ! ae- ; tivity in rln'tiiiir new and nnfall-rini( loyal.' tv to itwlf ami to Ita rra'ta-ra In ' l-alin; with tlie nii-Kti(iii.of tliu lUy. It l our hoiw ami it will h- our riidi avtir that TiiK Wfikl.n a rwoitl , for 1hN( may writU-n In the approliatixii mid the aifppnrt olvmatiy tliouannda more of m-w 0 -nd-ra in all parts of this Jnd.molulile" I'nion . of Indi-xtrmHihle Mtut-. I 1 ' ciur; rates or autwcripl and at as follows : i-riptfoa remuln tiiii'Jianird, 1 Iaiy and Hundava, im fear, IOj i iiniiiihs, . $. Mt J three iiioitlha, f J 74. , ; . ' Daily, without humluy--Imc year, ft als ;. montlm, three ttiotillTa, fi i.t; .aa (Jinn thrco months, l a month. Tllf Ht KUAV Wok1.Ii, outyiar, ! Tut MoMlAV" WoKLIl, tiinlaiiiiiiK tin- ll.kV Reriews and "Colh'KO t tironi. I.- " on yi ;r, i fio.- - -. - . ' Tll KMI-WkEKLV. Woltl l (Taralati and ; Fiduys) i a year. To club aji-nU-An e-I tra eoy for elan of ten-; the tbtily for. a eluli of twntr-fle. . ' ! . Tut VVkkkly WouM(UVIiiiwUr) ll a year. To tliib Air aU-Aii rttra e.pr foe rliilf ; of tml; "thV Meml-Weft kly for elitb of t wa nly, ! the Daily for club of fifty. - ' ; Heimen Uunibcr arnt frtw on application. i Tcrnia (f'aNh, invarialily In advancNt. . i f Hcni pot -pfllce money order, bank draft or . rc vit'irl Tctu-r, Itills at risk of the aciib'r 'I A Special Offer. I -Sii-lna-rilx'r" bo kmkI $ for a -year's buIh acriptian before lHciiibT in will rcivv TllK WKKKI.Y Wobi.D rrom the- data of llieir. airf acription i TO MARCH 5, 1 H Ml . This will iuclude.the PrraiJi-ntial camitaiKii ainl the iiianiirnnitlon of the net Prraldcit. Old aularrilers who) arnd II Ix-fore IM-rmlM-r 2H, for a n-nrwsl of their aubacriptbrn for lawi, will rrecire Tiik Wr.r.K IX-Woni.ii l March fi, tnni without miaaiiif a mlmli-r. TiiiaOrrKR will hk Witiii4wk Dw. tu, : Take alvantaire of It al ottce. XulMNirilw at once. Jtenew; at once. ' . Addreaa ' ' . . " ' l TIIK WOULD, 3.5 Tark Itow, New York. nor 'i-'fK - ' NEW YORIX: . Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A. YEAR.' The circulation of this topnlr iicwwih r, lias more than trebled durinif the Miat year. It eon tains all the Irwillaa: awws onaialitMl In tha DAILY 11 KRAI Ii, and la arranirwl In handy p. lUU-tnicnts. Thr FOREIGN NEWS ! emlrracea xcfat dipaU-hm from all (piarb-rs of the alobe, I'mb-r the bead of AMERICAN NEWS are irivta the Teletrrapki jHWau.Ma of flic week from all rts of Ilia l uion. This fea ture abeie tnaVes" " , THE WEEKLY HERALD the moat raJuaLW brMtcU Iri the world, aa It ia the rbcafwat Every wek is f frcn a failli ful r art of ' , ' ' j ; rOLITJl'AL .KW8 , rmlracnir eotirj'li-te anl tmini.ei iMf raiU-hea! from aahrnftww". .'nro full e ! , II r " jiorU of th aliiaf of eminmt politi iatia tin the qiitlotta of the hour. ' . THE FARM DEI'AUTM EXT. of the Week 1. 1 IIkkai u iflrc the luteal as well aa the moat practical aurreationa anil dis coveries relatinK U Ui duties of Ua trmrt hinU for raiaiuK Cattle, Poultry, firsias 1 Vegetables, tc., etc., w ilh anrifmliona for kaen. Ins( bui$linfs ael farm ins; ntuaila in refaMr This is inpiilcincntH bra well-ei!itei ileiairt nient, wliiluly ooiiUal, im& the It ad of THE HUM E, gir.ifli; iM'ip fur iraeUeal dikea, binU f.ir making rlodiinK aivl for kmvjung ui aithtb latci4 faahionsat the lowest trH. t'.tvrr iietn of cook In k or eiomy aars-ntel la) tfiid. fiartrnenl U practilly U-Ul by eipert l-afora publication. Ietters from uur Pans and ln .' don eorteapoiidetits on the .Very latest faxlilona. Tbs llorna lrpnrtnH-lil of tha Wkkki V JIkk ALD will aava tlie kouaewifs lunrs ihsa on hundred tiijies the rioe of the pap-r. ' 1 tie I. tereata rf ; i I SKILLED LABOR. ; are kioked alter, and everything relaiinf to mechank and kiiior aavint.is earcfullr n rd- el. There is a paire J.'Twtei ta all tlie latest ' phases of tne Imainnai mark Ha, crop , mer hso. dine, etet, ee. A ralaaiJe featareis fmnl In the siiecially reiMtrted price and ooteiittous of : THE f RODLCE, MARKET. Simrtilur News at home aad abroad. toL-ether- with a Hlory every week, a aermon br soma eminent divine. Literary, Maairwl, reinatle, ' Personal aad rW-a Notea. There is imj paer in the world which contains s much news tualter . erery week tha Wrratr IlrRALn, whkh is sent. rnaUire free, for ee dollar. Yea ran aubacribe at any time. , " THE NEW TORE HtHAl.D . In a weekly ft.mCofiB Ioi.lak a YKAkl ' Addreaa, 'NKW YORK HERALD, V Hroadway and Ann BlreeU, NrW York. dee 2 1. v -... vi 'J , l.IM,r.,

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