I) " Worth (Carolina Christian SUbotatc. (i H l V li 1 1 H 1 1 li revival. At SWn Church oa the 20 J. 1 A. C. Jnttitution for the Deaf,: ur.l 21--t Jul 7, 20 wore converted anl ; Dumb, atvl ll.;n 1. Trie text gts-ion 20 j lne 1 the eh arch. I have ,war-;wM hegin oa HeptemUr l-.t. airjg ,ro:-,e';S :it ho me other jjace-;. Jin'j bat Import mm xu lae "covcoki. Cii' ix, S. C. Con r. receive h,t week hy the Asia The itov. J. L. Hhufor'l write-, eefiad the following important ncia have j r-t c'o '.-1 a verj h-Sxrv-XAi meeting at G-H 11.11. It la--te'l 8 'lavs, 20 jolnV 1 tir; Chareh, aa-1 aV,ut the fearne number v.ere eoaverte 1. ITEIIS, CW.;y.. CorireHi a'ljo'irne'l at 12 o'cio'-k on Moriday nipht, the 18ih ia:-t. That ho ly having ftik-l to pa3 the u-.ual Annv :ir,;,ror-rialiOij b.ll, the 1 rchi'k-iit ls'-iU'-'l Lis Troehiiiiatioa on 1 uehi v. '-liii" " an e xtra f-ensioa, to. jr. .iu imi , one n on th" 2l-t in-t.. ( ve-terai v, ) to! t . . ' s take the matter into consideration. , Iiiah'qj Kmyrn.ai.Kjh. 1 he Ihshop had completed hi- vork- in California, and made ;irrari"-ment s to return, hut on receiving notice that his Jissociates desired him to remain until the next KOssioa of the Pacific Conference, he writes to JJi.-.hop Houie that he will re main. The state of religion is much affected hy the tiouhlous times in that State, hut our preachers meet with some fcuccess He s.i vs that a conhict is an-' ticipated between the Vigilance Com- mittee and the Htate authorities, hut '; that nine-tenths of the people are on ! a Lecture on .Moral Science, twenty seven the side of the Committee. i Lectures on Mental Science twenty-one : Lectures on Moral and Political 1'hilosopny, Jiiilop Andre"'. This valuable ser-: a j(.f.ture on Natural Theology, and a vant of the Church has been called Glance at the Ili-tjry of Philosophy of; recently to mourn the loss of another Letters. The fourth volume consists of; member of his family. 1 lis daughter, twenty-one Sermons and Sketches of Ser--Mrs. Elizabeth M. Lovett, wife of Dr. ' mons. from the Pulpit all of chem hav 11. W. Lovett, .lied in Ceor-ia, on the "'A the rinp of the genuine liascomur. me 2o.l of July last. Her father was with ; tab The Eectures are very she,- Lemj i-,-'l4. . ir ,i,ntli the briefs u-ed by the authorm the eour.-e her in her ast moments. Her death , of hi life. Some of them ap-: was triumphant. : )(,.dT tQ dute buck llH far as tne time when ; JJed'u-atlon. The new Methodist , he was professor in Alleghany Collepe Church in Henderson was dedicated on This will account for the crude and looe ; the seeon.l S.u.d.iv in August, llev. S. S. Ervant Tircached the sermon, it'll which was clear, powerful, and highly satisfactory to the lare audience. Old Soldier J)end. Henry Laws lately died in South Carolina, at the age of between 80 and H-j years. He WU3 the son of Henry Shadnich Laws, 1 and was horn on Deep River in N. Car-' olina. lie was a soldier in the war of 1812; an industrious, honest man, an(E e ' , c t . !.,.:,.,. for years a member of the htizt , Church. ; A Universalist. A Universalist preacher publishes in the Clinton In- . dependent, a series of appointments to 1 nrr.-h from V;i vettevi 1 !c. through Sampson, to Goldsboro'. A man of ; that faith once preached in a western ! vilhSo that all would g;o to heaven any ! i . ; ' : viii'reinai an wuuiu go iu m-avcu uu 8 o rrin how. At the close of las discourse he recpiestcd the audience to say whether ; they wished him to preach tnere again. ; No one responded, until at length a Quaker arose and said, "Friend, if thee has reached the truth, thee need the perusal of these posthumous pubhea not preach again ; if thee has preached ; tions. We can very readily believe the a lie we desTrc to hear thee no more." ! editor when he tells us that he had a world The Quaker was a man of sense: if of labor to decipher, arrange, and trans- Universalism be true, why preach at ! scribe the matter conunnca mtne ' - 1 volumes which have been brought out un- , alK c. i der his supervision. Indeed, we are great- Uditor Married. 3lr. J. C. .im" : y surprised to find the Lectures so com mons, Editor of the Weldon Patriot, j pete They evince the intellectual strength, was married on the 6th inst., to Miss verbul opulence, and peculiar stvle of the Martha L. Seaborn, of Sussex county. , lamented and distinguished author; and North Carolinian Killed. George ! we doubt not thousands of readers will be Wilson, from Moeksville, N. C, was ' grateful to the laborious and persejenng , , ' x t' L tU 1 ed tor for rescuing from oblivion the valu- ki led at Lawrence in Kansas, on the j er o o 23d of July, by Edward Chapman - j f ench'anteJ ad overwhelm- Chapmankept a livery stable, and be- ( ed a(lrairiur multitudes during life, and cause llson disputed an account, struck him on the head with a bludgeon, and fractured his skull, from which he died. The murderer is in custody. , -rx .... u;- nrn - on the 31st July. He had been thirty 3Tcars in the ministry, and several time" a member of the General Conference. Memphis Advocate. Rev. S. Wat son, the present Editor of the Memphis Christian Advocate, has gone to New i York to purchase new type amfpress, ' for his paper. This does not look like j JarJipiike. A terrible earthquake the bpice Islands has destroyed near - m ly three thousand lives, and much pro- perty. A Camp-meeting. A camp-meetin was held last week, under th a Rnnr5n tendence of Bishop Waugh, neaf Bal- . , J 0 'r, 7 -."