ADVOC 4 Tl Ji 'j T 1 ft P M Vs "i-niLisHED weekly Iiy a committee of MixiSus fou TUEjconw cAUouxA cox Met, acm: ncn. sorTHnur- T. HEFLIN. tn,. Vol. I. S'. CT. RILE I G n, Fill D ,VY, 50 Y EMBER, 2f, 1855. n 1 1 r i . Vanitai Vanitatuin. TI.? GKnow Free IV pubiiid.e this a n V f 1 . 1 fit-ifTfl VA. 1 . 1 f h ban hitherto luifiber-l in f.bcurity. It cer- j present. . . ' t J 1 . - - . I . f . ! - 1 . - . . . . . - . . f . 1 , ' . " 1 1 Orifhtn'n ja;ii, j,la;ijtive lrnje. The (stream tiiath arri' by yori f.ielrho.-c Return no mop; ; Tba win I that ''t-9 at r.i-,r: yen 'itrrj lawn 15 rr itli' and 5b pone ; "I hope, then;" replied I, "that! vou will Lav candor enough to make ; th? appointment at a time when I can ; be there." ' I "That." paid he, "is your own look-' jout; we fehall not hinder vou from being ; CO :h th he tbe large entrance, were Tey much Leaver.. Bsed Je-u.s. jui a I smaller ones. used tv foot r.:ser:ger. ' r-c:l. j at like th-- I.Lerality ih:t . 1 l-.-r thw TtL-i o??3s.ioa t- go art won't to hst lav. Well. I I fortb, or enter the city by n:r-ht. Tiwy place her at t;v tliral, j lck j ! were caile l'the n-lfn'i eye.' Lrj bat costly, ai th-va L:t I? the j :r-j . - t-- i - i i 5 T . t 3 V . . . r I jnh j.-tfr'l, not h:n-k-r t;k, VOU -3V VOU VOU V, J 1 I ho'C so atr.iii''C the time that I can Le w; 1 VO'.i. th! The c i. f- r,--.rf-r v ' e l.-ei 'ir OSf ' to follow our own course in th:s rnatt'.T, Tho! -witlr-fi ii wcr to KUHiiiter d rir,t-u- j an-1 it i.-? our or.;r.ion li'-'it no otjc a : i. ... .1. .r... T ,t .5 hall Uow ...- that trtw yon pr itn ! I J be., I I rfjomc't that i dia not dispute their ! riTht or rower to do po. tut honed that -r. - j - - ' i . . : the congregation would clann the riht to look upon thc;n as cowards, seckmjr to fkuik from fair investigation of the points under discussion. To this Tou- cray very quickly replied, that he was ; not afraid to meet me anywhere upon J r.t 1 Y . , i those nomts. I hen. said l. "act F-r .A arc l:i'I : Oa eiiore, or c-:t, ,r hill, ornate, or p!air.. Naught hL.ill riTfiin ; Vttin!jr f ,r Kiiri.!.iit; !'l, na l jvjs gone by. On, ;v:r r, wi'.h uii'-xh:i'i-!p 1 brarh Tiin-i liu'-t'-s t 'Tlh ; Ltcr vritli e;i-;li worj vr j-p::ik a niointbt !- L -rn firi'l or ail r, o woai l have h ri-httOjthecwTOUion wa? in a paroxyrn of be han-l, to his own placee-! tam from the cnurch tc the i:r; thai he Lad accoplil the endforj hcire, ere he lectured ha. an which he -as bom. Judas anl Mr. itonr before h fnend, cva.-i Ta;e ra. Toucrav wo,M have one thin? in com-: I the reading of the arHce, on tocor.,o!e them in hell, if thed,c-'1 adhd on fUssr Toacray an trine vou have heard to- lav be true; and Waller for a reply, but t.ey declined that h, that ther were both daanod, not Taakmanj . r j - ' :,i i,t Mr. Cameron pubiisned that he wou.l for do. Tt" tn-'-ir own w.n, but or u-.npr v 1 . , T, . l, . - answer my sermon m the Presbvtcmn tu: :v.iii ij, j,,. - fV,i- chnrcb. I wrote him a note, reau'-st- It w.ts between i:vc anl t.x occk l'"M;u' r ., , . . , ' 1 , "f IS rv"1! the d3nc3 of Methodism ; but the passage, ;It is easier fom camel to,yo,, you are purcha.,4 with hi, bWl, j , ; , f xTr h sail to the messen-c-r : " Tell Mr. 1 go througft neeuie s eye man ior a can yuu. uare joa rtjeet wc.K i rcpiy nc i.y j con?;l,r j,- a ?entlecian ; 1 rich man to enter the gate of heaven. TlA'a'I v snow fuv in moi'on-! he treated me as one; but tell him I j It is not vnjmdlh for a ncl. man to TTVv ;:Vaktl'?n dbe'-anjhave such, a devilish temper, I can't enter the gate of heaven fir we may fne peop.e re waked up, nd can t, PVf.n, ' f,-,r not ! believe there are many already :n the to think, an 1 read tor tnemseives. "v-' V', . ' ,, " Methodism from this hoar held up its! grants ? hreque-t. , , . ! i Tt was fircuiated ar-out that I had 31 5 ) a Year, in A kaacs. ?M7 -i'.l d.mircs, h i. WTTf t' ,r;rh'A mich cov i? I '. i , i ' '. r.vl set h J siitf-i v c-t, ' H.Krr,n m rtiTpff 1 to i.::s irrovt r- . ,e cr. rac:. i ! go out by 'the nee lie's eye,' that is. by to Lady Anne, he .'ai !. Mi-iin h j the small fide-gate of the city. The you heard this ccntraet, that Leave nj ! camel can go throogh the needle's eye, ari l earth hath irrevocably aticsvd. ! i but with diSculty, an! hardly -with a ' Ilemember that from this time forth; ! full load ; nor without sto-oplng. and frcvt rm n-, you are the rrcf Tly I think this cxpres.