flxdir fccliim (Jpsto gfawate. GtirAX TSIUTAIX. In t no Iloue cf Coninions Mr. Lynd hum had moved the introduction cf Mr. March's letter cn nrivoteering. Lord J.'almcrstr.n said ii was not official ly iti tl ' hands of the govcrni'iout. An addiess to ihe Qu-juii was adopted. prayicii tlio u.o 01 even- means for tue j 5U':.ifsioi! cf i-ic African slave trade, and for secuiriag the fuhiiiaient of eiistinir trea ties on the sulijeei.-. Lord l'a'merstou pledged ihe sroverc rueiit t carry cut the request;. Italy. Italy vasrjuiet. Mazziui is reported to tave left oa ? shin sailing under tbc Amer ican iW, Latent advices from Spiin stale tbatev rvthini' '.vns ouiet. From Kansas. Rer-i July 2i. The ft. Lcuis ieains mat evervtmnrr is nc" Gov. "Vaikcr is still in St. Lot i, "ina'n i liawrcr.ee. icur hu'adreu dracoous were i itatkued there, vtaitisg the further action of the people to vhich 'vas to ht itfempt to collect taxes, n.auo in a few days. Freshet in Albany, &c. Aluany, July 2o. A little before noon, one of the most terrilic rain, hail, thunder and lightning storms ever experienced here, visited us. State street, and all the parallel streets leading to the river, were flooded. State street looted like the rap ids of Niagara. The torrent tore up pa vi sg stones, and carried away boxes and barrels, whirling them towards the Hudson like so many straws. The storm lasted three quarters of an hour, entirely suspending business and travel. The stores and cellars on Beaver aud State streets, 3Iaideu lane, Broadway, Are., are flooded, and au immense amount of damage has beeu done. Treadwell's iron foundry, on Beaver street, suffered considerably. There has been a great flood in the neighborhood of Cuba. There are two bad breaks of the Gennesee Valley Canal. Died, in Cab well Co., ca the 8th Ma.y, Mrs Jano Swift. Sister Swift was born 6th March, 1SQ0, was converted to God and joined the Church at Camp Springs when quite young. She viasonecfthe loveliest end most beautiful speclinons of female piety. She was truly a devout woman. Her modest, meek and amiable disposition, naturally, was rendered doubly attractive -y the eliaimful grae-is of c sound well ordered p;cty. Tor several years she has becu bereft cf a husband's care, counsel and protection, with C small chillren to provide for, which together with feeble health, made her case one of trial. 15ut in ail points she was a christian. Her Children, several of them, are members of the church r.nd on their Way to heaven. When she came to die, she calmly and trust fully gavs thera to God. Her death was one cf 'peaee.' Happy shs had lived and happy ebe died. May her orphan children follow her footsteps to the better world. The pray ers of the church are asked in their behalf. Jas. P. Simtson. Yanec-yviile Circuit. F'ied in Granville, July 15, Rufus Mont gomery, infant son of Caroline and Mark E. I'arrott. Af'l 16 mouths audi days. From adverse blasts, and low'ring storms, His favored soul lie bore; And with yon bright angelic forms, He lives to die no more. In Greensboro', on Thursday morning:, the 23d of July, Turner Jones, infant son of lie v. T. M Jones, President of Qreeu;boro' F. College. "0f such is tho kingdom of heaven." PRICES CUEREIT. Wilmington Market. Reported by GEO. II. KELLEY & BRO. GROCERS AND COMMISSION MBRCHAKTS. K.ival stores, soft turpentine 3 05, Jiard 1 55 spirits turp. ilh; rosin Us a 1 lJ common j tar, SI 15 salt sack, 130; timber $6 to $10 00 ; flour supr. S 25 a family S lb : com 1 03 ; butter 00 to 30 ; meal t to 10; bacon, 15 hoground, 14 haras 17; coffin', no 11J to 13; lanayra 131 to 14; java '6 to 17, M. Domingo 12 a 12 ; sugars loaf 16, crushed 0 a 16 ; C Yellow 14 a 00, A tsoffeo 00 a 15, brown 00 a 12V: molasses hhd. 0(1 a Si. DDI. 00 ; nine 1 4U to 1 40 ; cow peas 00 to 1 25, oats U'i to ooc. ; cotton u to 14c : lard 18: rice, ! 5 00 per cask.eleaned; tallow candles J 6 to 18, ada to su, sperm ou to ou. July V.b Pied, in Franklinsville, Randolph county, Monday morning, July loth, Mrs. Evelina, consort of Madison L. Mullinnix, in the 27th year of her age. The subject of this notice was, for the last eight years of her life, a pious member of the M. E. Church, and truly did she adorn the profession which she so early ma.de. She has left a kind husband, an infant child, and a large circle of friends and rela tives to mourn their loss. A pious and good I woman, a beloveu wite and an attectionate mother, is to be on earth no more forever. yet bereaved ones, grieve not, but comfort and console yourseles, with the beautiful re flection, that the beloved one has been freed from a world of dross.danger and distrust,to be escorted by angels to the gorgeous mansions of her Heavenly Father; thereto receive a crown "incorruptible an inheri tance that fadeth not away. Your Friend, D. CURTIS. HAESIEP, Married, on the 221 inst., by the Rev. -Jas. J. limes, of the X. C. Conference, Dr. John II. "Yintead, of Xash county, tj 3Iiss Chris, i-ie, daughter of the late Win. J. Armstrong, Esq.. of Wilson county. At the Faverteviilo Female Ilih School, Departed this life at her residence in Chat ham co., X. C, Mrs. Mary Ragland, widow of Frederic Ragland, deceased, in the 82nd year of her aze, after a long protracted af- j fliction, leaving 3 sons and 3 daughters, and j a large train of relations and friends to i mourn their loss. Eut they sorrow not as j those who have no hope. She was boru in i Virginia; her father died when she was quite ' young; her mother moved to Xorth Carolina when she was quite young: she married in ; the 22d year of her age, had six children j when her husband died 45 years ago, leaving her with six children to raise, and educate; she remained a widow until her death. She I PETERSBURG MARKET. : Carefully Corrected by BROWNLEY & HICKS. ; Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cotton Primo grades are in active dema net aif 14J cents, at which most hoMers refuse to soil ; fjs inferior grades the market is rather qui"?-. 1 IT n . . 