ilortlj (Carolina (Ljjristian Slbbocatr. ty co:if.rtalJ'i four .r-r: (;',-. Tl;f: o! .jit-tw;tl',n i- .!'--in.r j --'-fi''-r Uf li'?r- to. 'fli- trm.i.'i- I too r-n I i cli.d .Milbor..', and is 1 '. d lo'i' Mo st oi lliidiuion 1. :.r: ,n tlo- (Vnt-J nd, it 1 w P.Irdj I.....1 ii.-t.r tU- ol-l t;iarl.-t, fcr.'l I t'.-U You we t'ri'.- ii'.-it tiling to flyiiir w r it ; bit l...r I am !rr;Ltiy st-nuoy. 1 by the JT.j."::ti; and -'-i:'-i'i!f rt-ir.t r-u i i-V.r. It i- inon-trou-. f'r ilf;-.-nt t.".ti!.- to b'; t-o:u- I' t- h-iv..- thf'tr r..-'.-Iit. ; fri:'-?' 'l by f-i ll O.Ti r-4. VLT'; ii ll." J 1-rn t ? 1 1 '.- in i y li'- :r "r- . i i u, for li: Iris oj.jy.-!t;o.i o;i t!i-: .S uth ."-'id-. Rdl It ,d, ;n 1 it "'iM b: a f'.ivo.' t inform him of tli; ficti of I :n: in p o--'--.-io.l. Hit v.; ;ff; ;;t to. iu'i'-li- vi' .tn.nit iim-!i .;;, :i J s-.oi arrivo at ' r I i-v.!.'.;. At th'; i-i-i'-t ..-, th': O'fitral 'r- '."i o i f, ',!,: l-ci-v.!!.;. th: !''!- fj-i'-k-btir- to V.i-!Iii.-fi!). At H .rd.-,. civil...- th ; r n-l for': . '.-x tin, osi'; j.'o:.'ir to A!-;;r. ! I !l ii ;i!rJ t!i': o'.V'r t't tb- liioUfit jlti-. i irl Kt-;vii! ;, i.;:, i- in:i. :ri- tl: rt':r. ;Ii;j(; -iiii'; over :-'i n- iron bri'l j'--, afi'J now ;it . i;:irliM--vi '- v.': ').: in: t iio'; tt 'i.ivcr-itv, found,-! Ly Jt i., :t "nio-t b; -.uti.'ul jVif.-o. O.i t!i; brow of tb; ii'ri''ab.,riri liioit it iin i.-; t!:p rr:r-il'-:n:: of T!r-. .J'-fb'r-ofl .Joritif:(:( hrr'- lie livfl ss f i J l:c-'l, it n 1 i-s Iti- ! i:ii'"it :b!': to f-t-f; bow Ins tomb i-i ii 'l':f t" -1 -xi -'i to the liim A b-;j.-.t. J trie; it i, 111 :t ' T ! r!i.ii a J p" r. in- tt nn 1 tn.-xll In il i-r ,!!,, ,.,-;, Ihto an: tin: moipit tiri-i, only a few liiil'.-.s from Ch ,r!ott'vii!: tin: lioblt: li'iv: It: -:, tliat lo.ks iti the ili-t ili'.-(: like a liu-: i i.l;o- nt' i ill: arrl jiti'TV clou 1. b iV ;il: v ; to L" t OVrl" th'S other M !;. l"ho r-ir- ru-h up to their vi y H'!':- as if 1 1 1 v 'A'--;-': to b: in', 'r in, but th' fi a .v.y th'-y fly into the valley ilti, as if the innl-o tiikiii" were, too s! noeii. i i:oii:s. It .:,. !.., 1 ..... ,.r .t... r.l.l..,i f t1. j-o !s an 1 Th- iiioiiiit;ni,s Koo-l as if ii. firm .Jefia ,tl the steam horse uet.! s if !, was .leteri.iii.e-? to ei.'.''0 withtleonir. a mi-lity co-ifli.-t liut wa are :.t their very bxse. Our en-ine is ta- l-n Twl another is att .ehel' of .liifer- cut e,mtru tio:i. It is very short ami stotit. It looks as if it eoi.l.f do wonders. 'I'im woo I an 1 w-.ter :re e.-.r.ied u'.nrr the toiler, so as to concentrate as weight "ppn.priation mm. tnree to i-iuteea nun as p .ssible ii. a small spice. it snorts drL'd th-msiiiJ dollars, and then p;ssed it and is off riht up the mouutiiiit. Two ears oiilv :ire :itt;iebed ti imn en"ii!r. I n and down, an.and and around we tro in an : ohli-jue direction up the side of the moun- tiin, ju-t as wo would in a carriage ; real- lv it "is wonderful The mountain frowns om one side and the precipice yawns on the other hundreds of feet steep. The ' beauti.ul valley spreads out as far as the eye can roach. I'p we -o slowly. It takes an hour to cnx.s the mountain, a dis-! tanee of nine milesonly. Wo feel conscious of d .n-er, thou-h but one accident has : ever occurred yet. The passage of this ! t .: "Ii : i ! iiioiiiH iiii uu ine eiirs i.s ine LTieaiesL in- ; n tipli of I.timan Cenius in the world, y thought of the anecdote of the Yankee and Enlishiiian when pjin- over. The ; Endi-hman said to the Yankee when look- in lt at Vesuvius ' You have nothing like th,t in your country." The Yankee was 1 silent for a moment, as if about to trive it ! up. At length he replied " No, ' we've ' nottiiis like that in our country, but turn I Nia-.ra into it will nt it out in five! ute.s." The trim.iph was complete. The i icn bl has no stu b work, as the rail road ! across the Blue Itid-e. This is only a ! for transnortatimi until the mountain is I tunnelled. The longest tunnel will be a i i nfi -i i i dark travolling : theV an progressing with I r'ver' T7' " : it eonsideraol v. After travelling over the ! I q"est!on was lostnot two-; n,ot beautiful scenery mi which my eye ' tlllrds voting in the affirmative. j has ever had the privile-e of resii... we I 0il "'J"" l'f Mtr- 'anton, a resolut.on j are seated at the Itock 'Alum Sprin-s, a as V?d fix!" th? diilT )om ot ,neet- ! most pleasant If agreeable to you, j at eloveu n,stead of twolvc you shall hear something more of me in ; future from this quarter and further on. j The Child's Faith- Affectionately, j u' ln,1 h,A l..n.r n.lx nn.HmJ TRAVELLER. G E XE U XL IN TELLIGEN CE. Disastrous and Fatal Accident. I old, was with us, and not at ail inclined; Piiii.Ai.EEi'iiiA, July 17. As an ex- ! to sleep. At length I said to him, eursion train of the elnelreu of St. 3Iach- ! ' Charley, mother is sick and tired, and ael's C iurcli was proceeding on the North ! cannot talk to-night.' lVnusvlvauia Kailroai this morning, at ' 'Ma,' said the little fellow, God can . about 7 o'clock, when near the nnvn f .niakejou well, can't he? Shall I ask ; Fort Wa.-hin-tou, it came in collision with , ll!U I the down train. Six cars were entirely! 