JTortlj Carolina (Cbrisiia SUboratc. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. -- ,. s-.. Congressional. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. lu the HoUSe, j ... 1 y ei.'-ci. .1 . f. i 1 .it. iiami myvcu vj reset it u tiifl plu rality rule. The motion was rejected bv i.j majority. j motion io adjourn was declare-1 out of order. The first ballot wus then taken and resulted as follows: Jianki 10J, Aiken 93, Fuller 14, Wells 2, Campbell :J ; rieeeh-ary b. a choice, 18. J wo otUer bailot.i were taken, with sim - i.ar n-'aia Jhe plurality rule next cane in order. It was adopted by a nujorify of nine. Mr. Orr withdrew his name a the Democratic nominee. The ballot, under the plurality rule, was tr:en, and reultfd as follows: Hanks 103, '-' ! Aiken 100, Fulk-r 0, Campbell 4. Wells 1. The CI-Tk of the House declared Mr. Banks elected. On motion of Mr. Chinaman, a resolu-jhoid tion '.?as adopted, declaring Mr. Hanks elected as Speaker of the House. Mr. lJ;inks was thereupon conducted to the j Chair by Mesr. Aiken and Fuller , Mr. Campbell then made a spetch, and the House adjourned. Wa-hinoton, Feb 4h. A nnAuthm i df.-lar.ug Cm. A Cullon. of Tun. j Clerk -f h- house, wasao ptcd by a vote j of 120 to 87 Th Spi I'ker announced (Wu. Cell om ! his el-eti"ti, and aiimin.htcrcd the custoinu j rv o-ith. ! '1 he scats of mombers w're then drawn f.r and located. j A reolutiou declaring Mr. Glo-sbrennpr ! S'.rr-3nt at Arms was introduced, pending ! which the House adjourned. j Mr. Glossbrcune has sim-e teen elected. ; j Halifax, .Jan. ol. 1 he unard ste.-uiishir, .vntn'.ii, iirrivcu i;:re nus ereninj, 'v:iu Ijir rriiool dates to Saturday the l'Jth instant, bciri- a week later. The news Ly this arrival is of great im-portHTi'-p. The London Times A ienna errespondcnt 16th ir.t., 10 A. M., that Ru-.-ia has unenn- ditionally accepted the projvisitior.s of the a'iliod powers! This was refned to be au thentic and caused iimnense excitement thr4ighout Eugland, biit the government tlispatch puMished the next day put a differ ent fa:e urton the affair bein in eff ect that I Russia had only accepted the allied proposals as ahasis of negotiation. This plight ly relax- e l public confidence and less Fanguine hopes ' were now entertained. 1 I) uhts were expressed that Russia had , merely accepted the proposals to proloug the ' negotiations and gam t.u.e. ! 1 H ll'wiVfi IS .1 .out t ip um r.f ..11 t, new--. The prospect of a speedy return of raent' the operation must be gone into, peace swallowed up all el?e. j He must not be jostled out of this thing. Liverpool Markets. Messrs. Brown Ship- : Exact and punctual ; never man more ley & Co. report an advance in cotton of i a 6o. Most smokers are patents in this friP"r,d" r T the wcek were matter, old ones especially. 0P.00U.bale", of which 5,000 were on spec-1 tt i c J i ubtion and 9,000 for export. The market!. Here is a lesson for me. Shall smok close 1 with an active demand on Friday at ing command such clock-work regular- the following quotations: Middlyig Orleans lt'!-; l,ir 0rIf!lPs CJd. : middling uplands . ' . .1 Messrs. 1 ltichardson, Spence fc Co., quote i considerably lower. The Hour breads tuffs market was unsettled and correct quotations could not he given. Western Canal was nominally 40s. and Ohio 42s. per barrel. and closed dull, with a still downward ten-, ueucy ; mixed 40s. per quarter. i : Execution of a Sox tor tue Murjjer of his Father. We have .'.. V 1 IS lilW V 1. J- A A ' K.' illIO already briefly mentioned that Jo?. T. "Williams was execu-ed at Roxboro', N. C, on Friday of last week, for the mur- , der of his father, a wealthy gentleman formerly of Pittsylvania county, Ya. ; The Milton (N. C.) Chronicle has the ; following notice of the execution : j On the day of his execution he call- : ed a friend or two, in jail, and besought them to join him in a prayer until the ; last moment of his earthly existence ; j he sent out a supplication for the pray- crs of the vast multitude then and there assembled. The hour arriving for his . execution, the sheriff, with a bleeding heart and tear-moistened eye, called for him. Taking Mr. Wra. Lyon (his fath- ! er's friend and neighbor) by the hand and begging him to go with him Mid j pray for him, he proceeded to the gal- ' lows, praying an me way uiiui ne ai- etc, a reaping on sucn a nciu onen , out rived in sight of the gallows, when, I trust it is not quite in vain that I trembling like a leaf, he gave vent to have tried to make something out of an expression of feeling that uo pen j you. Your perseverance, and punctu can describe, aud which touched the ality, and moral courage, suggest that most callous heart. Arriving at the I should carry the same qualities into gallows he sued for the last moment ; those quiet duties of life which lie be and begged every christian on the fore me, as a traveller towards eternal ground to pray for him. i scenes. Ill not break your pipe nor It was here that the sheriff read him smash your tobacco-'box. : But I will a brief note, reminding him of futere do myself the kindness of turning you rewards and punishment of the aw-:to some practical account, as I have be fainess of dying with a lie on his lips, ; fore stated.