-es the jus: idea of ; of the Lord Jeu. lie die 1 to rvdec m j neu t in mai region, lis ujvucae ue-i , . , i . ., c in- greatly increased and emboldened, i heen denied the privilege of hearing ry e i c n u him and the laain members oi me . jlui as mi- uavi m -i-i. . Oar CalvmHt.c friends felt somewhat h(1I! (letine1 t0 ! of part of his load, before he can pas, I t ho -:r.ter of lb-, th-ro was a disconcerted, and complained that we , 1 L . , "Lw hout i throuch the ' needle's eye,' ,o the rich ?.d S'J' J-cL.'lf fchou d have the impudence to attack j -J n j- ,,.,.. ,,r ir ,,(.r. re igwi m the i b;c oi . . 1 he ... - c twent renoa3 in the house. Thus man must hrn-elt o. large por- - , . - t ie doctrine.? of the reformation astwe-V Pcn3 V u, 1 tW f,f h:-we-ih in th wk-T r,f b-u'hurcl'- m esiecsal nnnn?r was aN i . i i i i r th controv-r'y ended between Mr. tions oi n.s, i.i tn-. wa.K.? oi , i taught by Calvin, Leza, and others, ; - rJ J m Wp Wf.rp ;nevoler,ce. in order to enter the g,tes cd at. 1 b, very Lu:u'.ie :.r. 1 i p ira iise of uo-I, who consecr ated tueir wealth to the service of the Redeemer, ' and trusted in him always for salvation. j Cut just as the camel must Lo relieved The arrow thus sr : 1 at a venture. I un 1 its wiv to the heart of L ly An-, became eminently u-vfur. an i in h'.r Jj v id genera ti tH J r- I' i.r. A CLili'i Fraycr. Of all fir !, i-h i-'.r mortu' va':.!y in-; urn j i;j-c. a rnan and give rae a chance tode- i r.r , Naut h;,a!l r,-Urr.. fend mvself." ' I Life hath at houi in heaven ana eaUli " i h'-iHMlll, Am 1 s- h-t;!i .h'.'.U. ; Xot a'l the chaiiid tiioit ciasik c! true Ctn f- t'er tlm ; For all Vif. piii-iS hi the d j.:t.jr 1 ii J'ii ; :nej iio iitoru ; j No drui on ii'i's wriri't'.-d cheek rcnovv I.'h-'s e:irly hue ; J jNot all tl:r; tears liy pioiu mourners s.ieu wake 'he aeai. If tliiiH thr.m This brnii'rht them to a stand: and seeing that if they did not agree to meet j lit v. tk t,, i but we held on our course steadily, say-i Mr. Cameroi and raysel, i .. i i. ,i : ! unon tne most f nendl v ter lri'r but little and hoping and pray in e ?i .t.. -v .,i.i t',,.T... ( I ine rainy, uiu-t,- to j.i i .-unui, , after counselling together a moment, ; begged to he excused on that evening, i adding, that they would be ready at any other time. ''Will to-morrow at ten o'clock do ?" T ;iL-pd T'nr answer was affirmative, i nature empire . , r r announced to the neonle --- j t II? 1 Vf T ,..,1,1 .t.T tw ' .:.:in - . t i ; If win.!, su;d wave, an 1 1-uf, an l mn, and i discourses i n tint home at the hour agreed upon. The appointment flw as if on the J wings of the wind. As early a3 nine j o'clock in the morning, the people J were seen corning in every direction, j anxious to witness the contest. Tou cray and Waller were a little late, but when they came, I met and conducted j them to the pulpit with all the polite- tip-;.; at. mv command. W hen we were s seated, Mr. Toucray turned to me and asked, " What course are you -going to pur- Qrr" think that 13 clear from what happened yesterday. I understand that you are to answer may discourses, confuting my arguments if you can, and that I have the liberty of replying when you are done." 'T dr tint: understand it SO. Mv - - j understanding '13, that the matter will fl-r.ror Hare all their hour -vu'ks on i;0 whose dai!v:ii spirit T earthly t!iin.L"i ; And he. alone is wiso, wilds' well-t iuht love In dxel above; Truths firm and bright, but ofc to wirta1. ear fliMliti'T nnd ilrphr- Harsh as the raven's croak the sounds that tell Of pleasure's knell ; Pray, reader, that the minstrel's strain Not all be vain ; And when thou bend'et to (Jod the suppli ant kuec. ltomember ine. sue: "I 3Mi5rrllaufoii0. Father Stamper Heets the Calvanist3. Rev. J. Stamper, one of the oldest traveling lueactii-i a t ti.v wwt, iJ&it-tt " , TJ , r,nt ,1a 0 1 . vmir renlvin'T. and you shall not uo in" some very interesting reminiscences your Vll luo a J in the Home Circle. -The following from the October number, gives a lively idea of controversies in the olden time. We were upon tne mo-t inendlv terms to the