'Yes, my son,' I replied. Then the demolished, killing thirty five, (among i whom was rather Sheridan, ot t-t. Micii- ael's (.''niich.) and others. injuring nearly 1U0 j ; The excursion train contained eleven!"1' mother well by morning, for Jesus j hundred children, with their parents and 8ako-' After this, he crept back into his teachers. The collision occurred in a bed, and in a few moments he was fast . curve near Fort Washington. The down j asleep. j ir,;, v.intmi.r sh.vviv. but th evear- i Next morning he woke with the earliest ' Moil train was going rapidly endeavoring j to reach the stopping place before meeting : the down train. IJoth loco.uotives were ! crushed together, setting fire to a mass of! broKcn ears, and consuming the bodies of! many victims of the collision Th e Sceue was heart-rending. The scene of the disaster is fourteen miles from the city, in tiie neighborhood of two curves, so that approaching trains cannot be seen five hundred yards distant. The track is alo single. When the loco motives came together they rose ou end, the lire boxes of each nearly touching, and fell over across the road. The fire being scattereJ about the wreck, the first excursion car soon caught tire aud the flames rapidly c oaimunh-ated to the two others piled upon them. The most extraor dinary eiforts were made to extricate the unfortunate mutilated beings who were crushed amid the wreck, rending the air with their dying groans. Many of these poor beings were still u'ive when the frimes reached them, and thus suffered as it were a d. uble death. Their groans and shrieks for aid were aw ful and heartrending, altogether beyond the power of language to describe. Fortunately there were two hotels, a dwelling aud a blacksmith shop and small shed within three hundred yards of the wreck, all of which were used to shelter the dying and wounded. A number of physicians from the city and from Ger piantown were early in attendance, doing nil within their power to aid the sufferers. Two tire engines from Chesnut Hill fcaaie to the pot, and forced water through it: r 'r'-vd. Afi'-r tv . kiT: fvr h 'i:- tb; fir.'; VT't- . tti i- I'-h'- 1, sir:.- trt huiia'i rr nat were r-: m .vc-d. Nii'-l'-'-ri L'jrn e 1 b m St'- -r.r-; rt-.oov.-'l f the la .kfeT.-tn C'.i i-r n .l..-r .-h - J p'c. l fci. other h ill'--, rt chjrreJ by tfee 8aii.r as to 'J-.-fy rer-.-iotion. 'J if; briy of Father Sheridn L: s b-cn rwv ret are! tr,.li;t to t'i? cKT. A 'i i:n neri-e crow 1 i attracted to the spot fro.u the Mirro-nJiug HC'i' ri of cuntry ; uuy frie-i J of the ' i-"ir-.'i;e i-t- wa!k-d i'r i o the city, and others pro ceeded tiii'h-r in every de-cription '-f elii(de, whieh were u-.n h- u-e jf'io bring ing the w.ej!;ded and dead to the r-i'v. V ari-uv-n, t; .id'i of the Iowri train, riv;n to je-j,eratio.'i by th-; ca'j'nity, c.ii.i.itte j.iiici'Jc by rwjJLw inp; aro-u;.-;. Wili'utu Leet t lif? e'l''neer of thf; Kfne train, has been arr'l aii'l comaattC'J for examination. 'I he tr.iin of this evening brought down foif r lies b'lrne. to a eri-p : one un- kwrxn, the others .Io.uj br-jtljrs mined Koyco. D'oloti an 'J f.vo .T1I.I. F.ATES. I'iiii.'iil.v, 1'J I. M. All the re- niLiiri.s of the victims have been gatiiercd up and brought to tto; city. Twenty-seven bodies have not been rccogui-e 1. Th v are mot!v burned so as to defy re?og:.i ti' n. Congressional. Washington, July, iilst. Skn.VTK. The Senate passed a bili aiiien l itory of the act of December, 17'.'2, eonceriilii the registering and recording f ships or ves-els, the object bein to make it conform to the present regulations of the Treasury I cp irt nent. On motion of .Mr. Hall, a resolution was a'Joptejl ca 1 ng on the Frcddent for : i 'iioraiatioii wiietner any l nstruetions have t' any military officer in Kan- fi',s i0 hl'- y Uiiar.iied mcetniL' of tlie pc.plo of that territory, or prevent b' ""hViry power any assemblage of the people of tiuit territory, 'J he .Senate amended the bill provi.linjr for th'! !ir"l;Hl0llt of fortifications, altera- '" of f!l:ia!1 :"'f,ls- tC., and rcduCHl- the -vaa: Un Zt ; nays ill. motion of Mr. Cass, a resolution WJS Passe,- ?V"1'.S for 8,1 adjounnnent, ( C.1'0 II,,US0 c '"currn.-) on the 11th day (J' -'J'1-. ! A l"U Wi,s P:iS?oJ re-ulatin- the fees, costs aa(1 ot,ier judicial expenses of the government throughout the I nited States, 15'! were passed makin-nppropr ations r thc i'provenieiit of the Delaware, breakwater, eeitam harbors in the State of. M:,,r'e- 8,1,1 of th.c liarbors at Man,uette , Michigan, and Man.towoc, isconsin. I Attcr wh,cu thc henate adjourned. j IIot SK OF REPRESENTATIVES. The i xr 11.. I "l p ! . . , . . . i House proeecueu 10 me consideration or , tne jseorasiia contested election case, tne cotnmtif e on elections reportin- a reso.u-; adl J'ru,'- naP u:m. was a," 1 Harrison . lieunett was elected the del- I to onress iron, tnat territory. ; Mr. Watson having made a speech in f;lv''r 0,the resolutions i Mr; Cliniman obtained the floor, and ,novcd a Pon of the rules in order . to "ct "P" theL Scnate 8 "solution fixing ! a uaJ 10 C10 u,y Pr,e!sU,lt w,Sh"- Vl!U,m was d,,sree,l to yeas 10 1 , nays . not tvvo-trurus. Mr SaS" moved a suspension of the ; rule with a view to act ou the bill to con- : Tinnr imp nruvt i t, tu tiih i iitiisnn . .1- ' .. . j. .v. tti : i very tired. After a short interview with the friends to whom our visit was paid, we ; retired to cur chamber. Our little son, a ; ! lively, restless child, uot yet three years ! i'ttio teilow started up in the cold room, d, kneeling down on the bed-clothes, folded his little hands and prayed. 