- AT. Y. ' Obs. and invoked him to say, while ho look- j ed eternity in the face whether he was j Death of ax Aged Slave. James guilty or innocent of the murder. He ; Punch, in his one hundred and eighth replied that he had "said .all that he ! year, expired in this city on Friday, had to say about it he was not uil- the 25th inst. Punch was the slave of ty !" So the prisoner protested his j innocence to the last moment. Mount ing the scaffold and "forgiving every body," at 15 minutes past 12 o'clock Williams' soul was launched into eter nity. Dr. Marshall Hall, an eminent Eng lish physician, says : "If I were seriously ill of consump tion, I would live out of doors day and night, except in rainy weather or mid winter, then I would sleep in an un plastered log house." He savs that consumptives want air, not pnysic pure air, not medicated air -plenty of meat and bread. "Physic has no nu triment, gasping for air cannot cure you ; monkey capers in a gymnasium cannot cure you, and stimulants can not cure you. : Episcopal Record. The Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Maine states that between the General Convention of 1847 and that of 18i8, 155 names disappeared from the Episcopal clergy in the United States. Of the.- 83 died, and 18 otLerg alo vroLully dc-j OtntudL. I Bishop Hamlin. The. Christian . V";r.. a ,,f T-O...V , ....... . ' -V" ! .v 'iiiuniiiaii paper m-xn uic- laie- j I rnirit f ttv w.r.l-n '.iirv. tb-.f r.fi Bi.-hot II.i:7j!j;i htdt been process of investigation, kc. j v i-0 so charges have been preferred aairt j iishop Ilaifiline for seduction. L. D. I If.tr! la.n, a member of the Cincinnati Confereiice, for making staf rnents in i regard to the Bishop 3 character, was! brought before h: conference, h..s state- i merit proved false, and he himself ex j pelled from the Methodist Episcopal; Onurcri aii-i irunistrj by the Iar;re and! intelligent Cincinnati Conference after a trial of three days ; only two mem-f bers of the Conference, out of nearly! two hundred, voted in the negative,! I .1 a 1 , .1 1 "u. mougut ute purnHnmenti .!C,eH l"r lIJ-" iai;enooa provea; against Mr. Harlan. We cannot with-j our smpri?e that a statement so; utterly false .should have been manu-j ) factured out of the facta in the case. "i . An Old Smok-r. J I shall take him for my text. This; rather an utrlv customer, but it is; wcrth the while to see if anythin" can i bc. nia(lc of hira. X jlJ(i ;e hrvsten i Wl,,,,,;. !f, himsrlf. nf1 ,1 r.ti,ftrB dangerous proximity, in tobacco smoke; an ha!f century or so. Hence f 1. His perservance is a lesson. He r,, UL 111:3 i"'g ne wasa; boy. And, boy and man, he has lri- j ven the business with inflexible tenacity I of f)urpose. lie has perfumed every i day of the year, almost every hour of j the day ; to Pay nothing of a frequent! evening smoke ; and now and then a! mid U edit Lmoke : hosidn sin frtra tmnVo ' for all ppecial occasions. Now, if a; man will kindle a (ire under his nose j with such invincible perseverance, and ! renew it with such steadiness of pur-' pose, w hy cannot 1, m nobler and bet tf?r employments, iO::rn the blessed art of holding on and holding out. If he 1 sticks to pulling so tenaciously, can not I stick to real and important duties with at least a similar fidelity ? 2. A lesson of punctuality and ex- actness can be learned from the old! Btnoker ' u ' . i i , I Jie must smoke at regular intervals, j The cry for the indulgence rises loud j and earnest. And he must meet it. At ' t v h , - f , ! i . " " r ity and- exactness, and shall not t genius, and especially, the crrt chr tne tnn nntiAC rt itn pninmn Ti 1 or Inner o t- - i t cr. n equal punctuality t Old smoker I Shall 1 not be your rival : 1 ou at the pipe, and 1 in the path of duty ? o. Moral courage, too, I can see la- belled on that COJumn Ot smoke. Jiven to begin his smoking required serious self-denial. His own physical nature resented, at first, the outrage of the poisonous weed, and a battle had to be jVUlWUVUO IT V V A tAI t L Ly e I tl V 1 4 ,J fought before nature would yield to invader. His purse, too, had sent fo the purse, too, nan sent tortn ; many a sigh of sorrow. And his sense of what is becoming in a gentleman j had been overborne. The female in-1 mates of his home have already stood ! across his path. And reason and con-j science have each of them often given ; hira a piece of their mind. But over j all these hostile waves has the ship, swept on, appetite filling all her sails, and rendering ail obstacles and resis-! tance unavailing. j And what obstacles inav I not over-! come in pursuing the path of duty. ; If appetite can carry all before it, af-1 ter this fashion, cannot religious prin- j ciple move steadily on, and bear down ; all the opposition of a wicked world ? j Now, old smoker, you may puff away, J or do anything else vou like. I don't Colonel "Warren "Washington, of Yir- jrinia, nephew of George Washington He came to this city about 25 years ago after having been set free, in com pany with J. II. Piatt. During our struggle in the revolutionary war, Punch acted as servant to officers in several of the most important engage ments, and often recurred to the sights he had seen and in part of w hich he was. He died in poverty, and was permitted to be buried at the expense of the county. Cin. Enq. Ax. IxfauablsFiKmedt to Cure thi Anger of a Bishop. A certain curate who had lived in a Tillage of Tuscany, was o fond of his dog, that when he died he buried him in the churchyard. Tbe Bishop was determined to prose cute him for tbe profanatiou of hoi y ground. Tbe curat, who knew ths avaricious char acter of the prelate, said to bitn, "If your lordship did bat. know the sense of the little animal. I am sure yon would think him a ratio"1 creature, Woald you be lieve it, my hrd, he made a will jnst be f. rA he 5ic"l, and left Tour lordship a purse ,.f ducats, tad here ti'ev arc." The- Bihh- et smiled at the curatea ingenuity tooU hu u.iut sn fnrna.vet tUm aaeriVmv 1 ti aaooej, aad forgave th aitrileg. Further from Havana. General .Concha, the Governor Gen oral of Cuba, has been created Count of Havana. He h to return .o Spain, and be succeeded ,: b Gen. Zabala. I APPOINTMENTS. Wt'lminrrfon Dirfrlrt First Ho Wilmington, Fifth 0; Iila den, at noe .Mary, Zh, Zt ; ilmuiton. Front street, Feb. 2, 3 ; Whitville, at; Swindal ., fj. 10; Top Sail, at Prospect..' 