-Ii4 'CllU- Lroocl order and a fine religious milu- i ments, which demand any modiScationof T1-'1 fr""h Arntlo?e- ' th wnrV as originally issued. We do not medication, lhe new Methodist ; ue to saJ uiuca aDout our owu uook. me Church in Kinston was dedicated on j bishops and editors of the Church ha?e last Sunday ; Rev. J. W. Tucker sPokeu of it in terms a great deal more ex preached the sermon. The Church isKIted ba .e shouId choose to emP; a plain, neat edifice, just such as the S 1 T, tf? f?Ct 0ur Rowing it to be nan creation In R'inlnnnf n h. j published is in evidence that we did not r , , , ' j consider that any other work on the sub- JSeto lemale College. Another Fe- I ject would exactly fill its place. The late male College in N. C is about to be j editor of the Methodist Quarterly Keview, erected at Lenoir, in Caldwell county, j the llev. Dr. McClintoek, has given the 12,000 have been raised, and about i following digest of its contents and opinion 10,000 more are needed to complete ; of character : "This volume differs the plan. When done, this Institution j from ordinary books on the subject, in is to be turned over to the S. C. Con- i treating at some length of the Adminis ference. Perhaps this is right, but ! fj1tom,' and of the Use of State lines for the N. C. Conference would be better. Wilmington, X. C, has voted by a large majority in favor of an uncondi tional subscription of 200,000 to the Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford- ton Rail Road. Southern Christiaii Convention. A Convention of Delegates of the South ern Church will meet at Union Chapel in Alamance county, oa the 30th of September. The denomination was chiefly founded in the south by Rev. James O'Kelley. The object of the Convention is to agree upon some plan of organization, which, shall be more efficient in accomplishing the objects of the denomination. bm-fiv Htau-d. The Emperor Lva's Napoleon ha 'I':-patchod from I'iou.Lieres a circular to the Prefect?, ordering them, in pv-i-tive at1 peremtorr terra", to allow to all the Prote-t'iats within their respect ive districts the free and ua li-Uurbo 1 exere:-e of their religion. He desires that he Taav hear of no more persecu tion of the Protectants, and that they he d:-.turhed in their ma v never : w ',',Vl''t , i ,t i Th emphatic and from the char- . . , , T- act' - nrties of the I-rench Lrnperor vre , . , . ... i ,.tl. know it will he carried out. Eook Editor's Department. J'O.STHLMOI.S WoilKS OF THE KtV. lli-N- rv IJ. JJa-oom, l. J)., LL. I-, oae of the lii-hops of the MethvJist Episcopal Church, South. Edited hy the Kev. Thos. X. Kahton, A.M. Nashville:. Fteverj.-on &. Evans. Vols. iii. and iv. 1'rice 51 each, i A isR.ve-K of beautifully printed books jia(. j(.n JjM 0:j our tabic they are the third and fourth volumes of liihbop Jias-. coin's Works. The first volume contains .statements in the Lecture on ,-iavery, me author's views on that subject not having been at that time matured. Theyj5ub.se-: uently underwent a great modification, as : every one knows wno nas reaa nis pumi- . . TIT! on, on tUt vcxed question. Indeed, the common sense of the reader will sug-; gest that such must have been the case, or ; Dr. liascom never would have been a bish- i op in the .Methodist Episcopal Church, ! -South So notorious u this fact, that the editor has inserted the Lecture without no e ; or comment. Uncertain other poiato tne ; wm the autbof particularly in some of the Lectures on ; 3loral and l'olitical Philosophy. It must : be borne iu mind that the Lectures were ; left in the state of dixjecta membra that ; on te Sabbath, for example, appears to be eked out by a fragment ou reverencing t Deity and the Introductory Lecture J hJ , , .1 p.. . x - r : on ost i , . . l; i part, the recapitulation of a preceding V v Wn mmrded. ' kincd nd enlarged inthe lecture-room j at1the time of their delivery. It is due to ! th the author and the editor that these j considerations should be borne in mind in ' who, being dead, yet speaketh in these el oquent and instructive pages. Baptism : a Treatise on the Nature, Per- Ttnitv Kuhieets, Administrators. Mode ais, containing strictures on Pr. How ell's " Evils of Infant Baptism." Plates illustrating the Primitive Mode of Bap tism, etc. By Thos. O. Summers, D.L. 12mo., pp. 252 : price 65 cents retail 30 per cent, discount to wholesale purchasers. Xashville : Stevenson & Evans. The Agents have brought out another j As the copyright of this work belongs to ' the Publishing House, and we. of pnnrs. have no financial interest in its circulation, j we hope it will not be considered improper ' foF us to besPeak for this edition a rapid ' saI0-. publication has elicited a vast 1 t- i Z 01 Piea m s,Pe .book13' i newspaper articles, and the like : but noth- j ing has been said in answer to our ariru- Jjaptism s-poiuts rarely noticed, or. if at all, very inadequately discussed, in the current treatises. It differs from them al so, and very happily, in the clearness of its arguments, in the aptness with which the joints of the discussion fit each other, and in the discrimination with which im portant points are brought out strongly, while minor ones are comparatively thrown in abeyance. The first chapter treats of the nature of baptism. Chapter ii. shows that baptism is of perpetual obligation in the Church ; and chapter iii., that the Scrip tures require it to be conferred upon in fants as well as upon believing adults. This chapter is elaborated with great care, and is forcible and convincing, not only in its direct proofs, but also in its replies to Anabaptist objections. Dr. Summers takes the ground, clearly and strongly, that chil- fJr'n'tr in ' nth' r 'J thi f.!i T)i; fourth. ' jjt.r pi res a sk-it';h of the X-tr.Wi XI J Inn ( x'.i v-. .jllCii Tail; W lity of by t p--rivl to tb tr--.:r of Irouj the ear! the prev;',t t::?;e. tiapter : V,r. r-.f K.-.ti-m if s !e of lr-ti-rx., i -i of the Tdjii'ji.e i'j tue that h'jpt:--ii riot l ee e --ar v co n 1 . 1 1 o a that it huh-erve the ri-."ifvii:z t. o- tae Jr. -1 ISit reer.cntiO". r -.r irj-tru:r;t ; threef ,11 purr, merev aud irra hut ,AA hi-if:-- ratiiviri.' '.or ari'j"i.!..-ddri-.' tJtie our t j e,rer.aLt ... " h- i.ar- '. : Ile r;et- j-teri'i' t-- our KijjclJlication. the Calvinistic theorv, thut on.y tne cn: dren of heiitvinz parents ure to !.- bij.'.i-z'-'l ; and fehow.-, ut the me time, th-Jt it is inc ji::-is:er.t with the funJariieat-l prin ciple of Calvir.is uj ts sac-h. In &n 11'-';-dijr Ir. .Summers reviews Howell's 4 Evils of Infmt liapti.-Ju' with keen discrimina tion and with some severity. We cordial ly commend thi-s lktle volume as one of the best summaries of Christian doctrine on the our f-ubject of baptism that has come under notice." i . Books at this OSes. E Annals of Southern Methodism, by C. P. Deems, D. D. Price SI. A copy will be sent by snail, prepaid, for tne same price. 2. Confessions of a Converted Infidel; by lie v. John Eayley. of the Virginia Con ference. Price $1." Sent by mail, pre paid, for the same. A liberal discount made to those who order six or more copies. ,.,. T.rtl xrho.A Evniiu'-d hv W ' G. Lrownl iw. A book for the times a book for North Carolina. It is killing off Iron Wheolism, and opening the wayfor a closer union among; all Christians. The remedy is severe, we know; but it has to do with a de-oerate disease w th which some of our friends are afflicted; when th "V are recovered, they will thank us for i "' , " i, Si v ,., r.v Kf-nr bv ' e remedy. Price cl- A cojy sent t) the mall, prep.ilU, lor ci anu u ut.- iu . '.t-'miis Where ten copies are ordered, i iheyIl be sent at the expense of the pur-' chaser, lor S, cents a copy. W hen ten Copies afe ordered, by mail, the price will ; bcVl as the po-taze on each copy is 14 ccut ' 1 R A large supply on hand; all orders ; promptly failed, it accompanied by tne casii; ! otherwise no attention paid them : we have j not time to keep accounts for books. j T, . . j ItlGIIT KIND OF I ASTIXO. it IS not a . would have empty; and therefore if a man t i ; ..;,,; v.,.!,- carries a luxurious uui iu n jjh"",, or the aspiring mind of a Lucifer in the hanging head of a bulrush, he fasts ouly to upbraid his Maker. GENERAL NEWS. From California. After the Ad vocate for last week had gone to press, northern exchanges announced the ar- rival of the Ariel at New " ork, ort the 1.tli in;t- A verv briet Summary Will m;Da oil t1a tipws of imnOrtanCC. TV,,. Avl brmirrht .SI. 470. 000. Af- fairs were quiet on the Isthmus. The sloop of war, St. Mary, was still at Panama, and the Saratoga at Aspin- wall. The news Irom Ualitornia is up i to the 21st ult. The accounts from the mines are favorable ; and the crops are everywhere abundant. The Vigilance Committee continues in power in San Francisco. - Nothing of moment had transpired since last arrival. The Vigilance Committee had published an expose of the official cor ruption in the city government, and continued to arrest and punish or exile bad characters. The Isthmus. The Daniel "Veb o. qT.,;Vod at New Orleans on the with three thousand men, and is forti fying it against Walker. It was ex pected that President Walker would soon attack Eeon with one thousand , a i c t L' i xVmeriCanS. A fleet Ot Seven Entish ships, moilntin? 181 CrunS. was at San Juan 1 ' a o Havana. The Got. Dudley ar rived at Charleston on the 14th inst. The only news of interest is, that the yellow fever is still raging at Havana. APPOINTMENTS. Littleton. N. C, Aug. 1, 1856. Bro. Ilejlin : Please publish the follow ing Camp-Meetings on the Raleigh Dis trict : Camp Meeting on Ilillsboro' Circuit, at Xew Bethel, Aug. 29, 30, 31, Sept. 1, 2. Camp Meeting on Piileic:h Circuit, at ""-J'". Or.f 3. -I. o. 6. 7. 