0 and GonscrfVaitives. iICJH PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. . 1 - : 1 :4 "I li.ll i 'biIstiWpovder iOCRATS AND CONSERVATIVES. HN SPELMAN, -Editor. . Single Pubscripflena. - '25t8 bms ' j dAbs Of Five or more, - 20cts. (During the August campaign.) . ', ADVERTISEMENT A limited number of advertisements will be inserted at f 1. 50 per. inch deep for nt inser tion", and 75c for each subsequent insertion. Special terms for lengthy advertisements. ; FOE PRESIDENT; HORACE OR-EELISY, f OF NEW ,YORK. 7; ' j FOR VICE-PRESIDENT, . Gfl j. T -7JLVl OWN, OF MISSOURI. : 13. . STATE DEMOCRATIC-CONSERVATIVE TICKET. '.'X; for governor: '7 AUGUSTUS S. MERRIMON, of Wake. FOR LIECT. -GOVERNOR: 7 1 JOHN HUGHES, of Craven. ' ' ; FOR' SECRETARY OF STA.TE! JOHN A. WOMACK, of .Chatham. 4 ... ' ; -''."J- fou aumtor:; COLLETTLEVENTHORfE, of -Caldwell for treasurer ; , JOHN W. GRAHAM, of Orapge. FOR SClT.-OF PUBLIC INSTIiCCTfON : . NEKEUS MENDENHaLL, o Guilford. for supt. public voi1ks : JOSEPH If. S EPwRK j of V4ike. ' J '.. , ' ' - : ; "' ' ..- 7 ' ' -OR ATOOBSKY GENERAL,.! WILLIAM Ji. HItP. of M eckinburgh CCrN'GRESSlOAL TICKET. let Dis. Col' D. M. Carter; Bealuforjt 'county. 2c f W..II. Kitcheti,fHalifax cclinty. 3d I" 4th I" Hon; A. M Watidell. New Hanover. Hon. S. H. Rogers, J Wake county 5th Hon. J. M. Leach; Davidqnf ounty. f,Ui -Hor. Tims. S Ashe,' .Angon county. Tti 14 Mui. W AI Kobbijp, Ko,wan bounty. '8tW Gen. K. .K .Vance. Buncdnibe. I'iiiACTui wm. -ist Di.-;-T-Or tavius Coke,- of Chowan county. 2d " Swift G&lloftav,of Greene county. T. C FuBer, of Cumberland couuty. 4th " M A. -London, of Vhatliam county 0th W i; Steele, i)f Kichjuond county. F. B. McDowell, of Icadell county. 7th u ySth " .-ThOiua? Johns-on, or ljuncomue. s . MESSKS ' ll KiKKS AND ?.il,ril. (llCAXVI I.LE, COI XTV. ; "x jj1 '" Oxl'i.rd, SaturJ:iyvJuly l-'ltli. ... 'Henderson, Mondavj'uly l."tli. , Urasslields,. .Thursday, July Jth. Flt.VMiLIX Cyl-NTV. - ' . I . Frauklintui!, Tuesday,' July Liili. Louisbur WeJnt-sday. July lytli: JS'asii Corxri". r jS'itsliville,-Saturday; Jidy 2"ui.t Sullivan's.. Monday, Jlily --Jiul. AV'ake Coi nty; .. Koioville,. "Wednesday, July 24th. Auburn, Tunrda July 2.'th. ; . Johnston CoCntv. Clavt'bii, Fridav,- Jtdv 2'th. Snuthfteld, .Saturduv, July -ttli. Ingram's, Mdndav;ifly -th; ' Meadow, .Trtes cLx , Jui y Soth. O'Xeals, Wednesday, July 31st. JL'DG iH MEliKIMON ANfil Hiri"b Ar- rOINTMENTS. ' Tin- Democratic Conseryative .candidates for Governor a' d Attorney. ,Gneral; will sneak at the following plaees and tidies Winston, Forsyth county, Ayedne.day, July loth, 1S72. . ; ,; b'J.v : ... YaJkinvilK ;Tadk.;i county,. Friday, Jyly l!th 1H W ii k esboro' , Wilkes county,! M-1 Monday, July Trap Hill, iies wujio, rf . A. I. TD.'i ueday, .T?uly i "III, XOi w. " . i A-av. Julv 24th. 187-2. " ' , . ;Vil iVSllt'l'lV . jumuwu'ii -'"-"i---T"-. , ' '.i.v. iaii, utitv T mi sciav. Juiv 25th, 1872, ,;K Jnii v'fS ;..,ri ar ;.rV.aVl -4uly in lies are told by tlie wholesale on K Alio way, iuMyui-H ,iv" i,., X "'"'1 -.t -. -h . v . 2St 17-2. i 1 , ' ;'iv-,u;- Mcrrimon. Shinn. Leventhorne and ! c 1 ( vi'Wthll HaVldfrV l f OUtUN'. ii;,a','!'l1'' i ' : i i ' ; : I j i. , i ' Mcrirauton. Burk " aotii.. 1872. f ' We will be glad if 3; YhiWd press vrill copy 1 A v the above. :f.ixiu County R a i icat. TicKtrr.---teaturdayth' ot Wake lAenOmiT -ted t. ikticktt: Seps4- ms, ne Llouse, -tnegroj i d e. iau? TA oiiir ut. 1 W. W. 'o'l Deeds.1 Jim the diead of the cxiUed'tbericau Jim AWiu be able atter of -the thous !