dav for the triumph of truth." !? , Mr. Cameron, the pastor of the : his honesty and simphe.ty of Presbyterian church, was a Scotchman ; character. II.s impulsiveri-s almost by birth an 1 education ; generous-: amounted tc a disease, but he was per hearted, but uncommonly impulsive in fectly ingenuous and w.tnout tnuice; so his temper, over which neither he nor .t if he flew into a pet with me, tt bis friends had any control. Being a j s soon over, and he was kind as ever. Stron Calvinist of the old school, he ' " A lamh tbit bre ancr hi a flint b-ars fir-; felt a"concern for the safety of his fa-j When mueb injured, it hasty -park, , , 1 and s-tra'.zht is ciid aain. vonte scheme, and thought it incum-; - bent on him to corne to the help of his Perhaps one cause of this great iras Baptist brethren. When the day came ; cihiiitv was his being a bachelor. A for my reply, Mr. Cameron dismissed j want tl softening and winning in his congregation at what was called flsicnces of a wife, often causes men to the Mud Meeting house, a few miles in I become soured with the world, and fan the country, came to town under whipjey themselves undervalued and neglect and spur, and reached the church just j ed. The old gentleman long since bade as I arose to commence. lie pressed j adieu to earth, and I hope is resting in through the crowd, took a seat, ami 1 Abraham's bosom. prepared to take notes. This was one of the few controver- I took up the subject that day in ; sies I have witnessed, which ended in regular order, from the doctrine of de- j much good to the Church. It resulted crecs down to the final conditional per- j in the most triumphant revival of reli eeverance of the saints, and occupied j gion, and in the course of a month we about three hours iu its investigation, ; had an accession to the Church of about during which a death-like silence reign-j ninety members, many of them among ,.1 i."..'..r,,.r i,rv -, t ,1 AfYnfith. Tnosf. Riihsrfl o t in 1 members of that Utl LtllUUUyUL tJiU UOCiUUIJ.. -"v o-ettino- through the arguments against (Community. This investigation was ,-4i t 1 1 . 1 1 : AnA.-.iir .t4 4V,n4- ii m si 4- on.l of glory. Our Savior seems to have re ferred to the same when he says, LStr f it v the Gate.' And as the camel was compelled to stoop in order to enter by ; the low and narro-v gate of the citv. so 1 must the rich mm learn lexuii (', if he , active. 1 distracted it. fie. i ne-. :v ! welfare e--ion of the minds and Christians. As a re-u.t ;:iCUitle- vviiVii i: i bib-ro j 1 lerdv sunk into m,.' -ni- lie el a genera! eoaeern lor f sltiTit-rs -.'e:oe 1 to t '. affect:or,. YVix ihsTA' eriv;dM Wk J" the eni -vrr.r,t v the tlnil otery. rn e nerg r g fr.:a the . t-t t.. r:.-nh.-w n the p hrae cf the nine, "r,)br:" anlthit the "t:ir.g r'.n hvl left but ji j:ar 1-gvy , f light t th? wer"n? earth, f r :':.? ' r.- 'M o. o:r J h:-r,y in h:sh m-ar! m-vh. over a 1 .r.g ni:!e of - ' .imp. n I hill an I valley. lVr bfv '. l.e wmt to 1 1 that tvg'.t thinking that Cheng:- Kh'n Vttcr than a myth, anl 1 t Cr-icet -j the true phiiuvph-r !' . a'i. II. f 'ier an 1 motlior .p.;re l;.'.:a t'sat r.igbt, j'j i;'.rg th it mftd'!-.n w ts the i-jee f r r ieh a dish as h - hi 1 ?ii i-l ' f r hi.-r.-if. In th.- !- .r-.rng th- ::. r brr;i j'. birr. t!io v, : an 1 torn ei r. ' dy l.-'e-l an 1 men b-d. an 1 ith m;!.- a:, t a V:, to! I him L:.- f.ther '-he ! t - F .r wht ( .-iM it Nothing hi ! Mire'v : f -r hi m th-r w , i' ! n -t ! T -y hi :i with kl-. lb" biirr.. 1 up, m. 1 rvti.t to hi- br" hf it, w:t.i -i iK 'V- .rts he th aw.ik i-. ji r I " was !n Mi. fr 1 ' ;;-'. uf er ad. llr akl "V.,V, h inusi iiie ricfi mm lea: n muni t v. ii ue - i would 'seethe Loci,' 'In-;- fullness e!i:n on t!i(; F':irt "l tne chureli. sm o f j oy . ' Chr is t ii n 1 1 "o r 11. A Preacher ia Earn-;st. ners becaoie aiiX'ou-. and m .nv. old and yo i.;g, fu un 1 h :.p- in believing in Christ. 