I J Horflj (Larolma : (Lbnstum Quorate. . . s . i I i i j'.iV l'.. tor's 'PAirj it iri oui pr.-!)-- bv.- u doing to the j t,-,r f. . w-Mdi I i '.. t;.c "V,i C nos thev v,::: Ywa to ' li'-rovri-':. .: the -h-rfA. 1 to g:v: t'.-.n will iv-"ive; 'i.vi I tr:i-t JJ open tho ; v :'or i.v r. v mor K':i:..:uV r ' C.e Lo.'d ! r; UiVf.r " It is mo"; ))- to r v:," nre de-d-.r:.:;,'.-- of J;I!-1 Woi'ds f.-jT.Tjvt f'-'i Your-: trulv, v.'M. J. v. clowm of A -j). 'i'r. r ; Him .vho-; Ag t. ,r :;. c. Jt,:, i, AitiiivAi, or iih; y.:v:. :.".' Vo;'.;:. July 0- '1 r.fo.-rjfuor .lui;, r.:r,t. 'o'ii-tr;;:,j.riiv: I ti iy from Ijiv.rji j w5ii;! .s'j'i i-o-Ti on ti;-; --Jth uk. (;;;si..: H. .N'j.'.v.-:. T iio Lorj'Ion j,-p'.-rs ffuturo in ti;;!'no of tLo ,:;:: in rvr I ' to A inoi i'-in r.;!,;! I'r.-i .re of a tranquil : uutu Julili:;' frvui tL5 :-Tintry nows-; p.'pu -i it i-j (.vioi.oi ifi.iv ins j-ir'ii-u j:o- pie v'M-e U.Jibte.l with the turn the ; Americ-;!! qu-r-tion has tubon, awl it i.s surpri.-in.ir to oo -.-r o l;o-.v i::u'-h two put- , li.j liav; h'.-'.-orn li''btei:ol on the.se Atuorican uatt'.-r.-i by mtans of the choap "J'rH.4. Asovery y-ipor r.f the clic:tp:iafi.s ha.l devotod itself to a rational exposition ; or the diineuiues w.in .::; . . i-i . i t :. . :.. the fWin.' o-i Aiaeiieau alLirs has now ! Hub.iidird i-o far a:s to haven lon-er any unsettliir.' eject ou the n..rb-t, although several of the leading papers yet keep grumbling aeaie.-t America. TIxj Lond-n '-Jim- advisers t.reat hnt-; that the people n.ay read and understand j essence of faith, you will be ac-J The e ,u,.try also pears j .ea.ed wuh i ag rJ , iri his sight only for the no:m!i::t:..n -of ir. jaeiiuuan tor .1 , , . . . J i ., ., . - , , i . the .sake or Christ. ; J'rc rJei.t of t:e- I. mted .-tat.e.-. i , - . j . ii.i. i on will if rf'ff iVfi irito tr.r- nmn- S ii.ii. i.e. - y ! r-. 'rj-.T. .(:'.; :..iii ;;Ti tain to hurry it;, a .settlement on the Ceri-1 ma,e perf,.ct jn i0line3S, and immedi tr.d Amerieaa alh.iM hef.re M r. Jiuclunan atcl jllto rdorv. "And all to the bee o.es Pre.-.dcnt. I here s ..oth.ug - of : j1 of tjC lo 'of h;3 grace. arivs'iet ial imrortance ffom the i'arlia- ; 1 n J o tr be any meat ary news. i 'J'he i'.irlia'iifntiry Committee on the I Uauisli Si. and ! ues i.iet in I'ranee Mi l coutiiHK'a intere-t .d in tins important com- . Uieruial an-l p litieat subject. ; The ( .V.ar hns constructed a new er-.binet, ! im-.lH.lin-' CortrschakoiT. Lanskoi. Osten- ! l 1 ' saeKen, ana uou. . i hero is no other item oi poatical i'"-! p.rtanee. Siiii'Wiii-.'.'K. The ship l.'nicorii, bound from Liverpool to Loston, was abandoned . at sea on the 7th June. The crew arriv-j cd safely into Falmouth, England. j M Revivals. Slotts llir.r.;N. C.July S, '.30. Dkar Lito. Ilirri.ix : Please inform the readers d the Advocate that the Lord i is reviving his work on Topsail Circuit. ' A revival has been goim.r on at Prospect j church for more than a week, and still j increases in interest. More than twenty,1 have professed conversion ; litteea have joined the tdiurch, and there are others ; that will d so. This meeting was com-: inenee l and carried on several days by j Brother Meacham, before we were able to be with him. A e believe, from present indications, that we shall have a general revival on this circuit durin- the present i . j i t i i, -i.' vcar. Mav t no Lord hasten tne time. J Lrethren, pray ior us. lours, ruiccuonaicij, Wm. F. Clkiig. AV. U. Mkacuam. Dupi.ix Cihcuit. "T have some inter est on my Circuit. Yesterday I closed a protracted meeting, at which live persons were received into the church ; and I am laboring and praying for a glorious work soou to bless this people. Pray for me.'' Yours, as ever,' J. B. BOBBITT. From the Central Press. Not Justice, but Pardon. One raorninj, a beautiful girl, four vonrs rf aa. nrosented herself, alone.! J , P c c i-L i' c at tae gate ot one of the palaces of France. It was when the first Napo - l, n.A 1T 1 - leon was Con.nl. iicr tcai6 and oe moved the keeper, a kmddiearted man, to admit her. She found her way to , . . - tllC presence 0 apOlCOn, as lie WaS; passIii'T through one of the apartments, ! 1 0 i wi i c 1 ! accompanied by Several Ot his milllS- j tcrs. Iii a delirium of c.notien, the j child rushed to his feet, and exclaimed, ! "Pardon, sir ! pardon for mv father!" I '.And ,rb ;a . f.,tl.ov?" cibl ' uU io jvv.immn. "-'rai5; cotton, 10 a 11 according to quality; Hour Napoleon, kindly ; " WdlO are you ?" $0 50 a 00 aeeordin-to quality ; wheat, 1 20; corn i4I am Miss'Laiolia," she replied, ; a715,e- oat? -o a40; peas 75 a j so ; hydes dry, , , . , , t ' I 10 a 11 ; creen, 4 a o : iron, swedes, 6a; i-n- ' and Uiy lather 13 doomed tO Uie.' j gllsh, 0 a 5; lard, 12 ; lead Si; molasses 43 a 50; " All," MiS'," Said Napoleon, " but i n! 5la5: salt.Liverpool sack, 150al 60; sugar, x1. ' 5 1 x- i- I loaf 1.5, crushed 13 aim, Kew Orleans 10 all, St. this is the second time m which your j Cro-iX anJ Porti3 Tdeo jj. taUoWj u a 12; tobae- father has conspired against the State I can ao nothing lor yu : "Alas, sir !" the poor child exclaim ed, " I know it ; but the first time papa was innocent ; and to-day I do not ask for justice I implore