32 tf Ro. O. Burton-. Greensboro', July 25, 1853. Dear Bi o. Ujiln : There will be a Camp Meetingcn Franklinsville Circuit, at Salem, a mile below Franklinsville, embracinfrthe 1st Sunday in September. Another at Beth lehem, about twelve miles from Greeusbo rough, embracing the 3d Sunday in Sep tember. The attendance of brethren in the min is. ry i3 most earnestly requested. Yours in Christ, 31. C. Thomas. Camp Meetings. Salisbcry District. Bro. Heflix : k lease Pay through the Advocate, (Provi- ueuce permuting, j mat tnere will t.e camp- meetings held at the times and' places fol- lowinf, viz : Iredell cir., 3d Sabbath in August, Xew Uaion; South Iredell, 4th Sabbath, Rocky Mn,.t . i:,.,. p P 'i.- kl c J r 7 ,, oao- bath, Liberty ; Alexander, lft Sabbath in bept., Kocky Spring ; Davidson, 21 Sabbath, Shady Grove ; Wilkes, 3d Sabbath, Sharon ; Jonesville, 4th Sabbath, Prospect. These meetings will commence on Friday evening. The 4th quarterly Conferences, in connection, will be held on Monday. Brethren in the ministry, local and itinerant, are cordially invited to attend. ' Let there be much fasting, prayer, and cultivation of the Christian graces, that tbej may be occasions of great good to the soul ; and not so much a time for display, and feasting of the body. W. Bareingek. Olin, July, 1856. mournful expression, a solemn dress, or a i loaf 1.;, crushed 13 a i:;a. Xew Orleans iu a i i, .-t. thin table, that God SO much regards. It Croix and I'orto IVieo 12; tallow ,11 a 12 : tolme ; ' , ' , , , , . l ,i,,iJco inanufwstured, S a lo ; white lead, 52i a 2A , is the heart, and not the stomach, that he ; i:. 8i.vio.2u 2i : 10 bv 12. 23: yel- A Ci:r.r taerirj .j's r K -er Mar. daj i Circuit. - stir- r-.jrj-j-sv in "t-iG .-tv are lovhr 1- rv.'i la tL zui J A CaTt' in- CirCnit. r-?r ? re if- rtn !;s O.I iii ill I 0 ar. 1 7: :rii;h5-i 3. ' C.:ri r . 12 ari l 1 i : O.vi .w. t'.i"-:.' J arri 21: U-aaf rt, 17. ;.f I Mi In. V. .-v . .. O t. II 12; : T: U : Co: Wii- Kin-: .n Mi--., Xe-r II p Newi eTe Ct.. I'jver. , 0;t. 1 23 an- - n. W;'.- n. Nor. 1 a:. 1 i G iMsv'-r-., N--,t. ? an-i 'J. V'o,,i j brethren, aai -uz 1 mem ,T'i invite 'J t i com an l h'-.f u : e ,me in the f irit of Je-u- : get singers c-.r.ve r.rt" ! SiT. i ave fvuls 'r m ae'His. Ika T. Wvenc, tf. 1. J. Carkawav. 0 Ajpr,inlrn':iii.'. f'jr M'iLnin-!- i(,n L'Ui., A. C. (.';.'. lirnmt'-n, oth street, Au;-iit 2iJ ar, i 2 1 : Toj. Sul, Salt's Hi'.!. Auz- 20 ani SI: Wilmington, Front an 1 Whitesviil?, ,ab, S-t t. 13 art-J 14 ; Blades, at Ami .-h, ft- - 1 KjbrVn!al Lumj.ert,m Set.t. 27 and 2S ; h:o;thvill, at briaa.-t. (camr-.-neeting) October 2 ami O ; r-amp-.n, at liethanv, (cainp-m.-ting) Oct. 10 and 1 4 ; Favettevil'ie Ct., at Cool S;..rir., (ciiiap me'eting. Oct. 17 and 21 : Fayettevilie. U ,-t. 23 nnd 23. D. B. Nichci.-ov. August 17, 18-30. 4 tf. PPwICES CUEEENT. IIALEIGII MARKET. Reportel by JORDAN WOMULE, (iroccr. Flour, ptr h'A. 0 ji) 7 00: !ar i, 1 i to 15; butter, -' to 25; meal bush, fc'l Off 0 ? corn f bush. IStj 20: drv hide?. 10: white x,v3 tJ V " "Lf " ' -' ' 10: white vv3 t'J Vt 6D t.jek pea', 70 to 75; bacon 13 a 1 1 ; tu'.lvw, 10. WILMINGTON MARKET. K.-;))-ril by GEO. II. KELLEY i BKO. GKOCCRj iSD COMMISSION YKKCBASH. Naval sture?, soft turptritine 2 SI, har l 1 40 ; iiirit3 turp. i'7 : rosin 1 10 a 1 15 common ; tar, $1 15 : salt sack, 1 15: timber $0 to $10 00 ; S'.ur upr. 8 M0 a family 9 25 ; cora G2 a00 ; butter 2S to 3"; eal 75 to 85 ; bacon, 13J boground, IS ' s . 00 to 12-; laguarra 13 to 00: ja- va 16 t0 17 t. uomingo 11 a II; pugars loai 14, crushed oo a Mi: c Yrllow 1 2 J a in. A toffee Yo, 0 1 uats 0 (o 40c . coUon 10cto 10i . )arJ u. rire per ca-k, cleaned ; tall-. w candles 16 to 18, fida. 23 to so, .perm 40 to 55. Auu.20 FAYETTEVILLE MARKET. l U, L.,n.r- ra ,5 . c,,,t.,n; 10 a 12 ateordiug to quality; fluur $7 a S :.o according to qualitv ; wheat, 1 10 ; corn j; .00 .; VV;w 6 ; f lish, 0 a 5; lard, 12 : load 8i ; molasses 4j a,o0 ; aU, 5ia54 fn.Liverpo-1 sack, 1 50 a 1 60: sugar, ' iow dip Turpentine, 2 55, scraped so spirit.-' 35c. ! Aug. 20 PETERSBURG MARKET. C irf fulli Corrected by BRO W X L Y & HICKS. Grocers and Commission Merchants. Wheat We have acain to note afurther de cline iu this article, borne buyers early in the day kept up last evening's prices, but others again would only pay $1 50 for prime white, others a ain withdrew from the market, fearing a further decline At the close of business we quote $ 1 50 j T" xoijacc'J a'ho'ruartret opeoed this inaming with ! an active demand at very lull prices lur nil ae jcriptiuna. We quote Lugs at 6 to Si, mostly at 6j toll ; common leaf at 9 to 1CJ ; good and fine from 1 1 to 520. Cottos The market is dull and lower, with sales at Hi to 12. Corn- We quote at 702., and in demand. Bacon There ha3 been considerable ac ivity in the market at advanced rates. We quote shoul ders 1 1 J to 12 ; sides. 