1 During the progre- tl C'Ve .n: i A few we"ks ago, I observed an ar ticle in the P'tom cr, on earnestness in i religion, which brought to my recolh-c-' tion some circumstances connected with that extraordinary, eccentric, but high ! ly useful man, Rev. Rowland Hill. ; The energy of his manner at times, and the power of his voice were over i whelming. Once at Watton he was ! completely carried away by the imjet- i nrmi mh f.f lin fpi'litifs iiTid rni;rirr i . , . ..... - ,0 i,, Ul himself to his full stature he exclaimed, j WJ i r. X urn in nnrnnL.f tmnn r,o 1 1 mn ... I A j cca u x tiii in ctt.iv- t. u nit; 'an enthusiast: but I am not. mine are the words of truth and soberness. When I first came into this part of the v rr. re than meeting, c.iaracterize-l usual so! a the entire.!, aro.-e, at;u erance nrccce-lcl t) re- fitlier i. kin d'y : " .I-.'.:;: v. v i 1 w i VOU V J.-lir.ny b.-k-l d r.. : r. 1 th- r.."-b.i-v b.-gm to -h;:,e in h c a- '' h:s ihoii-h'.. f.r '-: ' 1 W ;, in' cr.lri.t-. oti 'i if..l Tii-iri T ,t' tl l"r uii. . .1.1.1 t, ii . iinii, . i i.i... . ,1 1 ... . I . ....u e.u a an eio i with choked u: late ii is hr.-t;.in exper.cnee. He said he wa ; i-omewhat advanced in years before he th-iught 'f seeking :, the salvation of his soul. "My wife j was hopefully piom ; anl durit.g are-, vival like this, inv daughter then but : ed " Av 1 ., V'-l rbt V.e. ehi'e the rainbow I ;-t n;gh' - d ' . IJiily Vi!.o.. ol 1 j.Ae. Ir no u- to .-lip behind the v..o id ; 1 -:r. tw el ve y -ars of ag( lie; lv-o: througn the imliff-.-i. We reached Shelby ville in the month of April, 1821. The friend had pro cured a good house for us, in which were provided wood and provisions, so that we felt ourselves at home at once. A kinder or nobler set of Methodists never lived in any community tuan those we found there. We can never forget them. May the Lord reward them for their kindness to us! He has rewarded most of them with a crown in heaven, and I hope the remaining few of our old friends in that place, so long celebrated for their hospitality and Christian benevolence, win gam uie mount of God, and rest with those who have gone before. After becoming acquainted with the state of things in the vicinity, I deter mined to preach a series of sermons on the points of difference between Meth odists and Calvinists. The cause of my determination was simply this : the Methodists had been completely down trodden by Calvinistic preachers, who made a point of assailing our doctrines and usages in almost every sermon. our people had become disheartened, "But I will." "You shall not." "I will." "You shall not; and if you persist, I will not say one word." "Y'ou can .do as you please. If you will not preach, I will. This congre tmn shall not, be disanno'mted ; and pillion - ... , . " 11 - just as certainly as you occupy the pUlpit, 1 Claim iue llil oi itf';"; Brother Corwine, who was sitting in the stand with U3, turned to me and said, "Stick to it, brother Stamper; it is your. right, and you must not relinquish it under any circumstances." A ftnt- a few mnmpnts nause. Mr. Waller said to his discomfited friend, Don't back out; you can prevent his replying." "llowr " "Do you take tne stand, and occupy it all day: you can keep him out in that wav, if in no other!" Toucray took his advice, refraineu from beginning as long a3 he could,and then talked five hours and a half ! I felt insulted by this attempting to take advantage of me, and when he got through, arose and told the congrega tion rhp whole affair from begining to end. There was not time for me to say Calvinism. I proceeded to lay down the plain articles of Calvinism and j Methodism in their undress, side by j side, telling the congregation that they ! tions they chose. I read"the first two articles agreed to by the Synod of Dort. My old friend Cameron could contain himself no long er, and rising to his feet, shouted out, in his broad Scotch dialect : "Stop, Mr. Stomper! Stop, Mr. Stomper! I do not want this large congregation to go away and believe we hold such damnable doctrines. Mr. Stomper has dressed Calvinism in rags, and set the dogs alter u : At this, Philip Taylor, who was a neeessarv at that time, to inform and settle the public mind. Methodism, hitherto, had been looked upon as some thing unworthy of notice; but from this Dcriod- he r.erud! hfia-an. to nnder love and respect to which it was enti- tO (rod Ul. I and indeed glad to see my family ltli- r:o:i was no i o ir s.iv ior. v,:.- willing. -iously disj.