pardon, pardon . for lim !" Napoleon's lips rembled, tears filled his eyes, and taking the little hsnd of tho child in both of his, he tenderly pressed it and said : " Well, my child, yes ! For your sake, I will forgive your father. This is enough. Now rise and leave me." This beautiful historical fact may servo to illustrate the way in which sinners are saved. All in this world, young and old, are condemned to eter nal death, by the great God,, against whom we have all sinned. The Apostle Paul says : "Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned." The Evangelist John also says : "He that believeth not is con demned already." You probably think that as for yourself, such a doom is hard and unjust. But you would not think so if you saw wdiat sin would do, if God did not punish it. It would make a hell of every place, and a de vil of every natural being. God must punish sin, for his own sake, and for the sake of all good beings. There is however, one who can save sinners from eternal death. One who loves them much more than this young lady loved her father. He did for us, what she JI r our Mac, ait 'v.'rl m v:r hf-vi, t.b.'il it. . c . i r : lor C 7, , . . . . nr;2;(;';t t!rV-.fi WI.O Ij IT I ! Ct t to Unor .:- .-on, bv rir-Iiij. f.-ar'lori in M it tru-, ti.-it g,i v.-:;i ?. with you, tlv-jgn vi l awav irora s.;.rr?t. ia:-. .-on. v.-no i.a- lone o rnu'.-h for you. Eit then jus ticre to you vAA L-o L-.m'.-hus-Tit frhzu . i .. r :n:, ....a nc-aven lorcvcr. Are nrcnur' l to roc.-ive OU ..iii.- .i.ll ).:::'. Ti."a youii' lad v s-iM : '! a:-k not for justice, J imp'ore purlorj, porlon !" Th'- Pub-1 o-an, o.;, -v-btod not hit : up .-.o much unto Leaven. hut .-nooto- upon l.i.s Irt-ait, eavjrs, 'Go'l : be merciful to :ne a fc inner.' " An-1 al.-.o the trembling jailor sai , '-.Sirs, what must I do to be savt-'l V Go, i then, to the .Savior, with something the spirit, which the youn- la-lv m:ini(;.-.tr:d in hehalf of ht-r father. J Jlreuk throuIi every obstacle, cast j yoursc-n at iii.-j icei, cry paruon, par- lon ! for a guilty rebel. vv,u can'but V"- if you go, TI':n 1s rt-oh-el to try, Tor if you stay array you knovr And as none are pardoned, except jn virtue of their relation to Christ by . - - . . . . . and have aright to all the priv-! : ik-gos of the Sons of God, and you j , will be renewed in the whole man after j j the image of God, and enabled more .and more to die unto sin and live unto' rigJiteou.sne.ss. At death you will be APPOINTMENTS. j Zfl ll'iuiil WHiaiii'j'on Dial., AT. C. C'ot- j f'-rertr Wihninyton oth St., -June 1 land lo; i Topsail Cir., at Federal Point, dune 21 and f 22 ; Iifaden Cir., at Smile Chapel, -June 2S , and 20 ; Wilmington, Front Street, July 5 ( S.nithviiie Cir., at Zoar, July 12 and j !' ; ' iiilesviiie Cir., at Carvers Creel:, Ju.v ,,, .. , rr . i- -n. i..i .. o-". U(jWm Cir., at Horeb, Ausr. 2 and I; Samp- son, at Clinton, July 0 and 10; Fayettevilk C;r., at lo and It. D. C Xiciiolsox. June 20, 1850. Greensboro' District. I intra taii i'ji i' .'L'tiai'js in i an. rrfj - .7 1.1. If T. I (biilfia-d, Lee's Chape!, July o-0 ."Montgomery-, Uwharie, lone throve, Siloam, " 10-20 " 20-27 Arentworth, 3Iadion, Deep River, Fair Premise, An Rockingham, Hebron, h 1 'd'cwell, 1-2 0-10 10-17 jjj Jn.g j Cedar Grove, " 23-21 j it hs expected that Camp Meetin-s will be ! ien jn connection with the Quarterly Mc-t- j nig at Fair Promise and Hopewell, to which j brethren in the ministry and laity arc cor-1 dially invited. i(, j .N.1I.L1. ..ilsw . Camp Meetings, i Ero; Heflix : Plcaso say in the Advocate , that tnere will be a Camp Meeting on tne : 1), , . . 1 . . . , e , Blue Ridge Mission, embracing the 4th Sub-1 hvth in j,,. at Xew Bethel. Also, one on ! the Mocksville Circuit, embracing the 2nd Sabbath in August, at Smith's Grove. Com mencing Friday evening. 3Iinistry invited to attend. Yours, W. Bauringer. PEICES CURRENT. RALEIGH MARKET. Iteportelby JORDAN WOMBLE, Grocer. Flour, pur bbl. 5 50 a 6 25; lard, 12 to butter, 15 to 25 ; meal bush. 65 TO; corn bush. (10 65; fodder f? hundred 75 So; beeswax, 13 to 2l) ; dry hales, 10; white peas 70 to SO tock pea?, 70 to 75 : bacon 11 a 12i; tallow, 10. WILMINGTON MARKET. It-porto l by GEO. H. KELLEV & BRO. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MEECHA5TS. Naval stores, soft turpentine 2 30, hard 1 "0 ;' i fpirits turp. 34. rosin fioalis common; tar,! 1 Si 20 : salt sack, 1 io; timber $c to $10 00 ; flour j supr. 6 75 a family 7 25 ; corn 55 aOO : butter 2S to , ; 30; meal c.3 10 75 f fcaco 13J hoeround, u hams ; coffee, rio 11 to 12l; laguayra 13 to ISJ: ja- I v Vj t0 ,st. Demin-o 10 a n- uSarS loaf is i !a lot, crushed 12 a X.i ; C lellow 11a 11. A coffee ! 