10, 17; mithrille, at .Smithville. 23,24;S Bobinson, at Kigon's, March 0; Samp- ton, at Union. 15, 10; Favetteville circuit, i at Wesley Chapel, 22, 23 : Favetteville, 20, 30. The district stewards will plea meet me at the preachers' office, in Front Street church. Wilujington, on Saturday, the 2d of February, at 3 o'clock, I'M. The fol lowing brethren are the district ?tewards : (J II Kelly, K II Grant, John Howard, P L Sellers, Thomas O Brower. A Davis, II Tulley, John C Blocker, A McCoy and Wfli J Parker. St J) Ji XlCIiOLSO.V. Gre'itshoro' DUtrli t. Greensboro' Sta- tK.D, Ik 22, 23; Aimanct- Circuit, Mae f 'li Dia, uec. 'SJ, oU ; L whane, Circuif, Tak Grove, Jan. 5, G ; Wcn'worth Cir cuit, Went worth. Jan. 12, 13 ; Mont gomery Circuit, Mt. Gih'ad, Jan. 19, 20 ; ! Iikingh.im Circuit, 11 ic-kiugham, Jau. 25. 27 : Fnukiinwvilie Cir i;.t. H..tl.;r.t i lVb. 2. 3 ; Haw Biver Circuit, Pi-rsbor' j rpnE .nh,rriher for Stork in the "Ritgb P-t- i r. 1fl tj . . i ! I male .Seminary Company," are btf-v noti i-t;0. y, 1U ; Juver Circuit, Bi-thle- AH ht the 6--t instalment on thir k. (one hetn Ftb. 16,17 ; Nor. ColU'fW Circuit, j fourth) wa due m the 1st January, "t. All Nor. College, 23, 24; Guilford Chcuit, ! "riPtiom now due mnt be raid uhe Wth Af TV v, II 'i i 'ebrtiarT, jtx ; otherwise interest i re re- 311. 1 igan, .-larcti, l. , nnire(1 ai ,,., due. from .da aft the Ut N. II. I). WILSON'. PRICES CURRENT. RALEIGH MARKET. Rer.orted bir JOKDAX WO.VULE, Grocer. Flour, per bbl. $ 50 to 9 ; lard, 13 to It : butter, ! 20 to 23 ; meal 0 bush. 70 f$ SO ; corn bin-h. ! BO ify 7'1; foiMer j9t h sndre'.i 75 (a, $1; beeswax, 1 18 to 20; dry hides, 10; white peas 70 to- SO;; stock peas, 60 to 70. ' WILMINGTON MARKET. j by GEO.U. KELLY, Gmcer and Cm. Merehafit. j Naval stores, soft turpentine 2 60, hard 1 60 ; spirits turp. HSJ : roin 1 10 1 t common : tur, : $2 5 : tall $1 1 35; timher $i to 10 50 : flour i iapr. $9 50. family t$i to $10; corn 75 to! S0c.;meaIS0 to $95; bacoD, 13 hoground, 15 : haras; coffee I1J to llj ; sugar lJ to 11, crushed ; Hi to 12c. ; cow pi-as 60 to &5 : oats 45 to 50c; : cotton SJ to 9; molasses 43 to 4o; lime 1 .50 to 1 .is ; pork 20 to $21 ; rice 5i per cask, cleaned; lard 14c. irifh potatoes 21 to $3;adm. candles 31 to 35; tullow candlee 17 to 20. Feb. 2. PETERSBURG MARKET. Bacon, this article is lower, Bides 12J, shoulders 11 to 12i,Va. hog round I2i to 13; cotton 8J to SJ; corn active at 90 a 93c. for good milling lots; clover seed, we quote 10i to 10J ; flour, superfine 9 a 9J, extra into S10J, family 111 a $12 ; fish, per bar. rel a to $S ; herrings, No. 1 new cut N. C. at $7i to tS ; hay, sales at 1 50 per 100 lb3. ; lard, small sales of new at 141 to 141, in kegs and barrels ; mackerel, advanced with sales at 6fcto61, salt, ISO to 190 for best brands; tobacco, prices good, some old lug selling at 51 to 61. new leaf, 6 to $9 ; wheat, good to prime 1 95 to $2 05 common 1 50 to $1 90. OBITUARIES. i-ieu, on .Jan. -iin, iu rauiui bru,"-T' Rufus lleflin, infant son of Rev. S. B. Do- zier. Died, in this City on the id inst., of con- sumption Jacob t.'aKl well. JJunng the last ; six years .the deceased was a consistent mem ber at the Mission Chapel M. E. Church. ; THE eighth session of this flourishing Te lle had been for several years afflicted with j male Summary will open on Thursday, the disease of the lungs, which finally term ina- j 14th of February, 185G. It is important that tod in death. He left behind unmistakable j scholars be entered at the beginning of th evidences of a happy passage to a better life, j session. " Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord." j Terms : Board $6 a month : Tuition in D. Cl lbretd. j English Branches from $8 to $12 a session Sister Abigail Morse departed this life at i according to the advancement of the pupil ; the residence of her husband, in the town of, LiUin or French $0; Music $20; one half TWnforr. on the 27th of December. 1855.-- I She was jrraciously converted, under the min-; istry of Brother Alfred Norman, in her thiv- i teenth vear, and remained a faithful, humble, j devoted and consistent Christian, until her j peaceful and triumphant death. She vras in j the fortieth of her natural, and the twenty- j seventh f her spiritual life. In all the re-I i.,.:...fi;f CW. .,m,.i;ti,l on,l ;!l,trat.,l the -races and excellencies of our holy Chris-1 Fe'1,e Cu, pj?e- . 4 . V. . tianftv. She leaves seven children, a hus- ! Th,so who desire to patrosne this i achool band 'and nutner..us friends to m-urn their ! "re respectfully referred t the following irreparable loss ; but they humbly submit to i Trnf,, : '' GoJf 5.R'iT- the 'dispensation of an all-wise Providence, j ro' Hft' 5 v 1 1 i ' May this bereavement and dispensation l.e 11,11 ?rB' B-rA'ib'hsh sa:J-t!ne,l to the jr-x-l of all. and especially j -V M'or,e-V L"0' ' (V',,ld-II,J' aad Shel to her husband and little children. j JL'V ri'"mf' .'