13e. Mackerkl No. 3. Boston inspection, 61 a 61. Gcaso This article continues firm at $55. Laud -Va. in kegs 15 a 16, western in bbl. 12J Herrings N. C. cut are scarce, and .So. 1 we quote Si a SJ. No. 2, R-.e 51 a 5. Sl-oars Prices of all kind3 are some higher, and the market very f.rra here, and in the north weqoote eoffee sugar 10 V a 12, crushed 13 a 14, powdere 13 a 14i, loaf 144 a 15c. Molasses Syrup 44 a 45, W. I. in hhds. 43 a 50, X. O. in bbls. 5S a 60c Coffee This article without change. - Nails 4 a S aa to quality. IRox Swedes verv scarce and high, many sizes EOtto be had. August 20. NORFOLK MARKET. P.CHANTS. WILLS' WHARF, NORFOLK, VA. Flour, receipts have been larger since our !a?t and our market is now well supplied with old and new ; AVe quote old 3. F. $7, a 71, extra 8, fami- My 8i, new F 7i, extra H to 8, family 9 a 91 ; i baeon, market bare and irices advancing, we quote j western shoulders 1 2c, sides IZl, ta. hoground, '14J, hams 17e; rroeerie.-, market poorly supplied. , j : .: . 1. v:u. .- -. i iiiii ) ices cuu'.iuue lu uio uiu ; fcuiir, v. yj a 9J, P R none on the mcket, 'C" llj, .12, crush ed 14, loaf 14 ; molasses, T. O. 58 a 60, P R 55 a 56, Cuba 53 a 54 ; co?e, rio llj a 12, la?. 13 a 13i. Java 153 a 16: rice si a 5J ; salt, G A $1J a 13, blown 1 al: cotton, llj a 12; wheat, arri. vals of new and quick sales, red 1 52, white $1 62, at which sales were mada to-day. August 20. UAE.3IED. In Chatham, on the 10th ids!., In Rev. M. Johnson, Mr. A. J. Buns and Eliza Riddle; DEATHS. Xear "Wadesborouh jn the Sth inst., after a lingering illness, Mr?. Ann P. Leak, relict of the late Wro. P. Leak, in the 71st year of her age. Sfte liad been for manv vears an acceptable member of the M. E. Church. In Johnson, on the lGdi inst., Br. Jackson Gill, son of David Gill, Esq., of Wake Forest. Thus was cut down in early life a most amiable young man of great promise in his profession. GLEX ANNA. THE next Session of this floarishing Femala School will open on the 17ta of September, i 155. i Its location is beactifui and healthful. Thomas villa Depot, on the Central R. E., Is only one mil j from the Seminary. Last session -was very pros -j perous. It is hoped that the old pupils will return, ; and new pupils will be added. The Principal, Miss Ellex E. Morphis, is a j graduate ct Greensboro' Female Col!;?e, to which : tilen Anna is preparatory. She is well known t j President .Tones and Dr. Deems, as a competent j teacher. Parents may safely trust their daughter I toer "ee!leat ndi.MhSP i f chaa?.13 terms-ftb, 10, 12 a session foi tn.mon ordmg t advancement; $20 f.r music , 56 a month for board. For further particulars ap bIt to JOSEPH .hutav v ply to 34-4 1. JOSEPH HELTON. Thoaiasville, N. C. FRESH ARRIVALS. PER SCHa. WAL H. SMITH, Froa Xe Tori 5 Bbls. of frash S jfla Crker3, 10 " Sugar do. 5 Boxes Sola dj. ALSO PER W. t T. RAIL EOAD. 1 03 Pri Jia X. C. Hams. " " Sides. 75 " " Shoabisra. All low for CASH at ti0. H. KEULET & BRO'S. August, 21. si . XOr.MAL COLLE'".!:. S 1 ttt It: n c , K. ci; 4v;:N. EanLertTare. Chlr.a, sr. I ' ir;,..'. j r- ,t,, i A'.?-.. 101 Kr-il f.rt i;k-r.ia..r.i Va. 7F.EP CONSTANTLY "X HANI' A ' ! i t - ar. 1 :u;.t.l -r" ':; ? ' ; f ' - -m -t --'.r:.l r,'sr-- &z I T -i".;-rr.. t w.;i?.. i.trj d-:r t e', V e at--r :'. n -f M-.-re;i.-n:s f.-br v::ir tl. C :y : I'in r.rr sir. 1 ta rvl .f ri.-h ;- r r- i -.-A G.ii rnJ. Tr-r ;i ar. i En;':-:! i. Wh'te Prc-'l.u -.. St .n? anl Ini. n rV.-, T .;.:,t r-cu tf r0 'i d - cr i ' i '.3 b'nl, whit, mirbkl in i a-f.-rt---i c .! -r, Il'.ch cut. i-r-'l a 1 r.'.ain c'- rv .:v'.e anl jiHttrr. Wai'ri, t ft"' ry. L;i-n:.5 ar. 1 V:rn 1 ii, and .!.: Cijiis dIir.s Brack'-:.-, i :. A:., Rich feilrcr p'at"! C5t'.r, tro-r.". fvrk and ta -rvic'-, Bri:t-nia vrar, J-u n 5 anl tin Toii-tt 1 .Ainz sia-- s f r'-ry -v;e ; to-tr.T with a v.-.rie-l n rt:r. f : Fa-icv G .-l an 1 b.u fiirn:r.-ir ar'ici-." cf every d-?crir.ti -n. An inspection tf our S: t;k i- '.i:'.:-!. fe-.-iiu a--urel th.it superior iniu.cm-;r,t. : will be ofT.r.--l tj purchasers. ; Orders will receive r.cr n'"-.;'. -n. CIIAS. ST KB BIN-?. B. K. FL'LLKX. ; Jm. 1?, I-.jG. 3 tr. Clirkssn & Anders un. RICHMOND, Va. IMPORTER-OF IIAIlDVAUi:. CT'TLK- ! ry, Guns anl "Ancfi-.r" B Apnz H .;h. ' ! .". 10 j M-iin Mmet Richmond, Va. W..ulJ rppectfullv c iil the attention of t:.e N rtii Carolina Merchant.- anl (.thers vi-itinj: this market, to their etock, wliich is m.-w :ui 1 w. il assorted, feeling assure ! tii -y can ..'Xt su.-h inducements as will make it the irt'-r- -t i f a!! to purchase of them, buying cx .