12 a 12J, brown 10 a ll; molasses hhd. 00 a 40, hhl- i: 1 25 to 1 ?,5 ; cow peas 90 to 1 oo; oats 60 to 01c.; cotton 10c to 10 V ; lard 13 ; rice, 4 por oask. cleaned , tallow candle's 16 to ada. 23 to 30, sperm 40 to 50. July y FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. From the " Observer." E:lcon 00 a 13 ? coffee, Rio, 13 al4,Lagnay-! co manufactured, S a 15; white lead, $2 a 2i ; window gUfs S by 10, 21 a 2J ; 10 by 12, 24 : yel low dip turpentine, 1 SO, scraped SO, spirits o0e. July 9 NORFOLK MARKET. H-eported for the Spirit of the Age, Ly A. M. 3IcPIIEETERS & Co'., Wholesale Grocers Commission 3lEr.cnAj.TS. WILLS' WUAKF, NORFOLK, Vi. Flour is arriving much mere freely and priees have further arh'O'J way. We quote, family $3 a $1 ; extra 71 a 7i; 3. F. a 6j; fine $6 a 6J; tbere is little prospect of advance ia Flour, and as at this season it is very apt to become unsound, we would advise early shipments of all on hand; corn is ia fair demand at 50e for mixed and white 52 a 53 for yellow ; white wheat $1 65 a 1 70 ; red SI 40 a 1 45 ; cotton, last sales were made at 10 J ; tar $1 37i : spts.tarp. 37 a 33 : rosin $1 31 a 1 40 ; Xu 1 and" fine white SI 75 a 3 50 ; Staves, W. O. Pipe $35, Heading 60, W. O. hhd. 45.; R. O. hhd. $32 a 33 ; Rjugh bbl. 25 ; Dressed bbl. $2S ; gro ceries, sugars and molasses are scarce and have advanced very much ; X. O. sugars 9 a 10 for eom ram to prime: crushed and pulverized 13 a 131; refined" A" 12c" B" Hie, " C" 11 a Hi: X. O. Molasses very scarce at 55 a 60: Cuba, 49 a 52e ; Rio Coffee 12 a 13e ; Laguayra 121 a 12Je : Java 16 a 16ic. Juiy S. PETERSBURG MARKET. Oareh.Ohi Corrected b BROWXLEY & HICKS. Grocers and Commission Merchants. Tobacco The breaks this week have been very heavy and we have to notice a further decline on j li grade. j Wheat The first sale of new wheat was made j to-dav at 1 55 for prime red we have seen no new white in market yet. Bacos There is good deal of excitement ia this article with an advancing tendency; we quot i shoulders 10V all, sides 1 12 a 12. I Potton There is more energy, and sales could j be made at Hi a 11 j, bat sellers are Holding up for higher prices. CoKS Ve quote sale3 65o. grGAR There is good deal escitemsnt in this article, and prices have still further advanced. Molasses Stock 1 ght and prices higher. X. 0. S3 a 60, other kinds 42 a 50 cts. July 9. cviM r.ot h.v; 1 a V,JJ ; faith, and as snch n annroacli is of th i j r- ton C , i . . : i--- -..- f t:. i'r.; !.; !- ; r;.-.r-.. ;..;-, - 'I:.- . v;:.:, ! ,-. u i'r : : - MAHP.IZD. in o:::-. ir:!:: .- : - :: -J- bv i"v. v. v:. ;;-!.;. Mr. K. L. w.- and M:-- I. Gur.n. i.,;;'!."-r f t:.f II-v A'- ! tl.e f i!i':, t-.-.i ! tl.e -urn t j-t ;r.-?., ;-ir. i;. li. -J .,r. :r, :.r. i .-si-- Kls.-ibe-h S. b- the l.itt.-rr va'.':?. DEATHS. In th:- 1 on T.i' a: in-t., fif'-'-r a preT: .. ass, eel;- Al jl .' V. . a-?, Jr. -'i V." A ." In ravttt':vll-, ai the 2 3 ir.st., -Ir. Ji' i'-s M. Ter'ry, fOr.erly of It.elgh, u-'.-l Co year-. "At the re-eh-nce of-her f;;ther, jr. Frank lint'.n, on Turi.- :av, th inst, Mi-s Kiizabefi 31. M. War , r-hk-t daughter cf .Maj. Jor. J. ar;d KiizuLfetii 31. War'l. At G.ite-viil-, X. C. on Saturday mommy, the oth in-t , after a llnyerinj il!n'.. Mr-. 3Iary L. Fineh, relict of the lit? Kev. J. J. Finch. She -.ras a m'-rnhtr of the li.ipli-t Church, ari l died in yr-it peace. Her re mains were brouglit to i'aleih forinterrnent hc-i.ie her huban.3, and Mere mot at the Depot hy a hirire nninber of men Is .n Tues day eveniny. Her funeral t .ok j.litce from the liaptist Churcli on We .!ne.lay morriing. She leaves four orphan children. In the village f Marion, S. ('., on th? morn in of the 3'Jtii dune, J're loina L-H .y, daughter of -James II. and Mary L. Smith, ar"l yoar G iaor.t.hs and 20 days. Z?& Citv- papers y ie..e c.;py. Mr-. Martha F. FieM, wile f Tier. 13. Field, died nt hc-r ',..re h'.me n-ar Leakvil!e, X. c, Sabi.. iia evennic 1 jth f dune, i Is"!, after close confinement f-.-r many months in her sick chamber aired fifty-three years. She v.-as baptized in infancy by a 3IethoJist iuiuis;er, and brought up ur.d-.-r religious in fluence. In eaily life she professed experi mental religion, a.id to the day of her death remainei firm in Iter profes-u-.n. As her end drew nijrh, her prospects bri'-htened for eternal i'.orv, and she frequentlv strjkc of hr irospeets, shorting hc-r friends to meet her in Heaven. " She bleeps in Jesus." B. F. Fur the X. C. Christian Advocate. Maj. B. 31. Seiby died at his residence in Greenville, X. C, on Pith June, ISoG, at 20 minutes past 4 o'clock, A. M. lie was born April 2'Jth, 1794, and for many years filled the most responsible ofiice of the County in which he lived. In all the various relathms which lie sustained in life, he gave full satis faction that his motives were as pure as his judgment was correct. He was a devoted husband, a loving an 1 .beloved father, and a good master. As a neighbor, he was kind - and obliging. Bro. Seiby was, at Hie time i of his death, a member of the M. E. Church, ' and gave indubitable evidence that bright . gems of bliss awaited his arrival at Cod's ; right hend. To entertain the servants of the ! Most Hi-! gh, was, to him, a source of much pleasure ; and, under his bespit many weary preaciCis ct tire Crospei have oeeu reiresiieu. it was tne pleasure ot Ui3 writer of this brief notice to converse freely 1 I- , i x. .1 f 1 with Bro. Seiby in ix-ferem'e to his spiritual condition. His way was cb-ar ; he had put his " trust in Cod, and his faith was well founded." A short time before his demise, Maj. Seiby desired to partake of the Eucha- rise before entering into tne immediate pre- seuce tu Cod. In the presence ot his lami- ly, and a few members of the church, assisted hy Bro. S. Collins, I proceeded to administer the Sacrament. The scene was one of over whelming interest, when the "old man elo quent" spoke of Jesus, the excellence and glory of the Cross, the past, the present and the future. "Our sighs wer3 numerous, and profuse our tears." Weary of earth, Bro. Seiby has left his pleasant temporary home in Greenville, for a " better and more enduring inheritance above." May his weeping wife and sorrow ing children meet him there ! . J. II. Jefferson. 