. , l II ' Fersonn desiring Circulars containing The Message will please copy. j information will pleas, apply to th. At a meeting f South Creek Division, S. of T. No. 320. th following Praamble and Resolutions wei adopted : Whereas. It ha pleased an all-wise ProTideaca in his iuscrutable wisdom, to call from atnoDg s. on the 1 4th of January, 1S56, our much esteemed ; Bro. Micajah W. Miron, in the 2'st year of bis asr. son of David Mixon, Esq., of Campbell's Creek, litxArtd, That in the death of Bro. Mixon, our Division has lost one of its best members, and tbe Methodist Church on of her brightest lights, and t :is community oca of its most exemplary citi xens. JienolveJ, That the members of this Division war the usual badge of nourtrag for 30 days, as a mark of respect for our deceased brother, and that tnet-e resolutions be entered on our minutes. Kfulctd, That a copy of these resolutions be seut to his bereaved parents by our Recording Scribe, as an expression of ur sincere condolence for their loss. Betolvtd, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Spirit ef tbe Age, with a request that the X. C. C: Advocate, Weekly Jfessaga and tha Washington Times and R. C. Advocate copy. CO-PARTNERSHIP. I HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED mt BROTH ER OLIVER with me in the General Grocery and Commission Business. The firm will be GEO. H. KELLY BRO. We hope that our kind pat rons and friends will continue their patronage which they have so liberally bestowed on the se nior partner of the concern, heretofore. Our stock will consist of Sugars, Coffees, Molass es, Flour Butter, Cbeeee, Lard, Bacon.Rice, Soaps, Caudles, Candies.FisK and Pot.-itoes.Stareh.Brooms, Tobacco, and everything in the Grocery line, ex cept liquors. We also further promise not to be undersold in the price of cur articles or bettered as to quality.- We shall continue the caih system, or 30 days to good and punctual customers. GEO. H. KELLY, 4 BRO. Feb". 5, 1356. Try the Piano First! " 1 PROPOSITION IS NOW-MADE BY 5a E. P. Nash to select Pianos for custom ers, and allow them to test their qualities before, paying for them. Better evidence cannot he given of tbe estimation in which we hold our Piano. We keep about 40 Pianos of various pat terns on hand to eelect from, which are brought excluiely for cash, from four of the largest manufactures in New York, which were conceded at the P&ria Worlds Fair, to be the lest. We have Bold about fifteen hundred of tbeai, which- have given full Baci8fa.tiou. E. P. NAS1I Kocrrte PeaUr. 3 Sycamore sueet. eor - nar'f iWVT'PsMnbar?. Va. " I cer cf akr Pe t r k ar g, Va, II. DIDRELL. B. J. JOHNSC Late Ia'T-ect -r Shr ke Ware-lie. DIBKELL L JOHNSON, j C u w 7i i s s i o n rc anj OEce near Shockoe Wr-H'B, f RICHMOND, Vf Pav particular attention to the sale G- i baci-o. Corn and Wheat. Liberal advances made on all Prod'ae-n- - f lgn-d to th-m. j riy repeciiu.ij solicit your p arrtfit. Feb. C, 10G. G Silk and Straw Goods. AUG. ANDERSON k CO., 14ih S:re?t, Rich mood, Va. : K a iar?e a-?ortnient o! itir.Ojns. n- j neta, and Mil.icery G-A. which they er ! to th3 "h'j!t'lij tade 011 inot faTle ! !"m.9- X Miliiners are imd to give us a caii. . Fb. C, lsSC. 6 ' NOTICE TO .pONTEACTOSS. PV.OPO.'ALS are invited for the erection tee 'Rilf ijrh Female Seminary" buildinjj. bb ni ppcim-c? f--T whii-h may be frond she Sicre .sam'l. II. Yonnjf. E.'T- The boilij to j be i.f brick. 60 fet qnare, three atone jh, i with bgeroent. 25 bx 50 feet. i For farther rarfi-vaiars atr,!v to tbe nndred commsttes. AH bids to be submitted by tinith - i ! J"5- T. II. SELBY. j. c. PALMER. Cum. J. C. PALMER, S. II. YOt'XO. ' Bj order of the Board. i A. 51. GORMAj P.aiP;?h, Jan. Zi, ls5. TO STOCKHOLDERS. anired on all sums due, from and aft i January instant. ' Ey order of the Bop.rl. A. M. G 0RMAXJVa. I Raleigh, Jaw. 24. 1S58. i j A Book for every Hetho&t j 'The Annals of Southern ifeihodisnwr '55.'' ! Edited by the Rev. Charles F. Deen, D. D. THIS XEW TVORK EMBRACES TE STA ti?tios and a qrent variety of other intrtinJ - friTmotion in 'rry ilfjiirtni'iit of Sonthm Jifetho dint ij'rotit,nri. under the filowinjr feril heads ; I- The Episcopacy : II Plan of Visitslnn 1 IU The Conferences ; IV. Dedication of (lurches ; V. Revivnls: VI. Missions; VII. Colle: VIII. Sunday Schools : IX. Tract Society ; X Publish ing House and Literary Xotices: XL Ist-uetion r.f People of Color: XII. Historical Fetches ; XIII. Bilie!l Sketches ; XIV. Persons Xotices ; XV. Bishop Andrews' letters on Califojfcia : XVT. Memorials of Bishop Capers: XVIIi Miscella neous ; XVIII. Appendix. 360 pages large 12 mo. Price Si. for which a copy will be sep. prepaid. Bills of Xorth Carolina or South Caroliia Banks, or gold dollars, should be sent. A libeisl discount to Booksellers and Ministers. Address, CHARLES F. DEEVS. GoldsboroX. C. January 24, 1856. 4 Sm E0SSER & EIVES. j WHOLKKALE AD RETAIL. j APOTHECARIES AXD DRUGGLJrS, Xo. 107 Powell's Row, Petersburg ta., A few doors ahore PotctW H'ttif, . KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND AFRESH and select Stock of Drpgs, Medicinw, Paints Oils, Dye Stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Gar den, Yard and Meadow Grass Seed, together with tie best French, English and American Chemi- .r.., tr.0i-.. m. . - , . all other articles generally found in a first cfass Dru House. . .. . T1, rrtfw - i i j all others will receive prompt attention. N. B- Particular attention, both day and nignt paid to the compounding of Medicines, I Thos. H. Rosseb. N. F. Rivbrs, M. D. ! Jan. 24. 'o6. 