0, good Heavenly Father, please to make M", and waking ine, said, ' Are you well j t5lis morning, mother V Ve, my son, I feel very well indeed, j tu's morning.' ; I Knew you wouia, sail ue, ciap-1 ping his Iiaiids lor joy ; ' l Knew you j would, for I prayed to (iod to make you! well, and Jesus tdicajs hears little c-hil-1 dren when they pray.' j O'ten, since that time, have I recalled ', my little boy's faifh, and wished that the same simple, child-like confidence in the j word and promise ot (od were mine. A Touching Incident. The Cleve land Herald has the following touching I comment upon charity. I A gentleman had observed a little girl j clad ia rags, passing hiiu with a bottle j which she earned to a grocery to be tilled with whisk ej", and with which she return ed home. One bitter cold morning, when the snow drifted through the streets, he saw the .hil 1 struggling homeward thro' j the storm with the omnipresent bottle, her j little bare lags glowing with the effects of j cold. II? called her into his house, which j she entered reluctantly, and his wife, one j of those never backward in deeds of kiud- ness, clothed the child, with warm hose ' and a comfortable cloak, and warm aud j happy, she went home still bearing the i bottle which was the sole cause of her own I aud her sister's sorrow. Her fathar was a man who owed the gentleman a considera-1 ble sum. Evening came and the drunken . fa- her visited the gentleman, but he was j now a sober man : that day the .contents.! of the bottle had remained untouched. j lio? to the vrr.k froii -a Ti:.'jx:h Ob. y'-rt' t:d 'I ' : y-i :fc-nr. '.V- wi the rr-r. -I i I th'- x-'- but r.n siin-t i-.u'.t 'In Un-j.' 1--jt -w3 in th n n"- '-yr- t h - i 'r-' r. 1 wd T"i i-wl y i ;-..xhH us. fhn 1, vrb-n whi-kf-V ?;.i'ir a b -, a.'i'J I r:o.d--;--t-, Mirved her. 'T;I w'''x,LS. r,-i ..f i uiw, w: i-i-cw. t:j-?'- n d p jsgiio.' Ard he h- r, ot. k , i, ;t rl r.Urir.' -r. 1 i:S 7" bat : 'T 'e act 'f ch- rify stJ k ; 1 bad t . i--h- i s f-5.r I which a th -u-i- ? ret o!"raTJ-ve ri rever hjvr-'- i. AF?0I3TiIE5TS. Z--1 ' " "V .;. v'"- ' C. C - of,", W.'roo'.'t .":fit .-Jure- 14ii'd 1: T T'r.. t? Y I'-'ti I' iof. Jat.e 21 aa t 22: IJ. i i-'i "ir.. at .ul- Cb. ..--!. J'tr.- a id : Wibn"tigt"n. Fr-o-t Mn'. -Jn'r "i and : .S.nitaviil" Cir , n- Z .f i.'y 12 1 l-'j 'Urv". ;.r.. a: r.,ver C- '::. -I'!t 1 ' -in I '2'; '.ive--e, -J J, V "o iWi . K .!-- .u ';r..s;t I lord., A...'.2nnd :J: S o..- ict -n. .!u'v li aa 1 I ' : Fi. Cir., at 10 and 17. I. Ii. i !!o! V. Greensboro' Diitrict T-'tir'J Qii'i, !j:, ij M '-jt'in'it ii I'irf. U!lf;r I. L-c b U'-:. .J'Jiv - M m';erv, I'.f.e ;.-oe, 12-bi V i", "' S 1 an. " 1 Went w..rih, Ma li- n, " 2'-27 I- ei lllver. For I'r. rni-e. Aug. 1-2 It ickinbain, Ie1rn. D-IO r. i.. ii eo, i ii.-,.. .. F i. i. Kiv.-r Cir. t r , .... . .. f.o a. Haw Ibv. r Mi- j ' ' It -xr;:t'd that Caiiif M"f-t"mi: will bf hl 1 in .-.aoierti .n with i! e .i;.-i. riy Me. t- ingiat Fiir Fi-ani-e and U .pe.vell, t". -.vhi.-o I r-rhren in the ninUry and htitv are c r- diallv invited " X II. I. Wii.s-.n. Canip Keeting3. Bi:o. Hetlin : F-ea-e - iy m the A iv. a-e that there wid i- a C;t:!iji M.""i:.g ! the I.l-ie ll';d :e M: i"-), em'.iu-mg ti e 4"i, Sah bath i" Joiv. nt Xew IJeduo. Al-i. one the Mo;kvdie Cir -uit. eur.r.i.-ing the 'lu-l Sahhath ia Angiir-f, at S.nit ',' ' ' .-- e Coin inen..ii:g Fiil.iv fveuiag. JM I n j -t ry iruit-'d to attend. Y.urs, W. lbi;r:i ek. S.W.!I;l'RV Dl-TiiKT. l5:to. Piea.-e ay tluougn t' e A bo -ate, ( I'.oa i- de.iee periiiittiiig.) that there will he ea.-np- ti.e-'tiMg heel at the times and daces f l- lowing, viz : I.e. le.l '..-.,.'. 1 Sahl ath in Aa.oi-t. X-w U.ii in ; S ntti lr--ded. 4t i S ile.ath. 11 -;ky Mount: K i-van and lia-t U . ae, 5 ; ii .ah- l.tth, Liberty : AI xande- 1-f Hib'-atb in Sept., R. .city Spring ; I i idson, 2 i Sat.ith, SI. eiy ; U'i kes, 2 I S iboatii, Saaron ; J.M..riile, 4tli Sil.h-irh, Tr-xpct. Tliee meeting' will on Frid ij evening. The 4t! ijiiart-rl y C.e.fer-nces, in connection, will be held on Monday. lb-ethren in th ministry, loc .1 and itinerant, are eonlially inrited to att-nd. Let there he much fasdi g. prayer, and cultivation of the Christian graces, that tliej may be ( of tr-at ood to th ' soul ; atn) n. -t so much a time for displiy. and feasting .f the Imdy. VY. BiRKiNGER. Olio, July, 185G. PEICE S CURRENT. RALEIGH MARKET. Ucported hy JOllUAK WO ll)hK, Urocer. Flour, per bid. ft -iO a 7 0'; lar t, to t.,: outier, . . v., . rJ ----- - ,, . - IS if 20 ; .Irv- hides, .0; white as 70 to SO took peas 70 "to 75 : bacon 12 a I2i; tallow, 10. urn l"Tr T T MAIMCFT 2" t. 2i : meal F Mih. bo . u : corn oou. V1.UUMT1U. J.,,ivx. ltjp.rtel by OBO. II. KELLEY t BR0. nilOCEKS AND COMMISSION M'HCHANTS. uiAtii.... i v , .. . . , . on . Naval Mures, 8tt liiriicnruie 1 .W, bar! i an , spirits turp. .il ; r.usin f 10 a t 15 cuiiimn : tar, $ I 20 - salt sack. I 15: tiin'ier 8 to $10 00 : supr. 7 25 a Vatni'ly 7 75 .-cora hS 0 : butter 2S to 30: meal f to 75: bacon, 1J ho-mund, U (8, bams; colt'ee, rio 00 to I2: launyni 13 to J3J: ja va 16 to 17. St. IminCo 10 a U; loft From the " Oh-tereer. ' Bacon 13 a 14 : ct-ffec. Kio. 13 a 14. Lngnny- ra 15 ; cotton. 