1 t n heat loimunes in good ciemanri. for new at ' 1 75 to 1 80 ; for prime red 1 60 to 1 65 ; for prime f ; wnite interior grades very dan, receipts very light. 1 liAcox. .uarset active and prices firm, we quote gooa sides 145 ; snouiuers 1-icts. Coffee. Rio 111 to 12 ; La. 13 to 14 : Java 19c f Tobacco The breaks small. We quote lugs f 10 to 121 ; leaf 13 to 18 : some fancy hhd sold fco- i dav at z to; as uu to ou. ' Lakd Va in kegs 18 to 13cts. ' Gunny Bagging. We quote 15 to 151c i Corn There is a good supply in market. We quote sales 9a to 1 00 bushel. Hav Good stock sales 1 25. Salt L. P. 1 65; G A 1 55 from store. Sugars N O 12 to 121; Coffee 13 to 131; Crushed 15 to 15; loaf 16 to I6i. Flour Country superfine $71; extra 8; family 10. jmsh. aiacKerci iVo I, 2t to Ti ; Ko 2, 14 t 5 15; No 3, 101 ; No 1, Halifax Herrings 71 to $S? No 1, Roe, 51 to 5J. Molasses. N 0 85 a 90 ; Syrnp 55cts. Rice. 5 to ficts. Guano $60 per Ton, of 2000 lb. Peruvian Limb. Thomaston 1 40 a 1 45. Lead. 71 to Sets. Irox. Sweed 1 15 Ton. Eng. 75; refined 90. American 1 00. Sheet 71. Gunpowder. Sporting 6 ; blasting 31. Grindstones. 11 to 2cts. Peas ani Beans. But few in market, se 11 rea dily at 1 70 a 2 bushel. Butter Goshen 2S a SOcts. Cheese. 12 to 14. Candles. Adamantine 27 to 33: sner m 38 to on Mo'.idav last, by Rev. Wm. E. Pell, Prof. James II. Coltcn to Miss Enielie, daughtor of; professed religion in IS 11, under tho minis- rue lar X. O : John S. Guturin, of Chatham county, i'EATHS. D:e j. in this chv. Julv 2tVh. Lib rht f Wesley and ;e Rossier, Christian infant dau Whitaker, aged one year and live month-. Farewell, sweet babe, thy lovely eye, Aud cheeks of roses purest dye, Are withering in the tomb. Thy lovely voice no uun-e shall swell, To biud us with its chainless spell Earth cannot claim thee now. Thou'rt free from go spread thy pain wln3. . And with the happy infauts sing, Forever safe n.'. home. II. Leunard R. Burt died at the residence of his mother, in Halifax county, X. C, on Sat urday 23d May, 1857, aged 2G years. The writer was called to visit him the day before his death, and upon conversing with him, learned the following facts relative to his re ligious exnerience. When quite a lad he had professed conversion, and for a considerable leugth of time went on his way rejoicing in the knowledge of his sins forgiven. But like, alas I too many young men, he was al lured by evil company, and left the service of his Savior for the bondage of Satan lost the sense of forgiveness, and was again en tangled by the beggarly elements of the world. Iu this state he lived for some years, hav irtg gone west and engaged in a business on7y calculated to blunt the finer feelings of the'heart, and ear the conscience ; but God in mercy to ins soui, sent; mm oacz. 10 nis mother's house, a sufferer in body and anx ious in mind. During the glorious revival with whih God blessed the Roanoke circuit last year, he was frequently at the altar ot prayer, but found no relief from his burden of sin. His health rapidly failed, and when the writer visited him, he was apparently in the last stages of consumption. He spnke as freely of his condition as it was possible, being hardly able to articulate, p.nd joined with much fervor and earnestness in the prayers which were offered fr him. After singing and prayer, the writer inquir ed if he had been baptteed, and learning from his own lips that ic was his earnest de sire, upon the profession of his faith in Je sus Chri-st as his Savior, and his confidence that God for Christ's sake would save him, the ordinance was administered, A few mo ments after baptism, ho was shouting the praises of his Redeemer, and continued in this htippy frame of mind until death came to introduca him int j the presence of the King. The writer here witnessed a sconce which went far to confirm his faith in favor of the religion of the Bible. A dying man, his widowed mother and three sisters were all together shouting aloud the praises of God. Praised be His name for that power which robs death of his sting and the grave of its victory. J. N. A. Imparted this life in Caswell County, on the 1 1th May, our beloved father and brother Thos. Garrett. Th? aged subject of this notice, was born in Fairhix countv, Va on the 19th of Dec- cunber, 1770 ; moved to his late re l.-'O'J : was converted to God at Mt RofkirrWiam countv. and ioined the church at Camp Springs in Caswell county, in the year 181(5. For more than 40 years he lived in fdiory. shin with tho same hocietv : and to -se wno ktie v him best through this long tifv to his correct, pure and ch portment. His life was the harmony of prin ciple and practice. His creed was embodied in Lis conduct. He ,;xereised himself to have a conscience void of olienco toward God and man. From the day of his conversion to the latest active period of life, he was scrupulous ly punctual in holding prayers, reading the scriptures and instructing his children in the knowledge of Christianity. He was a constant worshipper of God. His walk was with God. His religious life was unifo-ni, steady and constant and he has left in his servants, his circle of friends, his mourning widaw, devoted daughters, and dutiful sons, the most tender and approving remembran ces of his well ordered conversation aud con stant piety. He aied of Paralysis, after a short attack of three days. He has gone to his long ex-r-e:-i - d home. There may all his family be gathered v.: co "Rolling years shall cease to move." JAS. P. SP60K. Yancyville Circuit. try of the Rev. Thos. Mann, and soon attach- ; ed Iierseil to tue Aletuotust Churco, South, ; and remained a worthy and acceptable i member until her death. To Iovj her was on l ly to become acquainted with her. She was a ; tender mother, a good mistress, and a kmd , neighbor. Her children all married and left her, except one daughter, who remained with : her until God saw proper to separate them ' by death ; she lining the only white member i of the family ;j., she waited on her mother i and attended