4 ly GLEN ANNA Foment oemw in aovance. Location'. The school is in Davidson oun- ty, within a mile of Thomasville on the Cen tral Rail Road, and is therefore easy of ac cess. It is one of the most beaetiful and healthy locations in Middle Carolina,- Wit prowir patronage the Truste awajakinj arrangements for increased accomnronations. "'"i Anna is preparatory io ureensDoro" villa A. C. 18-t. SELECT MALE SCHOOL Ridereway, Warren Co.. N. C. rfMIE exercises will be resumed on Wednesday, i yth January, liad-, aau closs on inuay, Sltiu May following. Terms. Board (exclusive of lights which will be furnished at cost) and tuition for the session, $75, payable half in advance, the other ialf at the end of tbe term, with a contingent fee of fty ets. to defray the expense of firewood, 4c, at the Aeadetny There are ample and comfortable ac commodations for fifteen or eighteen boarders. The location is healthy and easy of access, being immediately on the Rxleigh and Gajton Railroad, and the terminus of tbe Roar.uke Valley Rail Road, and noted for its intelligence and moral ex cellence. The subscriber pledget bimself to give every necessary ; ttention to the health, morals and progress in learcing of the pupils committed to his charge. This school offers peculiar indnce- mcnta to tha eastern seetion of X. C. and Va., and those interested are respectfully solicited te examine its claims to public patronage. Address WM. U. BASS, .A.M.. Principal and Proprietor. Dec. 1. 1S5V 14 t XTOSTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE I3TSU- 1 RAXCE COMPANY; Raleigh, X. C This Company insures the lives of individuals for c.ne year, a term of years, or for life, on the Mutual Principle, the assured for lifa participating in all the profits of the Company. For policies gran ted for. the whole term of life, when the premi um therefor amounts to $30, a note may be given for one half the amount of the premium bearing in terest at 6 per cent without guaranty." The prompt manner in which all losses have been paid by this Company, togeiher with the low rates of premium, present great inducements to sack as are disposed to insure. - Slaves are insured for s term of from one to five years, for two-thirds their value. "- i." - All losses are paid within 0 days fter-,jatrsfe-tory proof is presented. " '- V DIRECTORS. Char's E. Joioseji,- Wm. Dal las Haywood, James F. Jordan, Quinton Bntbee. II. W. Husted, Wm. II. McKee, Cbaries S. Root, Wm. W. Holden, Wm. D. Cooke. B 1L Battle, Wm. H. Jones. P. F. PcscudaDd Seaton Gales. OFFICERS. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, President ; Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President ; John G. Wil liams, Secretary ; Wm. TL Jones, Treaauter ; H. W. Husted, Attorney ; Drs. Cbaries E. Johnson, Wen. H. McKee, and Richard B. Haywood, Medical Board of Consultation ; R. H. Battle, Wm. W. Holden and Charles B. Root, Executive Committee ; J. Hersinan, General Agent. - For further information, the public are referred to the pamphlets, and forms of proposal, which may be obtained at tbe Office of the Company, or ! any of its Agencies. TVflV Cotnninieati jd h nl-.i be a4dreiJ.pot-paiiO u'.H;.Tf-;i iT-tait Raieign, Jofy IT," !'. j ft j ! T'TfPFrTr. i The North Carolina Christie Ad-J I YOCate is pcbliilcJ weiiT. :a IN t, by N. F. ReiJ, C. F. IKtls, W. ( irioe Ti B Nich-'lK.n acd J. Jamicsou, ! J IjT lti'2 onn t aroiiua vvuirrcuis v : t. . ...... i r-i i i Met.Jut tpipu .,Eurcn vu.u. ; j It is intended to he aamy nt-yij-'r, religic-tu in tone and K-ntiraBt, and e?pe- j ! eiil'v aiatteJ to the wants of Metbii5ts i i y . .. in North Taro.ma. i pen i porta cf the markets. Tirnis. Si 50 a year is advance - .osBDScripuoum.a..s- ." . j time than one year; and no paper m De j ; sent until payment is received, unless an (authorized agent direct the amount to be ; ! cha-sTpd to himself with the understanding j i that he will remit it in a short time. TERMS OF ADVERTISING, i 1 square 1 insertion tl t'f'-l square 3 months j 1 do 2 inrertions 1 2 j 1 do 6 do I! ! io! 1 ,io 3 do 1 5" 1 do li a i 1 do 4 do 1 7 5 Longer one-by the year Twelve Unes make a square. j There is no better medium of advertisin g ! j in North Carolina : and as but a small space will be allowed for that purpose, j business men should send on their orders immediately. I SOUTH LOWELL HALE ACADEUTT ORANGE CO. N. C. ! Rev. J. B. BAGBY,' A. B. Principal. Mr. A. C. BAGBl, Associate. The Spring Session of this institution com menced on the 10th, of Jan. The character of the school is too well known to nefd comment. South Lowell is noted for its j good water, wholesome atmosphere, ana I hi"h morality of its inhabitants. Terms are ! J15 in Classics, ?12 50 in English, and $1 I contingent fee. Board is $7 50 per month, I exclusive of lights towels and mirrors. i For further particulars apply to the Princi ; pal or " Executive Committee." I R;. John A. McMannen, Ch'm., Rer. II. Arnold, Mr. Jno B. Leathers, Mr. Wm. Harris Col. D. C. raneli, bec'y. Jan. 1S5G. 4-4b 'wake liaie and Female Academy. 7T1IIIS school is in Wake county, 6 miles "X from Raleigh, on the Ftage Road to Fay ettevi lie, li miles from the Central Rail Road. The neighborhood is remarkable for good health and good morals. Board may be had in the best families, including every thing, for 6. The first session cf 21 weeks, will com mence the first Thursday in February ; at the following rates of Tuition, in advance : -Primary Classes, tP 00 Iligher'Enzlish, 12 00 Latin and Greek, 16 '-'0 ' No deduction made for absence, unless in cases of protracted sickness. It i3 desirable for all to enter on the first day. Every at tention will be given to the improvement of students, morally and intellectually. Address the Principal at Raleigh. S. R. TRAYWICK, Principal. Jan. 25, 185G. 4 tf G0LDSB0E0' FEMALE C0LLU. THE next Session of this Institution will oym on Wednesday, the 2nd day of