3 Spirit of the Age copy. LENOIR Male and Female lastitute. 11 miles Xorth west from Kinston, and 4 miles north of the Central Bail Ki.ad at Mostly Hall. WM. HEXRY CUNNIXGGIM, in charge of Jale Department. Assistant of Male Department. MISS S. ABB IE .SMITH in charge of Female Department. Assistant of Female Department. The next session will open on Monday 4th of August. Board, including washing and fuel, per ses sion, $35 00 Tuition, according to studies, 7 50, 10 00, and 15 00 Extras, music on piano, with use of instru ment 15 CO French, drawing, painting, embroidery and Wax -flowers, each 5 00 The Male department is made preparatory, spe cially to Xormal College, aid the Feaial? depart ment to Greensboro Female College, fo that stu dents can he prepared, either fur the active duties of life, or for entering College in an advanced class. The buildings are so arranged that the Male and Female schools are between 1 and J mile distant from each other, wit'a separate boarding houses, large, comfortable, and convenient to the school rooms. The location is healthy, and water good. Letters of inquiry should be directed to Mosely Hali, Lenoir C'ountv, X. C. V HEXKV CUXSTXGGIM, Sec'v. Julv2d, 1S56. 25 tf. OXFORD MALE ACADEMY. J. II. IIORXER, Principal, T. L. IIORXEB, Assistant. THE nest session opens on .Mondav, ths 7th of July. Board and Tuition seventy-five dollars per ses sion, pavablein advance. Oxford, X. C, June, IS'G. 2S it MASONIC institute. GERXASTOX, X. C. THE Fall Session will cpen the 21st of August, 1S5S. ! Expanses for fxe moniliS. I Board, every thing furnished except can- ; dies', $35 CO i Tuition varies from. 10 to 15 00 j Incidental tax fuel, bell-ringing, io 1 CO j Xo extras. ; Total from $-iS to $55 00 j In view of the established regulation cf this Ia- I stitution, the Trustees deui it scarcely necessary i to inform the public, that it is organized and con- i ducted on the most approved Collegiate plan. It j is supplied with trood Apparatus and Cabinet for illustrating the Xatnral Sciences, and ccntains well selected Libraries, to which all the students may have access. The Principal will be assisted by associate Pro fessors of a high order of talents, of ripe scholar ship, and of long and successful experience in teaching. By application to the Principal, Cata logues will be sent to those desiring further infor mation. By order of the Board. WM. T. GAXXAWAT, Principal. July 9, 1S56. 23. L i --- : r r T i'-. i.r T-.'..7 t ' . j : -. o L. : 1 ... : ,.r , i:lv. iv. iL c;;: i-tiax. Ncr Cooks. !,';-: rv. Ax; ti . La- o:' r;t;;i 1- t r-.- : t - ir I.-vi ! ; : . i i:T Thru 'I t d'rL.-T. c-z:, GvO-itt a; : i vVtV ' '" .V ALL CABINET MAKERS, ' 0 It V.' A KDIX'i rivDl:ar? t -. ih ac 'Jer.-j j.-r1 7 ;.! he arr .itttt Azvts f.r t. f! 'ar..l -. r. '5 . .u ef .T. A. : .'.f iTrari - IT i' v .v;fe. 1 . ix-.rovi-'. os fcvi .Vr .a l-. ,e A ivi-ruM-mtcl. J. A. .VrMANXEX. Jon 25.1 '.5. 42 w. 13. F. PEARCE, DE.1LKP. IS Fcreirjri and Domestic Dry Goods, Jl-jff, C"js, fi'ofs ami Xhtz, Umlr'.Ua?, '.crt'l Ii'.i'iTij-m'iAtt Cfotitin'j, HAY STKFKT, FAYETTE VILLE, N. C. Zr2 .Stri'-t attention paid to order. jJ April lS.Sr". 14 Jr I'ashiorirr-ble Ilair-cutting and Shaving1. Jilllll undersigned Las ju-t opened a Shop X at 31 r. Thompser.'i Laihiiny, near the corner, east of the North Carolina Book Store, for the especial accommodation of yenil'-rr.en v.-ho desire a plea-ant shave, and well dressed hea 1 of hair. lie l opf-s by his skill an j close attention to his business not only to 'merit, hut secure a liberal share of the patronage of the public. J. X. ALblU-N f i V 1- . I Ill 1 U J. A 'J ( o f . WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD, 'T? II OLE SALE and Retail Dealers i D.-ns, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Soices, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Garden Seeds, Pure Wines and Brandies, fur medicinal purposes, London Porter. Se jrars, Chewing Tobacco, &c, Raleigh, X. C. January .3, lHoo. - 1 Om. VI. L. Fcmeroy, Publisher, Bookseller and Stationer, Xo 1G. Fayetteviile Street, Raleigh, X. C. 710XSTAXTLY en hand a large assortment O of Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellaneous and School Books, American, English and French Stationary, Blank Books of every description, including Records for every purpose. Books not cn hand ordered with dispatch. Binding done iu plain or fine style. Raleigh, Jan. 10. 'oG. 2 tf. " Learn of tne mole to plough." Fopf.. YSTTCHFS CULTIVytTIXG PLOW, PAT- V EXTF.D Sth JAN., l?5o; (CALLED THE LIOLD i'LO V.' :) With vertical (.'litters nuar the edge of a horizontal share fi.-r dividing the farr iv.