- 'v 1 : .itbr y! Ye4 by Jiira from4hjeve 1 &:'Cp.viorJinr m many jof his 3 r 1 r m liOV THEY MANAGE A Radical's Explanation 1 of th? Dif ference Betwixt Tweeele-dum and Tweedle-dee. . I . : A'vitness Who is a first-cUss Rad ical and a prominent member of the no kitchen party, having! been swoni before the Shipp Fraud Commission, testifies as follows (see page 534) : " The Secretary of State (wiio is also one of the chief men in that party) came into my store and sked tire price of carpet. I replied 2.25 a yard. - He said he wanted 500 yards for the State. I offered to' take 1.93 or $965 for the 500 yards. He -went off, but returned the next day and bought two sets of. vidua for $r30, which I sent to his house. He came back next day and took 500 yards of carpet at $1.93. He then asked me if . I knew the difference between Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee, I said; no." , lie then made4 some figures on a piece of paper thus, 2.19 multiplied by 500 $1,095 ; $905 & 1 3 01 095, which I understood to be a proposition on iliis part to pay me $2.19 a . yard for the carpet that I had offered at $E93' a ;y ad. The difler ence in the amount being $130, what he owed me for his cl ina. This h(j said rwas ; the dilferenee between Tweedle-dunr and Tweedle-dee. . I said all I wanted was my ny ' and Tie could pay it as he pleased, either in State warrants' or out of his own .pocket.' Ile 'gnv me the warrant on the State ! Treasui er for 500 yards carpeting at $2:1911,095:1)0, and 1 . llereatter tTe , tax payers of rs ortn Carolina will please remember ;tlie di'tference between Twc'edle-duiti and Tweedle-dee. I The way to manage it is to hxs soniethingffor the State, and tl.r. thto'iHH iffm.l mvo n tTSrfSt: POOL'S TilCIv- '''-.' Th e ' Conse r va lives ha ve made such a startling exposure of Radical Ras cality, hy publislnng; sworn" Fa els and Figures,'' that Caldwell and John Pool and the other leaders oi the no kitchen ; party, aekuowleoVe the corn.'? and confess their inability to carry tne Section by confining thccfi selves torlAcrs. TheV do not care to fight it .out on thatl line all um - mer, so now they.have changedUidr bas. lliey disregard the logic 61 facts5 and resort to unblushing lying. uler cover oi o o -e number of : i o . der covbr of John Poors frank ilocumets -arc 'be-' scattered, .broadcast over the ,J t ute: These documents all contain falsehoods., There is one document . :-, , .".l-.- ! :.' : ' i.. ',.. ( -O"- - ----- ; - - , iRimi ns name ton. . e e i dehce that it was nrinted at a.negr. printing office in v asningion ity It is like a bastard has no one t father-it; and if John Pool were to father it, he wpuld be, like the Devil, " the fftther of lies." We denounce it from Alpha to Omega as being grossly false. If the charge's in it were true, John Pool would not have bceii afraid nor ashamed to sign bis the ttate Treasurer lor both- in one 01 tne legislature anuleyv high taxes.' bill. An easy way 10 Radicals to In tthaeyenti theyKrtihe; says, pay -their bills : ;f ' S S:i' v I would nthoM JCth eir; lactioh void. 1'.,' ' . - i.ee vaN'Ti:mie. to it. The mere fact that any campaign document is published without authority, of committee and is sent.-, oat mi0 tne wor lin siriKid, is good evidence that it con - Stains falsehoods and is not to be be- This is an underhand tnct am well, Pool and the no kitchen party ICM, XOHTH CAROLINA, JULY .use to attack the characters of ; men whom they- dare not meet openly. Tlieiy assail our candidate in "the darjv-c;rculate lying- documents about them, without signature, and endeavor to blacken the good fame of their political opponents by secret means. If these charges are true why don't Caldwell uike them on the! stump ? ; AVhy d;H.s be shirk from meeting our public speakers ? Instead of this, neither Ji nor Brog- den!, nor Hargrove nor any of the' no kitchen party ever make these charges openly. They