January, 1856. The Faculty is admirably organised. The de termination of the Stockholders is, to maintain a corps of teachers who shall be selected on the groand of superior qualifications. The new Col lege edifice is advancing to its completion, and will be one of the most commodious and handsome buildings ia North Carolina. Until that be fur nished the Scholastic exercises will be held in the houses now standing on the College grounds, and the pupils wi!l be boarded in excellent families, under the supervision of the President, and a few voung ladies can be boarded in his family. The health of the village ia good, and the school has just closed a prosperous session. For circulars containing all necessary information, parents and guardiins will please apply to Dr. Closs, Preiident of the College, or to .the subscriber. WM. K. LANE, I tf Pres'L of Stockholder JONESVILLE Male and Female Academics. Rev. W. L. VAN EATON, A.M., Principal. Miss Sabah R. FaosT, in charge f the Female De partment. Miss RocunA J. DoreHERTT, ia charge of the Musical Department. UR next session will open on Wednesday the V Zd of January. Z:!, tl Painting in Oil Colors 10 f' Contingent expenses, 25 Music, with use of the instrument, 15 00 Board at the regular boarding h&usts $1 50 per week- No deduction will be made for absence except in eases of protracted sickness. 18 6m LENOIR itale aa& Female Institute. W. H. C.rXNINGGIM, in charge of the Male department, Miss S. Abbib Smith, in charge of the Female department. rvprvsv; . B ard, including washing and fuel, ...... $f to T 3 ! Tuition in C rthograpby, reading, writing, a ve English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic,...? it Latin with higher branches of Mathematic, 12 50 Extras is Female Departmest. 5luic on Piano, with use cf instrument, 15 French, Drawing, Painting, Embroidery, and Wax Flowers, each, 5 00 Students cannot enter for lass time than a half session, and there will be no deduction for lost time, except in ease of protracted sickness. The next Session will open on Monday, the 4th of February. These schools have been placed upou the joint stock principle. The stock has been taken, and there are now being erected tew and suitable buildings, for the use of the schools. Likewise, lurge and comfortable boardirg-house are in eourc.e of erection. Ail f which are to be completed by the next session. Location. ' These seaools are located in Lenoir County, in a very healthy, moral neighborhood, 11 iciles from Kinsion, S miles from Snow Hill, 28 from GoHsboro', acd 4 miles north of the Kinstoa and Goldsboro' railroad. Situation. Situated in separate buildings, a half mile apart, with separate boarding-bouses, s arranged that there will no meeting of the student of the separate departments, in passing to and front the school-room Young Ladies will board at the Rev. H. H. Gib- boEs' and G. W. Venters' : youcr men at T. W, Dawson's and W. H. Ccninggim's. For further particulars, address the Secretary of the Stock holders, at Kinston. - W. IL CrXIXGGIM, See'y. January 5, 1856. 18 3m FRANKLINTON INSTITUTE. FRANKLIN Co., X. C. . THE Ensuing Term for 1S56, will open tie 1st Monday in January, inr separate build:ngin opr-osite parts Mr. S. is a graduate of Bnrlingten University, and baa been Principal of tbe &GyaltB Institute ! for several yean past. The former friends of Miss M. E. Stone will retognixe ner in Jlra. to. IA.11 x. is a gradoate of Troy Fern. Sem. Expenses as formerly, and cnebalf payable ia advanre. Catalogues cf particulars sent on appli cation to the Principal. - D.-. RICHARDSON. ' I Car will betaken to make this paper m-1 !, but recently r-irch.el m the northern . iwtinaoi Instructive to all as R'li- rk9 f r cash. The icUcnkr havirgt ' e. .. , , ;-m rt tv, i,t j been h.nz, in l-u-ms and ting deMroaa tin. Periodical, and a mc-a.nm of the lit-j tfP..eUe heAl:Ij) rnl, nw, ;est domestic, g-ineral and ktenTj intiui- j offfr9 tbe s Te pr,:?crty f r ale. Terws ; : pence, tozethcr with fall and reliable re- j Iaaje t0 PU;t tjC purc baser a th.m.-ney is' ' . ! fVllIP .rnn., .s.tl.rt r.f 7 C r,S m'.Tl f.mirinf ttm son, Principals. Mr. Mrs. E. V. stone. Assistant " V ia-c tiT-V --it I Principals, Mrs. R. J. Taylor and Jfiss M- L. ibe 2ith ty of De-ember, 185 There ,n t sL i..i.,nt, rP.tivelT of th. Male 1 b no veaa. ia W inter, eaeept a few itj, for j Female Departments, wUkh are dUtinet, ocoopy- rr.rt,io11 l Christmas. VALUABLE IT COUNTRY RE; Hcr.ce arl fiy!e in tie! A Ur Two S:--ry dwllin? Il:c. hando, nd wei, adartexi to ukirg fc-M A beautiful c:-c and ail pc-',7 : , - , . f . oot h?-ase. t-Tttber with nx acrea cf tn . improved lan iT All new ani bcatci in ; Qrt it,riihU T.art c f ii wn. An e!e-, faftt Bew. t:.n ii,,n., wci! aiapted in i: ; ei?neral ar-anemer.t to an &3vant3 a ei- ...... . '- . . . , . - , r bibition c-1 C'w', t.sns" me ci ! pure ha ; not wanting. I Fraoklir.ton is one of the mot Se-arisbict ; Towns on the R. i. G. R. Ro.i-d al.ut 25 ; mi!es of Raleigh, hwirg verv intell:nt ; Dd enterprising ommunity, a larjre trad ; anj tw0 ar;,a hof,?. Male and Female in t charge of Prof. I. S. Iticharion's & laiy, ai-; ded by competent assistants. Ad lr. j K. C. MAYNARP. Franklintcn, N. C. Jan. 4;h 'oG. tf. 71 P. NASH'S STOCK CF PIANOS now ; Pi . r.n lnnd : i i.n. 11th r.ttprrt . fuil OotftTeS. ,, f rarvf-d scroll lesrs 1 u u ui - ----- - - - a and BOUid.np One lar?e 7 octaves, wautiful carved moulding and le caps, and sliding dr-sk I C i. r. 1 frwa 7 r.pmitiful carved front ia. f - , - ' ornaments and sliding desk. One larpe 7 octaves, round corners, fancy desk and