to her by day and night, aided ! by a son who lived near her she even had ! to deny herself Sabbath aud sanctuary ! enjoyments, which she greatly delighted in, ' she iliil it williugly as a duty to her loving i mother, without a hope or desire of any i e , ward, except that of her heavenly Father. for in the providence of God, she is well pro i vided for. She has, no doubt, the sympathies ; and good will of all her relations and friends, i The writer of this short memoir was with her frequently in her protracted sickness, and prayed with her, and she seldom failed to get happy, and praise her God. Oue incident I will mention, which is sufficient to satisfy all that Bhe is gone to the better land : just be fore the vital spark, to all human appearance was about to go out, she was in a deep stu por, could not be roused, her extremities cold, a cold sweat on her brow, the writer was sitting by her bed side, feeling her pulse, which was nearly gone, commenced singing, 'When I can read my title clear, &c.,' by the time the first verse was sung, the power of God's love came down into her soul, she bounded up, without any assistance, except that of her blessed Lord, and praised God several times, sufficiently loud to be under stood by all iu tue house. In the morning I went to her bedside, and her language was, 'praise the Lord, O my soul.' At half after 10 o'clock at night, she fell asleep in Jesus, without a struggle or a groan. May this dispensation of the providence of God, be sanctified to- the good of her large train of relatives and friends, is the prayer of the writer. B. 11. Died, in Franklinton, at half after 5 o'clock on Wednesday evening, the 22d inst, after a lingering and most excruciating illness of 23 days, Dora, eldest daughter of Capt. S. I), and Susaa Beves, aged 2 years and about 10 months. The subject of thi3 notice was indeed an extraordinary child. She exhibited at an early age, a remarkable fondness for her pa rents, particularly her father, whose caresses she courted, wlxise displeasure she dreaded, and whose admonitions she heeded with a tenderness, and to an extent, uncommon for one so young. And this touching fondness for her parents was cherished throughout the whole of her almost unprecedented and incessant sufferings, which she bore with womanlike fortitude and patience, by the most mournful, pathetic and heart-rending appeals to her parents for sympathy and re lief ; but, poor little creature, it was beyond their power and the combined skill of her physicians, to relieve her ; she was too deli cate, too fragile for earth : hence, the Savior has taken her to himself, for He has declar ed that, " Of such is the kingdom of Hea ven." Poor little Dora! and is she indeed dead? We can hardly realize that she is gone gone forever! Yes, she is in Heaven ! She will no more greet her " Papa's" return home ; no more will her innocent prattle cheer and gladden her mother's heart: no more will Cora see her little sister's face, nor joiri ner in tne aauy play : ror sno is aeau : aim tney auve ltuu ner m me toiu, o.iimo ground ! Aud now farewell, sweet little period tea- -ora ca-lui and uninterrupted by pain an 1 hristi in de sufferings, is thy death slumber. Xo sound snail aisturo toy sweet repose ; anu wnen Summer's fairest aud most beauteous flowers shall have faded, and Autumn's chilling blasts shall have strewn tliy grave with sear and yellow ler.7es, wo will still think of thee, sweet child, as when in the bloom of life, and is now cut down by the cold and blight ing frost of dcinl-. Farewell farewell, sweet Dora! -idence in Carmel, 40. Nails. 4J to 5. Plasteij. Lump per Ton 41 to 51 ; ground 1. 1'otatoes. Irish 1J per bu?hel. Grass. 5 to $6. Soap. 41 to fU. S.toT. 7f to S. Seed. Clover SJ to 9 ; Flas 1 27 to 137 ; Tim othy 5; Blue Grass 8 ; Herd 1 25 to 135. Steul. Blistered 5J to 7i : east 11 to 22.. Tkas. Imperial 65 to 1 25. G P 05 to 1 00 : Black 1 00. Lumber- All kinds are plenty. July 25. NORFOLK MARKET. Reported for the Sjy irit of tJte A' ye, bu A. 31. McPHKTERS & CO. j Wholesale Grocers 4 Commissi-- rEncn"j.NTS wills' wuarf, Nor.roi,K, va. Corn. Very small transactions this week.. "We i quote yelloiv SO a f 4 : white SO a 82 ; mixed 82. ; Flour. All grades move slowly oxeept S. F. ! which is enquired for. We ouote Family $9: ; Extra SA ; S.'F. 8. Baco.v. V a. Hoground 154; Va. hams 17 to 19: western sides 14 to loj ; shoulders l-l.J Lard IS a iS. Staves. R. O. Hhd 34 a 35 : IF. O. Hhd. 42 a I t ; W. O. Pipe S70 ; IF. O. Heading 45 a 4S- Limk. Thomaston $1 20; W. C 1 40. Naval Stores Spts. Turpentfno in light request at 44 a 45.?.: Common Kotiu 1 60 a 1 75; Tui- dull at 1 40 a 1 60. Groceries Of all kinds continue to rule liigh wit!i small stocks. P. It. .N'ljgur llj to 121; to 14J. COPFEE. lUo 111 to 12 15 to Ifitf. calt n. i. y oo a mo : u. A. I lo a Guano. Peruvian S57 to 5S per ton. I)o. Mexican 2S to 30 do. Kerlewetl's Manipulated Guano 45 to 50 per toD . Wheat. White I 80 to 1 75 ; Red 1 85 to 1 60. Cotton. Sales 14c, stock on market 1500 bales without buvers. Hav. Full rupply $1 15 to 125. July 25. New York, July 24. Flour depressed and de lined from five to ten cents. State $6 15 a 6 40. )hio 6 50 a 7 35 ; Southern 7 40 a 7 70. Wheat tnscttled. White 2 a 2 01. Corn buoyant. Mixed 3 a S91- Stocks firmer. Baltimorf, July 25. Flour steady- Howard treet 7 50. Red Wheat 1 70 a 1 75 ; white do, 2 a 1 85. Corn better. Yellow 84 a S5 : white 7 a 89. 