-t but leii personal concern ol nun-.', Ion r.,.r.,.t..r. I v 1 e variii. i horn biter fh.ui ll-'ld fiom my n. v . t in: i i : i i 1 country, a was warning on vuiwei ul" ' businr-;-i r.i'' er I saw a gravel pit fall i.i and bury three wfc toolc Int. .v the arm and gently led imLwu uuii6J -I.. v., up ,u; , me to the door oi .Marys room ami voice for help so that I was heard in . ba(je me jj.sten. XeVtr can I, to my thf town below at the distance of a mile. ! i - i . r . .i .. ... .i " j ' uyiru' uav, lorgei ine emotions mai nelp came auu securea iwo oi tne sui- ruied uooi r .T 1T,,J 1 : " - ' ujion my mind, as I .stood and , and has prospered more or less ever since. Perhaps there is no piace m Kentucky where it has a firmer hold, or stands upon higher ground, than it does in Shelbyville. The Camel and the Needle's eye. St. Matthew, xix. 24. ifcrers js o xne called . me an pnthiiKi-.f -- - - -. . S i .t1f.Ti rpdilv to tall unon noor sinners ; ,ln.,,rl ter. .S7: wa i-rimtmi ior l love and respect to wmcu r was euu- I""1- j , ' . i..v, --- . . - , J , t tied The Church became permanent, j and about to entomb them irrecovera- the conren;n of her father . As the j . i ,v.1tt ; ..rt fomal nifi s5? rf woo. aTiX call n..rnT,tvj f-U ur(.n nv cur a: ! aloud on them to escape, shall I be burden of guilt was rolled upon my soul, : ' called enthusiast now ? No, sinner ! I t;u j seemed to be utterly overu helmed. ; ' am not an enthusiast in so doing. I , That I should have lived on in sin, ; j call on thee aloud to fly for refuge to without uttering a single prayer in my j the hope set before thee in the gospel ; fUUJiy, or even in my closet, till my, i of Christ Jesus." 1 own child .should become so distressed . 1 Ai. iI.a t!trn Via ina T-t-no r-l- in T ' . l . .1 . . I C. t. r., ( I .1 i f b i I uii'jluii iimc m t.uo j.n.u.......n to jueau my case oei-n e M-.i - --ivi. j ! in the open air in that suburban part ; streaming eyes, and J, stiil unconcern- j i - C T il r-.t-.i-.mtT. n trill A T ri"tr fl ehl . . 1 ...1 1 ... n r.r.ttrri til -t 1 ir.Ti fS our peopie nau ufum - and were rather disposed to bow down much, but I noticed a few of the gen- . ,.... a ,.,mnr,ts thou nnd n PUi'ea .-hi i i . . ' . - - - . - n t i. r.C l.rv- rrtrvr-finrl b o A 1 tf 1 1 ! . .1 1 . - ...1 .'- : Hie jieiiLt . c j excite my curiosity ana wonuer. j.u lu.u j out in uie bigut ui -.iwiiwv . r(,jijrig uown ins cuee?, au iu.- r.n..v, , Mr. Taylor to sit down, and turning to i 0f tie Evangelist, as well as our i was comely, comely as the curtains of ; rrarne trembling with emotion, Mary Mr. Cameron, assured him that hej needle3 werC 0f various sizes. ! Solomon. " While enlarging on the ; H ll JeaVen ! and I thank Cod that ; should have full liberty to say what he ; jkc.e are tllG arge needles, such a3 St. subject, Lady Anne Erskine happened j tnr0ugh the instrumentality of her chose, without fear of being considered j u3tj .q mairg tentS) ana such J to pass that way; she asked her ser- j cpd's ,,i ayer, I now have a cheerful a disturber. This softened him into jj flg knQWj are now employed in ; vants what was the cause of the large i il0pe 0f 'meeting her pure spirit among kindly thanking me for the courtesy j k'in!r tie sais 0f some great ! assemblage of people; they replied that t,e tlood-v.ashed throng, who are tread-; shown, and I immediately asked him i a(1mjr;Tli There are the finest points ! it was the renowned Rowland Hilhthat : jn? t,e g0Jc.n streets of the New Jeru-; whether I had read the articles aright. of uge(1 -m anc;ent and modern Uas addressing the people; Lady Anne 1 sa7cm-" ' i "Yes," he answered; "but they;.." V A mr..t ipi;f.!lte kinds of then said she had long cherished a de-; . 1 need explanation, and that you have ; ucwori fit to deck the person of a sire to hear that eccentric man preach, not given. ! 0ncn at ber coronation. The camel j and should now have it tally gratmea , ( . . . , .... , I yucen ai uer cui'jiiauuj. - j an-.i cm- r- , " T think an article ot religion wnicni- , ,rv..j, mr.v. ,nCr,d in F.M- i r.n1 rlr-crr.d bpr eriarioteer to bring her j , , 1 1 . i-r. 1 Anrrht ' . ..t f -11 . 1 . ..1 V . 1 . , , .. ! has oeen sigr.ea uy u. gi a e aj h-j, -.- , It is about the size of jt; - , lerii tjouiiiiie. j-h " . u. ... . r , to be so definite as to render explana-: ar,Test ox -with one or two hunches '; everv word he said i as near as possible, that she might hear j i , -. 