-l i-iv. Iv for cash, and importinj; their r i Is d.i enables tLc;n tj s-ll cheap. Call and ex inl ine their stock. ; Richmond, Va. Jan. 1?, I jO. 3 tf. It. II. DIB II ELL. B. J. JOHNSON, Lit InriPctor Shcko AV:,r -II ,u-e. DIBUELL & JOHNSON", C o ra m i 8 s i o n 31 e r c li a n t s , 0ce near Shock Wn-f'-Il..iis. RICIl.MONi', VA., I Pay particular attention to the sale of To ; hacco, Corn and Wiieat. liberal advances male on a!i Produce con signed to them. ; Thev resrif-tfully solicit your patromz". FehlG, 1800. G if FUaNITURE ! FURniTURE ! , lh Su bscrilii-r. thankliH lor past labors informs the public that he is prepared to till : ord-rs for furniture, upon reason abbs terms, : at his shop two souarcs east of the Cape i Fear P. ink. II keeps on band the usual articles .f ' furniture needed by bouse-kei'p-rs ; such as Cane Bottom, wood seat, rocking and office ; chairs, beadsteads of different kino's, a vari ; ety of Maleogany, Walnut, and common ; Tables and Beuureaus, Rook Stands, Ward i rubes, SjThe subscriber is provi-led with a pro i-o mu. ,d to furrnsh Lof - mt and Common uerals in 1 o.v.i or ! good hearse and h prepare : fins of Mal-otjany, AValnut ! wood. He will attend funeri t P: mnfrv. j HENRY J. BPOV.'X. j Raleigh Jan. 4, ISoG. ly. j -T0RTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSU 1 KANCE COMPANY, Kaleiah, N. C Thi- ; Company insures the lives of individuals b.r t-w: : fear, a term of years, or f-r life, on too Mu;ju! Principle, the a.-?ured for life participating in ail ' the profits of the Company. For policie gran- i ti l for the whole term c-f life, whi-n the r.reiui-; ura therefor amounts to $:0, a note may i.e "iven for one half the amount of the premium bearing in- i terest at 6 per cent without guaranty. ' The prompt mariner in which ail losses have b-.-on ' r.aid bv this Company, together with tii 3 low rates ..f T.rniinm. trc.-ent cr-ai iriducemen ts to such as ire disposed to iiifiire. ! Slaves are injured for a terra of from one to Sve ! years, for two-thirds their value. i All losses are paid within yO days after a:;fac j tory proof is presented. DIRECTORS. Chr.rlcs E. Johnm, V. rn. D.I- las Haywood, Jno. Q. Williams, Qainton liu.-h-e, II ' W. Husted, Wm. II. .McKee, Charles li. Ko,r. Win. i W. Holder), Wm. D. Cooke, R. II. Battle, Visa. 11. j Jones, P. . Pcscudand tieaton tjaies, CiCrTrPHS Tir rV,..rl,.a Ji.lin. ,n Tr.t,tr.r ) -..ruCTir.arv ; iv ra. il. Jones, Treasurer ; if. V. 1 Hu:-ted. Attorney ; Dr.. Charles E. Johtiicn, V.rr.. j II. MeKee, and Richard B. Haywood, Mod: -a! uoara 01 consultation; n. il. Battle, Win. II .T .. L - .1 f'l. . I . , I I, . . . Tf. " vuaiiea u. i.ooi, executive Comuutiee. i or lurther mtormation, the public are referred to the pamphlets, and forma of r.roral bi-b ; may be obtained at the OSce of the Company, or Kii , 01 iia .-ieiieieti. Commuuications phc-ald beaddre??ed, fpon-p-.id) - JOHN G. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Raleigh, July 17, 15i6. "i xi Valuable Estate for Sale. 1'IIE Undersigned offers for sale lis tract of ; Mola-f-s, Chee, Flour. Uuttt-r, Ear l, hipi, land, lying near Hickory Ground, in Norfolk ! Candle-, Crackers, .Starch, O.ls, Snuffs, j county, Va. It contains about twelve acres, about I REFERENCES. i tUf,0n.' and re,naln,er " -i'inal grvwtb, ! McRao, Pr-. of Rank of V.iminv'.,n, Wilm.t,- embracm-aa immense quantity of excellent tiro- ; ton. A. M. Gorman. Rev. It. T. He-lin, Kaleisrh. ,berof every variety It he. in a cornct ho ly, , S. W. Westtrooks, Rev. W. tt. h-lhlil, Greeo, i but still ia susceptible of a very easy and r-onve- ! bor; Fob. 5 a. $ I nient division into several tracts. It i-; aiin.itr.il -. ' - ' i in a fine n? ibhorh ood, od 1 v on iial-s from I Brides Academy, eighteen miles from iho e ly oft Xorfolk. and within a short distance-of t t.. ' courses leading to that city, and is a verv healibr ' loeat.on. u ua, upon it a go: aD.J convenient dwelling with tne necessary out Lousv ar.d a'o j dwelling with the necessary out Lous and bo i ; a never fai ing w-eil of pure and c-xeei-.nt wutr. j ! Independ.-ct of it o.her attiacrions, the faantity ; , and quality of the timber upon it euntitu'e a very I ! important consideration, this, if ja.iieir.aVly j disposed of, can be made to pay a lare sum of ti.s ' j purchase money. Taken- altogether it is JusOt j considered a very Ta!ub! tract vf Und, and the ; ; opportunity of taakin; such aci inv-.tment is ols i rarely met with. i Persons desirous of purchasing are re'; 'ic?--1 to ' ! T.e the estate Fjr farther panicolari en .Vire j of Frederick Wilson, Esq., of V,rf An conntr, cr ': ! .f myself at Boydion, Mecklenbor? countv. Va. i 1.EKOY il. WILoy. July 1G, 1S5 VifA. LAND FOR SALE IN NASH CO 7 WILL sell oa fair terms a valuable tnit-t of land containing 77t aires, ttr--. th:r,!j .01 wnich 13 in its original growth. There 13 i a goo-a aieihrij fa. aa ex tne pretni culture well ratere-l. It liea oq tbe roal from II il liardstOr to Belfurd, and within three miles of the- latter place. Persons wishing to JXO. S. BOD DIE. Xah Co., X. C, July lo, 18SG- 20 House and lot ia Frankl niton. j 1 1IOCSE with eeven room, and neces- ! JCA sary oiKhoasesj. on a lot of fire acres, in ', Franklinton, may be bought urjn verv fa i use and out house, and : " T-, , S tl i .1, ..,.1. " it,. ,. celient orchard of lat anr-lp. trsw -r J 1 J f- . , , , , . f , .'.11.. Oil. -T , 1 . 'J , 1 . v.. .u-. ..ui.jn.-uaiaaKjiiiuK; a a t.- i-t o- r. i . u t - ..-.. r 4 f T t r. ci torn, nutst: ana lOMCCi. aMl? vnrrt.i(.T., r. . purchase must call soon or thev will lose a -r T;;! "p'-tb mm of th b4is, ze bargain, as I am. very anrious "to eeU as I ' J' C-T- -S' L:i'rtg- brk" t 1 . 