candle-stands. Or-e large CJ octaves round corners, dou ble fronts, ornamented tablet. One large 0 octaves, round corners, car ved tablet, &.". One large C ocUvts, square comers, lan ded tablet. One large C octaves, square corners, fancy desk, Ac, One large Gj oct3ve, large round corner, fancy desk, Ac. One large CJ octaves, small round corner, carved tablets. Ac. One large 0 octaves, square flush fancj j desk, Ac. One larpe GJ octaves, small round corner, carved tablets, Ac. One large CJ octaves, square corner punk panel, Ac. Two large GJ octave?, square corner plain illuminated plates. One Ijrge GJ octaves, large round corner, ! candle-s'tands Ac. j Two GJ octave", square Hush, fancy desks j and gtands. Nineteen large 6 octaves, Pianos, of vari ous patterns and styles of finish. All the above instruments are from the cel ebrated factories of John B. Dunham, II. ) Worcester, A Stodart, Griffin, Ac. Every Piano sold is warranted, and mnt give sat isfaction even to the most fastidious. Prices of the above ranging from $225 to $000. Petersburg, Jan. 4, 185G. ly. Hy Residence for Sale. TVA" connection with the Advocate having j 3lL1 rendered it necessary for me to remove to Raleigh, I offir my residence for sale up- j rn ffivr.ra r.lf terms. ! It is situated within half a mile of Frank-! linton, on the Raleigh aal Gaston Rail t Road, 20 miles north of Raleigh. j There arc fifty six acres of land, twenty acres cf which is in woods ; and the purchas-1 er can easily buy more land adjoining if he j desire it. The houses oro all new and well j completed, having been built last year. . The dwelling is large and commodious, I having six rooms, with fire places; two ofj the rooms ara 20 it. square, ana all are well finished. There is a first rate well of water in the yard, and a spring of the very best kind in a short distance frum the house. This place combines the advantages of town ana country. Franklinton, only half a mile distant, is noted for good health, good morals and good schools ; and the purchaser j can educate his children without sending them abroad ; and, if disposed, can make a j handsome income by boarding students. Persons wishing to purchase will apply to j me, or in my absence to J. II. Wtutheld, of Franklinton, who will show them the property I also wish to sell, with the premises, my stock, mules, plantation utensils, coin, fod der, Ac. I wish to si 11 in order to purchase in Raleigh and 1 oner a bargain. R. T. IIEFLIN. Jan. 10, '5G. 2 tf. FtJRKITURE ! FURNITURE ! j THE Subscriber, thankful for past favors ' j tn r.nl.lio that he is r.reoared to C 11 j orders for furniture, upon reasonable terms. : at his shop two squares east of the Capcj j I ear Bank. 1 ' j He keeps on band the usual artic'f-s of ; furr,iture needed by house-keepers ; such as : ! Pr. P.otrjim. woodseat. rockir.ir and office ' i , . . , f j;rr0r.r lmH f , I it 1 1 r y f ' - i ..jve --- - v i - - ety of Malotranv, Walnut, and common Tables and Beaureaus, Book Stands, Ward- j robes, A?. j jJ-The subscriber is provided with a. good hearse nnd is prepared to furnish Cof-j fins of Mahogany, Walnut, and Common i wood. He will attend funerals in 1 own or country. HENRY J. BROWN. Raleigh Jan. 4, 15G. ly NORMAL COLLEGE, ! RANDOLPH COUNTY, N. C, "TtOUR and a baU" miles from High Point, ! X on the North Carolina Railroad, and j about one mile from the Western Plank Road. The buildings, which are new, con- j sist of an elegant brick edifice, three itoriea f high, and of ample dimensions, well finished and lurnmned, together wnn extens.v- i.oaru ing arrangements, both public and private. The apparatus and other appliances are of the most ample and approved character. The extent, thoroughness and finish cf the instruction have Ween provided fur by a large Board of Trustees, headed bj hie Excellency j the Governor, Jno. A. Gilmer, Hon. J. C. j Dobbin, Ac. Tte Collegiate year is divided J into three terms of f ourteen weeks each. A : holiday of two weeks is given at Christinas, and one week about the fifth of April ; but ! students from a distance are not eipected to return home till the summer vacation. Tbe j entire expense per annum varies from iOZ to j $ 120. This includes everything except books i and clotbiKZ. All money must be deposited ; : tte President of tbe College. There is, f rn connection with the College, a good Pre paratory Department, into which boys of any age are received. Ail communications eboull be addressed to " Normal Colic-pe, N. C." B. CRAVEN; President. January 31, 1S5G. G Greensboro' Female College. sop plied with efficient and faitbl'al Profeors and Teachers. The first ctase bas beo divided iata tw settic cs, for the aeeomisoJetieii cf thore wfce desire to prepare Ur the. regular College eoure. GirU aader 14 years of age will hereafter be re ceived into the Institution. Circulars will be s-ent oa app'ication, to all persons desiring full infor mation, in. refsreace to charges, -cure of 'tody, Ae,ie7 . . . J. M. JOXEi, P.-eident. Sec U, ltii- 1 -f .V- r was 1 AH til afpnait:u ui i- Jt urni.ia mi w i-ww C. Vi. P. HUTCHING?. Mv.sf tr-.iT--r ar. I 'I-irv' T'-'i r it A:.:. ;.;.. j; T-. !-. Try ' N, ' And ail k"nl r.f at'.f! nu'y kpt ir n r'rl.r . 5: re, rvn L- f ur,! v;:"i L.m. l'erstrs in w-1 t f a-t:c)'e in tr lin f lusin'js will f-od i; t tS-tr ietc rt t- -.H cn bin. a : i dtr:-j':."J t) cn ter.T. sa'.!fc! -ry t th j ur. h .r. Give b'm a rail. -.t L - !d t.r.I r. Fv e'.ti"t 5:rct. ? !r rVar .r.''y r-'iv-J and fiithfu.lr rx".iti iu;'.. j'..b. ix tf V7. L. Porneroy, .r. !i i r an J x.r.. - j 1'.'