1 ! cue was boon m i tUlj U1 VW vr. - - fj 1. .1 tion unnecessary. I on it" back with long neck and legs, the rear of the temporary pu.pit, the " Well, Mr. Stomper, after all you ; fget a(aptej t0 the sandy des- 1 ordy place where it was possible to get have said, we do not differ so widely, j " g , js understanding of the ea'r him. snd submit to this petty tyranny, with out resistance or defence. Such a state of things did not at all comport with my ideas of justice or duty. Two Bap tist and one i'resbytenan preaeuer, an famed for talent, had occupied the ground. These three men seemed to have arrived at the conclusion that the Methodists would tamely submit to be mauled and ridiculed at their pleasure. I commenced my series, and crowds came to hear. The above mentioned ministers attended, to take notes and make large threats, but I continued my rptrardless of all that was said. At the' close of one of my sermons, the f.,n.i;n: notiee was handed me : "Mr. Stamper: Please publish to -.,-r. nrrrecration. that on this day four weeks, Rev. Silas Toucray, will In the Baptist church, in reply .Mtcv. " to the discourses delivered by you against the doctrines of grace, common ly called Calvinism." I announced the notice, with the fol WinT remarks: "I do not consider this the best or fairest way of conduct lnr thii matter. Mr. Toucray and Mr. W'alker have heard my arguments. Those arguments are now fresh in the minds of the people, and if a reply is intended, this is the time for it. Mr. Toucray is welcome to the use of my pulpit, and I am the more anxious to hear him this evenmg, because it will he out of my power to attend at the time specified in the notice. I claim it as a right, that I shall he present to defend myself." "We feel disposed," said Mr. Waller, 'to make our own arrangements in our vwn way." tlema'n's arguments then, and pledged myself for a full answer subsequently. I assured Mr. Toucray that he should be duly notified of time and place, and furthermore promised tnat X wouia not treat him as he had treated me on this occasion. rw r ,f bis stronrr points, which I no ticed, was the case of Judas Iscariot. Toucrav affirmed that this man was a devil from the begining, being appoint ed bv our Lord in view of the part he -w . "1 .1 ' - 1 should act. in connection wun im-,ue-remarked that the eternal purposes of f . l 1 1 God in the redemption ot tne woria could never have ben accomplished without a traitor; that Judas was pre destinated to that part, ana am wnat God had determined he snou.u uo. xu answer to this I said: "If Judas fulfill ed the commission assigned him by the Almighty, he was a good and laitniui servant, and wa3 certainly approved of his Master for his obedience. It would be a reflection upon the Divine integri tir t, snnnnsf that he would be assign ed a special work, and then sent to hell for doin it. t urtnermore u one iran- or was necessary in making up the twelve apostles in the commencement of the gospel ministry, it is not unrea crmnhdA to conclude 'that God yet has vjii..- . . A C need of traitors in the same ratio: u they were necessary in carrying out , I. C 1. r or.ncf a1ii the gospel ministry iu iuc t--"-q frA. thev are equally so in carrying out the ministry in all ages. If the clergy has to he under tnis censure, x do not see why this community has not . - ,i . ic rf Tit rrrtf trt SUV tnaL i)ir. lUUtlll) a. VW- dasbas well as to say it of any other minister. If they should charge him ..... , - . - i eiL. OUULl 13 l"C u"'-' r Yon tell us that we must believe m or- , nrominent terms of the pas- .1 , :.r:R.r, tirvTt nTll T tell VOU that' , tt l . ir:. T,lar rr.n- UC1 IU uoillli-n"--.!., j t .1 Tl T, . rl- rr-..rrnm-ta O f rri35 1 OM tbat. had ta- - , two more prominent, inuid -- r ; ilvlwi .- - - ! I tp VOU tliat' r. t TT 1 ir:. T,lar rr.n 1 1 V r nAnirroiratlAn !infi the - J I co rro. rt thp ID V T1L I1U T tilili- wu- KfM I'lilUC IU Hit -.---' ) be that believeth on the Lord Jesus j "I;- .brilliant and sparkling appearance ol Christ shall be saved." ey t:nclk OLOI.O: At the fo'rt of tte rainbow lit a a i-ilo of g;14. One rather unscrupulous wag had ion, ana me , - - , t. . ,.,t ."r,. ; brilliant and sparkling appearance of i tow Jonnny x aJ e , - - , i you, aii 1 gii--'" y.ur i ii. l. The rainbow grew all n I in -ny's face ; but he w.n t.