1 0 a 1 1 according to quality ; lluur SIJ7- a f'O accordinif to quality: wheat, 1 20; corn 70 a 75 c; oats -10 a 40 : peas 75 a SO; by.'.es dry, 10 a 0 ; green. 4 a 5 ; iron. Swede-, 6 ; En- glish, 0 a a; lard. 12; lead 8 A ; molasses 45 n 50 : nails 51a5: sa't.Li verpo-d sack. 1 ..0 a I 60: soar. . . . i ...... .. c. lent la. crusneil ia a i.n. -now wrieniii. i" a Croix an! Porto Rico 12 : tt""W, 11 a 12: tonne- r-n .r... mil'.,-1 iir...l. S a 1 j : white lead. -?2i a 2 : winco r gl tss S by 10. 21 a 2$ : 10 .y 1- -i: rel- low dip turpentine. 1 5, scrnped ell spirit -0c. July 23 XOFOLK M R.lvET .. , . " ? Reported for th $ t t the Aw, A. M. .McPilEl". i'CHS it Co., Wholesale (tiiockhs t C immission MuBcnAsrs. HILLS' HMIvHF. o :ko..K, VA. Flour, ttie niarkoC i- v -y hare o1' good fi-.ur, which ciininiu Is r.alv .-ale: We qa..te faiuiy $S1.; ex ia S a S ; S. F. i'i a 7: i.acor is .-.-arce nnd hi'h. X C h-tfroiind U. h:uii 1 5. Western sides 1.1V i 14.sooal.lsT8 121 a l-'i : lard 1 5 a . 6 : uaval stores .1 ill. no sil-s of t if. s..r. turp. 37 a 3S ; c iuiae.n rosin SI 31 : fine wh te 2$ $3; salt, L It. I 7-sJt $2, ii V Ijjjsi in are scar.:- mil pri ces ereitlv ad.nnced. July 22. PETEItSDURG MARKET, C! ircfitH'l C'lrrC'-te'l ft BRO W L K V & II I 0 K S . Grocers ami Coniraission Merchant?. Tobacco The breaks this week ba "e been quite lar;e. nnl we hive to note an iup ressmeiit in prices, and more aniiuaiion iu the market: for " iod and verv uian.itact .i inr looicco, w ; think prices copier, i;;";;' order isat ail ini-a"'e than u heo if i-safe: we fpe te Lug5 r a o, wi:h s .!c"il" very tpo I at fiV a 7i, co. union leal 7 a 7J. middling S a sj. fi,,e to very g.od yi, fancy manufaciuring 13a 20, and a strict- ly prime wouid br.DS raore W'nrtAT Wo note sales of some new to-day at , ... , - Cotton The market continues bare of stock ; Wi. nuote s.nall lots to-day at 11 j a 12e.; the ad- : yance is cvo.j p vrtiy t , the scarcity. Corn" There is Utile doing: we ouote small sales to day at 6S a 70c per bushel. Bacon The esciteaient in thi-article stil con-; tinues. and we have to note a further advance, we 1 quote Ya bo.; round 13 a 141 cash, western shies 13 a 13. shoulders 111 !1. It is he general .r;;..n iIia nriwi a' bac .n will r nsw much hizh- : er still, a the stock on hand in Baltimore and Cincinnati, is less than i:t this time last ear. quote Jo, Z, K- f5- ! fere am-Are ngam tigDer ; we quote couee su- . gars Hi 12cts. ! MoLASsF.-yrup 44 a 4o, W. I. m hbds. 4& a ; 50 V O.iii hds. 6llc .... " f Qipfee This .artude without change. 7 il - s s . a iv. uun.t.,. , . ."- . t i ! Iron ery Harct un.l high. July "3. 1 MARRIED. Iq this citv, on the morninz of the i Inst., 1 y Rei. N. F. Reid, Mr. E. L. antl .MiSS LUCV li. Kamsev. ! In Oxford, N. C, on the 17th inst., by Rev L. K. Willie. Mr, Robert McFarling to Miss Yirsiinia C. Allen. At Shallotte. in Brun-vwiek County, on the 11th June, by J. II. Brooks. Esq , Capt. Jus. E.lSters to Miss M:tri: A. Pigott. At Shaliotte. in Brunswick County, on t!:e 9th iii-ft., Ly J. II. Bio..ks. Esq., Capt. Jus. B. Utirker to JJiss Rebucca A. Morgan. i 1 1 ,i. .1 nil . I il - P V..1I..W I.U 12. A i-.ifl. e 00 a 12$, town Ilia 00; m-l lilnl.l'l) 4, , ri ,IE ITrider.-ijjned offers for sale los tract of , h, ' j " ' , " "' J L " ' "" 7 M POitTLlIS OF II I! D V A . CC . 1.1!- bhl. 41: lime 1 25 to I a : c.w pes 90 to 1 0: ; JL lnn.l. Iviro, near Hickory Uround, in Xorfolk ' l" r"' - !'"'' cet.r. V rv ,;.,, a., , lt..r .i i j n r ( 'i 1 1 - oats GO to Cle.: cotton 10c to 10$ : Iani lX,: nee, , e.,niy. Vn. t c-nrains about twelve a-r. s. ahont ! "' s'' " ,r,? sr Peters ' i urg. :l. . -j,. NJ ; , .. " y. ,.l.l 4 per; talhov candles 1 6 to , S nda. t;,roe lnli( , f whi(.b e ; hu h ttnteof eul. Fc. lo. loG. ly. Uutiv th(. , ,';,., 2s to d-l, sperm 10 to ... "' . tivaiion. and the reinainder is in onsiinal srowth, . , m , , .... . ,! . . -sT--. Laro'iirt .'- rch ii.ts in. I ntlors vio 1 1, g 1 1. is 17AVRTTF.VTTJ.F. MARKET. j cmbracugan .mmen?e q.,a..t.ty of seller, t.m. ; D- PIGOTT, . I11Mt!..,.t t ,eir -to-V ahicli ' i... w a nd ! I . . . - , - . . , ... .. I 1 ..... 7.1 ..... I T . 11 -! . .- .i . emo'l x A!ir4f " iAKi.-i.ue oao.i... a.u "" M . - , (lei.ositin-rue fiuerparts in the furrr.w, and turn Va in ke'sl.i a 16: western in bbls 124 a lie. . ' , ...... ... ,. ... ........ - MicKiiKU-No .3. Boston inspection, oj hi. .,. ht wJ !a?lin ,od easv to bth dj nErmscs N. C. cct are sesree. and o. 1 we . r. ..- ..i.:ki .l..,,,r, i-... DZATH5. C'mt-hf,J M r y J. lir wr:;g. g--l Z . . V,.,-,. , f,or. C. or, th': Z':h . -...s . f .rt'--'f a. I ti."h5.-. T -.t b r :eri'c-. !. :St'.-.f. i,. 1 --e :.t -!! m- '''- 'i-r a :) . :-. aa i b r r-t ib e-. " v. .-. r. m er i; Ir-o-.. 'a i r f b. ;g-;sr ae 1 Bici-ku., i ' 2 1 wbh d' v art t u-futriM' -"r -ral !.,:!.. f. b; I fe. Her !".u-e w . a J -n f r e r-'-'-a ''" !-e wa bitfi'"? J in i'.'hn. r. :,!. f -d- 1 a-I -.1M -"t el d lr n bal gone t-f .re i'-rt i i;,e -i-lro-i ,n-J. S .in f her g in-ici odren !.., j,;, t v-ar .f liiaturitt f.r f..3- 1 Trb.g ! r ut the a'. ev-r!a-' leg. Ir: i,-r fi.ufv ', '-. tJ f !!..u-;..g i r -.-. .r,:-l . f lo-r: ll ru ii. On!..