51ppnttttt?itt5, CAMP MEETING. THERE will be a Camp Meeting within about half mile of Rowan Mills, embracing the 4th abbath in September. Brethren in the ministry re invited. GLEN ANNA FEMALE SEMIHAHY. TKOMASVILLE, DAVIDSON CO., N. C. 1113 ail bession ot this Institution will com mence cn tlie recond Wednesday of Septem ber. The managors are now making arrangements for a corps of leachors which will be inferior to none south of Philadelphia. Bu.ird in the Institution, exclusive of washing and lights, $6 per month. Tuition per session for English branches, 3 to 15. Music on Piano Forte or Guitar, $20, includinguse of instrument. French $8. Painting in Oil, $15. Painting in Water colors, $S. All other ornamental work in proportion. $1 per Session for incidentals. As the charges are very low one half must be paid in advance the balance at the tad of the session, or interest will bo charge!. This Institution is located in one of the most healthy, inorai m1 inlustrious viHsrr'-s ya the North Carolina Kail Ro:td. Th.o are the y resent Session, between 70 and 88 pupils.representing six branches of the Christian Church; all worshiping tho Most High together in Christian love. Tho new building is large and well ventilated. Pupils will be received at any time and charged from the time of entrance; but it is very desirable that all should be present on tbe first day of the Session. The Seminary is six miles from Normal College, and a daily stage runs both ways. Parents can send their sous and daughters to Thomasville ; the sons go on to Normal College. Jo pupil allowed to make accounts witnout me eonsent of parent or piardian. lor lurther particulars address J. IF. THOMAS, Pres. Board of Trustees. July 25, 1S57. 31-48 ly EMORY & HENRY COLLEGE. THE Fall Session of this Institution, for tr e present year, will begin on the 20th August. Our terms are as heretofore. TERM S : Tuition, per session of five month 3, $20 00 Board, do do 42 00 Washing, do do 5 00 Fuel, do do 3 00 Contingent chargo, do 1 25 Those seeking a good school, in which a thor ough collegiate or business education may be ac quired, are invited to consider the advantages which we are offering. If good health, good hab its, fine xcholarship, and mental discipline are ob jects desired by any young man, we believe he may obtain them here, if any wbere, on terms too, exceedingly low. A catalogue containing all need ful information, may bo had by addressing ti. K. Vt lLJSY., irest, July, 1857. 30 3m. Emory P. P., Va. T)R SALE. " A." "B."& " 0.' 13i : Lag. 121 to 13c ; JTava G. A. t 15 a 1 20. CAMP MEETING. A CAMP MEETING will be hell at Laurel Hill, tokes Circuit, embracing tue 3rd Sabbath in Au ust, the exercises commencing on Friday night receding. Brethren in the ministry and laity re invited to attend. (31-Zt) J. is. DAVIS. "The yonng, the lovely pass away, Ne'er to be seen again ; Earth's foirest flowers too, soon decay, Its blasted trees remain. " Full oft we see- the brightest thing, That lifts it" head on high, Smile in the light, then droop its wings, And fade away and die. And kindly is th les'n given, Tiiuii diy tne failing tear; They come to raise our hearts to licaveu, Thy go to call us there." CAMP MEETINGS. Please say in the Advocate, there will be !amp-meetings at the following places, llocky Spring, Alexander cir., 4th Sab ath in August. llocky Mount, So. Iredell cir., 5th Sab ath in August. Sharon, Wilkes cir., 1st Sabbath in Sep' iinber. They will commence Friday evening before he 4th. Quarterly meetings will be held in connec ion. W. BAKRINGER. July 7, 1857. LAND FOR SALE. BEING desirous to go west, I offer my tract of land for sale, containing 280 acres, 160 in ouds of the best kind. It is in a fine state of ultivation, with a new two story house, finished ft' in tho latest and best stylo, good water and uite healthy. It lies 4 miles south of Normal olloge, and 4 miles south-east of Thomasville on le N. C. It. B.. Any person wishing such a lace, would do well to see mo soon. I can be und at the plnce any day. Any information n be had by addressing J. 11. Kobbins, Normal ollegc, N. C. Wm. C. HARRIS. July 21th, 185r, 31-3m. COMMISSION BUSINESS AND General Agency House. IN RALKIGII, N. C. By J. K. WHITAKER, i7"HO will attend promptly to any business f sent to him. House of business on Market quare, No. 1 Brick How. July 27, 1?57. 31-6w. SITUATION WANTED, BY a Graduate of Randolph Jacon College, ho has had one year's experience iu teaching, ad who can present high testimonials of charac r and qualifications if desired to do so. For particulars apply to 'M. G. E.,' Jt. Tirzah, .C. jTuly 21, 1357. 30 -tf. MUSIC SCHOOL. r)I.lXO AND GUITAR thoroughly taught. 1 he S3 -oi!u session ut ilrs. 11. Vt hiuiker s Mu- e ic Ocho'il, will ccmni3nce in Kaieigh the second -louday in July. June 25, 1857. 2o 41 6w. V WJSH to sell my plantation where I now live, lvinjr fourmiles eastof Henderson, in the coun ty of Warren, containing about 500 acres, about 200 acres of which is in tbe original growth. The land is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, tobacco and wheat, and is well watered. There are 3 corn divisions of about 50 acres each ; 3 to bacco lots in fine condition, 2 of which are now in elover ; good dwelling and out houses, and tobac co barnts. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to examine the premises. Terms good. Address GEO. H. ROWLAND, July 15th, 1857. Henderson, N. C. FRANKLINTON COACH FACTORY. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he keeps constantly on hand a largo and varied assortment of every articlo in his line, comprising Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies.Sulkies, tc, 4c, of the latest style and warranted of the best workmanship all of which are offered on the most accommodating tarms. Reparing done at the shortest notice. S. H. 2.00KS. Franklinton, N. C July 14th, 1S57. 30 tjlst. MASONIC CLASSICAL INSTITJJTK IIOXBORO, PERSOX CO., N. C. UNDER the charga of Rev. James H. Brent as Principal, aided by efficient assistants, will commence its fall Session the 15th of July. For particulars, address Eev. James H. Brent. C. S. WINSTEAD, Siorctar of Board ol Trustees. July 21, 1857. 