--0 '-. a'. l ha d'y p.-eped nu' fro-ri un-b-r h hit ? willt ' H Ceiling IieXt. "Y-.i -.rv ihe f ..of oft! riin'. .v i i tl e gar b n d.-l you " Ye father," Johnny .- 1J, tln.i-lly. and loo!;.-d up a little. "Well, mi I d.d." at b 1 Mr. 1' V- ' ,. " and now g.-t your h--, .:t. 1 e-,fu- w .m lie.', an 1 w.ll dig th-re, a . 1 you -1. have half the m-ii.ey." Johnny looked up full an 1 fii-. w i a world of wonder ari l tim. I del -ht i i his great eyes. "Why, father, I thought you wou'd call it all nonsense; vo-j - aid IMIy .'H They went off to the great gar-i n Johnnv in a great tvon-h nie nt at - -rv motion, and prompt do v.!:..t v r his father directed. Mr. Pay- m t-.n-e 1 Up the ground with a -pel--, and J-. hu ll y raked it all over ; an 1 by direeth.ii ofhis father, wa4 very rare fid to piel. up every pebble and stirl: whu h ni g -", interfere with the charm th -.t was to.h--wrought. They furrow-d th land it:-, little Hquares, like a ( h'-er.( r -b-i ir l, aii I Johnny wondered and wni-iel; ttb directly Mr. Puyoo pi o I i I a bag ef some small matter, iu wh'i th" b -y begun to y:m not j.r ei,. ly a ra, JjUt' " Why, father, that's enrol ..' Vou ate planting c irrotn ! I thought we were going to dig g"M 1" His face fell cou,: lerably at th-; d; covery. " Not digging g o 1 t--diy, my --i, but g"tli;jg ready. Iu the fa'!, wm-n the carrot are grown. v.e'H d.g u'-ir b'-autif-i! gold ; and you -hall ha-i u.ore monev toV.irchae ' 't vou 'b '.- 1 than "if you were chafing rainbow all j the year." i j'.br.ov wn not ou'te fcat:sfi'-d then, f.r the go' 1 fever wu on hi:n high at that time; but when the harvest cm.", he learn 1 a v ry pb-as.:t t an 1 p- rma nent lesion that ind i.try, in re?x.;.r productive channels, U worth rn'i-:h more than the go! b n root-s of all th'" rainbow No-ih's Hood. sideration. i brilliant and sparkling appearance jnarchtJ Some have supposed that a slightly , Lady Anne, attracted the attention oi j j & nnlfW varied reading in the original word, Uhe congregation more than the preach-, o- y r which is translated 4 camel,' might be adoptcib by which the phrase would be t moon o m1. e ' siir-has 13 usea : bf. rptsnlvpd on a hazardous out enect.vt. ; , - , 41t,.,r lUauc . V i v ii v- , , . . , Irr-.r, f f.r ! I , ;i r 1,1 1. L Liu v 111 iiyuj- jin anchoring ships in the roadstead.- ) remedy. He paused and then said : o-ict where it rested ! Then the textwould read, it is easier ior j "brethren, x nespeaK um ; : . n ,orr;er 0f his father's great " " ' ; a cabie to co tnrougn me eve u t" ior a iew luomruis. - i . plain questionsr ineed , & But the former is proba- to hold an auction of vendue. I have jgarue ai4i fclippcd win answer tueix. the most correct reading, lor the ; here a lady and her wnote equ page , , s rar;-for il 11.1 in Tt . , r i.-uA..n n ir. n - n I :i CO l 1 1 i I 1 h i .111 via . ,i wnoie Dure see ma tu uam j kajjuc w ' 11 1 t, txa "Poet Xmnnrr 11 ,nn;ni1 -ind inf'ppd the Only Ob- , im quite prevalent m m& the Babylonians, in wnose. nhants were not uncommon. I m . 1 1 . 4- y-ii r- r a , 1 I rl T r I J I i I o 1 M I r- . - ' -- was 'an elephant passing imou , uuaers in me V 1 mert to find that he was mistaken in needle's eye.' But the elephant was a , world: well and what wall you pre for : hat tbe foot of tbe raln. .tmnirpr in Judea. while the camel was ; her ? I will give honors, wealth and , tt.e ioc I f nm,. and therefere the latter Pleasure. That won't do, she is worth ooy y a H ' . ., i -i-'r was used by the Jews msteaa oi me former, to give iorce to tue ui.viui Obviously, the object of this form Yes. Mr. Cameron, but your doc trines carry some horrible consequences after them, from which ours are happi ly freed." " "None that I can conceive," was his reply. " Will vou permit me," I said, "to ask you two or three plain questions t . - . -iT '11 1 . . v. " xes, sir; ami i win answer urcm. ... tp t v .1 . j.idh rT iritop iinrl mv 1 y XI x uau .' """-i Bible, I would' show beyond contradic tion that Mr. Stomper is wrong." Rnm nnp banded him a glass of wa ... - - - . 