-r Coofi'v. X. C S t-t. tr'i. 1775 Marri-d to Thoma S:e?ei. F b. lt't's. 17'.'1. Mid t- Win. CYs. Aug. 25 h. 1-17. d f,ef M. K. ClmreJ,. under Her. J.iiio K. J -ieer. X jv. th, 1 "-j-. I. Ct L!;trTH. In F'hm lv .nin (' .nnty, .. on tbe 13th '-n-t.. Mr. Luk I'. T;ff ley. in he4"-b nr 1 1 a ;e. In yoatli lie w:i ,Vl:if t b8 p-in-m. Wiioo in !d I7?i y-:ir, he ought an -1 i.inaii.e ) a . f !:.irt. ui.d ur.i e 1 t : i 1 1 t to i c i i.t.r-ii t i t ii.inr ' ' " v - - ' '-a-y in we i i-.m. ; i.e p-reere.i t t ei. i. fr the Hie l.e Incl mi earth. . h-.v ood reason to b-liev L- ha !- a:tid it e crown J-roinid to he faisofjl. br .ih.-r Tari.'ev Ii.-. le't a wi.l w, .ix c'd.- dr.-u. :m nel fitber aod and ne r.M-r i!i'-r a siter. t imairn tie ir 1 Mav t'eyprdit by the afflict a g di-pen-;.- t. ;- : W . .M. . -Jiil v 17, Y-Yj. GLEN ANNA FOR SALE. JH'IV. Author. ties if ilei An nn F-in de ,( !-e.iiMi iry in vie.Vofthe JT'nwing paT. n-,i-.- .if tiie e is. o d . exp-ct to rem lie it at (!..; i;!o.- of lie.-;- sj.iri, to TtlO Iia-Vel ', V:l-r .' a j.:ic! 'll liitii ling i in t-.mre .(' cre. fi m. 1 il V. th 'r i.iT-r f..r the farm ,;vn ;l, C,..n .ana, "i:ii ;ili tee j,,,.,. Ti..-re are 212 acres a p -r- ru ,,.1t., it finest ori-hard i.robihlv in .,,.,, (,'nroln.a. whi h. if ua-ll t- d il. t th.'iight lv liorteuliurit to ie iv.irt !i I"C'0 y. r.r. Th- i m pnoement- ..(' a t- o v.rorv hr;ck iiou-e wirrilare l.:ii-ine t an! ., ( ,,i,,e r,,tj, wir hunt i lie I a-ei:ient ) t vro ,;.,tt .ge, ah urii- ietoly c'iit..rt:il.!e f-r ,.in:l iani i 1 o a !arg- barn wlii.-li, ,,, ,,rlier riec ssary Toe .l i.-f is jnr a mil.i from th- ti"r .S-minary and the D.p... Pupils eouM boarded liei'e .ltl. f illt ,. J f ,e .Seminary. This i.s proha'.ly the nn.t d"irahlt. j n.perty hk-dv to he of- f..r,-il for s de in Western Cioibn t" G-ntle- ni"n in tiie eastern part of the State, and others desiring t locate m ar a good scho..l, !tiv re.piested to attend the ensuing ex imina- t;,,n tlj,j s..p f,. themselves. It will he ili.-s- j, ,,f privately nn g....d tei-ms as to price a ,, tim . A-.pU to Mr. '.Joseph Sheiton, ; Tli..ii.sille. X. C. LAND FOR SALE IX NASH CO. 7 WILL sell on fair t-r. ns a ralu tide tract X of land containing 779 a.-res, two thirds , (,f which is in its original growth. There is a ,! , .veiling Iio.ish aud out houses, and an excellent nrcnaru oi .are anrne ir.-es on . the premises. I he land ,s w ll adapted to he . culture ..f c,r, wneat and tohacco, and is well watered. Ir lies on the road from fld- .... ex,;ej,lt orchard of late apple trees on liar.lst.m to fielfi.rilnin. within threP miles ! f the latter Persons wishing to i 11 -n i purchase must call soon or they wi lose a t . . hargaiii, as 1 am very unxmus tn Fed: as 1 ! have mure land than I want, w ill sell cheap, JXO S. UODDIK. : Xash Co., N. C, July 10, 1K0. 0 . j A r ., t ., I.I., .l n. - 1 II ill 111; 11. L.ailll 11.1 UllH a vcrv variety, it lies iu a j hut sii 1 is .n.-ceptihle of a rery ensy and con re- i tiient divisioa into several tracts. It is situated i in a fine neighborhood, onU on s mile from St. j Brhh-s Academy, eighte-n miles from the c ty of i !inl within a short ditnree of two water j leadiay to that city, and is -i very healthy ; 1,, -aiion. It has upon it a go d nnd convenient ; dwelling whli the necssarv out houses, and also .... .. - - - .. ; nev. r to niir well of pure ana excellent wnler. : I o,p..,l r.t of its other ntt.i.eti.,..T. the uuaritity : -. n.l .ni.i!itv ..f t .,.; ...K.r. ;. ..,.n.,;t, q , ; import-nit eonshler-tion. us this, if judiciously ; iliijued ..f can he made to pay a large sum of the i pen-hnso money. Taken alt.geth. r it is justly eon-idcied a very va liable trai t of land, and the opr.o-tunit v ..f ma'r.ii!i such nn invett.ntin is one 1 rarely m-, v. irh. I'.-rs.ois .(-sir. us of purchasing are rfqnested o vic- the estate. For further f.arii' no'dre of Fred, rick Wilson. Eq.. of countv. cr f niy.-elf at BoyiJtoD. M-cl; lenLur-jr countv. Va. LE110Y M. WIL-O.X. July Id, lSjfi. 29 Gr. New Biioks. PLAIN Comiuentary on tiie Four Gospels jTjt-. 2 rnlilUli'S. .My icr s House, or the Ile-ivt n of the TM! !e. A Key t the llible, being an exporitieii of the History. A xioms aud General La a s of aacrt d In ternrclatiens. by Ilnvid Dohie, I he Three (iardcntE.'.en, ti;.-thseraane ar.d P.inrli.-e. History of tins Tr.insh.tion of the Scriptures into the Enirli-li fondue, bv Mrs. '..n:;nt. For sale by " W. L. POMEKOY. Mav 29 2i tf WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, f J I II 0 L K S A L E and H'-M. Ie:er in "'j'r( Drugs, Mttdicines, Paints. O ls. Ivc- S. tiffs. Unices, Perfumery, Fanev Ar', (Girder. Seed-. Pure Wines and" Brai.die-, f medicinal purposes. L-ndor, Port. r. Se- n. . . '- gai. Coewir.g dohacci, Uale.g... C. -lannr.y ... IMa. t, ,s. WYCI1E S CULTIVATING PLOW. ,,,' Patented 26 h Feb. 1S--6. (THE BLDED PLOW) ' J warded -'20 Premin tits for the Best Flouring at tli'! lust J. C. 6a,c lair. TT IT il Cutting Blades in the place of a mold t I board, cuts, divides and turns over the soil, uurw.