circulate by stealth' font falsehoods, and try to steal away the character of men they dare not meet oh the stump, by distributing an unsigned - document which thev darp not father. , -l ' . We warn the honest people of Xo'th Carolina not to consider for a moment any bastard document of the above character. Since the foregoing .was written, Jinjge Mcrrimon. has published a card . " Pool's trick," which will be . . ... - ' - . , found elsewhere. "We add, too, that we iare satisfied the lyifjg document wa$ written in Raleigh land bv Pool. TAXES AND II031 STEADS. Judge Koclman, 01 'tne feunrefne CoUrtiifter a long and lajjorious dis cussion of the (uestipnconies to the cor elusion, tlujWif the .Lfjtluture shmdd Jfeavier ia.es than the Constitution - alloirs iramely, $2.00 on the poll and G6 cents on the one hundred dollars worth oi property MifiyJie 'Sajyt'emd Courf shoidd not tonal.' ;iTc...)a;knoIejgcs' Ahat thd limit of $2 on the poll exists but ' this 11 j?itJHte! coiijt jhoidd not interfere. 'He is one tt the. chief t the Radicals Will a21tl rot UOSRPkinn HlCjll TAXES WILL CEETAIXLY DESTROY HpiP2 st k ads, for , the Homestead Is not exempt from execiilii .for faxes. iTtjesp? is but one ityio avJid high taxes, now; that the-Radical Supreme Court sayis it will not declare a tax il legal because it is greater' than the Constitution allows, that Avay isto; elect! Conservatives to the Legisl.!. tureJ Remember that the Radicals i levied 94 fients tar in 1867.- This - x cents ruore tlrnn the State ih4 bounty -combined could Dehder the Coiiatitution. uOFFlCE-IIOl.IERS' CAMPAIGN.'' In everv part" of Xorth Carolina thd paid officials? 9f.'. the Govern merit are working like heesaTbai Long, Biljly HenderW,Celand.Iga Harris, Starbuck ajj nxiew.;'I)is jtriet .Attorney Xuli,V(y?very mno- ont of braiiis'jxpidll Johesj Ike 1 ungvC11 : Carrowi Howerton, (candiii)r Secretary, Mi Stite,7 -Mfwo: Erwin,feve Jenllwv Caivin Rogers, Father? ' 1 'oih. Aijgo, Jim Justice, Tier Ijong. Periy, Berry and Hester m pool, iX'omnt iy'emisj aremovrheaveh (t an; d earth to carry the (lection in August next. ;rnt. it wont do. notwliViaiiding their; mrc'eiiaie 4t J:fiimh(irsiiii' llieBaficals are One-hip and, the-' davf :biem4a eginVh v dawn. A brjght,a better . be era araws; near. ior. ioriu varonu and the: nation Let -3 the people? 1 cjuiyc Remembef - that CaldwUl charged tfc whites with Iwrboring these wed purposes : through a spirit of RxrniNGK. 10, 1872. i JOHN POOL'S INFAMY. M Pick Badger, a leading Republican in North Carolina, bcimr dulv sworn, testified, ; fThat John ;Pool, Radical .- ' 'L' J. . J. . 1 ' .; ' United States-Senator, advised Gov. Holden, in the summer of 1870, to emjdoy one IcLindsay to come up- j jnto the mterior of the State and capture certain leading Conservative citizens. Pool stated S that McLind sav was a manr'' Mlcsnerate resolve and determined" rurage, jvho had cojnmitted piracyNin tlie East, and was equal to any emergency. And Pool recommended "IcLindsav be cause he would make 'away with his prisoners-in case of dirliculty, and would Ime them, so that they would never be heard of again. I (Badger) denounced PooP.v proposition as in famous ; and thV matter was drop ped." " ' " ' "' cA Xo one.will quest ign Dick ijadgeOf path. :John lbol js now the head of the Radical party in jprth Carolina and boasts that he has a large fund of money at Raleigh to by votes! in this State. i ;7 Em-Aiii) CoxiGLVNii, Esq. -This mguished gentleman is standing as a wall of fire: between the o of his county sm the :poli'tical moijn tebanks of the 'radical n.Atv. From what quarter sp;ever,tney assail ffK- fax,v thev meet Conislaud aiM 'are aifj driven back - "" struck with lu vaiuc isgaJUt; fear." .'cfdkioii ' to this service, 3lr. Coiliglan)i fjives one.er tire lav qf reach!', v'v to al dressing his 1 urdav Jin countviii"!) -V. ing Saturday fourth Saturday o&J ton. The State has and no better man. . 