30 tf. DmiilAM'S CREEK MILITARY ACADEMY. L. B. CREEKMUR, Principal. Till second session of this Institution will open on the vtn of September, 18o7. Ihis school is located in a healthy and morl neighborhood, freo from the temptations so common in towns and villages. The health of tho neighborhood and ex perience of tho principal, warrants feeurity to those who may send their sons or wards to this school. The Military Drill will be twice a week, after school hours. Uniform. Blue Jacket, with State buttons, White pants, and blue cloth cap for summer. Tho samj; rfith blue el'h pants, fc -"- Terms of Tuition. $6 to 20 per session of 5 months. Good board can be obtained for 6 ner month. For further information, address the president of Trusteos, H. J. BRETT, Durham's Creek, Beaufort co, N. C-. July 14, 1857. 29 3m THE NATIONAL SERIES OFGE- OGRAPHIES. COMPRISING Jonteith's new Janual, and Mo Aealy's System. Published by A.J. Barnes fc Co., New York, and sold by Booksellers gener ally. More S.Jian 15,000 copies used in the Schools of the City of Nvio York This new Series of Geographies does not em. brace m ore than one half tho amount of matter contained in other works, yet, we believe it the most com plote system ever published. It has al ready been recommended by Kev. C. H. Wiley, Superinten.dant of the Schools of North Carolina; by tho Superintendants of several other States: and is in e.vtonsive use in nearly every State in the Union. Teachers throughout the South will be supplied with copies or examination, on application to tho publishers. Raleigh Female Seminary. THE nert session of this Institution will open on I r day the 10th of August, under the control of lie v.WILLIAM E. PELL, aa PrssideDi, assisted by a full corps of efaciont instructors. It is the parpose of thos interested in the Seminary, that its facilities for tho education of young ladies, iu all respects, thail ho ample; this, together with the central position of our city, its social, moral and religious advantages, and the fact, that during tb.3 past 13 months a physi cian was not called to a student boarding in tho institution, strongly commend it 4o the public. Uuder tho charge of our excellent President, tho former patrons of tho .Seminary and his nu inueroua friends ic tho jS'txte, have a sure guaran ty, that students committed to his caro will be Wutthed over with parental solieitude, and that every effort will be maio ij improve their man ners, their intellects ana taeir hearts. The terms per session ot 21 weeks are us fol lows : Board, lights, fuel, te., exclusive of wash ing, $60 per session. J-uiTio.f. In Prnaarv Department ?12,3i: in Academic Department $15, per session, for Eng lish course. Extras STusio on Piano or Gaitar $20; French $10; Latin or Greek $5; Oil Fainting $20; Drawing 5 to $10; Embroidery, Was-work, Ac, $5 each; for use of Piano $3, and day stu dents $t for incidental expenses, per session. Students will be eharged from the time of en tering uutil the end of the session, except is cases of sickness protracted 2 weeks. Hereafter the sessions will commence in Janu ary and July. For further particulars, apply to the President. By order of the Beard of Direciois- A. M. GORMAN, Secretary of Board Directors. Raeigh, June 20, 1857. 26 43 tf Soutli Imml Mate Academy. OUANGE CO., N. C. ! jrAiili session will conraon?e July vth. Stu dents coming by Rail Iload will always find hacks at Durham's or Hillaboro on tao N. C. Central Road. Students cain greatly by being present at beginning ol Session. For catalogues, circulars of Terms, ic, addre?3 the Piineip.-il. JOSEPH H. SPEED, &)uth Lowol, Orange co.. N, C. May 21, IS57. 21 3m WAKE MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. FRANK S. WILKINSON, Principal, with com petent assistants for the Female Department. The Fall session comaeiicea on the 13th of Ju ly, 1857. Mr. Wilkinson graduated with distinction at the University of jNorta-Uarotina, and comes with the highest testimonials of character and schol arship. TERMS PER 5ESSJOJN : Primary English, S8 00 Advanced do 1Z OU Classical and Mathematical soarse?, 16 00 EXTRAS : French, $ 5 09 Music on Piano Forte sae of instsum&at included, 18 00 1 00 08 $ 00 Needle work, Board per month, excisfsfre of lights, lor further particulars aduress, H. B. or W. H. WHITAKER, Proprretors. Raleigh, N C, June 26, 1857. 27 44 6t VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE IN THOMASVILLE. THE subscriber wishes to dispose of his house and lot iu the village ot Thomasville. The house is new aud larie, with ."is f re places, and is finish - j ed and plastered in the latest and most approved : style. The lot contains two acres of good land, I and is the largest lot in th plass. Tho situation I is the best in the village, immediately on the Kail 'i Road, and in two hundred yards of Thomasville J Female Seminary, now one of tho most flourishing s schools in Western Carolina. The village is said I to be the prettiest location on tho North Carolina j Rail Road, an! is beyond doubt the healthlost place in the State. On Jbe lot there is a woli of never failing good and pure water, good stables and all other necessary out buildings just com pleted. To persons having sons and daughters to euucaie, ucro are uiuuueuii-UL uuunuiiiuu ij ; where, as it is within sii utiles of .normal Cojleg, ; The place is growing rapid'y, and a-othar such ! change may not be oifored soon. I will also ssll a small farm within two miics of thg placi, goo? land and heavy titnbored. Persons in want of such property would do well to call aid examine the promises, as a bargain will be evven. For further particulars, call or address J. W. LAMBETH,. Thomasville, Davidson so N.C July 1st, 1357. 