-e for wni-h the plow is used. f f .. tu wi(h f(inh(.r jcfor11. u a4 dress. W. E. WYCHE. - BrookriHe. GrsDvillc, X. C. J. H. Gooeh. Oxford, X. C, solicits erdcra for he . .., , Jane I4tu, 100. ' 42 tf. " Learn of the mole toplouyh." Pope. T7 ifYCKE-S CULTIVATING- PLOW, PAT- i EN I Kb Sth JAX , issC ; (CALLED TliE t MOLE PLOW :) With rertual Cutters i,ear the j clge il a Horizon. ai some lO-iTiuug iLe luirnw siice, and a i-urved Cutter on the rear of the share f.,r t-irning.he whole in, towards tee plow eras fir. S TBS OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE l-HABt, a? U!T ;.e desired. Adapted to Siuing, LtiBg, broking turfv or hard laud, SuhsiiiliDg, and many other purple?. Js light, th. ap and jir-ng ; and sup- nufeo tbe the incst pirfecr pulverizer in use. For License to rlk-with dirert..Sff Var.Bfac urine, addies W. E. wycitE. UruokvU.e, Granville X. C. 25 42 tf In ri rive hX-r-::, t..-j j:--?.: . a. v -'i - ' --t ' :-, -t u . . -. , v r. - ' I - 4 " ' 1 ... S - t- r. J i- - r ' - ; n - m i - 7. . - -. K'i,.:.:;;:,:f -1 - - -jr.. K. ! W "t ... - a r i i . U -- - ts : , r. I.. t o,r. l . t ,.i ... r O ' i r- --;k . r . r ir. r.-. --:r - i.-iro- - .r i', K..'t- I-...r. Alt--!. I'i. i - r-. V.. IJi R03EP. & RIVES. (I !.". I.K t .- lo.T t. AT'rHK'.li:lK-: A: v::v.;-n . N . 1 '7 P .n.'. U I'. r-'mr V. - . j ' t. i- " i O - r N 1 i.Y ON M M fRK-1! ; ,k e l.r ,.M .!: i ..... t..,; (.;.,', -i:,.r(. e.-. v r.-..V- ;.r I. Y :r I nn 1 ii i i . ,v . r i - !. : .-. ),., r; !. th- K.-t Fr-.t-i. E , .n ,-: 1 A o-r, ,., r, ... i-iN -ii. ...1 I i.-ri ., L :r i - ir-: !- f,..:,i i O.. r;;,.. - J :f . o-i-r. (.,. p-,v.;,i ,...rv f r, :. , ii: -.ri I r- -.-' v.- i. ,-- t;.,-i. V. !'. .-!'.,. :i- i - i : ' :rt- ' ; V ..-..i r:.-; i. i: i ., n,. Ta !(. Jm. 21 V. Htvi-. M. ! 4 i v Till) I S A X ' SI VV -'O.Vv Drift t .e r - o-.k to P, ...t-r- .. ! 1 irneos .,! X T;h Cir. i n i. f v t: r si.-..! f.n. iu jr-ner tdy. 'I'.-e-ir i i- i.c in ti.i - !! trtmetit ..f On-i. - 'i -s t'e-tn in exo-eting th i' tli, v ill ;v- to ' .iii-f i fl-. l t' i H'iiu 111 1 entni-( '.ii-'i,.... f-i thfi.- ear L'o.-ral a h atices mi'- on ,-..n:go-:!' t-. p t .r.i ,,rr. r i.-,. -r, ; GEO.'IGE It. .IOXKS - Co., U'h , j-mi l 1'. -r i;i Aj. .hu.-iri-." a-i-l bruirgiit. 7 KCP Constantly .-a liati I a fres, :u, J s. 1 iH.-t i,-k ..f D.-u.s. M ..ii.di.i-. !.-- Fren-ei. Ihigliii. ;ii(. A'ii"ii-ili C l.e ; a ' c 1 1 s. Sorjoci! Instru in nrs. ;i n 1 ail. .ii, art'icVs k'-nr Lv InirLcis's -n-r:i! I v. O d'-rs I'r.i.n P isi,-i ins, Merchtnts and o..e-rs, :.r...nT.t.y a-leniJ.M o. ,:EO HiancH 5y LUMSDEX & SlKMtTT, MPOitfEilS a.el Dch-rs , vVtt.n.s a,,,", .s,;e-.oacl-s. P-i s. (..Id I'.o.s. Md.rary and Fin.-v h ml', Pol Knives. ; S -i-s.irs. ft I7..r. :j7 Syca jiore Street. ; I etciwijurg, a. :.- .i. .. , r i. . e. . . l i WiT" atcn, i-m-ks tcctacl--, an 1 J.-v.-l!-y Impaired tf. short notice, and ia the i m .-t sati.-factory manner. Merchant sup- plied with Thimhles and Lap-rial Needles, ' o! su n-rior quality, at such pr.c.s as eann-o fail to please. Spectacle f,r ui ng-. Par- tic.dar attention paid to H atches. Cil .S LfM-DEV. W. E. MloRfT. Petersburg. L -h. 12, lH.j'J. tf. r r - T a V ToTsTa: tr i- c: r U .U -U 1 o o 1 U M 11 U L Jb, In th-' ei.y nf P.-rershurg. djxwiddii: a man "Lite Inspector West-II dl ware-house." fiLL reeeiv on consign merit Tohacco. 'IX Wheat, Com, Cotton, Fiour, and nil ot.ner country pm bn.-e. Cihrges. For sejilng each Hogshead "....; t.OM M ISSIOX AH- If r IT T . Vi Xh.II.G 10., N. C. M trih fi 10 1- . ZEXO II. Gl'EEXE, Wh'jl?-ile D nil , in a roi.-'-r !:, Provision, tt"'"., ll"''. 1 V., 7 .Iirkft r Winnvmiiv V f " " ' ' J dimrmct hue v. ....... MOhA-.sES. MOLAssES. A J I sweet r. ; ' I ' 1 1 1: ." ""' 1 !"" r' -)"-' f u ; :v e -tick- iu bbd-. nnd 1.1.1.-. F-r sale bv ; -V '-..n-n ol tl..- j n !i.: to tr-.-ir I .i -e .r,.,-K Zi-XU 11. GltEKXK. ' '-"' H ird." and m ilei m;-, !,!.li Jane 25. 20- OOP IROX. 10 Mis 1. U and H inch -Just received and l'..r s:iU bv ZE.VO II. OKEKXE. Julv3. 2S. ; y0'.V LAVrilXii frtin Xe-.v Y.rk P.ek. ' .el iiiii-. ( roiv bre ul n.-.l Sujiar: I. i.s. t orm llico di: 20 .Viu.irts A k il. . : 5 hi.1,-. .o Cruslie-5 d .. Fr s I v July a 2S ZHXO 11. ;.'.EENE. 1 .'.OUR A X D CR.VKEK.V Lids. Fir e i and Sup' r Fi-.ur : 2'( b' and 2 li-xo ,j r-ir and ftu.lii Crackers. X- w bin. . r ao.l ! r s'i'e by ZKXO il. ti.tEE.NE. Juiv 3. 2s. "T ML-.' XMLS . 1 AO i-e ;rt'-d rizc- ji:-t "1 r. i.'ceiTcd ana lo"- sale Lv ZLXO . G RE EXE. poTAMT. POT Put up in j-.r5, 1:.. ; nn tan, x r ? e t v Julys. ' ZENO II Gf'.EEXE. ' GEO. II. KELLEY & BUOTIIEU. C O M M I S S I O X M E R C II A X T ri DEALEU3 IS Family Groceries and Provisions, X.j. 11, X rtii Water Street, WILMINGTON". X. C, j Will keep constantly on ban I. t.u rar.-, C'.s-e, : ' Mohisse.-, Cuei-e, Flour, leitter, Lard, Soap,, ; j Cuudlvs' Cr"ke r:"' ! O. O. Parsley, I'res. .,f C nuiereial Bank: John 1 Mcliae. Pres. 'oi Bank of V.hninrf.n. Wiiminz- 'ton. A. M. iorinan. Iter. It. T. Mefliti, Kuleiiih ' - ,i . . - . . , . . . . - r. ...-. . .T. . 1. KU-tl. j:, Ml. . 11-, OIWu- : j boro"; Feo. 20. s j I . . , . . , , . j ; Fashnaable Hair-cuttmg aal Shaving. 1 y.UI fi under-inr-ied jnst .pcht-.l a JSli... i i X at Mr. TlHiinv son's huilo'irig. rear t?; , corner, ust of lh N th Cjirolina i Store, for thrt f-special ficc...ii.n..d;t:ioii .! j ! 1, .k.. .-!..- .-. .. r l...--j..r -. I . o . ..,-,, I ' ; ir.iriiii-i i.n.1 ur,-,lr H .,.-, . ; ,,-iII Aa-..w.-aA 1..... 1 ..f IT- !,..... I. 1.5 I i -...:, i i ,.i ,,,..;..... i.; i,.;s.. ,, I otdv to merit, hut sccurf! a liberal share o; j the pntrotiai'e of the j-u!i!i.-. ! J. T. ALSTON. RileiZh, Feb. 15. 'of. B. F. PEARCE, ! is j Foreira and Domestic Dry Goods, ' r, 3 . , T- l Jf Jl'lUy Cap, B"Ots l -SK I mbr-Ui, j 7Ji-'Z RHiy-niO'l CL'itt ,iSJy j HAY STRLLT. 