1 t -11 .1 1 turfy or hard la&d, 2-iiOMirsinjr, ai:a ami oti have more land than I want, will sll choar-. i ' r ..... ! .. .. v" ,..ft c- T-.r-.r.rr.r' r porj.--. 1. iizai, c&eay kitu atroajr; n-l vorable tertns. The owner' reason f.r ! r.J", J - e: lCe 0,tu;tl f n ,ellinS is, that having M neelLr a hoa ! &trja3 bf ejraif: airx5rayi.i""-A-E Jane 13:h, 1850. 25 tfi Aoj. 9;h, 1558. -i 2oL SZVZTJ PUK03 JjST nCGLlTLD ' it- v "J T l i . T T T - t !- li. n : 1 N - il. F.:. . T - v I". 1 I-' j a J r- ' IV i j f r. r . !, l i. :. - I ; . . Yc-j --, .... H I. v I .a. r ti:-a-tf 2 r '- :. i'-. : . V. r. NA-ll. ROSSES 6c RIVES. ! . 1 r. X f.lT ,r.H: ami r i Ron. I'ct-r.1 V., K ( i N'.-TA.VTLY ON 31 .M A I i.i;-!l, : s; -:k .f .:-. '. M i. ' )':m ;:r. i.-r: j-n? -f. Kfi-y A ;; ir- .,.. I' - Ivl. Yar i nr. i K-- -h ar, 1 -n-ri-an Crt, .. .r i R -r,-., Y-.rf.-i I. - m l . 3iT foar. l ir. 3 t.-.-t c'as' ,v.;,-;:ir. . . C :-"-t V r 'lui. : a ,1. -. , 1 : ! :;. u..r !:.!: :i. I 1 a:, i 1. '.'r.i , j:, l:i.z i Me i . N. F. iliVF. TJ- I' 4 - I T S 3T n!i r lira.' H I r : r .- ! .. . t ' -I h t : l: Pirti- 7 1 Tir ;i:oit(;i: it. junks Co., . 1 It...-. rEri:i:sni'u;, va.. 7KEPc r.-t iTtlv on b in ! a fr h an l so. If 1 -t ..-k -'I Ira'S M- E irs. ,c-t 1 r ri. h, K o'li-h. and AinTioan CI.eni'o'i! S'jroie 1 Ii-trum- nts. a-i 1 all o"Ji-r rt..:o k.-pt bv I.u,'i"fs -1, -rally. Oi-l 'rs fr in Iv-ici i::s, M rjh.tr.t-, nr. 1 Oth'Ts. t.r..;tif t'y at ten i- ' to. Gi.... B. J vi-, Fra.vss yJ R. F-b. lo. 'oo. 7 ly LUMSDEX i SIIOKTT, 7 Mi( III 1 KK S mil li-.l-r-in at.l,' s and J -s. !rv, Sp.-rtudrs. IVi.i-il-. G.,!d I -li. ' Mili'ai-v ii'-l F10-V G,.i, I'm K:-iv-. S i .,r-, B r, o-, &. ;;7 Sycaiu-.ir: Strv.t, Pct-rshurjr, a. t-i" Wat.jrhe-i. Cl--k-, Sp-ctai.-l-, anl Je-.v-lry U-naii- l at slo rt notii--. nrid in the . nvst s-.i-.i-bi-torv tuatn.i-r. M-rcbaiits mij- p!i-l wii!i Tiiiuibl.-s and I in rial N-c ll--. of Min-ri r 'iia'itv, ut -mdi y ri'--s us caon -i ; f.,,i !,;,.,.(.. . t ..- .r nil a I'ar- ticulir att-i.tioti t ii ! to K.-'ii!at'o vr !,. (,u, LfMlr.v. w. t . Ml .hit. ! Peter-bur', F-b. 12, tf. - ' r (j I S S I O N II O U S V. , In the city of IVter-bur.'. iixYii)Du: crjcu. "Late Inspector We-.t -IF.il wi;r;-'tiu.sc." ff'ILL r.-c'ive on consinm-nt Tol.a-co, '"X ii at, Corn, Cotton, Flour, and oil , r cniin! T(!.3u,.,. , CjIU,.Kl,r W;liin2 a,h ir.h-al 1 ; . each ,j;l,e (), Cotton, 50 cents ; all , m r,Mr,t a v r Oflij" l ')o Sycamore f-t., Petersburg. a. J Feb. l:;, L-CO. ly. ' D. PIGOTT, COMMISSION" M E K C 1 1 A N T , WlbMINHTOX, N. C. Ma?;.-a G. 10 ly Zi:NO II. GREENE, ! 'l,t,J. ale Jj.-nb r in ' ' rori -1 r'n ' fO''"(., ! ( . (' N,"o. 7 MAItKKT l-j 1 N" ' V, . C. T AiL- . .NAIL.'! . I'"' k'--;:t3- -.rt'.-l h'..tf j'u -1 -i red and for a!e iv Ju!v .i;no . i;kki:nk. I 0T 'r".l, 1'OT A -II Pot up ia jar, k ;'-, a:i 1 - . t;ri,.,. ''.r -a - ! v ! r.,'.. t ' " ZHNO If. IHKHM:. j Ju'y S. VAILS, NAIL? -Xi re-circd and fe AIL'", NAIL? If) Vz' ,r-ed Nai , j'ift I er Mi'.o by Av-r'j Zh.MJ ii. ji'.l.i.-' 1- 1AN"i'V. 2 b'..e. c.?ortid steam refined Cun- , .... .... - s .h.N'J li. I NK. A INEOAR 21 hV.s- Cider Vir;--&: .t re- reived, mid f.r fa'j l.-y Au- 5 z;;xo 11. (.ni.LNi: GFO Tf K'FMFV X- PPikTlfPP - J' iL' & lIiUlllLlt C O M M ISSI O N M K II C HANTS DEALERS IN Family Groceries and Provisions, No. LI, North "Water Street, WILMINGTON', N. C. il ke'-ti eon-rant!v on l.nd. Suir" Cofei-s. Ii. F. PEAItCE, Fcreija and Domestic Dry Goods, - J.jti BU 0,1 Moo, fmrlta i ' , . ,.. '. . u-, IIAV STREET. TAYETTEVIU.K, X. C. C-Strict att-.-nrion j.aid to ordvrs. jftaj April Z, 1 i.rfi. 4 jy Xew Books. i PLAIN CTouiUieut:;ry on the Four Copi!s 2 Toiumez. ;y FiM-r'i Hoa, or tr.fc Il-ivr0 of tb.- B'ble. A K.ey to tht Bibi;. beio a.- exposition of the HLr'.orr. Aiioruiaid Geireril Raj of .aered Ia tert.rcutieris, by David Dobie. Ite Tiirce Gar ieinEiJeri, Githeita-ine an d Paradise. lli-tory of the Trari-datiori of th Sciiptarts iiio the Erjli-h Tongue, bv Mrs. Cotarif. t Eorsaieby ' W. L. PO'EROV. Mar 2i. 02 tf PAT- TJIE the ed.'-s of a horizontal fchaje for dit iditi- t'.e forrow- siiee, and a curved Cutter on the r.-ar of the taar ' f--r tareiag the wbole ic, towabw rae new cr u 7 cup. posed t be the most prfret paverijr in use. i j For Licnise t elL with (Lr-tioci f-.t Karicfa 1 urinj, r. JJrtss W. . W YCHE. j BrokvE!e, Grarjri;; JT. C. 2i 42 tf i WANTED. A SnXATrOX a Teacher, br a yoen-' iraa, VAi.UAr.u: rr cmim::y m T n "f Vr r:V.r.: . c. i. r- ---p. s ! t ; t i x '-" c - I d-r. A ! ,i! ipi?f.t! :.r i. A.J r r 1 ' f-t ! i rr. 1 ! 4 f : ' ? " t - ' Cjr-. vr ? --' ; w :; --" i r. " : nvrVt :! i - . " T - av-" r..:- t .::: r -: " ? - ' ' ' ' J 7, . w ir,:.r -. T ... . ., - , :: ... ... :;. i -. : .-: a-. 1 ! v ! ti r; . - -., -.i!T. a " f Pr 1 1 i: C. MA'. NAB I' Fr'."" . v. .1 -!. 4-.:-. "" ro;: salk. T. A I. A i V AN T V .s :.'. 11 i. i n !'. i if-r .i--: . n l-Mi-.tiful w Tl I ! i T 1 Rs r. m: 1- 1 .1 N .V.' j ? 71 N A V I A i-M-.-.:..-'. f j i .1 t 1 an r dir I in i Th ' I !'!. ..' i-vr vr P.iri' on. 1 a.--. a-nti. anl -. i r .'. .: 1 F.v.:.'i--. 1 ' ' A -r-1 ( f !'.; r- I i . fan 1 ii 01. i- r c -1 f n.'