28 Sin, II. L. E 7i INS. StX0GssGi? to Evaas & Goake Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N. C. HAS just roceived his Spring and Summer stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Ooods, Zats, Bonnets Boots, shoes, Ac. Marci25th, 1857. TO ALL WHOM 1TMAY CONCERN. YOU will find by sailing at the abore well known establishment, a good assortment of Staple and Fancy Pry Goods of every description. Black and Fancy Silks, Derage and ftluMin Robes, Tamartine, Berage, Tissue, Lawns and Muslins, Collars and undersleeves, Ribbons, Gloves of various kinds, Leghorn, Neapolitan, (Plain and Fancy,) Florance Bai , Silk and Crape Bonnets oi every aesenpuon lor UtdiosaDd Mies. Mantles, a largo assortment. Blai and FaneT Beobee's latest spring style Moleskin Hat, Soft vassimer Jiurjgarian, .Panama. Rutland, Dunsta ble, Webster, Vod Sunneti, Leghorn, Yonng America, Old Fogy, and Canada Straw Hats. Boots, Shoes, Congress Gaiters, Patent Leather Pumps for Gentiemen, Black and Colored Gaiters, Kid Slippers and Ties, Kidand Morocco Bootees for .Ladies, Misses and children, all of which will be sold a3 cheap as the cheapest, whether he ever ex pects to pay for his goods or rot. Some advertise New Store, some advertise Bon nets 25 cts, and Muslins 10 cts, others say they could compete in prices if they had old goods. Now fellow-citizens, tbe above named gentleman can accommodate all, be has a few old goods and a large stock of New Goods, aad can sell Bonnats at 10 cents and Mnslins at 5 ceats. No bnmbng, nu suo. March 25th, 1857. 3113 NEW PIANOS FOR OLDONES. TIIF, uncUrsigoed will give fall value for Old Pianos ia exchange for New onea. No one will offer greater inducements to purchasers of Pianos than myself. I have been engaged in the business for more than twenty years, and no one can say that 1 ever sold a bad one. E. P. NASH, Book and Piano Seller, Petersburg, Va. May 6. 19 tf. ROSE'S Pension, Bounty Land, and General FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. OLLY FEMALE SEMIXARY. THE second session of this institution will be opened for the tectption of pupils, on Monday the 22 of July lSo7j under tho direction of Mrs. Hen. rietta M. Clegg, as principal ; a lady of several years experience in teaching; a graduate of Greens boro' Female College ; with such assistance as cir cumstances may require. Board, 8; Tuition, English, 8, ts 12$; French 5; JIasie, IS; Drawing and Painting: a; Needle work, gratis. Half of tho tuition in advance. Studonts eharged from the time of entering, to the clo-c of the session, except in protracted sickness. This school is entirely free and separate irom Olin High School. Address GEORGE W. CLEGG, Olin, N. C. July 9th, 1S57. 27 2m. Pension and Bounty Land Claims prosecuted lor lUUitary Services in all the Warj since 1790. S7No charge made unless moneT or land 13 secovered.-TsSa Pension money collected from the United States Ageocy at Fayetteville. ggrElanks therefor furnished 2ratis.v?l Collections made and promptly remitted inscounts procured and Notes renewed at eit'ticr of the Banks. Die highest cash price paid for Land Warrants JOHN M. ROSE. March 11, 1857. H 6m. WHO WAATT3 A CHEAP 1'IANO ? THE subscriber has been engaged in the pur chase and sale of Pianos, Harps, irdodeons, Uui tarsMusic, As., and being a practical musician, has given entire satisfaction. He beys directly from tbe manufacturers, and is thereby relieved from heavy rents aad other expenses. Every in strument sold by hio receives his ptr3ooaiatteution I .nu is guarantied not onlv as t- nurJitv Kf being cheaper than can be Droeured m - whclesale house in America. A priulou list of prices accompanied by th? wost unnue.xti.mfvMn references will bo snt t t ! . , -ts of th w,-m free of charge or. application to j Amies m.edney-. 53 John Street. New Ynrfc. 1 ly. eow. JJ. F. TF, AKCE, ricjirrn i! Foreign and Dcraestis Dry Goods. Hatfj Caps, Boots and Shorn, Umbrella and Ready-mnds Clothing, HAV STI.EKT, FAYETTKVUJ.'J, N. C. tST Strict attcDtion ru'd to Oi cier.i. .f April 3, 1856. J4 lj STEBBINS k FOXLEK, Importers and Doalcri in Earthenware, Chim, mnd Glass, "Wholesale end frtaX. No 101 Rrond street Richmond Va. fPEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A X, large and beautiful .issortmpnt of Goods of the moct desirable rhnpesand patterns, 9 whL'h they desire to call t'. attention f Merchants and others v;.iiti.- ..ItoCil." Dio ner and tea services of rich decorated na Gold band, French and Erglihh China, White Porcelain, Stone and Indian China, Toilet s'ts of rich decorated and OolJ band, white, marbled and iworted color. Rich cat, press'd and plain clafs of very Btjle r.nd pattern, Waiters, table cntlery Lamps and Girandoles, Gag, and other Chant deliern. Brackets, &c. Ac, Rich silver plated Castors, npoon, forks and tea services, Brittania ware, Japaned and tin Toilctt setc, looking e!aes of every stjle ; together with a varkd assortment of Fai cy Goods and bouse furnishing articles of every description. An inspection of our Stock is solicited, feeliuj; assured that superior inducements, will be offered to purchaser. Orders will receive our special attention. CIIAS. STEBBINS. B. K. PULLEN. Jan. 18, 1856. 3tf. DINWIDDLE GRIGO, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 135 Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. WII.LOI VIC HIS U5niVIDBn ATTKSnONTO TBS SALIS Tobacco, Cotton, Wheat, Bacon, Jrt CHARGES: lr Selling each hogshead Tobacco, 00 .. " " baleofCouoa, 60 All other articles, 2J per ceal. 4-iy, W. L. Pomeroy, Publisher. Bookseller and Stationer, No 10. Favettevilli Street, Raleigh, N. C. jJlONSTAN'f LY on haw n lare assortment l of Theological, Lavr, Judical, Classical, Miscellaneous and School ." . , American, English and French Stationary, xilank Bool of every de.crijitioB, inclu in7, r.ecordr f j. every purpo.c. Books not on hand ordorod with dispatch. Binding dono iu plain or f,ue style. Raluit;h. Jan. 10. 