1 -r i vi"iri.'fn T W v C HlUli. -- V,. ! EST" Strict attentioQ pai l to oraers. -sJ April 3, leaS. i.i If I - y , ' : I ' ' . ' " '. ' -' : T ? '. r ' - V ... : - ; - m. o t . - f . 3 '.. . St 1 : t: - -. .! -. ... : ... ivr J- i r ; j i I!- .? :e-. 1- - o 7-. . .r. . ' ..... V. i L. ii - -.a. V i : i. !?.? - :. '. K :. Kx--., . ..... - . i .... .. r- r-' f. . i . , ,. ..;....; S . . - ; . i. :: K . - A., i ,! ... 1 ,i Jr"-1. f -t r i". -i .I'ulN 'VIL'.1,. ,oo.,o. " IT. l. ". ' I. -1' A' r,(.y, v. , , '. r b'-o R. Sine:. '..--r A I i.-.w r-r . in v ; rt., a : -v.. r -i V ... . .-lOI... ti.-.Y i.mmI.-. i r !;- r . -.: : . .t-.- '.: : I I ! e- .r lo ;u 1 l't j. j . . . 1 ' ' o ; - j . ; iv ! , u r ,:. 1 ai,, , . .- r . ... .. : . v , i'..,. : . ! I ; ?i r i i ..! t I. , I-- o .- to . J . : : . .' ,1 r. , j - i i - I :;,.- : : I ' f - I - !...... I I .tr- as --. :m ? ... r , .. . -'I, - -. o t I ; I w i r I -. I I.' Mi ?l .- I.V.I oil I ... t w :. . ,0 'i .. . r . I" . ' . ' i v i!. h. ::v. as. A ' -: - ! il. I. ! . : - " r,l .T . r I : 1 I Ii A ' I-i'. SrEB3IIMS h PULLFn, I ..i. .1.- .1- :o. ! Itcu'ivr? ii :r.v 'arc, Cn:!.:!, and CI.;--, ir.',o.,:o.'- ,, 1:.!;!. . i-d ii.-.-i i -T-i: . i. . ,,..i. F.KP ')S IA N I bY ' IIM A t I,,,.,. :, I I rt....-..f .i i; ,,, ,;,. ,.wt .les;r.-,l,!.; ....a,-:,,,.. ,.1,1! -. ... which thev d irc to cid the a-t-liTh.n . f M -r.-h -n ; - 1 1, d o I.. I s i, til g the tit : I i li nt r and t -i -. ri.- .. rich .l.-ci-r i!- l ai ! ..,, !,...,.!, ., yu .Mt ' , ;, n V,' h oc P. .red d n. and Indian fhin-.. T, ,,f ,1..,.,.,,,,..! ... ,i , , ., , t-, ,o irhie u.d .--. .. le i i- ! os ' P.Mdi cut. ,.v,.'d nn I r.h.b. gh,- ..f-v.-n ...'. ,.. ,,,i ,..,.... v.h.o.--. f.i.h. ,...ii..- I ,,s and I i h d.-. ( I n. 'an 1 o" her .j,.i:..;., p.... A ,. ":-.. l;i, i, sil r ,.;:,u-l Castors. wr. , f.,rV- a!l, tea cr b.--, Ihntinia r .re, Jo.iiol .,, T.iii. tt s-ts, ,,.,kin- gla-s.'s ,.f ew-: h ;,. . tog-th-.r with a varied assortment .1 fa , v li i i- and hou-e furnishing ail'.. !' - f fv;,rJ( riatieii. -A" 1"-i"'t'"r "ur S'rm-k is solh ii.-l. feeling assured that s.i.erior indue o,!-, t wl'l he ,ff red to j.i: n h-i-ers. u.-do win rceiv- ..r spe,.;,! ntf.,.t;.,n. CIIAS. STKI'.blNS. U K. PCLLLN. tf. : Jin. Is. 1 ..",(). ClirksJ.x & Anderson It'CIIMOMr. V.v. ass.,rte.. p.. ling a-siiri-l they c m .-r mi. Ii He! 1 einetils n- will IliaKe It th" interest of H i - .. , i i pur. hi-eel t:oo,i. toning ex.!n-i ly for cash, and inmortint; their e,,.,,s l:e. t enahle-; t' em to s. cheap. toil I and exam ine tio ir s'.h 'k. Ilichi.e.r. I. Va. Jan 1. IV,.,. Z if. CO.V'il 1 1 A 1 1 1 V A I . V. M M ATL I! I A L ' i 1 1 I ......... . . . i con-: -t - in pii t o j Li" ght and li ;id; K'ij.i- Sprir-g C eil n n P.i'.o.r ami h i!)' P.'' I f xl- fhirtiar" and T'-e Ii lis ;(.'. :,. h C,-fOi;-IL.os. j,k. F-d Shif'., U and P..hs K'.eii- i.-l. I).-h .'tod C .d rr L".;'l .-r Koaiie-I.. I CI oil. L e-kra-ii a: i O I C ir-- ('.i-ti Li.--. 'I'.i.-, Tuft-. IVoos. tV... IJ..I." and !r:.'. Cl..?h. and I', . Li'i.-l.ri-s and S i" r P:.i?. d L imps 11 lios. Mmlh-S. Kn.e.- and T' k-lv.-.iv. v.i.r, ll.ic-iiii'l J ii aroo-d Li i ! ' Xo!s M-.-s II dr. T.iri.e-1 C'diar- and v axllw ,i t : YLr-;:. X . U Mnn s"re.-t l. Va Ricl lien..!, a I".-'.. Io. 7 -C i; II!iKKLL. II. J. JOIi.N'.-O.V. L it- la-;.- f -,r Sfe-'k .- V.' -i- - ll DIDRELL i JOIIN.SOX, C o t.t hi i h a i o n. M i r : h a n t , 0;Sce i.-ar .".awif. W r- -. -. LICHMOM , VA., Pav T' attention to tiie r:.!e of To- i.i"'U. C"l II afi-J Wheat. -iri-.! to flo'lil. I'-ey re;if.-tfu!iy pi. licit your j a iron's ge F.-i '. 0. l"oG. ' " C 7 I F U I TUEE : PURKITORE ! " ! . " o.,:ri !..-r, thankful f-r pa-t f...-r- ' ""'onus th ptjhiic that he prppa'-d t tid ..rd-ri. for furiiilure. upon reu .nai.h. trru,. . '. - i . . . .it ll.SMliJj IVTl) soo,res ea-l ! ti.e vape fV-ir Ii ii k. ll-1 keKf.s on l and thc nuul nrtjcl.-i. , f . f,irti.ire f..-ede,j i,T hou-ke.-,...r!. : ,d. ... Curie B itt.Mii. woo.. seat, r.n kii g and ffif. : ii;,ii p. eiidMei Is ,,f d-iTer-m kirn.'... a itr";-' -tv of Mi''"'iim-. Wu'r.ut, and c.' m-.r ' Ta!,!.s nr.'l li-aureaus, C-j.jk J-, Y.'ur i- ...!.... i-.. iiti... u' . 1 1 ...'.I.f ia r.r.nidd whi. n i.. ,.-...! i,pr,.n-,l n, lnn, ('!- fins of M ii -o"i t, utiiut nr.d omci.-n ; r..iL lie will attend in Tovs n i.r country. , IIF.N'RY J. BRON X. ; R.ilii.h J.m. 4. l"-cC. ly. , House 2xd Lot m xraikI:Dton. iiULi; itu tor?n an J - 1 H -' -tiio..e-, m fiv.Mrrt-. in t r Mi.k.'.rifofi. ruav I l.-abt up..o ter tu .or.doe terms li e ot rr rr-n.U f,.r -f liil ?, ts. that batinz r. f.eed f-.r a .-.. : 's dciroa of c!iHf'irir ih r.rn.i't i-, I j l lvto J. U. VVIHTIIELIt " j JuLe lJtb, IS55. 2!i-ltf j i s - ' .!-..--. - r,- '. - s - x t Nn ,:ai. mv n am X t .... t ,..ii, . . ,-;. i- t -i . I . -T-r . I" I. - - ? rc .t - , -4 . rv f - .' . , :p-v-. -.-. r 4 . . i;t .... I . i i - -.. , ' .. - r !;,.-. "... A .... . " . t - : . j. ( - . . .'(". n , . T ... . 1 : e . ! : :,- .v . : ' i. "io : t ..--- s w , 1 s ' .' . i i ' I - . f I ! r - j. . ' - ..r Ia' ' i"v. F r i. . j - tt '. r s' tr A' i !-' n :- r . 3- i !i .Oi- , f "":'-"...'!' t - i , - : , ?'-. n . t I f g- i A r .!. ., . 'i ill ...I." I- , "l , I !. I ' 1. I f , i. . V I,,-!.:..