1 S - .Vri- - men 1 . f or . t h i rty-t wo, h A d i W Ifipu dollarsrThat amount vsis ef c :TV. w "- ceived by the United $tates Trr since 1 8G5. Rut ::fV' itWvWuIIallias eeh'paftt-' people to the TJ. S. CbllectpjSj The fourth of the: amoaii the collectors does not JixT Treasury at all, but is people through the dish" Radical Collectors i ? On December Jfr dent Grant sent to" a report from ,wh n anextractpage " But it is cc have mdde it p.. ilLuda f: all the fa$, that one-jo u . Jivf tAe revenues of Vte 1. 1 Xed 'tail's' are annually I lost Ah thecoUe jtim? , ? ; 1 fnt: Jw-'-I.i 'r.':.T i.'-' r i abottt . - ! $4,266,666,6(36 rhe;nount stolen, ' ; i - ; CHiHtt says, is ; , - .'r: Jr about" 1 $1,000,6 666,666 IThe amount racv'd. is $3,200,000,000 -According to Geri Grant himself then, the radicals have stolen over one billion, two hundred I million dollars. That amount is 8 times , the value of all the personal and; real estate t in North Carolina ! 1 1 ' j Greeley and Bnowx. We hoist to-dav the names of Greelev and Brown for President aild Vice-President, subject to the hews from Balfi rnore. Between Horace Greeley and Iforse Grant, we ,go j Greeley forever. To-day (Tuesday) tire Baltimore Con vention meets. 1 Oar: next will give the result. ' . ! Fourth of July,; 1872. ix Kal- 4GiL- The negroes had it all seis and such a sighf ! Had Col- nmh.1,, lahd ! Prom-ess and the 3vew -Hlvilization ! ! - . . . - - ,.1 1 at . 0; DEFAULTERS.' ! The following i a paTiiarJit of tlie tlcfauhing U. S. Collectors hi V -v Xorlli Carolina all Radicals brVi: ing to tlie no kitclien party :. Dis. Xame. 1 W. E. Bond, r W. C. Larlin, . 2 L. G. Estes, 3 . C. W. Woolen, .4 John Head, 1 5 W. II. Thompson, 5 - John Crane, 7 John B. .Weaver, mt. Stolej 5,05 f 1,02!., i4,( 4. 5C81G.2 '5C,04S.C0M ; 50,32 7;7fl X lCC,290.09h " 59,1 25.477 470,018.40 in - i by the Treasury Departmtiit Washington, ' but they : do tt elude the stealing for the pa j years. .1 Caldwell and his ore r - - - have herc.toidre persi Conservative Legisl the militia laws militia and active servie dav acknon vative Lais 'The Gorn: tion full poy; A tia an carle: Radical Lecrv V:VCJ riot i,:-alL TM miifji. : Xow t had the- man line. tfet all his ch se;va jr f .(S , 4 j.6cs 6$i coiTiiitio.i. ungton ! ,.' Irto- the ; j ,oc.kv iailitary. gentlenierwlio ij: t.HGen. ?rantl- ' - .. .... . . ' t ' ' 1 -1 - 1 :T . . :- "1": 'j our irienas in x asquoiau k, -a land, .Chatham and . Rjij worhv of note. . WesJf wnrlriTUT '' vooitrftcltr will has transmitted , 'ftiht t paigii but desires to r again ten our iirvna" State that wcyifvjst wuvk. jiiiu isKiew ary .ihj '01 Jet us make hay while the, sh d cs. bubscribe for vour Taiers and bv luwausjoviiu i-.wn.i-) viltUlC lilt;, VC tral Committee to do its work thor oughly. v Blasti xg Po wi )e i: says, the ndi Cal game is to vote Forsyth e county, if 'tliey can, in the 5th district, hot because they think it 'Will o-o reputy lican, but to bring about a,Conteste4 election, with the hope, based upon their knowledge of the rascall V -'iai acter of their party friends iiCon gress, of having Settle seate'd ii. f pita Gen. Leaches . majority; 'The Win ston Republican perhaps ! now eeg the point. "' . , 3 The Radical. Collectors haveVs cording to Aren. urant s JMessa M r M cJ tathem--faen.25 cents out of eyery.doUar tney nave couecieu. xney -nav f stolen ten nunarca mimea aoimrs, or 18 times the value of North CarcJ' I . . V V. - A - 1 a. ... I. y J. -. . ; iT' V .' vl

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