'o7. ' 2 tf. geoT 'uTkelle y r iriTiioTiiih COMMISSION MCllCIiANTH dealeks rr Family Groceries and Provisions, No. 11, North Wu - Street, WIL'Iu.roX,N.C. vm kep conlsntly nn run A S-.gars. Coffee. Molafac, Vl.mr. I5u -, Lurd. Candles, Crackers, Sturcl', Oil., KnnlU, 4e.,4e. REFEREXC. D. G. I-ardey, Pros, of C.iniujr- 1 Hank; Jt .ie, rre. oi jjanit i f W.I . . doe. tVitrainv. A. M. Goinan, Rev. U. T. A'flin. linluia. Iter. Y. ); i.ibtitt, (Jreea. Fc!. to a S W tr' WestbrocJr DAVIE'S REVISED ARITHMETICS. These- popular text books have recently under gone a thorough revision, and the publishers would call the attention ot teacners in every &tate in the Union, to the revised edition. They are recommended by the State Superin- tendant of ?f ortb Carolina, and are now used more extensively than any other series throughout the North, Northwest, south, and tfoutnwest. The publishers have just issued a simple, prac tical work on Chemistry, by Prof. Porter, of Yale College. Let teachers examine it. tor salo at Pomeroy'e. July 16, 1857, SW St. on o-l tins institution ill com- THE Fall Ses mencoon Wednesday 23d Ssptember aext. The Directors are bapy to rctorm. tae public, that they have secured tho services of Rev. Wil liam II. Christian, late of Raleigh, If. C. as Pres ident, who, with other Professors and Isachers of the first rank in th.ir several departments, are presented to tho patrons of the College as worthy of. their highest confidence. FACULTY. REV. V,r. H. CHRISTIAN, A. M., President, and Prof, of Natural Science, Belles Lettres, &c, WILLIAMS T. DAVIS, A. M. Prof, of Ancient Languages and RIafbomatics. ALEXANDRE POLEMAN, Prof, of Modern Languages and of Guitar. I. FRED. WULFF, Prof, of Music and Drawing. Mad'lle JOSEPHINE De BELEM, Assistant in MusiJ Solfeggio. MISS E. L. DAVIS, Assistant in Latin. MISS Assistant in Mathematics. MISS HARRIETT COULLIiiJ, Assistant in English. MISS E. A. LACY, Teacher of Oil and Grecian Painting; Drawing, Wax Fruit, and Flowers, rfrc BOARDING DEPARTMENT. The Boarding house will be under the control of the President and his ladv. 1 he young ladies will be regarded as members of the family, and will re ceive such attention, and be subject to such disci pline as are proper to this rela:iou. Petersburg, V a., July 2, loo7. -amo. P. S. Catalogues will be forwarded to any who will address a note to the "resident, or ?rolessor Davis. ANNOUNCEMENT. TPVR. JOHN LEWIS JOHNSON, ol Loxingl I N. C, has paid unusual attention to the study and treatmeent of the following disaases : All cus eases of the Skin, White Swelling or Scroffula in anv form. Ulcers, old Sores of long standing, i.pi Jensv. Stiff or contracted Joints and diseases of the Rnine: he is also prepared to manageany sur rical case that may be presented to him, such as .imputation, the removal of Tumors, operations lor Club Feet, Hair Lip, Cataract, Vistula and Gravel. Anv communication addressed to him at Xexinton. N. C. will be promptly attended to. References. Wilson Paine, M. D., G. F. Chase, jVI. D., Professors of tho Medical College, of Penn. Charles P. W. Matausrh, M. D., of Virginia, Mar lhall Clarkson. M. D.. Professor in tho Medical College, Philadelphia. June IS, 1S57. 25 6m. -I have 4 1TE"W ERA. TS SODA WATER. i now iu successful oporation tho most niag ificent and perfect Soda Water Appuratus that ias ever been brought to this city. In this new . atented process the water charged with carbonic xid gas made directly from bi- carbonate of Soda, vhich eras is washed before it goes into tne toun fain so that no foreign or offensive matter is al lowed to mix with the water. Attached to the ountain is a PATENT SYRUP APPARATUS, ;onvenient and curious arrangement by which all he various kinds of Syrups are drawn from the ame cock and through the same orifice with the oda Water, thus rivaling in its capabilities the elebrated bottle trick of the Magicians. All the rrangements are as complete as money can make hem. 1 invite all to visit this Singular Fountain md slake their thirst with its cool, sparkling and i-xhilaratmg beverage. N. F. RIVES, Wholesale and Retail Druggust, No. 107 Powell's Row. June 25th, 1857. 26 tf. LEND YOU A PIANO. ITTISIIING to convince purchasers of what wo V V havo known ourselves for Twenty years past, o wit : That our Piano Fortes are really dosirablo, (good .nd cheap) we feci perfectly waling uot only to end them on TRIAL to persons wishing to pur haso, but also to LEND them for a given time, to hose who mar prefer taking them in that way, in rder that they may test what we have said of tneir jaality. No one wishing to purchase can doubf the pru leuce of this course, so far as they are concerned, r the liberality of it so far as we are concerned. E. P. NASH, Petersburg, Va. Jiftie 20, 1857. 43 GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! ! MARGURITA SEMINARY. THE sixth session will open 1st Sept, 1857. The ocation is in the country, the training thorough, he moral and religious advantages gocd. Board, 1 to 10 ; Music, 16, French 5. For particulars, ddress Mrs. M. B. Mooro, Blakelv, ctokes, K. C. J. W. MOORE, Proprietor. July U, 1857. 29 tf. FEMALE TEACHER WANTED. per annum. itANC'l & KIV23 have on baud a genera s ock ut' Groceries, (liquors excepted) trhich they otter at the lowest rater. June 2dtb, 1S57. 2 7 -3m. B TUB Subscribers w ish to employ a lady to take harge of t'-. female department of Wake Male nt Jteinai.- academy. Salary $300 address tho subscribers at Raleigh. II. B. & W. H. WHITAKER. July 2, 1S57. 27 tf. VOODSDALE FEMALE ACADEMY. THE second session of this Institntion willcom lenee on Weduesday the 22nd day of July, under ae auperintenilance of Miss C. C. Brame. Tuitiou SS for begi ners, and 10, fur the higher inglish branches, '20 for Music- Bimrd may be btain--d in goo I fain:Iie at ri s n:isi. pr ce JNO. H. AT, ALEX. WALKER, j C"m WooJedle,Peron co., N. C. July 2, '57. 27 tf WARRENTON WARRENTON, N. C. THE Fall Session will eommence on Wednesday 22d July, 1857, under the direction of Rev. T. if. Campbell, President, E. E. Parhain, A. M., Pro fessor of Classical Literature and Mathematics. in lf it" -1. n e . ... nuu j. ii. near, xroressor OI JUUSlc, WltH a Corps of efficient assistants in all the deoartmen-i of a course of instruction, both, thorough and accomplished. Terms per Session of Five Months, one half Dur able in advance, and the balance at tho close of the Session. Board English Tuition, Primr.ry Department.... Collca-iato " Ancient Languages, each Modern " " Music on Harp, with use of Instrument.... 