--, n i ' I I ,!.! J i.e. 1 --. YALl-.l',Li: HE A!. I'.STATI. )WY. i - ( ... i tr i So. r . I !, I.e'.e fr !i I' - -T - f ",:. ; i i i . - I , - hi - -i ;- o . !.-. ' I: i . . I" 'if" II !s 1 . i . I. t f---:i i ' 1 ' tl . I I . . i .1 ;i il II I. .1 . . ; . i r I r o I 1,1' ' I I . , . I -. i 1 v , . . . f r r , .. , e I n " i . . -i i . i i , ; , ) " 1 . " -T .- .. a- . i- I ' .i , I. n t r i I I i. j - ... ' In ; i - . ' l -. -r .-I I .. l '-'.. r. v. i f w.u: ri- -(r.'n;v ;:! - i 1 "! at. i ,s':ih-i. ('..- s , . j. ;! , T".H! of 1 ' .. iik ' :ti' !l. X. ( '. I l e g r V-,.ry .1 , ..I'tig fl u--. :? ' (,,.,. no.. , ,,,1 . !l ; I ,,.. p. dull o, e r. A i .-Mi' In' !,; ....! i!l i , v . 1 1 i. . j - , r . ; ' i . i; x . i s , f c I ini.r.o. ! I in I. A'iI l.e i , I . , ...... i in , li.'.sf !. ; i eirf T- u ii A 1 li t l'."T .'re ,11-... H i 1! ., I I , i j ii. I il ai r n Ii' t ! ii iv ii: I. 'i- . ' hi! t!:...i .. x ioo -'. i 1 !......' -I. , . hut i t. ! v ,.ir, !. i I in .,.. ., i !. ii in 1 1 i- o f. r i a - . Tn. .1 ' ..-i i ' r i .. . . I ii h.i. n I .ij. io -s an I l. ", .l.'.ir i 0 n - ... e l ! c! I..'ii;l. i ', i.i.r i v IT-1 the a!- j.-.;.. i t v I r . i . 'j . , . , -. in i ' t. , s I, t i pure a..-.- . . t! :,n. i. I:.. in:ii ;. r-n.!.i f..n ...... ..f t ' n- .st f1 nri '- i . To .. n i i.e k .v i:. i: .i i ni. . in i h-s i ! I; i !. Ii . ii g ,i i cr i ..t. , 1 . . i a ii ! . r t, i j i i ii g i- .ni oi n n o y , ii I i i ' ..! ! ! .v.. rjr.- .-,-! U. M ,: i r,, . , , ;i ,-, dor."".! Pr.'f. L S. Li. hard '. ,v !,, I- . . - (I' d I V I -..II'.-!. I t a-M-tai.... A .! e - !!. iavna::ii. F.-.'.kiii.f it., n. c. j ,,. i-h i LM FOIL ALi:. f H'l'.l, . i -ni li:r 'on., Ill 1 . II .l.'i. I'"' ! I 1 ! ; ; "i .-. ., ,- ll I I .. . I ', ... ...i.lniu.i 7 I .' " ' ' ' 1 1 ' I " 1. : -1 1 4 In ,t v it , I ill I i ''. . , . ! l.'i" V' . , . i". i;. ij,. i i !,'.. i..-.r, l.i, i I -. .' -I ..!':.,..-..! I '!.- j !.....,.. i i-i i,! i i, ,i(. n ', i . -. i , . i i , c-.r . ..'. i. i.i.iv he .'. i ;.',, p.,. . , . , V "ii ' -. I I.' 1- :' i ' U ' ill I ,1 ... I . p I i t I . . . '- a I r.- hoi :i ., a'l ii. I'tt-.r. , ; . .AS, ..j! 1,-1 ... r. ..I 1 . .,1 I. n: 1.1,1.,.- 1, ,' , 1 !..- ii -1 1 i r, I i i.r ..I i 'in... i.. i.n . r f Any . , - oi !- :. i. ...iv n a.H I j, .,...,. o-d'l I . :r i i , ,. , ; j ,,,.,J , x , ,,, v (.;.,, , j .,, ,, i- .i'ii:..i lo ii,;;.-- v, -i ,,f s;i, .i.n, v. y. j ... !r-- i. );.,. ,u M .), .N. C. JNO. F. I 0 i" I-Oil SALK. IMI! ii . i I ii . a ii l...ij.i. t, r,-j '',.?. w,r. f I I. I 'yiiini I ' i - 1 1 I'., i,, :i i.. .". ' I...I I . ! .. th t '-j- i"'l fr ,in I.--.. -.!, e. II., .:.-.( t .' iii i -. :fii t' i; j;. 1. 1 i -I ii. ... i - l ..v.-1-..., N. I . 'll,.- .In. j, i,.,i,,. , , a i; 1 n . I , i - : ' ,., d hir r i, .1 ., ..o."i 1 ; P .ri'.l' J , -.- J f. -,,t. t,.r;.; ,l,ft . - .,' I - I : 1 .. 1 tr . -. A hi ..! . i . -k 1 ..' - t. . - c. t.-.oit i ll ?:.! h 11. ! ; . I j 1 1. I . - , v. .: r 'l.r-,.- - !. ' l.t.l 11 '. I ! Ai;.v 21. I - ; 21- if TO Till: AI FLICTKI). .t--.- ", . or, . ;, ,:;,, :;;. , in T od :. I "ri .1 - n Ydil'MKIdl o-n f ,i ( ;. i ,1 1 '.. : s , i,,.r, I ' , i 1 11, . ,-,.1.1.11, i '!; .1 I t ! .1 , ' ' .p-1 . c-- '' J'-.-in 11: L 1; nil !..' d V n - d li. ' I -t V"g ' .1 .... t ni . i.., . 01 1 , t '.1 i . r.' ': I f. !i. . : . .1 .- r ' 1 '1 .net a ". 1. .1 y o -p-. .,.r ..... . :.-'.ii,:. )-... ,, j. ;, 1.. A- -. .s . if. i a '...i-.-r 1 iilsiig . i U-no J' ,r I'- c - a n i a L I !"e-r. .1 . i (. .-, tl. VI.- 4 If ii. I :. t..i : if- 1 s-l :l t 1 -;,' h :,! '. i ij r- I o I ' .' ' ( I - j .11 : ,' I i .' I i ' i . -..t it is i':i.iiii;i'.!.', F r f ir'liir I'l l it i c, -.!,., r. -t . -. J'rc;.H d.'.dyly K. !:;.': LOW lUN. C i n.i-I fi I f. o ... o It: . o .' ', V-.. !' ,r l.s Wos-.f. .it - tt-1 p.-o-f l - P F P ..of :i!;.l Wi:!;(;;. i li.ii. ..!. ILii- :-h. N. -'. ? ! v Op.uiite the JlasoLio Lod-o. r V i." f I '.ff. c,'. .i,,a-.r-.-' . 1 f. I.l! I'V I 4'l i .Vi:: ,.f ll'l rtt- f o r r ;ji to.-. I r-c-hoy I i o i ri. df '. i.j i h'i;r. .re;T Ii-l T ,""'. . .. -i . I ii.'3.?-. V. . i d i ' 'tr. I ",f I, Tf .. I'r.-4 fcri-l .v.-., a ..J a 'i", fi. . ..r'ii,-Tif -, f J.r li.-i I-. no i ' , ai I it.. . r t, ': tuhi: c.,i,.ifi.,iv p. or. i i:i ai ;-l'"-o.. ; . - f W'-'-h ni , l- e' i I i,i y f.if i : -i, .r- nf.:r . !'.' . '.!- : f-.r hi' h tJi -" Li;h'r rr.-k.f If - J be pa; I. V.'. V. iVH'Ifh' . lid. ii-!,, Aprf" 25, V!. ir-'C VV. L roiiiroy. Pus'i-i -r. Ii ...l--lr J t iti'.u'-r, I'.j V'-I'f. il' S'tc'-t, Kdc.gL, s. 7ION -.TANTLY -1 lx. i ..e ,,r...,-u 'O of Ti h -ir il. I..:. M- i . d, Ci i--i. nl, M .ic. i:,"ll. Mi 1 ."".Jnw.j li-u.k". A .!,',-:. ,( If C f. it h Osiaiid h r--i.-! St-ilio! .irv. U ink I.-.. It i,i -f rv am rr.4wii, iK'.-.,-' lcrd 'Vi r. , ur, . . liik n I .n Mil I-" io.g d .ro. (i rr-,i, .) 'r ltfTr-, with di-pttcL r or Em tvl. R.-iz'. J ia. f. '50. 2 tf. . tysi ot -I'.H no.'.!,: vwur ii-ti-kk, Ii the .u ri'.er y .frf-r:fu!. ;..f..rn. ib t.-.J,-. ni nr.wii m t,em fnx J8. : ' 'V '-'h -"P"- kif . u . -. k . i , ."."'" e!. w -b umt d"';. t'."ia;.-i.. At. A.l hi. ..r i -:i d -nf, ..f the -t nt-i'tri. b 1' jr. haw r wUI .la U t. Mil c4 itt.!.".. iiU! .m t, t-,'tl "r - J'-'IiS -MV.Tr. itci;l, Tb. yiiii Hifi. U " 7 ' ' -- - .

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