--sitee, and a carved Cutter on tire rear of the share for turning the whole in, TOWAf;Ls the plow or as far, on- ths ocposiTi: hue of the shake, as in-iy bo desired. Adapted to-Siding, Listtrfg, breaking turfy or hail land, Suhsoiling, r.ad many other purposes. Is light, cheap and strong : and scp- i pusa to bo the most pertect puivcrizer in use. l or License to stli, with cirections for Manufac- turin?. address I Crookville, G i W. E. WYCI1E. Granville 27. C. 25 42 tf j WYCIIE'S CULTIVATING PLOW, Patentcd SCt'a Feb. ISJG. (THE BLADE D PLOW.) Awarded '820 Premiums for the Best Plowing at the last X. C. State Fair. ITII Cutting Blades in the place of a taold hoard, cuts, divides and turns over the soil. depositing the finer parts in the furrow, and turn ing over tho turf, ciods, c, on the surface, is cheap, light and lasting, and easy to both driver and team. Admirably adapted to almost any purpose for which the plow is used. For license to sell, with further information, ad dress, W. E. WYCHE, Brookviile, Granville, X. C. J. II. Gooih, Oxford, X. C, solicits orders for the above plows. June I4ih, 1856. ' 25 42 tf. Mothers read this, and preserve it. JOHN A. McMANNEN'S BABY SAFE, AND IMPROVEMENTS ON BEDSTEADS. Patent opplied for. "1VTOXE but mothers and nurses can form any J l idea of the trouble and inconvenience of guarding against infants failing out of Bed. This invention protects the child, and relieves the mo ther entirely from all Anxiety at this point. It can be attached to any Bedstead, at a cost of from 50 cents to five or ten dollars, as persons may de sire. When not ia use, is not seen, and when ia use, can be arranged in less time than it takes to dr i w one breath. The inventor feels proud of his invention, as he is conscious that he has given to the age in which he lives aa idea that will go down to protect generations yet unborn, and to relieve mothets from a care and anxiety that even fathers have little idoa of. It is highly ornamental, and a protection trom cold m winter. v e Joel assured there is not States who uses this inventi pr.'cd to give us therr names to others. a ladv in the United :m, who will not bo u recommending it Enclose live dollars t) J. A. .VeMannen, P. K., South Lowell, X. C, and drawing and specified tions sent by return mail for' one family right. Any person having the nse of tool3 can make it. JrNO.A. McMAXXEN. June 16, 1356. 436vv 25 4w 1-70RMAL COLLEGE. u XXFAL COMM EXCEMEXT. JCX Board of Visitors for 1855 : His EscelleDcv, Gov. BRAGG, ex ofp.cio. Treiident of the Board cf Trustees. II B Elliott, Esq. J A Gilmer, Esq. S G Coffin, M D. Hon A II Sheppard. G W Caldwell, Esq. J W Thomas, Esq. Hon W II Washington. Hon J T Morehead." E W Ogburn, Esq. J M Garrett, Esq. J Johnson, Esq. B F Steed, Esq. Board of Examiners. Rev C F Deems. D D. Prs T M Jor.es. Jos B Cherry, Esq. Jonathan Worth, Esq. C II Wilev, sq. Rev S M Frost. L Blacknier, Esq. , The Valedictory Sermon to the Graduating Class will he preached on Wednesday, Julv lorn, at 10 o clock:, Jl. M., by Rev. A. L. P. Green, D, D., of Nashville, Tenn. The Address before the Literary Societies will be delivered on the same dav. at 3 o'clock P. M., by Hon. E. G. Ileale, of'Person, X.C. Commencement Exercise? will begin on Thursday morning, July I'th, at 10 o'clock, and at the close a Baccalaureate Address will be delivered bv Rev. P.. T. HcSin, of Raleigh. June 23, IS56. 25 Zt r RECEIVED. v :' .' r: i , k-1 (; i. T ? r - in '& -. ' v-. ., -... f 'J r- - e - ... r ar v.- .-'i-i t girt nt a trial. J-:- 11. 1 i. J J-T"". - T' !.!::' f, Y.. 7'. ? ,-!'.. '. : t IV B3 I' i-'i r r.'-a r- a-, J BL-T riAXv..jijM v c: wv.n z. t a- ' i y .a tin tjk ;t. .f T.. 1'. N'A5 ."S r. sr. l i aT rt-ii.a tt. -r.-T or.tli ir.? i.,-.r r:r fc.v "5 -ofa.-ti--.n. lie js ttI:t-z r'v- .r, i an! -tsritv to far-r.:-b y-.a ith a ti;,-r; r Ir-!r:sK! at a 1 f r.--- Or I rs e-f i.iry fitro-:-; 1 to '.-;r -v ' 1. -n si , way? r--iit ar--:Hr car6. L. P. KAMI. i Zi', t ::-. A-al-.-r. . .. yia.er, t it-.-r 10 ' B.ink .'trct-t. Penr.-lsrg, Vs. Aj-ril, li, 15 E.0SSER & EIVE5. WH.I.KSI.E Att. r.ETt!L APOTHKCARIES A5D I)iU"GG!. 4, -Nil. Ito Pwe" s 11 jw, PtUT.-hur? Va., A'tr dw.-t .iv.re 'v.r'," FP rovTXTLT ON If Sit F!'FH a-fr;t-st-,:k ofl,M?;i.! u, .s- i, ..-. t , , .. 'ye .taJ. ivr:am-rT, ranc-y Ar;:-!? Oar- ' T.EEP C ! i aa j . -. I) : u-.' i. i ar i aa l ..i-.-i.'W ora-- r--..i. t . - -- - r. - 1 -.r-fn . i ... .- . tho b.?-t French. Eiglith an i A:neri an CLtui- : m -i . . .... r . , . . ' , . .... di:. ;;;j - t.c. . t juu-A ic a l.r-E Class ! Vrts ll o- i-rs i'r ira Physician, C .crtry Mr'-V.an:s a a:i ..-.i.-rs -.v",.i ref .ive .i t.t nttviiti--n. X. ii. i'artiea! ,t att-j.-.ti. n. rAh day at; 1 i.i'-t I. -ii i to the potririoti-idir." i.f M-.l:ei? i T... If. P....;-n V' V r.,-.- M r, j'. -Iv THOMAS BIIAXCII & SOXS. ?lEXIEIt their VerricM t the Planter and i Farmers of Xorth Carolina, for the sib--d produce g'-nerullv. Their exre-rb-nee i in th'n department of bu'.-iness justifies them .' , . .1 ... . J P . - : in evoectin" that thev wi 1 ivp Fn.I satislae- tion to all who may entrust bu-inevs to their care. Liberal advances made on consign - mr-nts. Petersburg. Feb. 15, 100. 7 ?: - i GEORGE LL JONES i CO., ; V"h.jlesa!e and Ketail Apotlr.