1'iano, " " " Melodeon, " " " Guitar. " Drawing, Painting in Water Colors, Gre cian ana Oriental Painting, and Painting in Crayon, each Potichomania, Wax Fruit and Flowers, each Needle Work and Hair Flowers Washing and Fuel Students will be admitted at any time during the Session, and eharned only from the time of eu- iranee, cut atter entrance no deduction, except in cases oi protracted sickness. Dor further particulars apply to the President, or any member or the Faculty. THUS. S. CAMPBELL, Pres. June 18th, 1857. 25 8t. $60 00 12 00 15 00 5 00 10 00 35 0 23 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 NEW HOPE MALE ACADEMY. LORENZO D. ANDREWS, Principal. HENRY L. STEED, Associate THE third session of this Institution, situated in a very healthy, moral, and industrious neighborhood, in the South-western portion of Ran dolph co., 18 miles from Ashboio ami 25 South of Normal College, will be opened on the 20th of July & J i ni v next auu coaunueu jii weeas. The entire expenses per session, including board, washing, fuel, tuition, and evervthine ex cept iignts, vary mm fo to 43. loung men desiring a thorough and practical education, would find New Hope an Institution wen aafptea to tneir want?. ? o deductions mado for absence from tho time of entering till the close of the session, except in case oi proiracceu limes?. Books and stationary furnished at tho fnsfitu tion. Fcr further information address the Principal at T " A , .,. -V. J 1 UUSSli.LT 3 .lUlllSjil. V. June II, 1857. S 3i Iev. JOIINE. EDWARD'S TRAVELS. TKI5 new book of Travels in Europe, promises to havo a fine run. Mcra than 300 conies were sold in this city alone in a few days. It is written in an easy flowing style, abounds in glowing des cription and amusing personal adventure. While it occupies the ground of many previous books of iravcis, u nevertheless has the charm of novelty, nd by its pleasing variety of subjects never tires tho reader. It is put np in a neat 12mo volume, bound in cloth, price $i. Sent by mail to any part of the couatry free of postage for $1.20. .acress r;. p. SASH, . Petersburg, Va. WM. J. BRANCH. JAS. A. RIVES. ERAN'CII & HIVES, COMMISSION "merchants, Powell's Row, a fcwdoori ab- "owoH'a Hot.L Sycamore Street, Petv-uip, Va. TT7"ILL give strict attc:iMf.n to the sale of T- Lauc. ""ttn. Wheat, Bacon, Flwir, Xn., Ao. W contMue-to charge $1 p.,r hhd. C.r felling To bacco, 50 et. per Boe f- Cotton, and our uttt commissson for other produce. Conii-nuicn r spoctfufly spirited. 27-.tin. NORTH CAROIIKA ftUTi, II?E IK RANCE COMPANY, Kaioih, N. V. Tb Company insures the lives of ir l viduaU foroo year, a term of years, or for i.. on the Mutual Principle, the assured for life participating in al the profits of the Company. For policies graa ted for the whole term of life, when the preml am therefor amounts to $30, a uote may be give for one half the amount of the premium bearia la terest ut 6 percent without guaranty. The prompt manner in which all loasaa have b paid by this Company, together with the lowraUa of promiura, yr.cct great inducements to such at - are disposed to insur. Sluret are insured for a term of from oo to ova years, for two-thirds their value. All losses are paid wjthr-n SI da; afi tisfaw tory proof is presented. DIRECTORS. Charlej E. Johneca, Wm. Dal las Haywood, Jno. O. Williams, Quioloa Busbee, It W. Husted, Wm. II. McKee, Charles B. Root, Wm. W. IIold n, Wm. V. CookeR. K. Bottla, Wm. II. Jones, P. F. Pcscudand Seaton UaJes. OFF1 CERS. Dr. Charles E. Jonnaon, Preside ; Wm. D. Haywood, Vice President; John O. WO liams, Secretary; Wm. II. Jones, Treasurer; II. W. Husted, Attorney ; Drs. Cbarlco E. Johnson, Was. II. McKee, and Richard B. Haywood, Medical Board of Consultation ; R. H. Battle, Win. H. McKco and Ch irlos B. Root, Exucutive Committee. For further information, tho puiira are referred to tho pamphlets, and forms of pef omI, whlea may bo obtained at tho Office of th Coaapaay, nyof its Agencies. Communications aVocU boaddraat, (poot-pal .o R H. BATTLK, Secretary. March 19, 1857. HOUSE AND OLIN HIGH SCHOOL. THIS institution located in the North-eastern part of Iredell countv. N. C. will rc-open its exer cises o the 22d of July, under the Presidency of iiev. a. Clegg, assisted by accomplished teachers. Board aud tuition will range from $55 to C5 per session of five months. Tuition always in advance. Those coming from a distance wi'.l find Salisbury convenient point to obt; n nveyanee. Ar rangements havo been made W. l. O.jnt. j net- :(; . n-in i.ise. lor tiia C"n"ei.i nee'! -t i r r lurmor luioruiaiiou auuress Re. B. Clegg, Olin, . C. Olin, June 25, 1857. 26 tf. iPRLVQ MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING M1LLINKRY GOODS, SPKT.YO MILLINKR.Y GOODS, SPRIXU MILL! N'KKY GOODS, SPKIN'O MILLINERY GOODS, SPRING MILLN"KRY GOODS', SPRING MILLINERY ODS, SPRIXa M1LLINKRY GOODS, SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. At MRS. M. E. LUND'S, Tarborough, N. C. 12 tf LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber taltos thin n hn o'offcrinjf for salo his house aid lot, located .he eentro of tao beautiful village of Chapel I'iil. Tho house is wetl arranged fr boat ling r'u dents. The dining room is suffiHeutiy cup-it woa to accommodate fifty or sixty boaiders. Any person desiring to purcha o may obtain a good bargain by addressing tho t ubscriborat Tar boro', A'. C. L. P. TSV'RKHEAD. Juno 18th, 1SJ7. 5 tf RECEIPTS. The following sains hat ccn received from the persons uanietl, aioec Iat i.uc, and have beca rreJite-1 ace '.Ii jg to order. E II Dill, 2 00 ; R ( Barrett, 1 60 for A Owen, 50 for self; J A Cuning gim, 3 00 for A Potter zA D Gilbert ; 1) K Moore, 1 f0 ; J O Jeffcys, 1 50; R W Nichols, 150; FA) Paschall, 63 cts ; Mrs E W Hunk, 1 50 ; H G Jor dan, 2 00 for self and 1 00 for 'Mes sage ; Z Rush, 3 00 for Rev T A Nicholson and W D Smith ; TL Trip lett, 3 00 for Gon A Gr ,y and J Col traine ; S R Scarborough, 2 00 ; R P Bibb, 6 00 for J Ilutton, Mies C F Long, W J Jollec, and John Boon : W T Noell, 1 50 W J divert, Gaither ; Jas Major, 1 00. M A Bledsoe, 1 50 : 3 00 for sf If and W T A Hawkh., 3 00; F o

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