. Fv!:vi" fHrcct. IUleigh. . C. TION'STAXTLY xr a...,r-. U f Th- b-'sia!. Liw. M-,bl, C.i- . Micl;ane u- anl Sch 1 U k. Altu . , Eng'ih ar.l French i.t; .nary. RHnk i t of ev-y d -cr;f :: n, inrludi'a ri r eTerv pur: o. ll-K ks n t m hard ord.T-d wS iipv;ri-. Bin hr.g d-ir.o iu plln r fine st!c. Rib'ig'i, Jtn. l'. ':, ' 2 tr WILLIAMS k U. YWOOD, JT7 II O I. E S A LK nr. ! Ib-tV,! l" i' r i 2j l'ru-. Me licineo, rrls. ii!. Stuffs, Si.u-os lV-rfuni'Tv, Fncy Artlci.v. Garden Puns 'incs and ISraudit for med!c:nal purp .--s, T-nd n I..rt-r. S fars Chewing T-Lacc-., .tc, lUl-igH. V. C. Januarv 3, lS-.i. I Cn. Geo H. Kelly. COMMISSI ON ME II C 1 1 A NT. 1JF.XT -l.vr t A. A. Wannet'x, on X rth Water str"t, will att-:i 1 t i tb? T all kin i- of r.nin'ry IV bo-r, u.-!i n (' rn. Pea". M--a), Bacan. Ear!. ,4 ;., anl will Va p constantly on hand a full supply .f Grocer ies, i.. lb f-Trncf s. Willis Hill, Wavn- .1. M.-Rao.Wilming'...i W Carawav. '" Gen. .1"X. McRa, " E. P. Hril, Wilmington. W. A. Walker. " Wilniingt'.n, Jin. IS, Ti tf. STEBBIKS & FULLEW, Iui'or:i rs mi I Dealers ia Earthenware, China, an-1 Gl.i.-1.-, 'fi,?f th an, I I!,! u. No 101 Broad street Richmond Ya. VEEP COXSTANTLY S HANI A large and beautiful ii-'irtm"iit '.f (ic.i's fif the most durable shape and patt-rn.s, t. which they dMre t ) rail the attiTili. ti if Merchants and o'bfrs visiting tSieCity: l';n iier and t'-a erviei f ri.-h doc ratr-1 ar. I Gnld band, Frcririi at. J Etiirlih China, White Porcelain, St"n" and In lmn Ciim. Toilet s'ts of rich d. t-'.rate 1 aril i..ld band, whit" niarbb" 1 and a-ort-'l n.l .r-. Rich cut, preys'. 1 aud plain cl.is .f t-ry styls and f att.rn, Vnitvr, table cutbry. Lamps arid Girand"b's, Ga, and other Chan didiers, Bracket, itc. .ti'., Rich silver plated C.tstor. epoort, f .rk and t-a TTiecs, Rrittat.ia ware, Jspan-d and tin Toilett :ts. looiing pla'S of evrry stjle ; together with a varied nortm-!it - f Fancy Goods and house furnishing anicb-s of every description. An inspection f.f our Sn.rk it o!i(i'- 1, foiling as'ured that sup'-rii r inducements, will be offered 1 1 purchasers. Orders will receive vr fpr-rial atfTiti,,ti. ( MAS. STKIiniXS. B. K. PLLI.EN. Jan. 1:, LS:C. ?, tf. Clarkson & Anderson RICHMOND, V.. 7MPORTEI1.SOF HAIIliWARi:. ri'TI.E .( ry. Guns and "Anchor" li 'ing 'l .tb. No 100 Main street Riciimon . Va. Wo t' I respectfully csill tha attention of the Xo tii Carolina Merchants and others vi-.itln t! market, to tli ir stock, woi'-li is rew r i. l -.1 assorted, feeling aure 1 tl. y ran off r e i ;i inducements as will make it the iotrrr"-'. f all to f.ircbase of thern, buying T''!ui-.-'Jv for cash, and importing their roods d- t, 'enables them t- sell cheap. Call and exam ine their stock. Richmonl, Va. Jan. IS, IjG. .1 tf. yiHARLES Ll'MSHE.V. rl'crT'iti ' Va -C-(y e-i and Jewelry, Sp-cta;!. P' Ti'-i Gold Pens. Military and Fancy Goods, i Knives, Scissors, Razors, ;;7 Syi-ani : Street, IVt-rsburg, a. Sear Watches,' r;...(-k, FcUitI-; an I Jewelry R-paire-l at fchort iioii'-.. m, 1 In ;'. most eati-faetory Hianr.T. M'-reh-int mi;. plied wit'i Thimbles ai.d bnfri .1 X "!,' -. of superior, oualitv, at u::b prii-es u cannot fail top'ea.-o. fsp'rtncle f.r nii a-. 'Li--tictihtr att'-riti'.n f-ai J t Ib'trulatif g Watch' lVter-bur', J.i'i 4. l"i. tf. dixwujdii: ;iic;. "Late In-pector We-t-IIill ware-house." PRODUCE A X I) GEXF.RAL COM MLS- SIOX MEKCJIAXT. I7lLLive his pern inal atn r.tion t- the 2J sale of T baeco, Flour, 0,iun, G.-iin, and all country pioduce. No X'j-j Sycariore street, Petersburg, Ya. Jan. 4, I-.j'". ly. EEMITTANCES : Received a the N. C. Chrirti.-.n Adv. ea'.e OtSce, from Jan. lth v Feb. Int, a. fol!v: J B B! ji". J M Grizrt.rd. 0 ; T W Guthrie, 1 : J W Vauzhan, ; J W 'twk'-r, 10; W H C bb. Z ; Jar.e A f-mi-ij. ; T G Lowe, 0 ; J M Rvbb'tt, 4 : l ji Xi;:M,! r,n, 1.0O: T I Gar. V, W G R.-'.-v, 1" ; Wm Harris 0 : WR Webb, 1 ; T ban. Uli, '.' ; S I" Johnson, 3 ; J S Davi-. Z ; T H Rainev, 5 ; J W ILptin.tall, 4; III J-;,. kins, ') p.J Carawav, Vt; W K He vane, 1.0'); WF Alderman, '1.50; Minter J ,.u aon, 4.00 : J B Martin, 'J ; P W Are: er, 3 ; Dr R W Thoi,. 1.00 ; J V CK. k a,-.J F M Autin, 3 ; C F I'eern. 3 ; S J Spotti., 3 ; ti WA'kins, G; SM IV -r. P..v: " Pi ,us Gripe,''" 10:O Hendern, ; L fi S-ar v-, 4Jj ) : M C Th vmas, 1 00 ; bl WaMi, 27 ; JNAnlre v-. 7; C L Vifa, 2; M.-i A J Slide. 3: B II -Lv-ri-. 1; AH Merritt, 3; LLL'eo Ir-r;, 7.00; Mi MD ForU-, 3; W D Meaeham. 3; J hn J r.' -. 4: Win F C12?, 0: J W Wlei'-r, C: N I Edward.. 3 ; J II Johnson. C ; J F .S"H.m'.n, C: R P Bibb, C : W R Richard n, lo-.V : L S Burk beud, 10 : -S C Y- . P M, 3 : L .f ell, X ; W R Webb, 2 ; G W Harris, 3 ; W A Darden. 3; B C ulbr' th. 3 ; J H Brent. 31.0 : L W Pi-, ctt, 10 : David Mixon, 3 ; J L C Lb. 1 ; D W iKub. 2 ; S II H'-NaVck. 3 : T S Burru, 3 ; JW Livbfidl, 10: T I; Reek. 3;DW Doub, (2 let"-r) 0 : J It N'anee. 1 : G W JoJint-on, (2 lef.er;o , J W Averit, 1 ; Frank lin Harris 3 : Rev. J. H. Davis. 3 : J Wood & D Til: v, 3 ; D W Doub, 0 ; L S BurckLeal 3 : P II j .vner, 0 ; M Turner. ; W Jtnr. land. 3 ; W Ba2Wv. C, : C I Divemrt, 1.0 ) J P .V.mp-o'n. 3 ; T G Tarkinb.n, S j Wleler, 1. 00: M II Hiit. 0; W A'Lf.njr. 1 ; O J Brent. 11 : C G Davenport. 1 ri : Ii F Garrett. 3 , Rev J F Burner. 3 : P V Ait her, 3; Wm M Wa!h, 13 : B F F.-ten 2; M J Hunt, 10. G li cks, C: M LDou la, 0 ; N II V Wil.n. 3 ; lr J"P Bafle. 3; Wm Baglev, C ; E S M .rr, 3; TG Isrr. 3; J II e, LOO; A C -Allen. 1 ; O 1 Deem , 21 ; L L Ilendren. 3 : William, n Harris, 2 ; It P Ribb. 2 ; Wrn M J rda.i, : ; M C Thomas. 3 ; J N B irker. 3 ; I: M I..-;, 24 ; J P Mi!t:et 2 ; II T Jordan, 1.00 ; L. Sail. 10.