-carics an i Druggists. ' PETERSBURG, VA., " 7 EEP constantly on hand a fresh and se- JU !ect stock of Drngs, Medicines, b"st French, English, and American Chemicals, j ; Surgical Instruments, and all ether articles ' kept by Druggists generally. j Orders from Physician, Merchmts, and ! others, promptly attende 1 to. i Geo. B. Jo.vfs, Francis Major. V..K 1 '--.C. - 1 .. i x 3j. xv, u-j. i i y I - LUMSDEN & SHORTT, I 7 M PORTERS and Dealers in Watches and V Jewelry, Spectacles, Pencils, Gold Pens. Military and ' Fancv Goods, Pen Knivf-s, Scissors, Razors, &c, 37 Sycamore Street, Petersburg, A'a. F.-4" Watches. Clocks. Sn-e'aebs. and Jewelry Impair" 1 at short notice, and in the most satisfactory manner. Merchants sir:- plied witli Thimbles an 1 Imperial Needles, oi superior quality, at sin h prices a cann-t fail to please. Spectacle for ail ages. Par- ticularattention paid to Regulating Watches, C.TAS. LVMSDEV. V. E. SIIoXTT. Petersburg, Feb. 12, 1S-5G. tf. COMMISSION HOUSE, 1 i In the city of Petersburg. ! j DIXWIDD1E anifla. j I "Late Inspector West-Hill ware-house." TfILL receive on consignment Tobaccf., I "M Wheat, Corn, Cotton, Flour, and all i fit hor firinntrtr r. .-t-.A n nrt n'"". J i . :,,-" , ,r , Ibaeeo. SI; each bale of Cott,,n. 50 cents ; al! I otlo-r Produc", 2 1-2 per cent. n':? . !)', .. ..- . , T) - 1- 1 U.aee 1-v'j sycamore st., Pctersourg. n. I r.i t lyre 1 . - D. PIG0TT, COMMISS ESION MERCHANT, VILMIXGTOX N C. ' 10 1- v March 6. GEO. II. KELLEY k BROTHER, COMMISSI O X MERC II A X T 8 DEALERS IX Family Groceries ami. Provisions, Xo. 11, Xurth Water Street, AVILMIXGTOX, X.C, i Will kcej constantly on hau l, Sugars, Coffees, ' Molasses. Chesc, Fiour, Butter, Lard, .Soaps, j Candles, Crackers, Starch, Oils, Snuffs, Ac, Ac. j ! PvEFEREXCES. I 0. G. Parsley, Pres. of Commercial Bard:: John ; : McRae, Pres. of Lank of Wiltuineton, Wilmic?- 1 ; ton. A. M. (iurman. Rev. R. T. li'c-fliD, Bak-igh. . S. V.. Westbrooks, Kev. W. II. Bobhitt, Greens- ! : boro'; I eii. 20. 8 j ZENO II. GREENE, : Wholesale Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, : No. 7 Market St., Vilmi.vgtox, 2 . C. j JUST RECEIVED. ; Q .""j BBI.3. C. Sugar, (Stuarts.) 50 baT" Itio. Lazuavra snd Java Coffee. 30 Loves Steam KeSned Candy. j j 45 Lb's. Fiour, Fine, Super, and Family, ; 10 tons Hoop Iron, I, li and 1J inh. i 20 bh is V.'e-jtern Bacon, Sides arid thould- ! ers. For sale at Xo. 7, Market street, bv i ZEXO H. GBEEXE. i Juno 6. 23 I)AC0X! BACON!! 15 hhds. Western .Sides 3 and Shoullers; 3000 lbs. X. C. Sides and .iaouiders. For sale in quantiries io suit bv ZENO 11. GREENE. MOLAS.s-ES, MOLASSES. A Good sweet ar ticle in b'a-li. end bbl". For sale I v ZEXO H. GEEEXE. i June 25. 0 HOOP IRON. 10 tons 1, 1J and inch. Just received and fr sa5e by ZEXO H. GREENE. July 3. ' 23. j "VTOW LANDING from Xew Tcrk Packet?, I j 50 bbls. St Croix Granulated Sugar; 20 I bbls. Porto Rico do ; 20 bbls. Stuarts A. k C. : Sugars ; 5 bbls. do. Crushed do. For sale b v j July 3. 23 ZEXO H. GREENE. ILOUP. AXD CP. ACKERS. 50 tbla. Fine al Saner Fiour ; 20 bbls. and 25 boxes u- gar and Soda Crackers. New lar.d'rg aa-i A"-jT ' sa'e by ZEXO H. GR.EEXE. July 3. 2 s IMPORTANT TO EARMERS. i "ff PALMER'S Parent Rotary, Frail, Grfia j J and Set! Threshlaz 3IisLices for a!e ty Jjta A. McMacnen, Sjath Lowell, X. C. j This Threshing Machine Las gained ths admi- ration of all who have used iu It reliever the ; feeder from dast and dancer being fed on the side, is not at ail liable to get out of order, and will thresh 250 to 600 b.asb.ei3 of VVfcest per day with less power than any other Threshing .Ma chine now in use. It U admirably adapted to be driven oat by a gin wheel, nothing is necessary bat to move the "Gin aal put the thresher ia iu place. Prices Xo. 1, $65, Xo. 2, 50, Xo. 3, 11C0: delivered at Weldon. X. C. JOHX A. 3IcMAXNEN, Agent Stent Machines kept ccattacily on hat 1. JaE9 25, 135S. U 25- 5 iL ; SE7EI7 T1AII3Z JUST ? "V" 0ZJf f V-'-H' ? ."v 1 ;T--"fi." '. ' i . - ... - r! !, . r ' -i V . v; Al. Ik ". :: - - - i. -v. .. ii. I-i-..:-, . W' .... . .i. . 1 i'r . r t r : v. -. ;;. J; :. r : . -..('-. -.. 1 i. ' i- . . .: ..t . : . - ... -. V :n ii. -. :. :;. ;:v-: k . .: V, ri ' r.j !a!. r.: ".. ii. l-::. Wb. W. : : - : r .r ..t -. : . i . j . ..r r r- :'--r i t tt. r s- t aol f i f rr-;- ';. wro r. :a ty : - M.t.c 1 at tl.e re : A.t t - :-; : . r ( -ir-'j;.r. tcati-.r, h.al ! t. I hf"'? I. ;'rt Tl 1 to JoiiN" ;. WILLIAM?v:-rurT. j:t ir. i; 5. l I SPIUNG GOODS PUH At Ao. 20. Ch-'p i", ve K. 5 'j C-rr.rr) T M i. -t r'- c-.y .-j r.- r ar.-l .it?.n rr ": ''' r::CY ar' ' -""A 1'LK I'i. Y O I H.AT, l)'"JV-?.n,ji:hrs"' r- . wu: a I i..'.'T, 1 .t-i ins at Ile-tuct-i i n- i i jm. j ..... .. . . ., , '. tu.-i. i ; hi..) wi.i i.jt wt.en c.,.1 cn, ti,i if- ; '. ' i ".? t ti.- se who bi.v v. ... v k in j.i: z :j wt .i a - ro- ), sc 1 I watt :i.e t.i'.-r.y f.r t!ic:n i-y tho I! f Ao ;u-t i l : i:. 1 to c:.l :e to I io- r. 1 f-.-.-. r. ;. i i i.::ie . r i .rt'ASil t;.r? s a- n ::..in tn . y :.:.v." i . - M ir, :;.. tiirki t hcrto : .ri. S'.,:n.:- -f' oar Ntn -T-.ipi r sr.- n l ; th- Ci-h .'v-Mi..l..Tr.-.-: !ij I; . :.! ... -..i:.t I :; t. I: n : wuriJ i l.i ' i.e n w. ii a ia tl.e ;:. r. But I ' -a e t:.' I -...t '. r : TJ. j' tbn t!