-. '' A' i ! :- 1 .-. 1 f' it- t r r ,T' t pro-! 1 r " i! rr an i th- i -.i- i'..-.' - 1 t m 1 ! e p u y s r t 1 H ( f ' T . ' . ' . t .1 - -1 1'! r v ar" - v ir t : t r t:i - . 1" t I Vi'"! J Wol ' 1 ; .i, i ' t', 1 l-t f M 1 -ii 11- a w utility. 1 ! ir.n. p -' i i;f '- ' ' tr :,..ij? it. Aiy t r -n '-r ' a'n 1 a lva.t ' :s!"tn'-. 1 1 t ra!', a'-.-l f J i'nin t:.i. . !.!. 4 f tlie .n. I. A pur -I- r nr. I r-." el 'ii iv1 ;--t w.:h ! 'ik. r t. Fi' U-oo-iN. :i'. I (i -o.V f!i'"i J"-' ' ev. rf ii i r-!- I f t F.irm.r tiori'. 11- " I " n.'.-'-.uro ; bv a-.rb.io' Preini-" ' ,: ' "' Lrr. " Jil PIE J' ! ion sali;. T n:i!-. in i. ' 'i a r-l r. 1 an 1 Ai ! !..'! .1! ! il . .1. II) . . . . . ( r. i ..4 r : I ! I . N. 1 . li- 1A 1 .11 a 1 . : I. . I r . 1 . . . un 1 ( .in 1 I. 1 i- i.-. :.: I l",o ir- R b.-.i1llif ll ! ! j- r. '!' r i' . A i P. - k r mi 1. 1 -v t ' I il ', I- CI.KN' ANNA I'd!- -Al.i:. J Y. Aoti-.t .1':. - 1" Gb-i. Ac 1 I : S-.. unary iti 1- -v - t'o- (..- of s. i. . ci . of i.c.t x ; ct t 1 r ; n , t Th 11 i-i a - p I "1 - bill I llO I Ml C'lll - O. T . They, th.-r.-t r-. oil'- r f .r ..!. t t kn-i'vn n- Gi-ii Anna, ith all t ie nut ' ments. Toere ar- ab 'it -1- a ; ---. :. lion b-iii !'; fine? orchard r "i"v North 'iro!m.i. wi.i-li, if vm II I 1 ' I. tiiiiii-ht bv hori'-oil:uriti t . 1 - -v: th !' a yar. 'I lo- iinpr ivenii n' -i '' oni.t f at storv Vri-k lion-. MritU lttrjrs Ln' ne.t 1. attic, (r,'.:ieroiiii w ill. out t ii- I ak-(iii-i ' 1 t a - ,tt io'-, 1 a-b iif;ii i-nlly mforlal ! i-.r unall 1aoin.-s. n lnr2 barn i i. o ro-i s-7-'. and ntli-r i.-1'' ! iry ontiu.l lin;;-. J ' lilace U i.i-t a tin!- Irorn tii- S-:n n .ry- and tie 1 1 . -.of. Pup.'-iCOIil 1 be. s-nnnary. Tbi . .nr.! t.-i) and a't n 1 l " .v -miliary. J bi t -i it.. the m ,t .J -ira .le .r-perty lik-ly I . I !-f-r-1 f.r -ai-in WV-st-.-n Car-.l.tia. G . !--rn-n i'l tii" --i:-rn .art (J toe S'a--. 1 n i otio-rr ii ir -x ' 1 lo-ai.j liara ;. 1 !, are re'joe.r-d t 1 attend the t ri- oin ?- tion an l f-e f ,r tbem-i-lvei. It will b- 01-.-po-ed of ; riva'-iy on v t-rnii -,h i 1 ;u. 1 tim . At.ph to Mr. Jo--;!. .Si. ! a. Thoir.i-viil Jo .. 1- N. TO Till: AFFLICTED. I),r.dri tl.l,rnt-d ",fjl:i'. !'',. Ti.e r-at Soutliern 'I'i.ti:.:. " jUF.PA KK1' fr -ra th Pr--ri; 'u f a JT; !e,ratr J Ji -; ':, rn Pfiy-'::i in. r ' in" ail t'.C li -ti' prop'-rtie!) (if pTUfl-.t. I', -rii ..iin'iinl ilh fM 4f tbff b-rt V ;'! i' ! t-ni- s ktio-. n to the rnedical pr o'- o.n . a ccrtiirt nil I art-ablt cur! lor dv-,.' ,-4..i, n"rtu- d'-bility, Jvi d' app-ti;- '.;. . ;"i i a r, v-r f i..iti4 .f v-'itive ! Jj!r-ir. For F-v.-ran 1 uj-f, I.iliiotji rVvi-r, Y".., r-i-torift? tins w-akand d-biiitat'l jnt-f;i t ha' th af 'l i2 tor t lUt con-u-nptu- r i'.i-i-nt it i-s iiivabiaole. For furt!, r I'-i'i .u lar, .S'.-'; C'i n.-ular. l'ri- .r,').-. p'-r L .!'-. Prepar.-l -r.ly by GKOifii; JiOUTKN. C'(ii-riii-t and Lr-j.'i-.t. ,l..-i.iv,i..l, l-.r h-.tl: bv AVd-.vn.'iAlfriftt.d !' t. r-Urj. P. F. P-cul r.r.d Wi.i'.ar.., .5c II . y . J, Ilaieih, N. C. 7- ly Opposite the Haso&ic Lode. MAV li four.U Co?;':, H-Jjfar, Adain'i.i:.: :.! 'I nilovr Cao !;--, .Va.U of ail i- f ,r ; o;- ''reKfy ar. i t.ti ware, f ai! -.r ao-l b: r.iir, cot ani Jo .' and i.i;ir., J.. ! s. 1. -I I''i ir, C'l.'i. fio J P' ti. and Mj'.o .--t.d ;t . -ti ai. ortincnt of Dry G , , J, ar. S.n, a-.-l u.uy other th:;u. r-oio.-ii ,!, iy f.or. J iti a H'i'. t ; i.i of .'!-- a b; ! J .'rf:4i f-.r c-h or coo. t.-jr Pro. doc; fir wlii'-h tt'; t:c-f nivriot io. ..J be paid. v. v.. SVU'Iri.l.. I : r. ,r: 'i:. 'It. 1VCO!V.GK HOME MANCF.1 i fi!8 ij'iMjii'itf r5.-!filiy it:f. AC I (.1.1. nai ti i iO. liu t'jat h h co litiicri-ed a r.ew Carr.-' Mi 3 factory iu P.iei.S. (w-i .iiri "oo'.b Wrt 'i 'r. CH ii, ilrl f..-5 p ie- .-..,i'h of !.. i. j; ;. He b oti Lif.d a v. 1 ..e'.rtfient i -! i.r r ... c!e. ru'-h a b j . .3 ar.d iUm'-f ....! P.'.ckjiwuy., CV.rrn.-, te. il hi at r i nil i ?.?, t'-.e l,' ' ro:.--r -i. Ynfuur, v. , J- well to cii: ,tn 1 -i:o.r,e. ;i ' . t o f.r ca-h vr ' ! r.ete. Joii. ilVATi". ICalt.:,. i ii. li-'n ts'l. ir .r WYCHE'S C LT L T I V A T I N G I'LOV,'. Pai.te J lib. ! (Tin: i;law:i vuav., A it'ir'h. :?2 V :' fir the fis.'.t I1,v.ino at lU' y. C'. yiuU t'-iir. Catting Rial -i ia p!sc '.f s - ii. Y ? board, r-ij. iiid ar.t fjrr. over Htr:.t,i tbe tocr mri in ue j'u rr. at-J over t: t-i:.', e. i-;, oe el.fcj, bijtt ! U-t'.r?, ari - to l.iaii J- y. r 1 .. . 4 ...... . 1 . . auM ira-ii. r-ioii.!rio:T 'lp.. t 4.T,rl. atijr porp-l- !,r It.tl tbr; (y(OW i. Ult F'-r lic;ii id li, itb fcj-.b' r inf ioi. al- c.'e, V,'. E. WlftilE, , i"i.t., waci;;, s. c. J. II. fiwi, Orfoii, .V. C, ol.ein tr-i-.rt for the above piow. Jace H.-t, 1:2. jj 2 jr EECEIPTS. Up to A i: l t 2 0 t ii . J V.' Lewi. ?3 ; X II D Wiln, 3 : (J 7 T Areritt hJ.ai.V jou?.."J ; C F D-rnf!l f; .-.,1 2; SS Ttrner. 1 iO : W M WaKh, . V.: lyarrn-ST'-r. ; li li ll-tr, .J ; J S J.i - ,n 1 fX; IJ Ii Nicholvm, 3 ; T II Hajnes, 1 J troe-t P .teron, 3 : C I Jone C: Ve., 1 j'i ; W IL Youug, 1 50.' lsA4ikU

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