0 Til' ter ; and after he had drank, I asked ; the following question : ' ' Do you believe that God has made it possible to be saved V " Certainly I do." "Do vou believe that Jesus Christ purchased redemption for all men i "No; I do not believe any such thing." . . . "Will you please to tell me, and this .nnrri-errntion. bow those may be saved for whom Christ did not die, and for ! abs 1 r, r nrr.rfi5C a t hirer speecu was i'j viiv.-- . r , - luteiv imposbiuic. Ttnt- T b i ve met with another expla nation of this striking figure, which, to t. ir,r adds to its beaut v and whom he procured no redemption f0rCe. All the important cities of the The old gentleman, at once seeing n -.w times, were surrounded the dilemma into which he had fallen, j , ""tv an(i massive walls ; and so they The Lord's Prayer. II.,w rn?ny millions ar.d M.'lil-.atof t c.'" Las that j.rayer beeo pref.Tl by ChrH tia of ail denor.'iii ttioiii-'. wi e,. tb-ed, u the ?oand thereof f.r-. b-t daily, fc'el aln'-t without luVn.'U frora the end.4 of the w.h, an l hf ny,n the Fea. it i-i ft-eend'm - t L-;a,tn .' ioeenw and a pure offerin- S- :t tbegaft of pronbeey to f.rtt-d, t.t thou 'h 'heaven and eartn Jbnll awj;., tbee wvr-l of ourbb-d l,rl bfdl i.'-t v a-,T,T, till everj o-tlt ti .o " br e an-Vered till th Kkj-.-Ioiu of A hall e ,:?.et and his will be d-,ue on ert:i as it is iu havea. '-" J- Sunday Schools and Crisa Qiie of the greatest bh-ifig e-;.f .-rre-l uu- tCl J"! . . . , I- 1 1 '. . - I , T1-. T-fiTl i niht oeiore tne ur.eut ucuo , ..viinmhi.r I h next tiaaer is flp-w into a nerfect rage, and declared he was not bound to answer any such question. His Presbyterian brethren ran to him and begged him for God's mVp to be silent, or Tie would iniure the cause and ruin himself. But he cried out at the top of his voice, " Let me alone ! I will say what I please !" and so he made his "way to the door, fol lowed by his beseeching brethren, while Vti.lil-e bp fin in full speed for the valley, scarcely looking at the object of . .-tt .L ' r f a Villi . u,3 rr cll XU1 ou luo the JJevn: wen, a iu uak , , k- tj.e Uen vallev, when, to for her? I will give all the kingdoms o e r L -,ie litur. of the world and the glory ot them - a o on 0 he i ii .1 .... - . - - hill. . , , TTn bV.nt r,f Ghengis Khan and ; the Epider,Cbut not thinking of David UL t.XA C - , TUt Tcon't do either, for she shall J. ilK ' ' - . , :-4. .V. r.ri ilia L-incnioms by hih ana massive waia , aj continue to eiisi, -c-- .i 1 irol'or infnrmj na H r , l 14 nrl ttio rrlorv of them qrp as tne nwwciu -"-. ....... - , . 0I lue uii-. o j , at the present day. At certain points, shall have vanished as a sow-wreatn j k determined to "go a- these walls were perforated by lage beneatn a vernal shower ; j bea(L without being sure he was right. on,l ontrTiin , 1 T4- 11 - t- I hpar the VOlCC lucaul . . J , - .11. passage-ways, ior me c - nave ner. x.u. r, la tanked swamp lay in tns paui, nut 5f the inhabitants. These passage- of another bidder It is the r,d J, rainbow gold lay beyorl Torn w . J- ii aii 'il l j 1 1 b n a ii t i sus vnrisi- ncn, , - . for her? I will gtye an inuen VI - ;r, timps of peace, were open by day, but at night they were closed by day, but ax ingt "cg . give ior u. .. , j Cii massive gates, capable of resisting any .jce that is incorruptible, undefined & u xT - v V,Q f ! i.i r a,..n rm-fj v eternal in the common assault. uj vi lanaiuau111 uv.---.-7 clothes, torn feet, and bleeding hands, were drawbacks to the enjoyment to be sure, but a pot of gold would not only .. .ni.lrr 1 the mHITUlloXl OI d-ir :'h. Krery seh.dar wlw attend a Paniav Sch'xJ raay U r(itilly benefitted, but we Wheve tis i.uu.Uri .aiiill of tbo-c-who do tot receive no-ue benefit, ludctd, we tannot Low it u rWiUefvr ehill to att'-nlawtll cn daeted chool f any leugil of time, ar 1 not Lave iuiplautcJ iu LL uiiod ftoue r"1 principle, or Lave eoiae re!ation forruel that will be of great use to Llm in after life. , . Hour many a man, when tempted t m, has beea checked by oiue text of Jv-np-ture, or some inorJ len which be leaned ia Sunday School, while it has U-en remain ed that thore bys who never bad t.e ad vantage of f a-h a schxJ are by far the iae-.t iLtlmed to viced

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