-..-o vA, soil -a 12 and 2 lu-.r.ti; t::i. ; 1 t.. - t !t.. :r:.i r. d-.e-t i-.v v-..r 1 f.-r it. ; ''it c-..: i,r,.l try. at: 1 i 1 I , r-re t , v.. Jf , -are .-,.:..:-.. ,n. i.v..ry r....iy : iC'l JI. L. io ANl. BEAI Till- ! I ' All these hi.K-b-.-l t-. trm .f E.-ir. X C i. ; or to H. L. K-.- m, f ut f.VU: th-ir N-.t j r.-. l, ! Ac-.unf. Tl.f fu'-fTiuvr cii.:.-; k'O i.-r.rr in- ' .ialr :.--. II. I.. EVANS. j ':, Afril 5, 1 if,. STE3BirJS fe FULL'Crj, I :ii.-:r! r- ar. 1 I ' .t' : 1 in Earthenware, Cain;), and filass, TF.o.'. ' "ud ...', ,7. N'o l-'J I Broad sir. et Richmond Va. 7i:Ei CONSTANTLY ON HAND A huge and b'-autifu' a.-sortmotit f Goo-.'s ! ,f niot d irable chap'iand patfrt.s. to wbi -'o tbi-v desire t call th" at"t.'i'.n of ii . . . " i .1 . ;. . . . :... . t.- .i !. reii . o I- an l o- o'ts is! nr ' i ... i o ; : ) oil- i , l . .1 I hit ni:. I t. l s-.-rvifcs ol rich it. -io. rate 1 and Gold band, French and KnglM, n.ira, White Fordliin, St.ne and Indian Chit.-. lolKt S' tS Ol ricil (lcc:.:,lt..-l ill, 1 f .1-1 banl, whit", marble 1 rind a-'U'ted od .rs ' ' T'TC'-l and ph.m gbi-s of -v. rj style and pattern, Vou'o-, t .or ; rut., ry, '. Lamps and Girandoles, Gas and -'.her Chan- : 'IU-t. Eraelr.-ts Are. .Ve., Rici. -ilvi .- .at d Cast r, spoons . ! and f-a s'-r iees, ib itt .ro i v. ..n-, Jipan-1 ; nn i tla Foihtt i-.-ts. Icoking ghs.-i.-s ot Wn- 5 t-ig- ther with a vai icl a:--s.,rtm'-r.t -.1 i F:l; lT Co Js ar..l bou-e lurrusbitig art..d,-, oi every (!.. to lmii-n. An insr.-o rion of oar Stock i-i i--di..-i'.- d. feeliug a.-.-uic.J that fc.iperior ir.dticemer.r-, wiii be oT..ri-d to- .irchaej-s. Orders will receive our r'cia! aMro tioti. 1 ( has. s'n:i;i;i.Ns. B. K. PC LLEN. Z tf. Jan. 13, 18oG. ClarhiOa ; Andersur. BTCil.MO.Vw, Vt. i7M!'0RTERSOF HARDWARE, CFTI.E ! rf; V"'? " ' v" ' A " T, i lu" ;'-T l'.e..;n ;n ., V'-, ' re-;iectfu call the nMmti..ii i f t!.- ..rro . ., - -.- ; Carolina .uerchants ati 1 ot.'ii-rs v noting t hi- i mar.:tt, to tie or stock, winch i n-vv and well 1 rv. Guns and A tieii'ir' i'-iitsng 'l th. ' assorted, feeling assured to -y can '.ff-r sui:h inducernen's as -.viil make it the it,tir"-t of; all to purcha-e of them, buying ,Xclu.iv,ly , for ca-h, and importing their goods direct, , ! enables them tu sell cheap. Call an 1 exam-j ine their stock. ' Liohmond, Ya. Jan. 18, lC. Ztt CO AC 1 1 HARDWARE ami MATERIALS. : (Itlf. u ri ot-rsi zn.-iu I c ci i u ; i j i..m tin; n i Xtention of the public to their large t-t.-ck ' f Coach Hardware and inat'.-rials, which: consists m ycirt oi Bright and Black Eiir.rie Spring" ('..nnmi.n P ii-r.t and half Patent Atlim ! j Carriage and Toe Wa- : Coach Castings : ---- Hubs, Spokes, F-iloes Shafts, B ;ws. and I I'd' s 1 i Enameh-d, Dash i.' d Collar Leather Enameled Cloth, Berafn and Oil Carpet, i. eatti ijaes, iasc.s, luits, i ringe, v.c ! Blue and Drab Chahs and Coach Lining-; . Brass and Silver Plated Lamp ' ; j ILr.-.'..?, Locks Handles, Knobs and T It 9 j Ivory. Srher, Bra-.s and Japanned Lir.r.g : ! Nails I Moss Hair. Turned Collars and Sticks,! j (tc, rc. . I ) Y" AX LEW &. TAYLOR. 1 Xo I1? Main street Richmond, Va. ' Richrnond, Va. Feb. lo. 7 Cm j j j II. II. DIB P. ELL. B. J. JOHNSON, Late Inspector Shockoe Ware-Hou.e. ) DIBRELL k JOHNSON, C o m m i 8 s i o n Af e r c h a n t , j OHice nar Shockoe W.-.re-IIotjfi. j RICHMOND, VA., j Pay r articular attention to the eale of To-! baeco, Corn and Wheat. j Liberal advances ma le on ad Produce con signed to them. They resoectfullv solicit your patronag-?. Feb. 0, loO. G tf i FURNITURE ! FURIJITURE ! THE Subscriber, thankful for past favors : informs the pubiic that he is prepared to Ell orders for furniture, upon reasonable terms, 1 at his fhop two fc-iu.ires cast cf the Cape r ear Br.nl He keeps on hand the usual articre cf farn.tore needed by house-keepers ; such as s Cane Bottom, woodseat. rocking andofLcei chiiirs, beadstea Jij of d'.iferent kind, a van- ' etv cf Maleogany, S ainut, and com mi on ; Tables and Beaureaus Bo-.-k Stands Ward robes, ir". 1 grTLe eabscriber U provided with a; good hearse an-l It p.r'par-! t- furnish Cof- ' fins cf Makozanv, Walnut an J (.'..mmoa 1 wood. He wiil attend funerals iu Town cr C-rULtrv. 1 IIEXI1Y J. BLOWX. j Rakigh Jan. 4, 1;50. ly. ! House ard Lot in Frankiiiitc-i. i s HOUSE with seven tzobh, and neees- jt sary cuthouses, on a lot of five acres, in j Frarddinton, may be bought up.-n ery fa ; v .-rable terras. The oaxer'5 reason for telling, is, that Laving co reel Lr a house, j he is de.lrous cf changing th ; pmpi;rtv. ! Apoiv to J. IL WHITFIELD." J J a Le lSti, I?5G. 25 -tf. ' VAi.r.un.E ri- v.TNTr.Y nr.s- - . - -- in : N. ('. ' - r I r " r II . t ' - r ; '. : " 1 t t ' r z : -, - 1 ' A - - 1 - - i V- f rr .'. .V ii . ; vi-- .:. : -. A r- z A ' r , ... t-- ; i ' i -. - -. I: w . r r . v - rv fr . V v - .i r r - : rr r t T- nr. n t"-- U. A ' R. R-il i . f n - a lift .r : " t,r.i v. ..:. y. .ij b -iv.' i . rz.nTZ" fP. f. S. I; h-.r I- Vt .i ill?, d ! ' r.-i R. r. MAYVARD. r.: r. N. C. .U. PS V,. tf. VALUAHI.E UK A!. KSTATK. JiUW. S. 1-rt . A"-r :" r r.' X nn 1 t?. t i 1" ' : r.r.r I, . Vrnr , Kr: l.rt C . TUf r- fci-lAn.-". 1. f t thn . ! a rxlle ff..ru th C i-t II i !. I t n a ! - .lutiibl cinir.'ji- , c- iv,: f toe t : -i ' "re -: !'. th-n ( n the e:'.r. T: tf 4 .01 ftcro, 2i r f '..oi w-l.'n h i n Ln d-.V.. I iff a 6.1" i t i ' : c n ' i e h : .: - ritr r b-.t: . ; ' I I'.ut n;1.' r 1 "1 of nn.J ' r t.'.-, ha. mg ' i r--1-' nt-v i.ii !. T!'"rc i n n. i. ..vr f !!. t :, :v a. r. fr- ii w b;eH v. : J cut at::iiii".!v a ;..r. .jU".!.- . v f fny. .'. tl titr i f !;:n' er ! k ; ll ' f.irm, .- an .r i ha ;d -f y.-in fru't tf. ., r n : !". pe if'..'--, i."t ra.-., t; rio !'. ! ., -, . t :.-rr b.-rri-o:.!.-. L ni-'a- m;- ..:. mr- ;:y, I..'-. g a, I m ih' :-.r. 1 f ma!' f-h I. m.-'l t. i-i c.-'ir" T rr o, a 1 ir ; f-n. i! ' r. -, n-.t mir!tbvi a n.V.- fr.en lb' j.fmi"-.. Th- rr . . f tl.o -A - r..-t id 1 ' '. ' r if it v! :l .;: it tli r i -' a r ! a -r . . j 1 t.i ' tho .rp rate I.:...'- f t..wn. I A. (i. Ji'M. L.-iI-l u'. Jut." I' .h, l-.V,. '."- f Ft iii .-ALE. .1 S t'! vi' n' '' 1 "- .lo- ' ' ,. i , Prl, ll 'l'f'lt (': , S'i' A"",'', Cn -1 ". V.t'.di NAT! HAL .lVATA;i: Ai X lo aitii, t'lis ?!'. it. ist it l-!i"t'- ' 1 ' pi d t ) unv in ih-b-t-r .-untry. P 1 tb'r tw o n.dii mi a 1 a jt fid wat r-o: . Th" bn in;'" ar- la: ! :.-,"! 1- . i"W of I '.it.lil - t li'n T, Uiib'H bi-'-IW V I .- !.- inloti, and ar" am) b; at. 1 il Cab-nln!'' ! ! " t,-... Far. ih ! Acr" ' f th" 1 Hid ( '! .i r !, f: nd all und.-r g ol f-t;"",) .'. Acre i f whi.l'i'iii a high .'' impr'. sic ' , . ., , r 1 ... . , r . ' Hli'll " I to n l.ri i-, I'i ' . Ill ... , I" ' 1 " - ..... . . S-.a,..- . : t . : . ;. -. . r,,.'f: , ;,' ...-," V !'.; ..', ubmu.-i' i. :" !. - -,, ... ( .. I f ..jiii...i, i . : . o , i .-.' i -1 -, ii i - -.. . to ji-ld we 'I .lirii..' th- lit fVi;r i.- M ii-ii ha" b b n- ii- w f-.r rn iiiv : t n niiii'v. F.-.v Farms - a t?-:.!';r v;' ty aV.nt ir. Any j u ! ironist' 'i - ! and advai.t.'tg' : 1 '! no-nt, w ni 1 ! c t i !;!! :.nd c-r ,r..u i hi-, nd" cn f t t;,"-i-.inl. A pur ba-'-r ran I.- fan i-h-e 1 mi the -;eit with t-- t:. 'ri, Fat. '; . otm.-ii :.t.' I f-.t.ii'y lorouur-, ar, 1 nio. ' everv r o'i'- ' f'T I'aru i g ti ,r.s T.-.-m-. ' i - i!' v. ill b.j .ice I.' ' ' by a; Td' iiig ti e IVctr.'-." to th" ml t. Jr. ' ' .JOHN I IK1 . J .:no o. 1 ".". - - '- rou ; ali:. riV.Ii; Ho'.i ! t.....n 1 io- p: ! , i .. !. r. ..f ' t Iving .:, r.v J or!', i .'i -.it " il. T i I f-' i-i (. Jl'.i .'vr to l.rrii' . t .- , fr -a I he ) i :a tlm fui. i'..v..;--.r , .n. '. 7 !.! ; w.:; g -:n- c ; :. nd .ii. ..c. :' ci' ; (.' . . I l...tfi 'Ib'-r ' - l-!....'..' i.n in ;; ! r A, !";' j 00.! '. k -O 1 . C : Z1. I ;,:' . ' ; ' '' r. I 1.1 w a ..r: v. M'-r. .Ma v il ri a . rnc v , 1 .iii. I'm I v. 1! 1 nr. I r.I.I jAi. Hi 'J 1 - LAND POR HALE. T IZ u.ni i 1 3 ' tliir, f wtllr, u ..aV!!y tiud.-r. d, i u t;i8 W. .N. C. ll. K-.ad i n-.w hcirij? t.aiit ' :, nii..'..f t. ,U", -v.-.kJ t'.-.oh-l t:' ' ,rd- of r.,.,d. icav ,V I i'i.iH ' - 1 - ... ... j i. ' '.: . " Vear". J l.e pra'-e i w. ,i ri.; r'n"i . - I, -vmi-A h l,r f.oy.y. 'f'l'f: -T-.. .... i. . i : ... I . ...... f.f.a tir.'l.sr sr'c.'l .. . . 'a",.v v',',..n iAU.gt; buy a v I ' r , J , f.(-;i to - :i and i.-tmi. .: mj f'! ' , ii dioja'cl 10 imi'iin '.',i . f Mi,ibuty. ., .. 1 ir.. i EoK iii M.ii-, C J.N-0. F. FOAI'.L. I' 'J- " . . TO THE AI'I'LICTED. Jj.,,,.,1, x (:.,(.. V,r;inia , (;.,,..t S.athem Tonic. TsREPA RED fr.ta the Pr-'criptlon of a JT Cele ,r.to! S .uthern Phy-i-;i;r, cont un ing all the active j.Toptr'ien of Per at i an 11 .rk combined with Rome of lb ; bent VY'a1.! .- tonic known F the rn' Fcal .rofe-ion, a c.-rtain anl agreeable cure for dy-p' . r.ervoui deb'l.tv, lr-s of aLj.etite rlre. A:., a:. 1 a nevr fniiing" pr'-v-ntive an I Remedy. For Fever ; nn3 ague, V.'M'.-.n Fevr, t--.- toring toe weak and debii.tated nyct'oi t health tir d vigour to the consumptive -iti- er.t it i. jr.raiuatle. lor iartLr r-i-i.-a S rcu ar. i rfj' -; ; l'rcr.ared uf.lv by GLOl.GL DOVvDj..'.. bir Se? Circular. i'r:ee ).;. or l-,'.'.. .neai!i an J lirugg-fct. i.tcMnoro, v -i. For a!e by Vt'ihson lc Alfriend P-U-r.':. jrg. P. F. Pecu 1 aLd William dr. Havv. . :, Raleigh, X. C. 7-lv IXCOUP.AGE Ufj"Z MANLFACTIKE.-. i The y.u':T r-p' tf'i'.iy ii.fori..i the j. -.iy-iie that .t ha e.mi'.n' xv. X a tw Carrin?'! M r. u. factory ii Itiicijrh, tr f.carn K'.uLh 4ft '.f ii. Ca,if,l, nd a it yjju t K-svu :t th l!..n J!i!. He ha? hs4 a g -vi fH"-tnu,.uX of rid'. eg r.-.-fit-, )j;'i a b-'gg i:;g! ar d doobls '. Kv.itiwjy. CTTu.grf, Ac. Ail ti wrk i -'! d .re, t.f the lt iaau-rial. Par'.ha:r wi.'.' i w.-il to e!l ar-1 i4.a.ii.r. i will Mil r;'.-ei f.' '.C't ..... J0 ir-igt., I o. ;r, .-.-'i. J0113 HYAi r. Opposite th? nasoric Lodge. iiw O ls AViW fc 1 'f- ( , k,.T atj a,ofaJl ee. tr. t s, j r'-.b;- . , '.': -.-, 3' e .1 -- 1 AY b fo-ja i C ?-e. f agnr. 4-iiaot:.K vl f. -rn an 1 rt-i. i.i. i -ti. &u 1 m -i... k -or:ui'.-it "T Lrj U, a:.-! ''.indit, i. 1 1 nj otasr tiiir? i ir. a groetrr ; .f . hi a wii. ,.i''t'-,.;;f.rtsi j i t tiy'.rj Pr-- f.r which ti..- i.'httt :i-.ikrt pr': . J b? " vr. W. WOODEL. luleigb, Aj-rii 23, 1J .. EECXIPTS- E P T 0 Jl'LY 10th. N A Holier, ft: 1 IJ Everett. M J Hunt, g7 J li liolbitt, ji.-. M L Douglas., 1. Z RusL. ' 1. J W Tucker, S. LV'Murtin, . MJIIut, 3. r